Flagstaff: Its poverty—with a view!
Had a fun weekend. I was up in Flagstaff on account of my sister graduating from college. I went to the same school so I was feeling a bit sentimental. The parking predictably sucked, but I figured I’d just hoof it with my sons and give them a bit of a tour of south campus. By the time I got to the dome a security guard stopped me and let me know I couldn’t take my water bottle in.
”You have to leave it in your car.”
”I parked on McConnell Dr at the Pine Knoll entrance.”
I ditched it under a fern conveniently behind the ticket booth. Luckily, the rules for the knife I had hidden IWB hadn’t changed either and I continued to break that rule. Later, I checked out the bookstore and discovered such riveting titles as The 1619 Project, the authorized biography of Anthony Fauci and other paragons of the left-wing zeitgeist. Its nice to know some things don’t change.
Think you’re having a shitty day?

Literally fascist
This is not the Q that was advertised.
“Negative Ghostrider. The pattern is full.”
They are saying the quiet part out loud, again.
This guy has no chance against a literal fascist government, headed by a literal fascist.
I know who I’m irritating with this one…muwahahaha
They don’t allow water bottles in a desert?
They want you to buy their overpriced water.
No outside food or drink, pay us instead.
Disney allows outside water. If even they allow it, anyone should.
Fun fact: Flagstaff is not a desert, hence the picture I included with the lynx
Looks pretty arid to me.
Weird. It looks covered in water* to me.
*Frozen, but still . . . .
Most universities have curtailed water bottles due to “environmental” reasons. Plus, due to Covidiocy, many have shut off drinking fountains.
*turns it up*
“Now, with more than 5 million Cubans using mobile internet, informal estimates put the number of Cubans using currencies like bitcoin, ethereum and avalanche at between 100,000 and 200,000.”
I severely doubt that will continue.
STFU Fiattard!
Nice! I would steal it, but the last person I worked with who would be amused by being called that, retired during the Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve.
Hey! I like small Italian cars with “character”!
Got a walk in today. Neither my heart nor lungs are troubled but my legs doth protest much.
I should have resumed sooner. Or somehow not stopped over winter.
I tried to be clever yesterday evening. I thought I could get a 3.5 mile walk in before the rain came.
I was neither clever…or dry.
I made it in record time though.
I took a walk this weekend (before the wind gusts ruined the air quality) and realized that I’m going to need a new wardrobe to survive Nevada summer.
Lots of light colored cotton and linen, maybe even silk, should do the trick. Good for high voltage safety too.
“By comparison, it would require $45 billion per year to end world hunger by 2030.”
True for very small definitions of ‘world’.
That how much it would cost to kill all the poor people?
What a garbage article. Typical socialist blaming everybody and everything else for the all the problems socialist countries have.
So go ask Soros for the money. He seems to have plenty.
Soros would prefer to lecture Elon on how he should spend his money.
Is Flagstaff especially poor? I’ve heard it’s a nice place to visit.
Flagstaff is nice…just avoid the Indians (feather)…they no like the white man
My grandparents lived just outside Flagstaff. I was 8. I remember stomping on the red ant hills…until the ants crawled up my pants and started pinching. I walked the rest of the way home sans cullotes
If there was ever a time to go balls out….
I have a similar story set just outside Nogales.
First time in Houston, right after my Dad moved down there, he calls me out to the yard to show me what fire ants were and how he used poison on them.
As I’m standing there, my foot suddenly started to burn, as my shoe filled up with fire ants.
I had apparently stepped right on top of the other entrance to their mound.
Not at all pleasant.
When I got stationed in 29 Palms, my daughter came running in crying from ant bites.
I asked if she was sure it was ants and then went to check.
I apologized for doubting her after I got attacked.
Ah, twentynine Palms!
Many electrons were parted from their respective nuclei in the name of electromagnetic launch and electro thermal chemical launch back in the day.
All that pulsed power equipment later got shipped to Dahlgren and was still in use as recently as 2 years ago. Rotating air gap (RAG) switches are horrible to work with.
Most of the locals are, everyone else is either a college student, a winter sports enthusiast, or somebody from Phoenix with a second home.
My only memories are staying in Little America on family trips passing through the state.
Haven’t been around today but what do y’all think about the 40 billion aid to the Ukraine (sorry for the off topic) it looks like we’re going to send? What in the everloving fuck?
It’s pure insanity.
I don’t like it.
No, sir. Not at all.
We can use vassal state, if you’d prefer.
Well, the Bidens would prefer a vassal state…
By the way, Eugene is the worst city to try and get around it. Man, that place makes zero sense.
I vaguely recall some kind of promise to protect them as part of the whole “give up nukes” thing.
Something foreign entanglements something something.
I seem to remember a bunch of screaming about a few billion to build a wall.
And think of all the abortions that could pay for…
“And think of all the abortions that could pay for…”
Slug number of $500 per, that comes to a paltry 80MM abortions. You’re going to have to thin the third world herd a lot more than that to put a stop to world hunger.
Haha, costs *way* less if you enslave the doctors first.
Too expensive, use licensed Nurse Abortionists instead.
It’s hush miney
Money….or miney
Eeeny meeny miney moe
$40 billion for old Joe
Now go buy his son some blow
Yeah. I keep thinking how much of this is just due to the fact that our Congress critters are just concerned that eventually the Russians are going to stumble onto a computer or an archive building with a few too many juicy things.
No need to worry. It will be declared Russian disinformation.
Ministry of Truth concurs. Just like the media and Hunter’s laptop, they don’t even have to look at it to know it’s from the Russians.
So many warmongers, so many choice quotes.
In case you thought this had anything to do with the Ukraine.
Old MIC was jealous of new MIC
Meet the new MIC; same as the old MIC…
Most likely get fooled again.
“”Defeating Putin is priceless,””
Here’s the thing: the Rooskies are having more trouble than anticipated but they’re still winning and they’ll leave when they decide to leave. It’s a (dangerous) waste of money. Christ almighty, we’re at the start of a recession-if we have to piss that much dough down the drain spend it here at least. I’m not for that either but foreign aid looks terrible right now.
I think we are nearing the ‘fire sale’ stage of our republic
Get Biden a fiddle?
I’m actually a little sick about it
Electricity shortages and no baby formula on the shelves.
This just gets worse and worse.
No only are woman going to have to carry their babies to term, they’re going to have to nurse them themselves. Patriarchy wins again.
Wet nurses are going to be the most affluent people around. At least they will be if our currency doesn’t become completely worthless.
Q has a future as a wet nurse pimp
Baby Formula Is Hard to Find. Brands and Stores Are Divided Over Why.
Recent recalls haven’t helped either. The important thing is not fix the issue, but to use it for political purposes.
See also: Gas prices.
So we need to establish a Strategic Baby Formula Reserve?
This wouldn’t be a problem if you Gaia hating Climate Change Deplorables would embrace the wonders of Bugfamilᵀᴹ.
New Soylent Green Youth Formula!
It’s really hard to grift/graft when things just work.
No inflation at least.
I thought the point of having an empire was to collect tribute, not to give it.
You give until you’ve got a monopoly everyone’s loyalty (and all the guns) and then you collect. At that point, boy do you ever collect.
I don’t know how much of it will actually be delivered. That 40 billion from American taxpayers will be laundered through the usual suspects with the graft delivered to the American politicians.
Defense contractors, NGOs, etc., will skim off 80%.
When I lived in Central Europe in the 90s USAID was delivering a lot of aid. They’d give contracts to consulting companies like D&T, E&Y or KPMG. That would cover the salary of a partner from a western country at western wages as well as salaries of some locals hired cheap. They would work on “restructuring” the local companies for privatization, whatever that meant. I’m guessing at least 50% of the money sent came back out of the country in this way.
The American Empire is about the looting of the American taxpayer, not the rest of the world.
Ah, the inevitable follow up to the big meeting Biden had with 8 weapons manufacturers.
We better be able to at least get some Malyuk’s imported when this is all over. I’d totally buy one.
Is that slang for hot Ukrainian women in their early 20s? I wouldn’t mind having one of those myself, doubt they’ll be selling them though.
You could always rent.
Mmm… I used to have a Ukrainian girl working for me, Mira. You really need to watch the positioning on the Crazy/Hot matrix, as it is a fine line in this case.
Now, give me a good redheaded Irish lass. Stabil, I tell you, in comparison.
If every “close call” were reported on like we do the lil’rona, no one would be flying.
You could say that about a lot of things.
A bolt of lightning struck a commode inside an apartment in Oklahoma, causing it to explode into dozens of charred pieces, leaving a blackened wreck around a shattered bowl, photos shared to news outlets by Okmulgee firefighters show.
/thinks back to the time he broke a toilet while trying to fix it.
It could have been worse.
clamped between a hawk-eyed Communist Party jittery about the accumulation of private wealth, and the effects of decades of U.S. sanctions that lock them out of the global financial system.
You started out so well.
True, US sanctions aren’t helping.
His government helped lift tens of millions of people from poverty.
Trying to put out an M80 by flushing it down the toilet just might work.
Show your work
This is why we’re screwed.
I hate hippie science fiction.
Shouldn’t that move just be the Earth forces dropping big rocks on the planet to wipe out the hostile ecosystem. They can collect the valuable minerals from a lifeless rock easier than from a hostile one.
Dances with Aliens 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Is water the new unobtainium?
Drinker says . . . .
I skipped the first one and plan to skip the sequels.
That looks boring.
The only thing the original had going for it was the CGI.
I think everyone is used to CGI now.
George Lucas truly highlighted the greatest application of the artistic capabilities of CGI.
Oooohhhh, preeeeetttttyyyy. I’m a sucker for underwater stuff like that.
Don’t know if you guys discussed over the weekend…
The Army picked out a new rifle and a new cartridge. The rifle choice makes some sense. The cartridge seems just bizarre to me.
The whole thing looks wildly expensive. They could have just gone to something like .224 Valkyrie or 6mm ARC and asked for a quarter as much money.
What did you expect? A simple, elegant and easily manufactured piece of hardware?
I really didn’t expect basically .308 amped up for short barrels. This is going to ruin the whole “girls can be infantry” thing.
80,000 psi is going to put extra wear on those rifles.
Shoulda stuck with the ’03 Springfield.
meh. If you like target sights and shoot off a bench mostly, sure.
don’t get me wrong, it was a great rifle in the development of small arms, but it was rapidly obsoleted. Only MacArthur’s unilateral decision to derail the development of the M1 in .276 Pederson kept the 30-06 cartridge alive.
I think it was Jack O’Connor who voiced his opinions of the three primary Great War bolt guns, saying that the Mauser was the best hunting rifle, the Springfield the best target rifle, and the SMLE the best battle rifle.
And he was right.
At 80,000 psi, it’s going to burn out barrels *really* fast.
Also, the weight of the cartridges will reduce the useful load of a given soldier.
Basically it gives you longer range, flatter trajectory, and *possibly* better terminal ballistics at range than the 5.56×45, exceeds the performance of 7.62x51mm by a little bit, and costs a shit ton more, at a higher overall system weight.
I can’t understand this decision. The only way it makes much sense to me is that the Army expects to be able to force infantry engagements at longer ranges so as to reduce the effectiveness of enemy medium-power cartridges like 5.45×39 and 7.62×39 (and 5.56×45).
Interestingly enough, at the store the other day (OK, at lunch today) I saw a box of 300 Blackout that clearly is made with the same cardtridge technology as the new 6.8×51 round–steel case head with a brass enclosure pressed on/into it. Not sure why you’d need that with 300 blackout because brass is perfectly capable of handling the normal pressures of that round.
An M16A4 with better optics could that. Convert some to .224 Valkyrie or 6mm ARC and you have an easy 600 yard weapon with almost no extra weight.
Reduced basic load with increased weight. What’s not to love.
❤️ shin splints
Is it easier to understand the decision if politics was involved?
I’m guessing the Army wrote requirements on accuracy, penetration, and bullet energy at certain distances. They forgot to include restrictions on weight and recoil – so Sig delivered exactly the hot mess they stupidly requested.
Rifle + ammunition adds about 4 pounds over the M4.
There were more longer-range fights in Afghanistan and they’re wary of Rooskie/Chinee body armor.
But they don’t want bullpups or long rifles. So this is what they get.
Every general starts off fighting the last war. This might, might have been useful in AFPAC, but who knows what the next war will bring.
I am guessing it will end up in the same place as the M14.
Needlessly maligned?
Shitter’s full!
Just open the black water tank valve on the highway
I’ve always wondered why they call it black water* instead of brown water. If it’s black, you best get to the doc.
*yes pedants; I am aware of gray water. My point still stands.
Cassette toilets are the way to go.
Our remote sites have inciner-shitters. Scary as hell but effective
You can put those in an RV but they take more space, money, and energy.
…But they’re COOL!
Maybe cause ifcits brown there is a subset of humanity that says “meh, that’s our water on a good day”
Because Brown Water is coastal waters – NAVY. Blue Water is deep ocean – NAVY.
We have to keep Black and Grey so as to not confuzzle the swabbies.
Achievement Unlocked
(referring to lightning toilet link. You people do read the links, yes?)
Wait, what? We’re supposed to READ the links?
You don’t need to read all of them. When you mouse over many of them and see the URL, the idiocy writes itself right in your head.
Wear a condom
I don’t guess you’ll make it to Gourmeltz on the 21st?
Need some lightning.
“Those who do not align suffer from sanctions applied against dozens of countries (devastating entire economies, such as those of Venezuela and Cuba),”
Umm, I can think of something else that can devastate entire economies, and it’s not sanctions.
Remember us little people when you hit the big time…
Anyone who pays enough gets a toast from Rackets
Wonder what dude paid for that…cause we all know there are no libertarian womenz
Awesome. Our slow, patient plan to infiltrate the culture continues apace.
Uh oh, we’ve got a celebrity.
I got the official Unbreaded label!!
Squeal!!! That’s so cool.
Man, I haven’r heard that in a month of Sundays. Or more.
How does one find this QAnon? I keep hearing about them in the media. They sure sound influential, but I’ve never come across one in the wild. Is it something like the Illuminati?
I see a Q on a pickup every now and again, but I assume they’re a bunch of idiots behind a keyboard sort of like us.
…wait a minute…
Our fiction is better and more believable.
That’s always been my question.
They make it sound like Q is super influential everywhere. I live smack in the heart of Trump country, and I’ve never met anyone who even said anything about it.
I’m thinking it’s all a hoax.
“Chef Mario Batali is found NOT GUILTY of sexually assaulting female fan at Boston bar while posing for a selfie: Judge says accuser had ‘significant credibility issues'”
Couldn’t he have just said it was because he’s Italian like Mario Cuomo?
So apparently “knuckle dragger” is now racist. I always considered it a good insult that likens someone to a Neanderthal or a caveman. https://sports.yahoo.com/memphis-tv-station-investigating-weatherman-for-knuckle-dragging-tweet-about-draymond-green-191729013.html
Do a little research.
Similar to how drawing the President as a dumb monkey was totally cool for the eight years prior to January 20, 2009.
I identify as an Australopithecus and I find it offensive.
I want off this stupid ride.
Want to start a cult?
“Elon Musk has revealed that he would reverse Twitter’s permanent ban of Donald Trump after completing his $44 billion acquisition of the social media platform.
Speaking virtually at a conference in London on Tuesday, Musk said that Twitter’s move to ban the former US president ‘was a morally bad decision and foolish in the extreme’.
‘I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump,’ added Musk, specifically addressing Trump’s removal from Twitter for the first time since launching his takeover of the company last month.”
It would also be good for business.
He sure has a knack for taking the wind out of the sails of “the current thing.”
“Why is biggest baby formula plant in US STILL shut down after three months? Abbott says plant is safe and was not responsible for bacteria that killed two kids – but FDA refuses to reopen it as parents across US struggle to feed their babies”
“MEGHAN MCCAIN: If America’s supply of erectile dysfunction pills were at risk then our government would have snapped into action, but when it came to a mass shortage of life-sustaining baby formula this administration dragged its feet”
How about getting the government out of it entirely?
Bring back Wet-Nurse as a profession.
Shouldn’t be a problem to find willing providers now that men can do it. You might have to pay a little more though.
Probably because the FDA inspectors are too terrified to put their name to the approval in case it goes badly.
Better to not risk their careers and just stall until someone higher up makes the call.
my god, raze the FDA. Thank god my kid doesn’t need formula now, but I would’ve been panicking if this happened when he was a baby.
I’m told I was allergic to dairy milk in my distant yoot so I had to have formula. Lots of women can’t breastfeed for all sorts of reasons.
It does seem like we’re a nation in decline if we can’t find enough baby formula to go around!
Each side loves accusing the other of being in the pocket of big boner.
Some of us just have a big boner in our pocket.
I thought you were just happy to see me.
Given the amount of human trafficking (of various kinds) at the southern border, its not really a stretch for Q Anon to show up.
“None shall pass! Moment Best Buy workers line up as NFL defense team as they try to stop three shoplifters from making off with stolen phones”
Next time bring wire cutters you knuckle-draggers.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they got fired for that, especially if they touched any of the criminals. My daughter was working there a couple of years ago, and one of her coworkers got fired for trying to stop a thief from brazenly walking out with an expensive sound bar. She was one of the most popular and hard working employees, too, and had been there for a pretty long time.
The funny thing is that those phones are crippled and don’t really function like regular phones. They’re pretty much worthless.
Yup. You’re supposed to let the criminals walk out with whatever they want. And now that DA’s aren’t interested in stopping them either because “equity”, it’s going to get a lot worse.
Well, now that the DA’s wont do anything, and you can’t have an armed guard ’cause said DA’s will do something there, I would bet there will be charges to get into a store (refundable with purchase!) or a card swipe to enter coming soon. Supposing that the business wants to stay in that area.
Fucktards, this is why there are [insert store type here] deserts.
In happy news today Mike Tyson will not be charged for punching that idiot on a plane at the gate in SFO a few weeks back. Dude needed a punching apparently, and Tyson is not someone to deny a fellow human that needs such a thing.
Tyson probably would have been charged if he was black and if the punchee was white.
Seriously though, that guy deserved a beating. I don’t know what possesses some people to get in the face famous athletes. In my younger days I was drinking with Harris Barton of the Niners in SF and people would come up and try to provoke him. Most of them weren’t even big guys. They never would have had a chance, so it wasn’t like they were trying to find out who was the toughest guy on Fillmore Street or Letterkenny. Just weird.
At a Penguins game afew years ago and Geno Malkin got a penalty.
Guy next to me goes off on how he could fight Malkin.
Guy was 40 something and pudgy, but he really seemed to believe it.
i old my wife it reminded me of a fellow Marine that believed he could fight a kangaroo, the only reason they believe it, is because it could never happen.
Tyson is a nice dude and kinda chatty. At least according to his neighbors
They’re just scared to tell him to pipe down.
His love of pigeons is charming. And having Norm MacDonald voice the pigeon on Mike Tyson mysteries was icing on the cake.
Tragedy on campus
The 1918 influenza pandemic couldn’t bring Lincoln College down. Neither could the Great Depression or World War II. It survived a major fire and economic hardships. But the college is closing for good on Friday — the victim of two modern blights: the COVID-19 pandemic and a cyberattack.
It’s a shocking turnaround for the small private Illinois school that has welcomed thousands of first-generation college students and qualified for federal recognition as a predominantly Black institution, or PBI.
The article makes no fucking sense. I’m going to go out on a limb and say this school is just one of dozens (hundreds) of small colleges teetering on the brink of insolvency for years, if not decades.
There’s a small Catholic college near me that’s closing, too. So yeah, it’s not just that one.
So no longer HBCU, but PBI?
I can’t keep up. I still haven’t figured out why “oriental” is a verboten word.
I’m going to need a new set of flash cards.
Dancing vaccine guy gets covid twice in a month?
If he hadn’t gotten his boosters it would have been SIX times!
In the words of the great Nelson Muntz, “Ha ha”.
Top Humanoids
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday argued that banning abortion would be “very damaging” for the economy by reducing women’s ability to balance their careers and their families.
“I believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades,” she said in response to a question at a Senate Banking Committee hearing.
What a maroon.
Unintentionally enlightening.
You are tax cattle to them. The fact that they can manipulate you into thinking that being a tax cow is good is irrelevant to the fact that they see you with horns and spots and udders.
Just like companies offering money and incentives to ditch the pregnancy and go back to work.
Today in “Who the hell asked you?”
LOL. That line of argument rings as hollow to me as someone claiming that banning slavery would harm the economy. I don’t care.
We need to treat your drapetomania, stat!
The dictionary has no entry for this word. Please enlighten me.
Thanks for sharing, that is hilarious.
If men would stop raping women, there would be no need for abortions.
How did my not work home achieve this back in the day? Tis a wonder.
:not work from home;
“decisions about when and whether to have children ”
It’s called contraception, idiot. Nobody is trying to ban contraception.
In her comments, Yellen said the 1973 ruling helped allow women to finish school and increase their earning potential, leading to higher participation in the workforce.
“Research also shows that it had a favorable impact on the well-being and earnings of children,” she said. “There are many research studies that have been done over the years looking at the economic impacts of access or lack thereof to abortion, and it makes clear that denying women access to abortion increases their odds of living in poverty or need for public assistance.”
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) later in the hearing pressed her on her answer, arguing that framing the issue of abortion around labor force participation “feels callous to me.”
“It means that children will grow up in poverty and do worse themselves,” Yellen responded. “This is not harsh. This is the truth.”
Only unrestricted access to abortion can accomplish those things.
STFU you evil mendacious cunt.
“It means that children will grow up in poverty and do worse themselves,” Yellen responded. “This is not harsh. This is the truth.”
More unintentional honesty from Yellen. Poors are better off dead because they’re shitty tax cattle. Yellen is upset that the herd may not be self-culling anymore.
The last thing we need is more poor, illiterate black and brown children, eh Margaret?
Margaret Sanger high fives from the grave.
Three generations yada, yada, yada. And how many of these people “lunchbucket Joe” talk up their impoverished roots.
People are better off dead than poor. When does hunting season open?
“Psaki: “I know that there is an outrage … about protests that have been peaceful to date and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes.””
That’s illegal, but the comments are saying it’s a felony when it’s a misdemeanor.
The administration is literally encouraging the harassment of judges.
That’s not another new line crossed or anything, no siree.
PS. Hi, Preet!
The best part is going to be the hysterical over-reaction and hyperbolic name calling that comes out when the shoe is on the other foot. Remember how mostly peaceful protests turned into terrorism and insurrection when they didn’t like the people doing it? And by “best part” I mean blood-boilingly infuriating part.
Just release the effing decision already, ya pussies.
I’ve already squashed a couple of internal communications at work about what a total catastrophe this will be, blah blah. These idiots don’t have a clue (at this point, nobody does) about what the legal landscape will be after the decision.
Well to be fair, the Federal legislative branch (and most state legislatures) has only had more than 5 decades where they often held the majority to implement something into law in case this did happen. They can’t be held responsible! It’s the politicized judiciary’s fault. The cult worship of RGB and the Kavanaugh hearings really showed the D’s comment to keeping those appointments from being politicized.
A federal law would be unconstitutional.
They could have tried arm-twisting states with funding like they did with speed limits and the drinking age. Too late now.
I want to see Alito walk out of his house with a belt-fed machine gun.
“A Missouri school district approved a “coming out closet” where students can get chest binders and clothing to express their new gender identity. “Transition closets” have been popping up at various schools across the country.”
Good thing I am not still in high school. I would parody the hell out of that. If it’s all about sex and appearance, I would identify as a man with a 20 inch cock and I’d wear a massive codpiece in every class.
Parodying stuff like that is like shooting fish in a barrel. It’s too easy.
Right? It feels like self-parody. Are we sure this wasn’t already a Key & Peele sketch?
Some of the guys at my Catholic High School pushed the (women’s lib) teachers asking if the guys would be able to wear skorts and skirts like the girls on warmer days instead of pants. For gender equality.
Man, your school had already descended into the first circle of hell. My wife went to detention for not wearing the proper socks or something. She was so poor she always wore her uniform even on regular clothes day.
Regular clothes day? You mean dress down days? Where the school still required boys to wear a button down shirt and no jeans?
The school I went to had just converted from an all boys school to a coed school. The freshman class I was a part of was the first to make it fully coed (the first year they allowed a very limited number of boys to go to the school, 10-20 IIRC). The girls were very adept at doing a fold in the skirt to allow it to be higher then their knees until the nuns went to check them, then the fold would drop, and the skirt would pass the check.
Skorts? Harlots!
Yeah, dress down sounds correct. I don’t know the terminology.
They were just trying to make you resistant to the evil temptations of female flesh. The heat of the hot Spring and Fall days will be nothing compared to the hell you will endure for succumbing to your carnal desires.
Yet they put them in white blouses and short skirts? No distractions there at all…
Looks like the schools and their administrative bodies are just infested with wannabe and actual groomers. Lord have mercy…
When the issue was studied by the Dept of Ed in the early 2000s, it was concluded that approximately 10% of students were sexually harassed by staff members and that somewhere between 3-5% of school staff were sexually inappropriate/abusive. 1 in 20 means that statistically almost every school has a staff member that is attracted to minors.
I’m amused. Its Hospital Week, so we have all kinds of swag around for staff. This year the motto is, I kid you not, “You First”.
Its supposed to tie into “putting patients first” or summat, but c’mon, really?
Just admit it. You had input into that decision just for the lultz.
One time I was asked to put up posters at the VA for “Compliance Week.” A nurse on the surgery floor found me putting up the VA’s WW2 propaganda style posters in one of those lockable corkboard cases. She began yelling at me for covering up what whatever had been there.
It was good enough for me. So I said, “Fuck it. I don’t have time for this” and threw about a dozen of the posters into a nearby trash can and went back to my office. She ran me down a week later to tell me she was screwing with me the entire time.
Without evidence
Well, I guess the kidding around is pretty much over.
In a blistering statement released Tuesday morning, Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott said this of President Joe Biden:
“Let’s be honest here. Joe Biden is unwell. He’s unfit for office. He’s incoherent, incapacitated and confused. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He’s incapable of leading and he’s incapable of carrying out his duties. Period. Everyone knows it. No one is willing to say it. But we have to, for the sake of the country. Joe Biden can’t do the job.”
This unproven notion – that Biden is somehow enfeebled – has been kicking around conservative media and Trump-allied circles for some time now. The evidence usually revolves around clips of Biden misspeaking or stumbling over his words – and the fact that, at age 79, he is the oldest person ever to serve as president.
Let’s take a step back here to understand why Scott went absolutely nuclear on Biden. He went on to say in the same statement that Biden needs to resign for the good of the country.
Nobody likes Rick Scott.
Written by the known Teller of Truth – Chris Cillizza.
What color is the sky in this person’s universe?
He looks too much like Marshall Applewhite, complete with the crazy eyes and all, to take seriously. Whatever KoolAid he’s sellin’ I ain’t drinkin’. He’s right in this instance though.
This year the motto is, I kid you not, “You First”.
Is there a picture of a needle?
1 in 20 means that statistically almost every school has a staff member that is attracted to minors.
Why the hell else would you be a high school teacher?
To get the same vacation time as children?
/Norm MacDonald
You never progressed psychologically past high school?
I pride myself on not having progressed psychologically past pre-school.
*takes gnawed on crayon away from CS*
Fine, but you’ll pry my sniffin’ markers from cold dead fingers!
***Huffs in with the fury of Biden in a room full of new kindergarteners.***
“Look! Paste hands.”
I gave a guest lecture at a high school last year. Have you seen what some of these minors look like?!?
creech didn’t kill himself.
Bill Gates
If it wasn’t for the vaccine it’d be so much worse for him though.
Hoist with his own petard.
Does it say that he said the last sentence SUPER sarcastically? You can’t tell in print.
Everyone I know who has “tested positive” for Chicomvirus in the last month or two has been “fully vaccinated.” Those vaxxed seem to have less resistance to the vid than those who refused the jab.
This is pretty well documented now.
Which public figure hasn’t gotten vaccinations, gets tested regularly for no real reason, and shares their medical history publicly? It’s kind of a self selected group.
Word for word straight from the catechism.
What medical care is he receiving?
One might think that as high a profile a figure as Gates is in the COVID regime, he might be using this opportunity to tell people what medical treatment is working for him now that he has caught the disease his vaccines didn’t prevent.
I had an interesting luncheon today. I got to sit next to the guy who was hired by the Clintons to do their polling after Bill lost his first race for governor of Arkansas.
He dished some good dirt: Bill is brilliant, charismatic, odious, and a lousy fundraiser. Hillary is a shrill harpy, also brilliant and a good fundraiser. They openly bragged back in the day that their goal was for Bill to become Prez, followed by Hillary. They also copped to an “open marriage.” Bill is straight, but Hillary swings both ways. Huma and Donna Shalala were among her lovers. He understands that today neither of them spend very much time together. He also dished on the Kennedys, JFK and RFK both fucking Marilyn, the mob, Teddy and Mary Jo’s affair (but to this day, no one knows if Mary Jo was preggers). He also knew “Brandon” – says he used to be pretty savvy, plagiarized several papers in law school, lied about his class ranking, and wonders why Doctor Jill permits her senile husband to be abused. And the crab cakes were delicious too!
My guess is Jill likes being the First Lady, having the Biden name associated with the presidency (and all the prestige that brings, at least in certain circles), likes the money the gig brings (both licit and illicit), and justifies it all by the documented fact that Joe always wanted to be president. But the way things have turned out, I think Joe must’ve achieved the presidency via a monkey’s paw.
Dr Jill is only 70. She’s got a number of years left now as Madame First Lady Dr Jill.
Uh-oh. Did you see a red laser dot on your acquaintance’s forehead?
I thought he was Indian.
Teddy and Mary Jo’s affair
In my darker, more cynical moments, I think the incident at Chappaquiddick was Teddy raping Mary Jo Kopechne then covering it up by attempting to kill her, but things didn’t go quite to plan because Teddy is an idiot.
The first time I heard about this, I think I was a teenager. That was the first thing I thought.
Years ago I stumbled upon a website dedicated to the Chappaquiddick incident. Page after page of legal documents, testimony by scuba divers, coroners, etc. Very well packaged and cross referenced.
It then disappeared; some entity had purchased the domain name and deleted the content.
I had enough in my browser cache to search for it and find the content on a mirror site. I wish I had saved it, because even THAT is now unavailable.
And yes, Teddy was an entitled idiot who got away with sexual assault and murder.
I always smiled when James Taranto referred to Teddy’s “Mary Jo Kopechne Memorial Brain Tumor.”
I don’t remember the details, but Jeff Jacoby once wrote about a Massachusetts state legislator who would frequently start a speech in the legislature with “I rise to speak on behalf of Mary Jo Kopechne who is unable to speak for herself…”
Have you tried the Wayback Machine? (And if it works, ‘scrape’ the entire site you’re presented so’s you have the complete info.)
This week, so far, has been double plus good for the Zwak. Yesterday I had a surgical consult, were the Doc pretty much affirmed everything I had been saying about my back, and will recommend surgery. And when I joking asked if it would be outpatient, he said yes. Big score there!
And today, the kid who put 1K down on my old truck came by to pick it up with the remaining money. I love it when I tell the wife I can do better than the trade in, she rolls her eyes, and I proceed to be proven correct. Plus, extra thousands!
High five!
The NATO countries, however, want to prolong the conflict by increasing arms shipments to Ukraine and by declaring that they want to “weaken Russia.”
Clearly this is the goal. Why would the average Ukrainian want any part of this game given the inevitable abandonment of the US once it deems its “goal” met? At what point does enabling resistance become immoral? If the Ukrainians want to continue fighting, I suppose they are more than entitled to go for it, but I get the feeling the ones that just want a negotiated settlement with Russia are being heavily pressured to STFU by the more enthusiastic elements.
It became immoral at least a month ago. There will be thousands more deaths despite the outcome being a foregone conclusion.
I doubt average Ukrainians do want this. They’re getting fucked while the US-paid-for-puppets guarantee the destruction of their country.
There was a great interview on a French news show with a Ukrainian who went off on Zelensky and his Azov thugs. She was totally off script and the “reporters” were completely flummoxed.
TBF, most civilians in any conflict would prefer peace.
Why would the average Ukrainian want any part of this game given the inevitable abandonment of the US once it deems its “goal” met? At what point does enabling resistance become immoral?
As soon as Ukraine banned it’s military aged males from leaving the country and then enslaved them through conscription.
I’m sure this will end well…NZ consumer group petitions for government-run grocery wholesaler.
One of the big concerns is that grocery stores are making “excess profit.” I wonder how many dollars is excess?
Not to worry! A government run entity won’t be profitable. That solves the problem, right?
Remind me who won the Cold War again?
We never learn.
I stupidly read the article. Just about everyone in that should stick to sheep fucking.
Well, roasting my first duck. Will see how this works out. This is also the first duck I have raised and processed myself.
All recipes call for a 4-5# duck, mine came out around 2.5, so definitely will be watching the temp; says, 165F around deepest part of the legs.
Got three more ducks, and 8 chickens (one died early; one was lost to a predator because I didn’t put the wheels back down on the chicken tractor. Think I will do another 10 chickens starting in August with a late September butcher date.
Spatchcock, my dude.
I will spatchcock the chickens on the grill for sure, hadn’t thought about that for the ducks, will give it a go on the next one.
Didn’t turn out great.I think I must have put the thermometer next to a bone, because it said 170, but the bird was not done, so I had to put it back in the oven. It is more chewy than chicken, and a little richer. Not horrible, but definetly not going to worry about raising ducks again.
Folk around? I think so.
Lady is, pretty deservedly, upset with me. But she’s still sleeping. Signs of “I have to move out” were placed. We’ve got another friend’s cat for the week. She’s a bit of a cunte. Literal, non-stop meowing. Big, big fluffy hair.
I don’t think I’ll have to actually move out. Lady was just being upset. I suppose I’ve got a money-less backup in the building. I’ll ask him about shit. I even know his door code! Life is very confusing right now. I’m trying to make it pleasant. It isn’t easy. The “vacation,” in-between time, I had been planning is pretty much now. I just happen to be homeless and unemployable in my current locality.
I’m going among the hot air balloons. Proper smoke will do that.
No, people are not.