Storm Coming (watercolor by SP)
Well, things haven’t gone exactly as planned, but this is part of my rehabilitation. Community service, but this time not because of that January-September relationship. While we’ve been locked away, spring has sprung here with a vengeance, the lawn needs mowing, trees need planting, and college girls need frightening. Among our visitors last weekend was SugarFree. I trolled our snowflakes by telling them that several friends of ours were coming into the café, and when any of them sees one named ——-, say to him, “Horrify me.” He did and she did. The conversation went to wereseals, Harry Potter incest erotic fanfic, famous women named Ginger, some of whom are porn stars, BDSM, and how to read and write crosswriting. The girls actually enjoyed themselves until the nightmares began.
Birthdays aren’t really frightening, though, even if they include a guy with an incisive intellect; a guy who looked nothing like Burt Lancaster; a guy who looked nothing like Sean Connery; the father of academic grifting; a politician who got… deeply weird; the guy who wrote everyone’s life soundtrack; the best beard in the music business; a stunning musician who will guarantee you’re not the dorkiest person onstage; and a guy who still doesn’t realize he’s at the pinnacle of his political career and will go no further.
Well, let’s see what fun things we can find in the world today.
For whatever reason, I’ve been on a James McMurtry kick lately. I used to see him regularly at a hole in the wall convenience store that unaccountably had a great performance space. Amazing shows and one of the things I greatly miss about Austin. His line “Now it’s all I can do just to get out of bed/There’s more in the mirror than there is up ahead” gives me chills every time I hear or remember it. Anyway, this cut just seemed apropos.
January-September relationship
The conversation went to wereseals, Harry Potter incest erotic fanfic, famous women named Ginger, some of whom are porn stars, BDSM, and how to read and write crosswriting. The girls actually enjoyed themselves until the nightmares began.
I’m wondering how that Covid article got published.
The on-site commander — identified by the Associated Press as the school district’s police chief — believed 18-year-old Salvador Ramos was barricaded in a classroom in Uvalde during Tuesday’s attack and that the children were not at risk, McCraw said.
“He was convinced at the time that there was no more threat to the children and that the subject was barricaded and that they had time to organize” to get into the classroom, McCraw said.
“Of course it was not the right decision. It was the wrong decision,” he said.
So the on-site commander will kill himself to redeem himself?
He will be put on 6 weeks paid administrative leave. Nothing like a nice paid vacation as punishment.
So the on-site commander will kill himself to redeem himself?
I would. I couldn’t live with that kind of mistake on my conscience.
Same hear. Sometimes bravery is just prioritizing your fears. Had one very scary night in the Gulf War and while the dealing with the fear was a challenge, it never exceeded my fear of failing my brothers and once I thought that through I was okay. Living with the failure to protect a class full of kids would be beyond me.
This is the stuff conspiracy theories are made of – police intentionally letting a school shooting proceed in an election year while multiple gun control bills are working their way through Congress and blue-state legislatures. Not saying it was (or wasn’t) intentional, but this is how you get them.
And bravo to the Border Patrol team and other cops who manned-up and got it done eventually. The lead guy had a bullet graze his skull while sending the shooter to hell.
“Not saying it was…intentional”
I am.
Police across the country let riots happen during the last election year. Same tactic.
By the way I saw it reported that the police restrained the Border Patrol at first. It will be interesting to see if the guy mentions that in interviews.
Reason, and others, are reporting that.
There will a review of processes to identify areas for improvement.
At a minimum, he should resign and drink himself to death.
Apparently, he’s joining the city council. Let’s hope they start a recall.
Didn’t work, can’t copy the link, but a Google search will bring it up.
Let’s see if this link works.
If he’s smart, he should probably leave town. Like, right now. And not come back.
Things are not gonna cool off for him. Assuming that this was a shit decision rather than something more, erm, tin foil hat territory, he’s gonna be a mess for years. The community will have zero sympathy, and rightfully so. The biggest decision of his life and he fucked it up so bad that a bunch of 8 year olds got killed (not saying that he could’ve stopped all of the deaths, but it sounds like he had a good chance at preventing some).
+1 egg noodles and ketchup (flour tortillas and extra-mild salsa?)
If he was smart, he wouldn’t be in this fix in the first place.
But I think he’s not smart.
He was convinced at the time that there was no more threat to the children
This explanation will be shown to be bullshit when one of the parents who was present points out that they could hear gunfire during this “threat-free” period.
Give in to fear and you can find justification for anything.
Part of me is surprised the on site commander isn’t dangling from a lamp post.
Cowards. They should be beaten until they spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs.
This is one case where I have no problem with doxxing and bullying them into suicide.
Good morning, OM, GL, & DEG! OM, it’s so good to see you back! Brett L (and anyone else I’ve forgotten who did weekend AM Lynx) was a champ and a hero, but I daresay we’ve all missed you terribly!
I’m shocked but delighted to see that it’s still online! I don’t know what that signifies, but every moment it stays up (and, ideally, the author stays alive) gives me another scintilla of hope.
Morning, GT, et al.
Still looking at the work to be done in the kitchen. The location of the shelves makes it look smaller and cluttered. I don’t now how to correct it
Get free standing cupboards instead. It will still look smaller, but not cluttered.
It looks “cluttered” because there’s this large object in my eye line that juts out into the space and interrupts the light, despte being almost entirely empty space I can look through.
What style/material of shelves? Open or closed sides/back? Since you’ve described the kitchen as quite large, the addition of the shelves may just take some getting used to.
Its open wire shelving in black. I’ve not even populated the shelves yet, but the way it breaks up the light is what gets me.
Too late or difficult to exchange for chrome? That might reflect the light and make the unit seem less intrusive.
Or there’s always Krylon….
I bought these shelves so long ago I’m wondering if I shoukd be referencing years. I just procrastinated on putting them up. besides the shelves along the wall are also black.
Mornin’, reprobates.
That is a terrific article. A ton of great stuff, but this really hits home:
<This behavior by a medical licensing board is reminiscent of the methodology of the Soviet KGB during the period when dissidents were incarcerated in psychiatric gulags to silence their dissent.
Thoughtcrime will not be tolerated.
The specific terms the Soviets used were roughly translated as “psychopathological mechanisms of dissent.”
Oh, for pity’s sake! You’d think she’d advocated using leeches to realign her patients’ humours!
Now that would be real alternative medicine!
Sounds like Amos and Theodore are somehow still alive.
Here’s the new conspiracy theory about the Robb Elementary shooting: there is video of a teacher propping open a door just before the murderer entered the school.
I’m not sure how that’s relevant. If true, it’s unfortunate, but I’m opposed to schools that seem like prisons anyway.
Lunch time recess? Why didn’t the teacher who propped it open, not close it prior to calling 911?
This one needs more than 48 hours. What a mess.
The murderer entered the school through the propped-open door, if I am reading the news report correctly.
“At 11:27 a.m. on Tuesday morning, the door that police believe was used by the 18-year-old gunman to enter the school was propped open by a teacher, Director of Texas Department of Public Safety Steven McCraw said at a Friday press conference.
McCraw said the detail was confirmed through ‘video evidence.’”
She opened the door, then heard the car crash, went to look, saw that the guy had a gun, and called 911. It doesn’t say if she tried to close the door after seeing a guy crawling out of a wrecked vehicle with a gun.
Even if true, it’s just an attempt to deflect responsibility for the failure of the police to act. She’ll have to live with that mistake.
Probably still in the “what we were told will change” category – but there was one report that (a cousin?) the killer was asking the child of a cousin (?) who went to the school early about their lunch time procedures and whatnot. Entirely possible that the door opening was a regular thing.
What would puzzle me if all this is true is the whole “12 minutes firing at the funeral home after putting the truck in the ditch before entering the school” part of the scenario. Because, yeah — if I called 911, kept hearing shots for *12 minutes* and knew I had propped a door open, I’d be trying to slip over to that door and close it.
I’m also wondering if I would try to get the kids out during that 12 minutes instead of bunkering up — but I can easily imagine that 1) The cops told them / procedure was to bunker up and 2) It probably takes more than 12 minutes to herd elementary kids anywhere off of schedule, much less “quietly to the opposite side of the school and try to get away without him noticing the horde of kids”, so I can understand that one.
Maybe when you get this lockdown announcement, you go back and make sure the door is locked?
First thought (that I’m sure we all had…) – well when I was a kid the doors were open all the time. The whole notion of schoolhouse doors being locked is “off” to me. But yeah, if they announce a lockdown, shouldn’t somebody’s first responsibility be the external doors? Maybe the timing was wrong – I don’t know.
Second – isn’t the main “lockdown” think supposed to be the classroom doors? How’d that not happen?
Transcript bot seems to have a few glitches.
They was too busy figuring out their pronouns to study the rest of grammar.
They didn’t have School House Rock?
Mr. Lolly Morton, get your conjunctions here…
The Oaks PA Gun Show is coming up in a few weeks. Anyone interested in a meet-up on the 11th?
The lowest common denominator.
The Oaks Gun Show is better than that fictional gun show. A gun show in Philly? Yeah. Right.
Dumb question….kinda late notice but after the post last night and some other stuff I came across….is it too late to put together a minor travelogue post re: Memorial Day? I could probably just save it for later in the year too at this point.
I’d read it any time.
That COVID paper hits just about all the points with the exception of the arguments against using a vaccine against a respiratory virus in the middle of a pandemic (Bossche’s complaint before they even started the rollout).
I’ll be sharing it.
I Shot Marvin in the Face
First thing I thought. Welcome back.
The meme floating around this morning.
Making a cogent point (::smartly salutes CPRM::) on Twitter still brings to mind the phrase “pearls before swine.”
Daily Quordle 124
9 5
8 4
I slept in — and apparently should have slept in much later. Total cluster frak. (Didn’t get anything to work with on either bottom word, couldn’t figure out words to eliminate letters on the top ones that actually got me anywhere — and top right burned a couple guesses “chasing” near the end because I knew I was screwed anyway and wanted to get *something* — still didn’t get it until the very end, too many options for the first letter).
Daily Quordle 124
Welcome to the 309 club! You should at least show your work, so people can giggle at you.
I try to spare OMWC’s link the full 60’s computer panel since I think it bugs him — but since you asked:
Daily Quordle 124
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?⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜?
I try to spare OMWC’s link the full 60’s computer panel since I think it bugs him
Yes, I think it bugs everyone. That’s why I only show my work when I think I can Champ/Chump.
And on that note:
Daily Quordle 124
#waffle127 4/5
? streak: 16
? #waffleelite
#waffle127 4/5
? streak: 11
? #waffleelite
? May 28, 2022 ?
? 10 | Avg. Guesses: 5.6
⬜??? = 4
Daily Quordle 124
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Daily Quordle 124
Daily Quordle 124
Daily Quordle 124
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Daily Quordle 124
Holding the Tundra line. Missed a 50/50 on the third line, but hit one a little later.
8 3
5 7
Missed both “one or the other” guesses.
Not sure if it was lack of caffeine or what the hell, but I saved my no-bust streak by the skin o’ my teeth.
I didn’t see your post before I made mine. Great minds and all that.
Daily Quordle 124
By the skin of his teeth
Oh, FFS:
“Contrary to earlier statements by officials, a school district police officer was not inside the school when the gunman arrived. When that officer did respond, he unknowingly drove past the gunman, who was crouched behind a car parked outside and firing at the building, McCraw said.”
The Keystone Kops was not intended as a training video.
How in the hell do you miss a guy firing a rifle at a building? They’re not exactly whisper quiet.
“I didn’t see nothing, George… Ah nope nope nope….”
So he really was outside blasting away for a while before he went in? What in the hell? It should have been fairly easy to send the guy to kingdom come long before he got into the building. The incompetence is staggering.
Looks like Ron Paul showed up for the Mises Caucus gathering last night in Reno and referred to the Bush as part of the Cheney administration. *snigger*
Good morning everyone. OMWC, fantastic music today and I am in absolute awe of Sklar’s whiskers. Goals baby, goals.
Daily Quordle 124
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Also, HOLY MACKEREL! SP’s painting is beautiful.
I’m using images of her art as a theme for a while. Her main medium was fiber art, but obviously she had mad watercolor skills.
That’s insane how good that is.
I had no idea she was so talented; a true Renaissance woman.
I look forward to seeing more. Thanks for sharing.
#metoo. They’re beautiful
Lovely! I didn’t know one could get such straight lines with watercolor: border?
I like her paintings too. IINM there is a technique where you apply a water-repelling putty to the canvas, paint the areas within, wait for it to dry, then remove the putty (it’s not really puttylike but my vocabulary is failing me) and paint the remaining areas.
Yes, it is a good one.
Song from the birthday boy.
Papa always smiled
And took me by the hand,
Sayin’ “Someday, you’ll understand”
Well, I’m here to tell you now
Each and every mother’s son
You better learn it fast,
You better learn it young
‘Cause someday never comes
Can confirm.
These guys do not look like your typical coke dealer.
Gonna be a dull party.
Plenty of room in that chapeau for stashing a kilo or two.
In this house we believe in:
Cavernous cleavage
Proudly erect nipples
Heaving and bouncing
Halter-top bikinis
Silicone Saturday
Rammstein – Dicke Titten (English Translation)
She doesn’t have to be beautiful
She doesn’t have to be smart, no
She doesn’t have to be rich
Not a model with long strides
But big tits
I just want her extra time and her tits? ?
In entirely unremarkable news from Tranquility Base, one of the surviving tulip poplars is in full bloom. Sadly, this poor little blossom apparently got blown down in the recent rain.
Unremarkable news is the best news. The Chinese were right with the may you live in interesting times curse.
That is lovely. Condolences to the fallen flower.
Nice! We have one in the yard, but it’s apparently still too young to bloom.
You have subtly beautiful flowers to look forward to!
Very nice!
Yellow poplar is one of my favorite species. The last time we planted I put in 10K of them along the bottom edges of the hills. excellent wood and food for wildlife.
Good morning, Old Man!
Nice to have you back in the driver’s seat.
WebDom will be driving on Monday. Be very afraid.
Sluts be DTF.
Glibs are not the only ones who misbehave on the Zooms
“Debbie does Deuteronomy”
Hope she does the whole Pentateuch.
That can’t be kosher.
No, but she’ll probably give a big hallal at the end.
Apparently there’s such a thing as an anti-drone gun.
Wouldn’t some nice #4 birdshot deliver the same result at a much lower price?
I would think an EM beam has considerably more range; the birdshot is great if the thing is hovering over your head.
Public service announcement: If you happen to have an inactive satellite radio in your car (or elsewhere,) you can listen for free now through June 6th. We have one portable radio, but I mostly stream online and use the app. I fired it up in my car (in which I mainly listen for the traffic report) on the way home from work for the weekend. Made the holiday-choked highway much more tolerable.
Thank you! I let mine lapse when the renewal dance wouldn’t go down to the previous one.
Mine’s too old, but it’s always on in my mom’s car. In her absence I sometimes check out 114 or even 125, because it would annoy her. ?
When not listening to an audiobook (sadly, my borrowed copy of The Name of the Rose expired and got “returned” by the Libby app,) I’ve taken to listening to “podcasts” of Tucker – just the audio of the previous night’s TV episode – on the SiriusXM app while working out (such as I do) at the Y.
I usually default to the comedy stations, or maybe ’60s or 33 or 76.
I’m on 76 right now! XM 76, at least. (Don’t know if the numbers are still different depending on whether one is “legacy” Sirius or XM subscriber.) Symphony Hall – my Saturday morning go-to, “Baroque and Beyond.” My only regret for this weekend is that my favorite Sunday morning programs, “Vox Choral” and “Millennium of Music,” will be preempted in favor of a “Top 76 Concertos of the Past 300 Years” countdown marathon. What about music from BEFORE 1722, huh?? What’s that? Chopped liver??? ?
Eh, holiday programming.
I find many Baroque composers that are new to me through that channel, at all times of day.
Never in the history of American medicine have hospital administrators dictated to its physicians how they will practice medicine and what medications they can use. The CDC has no authority to dictate to hospitals or doctors concerning medical treatments. Yet, most physicians complied without the slightest resistance.
The federal Care Act encouraged this human disaster by offering all US hospitals up to 39,000 dollars for each ICU patient they put on respirators, despite the fact that early on it was obvious that the respirators were a major cause of death among these unsuspecting, trusting patients. In addition, the hospitals received 12,000 dollars for each patient that was admitted to the ICU—explaining, in my opinion and others, why all federal medical bureaucracies (CDC, FDA, NIAID, NIH, etc) did all in their power to prevent life- saving early treatments.[46] Letting patients deteriorate to the point they needed hospitalization, meant big money for all hospitals. A growing number of hospitals are in danger of bankruptcy, and many have closed their doors, even before this “pandemic”.[50] Most of these hospitals are now owned by national or international corporations, including teaching hospitals.[10]
Makes you proud, don’t it?
Many people think we live in a plutocracy, and with examples like this, I can certainly understand why they think that. But a plutocracy rewards money with power; instead we see power rewarding itself and its friends with money. The bureaucrats can unmake the plutocrats much more easily than the converse.
“Never in the history of American medicine have hospital administrators dictated to its physicians how they will practice medicine and what medications they can use.”
Not really true. Hospital administration always says what drugs and devices can be used, and, if you include the physician medical executive committee as administration, has always controlled what physicians can do in the hospital to a fairly granular level.
Much like how “prosecutorial discretion” went from “let’s focus on the cases we can most realistically prosecute” to “we can disregard entire swaths of the law”, this sounds like an initially pragmatic prerogative being repurposed to a different end.
NRA Protestors Channel Their Spirit Animals
They’d put us in camps if they could wouldn’t they?
Cambodia wasn’t that long ago.
Of course they would.
LOL, that lot is no threat.
WaPo headline, via google news:
Police mistakes in Uvalde should not take focus off the real issue: guns
That’s sure to be some prize winning journalisming.
Neither police mistakes nor guns should take focus off the real issue: the media
I guess there was a lack of good guys with guns.
The social media is the message.
Also, it’s fun how the police being ass-covering weasels and child-sacrificing cowards is just a “mistake”, whereas if any of them had ever said the N-word or sent a racy email, it would be an issue of the utmost importance.
Welcome home, OM.
“While we’ve been locked away, spring has sprung here with a vengeance, the lawn needs mowing, trees need planting, and college girls need frightening”
Don’t let the mundane interfere with real life. I’ve been working in the garden for the past couple days. I am realizing that when I wasn’t paying attention the calendar has caught up with me. If the grass never gets cut does anyone really suffer? Trees have a way of planting themselves, not always the kind we want in the places we want but still…The only thing that’s scares any local college girls is they’re afraid they may have to give me CPR.
So glad you’re back, missed the week ends with all the birthdays and other exposees.. Hello to Webdom.
Amazing how the world goes on without our input. Depressing, but also liberating.
I hear the mouth-to-mouth has been discontinued and now merely the “Staying Alive” compressions.
Normally I stay in bed lazily reading the links on a Saturday morning, but today I’m getting up to go print that NIH article.
How on earth did that get approved for posting??
Closer inspection indicates the article is published through the health institutes of Marrakech, Morocco, not the US. Otherwise the author would be sleeping with the fishes.
I shared it to FB. We’ll see how long it stays up till it’s flagged.
Ya gonna git youself throwed in FB jail. Truly a badge of honor.
Those were the things discussed here for a couple years and we were called bad names. My fall back is always “Government schools can’t teach kids to read, write, ‘ritmitik but yet we trust them with our health”?
As recently as a week ago, a nurse classmate looked at me suspiciously and asked, “Did you get your vaccines yet?” They just won’t give up.
This is someone dedicated to making the world a better place.
“For the past six years I’ve deflowered 70-90 virgins annually and my grand total is well over 500 virgins.”
When I first read that … well, you know what I thought it said.
A high school buddy of mine went to Cal Tech and he said there was a young woman there who was having sex with as many freshman virgins as possible. They were lined up outside her dorm room door. Not exactly the same experience as the escort mentioned in the article.
Thankfully I never had that particular problem but I certainly had friends that did. She is indeed making the world a better place. I once dated a girl who had the ambition to become exactly that. I had lost contact with her and years later saw her on the episode of Penn and Teller’s Bullshit that dealt with prostitution.
I swear I embedded this youtube video in tomorrow’s post:
But it seems to have been eaten. It goes below the line about heavy Brazilians and the bonus pic.
NPR goes man-on-the-street hunting
A place to start would be to treat weapons like motor vehicles, Fulmer said, where individuals need to pass a series of tests from time to time to continue having and using firearms.
“Realistically, most things that everyone thinks are rights are not rights — it’s a privilege. It’s a privilege to live here. It’s a privilege to have what we have, including guns,” he said. “You have a privilege to drive, but if you screw that up, driving get[s] taken away very quickly. Same with guns and the right to own a gun.”
He suggested gun owners undergo a safety test to ensure they can handle weapons safely, as well as mental health checks every handful of years. If an individual is going through a crisis or is found unfit to possess their firearms, those arms should be taken away until that individual is deemed mentally fit enough to have them again.
Prove your innocence. That’ll fix it.
A privilege to live here, eh? So, we need stricter immigration requirements and that status can be revoked? Not sure he wants to go down that path…
It’s not a privilege for immigrants. It’s only a privilege for the native-born.
Yep, the retard only goes so deep.
Why are you posting your pronouns?
I like to advertise my schizophrenic lack of consistency identify, apparently
Also, my lack of grammatical ability
I have a better idea, and it might even be constitutional. Apply everything mentioned above to… voting. If we need an amendment, do it.
That’s different because shut up.
The chances of being affected by an a-hole with a gun are so much smaller than my life being negatively affected by the stupidity of the average voter. I honestly believe we need common sense voter reform in this country. It’ll never happen.if a party, any party, ran on that platform they’d be crucified.
“You have a privilege to drive, but if you screw that up, driving get[s] taken away very quickly”
So, if I’ve not screwed up I get to keep my guns? If that’s true then leave the millions of peaceful gun owners alone.
Ah, but you see, you “screw up” merely by having the wrong political opinions, or by being unpopular with your local government, or by being in the wrong demographic categories, or simply by wanting to have a gun in the first place (nice catch, that Catch-22).
And that is so effective, too. ?
“A place to start would be to treat weapons like motor vehicles”
So you want shooters ed in schools? Let people buy guns from dealers without background checks? Have licenses that apply to every state? Rent a gun as soon as you arrive at an airport?
No limit on number that I can own, or their horsepower. License only needed for use on public roads.
True, there are plenty of farm trucks without plates.
Of course he served in the Chair Force.
“if you screw that up, driving get[s] taken away very quickly. Same with guns and the right to own a gun.”
Umm, isn’t that exactly what currently happens with guns in every single state in this country? Achsually, you can screw up with driving and still be pretty much guaranteed that you will be allowed to drive again. If you brandish a gun in error you have a very large chance of never legally owning one again.
WebDom will be driving on Monday. Be very afraid.
Are you saying we should buckle up?
Here’s a random question for our Japanese or Japanese-adjacent glibules:
Is there a particular significance in Japanese culture to white cats? In movies/shows I have seen, if there is a cat, it is almost invariably white. Coincidence, or something else?
Not that I’m aware.
Not from what I’ve seen. There is even a movie called “Kuroneko”.
Kuroneko is a delivery service. I don’t know about white cats, but they used to really like white…
What do they deliver?
Think UPS.
Who is it whose logo is a mother cat carrying a kitten? Adorable!
Hai, arigato! I looked up the name and just saw anime pics.
Apply everything mentioned above to… voting.
Especially the sanity clause.
You can’t fool me…
Bring me a four-year-old child.
Here’s a Moderna ad from the back cover of People magazine from last week.
It gushes about the promise of mRNA vaccines, shows a pic of a mom and child (of color, natch) and then offers up the extremely creepy new slogan: “Moderna: This Changes Everything”
I attended my partner’s graduation recently (OMWC: at our alma mater) and they spent a significant amount of time touting one Kizzmekia Corbett, an alumna who was instrumental (allegedly) to the development of the Moderna vaccine, for which we should all have been grateful to even be there.
The local university here had the founder of Moderna as the commencement speaker. I was tempted to come and ask how many people they had to pay off to be the “preferred” ineffective shot.
It might be easier to just repeal the 19th.
It’s not enough to repeal bad amendments, we must purge their influence root and branch, and replace them not with nothing but with their own antithesis. On this note, I also nominate the 14th, 16th, 17th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 26th amendments as well.
“Ex-Virginia Tech player Isimemen Etute, 19, is CLEARED of beating male Tinder date, 40, to death during fight after hook-up had lied and said he was a woman
A former Virginia Tech football player was acquitted of beating his male Tinder date to death after claiming the hook-up had lied about being a woman then performed oral sex on him.
Isimemen Etute, 19, was found not guilty of a charge of second-degree murder in the 2021 death of Jerry Smith, 40, of Blacksburg, Virginia.
Etute says he visited the victim last year to engage in oral sex with a woman he believed to be named ‘Angie,’ but who was actually Smith.
Etute told police Smith was hiding his face during the intercourse, and paid him $50 at the end….”
You’re a special kind of lady
School shootings happen in schools. The obvious solution is better common sense school control. If we can’t ban them altogether, we must find a way to limit the damage they can do.
We should shut down all the public schools until we can figure out what’s going on.
They tried that in Waco and got even worse home school massacre…
I don’t know how to find footage of it outside of the Mark Steyn show, but the CEO of Pfizer went on excitedly at Davos this week about the enormous potential of a newly approved technology: a microchip inside a pill that, once swallowed, emerges in the stomach and sends a signal to provide evidence of “Compliance.”
His words. Compliance.
Look at these creepy fuckers. https://youtu.be/9ccd3LMNMl8
Here’s the link to Steyn on GBNews, my favorite news source. You have to FF through some weather and crap to get to Steyn. https://youtu.be/PRP1sl4C9QI?list=PLA2T8B4OekbzZLu6G3sd2X5XPfgTGiRtk
Lotta subscriber stuff now – worth it for the annual – esp with the discounts IMO. But you should still have a few free articles.
I can probably post some more notes in the future, but I’m not logged in at the moment.
Yeah, there’s video going around. I posted it to FB and a high school friend (who is in the psychology field) lectured me that there is indeed need for compliance alerts for physicians wrt psych meds.
Never mind the fact that this guy’s company successfully lobbied the federal government to make his drugs mandatory (thousands were fired from the military for not taking them), also he managed to lobby the FDA to skip the animal testing phase, and that after doing this has posted profits that are a huge multiple of their normal range.
Also she posted a link to an FDA article about the technology, which I read in full and noticed it glaringly did not address any health concerns involved with daily SWALLOWING BIOLOGICAL MICROCHIPS.
First part rings a podcast bell (forget which one — trying to avoid the grim episodes). Hadn’t heard the second part. At least the animals are getting off easy.
I think that was one of the conditions of the Emergency Use Authorization.
There is a video clip at the link. I imagine this guy’s commute home involves a helicopter flying to an island shaped like a skull.
Oh, I didn’t realize it was back in 2018!
My faith in medicine is dead after the past couple of years. Surgeons are mostly ok, but still…
Something something reap what you sow
“An overwhelming majority of the workers at the Cumberland Mall Store announced that they were forming a union in April and requested recognition from the company,” a CWA representative said in a statement. “Since then, Apple has conducted a systematic, sophisticated campaign to intimidate them and interfere with their right to form a union,” a “behavior [that] violates U.S. law, the principles of Apple’s credo and vendor code of conduct, and international human rights standards.”
“We are not moving forward with the election given what Apple’s response has been and the coercive environment they created,” the Cumberland Mall Organizing Committee said in a message to co-workers at the store.
“It’s an outrage and a shame that Apple chose to spend tens of thousands of dollars to pay a third party, outside ‘union avoidance’ law firm, abandon its professed values, and aggressively and deceitfully union bust in our store, interfering with our legal right to organize a union,” the message continued.
It said that the Atlanta store organizers will “reset” and will work with other stores to prepare them for future union drives.
Workers at the Atlanta store filed for a union drive in April, when organizers said that over 70% of the stores employees signed cards signaling interest in being represented by CWA.
Since then, Apple has faced accusations that it is deploying anti-union tactics that break labor laws. The CWA said in a unfair labor practice filing earlier this month that managers at the store held “captive audience meetings,” where workers are required to attend meetings that include corporate anti-union talking points.
Earlier this week, Apple’s head of retail and Human Resources said, in a video distributed internally, that she believed unions would make it harder for Apple managers to respond to employee concerns and that unions are not committed to its employees.
Unions are not truly interested in acting in the best interests of their members? that can’t be right.
Why is it that none of these “grassroots” union pushes ever start without the instigation of the AFL-CIO?
It might be easier to just repeal the 19th.
Women don’t exactly have a lock on poor judgement.
Surely all present distaff company excepted. ?
Evidenced by the passing of the 19th?
*runs away*
Earlier this week, Apple announced that it was increasing starting pay for retail employees to $22 per hour. In the message to co-workers, the Cumberland Mall organizing committee said that the unplanned raises were a direct result of its organizing drive.
“Thanks to what we started here in Atlanta, Apple will be giving all employees in all stores an unplanned raise. This is because of us,” the organizing committee said.
Sure. So you’re no longer needed, right?
Speaking of unions (and their rules)…
Those cops in Texas should just say they were forbidden to kick down the schoolhouse doors by their contract, which specifies all hostage rescues must only be carried out by properly certified and credentialed SWATters. That should shut the second-guessers up.
I like McMurtry, even if he is a raging liberal. Although he’s some level of pro-2A, so there’s that.
This is probably my favorite song of his: Choctaw Bingo
One more:
Unsurprisingly now every single video I want to watch on YouTube is presaged by an anti gun ad. In the past few days I have unfortunately gotten into two different arguments with anti gun people, who while emotionally very fired up by the media have absolutely no idea about gun laws as they exist currently, or of their potential to effect any change in regards to mass shootings.
As I was working yesterday I was thinking of analogies to try and explain to the average non gun person how their arguments for “we need more gun laws” sound to those of us who have more knowledge of the subject. A study comes out that shows that among drunk driving fatality incidents the alcohol involved was typically either whiskey or tequila. In order to do something about this problem it is decided that we need to ban both of those types of alcohol. But as there are far too many whisky distilleries in the US to ban it, instead it is settled up at least banning tequila. Since it is invoked in drunk driving fatalities at the very least now there won’t be any more tequila involved incidents. Something was done.
I think the simplest counter-argument is “criminals tend not to follow laws”.
If they still don’t understand that more gun control isn’t going to stop gun crime – at all – well… then they can’t be reasoned with.
I’ve reverted back to GFY. Saves time.
Heheh, yeah I hear ya.
Every single video today had an ad from one of the tentacles of Everytown for Gun Safety or whatever they’re calling themselves now. EVERY SINGLE VIDEO!
My strategy
1) Try to deflect the conversation in a different direction
2) Disengage from the conversation
3) “There are no simple solutions.”
4) “No, you can’t have my guns.”
5) Disengage from the person to the extent possible.
What I’ve found is that people aren’t interested in mourning or processing the tragedy or talking solutions. They’re interested in commisserating with like minded TMITE drones to share in an emotional reaction. Nothing I can say or do will satisfy their craving for fellow outrage pointed at the shared bogeyman. Best I can do is try to end the conversation as quickly as possible.
Gibberish in, gibberish out
Sturm, Ruger & Co., a gun maker whose institutional shareholders include BlackRock and Vanguard Group, will host its annual meeting next week at which it faces a shareholder proposal to require a “human rights impact assessment.”
The proposal, calling for Sturm Ruger to conduct and publish a third-party review of the company’s policies, practices and products, was filed last month by a group that includes nonprofit Catholic health system CommonSpirit Health, the Episcopal Church and the School Sisters of Notre Dame Cooperative Investment Fund. According to the filing, the assessment would also produce recommendations “for improving the human rights impacts of its policies, practices and products.”
Empowering the powerless by disarming them. They can convert Ruger’s factories into farmers’ markets and organic baby formula production facilities.
Every gun company should be looking at all available options to go private. Really, every self-respecting company should, but especially the gun companies. They will destroy you if you let them own shares of you.
Surely all present distaff company excepted.
It’s outliers, all the way down.
Here’s the latest conspiracy thread about the Uvalde shooting, just for the hell of it. TLDR version: some startup company spies on kids’ social media posts to find school shooters, and the Uvalde school was part of the program.
I wouldnt doubt it for a second
The human rights impact assessment proposal is supported by proxy advisories ISS and Glass Lewis, the ICCR, said in its announcement. Sturm Ruger’s board has recommended voting against the proposal, according to its proxy statement.
Sturm Ruger has “led the industry on gun safety initiatives and has demonstrated a deep respect for human rights, which renders the proposal unnecessary,” the gun maker says in the document. “The outcome that proponents advocate and actually seek will harm the company, destroy shareholder value, and undermine the Second Amendment rights of the company’s customers.”
Sturm Ruger chief executive officer Christopher Killoy could not be reached by phone and did not respond to an email Friday seeking additional comment on the gun maker’s position on the proposal.
The U.S. has seen more than 200 mass shootings this year, according to the ICCR’s announcement, which cited the Gun Violence Archive. “Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children and teens in our country,” the ICCR said.
What’s that smell?
That would be the smell of bullshit.
Gunshots have outpaced automobile accidents? Really?
Booooring Saturday at work, but its all OT so Ill take the cash
I think I have officially reached the age where I’m too old to understand hipster internet lingo.
Some of the kids these days tweets are excellent though.
Which part do you not understand?