At the end of Part IV, I had bought new injectors, because the old ones had extra shims and there was no way to tell which injectors they went to. Next step was to press the injectors into their holes, then the crossover tubes that “click” into them. First tighten the tubes, then the injectors, this lets the tube settle all the way into the injector to cut down on the chance of leaks. Next I put the pushrods in along with the valve crossheads and the rocker arms. I adjusted the valve lash(space between the rocker arm and valve crosshead) and then put the exhaust manifold and turbo back on.
Around this time was when working on the truck, running and working out were becoming uncomfortable, so I had to quit for a few months and needed surgery in December. This became infected so I didn’t do anything until March.
Once I was able to work again, I noticed the axle seal on the passenger side was leaking, this is a little frustrating since I did both of them 2 years ago. Could be worse, the other side isn’t leaking and to change that one, I would have to remove the differential gear. This one just requires removing the brake caliper and adapter, then the rotor and pull the axle out. Remove the seal with a hammer and large socket then put the new one in with a threaded rod and a cup. Now that was done, back to the engine.
I put the VP44, fuel lines, and air intake back on. Next I refilled the power steering reservoir and bled the system by having my wife turn the steering wheel, with the wheels off the ground, lock to lock 20 times while I monitored fluid level. Then we tried to start it. You have to bleed the air out of the fuel lines by cracking the nuts on the crossover tubes and crank the starter. I was not getting the amount of fuel it should have been, so I thought the VP44 injection pump died (sometimes bleeding an empty fuel system can kill it). This is a $1200 part. I also noticed I had a power steering leak from the reservoir, so I got one from RockAuto. Then I pulled the vacuum pump and PS and changed the reservoir. While I was doing this, I found the VP44 plug just dangling, apparently my wife didn’t plug it in.
Got her out there and started trying to start the truck again. It fired up on the third round of cranking, so I closed the fuel lines and let it idle to warm up. After looking underneath and not seeing any leaks, I drove it out of the garage. Once it came up to temperature, I topped off the radiator and put the cap on it. Then we went for a rip. I was easy on her, but I could feel a difference with the new injectors. Just drove for ten minutes and then parked in the garage.

Finished Engine Bay
Then I put the new grill on. I had bought it from LMC truck with all new hardware and it looks nice. I even bought a new 300,000 mile badge from the Cummins High Mileage club, because the old one was faded.

New Grill and Badge
The next day when I got home from work, I took the wife for a longer drive. Old girl is running pretty good. (The truck, not my wife) I have an Edge Juice with Attitude programmer in the truck and had always ran on the highest level, #5. With the new injectors, 5 was pushing the turbo too hard and it wasn’t gaining anything so I turned it down to 3. On 3 she has more power, feels smoother, and smokes less than on 5 with the stock injectors.
After the long drive, I put her in the garage again, after I cleaned it out, there were many stains on the floor. The next day after work, I looked in and had oil and antifreeze under it. Did some looking and once again, my wife forgot to fully tighten the clamp for the radiator hose. It also looked like the oil pan was leaking, I couldn’t tell before, because the tappet cover leak was coming down on it. I tightened the clamp and torqued down the oil pan bolts. No more leaks after I scrubbed the floor (again).
On Saturday we drove 45 minutes to get it inspected. I really enjoyed the drive, she runs so good. While waiting we walked to a Hardee’s for breakfast. I think the only time I go to Hardee’s is when my truck gets its annual inspection. We saw them take the truck into the shop and then I went to the bathroom. I told the wife to answer my phone if they call. I came back and she told me that the shop had called and my truck needed a lot of work. That was discouraging. Then she started laughing and said it was done and it passed. Have I mentioned my wife is evil? It wasn’t even April 1st yet. After she had her fun we picked up the truck and went back home.
I then took her to a manual car wash and got the 11 months of grime off. After I parked her I did 2 coats of Turtle Wax Ceramic Coating. I have never seen a shinier truck.
For my own amusement, I put ECO Diesel stickers on the back side windows. I know it’s stupid, but it makes me laugh and isn’t that what’s important?

I like it

I like it a lot
My wife says it needs a nickname, the closest to one is my wife calls her The Other Wife. Any suggestions?
I think it’s official, since I was able to do all of this and successfully put her back together, I have leveled up from wannabe diesel mechanic to amateur.
Still not quite finished, the front passenger axle seal is leaking again. I have replaced it twice and will try one more time before I admit defeat and take it to a shop.
Also, the rear differential is leaking, I was planning on changing the fluid and gasket, but forgot with everything else I was doing. The transmission is leaking, but that’s a simple fix as well.
Once I have money again, I am going to replace all four shocks, put new bushings and sway bar links in the rear, and put seat covers on the rear seat to match the front.
I don’t have any other major projects planned, it’s almost a brand new truck at this point.
The Eco Diesel sticker is great.
Geno’s Garage gives either a a free Cummins “C” or the Eco Diesel stickers with orders, and I couldn’t resist the joke.
We have to be able to laugh at ourselves. When I do some accidentally stupid I look around, hope no one saw me and laugh. Might as well enjoy the mistakes, it makes the successes so much better.
Stickers make the truck, needs more
I, too, enjoy putting stickers on my FJ. My current fave is the one we got with a shipment of Virus workout clothes. There’s also a Jeep Rescue Vehicle sticker. And a couple from local breweries.
Both the FJs have high mileage badges – 100K on both, but Mrs. Dean’s will get a 200K badge later this year. It’s already sitting in a drawer awaiting its moment.
My wife says it needs a nickname,
When one of our cars doesn’t pick up a nickname, its a pretty good sign we won’t have it for more than a few years. Currently we have Joe (short for GI Joe, because that one is dark green) and Tonka (because that one is bright yellow). Perhaps Vin (short for Vin Diesel)?
Our RAM, 2500HD/Cummins with crew cab and full length bed, is BART – the Big Ass Red Truck.
I’ve had it 8 years so far and plan on it being the last truck I ever buy.
I want to name it WHITE POWER(as a joke), but I don’t think that would be a good idea.
Maybe Duke? Inside joke reference to David Duke?
Or “Bill,” as in “White Power Bill” from Arrested Development.
These euphemisms are getting kind of painful.
Painful was the swollen nut after my surgery.
makes me laugh and isn’t that what’s important?
I imagine your wife felt the same way.
Got me there.
Great write-up, Ron. I laughed out loud several times!
How about Lola?
♪♫ “well I’m not dumb but I can’t understand…”
Lola might work, she is definitely a butch girl.
Doesn’t seem very stoic to blame things on your wife…
If she would have done her job, I wouldn’t have to blame her.
I said biiitch.
Perfect 😀
That’s hilarious.
The double look was perfect.
Absolute perfection.
Very nice. My ’06 Dodge has just over 240,000. I haven’t had to do much except replace the front suspension. It’s a 1500 so, struts. Wasn’t too bad except I had to cut all the lower control arm bolts. 4 bolts, two cuts per bolt, 20 minutes per cut with a sawzall and generous amounts of Tap-Magic. I used a torch for the lower strut mounts since there was less of a risk of catching the truck on fire.
are -> arm
Weird how you can only see typos till after you post

a.k.a., slumbrewing it
When I rebuilt the front end on this one, I was really glad it was a Texas truck, I was able to unbolt everything, even the control arm bushings.
I completely rebuilt the front end of my ’72 Ranchero. It had a 45 year old layer of ‘patina ‘ on everything. It was harder to get to the bolts than it was to take them off.
It took a high-speed die grinder with 3M pads and a wire brush, along with industrial solvent and pb wrench to get to anything.
CA car, so no rust, but the bushings were all either petrified or dust.
Hide ya kids…
“The FDA is authorizing the use of a single booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children 5 through 11 years of age to provide continued protection against COVID-19,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in a statement.”
That’s not what it does.
“While it has largely been the case that COVID-19 tends to be less severe in children than adults, the omicron wave has seen more kids getting sick with the disease and being hospitalized, and children may also experience longer term effects, even following initially mild disease,” Califf said.
Show your work.
Speaking of vehicles; haven’t bought my Death Truck yet (h/t Swiss for the name) but we did buy this. I’m still going to get a smaller, shorter wheel-base single-seater ATV for rugged hunting duty, but this one will be nice for Mrs. Animal and I to take some summertime trail rides and will be really great for when we have guests, as it will seat six, as long as they’re all on good terms. I need to add a windshield and top roof, and probably a gun boot in case we see snowshoe hares or grouse along the trail.
There are miles and miles of ATV trails hereabouts. This is going to be fun.
That looks fun.
Those things go almost anywhere.
This is pretty much the one we have on order. I’m also going to need a meat trailer (yes, that’s a thing up here) for hauling hundreds of pounds of moose meat out of the bush.
OT: Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch?
Downside of this is that you need to be in NYC.
And have to use GrubHub.
Speaking of NYC, the Redistricting Fairy brought us a present.
*rooting for injuries*
Further upstate, Taxin’ Tonko n is no longer in my district and will have to either move or face Stefanik in a more heavily R district that covers the north country.
Doesn’t have to move. You only have to live in the state in which the House district you represent is located. So you, I, or Not Adahn could run against AOC.
Too bad they can’t both lose.
We could have them knife-fight for it.
I don’t hear much from Maloney but Nadler is an absolute horse’s ass who never lets pass an opportunity to say something idiotic into a microphone.
I found a new theme song:
Texas Hippie Coalition – Pissed Off and Mad About It
With a name like that I expected soft folk music. I was pleasantly surprised.
THC is a fun drinking and girl chasing band.
I think I’ve said before but my 2002 Ram has a leaky transmission and a trashed cab (brittle dashboard caved in), but it’s still running at 375,000 miles. We bought it at 350,000 … 5 years ago. It’s a going-to-Home-Depot and getting-mulch-for-my-mother and buying-big-things-off-Craigslist truck.
Mine has a cap on the dash that was there when I bought it.
It doesn’t look quite right so I cover it with a dash pad.
When the heater core starts leaking, I’m going to replace the dash.
Back in October we had a big problem with it not starting at odd times, usually when we were out and about. Then finally one day it just didn’t. We waited a few days and then it started again and we took it to the dealer to solve the problem since neither of our normal garages would touch it. They said it was a dealer problem (something akin to an OEM). It’s a known issue. I’d have to ask my husband. Anyway, the dealer had a tough time finding the part so it was at the dealer the whole time we were moving house.
My husband was quoted $450 to begin with. He accepted. Then it went to $600. He said okay. Then when we were going to pick it up, the bill jumped to $1800. Yeah, no. That’s more than we paid for it (not including new tires after we bought it). Anyway, we told them at that price, they could keep it because it’s not a necessary vehicle to us. Basically my husband said, “You honor the price you gave me or we’re never picking it up.” So they did, but it took about 10 days of back-and-forth.
I remember you talking about that.
It’s been fine since?
Yep. No problems.
My Honda Ridgeline is named Eeyore, a gray pack animal.
Oh, bother.
My 1976 Safety Orange Ford Pinto Station wagon was named “The Screaming Orange Messiah”
The 1976 Triumph Spitfire was named “Maggie” after Mrs. Thatcher.
I had a red ’95 Cutlass Supreme I named Christine because it had weird electrical issues that would fix themselves as quickly as they popped up.
Kulaks and wreckers.
Secondly, we’re dealing with a transitional economy, coming from a shutdown economy under COVID-19, reemerging, creation of jobs at record levels, but with it, comes the fires of inflation. Every family’s feeling that. They want to know that Democrats are going to do something to change it. The president has used several tools in his kit. For example, releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was one, dealing with agricultural prices is another. There will be more jawboning, if you will, of those who are price gouging, and that’s happening at gas stations. It’s happening with baby formula. We’re finding a lot of that insidious activity taking place. So, we need to be identified with that effort and helping families find an affordable place where they can deal with this economy.
Indeed. It is coming from the government.
That insidious profit motive. If only we could stamp it out.
There will be more jawboning, if you will, of those who are price gouging, and that’s happening at gas stations.
Nag Inflation Now and Never Yield!
coming from a shutdown economy under COVID-19, reemerging, creation of jobs at record levels, but with it, comes the fires of inflation
Natural causes, I guess. Just ignore the trillions of dollars that were printed and dumped into the economy.
Hm. I wonder who is largest buyer of baby formula, where are they shipping it, and who holds the power to shut down factories for months at a time.
It is a mystery. Must be price gouging.
Fucking Capitalists!
White-supremes, body armor, assault weapons. That’s a hat trick for the narrative.
Don’t watch if you have blood pressure issues. Former VP Biden is such a dishonest cunte.
More on the “right wing” replacement conspiracy theory…
“Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”
Links courtesy of Dan Bongino. And this all fits into the Celebration Parallax theory…
I skimmed that for about 10 seconds. Same old shit. Blaming everyone else for anger and divisiveness, while since day 1 of his term he’s done nothing but escalate every single situation. I can’t think of a single thing he’s done that’s “unified” anybody besides his own rabid base. This guy needs to go.
Nope, not going to put my blood pressure through a stress test.
More on the “right wing” replacement conspiracy theory…
“Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”
Links courtesy of Dan Bongino. And this all fits into the Celebration Parallax theory…
Speaking of “things automotive” I think I saw an E-Mustang in the wild a while agoe. It looked like a Subaru, or any generic humpbacked small SUV.
Then it’s not a Mustang.
Yes. I dislike them. What I saw that i liked was the new Ford Maverick pickup. That looked like a nice size, like the 1990s Ranger.
This, should have named that electric SUV something else, like Galaxie, if you wanted to be retro.
And the Maverick will sell like hotcakes unless they jack up the pricing.
This, should have named that electric SUV something else, like Galaxie, if you wanted to be retro.
Don’t trash the Galaxie.
1967 Galaxie 500 4 dr with 289. My first car.
Two tone, black over baby-shit green.
I have earned the right to trash the Galaxie.
A relative of mine had one. I like them.
Had a friend that had the 500 with the 390 engine. It was a beast.
Those things are awful.
Maybe they wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t named Mustang.
That’s the issue right there.
The first generation Probe never ended up with Mustang name, although the Pinto did squeak in with the Mustang II.
Shoulda scrolled down!
I saw one a couple days ago. Also one of those Rivian pickups.
They have really lost the thread.
I saw a Rivian in the drive-thru at Chick-Fil-A.
I thought it looked kind of cool, but as I looked longer, the body panels were not well aligned, and the paint job was near roller-quality.
The headlights are bizarre. The gal driving it is a local delivery manager, so we had a nice chat about them.
It looked funny next to my F150.
The two that Munroe and Associates bought through retail have had good fit and finish.
They do lots of benchmarking on the EV space.
I’ve seen them on the road.
It’s not a Mustang.
It’s an abomination.
Its a meh, generic electric CUV that they glued Mustang badges onto.
Really should have named it something else.
I sat in one in a dealership while getting a car serviced. It seemed enormous – definitely not a “sports car” in any way even if it has good acceleration.
Yep, if they had called it a Taurus or a Fusion and styled it accordingly, nobody would’ve bitched about it.
It was doomed from day one, so they should have resurrected the Edsel badge.
Call an all electric a Cobrajet was just pissing on the ashes.
They tried to get rid of the Taurus name, but the 500 was such a flop that they brought it back.
This is really cool, Ron. I wish I had both a vehicle and the time (and $$) to spend just tearing something apart to fix it – and using it as the learning experience it is. Kinda like my own personal “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” – minus the shock therapy and concomitant mental health issues.
On (sorta) unrelated mental health issues – just read this article on what Biden’s HHS did. And lost in court.
How the fuck is this going on?!?
About the only bright side to this is personal – I’ve got attorneys reaching out to me now (in light of my vax suits) asking if I’ll partner up on a whole range of lawsuits against the govt so they can fundraise against the suit. It includes some folks known for scamming on famous causes and cases IOT to raise money. I think I’m gonna just stay small and pick and choose where, when, and whom I sue, rather than going the ‘hired gun’ route.
Because the government is desperate to divide the populace and this is about as divisive as it can get (so far.)
They are pushing hard on the race thing as well.
I’m about to head up to Richmond to see The Dead South in concert.
Should be a good time.
Have a fantastic time!
I’d like to see them. Have fun!
They put on a good show, we saw them in Jan 2020, right before everything went stupid.
How the fuck is this going on?!?
Ashpile of History, next stop. Everybody out.
Great, another job applicant showed up!
Wearing a mask. *Kif sigh*
Is that an automatic DQ?
or just a point against?
Point against.
Devil’s advocate: are they erring on the side of caution by assuming not wearing one would be worse if the employer was all-in on masking?
He did remove it when I invited him to do so.
Still…read the room.
“My wife says it needs a nickname, the closest to one is my wife calls her The Other Wife. Any suggestions?”
How about “Shin-chan” spelled – 新ちゃん. Variation of “new girl” using an odd spelling of a real name.
Ron still needs a koreisha sticker for the rear bumper. ?
Still not quite finished, the front passenger axle seal is leaking again. I have replaced it twice and will try one more time before I admit defeat and take it to a shop.
Have you looked closely at the surface of the axle where the seal rides?
I thought I did, I will check very closely this time.
I almost took it to a shop this time, but that would hurt my feelings.
IOW prepare the basement theatre, a bag of Werther’s and Matlock.
President Joe Biden has advised his White House aides to shift into campaign mode for the midterm elections, according to a report.
The president privately asked his aides to start highlighting differences between his policies and those of the Republican Party, according to Axios, citing “people familiar with the conversations.”
Biden himself has ratcheted up the political rhetoric, accusing Republicans of having a radical agenda that is out of touch with the middle class.
Says the person that appears to despise the middle class.
The comparison will be a sad study in name calling, more full of strawmen than a Halloween carnival.
Gas here is now $4.99, and we’re just at the beginning of summer. Meanwhile the top 10 most important issues between the Democratic establishment and everyone else don’t line up at all. The people pulling his string have to all be 24 years old and right out of an east coast university.
Yep – Gas at all-time high. Inflation, particularly for food is in the double-digits, we are being promised legit food-shortages, the price of housing is skyrocketing, meanwhile foreigner’s are streaming across the border in mind-boggling numbers and I assume they expect to be fed and housed…
The Dems think the big issues are a war on the other side of the planet and white supremacy. Half the Republicans agree with them and spend their time attacking other Republicans and their voters.
The Dems in charge don’t actually think that. They’re using war on the other side of the planet as a boogeyman to blame for when things get really bad.
This is classic blame-shifting for problems that they caused and they’re going to push even harder on it as the economy stalls out.
LOL you gotta wonder if there are any Democrats privately wishing the old guy would just shut up already.
Not really related, but I was leaving the gym last night and came across a Sunbeam Alpine MkIII GT, beat to shit but still apparently drivable (it was nosed into a parking space.)
It took all my self-control, and several reminders that I don’t have a garage, to not scrawl “How much?” on a business card and stick it under the wiper blade…
That would be a fun little car, but probably a nightmare to unravel all of the previous work and restore.
My heart goes out to you. May you someday have a garage to bang your head on.
One of the classic car (and Americana mavens) I know uses the technique of if he sees or hears of a car he may be interested in, he merely asks them that if (not when) they’re looking to sell it to reach out to him. He’s turned several down at that point because they were out of his price range, but he will also walk into restaurants/bars/stores and try to find the driver to engage them there.
If it’s still in the lot tomorrow, I’m gonna have to hunt up the owner.
I almost bought one while I was in HS. The guy couldn’t find the title and backed out, unfortunately.
So, I bought the Roaster.
Well, a lot of people did get toasted in it.
No, Roadster, Datsun 2000.
Also- do you pre-lube the seals with grease when you put them in?
I lubed the axle, but not the seal.
The problem with shorting Ford is it doesn’t have far enough to fall.
Not really related, but I was leaving the gym last night and came across a Sunbeam Alpine MkIII GT, beat to shit but still apparently drivable (it was nosed into a parking space.)
Nice. You don’t see those every day.
Says the person that appears to despise the middle class.
If Biden (or his handlers) thought they had that demographic locked up, they wouldn’t be doing everything in their power to eliminate it. They are busy creating a two-tier society.
Meant as a reply to Rebel. Why does this happen every time I am on the same thread as Brooks?
It’s a sign of your admiration for the man.
You’re a copycat threader?
The Quickening?
There can be only one?
It’s not a Mustang.
It’s an abomination.
*sharpens bear-poking stick*
The fox-body was bad enough.
Saw one the other day. Ugly as sin, but the guy built it into a monster.
Also a 69 fastback that was dead gorgeous.
Upgrade from the pinto based Mustang II!
Those were so sad. Really a fitting mascot for the malaise-era.
A friend of mine had a Cobra II.
He had put some work into the 302 and it was a nice car.
Not the same level as earlier Mustangs, but nicer than any base Mustang II’s.
I’ve honestly wanted to to resto mod Mustang II with the V8 and turn it into a legitimate sports car.
His was white with blue stripes and looked badass.
I had a Fox Body Mustang at one time.
It was fun to drive but shitty to own.
I’ve honestly wanted to to resto mod Mustang II with the V8 and turn it into a legitimate sports car.
I’d have a fastback Mustang II before I’d have a fox body. With a small (no bigger than 302) motor and a five speed.
Seriously? Fox bodies, at least in my opinion and that of the shop I worked at, are the second best Mustang. Second only to first gen. Everything else might as well be a Chevy.
Lazy LOL of the day.yclo
I gotta admit, Cyclops being absolutely bitch-slapped across the internet warms my heart. DIAF, you one-eyed freak.
Funny how fast he became one the most despicable RINOs in DC.
Reposted from this morning’s dead thread…
The GitHub list is a lot bigger than the Michigan list, by a factor of 5 for all the words and 3 for 5-letter words. Since the Michigan list has a lot of obscure words, the GitHub list must be even more so.
*spits out coffee*
President Joe Biden’s Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci said, “I don’t like mandating things,” during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the funding request and budget justification for the National Institutes of Health on 5/17/2022.
What the hell did you just say?
“Don’t make me hit you.”
“I don’t like [that I’m not legislatively endowed to just start] mandating things,”
I don’t like it. But I’ll do it. Cause keeping Merica safe is my job.
Yes, it was in my head.
I don’t want to hit you, but I love you so much and you make me so angry.
For a name, TOW’d.
Pronounced toad.
Tow the blue lion.
Nice work ron! My truck hasn’t been rebuilt like yours and consequently, isn’t as pretty, but she’s mine. Brought her twenty years ago this month and similar mileage now.
The mileage badge got me curious and apparently Ford’s social media offers some sort of badge or did. Gonna have to look into it.
Speedy sleeve may be your friend on that seal.