Not my culture so not really my holiday. Although I will make some tacos and beans today. But that’s Tex-Mex, baby. I ain’t appropriating.

“You fucked up. You trusted us!”
Minnesooooooooooooda went WILD last night, as they thumped the Blues to even their series. Tampa and Edmonton did the same while Carolina took their series to 2-0. There’s NBA stuff happening as well, I think. The Cincinnati Reds have reached rock bottom. They need to sell that team to somebody who actually gives a shit. Oh, and across the pond, Man City found out that you play 90 minutes plus time added on, not 89. 89 is not gonna be enough, apparently. Ah, that’s good stuff. And I like Pep. He’s a decent guy and a hell of a good coach. But that loss is still unacceptable. Oh well, excited for Liverpool to play somebody other than City in the final. Three times this season was enough. And that’s sports.
Is this surprising? because it shouldn’t be surprising. In fact, I daresay its the norm. And there will be no consequences whatsoever.
Look at this dumb fuck. Does he not know the correct procedure here is to flash open a wallet with some sort of identification and say “Diplomatic Immunity” as he walks away laughing? Everybody over the age of 45 knows that. This guy is a massive disappointment for an international criminal “mastermind” with a government ID.
Remember this? The facts are starting to come out, which is why everybody in the media dropped it like a hot potato.
Hey Bill: Shit the fuck up. Will there be more misinformation? Probably. Is that worth the government getting involved? Fuck no. Those bastards engage in misinformation every time they open their mouths. And you want them to exercise their monopoly on violence to silence the words of people they don’t like? You’re an evil piece of shit.
She should have been picked up in a helicopter. And dropped in the Atlantic Ocean.

Retarded asshole Janet Yellen
Putting a finger in a dike. No, you perverts. This isn’t a pornhub link. But if it were, it would be an orgy, as we will see several more fingers stuck in this dike before too long. And to no avail.
There’s a lot of people who would be better off if they knew how to read. And that’s the nicest thing I can say about them.
Well this is pretty damn cool. No, for real. And its not a pun about the weather but rather a legit story. If I was doing a weather pun, it would be about the blistering heat that’s headed my way.
Here comes the 80s!!!!!! What a fun time to be alive. So was the late 70s for that matter. Enjoy them both. Also RIP In Peace to the artist.
That’s it. Go have a fantastic day, amigos.
Is this surprising? because it shouldn’t be surprising. In fact, I daresay its the norm. And there will be no consequences whatsoever. – I am shocked myself
my first first in two months!
But, because of the time difference, you actually posted it in the audiobook post, so I don’t know if it counts.
In my town, there was a child services worker who went to a home of a case she was working on (poor black guy in a shitty part of town), told the father she was taking his 8 year old daughter, he got violent with her and eventually he was sent to jail facing serious charges and the kid got taken. The case worker was supposed to do this in tandem with at least one police officer but broke protocol. Amazingly, the local news portrayed this as a heroic deed on her part (I think she got shoved or something by the father, personally I would have bashed her brains out with a hammer if she tried to take my kid).
I’m glad to see your return, Vlad!
Look you are an underpaid civil servant. Do you want to go hassle violent people who are bad parents? Or do you want to go scare the shit out of some nice suburban parents who left their kid in a car for 5 minutes?
The violent creep might beat you as hard as he does his kid. The suburban parents will grovel at your feet in order to keep their kid.
Decisions, decisions….
If you didn’t want to hassle violent people who are bad parents, you wouldn’t have taken the job.
Into that crime-riddled ghetto, my friend, and godspeed.
lol. You obviously have never been a starving college grad with a degree in Sociology or Social Work and needed a job.
In Minnesoda, the state closed down a lot of the social services and the social workers were given the opportunity to transfer into corrections and work as parole officers.
My dad had a mini-mutiny because the ex-social workers were almost all female and they were going to the district manager and complaining about how scared they were to do home visits for violent offenders and/or rapists. The manager was then re-assigning the cases to my dad.
When he figured out what was going on, his response was “I’m scared to visit them too, but it is part of the job, they better do their job too”. According to him there was a giant shitstorm that happened behind the scenes. Management desperately wanted to avoid admitting that maybe women weren’t 100% a good fit for dealing with violent offenders.
Dad was almost retired and the result was he did most of the truly violent offenders in return for the socialworker types taking over all the bad check writers and welfare fraud cases. He said those were worse in his opinion so he was happy to get rid of them.
You took the job, get into the crime-riddled Ghetto.
I used to drink with a woman who did CPS in Sacramento. Apparently, parole was always trying to get her to come over, but she didn’t want to make that jump. The reason they wanted her was that she was about 6″2″ and not fat and not model thin either. She looked like she could take a punch and go right back at you.
My husband’s very abusive stepfather was a CPS agent. When my husband pointed out the hypocrisy, the stepfather said, “It takes one to know one.”
Of course, my husband not much later had to pick up a 2×4 to get him to back off when he went on one of his rampages, and that was the end of the abuse (for my husband, at least).
So glad his mother was dead before I got married because I would have had a thing or two to say.
Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more north of the Rio Grande than south of it. I’d say it’s an American holiday.
Yup. It’s pretty much the excuse for a drinking holiday between St. Paddy’s and Memorial Day.
Since The Spicers are Houstonians, it’s definitely part of their culture now.
Better than that, it celebrates when a Texan (Ignacio Zaragoza, born in Goliad, TX) defeated some Frenchmen. So it’s definitely a Texas holiday almost as much as Mexican.
Hey Bill: Shit the fuck up. Will there be more misinformation? Probably. Is that worth the government getting involved? Fuck no. Those bastards engage in misinformation every time they open their mouths. And you want them to exercise their monopoly on violence to silence the words of people they don’t like? You’re an evil piece of shit. – You don’t understand. It is the wrong kind of misinformation.
You’re an evil piece of shit – I wounder if these people ever wonder “are we the baddies?”
I don’t get the feeling that any of the elites do much introspection.
5-5 is a fabricated holiday designed to sell shitty faux Mexican beer, it’s the American way!
Can’t knock the hustle.
Corona tastes like dirt, so they have to drink it with lime, but hey Multi culti!
Wait, I thought this was a Mexican holiday? When did hustle and Mexican start getting associated with each other?
Heh, Macarena!
It celebrates a French defeat. What is more American than that?
Celebrating a French Victory on July 4th?
Putting a finger in a dike. – wait is that word acceptable these days? / did not click the link
Also are we doing phrasing?
It appears we are not.
We are always doing phrasing.
I think its a rule.
Methinks the secrecy around the case has more to do with who the people she filmed were. This stinks of a coverup for a connected pol who was about to get blackmailed.
I got as far as “daughter of wealthy hedge fund founder”.
Kind of funny that the gang shooting article shows a picture of one of the arrested called “Smiley” and he has a stupid disposable mask covering his face.
whaddup doh’
Well this is pretty damn cool. No, for real. And its not a pun about the weather but rather a legit story. If I was doing a weather pun, it would be about the blistering heat that’s headed my way.
See US soldiers were no better than the Russians looting busts
Soldiers like busts? The hell you say.
I just had the briefest, most intense, flashback to the filthy strip bars outside Bragg in Fayette-nam.
I still feel like I need a shower.
this was not a reply goddamnit
it is now,
/learn to thread
Can anyone help an economically ignorant fella and explain what the real world ramifications of the interest rate hike will be? My mortgage has a fixed rate so I presume I don’t have to worry about that.
A half a point under a normal scenario is absolutely inconsequential.
The ramifications concern the financing of the federal debt and the cost of corporate bonds (of which there are bazillions). It will result in a general tightening of credit and a slowing of the economy. If we weren’t so debt laden, then there wouldn’t be a problem, but somebody has to make those payments and a significant tightening could trigger a credit crisis.
Heh, like we need to slow the economy. Just contacted 1.2% last quarter. I really think we’re about to go for a ride.
Renew Glass-Steagal and raise the tarriffs!
There’s some great displays of pure narcissism and cognitive dissonance in there.
“I chose my life, I made my choice.”
“We are not obligated to bear your children.”
“We need parents by choice.”
Love the little girl holding the “blah blah blah I’d fuck a senator” sign. So class, much edgy.
And I wonder how much effort they put into cropping out the inevitable hammer & sickles.
Where does the name “Roe” come from?
In common law tradition, there were a series of fake names used for anonymous or unknown participants, Doe and Roe being the first two. Don’t know how it ended up being used for that.
google says Return on equity (ROE)
That’s not even close to the name as used in law. John Doe and Richard Roe as placeholders in litigation go back to the 14th century well before such terms of art were created. The timing of the interoduction of their feminine counterparts is unclear.
In the olden days fishermen would row out to where the fish were spawning and collect the eggs. Hence they were collecting their row. Of course there were the usual protesters that wanted to protect the unborn fish and their signs were misspelled “roe” and it was adopted by the protesters.
Now you know the rest of the story
You sir, are genius. Reminded me that someone posted this previously:
That’s a lion I could tow.
This explanation seems fishy.
It just smelt a little.
I think he had to bend over bass-ackwards to get there…
Good day!
Mmm… Dad answer. The best kind of answer.
Hah, my dad did love to listen to Paul Harvey.
“MY Body my choice” is one of the more shitty hypocritical slogans. Apply that to drugs, prostitution, gambling, choosing not to pay for health insurance, choosing to get services from non government licensed providers, making moonshine whenever you want etc etc etc and then we talk
But those are the wrong choices.
Don’t forget forced vaccinations.
those can be seen as vaguely different *if* they actually stop transmission
Vaguely different in that forced vaccinations may save lives while abortion definitely takes one?
Wrong. It makes no difference.
Something, something, pregnancy is not contagious.
Meaning, people actually have a lot of autonomy in not getting pregnant apparently.
Seems to be contagious among high school girls
The thing that stops transmission to you is vaccination of you, nothing more. I can accept the case of making it cheap to encourage people to do it for overall public health concerns but everything beyond that is out of bounds.
From the abortion protest link, there was a sign that said “This person here had an abortion (we are your wives, mothers, girlfriends)”. Not sure you’re anyone’s mother, toots, you killed your baby.
By the way, there was mention of the potential of riots to disrupt the midterms, whether programmed by DNC brownshirts or otherwise. Andy Ngo reported that it has happened in Los Angeles:
I understand why the prospect of staged riots hurts a Republican president: it makes it seem like things are unstable under his/her/xer rule. I don’t understand why it would be strategic to have riots under a Democratic president.
Dude narrowly missed getting his face planted into the fire hydrant. It’s better to be lucky than good.
I wonder what he was destroying prior to the attempted arrest.
Just one more step towards the complete implosion of the cities.
Destroying the places where abortion will remain legal will convince people to vote dem this fall.
I have always found abortion ambiguous, but always found flaunting it icky. I can understand an unpleasant thing in certain circumstance but there should be some vague contrition on the issue even among those who have it… One should not be in the position to have one usually, with exceptions off course like rape health problems etc, so needing one often means you fucked up
We need to not just accept their abortions, we MUST celebrate it.
Yeah, they need to riot in rural Iowa or Texas to get the intimidation thing going. I think Biden has a lock on California.
Gin up some “risk of violence at the polls” as one more reason to “fortify” with mail-in, etc.
It’s because he isn’t really “The President”. They run rough-shod over anything they find objectionable. Someone else in in charge, it’s that simple. Do you really believe that the “leak” from the Supreme Court led to those protests wherein there were so many lit protesters and so many professionally printed signs? Political theater. Fuck them.
What’s up with all these gangbangers wearing dead cats on their heads? I had hockey hair back in the day so no judgement but really?
I’ll not succumb to your male gaze. You should go the box and feel shame.
I had a bangin’ mullet all through high school, and then again in the 90s after I got out of the Army.
Hang on. Why can’t she keep the bust? It’s Europe’s fault for being so easily looted.
Reading the article, it doesn’t sound like “Can’t” so much as “decided to foolishly send it into harms way back in Europe”
Sounds like it was abandoned property, so finders keepers, amirite?
Goddammit. I thought it was Cuatro de Mayo, and drank all the tequila yesterday.
I will be wearing my traditional Cinco de Mayo tie today, in the colors of the French flag.
Fill the bay with chorizo!
tequila is awful. I mean I never had really good tequila, but based on the average one the good one can’t be that good.
De gustibus, like anything else. The good ones can be very good, if you have a taste for tequila.
Can confirm, expensive tequila is delicious and smooth.
Good tequila is nearly a spiritual experience. Last year on my birthday, I had a shot of 1800 Milenio Extra Anejo that brought tears to my eyes.
I am normally a dark and/or hoppy ale kind of guy, but some of the epiphany moments like that with beer have been with pale lagers. One was from Bell’s, the other from a small German brewery that I haven’t ever been able to figure out exactly who it was.
The latter was a kellerbier, the former was part of their jazz series.
Can’t drink it. Fucks me up to the moon and back. I can swill 17-18 beers but that stuff is no bueno.
I told you we were twins!
Tequila es no bueno for Yusef
robc theory of Tequila: It picks up wherever you left off.
Obligatory XKCD
And from the image title:
Whote and Gold? I don’t recognize the post revolutionary governments.
No, current tricolor flag.
Over a white shirt, of course.
I can’t respect them, they’ve bled all of their bold blood away. Won’t even defend themselves against enemies domestic.
I think fighting all of Europe back in the days of the revolution really fucked them up on that count. Didn’t do anything impressive after Napoleon.
Kind of like Germany after WW2.
In the late 20th century, Germany finally managed to conquer all of Europe.
They fought like demons in WWI.
They fought well in WWII, as well. Their problem in that war was more strategic than lack of will to fight. They were simply unprepared for the blitzkrieg; de Gaulle actually figured out effective countermeasures, but it was too little, too late.
The whole French surrender thing should be regarded as nothing more than a joke, IMO.
Not sure about whote, but white and gold are the official colors of GT.
I think we are the only major school whose primary school color is white.
No… yesterday was Cinco de Cuatro.
Sweet Baby Jeebus, that season was awful. The casting of the fat kid from Freaks and Geeks and that lady comic from SNL as younger George and Lucille was off-putting, but paired with overt politicking for the Democrat Party, it was nigh unwatchable.
Still the best Eddie Money song.
Watched some Professor or Rock videos. He compares the Top 10 songs this week in a year in the 80’s to this week. What did happen to music?
Why in the ever loving fuck do the krauts have any claim to the bust? They looted it from Italy in the 19th century, then lost 2 world wars. If anything, all their treasures and antiquities should be auctioned off to pay reparations.
Even those hidden in Switzerland?!
*innocent stare*
Rather than continuing to Moscow, we should have marched on Geneva and hanged the war criminals there. Would have solved that problem as well.
Daily Quordle 101
Daily Quordle 101
Can’t complain, pretty decent for the Dictator For Life of Chumptown, after all.
Nice. 17 is probably a win for the day.
Daily Quordle 101
22. That’s what I get for using a third seed word.
Sometimes the first two words just aren’t enough.
Goddamit! The day I get an 18 someone gets a 17. ugh
Daily Quordle 101
Not a good day.
4 7
6 8
Any non-chump day is a good day for me.
So much this.
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Second worst of the week, but I can’t complain.
The mayor of mediocrity.
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Daily Quordle 101
Better than yesterday.
Daily Quordle 101
The line is where it belongs.
first loser
Daily Quordle 101
Lots of people stacking the line today. Hyp will be proud.
Thot Thursday’s cups runneth over.
Kentucky college pressures student group to cancel controversial ‘Ukraine on Fire’ documentary screening
Putin Man Bad
The immolation of the anti-war left continues apace.
Believe nothing about that situation.
^^^ This.
Everything we’re hearing from all sides is propaganda.
“If you can’t find the clit just say that”
Such a well thought out argument. I’ve completely changed my mind.
The irony being that this rally was in California, which recently did this:
Look, I can’t (OK, shouldn’t) link the Pre-Persons in every thread.
Ralph Northram is in CA now.
Ok, I admit I can’t. What’s that gotta do with killing babies?
Yeah, I’m confused, and I can find the clit (not hard to do-it’s RIGHT there).
30 April is the only Mexican holiday I recognize – Camerone Dat.
Or, sometimes Camerone Day.
I know about Camerone Day from reading Jerry Pournelle.
Citing California law, Schubert said if “individuals are involved in a gun battle and they kill innocent bystanders, all participants in that gun battle are responsible for the deaths of those innocent bystanders.”
The fuck?! So if a criminal pulls out a gun to rob a store and starts shooting, and an armed citizen returns fire and stops him, but the criminal hit a bystander in the exchange, the bystander’s death is on the law-abiding citizen?
Insanity. But of course it’s California.
So what about the police? What happened to the cops who shot a child in a store’s changing room?
Good shoot.
Store’s fault for not installing bullet-resistant changing rooms?
I doubt that is really the case. I wouldn’t trust the report the way it’s written, I assume it is anyone in the commission of a crime. These guys probably didn’t have licensed firearms, so that’s how they’ll get them.
California Law allows for felony homicide. So if someone dies while in the commission of a felony, whether involved or not, those committing the crime can be charged with homicide.
E.g. The passenger sitting in the car when when a cop shoots the guy inside the liquor store while robbing it can be convicted of murder, even if he didn’t know what was happening.
That’s not what the law says, and Schubert is an idiot.
‘She should have been picked up in a helicopter. And dropped in the Atlantic Ocean.’
*Puts on tinfoil hat*
Those pizza gate guys might have had the wrong waders, but it doesn’t seem they were incorrect in the grand scheme of things. Wtf is wrong with our ruling class.
Also, another one of these cases being sealed by the judge. Sorry you can’t possibly do more to fuel distrust and suspicion.
When you have no real challenges or hardships in life and view yourself as unaccountable to anyone, it tends to bring out sociopathic desires.
Good morning, Sloop!
Minnesooooooooooooda went WILD last night,
It was one hell of a game. But for an offside call that negated Ek’s third of the game it would have been 7-2. I still hate the playoff format. Putting these two against each other in the first round is shitty.
You know what else is shitty? Anyone who poisons their little girls’ minds and has them carry signs like those in the protest. What the fuck is wrong with these people and why do I have to share a country with them?
But you know what’s not shitty? Eddie Money. It was indeed a fun time to be alive – we probably didn’t appreciate it enough.
Have a great day, friends!
I’m still fond of this tune. I came a whisker away of losing my virginity to it before my future ex shut that down like AMC.
Yeah, I didn’t have “two decades of a slow slide into shit” on my 2000 bingo card.
At the bottom of the bust story was another link something like “Critical Houston ramp to be closed for 2 years”.
If a single ramp is critical, you done designed your road wrong. But I already knew that about Houston. And no, I didn’t click on the link for any details.
Don’t want no eeny weeny, teeny weeny
Shriveled little short dick man
‘I thought I would be stupid to turn down the opportunity.’
It’s almost like debauchery is bad for you, yes, you are stupid.
Sigh. Me and White Lightning have left a trail of broken and humiliated men in our wake.
Guys, I don’t get mad when I’m playing 2-2 with Michael Jordan and I can’t hold up my end.
I would just have a bigger dick. Simple.
Back in the military when the opportunity presented itself none of use were worried about dick size…
don’t ask don’t tell
More like “ITS HAPPENING!”
Btw, good on you for the mentoring. I’d say the other benefit of that is it also refreshes your own skills and memory. Possibly another reason the naysayers don’t want you to set an example. Those who can’t and all that.
“Doctor, I want my penis down to my knees”
*Doctor shortens legs
/deletes joke about the 9 inch guy playing a piano.
“When an organ grinder meets a pianist….”
Daily Ray of Sunshine
* This is the video I thought I linked to yesterday. Hence the cryptic “baby not a goat” comment I made to Festus.
“Who are you?”
That was awesome!
The other one sorta worked.
I was expecting a baby goat.
Now I’m disappointed.
Meh, I only have C cup moobs and I distract (ok disgust) other gym goers too.
I ‘m pretty sure that ain’t a ‘fitness’ model.
The most shocking and terrible thing about the British virgin islands story is that the financial services committee is chaired by Maxine Waters.
Whenever I see her speak I expect this –
It’s the only way her husband and grandson avoid prosecution for their stupendously corrupt bank.
How did such clever fellers like you and I become nearly homeless?
“…the best lack all conviction”?
I would venture to guess that no one has ever had an affirmative response to “want to play hide the salami?”
Deli owners have a sad.
She got the Crazy eyes, run away fast!
You know she would happily load the wrongthinkers onto trains and into the ovens if she could.
Lady looks like a dude.
Quentin Tarantino’s long lost sister.
That smile is scary too. It screams, “I can’t wait to hurt people, get away with it, and get big money too.”
Sadly, this exchange between a reporter and a govt liar is so rare it became news. It should be the norm. Instead, the journalos just normally scribble down whatever the govt liar says and reports it later as fact.
Price is as bad at this as Strawberry. This isn’t the first time he’s been publicly castrated.
It has to be hard to get smart people to do that job.
A smart person would realize that they are being sent out to spew lies and argle bargle. They would tell the weasels who were behind the lies and bullshit to go out there themselves.
So you end up with dimwits and sociopaths. I think Strawberry is more of a sociopath who doesn’t mind lying all the time because she loves being in the spotlight and having people care about what she says.
She is good at her job, I don’t know how she can keep a straight face at a press briefing.
Walking away, “Well, we did it again, fool some of the people and all of the left”
The sworn testimony of Brady listees is more believable than unsupported assertions by government PR stooges.
This. In a reasonably-free country that is functioning properly, the idea would be laughed off the stage.
Everybody has an agenda.
4 5
6 7
Seeing a pattern today in the scores
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#waffle104 3/5
? streak: 15
? #waffleelite
There’s a secret waffle today too. Bigger board!
#secretwaffle 2/5
#Worldle #104 3/6 (100%)
#Worldle #104 2/6 (100%)
Happy the one day of the year to avoid Mexican restaurants!
Critics have questioned why Musk, who has enough money to change ‘the fabric of American society’ has instead decided to spend it on a social media platform.
‘It would just be nice if Musk decided to get on board with humanitarian efforts and spend more money on something meaningful, let’s say this country’s blights of homelessness and poverty. Instead, he bought Twitter,’ wrote Suzette Hackney in an OpEd for USA Today.
Maybe if your ideas were as beneficial and popular as you pretend, they’d fund themselves.
It’s not like the 1st amendment is THAT important. I mean, come on! What a cunte. (That’s for you, Mojo. We will never let that one go).
Oh thank you, Festus! *big hug*
And here I thought the screeching about Musk buying Twitter was because it would “change the fabric of American society”.
Besides, nothin is stopping the share holders he is buying out from spending those exact same billions on “humanitarian efforts”.
Someone should start a hashtag campaign #WhatMuskShouldHaveDone on twitter. The campaign would be liberals taking the money they got from their twitter stock and taking a picture of them donating it to some charity.
Of course, it would be hard to get a viral campaign going with only about 2 people actually doing that.
Because we haven’t already thrown trillions of dollars at those things.
Shorter version: Give that money to leftist NGOs who will spend it on the right things, like salaries for grievance studies majors.
To be fair, that will help prevent homelessness.
Well, delay it, anyway.
Musk, who has enough money to change ‘the fabric of American society’ – compared to the Government budget, this seems unlikely
These people can’t do math, don’t expect them to figure out what’s the bigger number.
In other words, Musk should spend his money the way this Hackney person wants, not how he wants it. Also, she doesn’t seem to understand that he doesn’t have a bin full of Scrooge McDuck money, but a large amount of stock. I’m sure he’s terribly worried about her disapproval.
Critics have questioned why Musk, who has enough money to change ‘the fabric of American society’ has instead decided to spend it on a social media platform.
You know, I f**king detest people like this. Musk is buying Twitter to make a principled stand for free speech. He’s not getting any tax write-offs for doing so, unlike all the billionaire “philanthropists”. And it’s his goddamned money to put to that cause. How arrogant do you have to be to sit there and say that you are some kind of anointed that gets to decide what causes he’s putting that money to?
I wish to subscribe to your newsletter, sir.
Ask them to do George Soros and Tom Steyer, et al. Leftist political orgs don’t cloth, feed or house anyone (except their staffs)
Um, as I recall when Steyer ran for office, he fucked over his campaign staff.
Every year lately, the federal government is spending a thousand times what Musk is paying to buy Twitter and they can’t solve hunger and poverty, but Musk could totally do that if he wanted to, yup yup.
But those programs are underfunded, good sir!
Shit, only a hundred times, not a thousand. Math fail.
I seem to recall Musk offering to do exactly this with the UN world hunger initiative, a few years back. The offer was rejected because the UN didn’t want to provide any accounting on expenditures or stop raping little kids.
They called his bluff and sent an actual plan which had no hope of actually being followed.
ACKCHUALLY, No. They didn’t. They came up with a plan that would have “lessened” the hunger of some number of folks FOR ONE YEAR.
All of the poeple caliming Musk welched are fucking liars and/or never even read what the UN came back with and what Musk’s original call was for, nor the context in which it was said.
Thanks. I just saw the response and figured it was BS and never looked at the details.
If the UN had actually come up with a viable plan to end world hunger for $44 million, even if Musk had welched, there would have been people lined up around the world ready to donate large and small amounts to see it happen. Hell, I would have thrown in for that goal, if they had a real chance of making it happen. And the closer they got to 100% certainty, the more people would have donated.
sorry, $44 billion
I played today
Daily Quordle 101
Gimme Some Water
Cuz I shot a man at the Mexican border
was the man a POC? was this a hate crime?
Funny how much less racist and race conscious the country was 40 years ago.
Even 25 years ago…the 90s were the peak of racial who gives a fuck
I love that tune.
I thought I was the only person that read the comments from bottom to top.
*cough* #17 *cough*
Damnit! Sloppy seconds to Tres AGAIN!
At least we have good taste.
I guess the room temperature idiot has been living under a rock for the past two years.
That’s right, keep calling it “health care”.
I actually think calling it health care is more damaging to the cause. Because to me, it invites a direct apples to apples comparison to their stance on vax mandates.
Someone should enact some labor and make a chart of all these people (both sides too) and compare their stance on self-autonomy when it comes to vaxes and abortions. I think very, very few would be consistent.
Most people would be all in on vaxes, but hands off my uterus, or how dare you try to tell me what to do with vaxes and no way doctors should be doing abortions.*
*I know this isn’t a true apples to apples comparison. I’m just saying that most people probably aren’t consistent, but I don’t want to get into the nuances of abortion.
Merkley *is* an egregious assault on liberty and freedom.
You know what else is shitty? Anyone who poisons their little girls’ minds and has them carry signs like those in the protest. What the fuck is wrong with these people and why do I have to share a country with them?
While contemplating this comment, this popped into my head: in all the yammering about “gender transitioning” I have yet to hear anything about any sort of psychological-traits based explanations.
Do boys want to “transition” because they will be forcibly prevented from expressing empathy or compassion in their male bodies? Can a desire to nurture and care for others only be fulfilled from behind an edifice of womanhood?
Do girls want to transition because they think they will somehow be forcibly denied the opportunity to be narcissistic sociopaths while wearing a dress?
‘Do boys want to “transition” because they will be forcibly prevented from expressing empathy or compassion in their male bodies? Can a desire to nurture and care for others only be fulfilled from behind an edifice of womanhood?’
I think a lot of the males transitioning are suffering from autoerotic fantasies. Others are being brainwashed that being male is bad.
‘Do girls want to transition because they think they will somehow be forcibly denied the opportunity to be narcissistic sociopaths while wearing a dress?’
If anything, the opposite… It’s much easier to be a sociopathic woman.
Bikini Beach | Resort 2022 | Full Show
I knew something had been missing from my life lately. This was it!
I saw your post about your awkward situation. Sounds like your new potential employer or their agent fucked up.
We had a bad situation once when a recruiter our HR department hired posted a job too early–before the incumbent was fired. He happened to notice that his job had been posted and called his boss to ask what was up…They ended up firing that recruiting firm forever.
I have a sneaking suspicion I fucked up.
The request to do a background form I filled out had a checkbox that said “can we contact your current employer” on it. The form was also way more complex than anything I’ve filled out before.
Anyhow, I think (and even that I’m not 100% sure about) “no”, but when I was trying to submit there were a couple other fields I forgot to fill out. I’m wondering if when I had to go back and fix things that field got reset, or I unchecked it or something.
I would not bet big money in Vegas that the background company’s 100% fault.
And to amplify, it was a bit embarrassing my manager heard about it from them first, not me. I’m leaving the current job, mind made up. This wasn’t something that happened before I was ready to make a move.
That should be a default no box.
Funny how much less racist and race conscious the country was 40 years ago.
If you watch a lot of old cowboy movies, as I do, you find a surprising number of hem deal with the theme a struggle against ignorant collectivist prejudice. Understanding comes through shared struggle and individual co-operation.
But that requires common goals, not race-griefer wedge issues.
Why can’t progs use Blazing Saddles as an instruction book instead of 1984?
“Go do that voodoo that you do so well.”
Oh I think they unleash the mobs of miscreants quite well.
The sheriff is near!
Yeah, but old cowboy movies were all about dealing with Italians dressed up like Indians.
As opposed to progs pretending to be Indians?
I’m out, chicken wings and cauliflower soup for the third night in a row. Festus will abide. Bon chance, dear friends!
Have a wonderful day Festus.
Chicken wings?
Living high on the hog there sir.
A glut of chicken wings are the wages of going on a chicken choking rampage.
We got an influx of wings apparently…they are in the large packs at 2.49/lb. I bought several and vacuum sealed them in 1lb increments. They are typically 4-6/lb here
HOLY MACKEREL! What a great price; Stop & Shop has wings at $5.99 per lb.
Beautiful day today. Impromptu vacation day since I hit my accrual max. Dog park was deserted this morning, now onto cleaning house while I let the snowblower burn off gasoline.
I wish I could take today off. Too much bureaucracy to be battled to meet deadlines.
That sounds wonderful
It’s what I want
Stop wasting my time.
You’re The One I Want – Greta Van Fleet
Abortion is everyone’s favorite wedge issue. Some people are addicted to anger I guess.
If you weren’t alive in the US in the 1970’s you have no idea how big an issue ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) was in the early years of the decade. I was only 9 at the time but I was an avid reader then and one could not go past a magazine stand or a supermarket checkout counter and not see the women’s magazines making this a cover-story issue nearly every week/month. (My mom bought these magazines so they were always around the house – I rarely ever saw her reading them, she seemed to mostly be cutting out recipes from them.) Despite the in-your-face marketing of the issue, the supporters never had the votes to get enough states to enact an amendment to the Constitution
And it didn’t take a genius to realize how ERA suddenly stopped being a cover story once Roe v. Wade was decided. But it sure confused my adolescent mind at the time when it seemed like so many ERA supporters were only interested in abortion rights; seems like they are two completely different things and yet the ERA movement started withering away the moment Roe v. Wade was decided. A months or two of “celebration” and then suddenly “equal right for women” didn’t seem to matter to many supporters any more. (I also have 3 older sisters so ERA was a subject that came up around the house often enough during my adolescence.)
Decades later I now observe that the side of the political aisle that used to champion “equal rights for women” will no longer define what a “woman” is. All they ever cared about was having their sins absolved by codifying their actions into a legal right. I’m all for the pursuit of happiness, but it seems that so many of these narcissists are perpetually unhappy. The law will never absolve them of their sins and lack of personal compassion. Ultimately these people are more interested in the fool’s errand of trying to change the world because they are unwilling to shed the narcissism which is the source of their perpetual unhappiness and anger.
I wonder how many women back then had their views colored by direct knowledge of other women that could not get a legal abortion.
Especially among the women of that time that were just starting to go to college and start careers (instead of just becoming a house wife). For a woman of that time an unwanted pregnancy would completely derail any plans she had for a career outside the house.
I think that those experiences colored their politics. What they are failing to consider now is that they won. The young women of today face none of the discrimination that their grandmothers faced (I think feminism did so well that many of their mothers didn’t even face much discrimination).
Even if somehow every state outlawed abortion completely, I don’t think that any 20 year old woman would find that her plans for a career would be impacted in the slightest by an unwanted pregnancy.
It’s interesting that there were plenty of women – including mothers – that were in the full-time workforce during WWII. Then there was a concerted government effort to discourage women from the full-time workforce – mostly because there were a lot of returning soldiers that needed jobs. And public schooling was dumbed-down to retard the acquisition of job skills to reduce the number of teenagers competing for jobs with the returning soldiers. Teenage ennui never seemed to be much of a thing before WWII.
Teenage ennui never seemed to be much of a thing before WWII.
Adolescence is a modern concept.
Part of prosperity’s dark underbelly. Can’t have a silver cloud without a shadow.
“Addicted to Anger” should be the DNC slogan.
I just had an inspiration. Elon Musk should send a check for ten dollars to the “Gifts to the Government” account at Treasury, with the notation, “Spend it wisely”.
Even better, he should hand deliver it to President Brandon.
And that’s sports.
Damn, no love at all for Seattle Sounders? Harsh dude. MLS finally has a breakthrough and you just ignore it.
If you would like to be included in May’s What Are We Reading, please post in the thread in the forum or message me through the forum. Deadline is May 21st.
I am actually reading… A book. I shall respond!
I’m reading palms. The plot has become quite the sticky wicket.
How to grease them? What to do when they become too hairy? Love lines and your gender? Inquiring minds!
Great minds!
Oh yeah, oh yeah, Kitten!
So close
I could go for a Dos Equis Ambar today.
I don’t know why, but I am surprised (based on the google news headlines) at the near-total elimination of news coverage of anything but abortion.
I am leaning towards this being a distraction while the ministry of disinformation is set up. If so it would be hard to find a more effective distraction.
Just remember who the bad guy is here.
As Coffins Come Home, Russians Confront Toll of Ukraine Invasion
Democrats must envy Putin.
Well for sure certainly how well Russia controls the narrative. Although the DHS is working hard for that level of control.
Are we really to believe they have a parks and rec. department?
Those Nazi hordes were pouring over the border into Russia, before comrade Putin saved the motherland with his cleansing war.
So he is as credulous as the average American voter.
I thought a lot the Nazim was propaganda. Then I started seeing video of Ukranian villages in the Donbas being shelled by Ukraine. Something that has been happening regularly for 8 years. I read yesterday that nearly half of Ukraine’s armed forces is paramilitary funded by the US and the EU. And they mainly operated in the Donbas spreading terror. Not unsimilar to the paramilitary arms of Cartels in South America. Except they are being funded by American dollars instead of drug money.
From what I’ve seen and read, Nazi insignia is rife among the paramilitary units operating in the Donbas. I wouldn’t say Nazism is wholly inaccurate, but it’s also a distraction. When this started, I was under the impression that here is this innocent country Ukraine and evil Putin just up and decided to invade. As I’ve dug in, it looks like NATO countries have been essentially funding paramilitary groups to butcher civilians in the regions of Ukraine bordering Russia. And yes, many of the groups sport Nazi insignia. Now the picture looks much more complex. Certainly the MSM is trying to use the same Orange Man Bad tactic on Putin, but this isn’t Putin’s war, it’s Russia’s war, and is supported by much of the populace.
That can all be true, but it is still an internal Ukrainian matter that does not justify an invasion by a foreign country, IMO. I would also keep my grain of salt handy.
It strikes me as not much of a leap from saying the Ukrainian paramilitary actions in Donbas justify a Russian invasion, to saying the Mexican cartel activities in Mexico justify an American invasion.
I still think all the hullabaloo about Russian-speaking minorities, Ukrainian abuses, etc. is a pure pretext for Putin/Russia to do what they wanted to do anyway (which they have even said they want to do ): “integrate” Ukraine into Greater Russia.
What it says to me is ‘Multiple bad actors operating in the same space’. And we need to start summary executions of our intelligence commuity agents. They are clearly rogue actors and traitors to the people.
I am not saying this justified Russia’s invasion. I also am not sure anymore that Russia’s invasion wasn’t justified. All I do know now is that the story being reported to us by the MSM and American government is not accurate representation of the actual situation. I do not know enough to assess if Russia stepping in was justified or not.
Because Nazism is overplayed here in America, there is a bias to quickly dismiss it as ridiculous. But just because it is absurd here in America, that does not mean it doesn’t exist elsewhere. There is also a strange fixation on Putin as the source of all that is bad in this conflict, which is strangle the same to how Trump is portrayed by the MSM.
Anecdotally, Headstamp Publishing (Ian from Forgotten Weapons) was about to publish a book written by a fellow from the Azov Battalion, about his years of fighting a modern war between near peer powers. There was a hue and cry about Azov being full of Nazis; so much so that the payment processing company used by Heradstamp threatened to drop them if they published the book.
All I do know now is that the story being reported to us by the MSM and American government is not accurate representation of the actual situation.
I would include the reports of Ukrainian abuses in Donbas in that bucket.
I do not know enough to assess if Russia stepping in was justified or not.
I do. Not Russia’s monkeys, not Russia’s circus. If you want a steep and slippery slope, invading other countries over their internal matters is a good one. Pretextual casus bellis will be thick on the ground.
I do. Not Russia’s monkeys, not Russia’s circus. If you want a steep and slippery slope, invading other countries over their internal matters is a good one. Pretextual casus bellis will be thick on the ground.
Many here would disagree with you and cite the invasion by the Union over the internal matter of slavery in the Confederacy.
But my main reason for considering it justified would be if Ukraine was really about to join NATO. Joining a military alliance of countries who’s sole purpose is against mine would be sufficient reason to strike before that country joins. The United States would not hesitate for a second in invading Canada or Mexico to prevent either country from joining a military alliance with China against us that would place Chinese nukes and other weapons right at our border.
Many here would disagree with you and cite the invasion by the Union over the internal matter of slavery in the Confederacy.
When I say many here, I do not know that I would agree with them so worded it that way intentionally. It’s a recurring argument here with opinions voiced on both sides whenever the Civil War is brought up.
But my main reason for considering it justified would be if Ukraine was really about to join NATO.
To me, that is at least a hard case. Although whether NATO is really a threat to Russia proper, as opposed to Russian expansion, is not clear to me. But, given that NATO dances to the US tune, I can see Russia being very concerned about the US, which now has a long record of aggression, launching a war against Russia.
Brother Keith tries to scam an elderly man with dementia out of trillions of dollars
I wonder why Brother Keith isn’t sending letters to our DFL members of Congress encouraging them to use their majorities in both chambers to pass actual legislation that would forgive all student debt?
How the hell can a president sign a piece of paper and *poof* trillions of owed dollars are no longer owed? The executive has way too much fucking power.
I would suspect it would be challenged and that is the trap. Evil repubs want your “child” in debt
‘Latine’ is the new ‘gender-neutral’ term out to replace ‘Latinx’
Yeah, lets choose something that sounds like Latrine! Fucking retards.
Love how these r-tards gloss right over the very people they are trying to label with this and their absolute hatred for it.
They just don’t know any better.
If the Latins don’t like Latinx just change the word (to something even stupider). I’m sure they’ll be falling all over themselves to use it.
Crap. Wrong link
Or it could be that 98% of Hispanics aren’t on-board with your college-educated white girl NPR nonsense.
So how do you pronounce it?
La-tine? With a long “i”?
Regardless, its about the most blatant, what’s the term? Oh, yeah. “Cultural imperialism” I can imagine.
Let me know when it’s renamed to Mexice.
“Mexique” has a jaunty feel to it.
You know, “hispanic” is already gender-neutral.
But using old words doesn’t give you the opportunity to show how woke you are.
Nor was it all that big with anyone ‘covered’ by it. Mexicans don’t think of themselves as hispanics, etc.
Plus it became verboten decades ago.
Unless you’re using it to describe someone the left doesn’t like, like George Zimmerman.
Remember this? The facts are starting to come out, which is why everybody in the media dropped it like a hot potato.
Did anyone hear about a sniper in DC? That story didn’t even survive a day after it was revealed that the shooter was a POS POC.
Pepperidge Farms remembers Russian bounties.
There are zero principles anymore. It’s whatever we want is justified, whatever we don’t isn’t. Imagine if Russia started drone striking Ukrainian training camps in Poland or Germany. Or whacking Austin in Ukraine like Soleimani’s assasination.
And there’s this nugget:
The US public is blissfully unaware of the continuingly provocative actions of the NATO governments, or they view it as non-costly and don’t think it will come back to haunt us.
Or they intend to provoke a direct conflict with Russia.
Reading fail. I’m going to find another cup of covfefe.
Honestly, military targets in Russia are a perfectly legitimate target for Ukraine. Does it really matter if Ukraine kills Russian soldiers in Ukraine or in Russia?
As for Ukraine attacking civilian targets in Russia, they are no different than Russia attacking civilian targets in Ukraine.
Give me verifiable names or it didn’t happen. It’s (mostly) propaganda.
Bidden is making a nuanced argument about how the financial outlook has improved: Strong job gains over the past 16 months have increased total incomes and led to additional tax revenues. That means that this fiscal year’s budget deficit will decline $1.5 trillion, much better than the $1.3 trillion that was initially forecast. Less government borrowing will, in turn, limit the financial sources of inflation.
But the expected $26 billion drop this quarter in the national debt — which is money the U.S. owes due to accumulated deficits over time — will be short-lived, as the debt already totals $23.9 trillion and will continue to rise in the second half of this year. And while Biden expects his plans will improve the outlook for budget deficits over the next decade, the national debt would continue to climb. The Biden administration believes that the cost of servicing the debt is low enough to sustain the borrowing, while critics say structural changes are needed to improve the long-term outlook.
With interest rates this low we can’t afford NOT to borrow and spend like there’s no tomorrow!
Um, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he have a couple of massive spending bills that he wanted more than anything, but were blocked by “insurrectionists”?
Yesterday on FB some of my Paralympic friends posted pix of themselves with President Puddin’ Cup.
I decided to to respectful to them an held back on the 200+ jokes and sarcastic comments I had queued up. One cool thing though, some of them have met three presidents.
That’s the right move. However, I understand your initial inclination as I would have had similar thoughts.
Did he ask them to stand up or jump? That out of the way, cool for them!
Push-up contest
Does anyone remember this one?
That damn stutter. Best I got to meet was the Mayor of Huntington Beach during my hockey stint. As a young punk I didn’t give a damn
Good article on the use of first gays and now transgenders as a socio-political cudgel.
Did he ask them to stand up or jump?
Never challenge a guy in a wheelchair to a pushup contest.
@Mojeaux: Yep, Ev’s around. Likely for another 30 min tonight. I’m staying at a Love Motel…by myself…and it’s awesome. Lady is having a girl’s night in so I was required (and wanted) to bounce.
My sprained shoulder is HIGHLY annoying. I’d say this and my fun adventure with Shingles are the two most immediate, painful, and annoying illnesses/injuries I’ve had to endure. They were/will be at least pretty short-term. Tomorrow I get to go back and get Lady’s apartment to myself for the weekend. She’s going to Daeju with friends. I…will smoke the fantastic.
I still have immigration shit to do, and really, I should do it tomorrow. But I don’t see that happening. Soon is sleep time and I’m just gonna again conk out.
What’s up?
Shingles?! at your age??
Psh. I got shingles MLK Day 2006. I was still 18. I’m 35 now. Hilariously, it was a 3-day weekend my freshmen year at IU. Tripped for ~52 hours, and then shingles came about afterwards.
Do not get shingles. Anything they tell you that might help you not get it….GET IT. It FUCKING. SUCKS. Well, hey. Just like you don’t get chicken pox again, I should be clear of shingles. Now I just gotta get herpes…and I’ll have immunity to that whole family! I probably already have an overlapping immunity, but what do I know.
But that is what this most reminds me of. My left arm is fucked. And YAY! It’s my left shoulder. I’m left-handed (though right-armed). I kinda need that hand to carry shit and do things.
Meh. This too, shall pass.
Never had shingles, though Ive heard horror-stories. But as the owner of 2 fucked-up shoulders, I can cosign to the non-stop annoyance. If you can procure lidocaine patches, that would be my solid recommendation. I wrap myself in those things at times.
Or even the roll-on lidocaine stuff from Aspercreme. Doesn’t last as long though.
If I can find that here, I will. Lidocaine is good stuff. I’d rather prefer the co-co version…but I’ll see what I can do…
Shit that I’ve read is that ya don’t really need to go to the doctor unless it still hurts after a week. I’m young, so I just need rest. But if it still hurts like this next Tues, yeah, I’m gonna get it checked out. I don’t have insurance though…well, long story.
Here’s an oddity: The pain is in my left shoulder/rotater cuff and frequently throbs. Sometimes the pain goes down and I can feel it in my forearm. Usually not for long, but I can occasionally feel it drifting down. That is worrisome. I am thoroughly paying attention to it. Sleeping sucks, cuz it always hurts SOMEWHERE on my back. The pain goes all around. And sometimes it’s SHARP pain. Very annoying, but when it barks, it fucking hurts. Pain that goes away quickly, but completely commands your brain’s attention.
Okay. I’m getting worried about your extended visit.
Me too, but I found that they have already extended my visa. They just didn’t tell me. I DO have to go back and extend it further, though. I did all the docs for that and miiiight be able to pull that off in 10-12 hours. If not, I’ve got plenty of time next week. Today is a national holiday. “Children’s Day.” “Every day is children’s day”~ Father Evansville.
Well, I’ll have to see. Always reminded of Cohen Bros’ fantastic “Bridge of Spies.” —>”Are you never worried?” … “Would it help?”
Came across this other good read, which has some relation to Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, and the question of whether or not Twitter can be transformed into something less toxic. Also how universities might recover relevance.
Citation needed
He’s referring to the Bloomian concept of the university.
“A 13-year-old girl who went to a police station to report that she had been gang raped was then raped again by the police officer she reported it to, authorities say.
The police officer, Station House Officer Tilakdhari Saroj, was later arrested after being caught on the run in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where the crime is alleged to have taken place.
The father of the girl alleged to police that four men had lured his daughter away to the neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh on April 22 where they raped her over the space of four days.
The men then brought the girl back to her village in the Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh (UP) before fleeing.
According to the report filed by police, the girl went to the police station the following day to make a statement accompanied by her aunt. Saroj then took the girl into a room and raped her in front of the aunt, the report says.”
That’s beyond belief. Absolutely nuts.
Cop figured she was already damaged goods, a little more damage wouldn’t hurt.
“Biden’s new disinformation czar said fears about CRT in Loudoun County schools are ‘disinformation for profit’ – despite entire school board now facing being voted out over woke ‘equity’ seminars for teachers”
And when she inevitably falls out of govt it will be right into a media or thinktank sinecure, as opposed to having to do honest work like garbage collection.
She’s a piece of work. I doubt she has ever come out of her intellectual bubble to debate anyone. She seems to have risen in the ranks primarily because of her ability to mock dissenters.
The Mary Poppins video should have been enough to exclude her from any job of any importance forever, much less this one.
This could be fun. Think of all the new rumors that could be thought up which she would then have to address.
For instance::
Start a rumor that the pres is going to transition to a woman for the last two years of his term in solidarity with the LGBT community. He would have to deny it, or even better, start wearing a dress.
See, disinformation has an impact. We need protections including pre-clearance of who can run for office.
They’ve got that teed up and ready to go. The MJ Greene lawsuit is just a sampling.
So just like them targeting parents, there will be a few weeks of people getting angry, and then this will just quietly keep existing.
Keep digging that hole, The Biden Administration.
How about a special Cinco de Mayo lazy LOL?
That’s an appropriate use of Twitter. Bravo!
Timely tune
“Someone is *paying* for people to protest at Supreme Court Justices’ homes?
Also, three of the justices live in Virginia where protesting outside private homes is illegal.”
“There are still a number of unanswered questions about the “Ruth Sent Us” group organizing protests at the homes of the “six extremist justices” in response to the leaked draft opinion in Dobbs. /1
The website notes that “stipends [are] available” for protestors. Who exactly is paying for these stipends?
More pointedly, who is funding the threat against Supreme Court justices? /2 ….”
I’m sure some of it VAWA money.
If they’re talking about Ginsberg, she wasn’t too convinced about Roe V Wade having legal merit.
I’d be interested in seeing quote(s), with context, of RGB’s opinion(s) on the merit.
Best I can do right now.
“It was always recognition that one thing that conspicuously distinguishes women from men is that only women become pregnant”
Ginsburg wasnt woke enough, she may be cancelled for that.
From what I read, her beef was with Roe overturning every state law, instead of just the Texas law at issue. By contrast, the civil rights cases overturned just the state law being challenged, allowing the political process to go forward to address the issue.
Actually, I thought, one of the smarter things I can recall her saying.
Yes, absolutely. She felt that the decision stopped social progress and fomented more division. So Ruth would not have sent goons to defend what she felt was a bad legal decision to begin with. Did she feel strongly about a woman’s right to an abortion? Yes. Did she think Roe was a good decision? No.
Roe was bad law piled on top of worse law (Griswold). I still in general support a woman’s right to choose. It is very hard to people to understand that, mostly because they insist on being dumb and/or emotionally-driven.
Of course someone is paying for it.
They’ve been preparing for this moment for decades.
Damn – those are some spicy links, Sloop!
1. CPS sucks and child abuse is bad. Those thoughts can co-exist.
2. Two tiers of justice and they don’t even try to hide it anymore. This govt official was laughing about his corruption and profiting – he makes bond, compare that with Jan. 6 “insurrectionists” who took a walk in their Capitol building by invitation. Or compare it to Mike Flynn’s treatment.
3. I truly lament that black culture has been hijacked by lily white Progs who have a caricature of what blacks are capable of and instead continue to pat themselves on the back for celebrating the worst of it and denigrating folks like Thomas Sowell and so many others. What’s happened to black culture is in many ways reflective of what we see with the fundamentalist element of Islam. All that matters is the worst of it, not the best. (I’ll leave everyone to cipher what I’m trying to say here).
4. What a fucking POS Bill Gates turned out to be – an Epstein pal who finds meaning from the commies celebrating his authoritarianism. I hope that turd dies slowly and painfully (I’m still working on becoming enlightened – this is my struggle).
5. Ah, yes, see #2 about the different tiers of justice. Someone should sue to have that file opened – there’s great case law that prohibits this in all but the most unusual of circumstances (classified info). 1A adjacent groups, law firms, etc. used to sue over these kinds of violations routinely. Now? Crickets. That should tell us all a lot.
6. Like folks said above, I think we’re in serious trouble. The federal deficit (i.e. our collective debt) can’t be paid with actual interest rates. And it doesn’t seem that we’re about to experience an explosion of innovation that could help put value into the economy to save us.
7. Here’s a Twatter link that I think should help inform everyone’s opinions on just how much lying is going on over Roe v Wade. And they’ve already started targeting the conservative Justices’ homes. Still think this was all an accident?
8. That’s an amazing find, but from my perspective, only helps my dad and my wife justify dragging me to yard sales and shopping for kitschy shit. After all, it’s about me.
9. I was a big Eddie (Mahoney) Money fan as a teen. Former cop – so should we hate him for that? Or just enjoy his music? I’ll go with the latter.
Have a good one, gang.
Still think this was all an accident?
It wasn’t a leak. It was the launch of an op.
Did you guys win your playoff game the other night?
YES!! I had a goal and an assist or two. +3 for the night, I think.
6-3 (last one was EN)
Finishing out regular season on my other two teams – we had a lot of cancellations during the season – so I’ve got a couple of games left.
“…denigrating folks like Thomas Sowell…”
ho ho
(It’s unnecessary to say it to y’all here, but when dealing with normies, any time Sowell’s name comes up, I invariably and uncontrollably pause the conversation to insist they go read everything he’s written.)
Never for one moment.
And they’ve already started targeting the conservative Justices’ homes.
Of course they are. Because killing babies and harassing wrongthinkers is what they do.
“ Hundreds of people rallied in San Francisco and Oakland on Tuesday to support abortion rights and express outrage over the United States Supreme Court draft opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade.”
Hundreds rallied. In two of the most lefty cities in the United States about 150 people in each place came out to protest the (likely) ending of Roe. The most sacred of the lefts’s sacraments will now no longer have Federal blessing and that’s how many came out to bitch about it. By going full in on lockdowns, mask mandates, vax requirements the left just eviscerated their strongest argument in favor of abortion. If you were paying halfway attention you knew that “my body, my choice” really only applied in that one, narrow instance. Now everyone knows it and it’s much harder to dial up the outrage.
Don’t worry, the real protests are still being planned for the summer.
You misspelled “Riots”
Luckily building materials are scarce this time around Thanks Biden!
It looks like prices are coming down a little bit now, but I was paying 8-9 bucks at Lowes for 2x4s just a couple months ago. Unreal.
I’ll be very surprised if there are serious riots this summer. That doesn’t exactly play into the Dems preventing a November Red landslide.
Scare the folks to stay home
Daily Quordle 101
Three, count’em, three wrong guesses when facing an either/or item. But, I didn’t chump.
Daily Quordle 101
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⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?????
#waffle104 5/5
? streak: 4
#Worldle #104 2/6 (100%)
? May 5, 2022 ?
? 6 | Avg. Guesses: 10.17
???????? = 16
I did pretty well today. (For me anyway).
Daily Quordle 101
I’d make fun of your globle score but….
? May 5, 2022 ?
? 21 | Avg. Guesses: 6.81
???? = 12
Daily Quordle 101
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜?⬜⬜⬜
????? ?⬜⬜⬜?
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Night, y’all.