A metaphor for the hockey game
Nick Satan out here talking sense. Although I do believe he needs a mirror to reflect on his program. Calgary and Edmonton decided not to play defense last night. 9-6? Jeez, that’s probably entertaining but I believe it’s unwatchable. Carolina topped the Rangers in the other second round series opener. Everybody wants some. I guess this was the most likely outcome for awarding the World Cup to a backwards shithole (albeit a very wealthy one). And Scottish runners-up Rangers lost to Frankfurt in the Europa League final. 10 more days until the big one. And that’s sports.

I guess its “Dr. Taylor Swift” now, right?
This is totally on-brand for NYU. And on Swift as well. She gets a bunch of strangers cheering for her. And the people she’s talking to get advice from an out-of-touch elitist after spending a bunch of money. It’s a perfect arrangement.
I assume this is not surprising to any of you. And this is just the small stuff. But, you know, “no mean tweets”, amirite?
This is definitely not what we need right now. Unless it stays in Massholia. Then it would be a godsend.
Check out this beauty. Yeah, this is a fluff link. Sue me. Anyway, I think it’s beautiful. Some of the other Glibs disagree. What say you?
Blame everybody except the asshole who did it. I guess they can’t really have an impact on everybody’ s freedom if they just convict and lock him up. Nope, they need to look at society in general.
We’re a third-world country now. I suppose it never dawned on this stupid fuck that he could rein in the FDA. Nope. We have to go full retard instead and “airlift” the stuff in from abroad.
What kind of shit is this? Oh, the human kind. Naaaaaaasty.
Fat man accomplishes nothing. Is applauded anyway. Hopefully this bullshit won’t stay legal for very long.
It’s California, so I’m sure the solution will be retarded. I bet it ends with gorillas freezing to death in the winter.
Wait, people still use taxis? And the cities still run it like a cartel? Jeez, I had no idea. I haven’t seen a cab in Houston in years.
I know I’ve never played this. Hell, I don’t think I’ve ever even played the artist. Also, if I didn’t love this one, I’d still play it just for the video. Which is amazing. So go enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Thursday, dear friends.
Biden’s Wet Dream will be screwed up. If the distribution of the baby food is anything like the vaccine business more problems will be created. If he wasn’t on the outs with Jeff Bezos a simple phone call could have fixed things faster. The military is best involved when things are available to be destroyed and mond money to be spent.
Sloop, you’re the best, early and all.
We need to start airlifting woodchippers in. To DC.
These days you might need to ship it to the corruptocrat’s homes cause they don’t even go to D.C. to rob us blind.
Yep – let the market operate normally – by removing unnecessary/unconstitutional regulations – and get out of the way.
Hey! Doesn’t Fourscore get some fancy 1st gif? It is on his bucket list.
The one of Fabio looks just like Fourscore. When he is wearing one of the wigs I gave him.
(Only six left now)
Oh you guys
Just for that y’all are invited to the HH, Sep 18th, no exceptions.
Cabin is now open and available. Gas ain’t gonna get any cheaper.
What do you mean screw up? They will intentionally focus on illegal aliens and black and brown communities and say “fuck you whitey” to those forced to the end of the line where nothing is left
I have to disagree. It looks like a carved crystal model of a car. It’s just… off.
One range seems to be a subset of the other.
The first one is for reverse gear?
I’m not a big fan of the Bentley style in the first place, but I really dont understand the pair of rim-lit buttholes on the front.
See, I prefer the oversized round headlamps on the Bentley over the sharp rectangles on the front of the Rolls Royces. I don’t know why, I just do.
Although I still contend that the Rolls Royce Dawn is the most beautiful car made in the last 50 years.
That’s insane. I’ve never seen it before.
As someone mentioned in the replies, “Art Deco was a crazy time.”
You misspelled “awesome.”
I have a soft spot for Art Deco, mostly in architecture.
+ Chrysler Building
Art Deco Batmobile!
I’m just giving you shit, btw. I wasn’t lying about Bentley not really being my favorite, but that car looks like a nice marriage of the classic style and some modern lines. The headlights could use a revision or two, IMO.
*does image search*
The only thing about the Dawn that is off is that the shape of the headlights makes it look like it’s squinting.
Too blocky, IMO, but it’s a taste issue.
The front end looks like it goes to the same preschool as the Chevy Silverado.
You have to be up close to appreciate the thing. First off, it’s really big. And there’s subtlety to the lines you won’t appreciate until you’re walking around it.
And the interior…sweet Jesus. It’s just perfect in every way.
I’ll own one some day. That’s why I need these EVs to get into production. So the last generation of gas-pumpers hopefully drop in price.
Hopefully it’s just the angle from which it was photographed but, to me, the headlamps look very much like the grease filters on the vent hoods above a stove.
I don’t doubt it’s impressive in person. My tastes run more toward sleek looks. But I can see why some would like it.
That side view SCREAMS “make me a convertible!”
Plus it’s 1.5 second zero to 60 is likely physically impossible.
The new Model S Plaid really can’t get under 2 seconds as it is limited by current tire technology and traction.
It’s the reason why Musk had to resort to “rockets” on his perpetually 2 year delayed Tesla Roadster.
How The Tesla Roadster Rockets Work – 0-60 In One Second?!
They used cogs in place of tires and on a linear gear track.
What if they use metric seconds?
Does it come with an acceleration couch? Jeebus.
Those are some sticky tires too…
“here comes the juice!”
I wish they had been a bit more consistent with that. In some episodes, they said that 1G was was enough to render Belters unconscious. But that played zero role in fights between Inaros and the UN.
I don’t know what “Inaros” is. NO SPOILERS!
Guess you ain’t no Beltalowda, Bossmang.
Exactly how far behind are you? And I thought you had read all the books anyway.
I started S04E01 but dropped it to start reading the books.
About 80% through book 1.
“Hopefully this bullshit won’t stay legal for very long.”
It doesn’t make any difference anyway.
That Calgary -Edmonton game? Every goal was scored on a goalie being back in the net and relying on reflex rather than proper positioning. Backing too far in leaves all of the vulnerable shooting spots open. They are too young to remember “Peter Puck”. Granted, the game is much faster and more dynamic now but I’ve never been a fan of the butterfly style of goalkeeping. Be big in front of the net and trust in your defense to take those shots away. All of those goalies should have showered in vinegar.
Look at Festus droppin’ the hockey goalie knowledge!
You’re like the Gump Worsley of Glibs.
I liked the stand-up types like Ken Dryden, Gary Smith and Tony Esposito. The game has changed, radically but you still need to protect the corners.
It is what it is. Goalies now get dinged for too much movement if it’s anything more than sliding from post to post. I don’t think of of the top 10 goalies prospects is shorter than 6’3″ and now it’s souding like a lot of scouts think that isn’t enough. Hell, the Wings drafted a goalie last year that is damn near 7 feet tall on skates. Check out this photo
I’d recruit a sumo wrestler.
It’s been done.
Well, there’s your problem…
Why are we letting people back in our country without quarantining them after they visit third-world shitholes?
At least it isn’t those nasty little Amazonian fish that swim up your urethra. Related, we have cockroaches and bed-bugs infesting our city now. Wouldn’t have anything to do with the burgeoning homeless population, would it? We have never had cockroaches up here. The only one that I have ever seen came back with me after a trip to the city in 1991. I called him Glen.
I met “Bob” while moving sites during Katrina relief.
That is strange. Usually guys come back from business trips to Canada with a case of Beaver Pox.
We all have it already. No biggie!
“I assume this is not surprising to any of you. And this is just the small stuff. But, you know, “no mean tweets”, amirite?”
I still hear this from people. Unironically as their defense for voting for president poopy pants. Of course they ignore the current president’s crass behavior.
It’s not crassness. It’s exasperation at bad-faith arguments by MAGA agitators meant to undermine the president and the country so they can seize power and usher in their fascist regime. If they’d just shut up and treat the office of the president with the dignity and respect it deserves, we’d all be better off. Their actions have led to gas price spikes, runaway inflation, and general distrust of the institutions that have served our nation so well. Also, they’re racist.
-some DNC/CNN/MSNBC apparatchik.
Also, obstruction in Congress!
Judging by his recent events, Slow Joe will not be pictured walking across the lawn or most probably, walking at all. That man is fucked up. They are going to FDR his appearances even more than they already do. I speak from experience. I have brain lesions that make perambulation a bit of a challenge from day to day. He’s done like dinner.
Hey m’boy, you are still faster than me. My claim is that I don’t limp, I swagger.
I hate to go OT so early, but I just got a super deal on some wigs. I actually have more than I need, so if any of you baldy Glibs want one let me know. Have 7 extra.
You bought the wigs mentioned in the one link, didn’t you?
IT WAS 80% OFF!!! I had to buy them.
— My wife
What colors are available?
Baby shit brown.
I call dibs on the Diana Ross! No poop, please.
Surprisingly, in Vegas, the taxis are back to competitive pricing with Lyft/Uber (and usually less of a wait at the casinos). Here in Cleveland, Lyft/Uber both seem to avoid the airport runs last couple of times the girlfriend and I flew in we couldn’t get a pickup there (but no issue with getting a ride there). Thankfully, I’m close enough to the airport that the city mandated airport taxi prices work for me.
California managed to pretty much destroy Uber and Lyft here, with the state’s leaders’ disdain for “gig economy” and their belief that all Uber drivers really want a full-time job with benefits. There’s no such thing as students, retirees or others who’d like some extra cash by switching on an app in their cars whenever they want! As a result, although they still exist, there are far fewer rideshare vehicles available. If you want anything less than a ride to the airport, you may not get a driver at all in the suburbs anymore. But even the airport might not be an option, I was at San Diego Airport at 3pm Monday this week, and Uber couldn’t find me a driver for a $70 ride. The designated rideshare area was packed with folks, but no cars picking anyone up. As a result, to get to my business meeting, I had to take a cab at $140. Thanks Gavin Newsom, I’m sure the taxi unions love you, and you have encouraged drunk driving again.
Don’t you use a shampoo?
No, the wigs were apparently using real poo… keep up. 😉
It’s California, so I’m sure the solution will be retarded
Fucking woke Cali progs. Why can’t they call it what it really is? A Mexican Jumping Bean invasion.
They laid waste to the East Coast.
They shouldn’t have taken that left turn at Albuquerque
Or dat right toin at La Joe-la.
Somebody needs to give them directions to the Coachella Valley and the Carrot Festival therein.
They make great bait for when you are doing lazy fresh water fishing…
Acceleration from 30-150 is vital for when you reach the end of those rural school zones.
This is more truthful than you know. 30-100 anyway.
Wouldn’t speeding by rural schools kick up a lot of dust? The kids already have enough on their bare feet.
Mid range pickup is more important to me than 0-60. 0-60 is fun, but 30-100 is much more useful on daily life.
in* not on
Hokum can’t even keep the Klan out of Albany!
I have a feeling that if I reported something that made me uncomfortable, it would not go well for me.
So inclusive to force people out of the work place because they have wrong thoughts. It is also sad so see how low the Duke brothers have fallen.
That Nissan probably gets better gas mileage than a late 60s Dodge Charger. The Duke boys would have to go back to running moonshine to keep the old General Lee running.
“Every individual deserves a work environment that is safe, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive”
And yet some individuals appear to deserve this more than others
“Everyone except you, Bigot!”
We can’t tolerate the intolerant.
“There’s only two kinds of people we can’t tolerate in this Party: Bigots and Hom’sexuals!”
I’m not sure if Karl Popper should be regarded as some kind of idiot savant for managing to smuggle “the paradox of tolerance” under the guise of postmodernism, or if he is just a midwit extraordinaire who was not bright enough to realize he justified the Holocaust.
Why not both?
I think Popper gets kind of a bad rap on that. The woke morons ignore the rest of book and take that proposal to its absurdist extreme.
Maybe. But it creates (or perhaps merely recognizes) such a massive loophole such that, in order to give Popper any kind of redeeming assessment, we must assume he was terribly naive.
IF you say- this has been long brewing, in highschool (20 years back) all the ‘cool’ kids were saying this, which means it had already infiltrated academia and filtered down to the teachers. I was despairing that these people were going to become adults and get to vote. It also doesn’t do anything to change people’s minds. If this construction worker wasn’t going to shoot up that school (and there is no reason to think he was), he might now. Disconnected people tend to do bad stuff, not those with decent jobs and community.
He was an admitted irrationalist. Read David Stove’s “Popper and After.”
He and his intellectual progeny, Kuhn, Feyerabend, and Lakatos, all helped turn modern science into consensus-driven garbage.
Predictive power was replaced by “consensus” and what follows, as the night does the day, is the replication crisis and the reproducibility crisis.
I think Feyerabend would laugh at you characterizing him as progeny of Popper.
I am astonished that the South couldn’t win its independence, when it had so powerful a symbol that sends Yankees running in fear.
I saw a music video of Lynyrd Skynyrd playing at the Oakland Coliseum in the 70s, with a huge Confederate battle flag draped behind them, and the crowd was of course cheering wildly. I don’t think the current state of affairs is an improvement.
Local news has had a big story about racists:
Lake Catholic lacrosse player with swastika on leg used slurs toward Orange team during Monday loss, superintendent says
“Go back home, Orangies!”
“How many Orangies does it take to change a lightbulb? Three! Hahahahahaha! Wait, I told that wrong. *Why* does it take three Orangies to change a lightbulb? Because they’re so stupid!! Hahahahaha!”
Catholics vs. Orange? What is this – Northern Ireland?
Skipped the story. Seemed like too much navel gazing for my taste.
Cry me a river. Think of the kids here.
They cannot cheer for their school teams without having the Secret Service swoop in and investigate them.
Please know that safety is our top priority
That player could have killed everybody at any moment.
Some wag gained a little local notoriety by displaying said “racist symbol” on his high-rise balcony near me a few years back. There was some tongue-wagging from the usual suspects, but mostly just shrugs.
What progress we have made.
Reminder: if you want to be included in the next What are we reading, please post in the what are we reading thread on the forum or message me through the forum by the 21st.
Whoa. That came up on me fast. I haven’t been reading much for fun this month, so I’ll skip this month’s entry. Thanks for resurrecting this feature!
Is it OK to do WWAR on the 26th at 1100?
Where is this forum?
Only if you’re “permanent-logged-in”, otherwise just glibertarians.us.
Just posted mine to the forum, hopefully you find it.
Stupid fucking asshole
Mendacity is a hell of a drug.
Swift used her almost 20-minute speech to give the recent graduates “life hacks”
Life hacks such as being reasonably attractive with malleable talent.
The paradigm shift toward life-hacking will lead to better synergy between the best and the better.
Don’t you worry about blank, let me worry about blank!
It had to be better than any of the speeches at my high school and college gradution’s. ALL of them were terrible. Me and my cousin make fun of them years later.
Mystery monkeypox case in Massachusetts is first confirmed in U.S. this year
Hm. My money was on ‘Bird Flu 2: Avian Boogaloo’.
Maybe bird flu will Rich Strike that junt
Fuck Off! I wants some aigs!
It took me a few minutes to figure out what “aigs” meant. I looked it up, even, but kept getting stuff about geological societies and insurance companies.
HAHAHAH! Man, that’s Zurich.
*narrows gaze*
President Biden agreed Wednesday to invoke the Defense Production Act to ensure that US baby formula producers can acquire the material they need and launched a new US government airlift of formula from abroad.
The dramatic actions come after critics slammed Biden for not acting more quickly to avert empty store shelves across the country linked to the closure in February of an Abbott Nutrition factory in Michigan.
What could possibly go wrong?
On their Facebook page, they said they had received many calls claiming that the woman was Amber Heard – currently in court in Virginia, as part of a defamation trial, during which her ex-husband Johnny Depp accused her of defecating in the bed.
I chuckled.
A measure signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker Wednesday morning outlaws unmarked “ghost guns” and makes Illinois the only state in the Midwest to ban such weapons.
Fuck off slaver.
Analysis of Hunter Biden’s hard drive shows he, his firm took in about $11 million from 2013 to 2018, spent it fast
Hookers and blow won’t buy themselves.
A couple grand of each would have put me six feet under at my fighting weight. Credit to Hunter, he’s still alive.
Check out this beauty.
We must be running out of Russian oligarchs – There could be an attempt to forcibly evict Russian monks from Holy Mount Athos soon.
Victoria Nuland – always on the side of angels.
Well, that led to this other group of monks. There’s an interesting bit of internecine conflict within Orthodoxy. Of course, the Wikipedia page could be biased (perish the thought that NPOV isn’t real), but it reads like they’re being kicked out for being too orthodox.
The monks will flee to Mounts Porthos and Aramis
Only if they can make it through the D’artangan pass
That is ridiculous.
Are you new here?
Ridiculous is a starting point for those evil bastards.
Nick Satan talking sense
That is laughable. Sure. The right way is for Saban to make $10M/yr and his players to make $0. I think these coaches are worried that the money they are paying the athletes is going to start coming out of the coaches salaries.
The right way is to make these teams independent entities that are merely affiliated with the university (like the university). Then run D1 football as a semi-pro league with no academics requirements.
Lik the university bookstore*
That’s a recipe for some uncomfortable paper cuts.
Maybe there could be some arrangement where players could take some of their pay as instruction at the university. While we like to trash university degrees a lot, there are still some fields where the instruction/lab time/academic discipline are necessary to be a competent practitioner, and the vast majority of college sports players either don’t ever go pro, or risk washing out or career-limiting injuries that make a backup career option an important thing.
Or you could just say, “fuck ’em, they should plan better.”
I think top level college football (and basketball, to an extent) is an outlier. Nobody from the girls lacrosse team is being snuck in despite a lack of academic qualification and given a bullshit major to keep them out of NCAA troubles.
That said, it’s not impossible to be a D1 college football player and get a degree in a challenging major. The starting kicker when I was at Purdue was a civil engineering major. A few years later, the starting QB was a biomed engineering major (or something similar).
Uh, aren’t some parents going to jail for sneaking in their academically unqualified kids? They were also unqualified athletically, but still.
That’s a whole other can o’ worms. At least those pay for admission kids still had to hack it in their major once they got in. The “[Subject matter] for jocks” phenomenon is a blight on the university system.
When Jesse was governor, he suggested that the players get 4 free years of tuition and books, but they don’t have to be used concurrently with their playing.
So the kid plays for 4 years and then when his eligibility is done, if he doesn’t get drafted he can go to school and take it seriously.
That’s not a bad idea. They should get something for their participation and contribution to the university’s fundraising efforts (which is really what college sports are about–keeping some alumni engaged enough to watch the advertisements that pay the university)
This right here. I’m convinced at some point it will have to go this way. And if it drives a knife into the heart of the NCAA, so much the better.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Most excellent, Your Eminence. I found this interesting:
“Shri Guru Gobhind Singh emphasized on the need to provide for oneself rather than seek help from others”.
Not a popular sentiment in the modern world.
You did it again. Bet they don’t wear velcro tied shoes either
So. Monkeypox going to be the reason for the next round of shutdowns/election fortifications?
Using the military to move baby formula screams third world banana republic.
Glibs not working well on my phone, very glad we are back.
Monkey pox is easy to avoid. Stop fucking monkeys.
The city has decided that the sidewalk streetcorners at my intersection doesn’t meet ADA requirements and is tearing them up today. It had to be a work from home day.
What made them problematic?
About 5 years ago they decided that all the bike/walking paths needed to be upgraded so that there was a rumble strip anytime they met a road.
They were already sloped and no problem for the differently wheeled, but I guess the lack of bumps made it super hazardous for all the blindos ambling around. So now all the bikers have started riding in the road to avoid them.
These corners had… a curb. They were old fashioned corners where the sidewalk ends instead of sloping.
Any half-assed bike rider knows how to curb-hop.
Putting in those stupid rumble strips has now justified redoing all of the sidewalks in my neighborhood. Granted that it was probably necessary in the first place (neighborhood was completed in the 1960s) and they are finally repaving the roads too, but I’m pretty sure they could have just replaced the corner spillouts if ADA compliance was the actual goal.
I injured my ankle many years ago, and it tends to roll over violently on me whan I step on something uneven. Those sidewalk bump patches are actually hazardous to me.
Especially in winter, when it’s more difficult to clear
New construction requires sidewalks so we get stretches that end abruptly as infill or replacements are completed. VDOT is also putting in crosswalks to nowhere.
Might be a new reg requiring them every so often or in proximity to intersections, etc – even if sidewalks aren’t fully completed on the opposite side.
I’ll see your Rolls Royce, and raise you a Delahaye
The fenders make it look like it’s perpetually driving through shallow water. Neat effect.
That has the advantage of having the rear wheels within four feet of the back of the vehicle.
The turning radius is measured in rods.
If they built electric vehicles to look like that I’d be first in line. Maybe we should pool our resources and start Glibs Auto Works.
Good GAW y’all, what is it good for? Absolutely…
May have to work on the advertising jingle a bit.
President Biden agreed Wednesday to invoke the Defense Production Act to ensure that US baby formula producers can acquire the material they need and launched a new US government airlift of formula from abroad.
Or let the producers produce and recover the supply that you sent to the southern border.
Not bloody likely.
This amused me.
I imagine Trump endorsed Oz because he was a fellow TV personality, and that they had had previous interactions in that space.
Oz’s name reminded Trump of gold, and Trump likes gold, because he’s rich and owns lots of gold. Because gold is measured in ounces, which is abbreviated “oz”. Also, “The Wizard of Oz” is Trump’s favorite movie, and Trump wants to build a giant green Trump head in the White House when he becomes President again.
Also plausible.
I remember an episode of “American Castles” that focused on Maralago. As I recall, the amount of gold used in building the house depleted the national supply.
That was the vibe I picked up too.
“claiming she was unvetted”
So, vet her.
Public enemy number two! Kansas cops hunt female ‘poopetrator’ who ‘defecated on and DESTROYED eight wigs in a beauty store’
Smells like a hairy situation.
I’m just glad she didn’t decide toupee, too.
She wanted to start a movement.
Movement? Irritable Black Students?
If so, her protest was perfect.
“This wig is crap!”
But it is perfect for you. Shithead.
I’ll take two more, please. *slaps a wad of filthy lucre onto the dirty counter*
“I don’t want Slop, dadgummit! I’m a Dookie Dan man!”
Re: first music video, go little hamster go!
‘Ghost’ busters: Illinois becomes first state in Midwest to ban untraceable do-it-yourself ‘ghost guns’
The Illinois law requires all firearms, including 3D-printed guns, to have serial numbers. Ghost guns are largely untraceable because they lack such identifying numbers.
Now explain in detail how this is congruent with 2A. I’ll wait…
What does “traceablility” of guns buy in the first place? It doesn’t stop any murders from happening, it doesn’t help identify the person who committed a murder, and it doesn’t stop the guns from falling into black market sales. It just seems to make ATF bureaucrats happy and keeps them employed busting up harmless people who skirt the byzantine regulations.
I blame General Mills. First they pushed to influence the Food Pyramid so we all think we need way too much grains in our diets.
They are always working to push their prodcucts.
Now even guns need serials?
it doesn’t help identify the person who committed a murder
At least, it’s not supposed to.
I know of one case where it did catch a murderer.
He used a shotgun he bought at Dick’s sporting goods to commit two sets of crimes. The first set he shot a guy he hated by lying in ambush at the parking lot of the guy’s apartment complex. He got away with that one.
The second set was a mass murder of several of his coworkers. He blasted away at them from the roof of the factory as they pulled up in a company van. He then threw his gun from the roof into the yard of a neighboring residence and ran back down into the bowels of the factory and from there ran to ‘help’ his wounded coworkers. He wasn’t able to get to the gun before the neighbor found it and contacted the police.
The murderer had filed off the serial number, but the cops were able to recover it by acid etching the shotgun and traced it back to him. He got convicted of the second set of killings, but never charged for the first, even though it’s pretty clear it was his handiwork. I think he got sentenced to death for the second set of killings.
The case was profiled on Forensic Files.
So while rare, it occasionally helps capture genuine criminals.
I’m sure if it helped often, we would hear about it non-stop.
I’d like to know, for real, how useful being able to trace a firearm back to the most recent or original purchaser is in criminal investigations. Like, in how many cases is knowing that information the key to solving the crime?
Most firearms used in crimes, AFAIK, are stolen anyway. If there are stats to the contrary, I could be persuaded otherwise.
in how many cases is knowing that information the key to solving the crime?
None. It can only be used to track the lawful owner for future confiscation.
Like a hunting license
I’ve seen it used in cold cases. Granted, online purchasing completely fucks that up.
Basically, they were able to identify the model of firearm and get a list from the local gun shops of the purchasers of that model. Turns out the killer was on that list. DNA eventually convicted the guy, but they had interviewed him in the 70s because he owned the gun, even though it was a random killing.
I saw a case on one of the crime shows where a man was shot in Maryland.
The cops had no clue who did it until they found the murder weapon and were able to trace it to Mississippi and one of his girlfriends had bought it.
I’m sure that’s a rarity, or they would be telling us how many investigations were closed as a result of traces.
There are two cases I’m personally familiar with, where a trace was used to ID the UPS employee who was stealing them out of shipments. In both cases, the criminal who ended up with the gun had already been convicted of something.
Except on TV, people usually don’t leave guns lying around at crime scenes. Most ‘crime guns’ are taken off of criminals when they get busted for something.
The case I was talking about, someone found it on the highway a couple days after the shooting.
They turned it in and the police did ballistics to determine it was the murder weapon
“They turned it in and the police did ballistics to determine it was the murder weapon”
Isn’t that like ‘bite mark’ analysis and such? aka complete bullshit?
I believe that’s a lot more scientific than bite marks, which are highly subjective.
But it all comes down to the person making the determination.
Hokum’s trying to EO microstamping and an AOW ban.
“Every individual deserves a work environment that is safe, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive”
Somewhere else.
Only for now. Every workplace must eventually be conquered. We’re already at construction, I doubt there’s many refuges left.
I suppose it never dawned on this stupid fuck that he could rein in the FDA. Nope. We have to go full retard instead and “airlift” the stuff in from abroad.
It’s well past time to retire Hanlon’s Razor and the whole “never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity” thing.
Why would Biden reign in the FDA? Who benefits from reining in the FDA? Certainly not Biden. Conversely, who will benefit from making these overseas contracts happen? It’s clear the politicians have streamlined the approach of enriching themselves through donations to their own foundations and family members’ consulting businesses.
A couple of their bloopers over the past year-and-a-half could be written off to stupidity or bad ideology. But not all of them.
This is a controlled demolition of the economy where every bit of the supporting framework is being systematically destroyed. It’s a hard thing to accept – I’ve spent my whole life assuming the economy would keep on chugging along despite some ups and downs. But it is starting to sink in that the whole thing is going to come down.
One of the theories of their behavior, which explains a lot but is probably too convenient, is that the “elites” are genuine Malthusians who think we’re already well past carrying capacity. So, to them, all that remains is grabbing as much loot as they can before the ship has totally sunk. The problem for them thus became that the ordinary people refused to die off, and various discoveries and inventions were made that frustrated Malthus’s prediction of population collapse. This development has however not deterred them in the slightest from believing the collapse is still imminent.
Here’s an enjoyable paragraph from Klaus Schwab’s book.
Which one?
I think he has more than one.
I don’t remember that passage from my copy of the “The Great Reset”.
It is fascinating the endurance of the stupidity that is Malthus.
There’s a point at which Malthus may well be proven right, but the fatal conceit is that, where humans are concerned, it’s a function of incentives not population size. Humans aren’t animals, and it’s only in the extreme edge case where they’ve allowed themselves to be reduced to the state of animals again that Malthusian collapse becomes possible.
One of the theories of their behavior, which explains a lot but is probably too convenient, is that the “elites” are genuine Malthusians who think we’re already well past carrying capacity. So, to them, all that remains is grabbing as much loot as they can before the ship has totally sunk.
I’m more on board with the politicians are being paid by foreign actors to dismantle America’s economy. That also explains the behavior of the elites and the rise of the foundations and consulting firms. It’s not a lobbyist looking for a handout that’s anonymously paying Hunter $500k/painting. Even without knowing who the paymasters are, I can’t but conclude the amount and method are proof of nefariousness beyond general corruption.
If you were China and wanted to bring down the United States, how would you go about it? Going head to head militarily would be stupid. Much cheaper and safer to encourage internal rot, much like introducing termites in the foundation of a home. All of this shit, AGW, BLM, Antifa, DEI in the military, are aimed at weakening the United States. And the American politicians are falling over themselves to oblige for money in their pockets.
I can’t think of a better way to weaken the US at the least risk to my own country if I was a foreign actor. It’s not as if the US isn’t constantly manipulating the affairs of other countries. But it’s portrayed as “conspiracy” or “tinfoil” to think anyone else would try the same with us despite things like Swawell and Hunter’s paintings.
While I don’t disagree that many (most?) of our politicians are on the take for foreign governments, one must not forget that this is a money loop which traces back to the United States. Our politicians are being bribed by foreign governments with our own money. Sometimes the loop is very short: much of the recently passed Ukrainian “war aid” package is going right back into US/UK/EU politicians’ pockets. But other times the loop is much longer: China can only buy our politicians with the money we’re spending on goods imported from China. No one needed to coordinate that (at least, not at first), and tracing through ledgers to prove it is far more difficult, but it’s still there and arguably the most potent influence buying of all.
Money that is being created out of thin air I might add. Take that away from them and the entire edifice comes crashing down.
I do wonder how beholden some of those politicians really are. In the past, money/sex/other embarrassments were seen as security risks because those corrupted could be manipulated. But now the new shamelessness negates some of that. Swalwell’s tryst with a Chinese agent hasn’t harmed in the slightest nor is he embarrassed. Similarly with the Bidens. Would they stay bought if the money dries up? Would they stay bought even if the money kept flowing?
Our politicians are being bribed by foreign governments with our own money. Sometimes the loop is very short: much of the recently passed Ukrainian “war aid” package is going right back into US/UK/EU politicians’ pockets. But other times the loop is much longer: China can only buy our politicians with the money we’re spending on goods imported from China.
Certainly, our politicians are looting the American taxpayers. The Ukraine bill is a great example of this. But that doesn’t mean all of the bribe money has to come from us. China may not be able to funnel 40 billion from their own taxpayers, but $500,000 wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar for China or from out of the personal accounts of the elite. That $500k (or multiple payments in low 7 figures) going directly into Biden’s pocket likely buys a lot more influence than the 40 billion being laundered through the various culprits. And it’s likely the bribery used for targeted destruction is partially hidden in the background noise of general corruption and business as usual.
Two common factors among the technocratic culture are an impenetrable belief in one’s own brilliance, and an almost supernatural ability to glibly explain away one’s failures.
It’s malevolent, but I don’t think it’s intentional.
The $500k per painting being paid to Hunter isn’t for the painting. And I doubt it’s coming from a Pfizer lobbyist.
I suspect that most of that $500k is hush money, at this point.
When I say ‘not intentional’, I mean that there is no deliberate conspiracy behind their actions. They are just doing what high-level technocrats do. They get theirs, and if a bunch of peons get mowed down in the process, so what?
Beyond the jumping worm’s gnarly appearance (the species is also referred to as Alabama jumpers, Jersey wrigglers and crazy snake worms, but officially named the Asian jumping worm), scientists are now concerned about the “significant threat” the invasive species may have on the state.
Kinda looks like a small nightcrawler. But way more energetic.
So, she was having a shitty hair day?
Wait, people still use taxis?
It was too expensive to begin with. The one time I did it was $30+ to go on a 15 minute ride.
As long a Lucas does the electrical, I don’t see how they can go wrong.
Please know that safety is our top priority, and the Board does not tolerate discrimination or harassment. Furthermore, we understand the devastating impact these incidents have on kids and our community. Therefore, our players will be informed about the support we have for them as they try to understand and process this incident.
Land of the free.
Home of the brave.
I wonder what this looks like at sea:
Fuck, we’re going to have to have a dust ban to save the turtles now, right?
The Sahara needs to be hit with sanctions to keep it from doing this again.
Dangerous Demagogues Spread ‘Great Replacement Theory’
“We want to replace you because of your skin pigment (or lack thereof) but you are racist for noticing.”
It is another impressive own-goal from the left.
I’ve seen that term written a lot in the last few days. I guess it’s a Current Thing?
It was actually coined by a Frenchman a decade ago, and refers to more than just racial displacement. There’s an interesting interview with him if you’re interested.
It’s in the news now because the Buffalo shooter’s “manifesto” mentioned it. Of course, it’s been on the DHS/ADL radar for a while, too.
It’s a much older idea though. Pretty sure Greg Ginn wrote this in 1979, making fun of skinheads who were saying it long before that.
There are a bunch of studio versions:
Another studio version
What is wrong with Biden? It looks like they took out his eyes and sewed his eyelids together.
The man is pickled with senility drugs and prune juice. There’s hardly any blood cells left, they are crowded out.
There’s something off about every recent (2020 on) video of him I’ve seen. I sometimes wonder if they’re doing it just to fuck with people.
Have you seen his square ear?
It reminds me of the Ambrose Bierce* definition of a holocaust denier – “Someone who thinks the holocaust didn’t happen, but wishes it had.”
* – Not really.
This is why we need a Ministry of Truth to Memory-Hole this shit.
Is The Housing Crash Starting?
It feels like the roller-coaster just got to the top of the hill.
Haha, we just closed yesterday on a sale of one of our investment properties. Now we need to buy another.
Its certainly possible. Raising interest rates & high inflation with material shortages cant be a good thing.
Zerohedge has always felt like manufactured doom and gloom. And not in a “prepper” way, but more in a anti-capitalism way. No positive alternatives/copping ideas ever suggested from them.
Searching around my area, I see some small price drops on the older homes so maybe the crash is coming soon.
Zerohedge has long been accused of being a Russian disinfo op to sow discord in the US.
Wait…Zerohedge is actually Trump?
Zerohedge has predicted 7 of the last 2 recessions.
+ 1 forecast
I thought that was Robert Samuelson? Or was 6 out of the last 1?
But what if Powell instead gets a housing crash on par with 2007?
What if it’s worse? It’s going to be worse. Houses are less affordable now than they were back then. Oh, and interest rates are going nowhere but up because inflation is just getting started.
We’re seeing softness in the market where we’re looking. More time on market, more price cuts, more contingent sales falling through, prices set below estimated values. I’ve also noticed houses actually sitting on the market here in DFW again. That’s something that hasn’t happened in 2+ years. At the very least, the massive frenzy appears to be winding down.
Did a bunch of blue state polluters decide they couldn’t handle being in Texas and start returning to their shitholes?
I think the flow has slowed down (not as many big announcements of relocations, at least in this area) for the first time in 8 years (Toyota and State Farm kicked a lot of this off locally in 2014-2015).
It’s also getting plumb unaffordable for everybody but the Californians. Your average $70k a year family can’t afford to live in a $500k house. Yet here I am, sitting in a house with an estimated value of $531k in the old undesirable part of town on a postage stamp lot. Yeah, you can probably find an older, smaller house in the 400s if you look ahead enough, but they’re few and far between, at least if you don’t want to live 60 miles out from the city.
Effing autocorrect is doing a number on me today.
Someday I am going to go look at those “lake lots” I keep getting flyers for. The thought of a small lake house with low property tax is very appealing. Star Link should make it workable.
Your average $70k a year family can’t afford to live in a $500k house.
Looks at salary, looks at mortgage . . . . well you can, but it ain’t easy. (Wife had to stop working for our daughter’s medical issues, it’s definately hurting our lifestyle and savings.)
Nationally? Maybe. Locally? A house down the street went for30% over asking and 20% over what I would have guessed last month.
Hard to know what any of this means.
Sucks for me in my line of work. I wonder if I can get any of that $40 billion Ukrainian cheddar to cover my costs of living.
Still cant see anything later than afternoon links on tablet or laptop – not even clicking daily links button.
Only works on phone. So weird. Maybe a cookie issue?
I like cookies. I think my favorite are a chocolate peanut butter from a little local place that closed. I miss those cookies.
*sighs and thinks of how great things were in the before COVID times*
What an apt name you have.
“What the Democrats need to do — and it’s so obvious at this point — is brand then with it, is basically take this Replacement Theory and now make it the Republican Racist Replacement Theory,” Deutsch said. “Make every Republican answer, ‘Do you believe in it or not?’ Brand every Republican. This is the party of replacement theory. Take what is a sliver [of the Republican Party] … and make it the entire raison d’être of the Republican Party.”
“Do the same thing with violence, it’s the RV party. It’s the Republican Violence Party,” Deutsch continued. “The very, very heinous things that they stand for and are hiding behind, brand them on it. Take a branding iron, put it on them so that any mainstream Republican has to wear that badge, and go, ‘Are you vote Republican? Do you understand you’re voting for replacement theory? Do you believe in that? … Because that’ the Republican platform, so make the Republicans own it.”
There is a lot to explore here but basically he is a gaslighting s.o.b.
I think he’s right, but the Republicans should own it not first and not allow the Democrats to set the terms nor to shy away from it. Take the same approach as with groomers: the Democrats are replacers. They don’t care about the people already here, they just want to replace them. There’s no shortage of clips of them talking about this. Whether you are white or black, the country that you grew up in is going to be taken away from you, right before your eyes, piece by piece, until you are a foreigner in your home.
Raft people.
“Democrats are the party of Replace, Abuse, and Stifle. They want to replace you in your community with somebody who will vote them into power. They want to abuse your children and turn them into amoral monsters who will vote them into power. They want to stifle your ability to speak against them and to live your life according to your wishes so that you can’t convince others to stop voting them into power. They are bent on destroying what made America free and prosperous because they obtain power by trafficking fear and hate poorly disguised as tolerance and love.”
And the GOP, if they’re smart, responds by pointing out all the lefty outlets pushing the same theory in recent years. The talking heads are pointing it out but who knows if the pols are too chickenshit to push back.
And the GOP, if they’re smart
The thing about that…
Not so fast
Just when it seemed like Finland and Sweden’s accession into NATO was imminent, Turkey has taken its allies by surprise by throwing a wrench into the works.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he didn’t view “positively” the Nordic countries’ desire to join the alliance, accusing the two of being “like guesthouses for terror organizations.” He told his party lawmakers in Ankara on Wednesday that he expects NATO members to “understand, respect and support” Turkey’s security issues.
Finland and Sweden formally applied to join NATO on Wednesday at Allied headquarters in Brussels, driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The decision represents a setback for Moscow, with the war in Ukraine triggering the kind of enlargement of the alliance that it invaded Ukraine to prevent.
Accession of new states however requires consensus among existing members, and that’s where Ankara comes in.
Seems to be a misfire in the consensus machine.
I don’t believe that we need to poke the bear but fucking Turkey has never been an ally of the West. We’ve all seen what happens in their prisons.
All the crap they’ve pulled the last few years messing with Greece, buying Russian weapons and getting kicked out of the F35 program – and with Erdogan essentially a Putin-esque figure – arresting missionaries, etc.
Better off kicking them out and letting S&F in.
Its not as though we’re still trying to keep nukes there for the USSR.
Britain was very pro-Turkey in the latter part of the 19th Century–they were seen as a key bulwark against Russian influence in the eastern Mediterranean / central Asia.
Turkey joined NATO because of the at-the-time pro-western govt, but even more because NATO wanted to admit Greece. You bring in Greece without Turkey and you were guaranteed to have a war over the Bosporus.
Yeah but watching interactions in Cyprus and airforce over the Aegean, not sure it could get much worse.
Been an hour — are all the cool kids scared Quordle scores are what annoyed the squirrels?
Daily Quordle 115
Back to tolerable after yesterday’s “didn’t seem great, but was *almost* a champ score apparently”. But my minions in Chumptown still know me as their Lord and Master anyway.
Have a great day, Glibs — stuck in another stupid meeting today (more talking about Agile process before they inflict “coaching” on us with dramatically shortened sprints so we can have *more* meetings for two months… if I get really really bitchy, this is likely why).
They’re in the overnight thread
7 8
4 5
Some of us aren’t up early enough to post in the overnight thread.
Daily Quordle 115
Must go check The Hyperbole’s score…
Damn, I got smoked.
It’s your DUMPY LOINS wot done it!!
They (along with CARET, of course) made me weekly champ for two weeks. But lately they’ve been less than stellar.
Another triple guess. *sigh*
Daily Quordle 115
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Ugh. Today sucked
Daily Quordle 115
Ticket for one to Chumptown!
Daily Quordle 115
Not a winner, but below the Tundra line.
Daily Quordle 115
Daily Quordle 115
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The guy who blew up his RV in Nashville should have played that Beck song instead of “Downtown”. It would have been a little more on brand.
We have to forcibly eliminate the opposition party in order to save Democracy.
MSNBC guest: “We got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation … the president acknowledged that it’s time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail.” …
MSNBC guest says we should call the GOP “the domestic terrorism party” akin to the perpetrators of 9/11:
LOL. Someone said, “We’re not digging that hole fast enough.”
Parent Company as an apparent “fuck you very much” to me has decided to tackle the high dusting at the plant. Two weeks before my final day. If it’s that bad I’m leaving it for whomever was sucker enough to sign that poisonous contract. “We lost the contract. Here’s a kick in he keester on your way out the door!” Cuntes.
Are they trying to use this as an excuse to keep from paying you?
While Turkey has security concerns that even the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has said must be addressed, the optics are far from flattering, with Turkey choosing to air its grievances and appear as a spoiler at a time when the alliance’s unity may have never been more important.
How dare they?
You can’t get fooled again.
We have always been at war with
SouthCentralEastAsia.Classic example of a Freudian slip.
Funny how this made the front page of the local fish wrap but the daily gaffe machine who currently sits in the Oval Office doesn’t get covered.
Former President George Bush:
“The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq…I mean of Ukraine.”
Is it a cry for help?
It’s a recognition that the entire Bush family basically shares one ego among them.
The “Iraq too” comment is really interesting. Is he coming clean soon?
“Imprisonment of political opponents”
But enough about Jan 6 participants or supporters.
After yesterday’s outage here, my kids being gone, my wife taking a class, rain outside (I work from home) and a few other things. My productivity yesterday was off the charts. I’m a little scared. What if my boss expects that now? What if they realize I only put in a true 45-1 hour of work a day? What if IT decides to look at my internet usage over the last few years? I can’t let myself ever do that again. I’d hate to set expectations at a level I could maintain but don’t want to.
If anyone asks, say that it takes weeks of preparation in order to pull off a high productivity day like that.
Guilty conscience?
Speaking in Dallas this afternoon, former President George. W Bush made a significant verbal slip-up while discussing the war in Ukraine.
He tried referencing what he described as the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion” — but said Iraq, instead of Ukraine.
Damn, he almost sounds as bad as Pudding Cup. Did he take up drinking again?
Hey guys…did you see that clip of George Bush?
Mildly NSFW.
We’re going to have a war, dang it!
“War comin’.”
/random drunken asshole
I guess this is the next thing.
JUST IN – G7 health ministers to take part in a pandemic exercise in Germany, simulating a fast-spreading and dangerous outbreak of a “smallpox virus” originating from leopards, BILD reports.
Upcoming G7 health ministers virus exercise: “A leopard bites a human and transmits a dangerous smallpox virus.”
“What if he comes at me with a pointed stick?”
You eat the banana, thereby disarming him.
I thought they killed the last European leopard in 1713.
What if the human bites first?
Definitely worth a read.
This is how we explain that while surely no industry enjoys being muscled in on by the state and forced to implement politicized nonsense, none of this is a legal requirement and yet Big Finance absolutely friggin loves it.
If enough companies buck ESG, then it will become a legal requirement. This is the problem with only looking at one side of the coin. ESG may have been created without (much) involvement from the state, and its politics may be private-sector-centric rather than public-sector-centric, but it is borne from the same ether that blows through the halls of academia and the government. Larry Fink may not believe it deep down, but he’s also not actually in charge of the economy. He has power at BlackRock but even there he is not the king. Our oligarchic system can and will dethrone him if he’s no longer useful.
As much as I don’t want to, I’m going to read Schwab’s nonsense in order to understand it better.
My take is that ESG has an attraction for all of the entrenched parasite classes; finance, political, academic, and administrative. But it is wholly unsustainable in a truly competitive market of ideas and products, therefore money expansion and regulatory burdens are required to keep it in place.
ESG is a new front in the campaign of the Administrative-Managerial State to reward its friends and punish its enemies. Many jobs are created out of thin air, in an economy already replete with fake jobs, and this constitutes a very effective patronage program.
Just what I need, another book to read.
Our entire current culture is defined by lies of omission.
Social media accelerated this effect but it was already well afoot when I was wee’un. They were purging the classics from universities before I was even born, and I was born two decades before Facebook.
Because the classics were written mostly by white men.
That justification is for the feeble minded. The real reason is because the ethical and moral principles espoused in the classics do not lead to good little permanent revolutionaries.
This is true, the Critical Drinker had a good breakdown comparing traditional heroes with “modern” heroes.
Also, are you going to make it to Gourmeltz on Saturday?
Possibly. Haven’t checked with the bosslady.
“That justification is for the feeble minded.”
Regardless, it’s the justification given.
Most people in education today don’t even know about the “ethical and moral principles espoused in the classics” because they haven’t read them either.
That is just the latest and most convenient excuse. Before that it was that they are “no longer relevant”. Before that it was because they are “written in dead languages”. The whole point of requiring people to have read them and in their original languages no less was to gatekeep. The goal has long been to tear down the gates, the specific reason why changing with the times.
I picked up a copy of “The Daily Stoic” recently. After the dedication page there is this:
This is the reason the classics are not taught anymore. Those who would remake society into a communal authoritarian state cannot tolerate the wisdom of the past.
They were espousing that excuse back in 70’s, so it’s nothing recent.
It strikes me as an aristocratic argument. “Those poorly-read proles just couldn’t possibly understand my high-minded ideals gleaned from hours and hours of reading true literature.”
Somehow the proles of 250 years ago, despite being much less well read than the proles of today, didn’t suffer nearly as badly from today’s case of virulent utopian leftism.
Somehow the proles of 250 years ago, despite being much less well read than the proles of today, didn’t suffer nearly as badly from today’s case of virulent utopian leftism.
Well, they didn’t spend 12-18 years of their lives in institutions from sunup to late afternoon being simmered in the left-utopian environment that is the public school. Their teachers were experience and necessity, not “schools of pedagogy” nor standardized tests.
Is that actually true? Undoubtedly they didn’t have the variety of reading material, but I’m not sure that being denied the latest Sur Grafton or Ironheart makes them deficient.
It’s not so much the variety as it is the access to the classics. I don’t think your average subsistence level revolutionary era American could get their hands on the works of the Greeks or the Scholastics very easily. They may have been exposed to the ideas through enlightenment era writings, though. That said, most of them learned to read using the Bible, so they had a more theological and less philosophical perspective, generally.
Either way, I don’t think it’s a uniquely 21st century problem that the average person isn’t strongly exposed to the classics.
Did we lose numbers on posts? I liked that.
yep. me too.
*headdesk* *headdesk*
There are two parts to this application, we’ll call them A and B. Normally, A and B communicate with each other and share updates like user account changes, etc. The outage we’re working on is caused by that communication link having broken. During troubleshooting, A became unreachable from the front door. I needed an admin access password reset so I could try the alternate. So I asked the other people who should have rights to do so. These people have been working with me on the troubleshooting for the past few days. I get my temporary password, and I still can’t get in. I ask what gives. “Oh, we couldn’t get into A so we changed it in B.”
Sounds frustrating.
If anyone is interested, here is Servant Of The People, the sitcom that launched Zelensky into politics, precipitating the end of the World via “…thermonuclear war, toe-to-toe with the Russkies!”
*spits out coffee*
Kamala Harris: “Our fundamental principles are under threat. […] Borders must not be changed by force. For a time, it seemed as though these rules and norms would prevail. Now, they are being called into question.”
Is this bitch forreal?
Nationalism and revanchism are good actually, as long as they’re for (select) foreign nations.
Borders? That went out of business years ago.
**SNIFF!!** I liked Borders. And the bricks-&-mortar Barnes and Noble near my office closed. ?
We still have a Books-a-Million
In Cedar Rapids, there was a Half-Price Bookstore. I found a copy of “Keep on the Borderlands” but sadly did not purchase it.
Borders must not be changed by force, only by failure to enforce them.
So strange new disease, apparently spread by sex and among gays, with an origin in Africa.
What’s next on the 70’s Redux bingo?
May it please be women who don’t depilate their lady-parts? Or proper Quaaludes? Either one is fine, thanks.
Monkey pox was created by the CIA
Green shag carpeting.
Funny, we’re picking out carpeting and not green or any of those era colors, but the most comfortable square has been one with a longer nap. Not nearly shag but isn’t shorn down to the pad either. The short ones felt awful like a walking rug burn on your feet. I don’t understand it because the current carpet is short but much more softer feel. Just worn down or different composition? Can’t find a short one with a soft feel.
Miscellaneous foodstuffs suspended in Jell-O.
The Belgians never gave up on it.
On topic music link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhudDa3JAyc
Q: How many drugs?
A: All the drugs.
did not disappoint
It is possibly my favorite music video of all time.
Also, based on that video and this one, Bill Bruford didn’t age a second in ten years.
That’s more of a 50’s thing.
You’ll take my carrot and lime Jell-O salad over my dead body!
Not sure what that is beyond its association with stoners.
You lucky devil.
Ornamental yarn knotting.
We had to learn that in elementary school. Dumbest craft ever
There is no place for reading, writing and arithmetic in school.
This is what teachers are concerned with. Students using the correct pronouns
Send him back to Africa
On Wednesday, Musk wrote on Twitter:
“In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold…” adding a movie popcorn emoji for emphasis.
The tweet followed earlier statements at the All In Summit in Miami on Monday, where Elon Musk accused Twitter of having a strong left-wing bias, saying during a podcast recording, “I would classify myself as a moderate, neither Republican or Democrat. In fact, I have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats historically. Overwhelmingly. I might never have voted Republican. Now, this election? I will.”
Musk has characterized his pending $44 billion acquisition of Twitter a “moderate takeover” of the platform, not a right-wing takeover. But he then proceeded to bash the Democratic Party.
Right wing extremism has no place in this diverse and inclusive land.
Might as well change the name to tWHITEr
Get your Waffle on!
#waffle118 4/5
? streak: 25
? #wafflesilverteam
On the social platform, Musk has frequently insulted and scrapped with elected Democrats, including Biden, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wyden, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
By contrast, he tends to engage in a friendly and nonconfrontational manner with right-wing elected officials like GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert and far-right personalities including Steven Crowder, Dinesh D’Souza and others.
There you have it. Musk wants to undermine DEMOCRACY by belittling female Democrats.
Speaking of AOC, she hasn’t said anything since voting to fund war in Ukraine.
Maybe she heard the cock crow a third time and she’s weeping bitterly under a tree somewhere.
far-right personalities including Steven Crowder
VDH has a well written piece this morning.
In short, he makes the argument that many of us do, which is that Biden isn’t bumbling anything, he’s doing exactly what he set out to do.
Speaking of
ESGThe Hive MindThe S&P 500 booted electric vehicle maker Tesla from its ESG Index as part of an annual update to the list. Meanwhile, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and even oil and gas multinational Exxon Mobil were still included on the list.
The S&P 500 ESG Index uses environmental, social and governance data to rank and effectively recommend companies to investors. Its criteria include hundreds of data points per company that pertain to the way businesses affect the planet and treat stakeholders beyond shareholders — including customers, employees, vendors, partners and neighbors.
Changes to the index took effect on May 2, and a spokesperson for the index explained why they were made in a blog post published Wednesday.
It said that Tesla’s “lack of a low-carbon strategy” and “codes of business conduct,” along with racism and poor working conditions reported at Tesla’s factory in Fremont, California, affected the score. Tesla’s handling of an investigation by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration also weighed on its score.
Not of The Body!
Elon should just step back and let Larry Fink and Ray Dalio run his company.
I think it was Russell Brand who did a video on those corporate social credit scores. Those are actually a thing now. The interesting part is that companies with the highest scores use slave labor in China, and some are weapons manufacturers. The people in charge have way different values than the rest of us.
He’s quite useful now that he’s sober. Even Dr. JP was impressed.
That’s because it has nothing to do with its stated purpose and everything to do with power and control. Musk is threatening the order of things.
Uh oh, I hope he doesn’t know anything about the Clintons.
Just more evidence that ESG is used as a tool to enforce compliance via restriction of the access to capital. Capital that is being distributed from the Fed’s discount window to politically connected firms.
There’s not a snowball’s chance in Hell that Blackrock et al believe any of that shit. They’re punishing Musk for crossing them on the Twitter deal.
Because of course.
A former Minneapolis police officer has pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison announced Wednesday. Thomas Lane will receive a three-year sentence, which will be served in a federal institution, according to his attorney.
Lane was one of four former Minneapolis police officers involved in the fatal May 2020 arrest that ended in the Floyd’s death. Derek Chauvin, the former officer who knelt on Floyd’s neck for over nine minutes, was sentenced to 22 and 1/2 years for Floyd’s murder. Lane and former officers Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng were found guilty of depriving Floyd of his right to medical care in a federal trial earlier this year.
I guess he got railroaded less than Chauvin. So that’s something.
Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng
WhiteAsian supremacyKathy Hochul is a lizard person. Change my mind.
“Today, I issued Executive Orders to devote substantial resources and focus toward combating the troubling surge in domestic terrorism by identifying radicalized individuals and tracking their threats amplified on social media, and further empower State Police to keep guns away from dangerous people. I am also issuing a referral letter to the Attorney General to investigate social media’s role in the Buffalo shooting, and am calling for the passage of several pieces of legislation that will help law enforcement get more guns off the street,” Hochul added.
Hochul’s first executive order is to establish a new unit responsible for the prevention of domestic terrorism, within the Division’s Office of Counter-Terrorism. This EO also calls to establish a dedicated unit within the New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC) to track domestic violent extremism through social media.
Her second executive order will allow state police to seize firearms aggressively whenever they believe that an individual is a threat or prevent gun purchases by potential threats under New York State’s Red Flag Law.
Ah. So more tyrannical horseshit that will do nothing to prevent crime. Seems legit.
It’s what Democrats do man.
Her second executive order will allow state police to seize firearms aggressively whenever they believe that an individual is a threat or prevent gun purchases by potential threats under New York State’s Red Flag Law.
Deprivation of a constitutional right without due process should be the next thing smacked down by SCOTUS.
Psh. You had your due process when the law passed.
The irony of the red flag not being red enough.
She literally said that the problem was that the Staties only had the option of seizing the guns of bad people, but now it’s mandatory.
Greetings from sunny Seaside, in Florida’s panhandle. Bosslady needed some time to recharge, so we rented a house near the beach for a week.
Yesterday, I ventured west to Destin to scratch my fishing itch. The fish weren’t fully cooperative, but as always, a bad day on the water beats a good day at work.
Oh, that looks like so much fun. Y’all have a wonderful time.
Very nice. I’m jealous.
I’ve been to Seaside. It’s quite nice. And I always thought it has the laziest name in all of resortdom.
Going to bed now, Things are not going well on many fronts but I wish each and every one of you the best possible day that you can manage! Until next time.
‘Night Festus!
Just more evidence that ESG is used as a tool to enforce compliance via restriction of the access to capital. Capital that is being distributed from the Fed’s discount window to politically connected firms.
“Fascism” is an ugly word. Let’s call it something else. Make it sound good, and wholesome and positive.
National socialism?
Hold on to your butts…
Russia seized Google’s Russian bank accounts!
“Putin’s mainstream TV propagandists target new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and say ‘she only got the job because she is black and gay'”
Because that isn’t true?
Because they wanted the Bee to be canceled?
‘she only got the job because she is black and gay’
Nail. Head. Hit.
That is how she introduced herself the first time she stepped up to the podium, so those are her qualifications.
Not only. She’s also a Democrat and she’s literally fucking a member of the media.
The DM’s supporting lines come off as damning with faint praise
Oh, the achievements! Months of experience! Got the grad school equivalent of a basket weaving degree! Was a seat warmer for not one, but multiple campaigns! And they were presidential campaigns, too! No one ever works on those, except for the thousands and thousands of people. Next, she picked up drive through at McDonalds.
They go to great pains to try to dismiss the fact she was chosen for those reasons but always lead with it:
HEPL Edit Fairy!

Instead of answering whatever question is asked, she just looks down and reads talking points verbatim off of cards.
Because she is just so incredibly qualified.
I watch a 3 minute clip….embarrassing.
Thot Thursday has all the right junk in all the right places.
Damn, that’s not funny.
Painful truths.
The Bee is more accurate than the “news” again.
That is absolutely on point.
LANCASTER, PA—Conservative voters turned out in droves for the Republican primaries, eager to select the next candidate who will betray his supporters and completely reverse all his positions once sworn into office.
Even they see the parallels.
It’s hard to maintain lying forever. Eventually you slip up.
Motherfuckers laughing really gets me. Monsters.
Like I said upthread. If a few million peons get mowed down, who really gives a fuck? It’s not like we have a shortage…
How many of the Bush family yachts and assets have been seized again?
“5) we should wear masks— especially in face of potentially high CFR. Doctors are now threatening to quit if monkeypox gets out of control. Then we would be all the worse for it. Let’s please masks. For the love of god.”
So… Monkeypox isn’t transmitted through the air?
In this case, masks might make some sense because it is not an aerosolized infectious agent.
Until the droplets are aerosolized thanks to the mask. I remember, early one, when folks thought Lil Rona was droplet spread and a handful of mask skeptics bringing up the possibility of the mask aerosolizing the droplets.
through contaminated clothing or linens
Like blankets for Indians?
Have a lot of sex. Get married. Have no sex. Have affair. Get divorced. Repeat.
Other restaurants reported food waste because of the mismatch in orders and drivers. One user on Tiktok showed bags and containers of unclaimed orders being thrown away, writing: “This is what free lunch looks like.”
Grubhub advertises free lunch, doesn’t bother to warn the restaurants. Giant clustefuck ensues.
Apparently Grubhub doesn’t have a ringmaster to keep the circus fleas from doing stupid shit.
Some of my coworkers tried to do this yesterday. I refuse to go through the hassle of both having accounts and dealing with NYC food delivery serivces.
Of the three coworkers that tried this only one was successful. Restaurants were pissed!
Good morning, Sloop!
I don’t like the Bentley. It would be fun to drive once, though.
The babies are saved.
You gotta be kidding me.
Don’t worry the Top Men or in this case Top People at woke tech site Ars Technica explain exactly why it isn’t the FDAs fault.
FDA obliterates formula maker’s defense of contamination linked to baby deaths
Never mind a company being forced to disprove a negative.
I like how they handwave away Abbott’s defense, which looks pretty compelling to me. Only one of the cans actually tested positive for Cronobacter, but it wasn’t a strain found at the factory. And there is this:
Both industry and the FDA have a spotty record in general. Companies disregarding GMP and falsifying records and other times the FDA asking the impossible and stonewalling industry because they refuse to be accountable.
The FDA already has the tool to solve the shortage – allow the importation of safe formula from Europe that is currently excluded (due to labeling ‘issues’). See, no grandstanding required – just a little accountability.
bwahahahahaha – I crack myself up
OK, groomers.
“The conference began with presentations promoting puberty blockers, hormone treatments, breast removals, and genital surgeries. In one session, “The Adolescent Pathway Preparing Young People for Gender-Affirming Care,” Dr. Scott Mosser, the principal at the Gender Confirmation Center in San Francisco, explained that he has performed “over two thousand top surgeries,” which involve removing girls’ breasts, and that there is no age limit for beginning the “gender journey.” “I do not have a minimum age of any sort in my practice,” he said, explaining that he would be willing to consult with children as young as ten years old with parental consent. In another session open to children, “Gender-Affirming Masculine and Feminizing Hormones for Adolescents and Adults,” Dane Menkin, divisional director of LGBTQ services at Main Line Health, endorsed treatments ranging from puberty-blocking hormones to manual breast-binding for “masculinizing” adolescent girls. “I’m a strong proponent that you can bind for as many hours a day as you can tolerate binding,” he said.”
Those assholes should be taken out and shot.
No, drawn and quartered, bare minimum. Let them be mutilated the way they mutilated others.
Now do corsets and foot binding. https://www.worldhistory.org/Foot-Binding/
Lazy LOL of the day.
Filthy and perverted.
Thank you. I’ve worked hard to become so!
I’ll say – that was pepperoni not ham.
“I would rather get an abortion than have a Brown child who ends up being adopted by white evangelicals.
It is not a kindness to children of the global majority to give them to people who’ll traumatize them with self and ancestral hatred.
An abortion is an act of love.”
She seems nice.
If by nice, you mean demented and sick.
Demons are Real
“Fiona Hill accidentally admits here that Putin intentionally waited for Trump to leave office because invading Ukraine was expected to go better with Biden as president.”