My main man Mane!
Toronto is a shock win away from knocking out the Lightning. The Minnesooooooda WIIIIIIIIIIILD fell to St Louis and also faces elimination. LA are 3-2 up in Edmonton. And Carolina thumped Boston. Across the pond, Liverpool escaped with a win to put (just a tiny bit of) pressure on Man City in the chase for the EPL. I still think they’re gonna come up short. And that’s it for sports.
Being a stupid asshole is, and always has been, bipartisan. These fuckers better learn how to read a room or people will start taking up arms. And yes, I mean that the same way that retard Lori Lightfoot meant it. The only difference is I ain’t backpedaling what I said.
Oh, come on lady. Get a fucking life. Why is it always the politically-active leftists who always find these “problems” the overwhelming majority of people never see? Maybe because they only exist in their minds.
This ain’t good. It might force a cancellation or postponement of U2’s upcoming tour date there. Or the Canadian PM’s sing-along.

This entire thing is a psyop.
Too late, dumbasses. Between this poor decision and all the wokeness, you’ve lost the game.
This ought to kill the myth of pilots being special. Sully? Nothing but a bitch.
Not sure this will cut crime. It might cut crime by “civilians”, but it won’t cut crime. Not until their union is neutered.
“I came here to eat an ice cream cone and kick ass. And I’m all out of ice cream.” This story is fucking awesome.
::Checks location:: Yep, Southwest Houston. This is not surprising.
Don’t think I’ve ever played these guys for you. Which is a sad oversight. So sad that I’m giving you a double-dose. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Wednesday, dear friends.
BONUS SUPER-RETARDED LATE LINK. That’s gonna be an absolute pile of shit. I can’t wait.
“Being a stupid asshole is, and always has been, bipartisan. ”
Warmongers gonna warmonger
“Oh, come on lady. Get a fucking life. Why is it always the politically-active leftists who always find these “problems” the overwhelming majority of people never see? Maybe because they only exist in their minds.”
Leftists tend to shirk the responsibilities of the world and be left without any sort of meaning in life. That’s why so many of them resort to the activist shit. It lets them feel they are making a difference rather than just being a drag on society. We should force these people to do meaningful work like their ideology demands.
I think it’s that leftists think that they’re more important than they actually are. Get a job, make money, employ someone, support your family, don’t be an asshole, these are basic things that don’t make you “special” but are far more important than “changing the world.”
Colleges and primary schools are pumping out deluded activists that don’t know how to take care of their own business but want to tell everyone else how to handle theirs.
“I think it’s that leftists think that they’re more important than they actually are. ”
Actually, I suspect it is quite the opposite that causes this mental disorder. These tend to be people that find no meaning in life and are desperate to find something to give it meaning so they ca act/be important. They more often than not lack any real things that give them a feeling of value, driving them to need to do something to change that. Amongst the young, it is caused by the indoctrination that told them they were special, to boost their self esteem, without ever having accomplished anything of real importance or value, which leaves them knowing they are fake as shit. That indoctrination drives them to activism, because doing meaningful work or starting a real family is for the conformists. Amongst the older ones they might be in high paying jobs but hate the job and feel it is actually meaningless. They tend not to have families or family responsibilities. They lack religious or real community connections. And most importantly, worry that they will end up alone in their old age forgotten and realizing they made no difference.
These are people that act the way they do out of insecurity. not out of any feeling of superiority (despite projecting that image).
It’s both. It attracts the narcissists AND the insecure. They each see themselves in the activism. The insecure get a semblance of personal stability. The narcissists get to play superhero.
Just like 12-step programs. And now you know the rest of the story…
Leftists are religious zealots. And before anyone gets carried away, zealots are a small subset of believers in general, and they are fucking maniacs regardless of the religious beliefs they embrace.
House passes $40 billion Ukraine aid bill
I have it on good authority that $40B would end homelessness in the US forever. Why is it going to Ukraine?
Homelessness? Man, that would end world hunger.
Homelessness is at least another 0.
It’s going there to get sent into the personal accounts of the connected people.
Ukraine was where western government sent money since that 2013 revolution for it to disappear into the pockets of many connected leftist entities. See the Biden family affairs.
“If you just let us return to a fuedal society, we wouldn’t have to filter our vig through corrupt second-world shitholes!”
Neofeudal. Real feudal societies had clear hierarchies and visible obligations. This one will start off at feudalism’s degenerate end state.
All our societal problems today, especially in the US, stem from the fact that the supposed expert and leadership classes are primarily composed of idiots and assholes. And they know it too. Instead of doing things to correctly diagnose problems, so they can at least do things that attempt to fix them, they politicize problems and solutions, resulting in calamities. All of that stupid because doing real work is somehow harder than just manipulating people’s beliefs. These experts and leaders see how people are wising up, and more importantly, how fucking degenerate and stupid their offspring are, and worry about their kids and grand kids ending amongst the homeless. they want a hereditary aristocracy to block that from happening. In the process it is making the morons the system churns out even more dumb, destructive, and entitled.
When the goal is only to live a comfortable and emotionally driven life, insulated from petty concerns like finding food to put on the table or facing scrutiny for your actions or having to build something of real value, then it is absolutely easier and preferable to psychologically manipulate the population than to address their problems. If these people could guarantee, for longer than they can foresee, a gilded cage for themselves, and torment for those whose existence reminds them of their inadequacy, they would do it every day and twice on Sunday. And so they have done.
10% for the Big Guy.
Wasn’t it only 30-something billion just a few days ago?
That was before the graft subcomittees ammended it.
Apparently the CIA needed a slush fund, and just to really thumb it in the eye of those of us who read that Davy Crockett story, some money for a congressional widow for some reason needed to be in here.
Heaven only knows what other slop they threw in the trough for their wallowing pleasure.
Ukraine has a tent city deficit. We need world-wide tent city equity. For the children!
I see you’ve watched me move dirt around the yard.
I love the outdoors. But I think yard work should be the top concern of the Geneva Convention’s list of abuses as well as be labeled a form of mental and physical abuse.
I used to really dig it. Failing health put a kibosh on that. We were “The Garden People” in our neighborhood for twenty years. If anyone is interested I’ve got a patch of horseradish that keeps multiplying, year on year. It’s about 20×20 by now. I love that stuff but never wanted to ranch it. Triffids.
Hey ES, which DCC clips are you using? Belt or behind the belt?
Bow-chicka-wow-wow! No phrasing?
Oh man, I have a bunch of them on different things.
I generally use 1.5″ belt clips for pistol holsters and other heavy things, and behind-the-belt clips for knife sheaths.
I ordered a 2.2.
“Too late, dumbasses. Between this poor decision and all the wokeness, you’ve lost the game.”
I wonder how many of the decision makers have realized that they are losing subscriptions because the woke drek they keep producing sucks so bad not even the wokesters want to pay for it. How the fuck did they figure paying some political asshats like to Obamas a shitton of money was going to attract viewers? Is that because they fell for the fact that when a liberal asshat puts out a dumbass book, libraries and connected assholes running entities with a lot of money to waste (government or donations) buy a ton of them to make it look like people want to read their shit, and thought that would also happen with their shitty service?
Seriously. I have tried to watch shit on Netflix, and it just sucks ballz unless it is some real old content. I also happen to know that wokesters make it a point of sharing their account info, because most of them want free shit.
I assumed it was more in the ilk of “pay big bucks to politically connected machine so their regulators don’t come after us” type shenanigans.
^This. They all share accounts.
So to combat this, instead of an ad supported version with no subscription fee, it will be a subscription fee with ads? Die a thousand deaths, Netflix.
Exactly. Who in their right mind would pay a subscription fee to be subjected to ads? Especially since most of their content sucks ass these days.
I just assume the Obama deal was his payment for his support of net neutrality while president. This way it’s a legit payment for a crap product and not outright bribery or corruption.
The article makes mention of HBOMax and Hulu having ad-supported tiers, without mentioning the fact that they are owned by film studios with large libraries, an advantage Netflix does not have.
They also seem to be completely unaware that if paying customers are walking away in droves, advertisers will walk away in droves, too.
How much of the back catalog is actually available for streaming at any time?
For the previous thread, this smacks too much of someone pretending to be the people they hate:
First Communiqué
This is not a declaration of war. War has been upon us for decades. A war which we did not want, and did not provoke. Too long have we been attacked for asking for basic medical care. Too long have we been shot, bombed, and forced into childbirth without consent.
This was only a warning. We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics, and violent anti-choice groups within the next thirty days. This is not a mere "difference of opinion" as some have framed it. We are literally fighting for our lives. We will not sit still while we are killed and forced into servitude. We have run thin on patience and mercy for those who seek to strip us of what little autonomy we have left. As you continue to bomb clinics and assassinate doctors with impunity, so too shall we adopt increasingly extreme tactics to maintain freedom over our own bodies.
We are forced to adopt the minimum military requirement for a political struggle. Again, this was only a warning. Next time the infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive. Medical imperialism will not face a passive enemy. Wisconsin is the first flashpoint, but we are all over the US, and we will issue no further warnings.
And we will not stop, we will not back down, nor will we hesitate to strike until the inalienable right to manage our own health is returned to us.
We are not one group, but many. We are in your city. We are in every city. Your repression only strengthens our accomplice-ship and resolve.
— Jane’s Revenge
:::Edit Faerie fixed your lame html:::
I guess Jane is over her addiction.
Hope her voice changed, then.
Is she done with Sergio?
Bastard treats her like a ragdoll.
Legit, if only because a pro-lifer wouldn’t be creative enough to come up with a word abortion like that.
What you did there was seen…
We are literally fighting for our lives. We will not sit still while we are killed
About that.
In my state, to my recollection, there’s been precisely one guy who shot and killed an abortion doctor.
Government tried him, convicted him, sentenced him to death, and executed the sentence.
Some impunity.
The people making all that hay about abortion clinic bombers are the same ones that love and cheer the freedom fighters of the Weather Underground and other such real criminal and evil movements. The real problem is that they hate others doing the same shit they do, not that violence happens.
It’s the scuffs and dings that give artisinal html its handcrafted authentic feel.
Anything they don’t like is labeled imperialism. Marxism 101.
The anti-life people have always exhibited this level of hate.
Not one shout out at the patriarchy?
I am disappoint.
For the previous thread, this smacks too much of someone pretending to be the people they hate:
I dunno, this letter sounds pretty much on par for communications previously put out by the likes of Antifa and BLM.
“As you continue to bomb clinics and assassinate doctors with impunity”
How often has this actually happened?
A right which I suspect does not apply to vaccine mandates.
Mostly peaceful protests.
This sounds to me like one mad(wo)man talking big.
Wait until they find out that the original Jane regrets her role in all this.
Is this why I’ve been
seeingdodging more shitty drivers in the parks in the past couple of weeks then I have for the past several years?Inflation report out shortly. Biden will shuffle on to a stage, blame Putin and Trump, then shuffle off without answering a real question.
It’s supposed to look like he’s concerned but the insult is becoming more obvious.
Half of both of our countries will believe it. When does that “Santa” moment happen?
I know for certain that when I go camping that I always bring my “No Chinks Allowed” neon sign to the campground. Gotta keep the girls safe from the white-slavers. It’s just common sense!
“This ought to kill the myth of pilots being special. Sully? Nothing but a bitch.”
Yeah, 2 things here. First off, I bet this is a newer small Cessna model that is highly automated, making landing it via ILS somewhat not that difficult if weather conditions are nice and you have one heck of an instructor walking you through it at an airport with a really long strip that was cake to land at. Second of all, this person that landed it had some serious luck. Have a difficult airport, a short strip, bad weather, or shitty instructions, and you would be talking about a crater.
I still hope someday I get to land a big commercial jet because the cabin crew got sick myself…
I still hope someday I get to land a big commercial jet because the cabin crew got sick myself…
Just don’t eat the fish.
Good luck. We’re all counting on you….
Don’t forget to blow up the autopilot.
Oh, I’m just kidding. I’m certain it takes a ton of skill to pilot and land an airplane. I’m just being a dick.
From my Aviation merit badge days, landing a Skyhawk II was: get the angle of approach correct, leave everything exactly as is, turn off engine.
You just like movies about gladiators, don’t you?
Wait wut?
Tell us, Alex… ever been in a Turkish prison?
No, but I have had to be in a drunk tank with a guy swearing in Turk…
There was a certain amount of luck involved. The aircraft was a Cessna Caravan — not exactly a 152, but a very stable and forgiving platform. Second, the incident took place near Palm Beach International, which used to be a training base for Air Force heavy transport, and thus has a 10,000 foot runway. And as mentioned, the weather was clear with good visibility.
The one time in recent memory that a passenger tried to land an airliner, it didn’t go so well.
To be fair, he had a commercial pilot’s license. Also, to be fair, he had no fuel left in the tanks (engine flamed out less than a minute after he entered the cockpit)
I’m reasonably confident I could hack my way through landing most fixed wing aircraft because the principles are consistent, it’s just the variables that change, but that’s one of those situations where you have to know exactly what the procedures are ahead of time. You’ve got no time to be figuring it out on the fly.
It’s the old joke about twin-engine aircraft. In the event of a failure, that second engine is there to get you to the crash site.
14 minutes and you too can be a hero.
Alice Kim has learned a valuable lesson about the pile of stupid who really runs her adopted city.
You know — I lived through almost all of the 1970’s but was too young to pay much attention…. but I don’t think the mood of the country was *this* toxic. This is like stagflation meets the Watts riots, on a global scale. Seems like every damned news story is just another “screw you, chump!” to the folks who try to keep society running, the lights on and the bills being paid.
I’m thinking this — because I was thinking “Man, if it was even half this bad — no wonder Reagan got elected. Just someone able to go before the country and be gorram *positive* about the country, the people and the future would have a MASSIVE appeal.” Which of course led to thoughts of MAGA — which attempted to recreate that in 2016 (and had a harder time in 2020 because while I think he had some successes [and yes, JI can debate them, I know], he obviously had a lot of failures on the Swamp and personnel fronts more obviously than Reagan (GHWB was more subtle in his swampiness)). So just thinking about how easy it would be for a true demagogue to ride a populist wave by just at least pretending to care, to express that people in general don’t suck and that things can be better. And all the damned Chicken Little politicians focusing on keeping the graft going by Perpetual Crisis mode are just making that easier and easier every day.
Probably thoughts that went through the Roman Republic senators’ minds too, I know….
(queue Ron Perlman Fallout narrator mode)
History… history never changes.
(unqueue Ron Perlman mode)
Just thinking out loud (Just a Thought, Not a Real Point?). Brought out mainly by the Stupid Party being their warmongering, money laundering selves this morning, I think.
I don’t remember anything nearly this bad in my life. What I remember from the seventies is that everyone was pretty equally miserable and especially scornful of Congress and DC in general. We did not have half the country cheering on the fall. We did not have a rising class of Marxists amplified by elite institutions and by the feedback loop of social media with a goal of turning everything to shit.
I spent the 70s living outside the US because of where my dad was stationed, and I remember the others there complaining about how bad things were at home and wherever we were indirectly. Everyone I recall worried about the advancements of marxsm and the evils to come from that shit. But in general it was one conversation after another of how the people in charge had given up, were just resorting to stupid platitudes and more of the same idiocy, and that everyone felt the country was doomed because of their ineptitude. That and how the populous was just fed up of that attitude and the failures.
Today we have people actively cheering for the idiots doing things that will doom us all as a country.
Agree. I was a teenager in the 70s and while things were bad, we did not have half the population cheering on the culprits and demanding that everyone must “PROG HARDER” or be destroyed.
That’s a good point, the pessimism was nearly universal by that point.
The jokes about the “idiots in DC” were in every sitcom, variety show, and game show.
Can you imagine that today?!
I don’t think we have half the country cheering on the fall now. I think we have a minority in a position of unusual power and influence, social as well as political.
It depends on how high you set the bar. If using the language and the tactics of the deconstructionist left is enough, then 50% seems conservative. If the bar is as high as actively and knowingly tearing down traditional institutions, that number is very small.
I had somebody get on a call with me yesterday and say “we’re going to be centering on X during the call today”. Is her use of marxist critical theory language enough?
Just a paradigm shift. Not to worry!
“Is her use of marxist critical theory language enough?”
I don’t think that it is. Considering that the cultural gatekeepers and ‘tastemakers’ swing heavily neo-Marxist, it’s almost impossible to avoid using some of their jargon.
I think Sheldon’s right. And it is starting to show; Virginia parents revolt, Florida going full Red, SF rejection of it’s prog school board and DA, and so on. What we saw during the COVIDIOCY was how much slack there is in gov’t, how much they take for granted re gov’t largess. The people who don’t need it get the most slack. The people we have constantly been told are the most valued members (teachers) are every bit as shitty as our kids told us. And racist, to boot.
The left told us they were creating a perpetual motion machine, but we are starting to notice that it isn’t going nearly as fast. Indeed, it is breaking down faster and faster instead.
I was a kid, but I remember it pretty well. People were pessimistic (for good reason) and the answer we heard from the people in charge was that this was the new normal, get used to it, you need to stop wanting more and start living on less for the good of your country, and oh, by the way, it looks like the commies have won and we should start making peace with that.
Yeah, the short version I give to students about the 1980 campaign is that Carter runs on “this is the new normal, sorry, get used to it” and Reagan runs on “we can make things much better by returning to ‘traditional’ approaches.” Even if you were resigned to things not getting better, why not vote for the guy who is at least offering solutions.
+1 put on a sweater
and yes, JI can debate them, I know
[taps foot impatiently]
I have noted things Trump was right about; some of those he accomplished and some he did not. I still think he’s 100% asshole. The huge difference between him and Reagan is Reagan ran on a fundamentally positive line, and Trump’s appeal was all in negation. Yet it seems ANY criticism of his Orangeness makes one a TDSer in these here precincts.
This. The Stupids could wipe the floor with whoever’s left to run for the Dems next time if they put up someone “positive”, but if they go with Trump again… ugh.
I don’t think that is a fair characterization at all.
Trump was an insurgent/outsider candidate. Being oppositional/negative is baked in to some extent. But I think his campaign was more “I love America, unlike those guys, who hate you.” There was definitely a positive strain. His rallies were more upbeat than angry, is my recollection.
And then he pussed out, once in office.
Yeah well Reagan didn’t accomplish all he promised – Dept of Education is bigger and worse than ever. Also Reagan ran as an outsider, and positively – even though he was negative about the DC establishment.
I didn’t think I was accusing you of TDS, just that you’re more likely to debate his successes than anyone else by a long shot. I’m fine with that — no one really wants group think, and assumptions should be challenged. You’re just the one who seems to do it for Trump, is all. No slight on you.
For recent example — your comments on the energy sector costs relative to the actions of the Biden administration stay in the back of my mind and challenge my mental consensus over the last few days. I’m still not entirely sure I *agree* that the energy markets were going to spiral up regardless and were on that path before Biden came in, but I definitely have to consider it. And I thank you for that. Being aware that you’re the one who seems to take point on this around here isn’t negative.
My sensitivity isn’t your fault.
Most of the discussion of presidents (pro and con) is based more on the myth of the rightful ruler than on objective consideration of the role (and the person).
Plus Reagan rarely moaned in public about the way he was being treated by the media, etc. Trump has a pretty thin skin. And, yes, I know that some of the attacks on the media were part of his campaign schtick, but at some point just govern.
Thin skinned, yes, but also correct in his assessments.
He wasn’t paranoid about a hostile media, they actually were out to get him, with The Fortification being Exhibit A.
Some of his assessments were correct – getting us out of needless foreign operations (without much success).
Some of his assessments were wrong – building a wall was going to make this country a less attractive option than living in a Central American shit-hole. And for gawdsakes, his stated trade policy (which is not the same as what was actually negotiated) and tarrifs.
A wall would certainly not “make this country a less attractive option than living in a Central American shit-hole”. But a wall, along with enforcement of immigration laws would help slow down the insupportable flow of indigent migrants.
I don’t know. The 70s had Vietnam, regular bombings by left wing groups, Watergate, a couple assassination attempts on President Ford. In the Bay Area we had the Zodiac Killer, Patty Hearst, Peoples’ Temple. A lot of crazy shit. If we had the kind of nationwide media now that we had then it might not seem as bad as it does. Now if DeSantis farts in Florida, we hear about it in CA.
From the Instagram post in the Copaganda Ice Cream article: “Police Officers with NO BODY CAMERAS…”
The cop in the picture appears to very much be wearing a body camera, that flat, square thing over his sternum.
Shhhh, they’re on a roll.
Past the 30 minute mark, so I feel it isn’t unreasonable to report that yes, I continue to suck. But not quite enough to move back to Chumptown. Very very close.
Daily Quordle 107
We could speed things up for Hype and his new apprentice, by posting all quordle scores on the morning thread. Just a thought.
Huh… didn’t notice Sloopy slipping it in… I mean, adding a late link on us.
Yay… another unwanted sequel! I’m sure they’ll do it justice, not slop heavy doses of THE MESSAGE in there and justify not actually bothering to give a fresh writer a shot instead of shamelessly trying to farm nostalgia a try. Worked so well for so many things lately, after all. :Picard Face Palm:
Sigh. Threading fail. That’s what I get for thinking about replying here, changing my mind and not reloading the whole thread afresh from the main page, apparently.
To *actually* reply, I’d be fine with that (or even moving them all to a daily Forum post, which might make Swiss happier) — but I tend to post them in the morning thread anyway, so I’m an easy vote.
I hope they CGI in Seayze to every other scene.
Same for Jennifer Gray’s old beak. That button nose looks ridiculous on her.
The delay isn’t due to when you post them as much as it’s when I am not WORKING and able to compile them.
That said I will try to get them up sooner than 9pm central moving forward. Last night was beautiful outside and I lost track of time.
Daily Quordle 107
Viva la Waffle!
#waffle110 4/5
? streak: 19
? #waffleelite
Daily Quordle 107
I’ll take another 20.
Daily Quordle 107
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⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?⬜?⬜⬜
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?????
Daily Quordle 107
Fuck. I gotta try some new seed words.
Daily Quordle 107
“You do that, you go to the box, you know… Two minutes, by yourself, you know…. and you feel shame…”
Daily Quordle 107
22 again.
Daily Quordle 107
4️⃣7️⃣ Bottom right is asshoe, but I had all the letters.
5 6
8 3
This thread is deader than Seth Rich, but in the interest of consolidating Quordle scores:
7 3
9 5
and I and have never seen bottom-right used without an extra vowel in front of it.
Appreciate the consolidation! ??
Inflation at 8.3%. Higher than “expected”.
That number is at least half of what it really is. But according to the people doing the things that cause the inflation, the problem isn’t solvable unless they get to do more of what caused the inflation in the first place.
With diesel at $6 a gallon, it’s pretty obvious what is causing it. A year-and-a-half ago we were a net exporter of oil.
This is a perfect example of mis-measuring the presidency by appeal to mythology. Who was president in 2020 when production declined? Perhaps the problem wasn’t with the president himself?
US oil production.
While the NY leg is pushing for $50mil annually for abortion tourism, wise and frugal governette looked behind the couch and found $35 mil to tide everyone over until the law gets passed:
*starts out of state job search again*
I’m not qualified for those jobs.
Not inept and credentialed enough?
When can you start?
So either the NY state health commissioner has one hell of a slush fund (possible)… or she’s saying that keeping Margaret Sanger’s eugenics vision going is more important than any silly supposed pandemic. Yay.
Does anyone know if NY taxpayers are already paying for abortions? Or is this a new thing.
Cuz that ain’t right.
Tell me again why we have issues with formula.
“One reason retailers are struggling to recover stock levels is the multifarious trade restrictions that limit infant formula imports. The United States subjects infant formula to tariffs up to 17.5 percent and tariff‐rate quotas (TRQs); for TRQs some level imported are subject to a tariff with the excess subject to a tariff and additional duties. A few trading partners receive “special” duty rates where some infant formula imports are duty‐free or receive lower tariffs and TRQs. Mexico is one of the few U.S. trading partners that has some duty‐free access for infant formula, and uncoincidentally, is the top trading partner for U.S. formula imports. Though, in comparison to total imports from Mexico (worth almost $400 billion), formula imports are extremely low.”
Couldn’t this shortage be addressed by breast feeding? I understand a small percentage of mothers ay have medical reasons why they can’t, but for the vast majority it’s perfectly natural.
It’s awfully inconvenient to the career to have to pump every couple hours while your colleagues are still being productive.
Expand employer abortion benefits up to 26 years post birth!
In seriousness, this was added several years ago
For new mothers, yes. It’s a serious problem though for mothers who previously switched to formula over the past year. Milk production can stop after just a few days of not breastfeeding.
But I’m really surprised to hear these “adjust your expectations”. It’s like hearing the solution for meat shortages is for people to stop eating meat. Who’s business is it if a mother prefers to buy formula instead of breast feeding?
The solution isn’t to force mothers to breast feed. It’s for the government to stop cratering the economy and creating artificial shortages.
I don’t think anybody is saying “suck it up buttercup”, but I think the prevailing culture of bitching about every little thing as some human rights issue has dulled most of our sympathy. Especially when there is a alternative viable in the aggregate that would take massive pressure off of the current situation.
The tariffs should go to zero tomorrow. However, if you think that might happen, I have some oceanfront property in Kansas to sell you.
I mean we’ve all been complaining about shortages at the grocery store for everything from meat to ice cream to Claussen pickles. Formula is just another one of those items. There have always been alternatives for every item that is missing from shelves. Turning formula shortages into a socio-political thing sounds eerily similar to me like when the greenies said steak-eaters can just eat vegetarian to take pressure of meat shortages. Formula is just another commodity that used to be regularly available to American consumers and is now facing shortages as this country further slips.
Fair point. As a dad of 2 girls who drank a fair amount of formula, I should probably be more sympathetic.
Lactation can still be stimulated, though.
That would force people with lactating tiddies into body slavery, brah…
“Though, in comparison to total imports from Mexico (worth almost $400 billion), formula imports are extremely low.”
How huge is the baby formula market?
How’s that vaccine working for ya?
If I need to remind anyone about this abortion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkFyNVtNh8
Is it wrong that I feel great pleasure at all of these vaccine Nazis getting sick with Covid while we un-vaxxed go happily about our lives?
Carry on.
It used to be “I’ve got a bad cold or something so I’m taking a few days off to rest”.
Now it’s basically “I’m a VICTIM of COVID!!!!” as a way to increase one’s social credit score.
A Republican senator just went *there* on Joe Biden
I can’t imagine why anybody would think Biden has dementia. I also can’t recall the last time any significant figure questioned the mental fitness of a president. I’m sure Chris can tell us.
He’s just pointing, with all of his fingers. Stop making fun of his stutter. He can totally kick your ass in a push up contest!
The emperor has no marbles.
My wife is an occupational therapist who currently works in a hospital’s transitional care unit and previously worked in geriatric units and has 20 years of experience evaluating geriatric patients. She says Biden shows the typical signs of someone with dementia. Although you don’t really need to be a professional to know something is obviously wrong.
Remember when the Beltway Class thought using the 25A against Trump was a salutary thing?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
What are you going to believe? Your lying eyes or the Disinformation Governance Board?
Ronald Reagan was failing in his second term. Joe Biden has ventured beyond the pale. I’m having some of the same physical difficulties that he has but my brain is still as dull as ever. He’s fucked. He’s neurologically messed up. He can’t walk, he can’t speak coherently. Is this some cruel joke? Someone needs to yank that choke chain before he kills us all.
Something from the never being remade category
What would the senator from Wisconsin know about that, huh?
Gah! A reboot of “Dirty Dancing”? Gangway! New “Footloose” will be next! I’ve never seen either movie but I’ve also never had the lived experience of a 12 year-old girl.
I want a reboot of Jaws!
You’ll get “Grease” and you’ll like it, peasent!
Even better… Netflix’s remake of Casablanca, starring Gabourey Sidibe as Blaine, Eliot Page as Ilsa, and Sarah Paulson as Laszlo. In a surprising plot twist, Sidibe and Page fly away together while Paulson teams up with Police Captain Renault (played by Leslie Jones) to stay and fight the
NazisMAGA-ists.Warming us up for SugarFree?
If this is supposed to be a joke, it’s not funny.
I Laszlo fleeing MAGA country seeking an abortion?
I was looking at the local theater site yesterday. Just about every movie was a sequel or a reboot. Hollywood is completely out of ideas.
Meanwhile I’m enjoying a Larry Correia Monster Hunter book that would be a blockbuster in the theaters or as an HBO series – but he has yucky politics.
Remake of Footloose (1984) or Footloose (2011)?
It’s worse than I imagined.
It had to be done. 80s technology wasn’t up to the task.
Another example of why when government runs the healthcare system like the “gimme free shit” crowd wants will turn into massive and evil abuse
You want a race war? This is how you get one.
NY(C?) did it too. And nothing else happened.
With Utah Republicans in charge, they don’t need Democrats.
From the sidebar of the honorary Florida Man pilot article: Olympic Swimmer’s ex-boyfriend dies suddenly on tropical island.
I’m going with accidental drug overdose. Classic Bali flop.
Is that similar to The Michigan Rag?
Could it have been a “Hold my
beerfruity drink and watch this” moment? People on vaycay that are intoxicated can do dumb ass shit that has nothing to do with drugs…Uffda. D&D Nerd
40 year long campaign. I was a huuuuuuge D&D nerd when I was in Jr. High. So I’m not throwing shade at this guy. But still…..
I bet these are all virgins…
D&D has become somewhat popular. I doubt these players are virgins.
If you haven’t been playing since before I was born, you’re not a real fan and just a poseur.
Yeah, I get it. But this guy strikes me as someone that goes “Chicks dig painted figurines!”, and I am pretty sure from being a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, that’s not how it works…
I guess he has a kid. So I was wrong.
I’m sorry, but how slow was the progression? I can understand having the same group for years, but the system doesn’t infinitely scale, so you cap out after a few years. And didn’t anyone want to try a different campaign? A different system?
Do you know how long it would take to legitimately get to Hierarch 5 twice?
He said they banished a demon “100 years ago” about 1989, who just came back.
He has generational stories going on.
I like this guy. Let’s recruit him.
I see some 2nd edition books. Excellent.
Teachable moment about the insanity of the fucking idiocracy members.
Huh, not the Bee.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Well isn’t this just the perfect juxtaposition to Alex’s preceding abomination.
Thanks Jimbo. Real people are really nice.
“Last year, Kawahata, an accomplished ice and alpine climber, toured Topaz and decided to go climbing in the nearby mountains.”
Good for her, unfortunately she was hungry for another adventure just an hour later.
Rice noodles are disgusting. It’s akin to eating tapeworms. No more!
“We didn’t understand the terms they used and what was going on,” Kim said. “If we understood better we can react better, but no one explained it to us and we don’t understand what that means. We can’t properly react.”
That’s because “copaganda” is a made-up word.
“SFPD did not respond to an SFGATE request for comment. Kyra Worthy, the executive director of SF SAFE, said her organization had no hand in the event aside from paying for the ice cream that was distributed to police and community members”
You had no hand besides paying for it?
“”We said, ‘put down the megaphone, let’s talk, we can maybe understand you better,'” Kim said. “Then they said we were white supremacists and just trying to make money and don’t care about other people’s lives.””
Korean white supremacists.
Barry Manilow haz a sad.
Paid subscription AND ads? No thanks…
Worked for Hulu.
Hulu actually has a large amount of classic content, and all the FX/FXX stuff.
“However, Variety has reported that the “filmmakers are in conversations with Swayze’s estate to incorporate the actor’s presence in some way”, though what form this could take is anyone’s guess. ”
Creepy uncanny valley CGI a la Grand Moff Tarkin would be my guess.
In the role of a ghost while Baby shapes pottery?
Am I an ULTRA-MAGA because I didn’t use this story as my Ray of Sunshine?
Who else but some wrong thinking knuckle dragger wouldn’t be shouting this totes positive headline “U.S. inflation hit 8.3% last month but slows from 40-year high”
It is slowing!!!!!
It’s gone from catastrophic to not quite as catastrophic. Ain’t that great?
So is the spread of VD?
Yahoo’s headline said inflation was decelerating. The message must have gone out on how to spin this.
SJWednesday: They’re Coming For Our Periods
I bet if you point out the CDC tracked people’s medical data illegally under the guise of doing Kung Flu studies, the same morons wokering about the period tracking shit will be all for it because of the science deniers and the insurrections.
Look Alex, the CDC will totes use govt power to track periods and put women back into Handmaid’s costumes. That is just a fact.
You’d probably take it more seriously if you weren’t so busy fixating on that totally bogus conspiracy that the ATF is creating and maintaining illegal lists of gun owners for the day when they get the green light to confiscate them.
against a user who
seeks abortion carecallously murders their child via starvation or dismembermentNo. Some neckbeards with a predilection really dig the flow.
I had a business plan a long time ago (ragmenot.com) that was based on being a “Gentleman’s reminder service”. Basically you would start entering data on when your significant other was having her period. Our algorithm would then begin predicting the start of her next period and send you an email with a warning. (There was also talk about hooking that info into subscriptions to chocolate and flower purchases).
That way you wouldn’t have to go through the experience of walking into a propeller at your house without proper warning. No more coming home in a good mood only to get into a giant fight with the wife. Then as you brush your teeth at night wondering how things went so wrong you’d see that wrapper in the trash and realize you should have just rope-a-doped.
The most progress I made was a one page app that had an awesome animated gif of a tampon with flames shooting off it.
“That way you wouldn’t have to go through the experience of walking into a propeller at your house without proper warning.”
I call bullshit. there is now ay to avoid that short of moving away for that period (see wat I did there?), and you still might have to take on the rage beast when you get back anyway…
This is a second-order effect of an abortion ban, that is worth thinking about. I’m sure that the big law would have no trouble investigating pregnant women who naturally miscarry – it’s an easy felony rap.
It strikes me as a bit fantastic to expect That there are going to be roving units of law enforcement tracking miscarriages and doing investigations. Pregnancy, especially early pregnancy, is a time when a lot of natural deaths happen. It would be akin to spinning up a department in the local PD to investigate every nursing home death. No, they don’t bother poking around there unless they have some other reason to be suspicious. I’d expect the same for abortions.
You have a lot more faith in the integrity of our law enforcement agencies than I do…
It’s not about having faith in law enforcement or their intentions, it’s being realistic about their capacity for enforcement and their preferred allocation of resources. Punishing illegal abortions doesn’t have the same grift potential as drug or gun laws and their associated property seizure. I assume it would be pretty rare occurrences in only the reddest of states that you’d see task forces dedicated to this kind of thing. I just don’t see the political will for it, but I could be wrong.
This is a huge point – the war on drugs is not fought equally against all drug consumers. Police, exhibiting classic predator behavior, go after the easiest/weakest targets first.
Boy, that is exactly what my wife and I needed after one of our miscarriages. Having a LEO drop by to interview us about our sketchy track record for following through on our pregnancies would have been awesome.
This makes me think about another question. What is the overlap between abortion supporters and people who think it is OK to jail mothers who have babies that test positive for drugs after they are born? Or people who think it is OK to punish pregnant women who might have a drink or a smoke while carrying a kid?
“But users should be aware that the information collected by these apps could be shared with third parties. ”
I can’t even understand the point of sharing this type of information with unknown second parties.
My OB got rid of my period and I was so okay with that. Y’all pregnant-capable people can have ’em.
If you doubt that the woke movement is about dumbing down the general population so the people in charge and their offspring have less competition to worry about, just take a look at this.
The public school system needs to go if we can’t end the death grip on it by the woketarians.
The public school system needs to go
if we can’t end the death grip on it by the woketarians.It was a failed system well before the blue hairs got their talons into it.
Yes, as kbolino likes to point out, this is just another stage in the rot. You can go back to Mann and Dewey and stop being maniacal about the latest.
Original Zinn if you will.
Yes. Though our exact form of degeneracy was not the only possible outcome, some form of degeneracy was inevitable. The public school system has been from day one a tool for the elite of the day to manipulate the masses. It is the primary and most potent mechanism used in the process of manufacturing consent. To this end, it must wipe away any values systems the children may bring with them, including those provided by family, church, civic clubs, etc. The particular values that are inserted into this created void vary from time to time and place to place but share certain common characteristics, among them: a profound and nigh-unshakeable sense of epistemic doubt concerning tradition and heredity, and a similarly immovable sense of confidence in left-coded (“the right side of history”) ideas, people, and institutions. Not coincidentally, these same ideas, people, and institutions are at the heart of this system.
Something really needs to be done, for instance changing the way they rank schools by incorporating more social justice. /probably not far from the truth
SJWednesday: I Don’t Think This Comes Off The Way You Meant It To
Women can have full autonomy over their bodies and the choice to murder their babies, with not a single man (don’t worry, while I am not a biologist, I still know what a man is) being allowed to say anything about that since it can’t happen to them, when men get the right to do the same about their earnings when women decide to get pregnant and have a child without their input to trap them into economic slavery?
Being proactively responsible is a bad thing?
Men exist for two purposes in the feminist world – to take the blame and to donate sperm when it is desired.
You forgot the “be a convenient ATM” part.
I thought we were also there for spider squashing duty… and maybe pickle jars.
Euphemism? Cause when I die, my girlfriends at that time gets my pickle in a jar.. It will be a real big jar, but she can put it on her table to reminisce.
pickle in a jar
So there really are chicks into Kermit cos-play? Good for you. Most chicks wouldn’t fool around with a guy with a green “pickle” no matter how big (or kosher) it might be.
There is also the vitally important task of providing for the woman for years after she’s abandoned the relationship.
That doesn’t even make sense. Men can’t count on abortions as birth control. Do that, and I can 100% guarantee that you end up with a baby or three.
It was a vitally important reminder that in addition to women, trans and non-binary people, and all pregnant-capable people, cis men have greatly benefited from Roe as well.
So men clearly see what’s at stake for them right now
Men can get pregnant but women cannot get vasectomies?
Lighten up Francis. No need to be so snippy about a double standard
He’s just trying to tie up some loose ends.
All cut and dried?
Why are you attacking the Colonel? He makes great chicken…
I hated the Colonel, with his wee, beady eyes!!!
I’m pretty sure my brother got a girl pregnant in in high school. I heard just enough to figure out what was going on. In his case, the solution was to give her a few hundred bucks and send her to a clinic in Wisconsin.
Men greatly benefit from abortion. Unfortunately it’s a way for an irresponsible man to avoid any consequences. Just send the b*tch to Planned Parenthood and you never have to deal with her again. There’s talk of abortion “empowering women” but I think this is closer to the truth.
I didn’t like it when Mike Damone did that and I don’t like it now.
Ben Folds made a career out of an abortion.
Regarding Rhywun’s story about growing up in the 70’s and the stagflation therein – Everybody’s Mom went back to work about 1974 or so just to keep bologna and pimento loaf on the table. We were the first generation of latchkey kids. Rhywun knows this first hand. They didn’t want to work, they HAD to work and it fucked up two generations of children. What the fuck did you think we’d get up to in your absence? That became the new normal. Now we have another generation of jug-eared children that can’t read facial cues. Ponder the killing ditch.
Look women working was essential for social progress. Why do you want women to be barefoot? they have delicate feet
What are they wearing on their feet????
Spoken like a typical eastern european degenerate:
Asian Americans are staking their claim to the great outdoors – wait are asians neocolonizing native lands?
Second wave, since all Native Americans descend from the Asian first wave(s).
All of the evidence that is not below sea level (Remains of coastal settlements and movement were innundated at the end of the last glacial maximum) indicates that there was no single peopling of the Americas, but mutiple waves from both east and west. The Beringian land bridge was only responsible for one or at most two of these migration waves. More likely came on small boats following the sea mammals and fishing along the edge of the ice pack and down the coasts, though this can only be inferred from the arrival of their stone technologies further inland (see above about the sea level rise). To what extent the surviving pre-colombian population of the americas was descended from the east coast arrivals is unclear, as the remaining tribes are reluctant to engage in DNA testing, leaving the data sparce.
While I’m on the subject, I’ve run out of books on stone flake technology and early agricultural practices, anyone have any recommendations?
Have you read Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America’s Clovis Culture?
yes. I found that one facinating.
Settle down Pie.
“Staking their claim” is just an idiom. You don’t have to worry on your trip here about asians hiding behind bushes waiting to supplies you with a take to the heart.
This ought to kill the myth of pilots being special. – landing is not difficult. landing in one piece more so
For some reason, I’ve been unable to get this plane down out of the sky.
We have a saying in the business, Take-offs are optional, landings are mandatory.
And in local news, inflation hit 14% for the mighty Romanian Leu
Probably were the dollar is too if they were honest about it.
Hope it drops over the summer as the biggest increase was natural gas, which basically doubled in price, and now heating is no longer required. But fuck me that is a ot. Also car fuel is very pricey, good for me I don’t drive much… But energy prices usually lead to everything increasing.
Yup. I don’t visit the gas pumps at all but Putin’s Price Increase sure gets passed on to me in the form of higher prices for everything else.
potatoes and cooking oils also rose 50%, but I don;t much use either. Cooking oils are usually like sunflower oil, I use small quantities of either olive oil or butter, no as they say in some circles “seed oils”
meat, fish, dairy are up 13%, eggs 16%, electricity 20%, vegetables 24%.
These words, they don’t mean what you think they mean.
Sanders: GOP Ended Filibuster to Pack Supreme Court, So Dems Must End It to Save Abortion Rights
Meaning doesn’t matter – they will have the desired effect.
End the filibuster before we don’t have control in 7 months is big brain thinking.
Yep, go for it. See what happens.
Apparently you are not as smart as they are. They believe that if they have this power they can thwart the will of the people, especially at the ballot box, as well, and they might be right if the 2020 election is evidence to go bye…
In other local news, I think there is a bubble in specialty coffee shops. You can’t chuck a brick in Bucharest without hitting one.
That being said I had one of the weirdest ones recently. Usually, like wine or whisky, when it comes to fruit smells, you get a hint of something or other. Not here. This espresso smelled like strawberries and raspberries as if they crushed some fruit in it. I have no idea how that came to be and I don;t buy the they planted strawberries in the coffee plantation.
It’s the side effect of COVID. Will pray for your quick recovery.
I had the covid in February. Ain’t no way I got it again now.
How was the flavor?
It tasted mostly of strawberry and banana. The raspberry was stronger in the smell.
and coffee obviously. low bitterness, good acidity. 16 US per 250 grams, or 3 US per double espresso.
this was it
I think there is a bubble in specialty coffee shops
Is it as bad as the Starbucks scourge?
It cannot be as bad as they actually make decent coffee, unlike starbucks.
But there are places where you will basically find two different coffee shops basically in adjacent spaces
Are you guys in danger of crossing the coffee event horizon?
Won’t inflation knock out most of these specialty coffee shops?
Made my day.
Second time in a month for him I think.
His immune system is all VAIDSed out.
Did he take Paxlovid? Because apparently returning symptoms is a side effect.
Virtually everything they’ve told us about the “vaccines” was not true. Including the idea that they are actually vaccines.
Symptom lessener doesn’t sound as good. People’d be taking NyQuil instead of the shots and Pfizer et al needed to get paid yo.
In Ukraine war news, 4 dolphins and 3 sea lions from Ukraine will become refugees in a Romanian Dolphinarium (if that is a word). the dolphins will probably need to tow the lions.
It’s their special porpoise.
Keep it up and Swiss will arrive to seal our fate. Send us off to HV…. or CA or some other land.
CA will be gone because of the rising sea lion
All that guy does is carp about our puns.
See, its when you try to be fresh that he get’s really salty.
And I lit the Ted.S signal. Dammit.
So long and thanks for all the [Russian] caviar
FLYING SOLO BIKINI Highlights Fashion 2022 / 4K
Since both the Smithsonian Channel and SiriusXM have taken great pains to make me aware that this is Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, would this be a very bad way to observe the PI side? https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2l0t70
So when do I get to celebrate my English heritage? I get one day for Irish, but it’s too Catholic.
whenever you eat jellied eels
That’s for Londoners, my people are from Devon.
how do you do your scones? first clotted cream then jam,. or the other way around
I have cut back on carbs, so I don’t think I’ve had any for years.
make keto scones. and keto jam.
I demand a Half-German/Half-British Isles (half on each side, though no, I have NOT done the 23-and-me thing and have no intention of doing so) Month or I’m DELIBERATELY being literally erased!
Well, you could come up and visit us during the Irish Cultural fest and one of the myriad of Oktoberfest celebrations.
Thank you kindly, but NOT SPECIFIC ENOUGH!!!
You don’t wear Orange on it?
And get carbombed by the greens?
Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage – pineapple pizza? Bad tattoos ?
You people call it Asian American/Pacific Islander Month. My people call it
maizeAmerican Indian MonthTo see how much social attitudes have changed on 30 years, play 1980s scruples. Pro tip: sort the questions before playing with kids! Some of the dilemmas presented as ‘reasonable people may disagree’ are properly shocking*
What exactly is a ‘head teacher’, and why aren’t they already gay?
“This package, which builds on the robust support already secured by Congress, will be pivotal in helping Ukraine defend not only its nation but democracy for the world,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a letter to House Democrats on Tuesday after the bill text was released.
The House vote comes after Biden called on Congress to “immediately” pass a new Ukrainian aid bill as he warned that existing aid would soon run out.
“Get it to my desk in the next few days,” Biden said in a statement on Monday.
Biden had previously urged Congress to pass additional pandemic relief funding and the new assistance to Ukraine in the same bill.
But he said on Monday that congressional leaders told him to decouple the effort in order to more quickly get the aid to Ukraine. Congressional Republicans had insisted on the two issues moving on separate legislative tracks.
Biden initially requested $33 billion to help Ukraine as it fights Russia, but Congress has proposed billions more for food aid and military equipment.
“We cannot afford delay in this vital war effort,” Biden said in the statement. “Hence, I am prepared to accept that these two measures move separately, so that the Ukrainian aid bill can get to my desk right away.”
Jumping Jesus on a beryllium pogo stick.
can a beryllium pogo stick support the weight of an adult Jesus?
Of course it can — the real question is can it do it when He’s carrying you on the beach.
I prefer my Jesus Fucking Christ (NSFW)
(I’m not your supervisor, but these are probably NSFW)
Why (((they))) don’t get tattoos
My favorite
The fact that we need to deal in seriousness with things like this in this day and age, makes me wonder how the fuck people will deal whenever some real travail comes our way. How did we end up with a society that is this fucking pussified? And why do some people think this is defensible.
Amazon deserves to take it up the ass for supporting the woke shit. I am rooting for their unionized workforce and the actions Amazon is taking against them to kick them in the fucking ass.
stronger unions might lead to working links.
Is there some sort of simple cognitive test which could be administered prior to any elected official being sworn in, which might weed out the most intellectually confused?
You know, like maybe sorting a random pile of silverware into the correct slots in a drawer organizer. I swear it would be a running start to bringing back to some semblance of sanity.
This would disqualify practically every politician, government bureaucrat, and public sector expert…
Do you want the world to implode?
You’re aggressing against the silverware-challenged.
It is bad enough that anytime anyone in the Federal Bureaucracy gets promoted, that they start buying new drapes and furniture for their new office. Now you want us poor taxpayers to have to buy American Built, Sustainable, Solar Powered silverware from a Minority Owned business for all 535 idiots?
I had to take a test at the doc’s office a few days ago. First 3 secret words. I still remember them but I can’t tell you ’cause they were secret. Then draw a clock (circle), then put in 3-6-9-12. Then fill in the rest of the numbers, then add hands to point at 11:20. Then repeat the secret words. I passed the test easily, she scratched my name off the potential candidates for running for governor.
I hope you put roman numerals in the clock and told the doc that was the way you learned them as a kid.
You want more sporks? This is how you get a whole drawer full of sporks!
Also test for an ability to write simple sentences without dropping words.
U w0t M8?
I drop words all the time. Brain is faster than the fingers.
OMFG… some customers…
Calls me to complain that the grinding discs are flying off the machine. After two minutes of back and forth, he finally mentions that the machine is tilted back and off the ground when he starts it.
For reference, this is the machine: https://www.go2cps.com/floor-grinders-polishers/cps-g-290-xt-propane
The tools require ground pressure to stay on the plates. He’s launching them at high speed across the worksite and is lucky he didn’t kill anyone. Note: He did this more than twice.
So you’re saying that even Darwin is slacking off these days….
Jesus, that seems like a potential for decapitation!
Years ago, we had another customer do something similar and a plate went through a wall.
He did this more than twice
Well you did say that he hasn’t hit anyone yet. I can’t believe you want to punish a guy for having stick-to-it-ness.
At least he’s consistent and not a quitter.
Passdown was “pump issue on the ion chromatograph.” There is no pump issue, the pump works fine. The system pressure was too low because the concentrator column was completely detached. Not terribly subtle, but I guess what’s the point of actually looking at the equipment when you can just declare it “down” and sop working for the rest of your shift?
It used to be that workers would sabotage rental equipment on Friday at lunch. We’d get multiple phone calls about broken equipment at about 1pm.
They’d do things like pull a spark plug and stick a dime in the cylinder or pour water in the gas tank.
One time I sent a mechanic out to fix a “broken” pump only to find out that it had run out of fuel. So now I have to ask the stupid questions when the call comes in.
I’m out. It’s been a stryangge day. I had to stay up all night and fast before getting scanned but the scanner was Guenevere. I can live with that. Hope that you all have the best ones that you can manage!
Stiff Little Fingers! Awesome.
A resolute, implacable foe
A Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson soldier was killed by a bear Tuesday during training in Anchorage, the base said.
The U.S. Army Alaska soldier was part of a small group training in an area west of the Anchorage Regional Landfill when the bear attacked, JBER officials said in a statement. The soldier’s name is being withheld until their family is notified.
According to base officials, the 673d Security Forces Squadron initially responded to the attack, and Alaska Wildlife Troopers are now searching for the bear. The area is closed to the public for all recreation activity, JBER said.
Additional details, including the type of bear involved in the attack, were not immediately available. Base officials said more information would be released as it became available.
Never get out of the
boattank, man!Must have been a Russian sympathizer bear
Did it have lazer eyes? That is how you can tell a true Russian bear
He wasn’t there for the hunting?
Let me guess, the soldiers are unarmed when they are sent out for training. In bear country.
During a question-and-answer portion of the all-hands call, one employee asked Dinh to explain what had prompted the firing. “That was when [Andy] told the whole company that the HR person was let go because he asked a question that Andy didn’t like,” said a former TSM employee. “I think he kind of realized how ridiculous it sounded, so he followed up by saying, ‘Well, he asked two questions that [I] didn’t like.’
At TSM and Blitz, staff describes toxic workplace and volatile CEO
At TSM and Blitz – what is those
Someone asked why a HR flunkie was fired? I hope they were fired as well.
The beginning (which I read) claimed everyone was really excited about the new HR person.
Yeah. Right.
Thats a shit ton of words. Closed the article.
I bet that guy Dinh not see that coming.
But, why?
Aerodynamics, duh
Shoe on other foot? Imminent crackdown?
Nancy’s not here, man.
“I don’t want to be part of political issues,” she said. “I’m really sad and not comfortable because people are sending us messages saying, ‘you should go out of business.’ The world can be scary. Every day I watch the video. I’m still having all those nightmares of people coming and harassing my family. At this moment, I’m a little shaken, too.”
These Koreans need some Rooftop Koreans.
Somehow I read that as Rooftop Karens and was really confused.
“I have your manager in my sights!”
Another sign of cultural collapse.
I am telling you: the people in charge are evil. We are long past being able to ascribe this shit to stupidity….
Never underestimate the willingness of the bureaucratic class to commit atrocities in order to cover their own asses. That is when they are most dangerous.
Is there some site that is tracking all this kind of thing in the same location? I’d love to be able to visit and check it out. Someone needs to be on this.
If there is it will be classified within a couple of days.
Who will win the rights to the jailbreak story? I assume there is already a pitched battle to secure control.
I hope it gets turned into a woke fairy tale.
You-know-who hardest hit
Four-dollar gasoline and five-dollar hamburger are putting a squeeze on Tanya Byron’s pocketbook. But it’s the rent that really stings.
“It’s pretty depressing,” says the Jacksonville, Fla., travel agent, sitting in the tiny dining room that doubles as her home office. “I make $42,000 a year, and I can barely afford a one-bedroom apartment.”
The rising costs of housing, food and other necessities are big drivers of inflation, and they fall especially hard on lower-income Americans, posing a growing challenge for President Biden and the nation’s top economic policymakers.
A fifty dollar per hour minimum wage will raise the victims of capitalism out of poverty. Justice now!
“Greenwald: Biden Wanted $33B More For Ukraine. Congress Quickly Hiked To $40B. Who Benefits?”
We all know who benefits but it’s worth a read anyway. 40 billion into the pockets of some of the most corrupt and worst motherfuckers on the face of the planet.
Other tweet pointed out that this is more than the U.S. spends on roads and bridges each year.
I seriously doubt that.
Most road and bridge funding comes from the states and localities, so it could be true in the narrow sense that it’s more than the Federal government alone spends in an average (not “shovel-ready jobs”) year.
Has Russia even spent that much to invade?
Please, let people still be here. Folk around?
Only us chickens.
I’ll have you know I identify as an eagle, thankyouverymuch! ::preens::
I’m a ground owl.
*returns to burrow*
I’m in my hotel. Should probably do big errands tomorrow. I can stay with Lady tomorrow. But not on Friday.
I am in Purgatory. It is not bad, but it is not fun. I want to check out. A week, or so, Damn, Lady is lovely. She has all sorts of shit going on, some of which is quite humorous, even to her. This too, shall pass. I’d love to see her again. It’s hard to leave knowing that I’m leaving her. We talked. Same page. I might just need to do a Midnight Run. We shall see.
Did the big news story out of Evan’s Ville make it to Korea, or was that only a US interest story?
Huh. just watched the footage. That’s my county! My family doesn’t live there anymore, but Vanderburgh County is my official Home Turf.
Have the legal shenannigans cleared?
Woah, I gotta look up E-Ville stories. I haven’t heard anything yet.
@UCS: Legal shenanigans are uncertain. I think that there aren’t any. I think I can technically leave today, but i certainly won’t.
I need to get out of here. I have lots of love and friendship, though. It’s hard to just bounce out. I know I need to. It’s hard.
Find out!
I love that music. Naked Raygun’s cover of Suspect Device is excellent as well.
Yes. Amazing to me that the Sex Pistols got any traction with much better bands scattered throughout the UK (and US).
Good morning, Sloop!
Wild might be in trouble. But who the hell knows – hockey is a weird game. I feel sorry for whoever gets the Avs buzzsaw.
I couldn’t make it through the Asian outdoor-griefer article. The retardation was simply too strong.
SLF is an inspired musical choice! Thanks!
I might need to start paying attention to the Avs again. I used to be a huge fan when I lived there. I have absolutely no shame in being a bandwagon jumper when times are good.
Other tweet pointed out that this is more than the U.S. spends on roads and bridges each year.
Did we cover this one yet?
So a man who’s now a woman hooked up with a woman who’s now a man and lives with xer twin who’s still a dude? I’d be so confused all the time I’d probably want to blow some brains out too.
Was the twin brother also trans?
Talk about transgressions!
Just when you thought she wasn’t packin’ anymore. Couldn’t this all be solved by the victims just choosing to identify as still alive?
How many murder-suicides are committed by (natural) women?
You can wear the dress and get the surgery, but the brain does not change so easily…
*pulls out secret woke decoder ring*
Give me a sec.
Moderna Inc. MRNA -3.47%▼ on Wednesday said Jorge Gomez, who joined the vaccine maker this week as chief financial officer, has left amid an investigation by his former employer, Dentsply Sirona Inc., into matters that include financial reporting.
Moderna said David Meline, who had retired as CFO, will retake the post while the company reopens its search for a successor.
Dentsply on Tuesday said its board’s audit committee is looking into the use of incentives to sell products to distributors last year and whether the incentives were appropriately accounted for and the effect of the sales adequately disclosed.
Daily Quordle 107
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