Rest up, boys. Sunday could be huge.
Tampa and Colorado got off to winning starts in their second round NHL playoff series. Boston lost to Miami in the NBA’s ECF Game 1. More hockey and basketball playoff games tonight. The Astros thumped the woeful Red Sox to stay on fire. The Yankees are as well. And across the pond, Liverpool won in a nervy road game against Southampton. So the EPL will come down to the final day and Stevie G will have a chance to help his old club pull off a miracle finish to the domestic season. And that’s it for sports.
And you’ll get them just in time for election season! No wait. I doubt the government is that efficient. They’ll get delivered some time in 2023. To the wrong address. They’ve got something else planned for the election season. Something sketchy…like what’s happening right now in Pennsylvania and Oregon.

“I want that. So I’ll take it.”
-the government
You’re not Robin Hood. You’re just a bunch of fucking thieves. You’re literally stealing billions and billions of dollars from people because of mere associations. Associations you were fine with a few months ago. You’re the bad guys in this part of the story, FBI.
Grab a mirror, you malignant fuck. Your policies, your regulations, and your oversight caused more of this that pretty much anything else. Lock yourself up, asshole.
This clinches it. I will be donating to and campaigning for Donald Trump in 2024. I expect all of you to join me.
Good for you. Leave me the fuck alone. The rest of the world shouldn’t completely upend their lives so you can feel “normal”. Also, there’s a lot of people in here whose problems are all in their head. They need a mental institution, not a mask.
Is foreign election tampering important? I guess we’re about to find out if Team Blue takes it seriously or not.

This is all a fucking joke (aside from the money laundering).
“This is a serious war,” he said as he opened the film festival. Do optics not matter to these people? Do they not realize how absurd this, and the subway station concerts by U2, or the visit after visit after visit to the war zone by every camera-seeking politician and celebrity under the sun, looks to reasonably skeptical people? Or do they just not give a fuck since the money train keeps flowing?
Mayor Beetlejuice simply does not give a fuck about the right to movement or assembly. And she’s got her jackboot goons ready to enforce her will shoot the hoi polloi step out of line.
Why is this dipshit being taken seriously? And why is he getting a pass after getting honey-potted by Fang Fang? He’s a race-baiting huckster piece of shit and he shod be digging ditches rather than making national policy decisions.
That’s government efficiency for you. Nice fucking job.
The state’s insurance department said it would provide 12 months of free credit monitoring and identity protection services to individuals whose data was breached.
LOL, that’ll fix it.
Well that’s it. Except for this. What a fucking masterpiece. As is this one. Go enjoy them both.
And enjoy this magnificent Wednesday, dear friends.
“You’re not Robin Hood. You’re just a bunch of fucking thieves. You’re literally stealing billions and billions of dollars from people because of mere associations. Associations you were fine with a few months ago. You’re the bad guys in this part of the story, FBI.”
Robin Hoods stole from the government – which had stolen it from the people in the first place – to give it back to the people…
I don’t get why so many people have gotten this idiot idea Robin Hood stole from the rich. The bad guy was always government.
At the time, the rich and the government were officially the same. Made it easy to conflate.
Exactly. If you were rich, you were that way because you had a title. If you ever started to become rich, you had your wealth taken bye the local guy with said title.
Morning, two good answers, better’n mine
Thanks Sloop, I like the early, early morning stuff.
The problem is that this take Robin Hood stole from the rich was non existent. The people back then knew who took their money. It was later that the programmers started changing the take from Robin Hood fighting confiscatory and evil government power abuse to having him steal from the rich. Right about the time that the socialists started complaining about capitalism.
At the time, he also didn’t give to the poor, he kept it.
Bitchez, Booze, and Blow were expensive habits even then…
He also shared it with the Merry Men, who would be poor.
It was a Victorian era change to the Robin Hood stories.
Robin Hood was probably originally based on Hereward the Wake – a hold-out Anglo-Saxon noble who stole from the Normans because fuck them.
To say he “stole from” is to concede that the goods were taken by the government legitimately. I do not.
You can steal ill-gotten gains from the thieves who stole them in the first place. The verb doesn’t always require the previous holder be the rightful owner.
Omar comin’!
“”Khudainatov is a second-tier oligarch (at best) who would not have anywhere near the resources to purchase and maintain more than $1 billion worth of luxury yachts,” an FBI agent wrote in the warrant application, after noting that Khudainatov is not included on Forbes’ billionaires list.”
Sounds like an FBI agent that never owned a boat.
Well, until now.
We will see how rich he is after six months of boat ownership.
“Grab a mirror, you malignant fuck. Your policies, your regulations, and your oversight caused more of this that pretty much anything else. Lock yourself up, asshole.”
You think these evil fucks would just come out and say “mea culpa”, we should have realized that ignoring reality in the hopes we could buy more votes while we pissed away our future was a bad thing? Yeah. Not gonna happen. They are going to keep blaming others until something sticks.
Are they going to indict the FDA idiots who made Abbott shut down without evidence that the baby deaths in question were from consumption of Abbott’s formula?
I’m gonna guess not.
“This clinches it. I will be donating to and campaigning for Donald Trump in 2024. I expect all of you to join me.”
I don’t give money to politicians. They already steal enough of it themselves. But I see your point. If his retirement party can involve tar & feathers, I might break my rule for sure..
If they can’t steal enough in 1 term in office they are too dumb to be re-elected
“Mayor Beetlejuice simply does not give a fuck about the right to movement or assembly. And she’s got her jackboot goons ready to enforce her will shoot the hoi polloi step out of line.”
Freudian slip? Cause I bet she wants to shoot anyone that fucks with her show of power…
Someone told me Beetlejuice is like this cause it makes her woman hot for her…
What’s funny is that I still get the ‘Vax or Test’ mandate home test once a week every week on the taxpayers dime. Quest doesn’t seem to have any supply shortage at $30 a pop. I’m still wondering if the people who’d need to weigh in to end the mandate have forgotten about it.
“Why is this dipshit being taken seriously? And why is he getting a pass after getting honey-potted by Fang Fang? He’s a race-baiting huckster piece of shit and he shod be digging ditches rather than making national policy decisions.”
Is that a silly question or what? That machine that programs the fucking idiots in the matrix are the ones making sure that asshat is believed to be someone you shouldn’t just see as an ass clown.
So he’s the Charlie Browniest of all the Charlie Browns? Those are big shoes to fill.
Isn’t assclown one word?
At least he’s not a wacky extremist like Boebert or Magic the Gathering.
Given his legendary on-air fart, Swallwell has a strong claim on being an assclown.
Hoo boy. Let’s see how the internet ragers compare this to Rittenhouse.
Did his woman take a dump in his bed? That’s what most people want to know…
*Star Weekly subscribers un-zip*
What was the expletive?
Assume this was a young urban male describing about to be attacked by a rival gang.
“Sharks”, then.
*begins dance battle*
“That’s government efficiency for you. Nice fucking job.”
So who do they think stole it? Russians China’s CCP machine? The Norks? The NSA? Or some guy living in momma’s basement?
Sketchy in Pennsylvania? The GOP primary has been a clown show – you were expecting someone other than a clown to win?
All I know is that the people of Pennsylvania are going to lose regardless.
I’m used to it
Hey, I voted Barnette.
This is interesting.
2022 PA gubernatorial race being a redux of 2016 Presidential race – Dems thinking, hey if Trump [now Mastriano] wins the nomination we’ve got the election sown up!
If it turns out badly, as it may, I don’t want to hear a peep out of those who orchestrated it.
Spoiler: If it turns out badly, C. W. Cooke will hear lots from the people that orchestrated it.
A lot can happen between the election and now, so at this point I won’t make a prediction on the PA governor’s race beyond that at this point, it looks like Mastriano’s to lose.
*Please don’t let OZ win the primary*
In a decade we will be comparing Romney & the McCain spawn with this guy…
I’d almost vote whoever runs against him in the general just so he can’t get established.
The state that voted for Biden because he’s from Scranton deserves nothing less.
I’ve heard, but been unable to confirm, that Biden’s family in Scranton won’t have anything to do with him.
Could be so, but he “won” Lackawanna County pretty handily.
Mind you, this isn’t meant to be a unique insult to Pennsylvanians. Every county in Maryland, where I live, even the deep-red far western and eastern parts, turned out more votes for Biden than Clinton or Obama. Whatever PA deserves, MD deserves too.
Lackawanna County is Democrat country. It has been for a very long time. Unions are the reason. Also note, Trump lost Lackawanna County in 2016.
Whoops… sorry, wrong election results. Correct election results. Mea culpa.
Yes, but Biden’s “hometown” advantage still seems to have netted him +5 percentage points in margin over Trump versus Clinton.
Which still doesn’t say anything about his family relations, which we’re dancing around.
As for Scranton in general, compare the size of the supporter crowd with the size of the protester crowd in this video. Don’t pay attention to what the reporter says, look at the numbers of people.
I guess I’m not getting my own point across well, which is that the absurdity of Biden’s win in PA rightfully begets the “clown show” that has followed.
I’m not surprised about Biden winning PA. Trump is popular in many areas of PA, but in others polarizing. Combine that with the solid Democrat areas, some of which are the way they are because of unions, and I can see Biden winning PA.
True, there was fraud, which might have swung the state.
I agree about the clown show.
Not sure why anyone is surprised Biden won PA; Clinton should have and could have but spent time in California with fawning crowds (how Trump-like).
Not sure why anyone is surprised Biden won PA; Clinton should have and could have but spent time in California with fawning crowds (how Trump-like).
“Biden won PA because, unlike Hillary who only went to places she was loved, he never went anywhere at all”
““This is a serious war,” he said as he opened the film festival. Do optics not matter to these people? Do they not realize how absurd this, and the subway station concerts by U2, or the visit after visit after visit to the war zone by every camera-seeking politician and celebrity under the sun, looks to reasonably skeptical people? Or do they just not give a fuck since the money train keeps flowing?”
The dumbest, most inept, and stupid people – the ones hell bent on created a global system and at the same time destroying any merit based system – are the ones in charge. Why do you expect them to be able to do anything but make life look like some third rate version of a Three Stooges knockoff shit-show?
They aren’t dumb or inept – otherwise they wouldn’t be in charge.
I used to believe that.
And then Biden.
Biden’s not in charge of his faculties let alone the global “reset”.
Do not confound being good at playing people for fools with actual aptitude to do things. It’s one thing to be able to convince people you will give them a ton of free shit vs. actually doing it.
You’re assuming that what they say they want to do is what they actually want to do.
For example, politicians only want to give to free shit to themselves and their buddies. They are very good at doing that.
Their biggest skill, and it seems to be their only skill, is to convince low information people that they will do things they won’t do. After tat it is all stealing shit in a way that would remind you of a scenario where right after the Titanic hit the iceberg, the crew (this is the lying class) organized a game of musical chairs on the deck while the band played on, and promptly went to work looting all the valuables, loading them in the life rafts, in preparation for them to sail off with it when the ship got ready to slip under the water with most, and hopefully all the passengers, till playing the idiot game.
The Russians did this! Or maybe it was corporations. Insane Clown Posse? Anyway, what they want to say is that while they did all the things that made this inevitable, the blame lies elsewhere…
“Gas will be necessarily more expensive. I mean. It’s Putin’s fault”
Which of course is EXACTLY what a carbon tax would do, which we are all supposed to endure for the sake of climate change. Why aren’t Democrats telling us all about that?
So what you are saying is that we need to rescind more drilling/exploration leases.
I bet you this happened, cause the dude got pissed she wouldn’t share….
This one time, at band camp…
Why are they always conventionally attractive? If a girl like that smiled at you at your local farmer’s market you’d get that under-groinal twinge. “Yeah, I still got it!”
Because those are the ones that get reported, and that the dude will cop to. The guy banging the fugly teacher will be like, uh I don’t know what the hell anyone’s talking about. The guy that lands the cutie is bragging on it.
My senior year of HS, on the day clubs and teams were having their group photos for the yearbook, the girl’s basketball team had been drinking. It became revealed that several of them had been, unbeknownst to one another, having sex with the coach. It devolved into a drunken shouting match/wee brawl that ended with Charlotte County deputies dragging Coach Huber away from school in handcuffs. His 3 sons had to witness the debacle. Bloody shameful.
“Well isn’t that special?”
Conjugal visits, yo… That shit is da bomb…
There are no conjugal visits in PA prisons.
At least, not legal ones, lol.
“I’m a free man and I haven’t had a conjugal visit in six months.”
Does Ukraine have an entry at Cannes?
Sure they do but it’s even more super slow-mo than the Russians are so fond of.
They need to get an Academy Award entry for foreign film. They can sweep every award this year.
I wonder when Western Media hired those old Soviet and Red Chinese artists to paint these posters.
All of their war propaganda?
I just rewatched Starship Troopers. The “would you like to more” segments were reminiscent of much of the war coverage.
And you’ll get them just in time for election season!
It’ll be in time for flu season, which is what matters.
Very long read, but Hoyt’s take on the evils of marxism, and why the machine still is able to peddle it as something not completely evil, is worth the time. Check it out.
Choir preaching to this crowd.
Good preaching, though.
Not an author I’m acquainted with — I queued up one of her series to check out and see if I can add her to my “don’t screw up often” list.
Sure, but we can always use more ammunition for the fight.
Marxism is and always has been Liberalism 2.0. This is what Marx described it as, this is what doctrinaire Marxists view it as, and even the dimwitted among the Marxist set can’t think outside of a box that contains only liberalism and Marxism. The best minds of liberalism can only argue that we’re supposed to stop before going further, a la Coolidge.
For the left, liberalism is the motte, and Marxism is the bailey. For the mainstream right, liberalism is still the motte, but the bailey is just liberalism plus some changes. There is no other value system which gives the mainstream right in the West any strength, nor that they are willing to defend at all costs.
And so it is that the right has no self-orienting moral compass, and when it acts, it must fall back on “general public derision” to direct their energy, without ever realizing that such a thing is downstream of other factors. Success must consist in more than expecting the public to tell you what to do, for the public is slow to move but easily led.
The only reason the left is beginning to fathom its own loss is because of its own errors. The right should capitalize on these errors, but they need to stop trying to be a less degenerate version of the left. At the very least, take a page out of the Fabians’ book.
The error in play here is the conceit that there is a grand unified theory of humanity that guides government to delivering nirvana. It is the marriage of intellectualism with religion, and both suffer for the union.
It is the marriage of intellectualism with religion, and both suffer for the union.
I think the exact opposite is true. The divorce of intellectualism from religion allowed two very unpleasant things to happen. It kicked off the idolatry of the expert (and thus technocracy) and it turned religion into a set fairy tales easily dismissed by those who worshipped the expert class. All at once, the long-standing balance where the religious sector checked the intellectual sector and the intellectual sector checked the religious sector collapsed in on itself.
You’re really talking a later stage degeneracy that I could just as easily argue is rooted in the 3rd Great Awakening. I’d also fault the Romantic/Continental offshoot of the Enlightenment. The modern embrace of the expert is just a return to the belief that aristocrats understand statecraft better than the hoi polloi.
I don’t really acknowledge the 3rd great awakening. I even think that the timeline of the 2nd is overexpanded when dragged much into the 1700s. The 2nd great awakening is synonymous with revivalism. I guess the 3rd, as defined, is synonymous with the Social Gospel movement. To me, it’s just the chickens coming home to roost after the excesses of the 2nd. Between the dumbing down of everything for the southern peasants and the postmillenial heresy being preached, the Social Gospellers were able to assemble an army to start imposing the utopian vision preached in the revival camps.
It is the marriage of intellectualism with religion, and both suffer for the union.
Thousands of years of human history would beg to differ. The fatal conceit of liberalism, to me, is attempting to divorce the inseparable. Religion and government were the same thing until “The Enlightenment”. The difference between “knowing” and “believing” is thorny to sort out, and in practice, immaterial. “Do you believe in evolution?” is an immediately understandable and largely uncontroversial way of framing that question. In the same way, “beauty” and “truth” are also inseparable.
Freedom of religion is a failed experiment. It takes people with strong beliefs and, by generations, turns them into people with weak beliefs. But people with weak beliefs still have a desire for strong beliefs. So what takes the place of the ex-strong beliefs? Instead of the religion of their great grandparents, they adopt the religion of the day in the place they are, or the group they aspire to be part of. Fabian leftism, or progressivism, or wokism, or whatever you wish to call it, has been the default and dominant religion of the West since no later than the end of World War 2. Its tenets are the strongest beliefs most people hold. Think of the absurdity that “I’m a Catholic, so I voted for the pro-life candidate, but since he lost, I just have to accept abortion as state policy” would have represented before the (Counter-)Reformation. And yet we call this progress, to live alongside murderers “peacefully”.
There is no grand unified theory of humanity; this is why there are many nations. Liberalism seems to have wedded itself to industrialism and the desire to agglomerate people into mega-nations which are little more than geographically-bounded economic policy zones. Productive work is good but there is still more to life than that.
Liberalism has a cultural heritage. The failure of liberalism was to apply globally. There is no universal theory of humanity. Marxism of course suffers the same flaw – believing itself to be universal.
Just like there is no universal religion.
Liberalism has a cultural heritage. The failure of liberalism was to apply globally.
But that is the crux of liberalism’s problem: it cannot self-confidently assert its cultural heritage without undermining its purity. To what extent does liberalism owe its existence and “workability” to European and Christian heritage? If the two are inextricable, then liberalism needs a built-in set of brakes to stop it from trying to cast off that heritage; and if the two are separable, then liberalism will dissolve all bonds of loyalty and affection that threaten it, until there is nothing left but abstraction and desolation.
Fuck purity – that’s exactly what I’m arguing about is the problem. It isn’t pure, it isn’t universal. It is the absurd insistence that it MUST BE that is the problem.
I think that dovetails nicely with what I’ve said before: all of this stuff only works because of its hypocrisies and impurities. But there is great shame to being an hypocrite and it is declassé to oppose a pure form of liberalism.
So that still leaves us with a problem: where are the brakes? Even if we accept that Civil Rights is a “better” form of liberalism than what came before, and thus draw the line in the sand at the late 1950s/early 1960s, how do we stop it from eating itself? Already by the early 1970s the judiciary was rewriting the legislation in direct contravention of what its proponents had promised (of course, they might have been lying, but all the more to my point). Where is the locus of control, and how can it be wrested away from “the forces of progress”?
I think it amusing that you think there is a great shame in our culture which has become shameless in the extreme.
The Civil Rights movement was a return to the premise of the Constitution (and DoI) as opposed to Jim Crow (which despite being legal was not moral).
The Civil Rights movement was a return to the premise of the Constitution (and DoI) as opposed to Jim Crow (which despite being legal was not moral).
So much for “fuck purity”. This is exactly what I mean. There are no brakes, there is no acceptable stopping point, even though the country in 1787 was a WASP aristocracy with heavily restricted suffrage and cultural institutions gatekept by pious Christians and a level of selectivity so high that no person alive today could enter Harvard then, what they really wanted was something totally unrecognizable that will also be seen as dangerously regressive 20 years later, ad infinitum.
There is nothing pure about the Constitution. It has the amendment process built in – because of the lived experience with the AoC (which some people just love so much). The Constitution is a mess of compromises and contradictions – to forestall (you might even say ‘brake’) the tendency of fucking stupid humans to do stupid fucking things.
Does it work perfectly? Must it? According to whom?
First of all, the amendment process only matters if it’s actually used. Most changes to the structure of our system come not from written amendments but from judicial and bureaucratic fiat. Secondly, there is no reason to believe that the people of today are any “smarter” or “more virtuous” or even “better at fixing problems” than those who came before; the purpose of the amendment process, were it to be used more often, would simply be to change the Constitution, up to and including its apparent purpose. Thirdly, in a world ruled by The Written Word, power shifts from the storytellers to the interpreters. Textualism is just as hackable as any other doctrine.
Another failing of The Enlightenment is the idea that distributing the task of interpreting the truth to every individual would ceteris paribus lead to better results than simply having a central authority do the job. As it turns out, most people don’t want or aren’t able to interpret, and so instead of having a formal central authority you have an informal one, which is harder to define and thus harder to obey (rules are nebulous and shifting) or protest against (no fixed address or clear bosses). I mean about half the country seriously entertains the notion that looting a Target is a form of protest. Protest against what, the bullseye logo?
We cannot base our understanding of today on what The Founding Documents Really Meant. They “really meant” whatever the fuck people today want them to mean. Even the Code of Hammurabi did not save the Babylonian Empire. What matters is who gets to decide what the words mean, and how they get held accountable. I’d take a dictatorship of Clarence Thomas, but he probably wouldn’t take the job, and he’s getting quite old anyway. Now what?
about half the country seriously entertains
Not anywhere near that many, but the info-tainment sector is happy that you believe that.
did not save the Babylonian Empire
I would expect any human to realize that no form of government (or culture) is permanent, but then again there are a bunch of humans that have a blind faith in progress.
Are we the masters of our own destinies, or are we simply called to uphold the great legacy which has been passed down to us?
Either of these things can be fine, but as it stands, we are neither. We lose the culture war over and over again, which means we neither preserve the legacy nor build something better.
they need to stop trying to be a less degenerate version of the left
The Republicans are the descendants of the first generation of Prog-fascists back in the late-19th century. The Democrats are the descendants of the second generation of Prog-fascists back in the early-20th century. The second gen stripped out all the Jesusy stuff and replaced it with eugenics and social darwinism. That root of degeneracy is still strong in the modern left. The root of progressive fascism is still strong in the modern right.
Asking the right to become less fascist and more libertarian is like asking you to tear out your femurs.
I think the right has become more libertarian actually. Selectively, of course. So has the left. Again, selectively. The mainstream right has taken the economic theories (sans the Rothbardian branch), watered them down, and made them the party platform. The mainstream left has taken the social theories (sans the Hoppean branch), watered them down, and made them the party platform. Pat Buchanan and Daniel Moynihan are out, Milton Friedman and [a litany of reprobate French philosophers] are in.
Yet this still leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
Stated v. revealed preferences. The GOP campaigns on free markets and legislates fascism. The Dems campaign(ed) on “live and let live” but legislate conformity and enslavement to the state.
Funny, but I see more of both parties campaigning on “hey buddy, don’t do that”.
I see this less as stated vs. revealed preferences and more as stated vs. revealed locus of control. The party platform’s sound good, because they are meant to appeal to wide-eyed idealists and naive voters. The parties’ actions are convergent and contradictory to their platforms, because they are just a bunch of actors putting on a good show to disguise a system in which they are mostly powerless.
Look, if you’re going to embrace Manufacturing Consent, then embrace it. The masses are just there to be fooled – always. All elections are farces because the power never really transfers. It is kabuki, but it works and therefore it keeps worse violence at bay.
While I try to be at least somewhat consistent, and especially not to wield inconsistency to my sophistic benefit, I do think it’s good to entertain multiple avenues of (possibly) contradictory thought. The enemy does it every day in service of degeneracy, we shouldn’t cede the ground of complexity of thought to them just because they want bad ends.
I do think consent is, by and large, manufactured. I also think anyone who lived through 2020 can hardly argue otherwise. We went quickly from “hug a Chinaman” to “don’t leave your house”, from “masks are ineffective” to “masks are mandatory”, from “don’t trust big pharma” to “inject this shit straight into your veins”, etc. All of that consent was 100% manufactured. This does not mean it came entirely out of thin air at the eleventh hour, though: the tools that consent manufacturers manipulate are largely laid in place in grade school and later reinforced through media.
Elections, however, are not 100% farcical. Donald Trump really won a primary he wasn’t supposed to, and then a general election he definitely wasn’t supposed to, because there is (or was) at least some semblance of “democracy” left in this system. Maybe it’s all gone for good now, and only total collapse will restore it, but 2016 was a different time even if it’s only 6 years ago. He also largely accomplished very little, partly because of his own temperament, but much moreso because a system which had operated in the shadows for decades (at least) started to act more brazenly. Admitting its existence is just to say the emperor has no clothes, it is not to say everything is hopeless.
Trump as a sign of the apocalypse was not on my bingo card.
Things are only not hopeless if you shit on MC, not if you embrace it. That was Chomsky’s own hypocrisy – developing an iron-clad analysis and then insisting “but elect these guys and it will be different”.
I don’t think the ignominious end of a shambling system built on lies is the apocalypse. Quite the opposite, actually.
I don’t think the ignominious end of a shambling system built on lies is the apocalypse.
This is why I say that I’m a short term black pill and a long term white pill. The American experiment is over. It failed. That sucks for (at least) two reasons. First, because the winding down of the experiment will bring with it a lot of human suffering. Second, because the baby will be tossed out with the bathwater, and whatever replaces it will invariably reject some of the truth embraced in our founding documents.
The long term white pill is that, just like economic bust cycles, political bust cycles tend to scrub away a lot of the pretensions and other bullshit of the prior age. Many of the inescapably hegemonic lies of today will be discarded like a used tissue tomorrow.
A shambling system built on lies? Well that’s an interesting take.
That it shambles should be obvious. We all crack jokes and make less jovial observations about how the government is incompetent. But how many sit back and think of incompetence as an intentional choice? Well after awhile it may not be so intentional anymore, but it started out that way. So yes, shambling.
Built on lies? Every system is built on at least a couple lies. Some of the lies may be small, like that the thanes are all virtuous and brave. Some of the lies may be very big, like that the king cares about his subjects even as he holes up in his palace and prances around in fine clothing. Our system too is built on lies, with Jefferson probably being the biggest source of them (“we hold these truths to be self-evident: …”). Maybe we could have sustained the prettier lies if we hadn’t tripped over the sharper ones like “separation of church and state” (another Jeffersonian invention). Turns out you can’t separate the church and state no matter how hard you try.
I’ll refer back to Franklin’s observations and that it is a fool that believes any government is going to be virtuous if the people are not.
Yes, Jefferson’s rhetoric is a brilliant bit of deception. It wasn’t the King that was the source of American troubles, it was Parliament.
Turns out you can’t separate the church and state no matter how hard you try.
You can, but it takes people to remain committed to the idea that they deal with different domains. People who stupidly believe in earthly paradises are always tempted to merge the two. As always, it is easier for people to be stupid.
Robert Conquest’s Second Law states:
But why? Is this an immutable property of the universe? No. It is simply a particular observation stemming from the general axiom that an organization which has no inherent belief system will be taken over by the prevailing belief system of the ambient, combined with the particular fact that the ambient is left-leaning.
The state is not exempt from this. If the state has no religion, then it will eventually be taken over by the prevailing religion of the sort of people who work for the state. Heck, the church is not even exempt from this. How many temples to Jupiter became basilicas? Hell, the Hagia Sophia, the shining jewel of Eastern Christianity, is now a mosque. And you may say that’s because wars were lost, but I’ve seen an awful lot of #BLM and rainbow flags flying from churches in cities; did they lose a war I missed? And the Catholic Church too, I was at a funeral mass around Columbus Day and they called it “Indigenous People’s Day”. The Catholic Church can’t call a holiday its own booster organization created by its original name.
“nobody else will do what’s necessary so that we don’t have to live in lockdown”
Look, I’m sorry you have a rare immunodeficiency, but you do not get to dictate how the rest of the world operates as a result of it. Besides, if your condition is so dire, why now? The flu has been lurking for as long as you’ve been alive and is likely just as deadly to someone with your condition.
Not that it matters; doesn’t matter what underlying condition you have, staying locked in your house for two years isn’t living at all, it’s just surviving.
You would be surprised how many fragile idiots think “surviving” was actually a change for the better, because a world where others were free to live while they didn’t or couldn’t – for whatever reason, but usually caused by their own phobias and problems – before the scandemic was the problem. There are so many people that just want to be told wat to do, but more importantly, to have others have to do the same. Likely because that will allow them to pretend they are not mental.
“People will go to marathons and wear ribbons for people with cancer, but a mask is too much to ask. It’s ridiculous,” Abayomi-Paul said.
It is ridiculous that you want to use government force so you can feel safer.
Of course both masks in the article are cloth.
The documents obtained by CBS News shed new light on U.S. efforts to track and confiscate sanctioned oligarch wealth through high-end property like the Amadea. In the case of the 348-foot superyacht, which is still docked in Fiji’s Port of Lautoka, that meant interviewing crew, pouring through records on the ship’s computers and, ultimately, taking control of the ship by surprise.
I must have missed the part where we are at war with Russia.
Silly Boy! We’ve always been at war with Russia. The hacked election proves it!
We have always been at war with
SouthEast>Central>Asia.It is a big continent, so not too hard to find one part of it to fight in.
Good point, we’ve been at war with drugs for decades.
PBS, showing off their legendary journalistic neutrality.
So they hate him. He’d get my vote if I were able to cast one. It has gotten to the point that any leftist policy that comes down the poop-chute I will automatically vote against.
Dems didn’t learn their lesson from Trump
It’s not just PBS. One of the Big Three (NBC, ABC, CBS), can’t remember which, had news about Mastriano’s win on at the TV at the gym. They had a list of why Mastriano is bad, one of which was “PROMOTED THE LIE THAT DONALD TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION”.
I think the state GOP leaders can go fuck themselves. Mastriano has a strong following.
And that strong following influenced a statewide election (the two referendums on constitutional amendments about the governor’s emergency powers).
Pelosi warns baby formula shortage could trigger indictments
“When all of this is done … I think there might be a need for indictment,” the House speaker said. Several committees have launched probes into the nationwide shortage.
How dare she impugn the FDA.
A cadre of callipygian lasses parading their pulchritudinous posteriors on Ass Wednesday.
Why can’t you just say “Bitches be shaking they phat asses!”, huh?
Cause this place is classy. Duh. This place ain’t no ESPN.
More svelte, less fat bums. I know that the population as a whole has gained 20-25 pounds over the last few decades ( I have). Let’s not celebrate fat-asses. More sunshiny girl next door types and less giant asses and lip-jobs.
Hear hear!
Objecting to the “More cushion for the pushin” hurts Tres’ feelings…
Ask and receive.
Yeah! That’s the ticket! Thanks, Q!
I get why the fatass, including the poses to exaggerate it, has become ubiquitous. Not working for me, though.
To each his own.
Yes indeed. I post a fair amount of fulsome totty on my own site, and that’s the look I try for. Natural – no fake boobs, no plastic, no pancake makeup, no gigantic asses thrust at the camera. And NO FUCKING SELFIES.
I expect all of you to join me.
Am I being detained?!
I guess we’re about to find out if Team Blue takes it seriously or not.
Depends on if it benefits them or not.
The 75th Cannes Film Festival kicked off Tuesday with an eye turned to Russia’s war in Ukraine and a live satellite video address from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who called on a new generation of filmmakers to confront dictators as Charlie Chaplin satirized Adolf Hitler.
But is going to satirize Zelensky?
He’s the hero that we don’t deserve…
Who* is…
SNL. They’ll portray him as Rambo. It’s gotten that bad.
I wholeheartedly agree with taking every actor, director and producer, shoving a gun in their hands and dropping them of on the front lines.
They sure as hell saw this playing out totally different in their minds when they concocted this travesty and ramped up the programming machine to sell it. I still am going to go with my gut feeling that they will not give up on this idea, because according to these people, the problem isn’t an abusive government replete with incompetent and evil fucks thwarting the will of the people, but that the people are an ungrateful bunch of unwashed assholes that don’t know to keep their place.
I have no doubt they’ll just keep doing it, just more quietly, and hope everyone forgets about it. Like investigating parents at school board meetings. As far as I know, they never stopped doing that either.
He’s a race-baiting huckster piece of shit
Something about that guy never smelled right.
US households are now able to order “an additional eight free at-home tests at COVIDTests.gov—bringing the total number of free tests available to each household since the start of the program to 16,” the White House said in a fact sheet on Tuesday. The tests were first made available on Monday.
In documents Haniff prepared for court, he accused U.S. authorities of “appalling” behavior aboard the ship. He claimed law enforcement threatened to revoke crew members’ visas and offered “bribes” to get a skeleton crew — 20 out of the 35 who were on board — to agree to bring the yacht across the Pacific.
Why do I think Haniff is telling the truth here?
“I think that when all of this is done — I’m not associating my colleagues with what I’m going to say right now; I’m just saying it myself — I think there might be a need for indictment,” Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters at a news conference about legislative plans to address the shortage and prevent future ones.
Trying to salvage the midterms?
Sara Anne Willette, an Iowa resident who has common variable immunodeficiency, said she has spent more than 750 days in lockdown since the pandemic began.
For her, staying inside is a life-or-death decision. Her common variable immunodeficiency means she has low levels of protective antibodies and is constantly at an increased risk of falling seriously sick.
What did she do during flu season?
Hansjorg Wyss, who has an estimated net worth of $5.1 billion and in lives in Wyoming, has become a major donor to liberal groups in recent years, but remains tight-lipped about his citizenship status.
Foreign nationals who don’t hold US green cards are barred from making direct donations to candidates for office or political action committees, but they are are allowed to contribute to advocacy groups that seek to sway public policy.
In recently filed lawsuit, watchdog group Americans for Public Trust challenged that distinction, accusing the Federal Election Commission of acting too slowly on a complaint it filed against Wyss in May 2021.
Prediction: Nothing will happen.
The tweet is an example of an embarrassing online trend in which parents quote their young child’s supposed reaction to something being discussed in the national news media, often to make a political point. While certainly not the most egregious example — take the now-infamous #Ruthkanda tweet — Swawell’s post still illustrates the problem with such tweets: Very few people believe your toddler is precocious enough to give an opinion on a complex topic.
A San Francisco newspaper ran this article? WTF?
Sean linked this article on the now dead thread. I saw this bit in the article:
But in Idaho, with incumbency on his side, the sitting governor weathered a primary challenge from his far-right lieutenant governor.
This is bad. The Idaho governor was a lockdown and mask mandate governor. The lieutenant governor fought against his Lil Rona Panic Orders.
I’m assuming SFGate is an alt-weekly.
It’s the San Fran Chronicle’s website. It’s as mainstream as you get.
Swawell’s post still illustrates the problem with such tweets: Very few people believe your toddler is precocious enough to give an opinion on a complex topic.
That’s not the problem. The problem is that quite a few people see through the bullshit and are horrified that you feel no shame about using your 4 year old as a prop in your political posturing. It is distasteful when small children hold up signs they don’t understand at protests. It is distasteful when small children have been programmed to recite some political line. It is distasteful to use them as props in your virtue signalling on Twitter.
Why would you expose a four year old to the news? Who thinks telling four year olds about mass killings is good for them?
It is so tempting to call CPS on people like that.
“Very few people believe your toddler is precocious enough to give an opinion on a complex topic.”
My kids are is their 50’s and still…
Still doing the slow clap?
This guy is clearly an unhinged lunatic.
President Vladimir Putin says there is no threat from Finland and Sweden potentially joining NATO. But he says there would be a response to a military buildup in the territory. Putin spoke in televised Kremlin summit of leaders of former Soviet states in a Moscow-led defense grouping.
But maybe he’s just Putin us on…
He’s winning the currency war at the moment, which is our Achilles Heel. And frankly, it’s mostly due to our own arrogance and incompetence that he’s able to do so.
Of course, there was no threat from Ukraine joining NATO, either. The notion that Ukraine would be the tip of the spear of a NATO invasion of Russia was always ludicrous.
The NATO invasion thing is a bit of a strawman. Ukraine joining NATO puts US nukes on Russia’s border, cutting the response time needed by Russia to hit back if we first strike.
Americans would see it as a threat if Mexico joined in a military alliance against the US that allowed China to deploy nukes along the Texan border. Why wouldn’t Russia think the same?
That and never mind the other alleged western shenanigans in Ukraine. You aren’t supposed to question the narrative. ///SlavaUkraina!
WIth missile technology, does it really matter if the nukes are on the border?
I just don’t see anything remotely justifying the invasion. I still think, per his public statements, the goal all along was to reduce Ukraine to a de facto province of Russia. A war of aggression and conquest.
Somehow, other countries in Europe are getting by with their various historic invasion routes “unsecured”. Nobody is invading Belgium because of its traditional role as such.
We sure seemed to think it mattered about missiles in Cuba.
That would have given Kruschev first-strike capability. Detection/response times are much shorter a few decades later.
WIth missile technology, does it really matter if the nukes are on the border?
I don’t know about the technology. I would think the rate limiting factor is physically calling to get permission to launch and the delay need by the leadership to asses the situation.
I just don’t see anything remotely justifying the invasion. I still think, per his public statements, the goal all along was to reduce Ukraine to a de facto province of Russia. A war of aggression and conquest.
These don’t have to be either/or. The war could be justified by the NATO membership and still not be Putin’s actual goal. I don’t know what Putin’s goal is, but I find his justification about Ukraine joining NATO to be a rational reason for invasion (some may say it’s wrong/evil/a NAP violation, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a rational response by a State actor).
What it all comes back to for me is that I can’t imagine that the US military would allow Mexico to enter a military alliance against America and let China place nukes on the Texan border. Do you really think such a scenario wouldn’t be perceived by the US military as a threat or that force by the US wouldn’t be a rational action in response?
China has a long history of aggression against its neighbors. NATO does not.
The Balkan states could not be reached for comment
I remember NATO forces hitting a Chinese embassy in the Balkans.
You’re right about Chinese aggression against its neighbors.
We’re really going to go down this path of saying it’s rational for the US to not want nukes from a hostile nation on it’s border but completely irrational for Russia to hold the same position?
Only because NATO is ineffectual? Peter Zeihan talks about the classic invasion routes into Russia and how the Soviets secured them; they are largely now unsecured.
Oh dear…
I mean, heck, I’m not sweating that, but I can kind of understand why someone that lives there and knows the history might find that problematic.
The Idaho governor was a lockdown and mask mandate governor.
Not according to his commercials.
NPR had a story yesterday about how ID was a hotbed of white supremacy, and used Ruby Ridge as an example.
Wanting to be left alone is white supremacy.
Daily life is full of minorities: know your place
Daily life only has some minorities: you’re tokenizing them
Daily life has no minorities: you’re a segregationist
Wypipo move away: white flight.
Wypipo move in: gentrification.
Wypipo stay put: “not making room”
Daily life is IDGAF and treat everyone that I meet with the same courtesy as anyone else. It’s not so hard.
Sorry, but you will be made to care. You are either for dismantling the oppressive system or you ARE the oppressive system.
I oppress cans of beer, cigarettes and nerdy quordle afficianados when I get the chance! How dare you?
coeur d’alene, ethnostate
I’m wrong about the statewide mask order. I thought Little had issued one. I misremembered the lieutenant governor’s mask order which prohibited state agencies, count and municipal governments from issuing mask orders. I thought that had ended an order from Little, but it didn’t. Note that Little repealed that order as soon as he got back into the state.
As for lockdowns, I am correct.
This idiot is desperate to make this sound like a bad thing, but I think he didn’t realize what he was saying is one of the many things what makes this country exceptional.
It’s not good enough. Every free citizen should be allowed to have whatever tools, toys, and weapons the local, state, and federal police have. If something is classified a weapon of war such as a tank, A-10, or a nuke, then only war-fighters should have it. The 2nd Amendment needs a rewrite.
“Can be infringed”
The United States has 4% of the world’s population and 50% of the world’s guns.
I’m sure we can do better than that.
I’m trying!
“If there’s anyone in the country who’s suffered the most from lockdown, it’s us because nobody else will do what’s necessary so that we don’t have to live in lockdown,” Willette said.
Boo fucking hoo. I hope you succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning in your bubble.
Article 1, Section 12 (Const., Va.) says “hi”.
The Fairfax County Public Schools Students Rights and Responsibilities (SRR) handbook, which will be voted on May 26, includes in its updated version rules that make “malicious deadnaming” and “malicious misgendering” of classmates a Level 4 offense, which allows for a suspension up to five days “if frequency and intensity are present,” according to page 19 of the document.
“Using slurs based upon the actual or perceived gender identity” is forbidden under the rules of the document, “which includes, but is not limited to, malicious deadnaming or malicious misgendering.”
The document defines “deadnaming” as “when someone, intentionally or not, refers to a person who is transgender or gender-expansive by a name other than their own chosen name.”
That’s a gross violation of the state constitution. No way that is upheld after judicial review.
“The constitution is a living document”
The theft of Russian property is pretty disturbing. Stealing stuff from citizens of a country we are supposedly at peace with, completely without due-process. And hardly anyone seems to have a problem with it. At some point soon, we may want to reestablish trade with Russia – which will probably require making restitution for all this thievery.
For being “the adults in the room” Team Biden sure does seem to do a lot of outrageously stupid things with easily foreseeable future consequences.
No biggie. We’ll just send them planeloads of cash like we did for the Iranians.
It’s way easier to empathize with a random Ukrainian than it is a Russian oligarch.
It’s odd how they’re called oligarchs and yet Putin is called a dictator.
Meanwhile, nobody calls Bezos or Gates oligarchs…
To be fair, lots of people do call them oligarchs, at least when a R is in office.
Oligarchy is apparently when a Republican does something that happens to benefit a bunch of Democrats
Funny, I never hear people talk about Ukrainian oligarchs.
As safety precautions are being abandoned across the country two years later, her husband has been told to go back to work in person. She says their livelihoods — literally and professionally — are now at stake.
Is her husband is following strict full-on biohazard clean room protocols? That mask won’t do shit when his clothes are infused with deadly pathogens.
More performative mental illness and apocalypse porn for the masses.
“What’s happened today is that the gloves are off, the disguises are off, the leftists, black and white, talk now publicly the way they only used to talk privately”
I consider this a good thing; the lines have clearly been drawn. Frankly, I think it was a strategic error on the part of the Left that they tore off their masks. They’ve been able to gaslight their way through the institutions for decades and could have continued indefinitely until they literally took over everything. Trump made them lose their minds and nominally apathetic Joe Sixpack-types are waking up to the horrors of American Marxism. It gives me some measure of hope.
Eventually their retardation overcame their ideological commitment. Sometimes in the past decade or two they convinced themselves that standards don’t matter so thoroughly that they failed even to maintain basic political hygiene.
A recent episode of Part of the Problem has a really interesting discussion involving Clint Russell’s theory on how Marxists have taken over the financial system using firms like Blackrock to spread “stakeholder” capitalism and basically force companies to go woke even when it’s clearly harmful to their bottom line. First time I’d heard the argument and a description of how it works. I’m not saying he’s correct per se, but it’s certainly interesting and makes at least some sense as to why so many mega corporations are willing to go kamikaze their bottom lines and how they can still stay afloat despite such obvious failure. Definitely worth a listen. Conversation starts at around 50 minutes (I’m at work and can’t spend the time finding the exact start time.)
rules that make “malicious deadnaming” and “malicious misgendering” of classmates a Level 4 offense
Cut it the fuck out.
I think that is step 1 to becoming a trans person.
Ray of Sunshine
Found this cute ad while looking for sunshine. How I am working toward facing life even if I don’t use the product.
Maybe some day, JImbo. Just be patient.
Looks down, nope, not yet
something something alphas fuck betas cuck something
Watch her find a way to blame the men for her fucking her life up….
I call this an understatement…
To Trigger Hippie, Ted’s and Evan – and anyone else going through a patch of shit – I hope for the best for all of you! We all have our own rows to hoe and I just want people to be content and find at least a modicum of happiness on this earthly plane. It’s a struggle. Sometimes I feel hip-deep in the mire but you know what? The Sun will rise again tomorrow, birds will chirp and the world will keep on spinning. Rejoice! Rejoice! We have no choice!
Double thumbs up Festus.
Don’t let the Bastards get you down.
Apropos music.
You’re an inspiration to all of us, Son.
Dusty in here just now.
Rejoice! Rejoice! We have no choice! but to carry on!
The harmonies were so spot-on.
Carry On My Wayward Son!
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars…” -Oscar Wilde
As adapted by Neil Peart (RIP)
Better audio here.
Russia sympathizer confirmed.
“I worked with them and gave them medicine. Do you know what they said? That they would skin Jews or blacks if they had the chance.” This certainly does not align with the mainstream narrative of saving “democracy” and “our values” in Ukraine.
“People can say whatever they want. I was there. I saw what happened there,” emphasised Bocquet, who says he has made many dozens of videos of war crimes. He saw in a barn Russian prisoners of war who had been beaten and tied up. “Fighters from the Azov battalion asked them who the officers were. Each Russian soldier was shot in the knees with a Kalashnikov. I have videos that prove it, otherwise I would not dare to say such a thing.”
Officers were immediately shot in the head. “That’s how it goes, at least in the Azov battalion,” the French ex-marine said.
He went on to say that he had seen an American cameraman blatantly staging footage and the Ukrainian army hiding ammunition in homes at night without informing civilians.
Then release the videos.
“Trust but verify” It’s been a landslide of bullshit right from the start. I trust none of it. Not one whit.
They’ll get delivered some time in 2023. To the wrong address. They’ve got something else planned for the election season. Something sketchy
I do not share you cynicism. I think that the process will be fully up and running by September. All you need to do is stop by the local Dem party HQ with your mail in ballot and they will gladly exchange it for those free kits.
As for lockdowns, I am correct.
DEG- Little has been running ads about how he stood up to the “liberal elites” and and refused their calls for masks and lockdowns. I wasn’t here at the time, so I have no direct experience to go on. I remember hearing about the thing about the lieutenant governor.
Montana’s idiot governor just played monkey-see-monkey-do and copied everything Newsom did.
It’s kind of refreshing seeing all these political ads in which the word “liberal” is used as an epithet on the order of “child molestor”.
I followed all the push back against the lockdown/masking insanity across the country.
Idaho wasn’t as bad as some states (including Republican run states) about the Lil Rona Insanity, but Little claiming he refused calls for lockdowns is a flat-out lie. There were protests against his lockdown orders. I remember the lieutenant governor joining a video about calling for an end to the orders.
I live in Idaho and he definitely did lockdowns. They were shorter than most states. As I recall they were only around 6 weeks at which points a few municipalities (Boise which has predictably turned deep blue from Calexit) continued it. Things like playgrounds were shut down for at least a couple of months. For the most part the state didn’t overreact, but he definitely overreached and shouldn’t get to sweep it under the rug.
This is one of the saddest videos I’ve ever seen. This poor kid doesn’t stand a chance.
I noticed that she’s got him wearing the same shirt as her. Mom is obviously using the kid to project her own image and virtues. Kid’s just a prop.
This is how Norman bates came to be, I am sure…
Dam that sucks.
Not to steal Pope Jimbo’s bit, but how about a nice story.
The Ducati of His Dreams Is So Rare, He Built His Own
I’d love it if everyone bathed us with Rays of Sunshine. It is good to remember that “news” is most bad because it is rare.
Zelensky is not Rambo. He’s the second coming of Marcus Aurelius.
“People will go to marathons and wear ribbons for people with cancer, but a mask is too much to ask. It’s ridiculous,” Abayomi-Paul said.
Fuck you.
I don’t want to wear the ribbon.
Tell that to all of the aborted black babies.
According to Boome, belief in this conspiracy theory has fueled the pro-life movement to protect white babies, event though the data shows black babies are being aborted at a disproportionate rate.
“The same sort of thinking about race and birthrates now dominates the conservative Supreme Court,” wrote Boome. “The leaked draft opinion isn’t about protecting babies. It is about protecting Whiteness. Specifically, White babies.”
The only time they acknowledge the existence of Clarence Thomas is when they call him a race traitor.
Good, good, let the insanity flow through you and out your mouth – louder and louder.
#waffle117 4/5
? streak: 24
? #waffleelite
Theme song for the the day (and every day)
They intend for you to be cold, starving and destitute.
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for an end to oil, gas, and coal use in favor of renewable sources as part of a self-described global climate Marshall Plan. …
To avoid catastrophic climate change, humanity must “end fossil fuel pollution and accelerate the renewable energy transition, before we incinerate our only home,” Guterres said in his pre-recorded remarks timed to coincide with the release of a major U.N. state-of-climate report, AFP reports.
Renewable technologies should be treated as freely available “global public goods”, unconstrained by intellectual property, he added.
Bwahahahaha – unconstrained by IP? He hasn’t read the fine print in the WEF’s social contract.
Just look at what happened with the vaccines. Big pharma gets to hold all the patents, they’re shielded from liability, and they still get paid per dose with taxpayer money.
Mr Guterres, You can have my share after I extract enough of the renewables for my garden and a small part of the Vitamin D for myself.
The idea is to get everyone to be dependent. Dependent people are far less likely to tell someone demanding they do something that goes against their values, needs, or beliefs to fuck off and die.
I hope not hot I need my AC
Fauci and Trump have a history of clashing with each other. The former president and his fellow Republicans villainized Fauci for urging Americans to take various measures to protect them from spreading and contracting the virus which had killed 1 million people nationwide as of Monday, including wearing masks and getting vaccinated.
*Insert blinky guy GIF*
various measures to protect them from spreading and contracting the virus
Quite a bit of base-stealing going on there.
Fight Brews Over Cost of SEC Climate-Change Rules
Just another example of how regulatory cost as a percentage of revenues encourages large companies at the expense of smaller ones. It's why large corporations generally support regulation like this. They can are large enough to have a voice in shaping it and it makes competition from smaller firms more difficult.
Well there is a reason tjere were all those articles in the progressive press about how small business is overrated and big corporations are easier to regulate…
Yeah, it is instructive to notice how many large energy firms are blathering on about “green” crap in commercial after commercial.
I wonder how much of our economy we’re going to have to destroy before we put a stop to this shit.
Holy f’ing crap, that’s insane. If the investors want the damned information so badly, let them add it to bylaws at shareholder meetings themselves. Utterly ridiculous for the SEC to be doing the bidding of the DIE crowd.
And I loved this bit:
That’s a rather large rewrite of “PG&E scarfed up all the money it could to pay big bonuses and bribe the CA government in a mutual back-patting scheme, ignoring maintenance on infrastructure and wildfire prevention in general but especially known wildfire areas and it finally bit them in the ass.”
Do they seriously expect us to believe PG&E wouldn’t have obfuscated their actions in this new reporting? Puh-lease…
Liabilities from targeted lawfare and execs that offered up a token defense to it, leading to acceptance of turning off the power willy nilly as a public safety measure. Nothing to see under that curtain.
Our new form of government: one branch baits the private sector so that another branch can smack it down. Win-win, for the bureaucrats.
The chilling return of shibboleths
Pronouncing a word in the wrong way can be fatal
Bosnian War Redux
So I guess we have this to look forward to.
I like how strong language is hate speech only if a right-winger says it.
So sayeth Twitter, so sayeth we all. ///CommieAF
Daily Quordle 114
How many languages must you speak to play this game?
Poo. Got confused and made 2 unnecessary guesses.
Daily Quordle 114
But I got today’s dirty word right. 🙂
Lewdle ?? 120 4/6
Daily Quordle 114
Not wonderful, but I’ll take it.
Not wonderful
Any day in the teens is a wonderful day. Congrats on eagling the hole.
15-16 = Albatross
17-19 = Eagle
20-21 = Birdie
22 = Tundra (Par)
No way this will be good enough to beat Not Adahn
*checks evening post
Nope. It isn’t.
That was a winning score yesterday. Today I managed to guess one before needing a third seed word. Still took 7 to get them all.
Daily Quordle 114
Got lucky on the last one, had three possibilities and got it on the first one.
And I see from the late posters last night (early this morning) that Hype and I will be going to extra time.
7 8
6 3
Daily Quordle 114
⬜⬜?⬜⬜ ⬜??⬜⬜
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????? ⬜?⬜⬜⬜
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜????
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?????
Well. . The way of the whiz failed me. 2 required 2 guesses. Dammit.
Yeah..see below. Great start but knowing one letter to fill in a seed word is a wasted guess and gained me two goose-eggs in return
Daily Quordle 114
Ahh. Back to normal.
I felt it was detrimental to get a good seed word for the rest of them..
Daily Quordle 114
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜?⬜⬜?
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜?
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⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬜⬜?⬜⬜
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?????
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ?????
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for an end to oil, gas, and coal use in favor of renewable sources as part of a self-described global climate Marshall Plan. …
He’ll be flying to Davos on a battery-powered luxury airplane next winter, right?
These are broken people.
That lady in the picture will not have to worry about needing an abortion unless she drugs some guy and rapes him repeatedly to get pregnant. Well, that and maybe Tres…
I like how strong language is hate speech only if a right-winger says it.
There is a clear and obvious difference between righteous truth-telling and hate speech.
Almost like a shibboleth.
Tina Kotek is on the precipice of making history following her win in Oregon’s Democratic gubernatorial primary Tuesday.
“This will be a three-way race for the highest office in our state, and this will be an election unlike anything any of us have ever seen,” she told supporters during her acceptance speech, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported.
If she wins the general election in November, Kotek, who is formerly the state’s longest-serving speaker of the House as well as the first openly lesbian speaker in the nation, she will become the first openly lesbian governor in the United States. If elected, she told the Human Rights Campaign that she promises to continue her career-long work “to protect and lift up LGBTQ+ Oregonians.”
I don’t care if she fucks her shetland pony on the dining room table.
Is she willing to go to bat for MY freedom?
That’s what I thought.
If elected? It’s over and the hateful dyke will rule over her kingdom. It’s her turn.
Fucker has been portlandifying the rest of the state already in the legislature, along with the help of her rino Washington generals. Can only get better with her in Mahonia Hall and she can really mold the state agencies in her image. Not that Gov Shitstain hasn’t been doing a bang up job of her concerted effort to fill most open leadership positions (and forcing resignations or firings if the current occupants weren’t on board with her plans) in state agencies with a woman, even better if they were a minority woman.
Red meat for the NPR crowd.
“Who gives a fuck?” for the rest of the world.
This is the image I get when someone tells me they love horses. I might be defective.
At a neighborhood playground the other day, there was this piece of graffito that had me giggling for hours – “Ray likes horse porn!“
I don’t care what she does with her woo-hoo. It may be a qualification for some jobs, but not for governor.
I got in an online discussion last night (I know, that’s my problem there) about the hefty girl in the new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The person I was discussing it with was arguing that it’s good because it’s wrong that women are subjected to unrealistic beauty standards and the hefty girl is a good thing as a result.
I really don’t think people understand math.
The exceptional are exceptional for a reason. In a world of 7.75 billion, there are maybe a few hundred people who meet the standard of beauty for a supermodel. Even if we take the edge case of that (999), that’s 13 millionths of 1% of the population. What sane person bases their self-image on a comparison to that? That’s like saying some guy who’s incredibly smart, say the top 1% of the population in terms of intelligence, saying he’s an idiot because there are 77.5 million people out there, more than the population of France and almost the population of Germany, who are smarter than him.
Tell him that until his face adorns People magazine instead of Brad Pitt or George Clooney, men will be repressed by unrealistic expectations on the part of women.
Good one.
Why would I pay for a magazine to see pictures of that woman when I can see more attractive women in the check-out isle of Walmart or at the HOA pool?
It’s almost like people don’t know how to identify a target audience. SI Swimsuit isn’t meant for 15 year old girls or 20-something blue hairs. It’s meant for teenage boys and men.
However, I have no idea why anybody would pay money for SI, and especially SI Swimsuit anymore. You can find better on any of 1000 websites.
women are subjected to unrealistic beauty standards – men are totally not. Also a lot more fat is good is centered on women these days.
No love for the fat guys.
does Sports Illustrated maintain any link to sports?
yes but it’s garbage. Sports commentary is available in the internet or tv for free.
Of course!
You can read all about Colin Kapernick, Megan Rapinoe, the WNBA, Lia Thomas and all the rest of the most important news in sports!
Human ingenuity is unconstrained
A recently discovered one-third of a mile-long tunnel under the US-Mexico border has a rail track system, electricity and a ventilation system, federal officials said Monday when they announced drug charges against six people in California.
The passageway was discovered early Friday by a task force led by investigators from the US Department of Homeland Security who had been watching an alleged drug house in National City, just south of San Diego, according to a release from the Justice Department.
“There is no more light at the end of this narco-tunnel,” US Attorney Randy Grossman said. “We will take down every subterranean smuggling route we find to keep illicit drugs from reaching our streets and destroying our families and communities.”
The Justice Department said this is the 90th tunnel discovery in Southern California since 1993, and the first since March 2020 (which also ended in an Otay Mesa warehouse). The longest tunnel — 4,300 feet — was discovered in January 2020.
Six people who live in Southern California have been charged with conspiring to distribute 1,762 pounds of cocaine, the statement adds. Two defendants are also charged with trafficking heroin and methamphetamine.
In addition to cocaine, 164 pounds of methamphetamine and 3.5 pounds of heroin were seized by authorities.
Cocaine is still a thing?
The 1,762 pounds of cocaine were detected within several tons of unspecified powders.
I’m told it’s a helluva drug.
He (US Attorney Randy Grossman) don’t like, he don’t like, he don’t like…Cocaine
U.S. Soccer and Top Players Agree to Guarantee Equal Pay
In addition to guaranteeing men’s and women’s players the same paychecks for taking part in international matches, the deals include a provision, believed to be the first of its kind, through which the teams will pool the unequal payments they receive from FIFA, world soccer’s governing body, for participating in the World Cup. Starting with the 2022 men’s tournament and the 2023 Women’s World Cup, that money will be shared equally among the members of both teams.
Time to unleash the bigger and faster “women”!
That should help kill any momentum men’s soccer in the us was ever gonna get.
It’s kind of a hilarious admission on their part. We’re going to be lucky to make it past the group stage*, so not really a big fight for us.
*Men’s group state losers still receive a higher FIFA payout than women’s champions.
I mean if they agree to it then fine. If they ever get good. they won’t.
Christina Pulisic is looking pretty good for the women’s team.
And only earn 70 cents on the dollar?
I’m sure that a pooling of NBA and WNBA salaries to make them equal will be shortly forthcoming.
NFL and LFL?
You know who you are
Speaking for the second time in less than four hours on Tuesday about the racist shooting at a Buffalo grocery store that had left 10 dead, President Joe Biden pledged to hold those who had inspired the shooter accountable.
“We’re gonna fight like hell and we’re going to expose everybody,” he declared.
But despite describing the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism, the president declined to do any actual exposing on Tuesday. He did not name individuals who he believed were responsible for spreading “replacement theory” dogma that compelled the Buffalo shooter to act. Instead, he cast blame on institutions and nameless politicians who he said were cynically pushing the theory for profit and power.
Biden’s aides say that his reticence is deliberate, and that it underscores just how delicate he and his administration view the current tinderbox that is American politics. They have been reluctant to call out individuals by name precisely out of fear that it would distract from the “substance” of the problem and give more attention to the conspiracy, which holds that white Americans are being replaced by nonwhite immigrants orchestrated by a cabal of elites eager to see Democrats win office.
Senior aides have felt that pressure from fellow Republicans and, importantly, advertisers would be more effective in pushing individuals like Fox News host Tucker Carlson to distance themselves from replacement theory. As one senior aide put it, there was no desire to give Carlson a clip of a presidential attack that the host could “use in his A-block every night.”
Aspersion and innuendo will do nicely. No need to get into disputable specifics.
So how much did Tucker Carlson really say about replacement theory?
Little or nothing. They’re trying to suggest that his suggestion that the Democrats are trying to import voters, which Democrats have even bragged about, is tantamount to suggesting a conspiracy to replace the white race.
The administration knows they can conflate different things without getting challenged by the media. But, a direct accusation would be open to challenge and refutation.
Tucker is good at dancing around the third rail. Instead of talking about replacement theory, he played clips of Democrats gloating about white replacement.
Really that’s all you need to do.
If they complain, then just ask them to explain their statements.
Even my wife is buying into the “something should be done” narrative. Like locking up someone who hasn’t committed any crimes yet because they will.
Never let a crisis go to waste works.. That’s why team emotional appeals uses it so much. In emotional times you can make even the most logical and levelheaded types make piss poor decisions as they try, desperately, to trade freedoms and cash, for the illusion of security…
So this is the strategy for the next election. They can’t win in a fair fight, so they’re doing a full court press on censorship and outright banning of their political opponents.
We have to destroy democracy to save Democracy.
Works for Ukraine and Z the T Shirt.
As mentioned yesterday,
Style > substance
Words >> actions.
the president declined to do any actual exposing
Really, we should be grateful for that.
We’re gonna fight like hell
I thought this phrase was muh-insurrectionisms.
Really, I think its time Its different when we do it gets an acronym. Its in heavy use, after all.
The fact that it’s a palindrome is gravy.
“Doesn’t mean you never call them out, but I think it means you need to be very judicious about doing so and cognizant that it may have unintended consequences,” the person added.
You have yo be somewhat circumspect, or the next thing you know, people will be saying Joe Biden hates the middle class.
Whelp, I downed another 14 beers. Time to call it a night. At least I was kind instead of snarky this morning so at least I have that going for me! Be well, friends!
I think the govt is having trouble with a legal resolution because what they are doing is not legal.
Yesterday I had 7 yards of black dirt delivered in front of my garden. Now what do I do? I haven’t even started tilling but my tiller will hopefully be repaired today and I’ll be able to get into the gardening mode. I had to move my plants outside, they grew too big under the incandescent lights and are waiting to get planted. Some peppers are already blossoming and it’s still a little cool.
I’m really late on my planting this year. Should have all been in a week ago. We have a neighbor who owns a landscaping business and he brings his John Deere front loader with a big tiller on the back and tills our garden every year. That’s done, and it’s beautiful.
“High Gasoline And Diesel Prices Are Here To Stay”
Looks like not only has the supply shrunk but refining capacity as well. We are fuckdiddly fucked.
Just buy an electric car!
Or take the bus! Duh!
Honestly, why would you need your own car now that WFP is a thing?
One of the food delivery firms (Door Dash, Grubhub?) is so desperate for workers here in The Rockaways they are offering a free electric bicycle (and $15 per hour + tips) for new hires.
Oh joy…
We just need to tax them more and increase their costs to keep costs down.
If we tax them more they will produce more duh…if not, we will take over the production and invoke the Defense Production Act…only after draining our strategic reserves. Then, w
Not that Gov Shitstain hasn’t been doing a bang up job of her concerted effort to fill most open leadership positions (and forcing resignations or firings if the current occupants weren’t on board with her plans) in state agencies with a woman, even better if they were a minority woman.
But- but-
Putting womynz in charge, by definition, makes the world a better, cleaner, nicer, happier place.
Doesn’t it?
It looks like the World Health Organization wants to become the World Health Assault Team
Is that to be followed by the World Health Emergency Navy?
And the World Heath Executive Reconnaissance Eagles?
But, Health or War?
And their junior auxiliary, the World Health Youth.
Deus Ex was also not meant to be an instruction manual
transfermarkt (I spelled that correctly) has Sheffield Wednesday values at just under $30MM dollars. Anyone want to go in and purchase it? I am pretty sure with competent management, we can 10x that by getting that back to the Premier League.
Plus we can make the Liverpool fans happy by putting up a “Fuck the Police” banner in Hillsborough.
Are you worried about keeping Everton in the premier league?
Everton basically has to lose both of its remaining games, and Burnley and Leeds must both win at least one to relegate Everton. Using the betting odds as a guide, I did a quick back-of-the-envelope calculation — Everton has roughly an 8% chance of being relegated.
They can lose out and still be safe, but a draw and a loss doesn’t guarantee safety. I have nothing against Everton but it would still be funny to seem them relegated.
Biden set the tone early, telling aides that his visit to Buffalo needed to be, first and foremost, about consoling those grieving loved ones but that he also wanted to denounce the racism underlining the tragedy.
Totally not a election campaign event.
Only a racist hillbilly stooge would think that.
Sad. Deep holes in the ground are no joke and sand is extra nasty.
Dug with frisbees????
A ten foot hole dug with frisbees. Wow.
Getting into a 10-foot deep hole in soil as unstable as beach sand is a definite Darwin Award move.
Woot! My AMG shot timer has been shipped!
And I only ordered it last October…
Future COVID variants will likely reinfect us multiple times a year, experts say — unless we invest in new vaccines
Panic. Continue the panic at all costs. Good luck getting the Genie back in the bottle Team Blue.
“If you just live your life, you’re going to die”
*falls out of chair*
I’m sure whoever wrote that did the work of finding out if those “experts” had any ties to pharma companies and/or stand to profit from investments in new vaccines.
what science can do to redirect it
Err, nothing? Other than give it new vaccines to mutate around?
Paid my fine today. Need the paperwork for myself, lawyer, and others. I’ll go to the office on Friday to check, but they said it might take until Monday. I check out of my hotel on Tuesday. Still haven’t bought a plane ticket. Fine was “only” $500. I thought, and was told, it would likely be MUCH more. Maybe $1600 (or x 2). That didn’t happen. It’s all just stupid bullshit, spiteful Korean bullshit and that was the best they could come up with for tearing up a piece of paper.
Saturday there’s a big show and I’ll get to play drums with all sorts of people. I need to book a ticket and flee. Firsts first. I need those documents to leave. It will hopefully result in a lovely farewell to people and a place where I’ve lived for ~7 years in total. I’ll have to say goodbye to Lady. And others. She has been offered an all-expenses paid trip to America by my parents. She is keen on it. Probably in September. Might align with the 3rd anniversary of The Incident.
I talked to my brother, and he pretty much agreed with my End Game plan. I can’t do anything else and still have to be slightly patient. Might as well have fun with it while I can. This is an odd world I live in. I should certainly eat more. I frequently look well out of sorts. I don’t want to leave this world behind, but it has become time to do so. I’m happy to have one last show to remember, rather than my bitter divorce with this place. And Lady. And all my friends. I don’t have any in the US. It will be terrible, exciting, frustrating, easy, and demanding to go back. This too, shall pass.
This is progress. I hope things are quiet for you and you get to leave Korea without further incident.
Did your boss get out of paying what she owed you?
I have proof of all of this: She lied to the government about my contract:
1. What they have and what I got are not the same. She did this to make me an “independent contractor,” which she filed me as, which I am not. She was my visa sponsor.
2. She didn’t pay her 50/50 share of taxes.
3. She didn’t pay her 50/50 share of health care.
4. She didn’t ever pay into my pension, which is a serious agreement between the US and Korean governments.
5. She put me up in a SHITTY apartment. Like. Super shitty, but whatever. I’m OK with that one.
6. She never paid for a flight. Maybe not TECHNICALLY illegal, but certainly against standard convention here.
We did the math. The $8k that she owes me, she got away with, and I had to pay her $500 over this bullshit.
It is progress. I’m going to enjoy my hotel and I’m going to kick ass at the show on Saturday. I’ll probably get to drum for everyone who wants to play. I might need to have a solo to get some anger out, all turned into artistic, drumming violence. Hopefully, it becomes something special, without fucking up with the other players’ jam. I HATE drum solos and never do them. But this show is specifically about jamming, improvising, and having fun. Seems to fit in. I’ll make sure to film all of it.
I’ve made plans with Lady to have a special meal, one we wouldn’t normally get, for this last weekend. It’s difficult, but necessary to move on.
When I get home, I’m checking out for a bit from my family and the Real World. Get settled, and then I’m gonna dive back in. I know I will have a fantastic time Stateside. (Girls will be very impressed with me. I’m short, but at least I’m not boring. Ya miss 100% of the shots you never take. I think they’ll be eager to try out my goods.)
I have proof of all of this: She lied to the government about my contract:
1. What they have and what I got are not the same. She did this to make me an “independent contractor,” which she filed me as, which I am not. She was my visa sponsor.
2. She didn’t pay her 50/50 share of taxes.
3. She didn’t pay her 50/50 share of health care.
4. She didn’t ever pay into my pension, which is a serious agreement between the US and Korean governments.
5. She put me up in a SHITTY apartment. Like. Super shitty, but whatever. I’m OK with that one.
6. She never paid for a flight. Maybe not TECHNICALLY illegal, but certainly against standard convention here.
We did the math. The $8k that she owes me, she got away with, and I had to pay her $500 over this bullshit.
Don’t lose sleep over this, Evan. Seriously. You’re a foreigner playing a game stacked against you in a homogenous culture. The facts have zero bearing. Consider $8,500 a very cheap deal for your freedom that involved allegations of assault by an unconnected outside male against an elderly member of that culture.
Yes, I say not take the money and run.
You are correct, and that’s how I’m looking at it. I’m surprisingly calm about it all. I’m upset about the money, which killed my goal: Save $10k/year. That balloon got shot out of the sky by her assholery. However, it isn’t the biggest deal.
I was also never charged with assault. “Destruction of property,” for tearing a piece of paper, was the best they could come up with. I find that hilarious. Revealing. Any lie that might stick in any way.
I get to flee soon. I’m mostly saddened by leaving Lady and everyone I know. The show is perfect timing for a good Good Bye. I’ll have to meet new people in the States. That’s exciting, but new. However, I’ve done it before in multiple countries. It’s easy, but you still look at it like being a teen asking a girl out for the first time. (Again, ya miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.) I’m going to get some…interesting smokables in Chicago and chill for a little American vacation. I plan on seeing the Cubs, probably with Dad. I intend on ensuring that I get to see Kyle Hendricks, my favorite current pitcher. I need a fucking break, and I’m going to get it, in many ways, soon enough. Now, just gotta wait on that paperwork.
This too, shall pass. Onward, upward, always.
We just need to tax them more and increase their costs to keep costs down.
By George, I think he’s got it!
This cunte is still around?
“We’re in a very, very difficult time with a major American political party that has just become hypersonic weird, and it has to be stopped. The only way, the only way to stop this is at the ballot box. You’re not going to stop it by going and wasting your time demonstrating in front of Justice Kavanaugh or Senator Collins’ house. What a waste of time. Get out of Washington to go to Michigan and Wisconsin and North Carolina and Pennsylvania and Ohio, and Nevada and Arizona, where all these competitive races are taking place. The whole future of the country is going to be decided in November. The faster we understand that, the better off we’re going to be.”
But enough about the Democratic Party.
Wordle 333 3/6
Daily Quordle 114
Look, user, what part of “It’s Broken!” don’t you understand? We’re working to fix it, but until then, stop trying to use the system, it’s BROKEN!
In my world its..”we need to upgrade from a reduced equipment to a full outage…” followed by “Air traffic is demanding it be returned immediately…”
Uh…it’s broke…we will get it back when we can
The number of people on this webex keeps growing. No one knows what the exact next task needs to be.
Fun times.
Fixing the problem.
*sends invoice*
You failed to bid in the approved procedure. No RFQ was filed, issued, or responded to, no budgetary approval was given. There were an insufficient number of quotes to tender an purchase order. No purchase order was generated.
No money for you.
Kneejerk do-something-ism
The House of Representatives is expected to vote Wednesday on a bill aimed at preventing domestic terrorism and combating the threat of violent extremism by White supremacists.
The vote comes in the wake of a horrific mass shooting over the weekend at a supermarket in a predominately Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, that killed 10 people and wounded three others. The Justice Department is investigating the shooting as a hate crime and “an act of racially-motivated violent extremism.”
Once the bill the House is taking up — the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022 — passes the chamber, it would next go to the Senate for consideration, where its fate is uncertain.
Lawmakers are under pressure to take action in the wake of the tragedy in Buffalo, but the highly polarized partisan climate makes it unlikely that any significant policy changes will pass both chambers of Congress to be signed into law.
Running in circles with your hair on fire demonstrates your commitment to DEMOCRACY!!
“Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022”
Well, what does it say?
It bans Tucker Carlson, duh.
Skepticism of the government is domestic terrorism.
To fight hate, we need a Ministry of Love to work alongside out Ministry of Truth.
Didn’t we go through this dance a couple years ago when the Dems tried to ram through a resolution about Bad White People?
Black supremacists like the Waukesha SUV killer and the NYC Subway shooter are apparently A-OK.
I can’t wait.
“Swank will play Eileen Fitzgerald, described as a “recently disgraced” reporter who leaves a high-profile New York life behind to seek personal and professional redemption up north.”
Heroic New Yorker is going to redeem herself and the unredeemable residents of Alaska.
I want to see someone propose a movie about the Depp marriage & divorce…
Can you imagine the poopgate scene?
It will probably be filmed in Oregon.
Deplorables in the Mist
Good morning, Sloopy!
I guess I have to root for the Avs now.
Feels kind of dirty.
But, since you chose one of my Clash top fives, I can endeavor to perservere.
Have a great day, you magnificent bastards!
“Have a great day, you magnificent bastards!”
We will all be made to pay for forcing them to do this…
That’s what is known as testing the waters.
We’re not quite ripe enough yet for the Ministry of Truth.
Holy shit, they didn’t accept her resignation?
Why would they? She is the perfect cover and shiny object for them.
Realistically you’d expect an organization to cover for you. They asked her to take a risk and she took a risk on their behalf.
What’s amazing is DC actually followed through. Normally they hang you out to dry.
J6 will strike again?
How are they going to hand-wave away the source of all that violence that’s coming this time?
The same way they did with the year of BLM/Antifa rioting.
“Dirt bike rider, 26, is fighting for his life after being ‘cooked alive’ when he was tasered by deputy while pumping gas: 75% of his body is covered in third-degree burns”
Jeez, that sounds like recklessness and extreme disregard for risk by the officer who tased the guy.
Procedures were followed.
Doesn’t look good. You know that footage would be everywhere already if it exonerated the officer.
“Homeland Security braces for nationwide violence after Roe v. Wade leak and launches investigations into threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court, murder justices and their clerks and attack churches and abortion clinics”
White supremacist domestic terror.
launches investigations into threats to burn down or storm the Supreme Court, murder justices and their clerks and attack churches and abortion clinics
I got $20 that says no charges will ever be brought.
And, to be fair, if this is all just online woofing, no charges should be brought.
“I got $20 that says no charges will ever be brought.”
I think it depends on what happens. If they actually burn down the Supreme Court or murder one of the justices, that’s too much of a biggie to ignore.
“Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022
This bill establishes new requirements to expand the availability of information on domestic terrorism, as well as the relationship between domestic terrorism and hate crimes.
It authorizes domestic terrorism components within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to monitor, analyze, investigate, and prosecute domestic terrorism.
The domestic terrorism components of DHS, DOJ, and the FBI must jointly report on domestic terrorism, including white-supremacist-related incidents or attempted incidents.
DHS, DOJ, and the FBI must review the anti-terrorism training and resource programs of their agencies that are provided to federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies. Additionally, DOJ must make training on prosecuting domestic terrorism available to its prosecutors and to assistant U.S. attorneys.
It creates an interagency task force to analyze and combat white supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of the uniformed services and federal law enforcement agencies.
Finally, it directs the FBI to assign a special agent or hate crimes liaison to each field office to investigate hate crimes incidents with a nexus to domestic terrorism.”
A Nexus 6?
Holden: Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind about… your mother.
Leon: My mother?
Holden: Yeah.
Leon: Let me tell you about my mother.
The final throes of a nation in decline…look inward towards its own people.
1) define basic conservative value/ideas as white-supremacy.
2) purge the government of your ideological opponents.
purge the
governmentcountry of your ideological opponents.I don’t see anything limiting this to government employees. Sure, there’s a special task force to purge the apparatchiks, but they are casting a much wider net.
Go fuck yourself.
This dude is on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. He gives a little perspective on what’s happening.
Also this: Just another day in Ukraine’s hell
Why the fuck aren’t we at the table trying to end this? (Don’t bother – I know why).
I have not had one company say they lost my data but have had: OPM, USAF, VA, and a couple other government agencies all offer me credit services after they lost my data.