Forbidden Zone (NSFW)
This seemed like such an easy post. Review Forbidden Zone. Then, I saw the extras on a DVD were called A Look Inside The Forbidden Zone. So what it is? Forbidden Zone? The Forbidden Zone? Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Tonio reaching for his grammar stick. Why is this so difficult? I decided to go with what was on the initial release poster – Forbidden Zone.
If you have ever seen this movie before you understand that it is designed specifically to offend any and all viewers. And it does a great job doing so from the opening seconds until the closing minutes. This was Richard Elfman’s directorial debut, designed to show off the talents of the Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo. Think of this film as a bookend, so to speak, as this encapsulated all of the craziness which was a Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo show. Imagine seeing stuff like this on stage! After this, the band dropped the Mystic Knights moniker and just became Oingo Boingo. A ton of the on-stage shenanigans stopped at that point and the band took a quick turn into 1980’s pop under the guiding hand of Richard’s brother, Danny.
According to IMDB, the version we are viewing tonight is the preferred version for the producer (Richard Elfman). Honestly it has been so long since I saw this film that I cannot remember enough of it to point out any differences. I do however, remember seeing this as a black and white film. Somewhere along the way the film was restored and colorized. Shades of Star Wars revisionism? I hope not!
Many articles have been written about this film, and they will all do a better job than I if you want deep details about this cinematic curiosity. Sometimes, even the articles themselves are strange and curious.
One last thing, when I said this film was a labor of love last week in the preview, I was not kidding. All but one actor in this film poured their salaries back into continuing production. That one actor was not Hervé Villechaize. He gave back his salary and also hung around helping to build and paint sets.
According to the word-o-meter, I have now talked enough about this film. Really, no review could do it justice. So! Get your big yellow #1 trigger fingers ready! Let the movie begin! Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is a psychedelic monster treat that gave every kid nightmares in the 70’s. War of the Gargantuas.
As you watch this, let’s play the ‘could it be made’ game in the comments. Could this be made today? Would the Elfman brothers be damned to cancel Hell if this was made in 2022? And how would the #metoo crowd react if Hervé Villechaize was alive and pinching boobs today?
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*hits play*
The version I have is black and white.
Yes, that is absolutely the original version. I was surprised too. At some point Richard had this colorized and added back in scenes. hence the Star Wars comparison. He didn’t ruin it, but it messed with my memories of first seeing this.
Texas Glibs meetup! Go to the forum and look under Meetups for details!
Saw your note DEG. We might be able to swing a meet up
Great! Let me know.
Once I hit the road, I won’t log in here. E-mail or phone to get a hold of me.
War of the Gargantuas.
Oh Hell yes! great times growing up
If you have ever seen this movie before you understand that it is designed specifically to offend any and all viewers.
Interesting. Diving in!
Huckleberry P. Jones has to be a Glib.
I’m getting a Heavy Metal vibe from these opening credits.
Just wait.
Major Boobage?
So, so good.
Cab Calloway!
Yes! That was a song the Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo always played
A Hitler midget with tits is a pretty damned particular kink.
Herve is the perviest thing in the film, bless him. He knew he would die young so he screwed and drank to his heart’s content.
I was expecting young Molly Ringwald.
(taps foot)
That is “Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone.”
Yeah, forbidden zone. Where’s Molly?
French are the master race?
They surrendered twice and still are around…think about it
I love the internet.
Hope the movie is good! Looks suitably bizarre!
Where’s my right to be forgotten? I was going through a rough patch at that time.
I thought you were looking pretty good! Was that a Mane Coon?
Yep. I call him Clarence.
Nah, it’s Clarence
We should be celebrating all things Clarence anyway. Man’s gonna make me run for extra celebratory cigars and bourbon. God bless him!
Oh it’s good. You are in for a ride if you haven’t seen it.
Day 8 of being constantly drenched in sweat.
WTF, you have COVID or are you on a chain gang?
Googly eyes on those trees. Really.
Yep. That’s the least of it.
I’ll see what I can do.
Rainy season ended early to transition immediately to sweaty season.
I gotta drop off. I’ll finish the movie tomorrow. This is weird. Yeah, there is a Heavy Metal vibe.
Thank for coming!
Just as long as there are no Mexican wrestlers.
None, you raycist!
There is a Jewish wrestler though.
Tits in the opening credits really sets the tone.
And it’s a wonderful tone.
Alright, really gonna watch one of these, for once, after I practice some French (gotta keep that streak alive)
Lol. Just finished my Spanish. 31 days!
Spell “socks”. You just spoke Spanish.
That’s what it is.
Eso si que es.
280 days… Diamond league. Not even humble bragging.
OK, back to french tits.
There’s a topless French girl in this. You can practice there.
Assuming that’s “Frenchy”, it’s Bhodi’s (Jenna’s husband) mom. Bhodi’s mom has got it goin on.
Herve Villacheze went home with half the girls in this film.
Please tell me that Herve and Andre the Giant partied at some point.
I am unsure. One can only wish! Watch that special where one of the cast talks about meeting Herve and having a two year affair with him. The man was amazing. Fuck what Roger Moore thought.
Good for him. He made the most of everything.
really off topic
In a surprising and seismic shift in college athletics, the Big Ten voted Thursday to add Southern California and UCLA as conference members beginning in 2024.
Goddamn it. That actually bothers me
I’m losing interest in college sports as this shit progresses. Why the hell am I going to waste 2 hours of my life watching a conference game between Rutgers and UCLA followed by Nebraska v. USC? Oh, but I can flip on the SEC to watch Texas v. South Carolina or Oklahoma v. Vanderbilt. At least the Big 12 may be a good heartland matchup, right? Oh, it’s BYU v. West Virginia.
Taking out the regionality of college sports takes out a big reason why they were fun.
BCS fucked up college football. But really, all of this is just side effects and symptoms of the rot.
Pre-BCS made for great regional play but meant the national champion was just a popularity contest. The BCS ruined regional play without a satisfactory replacement for the national championship.
The Big XII was an abomination. Bring back the Big 8!
Fuck Larry Scott. This is (partially) his fucking fault.
So fucking stupid. And I say that as a Bruin.
The funny thing is that I saw a posting for a job with the PAC 12 network a week or so back, and my first thought was “how long do they last after USC and UCLA bolt for the B1G?” I was being flippant, but here in clown world, my ridiculous hyperbole becomes real within a couple weeks.
I was born in a PAC8 town, my mother was born in a PAC8 town, my grandfather was born in a Pacific Athletic League town.
Fuck those poseurs, we are getting back to the right number.
Hear hear!
So tell me, could the Elfman brothers make this today?
Should they have made it then?
They’d get firebombed for the opening scene alone.
Danny is really ashamed by his Oingo Boingo days, so I would say no
My mood
“As you watch this, let’s play the ‘could it be made’ game in the comments. Could this be made today?”
Maybe, with digital things are much less expensive.
“Would the Elfman brothers be damned to cancel Hell if this was made in 2022?”
Yes, if anyone noticed it.
“And how would the #metoo crowd react if Hervé Villechaize was alive and pinching boobs today?”
They probably wouldn’t care. There is still plenty of sex stuff in movies.
Missed it by this much.
Thanks RJ 🙂
What’s next week?
Oh, “War of the Gargantuas”
‘War of the Gargantuas’
Relive your childhood fears!
If anyone doesn’t want to use Tubi, they can dl it here:
Huh, “Squeezit” went on to direct Freeway, which is not bad movie.
Reese Withhercokespoon
Wait. Should I actually like her?
I wouldn’t kick her out of bed unless she attempts that southern accent
Depends how much you like white trash.
I am white trash?
Dont mind him, I think he is Irish trash *shudders*
If you care, you probably aren’t?
Anyway, that’s definitely Reese Witherspoon’s character in that movie.
LOL. They really should just retire.
Though, one of the best concerts I went to was theirs.
I felt that way when I saw DEVO a few years ago.
A friend saw them at a lunch show in a mall not too long ago. Said they were still nailing it (DEVO, that is) and boo coo fun.
Eating lunch in the park and you’ve turned me into Aqualung.
Maybe ease off on the bad intent.
No way you look like Ian Anderson.
I work from home tomorrow, so I set my alarm for an hour later. We’ll see if the dog let’s me sleep in.
I took the day off. Everyone is over the COVID thing so Tall Thin Spaniard what Lurks came by and we hung out. It was nice. I hope to sleep in too. Generally sun comes up and I wake up sadly.
Been there. Still doing that.
Dog did not let me sleep in.
I crate the dog at night, so sleeping in is never an option.
German ammo (by MEN, hah!) arrived today. Sweden and Finland joining NATO better mean that they will be exporting their surplus ammo over here. And civilian versions of their battle rifles.
I’ve got some of that stuff. Never any problems. 👍
TItty Tape.
I got done with work and drove back to Pahrump from. Las Vegas, going straight to the gun store, which had called me yesterday to let me know my Ladysmith had arrived and I just needed to fill out the forms and pick it up.
So I arrived at 6 pm and did the form (it’s done on a tablet now; supposed to be faster). But the fed office that does the background checks was closed til tomorrow I have to come back tomorrow.
I haz a disappoint.
At least I got to see the gun. Beautiful wooden grip, kind of a reddish brown with nice grain.
That can’t possibly be true – the SCOTUS just ruled that guns have more rights than women and it’s just the Wild West out there now.
She was buying the gun. Had the gun been buying her, it would’ve been able to walk out with nary a glance.
During the Portland riots a couple years ago, and general Antifa activity at large, the instant background check was running about 3 weeks behind out here. Really sucked.
Everything was slow during covid.
I thought they had 5 (or 3) days or something and if they couldn’t get it done in that time, TS for them, you get your piece. Last time I bought one, which was only 3 or 4 years ago, just before the awful boating accident, it took an hour or so at Academy.
Depends on the store. Some won’t (whether for liability reasons or others) sell without a clean proceed.
Did S&W stop making those pink guns?
No, the pink grips are still on option. They usually include black grips too if you pick the pink ones.
They had a Ladysmith 642 with black plastic grips in stock when I went in to purchase last Friday, but I wanted the wooden grips so that’s what has stuck me waiting. Plus I’ve had business in Vegas late afternoon all week so the timing is inconvenient.
I love those wood grips. Almost bought a Lady Smith for myself because of those, but the Performance Center semi-tuned version got me.
Now finally owning a J frame, I’m surprised at how bulky these things are. Definitely need larger pockets for pocket carry.
If you are thinking of it as a defense gun, maybe check out Crimson Trace.
Or was there another one you were thinking of?
Back in the 90’s there were a ton of them.
I thought your vagina is an AK-47.
Order your speedloaders now.
CCW in Idaho means I pass all of that. A 4472 form on a tablet is all that’s required. I walk out after I make the purchase.
I will probably go for concealed carry at some point. It’s open carry by default here in Nevada, but I don’t need to be attracting attention.
Same here. But a permit adds 37 states.
The wife and I will be renewing ours Iowa permits in a few months even though Iowa no longer requires a permit. This allows carry in other states and by passing the online check when purchasing new firearms.
Sort of a hybrid here. CHL puts you at the top of the state police ran background check system.
The NH permit doesn’t let you bypass a background check. Since NH now has Constitutional Carry (originally called Vermont Carry) I on;t have the permit for reciprocity reasons.
oh, I have a FFL03, so if the firearm is C&R eligible, and the FFL01 will take the FFL03, no background check for me. Just some paperwork and the threat of an ATF audit hanging over my head.
The only reason I haven’t gotten an 03ffl is I like having a bank balance at the end of the day.
Forbidden Z (sans young Molly) doesn’t remind me of Heavy Metal, but pre-code comics, like early beaty boop, Tijuana bibles, that sort of thing.
Maybe Ralph Bakshi.
That was quite a ride. The princess and her absolutely perfect breasts was my favorite.
Yes, she was totally qualified to be mostly naked for the entire movie.
Only made two movies though. Sad.
Frenchy, they’ll mark you truant!
Only Murders in the Building is quite good so far. I’m behind, only into S1 Episode 2.
And Selena Gomez is a surprising cutie.
she gets thicc in the next season
Ooh, that voodoo that you do.
Firsters have many great powers, but a weakness to the magical arts. It’s the one…chink in our armor.
No perp info…
Wait, what?
Well, that was different…
Where’s the pyramidon that’s supposed to be capping that monument?
Supreme court’s fault, obviously.
Oldest son was considering NJIT a few years ago, until two students were shot dead a block from the main campus. Newark is a fun town.
Mornin Glibs.
“I’m no biologist. ”
Who gets to label her a woman? I demand answers.
“I know it when I see it.”
Can we exchange her for someone who’ll follow the constitution instead?
Mornin’ all.
I was tempted to say fuck it and take the day off. All my meetings are cancelled. But, I have work to do.
Did you all know we have our first black Supreme Court justice?
Off to the gym.
Well Thomas isn’t really black. What disqualified Marshall?
They never heard of him.
Daily Quordle 158
Dammit, typo caused me to chump, maybe.
Was going smoothly, but took FOUR tries to get bottom right.
Daily Quordle 158
I don’t remember chumping in the last couple of weeks, btw.
Well heck — now I feel a little better about screwing it up royally. Tried not to chase words, but probably wasted a couple guesses doing that.
Daily Quordle 158
Daily Quordle 158
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Switchblades are legal again in Virginia as long as you don’t conceal them.
Aren’t they concealed by design?
Good morning, OBE, RoaT, Tulip, DEG, rhy, U, and Sean!
This morning I don’t have to rush away to the dentist’s office nor to the Subaru dealer! 😃 It is, however, the first of the month, which means I have to get going on month-end reports. There’s one I COULD have started on earlier in the week, but the parties involved didn’t send me the information. 😒 Oh, well! At least my boss is taking today off, so he won’t be pestering me every whipstitch about which reports I have done.
Gonna be a scorcher in SW OH today. I wish you all more temperate conditions.
So, you had to instead go to the subaru dentist to get your car’s grille fixed?
Yeah, I wanted to go for the gold caps for maximum bling factor, but the cost was prohibitive.
Mornin’, GT!. Good to hear your teeth and ride are taken care of.
Gonna be a scorcher in SW OH today. I wish you all more temperate conditions.
93 today, it’s been sunny and warm pretty much all week. We’re having company tomorrow, so of course there will be rain for the first time since Monday.
78* here in NW Oregon. Junuary it has been christened.
It is July. Heat and humidity are the norm here. I do miss coastal SoCal weather.
fucking fuckers changed the VDI AGAIN.
I wouldn’t be so pissed but it wiped out my profile, including the name of my real desktop I’m trying to ultimately connect to. Now if they’d used rational names for desktops, that wouldn’t be a problem, but noooo, it’s all randomized crap no one can remember.
Good thing I kept that information locally at home. 😛
You’re in?? So how much do you have to redo?
We’ve been
warnedinformed that we’re getting new hardware AGAIN. I swear it seems as if we just got new CPUs and monitors. I already save all documents to the network, but I’m trying to make sure I don’t lose all my browser favorites/bookmarks and desktop icons. And the autofill password that gets me into the timekeeping system to clock in as quickly as possible when I get to work. 😅I don’t have to redo anything. I keep my real work on my work desktop, which is a physical machine. They almost never replace those for us. The stuff stored in my VDI profile is just history. As in every time I’ve connected to it I’ve promptly used it to remotely connect to my real desktop. So I didn’t have to keep looking up that name since it was stored in that history. It just annoys me when I get slowed down. Oh and they changed the desktop image on the VDI, which irks me more.
Mornin’, UCS.
We don’t have desktops, instead everyone gets a high-end workstation. On-premises you plug into a docking station, elsewhere you’re on your own. At home I remote into my workstation from a Linux desktop, to use the dual monitor setup. I don’t understand how anyone does modern development on a laptop, or even a single monitor.
Even lil’ ol’ me was offered a second monitor, but I declined, as it wouldn’t really fit into my preferred desktop (the literal, physical one) arrangement. Alt+Tab is my little fwiend.
Those of us hired during the plague years got laptops, decent but hardly “high-end”. I stupidly took my “workstation” (dock, keyboard, mouse, two monitors) to the office last summer. Haven’t been back.
Now I’m stuck on the laptop + another cheap monitor I bought. I miss a real keyboard. I considered buying another dock but holy hell they’re more expensive than I would have thought.
Just one of my home monitors has more screen real estate than both of my work monitors.
Working at my desk at work feels so constrained, even when just compared to having my RDP session on my left monitor at home with the right having random stuff like Glibs.
A single 27” monitor isn’t too bad.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! How’s your mouth? I went without my usual dental appliance last night and didn’t get evicted to the couch, so…win!
I am told I have a potty mouth. That aside, I have one new filling and one new crown. Will be getting another crown Tuesday. The real fun begins in August, when I will have three extractions.
Owwww! So sorry! 🤕🦷🦷🦷
We are on our way to South Dakota. Got 25 miles in and XY needed to stop for food. 5 hours to go.
Bon voyage! Only 25 miles? Is that teenage boy appetite or maybe a little bit of cold feet?
Ive taken to calling Tres Version 2.0 ‘The Disposal’. He’ll eat nearly anything put in front of him.
My cousin was like that when we were teens; just a bottomless pit of hunger.
Feet, don’t fail me now!
I found fraudulent activity on my credit card. So that’s been shut off and a new one will be issued. However, I just emptied my bank accounts into paying bills and aggressively paying down loans.
I now literally only have the cash in my wallet to get through pay day. I haven’t been in this boat for years. There was a span where I didn’t carry cash, but I’d started keeping some on me as an emergency measure. I’d grown accustomed to not needing to pay attention to the timing of pay day so long as I kept my purchases within the overall scope of what I could afford, it all balanced out.
I’m feeling so poor now.
Oh, hell. Set up a GoFindMe (or a better alternative)?
*#!%@ autocorrect.
Payday’s Wednesday. The replacement card with the new number should arrive sometime next week as well. I just have to make it through the long weekend.
At least there’s food in the house, gas in the car, and my bills are all paid.
Good to hear, but still sucks. This is why we have multiple credit cards.
That sucks. Been there, done that.
We have a bit of cash squirreled away in the house just in case something like that happens. We learned that lesson after the last time the CC got compromised.
I’m going to have to reflect on procedures and how to avoid future inconvenience.
Thankfully, I have no need to leave the house and no dire need to restock anything.
I’m wonder the Patzer family approach of a backup CC is a good idea, or if another approach is called for.
Backup CC has been useful for us, too. However, remember that you’ll need to use it on the regular or they may close it for inactivity. We have one card for groceries and gas and another card for everything else.
Any idea what the inactivity period is? I rarely use my backup but hasn’t had issues.
Some issuers are like 1 year. And, IME, they’ll warn you first.
The vet doesn’t take Amex, so the Visa gets used there, at least.
And, as all pet owners know, the idea of going a year without giving the vet money is hilarious.
Longer term, you should be able to get a no-annual-fee credit card as an emergency backup, for just this sort of situation.
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Ugh. Good morning everyone. It’s a work day and I’m crusty. I had friends from out of town come in last night. One of them brought a bottle of the Hakashu scotch.
I now have to contemplate going into the office
Call it work-from-home and finish the bottle.
Remember when you were in your 20s and could just shrug off a night like that? On 4 hours sleep?
Now I need a banana bag and 14 hours of sleep n