Co-co! Co-co!
The Celtics went off-script and took Game 1 of the NBA Finals. Look to see the GSW shoot about 60 free throws in game 2 if necessary for them to win. Colorado blanked Edmonton to take a 2-0 series lead in the Campbell Conference Final. Coco Gauff made the French Open finals. And Phil Knight made a pitch to buy the Portland Trailblazers. I hope he changes their uniform color scheme to some neat shit and renames them the Portland Swoosh, just to be a dick. Ands that’s it for sports.
Before I get into the normal list of links, I’m going to give you an insight into the mind of a crazy person. I mean, “literally”?

OK, the minds of two crazy people. But in this one’s case, literally everybody is a giant, whether sleeping or otherwise. Also, if he thinks these will be the two big issues to voters instead of the skyrocketing prices of literally everything, then he’s even dumber than I thought.
It’s an absolute shitshow. The problem is, he set it up so nobody would want him gone by installing a cold, unlikeable moron as his VP. So give him credit for that at least.
Ohio and Louisiana get it right. And anybody who disagrees with me would rather have the shooters go in against unarmed people and therefore are taking their side over that of the children. (Yes, that’s how this argument works now.)
“So it was all for nothing then,” said some dude at the CIA (probably).
Wait, there’s people still accepting this madness? What a sad state of affairs. Also, I don’t want to ever hear anyone say “New York Strong” or a variation go it ever again.
Good for him. If you’re going to the government with your hand out, you may not want to kick them in the shin. (Yes, there are better analogies, but I couldn’t think of one.)
This was a bad decision when it came down and this makes it worse. Yes, he’s a piece of shit. But there are rules about evidence in a courtroom and the judge disregarded all of them. I won’t be surprised if he gets the same treatment Cosby got where it gets to the state SC.
Come on Mother Earth. You gotta pump those numbers up. This are rookie numbers in this racket. Double them or GTFO.
Let’s speed that process up. The future Republic Of Texas will need that deepwater port finished in time for the secession. And I don’t want to wait until 2025.
Here you go. I know it’s a genre I may have never once played, yet here we are. And I’m starting with two rousing numbers. Hope you enjoy it half as much as I do. That dude is not nearly as appreciated as he should be.
That’s it. Now go enjoy this lovely Friday and even nicer weekend.
Robert Reich is as smart as he is tall.
Uffda, you could have softened that up a bit.
You know: “Robert Riech is as tall as as he is smart”
Stick to hotdish recipes, brah…
Your advice is as good as Robert Reich’s low post game
Et tu, your holiness?
Apropos musical selection
Yup, yours is topical — but for some reason this is a real mindworm when it comes to Marcy Playground.
“OK, the minds of two crazy people. But in this one’s case, literally everybody is a giant, whether sleeping or otherwise. Also, if he thinks these will be the two big issues to voters instead of the skyrocketing prices of literally everything, then he’s even dumber than I thought.”
This is exactly that: wishful thinking. They need people distracted from the devastation they are wreaking, on purpose, on our society.
The media is all full of shooting stories. They’re doing their best to get the word out.
Expect more crazies the FBI already know about to get set loose by their handlers. They think this is their moment. And they’re not gonna let it slip past them without wreaking havoc in order to keep control.
“Expect more crazies the FBI already know about to get set loose by their handlers.”
I’m starting to think that actually is the case, and that Alex Jones had a point about Sandy Hook.
Create a problem in order to be called on to solve it in the vein of the distressingly common firebug firefighter. It’d be incredibly ruthless in these cases but maybe so.
If they only were solving anything….
No problem they create is ever solved, because if it goes away they will have to explain why everything people were distracted from by the problem of the moment is falling the fuck apart…
I’ve though that since before Alex Jones said it.
“The media is all full of shooting stories. They’re doing their best to get the word out.”
The media is full of one shooting story. Specifically the one where the can scream “Won’t you do it for the kids???”. That story is then complimented by a bunch of other stories where guns shot people. Just like that red SUV in Waukesha that mowed down people by itself. at this point it is blatantly obvious the 24/7 coverage is to entice others to do more of this shit. and yes, I am now totally not going to be surprised if we somehow find out that government agencies are behind the cause of the string of horrible tragedies. Remember that the people in charge are the ones that gave us Fast & Furious and some other such doozies.
True – it’s not full of shooting stories about Chicago. Just certain stories.
Not enough people care about who is killed in Chicago. Sure, you get the occasional innocent child (usually fathered by a gangbanger), but that just can’t carry the outrage.
More importantly, they don’t want to draw attention to the fact that when law abiding citizens are disarmed, the criminals are still going to have firearms and will be indiscriminately using them, ending up as the only armed competition of inflicting abuse on the serfs, which was supposed to be the purview of the big government machine….
at this point it is blatantly obvious the 24/7 coverage is to entice others to do more of this shit
The losers who shoot up places are all twisted fucks who want to be famous. Because isn’t that the #1 goal of our society now? Fame? How many idiots have gotten rich for just being famous for no reason (I’m looking at the Kardashians here)?
*Victimhood is a close second in things that we promote as a society, but I still think fame is #1
The very day after the Uvalde massacre, the Wall Street Journal does a detailed story about the shooter’s troubled life.
Maybe, just maybe if the media didn’t guarantee that the shooters would have their origin stories broadcasted to the world, there’d be less mass shootings.
After the loser in Uvalde shot his grandma, what did he do? He immediately posted on social media that he was going to shoot-up an elementary school. Why would he do that? Why would that even enter his mind?
For the guaranteed press coverage. And he knew that. Just like us all, he’d seen that’s what happens every time.
He knew that had he simply shot himself after shooting his grandma, it wouldn’t get him in he New York Times or Wall Street Journal. And they wouldn’t be talking about him in Halls of Congress or the Whitehouse. He’d be just another loser nobody.
Andy Warhol’s last laugh.
Yup. “Two women killed in Iowa” is the latest here.
All fatal shootings that can be used to GET RID OF GUNZ by showing stupid wypipo they’re not safe in their stupid wypipo communities must be amplified!
Shootings in places like Chicago or Ballmer must be silenced.
I think the problem with gun control now is that too many people spent top $$ to buy a scary black gun with the thing that goes up.
I don’t think they will look kindly on govt plans to take away an expensive weapon from them.
Maybe if the gun grabbers were clever, they’d grandfather current owners in and thus get some traction. But I don’t think they are smart and they are desperate about losing power in the elections this fall.
It’s important to remember that the progs are attacking gun culture, not gun ownership. The progs don’t care if you have a gun, as long as they can prevent you from legally defending yourself with it, or teaching your kids to hunt, or going to the range with your friends.
Meanwhile, the Dem base is shrinking.
I just updated my part affiliation to D
“a cold, unlikeable moron”
I think of her more as an evil cunte.
So, arming teachers is a “conservative talking point” but gun-grabbing is “measures aimed at reducing gun violence”. Thanks for just reporting the facts, NBC.
They said hardening facilities like schools is also just a talking point. From their buildings with secured points of entry, no less.
It’s all just talking points. There’s no simple solution to this, and the first time a teacher offs a student out of frustration or a school shooter ambushes the queue to get in through the single point of entry or whatever else, it’s gonna be strewn across the news cycle for a month.
And meanwhile, more kids will die in an accident on the way to or from school than in school shootings…just like last year. And the year before. And the year before. And the year before. Etc, etc, etc.
There are things you can do to mitigate the effect of spree killers. Some of them had been put into place at Udvale, only to wither away from neglect and bureaucratic indifference.
Absolutely. Mitigation is possible but solutions don’t exist. There is no solving “lunatic decides to kill a bunch of people.” Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Arming the blue hairs at PS 141 strikes me as less effective than other options.
The real talking point should be about how requiring an id to purchase a firearm is simply racist. As racist as voter id laws.
Where is Stacey Abrams ranting about personal defense suppression?
I have been saying this for years. Gun control is rooted in racism. This is the message that the NRA and other gun right groups should be hammering and flooding with commercials. Go on the offensive and put the Democrats on the defense for once instead of always reacting.
Now that is epic level trolling of the maroons…
This is one of those issues where the two sides are just talking past each other.
The left doesn’t give a shit about personal defense, so when you bring that up it’s just noise to them.
They don’t believe in individuals. They believe only in the power of the state to feed, clothe, etc… see the Swallowwell quote below.
They’re the kids who were given ant farms and said to themselves, “THIS IS HOW YOU ORDER SOCIETY. ONLY THIS.”
Unbiased reporters of Truth.
By the way, the “arming teachers” in Ohio is due to a bill that lowers the amount of training required for teachers to voluntarily conceal carry from 600 hours down to 24 hours (compared to 25 hours for PI’s and private security guards). That’s just a floor, local districts can require more on top of that. The bill also requires that the teacher has a concealed carry permit, which are going to probably be harder to acquire in Ohio, as we’re going to constitutional carry in a couple of days (June 12th).
It’s just common sense.
“It’s an absolute shitshow. The problem is, he set it up so nobody would want him gone by installing a cold, unlikeable moron as his VP. So give him credit for that at least.”
Biden is pissed that it is obvious that he is not in charge. That or that his diaper is full. And the idiots that fortified the election realize that by picking to highly compromised morons as the top of the bullshit ticket, that they are screwed. I remind everyone that prior to 2019 Biden was made fun of, for over 4 decades, because of the fact he was a absolute train wreck and a moron, by everyone. Especially pay attention to his treatment now, from the same media that constantly deservedly ragged on him, trying desperately to not admit the man is a lying douche with no principles or the mental acuity of a house plant.
I ‘member. /Droopy voice
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
If Robert Reich prophesies it it isn’t going to happen. I actually feel better now.
Thanks Bobby!
Yeah, he’s pretty much the reverse Cassandra – everyone listens to him and nothing he says ever happens.
Evil fucking fuckers.
Your gov looks like she can eat corn on the cob through a chainlink fence.
And maybe bite an eye off?
Fuck, that reminds me I need to make the corn I bought a couple days ago at $.16 an ear.
Egads! She needs a coat made from dalmation puppies.
Not Dalmatian puppy skins, whole puppies, hanging in little harnesses all over her coat. Which could be either adorable or a stinky yappy mess.
Drug ’em and the bad parts are solved for a few hours.
They are all moderate because they are left of Marx, Stalin, Mao, and some of the other body stackers the left looks up to. Remember, the only reason they made Hitler the top monster to hate wasn’t because he was evil, but because they needed him to excuse the body stackers and ideas they are in love with…
“Things I like are moderate and commonsense. Things you like are far-right extremism.”
Basically how this works…
Now the result of Bruen had better be “Requiring government permission for the exercise of a constitutional right is unconstitutional”.
I needed a quick refresher on Bruen and found this steaming nugget. LOL/rage-inducing quote:
There is nothing complex about “shall not be infringed,” just like there isn’t for “congress shall make no law.”
It’s amazing how fast ten new laws can be slammed out, isn’t it?
I told you you should have bought that 9mm upper.
Your PCCs are going to be in the same camp as rifle caliber weapons, because this is the New York legislature we’re talking about here. They’re still going to insist on existing woners applying for permission for their waterlogged munitions.
So rather than buying that 9mm upper, you need to update your resume and put a for sale sign in your front yard and then get the fuck out of that state.
Right. It would have been nice to have an unregistered one you could bring out to the USPSA shoots.
What’s a “registered gun”?
One that was lost in a boating accident in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific ocean?
I can imagine the club meeting on the 20th is going to be “lit” as the kids say.
10/22s banned for sale without a license.
License does not exist yet.
Funds not allocated to create the license.
Totally not a gun ban.
Remember the old days of the weekly circular Trading Post? And its robust GUNS/AMMO section?
Kathy Hochul is a lizard person. Change my mind.
If Joe Biden really cared about gun laws being followed, he’d call for the arrest of his son as an example of what can happen when you falsify a Form 4473.
Says the man who gave us links glorifying the right to bear arms (waving).
Didn’t he leave a handgun in a public garbage can?
Yeah, but being one of the specially anointed, that was not a big deal. If you had done something like that though, you would be in pound-me-in-the-ass-prison.
Near a school I think.
This the common sense gun control the left likes to talk about.
OT… W00t! The fire I was expecting to have to put out this morning put itself out yesterday evening. I now have 15 minutes to read the links.
The US tennis media must be beside themselves.
Me, I make it a habit to avoid the players we’re supposedly on a first-name basis with. I can’t stand that shit.
US tennis media
All three of them!
I hope Swiatek beats the everloving shit out of Gauff.
Don’t go to tennis.com and read the emcomium to Gauff.
LOL. And she has the right politics! *swoon*
Daily Quordle 129
3 4
6 8
Seriously?!? You got upper right in *4*?
Daily Quordle 130
I did 3 seed words, so there weren’t many options left. The rest was “yeah, those bastards WOULD do that, wouldn’t they”
#waffle133 3/5
? streak: 35
? #wafflesilverteam
Daily Quordle 130
Daily Quordle 130
22. Sigh.
5 4
6 8
Thank you very much bottom left, but I didn’t ask for your opinion.
Daily Quordle 130
Daily Quordle 130
Daily Quordle 130
It may seem like a small thing, and maybe it is, but the use of “shooter” as a synonym for “mass murderer” or “killer” appears to be another example of using language to change perceptions. When someone goes to the range they are a “shooter”. When someone pursues animals to kill they are a “hunter”. When someone takes the life of other humans they are a “murderer”.
It’s more disturbing how quickly it entered the shooting world. I hear that term applied even when they are talking about these people.
Everybody knows the gun was the real killer. If you don’t believe me, ask Alec “still walking around free” Baldwin.
nobody would want him gone by installing a
cold, unlikeable moron as his VPStole that idea from Obama.
Isn’t this entire Administration largely a recycle of the bottom layers of Obama’s?
No need for the word “largely” in that sentence… It is the same Obama handlers fucking shit up in double time again…
They understand they only have one term to do it in this time.
I’d go back further: Kamala is Biden’s Nelson Rockefeller.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Very nice!
Thanks, Holiness!
Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers have begun a campaign to eradicate poppy cultivation, aiming to wipe out the country’s massive production of opium and heroin
Bad guys sometimes have redeeming qualities.
This is just cover so they can go after the competition and end up with a monopoly on the product…
But…the CIA abandoned their fields last year.
Local competition….
Oh, fuck.. I am trying real hard not to laugh..
More opium is good. It means less fentanyl.
This is a swipe at CIA funding.
Two state legislatures are considering measures that would permit teachers and other school staff to carry arms in the aftermath of the Texas elementary school shooting that killed 19 children last month, despite opposition from gun safety advocates, teachers’ groups and school security experts.
I assume these people are on the side of the school shooters.
I assume these people are on the side of the school shooters.
No assumption needed. Uvalde made that crystal clear.
Since the Uvalde massacre, my social media has been flooded with teachers union talking points along the lines of “if you can’t trust us about {books|CRT} then you can’t trust us with guns.” IOW, they don’t want armed teachers, but they want everyone paid more if any teacher anywhere is armed.
I so want to reply: how much extra will it cost for teachers to just not prop security doors open. But the official narrative is now that the door didn’t properly close itself, which may be true, but doesn’t answer a whole other group of questions about responsibility to make sure the door did indeed close properly, why was the door opened in the first place, etc.
“why was the door opened in the first place”
Exactly. Here in my food plant, propping exit doors open is an offense worthy of termination. We have 2 points of entry, each a man trap; and 20+ exit-only doors, each with an alarm pull station that anyone can activate and which notifies local fire and cops. And we’re only protecting food.
The argument that schools shouldn’t be turned into such “prisons” is crap. If done right, one is more free to leave a secure facility than to enter.
I’m not generally a fan of arming teachers, because honestly, do we really want some 400-pound blue-haired Borderline Personality Disorder case carrying in the classroom? It would probably double the number of accidental discharges nationwide…
Let any school employee who’s legally qualified to carry, do so. That will cause most of the outright basket cases to self-filter out.
“My team of health experts and I continue to evaluate the data, day after day, and we will continue to communicate with New Yorkers with additional updates.”
Tarring and feathering used to be a thing.
The governor of Florida has vetoed proposals for a $35 million sports complex to be used at times by the Tampa Bay Rays, in an act of alleged retaliation for their backing gun control,
Ron DeSantis, a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, on Thursday blocked $3.1 billion from the state budget.
DeSavage strikes again.
They can fund it themselves.
I wish he would take this stance all the time instead of only when it’s politically expedient for him. He’s as happy to use tax payer dollars to leverage his own good publicity as any Democrat. I may agree with a lot of his stances and find his ability to work the media into a tizzy very amusing, but the dude is clearly still a swamp creature through and through.
I hope Virginia drops the idea of giving money to the Commies.
I don’t see any evidence in the article that DeSantis vetoed the bill for any reason other than fiscal responsibility. There is the coincidence of the donation request, but he vetoed 3.1B in spending just to stick it to the Rays for 1% of the total bill? Seems like a stretch. That said, no opportunity to stick it to the Rays should be missed.
EVIDENCE?! This is about NARRATIVE, son!
I don’t know about Governor DeSantis’ reasons for this, but if I were a Gov, I’d happily veto any legislation giving even one red cent to any sports complex. I don’t see why the hell any level of government should be subsidizing that sort of crap.
I care far more about results than intent, but it still drives me nuts that he’d be happy to fork over this pork if he didn’t see an opportunity for free publicity by with holding it.
“New York’s legislature voted on its last day of session Thursday to ban anyone under the age of 21 from buying or even possessing a semi-automatic rifle.
The bill also requires anyone buying a semi-automatic rifle to get a license – which is currently only required in New York State for handguns.
But it is just one part of a larger package of gun control measures announced earlier this week by Democratic legislative leaders and Gov. Kathy Hochul to bolster New York’s already strict gun laws in the wake of a mass shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo.
Other new legislation will restrict civilian purchases of bullet-resistant armor, and require new guns to be equipped with microstamping technology that can help law enforcement investigators trace bullets to particular firearms.”
The NY National Guard is really going to suck now.
restrict civilian purchases of bullet-resistant armor
The gov’t wants you completely defenseless.
require new guns to be equipped with microstamping technology
Not gonna happen.
that can help law enforcement investigators trace bullets to particular firearms
This can already be done.
“and require new guns to be equipped with microstamping technology that can help law enforcement investigators trace bullets to particular firearms.””
Hey, Detective, did you remember to bring your drop-cartridges?
Revolver sez “wut?”
“Oregon overdose rates soared by 700% after decriminalizing ALL drugs last year: Officials admit millions in funding for treatment centers was held up and few offenders even bothered to use them but insist they will continue the scheme”
Stupid headline.
“Oregon’s first-in-the-nation scheme to decriminalize drugs and encourage those caught possessing them to seek medical help has been blighted with problems, officials admitted on Thursday – as one Republican politician said there had been a 700 percent in overdoses in her district in the last year.
The pioneering scheme, Ballot Measure 110, was approved by voters in November 2020, and went into effect in February 2021.
A person found with personal amounts of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs receives a citation, like a traffic ticket, with the maximum $100 fine waived if they call a hotline for a health assessment.
Yet of the 1,885 people who received tickets for personal possession in the first year, only 91 called the hotline, according to its non-profit operator, Lines For Life.
And on Thursday, those behind the scheme admitted that they had underestimated the effort required to distributed the $300 million in funds for the program, and only $40 million has been spent.”
Decriminalization is good. It’s not clear to me though why anyone would call the hotline. A 5% call rate seems right on point.
While I don’t use heroin, cocaine, or meth, if I did and somehow received a ticket, I sure as hell would opt to pay a hundred dollar fine rather than discuss my mental health with anyone, but especially someone who I’m assuming is a fresh out of school psych major.
I’m guessing the vast majority of the 1,885 who were actually caught and issued a ticket are homeless, have mental issues, and/or have every dollar going towards drugs.. They’ll just toss the ticket and carry on about their day.
Of course built into this article is the subtext that throwing people in cages for such behavior is OBVIOUSLY the better solution. It seems obvious to me that this sort of thing will happen to the people who are least able to control their addiction. It also seems obvious to me that a majority of them would suffer this fate eventually anyway. I’m not trying to sound heartless, but I’ve known quite a few people that suffer from addiction and even the statistics will back up that most either never stop, or end up dying from it. The behavior is it’s own punishment and Top Men treating people like animals that need to be confined rarely improves an already terrible situation. The only thing more hopelessly inescapable than addiction is the criminal justice system. Just because some people will succumb to their addictions doesn’t mean decriminalizing isn’t the right thing to do.
As I like to say, incarcerating people for taking drugs is like punishing a child for playing in the street by tying them to a train track.
That one could have 40 hits of acid, but only five E’s seems odd.
Now we know why this fell out of the news cycle.
A deranged gunman with a rifle and a handgun who killed four people at an Oklahoma medical building targeted a doctor who previously operated on him “and anyone who got in his way,” authorities said Thursday.
The skin color of the perp made it a story that had to be disappeared….
Didn’t you say that about the Uvalde shooter, too?
No, I mentioned that original reports said the shooter was a trans wanna-be. That turned out to be incorrect. But I did see the usual media suspects bury the skin color of the Uvalde shooter and the fact that he might not be legal real quick by calling em a right wing white supremacist… Then they completely dropped that angle when none of it panned out..
If not, I apologize. It seems someone here was, but I can’t remember for sure who.
I’ve been waiting for someone to point this out.
I pointed it out yesterday.
Did ya? Maybe I saw it and forgot? Have I mentioned I’ve been going through a lot of gin?
Thank goodness it’s Friday.
How’s your juice supply?
Diet tonic. Well stocked.
Diet tonic… eeewww. May I recommend high-end tonic that uses cane sugar, or agave sweetener?
Surprisingly, not bad. My drinks are very gin heavy and tonic light.
Did someone ask for Gin & Juice?
*That* was the idea. It’s like we know each other.
He’s got his mind on his money and his money on his mind.
Laid back.
This story was disappeared even faster. Black guy trying to shoot a bunch of white people gets killed by a woman who was carrying a concealed weapon. It has all the elements there to repel the mainstream media.
They were working with what they had – they refer the perpetrator as the “gunshot victim”.
DeSantis is on a roll. I hope Trump just gets out of his way in 2024.
Florida Congressional Map Eliminating Black District Will Stand, Court Rules
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration Thursday asked the state board regulating doctors to essentially ban transition-related care for transgender minors, according to a letter obtained by NBC News.
I wish he had supported the proposed law guaranteeing medical practitioners” right to speech and freedom of treatment without retribution from the licensing board.
I imagine the big hospital chains got in the way of that one.
The music today is absolutely wonderful; thanks Sloopy. Here is, IMO, Dwight at his finest. He takes one of his personal favorite artist’s works and makes it his own; that’s how you do a great cover song – https://youtu.be/1P2HSPaF3cI
That’s cool as shit. Thank you.
Good one, I’ve never heard it.
Bakersfield Beat on Sirius/XM is my favorite channel (basically it’s the Dwight Yoakum channel).
Dwight is not only talented as a performer and writer, but has a real sense of the history and threads of influence on his sound and music. Really like his interviews and discussions on there as well.
Because 18 year olds are cannon fodder for the deep state.
.@RepThomasMassie proposes an amendment that would allow 18-year-olds who register for the draft to buy guns.
Jerry Nadler opposes on grounds that 18-year-olds brains haven’t matured yet.
Massie points out that they’ll send them to war but not let them buy a gun.
But women can’t register for the draft.
The patriarchy strikes again.
Wonder what would happen if one tried. I’m probably too old.
“So do it! at any U.S. post office. Hey, thank you.”
It will be rejected. Just try clicking on the radio button on the website. If you’re not required to register, you’re not permitted either according to SSA. Also
And fuck St Ronnie and Gen. Hershey.
I enlisted in Army at 17. About a month after my 18th birthday (and continuing for almost 2 years), I started receiving increasingly threatening letters from Selected Service scolding me for not participating in their slavery plan. These letters were addressed to me by name… and rank… at the barracks. Government competence in action.
Nice. But make sure those in the reserves register because they’re not real soldiers subject to call up.
I registered for the draft as part of my inprocessing at basic training. It wasn’t the last time the Army did something stupid.
My Dad’s story is similar. Graduated from college in ’66 and enlisted in the Navy (Seabees). Selective Service sent his draft notice to the Navy base (Davisville, RI).
My My mother died in 1987. I live in the house that she lived in at the time. And 35 years later and I still get mail from the SSA for her. State of Minnesota occasionally as well.
Another fun one
Military service is actually a quick path to citizenship for illegals.
How so? Citizenship or legal permanent residence is required to enlist and citizenship is required for commissioning, with limited exceptions.
We had a Hong Kong Chinese fellow in my unit. He was in the US on a student visa, the visa expired, so he enlisted to get citizenship. I always thought that was a beautifully American thing.
So if you overstayed your visa, you are exempt? Also, how can illegal aliens register without a SSN?
Ain’t this the same group of grifters that also want to lower the voting age to 16 and the age of sexual consent to 7 or 8 based on the support for the groomers?
Raise the voting age to 21.
And also tell them that we should raise the age for sexual consent to that age…
Watch how they will tell you those demands are wrong because we are depriving these people of their ability to choose…
Aren’t some sex acts 21 in some states?
Are you talking about donkey vs. midgets shows?
Also age of medical consent.
Women have it worse? I’m not so sure. Six of one, maybe.
oblig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–nkk7iWREw
Hide ya kids. Hide ya wife…
White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha on vaccines for kids under age 5: “We expect that vaccinations will begin in earnest as early as Tuesday, June 21st…our expectation is within weeks every parent who wants their child to get vaccinated will get an appointment.”
And fuck you
It’s not a coincidence that the same people screaming the loudest that we should be disarmed in the times of ever more authoritarian scary government – to protect the children – are the ones most excited about doing this to kids as well….
I saw on the local news that NY doctors can start ordering the shots for their office already even though they havent been approved yet. They cant stick these kids fast enough.
Headline in August – Physicians puzzled by hepatitis outbreak among infants…
Who the fuck are these people wanting to vaxx the kids?
A surprisingly large amount of people. In the United States, desire to get the vax has been folded into the democrat party identity that their followers use as a religion.
Wait, I thought it was blindingly obvious by now that vaxx don;t do shit for people not at risk and natural immunity is much better.
It is to people paying attention.
That hasn’t stopped the msm propaganda pushing the clot shots.
They can’t admit it was a failure (at best, at worst it was a crime against humanity), so they must continue the ruse.
They can’t admit
it was a failure (at best, at worst it was a crime against humanity), so they must continue the ruse.that thier buddies who give them campaign funds at Pfizer haven’t made enough off of it yet.*pretend two of the three monkeys are here*
“see no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil“Is that the sentiment in Europe?
I may live in Flyover country, but I don’t see an appetite for this to continue. COVID is over here. Nobody gives a shit anymore but a few diehards. I’ve seen people who cowered in fear until a few months ago give up on caring.
It is OVER.
It’s been like that for over a year here in Flysouthof country.
Here in the californicated part of north Texas. I still see masking in the 20-40% range depending on particular place and time. Ethnicity plays heavily into it, as do outward manifestations of prog-fascism (e.g. blue hair) and California license plates.
Only my government should have exclusive rights to violence!
Socialist want to disarm the citizens? Color me shocked…
Hope they enjoyed the time Pinochet bought them – because time’s up.
Allende the second will totally make it work this time
ROMANIAN (The Forgotten Romance Language)
It is not forgotten goddamnit
Huh? Did anyone hear something?
Sounded vaguely Dacian.
Buna ziua! (Sorry as ever about the absence of diacriticals.)
what is that supposed to mean? You lookin for trouble?
I can’t tell you how deeply sorry I am to have offended you. I assure you, my dear sir, that I shall never trouble you again.
Who do you kiss with that mouth of yours?
Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Tommy.
Or should I say va te faire foutre? va fanculo? How many Romance languages do you speak?
*ugh: vas, for the spectators
Romansch would like a word.
The Swiss are the oppressors so who cares
*narrows gaze*
Then the age of majority needs to be 21.
When asked about questions he posed to his Republican colleagues at the hearing, Swalwell said, “They don’t have an answer as to who they are showing up for. And my question was if you’re not there for the kids, if you don’t want to raise the age to 21 on buying an assault weapon, if you don’t want to have a Safe Storage Act, if you don’t believe in going after ghost guns and you don’t believe in banning high capacity magazines, well then you’re coming down on the side of the killer. Only the killers of our kids benefit from legislation being blocked like that. Instead, they go after mental health. They say it’s a family problem. They say this is about schools being soft targets. But when we put legislation up to address mental health, when we try and feed families, teach families, give jobs to families, and when we try and fund schools, they vote against it. It feels like it’s a carnival shell game and that they’re really just there to make sure we’re a country of unrestricted weaponry.”
That was the intent.
Who the fuck is still scared on ghosts in 2022?
The Republicans have answers. Just not ones Swawell will accept
It is not his damn job to house and feed families. Screw Swallowwell. Also that will have absolutely no effect on mass killings. Neither will proposed mental health assistance. It’s all crap.
Warriors in 5.
Only if they come out to play.
Next you will tell me there was no reason for shooting someone cause you just like doing shit like that…
I hope Kevin Durant is sitting at home and thinking about how much he fucked up by leaving.
“An Arizona Democratic operative plead guilty Thursday to charges she ran an elaborate illegal ballot collection scheme during the 2020 elections.
Guillermina Fuentes allegedly convinced San Luis voters to let her collect their ballots and some voters let her fill out their ballots, according to The Associated Press.”
Roughly translated: You’re getting in the way of our literal vote buying operation in the Hispanic community.
Filling out others’ ballots is not a vote collection scheme.
Apparently, it’s a big thing in the Hispanic community. The Democrats pressure poor Latinos to hand over their ballots because they know it’s a vulnerable population which is unsure of the rules and their own standing in the USA.
Sure, but let’s call it what it is, straight up fraud.
Smash and grabs are not “shopping trips”, and shouldn’t be called such.
It’s absolutely criminal.
The media tries to lump all of that as ballot collection so a coworker dropping off your already sealed envelope you forgot is the same as a bingo hall like manufacturing operation.
But anyone questioning the 2020 election is an insurrectionist and all.
Phew! Questioning 2016 is still safe.
And Georgia 2018.
If they reported on what she actually pled guilty to, and what the sentence is (typically part of a plea deal), I missed it. Journalists really are morons, aren’t they?
By the skin of my teeth.
Daily Quordle 130
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Give him a medal, hell give him two metals
If true, sounds like vigilante justice to me which is risky
I wouldn’t convict.
Same. Defense of “Went over to get a confession, caught in the heat of the moment when the scumbag admitted to it, crime of passion” should have worked easily.
But frankly the Texas defense (“Some folks just need killin'”) would have been fine by me if I were a juror.
Risky for child rapists.
I hope he changes their uniform color scheme to some neat shit and renames them the Portland Swoosh, just to be a dick.
That actually works so much better than the lame Trailblazers name.
Should the police censor music?
Drill music presents itself as the soundtrack of liberation, but it’s dangerously mired in gang violence
Hillside Demons”, a powerful, hard-edged song from Lambeth-based drill rappers LD and C1, had attracted an impressive 200,000 views in a couple of days when it disappeared from YouTube. (A copy of the controversial video can at the time of this article publication be found here.)
The disappearance was no accident. The Metropolitan Police leans on the platform to remove rap songs it believes promote violence. YouTube is perfectly willing to oblige in a harmonious union of state and corporate power.
The Met has been troubling rappers in the dark “UK drill” subgenre for years. Some rappers have been banned from performing at all. Some have to submit lyrics for official assessment. LD burst onto the scene, wearing his now iconic mask, after the maskless rapper Scribz received an ASBO which barred him from performing.
Fascism has always been fashionable. It’s just called something else.
Civilized countries realize freedom of speech does not mean you can just say whatever, is all
Do they go after narcocorridos as well or is Old Bill stymied by the Spanish language?
Take your meds, Grandma
Speaking from the White House, in a speech broadcast live in primetime, Biden asked a country stunned by the recent shootings at a school in Texas, a grocery store in New York and a medical building in Oklahoma, how many more lives it would take to change gun laws in America.
“For God’s sake, how much more carnage are we willing to accept?” Biden asked.
Biden described visiting Uvalde, Texas, where the school shooting took place. “I couldn’t help but think there are too many other schools, too many other everyday places that have become killing fields, battlefields, here in America.”
It’s a slaughterhouse.
Try your average inner city high school in Baltimore or Philly sometime.
But don’t you dare suggest it’s a cultural problem.
In the last year, nine kids at Simon Gratz High School were shot to death — three of them just last month,
I hope that the survivors have learned not to clump up. It is hard to hit a lone person from a moving car, but if you group up in threes it gets easier
You mean like Westside-and Southside-Chicago? Oh, we aren’t talking about that?
I was thinking more like Ukraine where Brandon is sending tons of weapons to.
No way long range artillery rockets would ever hit anything except enemy combatants. How long before the citizens of the US say enough to that carnage?
Killing fields? Let’s talk about the those. Like the ones you fucking commies and authoritarians always create as soon as you get the populace disarmed and subjugated? Yeah, let’s talk about those killing kields, Khmer Joe.
You see, President Poopy Pants — a lot of us haven’t forgotten Canada and Australia in the very recent past and the thuggish actions and rhetoric from our own government over the last two years… so we’re much more concerned about the carnage that would ensue if the people who frankly hate us and want us dead have us completely at their mercy.
TL;DR: Let’s Go Brandon.
For God’s sake
He keeps invoking God even though he is not even Christian, let alone Catholic.
places that have become killing fields
90% of these place are gun free or violence related to gang activity in Democrat controlled cities.
“God made the Catholics, Armalite made us equal!”
I’ve decoded Biden’s speaking pattern – every time he says “For God’s sake” it is followed by a position he’ll reverse a few minutes (to a few days) later.
But it’s fully ok to force those kids to sign up to die in some random other country because it might help make you richer. God forbid Hunter have to use less pure cocaine or get a hooker like a normal John.
Daily Quordle 130
I am not an upper right, lower left. But I did upper left on this one.
I wasted a turn on upper left, forgetting I had the last letter already. Would I have got the upper right with that extra turn? No, no I would not have.
And things started out so well.
This one was hard.
As the old saying goes, Quordle favors the bold, and I wasn’t with the TR. I knew it but went with the “safe” guess, twice. Cost me a shot at tying Hyperbole. In the words of Joe Morgan, “Sometimes the best [man] doesn’t win”
Daily Quordle 130
4 9
X 6
Daily Quordle 130
Jim Kaat really stepped in it while calling a recent game. He called the opposing player Nestor the Democrat*
*Quote as accurate as anything a professional outfit like CNN is likely to produce.
Do you know what the first one one was? Something equally unoffensive, I’m sure.
He probably called ex-Twinkie Justin Morneau a Canuck.
It was just a misunderstanding. He was telling stories about Phil Niekro and didn’t enunciate very well.
Nice to see that we are finally getting with the program here in flyover country. Boy Mayor Frey re-appoints “expert” who failed miserably during the Floyd riots.
I’m so glad we have adopted the DC Way. Any expert who fails just needs to be given more power, not be held accountable.
The left’s answer to every problem caused because their policies and practices are idiotic, is to double down on said policies & practices….
What’s that expression about doing the same thing again, over and over, and expecting different results say?
Lo-Ping, Minister of Propapanda
Reminders to the gays with hungry-hammers in their handle.
“Age-restricted content”
As I am a thirteen year-old girl, I cannot see it.
Same here. Not even sure why that restricted…
Oh yeah! I forgot. Commies protect commies.
But don’t you dare suggest it’s a cultural problem.
I blame John Wayne.
Matthew Harries
New poll says 52% of Germans want ?? nuclear weapons to stay in ??, vs 39% for withdrawal.
Eyebrow-raising : 64% of Green voters want them to stay.
The German Greens are the most schizophrenic political party on the planet.
When you are essentially a very stupid person, why would your political stances have any consistency?
Die Parteien tauschten!
The president, a Democrat, called for a number of measures opposed by Republicans in Congress, including banning the sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, or, if that were not possible, raising the minimum age to buy those weapons to 21 from 18. He also pressed for repealing the liability shield that protects gun manufacturers from being sued for violence perpetrated by people carrying their guns.
Huh. Imagine my surprise.
Will we also be able to sue Stanley when one of our loved ones is murdered with a claw hammer?
Right after automakers can be sued if someone uses their product to run down 60 people in a parade?
That one should have more standing since the SUV apparently just acted on its own according to reports, right?
There should be an outroar about treating the driver as though he was invisible. Huh, does he not exist? Why does everyone keep ignoring him?
Caitlin Johnstone ⏳
A big part of the western nervousness about China revolves around the fact that we’re about to be surpassed by an ancient civilization of non-white indigenous people who have never been colonized and subjugated by Europeans.
I guess the Mongol and Japanese invasions of China were totes OK because it was yeller on yeller violence?
Yeah, has nothing to do with the fact that the CCP is a fascist bunch of evil fucks that think everyone else is just bodies to be used & abused in their game…
Hating the CCP is racist, bigot. Why are you a racist.
Interestingly China is doing some colonizing these days.
Hah! “Sigh..yes, obviously Europeans have done bad things to China and have enacted imperialist agendas there. I said it’s never been colonized as a nation by Europeans…”
No you didn’t you lying bitch! It’s right there in your tweet.
Regardless of how you want to define colonized, ask the Chinese if they were ever subjugated by Europeans.
China isn’t Wakanda, caitlin
A broad majority of American voters, both Republicans and Democrats, favor stronger gun control laws, but Republicans in Congress and some moderate Democrats have blocked such legislation for years.
“The only room in America where you can’t find more than 60% support for universal background checks is on the floor of the U.S. Senate,” said Christian Heyne, vice president for policy at Brady, a gun violence prevention group.
He claimed, without evidence.
“Everyone agrees with me because I said so!”
Every single person at work agrees with me!
“The only room in America where you can’t find more than 60% support for universal background checks”
Unless you explain what you actually mean by that statement, then support drops like a rock.
Also, shall not be infringed may seem complex to them, but I assure you it is not.
A big part of the western nervousness about China revolves around the fact that we’re about to be surpassed by an ancient civilization of non-white indigenous people who have never been colonized and subjugated by Europeans.
Well known Chinese philosopher
“The present situation is becoming… more difficult. The various Powers cast upon us looks of tiger-like voracity, hustling each other to be first to seize our innermost
territories… we have no alternative but to rely upon the justice of our cause… what is there to fear from any invader? Let us not think about making peace.”
Empress Dowager Tsu Hsi, c. 1896
Biden is calling on Republican senators for help on gun control.
Susan Collins
Mitt Romney
Joe Manchin.
And Sinema.
Probably not either of them. Manchin especially – if he ever lets a gun control bill pass, he’d better clean out his office in a hurry.
re: Manchin
While true, I can’t believe they haven’t found a way to buy him off yet with some fancy board position.
Does he actually care about his constituency? Is he waiting for some ultimate payoff? Is he being paid off to be the democrat scapegoat, so these divisive issues never go away? Does he just enjoy the power since he probably knows his career is at its peak?
I haven’t figured him out yet, but I don’t trust any politician.
I would probably trust Rand Paul, ophthalmologically if nothing else.
I see what you did there.
I would say Sinema would be risking re-election if she supports these bills, but my idiot co-Arizonans elected a hardcore gun controller as our other Senator.
Daily Ray of Sunshine: my ATF paperwork for My First Suppressor cleared yesterday. Planning on getting a couple more. While I still can. I’m not liking the expense at this point in time, but . . . while I still can.
McConnell, Murkowski, Graham, Cornyn….there is no shortage of GOP senators eager to sell us down the river.
Our reality is an airplane with a democrat pilot and a republican pilot arguing over how steep the angle of the dive to plow the plane into the ground needs to be…
Those guys will “compromise” on some kind of enhanced background check nonsense. A semi-auto ban or 10-round limit? No way.
Graham is a RINO sissy, but likes his job. Last election cycle he was showing off his AR with a 30-round mag. Vote for something like that and he’ll never be able to set foot in SC again.
Lisa Murkowski
You asked for miracles, Theo. I give you the F….B…I.
Activists claim police shot unarmed pregnant woman with her hands up. Then body cam footage is released.
Not very pregnant but very much armed.
Narrative > Facts
The Twitter smart set was claiming yesterday that the gun was photoshopped into her hand.
Funny how that body cam footage was immediately available.
That is why when it breaks, you can assume the cops are lying.
Off-Duty Officer Instinctively Reaches To Turn Off Body Cam During Argument With Wife
That’s OK, the activists got their version all over the internet first so that’s the story that everyone “knows”.
Activists are claiming the photo has been edited because it is hard to see the ankle on the right
+ 1 low-rez artifact.
Stupid bodycam video! Always screwing up a nice opportunity for grifting
Authoritative voice
Chicago archbishop Cardinal Blase Cupich has called for gun safety legislation in the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting, which left 19 children and two teachers dead.
While some cardinals have sidestepped political discussions, Cupich spoke out against gun violence on Twitter hours after the shooting at Robb Elementary School.
“The Second Amendment, unlike the second commandment, did not come down from Sinai,” Cupich told NPR. “There is an understanding that we all have in our hearts, engraved in our hearts, a natural law about the value of human life. And there is no amendment that can trump that.”
Convincing, coming from a representative of a crime syndicate which enslaved a big chunk of the population of this hemisphere.
STFU and go back to diddling altar boys.
Curious statement considering 2A is about preserving life AND liberty.
Fifth Commandment” “Thou shalt not murder.” I guess we can get rid of that too since it doesn’t seem to be working.
More proof that reaching the upper echelons of one’s profession does not require intelligence.
Seems there was a lot of killing per God’s will in the OT.
Just sayin’.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed”
– Karl Marx?
Regardless of how you want to define colonized, ask the Chinese if they were ever subjugated by Europeans.
Ask the Boxers.
To be fair, the Europeans could hardly get an oppression in edgewise, what with all the oppression the Chinese were already doing.
He seems to yell angrily every time he is trying to sound super serial.
Don’t listen unless your bp is insufficiently spiked.
He and Jill reached out to touch each photo of a dead child.
He cares, he really cares….
He was hoping the hair was a scratch and sniff.
Made me LOL, scared the dog. Thanks.
A few years ago the family of the inventor of the AR-15 said that he would have been horrified if he knew his design was being used to slaughter children and other innocent lives instead of being used as a military weapon on the battlefield as it was designed. That’s what is was designed for.
1. Don’t care what they think.
2. Name me one army on the planet that issues the AR-15. Additionally show your work. This 1950s technology was sold to citizens before ever receiving a military contract for the select-fire variant.
Everything the former VP says is verifiably false.
And the family of Walt Disney feels they should promote the surgical mutilation of children.
Who cares what anybody feels? That puts no burden on me.
Yeah, Stoner would be totally outraged.
I laughed when they gave Mikhail Kalashnikov a cheap Chinese AK with a bad mag and he starts yelling.
Well, rifles marked AR-15 were originally issued by the US Military–the original AR-15 was a select-fire commercial rifle that was first adopted by the US Air Force, and then given a military designation.
Outbursts of rage and random shouting are typical for dementia patients.
We should repeal the liability shield that often protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the death and destruction caused by their weapons.
Twas the gun what done it.
They’re the only industry in this country that has that kind of immunity.
No industry should be liable for the misuse of its products. Not that anyone cares.
I can only assume they want to destroy the firearms industry through lawfare ending in bankruptcy.
If Ford isn’t being sued for selling an SUV to a Black Nationalist who used it for mass-murder in Waukesha, then that is just a lie.
Oh yeah. You always see Apple being sued if someone uses their iPhone to record or distribute child porn.
I don’t know how the auto manufacturers have survived the liability for drunk driving, drive-by shootings, etc. No wonder cars are so expensive, I guess?
Product liability is for when a product is used properly and causes unexpected harm to the user or a third party.
It is NOT for when a product is used by an evil person to intentionally do harm to others. This is true for guns, for kitchen knives, for SUVs, for chainsaws, and for everything else.
The shit part of this is that they’ll probably use some version of a dram shop act to enhance the liability gun sellers and manufacturers have. Dram shop acts are utter garbage.
This unity agenda won’t fully heal the wounded souls, but it will help. It matters. …
My god. The fact that the majority of the Senate Republicans do not want any of these proposals even to be debated or come up for a vote is I find unconscionable.
Can’t get enough of that unity!
It’s like you don’t understand the definition of unity – confess your impurity and beg to be allowed to support our position.
I had the speech playing on the radio yesterday as I drove around in the car. Biden was really working the whiny, emotive, “I really care” voice. It was clear that one of his handlers told him not to do the creepy whisper thing, as he so, so wanted to drift into whispering for effect.
Good morning, Sloop!
And a good morning to the rest of You People.
Good hockey game last night. Avs are a fun team to watch.
It’s an absolute shitshow.
That’s an amazing article.
It would be kind of funny to watch the implosion if he weren’t taking the rest of us with him.
Your leader is toddering toward the end of days. Ours is rushing headlong into the maelstrom.
It would be kind of funny to watch the implosion if he weren’t taking the rest of us with him.
Maybe I should watch The Madness of King George again. I think there are likely some interesting parallels between Court Physicians, then and now.
“I have you in my eye.”
Or Lucy Worsley. Can’t decide if she’s cute or annoying or los dos.
JFC! My google ads went from “Find educated singles in Prince George” to “The cost of cremation services in Prince George will shock you”! FML.
Festus! Did you ever get the card, and more importantly, the cash?
Aw, hun. Jeez, I might have taken both, but then again I don’t care anymore.
He had no scruples. I, on the other hand, maintain them. If it’s not yours, don’t take it.
Uh, Paper Moon? “Naw, I don’t know what scruples is, but if you got ’em, it’s a fair bet they belong to someone else!”
If you think they are not watching you then I really have nothing else to say. The “toe fungus” one was bad enough (I don’t have toe fungus, by the way). I did clip my toenails yesterday, though. Now they are trying to sell me toenail clippers for seniors that look like repurposed garden shears.
You know you are in trouble when it changes to ads for criminal defense attorneys.
They are already a regular.
I like it.
Ghost Guns weighs in on the gun control issue.
Well said.
Idk what a ghost gun is but can I name mine Casper?
Babysitting a
garageyarddriveway sale. Sold a handful of things so far, but it really is just a pleasant way to spend a lovely sunny not-too-hot morning.I’ll let you know how I’m feeling by this afternoon.
obligg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIl6n_SRCI
I wish you good fortune! I’m still nursing the goose-egg and trying to navigate some path forward.
Lie down somewhere comfortable and apply a warm cat to your head. ?
Namesake has never been that sort of companion. He’s more of the arm’s length and let’s talk this through kind of feller.
You demand action?
The Biden administration unveiled a plan Thursday to undo Trump-era rule changes to a key section of the Clean Water Act, essentially giving states, territories and tribes more say on fossil fuel or industrial projects that could pollute their watersheds.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule centers on Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, a longstanding provision that gives states more authority to certify or deny federal permits that are necessary for certain projects, including oil and gas pipelines.
Section 401 became a flashpoint in the Trump administration between Democratic governors with ambitious climate goals and Trump officials who wanted to promote more fossil fuel projects.
In some states, including Washington and New York, Democratic governors used that authority during the Trump administration to deny permits for fossil fuel projects. That caused Trump’s EPA to revise the regulation — shortening the amount of time states could have to make a determination and saying states could only consider water quality issues in the process.
It’s okay, though. I hear President Clean Energy is planning to visit his good friends at the House of Saud to plead with them to turn on the taps.
I’m sure energy futures are plunging already.
Finally, we can heal the planet. The sending the middle class to the poor house and leaving them dependent on government handouts is just a happy side-effect.
No one actually needs an AR-15.
Unless you information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
No one actually needs an AR-15.
She followed with:
“And why would they? It’s simple. All you have to do is ride the coattails of a man to acquire power. And they you get Secret Service protection for life. See, I don’t need to carry a gun. I haven handlers for that. If you aren’t important enough to find a way to get handlers, then you don’t deserve protection.”
“Look at me – I rely on my army of bodyguard furnished by taxpayers instead.”
Why boosted Americans seem to be getting more COVID-19 infections
Unsubstantiated reason:
Such utter horseshit.
It’s useful to keep in mind that as bad as the data looks, it’s actually far worse because they game the collection of it so that it makes the vaccines appear to have more effectiveness.
One such method is presuming that the patient is unvaccinated unless they produce documentation.
I think a big reason that people who are vaccinated tend to have “higher” infections rates of COVID is also that they test more. The people who are not vaccinated, get sick, take a day or two off work and move on. The type who vaccinated are much more likely to get sick, then test for COVID, then report it because they still think anyone else gives a shit,
I’m mandated to test for work. So as an unboosted J&J person I’m a bit of an odd duck.
Funny anecdote is that only my boosted coworkers have gotten COVID. However, most of my coworkers are boosted. Hence anecdote and not data.
“And anybody who disagrees with me would rather have the shooters go in against unarmed people and therefore are taking their side over that of the children.”
The name Soft Target Elementary does have a certain ring to it.
JFC! My google ads went from “Find educated singles in Prince George” to “The cost of cremation services in Prince George will shock you”! FML.
You think that’s bad? I just got one with a bunch of ugly fat broads in their skivvies.
They’ve mixed me up with Tres.
Could be worse, what if it was fat dudes in their skivvies? Or furries?!?
Sounds like someone is in open violation of his oath of office.
“Spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights,” David Cicilline says to Matt Gaetz during hour nine of House Judiciary Committee meeting on guns package — in debate over red flag laws.
Followed by a river of replies about how the second amendment wasn’t meant to guarantee individual ownership of firearms. Listen people, just be honest and say that you support the repeal of the second amendment and spare me the exotic interpretations.
How about the erotic interpretations?
I’ve come to believe most of them actually believe their interpretations. I mean I really do.
Remember, the cognitive dissonance is strong with these people, they can justify anything.
Just got back from an eye exam. Of course my pupils got dialated, so now I can’t see a damn thing clearly.
Can’t even read work emails. Oh well. It’s not like I can up the font size. Might as well take the rest of the day off…
Now you are talking…
CTRL+ScrollWheelUp in the preview pane increases text size in email.
Ignore if (1) You already know, and/or (2) Need a reason to take the rest of the day off. I fully support THAT!
My last two annual check-ups offered a technique that allows them to see what they would were my eyes dialated, without being dialated. It cost an extra thiety bucks because insurance won’t pay for it, but it’s worth the thirty bucks.
I think there are options now that only dilate your eyes for 30 minutes or so. Last time I went, my pupils were essentially back to normal before I left the office.
Probably not all optometrists use those, though.
Mine is high tech too.
In a statement, Regan emphasized that the agency tried to find middle ground between giving states, territories and tribes more say on their water, while also not hindering infrastructure around the country.
“EPA’s proposed rule builds on this foundation by empowering states, territories, and Tribes to use Congressionally granted authority to protect precious water resources while supporting much-needed infrastructure projects that create jobs and bolster our economy,” Regan said.
The EPA says the rule change will streamline the permitting process, setting a reasonable period of time for states to certify projects, giving them up to a year. It also restores a broader scope of review for states, territories and tribes certifying project to determine whether a project will harm their waterways. The new rule also calls for project proponents to actively engage with the states that are in charge of signing off on projects.
“Okay, what’s it gonna take to get you on board?”
The dissilution of the EPA along with the execution of it’s members and anyone who’s ever voted to give it power, or funding, along with every judge who upheld it’s monstrous existance. After that we can talk about who gets to regulate water.
“Spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights,”
“Enemies foreign and domestic”
So old hat.
what if it was fat dudes in their skivvies?
Hmm . . .you didn’t go eww to the furry part though . . whatever, everyone has their kinks.
Legit LOL with woke v woke at Google.
Google’s plan to talk about caste bias led to ‘division and rancor’
That is not surprising to me at all. The Indians have largely been able to avoid scrutiny of their caste discrimination practices. And a lot of them have definitely held onto those cultural norms after immigration to the USA.
Remember – it’s only white men and very rarely white women (aka Karens) who discriminate.
Hold on! Next you’ll make some crazy assertion like citizenship is little more than a convenient lifetime work visa and there’s not quite the naturalization that many other immigrant groups go through.
Around here the South Asians are almost universally Sikh. They don’t employ the caste system, they just know that they are better than everybody else.
Pretty sure Sikhs follow the caste system, at least in India
A couple of months ago I was at a dinner party. For some reason an Indian woman who moved here for work decided to follow me around enlightening me about what a racist shithole the U.S. is. It seems that she was out shopping with her child in a stroller and someone publicly accused her of kidnapping the child. Shit-that-didn’t-happen aside, I got the impression that someone perceived a loss of status when moving to the States. Being just another person sucks.
A big issue here are Indian expats who always had a driver at home and learned to drive when the moved to the US.
They can’t drive for shit and are generally driving expensive German, other European and Teslas. Rims are scarred, panels dented and plastic hanging off. In the train station parking lot they have no idea how to center the automobile in the middle of the parking space.
It would be comical if it wasn’t so damned annoying.
Yes, and many struggle to accept their averageness, so they take it out on the help. My wife was an admin for a pediatric PT/OT office a few years back. The office had a large clientele of upper-caste Indians. The stories she had of downright shit behavior were appalling. They absolutely looked down on her as servile, and their behavior reflected it.
Are colonial oppressor caste members at the top or bottom of the current system?
Is there a setting somewhere to make links open in a new tab? Using Brave and can’t find one.
it should be a menu or property item…
Middle-click or CTRL-Click works and is easy.
For a permanent, in-app option, I don’t know about that, although I use Brave as well.
It was permanent before the site went poof.
It’s no big deal, I was just spoiled!
Seems to be working in Chrome but not in Brave.
You know, you’re right! I noticed the other day that links weren’t opening in new tabs by default, but thought it must have just been something on my side.
Guessing there was a WP plugin that forced the equivalent of a ‘_blank’ attribute to links.
On my phone, if I press and hold on the link, a menu pops up with new tab as an option.
(Firefox for Android)
Right click to get the context menu, then select “open link in a new tab”
It’s also argued that gun ownership is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights by the Second Amendment. But a lot of things have changed since 1789, and there are many times when the American people have concluded that rights granted at the nation’s founding could not be reconciled with modern conditions and knowledge. It was decided that owning other human beings was not consistent with the founding principles of America. It was decided that prohibiting women from voting was not consistent with a representative democracy. And now it needs to be decided that unfettered gun ownership by American citizens is not consistent with a flourishing country where people can worship, shop, and be educated without fear.
Scientists should not sit on the sidelines and watch others fight this out. More research into the public health impacts of gun ownership will provide further evidence of its deadly consequences. Science can show that gun restrictions make societies safer. Science can show that mental illness is not a determinative factor in mass shootings. And science can show that racism is measurable and leads to violence.
Women’s suffrage, the end of slavery, and civil rights were not won without struggle. Courageous activists put their lives and livelihoods on the line to achieve these advances. The victims of gun violence are not here to fight for their rights, which were taken away against their will. But the economic and social success of the country affects everyone. If children do not feel safe, they cannot learn. And a country that cannot learn cannot thrive. A nation of children threatened by gun violence does not have a future.
Make protest signs. Start marching. Push lawmakers to finally break the partisan gridlock that has made moments of silence a regular observance. The National Rifle Association and its minions must be defeated. It’s up to us because the victims of gun violence are tragically and devastatingly not here to protest themselves.
Fuck off.
Am I complete off here, or correct in understanding that the Constitution doesn’t “grant rights”, but rather identifies pre-existing rights (that exist by virtue of our humanity) and then prevents or restricts the government from violating them?
I think this is one of the stolen bases (or more favorably, colloquialisms) that muddy the waters over this or any other debate about Constitutional application. It’s not about giving rights, but setting limits on the “rights” of the government.
Yes, that’s exactly right.
But without cultural/societal buy-in, it’s just a piece of parchment.
Agreed, but isn’t that (mis)understanding part of what’s allowing the shredding of said parchment?
If people understood that they have rights ALREADY, and not just because there’s a law passed, or something was written somewhere, then it would be far easier to focus on the over-extension and violations done by the actual “target” of the Constitution.
But I guess that’s part of the purpose of the disseminated ignorance.
Years ago, I asked somebody (can’t remember exactly the context): “Is your right to free speech granted by the government, which means the government can take it away? If the government prohibited you from criticizing the President, would you say you have no right to do so anymore, or that the government is violating your rights?”.
I don’t recall their reply, if any.
I actually had someone at work actually pause, and was willing to look up the text together. He said “huh, never saw that before”. Hasn’t made much of dent, maybe, but sometimes it can help adjust a bit.
(side note: I found the whole exchange a little ironic, given that we both had to have taken an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, and he didn’t know what it said…)
No you’re right. They’re either wrong, or lying, or both.
At least in my interactions, I think it’s mostly on the “wrong” side. Almost no one I’ve met in person has actually read the text of the Constitution, let alone has any idea what it’s trying to accomplish.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no expert, and couldn’t list all the sections from memory or anything, but it’s really, really clear that it’s not about identifying what we’re allowed to do, but what the government ISN’T allowed to do.
Powers of the government are written in the affirmative, i.e. “granted”.
Rights of the people are written in the negative, i.e. “assumed to already exist”.
See, that’s how you assume your conclusion.
Fuck off.
Concur. In a rare break with my personal protocol, when a couple of my colleagues were saying they hoped some kind of gun control bill passes, I said “You’re not taking my guns.” It did end the conversation, so I’ve got that going for me.
See what happens when you know you’re a “dead man walking” at work.
I suspect that played a role. Most of my colleagues are a little afraid of me, and do not want to engage in a political/cultural discussion with me. I think its more that I weighed in (which I never do) than anything else that ended the conversation.
As a bonus they’re probably scared of you now.
Now we’re talking. Do it. Don’t beat around the bush. Launch a campaign to repeal the second amendment.
The models indicate that we must repeal the Second Amendment. I mean, it’s common sense.
“Science can show that gun restrictions make societies safer. Science can show that mental illness is not a determinative factor in mass shootings. And science can show that racism is measurable and leads to violence. Science can show you anything we want it to. That’s why, in unprecedented times like these, we’re grateful for heroes like Infectious Disease Expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who can make Science do all the things.“
Scientists should not sit on the sidelines and watch others fight this out. More research into the public health impacts of gun ownership will provide further evidence of its deadly consequences. Science can show that gun restrictions make societies safer. Science can show that mental illness is not a determinative factor in mass shootings. And science can show that racism is measurable and leads to violence.
Jumping Jesus on a solid gold trampoline.
Let’s not bother to pretend SCIENCE! is about investigation or discovery. It only serves as a credentialist authority to buttress our assertions of predetermined self evident truth.
I don’t know why we we need public health research to tally up the number of gun homicides.
If nobody had a gun, nobody would get shot. That’s why Methuselah lived so long.
Yup, people lived way longer and there was almost no murder before gunz were invented.
That Cain dude agrees.
I am FINALLY getting my normal laptop back after it’s been gone for a month to get fixed under warranty. I love this old Asus, but…well, it’s old and it has its (display driver) issues, which is why it got replaced. That is my scheduled drama for the day.