The man to beat, IMO.
The GSW won the NBA Finals. Not even the officials could carry the Celtics to a Game 7 for those extra ad sales. But they sure tried for three quarters. Hockey is back tonight with game 2 of the Stanley Cup finals. An absolute nobody is winning the US Open…for now. Phil ain’t gonna make the cut, which will certainly make the survivors of 9/11 and those who lost family members happy. At least that’s what a sportswriter will probably put down. The 2026 WC host sites were listed. Columbus, OH got shafted. Two Texas cities made the cut. And it looks like everything will be played in football stadiums…that are already built. Which is why the WC should always be held in the US. And I think that’s pretty much it for sports.

Apparently this never happened before.
CNN thinks wind, rain, and drought never happened before. Well, they’re at least parroting that idiotic talking point. They do the same about wildfires, never mentioning that they’re exacerbated by the state’s refusal to allow for any kind of fire mitigation strategies.
This feast-or-famine contrast is a pattern the climate crisis tends to amplify: extremes on both ends of the spectrum, with the pendulum sometimes swinging suddenly from one side to the other.
OK, dickheads. Please show us all the climate data from the last ten centuries in North America that show it didn’t happen before the industrial revolution and that it is more extreme now than any decade over that span. Until then, shut the fuck up.
Remember this the next time a government laments the fact that Putin holds political prisoners. Because that’s what this is. And there ain’t no two ways about it.
Somebody explain this to me like I’m five. No wait, like I’m three. Oh, and if you thought that was retarded, You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Sorry, Julian. There ain’t no First Amendment no more.
Here’s more on political prisoners. This dude is a fucking journalist who never set foot on American soil. He should be celebrated and protected by the 1A, not prosecuted because he made the assholes in charge look like thew asshole s they are by releasing whistleblower info. Hell, that Vindman asshat has a job at one of the cable news networks. But this man languishes in prison awaiting extradition to the US where he can be tried in a kangaroo court and thrown in another prison.
Jesus. I’ve seen enough. This guy is a mush-brained imbecile. Think I’m exaggerating? Read:
“And by the way, my sympathies to your family of your CFO, who dropped dead very unexpectedly,” said Biden, who is known to console people like himself who have lost loved ones and has flown to multiple funerals even as president.
“My best to their family. It’s tough stuff,” said Biden.
That’s fucking brilliant.
This is a terrible idea. I guess it’ll be a one-way street that’s also a dead end. Or something like that. Hell, I don’t know. Give me your best Polack jokes in the comments and we’ll come up with some way of mocking this decision.
Y’all realize he’s a liberal, don’t you? And he’s also the guy who founded the company, funded the company, and is paying your salaries? He can be liberal and inclusive without being an insane dumbass who wants children tucking fivers in the thong of some dude with tits. It is, I am certain, possible to be one without embracing the other.
It’s about fucking time! We aren’t treated like cattle nearly as much as I’d like. (Actually, this is a good idea and will probably result in people having a bit more space on planes.)
Love me some of the early stuff. And yes, some of the later stuff was pretty ok too. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this Friday and Father’s Day (and Juneteenth…and Justice Forall Sloopy Juneteenth Spicer’s birthday). It’s gonna be a scorcher.
First this.
A ballsy Halsey?
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
“Attempts to monetize coronavirus misinformation have eroded public confidence in proven treatments and prevention measures and hindered efforts to control the pandemic,” Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.)
You know who else…
Eroded public confidence in proven treatments?
Everyone pushing the vax or ventilator mantra the past two fucking years.
And I’m wondering if Rand getting Fauci to admit that vax’ing kids is not backed up by any study will be enough to get these stupid assholes to shut up about it for once.
Sorry for the language — between this, the political prisoners links (and a really crappy Quordle, but that’s on me) I’m in one hell of a mood to start the day.
Needs more silly squirrel pics or something.
Yes, you know…. He meant you bend the knee to the state and take it in the ass whenever you are told to by your betters.
It is enraging. A complete gaslight propaganda push, and with a body count.
The CARES Act was nothing but a monetization of failed and quite often deadly treatments.
I’m really not sure what else you could point to that would convince people that the federal government is actively killing the populace. We’ve moved well past indifference and into maliciousness now.
If and when it all comes apart, it’s going to be a bloody time.
“Attempts to monetize coronavirus” is the defining phrase of the government response
ça suffit
That airplane seating arrangement guarantees that you cannot evacuate the plane in less than too much time.
Also, the extra weight will mean no bags…
Guy on top eats Taco Bell and you’ll really enjoy your flight.
The seats will all be toilets?
I’m still wondering why you wanted people to crap in honor of your anniversary last night. Must be an Axis powers thing.
Amber Alert.
You eating too many carrots?
It’s the human centipede of travel.
I took one look at it and assumed the airlines would tighten things up immediately — turning it into a two layer sardine can arrangement.
It is close to the standing “seats” we have been promised.
Just hang some straps from the ceiling like the subway and be done with it. Play nothing but “Mooo!” over the sound system just to taunt people — you can kick them off the plane / turn around if the flight crew has their delicate sensibilities hurt anyway nowadays.
I flew Alligient from Lou-ah-vuhle to Vegas, Baby and it was pretty damn close to that.
The seat in front was mere inches from my chest, and the seats had minimal padding.
At the 1 hour mark, I was ‘This ain’t so bad’, but at the 3 hour mark “I’m ready to go, Jump-master, let me off this fuckin’ thing”
My claustrophobia fired up just from looking at that.
The GSW won the NBA Finals. Not even the officials could carry the Celtics to a Game 7 for those extra ad sales. But they sure tried for three quarters.
And the game still wasn’t as close as the final score suggested. 20+ turnovers in an elimination game is pathetic.
I hate to sound cynical, but the media has been pushing the narrative that the Celtics coach is a genius. Wonder why? That turnover machine certainly didn’t look well coached.
Agreed. Hey, Ime, maybe teach your guys not to drive directly into a double-team, stop making lazy cross-court passes, and learn how to defend the high screen better against the greatest shooter in history.
From the “Texas Thighs” article:
Courtney Ann posing for a selfie taken by her husband Nick at their Fort Worth home on April 19, 2022.
It’s a selfie if somebody else not in the photo is taking it??
Don’t you mansplain to the camwhore, shitlord.
Only one picture of her thighs in the article. DM instead seemed to be focusing on her chest, which frankly was of lower quality than said thighs.
Thank you for the Mr. Blandings link yesterday. I love that movie even more than I love the book,
“We’re moving in thirty days.”
When I first moved to NYC, I worked in a Park Slope hardware store as a paint mixer. This scene resonates quite strongly with me; apart from our commercial accounts, the bulk of our customers were just like this. https://youtu.be/s33ScN4D-HU
That was nearly my first response.
(Sorry, I agree with her, despite her neuroticism.)
We were eventually bought out by ACE and they brought in a really nice color matching software system. After that, the only problem was having to endlessly explain the difference between reflected and transmitted light and why I really urged folk to get a sample of the paint before ordering multiple gallons based upon what they saw on the monitor screen. It was actually a fun job.
This might have been appropriate, too.
He hits my hair!
I wouldn’t kick Myrna Loy out of bed for choosing paint samples.
Mrs. Blandings was too early for Pantone, but: swatches!
The movie is almost 75 years old, but it’s still funny because it’s true. Just ask anybody who’s built their dream house or renovated.
Insert “Missed it by that much” image here.
Courtney Ann posing for a selfie at her Fort Worth home with husband Nick on April 19, 2022.
Caption under a picture of her husband holding the camera. That’s not a selfie, grandma.
In the middle of a prolonged, water shortage-inducing megadrought,
Aaaand I’m out.
/looks north to a large body of water
We’re good here.
Where are the words “self inflicted”?
I was promised rising water levels with global warming.
Milwaukee Avenue, all the way from Sangamon Street to Greenwood Road in Niles, will now be known as the Milwaukee Avenue Polish Heritage Corridor.
The last Polish corridor I recall didn’t go over too well.
What, not up for another season of Danzig with the Stars?
Renaming Crawford Ave to Pulaski Ave wasn’t enough?
I expect Chicago to declare February 30th a Polish holiday.
Lack of installed lightbulbs?
@ rhywun: Since you’re both employed and WFH, would you consider living someplace safer? cuz we like you.
My neighborhood is quite safe, FWIW.
“CNN thinks wind, rain, and drought never happened before.”
Notice they never blame nice weather on climate change.
Wasn’t the 1970s all about the Earth, Wind and Fire?
Do you remember?
Only in September
Yes I do.
I try.
Dr. Simone Gold, a leading figure in the anti-vaccine moment, was sentenced to prison Thursday for storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Irrelevant allegation is irrelevant. Though I wonder why Jim Carrey doesn’t get an honorable mention.
promoted disproven treatments like ivermectin.
Speaking of disinformation…
pleaded guilty in March to a misdemeanor charge of unlawfully entering and remaining in a restricted area of the U.S. Capitol
Were the cops that let her in present?
A middle-aged lady walking around with a bullhorn isn’t “storming”.
And waiving a small American flag, the choice weapon for right-wing terrorists.
You could put someone’s eye out with one of those.
This will probably turn into another rant — but this continues to tick me off as well. Changing the dictionary so “Blue” is now “Green” doesn’t make what was blue now green, assholes. Calling a glorified flu shot a “vaccine” when it does jack over shit for actually preventing infection or spread doesn’t make it one. And being against forced injection of highly experimental shit with zero liability for the government doing the forcing or the companies producing it doesn’t make one “anti-vax”.
And the really crappy thing about this is that now I (and I suspect a LOT of people) am going to be seriously skeptical about them trying to sneak shit like this into the prior vaccination schedules for kids off the record — because you know they’ll justify it to themselves as “greater good” and because Big Pharma apparently must be fed and bought the right people.
Which means that a lot of us who *weren’t* “anti-vax” are being pushed to that for classic vaccines simply because we can’t trust the schools / government / medical establishment that have conclusively shown themselves to be unprincipled whores or jack boot thug wannabes and are so sure they can live your life down to what medicines you must and must not take.
How long until the Daily Ray of Sunshine post again? Frak it — I need to just post one myself at this point….
I’m starting to wonder if the anti-vaccine movement of ten years ago or whatever was an astroturf campaign to stigmatize vaccine hesitancy. I’ve never considered myself anti vax, in fact, I’ve always thought the vaccines cause autism seemed far fetched, but I’ve stayed away from the covid shots. I can easily see how someone who might otherwise not want a covid shot would be cowed into taking it because they didn’t want to be lumped together with people like Jenny McCarthy
Absolutely it was a psy-op – “Don’t want to vaccinate your kids? You must be a loon!”
The more I’ve read on the subject the more unhappy I am that I just went along with what the pediatrician said. Obviously there are vaccines that make sense under certain circumstances, but the fact that they are produced by criminal enterprises just can’t be brushed aside. Also the fact that there are something like 80
I have no way to prove it, but I’d be willing to wager a lot that a lot of disease reduction may be credited to better hygiene and an all around more affluent society.
Yeah, that whole vaccine schedule that is at least 10x what I had as a kid, or even what my own kid got – that’s a tad worrisome. Throw on top of that the immunity for the manufacturers – now the hairs on the back of my neck are going up.
There is a lot more truth in the anti-vax movement than most people are comfortable with. I’ve learned that through my family’s escapades with the medical system over the past twenty years.
For only one example, consider that mumps is an inconsequential disease in children which confers permanent, lifelong immunity. But the mumps vaccine only confers temporary immunity that wanes over time and mumps is a much more serious disease for the older population, particularly males.
So by vaccinating young children against mumps, we have only postponed the possible incidence of the disease into a more dangerous period for the patients and we quite often do have mumps outbreaks for college age students with poor outcomes.
A rational approach would be to not vaccinate young children against mumps, but instead wait until teenage years and test for antibodies prior to vaccination, thus minimizing the overall lifetime risk from the disease and not administering unnecessary treatment, which only has potential downsides.
There are many more things I could bring up including thimerosal (no longer in use) and aluminum adjuvants, but suffice it to say that the CDC and the FDA are not concerned with safety, only with protecting the vaccine program at any cost. If they throw a subset of the population under the bus in the process, it’s of no concern to them. The last two years should be evidence enough of that.
And I will state that I had my children vaccinated, sometimes over the reluctance of my wife.
As it turns out, at least two of my three children have genetic markers which make vaccines a much more dangerous prospect for them. It has had deleterious effects on their physical and neurological health. That is something I have to live with, but I’ve ceased to accept anything at face value. The bureaucracies and the pharmaceutical companies lie simply because they can. Under the current legislative framework, they are almost completely immune from liability and accountability.
This whole COVID experience has made someone like me, who used to make fun of anti-vaxxers, think they may be on to something after all. And I wish I had at least slow rolled vaccinations for my children. I hope they have minimal effects.
She formed the dangerous American Frontline Doctors group that dared step on the money dick of the vaccine.
I come from a long line of polishers. My ancestors were servants in King Edward II’s court, who bought a lot of shiny, brass objects to decorate his throne room.
Do you know why the Polack though his wife was trying to kill him?
He found her bottle of Polish Remover.
Polish girl in my high school who was tired of the Polack jokes, asks in class: do you know how a Polack gets pregnant? Nervous titters in an otherwise silent room. Her coup-de-grace: and you call us dumb?
Preaching to the choir — yelling at the clouds — but I just love how “diversity” and “inclusion” immediately becomes “Everyone must agree with me or my feelings are hurt and that’s just like violence!” these days. I so miss the days where “Shut the hell up and do your damned job, dumbass.” would be the expected response (and that wasn’t that long ago…)
Bonus points for “And the company isn’t your damned mother [ok, maybe for Texas Thighs it is]”. Got yet another of those “Here are all the programs from the company for your physical and emotional well-being! Sign up!” emails at work yesterday. My mental well being is my business, dumbasses. Let me do my job, pay the salary we agreed to in compensation for that and stop trying to avoid keeping up with inflation with a bunch of bullshit programs to coddle the college grads who can’t imagine someone not tending to their fragile egos.
Damn I’m just grumpy as hell this morning, aren’t I? Sorry again….
As long as a single wrongthinker exists in my company, how can I be expected to work? It just isn’t a safe environment. DEI training isn’t enough. We must hunt down and destroy the intolerant.
Oh… and “We’ll be more innovative through diversity once we ensure NO ONE steps one toe out of the groupthink line!”. That’s another good one right up with “We’re so tolerant we won’t tolerate the intolerant!” as you pointed out.
“Unsafe workplace” is yet another skinsuited institution. Once upon a time it meant being killed, maimed, or poisoned by physically dangerous situations. Now it mostly means being offended by jokes, attitudes, or off-the-job actions, so much so that functional workplace culture will be destroyed and competent employees disciplined or fired to placate the incompetent and useless.
The Peter Principle is no longer valid due to its phallic origins.
After 3+ generations of telling kids that they are precocious winners, deserving of praise and reminders that they should have self esteem, even when they have accomplished nothing of note and are lazy & inept, while the accomplishers are labeled as the bad people, people now act surprised that these people now forming a large group have joined with the other spoiled losers from previous generations to seek revenge on those that kept reminding them they were losers.
STFU and do your jobs.
A depression is going to sort a lot of that out.
The best cure for idiots infected with first world problem disease, is a reminder that life is hard and things will get bad whenever they wreck shit.
I don’t want my company to be, “…a great place to work for everyone.” My company will be a great place to work for the smart and hardworking. Slackers and whiners can go find some other place to not work.
You can’t possibly please everyone, so “a great place to work for everyone” is an impossible goal, and we see this immediate contradiction arise when they say, to create a great workplace for everyone, we first have to exclude certain people, words, and ideas.
I am reminded of my local county government, which changed the motto from “the best place to live, work, and start a business” to “the best place” then to “the best place — for all”. Not entirely coincidentally, I’ve started wanting to move out.
I’ve started putting Outlook rules into place to clear my inbox of all the HR bullshit. Until my boss bugs me, all that training and ERG signups and pride month and juneteenth and “pump up the culture” and “celebrate this obscure holiday from 5000 miles away” crap goes into a folder I never open.
Yeah, I get the invites and decline them only to see them appear on my calendar anyhow later 9and then delete them again).
I contemplated that after an e-mail from the CEO came out the other day talking about Juneteenth, and how it’s been celebrated all over the US since 1865.
It’s genuinely much more pleasant without 3 or 4 of those emails hitting my inbox every day. (yes, it’s that bad a majority of the days)
I have to attend at least 6 a year. There is one a month. They offer 6 “woke bs” ones and 6 “hippie health” ones. I signed up for hippie health. Then they cancelled one of the hippie health ones and replaced it with a woke one on 5 hours notice.
He made the remarks at an event where he accused shipping companies of ‘sticking it to American families and businesses.’ He blasted them for price hikes that ‘hurt American families,’ and said an industry controlled by nine major companies enjoyed $190 billion in profits in 2021 amid supply chain disruptions.
I wonder what the combined business investment was.
He signed legislation Thursday meant to make shipping goods across oceans cheaper – a move the White House says will help lower retailer costs that have remained high since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and helped fuel record inflation.
The government is, of course, known for making things more efficient…
“He signed legislation Thursday meant to make shipping goods across oceans cheaper…”
He repealed the Jones Act?!?
Which law of physics is that one?
He signed a Writ of Canute.
“When I was a kid and the… the clipper ship came in, and all the longshoremen would show up to offload the… the thing. Those are good union jobs we’re going to bring back again!”
He’s gonna chase the symptoms right into a depression.
The Verge reported Thursday that the open letter shared in the company’s internal chat room said Musk’s “behavior in the public sphere is a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment for us.”
Feel free to quit. You should probably be fired.
Musk trolls them with Calvinism!
Strange. I think someone is destroying them as they come.
Congress appropriated billions to provide military equipment to Ukraine. I just visited with the Ukrainian parliamentary delegation. They are incredibly frustrated with the pace of arms to Ukraine and endless excuses being offered regarding weapons shipments.
I am also incredibly frustrated that other people aren’t paying my bills.
I encourage Lindsey to personally oversee the deliveries, all the way to the front.
Somebody has to show the Ukranians how to use the weapons in combat conditions.
Lindsey Graham is more of an expert on deliveries to the back. NTTAWWT
Paraphrasing Razorfist from the other day:
“And Lindsey Graham, from a closet somewhere in South Carolina…”
Imagine being a Ukrainian truck driver being told to deliver a load of artillery shells or missiles (which Russian drones and satellites observed being loaded into your tuck). As Josey Wales said, “dying ain’t much of a living”.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Thank you sir — that brought warmth to the cold barren cockles of my heart.
COCKLES … I SAID COCKLES you sick bastards! 😉
Insert Beavis and Butthead “You said… ” giggling gif here…
Don’t worry, it isn’t about the size of your cockle, it is about how you use it that counts.
Aww. That smile.
Thanks, Holiness.
Can’t beat a fist bump on a hit like that!
Hey Hype, QuordleBot has been out of commission because I’ve been bouncing around in and out of the house as the AC was getting fixed, and I didn’t have my laptop with me most mornings. Should return to normal going forward.
3 7
4 5
Should I enter it in the next tourney?
Why not — one more entrant to beat my sorry ass. 😉
Case in point today:
Daily Quordle 144
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yup, I’ll remember to be diligent.
#waffle147 2/5
🔥 streak: 4
🌎 Jun 17, 2022 🌍
🔥 30 | Avg. Guesses: 5.57
🟥🟩 = 2
Daily Quordle 144
Towing the Lion.
Daily Quordle 144
5 7
3 4
Couple of lucky guesses today.
Hopefully I got all the Chumping out of my system
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Also, if it matters, yesterdays was a 26.
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
Caption contest.
“I swear I’ll gut him if he sticks his tongue in my ear again….”
I’d be totally down for a three way with you and Merkel.
It’s not gay, it’s European.
Brokeback EU
(stolen from the comments)
“USA Today removes TWENTY THREE stories from its website over claims reporter made-up quotes and fabricated interviewees for stories on Texas abortion ban, Ukraine and a guide to sunscreen”
Did she think she worked at the Washington Post?
[golf clap]
Jayson Blair school of journalism?
My favorite story this week was that Stelter & Tapper might be on borrowed time at CNN. No, not cause I am spiteful, but because their new boss, a douche from PMSNBC of all things, has told the whole crowd at CNN they have to get back to “serious news”, instead of 24/7 partisan dnc talking points and cover for the ineptitude of team blue, all because the network is dying, and these 2 idiots seem to be hating that.
CNN can’t be fixed. It is a place where idiots went to play reporters and peddle bullshit to give the progressive disaster cover. Burn it down.
As bad as Stelter is, Tapper is a Grade A+ piece of shit who sold his soul a long time ago.
That Wallace guy formerly of Fox is up there. Talk about buying high and selling low.
Mike’s son…
And yet the “source” who said Brian Sicknick was murdered still has not yet been named.
They should not be removing the stories, they should be putting these in a special section and drawing attention to it.
They wear sunscreen in Ukraine?
Probably, they look pretty white.
If Russia takes most of the rest of the Ukraine after they are finished in the Donbass, this is why. Nobody in the Ukraine, western Europe, or the U.S. seems to be able to negotiate in good faith. They lie in negotiations, lie to the press, lie to their soldiers they send to die. They are all Clintons now.
Their lying to the serfs has worked well, so why wouldn’t they think they can lie their way out of everything?
If the west/NATO negotiated/acted in good faith the war would not have happened.
Best case going forward is that Zelensky decides to stop being a puppet and makes concessions to Russia, which will be Donbass and the southern land area leading to Crimea, as far as territory is concerned.
NPR had an interview with the (R) congresscritter that cancelled his reelection campaign because he thought an “assault weapons” ban was totes a good idea. There was much lamenting about how “if you disagree on one issue you’re unacceptable.” The vermin in question was “I support the second amendment but…” with notable statements as “I support a magazine ban, you can’t tell me you need a magazine that holds 50 rounds” and “military grade bod armor — I can’t believe they let everyone under the sun buy that. Only people who have a rational reason should be allowed to buy it.”
Japanese airline ditches ‘Z’ logo to avoid misunderstanding
The president of the wholly owned subsidiary of Japan Airlines Co. told a press conference at Narita airport near Tokyo that some people might see the current logo as indicating the company approves of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Mazinger Z hardest hit.
I thought all zipairs were from Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha.
They need to go out there and win just one for the Zipper.
Oops. Not a reply.
I always knew Zorro was a stooge of Putin!
So I can’t buy a 2023 Nissan sport coupe?
Well… bye
John was a congressman? Who’da thunk?
Because I want to, and I can afford it. Isn’t that rational enough?
No matter what “rational” or “reasonable” mean today, they will always end up meaning “but surely we must give the devil his due?”
Air, shelter, water and food is all you need. Everything else is at the will of the state.
There was much lamenting about how “if you disagree on one issue you’re unacceptable.”
How many pro life Democrats are in Congress right now?
Like container shipping, the airlines should allow People Pods. You buy the pod size you want, go to the airport, get in with everything you have and the plane is loaded with all the pods, and then you are unloaded and dropped off in the baggage area of your destination.
You want a snack? Bring it yourself. Want to smoke? Go ahead. Drink? Same. Got to piss? Hope you brought a jar. Want lots of room? Buy a big pod. Buy a family pod.
At this point, I’d rather buy a cessna, bite the bullet on cost, and navigate the regulations to fly domestically. Wife would probably rather drive than fly with me.
That’s what I did. I only fly commercially if the weather is too bad to fly myself or if it would be a multiple-day flight and I can’t spare the time.
For most of the trips we take, our door-to-door time in the Mooney is shorter than it would be on the airlines–we can go direct, and use more local airports. Even if we stop halfway for a pee/lunch/fuel break, we can beat the airlines to most places we go.
I’ve thought about that – but can’t justify it financially (and I think my wife would freak, honestly). So I drive. 3 days each way starting this weekend! Looking forward to the wide open spaces, but not to the gorram DOTs shutting down lanes I know I’ll see…
Interesting idea. It’s like having your own railcar you can attach to any train for a fee.
If we go that route, I want to share mine with Milla Jovovich.
+1 Multipass
4 9
5 7
Total racket
But it’s evil profiteers making college tuition so expensive!
Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”
“I’m not gonna tell you if don’t already know”
I know it is the Bee… but playing along:
“Ok, smartalec — Woman: Person you’ll never know the touch of. Woman.”
Sorry, I understand that sentiment, somewhat. A feminine version of “why bother”.
The Lake in my neighborhood was practically center stage for a Blue Angels show last year (The airport was the real center, but close enough). Our house wasn’t complete yet, but we still took advantage of the benefit.
Just yesterday they flew into the AFB a few miles down the road from my work (there’s an airshow this weekend). My office mate and I spent an hour watching them buzz around practicing. Also saw a B52 and I think a KC135 come in. And one of the Global Hawks stationed there. If that happened every dat at the office I’d go in more.
For Swiss and marine biologists.
*narrows gaze*
I was once bitten by one of those while diving but lucky enough it was not able to get too deep into the wetsuit.. Now that sand shark that bit my heel pissed me off…
Morays have a nasty ass bite. Almost guaranteed to get infected.
♪♫ In the Navy…
Last week Gonzalo Lira described the U.S. as a dying empire flailing around wildly. Still dangerous and dangerously stupid, but no longer competent or effective. I thought it was an unfortunately accurate description.
Yes. The Empire is failing and I am quite concerned by the thought of what those in DC might do to preserve their power.
Am I missing something in the Texas Thighs thing, I’m not seeing what’s retarded about it.
Main thing I can think of is that they make enough on lingerie model shots to pay for their lifestyle. That’s a lot of seriously desperate, lonely but fiscally stupid men out there.
But given Maxim and other mags over the years, I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised — she must somehow give the false hope of a connection or something.
There’s no shame in being a whore anymore, so why not make whoring oneself out on the internet a family affair? Personally, it checks a whole lot of “hell no” boxes for me, personally, but in an era where 5 year olds are shoving singles in drag queens’ thongs, I can’t really get worked up about some family making bank off of mom being a camwhore.
Kardistocrats, that is.
Article says she doesn’t do porn, just posting risqué pics is whoring now? If she was doing a cooking show or playing guitar would it be any different.
just posting risqué pics is whoring now
yup. Maybe not to the same level, but she’s putting her sexuality up for sale to earn cash from lonely men. The difference between that and posting full nudes is in degree, not in type.
“putting sexuality up for sale” is a bit… flexible and shibboleth-y.
And the amount of dollars given by lonely men to psychologists and churches is non-trivial.
I should probably expand a bit more:
“Sexuality” is caught up in a whole metric fuckton of the human psyche and is not necessarily connected to genital response or orgasm. Pretty much any/all approval seeking behavior (performing arts, politics (if there’s a difference), religion (ditto)) has definite connections to sexuality. Hence the whole “the Church is the bride of Christ” thing. Not to mention “sublimating” sexual drives into other activities. And that’s not even getting into the whole purportedly non-sexual but still skin hunger/touch desire of “legitimate” massage or the overtly sexual but non-genital contact paypiggery/legal BDSM.
I don’t think it’s all that hard to differentiate going to church from paying some chick to sent you pictures of her tits half hanging out of her shirt.
Yeah, there’s a spectrum. Yeah, sexualizing behavior is omnipresent if you set the threshold low enough on the spectrum. However. I don’t think that it’s all that out of line for me to say that a woman sending risqué pics to men on the internet for money is whoring. I don’t think bare nipples and crotch are required to cross that threshold. Hell, I’ll go farther because why not… She’s committing adultery with the blessing and enablement of her cuckold husband. It shouldn’t be illegal, but I’m not gonna pretend that it’s not smack dab in the middle of my worldview’s definition of “sexual immorality”.
“sexual immorality”
That’s just it, isn’t it? The bulk of morality is defining wrongfun and elevating it to a position above simple fact or consequential analysis. Sex, drugs, alcohol, Saturday morning cartoons, McDonald’s fries, ice cream, Pixie Styx, -ist jokes… some of these are part of $CURRENT_YEAR’s approved pleasures list and some aren’t.
And then adding “for sale” further indicates that the wrongfun in question is tainted by filthy lucre. I’d be more ashamed of having a servant cleaning my toilets or cleaning my house than I would a decorative bedwarmer, but I don’t pretend my personal judgment has any greater meaning.
The bulk of morality is defining wrongfun and elevating it to a position above simple fact or consequential analysis.
This, of course, implies that materialistic, pragmatic concerns are all that matter. Either morality is aesthetics and personal preference oppressively elevated or it’s genuine reflection of true* right and wrong. Of course, it starts getting really sketchy when you take the former worldview to its logical conclusion. That’s how you get people being arrested for protesting 5 year olds slipping singles into thongs of drag queens. Can’t have anybody objecting to that. Drag queens are fun! Drag queens for every school! Don’t yuck my yum!
*where morality is actually reflective of genuine big-T Truth
Stealing a base by slipping “oppressively” into there.
But I don’t think your counterexample is taking a viewpoint to its logical conclusion, but rather just an example of differently-applied morality. When racism/transphobia are the ultimate sins, it’s just as righteous to shut down drag protestors as it is to close whorehouses or taking hatchets to barrels of Demon Rum.
The woke aren’t atheists, they’re Animists.
The woke aren’t atheists, they’re Animists.
I think, by this standard, there can be No True Atheist. And though I phrase it and capitalize it to indicate a parallel to No True Scotsman, I’m not necessarily saying you’re committing a logical fallacy. I think it’s entirely possible that everybody worships something and so the strictest definition of atheist cannot apply to any real person. A self-avowed atheist may worship any of a number of things: his own mind/ego, his own race/ethnicity/nation, other races/ethnicities/nations, rationality and empiricism, (wo)men in white lab coats, civil rights and government, deconstruction and revolution, sexual liberation and libertinism, etc. (and these categories are not mutually exclusive).
However, this also strongly implies that Freedom of Religion cannot exist in practice, that the “lessons” of the Enlightenment are at least somewhat wrong from their very beginning, and religious conflicts and wars will continue until either every man is dead or one religion has (somehow) conquered every man for all time.
Stealing a base by slipping “oppressively” into there.
Am I though? “purple is the best color” is different from “You should paint your house purple because it’s the best color” which is different from “it is wrong for you to paint your house green because purple is the good color”.
The first example seems to be mere personal preference. The second example doesn’t seem to rise to the level of morality yet either. The third one strikes me as moralistic. “You are wrong for not adhering to my preference” seems inherently oppressive. I’d argue that’s the point of morality. To oppress (or maybe “repress” is a better word) wrongness and incentivize rightness. In the case of the house color, it’s through shaming.
I’ll also push back against the distancing of the woke from atheism. The woke are religious but not spiritual. Their base worldview is atheistic, but they attempt to layer a perverted Christian-flavored religion on top of their atheism, which is a major reason why they seem so irrational and self-contradictory. They’re the most blatantly obvious example of a “fool building his house upon the sand” in a long time.
Lots of Twitch streamers are just scantily clad girls “playing” video games. There is no doubt that the point of these videos is the skimpy outfits and sexualized dialogue. Pretending otherwise is silly.
Now do the cosmetics and garment industries.
Sex sells and all that
Sears catalogues, if you’re old enough to remember. If not, ask your dad/grandpa. Gotta go with what you got
I remember.
On the subject of camwhoring. I actually think its better for society as a whole that classic porn videos. And probably better for the lonely single guy buying it. Whether the woman has it or not, it allows the end user to feel closer and more connected than typical porn. It may not be the best way, but until you experience true loneliness, it’s hard to contemplate how isolating it is. I’ve never been that lonely, but I haven’t been far away from it. And I can see why someone would rather pay for someone to pretend to desire them, than to never get that feeling. Remember, there are a lot of people out there that are missing the gene needed to find that in normal society. I know some. It’s sad, but they really don’t have hope.
Disclaimer: I’m not saying it’s the best or even a good way to fill that void, just that I get why and it may have more benefit than we know.
I think you’re right, especially from a materialist perspective, but I think this also lends great credence to “traditional” patriarchal morality: the purpose of monogamy and strict(er) sexual mores was not to oppress women (though that may have been its effect), it was to provide nearly every man with a companion. The “liberation” of women thus constitutes a return to more primitive/less constrained sexual dynamics, which means that, as in prehistory, most men will never reproduce, most women will, and the problem of excess men must be dealt with somehow. In places where there was never an intermediate state of civilization and its “oppressive” mores, the men mostly live short lives spent killing each other.
Of course, such an end state will also mean the end of great multigenerational ambitions as well as the means to carry them out. It is unlikely that everyone will go along with this, but if they do, humanity will be confined to a single planet and to the whims of that planet’s nature for the entirety of its existence.
Ok, groomer.
Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces.
At a time when our LGBTQ+ communities are under increased attack across this country, we must use our education system to educate. The goal is not only for our children to be academically smart, but also emotionally intelligent.
And perverted men dressed like caricatures of women have what to do with this?
Citation most certainly needed.
Some of them will be because they are erasing the line between “tolerance” and “grooming”. We went from – not beating you up or institutionalizing you for your preferences – to allowing them to openly recruit school children in a generation. There is going to be a nasty snap-back.
They’re making revolutionaries out of the traditionalists, and I don’t blame the traditionalists for radicalizing. They see an existential threat to their way of life to such a level that it throws a big question mark over many of the liberal principles that have been taken for granted for generations (e.g. multiculturalism, tolerance, society as community, capitalism healing divisions, etc.). When the bulk of the cultural rhetoric is aimed at destroying the nuclear family, dismantling whiteness, punching up at the patriarchy, and inculcating queerness into schoolchildren, it’s no wonder the Bible thumpers and their fellow travelers start talking like revolutionaries.
Progs have only one principle, revolution. There is no norm to be settled on, no peace to be had, no serenity. As soon as one new standard is established, it must be overthrown on the way to the next one.
When the institutions themselves are pushing this insanity, it is no wonder that a reactionary wave will arise. More and more people just want to be left alone as the system attacks them from all directions.
“Progs have only one principle, revolution.”
Democracy means they get what they want and everyone else doesn’t…
I wasn’t radicalized, the world just went crazy.
“we must use our education system to educate”
Something new on the curriculum this year, kiddos
Let me know when you get that first one done.
We can get to reading, writing and arithmetic after we handle the low hanging fruit.
You definitely see a lot of emotional intelligence in the progressive sphere.
emotionally intelligent.
I’m not at all surprised that EQ has been used as a camel’s nose to get more of this bullshit into the tent.
They started to push EQ into the business world years ago. I thought it was a poor substitute for basic competence then.
Now it’s turned into yet another totalitarian propaganda push.
It’s yet another fad where it started out with a nugget of truth (you need to be able to communicate with others in a genuine and pleasant way to do your job well) and got 50 layers of managerspeak and HR consultant bullshit added on top. The leftists are attracted to the bullshit like the maggots they are, and all of a sudden, it’s weaponized to encourage 5 year olds to shove singles into drag queens’ thongs.
I have never been particularly good in the workplace because I’ve just got a grating personality after a while. I assumed EQ was meant for otherwise good workers like me to be able to function in the workplace without driving everybody batshit insane.
Similarly, people who loved high school and those who hated every minute of it.
HR consultant bullshit
Our company does not have HR, we have the People Department
Can’t we just call it Personnel again?
Daily Quordle 144
It started so well. Nailed a 1/3 shot on the upper right, figuring the others were two much of asshole words.
At this point, I’d rather buy a cessna, bite the bullet on cost, and navigate the regulations to fly domestically. Wife would probably rather drive than fly with me.
Oddly enough, I have been driving past the Blackfoot airport on a daily basis for the last six months or so. Contrary to what you (and I) may have heard, civil aviation does not appear to be dead. Not even close.
The time and money commitment is daunting. It seems like the kind of thing where you have to commit to being a “civil aviation” person/family to get your money’s worth out of it. There doesn’t appear to be a path to taking a trip only once or twice a month that isn’t cost prohibitive.
Can it even launch planes carrying weapons?
China launched its third aircraft carrier on Friday, the domestically designed and built Fujian, named after the province opposite self-ruled Taiwan, sending a statement of intent to rivals as it modernizes its military.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has made overhauling the world’s largest armed forces a central part of his agenda, seeking to project power well beyond China’s shores, though the government says it has no hostile intent.
Now do the USA.
Good morning, Sloopy!
I am looking forward to game 2. Such amazingly fast hockey. Even if my Wild would have made it past the Blues, there is no way they could skate with these teams. Great hockey.
Not a fan of Van Hagar, but that video is awesome. This song is more my speed, though.
Fuck yeah.
Science to next work on restoration of glorious hair and better erections.
Jogging In A Jug has been a fixture of Southern supermarkets for 30 years.
Having sex with my wife she birthed 6 kids is like throwing a Kielbasa down the Polish Heritage Corridor.
One more time:
Having sex with my wife Gosha after she birthed six kids is like throwing a Kielbasa down the Polish Heritage Corridor.
I didn’t have that problem/experience…..
Well with Timeloose’s wife struggling to get away from you in a blind panic, undoubtedly a lot of things tightened up.
Alex might have missed the Polish Heritage Corridor and instead found the shoe polish Corridor.
The West saw an aspect of the climate crisis play out this week that scientists have warned of for years.
In the middle of a prolonged, water shortage-inducing megadrought, one area, Yellowstone, was overwhelmed by drenching rainfall and rapid snowmelt that – instead of replenishing the ground over a matter of weeks or months – created a torrent of flash flooding that ripped out roads and bridges and caused severe damage to one of the country’s most cherished national parks.
In the meantime, drought conditions persisted in the Southwest, where water is desperately needed to replenish the country’s largest reservoirs, and provide relief to regions tormented by record-setting wildfires.
All that water raging north out of the park ends up in the Gulf of Mexico. Suck it, California!
I’m not sure of the exact point of origin of the Snake River, but if it isn’t in Yellowstone, it’s not far away. The Snake is up significantly in the past few days. All that water goes into the Columbia. Too bad, California.
There is no straw for which you dishonest cuntes will not grasp.
“Ordering your vice-president to violate the law in order to stay in power is a very serious federal crime, but there are other crimes as well. One that occurred to several people today is attempted murder. You know, under the criminal code of the United States, the attempted murder of the vice-president is punishable by life imprisonment. What we saw with the president egging the crowd on, telling them that, basically, his own vice-president was a traitor while he knew that the mob had gallows waiting for him, that’s pretty serious stuff. You don’t have to go to law school to know that there’s something seriously criminal about that. There are other crimes that have been proven. Those are plenty to start with.”
He knew a crowd that was miles away had “gallows” that would not be sufficient to hang a midget?
The phrasing of this seems a little off. Not to mention the rest of the article which is a social justice extravaganza.
Why no, you aren’t tokens at all!
Dammit. I spent too much time outside yesterday, now I’m a literal Redneck, and red-faced. This sunburn is in the irritating ‘sensitive to touch’ phase.
How’s everyone else been?
Sunburned since last Sunday. It’s just now starting to really fade.
Get some of the aloe that has a splash of lidocaine (or whatever) in it. Great stuff for sunburns.
Good. Took two days off work to spend time with my daughter. Very relaxing.
What a bunch of shitlords in Chicago! They could have gone totes woke and made Pulaski Ave the Polish corridor. Not only would it have made the polacks happy, it would have gotten the trannies on board.
She didn’t tranny the right way…
“We’re definitely looking at a hotter future,” Katrina Bennett, hydrologist with the lab and lead author of the study, told CNN. “There will be more of that wet to dry sort of scenarios we’re seeing, but regardless, we’re going to see more minimum streamflow, increase in drier soils and lower snowpacks, which all together will lead to likelihood of drought increasing across the board especially in the upper areas where we really haven’t seen that intense drought stress yet.”
According to my model, my model is correct.
“My model has never predicted anything close to observable reality, but my model is the one you should accept as the right one, or else!”
We’re definitely looking at a hotter future
That’s because I brought sexy back.
more minimum streamflow, increase in drier soils
Seems that the fake problem solves itself.
Totally by accident, right?
Was it a red SUV, I heard those are violent cars.
Especially after they kidnap a black man that hates honkeys and have him drive them around…
Nobody needs a car.
I heard it might have had one of those things that goes up!
(Power antenna?!?)
Meh, happens every so often. No need for there to be any political reason.
The person driving the car accelerated the entire time, jumped a parking block, and missed the brick walls that were just to either side of the windows he drove through. It looked deliberate, but the justification is unknown without further information.
Looking at the store on google maps there is a straight shot through the parking lot into those windows, could have been deliberate but I can see how it could easily be a case of someone losing control or passing out and veering off the road there and into that store.
I was trying to get to Taco Bell the other day. I went to Arby’s, but their “system was down” In between the two was a Goodyear tire shop. It had parking blocks so you couldn’t cut through from the Arby’s to Taco Bell (paved the whole way). I was in my F150, so I just decided to drive over them (slowly). I guess they were staked down, because I dragged the block like 10 feet. I’d feel bad, but it was a dick move to put it there in the first place.
Also, my stepdaughter is a goody two shoes who kept screaming “You can’t do that” . . I was a little disappointed.
*weren’t staked down
Right-wingers are the biggest terrorism threat, or so I am told.
Store owner says he just wants everyone to be civil…while selling FJB shirts. Not saying he deserves for a lunatic (if that’s the case) to destroy his store, but drop the hypocrisy.
Can someone please explain Juneteenth in a way that is not propaganda, either left- or right-leaning?
Actually, I’m seriously asking. Anyone want to take a swing at it?
I always assumed it was the day of emancipation from slavery.
Here’s what the History Channel has to say (refreshingly, not politicized):
Also, and I didn’t know this,
I mean, I knew the Proclamation itself didn’t free slaves, but I didn’t know that it didn’t apply to Union held territory.
It was a self-serving move by Lincoln that was not based on principle, but on pragmatism.
That’s why it was purely ceremonial and only applicable where the Union could not enforce it.
…like any other law or regulation…
That inconvenient fact is usually left out by those who say that Lincoln freed the slaves.
Pretty much every truth about Lincoln gets left out.
His hatred of Mint Juleps and Debutante Balls is well documented, for those who know where to look.
He did push for what became the 13A and signed it after it passed in Congress, shortly before his death.
Despite his many extrajudicial and unconstitutional actions, he actually recognized it as such and campaigned for an amendment as the proper way to change the constitution.
Despite his many extrajudicial and unconstitutional actions, he actually recognized it as such and campaigned for an amendment as the proper way to change the constitution.
It helped his cause greatly to have a lame duck session and to exclude all of the states that he just waged a massive war to forcibly reintegrate.
he actually recognized it as such and campaigned for an amendment as the proper way to change the constitution.
That’s so 19th century. Everyone knows the proper way is to have the courts change the meaning of words, or flat out ignore them to begin with
You say it’s not politicized but the consistent use of the phrase “enslaved people” instead of “slaves” says otherwise.
Celebrates the day that the last state with institutional slavery was informed that Lincoln had freed the slaves.
It dates back to when Galveston Texas was informed.
The day the last slaves heard they were free. Took place somewhere in Texas.
Or, what everyone else said.
Sexism. Why does Father’s Day get a long weekend but not Mother’s day?
FedGov wanted to both pander to BLM and give gov employees another paid holiday between Memorial Day and Independence Day.
I don’t understand the plethora of Federal holidays and why some businesses choose to honor them.
But celebrating the official end of chattel slavery in the US sounds like a good thing. Eventually, in an ideal world, slavery would become such a forgotten practice that no one would ever remember what Juneteenth was for, and it would end up getting recycled for another purpose.
But 1. There’s a lot of evil in the world and chattel slavery continues in many places in the world and 2. Even if it were to disappear, there are people who don’t want it ever to be forgotten, as it represents a source of power to them.
I could see making the actual issue date of the Eman Proc a holiday. (September 22 or thereabouts, IIRC.) What happened on 6/19 seems like a non-event.
No, we need the really stupid name because… something.
“It tested well in focus groups.”
I was told, but do not know, that “Juneteenth” was because the actual freeing of various slaves happened on different days in that time frame because the Inion army wasn’t everywhere.
Celebrating on 6/19 seems like celebrating your birthday on the day your Great Aunt Agatha got your mailed birth announcement at her home in Newcastle upon Tyne.
No, emancipation proclamation didn’t actually free anyone, didn’t apply in northern territory. Juneteenth is when it became real. Much more appropriate.
In TX. Make it a state holiday. Or a proper name. Juneteenth is a garbage ungrammatical word. And the day is being pushed for reasons other than celebrating the end of slavery.
Yep. I’m onboard with Juneteenth. End of slavery was a big deal and yet I never knew about this. I think it should have been a holiday long before. And, I think it should be Juneteenth and not date of Emancipation Proclamation for reasons mentioned above.
I don’t know how the final end of slavery in the U.S. means Federal employees deserve another paid vacation day. Trading it out for Columbus Day would have made more sense to me, and I’m part Italian and was raised Catholic, but they’re already replacing that with “Indigenous People’s Day” anyway.
Agreed. And I think that more summer holidays should be welcomed, generally.
More holidays for Federal employees, less pay.
Juneteenth didn’t end slavery either. It still continued in certain northern states until December when the 13th Amendment was enacted. Joe’s home state is one of the two.
Your facts cannot compare to the power of the Narrative!
I’d also asterisk that 13A only outlawed private slavery. The state reserved that power for itself, most notably in the form of conscription for the armed forces and for road construction.
Was it still practiced even though it remained legal? Also, my civics is pretty rusty, mostly because everything you learn in class has nothing to do with how things actually work, but how is it still legal in KY/Delaware if the 13th became apart of the US Constitution? It only requires 2/3rds of all states to ratify, so those two holding out wouldn’t change the fact that it’s the law of the land in those states (supremacy clause)
Yes. If you follow that link you’ll see that it even remained in practice in some places after it was made illegal ?(NJ for instace had a few hundred slaves after the date. Also Oregon.
Good to know. I’ll dig more into it and be sure to bring it up at my company’s Juneteenth celebration. I’ll report back
Add Juneteenth, remove Labor Day . . . but please don’t actually get rid of Labor Day, just make it celebrate something worthwhile.
Juneteenth was chosen as a way to replace Independence Day, a traditional national holiday, with a race-specific holiday, because wokism. If we just hafta have a day off to celebrate the end of slavery, why not April 9 (the day Lee surrendered) or April 12 (the day I believe the Confederacy officially surrendered)?
I’m not sure I buy the “replacement of Independence Day,” but why wouldn’t the ratification date of the 13th Amendment be the more appropriate date for celebration?
Is it just to get a summer holiday rather than another in wintertime?
It’s a psyop. Learn to hate yourself because of your skin pigment, or lack thereof.
Meanwhile… POTUS jets off to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to beg for more crude oil. The same KSA that finally got around to outlawing chattel slavery in 1976.
Someone wants to go full banana republic.
“Our mission is to expose the facts to the public light about a plot to overturn a presidential election, the first non-peaceful transfer of power we’ve had in our history, and prescribe remedies, legislative remedies to protect our country going forward. The principal mission of the Justice Department is to bring people to justice who break the law,” Schiff told CNN’s Don Lemon.
“We can make a referral, but of course, the Justice Department doesn’t sit around waiting for referrals from us, at least, they haven’t in the past. I hope they’re not simply waiting for us now,” he continued. “It’s their duty to follow the evidence and, if there are credible allegations of crime, to pursue them against anyone, including former presidents.”
If that shit was on fire, I’d cross the street and spit and piss at him – being sure to be far enough away not to risk dampening any flames.
I think we’re already at full banana republic.
I wonder How Andrew Jackson’s inauguration bash compares to the “mayhem” of Jan6.
What would Adam Schiff have said?
Nothing, Jackson would have beaten the Schiff out of him.
I’m pretty sure one good whack would snap his neck.
I’m thinking space will not improve and instead they will just use this to cram even more people in with the same “comfort” level as today.
Flying is going to be more expensive in the future. It may herald a return to the days of only the rich being able to do it.
That said, I still think the planes will be full of smelly schlubs.
That diagram is already showing less space, especially in the vital “right in front of my face” region.
You air travelers can have my space while I keep up my perfect record of not flying commercial. October of ’23 will be 40 years!
I was fine traveling on the air bus until after 9/11. Then it became onerous.
KCI’s curb-to-gate in 3 minutes design was rendered completely inoperable after the TSA got hold of it.
It’s weird. I still fly quite a bit and almost never experience any of these horror stories.
For me, it’s not the horror stories (although, I have a couple of them), it’s the average experience that is a big turnoff.
Gotta arrive an hour early in case TSA is bogged down, which means leaving the house 2 hours ahead of the flight in case there is a backup at the airport entrance. If, as happens 75% of the time, you breeze through, you’re now an hour early for your flight and get to twiddle your thumbs at the gate.
Its one thing to travel business. I have a system, I can carry on everything I need, I can get through TSA at a brisk walk without even missing a step.
It’s a completely different experience with a wife and two small kids. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to reassemble after the gorillas are done snorting the baby formula and digging through the toys and games and other flight entertainment stuff.
Then, it’s about plunking myself into a too-small seat and not moving for the next three hours.
I’m possibly speaking at a conference this fall in LA and I’m seriously considering driving.
Right. Same for me–not the horror stories but the slog. I hate the slog. As I mentioned above, my door-to-door time for direct flights is actually comparable in my own airplane. If there’s a connecting flight, it’s usually not even close–I can beat the airlines. I happen to live quite close to my airport, though, so my time to get in the air is less than if I lived a significant distance from the hangar.
Plus the seats are way more comfortable, I can snack anytime I want, and the view is simply amazing. Looking out the front is way better than having a shitty little porthole that you have to crane your neck to see out of.
So jealous! I’ve always wanted my own plane
The last time I flew commercial was a coach flight from JFK to AMS (Schiphol, Amsterdam) in 2006. It was so miserable, I vowed to never fly commercial again. I’ll work my across on a tramp steamer before I climb aboard a transoceanic commercial flight.
Pre 9/11, I used to commute several times a week by plane.
After 9/11, it became a nightmare to do so. In fact, I’m not inclined to go near an airport unless I really have to. Flying sucks.
My opinion is the same. I prefer driving my own car and adding some travel time. Screw air travel. Screw searching my luggage, screw wearing a mask, screw sitting in a seat designed for a 10 year old.
People who fly infrequently make their experiences worse.
Or, they’re not desensitized.
The Verge reported Thursday that the open letter shared in the company’s internal chat room said Musk’s “behavior in the public sphere is a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment for us.”
The letter, posted by the Verge, argues that Musk’s public-facing persona undermines the work that SpaceX employees have done to “make the company a more inclusive space” and violates the company’s so-called “no asshole” and “zero tolerance” policies.
They still cash the checks, though.
“The US pinky swore that they aren’t going to violate Assange’s human rights, so we’re going to extradite him.”
Malice interviewed Marc Andreessen
It’s an excellent discussion. I’ve been on the other side of the table and really wish I had heard this guy 25 years ago.
I enjoyed that discussion too, even though the only thing I know about VCs comes from viewing the Mike Judge show “Silicon Valley.”
His thoughts about thinking too small really hit home to me. Also the discussion of partners and how often things go sideways. The old cliche that a partnership is just a delayed divorce is sadly accurate.
That was an interesting thought. I liked the discussion about the discrepancy between what you’re supposed to believe and what you’re not supposed to say vs what you’re not supposed to believe and what you’re supposed to say.
We gladly welcome knowledgeable and productive people into our enterprise
At least five employees were fired by private rocket company SpaceX after drafting and circulating an open letter criticizing founder Elon Musk and calling on executives at the start-up to make the company’s work culture more inclusive, according to two people familiar with the matter.
SpaceX did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.
The New York Times reported on Thursday that SpaceX had fired employees associated with the letter, citing three employees with knowledge of the situation.
It had not detailed the number of employees who had been terminated.
SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell sent an email saying the company had investigated and “terminated a number of employees involved” with the letter, the New York Times said.
Work more. Politic less.
A bonus daily ray of sunshine.
Lach, if you’re around, Redgard is a waterproofing membrane you paint on backerboard to waterproof it before placing tiles. Water permeates through the grout, hits the Redgard, and comes back out rather than sitting around in the backerboard or moving to the studs. Hardieboard started selling a version with the Redgard already applied for just a few bucks more but it’s only available at HD.
I acted as the GC and electrician for the home renovation but was happy to hire out the carpentry, drywall, and tiling. I can do enough of the latter to get by, but not close to professional looking. There’s a couple guys down the road who have been working on homes in the grey market for 20 years. I got great work at a really good price and they got cash in hand each week with no overhead to support beyond their own tools. The free market is a wonderful thing.
The earlier open letter to SpaceX executives seen by Reuters had called Musk a “distraction and embarrassment” to the company he founded.
In a list of three demands, the letter said: “SpaceX must swiftly and explicitly separate itself from Elon’s personal brand.”
It added: “Hold all leadership equally accountable to making SpaceX a great place to work for everyone” and “define and uniformly respond to all forms of unacceptable behavior”.
“Your offer of resignation has been accepted. Good luck in your future endeavors.”
My feelings of pride in my son for striking out on his own so soon have given way to OMG OMG OMG my baby’s gonna be gone! What if something goes WROOOOONNNNGGGG?!?!
My stress, she has not abated.
I don’t think you’ll ever fully get past the concern, but with a longer track record of fending for themselves, you’ll grow more accustomed to the circumstance.
Mind you, my only experience in this matter is as the child moving out. But that’s what my observations of others has led me to understand.
Just remember: he still knows where you live.
I told him if he got in trouble, we weren’t bailing him out. If he ran out of money, we weren’t sending him any. If he wanted to come home, we would come get him.
I did not know you are my ex-wife, who’s baby is 33 and getting married this year. And no, she still feels the same as you feel in this moment.
Well, he’s younger than normal to be moving out, but he seems to be relatively savvy about things. He has an apartment, utilities, and a job transfer lined up. Dotted his Ts and crossed his I’s, so…
Younger than 40?
Who waits that long?
*checks XY’s birth certificate*
Yeah, just trying to say you are a perfectly normal mother.
I know everybody goes through this eventually and I’m not special, but it’s a little sick feeling in the pit of your belly at all the things that could go wrong, did go wrong for ME, and DIDN’T go wrong for ME, but what COULD HAVE gone wrong for ME. I drove my guardian angel to drink.
I drove my guardian angel to drink.
Drinking with an Angel.
Your guardian angel isn’t Mormon? How does that work?
That’s…the joke.
I love this video and the kids are so wholesome it hurts. Also, this bitter atheist has his heart warmed by the line “We’re Christians like we’ve always been. But if you’re not, we’re still your friends.” It gives me the chills every time I hear it.
LOL I remember that one and it is soooooooo true. I got flashbacks.
Try this one.
Thanks L0b0t and Mo.. those were fun.
An ominous warning from Russia’s state-backed energy giant Gazprom has stoked fears of another turbulent winter for European gas supplies.
As a pre-summer heatwave hits western Europe this week, policymakers in the region are scrambling to fill underground storage with natural gas supplies to provide households with enough fuel to keep the lights on and homes warm before the cold returns.
Fears of a severe winter gas shortage are driven by the risk of a full supply disruption to the EU — which receives roughly 40% of its gas via Russian pipelines. The bloc is trying to rapidly reduce its reliance on Russian hydrocarbons in response to the Kremlin’s nearly four-month-long onslaught in Ukraine.
The worry for many is just how dependable Russian gas flows are to Europe as the conflict continues and as economic sanctions bite. Indeed, Moscow has already cut gas supplies to Finland, Poland, Bulgaria Denmark’s Orsted, Dutch firm Gasterra and energy giant Shell for its German contracts, all over a gas-for-rubles payment dispute.
More recently, Russia’s Gazprom opted to further limit supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, and reduced flows to Italy.
Gazprom on Wednesday cited a technical problem for the supply cut, saying the problem stemmed from the delayed return of equipment serviced by Germany’s Siemens Energy in Canada. Austria and Slovakia have also reported supply reductions from Russia.
I thought they didn’t want any of that tainted Russian gas, anyway.
“Or we could start delivering lots of gas via Nord Stream 2. Wink wink”
Why the Bee is truly funny – because they’ll have some fun with their own core audience.
What’s more, in fiery comments likely to have sent alarm bells ringing throughout the bloc, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said Thursday that Russia will play by its own rules after the firm halved supplies to Germany.
“Our product, our rules. We don’t play by rules we didn’t create,” Miller said during a panel session at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to The Moscow Times.
“You steal my yacht? Enjoy winter.”
Do you think the red flag laws will be the tipping point?
No. Despite the shellacking, the Brady Bill was never repealed. If there hadn’t been a sunset clause or the gun grabbers were in power at the time of the renewal, we’d still have the assault weapons ban.
Do you think the red flag laws will be the tipping point?
*dials tip line*
Daily Quordle 144
UR is asshoe.
Seems legit.
“Over the long run we can remove the pain of volatile gas prices, and reduce transportation emissions by putting more zero-emission cars on the road,” he said.
Biden set a goal of half of all passenger cars sold in the United States to be “zero emissions” by the year 2030.
“The good news is that climate security and energy security go hand in hand,” he said.
But the president also boasted he had coordinated the “largest release of global oil reserves in history” to help reduce gas prices.
“The critical point is that these actions are part of our transition to a clean and secure and long-term energy future,” he said.
Narrator: This is only going to happen if you dramatically reduce the number of cars sold. And if the Chinese strip mines don’t run out of minerals.
He’s leaving out the massive expansion of the electric grid/capacity to keep charging those vehicles. CA is going to demonstrate that folly this summer.
Yep. He never, ever mentions this. Our grid in America is already stressed. Nobody is building any new plants. The goal should be to double our energy production via nuclear power by 2030 and let the states work together to harden our grid. Then start thinking about transportation options, using the creativity of the private sector. Also the complete insistence on electric cars is stupid, pig headed. Hydrogen is a very viable option. We have at least 100 years of oil here in the states – use it, and make a proper transition to something else, led by the boundless inventiveness of individuals.
But no, dumbasses are dumbasses. The government can only use illegitimate force. Where in the constitution does it say the government can run our economy like this? Where does it say these puckered anuses can even demand we drive electric cars?
In the 1960s through early 1990s, the standard for North American electric grids was to have a minimum of 11% excess capacity (generation) available at all times. This included a few % as “spinning reserve,” meaning generators that were already turning and online, but not producing at 100% capacity, so they could be ramped up to cover for suddenly increased demand or unexpected outages of other generators.
Then in the 1990s-2010s, the standards were reduced to around 8% excess capacity, and the spinning reserve threshold tightened a bit (I don’t have numbers for that).
Not only do we not have enough generators available to meet the increased demand from large scale electric vehicle charging, we also do not have the transmission/distribution infrastructure installed. Remember the gigantic power outage of 2003 in the northeast? That was due to transmission lines failing and not enough excess capacity being installed. Some more transmission has been installed since then, but not nearly enough for EV charging–mainly just enough to reduce the threat of a repeat of 2003.
So a big flaw in our entire system is the transmission, since it is so damn lossy. We need a lot of decentralized generation, which means each ‘sub-grid’ needs more excess capacity.
We are going to need a lot more coal to power these cars.
Did he say that while begging for oil in Saudi Arabia?
Like when you tie two guy’s hands together before they fight with knives?
It’s laughable. 2030 will roll around and this “goal” will have been quietly forgotten but not before having thrown a few trillion dollars out the window at it.
Bought a few machinist’s jacks and this “warranty” card was in the each box. It’s some top-shelf Chinglish so I thought I’d share:
Meanwhile, In Italy.
By the hair – outstanding!
Yes, that made me chuckle.
I love how the protestors get dragged and continue just sitting. Almost as if they are in shock.
Makes you want to carry cuffs so you can hook them to the guardrail.
Big zip ties.
Nail gun. Those posts are stout.
In fairness, isn’t that the same thing as the Ottawa trucker protest? When is blocking roads okay and when is it not?
Nope. Truckers were careful to make sure normies could do their thing.
I think the border one comes close…they did shut down some traffic but eventually let it through.
They were blocking traffic with tractors and trucks at the border station on I29.
Two-and-a-half hours into my workday, and so far (knock wood) no unwelcome officemates in the form of ants. Thought I was in the clear after our bug guy sprayed outside my windows Wednesday, but late yesterday afternoon I turned around to discover an ant extravaganza at their favorite entryway. [TW: zoomed in, so looking larger than life.] https://i.imgur.com/nCbuj3C.jpeg
Winged ants make me extra nervous because I immediately have to wonder “Ant … or termite?” Presumably your bug guy would know if you pointed them out to him.
Austin leaders approved using eminent domain to take over and shut down the south terminal at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
Simply put, eminent domain is the right of a government to take private property for public use.
Currently, the terminal is privately owned. But City officials approved using eminent domain to shut the terminal down so that more gates can be added to the main Barbara Jordan Terminal.
The company that operates the south terminal, Lonestar Airport Holdings, is urged the council to vote against closing it. The City previously offered to take over operation of the terminal, but the company refused the $1.95 million offer, calling it “offensive.”
“Closure of the South Terminal will kill ultra-low-cost carrier service from Austin, challenged by higher operating fees and inadequate capacity at the main terminal. Options for price sensitive travelers will disappear in our market,” said Jeff Pearse, CEO of LoneStar Airport Holdings. “The airport’s pursuit of eminent domain ignores the 40-year lease obligation to LoneStar and will result in years of expensive, time-consuming litigation, delaying expansion plans even further and sending a signal to every business in Austin that making major investments alongside the city is a dangerous bet. This isn’t eminent domain. It is the taking of a business.”
According to the council’s Thursday agenda, it approved a resolution “authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings and payment to acquire the property interest needed for the Airport Expansion and Development Program” to accommodate the relocation of airport taxiways.
Nanny knows best.
Indeed simply put indeed but it is more of an ability than a right.
Oh and this is stemming from the massive 5 billion Airport Improvements monies that were given to the FAA, which means meaningless build it just cause projects will be like the Obama days of tearing up roads just cause we got money from Daddy Sugar.
Public use is shutting something down? Well, not giving is taking so I guess it makes sense.
Facebook just informed me I’m not the only person to have teethed a child on chicken gizzards. Apparently this is A Thing in the South.
I used to use my knuckle until the teeth started to break through..then moved on to other items
Biden set a goal of half of all passenger cars sold in the United States to be “zero emissions” by the year 2030.
And nobody laughed out loud? Nobody asked that doddering old fool to define “zero emissions”?
We’re fucked.
Nah, we’ll just push these as a solution. You’ll just need to purchase one for any other car you buy.
That might help
Nice. Thanks!
T-35 minutes
Wonder if NASA will continue to go to Astra since they botched a launch with a pretty expensive payload.
Also, 13th mission for the booster. Fantastic.
I watched part of “Is Paris Burning?” the other night. In one of the scenes in occupied Paris, there is a “taxi” made by cutting off part of the passenger compartment of an automobile and converting it to be drawn by a horse. The driver was on a scaffold at the rear, much like a hansom cab.
Behold our glorious emission free future!
Good news, everyone!
For consumers in search of an affordable new car, there’s little relief on the horizon.
The monthly costs to finance a vehicle purchase have hit record highs. Consumers face monthly payments averaging $656 for a new car, financed at 5.1% over 70.5 months, according to May data from Edmunds.com. For used cars, the average monthly payment is $546, with an average rate of 8.2% and loan length of 70.8 months.
It’s likely to get even pricier. With the Federal Reserve boosting a key interest rate by 0.75 percentage points on Wednesday, borrowing costs are poised to head higher on a variety of consumer loans — including those for autos. Coupled with elevated prices for both new and used cars and limited inventory due to supply-chain challenges, the market isn’t expected to improve anytime soon.
Praise Brandon. Praise Him! We’ll get those pollution-belching deathtraps off the road, by hook or by crook.
Adjust your expectations accordingly.
This is why I just dropped 2k into a vehicle with 235k miles on it…
70+ months?
I bought in 2018, and even after paying it off on a 0.9%, I’ll still have 1 year of full warranty left.
Yeah; my payment is only $305 for 60 months on a 2017 Equinox bought in January 2021.
“Red flag laws allow us to take action when someone who has a gun begins to act erratically.
Red flag laws still require due process, and any removal of weapons is temporary.
Graphic on how red flag laws work to prevent mass shootings”
Cryptic messages? If they are trying to convince people to support Red Flag laws that graphic sucks.
There is no due process, that is a lie. The mechanism they want is the same as for civil asset forfeiture: the items/assets are seized first and the dispossessed individual, who is considered ancillary to this legal process, must petition for their recovery after the fact.
But there is a judge that said okay! Due Process met! /AmericanIdiots
The due process involves proving your innocence a year or so later, you see.
It’s as much due process as Obama gave the US citizens who he droned… none.
I am trying to plan a vacation around SP’s celebration of life. Are we planning on sitting around the next day shooting the breeze, helping OMWC and WebDom? What?
From what I know, some people are planning on heading back Sunday (the girlfriend and myself included probably leaving early afternoon), others are planning on heading home later.
I’ll have to drive back to SW OH on the 31st, because I really kinda need to be at work on the 1st for payroll AND month-end reports. ☹️
That is almost the literal definition of a bad person
More like lazy and dishonest.
Inexperience? Nobody taught them that making shit up and presenting it as factual news was not ethical?
::turns on CNN::
Oh, never mind.
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Microsoft has decided that what my Windows taskbar needs is a Gay Pride rainbow banner. I right-clicked to see if I could turn it off, but it offered up only more types of Pride banners, a link to Gay Pride events, and an option for Juneteenth.
I set my option to “Hide Taskbar in Desktop Mode”.
I have no problem with whatever consenting adults want to do in their private lives, but I sure as shit don’t need Microsoft telling me what I am supposed to celebrate today.
It’s time to switch to Linux.
How does Microsoft get hold of your computer to do that?
I turned on my PC today and it told me that it was 30% through updates and I had to wait.
Windows now tries to fool you into thinking you have to ‘log in’ to a Microsoft account in order to do anything. So far i have stubbornly managed to avoid it, but I suppose that by using Windows at all I have given them a foothold on my computer.
I am sick to death of it all. Bill Gates can kiss my ass. I will miss the uniformity of windows among my circle of friends who share documents and such, but I am DONE with bill gates and his agenda.
Linux, here I come.
I don’t have that on my taskbar.
or, Not Gay. Maybe they think I need more programming.
Here’s the screenshot.
Ah, hide the Search Box
Oh, the Bing / Cortana search area. That dies as soon as I can manage it — don’t need the web searching when I want local files, don’t trust their indexing — and don’t want crap like this.
Yep. That is the very first thing I turn off on any new MS computer.
I didn’t know it was optional!! I will have to search it.
Right click on the Task bar -> Search -> Hidden
Wait…did a joke just fly over my head?
Mine’s plain jane and no flag stories.
Your PC just came out of the closet, imo.
+10 social credit points for clicking on each one
I’m sure you’re right, despite it being a joke.
Right!?! That would not be surprising.
And yes, I’m a Luddite who puts tape over the PC camera.
I even have a cell phone on which I’ve physically disabled the camera and microphone (a certain well-known US expat showed how on YouTube). I plug in a small external Mike when I need to call somebody. It’s pretty much a retro iPod at this point.
Today sucked
Daily Quordle 144