Notice the poster was already set, Ferlin is the lead, then down below in the pictures Merle Haggard has been hastily added. “He’s makin’ hits, boys!”
Professor R.J. here with some more trivia. What has Merle Haggard, Ferlin Husky, John Carradine, Lon Chaney Jr. and Basil Rathbone all in one movie? This one. And you may be asking yourself, why have I never heard of this thing? How could a film with such an ensemble cast be missed? The answer is, sadly, it is not missed. It is forgotten. This film was listed in several databases as one of the 50 worst movies of all time, which is a little harsh. Now I do agree that one should not attempt to watch this seriously. This is a movie to put on at parties in the background. Is there a plot? Loosely. Is the movie actually about an hour long, then it turns into a country western / hillbilly jamboree? Yes it does.
So why was this made, other than as a cash grab? I believe it was supposed to be a vehicle to popularize Ferlin Husky and country music in general. The idea was good. Get an all-star cast, hire the guy who wrote Abbott and Costello movies, borrow some spooky sets and surely you have a hit! Even the car is a star in this film! It is a legendary car made for Webb Pierce called the “Silver Dollar.” You will clearly see the guns glued all over the car – but I don’t think there is a clear shot of the interior, which is lined with silver dollars*. The car currently resides at the Nashville Country Music Hall of Fame should you ever wish to see it.
“Who the Hell is Ferlin Husky?” some of you heathens might be saying. “Why isn’t Merle Haggard the lead?” This movie was made in 1967 – Merle had just three albums to his name when this was made. Ferlin, on the other hand, had eighteen albums! He had a greatest hits compilation already! And he was working on a Christmas album! I will say, all three of Merle’s albums at the time charted higher that any of Ferlin’s albums to that point. This accounts for Merle’s inclusion in the jamboree.
So enjoy this film for what it should be – a silly romp and a historical perspective on the country music scene in the 1960’s. Chances are you have never seen this, and may never see it again. It’s a piece of lost rockabilly culture.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, a surprise kung fu film – Shaolin Vs. Evil Dead!
*If you follow that link the video calls it the “Nudie Cadillac.” Nudie was a famous maker of western wear, it is not used as an adjective to describe the Cadillac here.
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*hits play*
TCM has run this on multiple occasions; the guy I know who keeps the database says the last time was July 2019.
The “cream” song is one of the oddest unintentional songs I have heard in a movie. Does TCM mention it?
Pointy Civil War bra?
Those are the best. Q has a theme for tonight now.
Geez, just stopped working
If Bruce Campbell isn’t in it, it’s not an Evil Dead movie. Sounds like a cheap Chinese knockoff.
Next week? Yes absolutely it is a brazen name steal. And it had nothing at all to do with the Evil Dead series. The original Chinese name was a rough translation of “Shaolin vs Hopping Dead.” An American distributor re named it
Oh no, not the hopping vampires again.
I promise it will be better this time. Just like communism!
I’m in.
RJ says that everything is voluntary, but for me, there is nothing voluntary about Firsting. It is a compulsion. A basic necessity and fact of life. For me, Firsting is a human right guaranteed by The Great Firster.
Indeed. First all over this post.
Nina Blackwood played one of Milli Vanilli’s songs and said afterward it was part of Black Music Appreciation Month
Technically it’s still African American Music Appreciation Month since Barry changed it in the last newspeak.
So why was this made, other than as a cash grab?
Ten bucks is ten bucks.
Is that John Waters?
Apparently, not.
While Feeling Husky caught my attention, I’m sold with Basil Rathbone.
I’m compelled to pronounce ‘Basil’ just like the great Vincent Price did when he provided the voice for Professor Ratigan in The Great Mouse Detective.
Edit: Ferlin [cursing redacted]
“Feeling Husky” is a great disco era song name.
*disco bets starts
“Ooooh baby, ooooh baby
I’m feeling husky, feeling husky
untz untz untz untz
I have a feeling that “untz untz untz untz” will be soon joining the lexicon of inside jokes among the Glibertariat.
I can even imagine it replacing the “Fuck off, Tulpa.” Imagine some poor bewildered soul who stumbles upon this site and decides to have a look-see. He introduces himself, and to his astonishment, he’s surrounded by twenty or so sweaty middle-aged dudes (virtually) thrusting their pelvises at him, Night at the Roxbury-style, while murmuring “Untz! Untz! Untz! One of us, one of us!”
Unztil then, enjoy.
Kitties puking to techno is literally what the internet was made for.
*double-checks that my camera is covered*
I’ve always preferred boots-and-pants
That was 5 seconds of my life I’ll never get back.
You are correct, Sir!
*starts dancing just like the Disco Inferno.
Well, don’t leave us hanging.
Best Basil.
Moar Basil (and some Errol Flynn as well).
Great stunt work! Those falls… OW!
I was expecting this from you.
A solid contender
I don’t know which is more disturbing, her hair or her bewbs.
Sadly she became anorexic and then died of cancer in the 1970s, I believe.
“Joi Lansing was born Joyce Renee Brown on April 6, 1929 in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was a young lady who developed early, physically, as a teen. Because of her striking good looks, she began modeling and was extremely successful throughout the 1940s. It was only natural her physical assets eventually landed her on the silver screen.”
We called them “torpedos” back in day.
Well that was a movie I would have never seen otherwise.
Needed more movie, and less singing.
Also, the blonde should have taken her top off. Because America.
Next week will be all movie. No singing.
Thanks RJ 🙂
Thanks for coming !
*salutes the flag*
“COLOR by DeLuxe” sold me! I mean if it’s DeLuxe it’s gotta be better than good!
I’m on vacay in FLA. Tiny VRBO with one TV. I’m annoying my dear sweet wife with this.
They just got to the house.
Wife: “Someone wrote this. Someone approved this. Some one filmed this!.”
Me: “Yup.”
That would explain “Santa Clause vs The Martians” too.
That looks even worse.
Okay, the shoot out scene made my left eyelid twitch. Either that or it was the tumble I took last night. Got a goose-egg on the back of my noggin about 2×3 inches. I’d judge it about a tenth of an Evan but still worrisome. It’s just one fucking thing after another lately. Gonna start Festus Safeing all the hallways and corners.
It is perfectly acceptable to take out your frustrations on the seconders. It is what they exist for.
My home shall be festooned with pool noodles. It’s either that or start wearing a hockey helmet like one of the short bus kids.
If workers compensation claims exist in Canada, then file one.
Large kudos to web-dom for making us whole once again! I’m utterly lost without my daily fix of inanity and insanity. I’d throw some dollahs your way but I’m in a tight spot right now.
Nude pics are an acceptable substitute.
There is a reason that I am removing all the mirrors.
RJ, the Auquabats are going to be playing in my area next month. But It’ll be a work night for me.
Also, where is my Robot Ninja?!
That was it! Robot Ninja! I shall do that after the hopping vampire film.
Harris Faulkner makes my tingly bits itchy but good heavens, she looks like a praying mantis.
I can’t decide if she’s pretty or not…something weird going on there.
Emily Compagno is my jam! The foxiest of all the Fox News foxes.
She is a very nice woman. She was the local talking head here for a while and when I was in college, she came to my journalism class to speak.
Oh great, now I need to rub one out!
Did that manager steal your retirement gift? If you can get one of your coworkers to confirm that it was a collection for you I’d totally get his ass canned.
Do not look up ‘poop noodles’ on the Urban Dictionary.
You might be thinking to yourself,’Self, it can’t be that bad. What could possibly go wrong?’.
Just don’t.
I… I should have listened… That’s one of the most disgusting things that I just now know exist. I feel dirty having read about it.
I grew up before queefing became mainstream. My buddies and I would make jokes about that phenonema before it gained a name. We called it “Frip Frap Frop!”
Degeneracy for degeneracy’s sake: Exhibit A for why they hate us.
Daily Quordle 130
I am a bottom left.
Daily Quordle 130
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Quordle is asshoe.
Aye. Was an appropriate choice.
Daily Quordle 130
Two days into retirement mode. This is not looking good. I needed a reason to keep on keeping on. Now it’s gonna be a slow spiral into despair and ultimate destruction. I’m going to fall again tonight, guaranteed. Stupid brain! Should have been stronger!
Sup Festus!
Hey, you say you aren’t allowed to cross the border; but hows about you go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls when the Gathering of Glibalos happens for SP’s memorial, and some of us might cross over and meet you?
Mornin y’all.
Time to get ready for work.
Later, glibs
Fuck you Joe. Fuck your wife. Fuck your dead kid. Fuck your deviant kid.
Ah, it was just an impotent rant then, intended to motivate the left for the midterms and little more. Not great but about as good as can reasonably be hoped for.
Mrs. Patzer is coming around. As soon as that shitstain started speaking, she yelled “TURN THAT OFF!!!”
I suspect there is a lot of that across America.
Didn’t even turn it on. Watched a show about the Battle of Gettysburg instead. Figured watching Civil War carnage was more uplifting than anything he’d have to say.
Came on right after Jeopardy! Turned off the tube and washed the dishes, probably the first time Sleepy Joe put anyone to work.
I think Pornhub has a solution to this.
White people be weird.
Shocked, I am.
Perfect. ?
Daily Quordle 130
I missed this post last night. A friend’s flight was cancelled and I went to go get him from the airport. I’ll watch the movie later today.
Time to head to the gym.
Good morning, Tulip, Stinky, and/or whoever may be lurking. (Looks as if everyone else has headed out to work or the gym.) Taking today off work to do our bit as part of a community garage sale! At first, I thought it was just our township, but I guess they’re going on all over the place. Haven’t ever really done one of these before, so I hope we do it half-assed right. At least trash day is delayed a day due to the holiday, so whatever we don’t feel like hauling back inside to put out again tomorrow can just go to the curb.
I’d love to participate, but I have nowhere to put a garage if I bought one.
::ponders potential options:: On the roof?
On the roof!
Less flood-prone than elsewhere.
I wouldn’t be able to get my car in there.
Well, I can’t get my car in there either. ?
There were a few times when I had fanciful thoughts of adding a second floor to my house and converting the front half of the current house to a garage (there’s only a crawlspace under half of the house instead of a basement). But I always realize it would just be cheaper and less hassle to buy a different property with more land.
I’m sure your plan could have been accomplished…but you’re right, especially about the “less hassle” part.
Given the 5 foot gap between my house and the apartment building next door, raising my house a full story would block a number of windows who currently get sunlight, so the landlord or a current tenant might fight it on that alone.
Speaking of, they finally mowed their lawn and cleaned out the junk from the alley. I also suspect that several of the tenants moved out. I’ve not seen the dog in the yard for weeks (used to bark at me daily) and it’s been quieter in general.
Mornin’, reprobates.
Haven’t ever really done one of these before, so I hope we do it half-assed right.
I’m sure you’ll do better than that GT. Anyhow, garage sales are great even if you don’t sell anything. You meet the weirdest people there, kind of like glibs minus the internet.
Thanks for the vote of confidence! ? I’m not entirely sure I want to meet the weirdest people without the safe barrier of the internet between us. ?
I love yard sales and thrift shops. When you only pay a little, you can paint freely, etc.
I bought the ugliest suitcase from a thrift store on the premise that no one would be inclined to steal that one. It’s an ‘early 1980s plaid coarse-weave couch fabric’ style.
It’s probably the only thrift store purchase I can actively recall making.
Have I got a movie for you! Plaid suitcases are the MacGuffin. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069495/mediaviewer/rm3603818753
Oh, those ones are red. Mine is brown.
Eh, tomahto.
Potato, tomato, it’s all nightshade. Trying to put potato sauce on tomato gnocchi is a real pain though.
Stop making me hungry, dammit. ? ?
Back to Chumptown.
Daily Quordle 130
I managed to eke it out.
Daily Quordle 130
Top right was my bane.
Daily Quordle 130
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Our resident fox is earning his keep, just ran across the front lawn with a tasty chipmunk in his jaws. Free pest control.
Used to see chipmunks all the time around here – so much so that it was as if they had us under surveillance. Now, not a sign of them. Probably too many outdoor cats around.??
We had a bumper crop of hickory nuts last year, so plenty of critters this year. They will not be so lucky next year, the hickories are looking unproductive.
Lily is apparently too slow to catch chipmunks and squirrels. They have decided it’s OK to stay in my yard.
Today in head-scratchers.
On Tuesday my manager informed us that he would be taking a thre month unpaid leave of absence to “recharge his batteries”. Burnt out from the events of the past two years, he is.
I’m currently assigned to a different project, so this doesn’t really affect me from a functional standpoint, but I have no idea who I report to administratively. Maybe nobody?
Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy, but if the organization can function without you for three months, what does that say?
I’ve gone through a multitude of supervisors (two are leaving state service this month) the usual approach here is that you now report to whoever they reported to, unless an interim manager is appointed. I would assume that they might handle such a sabbatical in the way they handle a maternity leave event. And sometimes an extended absense does clarify the value, or lack thereof, to the organization the individual represents.
“you now report to whoever they reported to”
That’s one possibility. Or maybe I’ll be reporting to my functional manager. As long as they keep paying me I don’t care.
You want it more loose?
Oh, wait, you want to see the loo. It’s down the hall, past the stairs.
“You picked a fine time to leave me, looo-seeer”
Even New Yorkers are fed up with vax mandates.
Chelsea is a tourist spot?
The mornings are to die for!
“The shooting occurred about a block from the city’s popular High Line tourist attraction.”
Rail trail… it’s pretty popular.
Ah, right. Occurred to me belatedly. Haven’t been in an age (and sadly not likely to, the way things are going in Manhattan).