Probably. Mostly.
To our Valued Contributors….I have been struggling with WordPress lately, so scheduling of this week has been a bit of a thing. I am pretty sure things will drop properly, but if not – it is my fault.
That being said, let us look at what is in store for us this week.
Monday – Next week we still have more of Animal’s story. ’nuff said. This evening, Tulip talks through “Making Do”.
Tuesday – BLC runs into the cops….again. Later, whiz hits us with more Quordle.
Wednesday – Keeping the day on theme, we have Sugarfree first, then CPRM has a Hat n’ Hair for us.
Thursday – whiz returns with baseball. Glibflick …. Robot Ninja. Yes, Robot Ninja.
Friday – The Daily Stoic brings us coping skills. Tulip returns with fountain knowledge.
Weekends rock on with Links, Features, IFLA and Glibfit!
Um…the cupboard is getting bare here, so get those thoughts down in pixels and submit them! If not, it will end up being non-stop STEVE SMITH life advice columns. By advice columns, mean…
Anyway, here are some links:
I don’t do music links very often, but we need some happy music after those links.
The comment section is open and yours.
Imma let you finish Swiss, but SCOTUS’s decision is the best of all time, ALL TIME
We used to hang people who did things like that (unless they served a useful purpose). So I guess things really haven’t changed.
This part is especially galling. There will be no accountability for the Feds on any level until it comes riding in on a river of bloodshed. To believe anything else is just insanity.
Yup. We’ve gone way too lax on what is a “state secret” or “method”, and I’m pretty sure tearing down the entire intel community and salting the earth is the only answer.
Oh… they cry — but how will we engage in operations around the world? Benefit, not defect. Maybe we’ll break a few entangling alliances while we’re at it.
They hide everything… everything…
And then pretend that we have a democracy.
So, Holder lied to the court about the reason the feds fought so hard to disclose the info, and then nothing else happened?
That’s all they do. It’s all they know how to do.
Land of the free.
“And so it begins” … “No one here is exactly what he appears.”
“We are here to place President Clarke under arrest.”
Sorry — between Swiss’s “So it begins” and torture — had to go there.
Imagine the damage a president could do to the deep state by declassifying things like this.
Isn’t the prevailing theory that JFK was imagining exactly that?
As President, it is the single most important thing they could do. It is also something that would get them killed almost immediately.
Imagine if a president would specifically campaign on destroying the deep state and then fail to do this? His followers would likely abandon him and make him a complete pariah.
Not just fail, fail spectacularly by hiring a bunch of people that oppose the idea vehemently.
Oh please, only a drooling idiot would do that and he’d never get elected.
That’s why you don’t make it a campaign promise. And you don’t wait for a second term to do this. You just fucking do it.
The ability to ‘just fucking do it’ is one that most of our executive leaders seem to be sorely lacking.
Gorsuch noted that the Supreme Court created the doctrine in a 1953 case in which the Pentagon claimed “state secrets” to cover up the details of an Air Force crash. Half a century later, the government declassified the official report of the crash. It contained no national-security secrets but instead detailed how gross negligence had caused the crash (which killed three people).
WWII killed the republic. Or if you prefer, what was left of it.
I wish I could argue your point, but I find I can not. So easy of an excuse — “We’re at war!” “There could be commies! *You* don’t support the commies, do you?” “The terrorists could win!”
Government incompetence is not an innate property of government, nor is it an accident, nor a mysterious occurrence, nor even the result of an external conspiracy. It is an intentional policy choice.
I’m not sure that’s always the case. “Cock-up before conspiracy” is an old adage for a reason, even if it appears in conflict with an Iron Law from time to time.
That sounds like a title for the next Hat and the Hair — or a Viagra ad featuring the FBI.
Opera Applause!
The real forgotten meaning behind the old malevolence vs. incompetence trope, is that both malevolence and incompetence should be dealt with the same way.
This is not a mere cock-up. It is not even a simple conspiracy to cover up a cock-up. It is an industrial scale process for covering up every cock-up.
Another one of legacies of the global war on terror, soon to be taken advantage of by the prosecutors of the newly commissioned domestic war on terror. Sorry Scruff, but you can’t sue us for torturing you for years at our secret black site, because the black site is, you know, secret. Better luck next time.
This is why you don’t use Axe body spray.
Obviously she needed Elephant Gun body spray instead…
I thought the reason you don’t use Axe body spray is because it attracts other people who use Axe body spray.
And that attracts the elephants.
I’m more afraid of the grease-bros who wear Axe body spray.
Hate Spray, the spray that hates.
I don’t understand how the elephant was not put down well before the funeral of the woman it trampled.
Might be illegal to harm them where she was killed.
Damn, I want to know what that woman did to piss off the elephant.
And I can picture the elephant turning and making an obscene gesture with its trunk before running off.
They sure did have a mammoth disagreement.
*narrows gaze*
Don’t get wooly with him!
See above comment for a reason?
I have a trunk full of elephant puns.
Just remember, Swiss never forgets.
True. I should be careful, lest I be taken to tusk.
Col. Hathi might agree. Discipline was a thing, you know.
We can trust you know to always carry some extra furs and skins in your travels with your trunk.
You know — because you pack-a-derm and all.
Dangit! I always get caught flat-footed when these pun fests start.
Well, don’t stamp your feet in anger!
Me too! Holy Fuck, it had to have been something.
Sure, Kevin, blame the woman for the elephant’s rage. You probably think Ukraine is responsible for their own invasion and that the woman who just didn’t know when to shut up who ended up with a black eye probably deserved it, too.
I’ll see if I can find time for an another anime article…
‘President Joe Biden, during a visit to Japan last month, appeared to break decades of US policy when, in response to a question, he said Washington would defend Taiwan militarily if it was attacked by China.
The White House has since insisted its policy of “strategic ambiguity” over whether or not it would intervene had not changed.’
I know it’s been said before, but thank God the adults are back in charge.
I know *I’m* really enjoying these master diplomats pushing us closer to a nuclear exchange than my Cold War upbringing ever did… Why should the 1950’s have all the fun?
I, for one, can’t wait for the nuclear fallout.
Who doesn’t want to take a $130k luxury car and strip the interior?
Tesla Model S Plaid sets quarter-mile record: 8.83 seconds at 161mph
Personally I’d spring for a roll cage. Many tracks won’t let you run that fast without one. Perhaps it is in the one that went down the track.
Wait… they really named a model the Plaid? As in “They’ve gone Plaid!” Elon’s really giving his critics the raspberry.
He should have named it the Trans-G.
There are also Monty Python easter eggs.
List of Easter eggs in Tesla products
One of my favorites is for the alarm
Cool link, Sensei. 😉
For that kind of money, I think I’d just find a Top Fuel team…
A wolf hybrid has been shot in Switzerland for the first time. Genetic tests have confirmed that an animal killed in March in the Rhine Valley in eastern Switzerland was the offspring of a wolf and a dog.
Hybrid wolves for 2022 should be fun.
Let me know when the monkeypox infected hybrid wolves come around.
Gotta look out for that wolfs
banepox.That’s how you get werewolves.
There wolf
What are we?
Werewolves, not Swearwolves
Didn’t some gun grabber quoted earlier today suggest folks get dogs instead of guns? Be careful what you ask for.
Hell, wolf-hybrids have been around in the States forever. Stupid people get a kick out of owning something that will eat your face if you piss it off.
This explains the whole Tiger King phenomenon a couple of years back.
I think the sanest person working at that zoo was the lady who got her arm mauled by a tiger and the doctors couldn’t save it. She was back at work the next week (without an arm)
A local botanical gardens director got a little too familiar with Florida Lizard some years back.
The question we all asked when assured that he would recover: “How soon before we can call him ‘Lefty?'”
Best thing about wolf hybrids is they use less gas than regular wolves.
Why are we not exploring the possibilities of cow farts?
Dog breeders have been deliberately creating Wolf/Dog hybrids for a while now, but it is unclear whether this animal was an escaped hybrid or whether a naturally occurring hybrid. Wolf-dog hybrids as pets are not a good idea; they are aggressive and require a lot of work. Sure, all domestic dogs are ultimately descended from wolves, but there are thousands of generations of breeding and selection between the adoption of the first orphaned wolf pup by humans and today.
They are notoriously unpredictable in their behavior.
I had a friend that had one. It absolutely hated bicycles and raged against bicyclists. It defended the backyard in a terrifying display, until some thief came and stole my bicycle one night. Asshoe wolf/dog let that happen without a snarl. It truly hated bicycles.
Of course it let that happen. It wanted to be rid of the foul machine.
FTA – “In order to protect species, it is important that hybrid animals are shot so that they cannot reproduce, the Office of Hunting and Fishing said at the time. Otherwise this could lead to long-term negative consequences for the wolf population.”
I figured they would be sterile.
What about mutant crayfish that have solved the male problem?
Mutant crayfish got rid of males, and its clones are taking over the world
Release the Cajuns!
Always cook (and drink) with a little white wine…
Not all hybrids are sterile. The genetic differences between dogs and wolves is pretty minimal; wolves being Canis lupus and dogs being Canis lupus familiaris.
See also Haldane’s Rule.
SCOTUS will soon rule on the case of a public school football coach who wants to pray on-field after games.
@GregBishopSI on Joe Kennedy, the machine backing him and the expected result: a win for Kennedy and an erosion of a bedrock of American democracy: https://trib.al/dqHaiok
1A is eroding American democracy?
Yeah, by getting in the way of the mob.
I don’t know what retarded argument is going to be put forth in that article (actually, I do – they’ll scream about separation of church and state because a football coaching praying by himself on the field isn’t clearly the establishment of an official religion), but the left has been claiming the 1A is dangerous to democracy going back to Obama’s years. It started with hate speech isn’t free speech and then evolved into claims that “misinformation” was a threat to democracy.
Don’t show this person the end of a soccer match full of Latinxers – they’ll have a stroke.
But, really, who doesn’t love a nice, refreshing Latinkzer cocktail after a long, hard match.
Latinkzer, the new vodka substitute.
Apparently in the United States we are governed not by the American Revolution but by the French Revolution.
The superpowers are locked in a growing war of words over the self-ruled, democratic island, which Beijing views as part of its territory awaiting reunification.
Just like those Jordanian tribes hunkering down in “refugee camps” have been awaiting their chance to push the Jews into the sea and reunite their homeland. I hope someone has told them (both groups) not to hold their breath.
Truth > Facts
Privately owned warships loaded with canister, you freaking morons. (Not you, RS — the writers of the tweet). If they’re cool with that, why the hell do you think a semi-auto would freak out the Founders?
It wouldn’t. The “arms” (i.e. instruments intended for fighting) is used deliberately but these tyrannical cuntes can’t/won’t accept that.
The Internet was invented in 1983, so the first amendment doesn’t apply to online speech.
Hey, wait a sec…
I’ve been seeing versions of this argument since Uvalde. I’m reminded of Bertrand Russell’s quote about philosophy being an unusually ingenious attempt to think fallaciously.
The mainstream left believes, and with good reason, that the government is theirs. Theirs by right, theirs by destiny, and theirs in fact. The desire to see the confiscation of civilian-owned firearms is a reflection of this belief. Remember this every time they talk about the government being fascist, racist, authoritarian, or any other unkind words: these are mop-up actions to clear out holdouts and remove resistance, but by and large pitched battles for institutions and strategic skinsuiting operations are already complete.
A very long and thorough rebuttal to that kind of bs.
The Buckwheat Zydeco song is good.
Re; the wolf hybrid.
The lodge I was staying out during our fishing trip had a very impressive old-school trophy room. It had a full-body elk mount with two full-body wolf mounts.
Ho. Lee. Crap. Those things are big.
Here is where we were. Sadly, no pics of the trophy room.
We’ve heard wolves howling a few times, always in winter. We’ve only seen one, when we were driving home from Wasilla just as it was getting dark. We had just come around a bend in the highway, saw this big critter standing on the side of the road. Mrs. Animal said “Oh, look, someone’s dog got ou… Oh hey that’s not a dog!”
You can’t mistake a wolf for a dog. Not with those long legs, huge paws, big head and the ruff of fur on their necks almost like a mane.
One of our neighbors, just to the north of us, told us the other day that back in March he found fresh tracks where seven wolves walked right past his sled-dog kennels and off to the borough land east of us.
I’ve seen coy-dogs here locally. One was like a coyote at 1.5x. GSD sized with coyote markings.
I saw a huge coyote in my backyard a few weeks ago. It looked like it was part Golden Retriever. I wonder now…
Bitches love the bad-boys.
Just for fun – another best-of 9-Hole videos. Henry is very funny and a great rifle shot. I loved Chinese Bob Ross.
“We do not support those who believe that the 2nd amendment gives them the right to buy assault weapons,” Sill wrote on the shop’s website. “If your beliefs are not in line with ours, we will not adopt a pet to you.”
The website says that their interviews for hopeful pet adopters takes about an hour. They require customers allow them into their home for a physical inspection.
“If you lie about being a NRA supporter, make no mistake, we will sue you for fraud. If you believe that it is our responsibility to protect ourselves in public places and arm ourselves with a gun–do not come to us to adopt a dog. We have a choice of who we work with,” Sill wrote. “Shelter Hope chooses to work with only like-minded humans.”
The adoption shelters are getting a little uppity.
It’s just this one. And she’s already getting pushback from previous donors that they will no longer fund her, which may be as much from people who realize this stance makes the organization toxic and ineffective, as from who disagree with her position. I see this as a sign of her decaying mental health.
This is also a private shelter, of which there are many, often small.
Woke people are hateful assholes, news at 11…
Their right and all — I’m kind of ranty on the topic because CA laws have pushed out everything but the shelters from what I can tell, so you have to deal with these sorts. I don’t mind the concept of interviews and all — but I have zero interest in some nosy busybody walking around my house deciding if I’m worthy of a pup. Full up on cats just now anyway (after the third decided I was a good sucker and plopped down in front of me in a parking lot and gave me the big kitten eyes so I’d take her home…).
So, they no longer allow private transfers of pets?
They do, but the pet stores have to only provide shelter pets. There are other laws I’m forgetting that they pushed to regulate breeders more — to the extent that as far as I can tell, they pushed them out of the state. At least for the hoi polloi — so you’re dealing with the shelters one way or another.
Here, the big chain stores (PetSmart, Petco) only provide shelter cats and dogs. I believe this is voluntary on the part of those stores, but may be driven by a national, uniform policy influenced by California law. They sell privately-sourced fish, reptiles, rodents, and birds.
I’m generally ok with the shelters. All my pets have come from shelters. After Late, Lamented cat died, I looked into getting a ragdoll cat because it would be essentially the same personality. Instead, I got Oscar for much less than a tenth of the cost. Very, very different personality, but I don’t regret it (much). Babs is a purebred greyhound, but came through a retired racing program.
A private foster/shelter wanted to make me submit to a whole battery of questions and a home inspection, and I noped right out. Went to PetSmart and they were only too happy to let me adopt two adorable kittens. It was February, so black cats were back on the adoption list (since nobody adopts out black cats around Halloweenie).
I guess that shelter never handles any hunting breeds.
I’d love to have another good gun dog one day, but you don’t get dogs like that from a shelter. I figure on (if I do it) spending 2-3 grand on a pup from a reputable field dog breeder with a good reputation and references.
We’ve been going back and forth on whether we want a purebred puppy or a rescue. I figure this is my last puppy to train – and I have always had herders – but god damn are there a lot of nice dogs out there at shelters.
Tough call.
Pretty sure they don’t allow assault weapons in California.
Wow… when even a judge says prosecutors are f’ing up….
Loudon county again. Remind me to never visit there.
More of this, please.
Biberaj is a Soros pet. She’s vehemently political and has assisted going after parents who protested the Loudoun school boards.
“The prosecutor’s office, which is led by Buta Biberaj, seems to have misled the court, omitting key details about the suspect including past criminal history. Valle appears to have gone on a burglary spree lasting ten days and spanned over four different Virginia counties”
When you are a commie prosecutor who doesn’t believe in private property, this is the sort of thing you do.
Truth. To. Power.
“My friends, the sky is literally on the verge of falling in the next week or two and that’s why we are here today,” Hochul said in reference to the upcoming Supreme Court ruling.
“The right to control our own bodies is supposed to be settled by now, or so we thought,” she added.
The legislation is intended “to immediately protect abortion access and reproductive rights,” according to Hochul.
“This is my message to those who are trying to take away the fundamental right to an abortion: Not here. Not now. Not ever,” Hochul said in a Twitter post.
It’s almost like muh-bortions would just become a state issue.
Is it wrong that now I’m hoping to hear: Balance RESTORED! ?
That’s great!
I wonder if he works with Captain Hindsight?
I wonder what his Glibs handle is…
I can’t wait to open my wallet to pay for more of them.
It’s not just you: Tampons are harder to find — and pricier
Those silly menstruators.
Lol, trying so hard to have it both ways.
While I am well aware that the “baby formula shortage” is a government-manufactured problem, I am still somewhat at a loss as to peoples’ inability to adapt. Even if breastfeeding is not an option, cows’ milk and mushed food is not exactly hard to acquire, and honestly is probably healthier than the crap the FDA demands be in baby formula.
Also note the sleight-of-hand that only mothers exist in families with children.
Cow’s milk is awful for babies. Goat’s milk is better.
That said, my kid was not getting enough with formula by the time he was 3 months old. I cut a bigger hole in the bottle nipple and cut the formula with infant rice cereal. He was eating rice/formula shakes until the moment I could feed him from a spoon and make sure he got enough to eat.
Yeah, it seems the problem is most acute in the <1 year range. Apparently cow’s milk is deficient in iron and vitamin C relative to what humans need.
Digestibility can be an issue, too.
Still, it’s better than the fucking factory formulas.
Dr. Cate has a terrific article on formulas here.
She also includes recipes that can use either cow or goat milk. Worth passing along to new parents having trouble getting their formula.
Dissolve whey protein and a liver pill in water…
*reveals answer*
Eh, close enough.
These supply chain issues are a lot to absorb. Hopefully it can be plugged sooner than later once everything gets back in sync.
With diesel at $6 a gallon and rising fast, things aren’t getting back in sync soon.
When a dollar is only worth a quarter, that’s only a buck-fitty a gallon!
Bidenomics FTW!
Now that men can bleed, too, demand is up.
Alice Cooper hardest hit.
WomenMENstruating people should have access to to free tampons & towels (UK). And be-penised individuals should have free condoms. Also, healthcare should be free. And housing. Plus college. Add free cell phones and internet. Not to mention food. How abouta nice carfree transportation? Everyone should never have to work either.Love the factless claim that most men involved in the supply chains of tampons are men and the implication that this means they somehow don’t care. Even if they were the biggest misogynists in the world in charge, they’d have to prioritize that over their own desire for evil profits.
I just keep coming back to the question in my mind: “What sane man would intentionally piss off a woman at that time?”
10% YTD price increase is actually low relative to a number of other goods
Putin is a man, and he did it all!
Excuse me, masculine people menstruate too.
We’re gonna need a new euphemism here
This sounds like a bunch of menstrual theatre to me.
Dressing up in redface is not being sensitive.
Red wings do give one a certain sensitivity.
And good arch support.
Yes, for the ice skates.
It’s People who Menstruate, Shitlord!
Requiring schools and other places to provide menestral products is probably increasing demand a bit.
“Hey guys, how are those expiration date labels coming for the menstrual products?”
/Procter and Gamble exec
My contribution to happy music.
Happy Happy!
Joy joy
Sing me a Happy Song
So I can dance the whole night long.
Or for a change of pace…
If I’m a Happy Man today
I don’t know about tomorrow
Happy Song
That there is a magnificent sentence.
My guess is he had a problem with the flop.
Didn’t even last one day.
Speaking of Axe body spray….
My guess is he had a problem with the flop.
Cute. A fool and his chips are soon separated. I want him at my table.
Interest rates are cut because economic turn-around and currency stronger than expected – in Russia.
The sanctions are hurting us much worse than the Russians. We’re sanctioning ourselves in effect and it’s as stupid as it gets (or would be but this is just an excuse and really isn’t about punishing the Russians at all).
I’m seeing that Biden is quietly telling farmers to get fertilizer from Russia, so I vote STUPID.
Assuming the economy doesn’t completely crash, a big assumption, I guarantee the “greening” of the economy will accelerate to a breakneck pace and this bullshit will be the catalyst.
Sanction are just the governments way of punishing the people of the country whose government has displeased them and also the people it is charged with ruling over.
A sign of our times today.
Had to pick up a few things at the grocery store this afternoon. I paused to allow a young lady (20-ish) to go ahead. Just inside the store she turned to me and asked, “Can I ask a question?”
Because she was young and pretty I decided not to inform her that she just had. Rather, I said, “Sure”
She showed me her shopping list and asked, “What are ‘lbs”?”
I told her, then walked away shaking my head and adjusting the onion a bit more snugly.
“What are lbs?”
A quantity of liberals?
Back in third grade, they canceled the “measurements” lesson so the kids could learn about getting their gonads snipped off and such.
Should have told her English monetary units.
Heh. But what’s the point of being a dick?
I need some entertainment in my life.
Better than being a twat.
(This is why there are no female libertarians….)
Subject of my favorite footnote in Good Omens!
☝? ????
It’s one of my favorite books.
Although your emoji sequence looks somewhat R rated.
Couldn’t find an emoji of someone touching their nose. ?
“…And say, thrupence for a celebratory slop-up binge at Mrs. Miggin’s pie shop?”
– Some English guy a long time ago.
I doubt an Italian is worth a pound and a shilling.
Linebackers, of course.
Your daily Sanford & son:
I’m gonna break both your jaws sucka.
That’s one way to do it.
So, so good. Grady is the best.
Lamont needs to find better chicks, though.
Daily Quordle 140
“Tow the lion”
Daily Quordle 140
Trying out my new smartphone….
А также пишу по-русски….
How can I justify spending $999.99 on Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra? 3.5 years ago I spent almost as much on Google Fi Pixel 3 XL–but it was “free.” Yes, free, I took full advantage of $900 in gift cards for Delta, Airbnb and Hotels.com.
Contemplating installing this on my Pixel 4a
The install is fairly straightforward. I went through the install and reinstall of Google because my dad needed the phone.
I might give that a try on my old phone I just had to replace (thanks, Sprint/T-Mobile merger!)
I might try that on my old OnePLus.
Has to be a Pixel phone
I bought a cheap 5G phone-in-a-box for $199 plus tax.
My 7-year-old LG Transpyre was only $80 back in 2015, but it’s not keeping a charge so well these days.
Transferring all the contacts and doing all the other set-up stuff is fun….
Any Glibs in or around Sioux Falls? Might be taking a road trip up there end of this month.
Not far enough north.
“Wall Street enters bear market: S&P 500 closes 3.9% down – more than 20% lower than January’s record high – while Dow Jones plummets 900 points amid fears US will spiral into recession”
“White House says Biden sparked ‘historic economic BOOM’ – as stock market plunges into bear market amid record inflation, gas prices and recession fears – and claims Americans ‘are well positioned to face these challenges’ thanks to the President”
I’d hate to have her job.
“Karine Jean-Pierre says Biden is STILL running for re-election in 2024 despite mounting concerns over his age and top Democrats saying it should not be him – and claims he isn’t worried about dire polls”
They can’t fortify an election that much.
To be fair, his dementia is advanced enough that he doesn’t think about the polls.
They can’t keep him upright that long.
I like Ms Jean-Pierre, she’s a cutie. A lot of great one liners, too
I repeat my mantra – “it’s a good opportunity to buy cheap stocks”. I hope I’m right.
Daily Quordle 140
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So everyone got 140?
Daily Quordle 140
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Just got an email that the kid who tormented me in sixth grade wants to be friends on Facederp.
Life is weird
My sister was contacted on Facebook a few years back by a bully who wanted to apologize to her. My sister got the impression that the bully was going through a 12-step program.
Was his name Earl?
The first season of that show is one of my favorites.
2nd had some good moments and it went downhill from there.
Jaime Pressly does the best drunk chick of any actress I’ve ever seen. Maybe the best drunk of any acting-type person.
I don’t watch many sitcoms – at least not live-action ones – and I tend to get tired of even the ones I like. I DID like My Name is Earl, but I forget why I stopped watching.
I suppose that’s possible. I’m friends with one bully type who went born again.
He’s gonna get you in that virtual room and…
He was stronger but that didn’t bother me. The incessant whispering of vulgarities from the desk behind mine in English was annoying.
I didn’t miss him when they expelled him.
I like how they sent a scout first.
I just died from cuteness overload.
Someone linked to this on Reddit or somewhere and it was entitled “Attack Kittens”. lol
Dude was coming back from the shooting range. Not even slightly joking.
“The Tactical Honda was not prepared for this!” ?
That slightly warmed my cold, black heart.
All the mainstream news fakers were simultaneously running pieces about the election fraud being a big lie. Makes me think they are psyching themselves up to do it again.
To be fair, Stacey Abrams has spent the last four years lying about election fraud.
That’s Governor Abrams!!11
I thought it was Federation President Abrams.
Turns out she didn’t win that election either.
She’s not lying about…being ugly. She could take Putin in a staredown
Strawberry Fielded It Better…
God, she’s horrible. How could you not know this was coming?
Living is easy with eyes closed.