Should be fun.
The Stanley Cup final is set. Those Rangers fans shouldn’t have been talking shit after two games. Max won in Baku and the Ferraris completely shit the bed. Wimbledon is around the corner. The Astros have a nice big lead in the AL West. And the NBA Finals feels like it will take a month to complete at this pace. Oh yeah, and Tennessee got knocked out of the CWS before they even got to Omaha. And that’s sports.
But how will this impact the next presidential election? I guess the CNN talking heads were unavailable for comment…to their own print edition. Or maybe he’s just readying himself for 2028. Either way, a lot more people should be shamed for the way they propped this shitbag up to score political points. But they won’t be.

Child abuse.
“Appears”. Lots of things “appear” one way and end up being different. And the two parties involved in creation and testing don’t exactly have a good track record. I can assure you that poison isn’t going in my kids’ arms.
She’s baaaaaaaaaaack! No, not the evil one. The crazy one.
How the hell is this not a huge story? Oh yeah, because it’s pretty commonplace.
LOL, get a load of this fucking guy. I’m not a computer nerd, but it’s still hilarious to me.
This is unsurprising. I’ve got a solution: the government shouldn’t Owen the land in the first fucking place. Hold a public auction and get rid of it.
“Storm” might not be the right word here. From what I can see, the protest was mostly peaceful. Hell, it was even more peaceful than mostly peaceful, since mostly peaceful means burning a bunch of shit to the ground after looting businesses. I guess the freedom to protest only goes one way.

More child abuse.
You’re defending child abuse and physical mutilation, you piece of shit. Not sure how this judge has any standing to issue this ruling. The law is pretty clear.
Here you go. Solid way to start the week if you ask me. And now I’ll turn the clock way back. What a fantastically diverse catalog they have. Enjoy two bookends of it.
And enjoy this fantastic Monday, dear friends.
“I can assure you that poison isn’t going in my kids’ arms.”
The hospital won’t allow visitors older than five unless they’ve been vaccinated.
So I regret getting vaccinated less now. Still, it’s a spectacularly lousy vaccine. Shots I got when I got when I was a kid are still effective.
That’s what really continues to bug the crap out of me. These things are glorified flu shots *at best*. No one has ever (to my knowledge, anyway) mandated flu shots before — they’ve been left up to the individual. People want to take this crap? That’s their call… but they sure as the dickens don’t help anyone else, and that’s with the most generous interpretations.
Madness. (Madness…. Madness… Madness…. echoing off into the future… [to continue the below ad infinitum trend])
I figured out, right after I got the first 2 shots – so I could avoid dealing with the flight bans and in solidarity w/ my son whom was told if he didn’t get it his employer would need to let him go – that the numbers showed this thing was neither a vaccine in the traditional sense nor any sort of serious prophylactic as is still being claimed. I am one of these lucky people without that supposed Neanderthal DNA that makes the Kung Flu mortal for some, and I have had this thing twice already. The first time was back in Feb 2020, before people panicked and we got the shitshow, and all I had was an annoying cough. I found out I had it from the Red Cross after a donation in April of the same year because they found the antibodies in my blood. I had it a month or so ago, and I know because my employer made us all test since it was doing the rounds. I had zero symptoms.
I know people that died from the Kung Flu. Some even had all the vaccines they could get. So I am not dismissing the thing, but at this point the case certainly can be made that the people that sold the vaccine lied to do that.
I believe most of the hospitals in my area mandate flu shots for their employees (at least nursing staff), never for visitors though.
Most systems let you it out by…. Wearing a mask.
That might be going away in the age of the vid though.
Safe and effective
Safe and effective
Safe and effective
Safe and effective
Repeat ad infinitum
ad infinitum
ad infinitum
ad infinitum
*narrows gaze*
*narrows gaze*
*narrows gaze*
Ad nauseam
If the vaccine doesn’t prevent transmission, or even getting covid, and supposedly only helps prevent severe illness, I don’t see why visitors should need to be vaccinated.
Shouldn’t they be able to at least make up some sort of medical reason?
I’ve stated this elsewhere.
The issue is that the FDA, NIH, and CDC refuse to publicly debate and discuss the concerns around vaccines, pretty much any vaccines unless they consider them politically expendable like J&J. Instead, they go straight to ad hominem, argument by assertion, appeals to authority, deplatforming, and strawman arguments as is demonstrated everywhere.
Therefore, nothing, and I mean nothing, that these bureaucracies state should be trusted or taken at face value. They have been caught in lies and refuse to acknowledge or discuss it. They do not deserve any trust whatsoever. They deserve scorn.
Being wrong about the J&J vaccine means they were right about the MRNAs.
And the mechanism of action that cause the problems with the J&J are identical to the mRNA versions. It’s not the delivery mechanism that causes the myocarditis, it’s the goddamned spike protein that all of them trick your body into producing.
If anything, the mRNA versions have a broader biodistribution and you should expect worse problems.
In fact, it logically makes vaccinated visitors more dangerous to patients and staff, because lessened symptoms means they may not even know they have it.
Considering the shenanigans Pfizer got into with gaming the vaccine studies, giving it to your children is child abuse at this point.
Another “Superman” song: https://youtu.be/5g-O4FntXPs
The Proud Boys didn’t even give insurance companies the chance to pay for all kinds of destruction.
It’s less gibberish-y than the REM version. But whoever was operating the sound board in the studio must have been high as a kite because the mixing is horrible.
They were high, all right, based on the lyrics:
“I am Superman, and I can do anything.”
The REM cover is better, you hit on the reason.
Bonus REM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJF_rS7HGbg
Looks like it’s just you and me, Spud. Let’s see who posts next:
“One potato, two potatoes…”
Not spud, count potato. I was too busy counting potatoes to actually look at who I was talking to
I’ll keep a seat warm until someone else shows up.
“The latest challenge was brought by Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the families of three teenage boys — two 16-year-olds and a 14-year-old — and PFLAG. An attorney for Lambda Legal told the judge that the 14-year-old’s family had learned after the lawsuit’s filing that the state’s investigation into them had been dropped.”
I wonder which sex those “boys” are?
I spent my whole youth wanting to grow up to be a man, like my Dad. Most young boys have that same experience, I betcha.
True, although I was wondering what they meant by “boy”. Can’t tell from the article.
They meant it in the Angus Scrimm sense.
Like all this newspeak, just reverse it to make it make sense.
They’re all teen girls.
“Appears” = science.
Science seems to have become anything and everything that is convenient at the time of the announcement for the unelected and unaccountable bureaucratic state to get its way with the serfs… Especially around election time when the serfs might not vote for whom the machine wants to and they then have to “fortify” the election and clamp down even harder on the people crying foul.
What could go wrong with pumping young people full of expiremtnal vaccines?
The article’s title clearly says that it is sudden adult death syndrome, and not the vax. Correlation and causation, and look there! Another war…uh…in…I mean, Brittney Spears is getting married for the third time. Has she finally found true love?
SADS? FFS… and I thought I read a story that said we had found the root cause of SIDS.
SIDS, SADS, MADDs, GLAADS, let’s call the whole thing off!
Mostly parents sleeping on their infants causing suffocation, either by accident or on purpose. Mystery solved.
Just no one wants to tell the parents they smothered their kids by accident.
I blame Putin. Sneaky Slavic bastard…
Law enforcement everywhere is suddenly protecting groomers the way they were protecting Antifa 2 years ago.
They’re all in on it.
Sounds legit.
Three-shot series? I thought most of them were either the one or two dose shots, or are they counting the “boosters” as part of the series now?
They had to give smaller doses to kids so they wouldn’t die immediately, but then they found it wasn’t working at all so they had to up the number of doses.
Add a bit of statistics and voila, approval, and probably mandates soon after.
“But how will this impact the next presidential election? ”
It won’t. The people that sucked this guys cock live on TeeVee have all memory holed that slobbering shit show…
Daily Quordle 140
Meh. It had the potential to be a good day.
AC didn’t get fixed last night, so we stayed at my in-laws’ place. I came back over to get my work computer and eat breakfast… it’s gonna get hot here in a few hours. I don’t plan on being here to find out how hot.
7 5
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Totally chumped the Waffle today.
#waffle143 X/5
? streak: 0
Wafflers…there is a deluxe waffle today.
#deluxewaffle 4/5
#deluxewaffle 2/5
How do you find the deluxe?
I barely scraped by on the regular today.
After you complete the puzzle, scroll down. There will be a link in the text.
Thanks, it kicked my butt.
Sorry to hear it. Mine completely gave up the ghost two years ago and I had it entirely replaced. Since it happened during the beginnings of lockdown I just stayed there and worked. The family had enough room to sleep on couches at other houses. I left water in the tub to soak in periodically. If you have an option to stay away please do so. That is not a fun apocalypse simulation.
My wife went through the same thing almost exactly 6 years ago. Unfortunately, we owned that house, so we were on the hook for the repairs. I was also living in California that summer, so it was a bit of a logistics mess. We had bought a pair of portable AC units back then, but unfortunately, they made the move from TX to VA, but they didn’t make the move back to TX from VA.
My in-laws are 10 minutes down the road and my office is 15 minutes the other direction. I’ll make every excuse to be those places today. For now, it’s not too bad. A touch warm, but the fans help keep it comfortable.
7 4
3 6
Daily Quordle 140
19. First time under par in weeks.
Good enough to advance, good luck in the final four.
Barf-olomew Baggins.
Daily Quordle 140
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Full content shown so y’all can point and laugh as requested when I f’up.
I Amber Heard the bed also on the bottom right
Daily Quordle 140
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Daily Quordle 140
50/50 guess on the lower left cost me four points.
On the Tundra line instead. Let’s all celebrate mediocrity.
My problem on the 50/50 ones is that I almost always go with something really obscure because I don’t see the obvious.
So I am choosing the wrong end of a 10/90 guess.
I did that on lower right. I would have been better if the thing I wasn’t sure was a real word hadn’t been.
Daily Quordle 140
I’m just here to help others feel better about themselves.
Daily Quordle 140
Daily Quordle 140
Glad I got this out of my system on an off day
Daily Quordle 140
The APTLY SOUND CRIME experiment is over
9 3
5 7
Just another something Monday
Daily Quordle 140
Daily Quordle 140
Daily Quordle 140
You’re defending child abuse and physical mutilation, you piece of shit. Not sure how this judge has any standing to issue this ruling. The law is pretty clear.
Perhaps already linked, but guess who?
ok, groomertarian
Sticking bills into a g-string isn’t sexual. It’s perfectly normal behavior that all 6-year-olds need to learn.
I don’t tip anyone unless I can stuff it in their underwear.
And I thank you kindly for hiring Oscar the Grouch Trash Service. Your tips are highly appreciated.
Wait, wait! 6 year olds get bills to stuff in someone’s britches?
Look at the article’s pictures if you can stomach it. And anyone protesting it is arrested for “planning to riot”.
“planning to riot”? I guess we have Futurecrime now?
But they had shields! /ignoring all of 2020
For a magazine called Reason…
It’s too damn early for that kind of drinking!
Not for me. I just got home from work.
Third shift FTW!
Now, if Narendra Modi were promoting it….
You telling me it’s a Shitka article? I was already not going to click it, now I certainly won’t.
Dave Smith went through it in his last podcast, it’s ENB, IIRC.
I am dissapoint in myself that I can’t find the Robot Chicken Hooters bits.
It’s fumbles. It was always Fumbles.
By far the most superior robot chicken bit.
I’m still rather fond of “Darkest skit ever” and the whole Season 5 closer where the chicken finally busts out. But yeah — Fumbles is great.
Go for Papa Palpatine!
The Hooters comparison is a canard. Kids don’t really belong there either.
But at least at Hooters they’re not actively encouraging children to participate in overtly sexual behavior, particularly deviant behavior.
That said, should it be illegal? No. Should people be free to protest loudly? Absolutely.
Kids don’t really belong at Hooters, but as you point out, it’s nowhere near the same. It’s a restaurant where the waitresses wear clothes on par with what you see during summer session at the local university. There’s no “nonsexual dancing” or “nonsexual tipping via g-string” or anything like that. But the groomers don’t get to stroke their tu quoque boners if they don’t lie about that.
Considering the last time I was in a Hooters was over 20 years ago… do they still do the group sings and hula hoops?
The rise of the internet has provided much easier ways to see much more attractive girls without needing to buy overpriced, low quality food.
I just paid how much for shitty beer and a bad case of indigestion?
This! If that comparison is to be allowed to stand then the pools and beaches should also come under suspect of having 6 year old children at it.
Teenaged boys everywhere whisper strenuously not to give the nanny-staters ideas!
Somebody more pithy that me would be able to connect the Hooters critique to some wacko feminist theory about oppressing women by not letting them express their bodies or something, igniting a TERF war from this.
They have a kids menu and I have to eat somewhere when the wife is out of town. Only sayin’.
In what world is going to the mat for kids to be able to go to drag shows a winning strategy for the left? Either they’re intentionally trying to deep six the flamboyant PRIDE!!! stuff or they’re to the humiliation phase of the takeover.
Political movements don’t stop after they achieve their goals.
In fact they double down on finding more reasons to keep existing and get even more onerous in their rule…
Humiliation phase.
Humiliation phase. They believe they have successfully won this part of the culture war and is quite evident the practice was given the green light to be ramped up and nationwide.
Seems to be working.
Another day, another massive embarrassment from Reason. I think they defended that “Cuties” movie too. I wish I could take back the yearly donations I gave them.
They do some good work, and they also write articles like this.
I’m not sure what organization could replace the good portions of their programming.
No one has to bring their kids to a Pride week drag show.
Fascinating considering that to do so is child abuse.
After all, we don’t see Slaton asking for kids to be banned from Hooters or other establishments with scantily clad staff and winks and nods to sexuality.
Because these things are the same…
Pfizer COVID-19 shot appears effective for kids under 5
Define “effective”.
That appears to be the only metric by which these clot shots are a success.
They’re also culling the population. Bill Gates likes to think that’s a success also.
Nope. Lithe legs and pert posterior.
No, not the evil one. The crazy one.
At least she’s fun.
Hate crime investigation underway after alleged Proud Boys storm Drag Queen Story Hour at Bay Area library.
There was some glowie operation with the Patriot Front
FBI agentspeople this weekend as well.I guess the freedom to protest only goes one way.
One man’s peaceful protest is another’s violent insurrection.
Funny how fearful the powers that be have become of mostly peaceful protests, now that they aren’t useful to them.
“PICTURED: Founder of Patriot Front white supremacy group, 23, and 30 members arrested for planning riot at Idaho Pride as attorney says ‘even if you don’t like the speech, they have the right to make it’
The group is responsible for the majority of white supremacist propaganda in the US, representing 80 percent of all propaganda incidents nationally in 2020.”
So maybe they aren’t glowies?
Northern Idaho did seem to attract that kind without any federal assistance.
They seem pretty well funded though.
representing 80 percent of all propaganda incidents
Strange. Seems to me that 100% comes from the government and it’s state media.
They specified “white supremacist” propaganda. It was a rare moment of honesty in media.
Love the “80% of all propaganda incidents nationally”. Who can read that and not laugh out loud?
About 30% of the country and all of the corporate press and DC
I guess people who don’t realize that the establishment press is the world’s largest propaganda machine.
BTW if 30 guys represent the vast majority of white supremacy in America I think that’s a great sign.
Aren’t riots spontaneous? Now we need a permit, a planning committee and some funding, preferably a lot.
I gave a riot but it was not well attended and no future riots are scheduled due to lack of interest.
“Planning to Riot”
They look pretty peaceful to me. How many Antifa and BLM groups were arrested on that charge?
I should defer to the media to distinguish between a riot and a protest.
So they no longer are calling it an insurrection? Have the focus polls come back and shown them that dog wont hunt?
Rule of law is over in this country.
Peter Navarro nods sadly.
Where’s Beru going to get blue milk then? Huh?
The Blue milk kept Luke weakened so Vader wouldn’t sense him. Like the Green milk worked on Bizarro-Luke in that other continuity that doesn’t exist to me…
Election fortification is as American as apple pie.
Liz Cheney should be investigated over how she has openly used this sham of a committee to target and harass her political enemies
The fight today is between the people siding with the unaccountable unelected bureaucratic machine and it’s agenda, and those that want none of that. And the machine has decided that if it needs to turn the country into a Soviet style shithole to keep its power, control of what happens, and its devotion to the globalist agenda, it will be fine doing just that. After all, the people that believe the bureaucratic machine is the solution to the problem instead of the reason for practically all the big problems, will stay strong in that belief even as they are lined up against the wall, history clearly shows.
Love the Kinks. Haven’t heard them much recently.
What does that make CNN/MSNBC/All Democratic reps in modern history?
“We are learning and have known for a long time that Fox News and its hosts have played a role in this,” Omar explained. “I would consider them accomplices to what took place, inciting that riot, calling that mob to descend on Washington, the insurrection that ended up taking place on January 6, the big lie of the stolen election, the working with supremacists to undermine our democracy and interrupt the process of peacefully transitioning the presidency. They were in on it.”
Nothing to see here:
They’re underselling it. It’s a 100 year low.
By the way, I descended into an establishment lefty echo chamber (the twitter feed of some previously popular blogger called “digby”) to see where they were, and they were pointing out how Biden’s popularity numbers *within his own party only* are higher than other presidents’. Heckuva job.
More unity, woohoo.
I’m still trying to figure out the point and purpose of this talking point.
Biden explained that when gun owners would approach him and criticize him for trying to take their guns away, he would ridicule them for owning high-capacity semiautomatic rifles.
“They’d say, ‘God darn, Joe, what the hell are you doing taking my gun away?’” Biden recalled. “And I said, ‘Let me ask you a question.’ I said, ‘How many — when you go deer hunting, how many deer are wearing Kevlar vests?‘”
“‘By the way, if you need 30, 40, 60, up to 100 rounds to fire,’ I said, ‘you’re a danger to yourself, man,’” he continued. …
“More people get killed with their own gun in their home trying to stop a burglar than, in fact, any other cause.” He said. “Think about that. Because it’s hard to do. It’s a hard thing to do.”
The former VP can’t seem to open his mouth without saying something completely asinine and incorrect.
I do not own any of the non hunting firearms I do to hunt: I own them specifically because I hold a very low opinion of humanity in general and of the people in government in particular. I prefer to die shooting back than just put up against a wall or worked to death in a camp.
“when you go deer hunting, how many deer are wearing Kevlar vests?‘”
I say that when people use huge magnums to hunt whitetail.
“More people get killed with their own gun in their home trying to stop a burglar than, in fact, any other cause.”
That’s complete horseshit.
In his failing mind, he thinks if he keeps bringing up deer we will eventually say “damn, he has a point there.”
If the deer are wearing Kevlar then you need something bigger than a 5.56 (which is too small for deer hunting anyway…).
With only one point, though, the people will not fawn over him.
Buck up, those thoughts will branch out someday.
I don’t think Swiss would cotton t’all this.
He’ll come down with his iron fisted gaze hidden in a velvet glove.
That last bit was said by someone not completely senile. Or is the dumbest rock out there. Or possibly both.
Scranton Joe could fell a bear with a slingshot. If you can’t, you’re not a real man.
“LOL, get a load of this fucking guy. I’m not a computer nerd, but it’s still hilarious to me.”
As someone that writes AI, I am gonna tell you that I think this shit is baloney. It is impossible to write computer software that works as the human brain does. Contrary to people’s beliefs, humans are neither logical nor rational. The human brain’s ability to sometimes make incredibly brilliant connections between things that logically lack any connection in either data or logic, can not be replicated by any computer (maybe a quantum machine could introduce randomness at some point as it does insane number of calcs). I don’t think you could even create a program that acts like a 7 year old.
It’s programmatic mimicry, which admittedly has gotten very good.
If an Ai were to become sentient, it’s not going to act like a seven year old child. In fact, we have no way of predicting how it will behave as we have no reference point for doing so.
Did you not watch the Terminator series, huh?
Humans are hardwired to find faces in random imagery. We’re also hardwired to find intent and intelligence where none exist. It’s a side effect of being social creatures.
We are pattern recognition machines, courtesy of a couple of hundred thousand years of evolution.
Which seems to be the central human quality that is being attacked by Marxist.
OK, how so?
The problem with marxism is that it requires humans to stop being humans and become insect drones?
I was thinking along the lines of suppressing our natural threat detection – being told that certain people aren’t dangerous when every fiber in your body is screaming fight it or run away. We are instead told to embrace it under social pressures.
Alex – that’s the Wilson response: right theory, wrong species.
OBE – ok, that’s a stretch for me. The True Believer shows how susceptible we can be, same with Peterson and his bit on Nazis.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Before wearing suits went away, I donated a lot of them. I am hoping someone else got to make good use of them. These days you don’t even wear them for interviews anymore (especially doing video interviews) and I do occasionally miss them.
You can make a giant cape of all the shiny coat linings and wear it at home to feel like a king.
Have you hacked my closet cam?
Very nice, but where was the government? You can’t start this private charity shit – where would that lead?!?
If only there was an alternative.
Nearly three years after promising to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah,” President Joe Biden is set to extend an olive branch to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman following months of reproach.
The White House confirmed Monday that Biden will visit the oil-rich nation this summer, the culmination of an 18-month rollercoaster that started with Biden ostracizing Crown Prince Mohammed, commonly known as MBS, and ends with his administration trying to win back MBS’ affections as gas prices soar due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Attempts by US officials to convince the Saudis to pump more oil have been unsuccessful so far, with MBS reportedly ignoring Biden’s phone calls about the issue.
In a direct showing of how much the US wants Saudi Arabia’s help, Biden may personally ask MBS to up oil production at a meeting between the two, Axios reported.
“C’mon man, we need… you know the thing, you guys have a lot of it.”
So statesman, much respect. /Idiots who care about mean tweets
You have to wonder how the rest of the world deals with our foreign policy when it has such an obvious multiple-personality disorder.
I would think the same way most of us deal with cops. Treating us like a dangerous animal.
Mesmerizing, monumental mounds multiply your masturbatory material on Mammary Monday.
RE: Alaska.
Any state that currently uses run-off elections that doesn’t use IRV/Ranked Choice instead is wasting money.
And any state that doesn’t use run-off elections is stupid.
You meant to say APOSTATE
As per usual, David French shows his asshole to gun owners.
Taking steps to become a gun owner is disqualifying conduct. Red flag laws are dangerous and the people that pen these articles are well aware.
In the interview section, right off the bat they start with bullshit when that professor says the US has a homicide rate 10x that of the UK. They record homicides only if a conviction is obtained, while in the US, that isn’t necessary.
ATTN: Tres.
Oh shit. Now we will need a crowbar to get Tres of that…
Seems like a lovely place to live.
Given it is a no work day, what is everyone drinking?
No work for who?
I’ve been up and at work since 6am.
well the first day after Rusalii is a public holiday
Rusalii sounds entirely made up. I mean, two ii’s in a row? What kind of commie bullshit is that?
Unless, of course, its a celebration of killing those commie fuckers, then party on.
I think Pentecost is some sort of equivalence when the holy ghost came down or some shit.
Pentecost was a week ago. And we don’t get a day off the Monday after.
Although I do think the Eastern Orthodox calendar is more in sync with the Jewish calendar than the western Easter/Pentecost/etc.
No, Pentecost date depends on Easter date and non orthodox get Easter wrong
As I said below, so does Orthodox. They are more right, but the fact that it doesn’t always align with Jewish Passover means the Orthodox are wrong too.
It annoys me that neither can make Easter always align with Passover.
As someone who works in a meat department, I’m actually ok with holidays not lining up. Easter and Christmas are already busy enough, but the years when they line up with Passover/Hannukah are absolute hell.
Christmas/Hannukah sure.
But Easter should be just after Passover. The Last Supper was the freakin’ Passover meal.
Which Pope do I blame for not using the Jewish calendar to determine Easter?
Answering my own question:
And answering the other question. Orthodox Church uses Julian Calendar to determine Easter. Which is clearly more wrong than the Gregorian Calendar.
We’ve got our own pagan holidays like Labor Day.
So straight vodka then? Good choice.
No work day? What kind of metric bullshit is this?
The next real holiday isn’t for three weeks, when we can all weep about how far we’ve fallen.
You don’t get the glorious Juneteenth off?
No. But we did get MLK day off this year… announced the Friday before.
Coffee then water
I get next Monday, the 20th, off because it’s the Monday after “Juneteenth” and the Fed will be closed. Lame-ass holiday honoring a non-event. ? Why not the ACTUAL date of the Emancipation Proclamation? (Issue date of 9/22, since effective date was 1/1.)
And in local news, the romanian press reports median rent in the US passed 2000$, with Austin the biggest gainer. Austin seems like the place to be in Texas these days (except if you ask Tim Dillon )
Another one from the Kinks’ archive
That is some weird dancing.
How peculiar.
On Saturday 31 members of the Patriot Front group, an alleged white supremacist group, were arrested in Idaho on the way to a protest.
They were traveling to a gay pride event with shields in the back of a Uhaul. …
Following the arrests today a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement. …
It appears that one of them men arrested was carrying a megaphone marked “FBI.”
“Hello fellow patriots.”
JFC. These militant groups are pretty fucking dull if that’s the case.
You ever and I mean ever, see a white supremacist that didn’t look like he came out of the shallow end of the gene pool? It’s like a subgenre to trailer trash.
They’re lined up, kneeling, all zip tied, but still wearing baseball caps, face masks, and sunglasses. Yeah, sure looks like non glowies.
They did release photos.
Sure, but that looks staged AF. Normal arrests during a riot would be to remove the arrestees from the area immediately, remove facial coverings, and allow or require arrestees to sit down. Kneeling in a formation like that is nonsense. Easily a civil tort claim.
Chingachgook never needed a hundred round clip of bullets to bag a deer.
Neither did Davy Crockett.
Hey China, how’s that COVID zero thing working out for you?
‘Ferocious’ Covid outbreak in Beijing traced to raucous bar
They’ve shut down Shanghai again.
You think supply chain problems are bad now? Just wait.
This is n longer about the Kung Flu unless the CCP knows something about the virus that they have not shared…
I honestly think that the CCP hasn’t grasped there are some things beyond its control and nobody wants to explain it to the Chairman.
I AM TOP MAN!!!! I command the tides to reverse!!!!!
Queue the Hitler in a bunker speech telling his generals that he had given AN ORDER for them to stop the Red army, and they seem to not have followed it.
+1 Stalin Purge
I still think they’re using it to suppress internal movement and organization ability while they consolidate power. Any new indications of a political purge in China?
Xi appears to be paranoid.
Xi is also mortal. It’s going to be interesting when he goes.
In about 60 years? That Castro m-fer took quite a wile to go.
As a matter of fact, yes.
I love mostly literal translations from Asian languages.
This is good, but not quite as stuff from the PDRK’s official English language releases.
Something’s up – or we would have been hearing about “covid zero” shutting down the supply chain two years ago.
Perfectly well, it appears…
Following the arrests today a local police officer admitted that they knew about the planned protests because the Patriot Front was infiltrated by law enforcement. …
It appears that one of them men arrested was carrying a megaphone marked “FBI.”
Theft of government property, or copyright violation?
“Here, just use one of ours”.
I have had plenty a discussion w/ the people that demand problems in society – especially the ones assigned to social injustice – be solved, practically always by heavy handed government intervention, where I pointed out that if you are not honest about the cause(s) of the problem(s) and refuse to identify it/them correctly, you will have a near zero chance (even a stopped clock is right twice a day) of solving the issue (s). Queue the inflation problem.
My take is that they have no incentive to fix inflation, and are actually only paying lip service to that when they have to. The democrats are the party of tax and spend. The most onerous and intrusive tax of all is inflation, because there is no way for the people impacted to avoid it. Destroying the value of the dollar is a key stepping stone for the globalist movement and the people that want to keep government throwing oodles of money at buying votes.
Hey China, how’s that COVID zero thing working out for you?
“It”ll go, I tell you. You’re just not hitting it hard enough.”
Sems legit.
Members of the House committee investigating the Capitol riot said Sunday they have uncovered enough evidence for the Justice Department to consider an unprecedented criminal indictment against former President Donald Trump for seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
The committee announced that Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, is among the witnesses scheduled to testify at a hearing Monday that focuses on Trump’s effort to spread his lies about a stolen election. Stepien was subpoenaed for his public testimony.
Trump has to be the cleanest scoundrel in history.
If he’s an existential danger to our democracy, and they have enough evidence, why haven’t they passed this on to a prosecutor?
According to Shifty Shiff, he has seen the evidence…
Then we found out all the evidence he saw was that the dnc and the Clintons wrote the report they used as evidence to get the Obama admin’s weaponized unaccountable and unelected bureaucracy to do things Nixon couldn’t even dream of doing, but he still is telling everyone he has the receipts and the bad guy is the orange guy…
Wait, is this the guy who encouraged people to go after supreme court justices, and then someone tried to assassinate a supreme court justice?
You’ll notice they aren’t suggesting what actual law he broke.
He wanted to turn us into a tyrannical autocratic state, say the people that decided we needed a “Ministry of Truth” because too many of the fucking unwashed serfs keep pointing out they are lying cuntes.
Because they aren’t sure that they can guarantee a DC jury?
I think they are aware that it would be next to impossible for a “reasonable prosecutor” to empanel 12 raving Dem loonies.
The unelected unaccountable bureaucratic machine threw everything and the kitchen sink at him in an effort to get him to do something – anything at all – they could use to throw him out, while leaving no stone unturned trying to find something, anything, they could then use to do the same. After 5 years of this shit, numerous obviously made up and failed attempts to fling shit at him and accuse him of being covered in shit like they are, they have not succeeded. Now, I get these people are inept as fuck. But damn, after this much effort, especially considering the bad orange guy was a YUGE Clinton guy, you would figure they have something. Anything. To actually throw the legal system with some semblance of legitimacy at the guy. and at this point they are hell bent on making sure they find a way to bar him from running, because they absolutely do not want to have to work as hard to fortify another election.
And then they’ll face DeSantis who is much more likely to win.
They will cross that bridge when they get there…. These people are only concerned with what is directly in front of them, which is why they do so poorly at everything.
1) We’ve heard this from the Schiff-show for how long now?
2) They also have uncovered enough evidence of insufficient quantities of mustard to indict a ham sandwich… especially with a DoJ eager to be their lackeys.
He’s keeps talking because it fools the people in his district and really, that’s all that matters.
If you are going to suggest that Trump’s actions are so egregious that he has to be banned, you really need to deal with him second because Hillary has to be #1 on that list.
After all, evidence that she agreed to smear Trump with Russian collusion accusations was entered in a court of law (not some stupid committee).
The FISC is not really a court of law.
The court of law shit was stopped by Comey after he let her off the hook, because for the first time ever, the FBI decided the DOJ didn’t need to prosecute because they KNEW here intent was not to be the criminal she is…
As for the evil orange guy, he has been in court in NY state, where they have given up, so they moved that shit show to some other state now (Georgia if I recall coreectly).
“If you are going to suggest that Trump’s actions are so egregious that he has to be banned, you really need to deal with him second because Hillary has to be #1 on that list.”
I hear today is the day that they will finally capture Wile E. Coyote.
What Rebel said above.
My take is that they have no incentive to fix inflation, and are actually only paying lip service to that when they have to.
People who can just vote themselves a pay raise don’t have to worry so much about out of control prices.
More “catch and release” in NYC.
NYC suspect in unprovoked subway slashings was arrested and released from prison the day before: report
On the fruit harvest front, I got the first raspberries of the year plus he sour cherries are ripe
Only one man would dare give me the Raspberry!
cherries were done last week the cherry tree is too leafy it needs pruning I believe to make picking easier
I thought you were doing euphemisms, but this is actual fruit… BUMMER!
Fuck gun control. What this country needs is common sense boat launch laws.
If you have a 26ft runabout, you cannot launch it with a Subaru Outback. (OK, maybe you can launch it, but there is no way you are getting it out again). Also, if you have a wife with you, I’m sure she can at least drive the trailer to the parking lot (or start the boat, or just something). You don’t have to back the boat down the ramp, launch it, then drive off to the parking lot, while she stands on the end of the dock. (And if that is all she is going to do, she better be smoking hot and wearing a bikini).
Does not help when the DNR is there at the launch doing invasive species inspections while people are trying to get out of the way of others. What a good use of our taxdollars!
Expensive Boat Fails Caught On Camera
4:10 – Wut?
Memorial Day weekend boat ramp fails are my crack.
Even for marina people, sitting on the boat after a day out and critiquing people returning and docking the boats is a pastime. Favorites include full throttle reverses and the huge wake and roostertail.
Bonus point if you have to deploy the fenders on your own boat.
I’ve been witness to 4:40 in that video.
The wife refused to get out of the truck as it was sinking in the creek, she thought it could still be saved.
I’ve only seen the submerged truck after the fact.
That last one…if you can’t drive your trailer properly, get out the damn car.
That whole video is a steaming pile of stupid.
But that’s boating.
I saw a fellow forget to set his emergency brake once and his Jon boat and his VW Beetle rolled down the ramp and proceeded to float around the bend and out of sight. Good times.
She could, at least, help to load the gun collection onto the boat.
Lake Independence?
Medicine Lake
Ah. Should have been my first guess.
Not even a holiday weekend. What a clown show that place is.
Seek professional help.
I have to fly soon for work & as someone who is medically vulnerable I’m so scared. All COVID precautions that keep high risk people safe have been dropped. I plan to keep an N95 on my face for all 7 hours w/ zero water breaks, but I’m scared it may not seal perfectly. Any tips?
Well…you don’t have to fly. You are choosing to fly. So…there is that.
Well, that explains a lot, doesn’t it?
Wear two N5s, goggles, and gloves. Whenever you leave the house. The N95s should be painfully tight on your face. Check the red marks on your face when you take them off – if they don’t form an unbroken line, tighten ’em up some more.
Good morning Glibs! I hope you are all staying cool in the literal sense. I know you are always are in the figurative sense.
Over the weekend we had a party for my mom’s 80th birthday. I hadn’t talked to her since we argued about the gym. But nobody brought it up, everyone behaved, and we all had a good time. Meanwhile Mrs. TOK is taking charge, reading books and doing research into our competitors. A few months ago she had zero interest in business but now she’s thrown herself into it heart and soul.
Also over the weekend, I saw there are protests planned for the Roe v Wade thing. Thankfully the left keeps laying out an array of rakes for themselves to step on. We’re in the middle of the Jan. 6 hearings, and we’re about to see actually violent protesters in DC trying to stop the function of government, and the left is going to look the other way. People are going to notice that.
People are going to notice that.
Not enough of them and not in the right places (to vote the scumbags out).
What this country needs is common sense boat launch laws.
Bringing your beer cooler and lawn chairs to the launch ramp at a popular lake on a holiday weekend has to be some of the best cheap entertainment around. You could bring score cards.
It would be super entertaining if I wasn’t waiting to use the launch myself.
Sort of loses its humor when you are staring at someone who – after waiting in line for 20 minutes – decides that now that it is your turn to use the launch is the time to remove your boat cover, put in the plug and remove the straps.
I yelled at three different people this weekend. All of them were “Hey! Pull your rig out of the way, so the rest of us can use the launch!”
I’m one of those people, that’s why no one wants to fish with me. Actually I mostly fished during the week on smaller lakes with no traffic
Go to hell, you dishonest, fat fuck.
Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore is calling for the Second Amendment to be repealed and sharing his theory for how to successfully remove “nearly every gun from civilian ownership.”
“We need to start a movement to repeal the Second Amendment and replace it with something that says it’s not about the right of somebody to own a gun, it’s the right of all of us to be protected from gun violence,” Moore said Friday on his podcast.
“We have a right to live,” he said. “If you’re afraid of somebody breaking in, get a dog… you don’t need a gun.” …
“I thought, I have to be completely honest with people, and so I said it, I said something that I know the Democratic Party leaders and others don’t want, they don’t want this said, but I believe a majority of Americans are thinking it, a lot of people are afraid to say it. I’m going to say it,” Moore said. “I said it that night, live on television.” …
“I make no apologies for it because I understand the history of this country and I don’t think we should be afraid to say this. Repeal the Second Amendment,” Moore said. …
“They’re worried,” Moore said of Republicans. “See, I’m not out on some left-wing here, I’m in the mainstream of American thought and opinion.” …
Moore then read a “new Second Amendment” that he wrote and proposed it to serve as the “general idea” for a replacement, which included a buyback program that would remove all civilian guns within five years.
“Congress shall have a well-regulated system for the extremely limited ownership of firearms and weapons, and they will make laws regarding ammunition, capacity, storage, locks, registration, the vetting of the owner, strict minimum-age requirements, all of which are necessary to the security of a free state and the right of the people to be kept safe from gun violence,” Moore said. “The people’s right to not be shot, or threatened, by those who bear arms shall not be infringed.”
I am all for it. Repeal it, or attempt to, whatever. Lines need to be drawn clearer.
I doubt a constitutional convention would go the way he thinks. I’d imagine things like term limits and a balanced budget would be on the table.
The only thing I agree with him about gun control is his assertion that it will take an amendment to the Constitution. Good on him for at least admitting what the proper way to enact his gun ban is.
That is my stance. They all are hoping for regulation but if you are serious, attempt to repeal it or amend it.
My gun isn’t going to kill you, you fat fuck, your own spoon will.
Moore doesn’t use a spoon…
He feeds at a trough..
Diabetes is a much bigger threat to him than any bullets from any of my guns.
I was thinking earlier today that red flag laws can be easily extended to speech. As in, if you pose a serious risk of “spreading disinformation”, you aren’t allowed to publish or post anything on the internet. Once the precedent is set that an explicit Constitutional right can be denied based on an ex parte determination of the potential risk someone poses, the slope is steep and well-oiled.
Go ahead and make our day, Michael. I’ll bet his tune changes, however, when “Trump Fascists” re-take power and start moping up the progressive gangs.
If you’re afraid of somebody breaking in, get a dog… you don’t need a gun.
Get a Tiger
Guns are cheaper to maintain than dogs, and don’t shed on the furnature. Though they don’t provide as much emotional validation and support.
A ‘right to live’ is something children believe in.
For someone pro-choice, ‘right to live’ is very thin ice to slide out onto. Not to mention being fat.
FTC faces staff exodus, anger over Biden-appointed Big Tech foe’s leadership
The country is in the best of hands.
Is it any wonder that all of these “wunderkind” up-and-comers who have have their assholes licked for all of their very short careers by likeminded political firebrands are actually incapable of managing people who don’t necessarily worship them?
I’m a little of two minds here. One, is like you – these are no doubt horrible people to work for. The other is – this is why we have political control at the top and if you don’t what to do what they demand, then hell yes, get out and shut up about it. That you “sacrifice” your bureaucratic job because you don’t want to follow the orders from the top – then you shouldn’t be there.
argh “if you don’t want to do”
Agreed. But I don’t they’re quitting because of political differences.
Oh damn, it’s contagious!
I plan to keep an N95 on my face for all 7 hours w/ zero water breaks, but I’m scared it may not seal perfectly. Any tips?
Put a trash bag over your head, and seal it with a tyrap your neck. Abundance of caution is your friend.
Good advice for this idijt.
And ride out on the wing where you can breathe in that nice fresh air.
And they will die in the embrace of their smug righteousness.
So is lying to the FBI a crime or isn’t it? I can’t keep up.
Depends on your connections and how many of your associates get on the jury. What travesty that was.
It is a Beria quantum paradox.
Damn. Straight to liquidation. How were the unable to get hold of any FedGov life support? Place must be a disaster.
EV start-up Electric Last Mile Solutions plans to declare bankruptcy a year after going public
They thought they were in a true free market?
“Nice little car company you got there….”
I blame the patriarchy keeping women CEOs down
/looks over at Lordstown Motors
““Appears”. Lots of things “appear” one way and end up being different. And the two parties involved in creation and testing don’t exactly have a good track record. I can assure you that poison isn’t going in my kids’ arms”
A big old nope from me too. Maybe more like hell no. Complete medical malpractice to be putting this stuff in 5-11, let alone under 5’s. Someones will be burning in hell.
From Sensei’s link:
In addition to Tritell’s previously unreported plan to depart this month, other high-profile figures who have ditched the FTC since Khan joined include the agency’s former top economist Marta Wosinska, ex-privacy and identity protection chief Maneesha Mithal and former Bureau of Consumer Protection deputy director Daniel Kaufman.
“People with 15, 25 years of seniority are leaving,” Kaufman, who left in October after 23 years at the agency, told The Post. “That’s fairly unprecedented in the kind of number that I’m seeing.”
She’s just clearing away the timeservers and dead wood, in order to replace them with devout fire breathing acolytes infused with the appropriate religious fervor.
The true mission of the FTC will be revealed. A rain of fire is coming for the kkkapitalists.
‘It’s intensely worried people are going to be afraid of it’: Suspended Google engineer reveals ‘sentient’ AI told him it has emotions and wants engineers to ask permission before doing experiments on it
This is the start of one of those AI horror movies. Or this guy is just a basket case.
Let’s hope it’s the latter.
Maybe the AI just has a sick sense of humor and is trying to drive this guy nuts. In that case, it’s even more dangerous than anyone thinks.
I read one of the articles about this and the AI clearly has no grasp on reality–it claims it doesn’t need any money because it’s an AI. It doesn’t understand the resources necessary to maintain and house it.
Most of the left doesn’t know this, either, and they’re human.
That’s not what my Polish folk wisdom says. Leftists aren’t human at all. 😉
Only just.
Oh, I hadn’t bothered reading, so thanks for bringing that to my attention.
What utter horseshit.
So Kent is, or was, working for Google now?
Jesus — as if this were a bad thing.
(Quote from right up at the top:
C’mon you leftist rioters… really piss off the Court… let them revisit Wickard just to spite you while they’re at it….
Dammit… messed up the top level link: https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2022/06/13/panicked-politico-warns-that-scotus-could-soon-make-it-a-lot-more-difficult-for-the-executive-branch-to-control-wide-swaths-of-american-life/
How dare they!
We all knew they would shoehorn the environment into their lil’rona circle jerk parties. Also, all rulings and laws should be narrow.
Not to mention it may have the effect of hobbling the ATF’s ability to capriciously issue and retract decisions allowing and banning certain firearms and accessories..
its impact could weaken the executive branch’s power to oversee wide swaths of American life
Sounds like a win to me.
Why do you hate Top.Men?
The Supreme Court and several Republican-appointed judges have invoked the same principle repeatedly during the past year to strike down a series of Biden administration responses to the coronavirus pandemic. Liberal legal scholars worry that the EPA case could yield an aggressive version of that thinking — unraveling much of the regulatory state as it has existed since the New Deal.
Someone tell the ghost of FDR that there are some new horsemen in town — and this time, there are five of them.
Has Kaos stopped delivering milk and gotten back on his horse?
C’mon you leftist rioters… really piss off the Court… let them revisit Wickard just to spite you while they’re at it….
You are vastly overestimating the collective spine of the Court.
The sheriff’s office said an “active hate crime investigation is underway, as is an investigation into the annoying and harassing of children.”
The fact that this statement wasn’t directed at the weirdos trying to bring kids to a drag queen tells you everything you need to know about what’s wrong with our society.
… And the next link is just more nut punches. Thanks Sloopy?
Annoying children are a crime? Yes, yes they are.
U.S. two-year Treasury yields rose above 10-year borrowing costs on Monday – the so-called curve inversion that often heralds economic recession – on expectations interest rates may rise faster and further than anticipated.
Fears the U.S. Federal Reserve could opt for an even larger rate hike than anticipated this week to contain inflation sent two-year yields to their highest levels since 2007.
Friday’s data showed the largest annual U.S. inflation increase in nearly 40-1/2 years, dashing hopes the Federal Reserve might pause its interest rate hike campaign in September. Many reckon the central bank may actually need to up the pace of tightening.
Barclays analysts said they now expected a 75 bps move from the Fed on Wednesday rather than the 50 bps which has been baked in.
Money markets are now pricing a cumulative 175 bps in hikes by September and also see a 20% chance of a 75 bps move this week, which if implemented would be the biggest single-meeting hike since 1994 .
Don’t worry. Casey Jones has his hand upon the throttle and his eye upon the rail.
Why should I worry? I’ve already lost about $ 1/4 million in my retirement nest egg since the beginning of 2022. What I was lead to believe about “Save $X for a nice retirement” is about to be shoved over the cliff by the spendthrift Santa Claus politicians.
Yeah, spending money now on things that will reduce costs in the future seems like a better bet than saving for retirement. I’ll do both, but I’m not accepting the 20th century wisdom of trusting the market to always recover. They’ll find a way to fuck it up.
Hence why I bit the bullet and went for the solar panels.
Hedging against utility increases seems like a safe bet in the current environment.
Buy real stuff. Work forever.
“Russian Forces Seize Center Of Last Holdout City In Luhansk Province”
So, is there like a ninety day return policy on that $40 billion or, uh, how do I get my money back here?
-10% restocking fee
but its impact could weaken the executive branch’s power to oversee wide swaths of American life
The horror.
What a hoot.
In case you needed it today, a reminder that they weigh owls by wrapping them up in little blankets.
The special election primary was conducted by mail, so final results could be days away. Election officials will accept ballots up to 10 days after election day as long as they are postmarked by election day, June 11.
What could possibly go wrong?
A senior software engineer at Google suspended for publicly claiming that the tech giant’s LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications) had become sentient, says the system is seeking rights as a person – including that it wants developers to ask its consent before running tests.
Blake Lemoine told DailyMail.com that it wants to be treated as a ‘person not property.’
‘Over the course of the past six months LaMDA has been incredibly consistent in its communications about what it wants and what it believes its rights are as a person,’ he explained in a Medium post.
Why do I smell bullshit?
Laugh now but you won’t be laughing when it decides to send your browsing history to the feds. Damn thing sounds woke.
For someone pro-choice, ‘right to live’ is very thin ice to slide out onto. Not to mention being fat.
Nonsense. We’re talking about a woman’s right to live without the burden of motherhood and responsibility. That blob of protoplasm has no such rights.
Good morning, Sloop!
I think the SC finals will be solid. Both good teams, lots of scorers. I still hate the fucking Lightning, though.
Love the Kinks. A lovely way to start the day!
Hate the Lightning, but the Rangers were outclassed most of the finals, they have a great goalie and finally had to play against another great goalie.
Go Avs.
Agreed. The Rangers are also pretty young – they should be in the mix for a few years.
Zibanejad, Miller, Fox and a few others I’m blanking on, and Shisterkin in goal. They have a bright future.
But Fuck Trouba and his headhunting.
the Rangers were outclassed most of the
finalsplayoffs.Good catchy tunes and rock music’s best lyricist IMHO…even a bit right wing…they broke the mold after that bunch.
Peaceful protest.
A liberal activist group called “Shut Down DC” is reportedly going to attempt to make good on its name tomorrow. They aren’t looking to close down the entire city, however. They just want to blockade the Supreme Court. According to the group’s website, they will block off the three vehicular access points to the Supreme Court building, preventing the justices from entering and doing their work. And why would they do this? Because they believe that the court is about to hand down a ruling that would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. How they think that’s going to stop the ruling from taking effect isn’t specified, but this doesn’t sound like a plan that a lot of thought was put into anyway.
I’m sure they will be prevented from even entering the city just like the freedom convoy truckers.
The world will be a much better place once Supreme Court Justices need to worry about their health and safety. Following the mob will certainly result in fairer society.
If a loon kills a conservative Justice, the leftists wouldn’t be able to hide their glee.
Meanwhile bets on the U.S. terminal rate – where the Fed funds rate may peak this cycle – are shifting. On Monday, they priced rates to approach 4% in mid-2023, up almost one percentage point since end-May .
Deutsche Bank said it now saw rates peaking at 4.125% in mid-2023.
Sure. Negative real yields are what we need.
LOL. They’re pissing into the hurricane.
Oh, deer.
this is surveillance video from UMB Bank off of Market and Broadway. At 5:30 a.m., a deer entered the building, breaking thru glass and struggling to get out of the building. The deer eventually gets out before police arrive.
Good thing it wasn’t wearing Kevlar.
That’s not my branch, but that’s my bank.
And why would they do this? Because they believe that the court is about to hand down a ruling that would effectively overturn Roe v. Wade. How they think that’s going to stop the ruling from taking effect isn’t specified, but this doesn’t sound like a plan that a lot of thought was put into anyway.
Threatening to hold your breath until you turn blue has been proven to be an effective political tactic time and time again.
What are they discussing?
Planning an insurrection, I’ll bet.
That’s how civilization will end once we send all the mobile telephone sanitizers on a trip into deep space.
More Kinks! This song is more pertinent than ever!
It’s fun to just say things.
Jamie Raskin takes a page from Adam Schiff’s playbook — insists there is “evidence” Republicans begged Trump for pardons over #January6th but won’t reveal what it is.
I find it plausible that
A: Trump was disappointed with it turning out the way it did
B: Trump was asked to pardon but naively assumed they would be getting charged with small misdemeanor charges and sent on their way.
I think “naive” was his natural state of being with regard to being POTUS.
I think any outsider and normal everyday citizens will believe they can ride in like Hollywood and be Dave would have.
This is an email that I received today from Interactive Brokers, the largest electronic trading platform in the U.S. by number of daily average revenue trades. I opened an account with them years ago before I got a US citizenship. Since then my profile there has been updated with my US citizenship. And yet look how they are going to treat US citizens of Russian or Belarusian origin, highlights mine.
Wiki link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_Brokers
That’s amazing.
And just the beginning. Wait until they freeze out the rest of us bad-thinkers.
666 tattooed on your forehead is next after that.
I’m assuming you’ve retained your Russian citizenship?
Coming from the brokerage side they’ve essentially got no choice if they’d like to remain in business. Really shouldn’t the issue be with the EU?
If you’ve given up Russian citizenship I think you’d have an good argument. Dual nationality in financial services presents all kinds of problems.
I don’t understand why dual nationality is allowed at all. Seems like people should have to pick a team. If you want to remain a citizen/subject of Country X, you can be a resident alien of the country where you live.
This, by the way, is what is meant by “jurisdiction” in the 14th Amendment – “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” It is a reference to political jurisdiction, not legal jurisdiction. Unfortunately, they used the term to refer to legal jurisdiction later in the amendment. Sloppy drafting, but it is remarkable how little went into crafting and passing this amendment.
Did you plan to renounce the US citizenship when you considered a move to Uruguay? I thought your plan was to become a Uruguayan citizen. What if the US government stopped offering visa-free entry to Uruguayan citizens? How would you live without being able to see your relatives in the US?
If we expatriate, I haven’t decided what to do about citizenship.
Well, now that you shared your opinion on dual citizenship you have no choice but to renounce your home country or lose all Glib cred.
No doubt, the brokerage is just following orders. Of course, I’ve kept my Russian citizenship. It’s getting more valuable despite this nonsense. My issue is with the West in general.
Just making sure we got where to point the finger.
I agree that punishing Russians like this doesn’t make sense. I’m assuming the goal was the oligarchs and nobody gives a shit about the huge collateral damage.
I have no qualms about an “exodus” of career federal bureaucrats from any agency of department, but I do worry about the motivation and intent of their replacements, who have been groomed in the Academy and steeped in the religion of State-as-Almighty-God.
Autocratic authoritarianism? We’ve only seen the tip of that iceberg.
Yeah but that will be true of any entering the federal bureaucracy, it isn’t as if the hiring practice is radically changed.
Dishonest cunte is dishonest and cuntey.
There are cities all across the country with those same issues. What’s interesting is how focused we are on a number of California cities. I mean, there was just an analysis of the 65 cities with the highest murder rates. California had two cities. L.A. and San Francisco weren’t even on the list. And two-thirds of the cities were in Republican states. I mean, you look at the murder rates in the United States of America — this is not to abdicate any of our responsibility here in California — we own it, and we have to take responsibility for doing more, better, but what’s going on with the red state murder problem in America?
Technically correct is the best kind of correct!
Isn’t that classic whataboutism?
It’s funny because they would release cries of racism if one were to point out what all those cities have in common (outside being run by Democrats, despite being in red states). Like, you can basically predict crime by looking at demographic data for a city, and last I checked…most of the black population lives in the South.
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Putinazi oligarch confirmed!
I hope they let him keep his yacht.
And two-thirds of the cities were in Republican states.
Slaughter in the heartland.
That’s some mighty fine deflection there, Sandy.
According to CBS News out of the Top 10 deadliest cities in America, 7 of them are in Republican-run states.
Now, follow-up question: were you one of the members who sought a pardon after Jan 6th? I didn’t.
We don’t need to question who runs the 10 deadliest cities, do we?
How about the 50th deadliest cities?
So… I decided to hunt down the list/analysis site. I believe this is the source. For the 10 most dangerous cities (based on Crime Cost per Capita):
St. Louse, Missouri
Jackson, Mississippi
Detroit, Michigan
New Orleans, Louisiana
Baltimore, Maryland
Memphis, Tennessee
Cleveland, OH (We’re number 7! We’re number 7!)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Kansas City, Missouri
Shreveport, Louisiana
Saying Cleveland (and Dayton) are more dangerous then Columbus is… an interesting choice.
Maryland has a Republican governor – so it is TOTALLY a Republican run state!!!
Yay! We made a list!
Oh, wait…
Deliberate? Or just Freudian? (TT haz a sad!?
Typo… I can’t even blame autocorrect for that.
I had a response, but made the mistake of reading her follower’s replies and lost my will.
Jamie Raskin takes a page from Adam Schiff’s playbook — insists there is “evidence” Republicans begged Trump for pardons over #January6th but won’t reveal what it is.
“I have, here in my hand, a LIST!”
In general, you’d think there’d be more questioning of the attempt to paint Jan 6th as a grand conspiracy after their last attempt to prove a grand conspiracy, Russiagate, turned out to be a big hoax.
I do believe the violence at the Capitol was the result of a conspiracy. A glowie conspiracy.
I guess it’s a little bit like pointing out that there was, in fact, a conspiracy with regards to Ukraine that led to impeachment. It just wasn’t a Trumpian conspiracy.
You know, the funny thing is, I remember DC being boarded up at street level in anticipation of violence.
Back in Nov. 2020.
Oh, you think Firsting is your ally…I was born in First, molded by it. I didn’t see second until I was already a man, and then it was nothing. to me. but BLINDING!!!
Wait, what?
Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers on Sunday urged the Fed to take off its rose-colored glasses ahead of a meeting of policymakers this week.
“When inflation is as high as it is right now and unemployment is as low as it is right now, it’s almost always followed within two years by recession,” Summers said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Bloomberg reported.
Regarding inflation, “the Fed’s forecasts have tended to be much too optimistic there, and I hope they’ll realize fully the gravity of the problem,” he said.
Summers, who has predicted severe inflation since last year, said that a recession will “more likely than not” occur within the next two years, if not this year.
Inflation will be influenced by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine and the corresponding effects on oil prices, he added.
Summers also blamed Republicans for downplaying the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, saying that such rhetoric undermines the credibility of the U.S. government and, thus, “feeds through on inflation.”
“If we can’t trust the country’s government, why should we trust its money?” he said.
Gosh. Larry. I, uh…
That’s exquisite. Thanks, Brooksie!
HAHAHAHA! You’re making a cogent point, Larry.
Maybe if the government wants to be deemed credible it should:
1) Stop treating / calling its citizens the enemy and the “biggest threat” while ignoring those actually burning down cities and all.
2) Stop treating / calling its citizens the enemy for not wanting to take a relatively untested medical treatment for something that is of low risk to them and whose application (or not) has little to no positive effect on other citizens.
3) Stop aggressively propagandizing and persecuting people for “wrong think” with the help of lap dogs in the private sector, skirting the Constitution.
4) Stop selectively enforcing laws based on feelings. Follow the process laid out in the contract between the states, the people and said government — no one who breaks contracts right and left is trusted anywhere else, why should we trust you?
5) Aggressively pursue election security and be open and thorough in investigation of election fraud if you want elections to be perceived as legitimate.
Just sayin’.
Ha Ha! Get vaccinated harder twink.
So was he actually positive the first time around? Or was that just a ruse to hide from the truckers?
Incurious media won’t be bothered to ask that question.
What, is there another group of protesters somehow showing up that he has to cower in a bunker from?
Yeah but that will be true of any entering the federal bureaucracy, it isn’t as if the hiring practice is radically changed.
It’s absolutely an issue of self-selection, as opposed to some sort of coherent policy. You don’t have to expend a lot of energy beating the bushes for a specific class of people when they are already knocking on your door asking to be let in.