What was it CPRM wanted? Robo Vampire? Ninja Terminator? Ninja Cheerleaders? Ninja Apocalypse? Ninja Final Duel? Christ, there are a lot of Ninja films. Turns out it was Robot Ninja, which sounded so much like Robo Vampire that I had a permanent brain block for it.
This movie was both written and directed by J.R. Bookwalter. And yes! It was his second film, which he directed in the same year as The Dead Next Door which he ALSO directed and wrote. Talk about an overachiever! That was 1989 – he now has 50 directoral credits to his name. Go J.R.! Granted, he believes that the worst film he ever made is Robot Ninja – the one we are watching tonight. Why that one, and not Dead Next Door? That answer takes some time to explain. Thanks to Daily Grindhouse for having such a great writeup on both of these films. Otherwise I’d have to take a break from working myself to death to research it.
Not much more I can add, except that this film was lost in limbo for years. Once the world of video tapes ended this film became impossible to find. There was a Spanish version on DVD but no English version in the U.S. It took until 2018 to get it released on Blu Ray. At the same time, the comic book was released.
What? You want me to shut up and tell you some facts about about the film?
- The robot ninja is not really a robot. Or a ninja. He’s a fun superhero though.
- This film doesn’t suck. It’s actually awesome and inspired a wave of 80’s style homages when it was re-released in 2018. J.R. has nothing to be ashamed of (except sharing my initials).
- It has Linnea Quigley in it.
- Burt Ward pops in for some cameos (yes, 1960’s Batman Burt Ward).
- It has some great low budget gore effects.
My job is done here. Watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, we get a newer movie. I think it is finally time to watch Corona Zombies! Get ready to be triggered!
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*hits play*
The blonde lass in the picture is well-drawn.
Time to dive in.
That may have influenced my decision to hit play.
Robot ninja? Michael Dudikoff’s acting is a. It wooden.
*is a bit wooden
I am fairly sure the actors were sedated/drugged in order to participate in this film.
Oh, it’s been a busy day. Took the day off, did trampolining with the daughter, then went to a place that had drinking and axe throwing and video games. It was heaven. Back just in time for movie night.
Drinking and axe-throwing sounds contraindicated to me.
*finishes mead, roars, throws axe at Ted*
Sounds kinda Viking to me.
It’s the new darts down here. There was an actual tournament going on when i was there.
AnimalOffspring #1 took her son to a place that had Velcro axe-throwing. Looked like fun, and was probably much safer than the real thing.
Turns out my grandson is pretty good at axe-throwing.
Not velcro here. Actual axes. Although mostly I played video games and enjoyed a massive rum drink. I jacked my leg up two days ago and still can’t function without some pain.
” I jacked my leg up two days ago and still can’t function without some pain.”
Yikes, sorry.
I jacked my leg up two days ago and still can’t function without some pain.
Sorry. Get well soon!
Very little difference between that and drinking and playing darts.
a place that had drinking and axe throwing and video games
Do tell! I know where to get two of the three, but I can’t think of anywhere that has all three.
It’s in Grapevine –
Corky’s Game Bistro
Bartender was actually competent and the food was quite good. Tasted like home made salsa.
Large video game selection and a bunch of axe throwing booths.
Hmmm. I will be in the DFW area in November…
Sounds like a Glib meetup!
I did not see it, but apparently there were escape room games there too.
In the before times (1980 for me) the little NH town I grew up in would have an Old Home Day celebration. There was a parade, drinking, hatchet throwing contests, musket firing, canoe races and other outdoor activities. The Rev. War militia reenactors would bring their little blackpowder mortar which would fire a tennis ball about 100 yards. What has happened to us?
Too comfortable and fat.
It’s a glandular problem.
*Eats more chips
There’s more than a few places around here to have beers and axe throw. The town where my employer is headquartered has a great brewery with axe throwing in the back corner of the brewery.
I want the commission on the liability policy.
I like the opening credits.
That’s why you get the door for your date.
Miss Barbeau? WOULD
“Once I thought I was wrong but I was mistaken”
That was awful news about Darryl Starbird. I am going to call tomorrow and see what is going on. Looks like his son Cliff is suing him for something.
I knew that Doc guy had a Lincoln.
1). How many rounds can an M-2 barrel take before needing to be changed?
2). Tony LaRussa has how many DUIs in his past?
3) What is the capital of Assyria?
1. Water jacketed, or air cooled?
2. I am not a good sports trivia guy, but from the tone of the question I would assume at least 2.
3. Nineveh. I hope I spelled it right, no time to check the King James.
1) air
2) 2 is correct
3) correct
4) How many trucks are there on post?
On this post, only two jeeps. A tiny one and a big one.
What, no swallow questions?
I really, really don’t want to know what RJ swallows.
Bourbon, primarily. And vodka martinis.
She doesn’t.
Your test has failed.
Well, it got people to comment. So mission accomplished!
This has been interesting. I have to drop off for a Zoom. I’ll pick this up tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
Fittingly, Robot Ninja is what I call the wife. 20th wedding anniversary today. *Please clap*
*Supportive clap
Well done! I am at 15 years coming up this October.
Congrats, straff.
Marriage is really fucking hard, so nice job!
You really need to congratulate Straffin夫人.
CONGRATS! Mr. Mojeaux and I will have our 20th in September.
*celebratory gunfire*
Good work!
*resists urge to make joke*
I gave your wife the clap. Apologies.
Ok that was stupid. Never mind.
booo, shame, shame. XD
damn, you’re old. (or you work fast)
congrats! I’m on year 7- wish me luck!
Good luck, you’re gonna need it!
Thx, guys.
*Jazz Hands*
Congratulations! It will be 17 for frau Zwak and I this fall.
“They’re no different. It took months to get my fridge.”
Yeah, They totally screwed up my order of some mirror doors for my old place and took 2-3 months so I never even got to enjoy them before selling. But then I got a vanity that I ordered a week ago today, so who knows. Seems better than getting cancelled on, I just hope I never have to do all this crap ever again.
There is a Lowes relatively nearby, so I figured I’d buy everything there during the home renovation. Turns out though that HD and Lowes aren’t interchangeable. Only HomeDepot carries RedGuard and backerboard with RedGuard already applied. That was a fun 2 hour round trip drive to get after work before the contractors showed up the next day. Also found that HomeDepot sold much better quality solid core interior doors for the same price that Lowes sold hollow doors, but Lowes sold comparable quality windows for much cheaper.
Manufacturers don’t make appliances like they used to. I’ve had a brand new refrigerator, washing machine, and dishwasher all die within 3 years of purchase and out of warranty. I’ll only buy major appliances through Costco now with a 7 year warranty added for $50-100. I usually pass on extended warranties, but this one is well worth it.
I took this crowds advice and bought Speed Queen washer/dryer last go around. Longest I’ve ever went without having to fix a washer/dryer. Haven’t had to touch them yet.
I have found HD better at everything I want and Lowes to be shit. Sadly, Lowes is the closest hardware joint to the Schloss. Wife says Lowes is much better for gardening stuff though.
I had the same dilemma at my old house- Lowes was closeby so even though I preferred HD I got the credit card and probably spent 10k there rehabbing the house. SSD is absolutely correct that they are not interchangeable and I had to occasionally go way out of my way to get what I needed. Now Ace hardware is the closest- they haven’t even fucked me, yet, but again, not close to being interchangeable. I am not buying vanities from them, for example.
Blast resistant modular buildings?
I’ve never heard of redguard and that was the closest relevant result Brave gave. Kind of surprised you didn’t do that work yourself.
I haves became of mind that we should be eating horse. It can’t be that bad. Hell you ever worked in the bush in Cameroon? I have and horse would have been a treat then. But I have discerned, horses are evil, and the people who ride them are insane and not good people. So we should eat the horses. I am not sure what we should do with the people. This is all I have right now as I have to go to bed now and get up and deal with both sets of biological organisms tomorrow. I hope to make it back to give an update.
Everything you said is absolutely true and I also think we should be eating horse.
I understand people are delicious also.
So no drinking, but cannibalism is OK? You [[[people]]] are weird 😉
I didn’t say I would partake! I just said I understood long pig was delicious. *haughty sniff*
Ewww! I am watching a Netflix show on Catching Killers, an episode on cannibalism in Toronto, as I’m reading this. Long pig, indeed.
Sometimes it’s consensual
In the 1960’s there was a scandal in the Albuquerque Public Schools where the schools used horsemeat in the burgers in the cafeterias. Since I attended APS in the 60’s and occasionally at in the cafeteria I would assume that I have consumed horse. I never noticed the difference.
“Did it taste any different?”
No use whinnying about it.
I wonder if anyone else noticed when they trotted it out.
Nice! I laughed till I was hoarse.
“It still had the marks where the jockey was hitting it!”
Glad the surgery was a success so far. *fingers crossed*
Hey, DB, I saw you recommend a video of a steam locomotive startup the other day, most excellent! I have always been a bit of a railfan, and these are great. That kid knows his stuff.
I have seen horse leather jackets. And eaten buffalo. Have not eaten horse.
There used to be a French owned horse meat processor in DFW. TX outlawed processing horse meat strictly to get rid of that company, even though they were apparently processing end of life horses anyways. Apparently, the French love that shit.
Upon review, it looks like horse meat processing has been illegal in TX since 1949, but the law was being ignored until 2002. At that point, it took 5 years to shut down the 2 processors in the DFW area that were processing horses for export to Europe and China. Still, they weren’t being bred for food, they were using end of life horses. When those processors went away, Mexico took up the slack.
Still, they weren’t being bred for food, they were using end of life horses. When those processors went away, Mexico took up the slack.
There is still a lot of slack. I thought exporting horses to Mexico for dogfood was illegal now but could be mistaken. Illegal or not, it’s not cost-effective for the non-border states. So there are a ton of horses on craigslist for essentially free. People can’t give them away.
I tried to get rid of our buck donkey when he started killing calves. We tried to give him away for free and had no serious takers. One person offered to take him if we met them halfway at a McDonalds. I’m still trying to figure out how we would have transferred a 600-700 lb pissed-off donkey in the McDonald’s parking lot.
One angry ass donkey, Free trailer included.
HM thinks we should be eating ass.
I’ve had horse, but I’d be damned if I could pick it out again. Didn’t register really one way or the other.
“deal with both sets of biological organisms tomorrow”
Eukaryotes and prokaryotes?
Lousy acting, and kind of a sad ending, but it kept moving.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
What’s next week?
This was a special treat for CPRM. Next week is a treat for everyone. CORONA ZOMBIES! It’s a mash up of an Italian zombie film and new footage all overdubbed with amusing dialog. A production by Charles Band – meaning you are guaranteed a good time. I freaking loved it.
After a very long time smart and sane (=unvaccinated) Canadians will soon be able to leave their prison country.
Fuck the CCP and everyone who fellates them.
“Ridgway, Ohio”
Oh man
I love the epaulets with throwing stars attached
All that guy does is get his ass handed to him. That’s his superpower.
It’s not that I can’t walk,
I just lose ny balance,
I’m fucked
Tall Cans!
Do hit Letchworth and/or Watkins Glen state parks if you’re into that sort of thing. They are gorgeous.
Letchworth is more in your path.
I’ll try, but we’re on a tight time-frame and Alfred is a 15-hour drive for us (one way). We went to California for a week when XX was about 9 months old. He wanted to traverse the entire state to hit up all of his family. All I wanted to do was see the Price is Right. Guess what we didn’t do. Anyway, I don’t want this trip to be as tightly planned out, but some planning needs to happen and I don’t think we can hit everything in a week.
As soon as I move every glib comes to visit that area. Ah well, saves everyone the trouble of avoiding me lol.
I do second letchworth, it is better than Watkins Glen too. There is also the largest concrete gravity dam east of the Mississippi there as well.
Baby on board
Something something
Burt Ward
Baby on Board
Greasy overlord
Silly Burt Ward
Banging on a gourd
While Adam West is driving a Ford
Into a Fjord.
I did not watch the movie.
I can say that Bill Burr is still as funny as ever. His new set is great.
I like his stuff. His “I’m gonna say the things people don’t wanna hear” shtick rings hollow now after seeing his stance of free speech, however. Disappointing, but still a funny dude.
He is not a politically savvy person. He is a joke maker. He has a similar approach as South Park. Shit on both sides whenever they are doing something that should be made fun of. Like South Park they are usually still funny.
His bit tonight on abortion was a good example. He was for my body my choice (because it gets rid of people) but shit on the arguments that it is just a bunch of cells.
“If I’m in the middle of making a birthday cake and you come along and rip it out of the oven before it is done and throw it on the floor , you can’t say it wasn’t going to be a birthday cake.”
“after seeing his stance of free speech, however. Disappointing, but still a funny dude.”
Way to ruin him for me. sigh.
Guess I’ll just go back to laughing at Patrice O’Neil completely mistreating everyone in his life.
(The ‘Quordle Ninjas you people aint’ Edition)
rhywun 19
Grosspatzer 21
Not Adahn 21
Sean 21
trshmnstr the terrible 21
Tundra 21
one true athena 21
whiz 22
grrizzly 23
Grumbletarian 23
Cannoli 24
Grummun 24
The Hyperbole 24
Tulip 24
Ted S. 24
Ozymandias 27
MikeS 115
robc 115
kinnath 116
pistoffnick 116
Scruffy Nerfherder 118
SDF-7 121
db 122
l0b0t 214
More chumps than players below the Tundra Line, way to go guys. A couple of late entries saved us from an over 60 average. I’d be very disappointed but there’s something impressive about such piss poor quordling.
In championship news Grosspatzer bested Cannoli to become the first champ to successfully defend his title. A new tourney will start Saturday to see who will get the chance to take his crown.
Now I’m going to drink iced down Scotch and listen to The Paybacks and try to forget that today ever happened.
*takes a bow*
You deserve it, today was brutal. that 19 is like a normal 14.
Whatever, Ghislane.
Whoring out teenagers is a small price to pay if it gets you people to Quordle better. History will be kind to me.
My hangover would be much worse if I hadn’t taken those last 4 shots of tequila.
/Trudeau logic engaged
You South Parks joke about raping Indiana Jones? Well Disney is putting Kenobi in a gimp suit and walking him around on a leash
That will only make him stronger.
What will only make it better is if they make Darth Vader come out as transracial
I haven’t seen any of them after the original trilogy. Just a god intended.
The only Sci-fi I watch is the first series of Space 1999.
TIL that Martin Landau started out as an editorial cartoonist. However I can find no examples of his artwork.
You could be Biden’s press sec with that non address response.
To be fair, that is a damn fine season of television.
BTDT – more than once
Every fucking time.
I like the protesters getting drug off the Italian road, idiots
Commieball to be played in a shithole.
Boston in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts made the list too.
Should have been a defensive gun use article.
Should have been, that’s the problem with relying on the fuzz…it was over in 20 seconds.
Should have been a defensive gun use article.
If the races involved were reversed, it would be called a hate crime. Yeah, I’ll go there.
They’re not catching him.
NJ, fucking stuff up.
I get off at 14:00 today. What is that, like 3/5 of a real holiday?
Dad can’t get the handicapped permits for our cars until Tuesday because of it.
LOL. My brother referenced this in a text he sent me yesterday with the headline “More proof that Murphy is an idiot”. Putting aside that this should not be a holiday, I think NJ actually got it right. I love a 3-day weekend.
Why on Earth is a minor Texas holiday being celebrated outside of Texas?
Because Democrats are scared of being called racist.
I first heard of it in Buffalo in the early 90s, was unaware of the Texas connection until a year or two ago.
Only fell 4 votes short last year. 😲
Shocking they didn’t have the votes.
Weirdly short on details, especially considering they caught the shooter.
Seems lots of people are going crazy- I wonder what ever might have pushed people over the edge the last few years.
Unless the shooting was committed with an AR-15, this will disappear.
Some rando shoved an old lady halfway down the stairs here the other day, then went down to kick her a few times and shoved her the rest of the way down.
He’s probably already been psych-evaluated and let go by now.
This sort of thing does seem to be more frequent lately, even as there have long been tons of crazies running around.
Daily Quordle 144
Mornin’ All! Off to the gym.
Good morning, DEG, Tulip, Sean, rhy, Stinky, and Lack! (And Happy Anniversary, straff! 26 years here for GT & TT!)
Supposedly our local heat wave will be over today, as we’re only predicted to max out in the high 80s and not break 90. (Already 76 before 7 a.m.) Then the weekend should be lovely, with a high of 76 Saturday and 80 Sunday! I may not budge my butt from Tranquility Base all day! (Well, I may still hit the farmers’ market Saturday.) I wish you all pleasant, temperate atmospheric conditions!
At least the humidity dropped, we are looking at 70 today, hooray!
Here it is going to be a bajillion degrees here with 7,000% humidity- so fairly mild for this time of year I am told.
I have been torturing my local workout group but no one has volunteered to take over the workouts (we rotate leadership) so they must secretly like it. *shrugs*
It’s supposed to be in the low 60s here tomorrow.
Morning Early Birds,
Coffee in hand, daylight, another wonderful day. Grass is knee high, mower sort of cuts it, (like your mom when she was first learning to cut your hair with electric clippers). It’ll look better the next time, I swear.
Windy yesterday so a slight relief from the mosquitoes.
Good morning all you wonderful people.
HUZZAH for Hobbit!
Congratulations to Straff and his unbelievably tolerant better half!
My utter despondency over losing my kids is starting to make way for excitement over my new small town start. Eleven days until Alfred.
I hope this makes up for my double-chumping yesterday (I still don’t believe ALLOT is a word).
Daily Quordle 144
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#waffle147 4/5
🔥 streak: 14
🏆 #waffleelite
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Good words. UL was a bitch tho.
Heh, that was my lucky first successful guess. Other than a chump the other day, post-work quordling seems to work better for me. After a walk to clear up my scrambled brain.
Mornin’, reprobates.
Should be another glorious day at work troubleshooting an issue that is puzzling, refuses to go away, and came up out of nowhere absent any changes in the stack. It does not help that the error message is the very informative ” error xxx”, and the documentation for xxx is useless. I guess I should check the thermostat.
Have you tried restarting it?
It is our primary production data pipeline. The finest minds in the infrastructure team are working on it.
Smack it with a large wrench to let it know who’s boss.
Good morning, ‘patzie! (And l0 and 4(20)!) Mazel tov for defending your champeenship!
The only out-of-the-routine gotta-do I know of for today is finishing up tweaking a spreadsheet and divvying up the info for the corresponding senior managers. I was working on it yesterday but was rudely interrupted when I noticed a swarm of ants around a gap between the end of one windowsill and the wall. Had to text a picture of them to our bug guy. In the meantime, our maintenance dude sprayed bug Napalm into the hole, then plugged it (and all around the sides and undersides of both windowsills) with caulk. I’m hoping I don’t have any more officemates in my sanctum sanctorum today.
Mornin’, GT!
Four legs good,
twosix legs better? We have an annual invasion attempt at Casa Patzer. Spraying around the windowsills and doorways takes care of them.There’s a nest of fire ants in my front yard, and I usually have a couple of them sneak through the window into my office. Most of the time, they’re there to harvest the fly carcasses I leave there for the orb weaver spider.
The 1 year old doesnt like them. She grabs my bug a salt gun and handier it to me with a “no like ant, Dada”
something something Dale Gribble
ooh, a vintage avatar for me too!
Thermostat, it’s always a Tstat
Daily Quordle 144
Daily Quordle 144
I had the right one typed into TR for guess 7, psyched myself out, and switched to a different word.
What happened to QuordleBot?
Renditioned to Gitmo.
I’ve been in and out of the house due to AC issues. I guess I could pull the laptop out this morning and run QB…. Gimme a few minutes.
Daily Quordle 144
Why I don’t fly, reason 6473.
Staffing shortages, especially a lack of pilots, are to blame for the nationwide travel headaches, according to industry insiders.
What happened to all the pilots? Oh…
Unions representing pilots at Delta, American and Southwest Airlines said the companies have been too slow to replace pilots who retired or took leaves of absence during the pandemic.
Good Morning Mourning Crew.
I really like the upgrades. Website works on my phone much better.
Hope its low drama day for everyone.