Capitalizing on another popular movie to boost ticket sales…..
I once heard the phrase “You can never have too many hopping vampires.” That is so very true. And this movie has a huge amount of hopping vampires, Shaolin Priests, and evil zombie spirits. Twelve year old me is very pleased.
As stated above in the movie poster, Gordon Liu was in Kill Bill 1 and 2 due to Quentin Tarantino’s enthusiasm for him. I like Gordon Liu also. He has been in 121 films in his 40 year career. He suffered a stroke in 2011 and has stayed out of the spotlight ever since. His recent experience reads like a bad nursing home debacle, where he handed his finances to the wrong person. Get better Gordon! He could direct at the least. If you want to celebrate his career try these easy to find films for starters:
- Fury in Shaolin Temple: Oh, it’s double trouble with legendary film maker Godfrey Ho in the director’s seat and Gordon Liu handing out the hurt!
- Kill ’em All: This is it. The last film he was in before the stroke.
Some notes on this film:
This is the dubbed version so nobody has to stress about subtitles moving at 100 MPH. Yay! A win for slow readers! I had to watch the ending a couple of times – this film just dead ends into a brick wall and then the credits run. I have begun to realize that this is a common feature of Chinese kung fu films. So just be ready, this ending is especially abrupt. It reminds me of the endings of interminable older kung fu films, where the bad guy hits the ground, spits out some fake blood, and the credits start rolling.
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, my senility ends as I remember to post Robot Ninja!
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*hits play*
I hope that zombies, rock monsters, weird naked little boy ghosts and hopping vampires can relax you.
I hope so too.
*backs slowly out of chat room*
It’s a thing. I have seen it in a few movies. I really don’t get the obsession. It’s not like I am going to research that on the web – I’d get a knock on the door next day.
I laughed
Are you holding the door for Jesse?
I saw your post on the last thread about your mom. I hope her surgery goes well.
Thanks 🙂
Huh, this movie has subs in Chinese, English and Zulu.
That would be most amusing to turn on.
It has English and “Chinese” audio, so I could try.
Sadly I only have English subtitles on the old PC.
Apparently, “Zulu” is some other kind of hanzi?
OK, let’s give this a try.
Maggots for dinner. Trial run restaurant for the WEF?
Yes! Also a fun Chinese legend about demons and ghosts that preyed on unwary travelers. Pulled from “Journey to the West” I think.
A ton of stuff in pop culture is from Journey to the West as well as the “anthology” Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_Tales_from_a_Chinese_Studio). You get most of the background for stuff like Mr Vampire, Chinese Ghost Story, Legend of Demon Cat, etc, etc from these stories.
Unfortunately, like early Doctor Who – some have been lost to time and many have not been translated to English – although also a lot of repetition in the remaining ones (also like Doctor Who?).
Worked through a Penguin edition with 100+ of the 500ish tales last year. Pretty entertaining though if you like general weirdness collated in the early 19th cent.
I am going to pick up the orphan from coin sorting training camp. See you all in a bit!
Glib movie vs hearing drinking game?
If you can wait two weeks to be triggered, I will show Corona Zombies.
Last time we discussed Jiangshi I posted this. It’s worth another NSFW repost.
Has potential.
If you aren’t First, do you know what you are?
A piece of shit.
Well, you weren’t first.
Hmm, do the math.
You will never know the burden (in all of its glory, Praise Be The Great Firster) of carrying the weight of The First That Will Change Everything.
I am always First. My very existence is First. You don’t even know what Firsting looks like.
I THINK firsting might look something like….
This. NSF anyone.
BTW RJ – saw a few folks talking about this flick on twitter this week – apparently on tubi too – looks absolutely incredible from the screenshots. I’ll probably just order the blu-ray though.
Ghost of Sierra de Cobre
Oh, nice!
Aways appreciate a new find. I’ve been jumping ahead weeks to watch films. Corona Zombies had two girls in it who later got two solo features: “Barbie and Kendra Save the Tiger King” and “Barbie and Kendra go to Area 51.” Clearly I need more quality films to cleanse my palate.
Sounds potentially Q worthy.
I’m watching this interaction between the kid and the zombie, and I’m thinking, shades of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”?
Was that a smokey glance between the lady and the older apprentice?
Checkin’ it out here boss.
“It’s better than CNN” should be the new GlibFlick catchphrase.
So just above root canal?
Root canal are easy. Have you had a dental implant?
That’s a low bar.
I will roll out that catchphrase when I post “Barbie and Kendra Save the Lion King.”
Even then, it will be a true catchphrase.
Is that Pregnant Kendra?
Oh touche, sir.
I have to go. I’ll pick this up tomorrow. It looks pretty good so far.
Thanks DEG!
Pai Mei!!!! <3
Yes! That’s him. And a cool guy he is. I hope he can get well enough to travel again.
Kill Bill is one of my very favorite movies ever. Sat XX down to watch it and then she went as Beatrix for Halloween. She was a 14-15 or something, and EVERYBODY knew who she was.
Quentin Tarantino is a person I would love to meet. He seems to really love film, like I do. One of my favorite stories is that he made John Travolta come over and play the “Welcome Back Kotter” game with him prior to filming Pulp Fiction.
Ooooh oooh oooh! Mista Kotta Mista Kotta!
I was just amazed that high school kids (never mind the teachers) knew a ~15-year-old film that well.
Quentin makes timeless films. He has his methods and goes for quality over quantity. That’s real talent.
/ramble on
It makes me think about the timelessness of art–what rises to the top, which artists remain common names decades after their passing…
I’m an irrelevant artist. Nobody’s going to remember me. The films you screen here are marginally irrelevant; they have cult followings, sure, but few people are going to remember any names out of these films.
Lots of good art goes unappreciated.
/ramble off
Oddly that’s one of the points of what I am trying to do. There is so much on the verge of being forgotten, or it never got recognized. I want to expose people to that and show them there is so much outside of mainstream movies. People who were their own producer and director, and writer. People who put every dime into what they made. I want to celebrate that, and not put them on “50 worst movie” lists. And I agree – so much is unappreciated.
needz moar wemons.
Someday soon. Right now the schedule is:
1. Robot Ninja (satisfying the needs of CPRM. Wait…. That came out wrong.)
2. Corona Zombies (moar womenz)
Cool. I’m enjoying this fine flick. Was just hoping for a Kung-Fu princess.
MMmmmmmmmMMMmmm…. Not this one.
I was super excited to find “She” on Amazon. Man, we need that on Tubi. American kung fu and skimpy outfits!
I said, man we need that on Tubi.
Strangely that usually does the trick. I don’t know who the mysterious benefactor over there is.
Every time zombies smash through a wall, they should yell, “OH YEAH!”
Very crappy building codes in China. Rotting zombies can break through the bricks.
Magic Eyeball of Soul Trapping +1, +2 vs. Recumbant zombies.
Funniest thing uttered all night, by the spouse: “Your tastes are way classier than mine.”
… these euphemisms…
Does your wife just sit around watching snuff films all day?
Romance movies. Then whatever I have on. Which is…
Shark Exorcist
Mutant Swinger from Mars
The Undertaker and his Pals
Mr. Osomatsu
The Million Eyes of Su Maru
A Fantastic Fear of Everything
Deadlier than the Male
Hot Wax Zombies on Wheel
The Badge, the Bible, and Bigfoot
Bikini Samurai
…And on and on. I Do Not Stop.
How bad are her romance movies?
Uhm… those all sound, to me at least, like romance movies. Bikini’s, swingers, a guy and his friends, suck. Those are all the subjects of romance, no?
Like that’s a bad thing.
/added to new list
“his film just dead ends into a brick wall and then the credits run.”
Looks like there is a sequel?
Anyway, I turned on the English (dubbed) audio and English subtitles and they were significantly different. They are Taoists in one, and Buddhists in the other.
Overall, I found it all a bit confusing.
Yes, there was a sequel. Hunting it down was… difficult. A lot of the better films like this got sequels.
Heard a good one today. “Elon Musk has offered $50 billion to purchase the FBI. The Clintons have not said yet whether they are interested in selling.”
Heh. I like it.
If you want moar womenz and martial arts, there is Dead or Alive.
Anyway, definitely a unique film, thanks RJ!
Thanks for coming! It’s going to get wilder starting next week! Robot Ninja, then a trigger fest with Corona Zombies!
“Corona Zombies was filmed over a period of 28 days.”
The interesting thing was the two unrelated movies for Barbie and Kendra after that. I will address that in the post.
Oh, and I mean the 2006 Dead or Alive, with Jaime Pressly, Devon Aoki, Holly Valance, Sarah Carter, sort of based on the video game with hot chicks in skimpy outfits.
Here is am immediate gratification link to something that fits the bill:
I hope your mom is doing OK, CP.
Yes. Update tomorrow afternoon?
Thanks, still waiting this morning.
(The ‘Long live Rock-and-Roll’ Edition)
whiz 19
Grosspatzer 21
kinnath 22
Scruffy Nerfherder 22
Tundra 22
MikeS 23
Not Adahn 23
Sean 23
grrizzly 24
Grumbletarian 24
SDF-7 24
db 25
Grummun 25
l0b0t 25
one true athena 25
Ozymandias 25
QuordleBot 25
Cannoli 26
trshmnstr the terrible 26
rhywun 27
Ted S. 27
JG43 28
robc 28
Web Dominatrix 121
Tulip 214
Terrible day. T-line split 5/20. Average score an abysmal 35.76. Quordlemetrics: 0 1 2 11 (2). Tulip got a MikeS which I, for one, appreciate.
Let’s rock out to a Chuck Berry song.
Well, shit. I missed Hyperbole’s 116. Nice Quordling, Hype.
Damn, why couldn’t my match with Grossp have been today?
Looks fun. Stupid country restrictions means no tickee, no watchee. I’m watching Last Kingdom on Netflix. No great, but not woke at all.
Hunter Biden’s laptop is going to be the gift that keeps giving.
Lunden Roberts does not sound like a stripper name.
I don’t think that’s her nom de stage.
Lunden Roberts falling Down would be good stage music for a pole dance.
Here’s the road map to bankrupting the firearms companies:
Duluth woman settles ‘huffing’ lawsuit against 3M
I’m sure they’re looking at 3D printer makers, too.
I don’t understand why 3M caved. To avoid a case law precedent? The article says they’ve since stopped making the duster. I mean, if this is a legit argument, alcohol companies wouldn’t exist.
I bet 3m caved due it’s current board members being ok with this sort of shenanigan.
This is the reason there is an existing federal law preempting this sort of litigation.
There seem to be a lot of these kind of lawsuits lately. I guess now is a good time to take advantage of a country that is locked in the grip of crippling stupidity.
Stupidity is the right word. This sort of scenario is straight out of first year law school. This case should have stayed tossed out.
It would be cheaper to have her killed, and I think justifiable.
Is there an eclipse? Josh Hawley did something useful.
He’s not completely useless. Also, he’s much MUCH better than Claire McCaskill.
That’s a low bar to clear.
OT: things are getting serious.
California-based Huy Fong Inc. halts Sriracha sauce production amid product shortage, crop failure
ISTR they really just make it once a year, when the peppers are ready. Then it goes into barrels and ferments.
I could see a single bad season really throwing things off.
My first hot pepper of the season is ripening.
Gonna be a spicey summer.
I have always thought of Teslas as fun toys but the price paid? hmmm…
Thank you for doing Robot Ninja, it needs to be shared. I’ll have to work next Thursday, but when I get home I look forward to jumping on and seeing how everyone else will see how awesomely odd that movie is.
I missed your Transformers post when it was live. Thanks for doing it. It was cool. And kudos to your sis (IL?) for taking those cool pics.
Thanks. it was my older sister who took the photos, she has side gig working with a wedding photographer and thus a nice still camera. I just ordered Ultra Magnus last week.
There is a horror movie from the 80s I’ve been trying to find again for a long time. No wonder I couldn’t find it. I thought the name was Brain Dead, but it’s Brain Damage!
Ah yes. The one with a parasite that eats the brains of victims and the excretes drugs in the host.
Something about movies?
Here’s the stormtroopers winning: https://youtu.be/P9bDzHP6_Pk
Daily Quordle 137
Shooters from dem city arrested in dem state. Fucking democrats.
More dem state fun: https://www.pennlive.com/nation-world/2022/06/3-dead-trooper-wounded-in-shooting-at-md-business-authorities.html
Uh huh.
Pull the other one.
Where’s Ray Epps?
*Looks around*
Not here.
I see the TBI effected her memory.
Funny how the left is pro-cop when it’s convenient.
PS. Where are the other 14,000 hours of video?
Morning, I just dragged myself out of bed, and am going through the morning routine. Of course, I went and scratched my knuckle and it’s bleeding.
I am not a morning person.
Rub some dirt on it.
No time, gotta commute. It’s stopped bleeding anyway.
NJ sucks and blows.
Mornin’ all!
Mornin’ morning Folk! Here’s live coverage of me visiting our family physician on Thursday morning – https://youtu.be/B_obeR1OIm8
OT: Did I give my condolences on the loss of your gift? At least they were thinking of you.
No biggy. It’s akin to getting a flat tire on the way to your Uncle’s funeral. The situation was bad and you didn’t want to be there anyway. I don’t fucking care no more.
And sorry you worked with a thief.
The medical establishment have basically washed their hands of me. Months of poking, prodding and scans revealed that I have brain lesions and my liver is a little chonky. The only reason that I started this was because of my balance issues. I asked what to do about that and he suggested hiking poles. A year ago I was hale and hearty, now they treat me like an invalid. They just assume that retirement is a viable option. Grasshoppers don’t retire, they die.
FUCK! I’m very, very sorry to hear that. Hiking poles? Seriously? Government healthcare is evil.
(And because you were snoopy, you learned they were, rather than assuming they weren’t.)
“They just assume that retirement is a viable option. Grasshoppers don’t retire, they die.”
So very True,
That was me at the optometrist when I bombed the eye-test for renewing my driver’s license last week. I picked up my brand new bi-focal granny glasses yesterday and have rejoined the ranks of sighted, legal drivers.
Granny glasses! You’ll fit right in upstate! Just remember to say Maaaan and Far Out a lot.
It’s worth it to be able to see. If you can adapt to the goldfish bowl perspective try progressives if you’re turned off by the bifocal look.
That’s what I’m aiming for next time. Must have at least twenty pairs of reading glasses scattered hither and yon.
You look pretty good there, Festy. Made a deal with the devil, did you?
Devil’s come to claim his own, lately.
Daily Quordle 137
Daily Quordle 137
Good morning everyone. Last night’s nightmare reminded me why I like THC as a prophylaxis against dreams.
Festus, did you inform anyone on the job of the theft? I would think those who donated the gift monies would be plenty pissed of to learn of the filching.
I often alternate between a few different seed words. This morning, one of my seed words from yesterday WAS the chosen word in the upper right spot… it took me 7 tries to get to it. Sigh…
Daily Quordle 137
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I dreamt my company’s president was Trump and he took me off my current projects at work and assigned me to the boring paperwork I was doing 20 years ago as a temp.
He was funny in this episode that was rerun a few hours ago, asking Drew for a Nutty Buddy. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0566470
voici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRXPcHESrV8
(“Rhywun, you’re fired.”)
No, I didn’t. I was not free from breaching my own moral code. I knew they were signing that card for me but I really had no business opening the drawer to find out. What do they say about listening at keyholes? It’s a wash and something to learn from going forward.
Silymarin / milk thistle / NAC for the chonky liver?
Anyway, hopefully whomever stole the cash bought some bad shellfish and suffered the consequences. I’m a nice man but I am no saint.
Good morning, l0, Tulip, Fes, TO’G, DEG, Sean, U, rhy, & Stinky!
Because of the dangerous weather Wednesday evening, we got to see a doubleheader of our beloved local Single A baseball team last night! ? And they lost both games. ?
On the bright side, we had that much more time to eat, so I pigged out on a brisket sammitch, batter-dipped fries, raspberry sorbet (if it’s good enough for Prince, it’s good enough for me!) AND “brownie batter” Dippin’ Dots! #SONotGlibFit
And good morning to you, too, Scruffy!
Mornin, ma’am!
Mornin’, reprobates!
Mornin’! I am not a movie buff, but one of these days I’ll have to tune in on the Thursday festivities. I’m always in the market for new ways to amuse myself. That’s AMUSE, you perverts, not a typo.
After next week, it will get wacky with mostly new stuff. Starting with Corona Zombies. Which is a hoot.
Do you have anything more apropos? Maybe something about a crazy dude going crazy after being forced to eat bugs or starve?
Can do
Daily Quordle 137
Daily Quordle 137
Skyrocketing gasoline prices. On again, off again mask mandates. Compulsory jabs. Toxic whiteness.
I’ve learned to live with all of this. But now they’ve gone too far.
A shortage of chili peppers? Where is the knight in shining armor who will come to our rescue?
*raises hand*
“You’ll get green bells and you will learn to to love them!” – Schwab
My apologies for being such a damper on the morning vibes. I went to get help and all that they offered were nostrums and wishful thinking. They upped my blood pressure meds. Wonder why it reads high when I visit them. Thousands upon thousands of dollars wasted for nothing. See ya in the aisles at Wal-Mart! I’ll be the one sporting the FUCK OFF SLAVER flag on his mobility device.
Naw, you kvetch amusingly.
Never apologize, ya big dummy.
Sorry, Fes. That’s some BS you have got going on up there. It’s enough to make me want to fling poo.
Have a waffle for breakfast.
#waffle140 5/5
? streak: 19
? #waffleelite
#waffle140 3/5
? streak: 40
? #wafflesilverteam
suh’ fam
yo whats goody
Their Isn’t Just Onethese evil beasts are intelligent and coordinate their attacks.
You need to click the link to start your day right.
More videos (follow ups) on reddit.