BIG SHOUT-OUT to Winston’s Mom who did links for me last week when I had The Funk.
GET BACK TO WORK, SLACKERS: Elon Musk orders Tesla employees back to the office. tells employees who don’t like it to “pretend to work somewhere else.” I have mixed feelings about this. It’s his company, his rules. The production line workers who create the products never had a work-from-home option. So much office time is wasted by idiot co-workers. Yet, there is something to be said about team building that you just can’t do over a zoom. MEANWHILE, lazy state employees in Virginia, and their Democrat legislative patrons, whine about having to return to work. Maryland and DC employees have been back in the office since Summer of 2021.
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL SEX WORKERS DAY (FOR REALS, YO): In a delicious twist of irony, Michael Avenatti was today sentenced to four years in prison for stealing money from sex worker Stormy Daniels.
VIGORIDE SPACE TUG PROBLEMS: No, a Vigoride (love the name) space tug is not a sex toy, it’s an actual spacecraft.

Not Taylor Lorenz.
NEWS YOU CAN USE: Possums (Didelphis virginiana) are not the great eaters of ticks they were once thought to be, proving yet again that the science is not always “settled.” Your linkster has been guilty of promulgating this pro-possum propaganda. Mea culpa.
TAYLOR LORENZ TWEETS: “Hundreds” of domestic violence survivors have already retracted victim statements & pulled out from court cases as a result of watching the trial. She knows this how, exactly? Did everyone’s lawyer call her? Always be suspicious when a journo (or anyone else) uses vague words like “hundreds” instead of actual numbers.
GIVE US YOUR HUNGRY, YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR; WE’LL PISS ON ‘EM: The heart-wrenching, infuriating story of a Yemeni refugee family in San Francisco, that beacon of tolerance and prorgressivism. Note that the mayor tried to exclude press from the “public” meeting about this. Headline stolen from here (bonus music link).
first FIRST?!
I want this comment to get the attention it deserves by replying to the first first (which must leave the Bro chafed, but not that chafed).
Kudos for Tonio for tying together possums, hideous little critters, with ticks, hideous little bugs, and Taylor Lorenz, hideous excuse of a human.
first FIRST?!
Looks like second FIRST to me.
first FIRST?!
in other news…opportunistic lurker is not used to battling squirrels
Hi. Are you a legit Tulpa or do you just not comment very often?
You left out “fuck off”
/gives Hi Sign
*high five*
I don’t really like the “Fuck off, Tulpa” thing. I try to be nice until I’m pushed to release my beloved Inner Bitch.
nah I’ve had the Tulpa welcome before, I’ve actually been lurkin’ here and there since the H&R days, rarely do I get on here before it’s dead threads tho
Okay, that’s why your moniker is vaguely familiar.
Welcome! Comment!
I thought the name sounded vaguely familiar. Well, I don’t apologize for my welcome below.
Never apologize, MikeS. Damn kid shit all over my links comments. Don’t worry, we’ll break them at the night of the seven fires.
fuck yo’ relevant comments, Tonio. OT for life!
Me neither. It’s played.
Don’t hog the podium, man.
Well, they are, indeed, coming for our guns.
I appreciate them being more honest about this, but I have a feeling they’re still going to play Celebration Parallax (“nobody is coming for your guns, and it’s a good thing they’re coming for your guns”) and Motte-and-Bailey (“how can you be against common sense rules? of course, common sense means no guns”) whenever convenient.
not meant as a reply
Three times a charm, Tulpa. Now comment more often and also fuck off!
It’s such a winner of an issue for them. Go for it. Let’s make the November rout absolutely stunning.
I think it is so charming when a member of the House tells us all what the Senate is going to do.
He’s a freshman congressman, and obviously bloviating for the cameras. But there is a sea-change in their rhetoric. Not that anyone ever really believed them when they said they weren’t coming for peoples guns, but still…
I just took it to mean “we” as in “the Democrats”.
Oh right, the Democrats with their 48 seat majority in the Senate.
They figure the midterms will be sufficiently fortified. Maybe.
Herschel Walker’s going to bust through that fortification like it was Bill Bates.
In order to save democracy, we must squash the opportunity for debate from the 49% minority, politicize an independent branch of the government meant to check us by explicitly filling it with partisan actors for our side and completely disregard the will of the overwhelming majority of the electorate that isn’t buying what we’re selling. Fascism averted.
I think I prefer hundreds to the overly specific “423 statements have been retracted” style.
I agree it flows better from a writing standpoint, but this is (supposedly) factual reporting and not literature. “Hundreds” encompasses 200-999, which is a broad range.
The greater point is that AFAIK she’s just pulling numbers out of my head. I didn’t read her entire tweet thread.
Adams wants the tax cattle back in NYC PDQ!
Mayor Adams sends stern letter to NYC employees: ‘You are required to report to work in person’
It must be June.
It took me way too long to figure out the G-Rated interpretation of that.
Hey, my old avatar came back!
It was either Webdom, or…
Hmm… I wonder were you found a high school picture of me?
…and blued comments. Much goodness has occurred.
It must be June, indeed.
“Oh, my!”
Man, I don’t need to go past the first link.
Pure, funky joy!
Thanks, Tonio!
I miss funk
Well, get down with Funky Pete.
I miss a lot of that positivity. Sly, Dazz, EW&F, Rick James (bitch!), Ohio Players, even Prince.
Amazing musicians and just an absolute party.
Token Bass
God, that’s still funny as hell!
“You’re black, you can play bass.”
Slap bass battle
“When the drums, bass, and keyboard player were late for a gig.”
Freeker By the Speaker – Live from Keller’s Cellar
Enjoy that was live.
The true gold standard and inventor of most modern slap technique that everyone of these is copying. The great Victor Wooten.
International Sex Worker Day, should be subtitled “for real, Ho!”
Sex Trafficking Day provides a better acronym.
George is one of the few Clintons I like.
She’s a freak!
Not just knee deep, she was totally deep!
And our PPE (armor).
Interesting how something that is strictly defensive can be so maligned by the left.
And certain Republicans…
And John?
Why do you want it to be harder for cops to kill people?
Elon Musk orders Tesla employees back to the office. tells employees who don’t like it to “pretend to work somewhere else.”
If my company told me to stop working from home and come into the office, I’d look for new work. I’m not going to pay Massachusetts income tax.
Gun grabbers lie. From the article:
Rep. Mondaire Jones said Thursday Democrats will abolish the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court in order to pass more restrictions on guns, as the House prepares to advance a package of gun bills next week.
He can go fuck himself.
But there is one big change: Sumaya is expecting her fifth baby — a boy — in September. He’s one more reason to find a bigger apartment. One more reason to strive for a better life. One more reason to dream.
I made it to the end of the article on the Yemenis in San Francisco. I hope they get out of that shitty situation they are in.
The Oaks, PA gun show is coming up. Anyone interested in a meet-up on the 11th?
I was hired as a remote, I see no reason to go in.
Alternately, they can pay me for the three hours of lost time + increased cost of lunches + the cost of 4 daily train trips.
Their call.
I am going to spend a week in the office in October. But other than that, yeah, not going in. I moved to FtC on the basis of never having to go to an office again.
A good old fashioned recession will fix that attitude.
“The Salehs had one wish: to escape their $2,050-a-month studio for a bigger apartment in a safer neighborhood. More broadly, they sought the American dream in a city that proclaims itself a refuge.”
I dunno man, is anyone forcing them to live there? you could get a nice house, even now, somewhere nice for that rate. No sympathy if they don’t take the obvious action of leaving commiefornia.
“She hasn’t been the same since, her family said. She spends long hours playing games on her phone or watching YouTube videos. She’s listless. She cries more. She’s still fearful, ”
Didn’t know you could become American by gettin’ punched. Just sounds like a normal kid now.
“saying she’s seen the suspect several times since the attack despite a protective order to stay away.”
If true- fuck the police (or more likely, prosecutors and Judges).
There are three bedroom apartments for rent in my neighborhood that are less then $2,000/month.
Yeah, but can you get punched in the head by a crackhead in your neighborhood?
It is all about quality of life man.
Well, maybe? But I think you’d have to go to the worse neighborhoods for that.
That this story was published by the SF Chronicle foretells that prosecutor Chesa Boudin is going to get recalled in the forthcoming election.
I negotiated myself into a hybrid schedule largely thanks to COVID opening management’s eyes that remote work can work. Especially for my position. It’ll take a substantial raise for me to give it up.
“I made it to the end of the article on the Yemenis in San Francisco. I hope they get out of that shitty situation they are in.”
I get it now… /slow
I damn near bought a reasonably nice Colt Lightning at one of those shows back in 2019, when I was working in (ugh) New Jersey. The seller and I were about a hundred bucks apart on the price, and neither of us was going to budge, so I let it go.
He did have one of the roughly 10% of the tables in that huge show that wasn’t all Tacticool.
Convenience of the employer theory is bullshit.
Another supposed vaccine benefit falls: Vaccines may not prevent many symptoms of long covid, study suggests
Seems like either long covid is not serious, or preventing serious illness is also questionable.
“I just tested positive…I am grateful for the protection my vaccines continue to provide.”
The smart elites faked their covid passports.
“But there was more ambiguity regarding long covid.”
I take this to mean the ‘vaccines’ actually exacerbate ‘long covid’. I know that isn’t what the study showed, but listening to the author, he isn’t exactly unbiased.
“This was disappointing,” said Ziyad Al-Aly, lead author and chief of research and development service at VA Saint Louis Health Care System. “I was hoping to see that vaccines offer more protection, especially given that vaccines are our only line of defense nowadays.”
Yup, absolutely no other interventions (allowed).
Tonio, since you posted P-Funk. One of my favorite Onion articles when they were still funny.
Clinton Threatens To Drop Da Bomb On Iraq
Brilliant. Thanks.
If you look closely “LEAVE THE ROOF ON THE SUCKA”
On the same page.
Eight Democratic Virginia lawmakers are calling on Gov. Glenn Youngkin to reverse a new telework policy requiring all state employees to work in-person full-time by July 5 unless they are granted an exception.
It’s harder for them to pretend to work at the office, but they will still do it.
“A top-down and universally-applied telework policy does not address the varying differences that exist among position requirements and agency needs,” the lawmakers wrote.
Isn’t it ironic?
Speaking of ironic, when would you expect the Bee to be upstaged…
by the Federalist?
Too local news: NH State Rep. Manny Espitia won’t run for reelection
State Rep. Manny Espitia (D-Nashua), an outspoken progressive caught in the center of the recent State House drama in the Democratic caucus, has announced he is not seeking reelection.
“It breaks my heart to not be seeking another term, but I have some commitments that would make it very difficult to spend another two years in the State House,” Espitia wrote on social media.
Espitia made headlines earlier this year when he released a statement suggesting that Black men face heightened danger in the presence of police officers. Soon after, Democratic leadership appointed him to the Criminal Justice committee.
Espitia will remain president of the New Hampshire Young Democrats and said he is working to win back the House majority from the GOP. He said his decision for the coming election is not the end of his political career.
While remaining rather tasty when properly stewed with onions, carrots and potatoes.
I’m just going to have to take your word on that one.
I have a mid-century “Joy of Cooking” that still has a decent section on game, including trapping the possum and feeding him cornmeal and water to clean him out before cooking. That book is falling apart but is part of my survival library.
Wouldn’t you gut it anyway?
Chitlins bro.
I have only heard horror stories about chitlins. Even those who liked them would admit they were an acquired taste.
They are slave/poverty food. Much like haggis.
Soaking in salt water for 24 hours prior to cooking does the trick, too.
Their teeth are so sharp I’d be worried about rabies or something.
Oh, great eaters of Ticks, you said.
“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day.”
Something something democratic/constitutional norms. And fuck you, you tyrannical cunte.
It’s gonna cost the Dems more non-white votes. They haven’t seen the demographics changing at gun shows.
I love the things going around on Twatter right now essentially saying “give minorities guns and see how fast Republicans want to ban them”. They really just see everyone outside their bubble as strawmen. Arm away we say.
You can say that again.
What’s stopping minorities from having guns now? ?
You know, I’ve know a few people who conceal carried without a license, and they were all black women with a gun in their purse.
Well, you see, the
darkiesPeople of Color don’t know how to get ID. – The LeftI love the things going around on Twatter right now essentially saying “give minorities guns and see how fast Republicans want to ban them”. They really just see everyone outside their bubble as strawmen. Arm away we say.
“Oh no, more law-abiding citizens with guns! Whatever will we do?!”
Donate to Maj.
Progressives generally believe that everyone else is as amoral and unprincipled as they are.
He’s riding the gun-collection-mobile!
proving yet again that the science is not always “settled.”
But we had a consensus!
I’ve heard that chickens are the way to eliminate ticks and ants from a yard. I may give it a try at the next place.
I’ve heard the same about Muscovy ducks.
Guinea Fowl are high on the tick-hunter list.
^This. Chickens and ducks are better for spiders, slugs, and other larger bugs. I’d be surprised if they get many ticks. Guinea hens are the tick slayers. Mine formed a line and slowly walked through the grass to not miss any.
The downside though is that guinea hens are wanderers. My flock wouldn’t stay on my property and eventually disappeared. I’m going to try again next year with some new ideas to keep them on the property. Better imprinting on their roosting area. And I have more fences now that might help. If nothing else, I’ll be raising our fences to 8′ in a couple years for emus. That’ll hopefully keep the guineas in.
I’ve been considering getting some, but haven’t because of that wandering thing. I don’t think they’d stick around long on my 10 acres and fencing isn’t really an option at this point.
So, are you saying that your guinea fowl are going a little too farthing?
Somebody told me that ducks will get rid of snails.
This duck will.
Guinea fowl have their proponents.
RE: telework
I understand where Elon’s coming from. When my last workplace went primarily to telework, we started seeing lots of people who didn’t want to come in even when problems occurred. While the office itself was already somewhat disconnected (nothing actually happens there, you’d just remote in to other places to get real things done), work from home added another layer of indirection and seems to have attracted a unique set of problematic employees. Among the big issues were people who decided to move or travel while still working. While yes, you can work virtually from anywhere with an Internet connection, you can’t clean up the messes you cause, or even really help fix the messes other people or exogenous circumstances caused. I think a differential pay scale could have helped (e.g., 125% for office work, 100% for in-area telework, 75% for remote telework), but I’m sure people would lie about where they were. Another issue was people who would shirk coming into the office, saying “I’m on telework” as though that exempted them, but who would then bitch and moan come scheduling time about every in-office day you assigned to them.
I think a differential pay scale could have helped (e.g., 125% for office work, 100% for in-area telework, 75% for remote telework)
In my department, that would be ass backwards to the productivity differential and half the team would be gone within a month.
The fact that many execs can’t grasp is that there is no single solution. Some roles are more conducive to remote work than others. Some people handle the freedom of remote work better than others. A single, universal rule is the wrong approach.
Yeah, in our case, part of the problem was that the real systems which were the ultimate target of all our work were inaccessible from home. Productivity working from home, which corresponded roughly to milestones “delivered”, was inversely correlated with problems caused on site. There were multiple causes for this, parts of which were a hiring binge and too many promises (violating the golden rule of “under-promise and over-deliver”), leading to a reduction in quality of work, another part of which was an inability to truly replicate the internal system externally, thus leading to many problems not being discovered until after the telework part was considered “done” and thus people had moved on to other tasks, etc. All of these needed addressing but weren’t tackled meaningfully, so everything I said above is downstream from that.
I agree with your second paragraph, but corporate culture is anathema to individualized work roles and solutions. Everybody has to be replaceable and interchangeable even though we’re not just screwing caps on toothpaste tubes and thus bring unique skills, experience, and interests to the situation. At least part of this is legal, driven by risk-averse “policymakers” who only respond to destructive incentives.
Yeah, it’s hard to justify full telework for that role.
For my role, I need a VoIP line, MS Office, conference call software, and access to various SaaS systems. Productivity, for me, is about shutting the outside world out and focusing on a task for minutes or hours at a time. The office is very bad at providing such conditions.
Tangentially, as I’ve been talking about for months (or longer), I’ve been looking for a job. So far, I’ve gotten 3-4 rounds deep with a couple of e-commerce/retail companies that ended up going with somebody else. Today I interviewed with a business analytics startup. Fully remote, didn’t balk at my salary requirements, didn’t balk at my need for religious accommodation instead of vax proof, and the role would be standing up a whole new department. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, but this one checks almost all of my boxes (*glares at vax requirement*).
Best wishes!
“A single, universal rule is the wrong approach.”
A single, universal rule is the wrong approach.
Bureaucrats cry out in one voice: INCONCEIVABLE!
“Hundreds” of domestic violence survivors have already retracted victim statements & pulled out from court cases as a result of watching the trial
Maybe you should try to have evidence to support your accusations.
This is the WAPO! We don’t need evidence, not when we have sinuendo and slander!
“Hundreds” of domestic violence survivors have already retracted victim statements & pulled out from court cases as a result of watching the trial.
Hundreds of women in divorce proceedings just learned that you can’t always use unsubstantiated claims of abuse as a cudgel, and have withdrawn their allegations? Okay by me, but the timing seems suspicious.
More too local news: QAnon postcards mystery in New England
In the last week of March and the first week of April, residents in and around Boston and across New Hampshire received a strange postcard in the mail.
The postcard featured a grid of images of famous figures, including Taylor Swift, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, Mel Gibson, Dave Chappelle, and Elon Musk.
At the center of the grid was the phrase “The True Story of QAnon” alongside a QR code that linked to a website containing an unhinged conspiratorial diatribe filled with references to hundreds of Hollywood celebrities, lawmakers, and figures from Silicon Valley.
They say they don’t know where they’re coming from, but that’s got to be complete bullshit. I used to work in bulk mail. There’s a giant paper trail for everything that gets turned into the post office. They track the permit number, but you have to verify a number of things before the post office will assign that to you. If I recall, they won’t assign it to an individual, it has to be a business with a valid mailing address. Someone had to turn the mailing in in-person verify the counts, which means multiple postal employees had to have seen this person. They also had to deposit the money into the permit to pay for the postage, so you could easily trace the check. They don’t accept credit cards for these payments since they can reach into the hundreds of thousands of dollars and you have to deposit it at the post office itself – there’s no system for this online. Any journalist with half a brain could track this person down in a couple of hours.
Every time I see something QAnon related comes up, the more I think it really is just a big psyop.
the more I think it really is just a big psyop
That wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Even if it didn’t start out that way, it could easily have been co-opted at some point.
True. I’ve considered that. It just strikes me as such an obvious boogie man. I don’t see much organic support for this outside of a few isolated crazies. You might see pictures of one or two people holding up Q signs at a right-wing demonstration. The leftist crazies show up by the thousands with BLM logos. That organization has organic support (even if they’re being completely bamboozled by the leadership.) Just like the “white supremacist threat”, I’ve yet to see any evidence that Q people a) exist in large enough numbers to be remotely meaningful or b) have even the tiniest bit of power or influence. Like Richard Spencer, the only reason anyone at all knows about it is because the left has made it infamous so they can have an imaginary foil.
I also think Q is a psyop.
There were lots of Q folks among those pushing back against the Lil Rona Panic Measures in NH. Until I’d say around Jan 6th. Then, not so much.
Disrupting elections by participating in democratic processes.
Yeah, that’s why you’re going to lose the mid-terms, totally…
The RNC does eventually catch up on the tactics, but without the courts and media on their side, it’s an uphill battle.
Well it ain’t “democracy” unless Democrats win. It’s in the name!
this unprecedented Republican power grab
“Participating in the process”, “power grab”. “Tomayto”, “tomahto”.
Notice the name dropping of the company. Intimidation tactic.
‘oh noes they’re gonna expose our fraud.’
Thats all I heard.
Rep. Mondaire Jones said Thursday Democrats will abolish the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court in order to pass more restrictions on guns, as the House prepares to advance a package of gun bills next week.
Jones, D-N.Y., made the comments at a House Judiciary Committee markup on a package called the “Protecting Our Kids Act.” The emergency committee meeting was called by Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., in response to the mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in recent weeks.
“You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today,” he added. “If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day.”
“Gee, I wish we had one of them Doomsday Machines.”
Possums re giant ugly prehistoric rats. they serve no useful purpose.
Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t believe they exist.
***Grabs popcorn and waits for pistoffnick to have to engage RoUS in mortal combat***
Breakdown of the loadout that I haven’t heard before.
It’s not adding up!
Some of us already know what went down and who the people are responsible.
Suddenly poor, psycho welfare boy had unlimited funds. (All bought with a credit card)
I’m not going full Alex Jones and saying it was all a planned operation – I’m deeply suspicious because this is what a planned operation would look like if run by government idiots with an unreliable patsy.
Bought with a debit card / not a credit card.
You’re right – that’s even more suspicious. We were all wondering, “Who approved this kid for a credit card?” Now it’s “How did he have that much cash?” Or was it off Grandma’s account?
So who put that $$$$ in his account?
Dunno, but Dr. Phil is on it!
Seriously, just saw the commercial.
Everybody start reusing their hats. If this stuff keeps up there’s going to be a tin foil shortage soon. Unless that was the plan all along……..
This thunderstorm has BDE
The one that passed through here an hour ago wasn’t too shabby.
10 minutes more and the water would have been at my back door. The STEVE SMITH of cricks.
And yet not much here 20 miles or so away.
Which is good because we flood here too.
* sigh *
I’ve heard that chickens are the way to eliminate ticks and ants from a yard. I may give it a try at the next place.
Pea hens allegedly keep rattlesnakes away.
The fact that many execs can’t grasp is that there is no single solution
Harvard Business Review hardest hit.
Looks like she really shit the bed.
The lawyer for Amber Heard said in an exclusive interview on TODAY Thursday that she believed Johnny Depp’s legal team worked to “demonize” Heard and was able to suppress “an enormous amount of evidence” in the defamation trial won by Depp on Wednesday.
“That’s because she was demonized here,” Elaine Charlson Bredehoft told Savannah Guthrie about the verdict. “A number of things were allowed in this court that should not have been allowed, and it caused the jury to be confused.”
Depp was awarded $10.4 million in damages by a jury on Wednesday after three days of deliberation following a six-week trial. Bredehoft said on TODAY that Heard is “absolutely not” able to pay that much in damages to Depp.
“WE’RE the ones who should be doing all the demonizing here!”
I thought that was hilarious. The lawyer says evidence was suppressed because too much evidence was allowed that proved her client was lying. Also, her client won in the UK because the judge there didn’t suppress evidence, by not allowing evidence proving that she was lying to be used in court.
Sounded like a long-winded way of saying “I suck at my job.”
Trashy- I saw your question about red flagging the 500. I don’t like it. You have a driver who methodically worked his way into position to win that race , stayed out of trouble and didn’t make any dumb mistakes (Haha, suck it, Dixon!). Why force him into a last lap “shootout” just because some “marketer” thinks it’s more exciting? It’s more exciting, all right. And if Erikson and Kanaan or Sato, or whoever was up there had gotten together in turn one on the restart and ended up in the chicken wire, it would have been REALLY exciting.
Yeah, the traditionalist part of me agrees with that. The fact that Ed’s car didn’t fire up after the red was a good example of the external variables needlessly introduced by such a stop.
It’s the same part of me that says yellows are for safety, not to reset the bingo balls in the tumbler. It’s also the part that says they should open the rulebook up a bit to get some speed differential so navigating lapped traffic becomes a thing again. It’s also the part that cringes at the fact that leading the race has become a liability over the past decade.
On the other hand, it’s a hell of a lot better than GWC, and it looked like they might go the GWC direction a few years back. Also, it seems like the length of yellows are still pretty extreme, so anything that happens after lap 190 ends the race. I’d rather them park the cars than spend 3 laps cleaning the crash and 6 more laps going through the pit sequence, waiting for TV to come back from commercial, and doing whatever else they do in the interim.
I think I spot the problem.
They could get a much bigger apartment in my neighborhood for less than the ‘Loin and they would be surrounded by lots of people who both do and don’t share their language and religion. No “hate” here that I am aware of. Just sayin’.
Yeah, the Tenderloin has always been sketchy. And by sketchy, I mean total shithole. I wonder why they would stay there. I suspect the incident was less about hate and more about crazy junky, not that they are necessarily mutually exclusive.
Agreed – that neighborhood is overrun with crazies.
“TAYLOR LORENZ TWEETS: “Hundreds” of domestic violence survivors have already retracted victim statements & pulled out from court cases as a result of watching the trial. She knows this how, exactly? Did everyone’s lawyer call her? Always be suspicious when a journo (or anyone else) uses vague words like “hundreds” instead of actual numbers.”
Admitting that women lie isn’t the winning argument she thinks it is.
Admitting that women lie isn’t the winning argument she thinks it is.
I don’t think they’ll get much mileage out of Heard’s case. While it will likely remain an accepted part of their narrative that she was innocent and Depp was guilty, they know better than to draw too much attention to cases that cause normies to notice things. For a similar reason, #StopAsianHate got a lot less attention than #BLM.
Are you talking about how #StopAsianHate got squashed because all the videos that kept coming out were a bit at odds with the messaging of #BLM?
Yes. There was an inherent contradiction between those two causes which they’d rather not keep calling attention to.
It’s gonna cost the Dems more non-white votes. They haven’t seen the demographics changing at gun shows.
I went to a gun show in Indianapolis, at the State Fairgrounds. People of color weren’t exactly hard to find.
People of color weren’t exactly hard to find.
They tend to stick out in a crowd of white people.
No, it’s ok. I’ll see myself out.
Lots of Asians were buying guns at the start of the pandemic. I don’t know if they still are, but given the the epidemic of white supremacy and Asian hate I keep hearing about in the media, probably not.
They were just trying to get some shots.
Officials from the Uvalde Consolidated School District called the police on journalists on Wednesday after reporters at its headquarters demanded answers about the massacre that unfolded at Robb Elementary School last week.
A short video posted to Twitter by CNN reporter Shimon Prokupecz shows four law enforcement officers, who appear to be employed by the school district and unaffiliated with Uvalde police, standing outside the district’s offices.
One officer said, “Just so that you know, Uvalde PD is en route and once they get here, they will start issuing criminal trespasses for the property.”
The cops have to get their MRAP and SWAT team ready first.
I really don’t understand Texas – who in their right fucking mind allows a school district to have it’s own police dept?
The Department of Education has their own SWAT team.
Florida waves hello.
The Sunshine State allowed school districts to form their own police forces in the harebrained-idea-fest that was the special session after the Parkland shooting. They’ve had seventeen takers so far, a mix of urban, suburban, and rural counties.
Their officers are generally of two types: School Guardians in elementary and middle schools who are basically armed security, and School Resource Officers in the high schools, who are full-fledged police, complete with arrest powers. They all pinkie-swear to not hightail it when some sexually-frustrated loser with a 5.56mm rage boner decides to have a homicidal temper tantrum on campus.
In reality, they’re to actual law enforcement what the TSA is to the federal LEO agencies, but they get really grumpy if you remind them of that.
I Graduated from a FL high school in 1989. We got our very first School Resource Officer in 1987 or ’88. He was Charlotte County Sheriff’s deputy who was cooling his heels awaiting retirement after a 2 decade career as a motorcycle cop had ruined his back. He was a nice enough fellow, but he was fully bought in to the whole late 1980s Satanic Panic thing and would lecture us in the lunchroom if he spied a King Diamond t-shirt. Also, there were plenty of pick-up trucks in student parking with gun racks holding shotguns (for those 18+) or air rifles (for the younger set.) Man, what a simpler time.
“Should schools remain open this fall?”
“Oh, hey! Look at the time! Gotta go!”
This is amazing.
Also, you should probably remove the tracking shit from your links The “?” and everything after it can be deleted.
None call it an act of war.
General Nakasone confirmed for the first time that the US was conducting offensive hacking operations in support of Ukraine in response to the Russian invasion.
He told Sky News: “We’ve conducted a series of operations across the full spectrum; offensive, defensive, [and] information operations.”
Drills? Simulations? The real thing?
Script kiddies, the new Children’s Crusade.
I’m pretty sure we’re trying to provoke Russia into Pearl Harboring us so we have the excuse to go full boar WW3. How is giving a country $40 billion and then having them turn around and immediately by shit tons of your guns, not an act of war from Russia’s perspective? How is seizing billions in overseas assets of sovereign citizens without just cause not an act of war. How is admitting you are planning cyber attacks not an act of war. We know it, they know it. They know that eventually Russia is going to poke back and they just can’t wait no matter what the collateral damage is.
It’s weird when Russia, China, and maybe India are the only adults in the room.
I wouldn’t exactly call them adults, but they certainly seem to understand the implications of going to war with nuclear armed countries better than our MIC and media do. They really are desperate to keep up perpetual war no matter the outcome. If the last 20 years haven’t told you that we have the most unhinged, suicidal foreign policy establishment this side of Pyongyang, I don’t know what to tell you.
Hell, right now the French, Italians and Spanish all look a lot smarter than the U.S.
I don’t know about the French.
French diplomats go on strike
A gunman who killed his surgeon and three other people at a Tulsa medical office blamed the doctor for his continuing pain after a recent back operation and bought an AR-style rifle just hours before the rampage, police said Thursday.
The gunman called the clinic repeatedly complaining of pain and specifically targeted the doctor who performed the surgery, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin said.
That physician, Dr. Preston Phillips, was killed Wednesday, along with Dr. Stephanie Husen, receptionist Amanda Glenn and patient William Love, police said. The attack occurred on the campus of Saint Francis Health System in Tulsa. The chief identified the shooter as Michael Louis, 45, of Muskogee, Oklahoma.
It was the latest in a series of mass shootings in United States including the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, and an attack on a supermarket in Buffalo, New York. The recent Memorial Day weekend saw multiple mass shootings nationwide, including at an outdoor festival in Taft, Oklahoma, 45 miles from Tulsa, even as single-death incidents accounted for most gun fatalities.
I don’t think it’s justifiable to lump this event in with Buffalo or Uvalde.
I wonder what his pain med situation was? Another glorious WoD victory?
I wonder what his pain med situation was?
#metoo. The WOD is harsh, but if it saves one life… Oh, wait.
Due to my fucked-up shoulders, my VA had me in ‘pain management’. At my house, by US Mail, I got 120 vicoden 5/500 monthly and 30 percocet 10 mg.
They abruptly cut it off citing “new dispensing rules”. This was around the time “ObamaCare” was rolling around.
To me, the wanted to yank the rug out of opiate users and create a new class of heroin addicts.
In the book Dreamland the author talks about how users basically progress from prescriptions to heroin when the prescriptions run out.
That is extremely rare.
Well, most murders are due to the WoD.
“Michael Louis, 45, (left) entered the St. Francis Hospital on Wednesday to kill his back surgeon, Dr. Preston Phillips (right) and ‘anyone else who got in his way’ when murdered the doctor and three others before shooting himself”
So both the shooter and victim were black. I thought we weren’t supposed to care about black people shooting each other over drugs?
Untz, untz, untz.
Can’t get that out of my head. I’m still laughing about it today.
Never followed any of the links last night, but this is always the first one I think of….
It’s the same part of me that says yellows are for safety, not to reset the bingo balls in the tumbler.
Leo Mehl and his NASCAR Yellow nonsense.
It still pisses me off that they close the pits under yellow. As long as there isn’t an actual blockage, leave the pits open. I always felt safer in green flag stops than when everybody in the race pitted at the same time.
What do you think about the speed limit? Obviously, getting rid of it is a non-starter, but 60 seems like such a massive penalty under green.
and yes, I absolutely agree with you about closing the pits under caution. They have enough telemetry in the cars today that they can set a soft speed limit and penalize anybody racing to the pits.
The possum/tick thing is exactly what I was talking about on the previous thread wrt Mt Stupid.
Tonio shouted his stupidity from the mountaintop and we all learned something.
There is a difference between stupidity and ignorance. Ignorance is lack of knowledge or possession of incorrect knowledge. Stupidity is lack of cognitive capability.
Yes, it is improperly named. Take it up with Zack Weinersmith.
You are the one using it.
I hate the Curved flying bases. I’ve been fighting them for years to try to keep the model from falling off.
That is a ridiculous design. I can’t imagine any adhesive having a reliable bond on that.
It doesn’t. One of the big reasons I never got any more of these models was that I still haven’t reliably gotten the ones I already own securely fitted. The old flying bases had a peg or balla nd socket joint where they meet the model, this one has a little scoop in the top of the clear plastic that is supposed to be the glue point for the model body. There is nowhere near enough surface area for a strong bond.
For the record, the painted arms holding up the feet were added by me to prop it up.
Trying for a group rate?
Nice surprise on my porch when I got home – my kickstarter edition (sealed) of the “Call of Cthulhu” 2nd Edition reprint RPG.
Now…if only I had a friend or two around here to play with. Could be at least one guy in my office – we’ll see.
I’m waiting on mine. Did you get a shipment notification? I have received no communication from them since they said shipping would start soon.
No emails I can see since updates 36/37 on 16 May.
Your daily dose of Sanford & son.
Tonight, Fred becomes a minister.
Whipping inflation and not paying taxes! Fred is the libertarian hero we’ve been missing!
And finally Aunt Esther makes an appearance. She is fantastic!
Thanks, Sean. Between these and the Pontiff’s DRoS, the world seems less awful!
“13 times Texas police have changed their story of what happened during the school shooting that left 19 children dead”
Those are rookie numbers.
Hey yall:
Wife has instructed me to buy an AR-15 type rifle. (New)
What is the most cost effective way to do this?
I am never going to be a marksman on it, so tip top of the line may be waster money.
May ask this again tomorrow or ask more nuanced questions.
(Oklahoma CIty general area)
She’s a keeper.
We have had issues in the past. But we understand what was behind them.
She is indeed a keeper. But “cutest pig in the world” & not committing to eating them may be a bridge to far/
I love her, and she is awesome.
Ruger or S&W are good entry levels.
Check Palmetto state to see if they have any blemished ones for sale. Usually the blemish isn’t noticeable, and the price is decent.
Yeah, not sure about now, but 2018 or 2019 I got a S&W sport model (with front sight post and flip up rear metal sights) that also included a carrying case. Some retailers may have it – looks like out of stock in others. I paid $350 or so IIRC (maybe a bit more) at the time – but looks like most of them are higher now.
Even if you’re going to look at optics, I recommend having the default metal sights on it – especially for starting off.
No, no, no. Iron sights are for backup, only.
Start out with an electronic red dot optic – nothing is easier than ‘put the glowing red dot on the target and press the trigger.’ Figure out irons later.
I’m going into the gym, but I’ll have more on this topic later.
My brother just got one of these from Palmetto. Not a bad price
The cheapest way would be to buy a Palmetto State kit on the internet and a stripped lower locally. Then you would have to learn to assemble, or pay a Smith to put it together.
The next cheapest would be to buy an assembled lower from Palmetto and have it transferred through a ffl and pick out an assembled upper from any internet dealer and have it shipped to your house. Make sure any kit from PSA has their EPT (enhanced polished trigger), which is nicer than mil spec.
Ruger and S&W are fine too.
Thank you Mr. Smith, but i am afraid i must pass on your very kind offer.
/Please don’t hurt me/
Basic bitch rifle, using option 2. Total was under $600 with the optic, I think.
Get a Kyle Special. Smith & Wesson M&P Sport. Or at least make it one of the first ones you look at.
“What Quantum Mechanics Can Teach Us about Abortion”
I made it to the beginning of the third paragraph!
But don’t let’s consider the loaded jargon used by the other side.
“I made it to the beginning of the third paragraph!”
Go fix yourself a drink. You earned it.
19:00 is tee-off time.
Three minutes to go.
Dazed and confused
At the center is a president still trying to calibrate himself to the office. The country is pulling itself apart, pandemic infections keep coming, inflation keeps rising, a new crisis on top of new crisis arrives daily and Biden can’t see a way to address that while also being the looser, happier, more sympathetic, lovingly Onion-parody inspiring, aviator-wearing, vanilla chip cone-licking guy — an image that was the core of why he got elected in the first place.
“He has to speak to very serious things,” explained one White House aide, “and you can’t do that getting ice cream.”
Biden himself, meanwhile, is staying barely visible, spending all of this week at the White House and his beach home in Delaware, removed from any interaction with anyone who’s actually on edge about their bills going up. On Thursday night, he’ll deliver another speech from the White House on guns, one day after a hospital shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, just over a week after a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and two weeks after a racially motivated mass shooting at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York.
The President is a 79-year-old man who still thinks in terms of newspaper front pages and primetime TV programs, surrounded by not-quite-as-senior aides in senior positions with the same late 1990s media diet. Lifelong habits don’t tend to fade when people get to their desks in the West Wing.
He has literally spent his entire life in the pursuit of the office, but now he is still trying to calibrate himself?
I’m starting to think not even CNN can pretend Biden’s asshole tastes like strawberry ice cream anymore.
OFFS I can’t even.
Lorenz knows it because it’s the number of her own statements that she retracted.
His company, his rules but the 40 hour minimum for salaried workers is flat out bullshit. You’re paying for the work, not the time. If you want to pay by the hour, the meter is fucking running.
Right to work state? Sign a contract with the company that covers what you will or won’t do for the salary. Free to go elsewhere.
I assume there is an expectation for most salaried workers that you’re available during business hours as part of your role. There is no way I could realistically do my job without being in my office, whether at home or onsite, from 9-5 and usually earlier to later. If someone on my team couldn’t be regularly available during business hours, their value and thus pay would drop significantly.
Paid by the work and not the time sounds closer to fixed price consulting.
Yeah, a significant chunk of my time is “be available to fix shit”. I have no problem with 40 hours. The problem I have is turning it into 55 hours for the same pay. Fuck that.
Same here. I may be waiting for tickets and responses from people, but I need to be available for calls in case something goes pear shaped.
“The next shooting is already being planned senators should be mindful everyday they wait to act Americans die.”
You don’t say.
Mr. Hogg just might qualify for Red Flag scrutiny himself?
That’s one way to subvert our expectations.
I wonder if this cunte has considered the actual consequences of what he really wants (complete disarmament) in a country that has more guns in private hands than there are private hands.
Biden aides cite a range of other factors — a political press corps still hooked on Trump-style melodrama, a news environment dominated by Ukraine and pandemic, a Secret Service buffer that limits what Biden can do, lingering anxiety that he’ll catch Covid-19 and possibly become really sick.
That’s in between pointing fingers at each other for whose fault it is. They have the same internal meetings over and over, insisting that they need to change up their whole approach to how they’re using Biden — and then each time watch as nothing changes.
Doctor Grandma’s not gonna like reading that.
Maybe if he knew someone higher up the chain of command in the Executive he could get rid of some of those limits.
Trump would stop randomly to talk to / congratulate first responders. Biden has to be kept on Barry’s leash and follow the script as best he can. But Orange Man Bad/Crazy/Incompetent/etc.
“The President has a well-rounded strategy that combines putting unprecedented resources into digital engagement, speeches that provide many of his most powerful moments, and person-to-person interactions that showcase important qualities like his empathy,” Bates said.
That sounds like an ad for a vacuum cleaner.
What? Which President is this person talking about?
I think they’re having flashbacks to when Dreamy was in office.
“digital engagement…that provide many of his most powerful moments, and person-to-person interactions”
Sounds more like a description of Hunter’s proclivities.
He is addressing the nation tonight
If this is coming from the government, does this mean that things are actually worse?
Russia Controls 20% of Ukraine While Kiev Loses 60 – 100 Soldiers Per Day: Zelensky
The cynic in me believes this is to put pressure on the West to jump in.
It looks like the cauldron theory was accurate. Russian artillery has been hitting hard but moves slower than tanks with air support. I’ve been reading accounts of fresh Ukraine units arriving on the Donbas front having their numbers halved overnight by artillery fire and desertion (perhaps this should be called escaping instead of desertion for conscripted units).
MoA has been estimating 200 dead and 800 injured per day. Interesting read.
Really interesting. Thanks for the link!
Trump with another late breaking endorsement, of a front-runner. Truly a king-maker!
Thiel is the one looking like a kingmaker.
But I think most of us underestimate the number of people still enthralled by two-scoops.
The talismasks are back!
Fuck am I glad I don’t work in Berkeley anymore.
(The ‘Now that’s what I call Quordling’ Edition)
QuordleBot 18
whiz 18
l0b0t 18
Ozymandias 19
The Hyperbole 20
pistoffnick 21
Sean 21
Mojeaux 21
Not Adahn 22
Tundra 22
Grumbletarian 22
Grummun 22
Ted S. 22
MikeS 22
Tulip 22
grrizzly 22
trshmnstr the terrible 23
SDF-7 23
Cannoli 24
one true athena 25
ScoobaSteve 25
kinnath 25
Grosspatzer 26
TARDis 26
robc 26
I’m really proud of you people, 25 Players, 22.2 Average, 16/9 TLR, 37 SS, 1 1 3 6(1)QM. If Quordlebot doesn’t chump it tomorrow there’s a good chance it will be the player of the week, I hope Trashy’s happy with himself for taking down humanity like that.
Tourney News- Sean didn’t listen to my advice a played it safe to keep his no-chump streak going, allowing me to edge him out by a point in our tiebreaker match. The Elite Eight are set for mañana. Good Quordling and Good Luck.
Hyperbole vs. MikeS! Nice.
Claymation fight, Celebrity Deathmatch style?
That would be spectacular!
Dude, I had an 18 as well!
See the Glib Car thread.
“I vote we scare the ever loving shit out of suburban women in 2022.”
That’s nice.
Tbf it is a tried and true political strategy. But I went to her page. Major cunte status confirmed.