Thursday Afternoon Links of Swelter

by | Jun 9, 2022 | I Am Lame | 215 comments

Appropriate tunage with bonus awesome sidewhiskers.


(h/t to Juris Imprudent)


SPACE NEWS: Starlink allowed to resume operations in France; luddite watermelons unhappy. NASA’s Lunar Flashlight mission rescheduled for December, will use lasers to look for water ice in craters near the lunar poles.

COMPASSION UNHINGED: The Robespierres of Lockdownism. A good article from the Brownstone Institute.

VOX SAYS SOMETHING NOT TOTALLY INSANE, THIS ONCE: Stop telling kids that climate change will destroy their world. But we suspect they are only doing this because they need the kids to stay active in politics. The left’s pushing climate change hysteria seems to have backfired on them.

ONE STEP AWAY FROM CALLING FOR MANDATORY RE-EDUCATION: Slate opines that “therapy” could help White people work through race issues.

WRONG! Congresswoman Jackie Speier claims to be only member of Congress who is a victim of gun violence. Conveniently forgets about Steve Scalise. Also noteworthy that Speier was shot while a congressional aide; Scalise was shot while in office.

ANOTHER J6 INSURRECTIONIST CAUGHT: FBI arrests Ryan Kelley, Republican candidate for governor of Michigan. While Kelley has not been accused of entering the Capitol building itself on the day of the violent demonstration, court documents feature photos of the Republican on the steps wearing sunglasses and a black baseball cap. Totally not a banana republic move. Also, conveniently timed since the auto da fe totally unbiased congressional hearings will take place tonight so they can be broadcast live during primetime. Rep Jim Jordan tells committee to fuck right off.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. Rebel Scum

    Can Therapy Help White People Work on Race Issues?
    Some therapists are guiding white clients to explore their racial prejudice, shame, anger, and isolation, and then carry their insights into anti-racist action.

    Huh. I don’t have race issues except for the racists of all stripes that seem to hate white people.

    • Tonio

      Someone needs therapy.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I find buying guns to be therapeutic.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      This sounds like conversion therapy.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Probably with a little more water-boarding.

      • Tonio

        That is a good observation, CPA.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      IOW they’re brainwashing their clients. Scientology might just be right about the mental health professions.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Your average therapist is a nutbag anyway.

      • Bobarian LMD

        If I had to sit and listen to other people’s bullshit all day, I’d have to become something extreme.

      • Tres Cool

        5/10 psychiatrists are NOT bat-shit crazy.
        0/10 psychologists are NOT bat-shit crazy
        -100/100 Social Workers are NOT bat-shit crazy

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        I know a nice one, retired. I don’t think Jordan Peterson is BSC, or at least is not a moral danger to others. Bah, maybe he and many people just inherited some maladaptive genes.

      • C. Anacreon

        I’d say more like 25/100 social workers are not batshit crazy. Remember who are the main employees of the “homeless services” industry.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      These therapists agree that the most important training tool to support this work is their own racial self-investigation. “You have to engage in a process of self-interrogation,” Hardy explained. “What does it mean to you personally to be white?”

      It’s like we’re living in a Eddie Murphy skit.

      • Tonio

        You know who else liked self-criticism?

      • Tres Cool

        Freud. He argued that you cant be a psychotherapist unless you’re endured intensive psychotherapy.
        Which is why he freaked out when Carl Jung began to analyze him while they were on a ship headed to the US from Europe.

      • UnCivilServant

        Then you get a bootstrap paradox where no one would be qualified to give the first psychotherapist psychotherapy.

        They were both nutcases anyway. Their claims say more about what was wrong with them than about other humans.

    • DrOtto

      I know a bunch of legitimate white racists. They’re all progressive liberals.

      • DEG


      • DEG

        Shit. I hit post and remembered about a former friend of my older brother’s. This former friend of my older brother was in the KKK and definitely not a FBI plant. It’s been at least 25 years since I talked to the guy, which I’m fine with.

  2. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “FBI arrests Ryan Kelley”
    And Hunter Biden who likes to engage in fondling handguns while fondling whores and smoking crack is free. Must be nice to have the right connections.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ryan Kelley is facing four misdemeanour charges related to the Capitol breach, including disorderly conduct,

      According to an affidavit filed in federal court, the FBI received at least four tips between January and February 2021 from people who said Mr Kelley was at the Capitol attack. All four tipsters provided photos of a man who appeared to be Mr Kelley at the Capitol that day.

      What country are we even fucking in

      • rhywun

        One that I don’t remember signing up for.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Can you imagine being his kid? Ugh.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Uh, HB’s, that is.

        Remember Ordinary People? “The wrong son died!”

  3. db

    The auto-da-fe? What’s an auto-da-fe?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It’s good to be the King.

    • Tonio

      It’s like a manual one, only without the clutch.

    • EvilSheldon

      You mean that thing we shouldn’t do, but we do anyway?

    • Zwak, who counted all his blessings, and counted only one.

      If you figure it out, it will be an act of god.

  4. Scruffy Nerfherder

    For Robespierre, the object of pity was the sans-culottes, and it was their suffering which therefore came to trump all other considerations. It was a “more touching calamity” than the execution of innocents or the massacre of purported counter-revolutionaries, and therefore such indiscretions mattered little in the grand scheme of the revolution.

    For the Robespierres of lockdownism, the object of pity became those “vulnerable” to Covid, and set against this “more touching calamity” the needs of other classes – chiefly children and the poor – were held to count for little. Indeed, the members of those classes could be visited with all manner of cruelties given the bigger goal the lockdown proponents hoped to achieve.

    Framing is everything, particularly to the Left.

    • Bobarian LMD

      Framing is everything, particularly to the Left.

      Also apropos of the Ryan Kelley story.

    • pistoffnick


      You know who else liked to walk around without pants?

      • Compelled Speechless

        I would say the same thing if I was married to early 90’s Julia Roberts.

      • Ted S.

        +1 Patrick Bergin

        /movie needed one more bullet

      • Tres Cool

        Stormy Daniels?

      • Tundra


      • Compelled Speechless

        Anyone invited into the oval office from ’93 – 2000?

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      La Musée Carnavelet (dedicated to the history of Paris) is very interesting. Blood-stained shirts and such. I’m sure much of the catalogue is online, now that I think about it.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      We’re up to seven now? I just have no fucks left to give.

      • Rebel Scum

        I had no fucks to give when it was announced. And I distinctly remember expressing the opinion that the cuntes in charge were never going to let this go as I scoffed at the “2weeks to flatten the curve.” I did not participate in covid culture then and I am not about to start now.

    • Rat on a train

      Big Pharma is salivating at all the scientismists demanding boosters.

    • Tres Cool

      My prediction of a couple months ago stands- we’ll see it at $10/gallon

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I figured a top around $7 when this began. If it goes to $10, the Democrats are toast. They’ll have to imprison the entire GOP in order to save themselves.

      • Sean

        I think a $7 average would be enough for a good shellacking.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It will, but $10 would have economic fallout of unimaginable proportions. I don’t think the Democrats truly understand how severe that would be.

      • Sensei

        The perfect let the eat cake moment.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Ask her if that car is coal, Natural gas, or nuclear powered. I’ll bet you she wouldn’t understand the question.

      • Tres Cool

        So she drove her “electric” car from Lansing to DC. Between 588-592 miles according to her office locations and Google maps.
        How many times did she stop to charge? Where did that electric come from? What did she do while the car was charging?

        She never said what the vehicle was.

      • Sensei

        Google says bolt EUV. Most generous would be a new one

        Based on ABRP – Lansing, MI to DC is 12 hours and 4 charge stops and a bit under 3 hours charging.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That was a stunningly unintentional gaffe.

      • Compelled Speechless

        I think you mean a stunning rare moment of honesty from a politician.

      • Drake

        I would laugh long and hard if the Repubs found themselves with a veto-proof majority in Congress. They would be freaking out more than the Dems. “Oh shit, they really expect us to do the stuff we promised! Now we are screwed!”

      • R.J.

        So true. That happened last time. I expect nothing different this time. Buncha posers.

      • DEG

        Not enough Senators are up for reelection for that to happen, even if the Republicans flip each seat the Democrats hold, which isn’t going to happen.

      • db

        No, they do not. They understand that it’ll cause them to lose elections, but their assessment of the damage to our country ends at that point. My concern is just how much they’re going to try to ram through before they expect to lose in November. This could be even more disastrous if they lose what tenuous grip on reality they still maintain.

      • rhywun

        My concern is even if they do nothing further, how much will the damage increase before November.

      • Gustave Lytton

        They understand that it’ll cause them to lose elections, but their assessment of the damage to our country ends at that point.

        This goes the same for electorate. They’re just as complicit with the problems as the officeholders.

      • DEG

        Here’s the thing. Are Republicans and libertarians going to be smart enough to take advantage of it? Or are they going to step on their own dicks? Or be complacent?

        I’m a little worried this talk will lead to complacency.

        The Democrats aren’t lying down. I heard from a NH state rep I know that the Democrats are dumping money into NH in an attempt to win back some of the ground lost in 2020. NH can’t be the only place they’re doing that.

    • Bobarian LMD




  5. Aloysious

    Erik Gleibermann of Slate can suck the fart out of my asshole.

    That crap might be making me unreasonably angry.

  6. Rebel Scum

    Better to keep doing what we’ve been doing for decades that doesn’t seem to work.

    “Those are some of the stupidest proposals I’ve heard in all my time as an educator. So that’s my answer to that. Listen. We need to make sure we’re doing sensible legislation, making sure our schoolhouses are safe as much as possible, but to say that we’re going to arm teachers to protect students, what happens when a teacher goes out on maternity leave? Are we going to give the substitute of the day a gun? What this shows, Sunny, is that some people are clueless when it comes to what’s happening in our schools, and it just shows further disrespect to a profession that has bent over backward these last two years to protect students and give them an opportunity for an education. So, I’m tired of hearing about the silly proposal that are doing more to lift up people’s national profile than protect children.”

    Um…if he/she is properly trained I assume. Why do hoplophobes have to be the most dishonest people on the planet? Never mind that the proposal is essentially to protect students the same way we protect banks and politicians, i.e. with guns.

    • Tonio

      These people never argue in good faith. Nobody has proposed giving anyone guns, but rather allowing school personnel to carry.

      “[b]ent over backwards to protect students” LOL. No, they haven’t. They can’t even be trusted to not use an emergency exit for their own convenience.

      Imagine how outraged they’d be if teachers who carry got extra pay, to offset the cost of training and ammo.

      The good thing about allowing some teachers to be armed is that this will drive some of the hoplophobes out of the profession.

    • Shpip

      To be fair (to be faaaaaaiiiir), I wouldn’t trust your average schoolteacher with anything more lethal than those jumbo round pencils they give to kindergartners when the kids are learning to trace letters.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        “And if you can’t teach, teach gym.”

      • Tres Cool

        h/t @ Letterkenney

      • R.J.

        It’s been done in Florida already. It is a rigorous course to pass to carry on school property and only the best of teachers take the class. Bozo teachers just sit and stew.

  7. Drake

    I will miss tonight’s show trial as it is my wife’s birthday and we are going out on the town. Probably better for my blood pressure even if I do over-indulge.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      ? ?

    • R.J.

      You won’t miss anything. Go have a great night!

  8. Certified Public Asshat

    I am SO ready for accountability for the violent insurrection against our government & the coup incited by Drumpf & his minions. Will YOU be watching the @January6thCmte ? ?#MustSeeTV— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 9, 2022

    Star Wars sucks

  9. juris imprudent

    Dammit, I’ve run out of FUCK-OFFs to give with those links.

    • rhywun

      Seriously. The news is just getting stupider by the day. And with no end in sight.

  10. Rebel Scum

    False dichotomy is false…

    A poll conducted by NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist found that 92 percent of Democrat voters consider it “more important to control gun violence” than “to protect gun rights.”

    …but it tells you where the average Dem voter is regarding the Constitution.

  11. The Other Kevin

    I’m hoping we get a “Have you no sense of decency sir” moment during this January 6 fiasco.

    • Compelled Speechless

      You won’t get a single unplanned moment. I keep reading how tightly scripted the production is going to be. They’ve been rehearsing it for months and months so there won’t be any “Biden moments.”

    • Ted S.

      “Talking” being the operative word.

      • Toxteth O'Grady


      • Ted S.

        It’s a Youtube video, not a post one can read.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Wait, what? When did Russell Brand start kicking ass? I totally missed that happening.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        He sobered up, and then I don’t know…?

      • Tundra

        He’s intelligent. Intelligent people can reassess.

      • Compelled Speechless

        He’s the kind of red-pilled that I find very frustrating. He recognizes all the corruption in the system and wants to tear it down… he can install a socialist system with the right top men. What do you think think happened to the last round of top men Russell? Do you think it had anything to do with giving them nearly unlimited power, guns and money? Please explain how you’re going to avoi…..I’m not going to get anywhere with this hippy now am I?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        At least he recognizes that there are problems. We can hash out the particulars later.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Agreed. I said I find him frustrating, I still like him enough to listen to most of his episodes. He’s got a massive audience that he’s making properly skeptical. That’s invaluable.

        Plus you have to start somewhere. I think most of us started out as *cringe* Cato libertarians.

      • Gadfly

        He’s been that way for a while, but I’m not sure when it started. He’s definitely a red-pilled leftist.

  12. Aloysious

    Love the music , Tonio. I’m much calmer. Lovin’ Spoonful took me to April Wine which took me to Uriah Heep.
    *in my own happy place*

  13. Dr. Fronkensteen

    Do you know who else made political gains from an attack on his country’s legislative building?

    • Tres Cool

      Niccolò Machiavelli?

    • Ted S.

      James I?

    • NoDakMat

      Me, that time I was playing Civ IV and that Egyptian bitch attacked my capital city without provocation which angered my allies and gave me enough political cover to start a world war which eventually lead to my World Domination Victory?

  14. Rebel Scum

    Empty Houses

    But corporations such as BlackRock and Vanguard have very thick wallets. The former is reportedly flush with $10 trillion – not billion – in assets “under management.”

    What could that mean? …

    Apparently, BlackRock has been “investing” in private homes – even whole neighborhoods, which it has financial wherewithal to do. What could the reasons be for this “investment” – and why just let those “investment” sit for years without generating any return on that “investment”? …

    It may simply be another effort at enserfment.

    Displace the owners in favor of renters. Bring in subsidized (Section 8) occupants. The government paying the rent to the corporations, which serve the aims of government by “affirmatively furthering fair housing” – this being the actual term being bandied about. It means cleaving what had been enclaves of private, individual home-ownership (and peace and quiet for exactly that reason) into suburban and even rural simulacrums of the inner cities.

    This is wanted for several evil reasons, including the diffusion of red areas of the country into purple-then-blue areas, so as to assure rule by Leftists who promise free things as a “right” – in exchange for everyone having no rights, other than to do as they are told, by Leftists. Who also now control the corporations.

    • juris imprudent

      I have yet to see this discussed in any serious manner, and the economics do not make sense (at least from what I’ve seen). You’re talking some 80+ million homes in the U.S. – and BlackRock bought a company that has 17,000 rentals. Zillow lost their ass trying to buy homes to flip.

      • rhywun

        If they’re gonna rent them to Section 8 under “affirmatively furthering fair housing” – which was Obama IIRC – then those houses won’t last long. And it’s not like the government give a shit since it’s your money.

    • Tres Cool

      I only applied the thinnest layer of foil to my cap. I cant see where the guy could be wrong.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      AFFH. How alliterative. I know some apt F-words…

    • Drake

      I live in one of those homes right now. (No idea if Blackrock is the ultimate parent company of my corporate landlord)

      The type of home they acquire is fairly targeted. Usually mid-sized in the dense suburbs of a mid-sized city. They aren’t buying mountain cabins or farmhouses in rural areas. This also happens to be an area where a fair number of European managers get rotated in for a year or two.

      I don’t have an opinion on how terrible it is. No worse than the wave of defaults and foreclosures headed our way.

      • Drake

        Also – they seem to be focusing on states with landlord-friendly eviction laws for obvious reasons.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        (Bc Calif is too screwed up already? ? )

    • Fatty Bolger

      FFS. Again with this fool? She’s either a compulsive liar, or completely clueless.

    • The Other Kevin


      She’s right, consumer spending is strong. We are spending more than ever on things like gas and food.

      • Rebel Scum


      • Gadfly

        She’s right, consumer spending is strong. We are spending more than ever on things like gas and food.

        This succinctly identifies the folly of a myopic focus on certain metrics.

    • DrOtto

      She’s right, it’s not in the works, we’re in it right now. Now a depression…

  15. Fatty Bolger

    has parted ways with national political reporter
    , capping a week of fighting that stoked conversations over newsroom inequity and social media use and pitted reporters against each other.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Shoehorn in “newsroom inequity” because it was nothing more that 5 year olds having a tantrum.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Parted ways is unfortunate. Terminated for cause would be better.

      • Tonio

        “Parted ways” is apparently euphemistic. Sources are saying she was shitcanned but WaPo HR is understandably refusing to comment.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m going to have another slice of cake then.

    • Aloysious

      Here’s hoping they ‘part ways’ with Weigal.

    • Not Adahn

      How sad.

      Alexa, play Despacito.

  16. R.J.

    Well done Tonio. The most triggering of links today.
    *hunches back over work computer.

    • UnCivilServant

      Sit up straight. Bad posture will haunt you.

      • R.J.

        At my age, what it is going to haunt me with? A crooked coffin?

  17. Tundra

    Fuck is that a good song!

    At least as the world burns, we will have a good soundtrack.

  18. Brochettaward

    Jack Del Rio, Washington Redskins defensive coordinator and former NFL head coach, did the unthinkable. He dared to question all the media hysteria over January 6th and compared it to the coverage of the riots. Now the president of the NAAcP is calling for him to be fired. Other hot takes have condemned him for comparing “organic’ protests in response to Floyd’s death to an attempted INSURREcTION.

    I give it 24 hours before the media lynch mob has their way and he’s shitcanned.

    • Tundra

      And I give it an additional 24 hours before someone offers him a job.

      He’s a stud.

    • rhywun

      The riots were mostly white people agitating for communism. The NAACP can bite me.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They truly don’t care about the people that got hurt.

      • juris imprudent

        Black-owned businesses don’t matter.

  19. robc

    Daily Quordle 136

    lower left took me forever to figure out. It and upper right were right bastards.

    • kinnath

      Daily Quordle 136

      easy peasy on the Tundra line.

  20. Tulip

    Garden report: picked lettuce, radishes, peas, green beans, and a couple beets.

    • Tundra

      Where are you? Virginia?

      Nothing harvestable yet in my neighbor’s garden.

      • Tulip

        Yes. Based on my peonies, this is going to be a great year. I also have tomatoes, peppers, squash, carrots and cantaloupe. Those are nowhere close. Plus herbs.

      • Mojeaux

        pee OH nees

      • Tulip

        PEE uh nees

      • C. Anacreon

        When you’re not strong
        And I’ll be your friend
        I’ll help you carry on…

      • one true athena

        A squirrel (maybe opposum, something that can climb up the gazebo frame at least) sat on my strawberry plant in its container, so it could reach the one (1) ripe strawberry. Which is better than last year’s strawberry fiasco where the animal dug out half the plant for some reason. Which was why I put the plant on the gazebo shelf this year.

        I’m gonna turn into that guy that makes elaborate Rube Goldberg obstacle courses for squirrels, aren’t I?

      • Ted S.

        If you had the wisdom of Minerva you wouldn’t.

      • Tulip

        You say that like it’s a bad thing.

      • Tulip

        Given what’s happening, I wish I had expanded further.

      • Tulip

        I will start freezing green beans this weekend. And, by picking as they ripen, the plant is pushed to keep producing. So, I think it will be good year.

      • Tres Cool

        You know who else produces more the moment their progeny is removed?

    • Sean

    • UnCivilServant

      Mmm… pickled beets.

      Oh, wait you said ‘picked’. Are you going to pickle any?

      • Tulip

        No. I prefer roasted.

  21. Rebel Scum

    It looks like a monster.

    Celebrity Big Brother star and transgender model Jessica Alves, a biological man who identifies as a woman, is vying to be on the cover of Playboy magazine following a Brazilian butt lift surgery.

    Alves, who was recently seen strutting in a thong on a beach in Thailand, told the Daily Mail “It’s unbelievable when I look at myself in the mirror and see the woman that I’ve become. My OnlyFans images are taken by photographers who have also shot for Playboy.”

    • Animal

      Ugh. Why did I click? That thing is fucking hideous.

    • Tundra

      Good lord.

      Eye bleach.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Well, I know what I’ll be having nightmares about tonight. Did they surgically replace his/her face with one of the masks the killers wear in The Purge?

      9/10 for tits though!

    • Compelled Speechless

      Agreed. I don’t think this is going to go the way they think it’s going to.

      • rhywun

        It will suck audience share from CNN and MSNBC and nowhere else.

      • juris imprudent

        In a vacuum, no one can hear you blather.

      • Compelled Speechless

        So combined between 7 TV networks and live streaming they’ll have MAYBE a couple of million people watching this farce? The thing I find most offensive about the whole thing is how jaw-droppingly fucking bad they are at this.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh no, the most offensive thing is the fap-fest it’s going to be for the entire class of political retards.

      • Compelled Speechless

        I don’t find that part offensive, I find it hilarious. They’ll wake up tomorrow morning feeling like they vanquished evil and have finally turned the tides in their favor and break all their own arms patting themselves on the back. In another week they’ll be absolutely aghast at how all their poll numbers have continued to plummet and they didn’t make a single dent or change a single fucking mind in their direction. HOW COULD IT BEEEEE????? RHEEEEEEEE!!!!!

      • R.J.

        Good point. I look forward to the viewership numbers.

      • rhywun

        On the bright side, it will confirm to everyone who has been living under a rock for the last six years or so that the MSM is just another arm of the DNC.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Everyone’s mind is already made up about what happened and what it means. The people swallowing blue pills in quantities and dosages usually only prescribed by Amber Heard’s therapist will believe the same things tomorrow that they did today.

      • C. Anacreon

        Apparently an MSNBC talking head the other day stated as fact that the rioters killed five Capitol police officers.

        Is it any surprise these same folks (who also believe that anyone catching covid has a 50% chance of being hospitalized) are certain this is the biggest thing since the Civil War?

      • Sensei

        No, no no.

        This is going to change roughly a dozen people’s opinions.

        Included will be selected attention seeking Republican politicians and a few journalists.

    • Not Adahn

      NPR has been running ads for that thing all day.

  22. Sensei

    I always enjoy Eric at South Main Auto confirming I made the right choice not to be a mechanic.

    Who would have thought you can’t get 8 fuel injectors for $85?

    • The Gunslinger

      We’re going to tow it back outside with the lawnmower and he can come and put it on a trailer.

      Heh heh

      • Sensei

        As a guy who went to high school in the country, but now lives in urban NJ I miss certain things about the country.

  23. Rebel Scum


    I am SO ready for accountability for the violent insurrection against our government & the coup incited by Drumpf & his minions. Will YOU be watching the
    @January6thCmte ?

    It’s a shame that in real life you are such an ignorant cunte.

    • one true athena

      I had to block him two years ago, just so I wouldn’t know what a dumbass he is.

      • juris imprudent

        He seems to have really embraced the Rian Johnson vision of his character.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Or he’s following the Anakin story arc – minus the redemption.

      • rhywun

        I was watching Star Wars the other day and all I could think was, “I can’t believe what a dumbass he is going to be.”

      • R.J.

        The car accident must have scrambled his brain.

      • Compelled Speechless

        It scrambled his face. Hard to believe the brain was equally if not more affected.

    • Compelled Speechless

      I love his shirt. It should say “Suspect Everyone – except the FBI, CIA, corporate news, the people I vote for, the CCP, the CDC, the WHO, the WTO, BLM and Christine Blasey Ford”

    • C. Anacreon

      Michael Jordan should tell Luke that Republicans watch Star Wars too.

      • Zwak, who counted all his blessings, and counted only one.

        Do they? I thought only the Chinese did now.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Darth really fucked up when he didn’t choose The Emperor over that loser. What an asshole.

  24. LCDR_Fish

    Random question – probably dumb…but just thinking about random stuff at work.

    Conceptually, would it be possible to build a backyard refinery for “crude” to “87 octane” with normal available materials – given that the intended output would be fairly small and [only] one finished product is desired for the most part?

    • R.J.

      Not a dumb question. And one worthy of research.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Yeah, been on a youtube kick with some work buddies who like backyard projects. Need to figure out the exact breakdown. I’m figuring at [hundreds of] gallons capacity that you could keep the pressure comparatively low without needing as much “stuff”.

        Either way would probably require light industrial/commercial space unless you have a nice chunk of land.

      • R.J.

        Where would you get crude to start with? Also I think it might be easier to produce a rough product that runs a two-stroke engine. Then you could swap your car engine for a Harbor Freight special.

      • Sean

        “I know a guy..”

    • Sensei

      I’ve read about folks in developing nations siphoning off crude and doing just that.

      I believe it creates all kind of nasty waste and ain’t very healthy with the methods they used.

      If only we had some Glibs who were chemical engineers…

      • LCDR_Fish

        Well…if you had land with a couple small wells… or bought a 5000 gal truckload delivery?

    • Not Adahn

      Absolutely possible.

      A terrible idea, but completely doable.

      • R.J.

        Not terrible at all. The toxic sludge can be used to coat the steps of city hall, for example. Or to tar and feather commie miscreants.

      • Not Adahn

        It’s got pretty much all the hazards of running a meth lab.

      • Not Adahn

        Now I’m wondering what the death rate at the first refineries was.

      • Nephilium

        I seem to recall that gasoline was originally a byproduct and not the desired final product.

    • Sean

      Artisanal, small batch high test fuel!

  25. Trigger Hippie

    Ryan George isn’t half bad. His Screen Rant Pitch Meetings tend to point out the plot, direction, acting and the overall cynical/revenue driven nature of the American film industry. He’s not as angry, intelligent, or passionate as The Critical Drinker…maybe just as smart but thinking from a different angle. Either way, I enjoy the dude’s take on most films. He’s not afraid to rip apart the script due its contradictions and leaps of faith and logic.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Doubtful…missing at least one zero maybe?

      • R.J.

        Even then, it would be $30,000 or so for eleven acres.

    • Ted S.

      It looks like an auction. Still, considering the colors/point sizes, something about it seems hinky.

    • LCDR_Fish

      For middle of nowhere TX – sure.

      Look at chunks of 20+ acres in middle of nowhere WY for similar prices – normally no detailed pics though. Sight unseen, probably from a govt auction or something else.

      • R.J.

        Great place to refine gasoline.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Wait, really? That’s around $360 per acre.

      • R.J.

        Yes, really. Look it up on Google Maps. I mean, if it’s real, you are pretty near San Antonio. I let one of the California lurkers know.

  26. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Ryan George isn’t half bad.”
    Yeah yeah yeah!

  27. DEG

    “Summer in the City” is a good song.

    “Yes, we might be criminalising the very act of leaving one’s home or meeting a loved one,” it seemed to suggest, “But we are doing it because we care.” It felt almost familial.

    Heh. Lockdownistas can fuck right off.

    The article was good.

  28. Gustave Lytton

    I’ve woken up in the universe where Frank Church wears a goatee.

  29. Count Potato

    I feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Also, worried. I didn’t get home from the hospital until 1AM last night. Didn’t eat, barely slept. Then spent most of the day sitting with my mom. They totally banned visiting when covid was at it’s peak, but visiting hours are still restricted. So I’m home now. I have to wait to hear when her surgery is tomorrow.

    I’m hoping RJ’s movie can get my mind off things for a little while.

    • R.J.

      I truly hope your mom is comfortable tonight, and will have a smooth surgery.

      • Count Potato

        Thanks. She says she is not in pain, which is good. She has an IT hip fracture, which is very common in elderly women, but the anesthesia still worries me.

        Also, all the thoughts, prayers, well-wishing are very much appreciated.

    • Tulip

      Sorry to hear that. I hope the surgery goes well.

    • Ted S.

      My dad got out of rehab today. He’s doing surprisingly well for someone who broke his hip less than four weeks ago, but I still worry about the future.