Thursday Morning Links

by | Jun 16, 2022 | Daily Links | 443 comments


Astros pitchers were on fire last night. The Avalanche topped Tampa in overtime to win game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. ManUre has a tough start to the upcoming PL season. And another no-hitter was lost in the ninth inning.  And that’s it for sports.

It’s like the “Me Too” movement. But the gay version.  Didn’t he face accusations in the US that ended up going away? Wonder if somebody got paid and/or if some lads across the pond decided to finally talk. Guess we’ll find out.

“What rights?”

You call it “progress”, but… it’s little more than a group of assholes deciding which rights we get to keep. Well you can go fuck yourselves.

“Are you sure we don’t need a hand brake?” “Nah, fuck it. Nobody uses one anyway,” he said.

This seems like a good use of state money. And a way for their people to not be represented for very long.

But remember, people accused of crimes at the Jan 6 riot are still not getting bail. But they were doing something horrible, I guess. Way worse than…oh wait. I’d assume this is the last straw for Gascon. He’s getting recalled for sure now.

Things are getting interesting over there. And I think the game of hot potato is about to end with the potto being cast into a trash dumpster.  And yes, that’s a metaphor.

Do this…forever.

I don’t give a fuck. This dipshit deserves more than my indifference though. But I’ve got my scorn all accounted for today, so that’s the best he’s gonna get.

“Chaos,” lol. Whatever. You asked a question and you got answers you didn’t like. Suck it up, assclown.  Also, is this not considered a public accommodation? Are they not there to serve the public without discrimination? I suppose people are entitled to specific wedding cakes, but a pet is something completely different. At least that’s the pretzel-like logic out courts would come up with.

I better get out there and pick some of these up. Ohh, and I’m sorry it scares you to the point of shitting yourself, Mr Rolling Stone writer. You could always choose to be a man next time.

Some of you might think I was a number off. But I was not. I could always play the number you were expecting. Nah, I’m going a different way. Enjoy them both, dear friends.

And go enjoy this magnificent Thursday. I’ll be burning a bunch of 93 octane. Unfortunately.


About The Author




  1. Brawndo

    Everyone’s got their old avatars showing. Not this guy. Same avatar forever

    • SDF-7

      I’m assuming same — I haven’t changed avatars since setting mine… so it should be the normal or a random pixel art…

    • Nephilium

      I’ve got a small handful I rotate through on other sites, but here I’ve stuck with this one.

    • waffles

      I changed mine once, might do it again too. You won’t stop me.

      • waffles

        Siiick, waffles classic

    • Web Dominatrix

      Our new server isn’t done propagating. Several of the bells and whistles won’t be fully restored til this evening. But the main functionality is here, which is most important.

      • Tundra


      • DEG


      • Sean

        Your efforts are appreciated!

      • db

        I’ll add my thanks!

      • Sensei

        Plus 1!

        db – for your avatar make sure you have selected a “G rating”.

      • db

        I have.

      • Animal

        Thanks Webdom!

    • DEG

      I’m not showing my old avatar.

      • db

        I can’t even upload a new one. It just shows that error image no matter what I upload.

      • db

        I wonder what happens if I use someone else’s avatar?

      • db


      • R.J.

        It’ll sort out in time. I have my old icon too. Reminds me of when every time I commented I would get a hearty “Fuck you Tulpa.” Ah, memories!

      • SDF-7

        So… you want to date our avatars, AOC ^W DB?

  2. Fourscore

    Wish I had better gun control but maybe with a little help from a new accessory I could make up in quantity what I lack in quality

  3. Sean

    Early links?

    I need consistency!

    • Fourscore


      • Sean


        Sez the old guy.


    • SugarFree

      No stimming!

    • sloopyinca

      Variety is the spice of life. But not for this room full of Aspies, I guess.

  4. Sean

    “Kim seems to be missing some crayons from her box,”


  5. robodruid

    If you mind, I am going to vent a bit.

    EPA has changed the Lifetime Health Advisory levels for PFAS.
    The old numbers were 70 Parts Per Trillion for PFOS & PFOA.

    They released new numbers yesterday.
    PFOS 20 parts per Quadrillion.
    PFOA 4 parts per Quadrillion.
    And they added 3 new chemicals to the list as well.

    These numbers are so insanely low. i don’t see how they can scientifically justify it. Unless someone comes up with a magic pixie dust, or uses a nuclear reactor to heat a klin. There is no way we can clean up to these levels.
    These new numbers are going to stop all work for a year until we can figure out how to do this.
    The scope of work for one of my projects probably tripled (or more)

    I remember we had an article on this chemical here. Look forward to anybody who has experience with this class of chemicals.

    • sloopyinca

      They have found a way to further control you. That was their goal.

      As soon as you figure out a solution, they’ll come up with a new hurdle to jump over. My advice is to start researching and implementing production of shit that can blow other shit up. It’s gonna be necessary soon.

    • SDF-7

      Rant away — I don’t work with the chemicals so can’t do anything other than nod along with the rest of the peanut gallery, but preaching to the choir (and mixing my metaphors as the peanut gallery is apparently hosting the choir seating or something) — this is Reason # 4.5 x 10^9 why the courts should tell Congress they can’t delegate powers like this and have to do their damned jobs (of course, you could argue that this level of micromanaging shouldn’t be Congress’s job either regardless of arguments for “national health” or “chemicals that drift across state lines” because of the obvious slippery slope to “must eat broccoli” or Wickard.

      I’m assuming if they did the mandatory comments period they just ignored the comments anyway, and I’m also assuming any lawsuits based on them not doing it right or these requirements being nigh-on impossible wouldn’t be addressed until 2050 anyway… so “Remedy? HA!” is the EPA’s thought… Maddening.

    • db

      Are you in the business of treating contaminated soils?

      • robodruid

        EPA issued interim guidance that really suggested that current incineration methods were not getting hot enough to break the C-F bonds, and was trying to figure out proper flue gas testing.
        DOD cannot incinerate anything but there is a loophole for RCRA regeneration of GAC.
        Has waste landfill is it for now.

      • db

        I can’t say much here, but I (well, me and a team) have already disproven that incineration is not good enough.

    • db

      Also, can you send a link? This is…pertinent to my interests.

    • Grumbletarian

      They are altering the deal. Pray they don’t alter it any further.

    • Sensei

      One word.


      • Sensei

        Autocorrect for the win! I’ll keep it for LOL.

    • Old Man With Candy

      “Scientifically justify,” that’s wonderful.

      I have done extensive work with polyfluorinated compounds, enough so that I’ve had two Fortune 100 companies try to recruit me to run their fluorochemicals R&D groups. Here’s a fun question to ask: If these are indeed “forever chemicals” that don’t break down, then they are by definition unreactive, so what’s the mechanism for the toxicity?

      • SDF-7

        Those chemicals are produced by modern industry — and modern industry is the pinnacle of Gaia-raping white cis-normative patriarchy, MAN… Therefore they’re little fragments of EVIL… they corrupt just by EXISTING, man….

        Now don’t harsh my mellow while I toke up and write the next set of regulations!

      • db

        That has been exactly my question to our internal marketing folks and some of our R&D people.

        Blank faces is all I get, and “well there *do seem* to be toxicity effects.”

        How can a “scientifically” minded person accept the notion that these can have an effect? If they don’t break down or react, then the only mechanism remaining is that they might catalyze some other reaction?

        I’m actually involved in a meeting later to review a paper one of our R&D folks is going to be publishing on our experience with certain polyfluorinated compounds (specific to treatment and destruction), but I hadn’t heard about a new standard.

        I mean, parts per quadrillion? The existing analytical technology can’t even reliably measure to the previous standards!

        The more I think about this the more I get angry. I’d better not say any more.

      • robodruid

        The existing Method Detection Limit for PFOA on our lab reports is 1 PPQ.
        I have MDL’s from an SI work that’s 5 years old. MDL’s were two digit PPQ.

        While i don’t see how they are able to extrapolate a risk to 4 PPQ PFOA, I am impressed that they can claim a MDL @ 4.

        Contractor I know says there is a new method that can detect 2000 variants. Only cost 2K per sample.

        And I ask, what after PPQ?

      • db

        1 PPQ is not possible at this point, as far as I can tell. My R&D colleagues are telling me the best it gets in water samples is 0.5 ppt for most PF compounds.

        The sampling protocols are crazy because it’s almost impossible *not* to contaminate a sample to levels of fractions of a ppt. You can’t even use glassware that has ever touched a PTFE stirbar, FFS.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That’s the point.

        Make the standard impossible to meet and de facto ban the products.

      • DrOtto

        Witness the internal combustion engine. What’s funny is how the automakers are going along with this shit. Do they not realize the end goal is to ban personal transportation entirely? They will be out of business when we’re all forced onto the trains. What is it with socialism and trains anyways?

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        They do know and they don’t care. There are cushy regulatory positions awaiting them when that happens.

      • db

        What method are you using that gives 1 PPQ MDL?

      • robodruid

        Its not me.
        Its a DOD accredited lab out of Orlando. & I think its a proprietary variant of 537.

      • db

        537 uses labeled isotope recovery — they spike labeled compounds and compare the peaks in the LC-MS-MS results to unlabeled compounds — to determine the concentrations in the sample.

        I have very little hope that these methods can ever be brought to the level of simple analyses like other water contaminants. testing for these compounds will, for a very long time, be very very expensive and inaccurate at such low concentrations.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I remember receiving a spec from Nokia for a filter that required us to test every unit for spurious signal products at levels below earth noise.

        I attempted to inform them that besides being next to impossible to measure, it would have no impact on field performance whatsoever. Nope, didn’t care, that was the spec, just do it.

        So we bought some equipment and made a setup that we pretended to test on. Amazingly, no unit was ever returned for failure to meet spec.

      • robodruid

        My two cents here.
        What causing the problem is the functional ends of these chemicals. To me (and i have no research to prove this), these chemicals mock the phospholipid membranes that comprise our cells. They have a hydrophobic and hydrophilic ends.

      • db

        It’s possible. I can’t say much here about it, but we’ve seen some interesting effects of certain treatments for sequestration and destruction of PF compounds. But as I said above, the existing tech can’t measure reliably the compounds at the concentrations of interest to regulators.

        This is to the point that the #1 premier company in the world for measuring PF compounds in natural samples (air, water, soil, etc.), that has developed what is likely to become the standard measurement technology for those applications can’t duplicate results between their internal labs. So we have to use one specific lab of theirs if we want comparable results. And the limits of detection of those methods are so high compared to the concentrations of concern, that they’re not really useful.

      • db

        I mean, holy shit, the typical limits of detection for PF compounds are 0.2-0.5 parts per trillion in clean water (that is, with no other contaminants at all), and the reporting limits of those methods are 1.5-2.0 ppt.

        ppq is a pipe dream

      • Timeloose

        “EPA makes a point to highlight that the health advisory levels for PFOA and PFOS are below the level of both detection (determining whether or not a substance is present) and quantitation (the ability to reliably determine how much of a substance is present). Therefore, it is possible for PFOA or PFOS to be present in drinking water at levels that exceed EPA’s health advisories even if there are no detections during drinking water testing.”

        Sounds like episode 2 “The Search for More Funding”

        We know these chemicals are deadly, but we cant detect them, so we need pile of money to invent a method of detection. Sound like they are chasing ghosts or trying to detect the effects of prayer.

        PPQ I have never heard of such a small threshold. At that concentration I sure there is nearly everything in our water.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      This is the linear extrapolation model at work.

      They did this with radon as well. Basically they take a rate of disease associated with a fairly high exposure and draw a straight line approximation of bad outcomes. They set the limit at what they consider to be acceptable, like one incidence of illness per million people.

      The catch is that exposures don’t work that way. There is typically an exponential dropoff in the rate of disease below a certain threshold that is much higher than what the regulatory agencies decide is “safe.” Your body can eliminate a certain amount of toxins if your metabolism is functioning correctly.

      The “funny” part is that the CDC and FDA completely ignore this model for the aluminum adjuvants in vaccines (and previously thimerosal). The cumulative exposure to aluminum (directly injected into your body) over the course of the entire childhood vaccine schedule is way above any level known to be safe.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Nearly 500 years ago, Paracelsus (1493-1541), a scientific genius of his era, wrote: “Dosis facit venenum“— “The dose makes the poison.” This is still the fundamental precept in toxicology, even if it has been forgotten by our current crop of experts. You see, they are applying the notion of linear, no-threshold extrapolation. Implicit here is that if massive doses of a carcinogen cause a tumor, then even small doses can, as well.

        Put another way, it boils down to this: If one person swallows 100 sleeping pills and successfully commits suicide, then in a cohort of 100 people each taking one pill, at least one person will also die. Absurd? Of course, but that, believe it or not, is the basis for the radon scare, and many others. Add to this the statistical trick of conflating smokers and non-smokers, and creating artificial groupings of results to show supposed significance, a “scientific” case can be made. Needless to say, the linear no-threshold extrapolation model has NEVER been proven to be true.

        By slicing and dicing the data and ignoring the smoking factor, to achieve the results it wants, EPA can then conclude that radon is the “second biggest cause” of lung cancer. To add to the noise, there are always “new” studies being released that merely reapply the BEIR VI report methodology to some other locality.

        Studies by radiation physicists Ralph Lapp and Bernard Cohen, along with work by several other researchers, have consistently demonstrated no correlation between radon exposure and lung cancer, once the smoking factor is removed. So why does EPA cling to its present radon policy?

        Cohen and a co-author, Harvard Professor of Medicine Graham Colditz, stated in a 1991 paper, “A great deal more than radon is at stake here. If the linear no-threshold theory fails for radon, it must surely fail for all other types of radiation, and very probably also for chemical carcinogens.” Considering that radon is touted as one of the “best documented” carcinogens, where would this put all the other myriad hazards we are warned about constantly? Where would it finally put these irresponsible agencies?

      • Old Man With Candy

        Interestingly, when I was researching the toxicology of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), the receptor binding versus concentration curve looked like an upside down horseshow, that is, the toxicity peaked at a particular (low) concentration and actually decreased above that.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        What do you suppose was the mitigating factor at the higher thresholds?

      • Old Man With Candy

        In a sense, the receptors got… confused. But the curves were very consistent, just peaking at different concentration and different maximum binding.

      • db

        looked like an upside down horseshow

        I have literally no prior experience to inform my imagination as to what this would look like.

      • Old Man With Candy

        Horseshoe, but typed by an idiot.

      • Grummun

        I see an equestrian arena with all the horses hanging upside-down from the rafters, riders in their tight pants and knee boots clinging to the saddles, wishing they rode western so there would at least be a saddle horn.

      • DEG

        Or this.

      • Not Adahn

        Shit raining from the sky?

      • robc

        Same with radiation hormesis. All the standards assume some sort of linear damage from low doses, but all the actual research shows low doses are beneficial.

      • db

        “Ra-di-ation. People tell the most pernicious lies about it. Goggle-box do-gooders telling everybody it’s bad for you! Everyone could stand a hundred chest x-rays a year! They oughta have ’em, too.”

    • kbolino

      If these environmental standards matter so much, why are they never imposed on international trade partners? If you ban it in the U.S. but then have low-tariff trade with a country that doesn’t ban it, applying “foreseeable consequences are not unintended” tells me they intend to harm domestic industry and benefit foreign.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, see for example how much of US industry was exported to Shenzhen. And how they are now claiming we are “healing the earth” or some shit.

    • rhywun

      Ballpark figure for how long this takes to wreck the economy? I mean, that’s probably the intent.

  6. db

    The suspect who gunned down two cops at a motel about 20 minutes outside Los Angeles Tuesday was on probation for illegally carrying a gun and had been banned from packing heat since 2011.

    Dude, he lives in California…he’s basically banned from packing heat no matter what.

    • juris imprudent

      It’s like the criminals don’t appreciate the beneficence of their progressive over-lords.

  7. db

    Working with another manager on hiring a person who reports to me but works at his facility. This guy is so borderline ADHD it’s really annoying. I’ll be working on the problem with HR in the background–I don’t copy him on most things because he doesn’t need to know most of the details–and then he blasts into everyone’s DMs with demands to know what’s going on. It’s like he has a 6th sense for when someone has just done something and then he sends a bunch of messages about how the thing that was just completed needs to be done. Then he goes silent for days.

    Dude, chill, and pay attention to the things that you need to pay attention to.

    I’m not the only person who has observed his pinball-like behavior.

  8. Scruffy Nerfherder

    The gunman in the Uvalde massacre had purchased a hellfire device, which was recovered from one of the classrooms where the massacre took place, according to investigative documents reviewed by the New York Times. Federal authorities reportedly don’t believe the device was used in the attack. But had it been deployed, the carnage at Robb Elementary School — where 19 children and two teachers were murdered — might have been, unimaginably, worse.

    I can picture the journalist furiously stroking their gun control boner over the thought.

    • Sensei

      Particularly after it caused a misfire or jam like those things seem to do.

      OTH, similar to other mass shooters and the police response he would have had plenty of time to Google how to clear the weapon.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Hell, he had time to field strip and clean.

    • sloopyinca

      I’m confused. Unless it grants a shooter the ability to teleport from one locked room to another, it wouldn’t have made a difference. He barricaded himself in a room and killed everybody in there, save one kid.

      Now, if they want to touch on what could have made the body count considerably lower, like the cops not being a bunch of fucking pussies, I’m all ears. But there’s nothing that could have made it worse.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Oh shush you. It’s called HELLFIRE and the advertising is in poor taste! Of course it would have been worse!

      • db

        Exactly. Its main use would be to direct more rapid fire against a group of people at longer ranges. There’s nothing more lethal than a single aimed shot at close range. More rapid fire in this case would have made more holes, but not more dead children.

    • kbolino

      Is there anything on the ATF’s wishlist of things to ban this guy didn’t have?

      • SDF-7

        FBI khaki-bro checks memo from ATF… “No, I *think* we got it all…”

      • rhywun

        sad lol & my exact thought

      • Drake

        Maybe he could have fixed a bayonet and stabbed a few people?

      • SDF-7

        Biden: “The founders never could have imagined privately owned bayonets!”

    • Drake

      He bought 2 Daniel Defense rifles – the Pro version equipped with the absolute best trigger you can find on an AR. Then fucked it up by putting that toy on it?

      Notice he hit exactly zero people he shot at who weren’t in the same room as he was?

    • DrOtto

      “…turns a rifle into a bullet hose…” – this guy has a way with words. Also, mentions bump stocks being illegal but no credit to who banned them or what incident spurred them being banned.

    • Endless Mike

      Didn’t he drop a backpack with his extra magazines in it at the entrance? It might have been a LOWER body count had he emptied his only mag in two seconds flat…

  9. Grumbletarian

    “If you lie about being an NRA supporter, make no mistake, we will sue you for fraud,” she wrote. “If you believe that it is our responsibility to protect ourselves in public places and arm ourselves with a gun — do not come to us to adopt a dog. We have a choice of who we work with.

    Oddly, bakers and florists don’t have that choice.

  10. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

    • Sean

      Indeed is pissing me of today.

      • SDF-7

        Grammar, your sentence lacks. Understand you, I do not.

      • Sean

        Add an f.

        …pissing me off…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That’s every day.

      • Sean

        To be fair, they’re “having a company wide” problem, but the lady I was talking to was very nice.

      • SDF-7

        Oh… they’re a *company* I’ve never heard of… ok, your sentence makes more sense now (I assumed the “off” part…). Reading it as “Indeed, it is pissing me off today” which is as close as I could assume still left me at “What is pissing you off?” 😉

        Companies shouldn’t be able to name themselves useful words or something. (joking)

      • Sean

        I’m a little surprised you’ve not heard of them. *shrug*

      • SDF-7

        I’m a kernel engineer specializing in virtual memory and platforms/virtualization. You’re lucky I’ve heard of LinkedIn. 😉

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Virtual popcorn is the future.

  11. SDF-7

    I probably should read the overnight threads — but I don’t. 😉 So if y’all have already thanked Mojo and WebDom for server maintenance last night (I assume they were our culprits), I’m still going to belatedly thank them anyway.

    So… Thanks for the squirrel patrol to any and all who contributed. Seems nice so far this morning. 😉

    And the rampant rodents did remind me it was well past time I kicked a little cheddar towards the Powers That Be here to keep the lights on — but if we are hitting resource boundaries and need to scale our hosting up a bit and there’s any sort of a $$$ issue, please let us know so we can kick a little more if need be. This place is cheaper than the massive coronary I’d probably have from bottled up rage if I had to rely on the rest of the web… Thanks again.

    • Old Man With Candy

      The new server was something SP had planned before she got sick. WebDom jumped in and made it happen; like mother, like daughter. It’s not terribly expensive but not cheap- I think something like $2400 per year, which the kind donations from the site users covers nicely.

    • Mojeaux

      WebDom! She’s the awesome one.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Federal authorities reportedly don’t believe the device was used in the attack. But had it been deployed, the carnage at Robb Elementary School — where 19 children and two teachers were murdered — might have been, unimaginably, worse.

    Fap fap fap.

    • kbolino

      When they say “how many dead children will it take to get you to support gun control?” one must read it not as a sincere inquiry but rather as a threat and a fantasy.

  13. Tres Cool

    “And go enjoy this magnificent Thursday. I’ll be burning a bunch of 93 octane.”

    Preferable to a bunch of #2 diesel?

    • SDF-7

      He doesn’t want to have to pee in that side tank based on yesterday’s links (iirc).

    • sloopyinca

      Yeah, diesel is a nightmare right now.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Tell me about it.

      • Drake

        On the bright side, it’s probably cheaper right now than it ever will be in the future. So enjoy!

      • juris imprudent

        You shut your whore mouth!

    • db

      I’m hoping to burn some 100 octane low lead this weekend. Smell and taste the sweet, sweet death and mental degradation from my exhaust!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It used to be the hundred dollar hamburger. How much would you say it is now?

      • Sensei

        Pretty soon that’s going to be what you and I will pay to drive a car to the local burger place and eat there.

        So I’d say pre Brandon the difference was 5x or so. So figure on the $500 hamburger at the local airport greasy spoon.

      • Nephilium

        Not the $250 martini?

      • sloopyinca

        I’m doing that at COTA in 6 weeks.

  14. trshmnstr the terrible

    Daily Quordle 143


    • Old Man With Candy

      I was going to make a joke about Quordle To Onion To Carrot, but I thought it might be too obscure. So I won’t.

    • SDF-7

      Don’t get me started… too many near misses today.
      Daily Quordle 143
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    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Daily Quordle 143

      Stupid mistake on top right cost me. Oh well.

    • MikeS



    • Ozymandias

      Man, that was ugly.
      Daily Quordle 143

      For the record, I got a 21 yesterday, but wasn’t able to post. (3-5-6-7)

    • Sean

      #waffle146 3/5


      🔥 streak: 3

    • pistoffnick


    • Tundra

      Daily Quordle 143

      Good start that went off the rails.

    • Grummun

      3 7
      9 5

    • kinnath

      Daily Quordle 143

      fuck quordle.

      Bottom left. Three options, two guesses, both wrong.

      • MikeS

        I thought I had 3 options for LL…guessed the most common of the three. Oh, look at that, there’s a fourth option I didn’t think of.

    • Cannoli

      Daily Quordle 143

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 143

      Helluva way to get to the Tundra line.

    • db

      5 8
      X 9

      ooooh, you 50/50 words!!!

    • grrizzly

      Daily Quordle 143

    • Sean

      That shed though…

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen rural brutalist architecture.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Getting to the grocery store will be an issue if the bridge washes away (again)

      Maybe you need a built-in boathouse?

    • Tundra

      Have you ever wanted to live on an island but still be minutes from downtown?

      Not once.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You are just bitter because you got zoned out of your dream home.

        Two members of the Minneapolis City Council have expressed serious concern over what they see as the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources pushing special land-use restrictions that would protect the proverbial backyards of certain unnamed elected officials. The comments were made during a June 9 Zoning and Planning Committee discussion about new rules for the Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area. The MRCCA is an area along the Mississippi River subject to “special land development regulations that protect and preserve unique natural, recreational, transportation, and cultural features.”

        Council President Johnson called the DNR’s proposal “distressing” and joked that she’d like to make a special deal to protect her own backyard: “If I could carve some stuff out too, I might do that.” The area in question—half of Nicollet Island and an adjacent area encompassing Boom Island Park—includes the homes of State Rep. Phyllis Kahn and former Minneapolis City Council member Diane Hofstede.

        *Note to non-Minnesodans: Phyllis Kahn was a progressive kook for decades in the Minnesoda Legislature. She was the queen of talking big but making sure she and her cronies were always covered via some loophole. She was finally unseated by Ilhan Omar.

  15. Rebel Scum

    But two provisions, one focused on incentivizing states to implement violence prevention programs, and another dealing with closing the so-called “boyfriend loophole,” are now plaguing negotiations, chief Republican negotiator John Cornyn, R-Texas, said Wednesday.

    “If we can settle these two issues, I think we’re on our way, but I am concerned now given the time it takes and the need to complete our work really by tomorrow that we’ve got to settle these issues,” Cornyn told reporters Wednesday morning.

    I’ll note that constitutional limitations on the government are not apparently an issue for the elected officials that supposedly are beholden via an oath to said constitution.

    • juris imprudent

      Oath keeping is bad, don’t you know?

  16. Rebel Scum

    Ford recalls 2.9 million vehicles over issue that may cause them to roll while parked

    The ideal is to only *look* like it’s moving while sitting still.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    diesel is a nightmare right now.

    remember when “cheap fuel” was the big selling point for diesel engines in passenger cars?

    • SDF-7

      Can we make biofuel from ‘member berries? Cause I ‘member…. (I also ‘member that the diesel Olds my sister drove really lacked power back in the late ’80s…).

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I had a little diesel pickup back in the day that literally took a minute to get to 60 and topped out at 65. The furious looks from other motorists while they were passing me was a sight to behold. I miss the damn thing though.

      • Tres Cool

        Those GM diesels were horrid.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s like magic. It looks like she’s breaking the laws of physics.

    • Ozymandias

      She’s amazing. Unbelievable hand work.

  18. Rebel Scum

    But remember, people accused of crimes at the Jan 6 riot are still not getting bail.

    I don’t know what part of they violated the citadel of American democracy is unclear with you extremist, right-wing, bigot, fascist insurrectionists.

  19. Rebel Scum

    New CNN boss Chris Licht’s latest crackdown at network BANS staff from calling Trump’s election fraud claims ‘the big lie’ because it is a Democratic party catchphrase

    Never mind the fact that the Dems using the phrase are the Nazis in this scenario.

    • juris imprudent

      Goebbels has been reconstructed much as Orwell – as the how-to guide.

  20. Rebel Scum

    “Kim seems to be missing some crayons from her box,” another user wrote. “I’d be damned if someone told me I could not adopt due to owning a gun. You are putting politics above the pets that need homes. Bravo for the ignorance, I needed a laugh tonight.”

    There is nothing that the left will not politicize.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    What are the odds our esteemed Sect’y of the Interior declares her intent to leave all damaged Yellowstone infrastructure unrepaired, since people and their contrivances are a pestilential abomination in its natural beauty?

    • Fourscore

      Left to nature it’ll be covered with vegetation in a few years and be mostly out of sight.

      • juris imprudent

        Loved the scientific consensus on how long Mount St. Helens would be a hellish view. At least a generation as I recall.

    • DEG

      On last year’s FreedomFest Road Trip, I stopped by Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The South Unit has a loop road around the park. Part of that loop road is closed due to the road collapsing. If I remember correctly, erosion wore away what was underneath the road, and there goes the road.

      A group of us tourists were talking with a Park Ranger. The closed section of the loop road came up. It’s been closed for quite a while. The Park Service has a plan to fix it, but it has to go through all sorts of environmental approvals and other reviews before the Park Service could put a contract to fix the road out to bid.

      The Ranger seemed very cynical and pessimistic about the prospects of fixing and reopening the road.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    (I also ‘member that the diesel Olds my sister drove really lacked power back in the late ’80s…).

    Haha. GM pretty much singlehandedly destroyed the market for diesel passenger cars in this country for decades.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Don’t repurpose gasoline engines to diesels is the lesson there.

      • blighted_non_millenial

        Et tu Isuzu PUP?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Yep, the thing had what was originally a forklift engine in it. I wish I still had the thing but I sold it and bought a new pickup when I got my first career type job.

      • blighted_non_millenial

        My Dad had one. Pretty much all three of us kids learned to drive on it. He drove it until it was irreparably broken. No idea how many miles.

      • blighted_non_millenial

        Replied to the right person, wrong part of the thread dammit.

  23. Rebel Scum

    The Uvalde Shooter Owned a Device That Makes AR-15s Even More Deadly

    Velociraptor attachment?

    Hellfire devices turn make semi-automatic weapons fire almost as fast as their banned, fully automatic cousins.

    You can fire faster by pulling the trigger faster. This point is irrelevant, especially given the circumstances of the shooting.

    Why are they legal?

    Because it’s illegal for the government to make illegal and would serve no purpose relating to preventing crime?

  24. The Late P Brooks

    We are now carrying out on-the-ground raids in Syria.

    Let’s go, Brandon.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      All the seditious bastards who lied to Trump and kept troops in Syria should hang.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        There’s not a hornet’s nest that exists that we aren’t stupid enough to stick our dicks into.

      • juris imprudent

        To my point about oath keeping now being a bad thing.

      • Rebel Scum

        Speaking of the actual crimes of individuals that are supposed to be subordinate to the elected executive…

      • Pope Jimbo


        The Ukranian impeachment was all started because some uptight light colonel didn’t like Trump’s policies there. Of course that should be illegal that some pol not follow the enlightened guidance of the Deep State.

      • Plisade

        I think Colonel Uptight was the useful idiot in the strategy to “accuse your enemies of what you’re doing.”

    • Pope Jimbo

      Miss one day and I already forgot how to post! That was supposed to be the Daily Ray of Sunshine

      • Fourscore

        Almost the story of how I got in the Army. Girl friend missed one small dot and away I went. Not true but a good story.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I wouldn’t be surprised if Antifa were sabotaging the food supply. They’re crazy enough to try.

    • Sean

      *sheds a single tear*

  25. Rebel Scum

    They’ve said repeatedly that ending fossil fuels is the goal.

    “At what point do these [gas] prices…become unsustainable?”

    ENERGY SEC. GRANHOLM: “Yeah, I think the prices are unsustainable…there’s not a quick fix. However, your point about also accelerating our progress toward clean energy is very, very important.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The Kool-Aid will be consumed by all, whether you want it or not.

      • Sensei

        It’s Flavor Aid, damn it!

        /s Kraft-Heinz

      • Pope Jimbo

        Sigh. Green Kool-Aid is my favorite. I’m still mad they don’t make a sugar free version of it.

  26. waffles

    Do binary triggers, hellfire things, or even select fire make much of a difference in deadliness? Seems to me well-placed single shots probably are worse than random full or rapid semi-automatic shooting. I know we have some IPSC guys here. Would you be better if you weren’t restricted to one trigger pull = one bullet?

    I doubt it, but I have limited time shooting any semi-automatic rifles. And for me ammo is too expensive to spray it away.

    • The Other Kevin

      My not-so-informed opinion is that anything that increased the rate of fire will make the barrel rise and throw off your aim. Unless the person is shooting into a big crowd like, say, a concert in Vegas.

      Once on Mythbusters they did an episode about gun myths. They had a handgun expert on and he was shooting accurately and reloading incredibly fast. Of course this was in a controlled setting, so he wasn’t under stress. But someone with a lot of skill and experience like that could do a lot of damage in a very short amount of time. Thankfully I can’t think of one mass shooter who had that kind of skill.

    • Not Adahn

      Transition from one target to the next takes longer than the trigger pulls, which is why Steel Challenge was invented.

    • EvilSheldon


      Handheld full auto fire is useful for breaking contact with an enemy force, or for area denial, or in submachine guns where there’s very little recoil and I can feed the target half a mag to make sure that he stays down.

      The determining factors in mass killing are time on site, and control of the perimeter (i.e. do the victims have any means to escape, or can they only hunker down and wait for help that isn’t coming.) The weapons used are nearly irrelevant.

    • db

      No. I shoot automatic weapons on a regular basis, and while, with training and experience, it is easy to place repeated automatic fire on target, at close range and in a controlled environment, single aimed shots are just as effective.

      As EvilSheldon points out, rate and mode of fire is completely unimportant. Perhaps if you were firing at a massed crowd at medium ranges, rapid unaimed fire would be effective, but it’s really not at all relevant.

      • juris imprudent

        Why am I suddenly reminded of volleys of musket fire?

    • Rebel Scum

      Do binary triggers, hellfire things, or even select fire make much of a difference in deadliness?

      Bullet. Hose.

      • R C Dean

        Unless you are carrying a prodigious amount of ammo, or firing into a large crowd, they could well reduce your total body count.

      • Animal

        I would far rather face a lunatic with a tricked-out AR and a trigger dingus at 50 yards than an experienced, competent rifleman with a bolt-action .30-06 and a good scope at 300 yards.

      • R C Dean

        You can even get rid of the scope on the .30-06, and I’d still take the guy with the tricked-out AR.

      • Animal

        True enough. A good rifleman should be able to hit a human-sized target with irons at that range.

      • R C Dean

        Which is why I don’t consider myself a good rifleman. I just haven’t put the time in. Hell, I would need an ideal sight picture to shoot at a deer at that range, with my MOA .300 and variable power scope.

      • Animal

        I used to be a pretty damn good rifleman. I still have the skills, but my eyes ain’t what they used to be. I’m a lot more reliant on optics than I was.

        But with Thunder Speaker, my favorite, a rifle that I built myself and handload every round for, I’m pretty damn certain I can hit a grapefruit at 200 yards. And that’s .338 Mag rounds, too.

        That is, of course, a rifle I’ve carried in the game fields for twenty-five years and with which I have extensive experience.

  27. Scruffy Nerfherder

    “An unlicensed air rifle”

    Retired mechanic Wilson Barrett, 72, grabbed the gun, which had been gathering dust in a corner of his workshop, after finding that grey squirrels had invaded the roof space of his house and caused “considerable damage”, Falkirk Sheriff Court was told.

    His pot shots were heard by a neighbour – who raised the alarm.

    Ann Orr, prosecuting, said Barrett had been seen by neighbours with the air rifle at his house in Glasgow Road, Camelon and the police were called.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Fookin snitches ought get the gibbet, aye?

      • Pope Jimbo

        That is one noisy neighbor. I shoot a couple meals worth of squirrels every year out of the apple tree in my back yard and you’d have to be very close and know exactly what you were listening for to know when I had taken a shot.

    • PieInTheSky

      You cannot have dangerous things lying about willy nilly

      • Sean

        I can. I is an adult.

    • waffles

      “It’s as simple as that.”He said the airgun was a .22 calibre, and “not a powerful, high-velocity weapon”.

      Sheriff Simon Collins QC fined Barrett £350, and ordered the forfeiture of the air rifle and pellets.

      He said the maximum sentence he could have imposed would have been 12 months imprisonment

      Wow. As a kid who had an RWS model 34 in .22 I had no idea I was doing limeyland crimes when I went to war with the backyard woodchucks.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Dude, that’s a serious crime just like posting insensitive things on Twitter, and unlike raping twelve year-olds.

      • EvilSheldon

        I had one of those in 0.177! Great little guns, and an even greater logo.

    • Sensei

      Welcome to NJ.

      Air rifles and pistols are considered firearms. Although most prosecutors don’t charge such offenses they can and have.

      • Nephilium

        TSA considers Nerf toys firearms, at least per signage posted last time I flew out of Vegas.

    • kbolino

      It is hard to believe this is the country that once conquered much of the known world, but given what’s happening closer to home, it seems the spirit is fleeting.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I wonder whether they’re just straight up mercs or ideological zealots. Whatever the case it was a dumb move, the Ukraine treats the foreigners as cannon fodder.

      • juris imprudent

        And now it will all be “save me Uncle Sam”, and “you can’t kill an American no matter how stupid he is”.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Surgical precision

    A senior Islamic State militant group leader and bomb maker was captured in a raid in Syria, according to the U.S. military.

    Officials did not identify the person detained in the operation, which took place in the very early morning hours Thursday local time in northern Syria.

    “The captured individual is an experienced bomb maker and operational facilitator who became one of the top leaders of Daesh’s Syrian branch,” a statement from the U.S.-led Combined Joint Task Force — Operation Inherent Resolve said.

    Daesh is the Arabic acronym used by the U.S. military and others to describe the Islamic State group.

    There were no injuries to coalition forces, the task force said in the statement. No civilians were harmed during the operation and there was no damage to coalition aircraft or assets, it said.

    You’re next, Putin.

    • kbolino

      Good God, we are still fucking around in Syria? Did we strike some kind of deal with Assad?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        American foreign policy and military adventures are nothing if not schizophrenic.

        Last I checked, we were still arming Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

      • juris imprudent

        Apparently we’re not bothering him, so he doesn’t bother with us.

  29. PieInTheSky

    Research Spotlight: Collagen protein isn’t great for promoting muscle hypertrophy
    Research Spotlight articles share concise breakdowns of interesting studies. The study reviewed is “Whey Protein Supplementation Is Superior to Leucine-Matched Collagen Peptides to Increase Muscle Thickness During a 10-Week Resistance Training Program in Untrained Young Adults.”

  30. Rebel Scum

    Seems legit.

    Per federal source, DHS is preparing to discipline multiple horseback Border Patrol agents who were accused of “whipping” Haitian migrants in Del Rio last summer. I’m told DHS will imminently allege “administrative violations”, agents will be able to respond @FoxNews

    Per federal source, this announcement is expected to come down any day now. It’s unclear what “administrative violations” the BP agents will be accused of, but they are not being accused of any criminal conduct. The horseback unit involved is based out of Carrizo Springs, TX.

    It has been nearly 9 months since this incident took place. The agents have been taken off their normal duties and have not been allowed to have contact w/ migrants since.
    President Biden assured the public at the time that “there will be consequences” for the agents involved.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I hope all of the Border Patrol goes on strike or quits in response.

      • Drake

        What difference would it make at this point?

  31. Pope Jimbo

    A sympathetic story about Tundra’s old neighbor. The human ear wasn’t designed for that much chattering.

    A woman from Maple Grove closes cabinet doors quietly, doesn’t run the dishwasher until bedtime and makes her family live their lives in hushed tones. She has changed her entire lifestyle to keep her extreme symptoms at bay.

    Stephanie Schmitz has an ear disorder so rare that most doctors have never heard of it.

    “Sounds will make me dizzy. Sometimes it’s people’s voices. Sometimes it’s a fire truck driving by. It can be the simplest thing. I can’t barely stand to hear my son laugh, and I think that’s what’s really hard for me because that’s what my life is –taking care of him,” Schmitz told FOX 9.

  32. Rebel Scum

    The shadow government persists.

    For more than a year, Democratic lawmakers and like-minded advocates have pleaded with Joe Biden to create a “gun czar” to address the epidemic of violence.

    Each time, the president’s team pushed back with force, contending it has the perfect person already in place, someone with command over the issue and extraordinary access to the president himself.

    That person is Susan Rice.

    As director of the Domestic Policy Council, Rice leads a team of roughly a dozen staffers examining ways to push through modest gun reforms should Congress again falter, and explore new executive orders even if lawmakers succeed.

    Ruling by decree is ok when Dems do it.

    • juris imprudent

      It’s democracy – hurr durr hurr.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    From Drake’s link:

    The official added that the Biden administration discouraged Americans from going to Ukraine and joining Kiev’s troops.

    “It is a war zone,” he said. “And if you feel passionate about supporting Ukraine, there’s any number of other ways to do that that are safer and just as effective.”

    Send cash to an approved and vetted “charity”. The Big Guy needs his baksheesh.

    • Sensei

      Sorry, I already gave at the IRS.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The war zone that senior American officials and politicians keep visiting like a vacation destination?

      • Drake

        More like an old-school Swiss bank with unlimited withdrawals.

  34. robc

    Daily Quordle 143

    Top left describes me today. I missed a 50/50 on turn 9 for bottom left.

    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 143

    • Not Adahn

      Daily Quordle 143
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    • one true athena

      Daily Quordle 143

    • PieInTheSky

      About time we get more <a href= round here?

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda! What is going on today?

      Anyhow, I was going to make a pithy comment about the city of St. Paul – known center of slavery – is finally doing something about it.

      “Reparations isn’t charity, it’s not a gift,” Crews said. “It’s something that’s owed. It’s a debt for 400 years of slavery.”

      So far there’s no word on how much each person would get, “It’s going to take a substantial amount of money to address the racial wealth gap,” Crews said.

      It’s also unclear where the money would come from. But Crews has some ideas: “American Rescue Plan funds, but also there could be from like different sales taxes, tax levies and things like that,” Crews offered.

      St. Paul city council signaled its support, in a 6-0 vote this week.

      So the city that is built on land that they stole from the Dakotas is going to pay descendants of slaves (which were here in tiny numbers)? OK, I guess we have a ruling on the Victim Ladder.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        The blood spilled in the Civil War was payment enough and that guy can fuck the fuck off.

      • kbolino

        400 years of slavery

        You might think 1865 minus 1619 is considerably less than 400, you might even think 1619 is itself too early to serve as a representative starting year, but you have to ask yourself, are you a cishet white male colonizer?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Using math to debunk talking points is racist and probably homophobic and misogynistic as well.

      • juris imprudent

        Umm, didn’t Minnesota come out of the Northwest Territory where slavery was outlawed in 1787?

      • SugarFree

        1619 was before 1787, so you are wrong.

      • juris imprudent

        Oh c’mon I’m a white-cis-male shitlord talking about actual history, so of COURSE I’m wrong.

      • rhywun

        address the racial wealth gap

        Talk about moving goalposts.

        What happens when “reparations” fails to accomplish the new goal they have set for us?

      • Plisade

        They’ll reparations harder.

      • juris imprudent

        AMF – ante [up again] motherf***er.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        address the racial wealth gap

        So, cut welfare, encourage the nuclear family, strongly discourage the urban ghetto culture, and incentivize staying in school?

    • Tundra

      I learned recently that there was an Irish slave trade as well. Plenty of Micks in St. Paul – they should petition for reparations as well.

      • Drake

        Dublin was founded by Vikings as a port to export captured Irish slaves. It was a universal institution throughout the world 200 years ago.

  35. PieInTheSky

    Youtube recommended me a poker stream form The Lodge in Texas with Liv Boeree and Doug Polk. Liv Boeree was popular on the poker circuit back in the day being one of the few young attractive women with skill. I noticed that she is still hot despite pushing 37 years old. Also I watched some Lodge streams and texas poker is insane. There is no two cards those people won’t three-bet. Or bluff all the way. I assume there is money to be made provided you have a deep bankroll and can emotionally handle the massive inevitable swings. Because you can go down 10k real fast.

    • whiz

      Some other interesting live poker streams are Texas Card House, Hustler casino, and Live at the Bike (although LATB has kind of been usurped by Hustler, they are both in the LA area).

      Liv Boeree is great. She has a degree in physics.

  36. Rebel Scum

    Progjection is always more fun when it’s riddled with sanctimonious references to people and concepts that leftists hate.

    “2022 is going to be the most consequential election of our time. As the reporting has shown, you’ve got hundreds of these people who are literally running on the idea this I’m going to overturn an election if it doesn’t go our way.”

    He added, “We have a republic if we can keep it. I think in 2022, we’re going to answer Ben Franklin’s refrain whether or not we can keep this republic. If Republicans do win this election, I think to Dowd’s point in 2024. We’re going to lose democracy.”

    Belcher concluded, “You know what African Americans, African American men who are showing the lowest motivation to turn out in this midterm, you think things are tough for you right now. Where do you think you’re going to stand in a country in America where there’s no democracy, where they have absolutely no interest at all in respecting your rights? We’ve got to let these people understand they’ve got skin in this game. We’ve got to scare the hell out of them because, quite frankly, they should be afraid that we’re going to lose our democracy.”

    • kbolino

      The GOP hasn’t got the spine to end democracy.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Well which is it? A republic or a democracy?

      Make up your mind.

      • kbolino

        I don’t think forcing them to state their preference between Athenian-style democracy and Roman-style republic is all that useful. Both were failures in the end.

      • Count Potato

        Nothing lasts forever.

      • kbolino

        Yes, but my broader argument is, what does getting them on the record as supporting one versus the other accomplish? If they all declare their undying love of direct democracy a la Athens, do we gain something from the unmasking?

      • juris imprudent

        Humpty-dumpty quantum politics – words mean what they want and are completely different and you are never allowed to understand or question.

        You may only obey.

      • Grumbletarian

        They want whichever system gives them the results they want. If democracy doesn’t get them legalized gay marriage in California after multiple attempts, run to the courts. If SCOTUS doesn’t give them what they want, pack the court until the majority votes their way.

    • Count Potato

      Voting has never been easier.

    • SugarFree

      Anyone you have to beg to go vote is not someone that should be voting.

      • juris imprudent

        Every retard in politics believes there is a vast majority of the non-voting public that is 100% behind the retard.

      • SugarFree

        Homeopathy in reverse.

      • kbolino

        One of my favorite little ironies: listening to 92Q in the Baltimore area, music is low-grade trash, glorifying sex and crime, but periodically the station owner comes on to remind you to wear a mask and get vaccinated, and the DJ reminds you to go vote.

      • SugarFree

        My employees are usually undergrads and occasionally I regale them with stories about The Before Times, The Long, Long Ago. I explained radio to a hushed audience:

        “Imagine listening to songs you don’t want to hear in the hopes you may hear a song you do want to hear and between it all are ads played at 30% higher volume and a moron tells you repeatedly you are on the channel that you already know you are on.”

      • kbolino

        Forget your fiction, it’s your non-fiction that’s more depressing.

      • SugarFree

        They also never believe me that Clint Eastwood starred in two movies with an orangutan.

      • Tundra

        “Right turn, Clyde!”

      • Animal

        Fun story: We actually know the guy who owned and trained that orangutan.

      • Nephilium

        We’ll be right back after this pause for station identification. You’re reading, your source for biased snark and nut punches.

      • Animal

        “WINO time (bing bong) five minutes past the big hour of five o’clock!”

    • Grumbletarian

      Belcher concluded, “You know what African Americans, African American men who are showing the lowest motivation to turn out in this midterm, you think things are tough for you right now. Where do you think you’re going to stand in a country in America where there’s no democracy, where they have absolutely no interest at all in respecting your rights? We’ve got to let these people understand they’ve got skin in this game. We’ve got to scare the hell out of them because, quite frankly, they should be afraid that we’re going to lose our democracy.”

      No black person should want to experience the horrors of the lowest unemployment figures for blacks in the history of the country again.

    • The Other Kevin

      Looking at recent polling, I’m not sure he really wants more minorities to turn out this fall.

      It’s funny how Republicans are going to destroy democracy, yet in the same day we’ve got stories of Biden appointing a gun czar who’s going to use executive actions to get around democracy.

      • robc

        I like how an election going against you is the end of democracy. Isn’t that exactly democracy?

    • DEG

      2022 is going to be the most consequential election of our time.

      I’ve heard that before.

  37. Sensei

    My consistently appreciating Tesla. Thanks Brandon!

    June 15th Price Increases

    I can sell it now three years later for more than I paid for it new.

    • Sensei

      After the clean up the FDA inspections should only take another six months.

      No biggie.

    • db

      Is there nothing that Climate Change cannot affect!

  38. The Late P Brooks

    Foochy tests positive.

    Will there be candle light vigils? Prayer Drum circles?

  39. Count Potato

    “One in FIVE pregnancies was aborted in 2020, new research shows, with 930,160 terminations carried out: Demand for procedure rises for first time in 30 years as Supreme Court moves to end Roe v. Wade

    An exact breakdown on how advanced each of the terminated pregnancies was has not been released.

    But Guttmacher researchers did determine that 54 per cent of all terminations which took place in 2020 were the result of the so-called ‘abortion pill.'”

    Safe, legal, and rare?

  40. Pope Jimbo

    Fucking GOP. They are going to fuck themselves with this gun control BS. It will remind all us rubes that they cannot be trusted and why bother showing up to vote for them this fall?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Yep. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in November.

    • Nephilium

      Some of them are paying attention. This race is the one to replace Portman, who signed on for common sense infringement, and isn’t running for re-election.

    • db

      Yep. If Mehmet Oz (FOR FUCK’S SAKE I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THAT QUACK WON HIS PRIMARY) loses in November, it will be because of people like me, voting third party or write in or not at all because the Republicans are fucking stupid as shit.

    • Rebel Scum

      But they showed us all witch ones need to be primaried/removed. Razor ranted about this the other day.

  41. Jerms

    Germany, France, Finland and few other countries banned the Moderns vax for people under 30.
    FDA just passed it 21-0 for use in 6 months to 5 year olds.

    • Count Potato

      Wait, what?

    • Jerms


    • Sensei

      The Pfizer and Moderna are almost identical mRNA.

      The difference is the dosage of the vaccine. Moderna did trials at much higher dosages with higher side effects.

      I’ve no idea what the infant dosages vis a vis Pfizer versus Moderna are, but I know Pfizer is significantly lower pediatric versus adult.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Enjoy your myocarditis kids.

      • Jerms

        This is proof that no matter what studies show, no matter how bad this garbage is—it is going to go in as many arms as possible no matter what anyone does. Can maybe someone ask why its not safe for those European countries but safe for out toddlers?

      • rhywun

        This gets fun when they make them mandatory.

  42. Sensei

    CNN – We’ve got him now!

    Exclusive: Retired Republican judge says January 6 was ‘well-developed plan’ by Trump to cling to power

    • kbolino

      Only one of them? I don’t even get out of bed for less than 200 signatures from “retired” officials.

    • juris imprudent

      If this was “well developed”, then that’s all the more laughable at Trumpian incompetence.

      • kbolino

        Are you mad that he isn’t Machiavellian or that he is but isn’t good enough?

      • juris imprudent

        I mad at the stupidity, which knows no partisan allegiance.

    • PieInTheSky

      Lol. I wonder what a less well developed plan would look like

      • kbolino

        Well, for one, the FBI and USCP wouldn’t have facilitated it.

    • rhywun

      “Well, that’s what they told me on TV.”

    • db

      So Well-Developed that, in infinite parallel universes, it succeeded!

    • Rebel Scum

      Sure, despite all the evidence to the exact contrary.

    • PieInTheSky


    • Sensei

      Right next to the metal bed frame too.

      Why not just use the bed frame for even more devices?

  43. Pope Jimbo

    Sigh. I just got McConnahay (or whatevs)’s gun control scene sent to me by another relative.

    I am probably in trouble because I wrote back “Pretend that he was talking about abortion. Every time he talked about people in the middle agreeing on common sense laws, swap in abortion for guns and see if you still agree”.

    • Tundra

      Perfect. That should get you out of Thanksgiving.

      Even Jordan Peterson was damp after watching that performance. I thought it was disgusting.

      • kbolino

        I thought it was hilarious because they literally brought a joke/meme to life.

      • Cannoli

        Someone should send His Holiness’s reply to Peterson, but swap speech for abortion

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Peterson’s a sucker, a good guy for the most part but easily taken in by bullshit.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      That was a whole lot of emoting and nothing else.


  44. The Late P Brooks

    From CNN:

    Fauci has been working nonstop during the pandemic. In May, he said he hadn’t had a day off since Covid-19 came to the US.

    He has worked tirelessly to destroy self-ownership and establish government’s power to control every aspect of life.

    Let us offer him our thanks.

    • The Other Kevin

      All those appearances on TV can be exhausting. Being a narcissist is hard work.

      • Nephilium

        Some of those green rooms didn’t even have proper spreads for him to nosh on.

  45. Not Adahn

    Was distracted so didn’t fill the tank at an appropriate time and had to refuel at an exit 20-something hole in the wall.

    Non-ethanol gas was $6.209. At home it’s $5.559

    • PieInTheSky

      eh what is 70 cents these days

  46. PieInTheSky

    I saw a commie tweet calming that before 1990 commie Easter Europeans ate more calories on average than westerners and I am thinking how? In Romania you cued for hours for each morsel

    • Tundra

      Simple. Commies lie.

    • kbolino

      Capitalism = excess production = food waste = many calories wasted
      Socialism = planned production = no food waste = all calories consumed

      My best guess as to their line of argumentation

    • SDF-7

      Easter Europeans ate more calories on average

      All the chocolate eggs, obviously.

      • Sean

        Fucking Cadbury…

  47. Not Adahn

    I’m back!

    Not sure if this falls under “zany hijinx” or “catastrophe.”

    I boarded Lily, and apparently one of the dozens of dogs there taught her a few tricks, because the chipmunk catch rate has jumped to 100% since she came back.

    This morning, right as it was time to go to work, she caught another one, and decided to bring it inside to chew on it in the A/C. As I was chasing her back outside, she dropped it behind the couch, and when I went to dispose of it, it was gone. I moved all the furniture but couldn’t find it or even flush it from hiding.

    Either I have a live chipmunk in my house for the next several hours or a dying one. I guess the best case scenario is it moved over to the glass sliding door to escape and dies there. I am somewhat dreading what I’ll find when I get home.

    • PieInTheSky

      No you are not. You are just imagining things

    • Sensei

      Just enjoy watching her break stuff chasing it around the house.

    • R C Dean

      I boarded Lily, and apparently one of the dozens of dogs there taught her a few tricks

      Even in dog prison . . . .

  48. Sensei

    The company also has boosted prices on the Mach-E this year, he said, without giving specifics. But the model, which Ford is recalling for a defect that could cause it to stop running, now costs $25,000 more to produce than an equivalent gas-powered Edge SUV, he said.

    Don’t worry will make up once we produce them in volume!

    Ford’s Mustang Mach-E Profit Wiped Out by Commodity Costs

  49. The Late P Brooks

    According to our model, our model is correct

    Extreme rainfall rates and rapid snowmelt prompted the flash flooding in Yellowstone National Park early this week, washing out roads and bridges in the park and causing “significant” damage to the town of Gardiner, Montana, at the park’s entrance.

    Abnormally warm temperatures and torrential rain triggered a wave of snowmelt over the weekend which produced nearly a foot of water runoff by Monday.


    Scientists predicted events like this week’s flash flooding would happen more often in the Yellowstone area as global temperatures climb. A report published just last year on the future of Yellowstone concluded the climate crisis would lead to more rainfall and rapid snowmelt due to extreme spring and summer warmth.
    In the report published last year, scientists with the US Geological Survey, Montana State University and the University of Wyoming examined how the climate has changed from 1950 to 2018, and how it would continue until the end of the century based on projected greenhouse gas scenarios from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Two days later, it was snowing in the park. Proof positive global warming will kill us all.

    • juris imprudent

      We have driven Gaia insane!

    • creech

      And when the caldera explodes, that ,too, will be blamed on mankind.

  50. Mojeaux

    Dear Client: Please do not make me put “Fauci” in my Word dictionary.

    • db

      That right there is a macro-aggression and should not be tolerated.

    • whiz

      Fauci is not allowed by Quordle (yet).

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I could tolerate sponge baths from two young dancers pretending to be nurses.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Fraid not, hon.

  51. DEG

    Cornyn, according to numerous participants, repeatedly assured his colleagues that there would be no federal mandate to implement the laws.

    No Federal Mandate for Red Flag Laws, but they’re going to use Federal money to bribe states to implement Red Flag Laws. Heh. Clown World.

    The problem involves a bushing that attaches the shift cable to the transmission, which may degrade or detach, according to a recall notice posted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Minor oversight.

    But had it been deployed, the carnage at Robb Elementary School — where 19 children and two teachers were murdered — might have been, unimaginably, worse.

    Even in the trigger-happy US of A, machine guns are supposed to be illegal.

    Go fuck yourself. “Might have been” – go fuck yourself. Machine guns are legal. Go Fuck Yourself.

    • R C Dean

      No Federal Mandate for Red Flag Laws

      Yet. But funding them is federal approval/support, so how long until we tie, say, federal funding of some kind to them?

      The Repubs are morons. They are extinguishing any minimal glimmer of a chance that I might have voted for one this fall.

    • Sean

      The dems could spoil the whole deal. Nothing is even written yet.

  52. The Late P Brooks

    No Federal Mandate for Red Flag Laws, but they’re going to use Federal money to bribe states to implement Red Flag Laws. Heh. Clown World.

    DEMOCRACY! We couldn’t stop those states from implementing red flag laws if we wanted to.

    • rhywun

      When is SCOTUS going to get around to putting a stop to that shit? There are already a bunch of “red flag” laws.

      • juris imprudent

        We’ll make them redder! And then we won’t enforce them just like the gun laws in CA!!!

      • Not Adahn

        In addition to red flag laws, we’re adding scarlet and crimson.

  53. Count Potato

    I’m getting these again:

    “Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.”

    • Web Dominatrix

      What were you doing/reading/attempting?

      Our new server isn’t finished being setup. It takes 24hrs to setup the entire site on a new server and then a couple days for things to propagate thoroughly.

      • Count Potato

        I was trying to post a quote with a link.

      • Web Dominatrix

        Ok thanks. Adding to my list of things to look into.

        What internet browser are you using?

      • Count Potato


  54. Web Dominatrix

    How great is it that this post showed up on the homepage without being logged in? 🙂

    • Count Potato

      Thanks, I noticed that.

    • kbolino

      Muchos gracias for that and all the other improvements

      • juris imprudent


  55. Count Potato

    “This clip is ASTONISHING.

    Energy Sec. @JenGranholm demands energy companies to make massive investments to increase oil supply while simultaneously saying they want to shut them down over the next 5-10 years.


    Did you know decreasing supply can raise prices?

  56. Rebel Scum

    *waives magic wand*

    And let me just say, John, we really want to see us move to clean energy, but we also need to see this increase right now, and we are asking the oil and gas companies as well to diversify and make sure that part of the — that they become diversified energy companies, to be able to produce other means of clean energy. Because they have huge deep pockets, they have a big ability to invest in the future, as well as investing right now so that we don’t see oil and gas causing the inflation numbers and people being hurt every day.

    • kbolino

      “they have huge deep pockets”

      Wouldn’t keeping lots of cash on hand run afoul of their fiduciary duty to shareholders?

      Lots of revenue != lots of money to burn

      Also, methinks the bigger problem is that not enough of their “deep pockets” is going to giving 10% to the big guy.

    • The Other Kevin

      This is the perfect illustration of the left’s thinking. They are the top men, they are far superior to the rest of us, and if everyone just did as they said, the world would be perfect.

    • Fatty Bolger

      The future of energy is 🌈+ 🦄💨.

    • PieInTheSky

      Nu clear energy. Maybe separating clear makes it sound better

    • Plisade

      “Because they have huge deep pockets, they have a big ability to invest in the future…”

      Sooo, profit is good now?

    • Raven Nation

      Here’s a vision of the future, happening now in Australia.

      It’s not a long piece but it explains that, basically, it’s a “market” problem. BUT, read how they define market: it’s got about every talking point you can manage. There’s a market manager, there’s only one market, markets can be suspended, price caps. So, classic statist situation: place all kinds of constraints on the “market” then claim it is not working and substitute more central management.

      And, of course, “She said moving to wind and solar, which was around $40 to $60 a megawatt hour to generate, far below a $300 cap, would protect the nation against “volatile international coal and gas prices.”

      I don’t understand why international coal prices should effect Australia which produces huge quantities – unless it’s exporting a lot.

      Caveat: given the Australian climate, solar would probably be viable in a lot of places.

      • Fatty Bolger

        First, a price cap kicked in at the start of this week. That limited the price that power generators would be paid to $300 a megawatt hour.

        But generators were withdrawing their bids to supply energy because their costs were far higher than the cap.

        That’s when the market was suspended on Wednesday afternoon — the first time it had ever happened.

        Price caps causing shortages? No way! Who could ever have predicted that?

      • juris imprudent

        I am almost sure that in Econ 101 they teach that price is entirely arbitrary, supply is according to ability, and demand is only what people really need.

      • ron73440

        That sounds like AOC’s degree.

    • R C Dean

      Because they have huge deep pockets

      While the left hand is demanding that they invest their profits in alternative energy, the lefter hand is trying to confiscate those profits.

  57. Fatty Bolger

    I was thinking about those “You Will” AT&T ads from the 90’s, and I think the only thing that hasn’t become pretty commonplace is checking out groceries instantly without scanning. It’s being done by Amazon Go, but hasn’t become mainstream yet. Probably just a matter of time, though. It’s truly amazing how much those ads got right.

  58. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Because they have huge deep pockets, they have a big ability to invest in the future we’re going to burgle their bank accounts.

  59. Rebel Scum

    Speaking of the domestic terror threat…

    Full statement from Jane’s Revenge, announcing that it’s “open season” on pro-life pregnancy centers.

    Future measures “may not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti,” the terrorist group threatens.

    • db

      Just a note to “Jane’s Revenge”: arson or attempted arson of an occupied structure is generally considered to be an offense justifying the use of deadly force in self-defense. IANAL, This is Not Legal Advice.

    • Count Potato

      The crackdown on domestic terror seems ridiculously one-sided.

      • Sean



      • The Other Kevin

        Parents who don’t want their kid exposed to sexual content in school are terrorists, call in the FBI.
        Calling on people to burn down buildings and murder people is just peaceful protest, leave them alone.

  60. The Late P Brooks

    Democracy sucks

    Less than 24 hours after the GOP flipped a congressional district in South Texas, several Latino Democrats cornered their campaign chief on the House floor with a fervent plea: It’s time for the party to make a crucial course correction.


    “I hope the DCCC learns their lesson with this before it happens across the country,” said Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, who due to redistricting will face GOP Rep.-elect Mayra Flores this fall in a redrawn district.

    “They have just forgotten about the brown people on the border,” Gonzalez continued. “And that’s basically what it is. I’m not going to try to sugarcoat it anymore. They are taking Latinos in South Texas for granted.”

    When the House convened Wednesday afternoon, several members approached DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney. Democratic Reps. Sylvia Garcia and Veronica Escobar, whose Texas districts are also predominantly Latino, were among them. Garcia said she requested a meeting next week and that Escobar, Gonzalez and fellow Democratic Reps. Henry Cuellar and Joaquin Castro all plan to attend.

    “I don’t know that it’s an intervention, but it’s gonna be a hard talk,” she said. “It’s going to be a good, healthy family discussion.”

    Pay no attention to the policies of the Democratic Party. Those brown bodies are our rightful property.

    • R C Dean

      They are taking Latinos in South Texas for granted.

      So triggered. Literally shaking.

  61. Rebel Scum


    Nearly 40% of law enforcement agencies nationwide, including the New York City Police Department and Los Angeles Police Department, failed to report their 2021 crime data to the FBI, according to data provided to Axios Local from a partnership with The Marshall Project.

    Why it matters: That will result in a data gap that experts say makes it harder to analyze crime trends and fact check claims politicians make about crime, reports The Marshall Project’s Weihua Li.

    • Count Potato

      That’s fucked.

    • db

      If they’re failing to report those stats, they’re probably failing to report a lot of other things, including data that would go into the databases that feed the National Instant Check System, which could explain in part how so many “prohibited persons” are able to pas NICS checks for buying firearms.

      But we need to add more layers of thigns that will prohibit people from buying firearms so we can not check those things too.

  62. The Late P Brooks

    Senior Democrats, including Maloney, say the situation is more complicated. They argue the GOP spent heavily for a symbolic, short-lived victory because the seat will disappear due to a redistricting quirk. The new version of the district will be much more winnable for Democrats.

    “Look, I think the Republicans spent millions of dollars to win a seat that’s going away. We’re going to win this seat when it matters,” Maloney said in a brief interview. “You never like to lose, and I understand why people were upset by that. I think Republicans burned a lot of money, and we’re going to end up with that seat.”

    Have no fear. They’re playing the long game.

  63. Rebel Scum

    Ok, groomer.

    “Drag queens make everything better. Drag queens are fun,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says at a civil rights conference in Lansing while speaking out against what she describes as efforts to divide people.

    “A drag queen for every school,” she adds.

    • Mojeaux

      Drag queens are fun

      Not wrong, but they have their place, like all other forms of entertainment. Or, you know, everything ever. Wouldn’t sell apples in Best Buy, now would you?

      • PieInTheSky

        Maybe i would i have no idea what best buy usually sells

      • PieInTheSky

        Free shippimg over 35

      • Nephilium

        Extended warranties.

      • PieInTheSky

        I’ll take two

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Lol, well played.

      • Gender Traitor

        No, you have to go to the Apple Store. 😆

      • Mojeaux

        Where’s Swiss when I need a narrowed gaze?

      • Gender Traitor


      • Gender Traitor

        ::takes a bow::

    • Tundra

      Well, would you look at that!

      Who would’ve guessed that pedos were behind this shit?

      • PieInTheSky

        One bad apple

      • Count Potato

        Several people involved with promoting drag queens for kids have been arrested for pedo shit recently.

    • juris imprudent

      Charles C.W. Cooke noted that and asked (in disbelief) when has that statement (for every school) ever made sense?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      “A drag queen for every school,” she adds.

      You will endorse the perversity or else.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      describes as efforts to divide people

      That is the point now isn’t it? They continually push the boundaries of acceptable behavior until they find what divides the populace. Then they rant and rave about how one side is nothing but bigoted troglodytes.

    • Count Potato

      I tried to post that but it wouldn’t let me.

  64. Rebel Scum


    Since day one, the Biden administration has been on a campaign to end the oil and gas industry.

    Now they’re blaming oil refineries for not doing a “patriotic duty.”

  65. The Late P Brooks

    Drag queens are fun

    Not as much fun as non-winged sprint cars on dirt ovals.

    *Value is subjective. Your mileage may vary.

    • PieInTheSky

      Electric cars i hope

    • Tundra

      Figure 8 tracks make for more fun crashes.

  66. Rebel Scum

    Why do you hate poor people?

    Introducing the Assault Weapon Excise Act.

    My bill would impose a 1000% excise tax on the manufacturer, importer, or producer of assault weapons and high capacity magazines. It’s designed to bypass the filibuster and win Senate passage with 50 votes.

    Seems legit.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Mass shooters biggest weakness: buying on credit.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Seems to me that if I’m planning to go out in blaze of bullets, running up my credit line isn’t much of a worry.

      • Count Potato

        Anyone know where that kid got $9K yet?

    • Drake

      Can we use it to recover the $50 billion we sent to the Ukraine?

    • Plisade

      And [real] gun thefts go through the roof.

    • R C Dean

      “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”

    • Sean

      I patiently await the mil/LE/.gov exemptions.

      “I don’t mean us!”

  67. The Late P Brooks

    “The moment you start getting people to say, ‘Well, it’s ok to vote Republican,’ then the next time will be easier,” said Cuellar, who will be defending his own South Texas turf in November against what’s expected to be an onslaught of GOP spending.




    They’re normalizing Repubicanism.

  68. The Late P Brooks

    “A drag queen for every school,” she adds.

    An idiot for every village.

  69. The Late P Brooks

    Lucky break

    The arrest of 31 men affiliated with a white supremacist group at a Pride event raises questions over whether the federal government is doing enough to monitor hate-based gatherings that could spill into deadly violence, experts warned.

    It took a tip to 911 from a “concerned citizen” to set off Saturday’s arrest in Idaho of the men affiliated with Patriot Front, who police say were spotted in a hotel parking lot dressed like “a little army,” piling into a U-Haul less than a quarter-mile from the “Pride in the Park” festivities.

    During a news conference Monday, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said, “We likely stopped a riot from happening downtown.”

    But multiple law enforcement experts told NBC News that it was concerning that the group assembled nearby and, if not for the lucky break of the tipster, may have caused bloodshed.

    “The manner in which these arrests were made reflects the long-standing problems in the way the FBI and the DOJ deprioritize white supremacist crimes and fundamentally misunderstand the violent element within how the white supremacy movement operates,” Michael German, a fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University, said referring to the Department of Justice. He is a former undercover FBI agent who retired in 2004.

    Why does the federal government steadfastly refuse to protect us from these white supremacist hatemongers? Why do they consistently ignore these existential threats to DEMOCRACY!?

    • Drake

      Those guys in polos and khakis looked so dangerous! If they hadn’t been arrested for a pre-crime, they could have walked around and made noise!

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      white supremacist

      white supremacist

      white supremacist

      white supremacist

      • Drake

        Not a single weapon on any of them. If there had been, we’d be hearing about it non-stop.

  70. The Late P Brooks

    An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment about whether the agency had been aware of the movements of those arrested and any monitoring of the Patriot Front.

    Who? Never heard of them.”

  71. R C Dean

    The gang at Fenix Ammo continues to amuse. Their email promotion this week included their 9mm “Lung Remover” ammo and their 5.56 “Organ Liquifier” ammo.

  72. Sean

    Gun glibs…when buying AR mags, be sure to give Lancers a shot.

    Lancer is right here in town. Support my local economy. 🙂

  73. The Late P Brooks

    I guess it’s just about time to go rip up some more carpet.

    fun, fun, fun.

    • Mojeaux

      Till your daddy takes the T-bird away.

    • Gender Traitor

      These euphemisms!

    • db

      I didn’t know you were a dancer.

      • juris imprudent

        Waxing technician, please!

    • Fatty Bolger

      This happened on an episode of House. I don’t remember the details, but IIRC the dad would use his hands to apply it, and then not wash it off. So it was transferred to the kids.

    • Sean


      The nanny state should have warned them.

    • R C Dean

      Young Warty?

      I feel bad for the kid – this can’t be good in the long run – but several lines in the article elicited a chuckle. Because I am a bad person.

      • Sensei

        But it was only after Brownsell saw pubic hair around Barnaby’s “sizable” penis that she got seriously worried.

  74. Ted S.

    Daily Quordle 143
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