New Texas Giant!
Greetings from the road! I’ve not been paying much attention to anything newsworthy this week as Banjos and I rumble through Texas as out kids are in summer camp. But let’s see if I can come up with a few items for you with…the links!
Wimbledon is happening. That’s apparently it for sports.

Branch Davidian Memorial
Good for this guy (and the dogs). Now he can catch up on all the celebrity news…like Ben Stiller meeting with Zelelnsky. And U2 doing a concert for Zelensky. And the FB Live by Zelensky. And Sean Penn and Angelina Jolie meeting Zelensky. And all other celebrity meetings by Zelensky during a war. Because that’s what leaders do when their country has been invaded.
Well of course she is. Why wouldn’t she be? She doesn’t step outside her bubble long enough to see that literally every principal to the stories Hutchinson told have said they were lies.

Dr Pepper Museum!
Here’s a giant jump to conclusions. Sadly, there’s plenty of retards out there that will believe it without any evidence whatsoever.
Who gives a shit. The Ivies have been. lost cause for years now. Anybody who can’t see that hasn’t been paying attention.
Holy shit, this is amazing. I haven’t seen anything like this since the closing scene in Blazing Saddles.

Solid lunch on the Riverwalk.
Seems legit. Just so we’re clear here, he got ten more years than Ghislane Maxwell and literally none of her “customers” ever saw the inside of a courtroom? Yeah, that’s some real justice there.
No shit, Sherlock. Anybody who understands the science could have told you that two years ago.

Worst (best!) Wax Museum ever.
And Ted Cruz is right. Which isn’t very common, if I’m being honest. But this kind of propaganda has no business being targeted at children. Especially since everything the show said was a lie.
This is me and Banjos’ song this week. It’s been a blast but we’re headed home today. And no, we won’t one picking up one of these on the way home from San Antonio. Because we’re not insane.
Anyway, enjoy the songs and the links on this lovely Thursday.
“Published evidence shows that high levels of community masking lowers transmission rates and survey data displayed an increase in masking during the recent Order timeframe,” he added. “In fact, Alameda County observed higher masking rates than anywhere else in the Country at the time.”
Say your catechism like a good boy, and you’ll go to heaven.
We believe the recent mask order contributed to the improvements we are now observing with COVID-19 in Alameda County
Our masking even helped neighboring counties that didn’t mask. You can see that in the trend lines.
Wait, it’s just now 8am? Shit, it’s going to be a long day.
I’m not sure how it can be Thursday.
Because it’s not yet friday.
How about Jupiter, Fourth, or Wood day?
It’s the fifth day, so that’s right out.
Thursday is “fourth” in Slavic languages.
Well, I’ve never been Slavic.
And I’m not following Wotan’s Day with a mere number.
You are right. It needs to be an EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!
Midgets, dancers, a parade(?), definately fireworks and a bake-off. What about the kiddies? Eye-patches and spears?
We need this day to come ALIVE!
Keep the Thor in Thor’s Day!
I prefer to think of today as Friday Eve.
It follows Midweek.
My Mom and Sister flew into Denver last night. As I was on the way to the airport, their plane made a U turn and landed in Wichita. Which apparently isn’t mythical.
The finally got to Denver at 12:40 AM this morning. By the time they got luggage and we got back to the c-compound in Larimer County it was 3 AM.
So, yes, its gonna be a long day.
“She doesn’t step outside her bubble long enough to see that literally every principal to the stories Hutchinson told have said they were lies.”
Or you know, she knows she’s lying.
I’m wondering if there isn’t something about DC, some kind of anomaly in space-time, where minds end up bending to conform to that anomaly. Think how few you can pick out that still have any grasp at all on common sense.
It’s the result of the inbreeding of an entire population of sociopaths.
I’m pretty sure the Dems & Repubs can’t crossbreed, or did Carville and Matalin finally have a child? So you’re talking parallel pools in terms of the genetics; I think my anomaly may be a better explanation.
The problem is that the Swamp Creatures are too used to ass fucking the country that they have forgotten how to procreate.
Perception is reality if you try hard enough.
It must be in the water or something. I knew a girl in college who the most conservative girl I’ve ever met. Her name was even Nancy, named after Nancy Reagan. She went to DC after working a campaign for a house rep. Came home 10 years later a full blown communist. She went as RBG for las Halloween.
Did she wear a casket as a costume?
“I haven’t seen anything like this since the closing scene in Blazing Saddles.”
Not in the face! Not in the face!
My Face!
Yes! In the face!
Men typically get longer sentences for the same crimes.
and they deserve it the fuckers. Hangin’ is too good for men
What man doesn’t want to be hung?
…and you is right…
Richard Levine?
Emmitt Till?
– they said you was hung!
– and they was right!
Dammit, Slumbrew!
It’s a tough job doing the links on an Thursday before a holiday, but someone’s got to do it! Thanks, sloop.
Husband’s cataract surgery went well Tuesday. Had the follow-up Wednesday. Then went to a ridiculously good Italian restaurant in Tivoli Village. ZOMG.
Today, I’m going to work .
Tomorrow. EEG. Haven’t had one in a few years (thanks, Covid!) so we’ll see if my brain is doing ok on just Keppra. Later I have to get an MRI, which i haven’t done since 2006. If my hippocampus has shrunk, that’s a bad sign. Wish me luck 🍀
Good luck!
Good luck and happy to hear the news ’bout Mr ‘Splosives.
Don’t eat at the little Chinese place in the strip mall, my experience was less comforting.
Who doesn’t want all you can eat sushi and BBQ just off the strip in Vegas?
So different from Gas Station Sushi?
I hope everything is OK.
Good luck for all!
Cataracts? I thought he drove Rincolns.
/joke for Straff
May your hippocampus have grown to a rhinocampus!
You got hired to plan the next Pokemon game, I see….
Thanks, y’all!
For the curious about hippocampus and epilepsy, here’s a short intro.
Interesting, thanks.
I hope all goes flawlessly!
It’s not the size of your hippocampus, its how you use it…?
Also Hippocampus (from St. Paul, MN) was my daughter’s favorite band for a while
Good luck HS
Good that your husband’s surgery went well.
Best wishes for you for tomorrow.
After viewing the case rate graphs, UCSF’s Dr. Bob Wachter — one of the region’s more cautious COVID-19 experts and a supporter of mask mandates — echoed many of that article’s sentiments, stating that mandates don’t appear to increase the “probability of people wearing good masks correctly.” Many people find it difficult to wear an N95 for long periods of time, instead opting for lower-quality cloth or surgical masks.
“If the mandate came with enforcement of wearing a good (N95 or equivalent) mask correctly, it might demonstrate a significant advantage in preventing cases,” he wrote to SFGATE in an email. “But there is no real enforcement (certainly not of correct masking using a good mask), which means that the rates of effective masking probably isn’t very different in [the Bay Area counties being compared].”
And the cargo cultists cling desperately to their superstitious rituals and rites.
And N95s are expensive, and not reusable, and don’t work when you pull it down, and…
Fine assortment this morning, Sloop. Some good, some baaaaaaaaaaaad, some funny, some sad.
I can’t help but to worry about the country I grew up in. Things I believed in seem to be getting lost. Maybe it’s just me. If this is the new reality I’m happy to wander around in my geezer fog.
Thanks for bringing all the news, including that which I don’t want to know.
Here’s a giant jump to conclusions. Sadly, there’s plenty of retards out there that will believe it without any evidence whatsoever.
Well if more women give birth, it depends how the rate is calculated
e.g. maternal deaths related to total birth or related to population? Because the latter can probably rise if birth rate rises in a country for any reason.
Because that’s what leaders do when their country has been invaded.
Zelensky IS an actor/entertainer…
All politicians are. Most are just really bad at it and come off like Michael Scott. At least the people who wrote for him understood that he was supposed to be cringe.
That cruise ship brawl…lulz.
Rep. Liz Cheney ‘confident’ in Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony
Well, she wrote the script, so…
And gave her a hug
A friend – a follower of Q drops – believes that Hutch is a white hat, i.e. on Trump’s side and playing a role in a grander effort to overturn the 2020 election. I can only guess that role is to make the Select Committee look stupid. If I were to give any credence to the Q thing, it’s because I find it nearly impossible to believe that Hutch would give such testimony before Congress and the nation, knowing how easily it would be debunked, for any other reason.
Or she was threatened.
Washington DC – Hollywood for ugly people.
whaddup doh’
“Elmo’s video comes just weeks after the Food and Drug Administration granted emergency-use authorization to coronavirus vaccines for children five-and-under. Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street, announced in a statement Tuesday that the public service advertisement was produced in partnership with the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics.”
So everyone is either incredibly stupid or lying.
::inserts Why not both gif::
Porky nose low dose?
Q: What’s the last thing they do with Elmo dolls before they leave the factory?
A: Give them two test tickles.
I can see the motivation for the FDA to keep pushing the shot ($$$$). I’m having a hard time seeing the motivation for the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep pushing it. There is plenty of data that shows the shot is a net loss in health and mortality for young kids. At some point, there will be a reckoning, and I don’t imagine “don’t blame me, the FDA said it was okay” is going to satisfy a lot of people.
Possibility 1) I’m reading too much into the name “Academy of Pediatrics” and assuming they are actually practicing pediatric physicians who care about the long term outcomes for their patients. Maybe they’re the kind of outfit that exists largely to parrot FDA/CDC/NIH propaganda?
Possibility 2) They are reading/believing different data, and think the shot actually does improve long term outcomes.
Other options?
I think 1 is very likely. It’s true of every single industry group I’ve ever been involved with. Even the ones that do good work otherwise.
“I’m having a hard time seeing the motivation for the American Academy of Pediatrics to keep pushing.”
Maybe the answer is the same. ($$$$)
Entirely possible, but where does the money come from? I’m assuming senior FDA officials are getting paid by 1) stock in pharma companies, 2) royalties from COVID-related patents, 3) expectation of future payouts by going to work for pharma after leaving gov’t work. Whence comes the money to buy the AMA, AAP, etc? Could still be from stock, I guess.
My larger question is, for “us” to be right about the shot, then (mostly) all of government, all the national medical organizations, the majority of academia, all have to be in on a conspiracy to lie about the shot. Why are all of those people in it? Again, I can see a money trail for some of them, but for others, it eludes me.
I’m purely speculating, but maybe money is not in cash payments or bribes but threat of loss of licensing/ability to earn an income.
^ THIS. ^
Sure. By getting it into the kid’s schedule they are automatically free of liability, something that wouldn’t happen if it was finally approved for adults only It may be that simple.
I went in for stitches last week and outside of some low key mask drama, they asked when was the last time I had a tetanus shot. Remarkably, no question about a Covid shot. Also, my wife took my daughter in yesterday for some lady issues and no Covid nonsense during their visit. So I think that’s starting to subside. They’re probably forcing it on the people that use the free/reduced cost clinics though, because those places thrive on gov’t funding and have a long history of eugenics, i.e. the Indian clinics that give the abortions, then sterilize the patient.
Suddenly I’m warming to the idea of abortion clinics on federal park land.
I’m reading this book. A common theme is hospitals pushing the CDC/NIH/NIAID line.
In NH, I heard through Reopen NH contacts that the state medical board was pushing the CDC/NIH/NIAID line, and no doctor wanted to cross the state medical board. According to the contacts, all state medical boards pushed the CDC/NIH/NIAID line.
“Rapper Nipsey Hussle’s ‘killer’ is jumped by inmates on his way to court and slashed in the head with a razor just as closing arguments are set to begin in his trial”
Snitches always get ______
Do mask mandates work? Bay Area COVID data from June says no.
I knew this on day 1 of “two weeks to flatten the curve”.
It’s tragic that there are still believers out there. Government (free) education can be harmful to your health.
“If you or a loved one has died due to wearing a Fauci mask, call 1-800-Ass-Hole, a trained legal expert is standing by to take your message”
That expensive Ivy education ain’t any better.
My most egregious error was believing “they simply cannot keep this up more than 14 days”.
“There’s no way this lasts past Memorial Day”
–Me in Spring of 2020
Stupid past me…
I remember saying something along the lines of “we’ll probably have forgotten all about Covid a year from now” around the same time.
I’m trying to remember, what was that again?
That was hardly your error alone.
I remember a group call with all my cousins on it. It was in June or early July and they were all talking about making plans for the school year. They thought school was going to be cancelled. I thought, :there’s no way we put up with it for that long” and thought my cousins were crazy for thinking it.
We forget though, masks didn’t work until after the first 14 days expired. Then we realized their magic.
This shit is lasting longer than psychedelic rock.
I thought so too, but at the same time I made a bunch of reloads because I thought that if it went longer, people would get restless.
Consumer Sentiment at Record Low Is Another Ominous Sign for Economy
This has been since 1966. If only Team Red had passed BBB this wouldn’t be happening right now.
I’m gonna throttle back my unnecessary spending habits. (Steak budget unaffected.)
So you spend some of the money on guns and steak and the rest you waste
George Best he ain’t. But I still approve.
Recent pick up.
Forgive the Gunbroker photo. I didn’t take one at home yet.
A 61 Winc?
Rem 572
I might have some vintage paperwork for one of those sitting around somewhere. Let me check, and it is yours if I do.
Waiting for just the right cut of beef?
That’s usually just pistols.
Fair point. What you need is a side of beef.
“As you know, there’s an active campaign underway to destroy her credibility. Do you have any doubt at all in anything that she said to you?” Karl asked Cheney.
“I am absolutely confident in her credibility. I’m confident in her testimony,” Cheney told Karl in a wide-ranging interview set to air in full on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday.
“I think that what Cassidy Hutchinson did was an unbelievable example of bravery and of courage and patriotism in the face of real pressure,” said Cheney, who is vice chair of the Jan. 6 committee.
Of course.. She’s a regular Patrick Henry.
You’ll notice Cheney didn’t say she believes what she said is the truth.
She outright said it was unbelievable. Pure Doublespeak.
She’s not lying.
That article is an amazing bit of propaganda. Lot’s of reference to her credibility, but not one single example of how, just maybe, her credibility should be questioned. And the phrasing of Karl’s question…what a fucking lapdog.
To really sell it, they should have had Jennifer Rubin reporting it. Then it would be RINOs all the way around.
For that many RINO’S, they would need Kipling to write the script.
Russia retreated from Snake Island as a gesture of good will. Snake Island should belong to Romania anyway goddamnit. We have been arguing with Ukraine for 30 years over it
So is Snake Island like the anti-Ireland? A land full of heathen teetotalers?
its a barren rock in the sea it does not have inhabitants
So was it confirmed one way or another if the Ukes there were slaughtered or captured?
I have not heard
But I assume the former
Originally, it was the former, but then there was a “it’s a Ghost of Kiev propaganda” backlash, but the “respectable media” never walked back the initial “fuck off” story.
Now is Romania’s chance!
Only Russia has legitimate historical interests.
retreated from Snake Island
I think you meant they will “scale back”
they must be rattled
*narrows gaze*
Killed that before it could coil up and strike.
We shouldn’t take Russia word for it. They speak with forked tongue.
The birth rate won’t rise because certain recent, experimental medical treatments have resulted in fertility problems.
However, deaths caused by said medical treatments may be attributed to pregnancy.
“with pregnancy”
Looking forward to the condom mandates.
Well if I was a yute, I’d wear a condom but I’d bull it way down so it only covered my balls.
Would that be a Papal Bull?
Nah, he got steered wrong.
how much of present-day “environmentalism,” as defined by “carbon free nuclear is bad because feelings” and “rare metals are only ok when mined by slaves,” is just a chinese psyop
There isn’t an environmentalist alive that wouldn’t quake in horror if lithium mining and processing was done where they could see it. Since they can’t, it’s nothing for them to care about. Just like Chinese use of coal.
Nah, they really are that stupid, and need no help from the Chinese.
Elmo pushing drugs reminds me of this, for some reason: https://youtu.be/0eD4_zFt1c4
I’m thinking “that’s some SCP-type shit”…
Lo, and behold:
Except for the SS agents that were present that have done so.
Raskin said, “I can’t reveal anything about anybody’s private conversations with the committee at this point, but when anything is ready to be revealed, you will know it, obviously. And anything that’s relevant and significant, I think we will make public. But it is a point, I’ve not seen anything that has contradicted, on the record, anything that Cassidy Hutchinson said. I know there are now anonymously sourced allegations about what someone is saying or what someone might say. That’s very different from someone going under oath and contradicting it. I found her to be an entirely credible witness who spoke with great candor and honesty to the committee. But if other people have other interpretations of particular incidents or events, I would love to hear from them as well. But nobody has contradicted the central important evidence that came out yesterday, Donald Trump knew that he had heavily armed followers in the crowd and, in fact, wanted to waive them in and take down the metal detector so they could blend in with the rest of the crowd, swelling the size of the crowd before the march on the Capital. Nobody has contradicted that. And that to me is the central and most important thing that we learned yesterday.”
Now playing: Raskin does standup
I know there are now anonymously sourced allegations about what someone is saying or what someone might say.
We only accept hearsay that supports our narrative.
“It’s twue, it’s twue!!!”
We have a real theme going today.
I like it.
Literally nothing he said is true. The secret service agents supposedly involved have actually offered to testify under oath that it never happened. Also there is zero evidence of anybody being armed at the rally.
Also there is zero evidence of anybody being armed at the rally.
It was amazing to watch them present “muh-AR-15 armed Trumpists” while literally showing zero evidence. I suspect this is just another move to demonize the most popular rifle in America.
Your mistake is saying “the” rally.
Obviously people were armed at “a” rally, the capitol invasion was “a” rally, therefore were armed at the capitol invasion. It’s like you don’t even logic.
No one has contradicted the story that Trump knew the crowd contained plasma rifle toting aliens he had released from Area 51. Have any of you seen anything in the public record contradicting that?
On the record being the key statement here. The SS agents are not on the record and probably never will be as that would not help the narrative.
One has to deny Donald Trump three times before you are allowed at the insurrection laugh-in.
Thot Thursday has a gait with greater pelvic and vertebral rotation and stride length.
This is a large nest of yellowjacket hornets. The nests of the species southern yellowjacket (Vespula squamosa) along with eastern yellowjackets, are usually built underground
Just pour molten metal down the hole.
Have you tried melting metal in this economy? Huh? We need to make sure that everyone, especially our most vulnerable people, have the access they need to crucibles of liquid alloys.
That’s why I’m introducing the CALM Act today. The Children’s Access to Liquid Metals Act will ensure that our kids are prepared for the future–a future in which everyone has the ability to have molten metal available, on demand, for any reason whatsoever. The Act will mandate the installation and operation of a network of local kiosks where every American can place an order for up to five gallons of completely molten metal at a time. Additional legislation that we’ll be rolling out later this year will ensure Americans’ access to appropriate storage and transport containers. After all, what good is the right to access molten metals at any time without the proper equipment to hold and carry it?
If your children aren’t already melting metals of their own accord with homemade gear in your driveway, and without you knowing about it until you see the glow, then you’re failing as a parent.
14 yr old pistoffnick. I was convinced to stop experimenting after I nearly burned the garage down.
They can recycle lead from urban environments. It has a low melting point so no special heat source required.
That’s how we roll.
“I’ll take shit that’s not going to happen for $100, Alex”
FCC Member Calls On Apple, Google to Banish TikTok
Imagine someone from the 1920s reading that headline. It would look like complete nonsense. None of those things existed in 1922.
NPR was demanding that guy “show his evidence” that Bytedance was doing anything wrong and chastising him for misusing his authority to influence Apple and Google.
“the punch-up began over allegations of cheating – in particular, an alleged threesome which then upset the participants’ respective partners”
I feel like there needs to be additional explanation here.
Couple of chicks double-teamed some rando & their boyfriends became irate.
alpha af
Sad to see Cornell stoop so low. They were supposed to be the more sciencey Ivy. I almost attended there but my pocketbook thanked me for choosing a state school instead.
Carl Sagan would have a sad.
Also Andy Bernard
One would think that you’d call the SS agents that contradicted Cassidy. But one understands that you are a psychopath bent on destroying a threat to the deep state.
As we heard yesterday, WH counsel Pat Cippollone had significant concerns re. Trump’s Jan 6 activities. It’s time for Mr. Cippollone to testify on the record. Any concerns he has about the institutional interests of his prior office are outweighed by the need for his testimony.
Holy shit, the fucking replies. The country is way past doomed.
Twitter does not represent the country, it represents the partisan retards.
It is very important that you always try to remember this. Treating the tiny ideological bubble that is Twitter like it’s the real world leads to nihilism. Don’t fall for it.
Trump was mean to her father!
What is funny is that Dems are now loving her even though they said much worse things about her father.
She really is an idiot.
Too bad they don’t have a family hunting outing.
The Dems embracing all of the very worst Neo-Cons like Cheney, Frum and Jennifer Rubin shows just how unprincipled they really are. They should rightly be thrown out of polite society (or even more rightly, put in prison and have car batteries taking to their genitals several times a day. They are unrepentant propagandists for mass murder and avatars for an unaccountable MIC and deep state. Not only are they completely out of step with all of the leftists that now champion them, they are thousand times closer to representing the rise of definitional fascism than Trump could ever hope to be.
I’ve seen a lot of dumb cancel culture stories but “Man loses new job in New York City when angry people contact his employer after he makes TikTok video insulting bodegas” may be one of the dumbest yet
ban gyms for creating gym bros
I don;t get why the guy is posting those lame ass tiktoks though. would anyone watch that? why?
Having watched the video are we sure the real reason is bodegas or his quote along the lines of “I’m in the Bronx and I’m the only white person in the gym so I’m going to wear an NAACP shirt”?
apparently first complaints were over the bodega ones
Yeah, going with the race stuff.
I’ve always thought gym bros were part of the reason why governors went all in on keeping gyms closed during covid.
“Our public officials…ran because they wanted to
make their communities bettercontrol what people think and do,” said Clarence Anthony, chief executive of the National League of Cities. “We’re finding a lot of them saying, ‘I didn’t sign up for this.’”Threats of Violence Reach More Public Officials
When you take a job that passes or enforces laws with the threat of state sponsored violence, I’d say you very much did “sign up for this.”
Robin Hanson
On average, has the morality of behavior in the world been getting better or worse, since the year 2000?
I am not sure I would have chosen better but most people did…
How could I possibly know enough about the state of morality worldwide to have an opinion?
The Taliban are now enforcing morals.
I thought they were enforcing mask womandates.
There are no dates, only marriages.
you americans so insular and ignorant about the world.
And the world is generally quite ignorant about America.
Nice move, Pie. If Americans have an opinion about world events, we’re arrogant hegemons. If we don’t, we’re ignorant and disengaged with reality.
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell vowed Wednesday that policymakers would not allow inflation to take hold of the U.S. economy over the longer term.
“The risk is that because of the multiplicity of shocks you start to transition to a higher inflation regime. Our job is literally to prevent that from happening, and we will prevent that from happening,” the central bank leader said. “We will not allow a transition from a low-inflation environment into a high-inflation environment.”
Speaking to a European Central Bank forum along with three of his global counterparts, Powell continued his tough talk on inflation in the U.S. that is currently running at its highest level in more than 40 years.
In the near term, the Fed has instituted multiple rate hikes to try to subdue the rapid price increases. But Powell said that it’s also important to arrest inflation expectations over the longer term, so they don’t become entrenched and create a self-fulfilling cycle.
Is he going to call Elizabeth Warren and tell her to STFU? or Bernie, or President Union Label?
Daily Quordle 157
Meh right back at ya.
Daily Quordle 157
I think that one was particularly difficult. Maybe just my seed word picks.
Daily Quordle 157
LL was tricky as hell because same letters could give you another option.
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Daily Quordle 157
Started good, then went to shit. But, I didn’t chump on that last word.
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Also meh
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Daily Quordle 157
“We’re finding a lot of them saying, ‘I didn’t sign up for this.’”
I was told there would be no
mathconsequences.Daily Quordle 157
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Quordle, I am most seriously displeased /Lady Catherine de Bourgh
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This is not the same thing.
Britain and its allies face their “1937 moment” following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and must do everything possible to avert another world war, the new head of the army has said.
The warning emerged as Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to announce an uplift in UK defence spending this week, in line with growing security challenges.
General Sir Patrick Sanders, the chief of the general staff, said Russian President Vladimir Putin and his “expansionist ambitions” pose the greatest threat to sovereignty, democracy and the freedom to live without violence that he has ever known.
Isn’t this situation closer to the Guns of August?
Wait….the way to avoid WWIII is to push us closer to WWIII?
Look 1937 was bad because it was all done to avoid another 1914. So we redo 1937 in 2022 so that we can re-enact 1914 but with the 1937 ending. Don’t you get it?
Can someone please square increased military spending by us and the UK with current inflation rates?
If we have 10% inflation and they make some big announcement that they’re increasing military spending by 10%, aren’t they really not increasing it at all since their costs have likely gone up 10% anyway? Seems to me they can make these announcements and give the impression that they’re doing something when really they’re just making up for the inflation they’ve caused in the first fucking place (and making it worse since they have to print more money so they’ve got it to spend on the same shit they’d have bought anyway).
For some utterly inexplicable reason, I have that sheep go to Heaven, goats go to Hell song stuck in my head.
You could do a lot worse than Cake for an earworm.
Good sheep go to Heaven, Baaaad sheep go everywhere?
I’ve been told that talking about a problem will only make it worse and it’s probably better for you to go fuck his best friend instead. That will solve the problem.
Try some humor to lighten up things. Don’t be scared. That would make the conversation stiff and unproductive.
Now this pun thread is just going to limp along until Swissy gets here to fluff it back up.
Nah — I suspect that rather than get too turgid about it, he’ll just give a narrow glans and be done.
She really pulled a boner by writing that letter. No way can she pull off maintaining a relationship with her husband now.
Also, if the internet has taught me anything, it’s that British cab drivers routinely trade rides for sex with their passengers. So maybe he’s just wore out by the time he gets home.
I know right? She should be pumping up his ego rather than deflating it. That’s going to get in his head and make things even worse.
You’re pushing it over the edge.
I think Swiss will like this one. He’ll add a rim shot gif.
Appears as though Swiss is refusing to let his eyes drift down upon this thread.
See – those eyes are eye level!
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Much needed!
Good morning, Sloop!
I’m glad you and Banjos are having a fun road trip.
I had no idea there was a Branch Davidian memorial. Amazing how long it took for the truth to come out. The internet has its problems, but it sure makes it harder for the state to keep things under wraps.
I do love me some CCR. My dad was a fan and had a bunch of records. The first song he taught me on guitar.
Have a great day, peeps!
The Fed now is charged with bringing down those expectations while not crashing the economy. Powell said he’s confident that will happen, though he acknowledged the risks ahead.
“We’re strongly committed to using our tools to get inflation to come down. The way to do that is to slow down growth, ideally keeping it positive,” he said. “Is there a risk that would go too far? Certainly, there’s a risk. I wouldn’t agree that it’s the biggest risk to the economy. The bigger mistake to make … would be to fail to restore price stability.”
Those tools are so effective and finely honed we should have no problem at all getting inflation and economic growth precisely where we want them. Just look at the ten years they spent desperately trying to get inflation over two er cent.
I suppose the same human instincts to see patterns/intent inspires both “normal” religion and the unshakeable faith that central planners can somehow Do Something Right This Time.
I know I can be cynical — but from where I sit, meteorologists have a better track record than economists, especially those at the Fed and its ilk across the world. Really have to wonder how the various economic “catastrophes” and near misses would have actually shaken out if they’d *stop* trying to help.
I missed the Star Wars conversation last night, so here’s my piece:
I’m 50, so I saw the Star Wars in a small 1-screen theater in Valdosta, Georgia, when it first came out. Then the other 2 in later years. My thing is that I pretend everything else doesn’t exist – like if somebody says “Star Wars” I insist it means one single movie, and act like I’ve never heard of the sequels. Like if somebody names one I pretend no sound came out of their mouth and won’t be moved. My kids are used to it. Only exception is Rogue One – I give it credit for trying to do a good job wrt Star Wars.
I do something sorta related with the Sherlock Holmes canon, but this shtick has been around for about a century (literally). It’s the notion that Holmes and Watson were 100% real, and that Watson actually logged the cases, and that Doyle was just his publishing agent. It’s been around long enough that plenty of people get it, but enough don’t to make it amusing.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Hey, sometimes you gotta make your own entertainment.
I just rewatched Ep 1 the other day and would like to join your club.
St. Paul is thrilled to announce Phase 2 of Dollars for Deadbeats*
* I realize I’m painting with a broad brush when I call them deadbeats, but I think more shame is needed when it comes to the dole.
“People’s Prosperity Guaranteed Income Pilot”
Gosh, that doesn’t sound too Soviet, not at all.
They’re not even pretending…
SCOTOS will drop opinions at 1000 EDT. What will the EPA decision be?
I am hoping for more wins against government overreach. Although if these wins keep up I will quickly run out of my short stock of cigars and bourbon for celebrations.
Once more? Disillusioned… encore. (See yesterday afternoon’s links for the music if you don’t recognize this).
Probably. Still, I wonder what will happen to cases like this if the three-letter agencies get put in their place?
I’m hoping in includes the line “salt the earth”, but that’s probably too much to ask for.
take the lot of them out back and shoot em?
Probably narrow so it will not affect anything else.
But I don’t like onions.
Against the EPA but narrowly tailored.
We will only overturn on a case by case basis.
I’d have agreed with this a couple years ago. But this court seems hellbent on enforcing actual separation of powers and by extension forcing the legislature to do their job rather than delegate sweeping powers to the executive branch.
I think it will be an evisceration of the EPA and they will further write in their opinion that they want litigation brought forth so they can do the same to the other executive departments.
Hope you’re right…
What will the EPA decision be
Alito seems to be driving the bus now, with Thomas alongside (NOT in the back!), so I’m going to say (with some hope) that it’s an EPA beatdown.
Will basically say EPA does’t have the statutory authority to do what it did. Will say that they “could” if Congress had granted them the power, but Congress didn’t.
Can set the limits, but can’t tell a state how to organize it’s compliance with those regulations.
That’s my guess, anyway.
I would see Gorsuch also very much helping them drag others along.
Eh, a sort of win.
Seen on ScotusBlog comments
Take a deep breath. It’ll be your last clean one
EPA lost
Inside a $25,900,000 Fully OFF GRID Utah Mega Mansion
Specs: 6 Bedrooms, 6.5 Baths
12,377 sq ft interior space / (1150 sqm)
49.11 acre lot / (198741 sqm)
So first that seems a lot of money for middle of nowhere, though the house looks luxurious. But I would not pay 30 mil for Utah.
I doubt the person buying this will clean themselves, so it seems strange to have an off grid house that requires staff.
While the view is not bad, I still prefer more densely forested mountain views, the forest seems sparse in Utah.
I am thinking you can get a less glamorous but very nice place on acreage for a lot less. This seems overkill.
$26 mil is perfectly reasonable if it has it’s own nuclear reactor and water processing plant.
That’s what “fully off grid” means, right?
I had a look at a property near here that was or could be “fully off grid.” A subterranean comms bunker that was designed to operate after a nuclear war as an emergency communications relay station. Had its own 4160V generator bank (3 or 4 diesel generators, I think), two independent wells and two independent sewage treatment plants, air filtration, and something like 18000 sqft underground with a utility building on the surface that covered up the access to the underground complex.
It sold for a paltry $650k or so at auction. Sadly, I didn’t buy it.
solar panels are the future bro
I would take a hydroelectric plant if it was on the property and there was no fear of going dry.
Plus you get a goodly supply of freshwater fish along with it.
50 acres?!?! You could get 61 square miles in Texas for a little over $4m and spend the other $21.5m doing whatever the fuck you wanted, like build your own solar/wind power plant and recreating a European castle. And it’s got plenty of water too!
Under $120/acre. That’s insane, even for that part of the state.
Sure, you’re likely on the border so you have that to worry about. But still…we should pool our resources and gobble it up, then declare ourselves a sovereign nation.
I call dibs on being first King of Glibistan though, since I found it.
We’d be the size of Lichtenstein.
So Glibenstein works better than Glibistan.
Gliberia? Glibertonia?
I thought a Glibenstein was what one drank Glibenbier out of.
“Glibenstein’s Monster”
Sewn together from a patchwork of beliefs and brought to life to terrorize the countryside!
“It won’t stop saying ‘fuck you, cut spendng’!”
You can hear its cry from the woods…
Glibenmaß oder Glibenkrug.
Too fucking hot. I think I’m in the group that would rather take over Alaska
/signs up for banginglc1’s
Just because a house is “off-grid” does not mean it is inaccessible. It may only be a half hour from town.
It is about an hour from downtown Salt Lake City
Sounds like the Trump assaulted a Secret Service agent story is even less credible than the weapons of mass destruction lie. The fruit didn’t fall far from the tree in this case but at least she lacks the influence to start a war.
He had yellowcake uranium in his back pocket, I heard.
If the Bee is listening, we will shortly see a video mocking the proceedings where various, increasingly fantastic, claims/”testimony” about Trump’s behavior that day are made “under oath.”
I clicked that honestly expecting that she’d also testified that her friend’s roommate’s cousin’s best friend’s girlfriend’s sister saw Trump pass out at 31 Flavors last night.
She guesses its pretty serious.
1/6 Committee hears Corroborating Evidence
God damn are they good.
They are. I can’t believe how good they are, actually.
They rarely, rarely turn out clunkers and every day they churn out absolutely side-splitting, topical, biting satire.
I don’t know what their staffing is or anything about how they do what they do, (God love ’em), but they are CRUSHING it.
Did you see Satan’s press conference about Roe V Wade? Might be the funniest thing they’ve ever done.
They would disagree about the “good” part.
And they do it in a clean, christian manner.
That should star Jon Lovitz, or someone doing a good Jon Lovitz impersonation.
I went to a hotel in Nigeria and during the entire time I was there, nobody offered to sell me yellowcake! Myth busted!
/Mr. Plame
All they had was chocolate cake?
Sad day in Indy. Not that many people even knew the place. It was in the ghetto, and it was fucking delicious.
Hmm . . . now I’m wondering, it was about a block from the abortion clinic. I hope it wasn’t because they lost their meat supplier.
*rhythmic hurking*
Hurking is sooo 2015.
Now it’s untz untz untz.
Don’t you even Glib, brah?
Don’t make me bring the dubstep.
Always sad when one of your favorite hole in the wall places closes.
OTH, how did they manage to retain the name given the current culture?
As long as they’re Asian. See also United Negro College Fund and NAA Colored P.
NGL….the other night at work I said “you know- the NCAACP”
Hilarity failed to ensue.
“Whattya mean? It’s definitely east of somewhere.”
The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago waves hello.
There was a Chinese place up here that closed because the county needed the space. It was called Ho Palace .
Phuc Yea
Cruisin’ for a bruisin’
Cruise giant Carnival was hit hard during the worst of the pandemic. Now, a top Wall Street analyst has issued a dire potential outlook for the company in the case of recession.
Morgan Stanley’s Jamie Rollo outlined a worse-case scenario: Carnival stock could fall to $0 in the event of a global economic downturn.
“If there is a demand shock that causes trip cancellations or weak bookings … liquidity could quickly shrink,” Rollo wrote in a report Wednesday. Carnival was not immediately available for comment.
Some people like ocean cruises. Presumably, some people actually cross oceans by boat as their preferred means of travel.
That whole industry seems to be grotesquely overbuilt to me, and waiting to topple.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. If you like crowded public spaces, massive buffets of sometimes questionable food, seasickness, and the potential for disaster if things go wrong then you’ll love cruises.
You summed it up. Now add in uncontrollable riots as well.
Yeah, you couldn’t pay me to go on cruise.
Scientists are reportedly developing new drugs that could help humans live until the age of 200.
It aims to destroy our ‘zombie’ cells, which are cells that release compounds that accelerate the ageing process. Would you want to live that long?
180ish years before retirement? Yikes.
Sure as long as it wasn’t some decrepit existence. If they could keep the quality of life satisfactory why not?
*reads lynx*
All these people saying they wouldn’t want to live that long are nuts. And they’ll turn that sentiment into “no one should live that long.”
With negligible senescence? Sure, I’m in.
Interestingly, Neal Asher’s books have the ‘ennui barrier’ somewhere between 150 and 200 years – most people check out somewhere in that range, but the ones who make it through are in the long haul and are hundreds of years old.
Didn’t one our Glibs here say these were not especially reliable?
It makes perfect sense that this particular part of FedGov needs its own special sidearm. There aren’t enough other pistols with long government service with a good long history for them to use.
U.S. Nuclear Convoy Guards’ New Pistol Looks Right Out Of John Wick
Glock is just a piece of Tupperware. Buy a SIG or HK.
Change my mind.
As Stinky notes below – before the boating accident mine was dead nuts reliable and quite reasonably accurate.
If they can’t get the job with a cheap ass Glock they have no business doing the job.
Oooh! THREE yards! That’s almost double-digit feet!
That line really should have ‘skill’ in scare quotes.
Yup, that was me.
Even very good ‘Gucci Glocks’, like the ones you get from Boresight Solutions, only perform a few percentage points better than a factory Glock. I can’t see this purchase as anything other than a giant gun lust fueled waste of taxpayer money. Or, maybe, a payoff to Zev, although I can’t imagine why that would happen…
I don’t know why, but I feel compelled to confess to you people. Yeah, I have a chequered history of drug and alcohol abuse- Ive seen AA more than once. But this time I really “slipped”.
I had a few too many beers yesterday and did something stupid. I submitted my resume to a giant environmental testing company, and was immediately scooped up by their HR for an interview.
You fool! Now you may have to accept more money for a better job!
Worse than that, he might even have to work ::**shudders**:: DAYS!!! 😱
PFAS testing?
“‘No question’ that U.S. maternal mortality rate will rise post-Roe, experts say”
The solution is to rid the woman of that unnatural pathogen, not to figure out why expectant mothers are dying and fix that. I guess that makes sense on some level.
Oh yea! Now I get to look up the bills. This just passed the legislature last night. From memory the “training” was for new ID holders, but who the hell knows what it morphed into. No idea WTF the deal was with handgun ammo.
N.J. set to tighten gun laws as bills head to Murphy for approval
Supposedly the new Hochul gun laws will be voted into existence today. AFAIK, nobody has any idea what they are.
Speaking of which, I totally forgot to go to the session last night about the previous set of new bans.
I was debating about reminding you. But was unsure of your reasons for not showing.
Somewhere between heading off for work in the morning and playing with Lily at the dog park, I forgot the significance of the day.
To be fair, she was unusually playful yesterday.
Anything interesting learned or was it mostly “we don’t have all the information yet?”
“We don’t have all the information yet.”
They’re going to schedule another session for august before all the vague laws go into effect for september.
I was searching to see what’ll be the law later today, and came across this headline (not linking the article because fuck them)
Odds that the shooter didn’t have a carry permit? 100%
From The Gothamist:
This is why you don’t leave loopholes in your rulings.
“Shall not be infringed means what it says. The state has No authority to regulate, restrict, or otherwise impede citizens’ ownership and carrying of arms.”
adds “Gun owners will also be required to get over 15 hours of in-person training to receive a concealed carry permit, Hochul said.”
I wonder what that will cost?
says that the 15 hours must be “range training.” There are exactly 4 gun ranges in NYC IIRC.
One thing that was covered last night – Manufacturers have outright stated that they will not retool for microstamping, so that is a defacto handgun ban.
Said ranges will be booked from here to eternity by deep pockets to keep the proles from getting time.
You’ll need a gun license to buy ammo.
You’ll need live fire training to get your gun license.
You’ll need to buy ammo in order to get your live fire training.
I wonder how many hours of “range training” cops are required to get before they are issued a handgun?
You forgot – you need a license to handle a firearm.
“I don’t need to have numbers”
What a miserable cunt. Sorry, NY.
Here we go:
I’m assuming they passed the fuil lot.
That’s the plan. Sadly we have a few more years.
And every one a 2nd amendment violation.
Feature not bug.
Well, rolling back restrictions on hollow points and mag capacity will be vetoed, if they make it that far.
The “safe storage” one where guns must be locked in a gun safe and separate from ammo – hasn’t that already been smacked down from somewhere else? Or am I remembering wrong?
The response from NY and NJ appears to be “Pass into law everything that’s already been ruled unconsitutional and force the plebs to take another 7-10 years of litigation for each. By the time those peasants are done, there will be no one selling guns in the state”
This bill labels .50 caliber weapons, or anything with a caliber greater than .50, “destructive devices” and renders them illegal in New Jersey.
No more battle of Trenton reenactments I guess.
In an effort to better track the state’s semi-automatic weapons, this bill would require any newly manufactured semi-automatic handgun sold in the state to be micro-stamped.
Not possible.
Thot whole lot is a steaming pile of unconstitutional horseshit.
Teflon Don is going down.
Despite all that, Trump’s Teflon reputation has some serious people thinking he could end up in the Oval Office again after 2024 — especially given a brutal political environment hampering Democrats and President Joe Biden’s reeling approval ratings.
That assumption has now become more complicated.
The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection has painted a horrendous picture of Trump’s attempts to defy the will of voters and incitement of the most violent attack on democracy in modern US history.
As the committee’s vice chair, GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, put it on Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, “We are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before — and that is a former President who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic.”
That’s some mighty fine histrionics there.
As bad as Watergate was — and it was a serious set of crimes, provoking a constitutional crisis — the insurrection is the most acute crisis in US presidential history. It is not a scandal but a crime against democracy; the alleged potential offenses are not only obstruction of justice, but a seditious conspiracy against the government and the people of the United States.
Comparing the events of January 6 to Watergate does more than diminish them. That impulse leads us to focus on the wrong events entirely. Comparing what Hutchinson revealed to any scandal before it obscures central facts of the attack on the Capitol: that it was a coup attempt organized by members of the president’s team in order to retain power through both unlawful procedure and physical violence.
If only saying it would make it so.
Huh. How about when Puerto Rican nationalists got in Congress and shot the place up? Slightly more serious I would think.
That isn’t “modern” nor “Presidential” history.
It happened after the colonization of the americas, it’s modern history.
Or when some schizophrenic putz shot the actual president?
I believe the senate building was bombed twice.
These assholes are still pushing Hutchinson’s testimony as though it’s true, in spite of the fact that it has been completely discredited by the actual SS agents who were supposedly involved. As another Glib pointed out recently, they are deliberately pushing lies, that they know are lies.
“especially given a brutal political environment hampering Democrats”
Everyone’s a victim
It’s not their fault that all of their benevolent policies keep getting wrecked by wreckers, kulaks, rednecks, middle class people, republicans, rural areas, international politics, and a vast well funded right wing conspiracy.
[OK have to break from the quote theme] “They were ALL against me!” [nervously fingering ball bearings]
Hutchinson reminds me of that woman in Florida who had that bombshell story of DeSantis ordering people to lie about Covid numbers. The MSM breathlessly reported it, and it turned out she lied and didn’t even work where she access to those statistics.
I had a few too many beers yesterday and did something stupid. I submitted my resume to a giant environmental testing company, and was immediately scooped up by their HR for an interview.
“Well, Your Honor, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
A Black Man Is Paralyzed, and New Haven Police Are Investigated
The issue here isn’t that a prisoner was being transported with no seatbelt, the issue is a black man was being transported without a seatbelt.
Talk about never, EVER looking in the mirror.
If the January 6 Hearings Don’t Change Minds, Nothing Will
Proceed at your own risk, extreme derp ahead.
I can’t take it anymore. I refuse to click on it.
Extreme progjetction.
A farcical Soviet-style show-trial without any real evidence of wrongdoing might not Change Minds?!
The Hell you say!
Narrator: Minds are not going to change.
Actual opening phrase in this article: “At the Global Fact international fact-checkers’ conference I attended in Oslo earlier this month,…”
Did you venture any farther? I didn’t.
Nissan Motor Co (7201.T) is recalling more than 300,000 SUVs in the United States over an issue in which the hood suddenly opens, obstructing the driver’s view and increasing the risk of a crash.
The Japanese automaker’s North American division said 322,671 Pathfinder vehicles for models between 2013 and 2016 are subjected to the recall.
Nissan said accumulation of dirt and dust on the secondary hood latch could cause it to stay open even if the hood is closed, potentially allowing it to pop up without warning, according to a filing to the U.S. regulatory body.
“We never expected that our vehicle might get dirty.”
For safety’s sake, we need to mandate that all automobile hoods be made of windshield glass.
That’s not enough, the engines must also be in the rear of the vehicle.
As God and Ferry Porsche intended.
+1 throttle lift oversteer.
Dealers will inspect, clean and lubricate the secondary hood latch.
Enthusiastically hands in resume!
I did that last night for my wife . . . .
ok . . maybe not last night, but at some point in the past. I can almost remember.
Aw, c’mon! It’s not as if folks are going to drive their SUVs off-road!
“Any car is an off-road vehicle if you try hard enough,” – Lenny Colfax, Shadowrealm
::ponders whether to try it with loaner Cross Trek from the dealership::
Pathfinder is a station wagon. Xterra was/is an actual SUV.
Ackshually, these are full-auto assault vehicles – they have the thing that goes up!! 😨
Luckily she has a nice rack.
AOC: “During Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s attempt to restore the country, during the Great Depression, with the Green New Deal — not the Green New Deal, the New Deal, the New Deal. Anyways!”
She manages to fit an insane amount of historical fallacies in just a few sentences. And she seems to think that expanding the court would limit its power…
.@StephenAtHome to AOC: Can you please run for president in 2024?
Please do.
She is criminally stupid – and there are a LOT better racks… that also don’t come with the horse mouth.
Colbert asking her about running for President was… I mean, wow. Just… Wow.
Olbermann should run his “Worst Human on Earth” schtick on Colbert for that bit of shameless, pandering, simpering idiocy.
Would she even be old enough to run in 24?
I have a bit of a fetish for big teeth, the harpylike personality is a turnoff though.
Bloody blowjobs?
Please do.
That might not work out the way we want it to.
If the January 6 Hearings Don’t Change Minds, Nothing Will
Does that mean the shit flinging howler monkeys will finally STFU?
Penaltax Roberts wrote the WV v EPA decision.
First blush looks like a squish ruling that says no you can’t regulate CO2 out of the existing plants because the law doesn’t cover that. Haven’t read very far.
Opinion here:
“Major questions doctrine” decision. They are saying the Clean Power Plan was never authorized by Congress since they didn’t explicitly give the EPA the authority to formulate it and implement it as if it were law.
So the court did eviscerate it, although in a narrow reading. But it definitely invites further suits on regulatory overreach. Unfortunately I think it also signals each overreach will have to be litigated individually.
each overreach will have to be litigated individually
Well somebody has to think of the lawyers. You just smack the hell out of regulatory authority and what is there to sue over?
Gorsuch’s concurrence is a pretty solid rebuke of the administrative state.
Love that poke.
Aye, that seems pretty pointed.
I came here just to post (and gloat) about the Gorsuch concurrence.
Check out FN 1 in that opinion. An absolute expose of what a racist POS Woodrow Wilson was.
Whooey! I never thought I’d see a SCOTUS justice publish something like that.
Of Trump’s three SCOTUS picks, Gorsuch is clearly the best. Kavanaugh is an empty suit. Barrett, I just don’t know, which probably means another empty suit.
I have no hope when Roberts writes. or votes. Or breathes. But hopefully this isn’t too bad. I’ll have to look later.
Major question doctrine applied. This application of a regulation that is so impactdul must reside with Congress or clearly and plainly delegated by Congress (that’s the squishy part).
I think this is as good as it gets for a Robert’s decision.
Looks like each overreach will have to be litigated individually. But it’s still a good start. And it’s definitely an invitation to more lawsuits targeting regulatory overreach.
Yes it forces Congress to enact some sort of climate change doctrine and I would believe keeps us from binding to international treaties without Senate consent.
I though the constitution already did that.
Well, the Constitution already limited the creation of new laws to Congress, too, but here we are.
Dealers will inspect, clean and lubricate the secondary hood latch.
A quick shot of WD-40, and you’re back on the road.
*squirts some Kroil*
Heheh, I think I have said that sentence 30 times in the past six months. Tri Flow for lube!
But it is a cleaner
Despite my avatar, I can assure you that I am still unvaccinated
Speaking of cars- another Car Wizard
rantlament about why you’d be better off buying a 20 year old Lexus than a brand new anything.I thought for sure that would be Scotty Kilmer. Happily surprised to see that there’s another one like him out there.
I’ve heard from several mechanics lately that say to buy a car from the 90’s or early 2000’s and spend a couple grand fixing it up. They all come to the same conclusion that modern cars aren’t made to work well after about 5 years and all the cheap electronics are proprietary, ie, cost more than the car is worth to fix.
I imagine the Malice love fest gets a little old sometimes, but his recent episode with Glenn Greenwald is possibly his best.
Malice is really fucking good at his job. Dowloaded for my walk later.
You’re* probably the biggest Malice fan in here, so I’m curious what you will think. I hope I didn’t overhype!
No worries. I don’t recall ever being disappointed in one of his interviews.
I’ll report back.
“Your warranty has expired, but your bank loan hasn’t.”
California Sheriffs Issue Public Alert Following DOJ Data Breach
Heads need to roll. This is crazy.
Start with Newsom, whoever the Lt Gov is, the whole legislature, every sheriff, AG, mayor, county administrator, county council, and ex-member who voted to require the records be kept.
Records can’t leak if they don’t exist.
“CSSA is issuing this alert to make CCW permit holders aware of this situation so they can take appropriate precautions.”
Precautions, like getting a CCW permit?
Like getting the woodchippers oiled up.
If it’s intentional, it’s still a breach, right?
I wonder if CA has a statutory equivalent to the federal Privacy Act. If so, disclosing personally identifiable information illegally has some serious penalties – for at least the fall guy.
Heads need to roll.
And not just metaphorically, either.
Looks like a limited ruling on W Virginia v EPA..
Immigration ruling sucks, but not too surprised there.
It’s a solid ruling. Not a great ruling but we can’t all be Clarence Thomas.
Even Clarence Thomas isn’t always THAT Clarence Thomas.
Good – make Congress vote on destroying the economy instead of delegating it.
Tucker Carlson: Why are they so angry?
Authoritah was questioned.
Bend over, America!
Seriously, how long are we gonna tolerate this shit?
Until we build a gallows in front of the Pfizer headquarters.
Change that to the Capitol and your getting closer to a solution.
We can have more than one processing site.
But of course.
that was popular last Winter
That’s a fucking odd way of saying prevalent.
I posted a link yesterday, where Pfizer rented a yacht in Miami and hosted a Columbian presidential candidate with several hot girls in bikinis. There was also another scandal concerning the current president of Columbia granting Pfizer immunity from lawsuits. Anyone who thinks that Covid magically transformed big pharma into saints needs their head examined.
Rumors of bribes way into the $millions of politicians everywhere from Australia to Europe.
Yup. LOL.
Seems legit.
If the Supreme Court is going to allow prayer in the middle of a high school football field, they should allow high school football games in the middle of a church.
I wonder how many writers had to contribute to this illogical, unfunny comment.
Clearly however many of them there were, they’ve never been in a church. There’s not enough room and too many obstructions to play football in most of them I’ve been in.
And there is nothing stopping the church from having a football game if they so desire.
That actually makes sense to somebody?
Holy shit.
It gives them good feelz and demonstrates their superiority to the rubes, which is all that matters. It doesn’t have to make any sense.
That’s Colbert isn’t it – I think he can manage unfunny all by himself.
Texas says “OK”.
Daily Quordle 157
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The bullshit word in upper left cost me 4 points. My guess on turn 3 is obviously right, as the real word isn’t a word.
My official score may be 23, but I am claiming a 19.
I thought my 7th guess was impressive, considering how I missed the right position on every letter.
My seed words gave me all the letters for UL. I had no idea that was a word, but it was the only thing that worked. Quordle allowed it.
My seed words gave me all the letters for UL.
Google says it’s a real word with a real definition.
Also ditto, as you can see, but reversing the first two letters is a real real word, unlike the answer. I think this is the first time since I have been playing that quordle went entirely outside my vocabulary.
Clarifying: My seed words gave me all 5 letters and the position for the final 3. So I was only 2 guesses away at most.
Even if I knew both words, I would have guessed the same way I did as the more common one is usually right.
Surely they will pay the US handsomely for the privilege.
Finland and Sweden, who have sought to join NATO in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, were formally invited to join the alliance on Wednesday.
Driving the news: The announcement comes just a day after Turkey — which had held up their bids to join — agreed to lift its objection, paving the way for the accession process.
What they’re saying: “Today, we have decided to invite Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO, and agreed to sign the Accession Protocols,” NATO leaders wrote in a summit declaration issued Wednesday.
Now they can use us as a crutch and cut their military budgets. Those hand grenade tossing immigrants they seem so intent on letting in aren’t going to pay for themselves.
Finland is actually a huge gain for NATO compared to the typical Eurocrap in there. Sweden not so much.
A gain how?
And WWIII draws one step closer. Yay.
Turkey — which had held up their bids to join — agreed to lift its objection
+ 1 pallet of cash
This is just me fantasizing, but upthread I saw the story that there’a Q-ish theory about Hutchinson being a white hat.
So what if tomorrow she comes out with a news conference that’s all “Every word I said was utter fantasy. And completely obvious fiction. And still look at the idiots who took it seriously and are reporting on it as if there’s anything remotely credible in there. That should show you that every other word in these hearings, and every news story about it, is complete BS. Who is really stoopid enough to believe any of it?”
That would be hilarious. But I won’t hold my breath.
Yeah, it would turn to “SHE LIED UNDER OATH!!!1!111!!!” and she would be hauled up before the Committee for Public Safety for sentencing.
All 5 people who hear about it will be convinced.
Occam’s Razor: She’s a liar given promises of protection from consequences by other liars.
If you really want to go Qish maybe Cheney’s a white hat. Sorry folks, nobody out there is going to save you, you need to save yourselves.
She’s a Vindaman.
Your idiot handlers are still pretending this is an insult.
Folks, let’s get one thing straight: The ultra-MAGA agenda has always been about taking away women’s rights, in every single state.
The right to their own spaces? To have fair competitions amongst themselves in sports? The right to practice armed self-defense?
Oh, right. That’s someone else.
Ngl, Ultra-MAGA sounds pretty fucking awesome!
They keep giving up free slogans for hats and t-shirts.
Every time I read ULTRA MAGA!!!! it’s in that monster truck show voice in my head.
If Ultra Maga was a monster truck, would it only crush Volvos, Subarus, Teslas and Smart Cars?
All FOREIGN cars!!!!!!!!!!!
At one point Biden was pro-life. As were many of the older Dems. An honest person would say that both sides have valid points. But this not an honest person.
Both sides have valid points? Do you even politic?
Make Allah Great Again
Keep beating the war drums.
“I said Putin’s looking for the Finlandization of Europe,” Biden said. “He’s going to get the NATOization of Europe. And that is exactly what he didn’t want, but exactly what needs to be done to guarantee security for Europe. And I think it’s necessary.”
Stared. Putin. Down.
“My position is that once Russia gets the whole Ukraine, they will proceed farther. Moldova, Baltic countries, Poland, Slovakia, Romania,” Jaroslav Nad, Slovakia’s defense minister, told POLITICO on the sidelines of the conference. “We have to stop them.”
Your position is warmongering horseshit.
Go Nad.
CCR. Good songs.
Good ruling on the EPA smack down. I think that was the best that realistically could be expected. Any major climate plan bullshit is going to have to go through Congress and that isn’t happening anytime soon.
“I think that what Cassidy Hutchinson did was an unbelievable example of bravery and of courage and patriotism in the face of real pressure,” said Cheney, who is vice chair of the Jan. 6 committee.
What the fuck is going on there? I really cannot understand it. That woman told a lie so outrageous that anyone thinking about it for five seconds would not only disbelieve it, but laugh at its utter implausibility.
Agree about the EPA ruling. There’s no way the court was going to get rid of the EPA or anything close to that. This is a great step towards pushing major decision making away from the Executive branch, and back to Congress where it belongs.
I wonder how many writers had to contribute to this illogical, unfunny comment.
One million
monkeysjournalisyts, one million typewriters.#waffle160 3/5
🔥 streak: 11
🏆 #waffleelite
#waffle160 4/5
🔥 streak: 27
🥈 #wafflesilverteam
Fuck you all, and specially SF. Im trying to post a relevant comment about the former White House press secretay person and all I can think of is “strawberry”. And now Corrine is “blackberry”.
Gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us! One of us!
Capitalize the “B” you racist!
Surely SF can come up with a RIM joke.
Better than her black cherry.
Stupid monkey fingers.
I keep asking about SMOD.
Well, where the fuck is it?!?
I challenge you to come up with a better candidate for waste disposition. And OMG, those shoes!
“Death threats” only encourage them, people.
Thanks for that great comment yesterday tarran – doing numbers ;p
I’ve been asking all along about the statute of limitations on the Russian Collusion conspiracy.
Looks like Durham successfully ran out the clock. In case anyone is wondering whether he wasn’t just another Deep State operative in on the coverup.
At one point Biden was pro-life.
He still alleges himself to be a Papist, doesn’t he?
Daily Quordle 157
Daily Quordle 157