So what is this? A group of famous busty women get together and search for bigfoot, unaware that another group of busty women from the future are also looking for bigfoot. Hilarity ensues! This film is by Jim Wynorski. I talked about Jim’s career in a post about The Lost Empire, which was his first movie. As a reminder he is another wonderful 1980 exploitation film maker, responsible for such this as Chopping Mall and Forbidden World. This is one of his latest efforts which now means he has directed 107 films. By latest, I mean it came out on July 5th of this year! You can’t get much fresher than this.
So who is in this? You can’t have a celebrity girl group searching for Bigfoot without Celebrities! So who are they?
Note: There are a ton more women in this film. This is who I could get to quickly. Documentation is scant for this release, possibly because it just came out.
- Rocky DeMarco/ Melissa Brasselle: Singer/Songwriter and Movie Star! Has been in 28 movies.
- Becky LeBeau: Been in 46 movies including Rodney Dangerfield’s Back to SchooI, Joysticks (as Liza), Takin’ it All Off, and was one of the California Girls in David Lee Roth’s video of the same name. Was a co producer for tonight’s film!
- Lisa London: 77 Films, Was Officer O’Hara in H.O.T.S., Laurie in The Happy Hooker Goes to Hollywood, also in Motel Blue.
- Cindy Lucas: Was in Sharkansas Women’s Prison, Bikini Car Wash Massacre, and American Pie Presents: The Book of Love.
- Gail Thackray: 47 films, and was also a co-producer on tonight’s film!
- Christine Nguyen: Started in bondage films and then progressed to fine art productions such as what we are watching tonight, and Bikini Frankenstein.
RJ: Is there a reason I should be watching this if I prefer men?
There is a shirtless guy peppered throughout the film, named Paul Logan. He has been in 89 films, as an actor, stuntman and shirtless person. He is into martial arts, and I believe he was recently signed as an MMA fighter, but don’t hold me to it.
Additional Note: It’s not the guy in the photo above.
Boy this was a hard review to piece together! Next week I class up the joint once more with El Dia De La Bestia, which is absolutely awesome and I hope to see you all there. So watch! Or Don’t! Everything is Voluntary!
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*hits play*
Bikini Frankenstein?
You can bet I am hunting that down.
If bigfoot doesn’t rape a hot college coed, I’m going to be disappointed.
Also, First.
Hot bigfoot action from the very first frame.
Where are you bitches at?
Just got here!
I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to forgive you for this.
My apologies. Come to Texas, I’ll buy you lunch.
What kind of lunch?
What do you like? Sushi? BBQ? Chinese? Burgers? Goat?
BBQ, with peanut butter pie afterwards. But the rules are that you must watch me eat while I tell you how good it is as penance.
Re 2nd actress: did she help him with his Longfellow?
Ma’am! This is a family friendly chat room!
Sorry I am late! Just got back from the Texas Glibs meetup. A big thank you to DEG for visiting my humble state, Urthona, a true gentleman who bought me a drink, and to Trashy who provides awesome conversation!
*doffs cap*
Nice to meet y’all! Now I’m sitting on the couch and regretting eating quite so much brisket.
The classics endure.
The meat sweats have begun….
That was the stupidest movie I’ve ever scene. Which is an achievement.
If you are into GILFs, this is the movie for you.
GILF? Glib I’d like to…?
I’m sure the action was rolling along with a certain speed.
It was! I am open to content ideas as we approach the one year anniversary. I have some art house films coming, some westerns…
Last week I learned tat I like arthouse films. Or, at the minimum A arthouse film.
Good! There are a lot of them. Next week is a great one!
I’m not sure what happened last week, but that movie deserved more eyeballs.
Given that I mistook at first this auteur for a different one, for no particular reason other than Eighties Indie, how about…
Steve De Jarnatt’s Miracle Mile? Too mainstream?
But I’m a huge sucker for quirky apocalypse with a Tangerine Dream soundtrack. No tiddies, though.
Ok. Adding to the 2023 list.
👍🏻 I adore it.
I think the Araki oeuvre might be worth exploring. Lots of trash in there, but my favorite is The Doom Generation.
Mysterious Skin if you want to go more arthouse.
I should add that I approve of trash, because The Doom Generation certainly is that.
I don’t think Mysterious Skin is trashy enough. I’d go with either Nowhere or Kaboom.
I haven’t seen Kaboom but it does look suitably trashy. 👍🏻
It’s awesome.
How about Big Tits Dragon: Hot Spring Zombies vs. Strippers 5 (2010)? There isn’t a hot spring, or four previous films, but it has zombies, strippers, and big tits! It’s a parody of Japanese New Gore, starring Japanese pornstars.
Imho, it inspired Dead Sushi. Which is another great choice, but not nearly as gratuitous.
Dead sushi has been on the list. The others I shall research.
Zombie Strippers is also on my list. A good one.
That’s a different movie.
Big Tits Zombie and Big Tits Dragon: Hot Spring Zombies vs. Strippers 5 are the same film.
Not a cheesy low budget film to be found on Tubi but I absolutely adore the film Ravenous. Robert Carlyle and Guy Pierce are the two main characters. A film about cannibalism set at a small Army fort in the Sierra Nevada mountains during the Mexican-American War. It’s so… unexpected. The fact the film was ever released at all by a major studio is borderline shocking and certainly wouldn’t be made by one in today’s market.
I’ve recommend it before. It’s in my top ten favorite films list if for no other reason than it’s just… different.
I remember that one in the theaters. Loved it.
Congrats. You’re one the fifteen people who actually paid to see that movie in a theater. Ha! It’s a damn shame it doesn’t have a bigger cult following.
She thought she could just skate by.
that was great
Hey! Sorry we didn’t see you tonight.
I’m be up in the RRV next week
Sorry, RJ, your competition tonight is the series of cheesy octopus movies on TCM. Maybe I’ll check out this flick tomorrow.
I need an honest vote to see if this beats the Santo movie for least liked movie. Doing awards on the Glib Flick anniversary.
The previous sasquatch soft porn was definitely better. Clearly lightning doesn’t strike twice.
Kudos to the guy playing Bigfoot. I don’t know how he didn’t have a stroke.
Looking at Tubi’s “Leaving Soon” section, I noticed they have the video doc for the book Freakonomics. Given the general interest in economics here, I thought people might want to check that out.
Here’s the link. If it is leaving soon, I won’t catch it. I wrote three posts ahead for vacation.
RJ – That’s okay, I meant my post to let people know about it – I didn’t think it’d be a great choice for this column.
Also, have a great vacation.
Mike Tyson has information that will lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.
Maybe a week night isn’t the best time to ask this, but here goes:
I have a small machining business. For a while now I’ve been thinking about making products for the growing legal marijuana market. One hitters would be pretty simple to make. The trick would be to make them different somehow either by design or material. Dugouts would also be something I could do pretty easily.
I guess my question is for those that are experienced in such things; what kind of things would you like to see be made? Or, maybe more importantly, what kind of things would you think others would like to see be made? Do you think there is money to be made making the same products, but out of higher priced materials like titanium, etc?
I don’t expect to come up with something nobody has seen. All I’m hoping to do is make something the local shops haven’t seen, from local suppliers.
If I can get some good ideas to run with, I’d also need some volunteers for product testing…
Don’t know if he is still around, but there was a guy here who wrote some articles about getting started in the marijuana industry. I think he was farming. I don’t know who around here would really have knowledge in this area besides someone like that, though.
To clarify; I’m just asking the Glib pot smokers what kind of products they think would/could be profitable for me to produce.
1) Make anything
2) Bribe many politicians
3) Get law passed requiring people to buy your product
4) Profit!
Godammit! I thought it was only supposed to be 3 steps!
My best friend has a grow license in Missouri. He’s quickly become proficient in making extra cash through this. He has a birthday coming up soon. If I can remember I’ll pick his brain, take notes, then get back with you.
I have no idea what a “one hitter” is.
/MJ experience is decades-old
Know it as a “bat”?
Hello Mike. I have friends who are or were in the glass side of the business. It’s rough to do anything in that market as once a good design gets out there they get knocked off fast. I would focus on the sneaker model.
Make a limited run of high end materials with a unique design and a definitive style.
For example, high end materials and a very high quality fit and finish with a unique logo and style.
Next run some kind of theme, then another theme. All the time using a combination of material that look definitive ( Polish and textures, colors or finishes.).
Thanks, Time’. That makes a lot of sense. I’ll work on some ideas along those lines.
I have no personal experience in this world, but I see NoDak on the verge of legalizing and I’m hoping there’s some money to be made here.
Riffing on this….
When I was a kid, my best friend had a really cool pipe that had a resonator chamber. It looked like three bowls… One to burn weed, and two screwed together lip to lip to make an oblong chamber.
So, here is your unique and high end product that shows of your skills…
Use an exotic metal, like tungsten, if you have the tools to do it. Make a screw together pipe with resonating chamber in a compact and weighty design. Given the right tool, it should be pretty straightforward to design and machine. And with a little simple embellishment, several designs can be had with minimal effort. All will be extreme high end because of the exotics, and it will feel exotic because of the smooth metal and the heft. Add lacquer color as a bonus. Maybe sell as “collect colors and make your own design”
Could be offered in steel, tungsten, brass, etc.
If you find success, it would also be easy to outsource for mass production.
Also, screw together design lends itself to making metal on metal design.. add a ring of stainless between sections. Add brass here. Black tungsten there… All simple shapes, like a cut off piece of off the shelf tube with threads added, or even just a collar.
Source:. I never smoked anything, but all my friends did, and I was the mechanically inclined one. So I built pipes for the neighborhood. Nobody had a screen on their sprinkler by the time we were done.
Within 30 seconds I find this
So people are doing what you envision.
This one is similar to the design my friend had, but his was much cooler.
Wow. Prices are amazingly cheap. These are way less than they were in 1980…. Not much more in actual dollars. Memories are fuzzy, but I think around ten bucks was not a lot for a pipe in 1980… And it seems that some were $25. Adjusting for inflation, prices have really come down.
I don’t know a thing about Marijuana but I do know marketing. There is often a niche for high quality, high priced items. You need to tell your story to convey value i.e. the strength (or some other aspect of the metal), the high precision cutting/bending/fastening/whatever, how it captures more flavor/aroma/THC or some other stuff about what makes for a superior experience with your product. Also, brand those bad boys. Think about what Yeti did with mundane items.
Er…we talking accessories or the product itself?
Nevermind. I should probably reread the comment before posting my brain farts.
Don’t apologize, you were actually one I was hoping to gain some insight from . 🙂
Accessories. 🧐
No idea, man. I’m your traditional old fart who uses a chameleon glass bowl to enjoy that particular vice.
And I bet that’s pretty common. I don’t expect to make bank on this, but since I already own the machines necessary to do this stuff (out of metal) I’m just hoping to make a little extra coin on the side.
I remember making a brass bowl on a metal lathe during highschool metals class. My old hippie teacher advised me to add a thin rubber cover to the mouth end to avoid burning my lips. Best I can think up for you at the moment.
Appreciate it.
I should have done this before asking all you guys, but I just went to Etsy and wow…of course…there’s a ton of super high quality stuff already out there. I didn’t think this would be easy, but it’s already feeling more daunting than I expected. My naiveite in this realm blinded me.
But, that’s OK. My angle will be “locally made”.
That’s the thing about most business ideas: there’s the market and there’s your product and your costs, and then there is the competition…..which is some combination of effort, competitive advantage, and, it must be admitted, corner-cutting. To outrun someone who has half the labor costs and pours his slag in the river and steals your design, you need to be three or four times as smart as everyone else. There is niche and hurdles (capital, knowledge, risk, logistics, etc), this and that to keep others at bay…sometimes…..
but I just always took a salary and forgot everything before the commute home was over.
Everything I have designed in the past 25 years was “copied” within two years and stripped of its deepest values and sold to displace me to people who don’t know what they’re looking at and only care about initial cost even though they’re paying much more in the long run………
One machine I designed thirty years ago, only copy, is still running in a factory only three blocks where my office is today. It hasn’t been copied because no one has seen it. Ka-chunk…..ka-chunk.
What does the uncopied machine do?
You’re in the mimeograph business?
place a cone-top can of flammable chemical in its breach
then you close the safety shield
which fires a pneumatic double-acting cylinder
that drives an annular punch up through the can
while a nitrogen purge blows the can dry
and drives the chemical down into a barrel
then you open the shield
and the cylinder retracts
and an extractor catches the shoulder bead of the can
and yanks the can up and flips it across the room into another drum of empties
handles pints and quarts but could be built to do pretty much any can
non-sparking materials
chemicals never touch oxygen
no muss
can cycle six times a minute easily
can of flammable chemical
Mmmm… ditto machine copies…
Meh on the weed.
Make gun parts instead.
I think Q cast the actress playing Dr. Dawn.
Daily Quordle 178
first game in three days. mediocre.
Mike: here’s a good look at your (potential) competition.
Oh, never mind – if you went to Etsy, you’ve seen much of what’s out there.
Thanks for the website, Penguin. Between the cheap mass produced stuff, and the high-end guys that have years head start at perfecting their craft, it seems like a flooded market. Should have done my research before shooting off my mouth here.
If you were born a Firster, you wouldn’t have these problems.
I’m torn between laffing and CWAA.
Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.
laugh hole?
One thing you may still want to look into, Mike – it looked (to me) as if grinders still had a pretty decent margin. It’d make sense that they’re not nearly as mass produced as simple pipes.
In Space!
I live within earshot of a train track. For the last two hours some cunte has been blowing the train horn nonstop for whatever stupid fucking reason. 2-4am and nothing but HOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKK. I swear I’m about to snap. What a raging prick.
Like, just one long honk or many individual ones?
Many, many honks. It’s still going. There’s no way the railroads stacked that many trains on the tracks at the same time. It would have to be one train after the other every other minute passing by in both directions to account for this. I’ve lived here for nearly a year now and I’ve never heard anything like this before. Often the train literally stops in the middle of the city in the middle of the day and blocks off traffic for half an hour for a mile in each direction. But this a completely different beast. It’s like a train stopped in the city and the conductor decided to torture the neighborhood out of either boredom or malice.
Mornin Glibs.
One long side borders a river, and the other the fucking ocean. Still restricts water. 🙄
Fucking democrats.
But those are waters of New Jersey, would you risk contact with them?
/former resident
“Teachable moment”.
*falls out of chair laughing*
It taught that the clot shots don’t work.
I learned the vaccinations don’t mean shit or that’s what I would’ve learned if I didn’t know that already.
One more stupid link before I get ready for work.
An official Velveeta infused martini exclusively available at some restaurant chain somewhere:
No thanks…
Seriously, a bunch of grown-ass adult professionals sat down in a Zoom meeting and agreed that an artificially flavored cheese product cocktail was a good idea?
Hopefully some marketing execs at BLT Group are cleaning out their desks right now.
As some of you know, I LOOOOVE cheese, and even I wouldn’t touch that.
Velveeta isn’t known for its flavor. It’s main culinary function is for its texture. Some dishes benefit from that soft polymer goo structure, but most of them cover up the taste with other flavorings.
Yesterday my calendar for today was fairly open.
Just got into work, and it’s a solid wall of meetings.
C’mon people.
Good morning, U, Stinky, shy, Sean, TH, and db!
Payroll has posted, so today’s main order of business is seeing if I can help a VERY young thumbsucker of a teller (just barely 21) who swears she didn’t mean to have money start coming out of her paycheck to go into her brand new 401(k) account. Already alerted the PEO/payroll processor to try to stop the deducted money from going to the 401(k) investment firm. If we can’t, then we have to figure out how to get it back, if possible, and return it to the employee. Which of course changes her tax liability. ***SIGH!!!***
Yesterday she kept peppering me with e-mails – “Have you heard anything?” So far I only know the PEO received my e-mail with employee’s completed form asking NOT to have deductions. I don’t mind letting her squirm a little bit, as she waited until the last minute to get her account open (and only at my prompting.) 😒
shys/b rhyConfession: my laptop does NOT have autocorrect. 🙄
Shy Rhy Guy?
That would make a pretty cute avatar.
Rhywun as Mike Myers cartoon?
On one hand, I’ve been in the situation where every dollar counts and even a small drop in take home pay would have serious knock-on effects. On the other, repeatedly pestering the person who’s trying to help is counterproductive, and said teller needs to learn professional etiquette.
She needs to learn a LOT. Apparently only moved out of Mommy and Daddy’s house a few months ago.
I wish I had started my 401K earlier.
inorite? Years ago, when I had delusions of becoming a teacher (I got better,) I had a State Teachers Retirement System account. Moved out of state (temporarily, as it turned out) and moved out of teaching (for good, in every sense of the word “good.”) Cashed out that small amount from subbing and tutoring. It’s LONG gone.
I’ve been avoiding looking at my deferred comp, because if it’s been going the way my brokerage account has, it’s not pretty.
They don’t even have to confiscate retirement accounts the way they’ve been erasing them via the economy.
I keep getting routine (I hope) checking-in voice mails from the guy managing my pre-CU-merger retirement account. I suppose I should call him back, but I’m half scared of what I’ll hear. 😖
If we can’t, then we have to figure out how to get it back, if possible, and return it to the employee. Which of course changes her tax liability.
Can confirm. In 1987 I cleaned out my 401K, quit my job, and fucked off for a year. And just to make it more interesting I did not file a tax return for 1986. When the chickens came to roost I owed thousands in back taxes in addition to six months rent (my landlord for some reason had not kicked me to the curb). Managed to work out deals with both, took a year and a half to square all accounts. Lesson learned: do not fuck with the tax man.
Yeah, someone I know discovered that truth about the tax man years ago. Seems the only entity that can trump the IRS in the US is the bankruptcy court.
Morning glibs! Hows the world working today?
Or did Joe break that too
Good morning, Yu (::looks downthread::) and Teh Hype! Another hot one down here – predicted high of 90, but at least it’s going to get worse over the weekend. How about in your territory?
That’s the spirit. Same here.
I’m looking forward to the rain monday that’s supposed to mark a break in the 90+ degree weather.
Hot and dry, 85 today but we always have the big lake blowing a nice breeze from the west.
Stay cool down there
Daily Quordle 179
Daily Duotrigordle #142
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 05:38.89
I’m going to need to improve my typing if I want to break a 4 minute game, too many fat fingers.
Fast train to Chumptown.
Daily Quordle 179
Daily Quordle 179
Daily Quordle 179
Mornin’ reprobates. Anyone catch the show trial last night? I tried catching local news at 10, that circus was still going on. Here in paradise we once again dodged the storms which this time split to the north and south of us. My lawn has a sad.
Good morning, ‘patzie! Is your lawn watering restricted per Sean’s link above?
Different part of the state, we’re cool. I only water every other day anyhow. Fun fact: my little town has three golf courses. I’m sure they get first dibs on water.
Only the finest imported himalayan glacier water for the grass on the greens. We can settle for purified spring water for the fairways, but for heaven’s sake, don’t use any of that local swill.
Global warming for the greater good of golf!
As long as its disc golf, Im in!
Just in from a few miles up the road…
“It appears the case involves a vaccine-derived strain of polio, meaning it could have been spread via someone who got the live vaccine — which is available in other countries but not the US.”
Polio is no joke. But why use a live virus vaccine when there is a safer alternative?
Cheaper? Easier to make?
Provided by Pfizer and/or Moderna with the locally customary government kickbacks?
Given the age of both types of polio vaccine, they’re all firmly in the ‘generic medication’ section of profitability. They were developed back in the 1950/60s or so.
IPV is not as fully protective and requires injections to deliver.