That’s it… Another foreign movie poster. Very classy. Even though I am traveling I got my post in on time. That keeps STEVE SMITH at bay.
“What have you done?”
“Nothing Father. I have not sinned. But I intend to do as much evil as I can.”
A priest believes that he is the one to prevent the apocalypse, by committing as many evil acts as he possibly can. He asks for signs that he is on the right path – is what he sees a coincidence, or does he receive real signs? Regardless, he is not very good at committing evil and he requires help to achieve his mission. How fast can he sin?
As you watch this, you must decide if this priest is crazy, or if he really has been chosen to save the world. I shall not spill the beans! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
This is another gilded monocle art house film, brought to you by beloved Spanish director Álex de la Iglesia. He both directed and… you guessed it, wrote the screenplay (with some help.) This is an absolutely fantastic film, which shoots far above my usual standards of filth. I really hope you enjoy it. All the old farts, put on your glasses. This one is subtitled. Unless of course you happen to speak Spanish.
I will be rather spartan with the text tonight. I am traveling on the road, currently in New Mexico. All I can say is …. Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week, I intend to continue to class up the joint with a film classic! The Million Eyes of Sumuru.
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Why do Firsts cry?
Their priest beat them cause daddy was absent.
Obviously mommy didn’t love them.
Because they are sad, lonely, tiny little people?
Alone in a world that’s so cold?
Maybe you’re just too demeaning
Maybe You’re just like yer father: too
boldmissingMaybe you’re just like Winston’s mother
She’s never satisfied (She’s never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other?
Is this what it sounds like when Bro’s cry?
Broken hymen. I’m told that it can be uncomfortable.
It was a horseback riding accident!
Rather under the weather tonight. You all enjoy.
Why would we enjoy your illness?
You are probably just exhausted from the energy exerted yesterday with your First. You need to build up your strength and the only way to do that is to First more.
had a great meeting on a huge project in north TX this morning
over and back, didn’t get close to town
what this channel
This one is subtitled. Unless of course you happen to speak Spanish.
Technically, it would still be subtitled until you turn off the subtitles.
No, it knows if you speak spanish and makes them supertitles.
Read that as supertitties
“I’ll have the soup.”
Closed captioning for the hearing impaired.
I watched a Russian opera performed by a Russian opera company in São Paulo and still had to rely on the Portuguese supertitles because the seats–purchased the day before–were so far away.
Bored? Salty? Chat while watching the movie? Sure! Zoom if y’all wanna.
oops had waiting room on. Its open. Just talking to myself…ya know.. its cool.
Talk for yourself.
Jeebus. Now you’re Zooming on Thursdays too? It really is the End of Days.
Meh just me. Official ones are Wed/Fri/Sat
Libertarians have ‘Official’ Zooms?
Yes. At least one person has to be in their office.
OT: saw your email about budget freeze. Is that agency wide or just regional? Guy I know is in the process of hiring (not sure if it’s FAA or somewhere else in Fedgov world) and I kind of mentally rolled my eyes just based on how close it is to Sept 30 in any year.
I have no clue really. They are insulting all the information. Word from my district which is Los Angeles, is all monies are pulled back. I talk to other groups, they are like what?
is what he sees a coincidence, or does he receive real signs?
Are they blocking out the scenery and breaking his mind?
Do this, don’t do that …
Don’t do what Donnie Don’t does.
Tom do this, Tom do that, Tom…don’t do that.
Missing Link
I got the reference, whiz. Ignore these heathens.
The Brewster’s Millions of morality plays?
Doogie Howser?
I wonder how the DEI training will go over with a girl that smart.
Without knowing anything about her, if she’s only 13, probably just fine.
I think most people would be happy to think higher of themselves, and less of others. Just my 2 cents.
Probably better for morning links – but I’m back from the west coast and going into the office early tomorrow.
Read the whole thread – absolutely infuriating. NOPD walking by rape and not intervening despite multiple eyewitnesses and individuals present – no med treatment, etc.
Why would the cops care when the criminal will just be back on the street tomorrow.
All from a crime that won’t be prosecutable because the victim won’t cooperate either or she won’t get her next fix.
I haz confused. The woman was raped to death, 10 witnesses watched, a nurse resuscitated her, but she was still unconscious and still being raped and the cops didn’t do nuffin?
I hit Play late. Interesting so far (12:00)
I think one thing that would be interesting for these articles is to try and make it more interactive. The Zoom was mentioned above. If you got a small group together to watch the movies and talk about them.
I watch these after the wife goes to bed. I tried watching one with her (Netherbeast, Inc) and I think that was it for her.
Just realized it’s 2 years since my dad passed. What a weird feeling.
About that for mine as well.
Sorry, dude. Was just 20 years since my dad passed. That’s a crazy number to even write.
Anyone seen Straffin?
69-year-old Tokyo man arrested for driving without a license for over 50 years
Think about the dangers unregistered drivers pose on the road. THINK OF THE cHILDREN. WON’T ANYONE PLEASE THINK OF THE cHILDREN?
This must sound horrific to a Japanese citizen, but my American soul feels like buying him a shot of Sochu.
He’s was able to ride a “hog” as well. I’ll overlook the third wheel.
That may be the Japanese version raising hell.
This picture has a bit more wholesome, girl next door thing going on.
COOKIES! Fresh from the oven.
They did collapse into a flatter shape when they cooled.
What did you do with the 13th cookie?
Quality Control.
When do you plan to arrive? So I can have my meeting gloves ready.
I don’t know. I’ll be at the hotel by the end of tomorrow. Not sure when I want to get to Alfred on Saturday.
1pm is when everything is slated to start Saturday. How far away are you staying?
an hour.
(I brought some summer sausage from the same place we met)
SP liked their bacon, because it’s awesome, but I thought bacon cooking might be too complex a thing with all the goings on.
I didn’t find a bad product in the store – though I admit I couldn’t afford to try everything
I’m just driving there.
So, the total tally at the moment – 44 Lemon-Cranberry Cookies, 30 Molasses Choclate Chip cookies, plus 10 Test batch Molasses Chocolate Chip cookies, and enough dough to make maybe 1-2 more cookies. Both pans are cooling, so I’m debating whether to bake that one/those two.
(The test batch showed I needed one more minute of cook time, so I’m keeping it separate, but it’s still edible)
Made in France 🇫🇷. LOL.
I was as surprised as any that the French still make things.
Looks at Le Creuset, Staub, Matfer, and DeBuyer in kitchen, facom in the garage,,,
I’m not going to mention my food processor is also French. (Magimix)
Mine is from India, it’s a champ dunno the brand though, it’s great. Has it’s own internal circuit breaker and can really blend the shit out of things you need to turn to sauces/pastes or spices, etc you need to turn into powders.
They have a very strong auto industry, not to mention bicycles.
Yeah but you have to drive a Renault or Citroën. Pass.
Oh, I would drive a Renault
Le Car
Mmm… fried oysters for dinner.
I grilled a kielbasa and have sauerkraut on hand…but I’m just not hungry. I suck at being a fat guy.
(I did have pizza pie slice from a place here that loBot told me was on par with the za houses in his old neighborhood for lunch. So I did eat something today)
As your doctor, I recommend several hundred calories of beer.
That was my instinct. And have been doing that. Glad to know you agree with me ‘Doc’.
That was the vibe I was going for.
You’re already in the area?
Yeah, been hanging out for a couple days. Contrary to popular belief, I just met SugarFree for the first time last nigh.
I picture him a bit like this:
I don’t think I want to know the truth, just my comforting lie.
Well, I could find my way the rest of the way to Alfred friday evening for a pre-meetup meetup.
You still have my contact info? drop me a line by morning and we can work something out, there will be more glibs here tomorrow. The Corning glass museum is on the agenda in the afternoon from what I gather.
I don’t know, I’ll have to look.
My hotel is in corning, so if you guys are coming there… Let me see if I have your info.
I found an email address and sent a message. Let me know if you get it.
C P R M at my self dot com
That’s the one I found. So yes, I still have it.
Just sent you my number, so when you get in give me a call.
Will do. But right now I need to get some sleep.
That reminds me that I have some specialty polish sausage from the local polish deli to eat later on. Really amazing stuff.
Yum. Remoulade?
Dinner was cedar-planked salmon and grilled zucchini. A weekly menu, this time of year, but not tired of it.
Leftover bag of salad with some chopped ham cold cuts. That’s as good as it gets on a Thursday.
Yesterday’s lunch was in that ballpark – turkey and lettuce “roll ups”, before the turkey went bad.
smoked chicken with asparagus is a weekly meal for us so long as the chickens remain affordable.
Nice. That reminds me, I should smoke a chicken this weekend.
Did it a bunch last summer with great results, not even once this year, yet.
That’s gotta be hard on your lungs.
Not tonight. Just Crystal.
Sorry, OT but had to share. Tucker ran a survey tonight regarding the renaming of “Monkeypox” to something less hateful. The winner by a landslide was “Schlong Covid”. I damn near busted a gut!
Hier – https://youtu.be/X1p28LWc0Is
That was indeed delightful.
This was a close second:
Drugs/Ass but has anyone heard about Princess Willy and the Peg? I was out for much of the day and am woefully behind the times.
Twas linked. You guys are well and true fucked, when the Glibs think you’re doing bad shit, you done fucked up.
It was mentioned in passing.
Meh, some anonymous claims I wouldn’t care about if true.
That said, I think Americans believe that’s how all public school Brits roll 😀
Renewed my insurance today. I approve of my broker’s hiring practices. I’ve been using them for 12 years and there is a reason that I don’t mind going back every July 28th even if it is the hottest part of the year. A man needs fecking blinders.
Much like this – https://youtu.be/IPFyvW6uGTI
Alright, alright, alright
Local dentist office has a similar hiring policy for the front desk staff.
On Topic: Thanks for another good one, RJ. Although, the ending didn’t make sense to me. Or maybe I missed something.
The epilogue clears it up.
Totally legit.
There is no fraud in American elections. It is known. To even dare to suggest otherwise is a fundamental attack on democracy itself.
Who wants to party?
Lil dudes, on patrol.
All racists, all the time.
From what I understand you can barely see in those costumes and it’s disorienting. The douchebags pushing this nonsense are just grifters.
The multi-million dollar lawsuit is a hint, when your real damages are negligible.
Make sure to get that down in the official victim impact statement.
I’m sure her parents traumatizing her regarding the incident has nothing to do with it either.
I will not be at the meetup. Safe travels for those going.
Happy national chicken wing day.
Wing chains doing specials and freebies today.
Shitlords, no doubt. 👍
Nice. I walked past that on my way to the office every day for two years in the before times. Did not know the history, that is pretty cool.
I hope he gets to travel to the stars. ⭐🌟🌠😢
Awww RIP
“HUNTER Biden and his sister-in-law turned lover Hallie had a blazing fight over a crack rock found hidden behind a picture of his late brother Beau.”
There are families of alcoholic ex cons living in rundown trailer parks with less dysfunction than Biden and Co.
Yeah, but at least there are no mean tweets.
Just the president openly calling reporters names and skimming billions. We’ve finally restored the dignity of the office of the president! /Mission accomplished
Morning, Glibs.
And good morning to you too, U!
Did you see the email last night?
Yes! I apologize – with last-minute preparations, I haven’t had time to respond. I will tonight if at all possible!
That’s all right, I’m going through my prep check list too.
Had I been more thoughtful I would have realized .
Good morning, Stinky and Sean!
“There’s a car that’s leaving soon for New Yoooork…” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lh5ijrsHx5Q
::lights ‘patzie signal, as I believe he has said he likes this one::
Mornin’, GT and the rest of you reprobates! I do love Porgy and Bess and many other things Gershwin