Double your pleasure
The Astros took a doubleheader from the Yankees yesterday. F1 is in France (and practice is starting!) and the Browns have signed QB Josh Rosen for obvious reasons. And that’s pretty much it for sports. Man, the fall needs to hurry up and get here already.
This was crazy! I wonder if the rhetoric of his opponent drove the attacker? Well, we’ll never know because the media won’t sensationalize her words like they would if it was the other way around.
Diversify. Diversify. Diversify. I’m not a big fan of this, but what are you gonna do?
And the Ls keep coming. I don’t get it. First they say they don’t want to enforce the laws as written. Then the mayors of big blue cities complain about illegals clogging their systems after being transported there by Texas and Arizona. Gee, you’d almost think they were hypocrites or something.

Bene-tard, amirite?
Consider your virtue signaled. Yawn. But the biggest problem is there will be in creased airplay of “Love Is A Battlefield” now. And that song was shit.
This is the future. Which would be fine if the city had cut everybody’s taxes when they made the cut. But I doubt that was the case.
Thanks a lot, Indiana. Your lazy cutlery laws must have caused this.

Turn right for unemployment.
I never even heard of this service. No wonder it closed down. Also, they need to start complaining about heavy-handed government overreach in their very own state or they’re not gonna make it at all.
This is an incredibly sad story. And I really don’t know if justice was served here. I’d enjoy a robust debate in the comments, as I’m sure there are several differing opinions on what should have happened.
Here you go. Haven’t played these guys in forever. So here’s a second one for you. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this Friday and the weekend, dear friends!
“I’m not a big fan of this, but what are you gonna do?”
Eliminate regulatory capture?
“Pat Benatar is refusing to perform her hit 1980 song “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” in the wake of the horrific mass shootings across America this year.”
Pay no attention to the attention seeker.
I doubt she sounds the same as she did in 1980 anyway.
I’m sure she doesn’t look the same either.
I am of the camp where I don’t care what a musician looks like, just what they sound like. I know, it’s strange, but I’m usually putting music on in the background of some visual activity, so my eyes are not on the performer, just my ears.
Some great, ugly, female singers who don’t get nearly enough play because of their looks. Kind of stupid.
I don’t mind good looking front women, of course, but come on.
The same applies to male singers, and entertainers in general.
One of the criticisms of early MTV (you know, back when they played music videos) was that actual musical talent had taken a back seat to how good the act looked on camera.
They had a point. Can anyone imagine these guys getting a bunch of airplay in the 1980s or 90s?
But I do remember “Fight Fire with Fire” getting a lot of airplay.
One who got SOME of the play and recognition she deserves (covering one of my favorites): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=onz11EPJD8E
(Very different style than when she first came to fame.)
Or, you can have both:
Dirty Lemmy?
Is there any other kind?
Eddie Schwartz hardest hit.
Re the ATM shooting, yes he should have been charged.
Certainly, I hope the family sues him civilly. It doesn’t matter if you are in fear for your life; you are responsible for where every bullet you shoot ends up. It’s not an accident when you choose to shoot into a vehicle hoping to hit one of its occupants and you do so.
I know for damn sure we’ll be hearing about this in the media for weeks while the story about the hero bystander who shot a shooter without killing any bystanders will be buried.
I agree that Mr. Earl acted irresponsibly. Holding the assailant responsible for any property damage caused by his, or Earl’s, bullets is one thing; giving Earl a pass on having shot an innocent bystander is something else. Certainly charges of negligence and manslaughter (not sure to which degree) should apply.
Ever get those emails? Maybe they got put in your spam folder?
Yes, sorry for not responding sooner. I thought the first was phishing since there was no identifying info. I was racking my brain trying to figure out who “CP” was. Brain fart.
I tend to agree with you. Especially since he said he targeted the truck he shot into.
He will lose the civil case, I bet. But that doesn’t make up for his criminal negligence.
He didn’t see the robber enter the truck. No shots or other aggressive actions came from the truck. Yet he fired multiple rounds at the truck. Sounds reckless.
You know a cop would have gotten a free pass on this one.
And we would have the same criticism. Earl broke a cardinal rule: know what you are shooting at. I think he should have been charged.
Agreed. This was a bad call by the grand jury, as there was IMO more than sufficient evidence to prosecute Earl for manslaughter.
And now there’s a just so story complete with sympathetic victim to be used against concealed carry and defensive use of a [hand]gun. Right after the Indians mall shooting too.. *adjusts tin foil*
Shooting blindly into vehicles should not be protected by any self defense law. You must be certain of your target.
Maybe he was sure of the assailant being in the truck but he’d made a mistake?
If someone takes a shot a me I assume he/she has deadly intentions and will take another, given a chance. If I have the opportunity to deploy firepower at the perp I will keep pulling the trigger until I run out of ammo or the perp is on the ground (or both). I would, of course, be sure of my target. If there is more than one, all are fair game.
Is there something about this that isn’t being reported correctly? Because I find it hard to believe that the law says that blindly firing into a vehicle because you think your assailant might have crawled into it is considered self defense.
I wonder if the rhetoric of his opponent drove the attacker?
Holding Democrats to their standards…
What’s crazy is that the would-be assassin was released on his own recognizance. Must be nice to be on the correct side of politics in our two tier justice system…
“New York isn’t safe”
*person tries to stab speaker*
Sounds scripted.
Note: I do agree that New York isn’t the safest place, but the timing of the incident sounds suspect to me.
Twitter was full of people saying this would happen and a bunch of leftists calling them crazy. I think even Hochul herself said that’s not how it works.
Expect that part of the story to get memory-holed.
Suspect David G. Jakubonis, who jumped on stage and told Zeldin “you’re done” before trying to stab him with a sharp object in the neck, was charged with attempted assault in the second degree.
Sounds more like attempted murder.
Only if you’re registered “R”. Or wandered around the Capitol building.
I saw the Smithereens in ’89 or so. Small club in Ventura, good show. Long ass drive home though.
“Courts did not allow states to sue the federal government based on the indirect, downstream effects of federal policies. And district judges did not purport to enter nationwide relief.”
The left opened this can of worms against Trump. I seem to recall an applicable Iron Law.
“Courts did not allow states to sue the federal government based on the indirect, downstream effects of federal policies”
Which is weird, because the feds can assert jurisdiction over anything based on its indirect, downstream effects.
Wickard waves its ghoulish rotten hand “Hello!”….
Pat Benatar is refusing to perform her hit 1980 song “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” in the wake of the horrific mass shootings across America this year.
Speaking to USA Today, the rock singer said she will avoid performing the track during her current tour in “protest” of gun violence.
I don’t understand.
It’s simple, Pat has been starved for attention and is trying to get people to pay attention to her.
Don’t give her what she wants.
She needed a PR boost.
People won’t buy tickets if they don’t know she’s on tour. Now they know she’s on tour. And she has a whole gaggle of wokesters who will perhaps shell out a few bucks to see her before she gets into the county/state fair segment of her performing career.
It’s self-promotion seeing as the song has nothing whatsoever to do with using a gun.
“ It’s self-promotion seeing as the song has nothing whatsoever to do with using a gun.”
Exactly this.
I always assumed on some level it was a similar metaphor to Frankie Goes To Hollywood…. IYKWIMAIKYD.
Yeah, I always thought she was asking for a facial.
she gets into the county/state fair segment of her performing career
I saw Patsy at the fabulous Midland Theater, which, while a nice room, probably holds about as many people as a county fair grandstand.
She opened the show with some bullshit about how they were going to play all night, and then went for maybe 70 minutes.
In relation to Lyft shuttering their rental business, when I used Uber last weekend, they popped up a notification that I could get a discount on Uber Rentals. Look, 80% of the time I’m opening a ridesharing app it’s because I’m going to or from an event with drinking. I’m definitely not interested in renting a car in those instances.
I’d imagine it’s geared toward city folk who don’t own a vehicle and want to get out of the city for a few days. Otherwise, it’s for guys who want to upgrade their ride to impress a woman.
If I wanted to impress a woman with a car, I’d probably rent here: https://signaturecarcollection.com/exotic-car-rental/new-jersey/
If you wanted to impress a woman with a car, is NJ really the place to do it?
My girlfriend told me to kiss her where it stinks, so I took her to New Jersey.
You’re doing it wrong.
Rent a car to impress a woman? Naw. That says high maintenance girl.
Rent a car just to drive it? Of Course.
I don’t think they’re trying to date her as much as they’re trying to get laid.
I also don’t think it’s a well thought out decision.
I recall seeing some exotic options at the LAX Enterprise. I think multiday discounts could get some of them down to almost $1,000 per day.
Texas law “gives very, very broad self-defense rights for people carrying guns, even if the person makes a mistake,”
Which is why “manslaughter” is a thing.
“Which would be fine if the city had cut everybody’s taxes when they made the cut. ”
Why do you hate the children?
Re: the immigration story (“And the Ls keep coming”) — I don’t think this is related to the mayors, they’re just trying to get back to the “prosecutorial discretion” excuse from the Obama years. In other words, ignore everyone but the absolute worst ones to “save their resources”. Legal fig leaf for their open borders.
And on that note and the Minneapolis police one — it does keep leaping to mind “If one side refuses to hold up their side of the social contract, the other side isn’t going to hold to it forever.” At some point, Minneapolis is going to say “Why are we paying you people?” and similarly, it is getting past time for the states to say “If you can’t provide for the common defense or ensure domestic tranquility, we don’t need you FedGov!” The cynical side of me says that will be when/if the money presses stop going BRRRRRRRR, I know… bribery has gotten them this far, after all. But it is really getting stupid.
Re: the music links — is that band what happens when The Smiths meet Megadeth?
You mean like 150 “activists” threatening violence to cause a comedy show to be cancelled?
Safe and effective.
This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause “serious side effects.”
This figure is likely a sharp underestimate, given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary.
Nonetheless, it implies that almost 300,000 Americans and Europeans have suffered severe side effects after receiving mRNA shots from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna. …
Health authorities now acknowledge that the mRNA vaccines do not stop Covid infection or transmission and likely have no preventative value against the Omicron variant within months. Thus their risk-benefit profile appears increasingly absurd, especially because Omicron is notably less dangerous than earlier Covid variants to everyone, vaccinated or not.
Don’t know why I haven’t thought this earlier… but one of my problems with World War Z reading it was that I didn’t buy the hysterical adherence to the “vaccine” when it was obvious (pretty quickly) that it didn’t do squat.
I formally apologize to Mr. Brooks and stand corrected. (Kif sigh).
The vaxcists won’t be pleased.
It will be interesting to watch how the narrative crumbles and shifts into something else.
I don’t have much hope for accountability.
The interesting thing to me is how they’re ALLOWING the narrative to crumble. They aren’t going after these stories like they would have a year ago. Either there is just too much truth out there to hold back, or they’re up to something. Very similar to the narrative shift we’re seeing with Biden.
They’re working out who is going to get blamed for the vax injuries. So far the only point of agreement is “Not Pfizer.”
They work well enough to be used by the biden Administration to kick tens of thousands of troops from the military who asked for exemptions based on the biden’s rules.
“This is an incredibly sad story. And I really don’t know if justice was served here. I’d enjoy a robust debate in the comments, as I’m sure there are several differing opinions on what should have happened.”
The shooter was no longer in danger of death or serious bodily harm (as far as I can tell) AND he could not and did not properly identify his target. Yes he should have to answer to charges, IMO
Agreed. You stated this perfectly..He fired in anger at the wrong target.
And I think he is being charged, just not with murder.
I think he should be charged with something, assuming what we are told about what happened is true. I dunno what I would charge him with if it was up to me.
Nope. The grand jury did not indict him with anything, not even reckless endangerment.
I must have misread the article. That’s messed up. I mean, its not like he’s some kind of activist who killed a Republican.
The thing is, it was investigators who said he thought the robber had gone into the truck after firing at him. It also says he was fired upon and returned fire.
I don’t see a statement from him or his counsel that says he thought the robber was in there. So perhaps that’s conjecture on their part and he never claimed it.
Now, if he returned fire immediately after being fired upon and thought he was firing back at an assailant’s position, that could be a reasonable argument for self-defense.
I doubt his legal team will say anything publicly, as it could only hurt their position. I still think he acted recklessly, but without confirmation that he deliberately fired into the truck, I’m not quite sure that part is accurate.
IMO: reckless endangerment and involuntary manslaughter should be charged here based on what we’re being told. I just don’t know if what we’re being told by the media is what the grand jury was told.
Should be a manslaughter charge.
“[Earl] was no longer in danger of death or serious bodily harm…”
Could he have known that at the time?
One reason for giving people a tiny bit of latitude is these are high-stress, fast-moving events, that we judge with imperfect hindsight.
“According to prosecutors”
They said he was fired upon and returned fire. If he had just taken fire a moment before, there could be a reasonable fear, and returning fire a logical response. But he’s still responsible for knowing his surroundings.
This. Private citizens aren’t legally allowed to use suppressing fire to break contact. Firing a gun at a target you haven’t positively identified is reckless endangerment at the very least.
The people in Minneapolis should be putting their money into private security, instead of propping up the local po-po.
Pinkertons’ ears perk up.
That’s where we’re headed. Private security contractors for the 1%, street gangs and ‘neighborhood committees’ for the 99%.
We will go toward what I saw in the Philippines where gated communities are standard down to the middle class and each home in gated communities is still surrounded by high walls and gates. The top of the walls tend to have embedded glass or metal.
Won’t stop Bourne with a towel...
Exactly. A lot of central/south America rolls this way, too.
And America’s descent into third world shithole continues apace.
We’re moving towards that at the SSD
homesteadcompound, though for other reasons.Drunk drivers keep ramming my fence posts and bringing down my fence. I’m going to line the front of my fence with concrete pillars to take the force. Since one drunk asshole also rammed my gate, I need to reinforce the gates too. A concrete pillar behind each gate post with supporting braces from the concrete to the post. If I’m doing that, I figured I might as well leave a hole while the concrete sets so I can run a galvanized steel pipe through the concrete posts behind the gate to further brace the gate. That last one is more of a SHTF kind of thing, but is minimal effort to add.
We keep losing poultry and waterfowl to a fox. Traps and standing guard with a shotgun didn’t work. So we now have two Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs that provide 24/7 security in the yard. Well, they’re still puppies but growing fast. We got them for predator control, but they’ll do for 2 legged rats as well. That’s in addition to the indoor GSDs.
A intermediate term project is raising the 4′ high fence around the yard to an 8′ fence with electric hot wire and barbed wire. The reason here is because my wife wants emus and a 4′ fence won’t cut it. My neighbors joke that it’s going to be a stockade.
Hope you like barking – GPs are bark machines.
I hear you, but I’ll take barking over the headless duck carcass that greeted me this morning.
This spring I’ll be planting a screen of 300 Green Giant liners between the fence and the road. That will hopefully reduce their need to bark at neighbors and also act a sound shield.
Can confirm. My parents had a pair (down to one now) and they prowl and carry on all night long barking at anything that moves.
I want a LGD bad. We’ve been decimated twice in 5 years from foxes.
But the wife won’t have a fully outside dog, which defeats the entire purpose.
My wife and I were initially both against an outside only dog, especially given the separate indoor pack and concern about what mixing may look like.
It’s turned out to not be an issue though. The LGDs prefer to be outside all the time. They have no desire to be inside and make no effort to come in when I open the door to bring in the GSDs at night or when it rains. The GSDs and the GPs get along very well and just blended into their own pack that splits up at night.
whaddup doh’
yo whats goody
Well, lets see… the office is nice and quiet, and the air conditioning works.
This is a good thing.
We just upgraded the office AC. ‘Tis wonderful.
My actual office has had it’s own, but now the common area is also nice.
“NYC Mayor Eric Adams shares plan to house 3,000 illegal immigrants in HOTELS after they overwhelmed homeless shelters: Demands taxpayer cash from Biden to help”
Cry me a river. NYC has 8M people, and tiny border towns are seeing way more illegal immigrants.
Adams also leaves off that the vast majority of the new illegals were flown to nearby airports by Team biden over the last year and not a bus load from TX. Team biden is screwing him without the common courtesy of a reach around.
“Bruce Springsteen fans fume over $5,000-plus admission caused by Ticketmaster’s ‘dynamic pricing’ system that changes cost based on demand: Algorithm caused huge spikes for tickets to big-name acts like Harry Styles and Taylor Swift”
So they are doing their own scalping?
Better then trying to fight the bots.
When Springsteen tickets are going for $5k, I know society is still well and truly fucked in the head.
Ok, groomer.
Leftist activists spoke out in a public library meeting in Illinois defending the presence of pornographic LGBT graphic novels in the Young Adult sections.
“It is not pornography. This is not an erotic adventure in any way, shape, or form.”
One of them literally says there is reference to oral sex in the books.
Dude, young men will take National Geographic “into the restroom” so to speak. I think porno is where you find it.
People _can_ spank it to anything. Doesn’t mean that describing a dude blowing another dude (I don’t know if that’s actually the case here… I didn’t click in) in a book for 12 year olds is a good thing.
The “everything can be porn” argument strikes me as intentionally obtuse. Yeah, somebody may be able to crank the hog to Sesame Street. So what?
What you do in your can is your business dude.
Hey! It’s slim pickings here! Rosita is having to lay low after dissing some black girls, and most of the humans are too scared to get within grabbing distance from my can.
I don’t think I was being clear. I DO think this shit is porno, and I think the argument that it isn’t is BS.
+ 1 Sears catalog
/ my Grandma would rip out the ladies underwear and swimsuit sections of the catalog so we would see them.
That’s a… rather obliging Grandmother there… Did she put out Kleenex for y’all too?
“Psychics and Tarot Readers Are Under Siege By Instagram Scammers and Online Fatigue”
How dare you scam my scam!
This was not foretold?
The crazy thing about the attacker of zeldin is he was released on his own recognizance. Now, I’m not in favor of special treatment for politicians, but anyone who attacks someone with a knife ought not be released so easily.
Now that is suspicious. Staged? Starting to see UnCivil’s point.
Off Broadway.
I don’t think it was staged, though that is a conservative area he was in. I think it’s just NY’s shitty bail laws.
Knife attackers are able to easily cut through the red tape of jail and get out quickly.
You’ve got a point.
Any way you slice it, it’s a bad situation.
It’s a sharp analysis.
They’ve honed their arguments well for just such an eventuality so they can stay on the cutting edge.
What a keen observation.
*narrows gaze*
It’s Friday, let’s have some Top Shelf Derp to kick off the weekend!
At a moment when mass shootings are nightmarishly commonplace, Bruen feels aggressively wrongheaded. But even if you believe (as the conservative justices say they do) that they are simply reading the Constitution closely, they have lifted the Second Amendment above the First, which explicitly sets down the “right of the people peaceably to assemble.” Those rights that have long defined this country — freedom of speech, religion, the press — are being eclipsed by another right, one that’s become an article of faith for many Americans.
From what I can run through my Derp to English translator, the author is worried that if a peaceful protest turns “fiery but mostly peaceful,” the
riotersprotesters might face immediate, deadly consequences for their mayhem. Darn shame, that.People’s brains are broken. In context: “Congress shall make no law respecting … the right of the people peaceably to assemble.”
It doesn’t say “Congress shall pass all laws necessary to ensure the right of the people peaceably to assemble without thread of deranged madmen shooting them for no reason.”
Let along Antifa coming along to break shit up.
Any of these laws banning people from having guns would also be a form of prior restraint, no? I know it’s only ever been applied to 1A items, but why shouldn’t the principle also apply to other rights?
Freedom from fear is a right. Get on it Congress. Protect me from everything I fear no matter how irrational.
And if I fear fearless people… ?
Or government ‘protection’?
Involuntary commitment to a mental institution, as that is clearly crazy. Every sane person trusts big brother to keep them safe.
At a moment when mass shootings are nightmarishly commonplace
We do need to do something about gang violence.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The owners will be charged with something.
Store owners are now forced to protect their stores from looters. This is why we have a 2nd Amendment
Did that tweet draw a penalty box? Account is suspended.
#waffle182 4/5
🔥 streak: 26
🥈 #wafflesilverteam
Ooo, a rate day when I got a 5 star. Almost goofed on the worldle today though to make up for it.
7 4
8 6
I got the chromatic waffle this morning.
Daily Quordle 179
Should have been better, but made two 50/50 unlucky style guesses. Ah well.
Daily Quordle 179
My bleh streak continues
Daily Quordle 179
Draggin’ the line.
Daily Quordle 179
Daily Quordle 179
Think i got the hang of it. Also, yall start early. Get to the office, have some coffee and boom 200 comments already. Dont yall have meetings to go to and emails to check? I can barely keep up
Sounds like you need to make some life changes.
I’m lucky in that I still live on Eastern time, so I get up at 3am (would be 6), links pop at 5am after my first few cups of coffee and start work at 6. I work 9-5, just not in my timezone. 😉
Daily Quordle 179
Chumped. Need moar coffee
Chin up, America
For more than a year, President Joe Biden’s ability to avoid the coronavirus seemed to defy the odds. When he finally did test positive, the White House was ready. It set out to turn the diagnosis into a “teachable moment” and dispel any notion of a crisis.
“The president does what every other person in America does every day, which is he takes reasonable precautions against COVID but does his job,” White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain told MSNBC late in the afternoon on Thursday.
It was a day that began with Biden’s COVID-19 results and included repeated assurances over the coming hours that the president was hard at work while isolating in the residential areas of the White House with “very mild symptoms” including a runny nose, dry cough and fatigue.
Biden, in a blazer and Oxford shirt, recorded a video from the White House balcony telling people: “I’m doing well, getting a lot of work done. And, in the meantime, thanks for your concern. And keep the faith. It’s going to be OK.”
He’ll die a hero’s death, in service to the land he loves.
Wear your mask. Get a shot. Wash your hands.
His idiot doctor is giving him Paxlovid. That’ll stretch out the infection for a month.
You’re assuming he actually has COVID.
He has Ligma?!
Maybe they’re trying to give him covid.
Paxlovid makes it worse?
It did for Fauchi…
Yessir. My wife took it, initial infection was over in five days. Three days later, it came roaring back and lasted another ten days. 18 days of illness instead of ten.
Didn’t he say, or more likely yell, that if you take the shots you WILL NOT get COVID?
Labor enacted…
Doing the opposite of whatever Joe Biden says seems to be the best approach to life in general. Look how his sons turned out by listening to him.
One is dead, one is rich and is never held responsible for any of his illegal activity. So 50/50.
“Borderline junkie with government protection” may be a win in Gavin Newsome’s book, but not mine.
To be fair, that was my expectation of a vaccine too.
So this is how they’re gonna kill him off….
‘This is an incredibly sad story. And I really don’t know if justice was served here. I’d enjoy a robust debate in the comments, as I’m sure there are several differing opinions on what should have happened’
I’m all for the right to protect your property with deadly force. This ain’t it.
David G. Jakubonis, 43, of Fairport, New York, has been charged with attempted assault in the second degree, the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office said. He was arraigned in town court and released on his own recognizance.
“You tried to stab a Congressman? Oh, he’s Republican? G’wan, go home.”
Last I checked, stabbings are usually attempted murder.
“Technically I was just trying to SHOW him my new shiny knife your honor. Then the bad congressman grabbed my hand and tried to steal it! You should arrest him!”
“I was just going to cut his neck a little bit.”
I’m just surprised “Attempted Assault” is its own offense. I always figured it was still assault, you just failed to inflict battery.
That too.
I thought new York was the opposite of everyone else on the definition of assault vs battery. Like having the supreme court be the lowest level….
Normally, I’d go rush off and look it up, but I’ve got a bunch of meetings today.
At the very least assault with a deadly weapon.
Well, she has assured us that Zeldin is a “dangerous far-right extremist” so I mean you’d be crazy not to take a stab at him.
You know who else survived assassination attempts?
Andrew Jackson?
Biden Races To Sniff One Last Girl Before Losing Sense Of Smell From COVID
Oh, they want the illegals – they just want taxpayers from other states to pay for their upkeep.
They should rename the Democrat party to the NIMBY party.
It was all part of an administration effort to shift the narrative from a health scare to a display of Biden as the personification of the idea that most Americans can get COVID and recover without too much suffering and disruption if they’ve gotten their shots and taken other important steps to protect themselves.
The message was crafted to alleviate voters’ concerns about Biden’s health — at 79, he’s the oldest person ever to be president. And it was aimed at demonstrating to the country that the pandemic is far less of a threat than it was before Biden took office, thanks to widespread vaccines and new therapeutic drugs.
Conveying that sentiment on Day 1 of Biden’s coronavirus experience virus wasn’t always easy, though.
In a lengthy briefing with reporters, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said repeatedly that the White House had been as transparent as possible about the president’s health. But she parried with reporters over specifics. And when pressed about where Biden might have contracted the virus, she responded, “I don’t think that that matters, right? I think what matters is we prepared for this moment.”
Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said it’s important for Americans to know they must remain careful about the virus, which continues to kill hundreds of people daily.
“That’s the balance that we have to strike,” Osterholm said. “The president of the United States will do very well. But that may not be true for everyone.”
Keep fear alive. Don’t let me slip back into irrelevance.
I don’t think that that matters, right?
I know she was avoiding an awkward question, here: who that the president has come in contact with isn’t vaxxed up to the gills/getting tested hourly, but she’s unintentionally right. It doesn’t matter. COVID is everywhere now, it will always be everywhere.
without too much suffering and disruption if they’ve gotten their shots
Fuck. Off.
Friday Funbags reminds you that without locking differentials, you don’t have true four wheel drive.
Huh. I was expecting busty mechanics or maybe country girls out on offroad adventures.
Freaky Friday: Whatever you do, don’t get out of the pool in an expedited manner and you should continue drinking as if nothing happened.
Idk. If i just watched a dude go down the drain and die, I’d probably at least need to finish my drink. Probably need a few more after that too
Freaky Friday: EvilSheldon’s Duct Tape Escape Methods Need Updating
For all my various weird kinks, human furniture is one I just can’t seem to *ahem* wrap my head around…
Sounds like someone needs his mummy.
Maybe a NSFW warning here.
Outflow > inflow
New satellite images released by NASA Wednesday reveal the dramatic loss of water at Lake Mead due to the ongoing mega-drought.
“The largest reservoir in the United States supplies water to millions of people across seven states, tribal lands, and northern Mexico,” NASA wrote about the image. “It now also provides a stark illustration of climate change and a long-term drought that may be the worst in the US West in 12 centuries.”
When you compare these two natural-color images – one acquired on July 6, 2000, and the other on July 3, 2022 – you can see the lake full and, in the most recent imagery, you can see the mineralized lakeshore which used to be underwater.
Must be global warming. There is no other conceivable explanation.
It’s a fake lake in the middle of the desert. Of course it’s gonna be a lot more empty if they have one year of low rainfall. Two years and it’ll look totally different.
I still won’t take people freaking out seriously until they get the desalination plants up and running to pull CA off the Lake Mead water, since they’re sucking over half of it to coastal SoCal.
Those desalination plants would hurt the poor and minorities.
Water justice!
The ugly animals hardest hurt
The good news is that this was already voted down.
It’s a good thing there are no fish and invertebrates in all the other water sources.
They do also seem to be taking advantage the public’s ignorance of fish and broadcast spawning. 80M eggs? Umm, OK. If fish emit thousands of eggs at a time when spawning, is that number really that big?
They’re also throwing invertebrates in there, of which there are probably a million or two in any gallon of water, since lots of plankton is made up of tiny crustaceans.
How many whaledays of feeding is this amount, really?
Somebody should ask Lizzo.
Also, clearly, there is absolutely no possible way those eggs, larvae, and invertebrates could be separated from the water before being sent to their violent deaths in the prefiltration system of the plant.
So instead of fluoridated water as a conspiracy theory, we’ll have caviar water theories instead?
It doesn’t help that the water rights were parsed out based on data that seems to be from one of the wettest periods in several millennia for the region.
In the middle of the 19th century a huge portion of California’s central valley was a shallow marsh. Today, it’s irrigated farmland but would be a scorched desert without the water. The west is typified by extremes. It’s just trendy now to blame fossil fuels for it.
*rolls eyes*
They mean MAGA-drought, right? It is all Trump’s fault for resisting the reasonable, common-sense plans of the Democrats.
They’ve got a solution…
The West is dry, and we didn’t plan well enough. We need a system to move water from Midwest:
I have a solution too—free market water.
Right… because the same eco-lunatics screaming about the Delta Smelt and flushing half the snowfall down the Sacramento River wouldn’t have a problem with diverting a bunch from the Big Muddy, right? No way that will get killed by lawsuits.
And I’d really want to see an expense / energy breakdown versus local de-sal plants. (Not that they didn’t get shot down by the same ‘no water for humanity’ groups).
Yeah, it would be an interesting cost benefit analysis.
Sad long as they seriously consider the null case- let people move to where the water is.
Outflow > inflow. Precisely.
Hoover Dam was finished in 1936 and the population it supplies grew (what, 10X ?) since then and not so much as a square foot has been added to the catchment area that fills it.
Just like other infrastructure, they did nothing while expansion was occurring. They also didn’t update or modify water-use agreements and as Sloopy above stated, Cali is the largest offender
This. And a lot of planned infrastructure was cancelled by, you guessed it, Jerry Brown.
“Eleven Fewer Dead People
A deep dive on the Greenwood Park Mall shooting shows a clear path to even fewer dead people than that
The only way out is to shoot our way out and it’s CNN’s fault.”
Worth reading the whole thing.
Good read.
I had no idea that cartoon was from the Washington Post – shocked they ran that.
Handwaving Freakoutery is a wonderful name for a sub.
The article is on point, too. Rampage killings are a matter of time. If you want a smaller body count, you stop the killer fast.
Yes. The type of weapon doesn’t really matter if no one can stop the shooter.
The Crazy Jill shooting at Penn State in the mid ’90s was stopped by a brave student who attacked her while she was reloading her boyfriend’s deer rifle (7×57 Mauser). She was also armed with a knife that she tried to use against him, and then turned on herself. At that point she had fired 7 shots in relatively short time and struck at least three people, killing one, gravely injuring another, and hitting a third in the backpack (the guy reportedly didn’t know he had been hit until he opened a book from his backpack and found the bullet lodged in the pages).
If she hadn’t been stopped, she would have simple reloaded and kept killing people. Granted, her magazine was limited in size, but she was apparently very close to being done reloading when she was stopped.
It’s just an Expected Value calculation. Our company (like most) of course has the policy that, in the event of an attack like this, they want to maximize friendly/innocent casualties. Our Risk Management Director (with whom I’m on good terms) really didn’t like it when I showed her the math on the board and said “so, now you know that’s your policy”.
What the actual policy that results in the increased casualties? Employee disarmamant? Some explicit response protocol?
The standard “gun free zone” thing.
Ah. Got it.
‘Dicken has no military or police experience and was taught to shoot by his grandfather’
Which explains why he was a good shot…
Love the take of calling this guy a dork.
A good read for sure.
Ever since the details were made public, I’ve been in awe of this kid’s shooting. That’s some fuckin’ Quigley Down Under type shit.
We’re discussing how to simulate the incident for our October relaxed-rules practical match. There’s not a good way to simulate it under USPSA rules because you can’t mandate both a par time and a minimum number of hits.
I’m not sure I could get off ten aimed rounds in fifteen seconds, nevermind get 80% on target at that range.
*thinks* No, I can get the number of shots off, since I get 4-7 second times for 4 targets maximum of 5 rounds, even with a lever gun. I might not hit, but I could get the rounds down range.
It would be an interesting challenge.
For seasoned practical shooters, the number of rounds on target in the time is not the challenge. That’s pretty easy for even a middling shooter to do. To do it at 40 yards under actual time pressure and adrenaline rush is the big thing. Practical matches do a good job of simulating the time pressure, and sometimes the physical stress (not a real fight-or-flight adrenaline rush, but elevated heart rate etc.), but the 40-yard range is going to be the toughest thing for most people with a handgun.
Even good shooters have their lowest scores on the long-range classifiers, generally.
I haven’t heard for sure yet whether his gun had an optic or iron sights.
db –
Make it a fixed time stage. One target at 40 yards, ten rounds, par time at 15 seconds. Your score is your number of points. Anyone who scores under a 32 (4 Alphas, 4 Charlies, and 2 Mikes, minor PF) can be roundly mocked.
If you want to make things really interesting, bracket the target with a couple of no-shoots…
I think you have to somehow simulate the “get the girlfriend out of danger and get other people behind you” before engaging, too.
I wouldn’t bother. This is still meant to be a game, not a simulation of a gunfight (that’s the sad rabbit hole that IDPA went down.)
But, if you want to jack up the pucker factor a little, do that one stage as a heads-up man-on-man competition. I’ve done man-on-man events in matches and classes, and it still gets me excited like nothing else.
Yup. I’ve done a couple of those at training sessions. They also amp up the smack-talk and provide many wagering opportunities.
I think that’s a good idea.
There’s not a good way to simulate it under USPSA rules because you can’t mandate both a par time and a minimum number of hits.
I bet the “return fire” thing is also against the rules.
I know, right?
Before our club was ever affiliated with IDPA or USPSA (we abandoned IDPA around 2003 or so), we had little pyrotechnic traps that we’d set up in our stages, so that when a shooter would go through, certain targets would activate the pyros behind or near new targets.
It was fun, but it became really tedious to set up–it worked for small groups, but would be untenable for a real match–plus the rules don’t allow it, I think.
There were at least two guys at the 50-yard range at ESS last night who were trying to replicate that engagement. I gave it a try at 25 yards with my Glock 48 and was reasonably successful, although the 48 is really too small to shoot well.
To do it right you have to use your daily carry gun. I’m not sure I could do it at 40 yards with my Micro 9, but I’m going to try it.
With a Limited rig, it should be no problem. With Open or Carry Optics, I’d imagine it’d be trivial (given a match setting rather than real-life).
I agree. The G48 conceals nicely, especially since I take some pains to not dress like a bum in public, but that’s about the only thing I like about it. I need to carry my Staccato more.
It’s not utilitarian to want to weigh different policies by the statistical chance that I personally will die as a direct result of the policies in question. I want to be able to stop a mass shooter, but I also want to reduce my chances of getting shot if I cut someone off in traffic.
Back to the shark attack analogy, what if there was a drug some politicians were proposing to add to the ocean that would cause sharks to stop attacking humans, but the drug increased swimmer’s likelihood of developing skin cancer. I’d want to weigh those two risks. </emű
Interesting but flawed analogy in the comments. It's more like politicians proposing that nobody is allowed to swim more than 20 feet from the shoreline, and some beaches restrict it to 5 feet, and some require a permit to get in the water at all.
I also want to reduce my chances of getting shot if I cut someone off in traffic.
Maybe you should stop cutting people off in traffic.
Inejiro Asanuma (浅沼 稲次郎, Asanuma Inejirō, 27 December 1898 – 12 October 1960) was a Japanese politician and leader of the Japan Socialist Party. Asanuma became a forceful advocate of socialism in post-war Japan – what an asshole
Yamaguchi Kimmel a commie for mommy.
Kimmel? Wtf? Yamaguchi killed a commie for mommy.
If Pat Benatar wanted to really make a statement she should have made a stink about how she wouldn’t play Give Me Your Best Shot when Biden mandated the vax shots.
You cannot defend the indefensible
Closing arguments in Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress trial are set for Friday after the former Donald Trump adviser declined to put up a defense argument or present evidence to the jury.
Federal prosecutors rested their case against Bannon on Wednesday, and Bannon’s team indicated Thursday that they would not call any witnesses or present a defense case. Much of the day Wednesday was spent on discussions away from the jury, including talk about a defense motion for acquittal and discussion of the final instructions that will be delivered to the jury before they begin deliberations.
Bannon lawyer David Schoen said that, while Bannon wanted to testify, he would not do so on advice of counsel.
Especially when the judge throws out all your arguments.
Yeah, kind of pointless at a political show-trial where the verdict is known in advance.
Roland Freisler managed to get the Scholl siblings tried and executed in the span of a few hours.
Judge Nichols is going to have to up his game, especially if he’s utterly devoid of irony.
In the midst of the first witness testimony of the trial, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols said Bannon’s lawyers could not cross-examine anyone on the stand in a way that would suggest the case against him is politically motivated.
Which is why they should’ve attacked the prosecution witness on Holder sliding by.
In related bench decisions, his lawyers can not imply bears defecate in the woods nor that the Pope is Catholic. And definitely not that the judge is a partisan hack….
(Ok, the Pope thing is much less of a sure bet these days, I know).
If it was anywhere but Deep Swamp Avenue, DC I would expect the jury could see the obvious. They probably still can — they’re just happy to punish their enemies.
Ah, Smithereens. I saw them at a show in Chicago over Christmas break when I was in high school. But they sold too many tickets and the fire marshal made them cut the set short. 🙁
Never saw them live, but I sure did listen a lot.
First time I saw Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was in a little local venue (the Grog Shop, pre-move), halfway through the set, cops came to tell the owners they were over capacity. Band still walked through the crowd playing for some of the songs.
Love the Smithereen’s!
Gypsies and Travellers in Britain are already marginalised, but they face further problems when it comes to obtaining things like banking access. The FT takes a rare look into how the Traveller community is fighting to overcome financial exclusion
Step 1 in the process of opening a bank account is ‘Obtain a permanant address’. Perhaps they should start something akin to a trailer park, or maybe a private mailing company to make sure the clients are reachable. Without that reachability, who the hell is going to want to do business with someone who might just vanish without notice?
Unless the customer is borrowing, the bank is usually the one who vanishes with the money.
I don’t get the impression that these people are bemoaning difficulties opening savings accounts.
Indeed. Avoiding a paper trail is a higher priority, I’d think.
i tried to paste some appropriate quotes from Snatch but was unable to due to server errors
I’m still waiting for someone to point me to the edit where Snatch is intercut with Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels to make a single cohesive film.
the movies are unrelated.
Editors can do marvelous things.
While they share an actor, the actor is playing different characters. There’s no link between them.
The tone, tenor and style all match, a good editor could make it work.
not really, the second one has a diamond, the first one has death by being beaten with a rubber dildo. Also the first is a bit more authentic cockney than the second.
They share at least four actors – Jason Statham, Vinny Jones, Jason Flemyng, and Alan Ford.
All playing completely different characters though, to be fair
I could remember one, and thought there were others. I will accept the correction and feel shame. 🙂
Something something periwinkle blue
The pantomime burlesque show drags on
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) announced on Thursday that the Jan. 6 select committee will hold additional hearings in September.
Cheney, the vice chair of the committee, announced the additional upcoming presentations at Thursday’s prime-time hearing, asserting that the panel has “considerably more to do.”
“In the course of these hearings we have received new evidence, and new witnesses have bravely stepped forward. Efforts to litigate and overcome immunity and executive privilege claims have been successful, and those continue. Doors have opened, new subpoenas have been issued, and the dam has begun to break,” Cheney said.
“And now, even as we conduct our ninth hearing, we have considerably more to do. We have far more evidence to share with the American people, and more to gather. So our committee will spend August pursuing emerging information on multiple fronts before convening further hearings this September,” she added.
Come one, come all.Step right up. All will be revealed.
Your most salacious and prurient fantasies will be acted out on the grand stage.
Who would have thought they’d drag it out until mid-terms just in time for an October surprise…
My guess, indictments of republican candidates in areas where Dems are going to lose a seat
Zero indictments. Let them play it out right up election day – and reap the consequences.
I’m expecting this.
If that happens then we really are done.
👆 Jailing opposition politicians en masse is treading on very dangerous ground and is the sort of thing that leads to civil violence.
Yep that is declaring themselves (those abusing that power) to be legitimate targets.
Yeah, that’s what they’d really like to see. And with the DOJ/FBI, you absolutely can’t rule it out. They might just settle for arresting Trump. Which would probably be about the only thing that would get me to vote for him again, just as a “fuck you” to these raging assholes.
At least HUAC had an actual no shit threat underneath it.
You know that a Soviet rat was in Congress and instrumental to the establishment of that committee, right?
So Dickstein was instrumental in creating the committee that would become the HAUC, but his focus was on Nazis and Fascists, and after he got kicked off, the focus shifted to commies. How does that relate to the assertion that there were genuine commies (Dickstein was one!) in the government at the time?
Well, irony is appreciated or it isn’t. Rooting out political enemies isn’t a sound policy for anyone in political power. Or are you a fan of the Jan 6th select committee?
Rooting out political enemies isn’t a sound policy for anyone in political power.
The key is not to lose power. As long as Madame Guillotine works for you, everything is fine!
Your post read (to me, at least) like you were going for some kind of “gotcha” moment, and I didn’t see the “gotcha”.
I would say rooting actual, on-the-payroll, agents of foreign powers out of your government is a worthy endeavor. I’m not suggesting that is the goal of the current clown show, or was the goal of the HUAC. I don’t have any suggestions on how to prevent the worthy endeavor from devolving into the clown show.
I think one of the problems in that case was the two things were so intertwined. Democrats and Communists. And a lot of that came out of the labor movement.
I don’t have any suggestions on how to prevent the worthy endeavor from devolving into the clown show.
Exactly, and when you can’t delineate that, and prevent something ostensibly worthwhile from becoming a clown show, or worse, the only solution is to find another way to conduct that endeavor or simply live with the unpleasant reality.
And big key element here – when the on-the-payroll agent of a foreign power is SETTING THE THING UP, that’s a good indication it’s a clown show from the start.
Brennan and Comey were both commies, makes me wonder if much has changed since then.
She’ll know she’s dead meat (politically speaking of course) on Aug 17.
Like her shitheal dad, I doubt she’ll go quietly into the night.
Push her out into Ukraine at 18kft without a chute so she can actually fight her battles.
Oh, she’ll go quietly enough into her new lucrative career of being a lobbyist, collecting big checks for the no-show job of sitting on corporate boards, and doing lots of CNN appearances.
Translation: “We not getting the bang-for-buck we expected. Must pantomime harder.”
They don’t have the balls for a Permanent Revolution, so Permanent Showtrial it is.
I put the TV on last night, and was sickened to see they’re still having these hearings on prime time. And all the channels titled it “Democracy in Peril” or something stupid like that. They might as well show a video of a steel drum with a fire in it, and people throwing stacks of taxpayer money into it.
the dam has begun to break,” Cheney said.
Your stream of bullshit is too much.
Good morning, Sloop!
Pat Benetar’s best song is Promises in the Dark.
The Smithereens hold up incredibly well. Good selections!
No love for Hell Is For Children?
I would say Love Is a Battlefield
Never did much for me.
Heartbreaker is a good one, too.
I preferred Patty Smyth who a quick Googling shows is currently married to John McEnroe. Huh…
I won’t argue, but I have a soft spot for Shadows of the Night.
IMO, great song, but a top candidate for stupidest video ever made (which, lets admit, is saying something).
The plot — remember when some music videos were like four-minute movies? — is thus: our intrepid hero flies a World War 2 trainer to an undisclosed airfield, where she and her pals place a bomb in a chalet that’s been commandeered as German field headquarters. Then they make it back to their plane and dogfight their way out.
Did the video director consider that, if you have an aircraft outfitted with a bomb, there’s an easier way to take out a target than landing and lugging the ordnance over to what you want destroyed?
Still, that first a capella chorus and chord progression make me turn up the radio every time Sirius XM’s 80s on 8 plays it.
Nope, that has to go here. No question about it.
“What should we do for a great song that invokes an interesting story? I know! We’ll put the camera in the floor, the Boys can stand above it barely moving and we’ll have some half-assed dancing intermittently above it! Brilliant!”
Granted, most PSB videos are really disappointing given the imagery they put into their songs — but that one really stood out as stupid.
Is that Judge Reinhold at 0:59?
Yes, and pre-“Game Over, Man” Bill Paxton at 3:14.
How do you people know all this obscure music
I know Pat Benetar is no Frankie Yankovic, but obscure? Just because we can’t all listen to the Rocking Undead or whatever tops the Romanian charts, Pie….
100+ acres Will Give You FREEDOM – Mountain Property, Creeks, Rural Vacant Land
i dunno the specialty coffee shops in the area can;t be that good…
Wealthy Minneapolis neighborhood is CROWDFUNDING to pay for extra police patrols just two years after woke city council pledged to ‘end policing as we know it’ by disbanding department and defunding it by $1M
Libertarian moment?
Nah, they are paying the po-po. A libertarian bunch would just form their own patrol…
/looks at the local black man who has started armed patrols of his neighborhood with like minded people in Cleveland
Militia. The whole point of that clause.
So far the guy organizing it has only been arrested once for open carrying. Unfortunately, it looks like they don’t have their own web site, just social media pages. The group is New Era Cleveland.
The same thing was happening in Dallas 15 years ago. The po-po stopped responding to calls of theft, vandalism, general hooliganry because they were under-resourced. But you could still get an “off-duty” cop in uniform and a squad car to patrol your neighborhood by ponying up cash.
Totally not a protection racket, though.
Local proggie take on the Richie Rich’s in Minneapolis hiring more cops
You won’t be surprised to find out that the proggies are not happy at all about this. It is just so unfair. But don’t worry a city council member has a plan.
See the problem with things now is that the council didn’t have enough power. The next phase in this drama will be when the city council decides to allocate the extra cop overtime more equitably and the cops simply refuse to go work OT in the super shitty neighborhoods.
How racist of them to not want to work OT in the neighborhoods that are actively hostile to them. I mean they were willing to work in the rich neighborhoods that were mostly safe and the people welcomed them. So why not work in the hood?
It’s not like the people in Lowry Hill aren’t raging proggie fucwits.
No doubt they gave more to the Defund movements and BLM that North Minneapolis did.
Still, it isn’t like they will be throwing rocks at off duty cops
“neighborhoods that have the highest needs
have the leastsuck up the most resources”LOL!
Is she always hammered or does she just always seem to be hammered?
She always seems to be hammered. And/or drugged to the gills.
“The Grey Goose”
Clown world.
Just rob a store with it. That gets you a free pass.
People may shoot their eye out.
The reply under mentions a NYC correction officer killing a kid with a water gun. Was it the same kind of water gun, and is that what prompted the tweet?
It’s not like the people in Lowry Hill aren’t raging proggie fucwits.
They’re raging proggie fuckwits who own nice stuff. That’s different.
In a bit I go up to Peru, IN to see more circus stuff. There is a new exhibit at the museum. A local-ish man spent decades carving a miniature circus. Full of individuals, wagons, buildings, trains, performers, etc…all to a quarter inch to a foot in scale. It’s about 26’x9′ apparently. I also want to talk to the calliope musician and the guy who refurbishes/builds early 20th century wagons.
The lady, who’s father crafted the “Small, But Mighty” circus, is gonna be in Peru donating the exhibit to the town museum. She’s gonna be there today and tomorrow to answer questions. I want to see the circus and will take pictures. I also plan on chatting with her but will have to hone my dad’s craft of getting strangers to talk. This should be the easiest event for me to practice this skill, which I’m not wholly bad at. I just haven’t mastered the craft to boil everything down into a max 600 word newspaper story. Might as well learn in the easiest setting possible! I will certainly ask her little softballs that my dad still does. Just tiny shit like “what’s your favorite one?” to get things going.
Get them to, and then let them, talk! This should be an interesting day. Even the ones that don’t go exactly as planned, or the ones that fall off the rails, are still interesting. The former will certainly happen and it would take an act of d_g for the latter to occur. I populate the juggle between the two. Like usual, these days tend to go way better than I anticipate them to.
I’ll be there pretty much all day today and early tomorrow to watch their parade. It’s going to be an interesting and important day. My life is strange. It and me are many things, but “boring” doesn’t float near the top to describe it all.
This job sounds like it will be a great experience for you. I’m thinking Mike Rowe or American Pickers or something like that. I have a friend who’s a musician, but his family was really into car racing. Now he’s a regular on a TV series that features old race tracks and their history. He loves it. There’s a lot of interesting stuff out there.
Don’t worry about getting people to talk. I find that even the most shy person will talk on and on about something that they are passionate about.
Yo! I gotta go in a bit but I wanted to hit you up first.
Have you ever been to/know of the Circus City Speedway? That’s up there and I plan on spending time there so they all know me. There’s the Miami Correctional Facility and the Grissom Air force Base (for reserves). It’s bizarre to (about to) be a part of a tiny town of 12k. This will be interesting. Another new chapter, but this time in English and in Indiana…but it seems so much more foreign. Mostly, that’s cuz of the new gig, but there’s a lot of reverse culture shock still permeating. It’s been 13 years since I “lived” here. I think that will stay for a while. It’s kinda fun.
T-MINUS 30 til takeoff. Gotta go!
My dad pretty much WAS Mike Rowe, just for a newspaper. And different topics, though some overlap. No beat at all. Just people and their stories. Lots of farmers, construction workers, homeless guy, whatever. He can just find a dude and get 600 words that you wanted to read. Five times a week for forty years. There’s the Asperger’s kicking in in a good way. Older bro got the good bits, where I got some of the…let’s just say riskier aspects of it.
Strange and fitting that me being [Insert Dad’s name here] Jr. came full circle. I’m legit excited. I actually WANT to talk to the mini circus lady and the calliope and wagon-maker folk. Legit shit I want to do. Should be hella easy. And the rest is just say hi and chit chat w people with stands/booths. Just so they learn my name/face. I’m not even technically working. So I don’t even HAVE to do ANYthing. I will eventually and this festival is the perfect time to do it.
A medical dose of edible has been taken. Just an hour away. Yeesh. Good nervous.
Have you ever been to the Ringling Museum in Sarasota? There’s an amazing scale layout of a town and circus there.
Daily Quordle 179
27 is a standard robc.
In the video, which was muted and blurred by the police department to protect an internal investigation, Pullease can be seen appearing to talk to the suspect, who is handcuffed and in the back of a patrol car.
The female officer can be seen approaching him and grabbing his duty belt in an apparent attempt to pull him away, according to Sunrise Police Chief Anthony Rosa.
The video shows Pullease wheel around and briefly grab the officer by her throat while pushing her backward into another patrol car. He does not appear to deploy the pepper spray.
Not cool, man.
Somebody took one too many ‘roids that day.
steroids are illegal and no office of the law would take them
Oh, pullease.
Whenever I see pictures of nuclear reactors I kinda wanna go swimming in them.
Heated and illuminated unlike the community pool.
And the water is urine free!
XKCD covered this a while back. If that’s a spent fuel containment pool, and I think it is, there are divers who regularly go in the water to service the monitoring equipment.
Like most things, if you know what you’re doing and take appropriate safety precautions, the danger is pretty minimal.
Roomba for sale :0
Does it come with the Kitchen Gun?
The actor is the same one who played the sommelier in John Wick 2
Sidebar on that led to one of my all-time favorites: Nap Time!
*half the Glib parents start looking for the Order button*
LOL someone just forgot to cover their camera at a Teams meeting. Mostly naked hairy guy in India.
Teams meetings are the worst. At least in webex I know how to shut off participant video.
We only have video at big meetings where Important People want to be seen speaking.
Day to day, nobody videos, thank goodness.
Day to day, only the poor sods with laptops even have cameras on their computers.
I have to shut off the video of the bigwigs when it lags my connection working remote.
Same here. Our people who consider themselves Big and Important are the only ones who ever turn on their cameras. They end up looking like fools; I’m not certain why they keep doing it.
They end up looking like fools; I’m not certain why they keep doing it.
Sometimes, the answer is contained in the question.
I just don’t plug a webcam into my workstation. QED.
Yeah, I’m on a laptop (#$#^@) so I make certain to slide the little cover thingy over it.
Didn’t know you were living in India now.
In the IT realm, India is right next door.
I hope the food is not too spicy
That which I’ve been exposed to has been lacking in both spice and flavor.
It’s quite confusing given the reputation Indian Cuisine has.
That’s sad. We’ve got a couple places here that their hottest is at the limit of what I can comfortably eat.
Yeah, the first Indian food I ever had was in London when I was 18. Ho-Le Shit was that hot.
My speculation is that the coworkers who bring it in are either choosing recipes without spice, or deliberately leaving out ingredients because of the people who’ll be attending these events.
No, I have not tried restaurant Indian Food.
Is it all meant to be spicy or varies by region?
I would guess no, and that it varies by dish.
All spicy all the time would get tiresome to me, at least.
Ah… if you’re talking work potluck, then yeah. From my experience, they only bring in the mildest dishes for those. You’d have to befriend them and let them know you like spicy for them to bring you the good stuff.
Find a good local place and get samosas, vindaloo, and naan.
Almost all is meant to be spicy (meaning heavily spiced, not capsaicin hot). There’s regional variation (and some of the more popular dishes are from the UK). The places around here offer heat levels from 1-10, which varies based on the establishment. Whereas I’ve noticed that round eyes need to fight to get enough heat in Chinese restaurants, Indian places DGAF. You order 10, you’ll get 10.
We have a local Thai place where you dare not order anything above a 6-7. They pull no punches at all.
In cultures that are suffused with spicy food, do children grow up eating and liking the spicy food, or do they find it as unpalatable as many Western children appear to?
These work nicely. Can recommend.
Theoretically it should not be needed but who knows when you might fat-finger the camera on.
My new office laptop has a cover built in.
My Macbook Air doesn’t have a bezel, so covers are challenging. I just use a port-it.
The ones I linked to are very thin, but might still be too much for the Air.
Post-it works.
I use a strip of black electrical tape.
Nobody needs to hear about how you treat your nipples, Wendy O.
I like how this study of penis size boasts about its own “vast” sample size
It’s not the size of the sample that matters …
It’s how you measure it.
His girlfriend told him it was a good sample size
deja vu
Hah, I just noticed.
But I can’t be liable for knowing the content of a link that just says “LOL.” I just can’t.
My apologies if this has already been addressed re: the Earls shooting. The guy who was robbing Earls should get tried for the death of the little girl. If he doesn’t rip Earls off, all of this is a moot point.
Earls should be held accountable in the civil trial, perhaps.
Typically, that would fall under the offense of Felony Murder – a death resulted from the commission of a felony.
It was talked about above, most of us think he should be charged with manslaughter.
Yes, the robber instigated the situation and can be charged with murder. But that doesn’t absolve Earls of firing blindly into a vehicle, not knowing who the occupants were, or if the assailant was even in it (which he wasn’t).
The robber (or his lawyer) could claim that he had already completed the robbery and was running away, and that Earl shooting at him was a new and separate act. The robber could be charged under the felony murder rule, but he’d have a defense and it might work.
That is a matter for the jury.
Typical American Jewish family trajectory
Generation 1: garment factory worker
Generation 2: pharmacist
Generation 3: Chair of the Federal Reserve
Generation 4: feminist freelance journalist with hairy armpits
Noticed at checkout that the discount store has raised their candy bar price 25%. They’re also playing games of listing multiples for a certain amount (like 4/$5 on the candy) instead just posting the unit price.
Kroger does that all the time. Annoying as hell.
And depending on the store / promotion, you either have to buy that quantity or it’s a mere suggestion.
For you, re your comment last night:
Yeah. I’ve noticed a lot more of the 2/$4* (*lesser quantities sold at regular price) tags up. Or requiring you to be a member of a specific tier of their loyalty program.
Office Depot keeps increasing the minimum order amount for our business account to get free shipping. For quite a while it was $50. Then it was $60, and now it’s $65. Of course, you’re ordering the same amount of stuff as when it was $50. 🙄
So, if you keep ordering the same amount of supplies, the shipping isn’t an issue. (Just inflation)
::points to comment ☝️, points to own nose 👉👃::
Huh, I don’t know much about Hindu mythology/religion, but now it seems like Leeloo Dallas Multipass is actually an incarnation of Vishnu.
That is Warty Hugeman, right?
Leeloo and Warty would be quite the power couple. I imagine she got sick of Bruce Willis pretty quickly…
Nah, she wanted to avoid a Woman of Steel, Man of Kleenex situation and after all, he’s unbreakable.
So…if the Daily Stoic doesn’t post, I guess we should just accept that.
(It’s a test, isn’t it?)
I’m kinda Zen about it.
::claps with one hand::
I’ve been gone all week, but submitted it last night.
Just checked and it says scheduled-missed schedule.
Hope I didn’t screw it up.
Tonio and Swiss point at each other.
Published now.
/Stops throwing things and postpones ranting.
“Nothing is noble if it’s done unwillingly or under compulsion. Every noble deed is voluntary.” – Seneca