People still have a sense of humor. I was in Florida at Universal Studios this year when I took this picture. A salesperson asked me if I wanted to buy one, and I said “Speaking as a Libertarian, this horrible act of cultural appropriation cannot stand!” I got a laugh and a free drink out of it.
Taking the newish Jeep Grand Cherokee L (Mega Jeep) to Colorado and New Mexico for family vacation. It’s been a road trip beast like the Durango (Mighty Canyonero), only it has slightly more room and comfort inside, and gets slightly less range (520 vs. 600 miles). Of all the various driving aids, the adaptive cruise control has been the nicest. It sets distance between cars and adjust speed so I don’t have to constantly fiddle with it. On the Mega Jeep’s inaugural drive from Texas to Florida, I just left the cruise on for half the day. Much more restful. Previously I’d only have a couple of hours on the entire trip to use cruise control.
While in Colorado, I am planning on documenting my train trip on the Durango narrow gauge railway. It seems to be an old white guy rite of passage to enjoy steam engines. Previously when in Colorado I took a narrow gauge railway ride to a closed gold mine and did gold panning. That was also fun, but only about an hour. This is five hours. Expect a Glib Car / Train crossover soon.
I am missing SP’s celebration of life due to scheduled events beyond my control. I hope everyone has a great time, and takes lots of pictures. Is anyone driving? What other road trips do you degenerates have planned this summer? What is your favorite road trip car?
Sadly, I too won’t be making the trip to NY. While I can still drive, a 30 mile trip and back wears me out. I’m pretty much restricted to staying close to home Still, I’m happy to go to Walmart, 30 miles, shop. Doesn’t take much to make a geezer happy and tired.
Mrs F says I have to clean up my plate like the Big Guy though, or else I have to stay home and take care of the bees.
My mom can’t travel anymore too. I go visit her in Shreveport now.
Me neither. I drove cross-country once this year, at considerable expense. And while I would love to do it for the reasons we all know (drink) time is money.
We’re driving to Seven Springs soon.
Not anything big for us. Fuel is too expensive. Switching to closer trips. Maybe one to the UP. Otherwise our normal travels.
I still owe you a pickup load of firewood.
I will be in Washington state during the festivities.
Enjoy your road trip. I fucking love them, but my wife is cooling on 18+ hour drives!
I thought my Volvo XC70 was the best road trip vehicle until I got the Tahoe. Then I realized that my 2018 F150 SuperCrew with the 6.5 foot box blows them all away.
Who the fuck would have guessed?
My brother is from Twisp, Washington. Love it up there.
Nice! Winthrop has the better brewery though.
Sorry to hear about your puppy, Tundra. That’s the reason I don’t have a dog or at least one of the reasons. Had only one in my adult life, everything living thing gets old and we have to say good bye to our pups and kitties, too.
You’re right about the F150s, too. My ’99 ended up in Fairbanks, AK and is still marching along, in spite of all the salt Walz dumped on MN highways.
Thanks Fourscore. It was a tough day. We are doing ok.
Happy to hear your awesome granddaughter is enjoying Alaska!
Sorry again, Tundra.
(commiserating, not congratulatory)
I got it.
Mrs. Tundra is having a tough time. Those two were thick as thieves.
10th generation FTW
Hey Tundra, when and where are you going to be in WA? That isn’t too far from me if you wanted to meet up.
7/30 -8/6. We’re hammering the 3 parks there, so I have no extra time.
I think I mentioned that by best friend is in Sisters. Next time I go see him, I’ll come and see you!
Got you, and sounds like a plan! Next spring is going to be my next road trip, down through CA to visit my brother and my two best friends.
This summer my road trips are to SP’s party and to the Honey harvest with a detour to Michigan’s upper pennensula on the way back.
I’ll probably be bankrupt by gas bills.
Have a good time for me! Next year I am planning some trips across the nation: Honey harvest and general Gilb visits. I really enjoyed meeting Trashy, DEG and Urthona the other day.
If you make it up New York way, let me know, and I might be able to meet you.
60 days to the 2022 HH.
“We’ll get together, then!”
I am planning on documenting my train trip on the Durango narrow gauge railway.
For an extra fee, you can ride up front, pull the various levers, blow the whistle, etc.
You should probably get in touch with Winston’s mom. She knows a thing or two about running a train.
Honestly I am just looking forward to weather less than 100 degrees. Train, under a tree, anything. Just less than 100 degrees.
And pulling with blowing.
I LOVED the Silverton-Durango train! It was my favorite part of our trip to SW CO/NW NM a few years ago. Pro tip: Get a seat in the enclosed car at the back, and take the train for the full round trip. (The bus ride back was cramped and boring, with a driver/”tour guide” who wouldn’t shut up.)
Travel plans so far: SP’s party next weekend, and tentatively, the MI UP at the end of August, in particular the Keweenaw Peninsula to catch some musical friends at gigs in Copper Harbor and, the next night, at the Orpheum Theater in Hancock (right next door to Houghton.) Would love to make it to HH, but don’t know if a third road trip is in the cards. (I guess I should ask NA about that…)
P.S. Both planned trips are car trips, the NY trip in my Subaru Impreza. Thus I’ll keep up my perfect record of not flying commercial since 1983.
You aren’t missing anything. Commercial airliner travel is degrading and awful. Car travel is great.
My dream vacation is a cross-country train trip, but I don’t if that’s ever going to happen.
(…don’t *know* if…)
If it were during a golden age of rail, in the time before Amtrak.
I heard the Alaskan train trips are really awesome. I hope to do that someday.
We did the Alaskan thing as part of a tour package. Fun, meet some interesting folks, even though they weren’t Glibs
Do tell us about your four decades of private air travel sometime. /envious
That would be exactly one trip up in my retired-airline-pilot BIL’s small plane for an air tour around Lake Chautauqua. 🛩
How did you become a non-flyer? Interesting article therein?
OnceMany times upon a time, I couldn’t afford to fly, so I ended up driving everywhere I traveled.The End
Seriously, I enjoyed flying the few times I did so. Just went through many years where it wasn’t financially feasible.
My next road trip (which unfortunately overlaps with SP’s CoL) is from Florida to New Orleans. We’ll be taking the Expedition. The Bosslady’s GLC gets better mileage, but it takes premium, while the Expo burns 87 octane.
I had hoped to make a trip in the GT4 to Nyack, NY to get some work done on it, but I got my 2021 federal tax bill from my prep firm this week, and between that and the market’s shitting the bed the last eight months, well… hot-rodding the Porsche is on the back burner for now.
Adaptive cruise control is DA BOMB. Especially useful in construction zones and heavy traffic,
When we took road trips with the kids the Suburban was ideal. Lots of room to spread out and no problem with luggage.
Nowadays it’s a toss-up between our Cherokee or the Grand Cherokee.
We had best intentions of making it to SP’s memorial but I have to face the reality of my recovery from surgery so we’ve bowed out. Still looking forward to the Honey Harvest, though.
I thought I was going to hate the radar cruise control in my new truck, but I can see one use for it: when driving on a two-lane highway where you can’t pass the people in front of you.
On a regular multi-lane highway, I find it really annoying. It will slow the vehicle down to follow someone when you should be passing, and then it follows so far behind that anyone coming up behind you can zoom around and slide into the space, making your car slow down suddenly to trail even further.
But I like it on a two-lane road.
On the road trip I took with my dad, the rental car had that, and we LOATHED it, regardless of the number of lanes in the road. The decisions it made were far from those we wanted, and to suddenly slow down when we were going to switch lanes in front of the not quite fast enough guy in the other lane and behind the slow guy in front of us was irritating, especially when it allowed the window of passing to close and we were instead stuck waiting for not quite fast enough guy to finish passing slow guy.
The one on our van has an adjustment for how close it follows and it also doesn’t slow down as much if you hit the turn signal.
It’s still not quite like going through traffic on regular cruise control, but I find it useful when I find somebody doing a reasonable speed.
I can’t tell what’s in that picture, so I don’t get the joke. Help?
Hard to see, but the packages under the top hat appear to be monocles (labeled “Mondelz” for some reason)
aha, thanks!
Yes. I was joking about the monocles. Since I was in Florida the young lady actually got the joke. I was pleased and had a great (in comparison to shitty shitty Disney food) meal and a nice old fashioned. I was impressed! I expected to be blown off as an old asshole.
We took a mini car trip up the coast, hoping to watch the SpaceX launch at Vandenberg. Jnfortunately the fog was too thick, but at ~4 miles away the sound was pretty impressive. it was fun just to get away a weekend, see a new area, then go to Solvang and Santa Barbara on the way back. It was nice.
Our big trip is Paris in September and taking the kid to college after that, but both by air.
I dislike adaptive cruise control. I want to know when I’m stuck behind some slow ass mother fucker in the left lane, not have my car let him set the pace.
I’m split between my Challenger and Silverado for road trips, each have their advantages, although the truck is usually more appropriate for the road conditions at my destinations.
I like the adaptive cc, but I hate the brake assist. It gets panicky at times.
Two lane roads is about all you get in OKLATX and to Florida. I like that Mopar lets you select adaptive or not should you hate adaptive cruise.
Brake assist is occasionally amazing, for things you don’t see, but extremely irritating for things you do see and have carefully timed to go behind. creeping backward, and then, suddenly, slam! no! you may not move!
or the other one that irks me is when I”m stopped in traffic and the car warns me that someone’s moved up on my rear bumper. Like, car, what do you expect me to do? I expect people behind me in traffic, thanks.
California to South Carolina for a final move in about two months. My F150 is stupid easy to road trip in.
The Mustang doesn’t do road trips. Racecar suspension + tires with a 315 tread width = 0 fun on the street.
The excess weight of the Challenger R/T makes it a great cruiser.
I always think my Mustang’s fat…and then I see a Challenger. Makes me look anorexic by comparison.
The Challenger is a fantastic coupe for road trips. I drove one to and from Florida many times. So nice. Smooth, and had power when you wanted it. A giant trunk for luggage too.
So I’ve heard. My Mustang is a dedicated track car. It’s a nightmare on the street but loads of fun on track (the twisty kind). I’ve got the truck for cruising haha.
Holy fuckballs, do I detect…sidebar controls?
Yay! Thanks WebDom!
I see buttons that don’t do anything when clicked.
You’re welcome. 😉
Trashy suggested I should post this again, I hope it’s OK with everybody.
Short version: Please donate at least $5 to the housing nonprofit my wife established so we can qualify for some grants from Gannett Corp. If you can do that today or over the weekend, it will count towards us possibly winning a bonus grant. The donation link is http://bit.ly/alliesonduff.
Ah, thanks for the reminder.
You had mentioned there was some ideal donation strategy – some minimal amount now, larger amounts later?
Yes, I would have posted more this time, but it wasn’t accepting it, so I shortened it.
Small amount ($5 or more) before 11 AM Monday (sooner might be better since apparently there is some lag in the donations registering).
Larger amount in the second week (11 AM July 25 to 11 AM August 1). We already have some larger donors (over $5000 worth) set up for the second week , but we are expecting stiff competition, so the more the better then.
Donated. Please post reminders and I’ll donate again next week.
Will do!
Good luck!
Thank you so much!
Sadly, I am also unable to make SP’s CoL.
I’ve no doubt it will be epic.
I’m having a tough time sorting this out. It seems it’s OK to abort a human- to-be living in a womb of a woman. How it got there isn’t much of a mystery, even for us non-biologists.
OTOH, overdosing on drugs/suicide/death by fentenal, all of which are voluntary, are to be prevented with all kinds of “Help” measures.
Call 988. Billions of tax dollars for prevention/intervention. A couple days ago 2 congressmen reached across the aisle and are sponsoring a bill that will supposedly will do something . DARE didn’t work, “Just say no” didn’t work. Seems that when there is a demand for a product there will be a supply.
It just seems bizarre, that lives can be saved by not aborting, yet we chase after every one that is willingly indulging in products that may be harmful and telling them to stop.
It doesn’t seem like they’re actually trying to stop overdoses. A lot of the rhetoric seems to revolve around giving them a safe place to do it, even (perhaps especially) if it results in a user dying. In fact, it seems like a lot of leftist policies are much more open about ending life. It’s getting a little frightening.
One is just an inconvenient clump of cells preventing the tax cattle from making money for the farmer. The other is the tax cattle threatening to be unproductive.
We cannot do the celebration, sadly. We have had too much drama that has pretty much drained us.
Oh no…
Our jaunt to South Dakota pretty much did us in.
Aw, sorry. Hope XY is OK. Breakups at that age are tough.
XY is here at home. He didn’t take into account how very alone he would be.
But as it happens, not an hour ago he crashed his bike, broke his glasses, and skinned up his shoulder pretty badly, so he’s now all bandaged up and watching TV in his family’s bosom.
That was fast.
It is tough being alone.
The Red Sox are losing a baseball game by a score of 27-4. Does MLB have a mercy rule?
My apathy towards the Sox this year is really paying off.
In years past, such a score would be upsetting. This year, I just don’t care.
You ruined my post: The Blue Jays missed their xp on their 4th touchdown.
3 TDs and 2 FGs?
Last weekend took the wife and kids up with the Toyota to a beautiful lake in the Sonora Pass area of the Sierras. Had a couple friends with their rigs come and join us to kayak, fish, and camp. It was about 3 miles of 4 wheeling, mostly pretty easy going if you went slow over the rocks but with a couple tricky spots where we had to get out and check the lines. I’m glad I removed my steps before the trip as my buddy scraped his up a bit on some rocks. Caught a few Brookies and the kids had a blast with the pellet rifle blasting cans and fishing while the wife enjoyed kayaking around the lake. It was high elevation, 9500 feet at the lake. Definitely somewhere we will go back to as it was just challenging enough to be fun, but nothing too hairy. We had a gorgeous camp spot up there.
Love it!
Normal brookies up high? (Small and beautiful?)
They looked like pretty normal Sierra brook trout. There is another lake up there about 1 more mile hike in at about 10000 feet elevation that has Golden trout, but we didn’t make the hike in. We will save that for the next time. That part of the Sierras is one of my favorites.
As a Boy Scout I started a backpack trip to Tuolemne Meadows at that lake. Going from sea level 9000 feet and schlepping a heavy pack is a lot of work, but it was an awesome trip.
Last weekend I climbed a peak a little north of there with my brother and nephew. It was nice to get out of the heat.
That is incredibly beautiful.
At a place in a Deep Ellum to meet some old high school friends and decided to drop by Three Links for some punk rock.
Every single song is about Trump and how much the lead singer hates him (still living rent free yada yada).
The final expletive ridden rant ends with this “Fuck Abbot… Fuck Trump… and all the people who support them. They can all die and go to hell.
Also, be good to each other and love each other I love you all so much. Good night”
I shit you not.
Much punk, so counterculture.
I think I already linked this, but never follow your heroes too long.
*Kif sigh*
Firsters are the only heroes, and we’ll never let you down. Everyday, I carry the greatest burden known to man for you…the Glibs.
ReadyNow4TheFuture @reeve_geary
Jul 12
Replying to @descendents
Milo goes to testify.
Okay, that was funny.
Yup. Things really suck and they’re still mad at the last guy.
That sounds like some of the Roger Waters shows I’ve attended.
I seen him do his Dark Side of the Moon tribute during Bush’s presidency. He had all his anti-war propaganda in the background, then released the pig with George Bush’s head.
A few years into the Obama presidency, same thing with the anti-war stuff, but still all images of Bush, including the pig.
The last time was during Trump’s presidency, and he really went over the top with the anti-Trump stuff, with Trump now as the pig. This last show was so over the top and sophomoric I decided to stop attending any more of his shows.
You’re learning.
You are amazing. And that’s a perfect song!
I’m a music freak, but how the hell do you know so much?
I’m married to a musician and have lots of musician friends. I will say, though, that on my own I explored a lot of outside-the-norm-for-my-peer-group genres of music at least since I was in junior high.
More deep blues.
I am one and have played at this club many times. Now I feel a tad old.
But I actually am so….
“Don’t fight the system!”
Fucking fascists, trying to be left alone! Don’t let them do it! Fight the (little) man!
The second band of fat lesbians in fishnets isn’t half bad.
Don’t know who they are.
I googled “fat lesbians in fishnets” but surprisingly it wasn’t that productive.
I know what Tres is doing this morning…
Good evening in San Diego downtown tonight. Got busy on Twitter- speaking of which.
“When I was in a helicopter, the majority of the passengers were Communists. #bonding_moment”
Dangit – I think the crowler might not be properly sealed – seems to be leaking at the bottom…Hopefully hangs on long enough to last till I’m ready for it tomorrow or Sun.
By the by, I had already posted the episode to Twitter AND given an @t to Critical Drinker. If you hadn’t seen that, it probably means I’m shadow banned and you should give me more money, FOR SCIENCE!
I’m driving to NY. Super Hyper Car Style. 2009 Malibu with almost 200,000 miles and dents from deer collisions. I know it’ll make everyone who sees me along the way jealous, but that’s how I roll.
Nice, I’ve got a 2012 Hyundai accent that decided to start rusting out, which is what I usually take on road trips.
The cruise control doesn’t work anymore (If you encounter a hill above about 5%, it just can’t handle it, no acceleration…) The only thing I’ve used besides that was another old busted car and trucks/vans when I used to travel for work. None of them were particularly relaxing ways to travel.
Daily Quordle 180
Daily Quordle 180
#waffle183 5/5
🔥 streak: 9
Tough one today.
Daily Quordle 180
Daily Quordle 180
My GTI is a great road trip car. Comfy seats. Great sound system. Adaptive cruise control. Dynamic chassis control means you can set the suspension for comfort vs. sport.
Mornin y’all.
I’ve considered a GTI or GLI as my next car. I’ll have to take one for a test drive.
2018 Autobahn – near perfect to me.
This is amazing. So grateful I don’t have to do this.
This is what I always think about when people complain of inequality. They’d be scratching in the dirt with everyone else without the systems we have.
Neat vid but it’s much better to watch primitivism on YouTube than to live it.
Yup. Doing anything takes FOREVER without machines.
And this guy had some nice tools, and even used a vacuum at one point…
Dude, all those videos I’ve seen with hot Vietnamese chicks building mini Taj Mahals in the jungle in twenty minutes say otherwise.
Exactly. I love seeing this stuff. It reminds me how lucky I am to live now. There’s a reason archeologists talk about wear on bones.
1d ago
WAIT, WHAT? You can find her liable, but can’t pay for my front end alignment from your neglect and willful disregard to fill in potholes?”
This guy gets it.
It’s a one way street, dude.
You have to read between the lines here.
Roll up those sleeves, you pin cushions.
I don’t even like sportsball, but 28-5 is link worthy.
Can’t we just nuke the rest of the planet and all their weird-ass diseases?
It’s pretty much a STD, and they’re talking about little kids…
They’re desperate for another health panic but I don’t think this one’s going to cut it.
Not sure who it helps to continually hide that it is primarily an STD.
It doesn’t help the people most at risk, certainly.
“May be seen”
Ah, that also means may not be seen. If the children aren’t having unprotected anal sex with men they’ll probably manage to avoid it.
Look, someone probably has a model.
I guess that depends on whether or not you’re sending them to elementary school.
My side arrows seem to be ornamental only. 😒
Huh. Mine work – I’m using Firefox on my laptop, plus Monocle/Eyepiece/whichever version of trashy’s magic add-on I added on lo these many years ago.
Mine work.
Desktop Safari+Eyepiece
iPAD OS Safari, up down do nothing. Previous article works.
Fire tablet. The article switching seems to work ok (didn’t check that before posting), but the up/down scrolling does nothing.
On topic: https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/L-L-Bean-s-13-foot-Bootmobile-is-making-17320500.php
Good morning, Sean, rhy, Stinky, Lack, Scruffy, Tulip, and any lurkers not sufficiently caffeinated and/or too hungover to comment!
Another lovely Tranq Base morning! Don’t know if I’ll be able to hang out out here until noon – gonna be a hot ‘un. And I have my HS reunion to attend tonight. Ridiculous as it is, I’m a little nervous – my closest friends live far out of state and aren’t attending and I’m not making TT go, so it’s as if I’m back in the cafeteria during my lunch period – “who am I going to eat with?” 🙄 Happily, if it turns out to suck, I can go just outside the hotel venue and catch some great live music in the plaza right next door! 🎶🎸🎹🥁🎙😁
Morning! I am hitting the road to Amarillo first in about an hour. Then on to New Mexico.
Good morning, R.J.! Thanks for the post! We do all love to talk about our wheels and our travels!
Have a wonderful trip! (Keep in mind the Silverton-Durango tips I posted up a ways!)
Amarillo by morning?
Ill call-off work tonight to be your +1 if ya want
Yeah, but it’s free for me, and if you go it’ll cost 20 bucks, same as…. well, it IS downtown.
…and good morning, homey!
Enjoy, GT. Did not attend my
5051 year reunion, but ISTR being disappointed with my classmates who are still clinging to their sixties fantasies. Hope you have a better time.suh’ fam
whats goody yo
Mornin’, reprobates.
Good morning, ‘patzie!