IFLA The “The Day After” Edition of the horoscope for the Week of July 31

by | Jul 31, 2022 | IFLA | 53 comments

The burrs have ripened.


This week has a lot of stuff going on, but most of it is pretty common-sense.  Mercury-Sun-Mars = news about war.  No shit?  I don’t know what the astrological sin for monkeypox is, but I’ll bet these some coordination with that and Mercury too.  Then there’s a clear sign of a plumbing problem with Saturn retrograde, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how that’s sky-worthy.  Unless maybe Prince Willie slips in a puddle from a leaking pipe and cracks his skull or something.  One thing that is interesting and a bit esoteric is that the Earth-Moon system is moving such that the moon starts off the week opposite of Saturn retrograde and then on Thursday passes opposite Jupiter Retrograde.  This… actually leads a bit of support to the whole “for the want of teflon tape a kingdom was lost” bit earlier, since Jupiter retrograde not only indicates misrule and abuse of power, but the fall of governments.  In modern readings, it’s been linked to the cancellation of comedy shows, though I tend to discount most astrological discoveries made after 1780.

It’s good to be the king (of beasts) as Leo gets its due.  It’s got the classic power pair of the Sun and Mercury, as one would hope.  The other visitations are so normal as to be stereotypical — you’ve got womanly goodness (the moon in Virgo and Venus in Cancer) though those last two are also a warning against overexposing yourself.  You’ve got belligerents (Mars in Taurus) and “just following orders” bureaucrats (Jupiter retrograde in Aries).


Best friends have common interests


Leo:  Blank card – Total freedom.  Or possibly the deck is defective.

Virgo:  8 of Coins – Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business.

Libra:  The Emperor – Stability, power, protection, realization, reason, authority.

Scorpio: 2 of Cups reversed – A spat between friends.

Sagittarius:  The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects.

Capricorn:  The Tower – Sorry about that.

Aquarius:  9 of Coins – Living your best possible life.

Pisces:  King of Wands – Honesty in general, also an a man who is active.

Aries:  5 of Swords –  Getting your butt kicked and your lunch money taken, but analogized to actual life.

Taurus:  The Wheel of Fortune – Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity.

Gemini:  The World reversed – Australia.

Cancer:  The Fool – you really should have put on sunscreen.


Friends can disagree about how great swimming is


About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Yusef, the Gandalf of disc golf

    Virgo: 8 of Coins – Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business.

    I like the sound of that

  2. Sean

    “The Fool – you really should have put on sunscreen.”


  3. Don escaped Texas

    Sagittarius: The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects

    It’s only a month! – Steve Bannon

    • Don escaped Texas

      Gemini: The World reversed – Australia

      Everyone’s loving the LIV, right? **tap tap** is this thing on? – Greg Norman

  4. TARDis

    From Dedthread:

    Count Potato on July 31, 2022 at 10:43 am

    Huh, I hadn’t heard about that one. Link?

    Rosanne Boyland.

    • R C Dean

      And, when others tried to rescue her and render first aid, they were beaten and driven off.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Or arrested for attack an officer

  5. R C Dean

    “Leo: Blank card – Total freedom.”

    Woo-hoo! *drops trou*

    • Zwak doesn't know what to ignite and what to extinguish

      Right there with you, big guy!

      “Aquarius: 9 of Coins – Living your best possible life.”

    • R.J.

      Boy I wish. Post vacation shopping and grill cleanup here.

  6. Sean

    Steaks are on the grill. 😁

    • PieInTheSky

      is the wine decanted?

    • Ted S.

      I hope you didn’t put the gun on the grill too.

  7. PieInTheSky

    Cancer: The Fool – you really should have put on sunscreen.

    sunscreen is for pussies

    • R C Dean

      Easy for a creature of the night to say.

  8. Gustave Lytton

    From the dead thread, I was painting the garage this morning before it turns into the cooler:

    Oglala Sioux Tribe Rescinds Ordinance Suspending Churches and Missions. But apparently non-native religious groups will still have to register. Looks like someone has forgotten that 1A applies on the reservation.

    I don’t believe it does. The tribal organizations are largely not subject to the bill of rights or other constitutional protections except as explicitly stated in federal law, otherwise those racist pseudo governments would be 14th amendmented into the ground where they belong.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: The Star – Loss, theft, privation, abandonment, hope and bright prospects.

    *adds soft rope and duct tape to shopping list*

    • Fourscore

      Aaaww, Man…. Too many Black Arm Band Days lately

    • Drake

      88 pretty good for a guy his size. He was legend in Boston. Also a great track star in college.

  10. hayeksplosives

    Aries: 5 of Swords – Getting your butt kicked and your lunch money taken, but analogized to actual life.

    Bullshit. I’m not taking any of that. I am ascendant and will have a fantastic week as I open my wings unto my new job opportunities.

    • Sean

      Retard on CBS news this morning was saying how important it is right now to get school kids pricked. “They wont have full immunity until after four weeks.”. Full immunity.


      • Drake

        Kids are already immune.

  11. Not Adahn

    Back from lodly punching holes in cardboard. It was fun.

    So was yesterday, though quieter. End of July and no AC? No problem! Great meeting everyone. The only people that didn’t fit my mental picture were Warty and Playa.

    SF looks exactly like someone who has human body parts in the freezer.

    • Sean

      “SF looks exactly like someone who has human body parts in the freezer.”

      I knew it!

    • DEG

      The only people that didn’t fit my mental picture were Warty


      • Not Adahn

        That’s not entirely true. I didn’t expect CPRM to look like he did.

      • DEG

        I had seem him on Zoom, so I knew what he looked like.

  12. DEG

    Total freedom. Or possibly the deck is defective.

    This could be sufficiently shitty. Or possibly not.

  13. Not Adahn

    This is the first time Lily’s blown her adult coat. It’s impressive, in one of those “you can make an entire ‘nother dog out of the shed fur” kind of way. The burrs are somewhat acting like paper clips, keeping the fur in big clumps.

    • Mojeaux

      I always wonder why yarn makers don’t try to use dog fur to make yarn with. Maybe it makes scratchy yarn, I don’t know.

      • Not Adahn

        At Half Price Books in Austin, there was a book called Knitting With Dog Hair. I kick myself for not buying it.

        When Lily’s in her winter coat, I’m a little surprised that dogs weren’t bred for fur.

      • kinnath

        My wife knows someone that has spun the undercoat from shelties to make yarn. It takes a long time to collect enough hair from dogs to make it worthwhile.

      • kinnath

        You want long hair to spin. It needs to be coarse enough to stick to itself when it is twisted together (which is what spinning does) and still soft enough to be comfortable to wear. Dog hair is generally not very good for this.

  14. Mojeaux

    sin for monkeypox

    Well, I mean …

    Taurus: The Wheel of Fortune – Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity.

    I sure as hell hope so.

    • rhywun


    • R.J.

      Overall I like it. The purple granite/ whatever flooring is the only really difficult choice to live with. The exterior gives off a nice “Despicable Me” vibe.

      • Sean

        You’re ok with the bedroom shower and the tub in the window?

        *scribbles notes*

        Yes on the exterior.

      • rhywun

        The exterior is great on one or two sides and really puzzling on a couple of the others.

      • one true athena

        The completely freestanding shower in the middle of the giant bedroom. yeah, that’s a yikes. I’ve been in some hotel showers that don’t keep any steam in and it’s so cold the instant you step out of the water.

        The wood fake fireplace was bizzare. as was the lack of cabinet doors in the kitchen. It looks super classy to have your cleaning supplies under the sink just sitting there. And there doesn’t appear to be any other storage – like they ripped all the closets out to make all the rooms as big and featureless as possible.

        But good find for a NOPE house! 🙂

      • TARDis

        The outside is cool. The inside private spaces are stupid. If I’m not waking up to a supermodel showering while I’m in bed….

        Sloped bonus room ceiling = FAIL.

    • Zwak doesn't know what to ignite and what to extinguish

      I knew more than a few goths back 30-odd years ago who would have loved every bit of that house, with the exception of the fireplaces.

      • R.J.

        I think that is my attraction as well. Some of it is remodeling I would have done anyway. Agree that the shower in the middle of the bedroom needs to be moved to a better location. That center of bedroom location is reserved for the stretching rack and electric hot tongs.

    • Mojeaux

      Dafuq did I just see?

    • The Hyperbole

      Only problem I got is the amoeba shaped mirror.