It’s a movie with subtitles and a Spanish poster. It doesn’t get classier than this, folks. Put on the gilded monocle for this one.
There are good weeks, and there are bad weeks. The past two and a half weeks have been quite challenging. Wife has had nearly non-stop COVID. She tried Paxlovid when she first got COVID, all that did was delay the onset of symptoms and drag out the infection, endlessly. I have been sleeping on a couch for nearly a month. It’s giving me homeless flashbacks and crazy dreams. I am hoping she is finally done with COVID in a couple more days.
This week is a subtitled movie, Punch the Clock. It’s about a giant anus who uses a time machine to enslave his office staff. And it looks good! If you try to find this online you’ll find: Another movie with this name, and an Elvis Costello album. Your chances of finding information this movie are pretty slim. I watched the first half of this film to verify it was worth posting – I will be watching the second half with you all.
Once again we are looking at a combination writer and director, which makes this a singular vision. These are my favorite kinds of films. The man behind this is Santiago Dellape (which LibreOffice tried to correct as “Dollop Ape.” Insulting!). He has directed mostly short subjects and this movie. So this is his big step out! He is a veritable whippersnapper at the age of 44, so I hope to see more from him in the future.
I liked this film because the acting, cinematography and art style were just perfect. It blended together is a way you only get to see in movies where one person owns it all. By the 15 minute mark I was drawn in, waiting to see what happened next. I Early on I didn’t feel like there were any protagonists in this – the boss was an ass, and the staff were equally lazy asses. When he reproduced them and locked them on a vault to slave away, it was hard for me to feel sympathy for them. Damn! I have to stop giving away plot points. Normally I tell you nothing about the film but due to the above mentioned issues the past few weeks, my abilities to write have been compromised.
I am just going to be quiet now and let you watch with me. We will see what happens together! Exciting!
Next week I shall cleanse the art house taste from your palate with a Glib Flick After Dark film – BigFoot or Bust! I haven’t even started it – I chose it just on the basis of the trailer. It will be the kind of sleazy, exploitative thing you all seem to like! Also the countdown will begin for the one year anniversary of this Thursday movie night series after BigFoot or Bust – 5 films to go!
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My novella, Love In The Time Of The First, is almost complete.
Well done.
I’ll wait for the book on tape.
Very nice.
I apologize RJ for going OT so soon, but bringing discussion from last thread, what Hobbit’s grandson should do is:
Fund emergency savings to $1000.
Fund Roth IRA to limit.
Increase savings to 3-6 months expenses.
Then fund other investments
Other investments should be things like I bonds ($10k limit) and muni bonds and index funds. Stocks and bonds, heavy on stocks for now.
He should look for high interest savings accounts like Smarty pig and others for his emergency fund.
He should fund the Roth IRA first, because he will never get that time back. If it takes A year to fund the emergency fund, he’s lost A year of compounding interest he can never get back.
Meh. Low interest in art house films. Might as well go open post.
I am sorry. I just wanted to complete the discussion. This is one I will actually watch. So thank you RJ.
I love art house movies, so I am down. As soon as I cook dinner.
AKA things I wish young Tulip had done.
I did nothing either. I worked random jibs, slept on couches and saved nothing. Only the past twenty years or so did I start to care.
But, I learned a lot about life, as well as gained a lot of both life skills and technical skills. I can’t say it’s a path I would want to purposely go down again, but I am happy with where it lead me to.
I think I started kicking into my 401K in my early 30’s.
I was going to wait a bit to go off topic and ask a question about this very thing. But since the ice has been broken.
Say that, theoretically, one was maximizing employer matched 401k contributions and additionally maxing out 403b contributions. Is there any restrictions on opening/contributing to a Roth IRA, beyond the normal limits and income thresholds? I think it’s more advantageous tax wise than a standard brokerage account but maybe there are downsides I’m not thinking of.
Yes, high income. I can’t have a ROTH IRA. You used to be able to back door, but the recent legislation changed that. Luckily, I have a ROTH 403b.
Copy. But there’s no limitation like ‘can only contribute up to “absolute amount” or x% of income across all retirement accounts’. I haven’t seen anything like that; just ineligible if income > $144000 (not sure if agi?) and up to $6000/year ($7000 over 50).
Yes, there is a cap. https://www.investopedia.com/retirement/now-you-can-save-more-retirement/
Which legislation?
AFAIK, you can still do in-plan ROTH conversions with a lot of retirement plans (like mine) – I contribute post-tax money every paycheck to my 401k and it automatically gets rolled into a ROTH. I would otherwise not be eligible for a ROTH
I wish someone would have told me this when I was his age, Tulip.
I have done fine, but I look back and think about what might have been. Which is why we hammer our kids so hard about this stuff.
Exactly. I’m in great shape, but… What could have been….
On the other hand, I had fun, explored who I was, what I wanted, and I’m fine. So, go explore!
Same. I just feel like I need to make my kids wealthy!
I was lucky to have a dad who turned Dave Ramsey on during dinner. Im a prodigal son in many ways, but I never have dipped into that 401k/IRA from when I was 19. Assuming it grows as expected, I’ll be able to retire on it alone, completely ignoring all the additional contributions we’ve made since then.
I pitched it like this to my SIL when she started getting a real paycheck – “max it out now, you’ve never had the ‘extra’ money so you’ll never miss it”.
I first heard how to be a millionaire or live broke from my Algebra II teacher in high school. At least that’s how he phrased it. He then spent the remainder of the class teaching how compound interest works against you with credit cards and how it works for you in investing. Never forgot that lesson and have followed it ever since. Easily the single most important lesson I was ever taught in school, and that was a public school at that. That guy was better at explaining investments than our economics teacher.
I’m not convinced on Roth over traditional. Seems to me the Roth fans are banking on the government keeping their word. Which seems foolish to me. I prefer tax advantaged now to fingers crossed hope they really won’t fuck me later
If you want to see gun ownership expand….
I think I wrote a paragraph or two on this during my GlibFin series.
Biggest misconception is that it’s an apples to apples comparison. It isn’t. Roth is taxed at your current MARGINAL rate. Tradition is taxed at your future NET rate.
Roth makes more sense when you’re 19 and making diddly shit. Traditional makes more sense when you’re in your prime income earning years.
Exactly right. I think most people skip right past that analysis.
I basically did this backwards in terms of when I contributed. But…
Roth also lets you contribute ‘more’ (the limits are the same, but it is after tax amounts in the Roth, so you are contirbuting more $$$!) also, no one knows the future tax rates.
If you only have traditional retirement account, I would strongly suggest going Roth for your IRA, just for the benefit of tax diversification- that way future tax increases will not harm you as much.(do you really think they’ll stay as low as they are today? With our current debt and how many socialists there are?)
[blockquote]Seems to me the Roth fans are banking on the government keeping their word. [/blockquote]
Hate this argument so much. ‘what if the government confiscates your pension? thats why you need to save in an IRA!’ lol, what if they confiscate all my shit? I should just spend every penny now. Really, what if they make you pay the back taxes on the ‘deferred’ taxes? Any future planning requires that you believe the government won’t steal (more) from you.
My future planning assumes that any given savings vehicle will evaporate due to malfeasance or mishap. “Working forever” cannot be ruled out given the malice being enacted. The fact that I fully expect all that money to be stolen by the time I need it doesn’t stop me from saving just in case it isn’t.
I don’t want to scare the kid away.
He’s already socking away money in his savings account and I’m just trying to nudge him toward a long-term investment. Get his toes wet, if you will.
Your list is absolutely a route toward financial success. At this point if I can get him to drop $1k into some sort of investment then I will declare a win.
Again, thank you to all for your insights.
You’re an excellent Gramps.
Then just get him to do a ROTH.
Best thing my folks did for me, and this was… 1994? Whatever the spreadsheet app was back then (Lotus 123?), my dad did the “put away max IRA from 18-28 at 7% ARR and quit, start putting away the max at 30 forever… guess which one has more at any given point? Sure, now that I understand how compound interest works, I see what he did there (70/ARR == number of years to double), once you have doubled the max, contributing the max can’t catch you. But… My longest lived investment started in 2006, and as of 2022, today, after -20% YTD, has an ARR over 15.5 years of 6.8%. That’s a full crash and at least a chunk of a second crash. Even in the down time, put the money away young.
They then passed the max (or whatever I made) from 16-28 to an IRA. I think they switched to Roth at some point. Anyhow, that’s what I plan to do for my kids.
I might advise Hobbit’s grandson to not be in a hurry to get married (if he is not already).
Marriage is great when it is good – and it was very good in the beginning. But if you have any doubts, as I did, maybe wait it out – as I should have. Marriage is very, VERY bad when it is bad.
/that story about free milk and a cow is just a story.
/ultimatums are not a good thing
/she said no huggy, no kissy ’til you give me a ring
/my honey, my baby
Late to the game
Personal Best
Daily Quordle 171
Been on zoom orientation for kids university all day today, so I’ll take advantage of your quordle drop!
Daily Quordle 171
I can report zooming all day still sucks.
Especially when your boss laughingly expects you to get real work done… somewhere.
This film may just win the least popular film award this year. It will yank it away from the Santo movie.
I was hoping based off your description that the boss would be a literal anthropomorphic (?) anus.
Sorry. Next week I will return to form with T&A movies and Sasquatch. I shall play to my audience.
I actually did think it was a disembodied anus.
My daughter will be amused at the misinterpretation of her slang.
Yes. This is pronounced Emperor Poopy Anus.
Might as well go there tonight.
Sorry, RJ. I discovered I was out of TP right about when you introduced it, and since I’m having trouble with my truck, decided to take a walk to my local grocers. Talk about some things you don’t want to wake up to.
It’s amazing. The whole evening is about anuses, poop, and tp. Like some kind of immature group think! I love it.
I’ve been caring for the covid-sick wife (she’s, uh, not a stoic) and just getting a break now. I really, really want to get some reading in, so no time to watch this tonight but otherwise it sounds like something I’d enjoy.
I appreciate the slightly more highbrow offering.
Hope she feels better ASAP – for your sake as well as hers. 😉
Thanks! She’s on the mend. Another couple of days, I suspect.
I’ll give the boss props for his anti-commie attitude
What makes this “art house”? I think it’s actually pretty good.
Tulip wants to watch it.
I think things are about to get very confusing
Haha. It’s only slave labor if it persists for 48 hours or more
I was wondering where you were today MikeS. Then I realized you were busy celebrating Bastille Day.
I watched Death of Stalin last night. for some reason my internet was really slow. All the buffering and hanging were distracting. I’ll have to watch it again. Hopefully things will play more smoothly tonight.
I don’t like reading my movies, but I’ll give this a shot.
Holy shit. They just played a commercial where kid with anxiety claims his anxiety became worse after vaping. No proof of any kind cited, just some kid claiming vaping made his mental disorder worse.
It’s totally unrelated to school closures and mask wearing. Pinkie swear.
The modern temperance movement.
Just as full of shit as the last one.
So, I finally watch one of these and I’m the only one doing so? 😥
I shall watch it with you.
I am at the 60 minute mark, the basement dwellers are going crazy.
I’m 7 mins behind you. Cops are checking out the basement
The rat video spy should be used by Sugarfree for something.
I am at work and I can’t find my monocle.
For shame!
Home now. Left you something upthread.
Oh, I saw it. And promptly ignored it.
You bastard.
I was doing work and watching Charlie’s Angels. Sorry 😛
“Good morning, angels!”
Not your jam, but, damn, was Cheryl Ladd a smokeshow.
She was indeed, but Kate Jackson has…something. Her voice for one thing.
No argument from me – she was.
I didn’t know Farrah Fawcett was only in S01. I’ve seen a bunch of these now but I always miss it when they cycle back through S01.
/In chorus: “Good morning, slumbrew!”
I’ll jump OT just this once. This was one hellacious morning. After consuming many beers last night and gabbling with Friend Yusef far too late into the evening, I needed to visit the functionaries once more. I was up at the crack of dawn, had my tea, shat, shat again, showered, shaved and shat again. About five minutes before I left the house the vomiting occurred. I get down to the office and it’s still closed (because why not?) and when they open the doors I have to don a mask and sanitize my hands (because why wouldn’t you?) The nice lady at the front door asked me if I had made an appointment. No, on-line appointments are only for passports. Waved through. Front desk person asks if I had an appointment. “It’s going to be a bit of a wait.” she says. This I am aware of. I bury my nose in my phone for an hour and a half but not before noting that this place is cathedral-like. 40 foot ceilings and just the front area must be 10 000 square feet. There seem to be three people working who may as well be shuffling about in monk’s robes. You could hear a pin drop. People come and go, most of them sent away to a different agency. The ones that pass muster join me in our hard plastic chair misery. Every half hour or so one of us is released from limbo to be judged. My turn comes. I am elated! I totter over to desk #4! It’s happening! “We’re having a problem with the system, Sir. I’m sorry but this may take some time.” Festus mentally shoves a shotgun against his forehead and whispers an apology. All that being said, it only took another hour of tippy-tapping to make things right and I even made it home before I shat myself.
I think you are ready to star in Mission Impossible.
Dun.. dun… dun dun…
Shat… shat.. shit shat…
I thought that I had endured everything with a hangover. I was wrong.
Uuuhmmmm, Festus, I think…I think…you might be full of shit. That is a lot of spewing in one day.
Congrats on getting thing “right”.
/suggests Festus eats a salad.
I didn’t mean to step on RJ’s fine work here but it was just too “Brazil” to let pass and believe me, everything passed on Thursday. They still have arrows on the goddamned floor of that crypt and you WILL be directed.
+1 form 27B/6*
* The reference to form 27B/6, without which no work can be done by repairmen of the Department of Public Works, is a reference to George Orwell, who lived at Canonbury Square Apartment 27B, Floor 6, while writing parts of 1984.
Lovely Georgian neighborhood; look it up (N1?).
‘Ere, guvnor: https://hidden-london.com/gazetteer/canonbury/
Colon blow. Start your day right.
I miss Phil Hartman.
I’ll see your Colon Blow and raise you colonoscopy prep (which I’m doing tonight, BTW).
Aw crap, I forgot I have that coming up in a couple of weeks.
God I hate that. I’d rather watch “Terror at Bloodfart Lake” for 24 hours straight than do another colonoscopy.
heh heh heh! You said crap!
What you did. I noted it.
August :-/
And crap again. And again.
“I even made it home before I shat myself.”
It is the small victories that count.
I’ve watched a few arthouse films in my day. Pedro Almodovar is a favorite director (Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down!). I saw Strictly Ballroom when it first came to our shores, and that was in an art house. I preached the gospel of that movie so much, took everybody I knew and some I didn’t. I saw it MANY times in the art house. I told my parents, “Look, just sit through the first 10 minutes. I promise you’ll like it.” They really did almost leave during the first 10 minutes, but held on and they were glad they did. THEN it went to the mainstream theaters and I saw it a bunch more times.
As per usual, I am working this evening, so I will forget about this movie by the time I can watch it Sunday or whenever.
Also, it is not, in fact, a disembodied anus. I am disappoint.
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
Does that count as art house?
I don’t see why it wouldn’t.
Of course, I never went to an art house. I rarely went anywhere, because . . . kids.
So it was either late night cable or VHS rental.
Either way, it was a great movie.
Glad you liked it!
I’ve been hanging out with my daughter too much. She calls jerks huge anuses.
Isn’t your daughter 10? Should I call CPS?
For whatever reason I read that as “anus jerky.”
It’s got to be a delicacy somewhere.
Scruffy Trivia: I know the guy whom the antagonist in Strictly Ballroom was based on, and I took a couple of flamenco lessons from the guy who played the mentor.
I, um, may or may not have based one of my hero characters on that guy. I found him extraordinarily hawt.
Also, I am jelly you have had flamenco lessons.
I don’t want to ruin it for you, but Antonio Vargas is all of five foot nuthin’.
But he’s like a one man rhythm section on the floor.
Oh, I knew that. That’s the nice thing about fiction. I can make him as tall as I want.
The peroxide blonde antagonist was based on this guy.
His stepdaughter (second from left) was my coach aka “Nazi Barbie” from her stint on So You Think You Can Dance.
“What do I want? I’ll TELL you what I want! I want Ken Rawlings to walk in here and say ‘Pam Short broke both her legs and I wanna dance with you!'”
“That was unexpected.”
Hunt this classic up some time.
Added to the list.
A good midway between the two camps would be Delicateson. French, but wonderfully weird.
I saw Disembodied Anus when they opened for Metallica.
Psst. That was Metallica.
I remember really liking La ley del deseo but it was ages and ages ago.
Gonna have to serve somebody
Meh. Dylan did it betta.
That’s the great part about America. You get to be wrong about Dylan doing anything betta.
Also better than Dylan
Also better than Dylan
I think I dislike or hate everyone in this movie. Well, not Nicky. Carol is cute as a button, but she’s a dirty commie.
Yes! I felt the same way! Not a redeeming one in the lot of them! We
My bruised my Firsting hand today. I’ve also been having pregnancy cravings for charley’s cheesesteaks.
Not a good day.
You are supposed to use your hand to prevent pregnancies.
You’ll notice there isn’t a Mrs. First.
I wonder. Are firsters unitary?
I have spoken on the mating rituals of Firsters on previous occasions. It is a rather complicated process, but when two Firsters meet they engage in a complex competitive mating dance. The one who cannot master their own desire is the loser. Firsters do not cohabitate. Such a thing would be unnatural. The world could sooner have two suns in the sky than two Firsters occupying the same domain.
Where picked the zucchini this am, I broke it. So, zucchini for dinner. I had zucchini fritters and shrimp. Delicious!
I love fried/grilled zucchini. 20 year old me is flabbergasted.
Apparently it broke you brain 🙂
“your”, even lol
Yep. I have ONE plant. I’m overwhelmed.
Bubba Gump: Aie lahk zucchini:
Zucchini noodles (zoodles) with shrimp scampi
Zucchini bread
Grilled zucchini with garlic, salt, and pepper
Zucchini lasagna
Breaded zucchini fried in bacon grease is Manna.
Was the ending “artsy” or just that they couldn’t come up with a good way to wrap it all up?
The latter. It’s why I have never played ‘Big Man Japan.’ That was another stunning film, more so than this even, but the ending was an absolute shit show.
I was afraid that would happen. I have ruled out movies before for crap endings. Ah well. Boobies and Bigfoot next week.
The ending aside, I really liked this movie. Even though every character was an asshole in there own way, most of them also had some endearing quality, no matter how fleeting.
Don’t be hard on your choice tonight. A popular OT as well as seemingly many of your usual viewers not being here made for an off night.
Hey, I still made 100 comments by 9:30 CST. That means no beating tonight!! Yay!
Speaking of movies, I had a random recollection about what a weird movie Parents was. And TIL it was directed by Bob Balaban, of all people.
From Tonio’s nut punch lynx:
“the right to decide if we want to be pregnant based solely on our own needs”
I seem to know one surefire, 100% effective way of avoiding pregnancy…
So, back to the movie….
I thought it was a well made, fun movie with an interesting plot. I don’t know what the fuck an “arthouse” movie is, and to the best of my knowledge I’m not a fan of “highbrow” anything*. Yet I thought it was a good movie, in spite of having to read subtitles the whole time.
*I love Hitchcock. I think some may consider some of them “highbrow” but I also love Mel Brooks every bit as much as Hitch’, so…🤷🏻♂️
Nah, Hitch ain’t highbrow.
He is one of my favorites, though.
Thank god.
In all seriousness, highbrow types do latch onto Hitch and try to “claim” him.* I mean, the stuff he did with camera angles, long takes without dialog, the single-shot feel of Rope, etc.
*I don’t know…maybe I’m confusing “acknowledged genius” with “highbrow”.
Maybe I meant more “midbrow” than highbrow. “Not T&A”. Nothing against T&A, mind you…
High-brow for the masses, maybe?
Gawd I love Rope. And many others.
Of course you would love Rope. 🧐
To clarify, my intention isn’t to argue the labels or to call anyone out for anything. I’m just trying to say that others reading this shouldn’t worry about those labels, applied fairly or not, and should just give the flick a chance. It was fun, that’s all that matters.
I use ‘art house’ as a general term for any film, usually with subtitles, that plays on a smaller circuit such as independent films houses.
Dangit. Cat is blocking me from typing. I may be forced to stop commenting and pet the cat.
Ah. Thank you for the explanation. I’ve heard the term before but really never tried/cared to understand what it meant.
Now, go pet your pussy and have a good night. Thanks for the fun flick. Hopefully you’ll feel compelled to do more in this vein.
A new version of thunderstruck
why not?
Even though I shun all covers of AC/DC as a rule (probably Joan Jett’s fault), it is cool to see so many different style covers of Thunderstruck.
The one by the washing machine guy is classic.
Hello Mrs. Chafed.
I made it to the end, unlike the one with the Messikin wrasslers and that crappy opera shitshow.
Carol was, as noted, cute as a button. I rate it a “like”. The temporal mechanics were a little sketchy, but what the hey.
What did you think of the end? For a bit there, I thought the loop with the boss shooting himself was going to change based on rounds in the gun. It seemed like the click on an empty chamber meant something until it didn’t. And then it turned into a graphic novel. But I still liked the movie.
I mean, I’ve seen movies with much higher budgets fuck up the ending. Hell, I think Blazzing Saddles and Monty Python and the Holy Grail both have terrible endings. Doesn’t mean they aren’t great movies.
That is a good point. Maybe I should show ‘Big Man Japan.’ I also ruled out ‘The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie’ for the same reason.
And, it had great satire on both bloated socialist-style governments as well as corrupt politicians. Very libertarian. 🧐
A quick comment on the investment/savings stuff. I look at my niece and nephews, and the stuff they do, and I can’t help wondering if any of them have a nickel in the bank.
Narrator: No, they don’t.
I was a complete fuckup into my thirties. Sometimes it happens.
(In before “you’re still a complete fuckup in your fifties”)
Don’t be so hard n yourself, rhywun. You’re not a complete fuckup.
What did you think of the end? For a bit there, I thought the loop with the boss shooting himself was going to change based on rounds in the gun. It seemed like the click on an empty chamber meant something until it didn’t. And then it turned into a graphic novel. But I still liked the movie.
I think when you get in a loop like that you’re just stuck. Maybe a third party can break it, but I don’t know.
Yeah, basically the ending was, “Oh, shit, we’re outta film. Wrap it up, people.”
I liked Big Man Japan. It was an interesting way to look at things. I don’t remember the ending, specifically. I have this tendency to start watching something late, and nod off.
Is it just me, or did anyone else’s browser cut off the subtitles?
I noticed that the default view shows most of the video but cuts of the top and/or bottom. When I clicked on fullscreen it fixed that. Not sure if that’s what’s happening with yours?
I watch them via my roku, on the teevee.
Uvalde: false flag or garden variety cowardice?
I have to go with cowardice because I just can’t make myself believe that dozens of local cops would be in on a horror like this.
In 2018 teo teens were arrested for planning a shooting in 2022. The authorities were quick to announce the two events are unrelated.
I had something come up tonight, I will submit the daily stoic first thing in the morning
Just learned that my separation bonus won’t be held against my benefits. Thanks a lot smelly federal drone, thanks a bunch. She could have let me know weeks ago and yet left it for me to delve deep into the shit storm. If I fucked up they would penalize me no matter what. Now I know what abused puppies feel like. The loss of trust is irretrievable (not that I trusted them at all). Cuntes. At least I’m a few grand to the good.
You don’t sound very grateful for the hard work of your public servants.
Dude, it wasn’t quite like the railway siding at Bergen-Belsen but it sure felt that way.
Work will set you free?
Oh yeah, Judi made it through that wilderness canoeing adventure! Now someone will come home and kick my arse when I deserve it. I need it.
Unmasked parents with their kids masked at the airport is so dumb.
You should run over the parents with your sled and adopt the younglings.
Call yourself “Sandinista Clause”!
Maybe it is part of “seen but not heard”?
I don’t want shitty parents stuck in my sled’s tunnel.
My lifted Duramax would be better.
I still see people driving alone with masks. Most of them are college-aged.
Outside walking around too.
Oh yeah, that too. Meth heads masking. You can’t make this shit up.
I wonder how OMWC and WebDoms children are doing? They seem like a mighty woke but snarky bunch.
I seem to have gotten a seat in the screaming baby section of the plane.
I’m right there with ya. I started writing a joke that was even too much for me.
And that is saying A LOT!
Feeling any better, F?
Somewhat. How are you?
I faceplanted yesterday while carrying my meal. Dog was well fed, at least. Nobody is going to help me medically. It’s sort of bleak to be honest. Ah well, I’ve had my shits and giggles.
PS. Any non-US countries you can travel to?
Sleepy. Nigh-teeee niiight, rab-bit/s.
I saw an ad for a powdered Pedialyte type of water-bottle additive; dunno how often you get hangovers.
Not to worry. I’m an old, scarred warrior. Thursday was bad Chinese food and lack of sleep. I’m fucking Ned Stark!
Life goes on.
Good, the current practice of trying to purge the memories by tearing down the building it happened in is wasteful nonsense.
No dog pics. 😒
Clearly they’re fake astrologers then.
I hope this horoscope stuff isn’t blowing smoke up my ass because I’ve got a good one today. These things are legit, right?
Good morning, Stinky, U, and Sean!
Only biggish thing on the work agenda is sitting down with the boss to go over the mid-year incentives that go into payroll on Monday. Need to clarify what, if anything, a couple of departments and a couple of special-case stragglers are supposed to get (in the case of the latter, folks who transferred from one department to another part way through the time period covered.) Apparently some of the senior managers – who were supposed to notify me one way or the other about EVERY SINGLE ONE of the folks in their areas – have once again overestimated my psychic powers.
I always overestimate my psychic abilities.
I’ve never once succeeded in strangling someone with my mind.
Apparently you’re now supposed to be able to order a Domino’s pizza with your mind, but I have no idea why anyone would want to.
The last time I made the mistake of ordering from there, I got a brick of burnt grease instead of something that could be called a pizza. Sure they’ve had over ten years to correct, but that sort of experience leave an impression, and there are so many local alternatives that I can afford to be picky.
Do you get that weird NY-style stuff with which one can apparently do origami?
If you cannot fold a slice, it is improper pizza.
I only fold a slice of the crust is too thin and insufficiently crisp to hold the cheese and sauce when you lift it. Straight up is the proper way to hold a slice; if you can’t do that it is not a proper slice.
No, that is called a cracker, or bread, depending on how burnt it is.
Next you’ll be telling me that a proper pizza requires pineapple. Some people…
See, you’re delusional.
The only required topping is cheese, which goes on top of the sauce (not below it like some weirdos do)
Does anyone remember who plugged NY-style pizza (“thin, floppy, foldable slices”) for which chain 20 or 25 years ago? I think a celebrity (possibly Donald, but not sure).
I hear Domino’s has improved since a dozen-ish years ago, but I haven’t yet verified.
Dominos make acceptable pizza these days, if you lack other options.
Pizza Hut remains an abomination.
Pizza Hut remains an abomination.
I guess they’re consistent. Back in the nineties I spent a week in Columbia SC on business. The locals showed good Southern hospitality by treating me to lunch every day. Thursday was the biggie – Pizza Hut! I somehow managed not to offend my hosts by expressing my opinion of that product.
Apparently some of the senior managers – who were supposed to notify me one way or the other about EVERY SINGLE ONE of the folks in their areas – have once again overestimated my psychic powers.
Mornin’, GT. You and Mrs. Patzer will have a lot to talk about; a significant portion of her paid gig involves consolidating information from senior managers into weekly/ monthly reports. Timeliness is not their strong suit and I hear about it all too frequently.
Looking forward to meeting her! We can have a proper bitch session about insufferable senior management! 😃
Yeah, management expecting me to be a mind-reader is one of my pet peeves at work.
If i had those powers, i would probably use them for good.
Definitely use them on my sheep.
Good morning, ‘bodru! How are you and the sheepies?
They are hungry as ever, still cute.
need one? I need to sell some.
That would end baahdly.
I would have to ram the poor thing into the spare bedroom.
I would have to ram the poor thing in
tothe spare bedroom.STEVE SMITH FIX.
I actually wouldn’t mind some of the wool, if I can talk my sister into either spinning it or teaching ME how to spin it into yarn.
::thinks of other uses:: How large a grassy area can one sheep keep grazed so that one doesn’t have to mow it?
Early Miss Manners had a Q from a man who lost one of his neighbor’s borrowed grazing sheep. I think the answer was “pay for a replacement”.
They don’t seem to really like my grass, they like weeds and bramble better.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! So…what’s in the mug, the pipe, and the nearby bushes this morning?
French Roast and this lovely flake tobacco:
Corvids cawing cacophnously in the trees, must be a predator nearby. Unfortunately haven’t seen it.
So…celery, bell pepper, and onion with notes of crawfish?
heh heh
Yeah, that review sounds like it was written by a Glib.
Daily Quordle 172
Daily Quordle 172
Daily Quordle 172
Daily Quordle 172
The only reason I’m up at this undoGly hour is to finish my colonoscopy prep. Quordle went with the theme …
Daily Quordle 172
Sympathies re: the ‘scopy prep – BTDT a couple of times now. Early in 2020, shortly after my annual check-up with my GP, I had appointments for a routine colonoscopy, a routine mammogram, and my usual dental check-up/cleaning. Damned if the damn colonoscopy wasn’t the only one I got in before everything shut down because of the COVIDiocy. 😒
Ugh. Colonoscopy preps are the worst (besides Nikki), you have my sympathy.
Many thanks, GT and Grossp. Just chugged the magnesium citrate, now waiting for the inevitable reaction.
My last one I was instructed to chug just after midnight. Apparently they wanted to keep me up all night. 🙄
That was cruel. Mine is in the afternoon, so maybe that’s why they spared me the overnight experience.
To be fair, it was for surgery.
Very cool!
Hey Tres, if you’re around, this might be right up your alley.
Tito’s is popular for offering an enormous taco called “The Fat Amy”: a crispy 12-inch tortilla shell filled with fried chicken tenders, french fries, cheese, lettuce, spicy chipotle sauce and pice de gallo.
Disgusting. Like Americans need another way to get fatter.
That’s not the fat taco he’s looking for.