Sunday Morning Thanks and Pride Links

by | Jul 17, 2022 | Daily Links | 251 comments

Ordinarily, I start with an amusing anecdote, but today I’ll be a bit serious. WebDom and I have been planning out some things for the Biggest Glibfest Ever, aka SP’s Celebration of Life. This town will not know what hit it. And in the midst of discussions about food and drink, lo and behold, there’s a package in the carport, mysteriously materializing. I noted the name on the return address and immediately was overcome by a severe case of the feels. Opening the box, there was a couple of great group photos of some of the midwestern Glibs, a full jar of Honey Harvest honey, and a couple of boxes of Glibertarians spoons, made from farm-raised organic molded polystyrene.

SP was proud of many things, but she was particularly proud of how a wonderful community formed from some of her efforts. And this was so symbolic- Fourscore can’t travel, but wants to be there in a significant and distinctive way. And so he will. And each of us will in turn take a taste of this marvelous honey, know its origins, and think of a lovely man who had a special relationship with SP and bond even further.

I think it’s getting a bit dusty in here so I’d better quickly segue to birthdays, including a guy who knew his boundaries; a guy who was nothing if not diverse; yet another guy who should have won the Nobel; an Irish guy who spoke flawless Yiddish; a guy who inspired John Waters’s first movie; winner of the Jan Brewer Sound-Alike contest; a commie who suddenly became a grasping capitalist when those millions could be his; The Squad’s spirit animal; a cartoon music guy who was no Raymond Scott; “Very pretty​, Colonel, Very pretty. But, can they fight?“; an apparently good-humored punch line to many jokes; a German piece of shit who has mercifully retired; and a Canadian piece of shit who is still inflicting himself on us.

Let’s get to the Links.


The kayfabe, it burns!


Fear is a good thing in a politician.


So now I know who to blame for the issues I’ve had with some of my recent syntheses.


Science in action.


Le Crise du Climat est arrivee.


The latest NGO/lawyer bullshit. 


Old Guy Music made my case of the feels much more acute. SP loved Hiatt’s music, as one does.


About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Count Potato

    “And each of us will in turn take a taste of this marvelous honey, know its origins, and think of a lovely man who had a special relationship with SP and bond even further.”


  2. juris imprudent

    Gerry should be better appreciated than he is.

  3. Count Potato

    Isn’t Donald Sutherland in Body Snatchers sort of the Squad’s spirit animal?

  4. Count Potato

    I remember John Stossel defended the Clean Air Act as effective legislation.

  5. Not Adahn

    OMWC: What’re the considerations about bringing food? One of the most outstanding foodstuffs I’ve found here is a ham, and I don’t know if you have forbidden that in your place #treif #notvegan

    • Old Man With Candy

      We have no restrictions- we’re libertarians. Spud will be particularly delighted with smoked and preserved pig corpse parts.

      • Gender Traitor

        …and, I presume, certain bottled beverages will be accepted with glee, even if they turn out to be the crappy stuff you bring out after everyone’s already hammered. ::glances at “Ohio Wine” tote bag toting two corked bottles::

      • Ted S.

        My sister used to live up in Painesville/Mentor, and my parents had a pair of wine glasses from a winery in that area. 😐

      • Gender Traitor

        ::looks up Painesville/Mentor:: Ah! The “up near Cleveland” my family always assumed when hearing of an unfamiliar Ohio city. The source of these bottles is much closer to home – SW OH – for me, but I know not whence cometh the grapes. (I don’t think they grow any onsite any more.)

      • Nephilium

        Painseville is the county seat of Lake County (and a shithole). Mentor is freaking huge for a suburban city. My sister (and her family), and my parents moved out Mentor way over the past couple of years. Just east of there is the big Ohio wine country area, with all the sweet wines you could want.

      • Gender Traitor

        The winery near us has largely sweet wines (at least, their most popular ones seem to be so.) The ones I’m bringing are (at least allegedly) dry or semi-dry.

  6. robodruid

    I have to deal with the PFAS issue as part of my job. I cant see how the science is settled in this case. How they can determine that 4 PPQ for PFOA and 20 PPQ for PFOS for the new Lifetime Health Advisory levels is beyond me.
    Rumor is that EPA is having internal fighting on these numbers. Region 1 is ignoring it.

    We can not clean up to these levels without a nuclear power plant to crack the water and PFAS chemicals…..

    • Old Man With Candy

      They’re non-reactive but deadly. Uh huh.

      The exposure limits are generally arrived at by the people with the greatest expertise in these areas: lawyers, bureaucrats, and politicians.

      • Ted S.

        To be fair, aren’t the noble gases non-reactive but deadly?

      • Old Man With Candy

        It’s not the noble gas, it’s the removal of oxygen.

        Fun Fact: xenon gets you high.

      • slumbrew

        If that’s not Sweet I will be sorely disappointed

      • robodruid

        Well……. I can sort of see how they can mimic the phospholipid membranes of cells. (just my opinion)
        But at these levels they are coming up with, fire fighters should be falling over dead. And with the sensitivity of the testing methods (which is amazing to me), everyone will detect as positive.

      • Ted S.

        And with the sensitivity of the testing methods (which is amazing to me), everyone will detect as positive.

        Just like covid!

      • robodruid

        The sensitivity of the methods are real. I have seen the peaks and i believe.

        Covid? Not so much.

  7. Tonio

    Spirit Animal? I have been loudly and repeatedly informed that only Native Americans can use this term, and that any use of it by wypipo, or (((them))), is cultural appropriation.

    • Old Man With Candy

      Ahem. Did you not see Blazing Saddles?

  8. Count Potato

    “The court’s hostility to aggressive regulatory action, of course, is shared by the radicalized Republican Party that shaped its current membership. A GOP whose politicians routinely reject scientific findings is holding American politics hostage, leaving the federal government with little capacity to tackle the “major questions” that confront us, from climate change and pandemics to brutal inequality and systemic racism.”

    Because kidnappers are elected?

    • Count Potato

      “That is the basis of the Obama and Biden administrations’ use of the Clean Air Act to undergird regulation of climate-warming gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that the Clean Air Act covered greenhouse gases. It came as a pleasant surprise to many in the environmental world that last month’s ruling did not reverse that finding. Nonetheless, the decision, which bars regulations aimed at pushing coal from the country’s energy mix, limiting the EPA instead to requiring carbon-cutting measures at individual power plants, will severely curtail the agency’s ability to address climate change.”

      How the fuck is CO2 air pollution? The Court should have reversed that 2007 finding. They’re lawyers, not scientists.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Fun fact: There are only a couple of scientific papers dating back to the fifties on the warming effects of CO2, everything else since has been extrapolation on that research with nobody challenging the original assumptions.

      • Count Potato

        Even if you accept that CO2 causes warming at the stated rate of change, and assume warming is necessarily bad, all the climate crisis predictions tack on a huge constant to that derivative by adding positive feedback while ignoring negative feedback. It’s all bullshit.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • rhywun

        And on top of that, they want to spend trillions of dollars to prevent a supposed increase of something like half of one degree.

        Bullshit, indeed.

      • Count Potato

        It’s even more bullshit because people burn more fossil fuel for heating than cooling.

      • JasonAZ

        Do you have any online/published research related to this topic?

        I’ve been taught that CO2 alarmism is non-sense for a number of reasons. I’ve always been curious where “scientist” got the idea that CO2 is somehow a greenhouse gas and causes warming.

      • Ozymandias

        It’s not. It literally is what fuels plants.
        Of course the morons with political agendas have it backwards; they almost always do.
        Two facts:
        1 – The ideal range of CO2 ppm for plant growth is somewhere north of 1000 ppm – probably more like 1200-1600 ppm. (Anyone here involved in hydroponics or large-scale grow operations?)
        2 – There is zero correlation b/w CO2 levels and temperature in the known Earth temperature/CO2 graph. (Watch closely every single one of the Climate Liars will talk about “highest CO2 levels in human history!!!” – which, of course, is a minuscule slice of Gaia’s history and merits a giant “so fucking what?”) But we have an innumerate and scientifically illiterate populace, so this is what we get.

      • Sean


        Plants crave Brawndo.

      • Brawndo

        Can confirm.

      • Count Potato

        “(Anyone here involved in hydroponics or large-scale grow operations?)”

        Nice try, fed 😉

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Scientific American deserved a noble death, not this desecration.

      • cyto

        As a subscriber since the 70s, it died to me by the turn of the millennium. Once Bush took office, partisan politics became the overriding principle. By the mid aughts, entire issues were dedicated to political propaganda. And I was out.

        It is a sad outcome. Nothing is left of the science and science fiction literary world of my youth. Scientific American. New Scientist, Omni, popular science, compute’s gazette, National Geographic…… For decades I had a pile of magazines delivered monthly that brought a rich and diverse world of ideas to my home. They are all dead or a shell of their former selves.

        Reason, Liberty, Skeptic…. I had other friends bringing ideas that either died or turned on me too. They are pretty much all gone, replaced by ex-comedians talking on the internet and you lot,bringing either hope for humanity or an echo of a lost society to my home.

    • rhywun

      the Clean Air Act was designed to address just such “major questions”—including, explicitly in its text, questions yet to be understood when it was enacted

      LOL OFFS

      That’s not how it works, “science” person.

    • rhywun

      Cry harder, bully.

  9. Tulip

    I may be able to pick the very first tomato today or tomorrow. Only a few have started ripening, so I hope they will peak just before I leave for NY.

    • Gender Traitor

      If you bring the salsa, I’ll bring the chips! 😋

    • straffinrun

      I’m gonna ask for your help next week. I’m trying to pick out some veggies or spices to grow in the garden.

      • Tulip


      • Count Potato

        You can afford land in Japan?

      • straffinrun

        Just cuz I act Ike homeless person. Sheesh. SMDH.

  10. Gender Traitor

    Bless 4(20)!!! ::ponders whether she might be able to talk TT into attending HH:: Not sure I could pull it off, though he DOES have a friend in one or the other of the Twin Cities, and it’s not THAT far from the UP of MI. (At the moment, other than our trip to The Party, we’re tentatively planning a trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula in late August, but no reservations have been made. Let’s see if he’s up for more Glibdom after NY…

    Thanks for the Hiatt! [TW: blatant brag follows] TT has always claimed that “Child of the Wild Blue Yonder” defined for him the woman he wanted, and when he found me, I filled the bill. 😊

    • MikeS

      planning a trip to the Keweenaw Peninsula

      /remembers I haven’t yet finished my Keweenaw Peninsula travel article

      • Gender Traitor

        We’ve been there once before. We were staying in Marquette, but drove up and back one day. Had a picnic along the lake shore just south of Copper Harbor. This time we hope to catch some musical friends playing a couple of gigs, one in Copper Harbor, the other at the Orpheum in Hancock. Any other recommendations for stuff to see/do would be welcomed enthusiastically!

      • Zwak, who swallowed your pain, and is asking for more.

        I stayed at the Landmark in Marquette, and I can highly recommend it! The UP is awesome, with friendly people, and decent beer, and there was a cool little hipster breakfast place up the main road. Of course, the bridge to the main part of Michigan was shut down due to ice falling, so I had to backtrack through Wisconsin and Chicago, but totally worth it.

      • Gender Traitor

        Our first night in the UP we stayed at a place right on Lake Huron in “Snignace” (St. Ignace) and loved it. Picked a Marquette hotel too far from Superior – next time, I’d find a place right on the lake OR opt for a place in Munising. This time, hope to stay in Keweenaw proper, if possible.

      • Zwak, who swallowed your pain, and is asking for more.

        They sound snignorant.

        Anyhoo, the Landmark is the big, fancy old hotel, but I was passing through on a weeknight in the off-season, so it was ridiculously cheap. Like, cheaper than chain hotels, but I got a king bed in a suite, furnished with antiques. There was a pub on the main floor and a rooftop bar! It was the late season snow period, so really pretty in that cold kinda way. Totally worth it.

    • Chafed

      It’s not bragging if it’s true.

      • Gender Traitor


  11. Grumbletarian

    Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.) attributed much of the trend not only to former President Trump, who was well known for promoting violence at his rallies and continues to push lies about the election, but also to those Republicans in Congress who continue to defend the former president and his actions surrounding Jan. 6.

    “Everybody gets threats these days, and it’s made worse by the fact that certain of our members fail to condemn political violence, particularly when it’s directed at the Capitol, the vice president, the Speaker,” Scanlon said.

    Yes, dearie, the guy who shot up the GOP softball team and the guy who was going to kill Kavanaugh? Trump’s fault.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    “The idea that violence is legitimate for political purposes has moved into the mainstream,” said Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago. “It’s still a minority. … But if you’ve got 10 percent or 15 percent of a community that believes that violence is acceptable for some political causes, that just encourages more violence for those causes.”

    A rash of recent violent threats against U.S. lawmakers has raised new concerns about the safety of political figures, particularly after the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe illustrated in the starkest possible terms the stakes of a heightened threat environment. And the Jan. 6 coup attempt served to remind Americans that the U.S. is not immune from the kind of political violence that is relatively common in some parts of the world.

    *thinks wistfully back to that glorious day when Pennsylvania Avenue was lined with politicians dangling from every available tree and lamppost*

    • straffinrun

      Why drag the German populace to see the concentration camps if political violence is never acceptable?

  13. Drake

    The fucking Hill. It’s all Trump’s fault, not this guy’s.

    Violence is the most crass form of government. In our tradition we substituted strictly limited representational government, selected by legitimate elections, and administered by fair courts and honorable people for violence. All of that is gone now, so of course violence is on the rise and will get much worse.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Yep, once that genie is out of the bottle it doesn’t go back in until it’s burnt out.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    The exposure limits are generally arrived at by the people with the greatest expertise in these areas: lawyers, bureaucrats, and politicians.

    You forgot “public health advocates”.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Although it’s difficult to pinpoint when sympathy for political violence began “seeping into the mainstream,” he said, “we can be confident that these community sentiments for violence are here today.”

    Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Pa.) attributed much of the trend not only to former President Trump, who was well known for promoting violence at his rallies and continues to push lies about the election, but also to those Republicans in Congress who continue to defend the former president and his actions surrounding Jan. 6.

    History is a myth.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Couldn’t possibly be average Americans witnessing the destruction of the cities with no significant consequences for the mob and even some acceptance by the elite.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They had insurance Scruffy. Insurance!!!

      • Sean

        “It’s a write off.”

      • Old Man With Candy

        You don’t even know what a write-off is.

      • Nephilium

        But they do.

        And they write it off!

      • Sean

        Free passes for assaulting police, arson, murder, looting, chaz shit, etc.

      • rhywun

        even some acceptance by the elite

        Hell, encouragement.

      • Sean

        Funded by.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Best cat ever

      • rhywun

        I was hoping for the untz untz untz remake.

      • Zwak, who swallowed your pain, and is asking for more.

        Well, we did get the HK slap version.

  16. EvilSheldon

    Ugh. That’s the last time I mix rye and gin in the same night.

    After my laptop crashed during the Zoom last night (sorry about that) I decided to hit the hay, wherein I had a honest-to-goodness horror-show nightmare, complete with sleep paralysis and friends/family members frame-skipping around like in Ringu.

    I think I’m gonna lounge at my desk and drink coffee for the rest of the morning…

    • straffinrun

      Kanashibari. Sleep paralysis. Demon sitting on your chest. Yeah, I hated that, too.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They’re the worst, I much prefer the succubi.

      • Zwak, who swallowed your pain, and is asking for more.

        Ehh, they’re even more draining.

      • rhywun

        I used to get that a lot. Been a long time, knock on wood. My solution was never, ever go to sleep on my back.

    • Count Potato

      You’re supposed to mix rye and ginger. The problem is you were missing three letters.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, back at the Inquisition

    As the Jan. 6 committee prepares for a prime-time public hearing next week, the Justice Department is only a fraction of the way through one of the largest investigations in American history. The FBI has made about 850 arrests, and there are hundreds left to go.

    One person closely watching the news of Jan. 6 arrests is a right-wing comedian recently identified to the FBI by the online sleuths who have played a critical role in identifying people in hundreds of Capitol attack cases. The FBI does not comment on ongoing investigations, and an official declined to do so in this case.


    Downey is a public figure who has written extensively about the aftermath of the Jan. 6 attack. Three online sleuths confirmed to NBC News that Downey’s name has been submitted to the FBI, and the online network known as “Sedition Hunters,” which has published images of Jan. 6 participants, lists a photo of Downey as “identified.”

    “Hopefully it will be the FBI, and not Downey, who gets the last laugh,” one online sleuth told NBC News.

    Online sleuths say they identified Downey with the help of surveillance footage released in connection with another Jan. 6 case. After getting a facial recognition hit, confirming his identity was relatively easy, they said: Downey was traveling with a companion (his fiancee, according to his social media posts), and he also sent tweets both before and after the Jan. 6 attack, including one that told a Fox News personality to direct-message Downey if he wanted to “speak to someone that got inside the Capitol.”


    Since the insurrection, in between appearances at comedy clubs, Downey has been writing for PJ Media about Jan. 6 and what he sees as FBI overreach.

    “Today’s FBI has enough time to sniff out every Capitol-related lead; chase every mother-daughter team that spent four minutes in the Capitol; and go after every granny, dozens of Long Island patriots, every off-duty police officer, and every other American who took a selfie in the Capitol,” Downey wrote.

    He celebrated a judge’s acquittal of Matthew Martin, a defense contractor who admitted he entered the Capitol building through a door with a smashed-out window as alarms blared.

    The total number of individuals who entered the Capitol tops 2,500, and the FBI is still seeking the identities of 350 individuals it says committed violent acts, per its website. The sprawling investigation has overwhelmed the Justice Department, which has asked Congress for more resources to go after people involved in Jan. 6. Online sleuths say they’ve identified hundreds more individuals who have not faced charges.

    Confess ye of your sins. Beg for forgiveness, and your death will be swift and (mostly) merciful. You cannot hide. The Faithful will find you out and denounce you to the Church.

    • rhywun

      Remember when Democrats claimed to denounce witch hunts? Fun times.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      This highlights just how out of touch Team Blue is.

      They legit feel like PRIME TIME AIRING of the show trial will make THE difference. Prime Time doesn’t really mean anything anymore, and hasn’t in a decade or so. All they’re doing is talking to those in their bubble who still put stock in TMITE.

  18. Gender Traitor

    In Tranq Base news, I just finally saw a hummingbird at my fuchsia plant! I’d been afraid that its unique (at least in my experience) petal color combo of Ivory outer petals and dark fuchsia inner petals was failing to attract the hummers. At least THIS little guy knew what he’d find if he stuck his schnozz up into one of those blossoms!

    • Tres Cool

      “ knew what he’d find if he stuck his schnozz up into one of those blossoms!”

      Enough about my days dating on Craigslist.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, homey! Channel 7’s radar suggests we’re about to get clobbered over here. I’m hoping I don’t have to bail out of the Base.

      • Tres Cool

        I should pay better attention- I was going to grill today.

      • Gender Traitor

        ::scrolls through hourly forecast:: Yeah…about that….

      • robodruid

        Feel free to send that rain this way.

      • Nephilium

        Looking at the forecast, we’re getting it all week long. Supposed to be intermittent thunderstorms all day, when I’m heading down to a street food festival.

        At least there’s plenty of bars on the street to seek shelter from the rain.

      • Grummun

        stuck his schnozz up into one of those blossoms

        GT lofts a fat slow one right over the plate…

        Enough about my days dating on Craigslist

        And Tres knocks it out of the park.

      • Gender Traitor

        Always happy to help.

    • Grosspatzer

      Nice! Only 1 hummingbird sighting at Casa Patzer so far this year. Larkspurs still going strong, hoping they will be paying more visits.

      • Tundra

        I see them pretty much every day now. One actually sat still on the feeder – I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        My feeders had the ring to rest their little feet on.

        Unsolicited advice: plastic feeders suck, and the long bar type is especially unwieldy.

      • Gender Traitor

        The feeder I’m using at the moment is plastic. I also have a glass one with just one nozzle, but I haven’t been able to get the rubber stopper out of it this year! 😕

      • Gender Traitor

        This is the plastic feeder I’m using. Also cut down the side of a red Solo cup four times and spread the sections out to make “petals,” then stuck the cut-up cup on top to add to the attraction factor.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Ooh, handheld single hummy feeder…

  19. The Late P Brooks

    The other day, somebody (Scruffy, maybe?) linked to that “OMG!1300HPFORDSTREETWRECK” video. I didn’t watch the whole thing, and didn’t pay much attention. But I did ask myself why he didn’t shut the fucking thing off and dump it into low. Later, the Mopar guy, Uncle Tony’s spittle-flecked reaction video popped up, and I watched it.

    The throttle is hanging and you don’t shut the thing off and fix it? Fuck you. If the people in those other cars had dragged those two retards out of that still-smoking wreck and curb stomped them and set them on fire in the street, i’d vote to acquit.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Yeah, that was extraordinary levels of stupid on many fronts.

  20. Sean

    #waffle177 3/5


    🔥 streak: 8

    • The Hyperbole

      🌎 Jul 17, 2022 🌍
      🔥 3 | Avg. Guesses: 7
      ⬜⬜🟥🟧🟩 = 5


  21. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Oooh, a new Fall of Civilizations doc on YouTube: The Nabataeans

    • straffinrun

      Cool. My fav is the fall of the Hittites.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He and his team do good work. Good storyteller too.

      • C. Anacreon

        Seeing your Beavis avatar makes me think of the toilet seat in our powder room, with the brand name “Beamis” embossed on it. I have always thought they should advertise the connection: “Beamis. For your butt head.”

    • Sean

      I got nothing here.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      One of the most corrupt nations on the face of the planet? I can think of a few reason$. There are even rumors some unit sold a HIMARS to the Russians.

      • straffinrun

        Lol. But I have a link!

    • rhywun

      Western media pictured:


      • Grosspatzer

        A pox on the media!

    • juris imprudent


      These top Republicans are too cowardly to make such arguments in public — as Politico notes, “none of them want to publicly rebuke a colleague over Ukraine . . . as the Russian attack itself becomes more politically thorny within the GOP.” But they’re willing to actively undermine her in the mainstream media, so long as it’s on the condition of anonymity. And the attacks themselves are completely devoid of content: There’s no explanation for why Spartz’s concerns are wrong, save for vague aspersions about being “not sure her facts are accurate.” Instead, the basis of the broadside is that Spartz — by asking what, precisely, the billions of American taxpayer dollars are actually funding in Ukraine — is not being “helpful to what we’re trying to do.” In other words: “Shut up,” they explained.

      • rhywun

        Why is she wrong? The anonymous House Republicans don’t appear to have a real answer.

        You know the answer.

  22. Count Potato

    “Former President Donald Trump’s adviser believes Covid-19 could have leaked from a Wuhan lab where scientists were working on vaccines for similar viruses.

    Infectious diseases expert and former presidential Covid adviser Dr Deborah Birx told The Mail on Sunday that coronavirus ‘came out of the box ready to infect’ when it emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2020.

    The adviser said most viruses take months or years to become highly infectious to humans. But, Dr Birx said, Covid ‘was already more infectious than flu when it first arrived’.

    She said that meant Covid was either an ‘abnormal thing of nature’ or that Chinese scientists were ‘working on coronavirus vaccines’ and became infected.

    ‘It happens, labs aren’t perfect, people aren’t perfect, we make mistakes and there can be contamination,’ she said.”

    Ooopsie woopsie!

  23. Count Potato

    “A judge in Tennessee has temporarily banned two federal agencies from enforcing directives issued by the Biden administration that extended protections for LGBTQ people in schools and workplaces, like allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice.

    US District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. on Friday ruled for 20 state attorneys general who sued last August claiming the Biden administration directives infringe on states’ rights.

    The ruling could prevent students from participating in sports based on their gender identity or requiring schools and businesses to provide bathrooms and showers to accommodate transgender people.

    Atchley, appointed by President Donald Trump in 2020, agreed with the attorneys generals’ argument and issued a temporary injunction preventing the agencies from applying that guidance on LGBTQ discrimination until the matter can be resolved by courts.”

    Enforced guidance? Laws should be made by legislatures.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The amount of political capital they seem happy to expend on 0.3 percent of the population is astounding.

      • juris imprudent

        That isn’t an investment to really benefit that demographic. It’s about cowing everyone else.

    • Grumbletarian

      Laws should be made by legislatures.

      What an antiquated notion. The way it’s done over the last century or so is the executive branch creates a new bureaucracy that can create rules, you see, and an existing law says it’s illegal to break those rules.

    • rhywun

      Cue another round of crocodile tears and shameless grandstanding.

      • juris imprudent

        “This is how democracy dies”!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Atchley, appointed by

      Ah, there it is buried in the fourth paragraph. Must be included in any story about judges these days so the reader knows which team they’re on,

  24. Tundra

    Daily Quordle 174

    • The Hyperbole

      Daily Quordle 174

      Daily Duotrigordle #137
      Guesses: 37/37
      Time: 05:41.92
      I’ve decided this game gets a bit tiring and the difference between having 32-37 lguesses seems like a ‘meh’ thing to shoot for, And thus I’m going strictly for time.

      • TARDis

        Dang, you got a 0 in less than 6 minutes?

        Daily Duotrigordle #137
        Guesses: 36/37

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 174


    • Grosspatzer

      Daily Quordle 174

    • MikeS


    • Grummun

      7 3
      5 6

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 174

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Strategic targetting

    Two universities in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, were allegedly attacked Friday morning in a Russian missile strike.

    Footage released by Ukrainian officials shows large plumes of black smoke rising into the sky above a university after it was reportedly hit, along with another university in the city, by at least 10 Russian missiles.


    • straffinrun

      Now I’m not saying bombing universities is right…

      • Swiss Servator

        Wrong ones….the Ivy League is over here.

  26. straffinrun

    since an inverted nipple sent him to the doctor five years ago


      • rhywun

        So not clicking on that.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        It isn’t too traumatizing, rhywun.

      • Tres Cool

        I briefly “dated” a woman with inverted nips. It was kinda cool- once she got turned-on they’d pop out like those things in a turkey that lets you know its ready.

      • Count Potato

        This is why I got on the internet.

      • Tres Cool

        Thats like playing Call of Duty instead of enlisting and getting deployed someplace.
        Sure it’s safer, but the stories arent the same.

      • Festus

        I’ve met her.

      • rhywun

        ¡¡My eyes!!


  27. Tundra

    Good morning, Old Man!

    Fourscore is my hero.

    And that song is amazing.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    “The city’s two largest universities were affected. Now they are attacking our education.

    “I ask the universities of all democratic countries to declare Russia what it really is – a terrorist country.”

    At this point, bombing universities qualifies as self defense, in my book.

    • rhywun

      Because American universities need to be dragged kicking and screaming aboard the 🇺🇦 train.

  29. The Late P Brooks


    “Due to unforeseen circumstances, Knott’s Berry Farm is now closed, Saturday, July 16,” the park added on Twitter.

    In a statement, the park blamed altercations between teens.

    “The safety of Knott’s Berry Farm’s guests and associates is always our top priority. On Saturday evening, the decision was made to close the park 3 hours early due to unruly behavior and altercations involving a number of teenagers,” the statement read. “This behavior did not align with our park’s values, and was not the experience we want any guest to have while visiting Knott’s Berry Farm.”

    Hijinks. Antics.

    Reports of gunfire were not confirmed.

    • slumbrew


  30. Rufus the Monocled

    I’m surprised there hasn’t been any real violence yet.

    Politicians need to be put in their places now They’re out of control.

    Here, this mentally ill megalomaniac is descending further and further into madness. if there’s anyone who deserved a violent fate it’s Justin Trudeau for all the harm and pain he has caused and continues to create.

    • invisible finger

      A few boosters and some paxlovid ought to do the trick.

  31. Q Continuum

    RE: Political violence article.

    Ctrl + S “antifa” = No matches

    Ctrl + S “BLM” = No matches

    Ctrl + S “Trump” = 11 matches

    Much fair, so unbias.

    • cyto

      And you can go back further. The left … Specifically groups directed by the MoveOn network, have been using provocation as a political tool since Bush was in office. This is how antifa was born… This is how Charlottesville came to be…. A specific strategy of making provacative attacks on core cultural values and icons, then using a propaganda network to frame the issue as violent attacks by the right. Nancy Rommelman did a nice job of documenting the modern incarnation, but the Charlotte bathroom laws were an example too: in response to no issue, they decreed that restrooms be open to any sex, so long as people decide that is the restroom they want to use. This was designed to create conflict so the reaction could be portrayed negatively. Obama used it effectively to eliminate criticism and generate a new racist enemy, creating BLM in the process. Clinton used paid provocateurs against Trump, and got caught doing it. Yet a compliant propaganda machine covered violent assaults by Clinton supporters as Trump being a violent extremist.

      This is all part of the propaganda and provocation initiative. Continually gaslighting the country and proclaiming the right to be dangerous and violent is all part of a plan to bring back racial division and to use force to silence their enemies.

      We have proven remarkably resistant to these attempts to stoke racism, but that can’t last forever. Unless this stuff is strongly rebuked and rejected, we will be headed back to zero sum politics and division, which they hope to use to deliver a socialist/communist society with no protections for speech, self defense, association, etc.

  32. Rufus the Monocled

    The gulf between people – the values, ideologies and even morals – is just too wide now. They can’t be repaired. The civil order is broken. Wouldn’t surprise me if we now begin to see chronic civil strife, flare-ups and eventual wars.

    The only way to quell this somewhat is if 2024 and November are a red blood bath and if the Conservatives here under Pierre Poilievre take out the Liberals and reduce them to third status all followed by at least 15-20 of ‘right’ governance.

    Even then….

    • straffinrun

      You can only loot for so long before the money runs out. They then have to criminalize dissent. That’s not gonna work unless you’re willing to go full Nork.

      • Q Continuum

        Don’t give them ideas…

    • cyto

      I agree… With the assault coming in the legislature and in the media and in corporate America, winning a single election is not enough. This is not just about votes… “The People” must loudly and vehemently reject all of the attack on what is left of the enlightenment. If they lose the House, yet the control of the internet and the media and the boardroom continues to grow, that victory will be temporary and hollow.

    • Tundra

      I’m not sure what’s more incredible – the fact that he did it or that he’s the fourth crazy fucker to do so.

    • straffinrun

      Sisyphus is nuts.

    • cavalier973

      Okay, not with his nose, but with a spoon fastened to his nose.

      He has two peanuts there. Did he push both of them up the mountain, or is one of them a spare, just in case a squirrel made off with the first one?

      Also, if you lose the first peanut, should t you have to start over from the bottom instead of pulling out a spare?

      • Not Adahn

        Eh, if the record isn’t for “pushing and keeping track of a peanut” I think I’m ok with allowing subs.

      • cavalier973

        No mulligans!

      • rhywun

        Next time he should push a marble.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Experts in situational liberty

    Conservatives praising the Supreme Court ruling say those details should be decided by voters in states. Abortion rights proponents say rights to liberty and privacy should not be up to voters to decide, but are guaranteed in the Constitution.

    Any more questions?

    • EvilSheldon

      Excellent. Now do guns and property taxes.

    • Tres Cool

      The same people that want aboprtion-on-demand to end a life will insist on compulsory vaccinations to “save” lives.

      • juris imprudent

        Or total gun bans to “save even just one life”.

    • Grumbletarian

      After spending decades united in a quest to overturn Roe v. Wade, the conservative movement is facing tough questions about what it means to oppose abortion.

      Should there be exemptions for rape and incest? Does the age of the victim matter? What does it mean to protect the “life of the mother”? How imminent should death be before a doctor can legally intervene?

      Other questions: Should states enact laws preventing women from traveling out of state for abortions? Should they ban IUDs and the emergency contraceptives like Plan B?

      The answer to most of those questions is “If the states want”.

      Q: What does it mean to protect “the life of the mother”? A: If carrying the baby to term could probably kill the mother, then we may want to consider the less horrible choice of killing the fetus.

      Q: How imminent should death be before a doctor can legally intervene? A: Medically imminent. If a doctor says “having this baby will probably (as in >50% chance) kill you,” then an abortion can be considered. If a psychologist says “forcing this woman to have the child may cause her to kill herself,” I’m not moved.

      • straffinrun

        It’s either a human life or it isn’t. I don’t understand pro lifers that carve out for rape or incest.

      • Count Potato

        That carve out will lead to an explosion of false rape accusations.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        And many fathers, uncles, etc put in jail (or at least forced through the system) in exchange.

      • The Last American Hero

        Nah, just another Haven Monahan victim.

      • Count Potato

        Boyfriends, Tinder hook-ups, etc.

      • juris imprudent

        OK what about a mother’s health – if she is at risk of dying are you so committed to the fetus that you let her die? The fact is there will be carve outs (love using that term in an abortion discussion), mother’s health, rape, what have you. Fuck the insanity that is the extreme of both camps.

      • MikeS

        I get that you disagree, but labeling being against rape and incest carve-outs as “insane” and “extreme” seems a little, well, extreme.

        You’re a smart guy. Pretend for a minute that you believe that fetus is a human and it shouldn’t be so hard to understand that point of view. It’s not the innocent child’s fault that those horrible acts were committed. Why must it die because of something someone else did? And the life of the mother carve out is a matter of playing the odds, I guess. It’s the best option in a horrible choice. There’s no guarantee the baby would survive the situation, so we do what we must to make sure one of the two lives.

      • MikeS

        Extreme on the anti-abortion side would be “no abortions ever, for any reason”.

      • cyto

        That is the simplest abortion argument. “Life begins at conception” as an absolute delineator is clean and defensible. The follow-on conclusions are similarly fairly straightforward. It is a balancing of rights and harms.

        One may not like where this goes… Mandatory bans on drinking or drug use of certain kinds when pregnant seem to be a logical conclusion. Criminalizing violations of bed rest also seems to be a logical dystopian outcome.

        So abortion for cases of “the life of the mother” are easy to resolve. Nebulous claims of “health” would be more difficult.

        The social consequences might be undesirable (back alley abortions, abused children being forced to carry their father’s baby to term) but the logical, ethical and legal framework is relatively simple, straightforward and logically consistent.

  34. cavalier973

    I had to look up Raymond Scott. It’s his music that was remixed for Bugs Bunny cartoons. His “Powerhouse” is instantly recognizable. A sort of scurrying tune.

    However, I prefer Guaraldi’s music. Very Americana.

    ”Peppermint Patty”

  35. cavalier973

    “Violence is unacceptable in politics, unless it’s the politicians in power that are using it. KNEEL, FOOLS!”

    • MikeS

      It certainly raises the specter that Paul Pelosi could have access to some insider legislative information,” Holman said. “This is the reason why there is a stock trading app that exclusively monitors Paul’s trading activity and then its followers do likewise.

      Nothing to see here.

      • Negroni Please

        How has the app performed? What’s the ROI since creation? These are important questions

      • MikeS

        I couldn’t find one specific to Paul Pelosi, but there are multiple websites devoted to tracking politicians stock purchases.

    • whiz

      It’s not like these votes aren’t public information — couldn’t anybody have done it?

  36. cavalier973

    Never heard of Doctorow, either (that I remember), but I have heard of Creative Commons.

    What objectionable things has he done? Based on his Wikipedia page, he seems a sort of run-of-the-mill leftist.

    • EvilSheldon

      Cory was one of the techno-fetishist progs who pretended to be a libertarian for a while, back in the 90’s.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Libertines and “left-libertarians”.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Like Yang showing up at FreedomFest.

  37. Ozymandias

    Great song, Old Man. Usual wonderful birthday hijinx-links.
    Had time for a quordle this morning before I put in some work on Reply to Gov’t’s Response to our PI Motion (due this coming Friday).

    Daily Quordle 174

  38. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not sure what’s more incredible – the fact that he did it or that he’s the fourth crazy fucker to do so.

    Maybe if he says he identifies as a black woman, Joe will make him Agriculture Secretary. First black woman to push a peanut up a mountain with her nose!

    • straffinrun


    • Tundra


  39. Count Potato

    “Only 10% of girls under 11 even get their period. Only 52 girls under the age of 14 got abortions in Ohio last year–and 10 is a long way from 14.”

    That’s still way too many.

    “In 2002 about 7,000 girls between the ages of 10 and 14 had a live birth. Child rape is a huge issue. Also, you might want to learn some biology, because pregnancy before the first period most definitely happens.”

    From the people trying to normalize pedophilia.

    • juris imprudent

      Twenty years ago? Was that an unusual year?

    • invisible finger

      Logically one trying to normalize pedophilia would also want to normalize abortion.

    • cyto

      I highly recommend marrying the right person as soon as you can. And I highly discourage marrying the wrong person, no matter your age.

      Discerning the difference….. Well….

    • Grosspatzer

      That looks familiar…

      • Tres Cool

        I just bought some of their soap. And the BoobGuard™ for Jugsy since its summer and she’s….Jugsy

  40. The Late P Brooks
    • rhywun

      Yeah, the left is ramping up another Temperance movement and not just alcohol.

      • Tres Cool

        Everyone only gets Victory Gin.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Do I get my cloves and saccharine too?

  41. The Late P Brooks

    It certainly raises the specter that Paul Pelosi could have access to some insider legislative information

    “I don’t want to judge before all the facts are in, Mister President, but it’s beginning to look as if General Ripper may have exceeded his authority.”

  42. Tres Cool

    Which is a worse look- 80s hair rock or 70s Glam rock?

    *Bowie is excluded from the latter category

    • Gustave Lytton

      Porque no dos? Glam metal.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    You’re not gonna believe this

    Like countless other contract disputes, Twitter’s (TWTR) clash with Elon Musk over the Tesla CEO’s (TSLA) attempted exit from his $44 billion agreement to acquire the social media company turns on language that can be open to multiple interpretations.


    Twitter alleges in a complaint against Musk that the agreement allows it refuse Musk’s demands and force him to buy the company. Musk’s lawyers, for their part, say he can ditch the agreement entirely because Twitter’s refusals qualify as a material breach — and possibly as a “material adverse effect” that would void the deal. In a July 8 termination letter, Musk’s lawyers called the bot data “fundamental to Twitter’s business and financial performance” and necessary to complete the deal.

    Twitter instead says Musk is using the bot request as a pretext for backing out of the deal, noting that the Tesla CEO repeatedly disparaged Twitter on the platform itself. Twitter also notes that Musk’s premium purchase offer at $54.20 per share is much higher than the stock’s more recent value — the company’s stock was trading at $37.74 at market close on Friday.

    Despite the competing claims, the actual merger document doesn’t explicitly mention bot data. It does spell out broad terms about Musk’s right to access information up until the deal closes, and Twitter’s right to withhold it.

    “There certainly is going to be room for argument,” Widener University’s Delaware Law School professor Lawrence A. Hamermesh told Yahoo Finance.

    Lawyers gotta eat, too, y’know.

    • Negroni Please

      “Lawyers gotta eat, too, y’know.”

      Do they? I’m not convinced.

    • Tres Cool

      “…told Yahoo Finance.”

      I may see part of the problem.

    • invisible finger

      The survive by eating their young.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    In addition to holding a right to-flat out reject Musk’s requests, Twitter says the agreement further insulates it from handing over the data because Musk waived his right to due diligence — the right to obtain certain proprietary Twitter information. The very absence of a due diligence condition in the contract, they claim, means Musk has no right to demand bot data as a condition of acquiring the company.

    Musk’s lawyers claim he didn’t, in fact, waive his right to review the data.

    I’m going to put myself out on a limb and say Musk did not get where he is by being prone to making stupid mistakes like “waiving due diligence”.

    • rhywun

      It’s almost like the Twit-lawyers expected Musk to challenge the bot data and had a counter-argument conjured up beforehand.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Due diligence or not, the very fact that they’re balking on the bot data means they’ve got a serious bot problem. Twitter’s a damn dumpster fire and I hope either Musk gets it at a discount or they fail spectacularly somehow.

      • cyto

        They may not vew bots as a problem. More of a useful tool to drive conversations in the right direction, both on the platform and when dealing with advertisers.

      • invisible finger

        If you were an advertiser, you would expect that the hits/impressions you were paying for were legitimate. I’m guessing the news of musk balking is getting to advertisers wanting to see that same data or demanding lower rates without it.

        Makes one wonder who was auditing the company in the past; they might be performing some CYA now too. And I would assume that advertisers were already reducing their buys when the company was promoting how many popular legit users were getting banned; that can only reduce eyeballs on ads.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      I could be completely mistaken, but I think Musk’s offer was contingent on accurate data being presented in Twitter’s SEC filings. Twitter’s SEC filing had the percentage of bots listed at 5% or less. So I think he waived due diligence to find new issues, but anything in the SEC filings is fair game.

      If the SEC wasn’t on the same team as Twitter, the company would be gearing up for a massive fraud investigation. At least they can expect one from the shareholders and customers who purchased advertisements based on falsified data. It’s got some Theranos vibes.

  45. The Late P Brooks


    Rothenberg was on the 30-minute waitlist for nearly an hour, he said. Then, after he was seated, he waited another 45 minutes for his food to arrive.

    “It was the type of experience that makes me not want to eat out as much,” he said. “I felt bad for the servers, because they were trying, but they could only do so much, not having enough cooks.”

    It’s a scenario that has been repeated across the food service industry since the Covid pandemic began in 2020, and it’s taking a toll on restaurants and their staff, as well.

    Lockdowns in spring of that year led to layoffs and furloughs for many cooks and waitstaff, prompting the federal government to back billions of dollars in forgivable loans for small businesses. The disease ravaged the U.S. workforce, killing more than a million people over the course of two-plus years while sickening many millions more, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    It wasn’t the plague, it was the hysterical overreaction to the plague by the government. The vast majority of those who died were not exactly prime members of the work force.

    But don’t let that interfere with the narrative.

    • slumbrew

      That is indeed a pile of bullshit.

      Of all the local restaurants struggling to re-staff, nobody lost anyone due to them dying of Covid.

      • cyto

        Are you kidding?

        Kitchen staff is well known to feature a high percentage of septuagenarians.

    • Tres Cool

      “It was the type of experience that makes me not want to eat out as much,” he said.

      You know who else was reluctant to eat out?

      • slumbrew

        You, on some of your Craigslist dates?

      • Tres Cool

        “She said she “tasted like a rainbow””.
        I thought she meant Skittles. It was more like trout.

      • db

        That needs to be worked into a song lyric

        She told me, “Taste the Rainbow”
        She said “just hear me out”
        My heart was thinking “Skittles”
        My mouth was full of trout

        eh, needs work

    • rhywun

      Let’s not look at record-breaking inflation or the unwillingness of low-skilled workers to work for realistic wages, either.

      • slumbrew

        Holding out for that next stimmy check.

      • cavalier973

        “You will be expected to wear a mask while working over a hit stove for eight hours a day.”

      • MikeS

        “AOC told me I deserve $15/hr.”

      • cyto

        That won’t get applications in many areas.

        Travelling a 4,000 mile circuit through the US this month, I saw many restaurants and businesses with signs in the window advertising starting pay of $15 or more.

      • MikeS

        Oh, I know. It quickly went from a pipe dream to the true “minimum” or (like you say) below minimum. I saw a pizza joint here offering $16/hr (IIRC) and a $2000 sign on bonus. Oddly enough, my wages which are well above $15 have gone up less than a dollar/hour.

  46. hayeksplosives

    Looks like we are about to get some much-needed rain here in the desert. We’ve had strange weather out here for the past few days, with most of the rain falling in the mountains between Pahrump and Las Vegas. Vegas got some rain yesterday, and we’ve been tantalizingly close in Pahrump, but still no rain.

    Now I hear thunder, and the radar app told me that moderate rain would be starting soon.

    Oh please oh please oh please!

    Also, good morning, Glibbies!!

    • JasonAZ

      Good luck. Down here in Phoenix, we had a storm push through last night. A little cooler today, but still 110. Forecast was originally for 114.

      Never been to Pahrump, but my father passed in 2012 while staying there with a friend. Despite my father’s passing there, I still giggle at the name Pahrump.