A filthy little blues song to abate your rage as you read the links. (NSFW lyrics)
NOT WORKING AS INTENDED: The above illustration is supposed to make us feel sympathy for those poor overworked and underpaid hero schoolteachers. It doesn’t. In fact, it only deepens our contempt. You chose that line of work, teachers, and the working conditions were well-known. Unlike almost every other job, you can have summers and Decembers off if you choose. With pay. The rest of us have to go to work year-round and deal with laundry, errands, our own kids, errands, and doctor appointments. If we have a second job, it means sacrificing nights and weekends; teachers who get summer jobs merely lose out on pool time. Womp, womp. And don’t forget those government benefits that teachers get at the expense of those of us who don’t enjoy such perquisites. (h/t: my cousin)
DESPITE ALL THE MASKING, VAXING, and BOOSTERING: President Biden has COVID. Again. This always seems to happen after one of his gibberish incidents.
THE DAY HELL FROZE OVER: Krugman admits he was wrong about Bidenflation. Now go die in a fire, you worthless hack. (Well-wishes courtesy of Winston’s Mom)

Lawrence Fertig, Ludwig von Mises, Leonard Read and Henry Hazlitt (left to right)
WORD FOR THE DAY – KAKISTOCRACY: Which means “government by the worst.” FEE explains how Leonard Read was right, yet again.
NO SHIT, SHERLOCK: UK study suggests depression may be the result of your life sucking, not chemical imbalance. When 1/6 of your population is on anti-depressants maybe you’re just medicalizing normal behavior. The medical establishment has long-favored drugging people back to normalcy for a variety of inconvenient behaviors (or ‘behaviours’). This is not to say that there aren’t people with serious depression who do benefit from medications, but merely that overmedication and overdiagnosis is a thing, aided and abetted by government, schools, and (some) parents.
KIT OF THE WEEK: For those long winter nights in your alpine hut, Rotate Watches sells kits which enable you to build your own working mechanical watch using pre-assembled movements. Be sure to wash the raclette grease off your hands before assembling.
SURE, I’LL INTRODUCE YOU TO WARREN: Bonus tune. This song was written by Warren Zevon, but is generally associated with Linda Ronstadt who made it into a chart-topper and personal trademark. An explanation for one of the lyrics in the first musical link – apparently Zevon’s road crew was particularly notorious for their exploitation of female groupies.
Question. Do warm circuit breakers trip easier than cool ones?
As they age, they also become more sensitive.
Well, this is the newest one in the box (I replaced it). But on the warmest days it trips on loads that wouldn’t bother it other days. (AC and computer)
warmest days it trips on loads
FWIW, as ambient temperature increases, the pressure in your condenser necessarily goes up, so your compressor is working harder and pulling more amps
WTF? There is still a thirty-minute rule, you know.
*hangs head*
Wait, I thought it was a 5-second rule. I threw out a perfectly good hot dog?
Depends on where the hot dog was
“Depends”. I think that about covers it. Way to age shame an old man.
I thought it didn’t apply on links posts.
The standard circuit breaker you’re talking about is essentially a thermostat with a calibrated conductor element and a spring to resist the expansion/deformation of the element.
I’m not sure watt you mean.
It’s the amped up ones you gotta worry about
Enough, already. This thread is definitely an impedance to the discussion of current events.
Circuit breakers are inherently revolting
Resistance is futile.
My capacitance for this discussion has been reached.
That is farad away the most electrifying pun thread today
Ohm eye gawd! You’re impeding the flow!
This is re-volting.
Ohman is Swiss gonna narrow his gaze.
He’ll rectify this situation.
Rectified hell, damn near kilt him!
Yep. It’s definitely going to draw his ire. Let’s just hope his response is grounded.
He’s just wired that way.
He may surprise us with the polar opposite of what we expect and have a positive response.
Let’s switch to another topic.
Not until we finish running the circuit.
This is going to spark an overload on poor Swiss, given the cogeneration of the other pun thread.
I won’t phase him.
He’s being unusually silent. I wonder if his feelings are alternating on the current situation.
All right. I ran an extension cord to try to move my computer to a different circuit. Hopefully, I am correct about which circuit these outlets are on, because these completely pointless trips are driving me batty.
It helps if I move the correct goddamn cable.
Could be your new breaker is defective. Is it AFCI or GFCI by any chance?
Or you have a legit trip. Clearly what you need to do is put a clamp meter on the conductor at the panel and see if it actually is drawing near the trip rating. Also, check the connections with a calibrated torque driver. And check for excessive heating with an IR meter. If that fails, check with a power quality meter.
Don’t forget to wear your arc flash gloves!
I don’t know what most of that means, this is well outside my area of expertise.
I get this problem only on 95+ degree days when I’m running my AC and my computer on the same circuit (living room circuit). So the draw from the AC will be at its highest, and the breaker box is in the back room, which is not cooled.
So far, it looks like load-shifting the computer to another circuit has ended the problem.
*crosses fingers*🤞🤞
Since I moved the computer to a different circuit, the trips stopped.
What is the AMP/Watt rating on the AC unit?.. They will usually take up most of a 15A circuit, and yes you shouldn’t have any other loads on it. Especially if it is cycling and has the startup loads.
As was indicated, you put a clam AC meter
well how nice… adding a link sent the post.
and check the actual amps that the breaker is sending… If you are near the limit, then yes, you will trip it.
I’ve had it for seven years now, so I don’t know the electrical rating on the AC. But the circuit is only 15A, so if a window unit eats most of that, it would explain the problem.
The vendor’s seem to hide the actual watts/AMP ratings:/
I found for a latest “dual inverter” 14000Btu ac unit that claims 12A. That leaves you with 3A of other load, or about 360watts. And if you are hovering at the full 15A the compressor start current is going to trip over that.
Basically an AC should be the only load on a circuit.
It would be nice to have that information, even if most people wouldn’t know what to do with it (myself included)
If I don’t literally trip on the extension cord, I’ll try to keep the AC as isolated as possible, for my own sanity’s sake.
Wrong, wrong, wrongity-wrong, wrong.
Code allows a circuit to be operated at 80% of rating. That means the max you allowed to draw on a 15A circuit is 12A. That AC unit needs to be the only drop.
startup load
I was going to rush in to make this same observation, but you beat me to it
Remember to factor your power.
Look at the breaker label and see if it says afci or gfci.
Arc fault circuit interrupter
Ground fault circuit interrupter
They’re breaker versions of the gfci outlet in bathrooms and are increasingly mandated elsewhere. And are known for nuisance tripping, aka unwanted tripping.
It does not say one way or another, unless it’s on a side only visible after pulling it from the breaker box.
It would be visible when installed. You don’t have either one then. Ordinary breaker.
I can confirm that GFCI breakers are a non-stop tripping nightmare. I work in new construction and all of our houses have these on pretty much every circuit. Got some lights on while you’re vacuuming? Prepare for blackout. For the love of god, don’t even try to use a space heater.
$11,600 🤔
How much would it cost to rewire the circuit?
Zappa and Zevon!
Music Link Epic Win
Krugman admits he was wrong about Bidenflation.
He’s ever the dickhead.
Mechanical watch kits? Oh hell yes!
I might get my FIL one of those. He loves clocks and watches.
That does look fun.
Sadly, no pocket watch kits.
I always wanted to do a vacation class like this.
Swiss watchmaking class where you make a custom watch.
Oh, cool. Looks like they do the movement, too. Not for me (see Scruffy’s comment), but still awesome.
Oh man, I would do that like a coked-up stripper…
I was planning this as part of my EU motorcycle and food tour. Once in a life time type of stuff.
Travelogue! I miss your writing for us.
I haven’t done it yet. It’s likely going to be 2 years from now.
So teachers have all the same problems as the rest of us, except they have Fall, Winter Spring and Summer break to take care of it. Not to forget all federal holidays and a bunch of in-service days. Oh and if it snows .5 inches they get the day off too.
They may not get the day off anymore, with the shift to virtual classrooms. FEEL PITY!
A situation they engineered for their benefit and to the annoyance of parents and the detriment of children.
Biden, 79, is the oldest-ever American president and his advanced age puts him at elevated risk of serious illness or death, though he has received four shots of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, reducing the risk.
Boy, cancer and the commie cough. He better say 10 Hail Modernas and 5 Our Faucis if he wants to pull through.
“10 Hail Modernas and 5 Our Faucis”
Genuine LOL.
“Son, have you accepted Pfizer into your heart as your Lord and personal Saviour?”
Well played for both the religious angle and the heart inflammation angle.
And asthma, and a stutter, and Corn Pop, and an aneurism.
I’ve come to believe that Corn Pop was the good kid in the neighborhood who tried to get horny Joe from feeling up girls at the pool. He got beaten with a chain for his efforts.
Tell me more…
Corn Pop will have his revenge…
That makes a lot of sense.
I don’t believe he’s received any vaccines or that he’s taking Paxlovid.
*passes roll of tin foil*
Do we even have any left?
Recycling for the win!
Copper or get the fuck out!.
I love it when you get TEMPESTuous with us. /fond memories of seeing a USN Captain when it was explained to him that if he wanted to make the Reagan-era computer room TEMPEST compliant that he’d have to (redacted) with (redacted $$$).
I have no doubt that Biden has been vaccinated. I live surrounded by people who think it’s absolutely obvious that everyone has to be vaccinated and boosted. That’s what most people think. Are these people retarded? Of course. But Biden and the top men are not any smarter than them.
I don’t believe he’s actually got covid. And they’re so lazy and media is usually so compliant, Blackberry is just flailing around because nobody gave her a story to tell, so she has no idea of any timeline, it’s just “well he tested positive and is mildly symptomatic, so we’re putting him back in the basement. That’s all I know.”
Killer Zees! Filthy blues tune, indeed.
Funny how that works.
Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams says the influx of illegal immigrants is “a real burden on New Yorkers.”
“Food, clothing, school. This is going to impact our schools…there’s just a whole host of things that this is going to produce”
What an obviously racist piece of shit he is. There is no other possible explanation beyond racism for his comments on this and I won’t even entertain the idea that there is. Why doesn’t he just start wearing white sheets and a hood. He needs to be condemned as a Nazi and removed from society. Can you imagine the nerve of even suggesting that there are side effects and unintended consequences of unfettered immigration. How did such an obvious fascist slip by the incredibly level-headed electorate of NYC is beyond me.
This is going to impact our schools…
Serious question: How does an undocumented kid wind up in a government school? Last I checked mounds of documentation were required, including but not limited to vaccination history. What in the Wide World of Sports is going.on here?
That’s a very good question. My 5 year old is about to start kindergarten and they require all sorts of documents down to the birth certificate. How does that just get waved off?
There is a well-established alternative route to enrollment and you will find out that those undocumented kids are subsidized quite well by the federal government.
The schools view them as a profit center, just like lunches.
It’s amazing how profitable things become when you use government programs instead of supply and demand to invent prices and distribution.
Makes sense. And without checking, I’ll bet that the school system will provide “free” vaccinations for the younguns, vaccinations purchased from Pfizer et al at a nice markup.
Just about any aberration in school, county, city, healthcare, etc… policy that cannot be rationally explained otherwise is a result of federal and/or state subsidies.
The only way to really end it is to end the Fed.
Incentives – how do they fucking work?
My son was considered an ESL student because my wife spoke to him in her native language at home. The school did not want to let him out of the program even though for all intents and purposes he’s a native English speaker. Follow the money.
The Chump Effect writ large. Those who play by the rules have to stand in line and jump through hoops; the rule-breakers can just waltz in and get special treatment. And if you dare to question that you’re racist, and stuff.
How does that just get waved off?
Isn’t it the companion section to the FYTW Clause? Y’know, the FYTH Clause?
Serious answer… My nieces (through marriage) came across “undocumented” but had plenty of documents by the time they came to live with my wife and me. It took about 2 weeks for ICE/USCIS to process them. They received all the docs needed to fly and attend school, no problem, without actually being legal-legal. They came crossed minors so they have extra protections, but it’s still been quite the process getting them permanent residency – we’re almost there.
Side note: Their mother died giving birth to the youngest niece and my wife became their guardian back in Venezuela. The wife then moved here for asylum purposes and left them with her mother, their grandmother. The grandmother recently died unexpectedly, leaving the nieces without a guardian, so they had to come here. Under Trump, the nieces could have legally flown here to live with my wife; it was Biden’s admin that canceled that policy; so they tell me. They don’t like Biden.
I’ve always been a proponent of expanding legal immigration and uncomplicating it.
The Democrats don’t want legal immigration, they want chaos.
Wide gate, tall fence.
It is why as few votes as he got, I have never waivered in my Badnarik vote. I can’t say the same about the one’s since then.
The legal process should be made easier. One way to do that would be to have more locations where people can apply. For example, we my wife couldn’t apply in her home country, because the US Embassy didn’t offer that service. We had to travel 5 hours to a different embassy. Because of all the BS involved, that usually required an overnight stay. We had to do that at least twice. Not a big deal for us, since I’m a rich westerner and for that matter, she was a wealthy peasant, but for the average person, it would be a big expense. There was another embassy that was only 1 hour away which would have allowed us to make day trips, but people from her country were required to go elsewhere. It made no sense.
Likewise, when our Mexican neighbors want an extended visa for their parents, the parents have to fly to Mexico City or Juarez and stay for a few days to take care of the paperwork. It’s expensive. I can see why people choose to go the illegal route. I don’t like it, but I understand it.
My “moderate” position. It isn’t exactly what I would prefer, but I could live with it:
The Purple Card (I don’t think the color is taken) — anyone who can pass a basic background check can get a card allowing them in the US for work/school/etc, for up to 330 days. They can turn it in when they leave (you don’t have to go home, you can’t stay here) and get a new one 30 days later good for a new 330 day period.
It is not a path to permanent residence or citizenship, but having a purple card does not prevent you from also pursuing that path. There are no quotas. It is wide open to anyone who wants one (subject to background check).
That’s basically a worker visa… which is what a lot of migrant workers in CA used to come in on.
I make no claims of originality.
And I believe in common sense* humanitarian exemptions in cases like your nieces.
(*)I hate that phrase as it’s often used as shorthand for “what I believe is common sense; what you believe is unhinged ranting.”
It does seem like that situation would be simple: their guardian is not allowed to return to Venezuela, so they should be allowed to come here.
Yeah, common sense, comprehensive, pragmatic… I just tune out whatever comes next, present company excluded, natch.
Plyler v Doe
And that’s where the Feds come in spraying dollars. And higher local taxes, too.
You’re welcome.
Thot Thursday: more effective than Prozac!
Thirty minute rule. I should have come down on you for pulling this on GlibFit, Sunday, but I didn’t see that until after the thread was stale.
I did have some on topic stuff below!
You have only yourself to blame Tonio. Your meme image was so funny, Q couldn’t keep from tittering.
If you were in that water you’d want some flotation devices too!
Somebody needs to edit that teachers and crocodiles cartoon. You add in a bunch of people already swimming in the swamp and add “people who don’t get 3 months a year off.”
I ain’t got time for that.
Nor the hands.
And eyes. From poking around the site for a few minutes it looks like you just put on the hands and stem. Maybe the bezel. But, yeah, I have trouble doing fine soldering, even with a binocular magnifier.
In just a minute Swiss will be tic’d for this toc about puns
Sure fob off all responsibility for stopping these puns on Swiss
Any second now, he’ll click into gear.
/looks at a make your own chain mail dice bag kit I acquired a while ago
If you’re going to put the time in to make chain mail anything, it might as well save you (instead of your dice) from bastard swords.
This is fine.
Tanks are being put on the streets in China to protect the banks.
This is because the Henan branch of the Bank of China declaring that people’s savings in their branch are now ‘investment products’ and can’t be withdrawn.
Nothing bad happened the last time tanks were in the streets of China.
“Payment in specie only; only gold and silver accepted for deposits.” /paraphrased from memory from some history lesson I wish I’d paid more attention to.
How is one double vaccinated? Either you are or are not.
If you’re depressed, just think of how miserable Kamala’s staff must be.
And then there’s this:
RE: Annoying ass teachers.
For the sake of the children, please keep driving your profession into irrelevancy.
HM likes ass teachers.
HM *is* a teacher, is he not? A well-known and cunning linguist IIRC.
Dr. Heroic Mullato, Ed.D.
(I keed, I keed!)
Ass teachers is a totes sexist profession. Chaps only? C’mon man!
Well, you really gotta know the ins and outs of the profession.
It’s true. I meet with my fellow white, cis-het patriarchs every month to discuss how best to keep the queer transwoman Islamist down.
Thank goodness. This is so much more important than kids learning to read, write, and do math. I mean, when would they ever need to do those things?
Western Civilizations continues its self-immolation.
President Biden has COVID. Again.
Isn’t this surprisingly his first go around?
You’re probably right. I added that link late and the “this always seems to happen after…” was a quote from someone else. I should have fact-checked them as even the secret masters (and mistresses) of Glibdom are sometimes… mistaken.
Biden is losing everyone.
He even lost his mind
Thanks all for the kind words about the post. Sorry, had to run out unexpectedly about half-way through.
Re: Hayek’s question on Tasmanian Tigers. My (limited) knowledge suggests views on that have changed recently. Thirty years or so ago they were extinct, only nuts would believe otherwise. Now, there’s more understanding of just how isolated some parts of Tasmania are from the rest of the island. So, there is a remote possibility.
Fishing: yes, definitely, both deep sea and rivers.
Ozzie greenie song about Tasmania: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyU7KxVBGP8
The KAKISTOCRACY article is very good. One thing I think we all struggle with some time here, my self included is:
We may, for example, be tempted to endorse unjust government policies that we hope will harm our ideological enemies: to attack liberty in the name of defending it. The more we do that, the more we become what we hate.
The reason is I think it is difficult, is because we want our ideological foes to understand how it feels to be under the yoke of the gov. This doesn’t happen, however. Instead the foe just whipsaws back and tries to go at it’s enemies even harder next time they get into power.
First and foremost, we must guard against kakistocracy within ourselves as individuals; against letting ourselves be governed by our own worst impulses; against the tyranny of the knave and the fool that each of us harbors, more or less.
Precisely why the appeal of both Trumpian populism and national conservatism is lost on me.
“That’s not who we are.”
Some more excellent NSFW lyrics from those two rapscallions:
notcoming for your guns.”Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop asked House Democrats if they dispute the fact that the proposed legislation H.R. 1808, titled “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” bans firearms in “common use” throughout the country.
“Would anyone on the other side dispute that this bill would ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today?” Bishop asked.
“That’s the point of the bill,” Nadler replied.
“So, to clarify, Mr. Chairman, you’re saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today,” the Republican representative pressed.
“Yes,” Nadler clarified. “The problem is that they’re in common use.”
Seems to me that is in direct and explicit violation of Heller, Nadless.
At least he’s being honest about it. That’s a start.
I think that is the point of the line of questioning; that Fat Jerry knows that they are common, and admits it openly, pretty much makes the legal case if this ends up being Romney’d.
Hey, I LIKE leather!
Then you’ll LOVE this!
I’ll give it an 85, it’s got a good beat and you can dance to it!
So it started with someone who was just winging it.
The combination of Buffalo wings and celery has long puzzled Friday night gatherings and Super Bowl parties. Why bother pairing our blandest vegetable with the decadent, fat-soaked wing?
It was a matter of necessity. And leftovers.
Back in 1964 in Buffalo, New York, Frank and Teressa Bellissimo were confronted with a late-night request from their adult son, Dominic, to find something for him and his friends to eat at the Bellissimos’ Anchor Bar. To satisfy their appetites, Teressa threw together some wings, margarine, and hot sauce, birthing a regional and then national wing obsession. (Buffalo residents do not, however, refer to wings as Buffalo wings, in much the same way the French do not refer to fried potato sticks as French fries. They just call them chicken wings or wings.)
Teressa finished off that first plate of wings with what she had on hand at the bar. She served the wings with house blue cheese dressing and some celery sticks she had left over from making an antipasto salad. Dominic and his friends devoured it all, and the combination stuck.
They used to almost give away the chicken wings because no one wanted them. Then the Buffalo shit popped up and now they make bank on them.
Yep. Wings used to be used basically for stock, and that was it.
One of those fancy restaurants you recommended to me in downtown Cleveland made the best goddamn wings I’ve ever had.
Mabel’s BBQ? They’ve unfortunately cut back on their menu; however, it does appear they’ve got pig ears and tails back on the menu.
My personal favorite wing place around is the little bar where I go to watch Browns games. Sunday specials on wings (in the long ago, $6/10 wings, last season $6/a pound of wings and fries), huge list of sauces, and big wings on top of it.
I don’t think so. Another joint on the same street. I vaguely remember having some BBQ there, though.
Greenhouse Tavern?
Most of the restaurants there did not survive the lockdowns (Greenhouse shut down before that due to financial issues). The last replacement restaurant just opened up which brought the street back to full capacity again.
Sort of rings a bell.
I was in the upstate a few months ago and the appetizer wing portion (10) was only like $4 less than the middle of the road steak option.
Surely, they jest. It’s not like they used beet sticks or something.
Celery — for when you want to eat water with hair in it.
Surly Knott knows what’s what.
It makes good creamed soup.
To me that Krugman piece is just another example of the left abandoning Biden. Seems nobody is going to cover for Brandon anymore.
Then they have already decided what is going to happen.
We just have to wait and find out.
My gut is telling me you’re right. It is guaranteed he won’t run next time, but will he finish out this term? Also guaranteed: Biden isn’t part of the discussion.
Even if he was part of the discussion he would know it
Well the short term solution hands power directly to the only national politician that is miraculously LESS popular than Biden. I really don’t see a single good option for them besides putting up with him. At least he makes a good puppet who does whatever he’s told with no questions asked.
I don’t think them both resigning would go over very well.
They don’t literally just get to pick whoever they want. There is an order of ascension. If they both resign, next up is Pelosi and she comes with all the same popularity/divisive/controversy problems as the other two. Biden is still the most likely of those three to just be an obedient lap dog. I just don’t see a way they trade up that would truly be advantageous to the party.
She resigns first and they do a Ford.
Pretty clever. Insert whoever you want without a single voter getting a say and let them ascend to god-emperor to bolster your own party. You know, since the other party is such an obvious threat to democracy.
I hate to say this, but I can see her being removed via assassination. Nobody would be sorry to see her go, and it could give them the extra push to enact gun control.
The people running the government are sociopathic and very treacherous. I do hope that my thought has also occurred to Kamala Harriss and that every moment of every day she is in fear. Mrs. “We can’t let prisoners go because we need the slave labor” deserves every bit of mental anguish she gets and then some.
There’s a reason Newsome was at the White House when Biden was in the Middle East, I think.
On July 18, an acquaintance of mine predicted that Biden will be out within 90 days, Kamala becomes VP long enough for her to appoint Newsom as VP, and then she steps down and Newsom is president. I’m keeping track of the timeline just out curiously.
In the succession, VP has to be approved by the senate. If KamaLmaDingDong is made pres. (which is automagical if Biden steps down) she cannot vote to break a tie in the chamber.
Buttigieg. My Magic 8-Ball is unclear on who will be his VP.
Once president he can take paternity leave for the next four years.
If Biden goes, Harris is in. At that point, she is the first woman president. And the campaign strategy at that point would be, “how dare the sexist/racist (’cause she’s black, also) Republicans dare criticize her!”
It isn’t a great strategy, but it is a strategy.
She’d need to use the sexist/racist line on her own party first.
Nah, they will fall right in line.
It isn’t that they aren’t racist and sexist, but that they can beat R’s with it.
What is a woman? Are you some kind of biologist or something?
That’s been their strategy for a long time. If you criticize Obama you’re racist. If you criticize Hillary you’re sexist. If you criticize Harris you are racist and sexist. If you criticize Buttigieg you are homophobic. If you criticize Dr. Levine you are homophobic and anti-science.
Every time I see a picture of Dr. Levine I think about that scene in Independence Day when the alien wakes up and attacks everyone in Area 51.
They are just hoping that he makes it past the mid-terms.
Ackshually, it’s “Of course I’ll introduce you to Warren” and it’s a reference to Warren Cuccurullo who was a Zappa super fan who eventually ended up in the band.
There’s always that one guy. Duly noted.
Yeah, I caught the lyrics thing when re-listening to the song while reading everyone’s comments.
Thanks for the info about the other Warren. [grumbles]
“ he has received four shots of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine, reducing the risk”
Uh, isn’t the opposite true?
What makes you think that facts are suddenly going to come into play in this discussion?
They said it, so yes.
Yes, but the legacy media’s always the last to know.
Or at least the last ti admit it.
Yes. Or it sure looks that way.
Am chronically depressed, can confirm.
I was taking a break from writing proposals (for work) and went to the back yard to sit for a while.
Then an honest-to-goodness dust Devil came rolling right across the back yard, putting all kinds of crap in the pool. Kind of cool, but also dusty as fuck and a mess to clean up.
The cat was not a fan.
You have a pool?!? Mrs. Whiz is so jealous.
We’ve got a pool and a pond. Pond would be good for you…
You know what I’m thinking? Glibs Pool Party.
We bought an above ground pool and IDAF if the HOA is pissed….it’s too hot to not have it
I’ve always wished that the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes would pop out of one of those things.
Does this common belief even exist anymore? Did it ever? Isn’t it rather collectivist and nationalist? And when exactly did the USG become inviolate? 1865? 1964? 1993? 2016?
Isn’t this just another of saying Make America Great Again?
IDK, we’re not responsible for what they write. They have their own website. Go ask them there, and get back to us.
“our common belief in the natural rights”
Of course this “common belief” doesn’t exist anymore. Didn’t the Senate just confirm a new Justice who explained, in writing, that she doesn’t necessarily believe there are such things as natural rights?
Of course he doesn’t explain how exactly this “common belief” is to be restored, what is to be done with the dissenters or how he tends to preserve this common belief.
So, a little story about Modern Policing:
A friend of ours owns a storefront business. The alarm went off about 3:00 am, so she calls the police and heads down to see what’s going on. Two cops show up at about the same time. She checks her security footage on her phone, and it shows somebody climbed up the fire escape and broke into the second floor. One guy. She goes to the front of the building, and she can hear him banging around on the second floor (which is not usable because she raised the ceiling of the first floor, and just has mechanicals in it). She can see through the windows, and can see that he is trying to break through the ceiling to get to the first floor.
She tells the cops. Who refuse to go into the building without backup (remember, one guy), and call for canine units (why canine? who knows). They stand around, with a clear view of the guy breaking through the ceiling, falling to the floor, cutting himself badly on the chandelier on his way down, and running into the back of the building. They wait until the canine units (plural) arrive, and I’m sure others. I expect there were at least 6 cops there before they go into the building. They find the guy, out of his head on drugs, totally naked, and bleeding everywhere, in a bathroom.
So these cops know, and see, a felony being committed right in front of them, and do nothing. Because they were askeert of one guy, they have to wait until they have dogs and multiple other cops, to arrest One. Guy.
What happened in Uvalde isn’t an aberration. Its SOP for Modern Policing.
OfFiCeR SafTeEE!
The heroes made it home alive. That’s what matters.
Last week someone that lives on my street apparently wrecked a car along the main drag and ran from the scene. Next thing I know half of local PD is on my street on a manhunt. K9 arrives, along with several other unmarked cops. They eventually harass one of the people that lives with the guy, take her phone and then discover that the guy is at his house where he surrenders to arrest. The cops all congratulate themselves and leave. I guess they all had nothing better to do.
Sounds about right based on my interactions with them at my business.
We had a similar “too local” story recently, only moar derptastic.
Police pull over a guy for a traffic violation. Dude exits the vehicle as requested, then takes off running, leaving behind his ID and a stolen firearm and ammo. Cops run the ID and find out that our perp is a convicted “forcible felon,” which is a Florida term for violent asshole as opposed to some random kid nailed for sale of cocaine. Per policy, forcible felon + presence of a firearm = get a dog to help with the apprehension.
Police quickly find the guy in his hiding place and tell him the jig is up. Dude instead plays a game of “I fought the dog, and the dog won.” In fact, dude loses an eye in the tussle.
What do “members of the community” do? Why, block a major intersection and protest the police, of course. No word as of yet if Al Sharpton or Ben Crump will make an appearance.
Arnold Kling paraphrasing Glib favorite Postrel. I like the collectivist, tribalist and anti-immgrant sentiments she expresses here which I’m sure she has proved through science.
Yes, it’s the nasties that are concerned with themselves but the niches who benevolently choose to let others alone.
Well, the practicing Quakers around here are firmly in the “we love to dictate to others” category except for anti-war activities (and even that exception depends largely on whether the war monger president has an R or D after his name).
Glib favorite
Do you not remember what she said about us? Well, it was the Reason commentariat, but it applies.
I was being sarcastic as I remembered yesterday’s thread.
I had to go look it up, wasnt around for that part yesterday.
“Glib favorite Postrel.” LOL
That’s particularly lulzy on one of my threads, since I’ve lampooned her in my fiction, and with good reason.
Do try to keep up.
He doesn’t mean it. We were dunking on the silly tramp yesterday, reminiscing fondly about the thread that set her off.
It was sarcasm. I thought it would be obvious I don’t like her either and agree with the criticism?
Headed over to the D/FW meetup at Hard Eight’s in The Colony.
If no one else is thee I guess I’ll have some beers.
White Supremacy
Ant it a shame though?
the Colony: who knew? I was guessing Coppell
I’ve got work in Clarksville next week
Thanks for the lynx, Tonio!
I love both those songs. I can’t believe Warren has been gone for almost 20 years!
The watch kits are cool. Alas, I am a mechanical watch destroyer, so it’s a G-Shock for me.
Tundra. I’m the same way. I did spurge and bought a Casio Edifice that uses the Gshock gel as well as tough mvmt. The cool part is that they make some really nice looking stuff.
Thanks! I’ll check them out.
In local news….because its filed here in Nevada. Edmonton Oilers owner busted for trying to buy child sex…
Meh. She was 17.
Oh then never mind. It’s all good
I wouldn’t get out the anointing oils for the guy. He’s a sleaze.
But she’s not really a child.
What’s the age of consent in Nevada?
Is she over 18 now? Asking for a friend.
“the couple filed the third-party counterclaim that alleges the Buttons were in a consensual “throuple sexual relationship” with Humphries when she was 18, but also claims Katz and two other men had sexual relationships with the Humphries when she was underage”
It’s like the last days of Caligula.
Looks like thevSri Lanka parliament chose another WEF stooge…
Wickremesingh — so is he a 4 or 5 pack?
I think 4– Wic, Kre, Mes, and Ingh.
And I realize this is probably only amusing to me.
I love that book. On the subject of Vinge, I’m actually rereading The Peace War now, and the background of the plague warfare, people’s hated for the bioscientists, and the resulting loss of even good uses of medical science in the backlash is hitting a lot harder this time around.
Started a new project today:
Got a bumper crop of Carolina Reaper chiles from my plant.
Smoked about half of them, then chopped them all up with some roasted garlic, carrots, and a quarter onion. Into a jar with some brine (1 1/4 teaspoons salt to 1 cup water), where the mixture will all ferment for a week before going into the refrigerator for another week. Then the whole shebang goes through the blender and is strained for hot sauce.
First time I’ve tried to ferment, instead of just cooking down peppers with vinegar, adjuncts, and citrus. We’ll see how it turns out.
We’re all gonna die!!
Just not from climate.
“Masters and Johnson’s later research involved volunteers from the general community. They observed over 300 couples, who had been randomly assigned into pairs, having sex.”
“Randomly assigned”? Like, they drew straws or did rock-paper-scissors?
Key party.
Masters and Johnson? Is this a new Sokal hoax?
Someone will surely take the bait.
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just the extreme sexuality emanating from this First?
It might be Monkey Pox.
First. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
It’s a heatwave and my AC can’t keep up. I’m basically naked in my home office.
Go on.
Just as long as you aren’t Toobin’ . . .
‘Megasharks’ Thriving
Sharks are getting bigger, according to researchers.
They’re probably trying to weigh themselves down so they don’t get swept up by tornadoes nearly as often. I’m told it’s become a common problem since about 2013.
Sharks are getting bigger, according to researchers.
Wait, what? I thought sharks were disappearing.
I can’t keep up.
The biggers ones ate the smaller ones?
Maybe when you stop killing a million baby seals every year, you provide lots more prey for the shark population to grow and thrive.
But does my Prime subscription include this?
Amazon is acquiring One Medical for $18 a share, an all-cash deal that values the primary health-care provider at roughly $3.9 billion, the companies said Thursday.
The deal deepens Amazon’s presence in health care, which Neil Lindsay, senior vice president of Amazon Health Services, said is “high on the list of experiences that need reinvention.”
The e-commerce giant hopes to improve how people book appointments and the experience of being seen by a physician, Lindsay said in a statement.
“We love inventing to make what should be easy easier and we want to be one of the companies that helps dramatically improve the healthcare experience over the next several years,” he said.
What happened in Uvalde isn’t an aberration. Its SOP for Modern Policing.
Would an individual cop (on duty or off) have taken on that guy at the mall?
I doubt it.
Zevon! The Excitable Boy album is a rock top 50 for me. Just an excellent record from start to finish. Linda Ronstadt was one of the backup singers on the title track.
Enjoy every sandwich.
He was cute. So were we all once, I suppose.
But the vaccines are safe and effective.
A fully vaccinated Canadian senior was given a 14-day quarantine order because she did not use the Trudeau Government’s ArriveCAN app. “I shouldn’t have to go through this, no Canadian should,” she said.
Sad about Canada becoming sort of an authoritarian shithole, sadder that we’re close behind.
Your daily dose of Sanford and son:
Oh man! That reminds me of my grandpa. In his 70s and everywhere we went, women adored him and always flirted with him. One night we were having dinner and I was giving him shit about all the attention he was getting from our waitress. Classic response:
“Kid, all the girls love the fat man!”
Thanks, Sean! Good episode!
That one was an instant winner. Didn’t have to check for a better one.
’70s chicks were amazing.
Apex ’70s chick.
Thank goodness.
Folks, I’m doing great. Thanks for your concern. Just called Senator Casey, Congressman Cartwright, and Mayor Cognetti (and my Scranton cousins!) to send my regrets for missing our event today.
Keeping busy!
A fake president with a fake disease.
This is another one of those I wish covid were as deadly as they pretended it was moments.
Too bad your brain is only semi-functional.
The Daily Caller reported Axne’s statements on July 21, noting that she claimed, “The issue is the fact that it’s guns and the problem is we should not have semi-automatic weapons in anything other than warfare.”
Axne then inferred her support for gun control that would get rid of semi-automatic firearms, saying, “So here is the deal, they need to go away, and I will continue to push for that and to continue to push for the bills that we tried to get into our Protecting Our Kids Act, which was the one we had out of our House side that didn’t make it through in the Senate.”
Ah, yes. I recall reading of the exploits of Alexander the Great utilizing semi-automatic firearms.
I’d like to think that if I was looking to vote, or perhaps even write legislation on a particular topic, I would take the time to actually learn what the terms I’m using mean. But I suppose it’s better that this dolt doesn’t know. Or maybe she does and she just undercuts the lie that Dems don’t really want to ban all firearms.
They know, fucking up the terminology is a signal that you’re one of the good ones.
Moving those goal posts again. The entire “weapons of war” line is the way progtards tells us they don’t know anything about guns.
Or war. All weapons are weapons of war. Even and especially muskets, which were used in warfare all over the planet for centuries.
Rocks were dropped on attackers by defenders on high ground. They gonna outlaw rocks?
They repeat the word “semi-automatic” but I’m pretty sure nearly all of them believe it means fully automatic, and all the Scary Black Guns are machine gunzz.
My doc who rx’s my antidepressants knows my issue is that my life is a dumpster fire—and we’re okay with that.
Ah, yes. I recall reading of the exploits of Alexander the Great utilizing semi-automatic firearms.
Don’t forget Hannibal’s elephants, with that thing that goes up.
Elephant dong. Is there anything it can’t do?
News tells me unemployment claims are up for the third quarter (didn’t catch the percentage).
Lyft, Ford, and somebody else is going into layoffs.
There are help wanted signs all over town with double minimum wage starting.
The post office is delivering mail once a week because they don’t have enough employees to keep up.
Picked a couple scorpion peppers. Orange and chocolate cappuccino variants.
Nice, I have a few Carolina Reapers coming in. My other super hots aren’t producing yet.
My jalapenos are ready to pick, the habaneros are huge – like the size of the Roma tomatoes huge. Banner year.
Tyler Cowen is disappointed in you
The news that President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid should serve as a wake-up call for the rest of us: Almost three years on, the pandemic is still not going very well.
Perhaps it’s human nature to put bad news out of mind. Still, one reason so many people have chosen to ignore Covid-19 may be that they are wary, and weary, of public health authorities. If people admit Covid is still a big problem, they are implicitly giving regulators permission to control their lives once again. But people are tired of lockdowns, mandatory testing, canceled school sessions and travel restrictions. And so they are fighting back with the ultimate form of non-violent resistance — forgetting about the issue altogether.
This post-vaccine phase of Covid is worse than many expectations. More than 300 Americans, and sometimes as many as 400, are dying each day. If Covid were some new malady that had just emerged this year, this would be big news indeed.
But most individuals are not so anti-scientific, nor do they have such complex theories. They are simply tired of the pandemic and its consequences — on our longevity, our health, our society and our state of mind.
And so they retreat, if only mentally and emotionally. And a catatonic America continues to stumble through a disappointing response to one of the greatest challenges this country has ever faced.
It’s almost as if he’s pining for more awful death and heartbreak.
It’s too bad we don’t have video of an intubated Biden, hooked to respirators and monitors and that machine that goes ping, straining desperately for one more breath. That’d show those MAGA SCIENCE! deniers.
People aren’t tired of the plague. They’re tired of the obviously false claims used to prolong pointless and ineffectual plague theater. They’re tired of panic-stricken old women like you.
a wake-up call for the rest of us
I already knew the jabs don’t work.
Almost three years on, the pandemic is still not going very well.
The pandemic was over before it was announced in the US. What have had since is a mild (for most people) respiratory illness that is endemic (if it even exists and is not just another flu A/B strain…).
Men used to be celebrated for facing adversity head on regardless of risk to themselves.
Now, a large number of them trip over one another as they race to be the more scared shitless.
More than 300 Americans, and sometimes as many as 400, are dying each day.
Did it hurt when you pulled that number out of your ass?
There was an article on the Dr Frank winery in the WaPo.
More tomatoes are starting to turn, so I may be able to bring some for OMWC and WebDom.
I will have my second BLT tonight. Nom, nom. Homemade bread, homegrown lettuce, homegrown tomatoes, and Duke’s mayonnaise, bacon Nom, nom.
Wetback anchor babies.
When an Alabama family set out to wrangle a big fish for the 2022 Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, the last thing they expected was to see a rare spotted eagle ray come flopping into their boat.
April Jones, along with her son, husband and father-in-law, were fishing off the waters of the Sand Island Lighthouse near Dauphin Island, Alabama, last Friday.
That’s when the estimated 400-pound ray jumped out of the water and landed in their boat — smacking into Jones along the way. …
“We drove to the closest boat launch, which happened to be where the Dauphin Island Sea Lab was,” Jones added. “I ran into the lab to see if anyone could help get her out. In the meantime, some people had come to the boat and helped her get out.”
It was only then, she noted, “that we found out she had delivered four babies. We had no idea when she did it. They were not moving.”
She thought she could just skate by.
Nice links and songs Tonio. You da man.
I live within earshot of a train track. For the last two hours some cunte has been blowing the train horn nonstop for whatever stupid fucking reason. 2-4am and nothing but HOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKK. I swear I’m about to snap. What a raging prick.
See? I’m so out of sorts I can’t even place a comment in the right article.