Adios PGA. Hello money!
Bubba Watson is off to LIV. The Biden admin has offered to trade a Russian arms dealer for Britney Griner and Paul Whelan. Seb Vettel is retiring at the end of the year. And There’s nothing else to talk about in the world of sports. Moving on.
Uh, that’s not how a cease and desist letter works. If it was, every person accused of a crime would sue investigators for defamation and that would be that.

“Here’s my crazy card.”
Amid all the crazy in the world, I’d forgotten about the craziest bastard of all. Not that he’s really going to do anything, but he has been out of the spotlight for a while thanks to Putin.
Manchin rolls over on the boondoggle. I wonder what pork he got to make the deal happen, because this goes against everything he’s been saying for the last year. Also, this bill will do nothing but fuck the economy up even more.
This is a hell of a shakedown. I can’t wait to watch this trial seeing as the case is basically meritless, as a theme park is not a public accommodation and those suits make it hard to see. But there’s always a shitbag lawyer willing to take any case. I’m just surprised it’s not Ben Crump filing it.

“Hello, I’m the Big Guy. No wait, I’m not. Wait, who am I again?”
“That’s just a coincidence. Move along.” But what a hell of a coincidence, right? Of course I had to get all the way to the NY Post before I saw this being reported. Because of course I did.
What happens when the company with the worst service in an industry merges with the company with the second worst service? I believe we’re about to find out how bad it can get. (Typo that was pointed out in the comments has been fixed.)
Strange this keeps happening in San Francisco. You’d almost think it was a shithole people no longer want to live in since they got the chance to work from home and moved away during the covid times. Also, what employer just lets its staff tell them they’re not returning? Letting them tell you when and where they’ll work seems crazy to me.
Not all billionaires are evil. Some of them spend their money on good things. I don’t know much about Dunn, but I do know Farris Wilks personally and professionally, and he’s (and his brother Dan) done more for the community where he lives than just about anybody I’ve ever seen. He’s a quirky guy but he’s also a principled guy who hates big government.
Jam out. They were one of the best bands of a generation. Now enjoy this second masterpiece of a song. I’m gonna listen to them all day now.
Right, that’s it. Go have a great day, friends!
“Also, this bill will do nothing but fuck the economy up even more.”
Maybe that’s on purpose?
You have to crash market economies in order to get enough support to replace it with socialism.
They have actually been saying that out loud for several years, if only people cared to listen.
Amid all the crazy in the world, I’d forgotten about the craziest bastard of all. Not that he’s really going to do anything, but he has been out of the spotlight for a while thanks to Putin.
I think he likes the spotlight so he want to get back in it somehow
That’s all it is. No crazy person wants to be out-crazied. Kim, Putin, Amanda Heard. They all crave the spotlight.
I think, all things considered, Putin is the least crazy of that bunch
He’s just ronery.
Why aren’t more peopre interrigent, rike me?
I was convinced it was gonna be Gurbanguly.
Bubba Watson is off to LIV
I dunno a guy named Bubba should not be playing golf. More like truck pull or something
I’d reckon most tour players would agree with you. He’s generally disliked by most people in his profession.
or is it tractor pull? or both?
It’s tractor pull. Trucks do mud bogging.
And Bubba should go by his given name Gerry Lester Watson, Jr. it fits his personality better than “Bubba”. He’s a bit of a dandy.
Maybe he wants to sound tougher. Based on names and not knowing anything, I would guess bubba would beat the shit out of Lester. Or maybe not.
Lester Maddox was king of the bubbas.
He would have been a republican today.
Lester Ellis, Lester Martinez and Jack Lester might take you up on that.
I am not saying there are no exceptions. But in general.
We have a grandson everyone calls Bubba. He’s only three, so not really into golf or truck pulls. Dinosaurs are his thing at the moment.
I am, in fact, Uncle Bubba to my nephew.
I have never been to a tractor pull, I’m sorry to say.
This mist be rectified. They are very entertaining.
He’s 6 now & we’ve discussed going to a monster truck show in Worcester (they’re in CT, that’s not a terrible trip for either family).
Not really a tractor pull, but tractor-pull adjacent.
I should see if they have tractor pulls at The Big E
It’s wonderful fun. I do suggest bringing earplugs for the young ones, and perhaps even you.
What happens when the company with the worst service in an industry merges with the company with the second worst service? I believe we’re about to fond out how bad it can get.
1. typo
2. meh how bad can it be flying anyways is killing Gaia and we should do less of it, except if you can afford a private jet, then it is ok
then it is ok – correction you have to say 3 Hail Wokies and pay for some indulgences and do some lip service top reparations and dismantling the heteronortmative patriarchy. But the good thing is, unlike private jets, spouting woke nonsense costs no money.
The priests can be forgiven their indulgences as they are doing Gaia’s work.
I didn’t understand that story because United Airlines wasn’t mentioned.
Show us on the doll where EWR touched you.
Right in the behind, repeatedly, against my will.
““Hunter and members of the Biden family have peddled access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves. This is an ethics nightmare and national security threat… McCarthy and Oversight Committee Republicans are determined to hold the Biden family accountable for their shady business dealings with foreign adversaries.”
Then nothing else will happen.
Get ready to indict half of the DOJ, FBI, and CIA as well because they actively participated in the coverup.
Those are just stories that aren’t stories.
“But…but…no reasonable prosecutor…!”/Garland
Who will challenge the Praetorian Guard?
I was expecting that sentence to end with “this is a long and well established Washington DC tradition.”
If politicians couldn’t enrich themselves the government wouldn’t be able to attract the best.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
With a name like that…
we’re fucked.
They should do the military style abbreviation and just call it InRed22.
The IRA took my savings away.
Ring me, ring me ring me
Up the President
And find out
Where my savings went
Ring me, ring me, ring me
Up the FBI
And find out if
My savings alright
Yeah, yeah, yeah
/sung to the tune of the KKK took my baby away.
Good. I mentioned yesterday that I didn’t think oil companies and executives could tolerate DC’s attacks indefinitely. I didn’t stop to consider that the pushback would come personally.
Wilks has been on this for a decade at least. This ain’t new for him. Hell, he’s basically replaced all social services in his town of Cisco with private ventures.
This is the way.
You mean the way social services used to be delivered.
But we can’t trust private enterprise, we need the firm guiding hand of government to keep us safe.
That used to be true, but anymore, the PMC is indistinguishable across the domains.
The language used in the “article” is so loaded, they can’t pretend it’s anything more than an editorial screed. “Far right”, “right wing” etc.
They definitely want to smear these guys.
And “Christian”. *faints*
I wonder what the reality is; I’m not clicking on a CNN link for more details.
That article makes them out to be Bond supervillains.
“The California man charged with the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh googled the “most effective place to stab someone” before showing up at the conservative judge’s home with a stockpile of weapons, according to newly released details…
He searched the web for things like “how to be stealthy,” “assassin skills” and “most effective place to stab someone” in the weeks before his alleged June 8 assassination attempt.
He also told another person he planned to “remove some people from the Supreme Court” in order to “stop roe v wade from being overturned” in an ominous forum conversation revealed by the search warrant.”
Criminal mastermind.
That’s why I use DuckDuckGo for my assassin research!
He did apparently take notes on Monty Python’s: How Not to be Seen. That’s why he surrendered so fast when he realized he was going to be seen. Didn’t want to be blown up.
On topic music link:
That song is on topic for everything at all times.
A true musical masterpiece. Thanks for posting.
After seeing your first music link, I thought that was gonna be the second.
Also apropos and fairly timeless…
Meanwhile, Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita on Wednesday reiterated that his investigation into the doctor continues, despite a cease and desist letter from her attorney, who has said Bernard followed “all relevant policies, procedures, and regulations in this case.”
Law School ain’t what it used to be.
“The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will make a historic down payment on deficit reduction to fight inflation, invest in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40 percent by 2030,” Schumer and Manchin said in a statement.
Inflation will be fixed by creating more inflation.
In governmentally preferred industries like solar and wind.
In other words, yet another colossal boondoggle.
If the investments were legitimate, they wouldn’t need the government to pass a law on it. Businesses would invest out of a profit motive. This will be a fucking nightmare.
There’s a reason I took advantage of the state incentives to put panels on my house. I fully expect electric rates to skyrocket over the next few years and wanted to lock down my costs at today’s prices.
Maybe the savings will pay for a battery to make up for the intermittent blackouts and brownouts as well.
I can’t wait to find out (right after it’s passed, of course) what giant piece of pork Manchin got for West Virginia and only West Virginia to do a complete 180 on this overnight. Because it’s got to be huge.
West Virginia is the new chip manufacturing capital.
I heard on the news some pipeline / energy deal to Virginia.
No idea about specifics and I have no idea what kind of NG production WV has that would make that make any kind of sense.
I wonder if that’s the Colonial Pipeline project which got shut down a couple of years ago. It was to be an underground NG line that environmentalists were plaguing with lawsuits.
Sorry, the Colonial Pipeline is a liquid fuel pipeline from Houston to Virginia.
It was the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project.
Google says – that makes sense.
“We have to kill the deficits first, then we tackle the debt”
/said every admin in my long memory.
40 percent? I hope the coal state of WV is smart enough to realize that Manchin just fucked them severely.
“ nvest in domestic energy production and manufacturing, and reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40 percen”
Does not compute.
I recognize all of those words but I cannot make any meaning out of this particular string.
This is an old avatar. Was there an upgrade or something I missed?
I hope my company closes my barely-used office in NJ. Not for “shithole” reasons but because commuting there would amount to a gigantic pay-cut.
Since no one is giving 10% raises, they have to provide other benefits for retention.
New toilet paper that’s tacky. See, they need Anal Retention.
I'm sure the Jones Act also has zero impact…
Export Ban Would Mean Higher Gas Prices for Americans
I’m getting calls from private equity firms trying to buy my commercial properties. I’m wondering who the backers are.
my commercial properties – well look at mister landlord here oppressing the tenants
I’m the tenant and the landlord.
And yes, I regularly oppress myself.
These euphemisms are getting downright esoteric.
I never liked milquetoast Mike.
Mike Pence chief of staff Marc Short accuses Matt Gaetz of child sex trafficking
Anyone want to become a Japanese swordsmith?
Masahige Forge in Gunma, Japan is accepting applications for forge apprentices.
・Training period is 10 years
・Hours are 8:30-18:30, Mon-Fri
・No salary (it’s an apprenticeship)
・Japanese language required
No thank you, I prefer swords that aren’t warped in the quench.
The curve of a traditional japanese sword is introduced via differential cooling during the quench. While it is an intentional warp, it is still a warp.
Somebody in a twist over a little bend in the sword?
I was gonna take a stab at explaining it but he beat me to the punch.
Bent like a carrot?
I thought of you yesterday. There is a couple hours blacksmithing class here in Silverton. The elevation makes it much more laborious. One of the items you can make was a bottle opener.
Maybe if the program was only 4 years. American parents often pay for their children to party for 4 years.
“Up-and-coming rapper JayDaYoungan, 24, dies after being shot outside his Louisiana home just one MONTH after he was freed from jail on gun charges: Close male relative was also injured”
Aspiring rapper the most dangerous occupation?
It’s definitely up there with “attractive female congressional aide”.
Aspiring rapper the most dangerous occupation?
Soon to be replaced by political dissident.
What is that and where can I buy one?
Indianapolis Colts GM Chris Ballard:
“It blows my mind that an 18-year-old can walk in and buy an AK-15 automatic weapon.”
What is an AK-15 automatic weapon?
Aparently it’s a fairly rare kalashnikov variant that isn’t available on the US retail market.
It’s a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn’t show up on airport X-ray machines here and it costs more than what airport chief of security makes in a month!
An AK that shoots .223? People have made AR’s that fire thirty combloc, but I don’t think anyone’s got the banana right.
Mine is very reliable.
These euphemisms.
Love the track suit.
That’s great.
Indianapolis COLTS?
Seriously though. If I wasn’t lazy and didn’t have actually rewarding things to do, it’d be fun to get a movement together demanding that Indy drop the “Colts” name.
He never played high level football, so we can’t wave this off by blaming CTE. So I can only assume he’s a legit retard.
Maybe he meant an AR-47?
Nah — a M-10 Warthog attack submarine.
Shoots 47 bullets a second!
worst part is that it only has 10 rd magazines.
The Biden admin has offered to trade a Russian arms dealer for Britney Griner and Paul Whelan.
It’s not our year this year. Need to rebuild for the future.
This Russian arms dealer, can he supply Glibs with the AK15s we so desire from the above thread?
Without Media Accountability, Republicans Will Govern Like a One-Party State
You have to worry about the media scrutinizing Republicans. Every negative angle will receive extensive coverage. They won’t bury issues like they do with Democrats.
Chait, of course.
That POS is the biggest hack in an industry run by hacks.
The projection is strong.
I don’t see it.
Actress @AOC (D-Broadway) spends 6 minutes arguing gun manufacturers target “white supremacist” movements b/c of a tattoo she saw in an ad
“It’s a Valknut and it’s a symbol increasingly used by white-supremacists.”
Well it’s good that such people have never appropriated other symbols, such as the American flag or the Buddhist swastika, before.
She’s got a Sixth Sense for these types of things.
I see honkies.
Some people are into Viking shit. It doesn’t mean they are racist.
Um, Vikings are WHITE. White supremacists are WHITE. CHECKMATE racist!
Checkmate? What sort of racist are you using a CHESS term!
Wycome WHITE always goes first in chess? Huh???
I mentioned this before, but one of my teachers growing up actually asked me this.
I went to a Viking-themed brewery in the North suburbs of Minneapolis.
They were playing super annoying thrash metal, as some “Viking” misfits do. I noticed they had a small placard saying that they neither tolerate nor condone racist talk or behavior—kind of a weird thing to bring up at a brewery/restaurant.
As I left, I looked up at the deer antler chandelier that was directly overhead. It was in the distinctive shape of a swastika.
Beer was good though.
At this point, literally every nordic rune in the alphabet has been appropriated by some gaggle of toothless retards.
Or in her case, a toothy retard.
How is this tattoo ‘featured prominently’ in the ad? Is the shirt the guy is wearing also featured prominently? Is everything in the picture featured prominently?
If the tattoo is prominently displayed, why did AOC feel the need to draw a red circle around it?
Swastikas have existed across cultures.
Saudi Arabia unveils plans to build this $1 trillion ‘linear city’ inside a 170km-long mirrored skyscraper
who needs acreage in a forested area when you can live in linear city. This will be some helluva dystopia in 200 years
I read something on that. From what I’ve seen, it was supposed to only have a train inside for transportation, else you have to walk everywhere. So even if they finish building it, it’ll be hellish as soon as it opens.
It’s a prison to which you voluntarily commit yourself.
This will be some helluva dystopia in 2
00yearsLogan’s Run would have sucked if Jenny Agutter was wearing a burqa the whole time.
The world doesn’t need this shit.
Is it bad that I only like roughly half that film.
That said, I think the pluses outweigh the minuses.
I didn’t think I’d live long enough to see arcologies
That’s EXACTLY what came to my mind!!!
Mine too.
I still think it is funny that Oath of Fealty had brain-computer implants, but didn’t foresee cell phones.
I look at that and for some reason I see the city from 5th Element. Run down, unkempt.
You sure there isn’t some traitor we can get back as well?
The United States has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker, as part of a potential deal with Russia to release WNBA star Brittney Griner and corporate security director Paul Whelan, according to CNN. President Joe Biden reportedly supports the move even though the Department of Justice is generally against prisoner trades.
The discussion has been happening for a few months already, but so far there is not an official response from Russia.
“It takes two to tango,” an unnamed senior administration official told CNN. “We start all negotiations to bring home Americans held hostage or wrongfully detained with a bad actor on the other side. We start all of these with somebody who has taken a human being American and treated them as a bargaining chip.
Strange grammar aside, are they saying DC doesn’t do the same thing?
Now do the Russian gun rights lady. The hypocrisy is so astounding it’s hard to believe.
For the majority of the country that isn’t paying attention, it’s quite believable.
We also stole $billions worth of bank accounts and yachts from people accused of no crimes at all.
If they didn’t want their property to be confiscated they wouldn’t have been born Russians.
The property was guilty.
+1 civil forfeiture
Incentives, how the fuck do they work?
Speaking of incentives:
I’m upgrading one of my VPD tools. I’ve got two functional loadports.
To have them hauled off for scrap, I fill in two fields in a google form.
To have them shared with the company for reuse or resale, I fill out a 37 slide powerpoint, with input from finance and procurement, and put it on the agenda for the Capital Justification Board.
Option 3, private sale and act surprised when they’re no longer there in an audit five years from now.
*don’t fuck over your outside partners so they decide to drop a dime
Accountants fucking hate it when they have to write an asset back up in value. They’d rather throw it in the trash.
Been there, done that.
“Wrongfully detained.” She broke the laws of that country, allegedly. Maybe it’s a stupid law, but a person should be smart enough to not break the law when in a foreign country, especially one that isn’t friendly to us. She didn’t kill anyone, she didn’t steal anything, but she was arrested in accordance with Russian law. Our laws don’t apply worldwide despite what we might think.
She was wrongfully detained because she is a member of the nomenklatura, and laws don’t apply to them.
Those laws unfortunately apply here too.
I assume if you’re coming through Customs and an agent finds weed in your bag, arrest is probably forthcoming.
I have seen all 3 of these things.
Welcome to the “technical” recession.
Et tu Fox, et tu.
Technically there is a link issue.
But this is why they spent the last week obfuscating what a recession is, trying to change the generally/historically accepted definition.
Just like with the “technical “ definition of unemployment rate. They claim it’s at a historic low, but can only do so if they drop out all the people who have given up trying to get a job, due to health, need for childcare, early retirement, etc.
From what I see in my small city, tons of people ads looking for work and just can’t find more than short term odd jobs.
They redefine terms and calculate leaving out important variables.
They really do think that all of us are as stupid as they look.
Unfortunately, enough of us are exactly as stupid as they think.
It’s spreading.
BREAKING: Iraqi protesters have stormed the parliament building in Green Zone, Baghdad.
Seems Panama has engaged in negotiations with the protesters and is implementing price and wage controls.
Should end well.
There goes Colon as a retreat site…
Sloopy, how can you fail to note the USL side making it to the final of the US Open Cup? OK, it is Sacramento and that might be reason enough.
Huh, I had no idea.
Without looking into details, I’m going to guess that most of the MLS sides didn’t take it seriously and sent their B-teams.
But congrats to Sacramento. I used to enjoy watching USL matches before I dropped ESPN+.
Didn’t a Championship side make the FA Cup final fairly recently? Or maybe it was just to semis?
Hull lost to Arsenal in 2013 I believe.
Wigan won the FA cup in ’13 (over Man City) – and were relegated out of the Premier League. Only time that’s ever happened.
Hull was up in the PL when they lost to Arsenal in ’14.
Ah, you are correct. Hull City doesn’t pop into my mind as a Premier League team… ever really.
An NPR analysis based on modeling from the National Hurricane Center for three critical regions — New York City, Washington, D.C., and Miami-Dade County — found future sea rise alone could expose about 720,000 more people to flooding in the decades to come.
The analysis used three landmark hurricanes — Sandy, Isabel, and Irma — as benchmarks to understand how the impacts of storm surge could grow.
In all three regions, flooding from storm surge that once lingered along the coast travels miles farther inland and grows deeper. By 2080, when sea rise could reach more than three feet, flooding would engulf even more critical infrastructure, including hospitals and schools that often provide shelter.
According to my model, you’re all doomed unless you give me the money.
Do they seriously expect me to grieve if Washington DC gets washed away? That’s “Nobody move, or the nigger gets it” territory.
including hospitals and schools that often provide shelter. – but not the seaside villas of the rich climate activists one would presume, their good deeds will make the Sea spare them
That’s totally why Obama and the rest of the connected elite prefer to buy beachfront properties. They realize that rising sea levels will…. wait… no that’s not right…
if Washington DC gets washed away
I believe the term you are looking for is flushed out.
I believe that would be a Straight Flush, no?
Learn to swim! Learn to swim!
A model eh…IDGAF then
By 2080
Whatever will the Obama children/grandchildren do with their Hawaii/Martha’s Vineyard mansions?
Do they seriously expect me to grieve if Washington DC gets washed away?
If I get flooded out of my condo, I’m moving in with you. Hope you have some room in your gun safe.
We really are back to the USSR: the Russian government wants to close down Sokhnut, an organization that helps Jews emigrate to Israel, charging it with “brain drain.”
Nobody wants to lose their Jew advantage,
Guess what’s in Manchin’s approved pork plan.
The Senate drug agreement would require the Health and Human Services Secretary to “negotiate” prices for 10 of the top-spending drugs in Medicare starting next year and 20 by the end of the decade. If drug makers don’t accept the government’s offered price, they would get slapped with a 95% excise tax on their sales. Take his offer or else.
So, drug prices will be going up.
But this time with full approval of the govt!
And R&D down.
Statisticians hit hardest (given how much shit is now based on statistically showing improvement in a condition, not an explanation of how the drug actually works).
Given where recent drug company R&D has gone, that may be a feature.
R&D? Why do R&D when delivering a few grocery bags of cash to the FDA and CDC works just as well?
Wouldn’t that increase the price of the drugs by 95%?
I know Mark Cuban is controversial, but I’ve only seen positive things about his Cost Plus Drugs startup. Done without an act of congress!
Next up government provided insurance. Accidents happen.
These people vote: Gen-Z Can’t Answer the Most Basic Questions
Eh, they probably don’t.
meh film 200 people only post the morons
Filming this kind of shit at an LGBT pride event is tantamount to hunting over bait.
Still, the ‘name 3 countries other than the US’ was kinda shocking.
How many continents?
What is the capital of Chicago?
City Hall?
VDM THE LABEL 4K / Bikini swimwear fashion show / Miami swim week 2022
Miss Città Murata Summer Festival, Mirano 2022
Daily Quordle 185
#waffle188 4/5
🔥 streak: 30
🥈 #wafflesilverteam
8 6
9 5
8 6
7 5
3 0
+1 Tommy Tutone
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Quordle 185
Left side was brutal.
Daily Quordle 185
grumble bitch moan complain
Daily Quordle 185
Actually, it was my fault for chasing UL. Just didn’t think I’d get the middle letters from guesses on other words so banged my head against that wall — and it only took 4 tries! Idiot (me).
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Quordle 185
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Damned dusty room.
Kate Linthicum
Mexico City is being flooded by Americans — including legions of remote workers drawn by cheaper rents.
They’re transforming classic neighborhoods, the housing market and even racial dynamics.
More and more, locals are asking them to please go home.
lol. Is this colonization or gentrification?
Nice euphemism.
The United States has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker, as part of a potential deal with Russia to release WNBA star Brittney Griner and corporate security director Paul Whelan, according to CNN. President Joe Biden reportedly supports the move even though the Department of Justice is generally against prisoner trades.
Photos of that female “basketball player” make me think she’d get on just fine in a Russian women’s prison.
Manchin rolls over on the boondoggle.
Democrats are intentionally sabotaging the economy knowing the Republicans will take over in the fall.
It is more “getting in one last looting session”, rather than sabotage.
Crank that ratchet up a couple of notches so that at worst, Republicans hold that same level of spending.
This. Throw what they can at the wall while there is still time; some of it will stick and become “the new normal”.
When have republicans cut spending?
I would say the same. I realized the Republicans were just a different set of money wasters after Obamacare when the Republicans did jack squat to undistort the market. All that talk. Jack shit happened.
Pissing on McCain’s grave is on my bucket list.
You have summoned The Link:
so that at worst
Literally the worst case scenario is Republicans just keep spending at that level, not that they’ll cut it.
Why not both?
Redhedz on Thot Thursday.
He seems nice.
Video: Off-duty NYPD cop pulls gun on L.I. neighbor after earlier road rage incident
Descent into madness
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has backed out of teaching a seminar at George Washington University’s law school in the nation’s capital, following student protests and the university’s statement of support for the conservative justice’s role on campus.
“Justice Thomas informed GW Law that he is unavailable to co-teach a Constitutional Law Seminar this fall,” university spokesperson Josh Grossman said in an emailed statement Wednesday.
Thomas, 74, has taught at the private school since 2011. He was supposed to lead the seminar with Judge Gregory Maggs of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. Maggs once served as a Supreme Court clerk to Thomas.
Thomas was part of the conservative majority that in late June overturned the Roe v. Wade decision that guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion.
In the following days, thousands of students signed a petition calling for the school to sever its relationship with Thomas. But university officials refused.
Hecklers’ veto strikes again. I’m surprised GW even pretended to stand by him.
Odds are high some ‘activist’ would have attacked him anyway.
I imagine the security detail voiced concerns.
Was Sandra Fluke involved?
The ed bubble can’t pop soon enough.
Fuck Manchin.
That is all.
Trump didn’t help things in Georgia either.
Trumpistas blame the LP for “peeling votes from Perdue.” With no LP candidates in the run-off, why didn’t those “peeled off” votes go back to the GOP? Maybe because Trump told his voters that the election was rigged, so don’t bother voting? Or those votes were never “peeled” in the first place.
I still believe the Repubs lost the GA Senate elections because they had crap nominees, more than because of Trump’s bloviating.
Local here:
1. Crap nominees, definitely.
2. The same vote-creation and -counting shenanigans that erased the credibility in the presidential race were active in the Senate races, too.
I seem to recall saying something about ‘not counting on Manchin’ earlier…
He was clear when he submarined Build Back Bolshevik that he had a price, but the administration simply hadn’t met it yet.
That would seem to indicate that they’re near collapse.
The Germans defending Berlin at the end of the war were old men and boys.
But Berlin will be rescued by Wenck’s Army any day now.
I think their best move now is to stop asking Biden for US tax payer money and start asking for some angry pink and blue haired Xes who are ready for some action. No, not that kind of action, they were never getting that anyway, their abortion protests have been in vain. May as well send them to the front lines so that they finally get that attention they crave.
So you are saying we need to dump a few more billion dollars in
griftforeign aid.Why don’t we start a crowdfunding campaign to send every single person on Twitter with a Ukraine flag on their bio over so that these old men can be saved?
I’m sure they’re willing to take up arms to defend “democracy”. They just lack the financial means to make the trip.
They’ve been collapsing for months!
With a decision expected tomorrow on whether Los Angeles County will re-impose an indoor mask-wearing mandate due to the rise in cases from the more infectious BA.5 variant, the city of El Segundo today added its name to the list of local cities that will decline to enforce such a rule if it is implemented by the county.
“My City Council colleagues and I strongly believe the decision to wear a mask should be the choice of the individual and should not be imposed by L.A. County,” El Segundo Mayor Drew Boyles said in a statement. “Individuals should review the data available and consider their own circumstances and make their own decisions about wearing a mask. Businesses need to consider the various agencies that regulate their businesses as part of deciding how they will react to a potential change to mask requirements.”
The council voted during a special meeting Tuesday night against enforcing a possible mask order.
The Beverly Hills City Council cast a similar vote Monday night, saying it will not enforce any new mask mandate. Ironically, in 2020 Beverly Hills was among the first cities in L.A. County to institute an outdoor mask mandate. City officials decreed that everyone had to sport some type of face covering whenever they left their homes.
The cities of Long Beach and Pasadena — both of which operate their own health departments separate from the county and so actually have the authority to decide on their own health officer orders — announced Tuesday they will not issue mask mandates, even if the county does.
Ironically, the masks had no effect.
“Manchin rolls over on the boondoggle.”
Hope everybody got prepared for stagflation.
I look forward to my cost-of-living wage increase that doesn’t keep up with inflation but puts me into a higher tax bracket.
Heh. Isn’t that every year?
That feeling on your back? It’s a gentle warm rain.
On Tuesday, Brian Deese insisted that “two negative quarters of GDP growth is not the technical definition of recession.”
“It’s not the definition that economists have traditionally relied on,” President Biden’s economic adviser said, making a guest appearance at a White House briefing.
But on Wednesday, resurfaced 2008 comments from Deese revealed that he used to believe that was the “technical definition” or recession.
“Economists have a technical definition of recession, which is two consecutive quarters of negative growth,” Deese said at the time, according to RNC Research.
Los Angeles County is the only jurisdiction in the state considering a masking mandate, even though all but eight of its counties are also in the CDC’s “high” virus-activity level.
While Ferrer has defended the idea of a mandate — calling it a proven and simple tool for slowing transmission of the virus and protecting workers in indoor businesses — opposition to the concept has been rising.
County Supervisor Kathryn Barger issued a statement Monday saying she will not support a mandate. She said she agrees that masks are an effective tool against virus spread, but does not believe imposing a mandate will have the desired effect.
“I am adamantly opposed to mandating the masking, because I truly do believe it’s going to have the opposite effect,” Barger said during Tuesday’s board meeting.
“Opposite effect”?
You mean get you booted out of office?
And of course they all recite the catechism:
Masks are proven effective, blah blah blah.
Despite absolutely zero evidence of a negative correlation between masks and anything.
There is a positive correlation between mask mandates and authoritarian governments.
The science is settled.
Good morning Super G’s!
I’m tired after a late night of hockey, but it was a good practice and that zone 2 training seems to be paying off. Now if I could just improve my shot.
After this Manchin will lose the next election, and the Dems will be convinced it’s because he wasn’t extreme left enough.
I get that the US government wants to get citizens out of foreign jails, but there are many people sitting in US jails for doing the exact same thing.
I went to grade school and high school with that Indiana AG. I’ve followed his career. He’s done some good things, and now he’s suing all the right people.
But how many of them are professional black lesbian basketball players, hm?
Wut: Think you have Omicron but keep testing negative? An expert says to trust your gut: ‘If you feel confident you have COVID, you probably have COVID’
What if I identify as COVID-negative?
If a man can be a woman through belief alone, why not?
“Personally I’m worried … that we’re losing the trust this time of a portion of the public that’s actually been with us up to this point,” she said.
No shit, Shirley?
What is this from?
If you’re certain you’re COVID positive, you probably are—regardless of what the test says, Dr. Stuart Ray, vice chair of medicine for data integrity and analytics at Johns Hopkins’ Department of Medicine, told Fortune on Tuesday.
“Data” and “Integrity” must have completely different meanings when used in combination than when used separately. At Johns Hopkins school of medicine, anyway.
What he’s really saying is that the total rate of infections is much higher than reported and the IFR is much lower.
Honk honk.
New “gender inclusive” language guides put out by The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) are being implemented in some US hospitals. A screenshot of a language guide table was shared to Twitter on Tuesday titled “Suggested Terms in Breastfeeding and Human Lactation.” On the left-hand side, a column labeled “traditional terms” includes “breast milk,” while a middle column of “Gender-inclusive terms” suggests “father’s milk” as a possible alternative.
“This document was sent to me by a friend whose wife is a hospital nurse for new moms and their babies,” evolutionary biologist Colin Wright Wright told The Post Millennial. “He said this new ‘inclusive terminology’ is being implemented at her hospital, and that nurses and other health professionals are being required to ask each patient what terms they wish to have used when discussing their care.”
Father’s milk, oh my!
Meanwhile China, Russia, and Brazil have formed their own alliance and are laughing at us.
I always knew societal and cultural collapse was going to be ugly, but I didn’t think it would be quite so stupid.
Good grief. I didn’t read the article, but how is “breast” not gender inclusive? You don’t have to be (Chuck) Schumeresque to still have breasts.
Because you can’t completely erase women without removing terms that remind people of women, and one of those terms is ‘breast’.
I’m looking forward to seeing “Grilled Chest of Chicken” on restaurant menus.
On the left-hand side, a column labeled “traditional terms” includes “breast milk,” while a middle column of “Gender-inclusive terms” suggests “father’s milk” as a possible alternative.
So men can have vaginas and give birth, but not have breasts?
momsbirthing persons and theirbabiespost-partum parasitesSo hateful.
“A team of engineers at Rice University successfully reanimated dead spiders to serve as mechanical grippers. Aside from giving us all nightmares, they could be used for a range of purposes including capturing insects and even assembling microelectronics.”
Can we just stick with flypaper and asian people?
Good morning, Sloop!
I think the Jam is a perfect soundtrack for Thursday. Kind of takes the edge off all the bad news.
What is this from?
The masks in Los Angeles article.
Manchin was always going to do what he did. Maybe it just got to the point when he thought he was running out of time before his party lost enough power that there would no longer be a ‘deal’ for him to profit from. He does after all, have a D by his name. Him and Sinema were never some sort of heroes of freedom. He’s no Tulsi Gabbard. I mean he’s not even against warmongering and his boobs are not even worth mention. He’s just what he is, an opportunist asshole.
Yes. Team Blue needs to point to something in November.
Look, we just spent a bunch of money on total bullshit when most people cannot afford gas or food! Election victory is finally ours! How we ever survive this as a Republic is beyond me. I’m just trying to decide if it is best to learn Russian or Mandarin.
I’m just trying to decide if it is best to learn Russian or Mandarin.
They both have their own issues.
We’re just going to devolve into some sort of trade pidgin
“That gibberish he talked was Cityspeak, gutter talk, a mishmash of Japanese, Spanish, German, what have you. I didn’t really need a translator. I knew the lingo, every good cop did. But I wasn’t going to make it easier for him.”
―Rick Deckard
In 2018, Manchin said his re-election race would be his “last race for the Senate.” In 2021, he said he didn’t know if he would run for senate again in 2024. In April 2022, he told a fundraising luncheon, staged by big GOP contributors, that he was running again in 2024. Polls in WV showed him widely admired by members of both parties. Maybe instead of being a flip-flopper, Manchin has his eyes on the Democrat nomination for President? Would Schumer have signed off on some deal like that?
HAHAHAHA, the proggie wing of the party would explode. Almost makes me wish it were true.
Also, this bill will do nothing but fuck the economy up even more.
You know what? Good. Fuck America. Accelerate harder and collapse faster, fucktards.
Here, let’s learn some arm attack tips from John Danaher together
But we have to get Brittney back first! Where is your sense of loyalty to this country?
She’s already been emancimuhpated from her or whatever. How much more freeing Britney do we need to do?
I have zero sympathy for that case. I don’t even take drugs to another state, much less another country that could jail me for life. If she really is that stupid to bring a substance banned on half the earth, and expect some crappy doctor’s note to bail her out – she can rot there.
Whenever the Russkies want some criminal, spy or yacht returned, I guess good old Dr. Jill’s Husband will accommodate them in return for some poor sap American.
Maybe a “travel at your own peril” notice should be put out by the State Dept. so idiots don’t go to countries where draconian penalties exist for non-victimless crimes.
That only works if you seize a high-status American of strategic importance, i.e. an intersex biracial basketball player with good fundamentals or whatever.
I both live and hate Danaher. Sure he’s incredible so I have some of his instructionals. But I haven’t finished any of them because they’re painful to watch. He just goes on and on and on and on. Then Lachlan Giles or someone shows the same content in like 2 minutes
My favorite instructional video is still Khabib’s.
“I use my legs, I punch him, I don’t do nothing with arms, if he escape, it okay, we come back.”
Bridge to Nowhere
The newest bridge in Los Angeles, a $588-million architectural marvel with views of the downtown skyline, opened to great fanfare on July 10. It has already been closed, to great dismay, several times since then amid chaos and collisions.
The 6th Street Viaduct — which soars over the concrete-lined Los Angeles River to connect downtown to the historic Eastside — quickly became a hotspot for street racing, graffiti and illegal takeovers that draw hundreds of spectators to watch drivers perform dangerous stunts in their vehicles.
Social media stunts have abounded as well — in one case, a man sat in a barber’s chair for a haircut in the middle of the lanes. And the crashes are piling up, including a three-car collision where one driver, who had been part of a street takeover, left his white Dodge Challenger and ran from the scene. He later turned himself in.
The Los Angeles Police Department has closed the bridge multiple times — an exact count was not available Wednesday — and in the latest move, announced Tuesday that it would be “closed until further notice due to illegal activity and public safety concerns” before backtracking and reopening it hours later.
I find this ongoing tale incredibly amusing, for some reason.
“We built this for the people, but the goddam people aren’t using it the way they were supposed to.”
Have you seen that film where Alcatraz is the last hope for the restoration of civilization? Gavin Newsome has been right all along.
I’m really beginning to wonder if a “whiff of grapeshot” might be in order here.
There is so much to unpack here. Such as the ongoing trend across America of youths who apparently have nothing better to do than “street racing, graffiti and illegal takeovers” while being colossal assholes to their neighbors. I wonder what has contributed to this phenomenon although I will note it started well before early 2020.
+1 NYC unregistered motorbike
+1 modified to be as fucking loud as possible
IFL Dr. Grande. His sense of humor is deadpan to the max
Officials hope to install speed bumps, safety fences and cameras on the less than three-week-old bridge to curtail the behavior. In the meantime, officers are impounding vehicles and issuing citations.
“We ask for everyone to take a pause and recognize that this is a figure or a location in Los Angeles that we all want to be proud of,” Police Chief Michel Moore said Tuesday. “We want to show the world that we are a world-class city, that we can have these types of features and we can take care of them, respect them.”
You people are why we can’t have nice things.
I have become a much better housekeeper since I moved.
Now I’m proper girlfriend material! 🤪
You can probably see one empty soda can from any vantage point in the RV. That was my experience when camping.
Nope! Just took the recycling out! I’m a regular fuckin Rosey the Robot
a regular fuckin Rosey the Robot
I remember a much tamer version of The Jetsons from my salad days.
Mayor Eric Garcetti called the new bridge “our generation’s love letter to the city” during its opening weekend.
“While the Mayor recognizes that the celebration of this bridge is overwhelmingly positive, he has no tolerance for behavior that keeps Angelenos from enjoying this new landmark,” said Harrison Wollman, Garcetti’s press secretary, in a statement Wednesday. “The City is reviewing additional safety options and is taking immediate action to ensure the bridge is safe and accessible for everyone.”
John Yi, executive director of pedestrian advocacy nonprofit Los Angeles Walks, said the bridge wasn’t built to optimize pedestrian and bicyclist safety. It currently lacks a center median, for example, though discussions to add one are underway.
Close it to traffic. Turn it into a
farmers’ markethobo jungle.road diet!
Turn it into a farmers’ market hobo jungle.
Wrong city, wrong bridge, but I’ve read that book.
Cover it with dirt and make it a community garden.
I’m not a big beer guy, but the why here seems bad:
Not. Good.
Their beer is excellent, btw.
we learned that our CO2 supply has been cut for the foreseeable future
What does it mean?
Republicans are pumping into our atmosphere to kill us all!
Clearly they should pull it from the air to make beer and save the earth. I imagine they could get a 10 million dollar grant to study that.
We’re saved from climate change? That is unacceptable. What else can politicians scaremonger us with? Covid? Monkeypox? Fentanyl? Russia? Lame!
Nationwide shortages of CO2. The production of everything is fuck up these days.
It is .04% of air. Small ratio, but we have a lot of air, so it is available.
It’s there for the taking. Just reach out and grab it.
My lungs do that all the time.
There are ways around that, but it would require a massive change in procedure.
They would have to switch to natural carbonation via secondary fermentation instead of forced carbonation.
There is almost no way it could be done without massive changes in flavor profile of their beers.
It’ll be interesting to see if any small breweries start a reclamation program for the CO2 that’s currently just blown off.
I wonder if there is too many other compounds in the blow-off to make that feasible?
Lack of CO2 can be a problem, especially for kegged beer. I wonder how many small breweries are going to move back to bottle/can conditioned beers.
I know of one expansion cancellation, and two other ones delayed due to rising costs (one provided a 100% increase in building estimate in 3 months). One local brewery had the misfortune of opening on February 29th, 2020. They’re still around, I expect there to be a rash of closings/sales coming up soon though.
Modern Times went up for auction a while back, and from the stories I’ve seen, the sale still hasn’t closed as the winners keep backing out.
“move back to bottle/can conditioned beers.”
It wouldn’t have to be done that way. They could also use the large vats to do a secondary fermentation in, before bottling/canning. Like the British used to do back in the day.
Either way would slow down the process considerably.
A lot of the newer breweries here barely have enough room for the fermentation tanks they’re using now, and don’t have a canning/bottling line. When the shut down happened, thew were growler fills only (new bottles only due to idiotic state over-reach that’s since been rolled back), and trying to get a mobile canning line in. They’re opening up with no distribution plans, just to be a local taproom and capture some of the local market.
Regardless, I don’t see beer engines and cask conditioned ales making big comeback.
Whenever the Russkies want some criminal, spy or yacht returned, I guess good old Dr. Jill’s Husband will accommodate them in return for some poor sap American.
Maybe a “travel at your own peril” notice should be put out by the State Dept. so idiots don’t go to countries where draconian penalties exist for non-victimless crimes.
Just wait ’til some dumb fuck “soldier of fortune” who went to save Ukraine shows up on the front page of the Washington Post, begging to be bought out of slavery.
I thought that had happened once already. Trusting the commentariat for a link.
But Brittney is America’s sweetheart! A national treasure! Hero of America’s sport! Not getting Brittney back is the greatest threat America has faced since WW2, probably ever!
I’m not a big beer guy, but the why here seems bad:
Beer is carbon capture. Brew more beer to save the planet!
Nicholas Sandmann’s libel suits against TMITE have been dismissed.
That’s a broad statement. His suits alleging 1st amendment violations was dismissed. His libel suits have not been dismissed. Lot of bad reporting seems to be floating around.
Bad reporting? Say it ain’t so!
Well, here you have it. At the last minute when it appeared that America was headed for the trash bin of history, we are saved! And Brittney, the most important part, Brittney is saved.
Our salvation is at hand!
I saw this cross the tape this AM.
I didn’t know it included Christine Todd Whitman! We are truly saved.
Ross Perot would like a word.
Are we trading Whitman for Griner? Win-win.
We’ll technocrat harder and better!
This. I’m already thinking of them as the Technocratic Party.
The new party, called Forward
Dems already have us leaning forward…
“Dems already have us leaning forward…”
Close to the edge of that cliff. Then the job gets easier from that point on, on the way down…
The Dems can sense that the shift in the political Overton Window has begun and it isn’t going in their favor. They are set to become the minority party. The tears that happened after Bad Orange Man won in 16 will be nothing compared to what we are about to see over the next couple years as the realization really starts to hit them hard.
The new party, called Forward – spunds commie
Sounds goddamnit
“Spunds”, a new word, I like it.
“Ed Sheeran spunds cringe.”
“That new press secretary spunds moron.”
Totally not a banana republic show trial
“I believe that these murders are local problems that have to be solved locally,” said Marty Daniel, the CEO of Daniel Defense, the company that made the rifle the Uvalde gunman used to kill 19 children and two teachers.
In his opening remarks, Daniel said lawmakers should focus on the “type of person” likely to commit mass shootings, not the “type of gun” that person might use.
Asked by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., the committee chair, whether he would “accept personal responsibility” for his company’s role in that shooting, Daniel said the “murderers are responsible” before Maloney cut off the rest of his answer.
You’re not here to defend yourself. You’re here to be used as a whippingboy.
Why would Marty even try to defend himself? He didn’t do anything wrong.
If the Holy Inquisition accuses you, you are wrong sinner! Repent and beg forgiveness.
God help you if you ignore the summons to play your part.
Asked by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., the committee chair, whether he would “accept personal responsibility” for his company’s role in that shooting, Daniel should have laughed right in her stupid face.
“My company had no role in that shooting. Will this committee be looking into Congress’s role in that shooting? Because I have some views on that.”
You again, Leo? This way, you will become my best electoral cable, as we say in Brazil! I could tell you, again, to give up your yacht before lecturing the world, but I know progressives: you want to change the entire world but never yourselves, so I will let you off the hook.
OK, Jair, you are really making me like you. But you can stop now, no one else really takes him seriously outside of Hollywood.
This seems like the legitimate purview of the US government…
Senate Democrats introduced a bill on Wednesday that would repeal a 50-year-old amendment to expand abortion access globally with U.S foreign aid.
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) presented the Abortion is Health Care Everywhere Act which marks the first-ever legislation to repeal the Helms Amendment enacted in 1973. …
Booker said that in the wake of the Supreme Court’s historic overruling of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health last month, the decision has denied Americans access to “essential health care services” that will extend beyond U.S. borders.
“This disastrous decision will be felt around the world, setting back many countries who have long used Roe v. Wade as the basis to strengthen abortion rights protections in their own countries,” Booker said. “We must take immediate action to mitigate the global impact of this decision.”
Booker said the legislation that gained co-sponsorship from 21 other senators would ensure federal funding would give women “safe” abortion access overseas.
…and of course we have money for this just lying around.
Abortion is Health Care Everywhere Act
It can be health care in the rare instances where the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life or health. Elective abortions are only health care if you think pregnancy is a disease.
Why is it not obvious to everyone that we need to switch gears here and take the same action we did with unwanted kitties and puppies and fix them to where it cannot happen again? A solution that has worked and there was not even any debate about it? We need a national police force who can patrol events such as abortion protests, and when a obese fugly Xe is spotted who will never get pregnant anyway because no one will do the disgusting act, they are taken into custody and immediately ‘fixed’. Problem solved. Done, over, finished. It’s a jobs program and progs love that. What is not to love?
I would like to hear more about your modest proposal.
We shall speak more of this, in the camps.
“we have money for this just lying around”
Apparently, you were not paying attention when it was explained that inflation could not happen in this country and would not happen, ever. And even if it did happen, which it will not, it’s maybe a good thing, because save the planet, or something. Recession, who really knows what that is? It’s been redefined recently in the latest iteration of goal post moving. And stagflation? Hah! A term invented my Rethuglicans for campaign purposes only. It’s like you don’t even CNN, brah.
Yes, let’s export our culture of death to the rest of the world.
I think we’re trying, but no one is buying. They want affordable commodities and boring shit like that. They ain’t woke!
Are women that afraid of me finding them attractive?
Late night?
Little bit. I’m being a creep on the train.
Take your mask off.
I mean it’s probably only 30C or so, right?
I think your supposed to stick to packed cars if you want to feel up random women, not when she’s the only other one there.
Just go for the female only car. Like many things Japanese this is a request and and not a legal requirement.
Something like 8 years or so ago there was some guy that did videos riding the female only cars. He posted one where there was women who completely freaked out on him. She had an obvious fear of men and it was cringeworthy. It was like watching somebody torturing a dog or cat.
She completely lost it.
She completely lost it.
I’m betting post-traumatic in some way.
That’s the way it seemed.
I apologized,
The saucy look and the speedos are a nice touch, too.
Fetterman definitely has a better communications team
“We thought it would be so nice to honor Dr. Oz’s Jersey Pride,” he tweeted earlier this month. “So we’re starting a petition to get him inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame!”
The lieutenant governor released an ad Wednesday featuring musician Steven Van Zandt, a guitarist in the famed Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band and the character Silvio Dante in HBO’s award-winning, New Jersey-based series “The Sopranos.” In the ad, Van Zandt warns Oz that he does not want to mess around with Fetterman and should come back to his home state.
I’m not convinced companies are as desperate for people as they say, at least not at the mid-level. My applications just sit there for a couple months and are randomly turned off with no correspondence or opportunity to answer questions. On at least one job, my resume matched the job ad without little to no modification on my part. Response was “you don’t meet the minimum basic qualifications.”
Wut? I met 100% of the listed qualifications and then some.
I don’t blame people for dropping out of the job market. HR and their bots are a pain in the ass.
Still trying to network…
I wouldn’t take a job from any company that wouldn’t hire me.
Mrs. Dean dipped her toe in the job market recently.
Holy moly, what a shitshow. She had one interview, by text messaging, that we are convinced was with a bot. Another one had her record videos of her answers to canned questions and submit them. I’m sure both these were adopted after PowerPoint presentations touting the efficiency of the approach. Never mind their total ineffectiveness in identifying candidates who would be, you know, good employees.
I’d be inclined to pass on any interviews with those formats.
“Thanks, but no thanks”
Just think how shitty the rest of the company processes are.
Pretty much what she thought. She pushed ahead just to see how stupid it would really be.
There are questions you don’t want answers to; how stupid can this be is usually one of those questions.
Narrator: It was pretty fucking stupid.
I’ve had to deal with my own HR pushing back on me because of the candidates I’ve picked. I have direct hire authority, read all the resumes we receive, and manage the teams that do the interviews. They push back because so-and-so’s resume seems better, so why this one, or some other really random stuff. Why the hell do I fight my own HR after doing all the legwork? I’ve actually lost the battle and then had HR complain to me when a new hire doesn’t respond to their inquiries. I fucking told you that candidate wouldn’t work out you dipshits.
Still trying to network…
If you’re not already, find someone who is already on the team you’re applying to using something like LinkedIn. Set up some time to talk with them to see if the role and team seem like a fit. If it’s a good fit, that person can then get your application fast-tracked past the HR recruiter and bots and directly to the hiring manager. I just hired someone who did this. The employee already on my team got a nice referral bonus as well so everybody wins.
I used LinkedIn to get past one company’s bots and got all the way to the HR manager and thought I was at least going to get an interview. They turned it off and I never got feedback.
My new neighbor is helping me out a lot at a different company I’m very interested in. He’s been there for about ten years. I’ve been rejected from about six applications there…hopefully the 7th will make it past the bots…
The employee already on my team got a nice referral bonus
This is the way.
Networking you say?
Dastardly ruse
Nearly 3,000 firefighters and first responders have flooded the Sierra foothills of Mariposa County battling the explosive Oak fire, but it’s the guys in camouflage fatigues and surplus war vehicles that have most alarmed some evacuees and monitors of extremist groups.
As fire crews made headway Tuesday against a blaze that has roared through 18,000 acres, destroyed 25 homes and forced thousands to flee their homes, the presence of a self-described militia whose members handed out food and offered help to evacuees has raised concerns among some.
Calling itself the Echo Company of the California State Militia’s 2nd Regiment, the group had set up a field kitchen off Highway 140 recently and told the Merced Sun-Star it was offering food, water and a place to stay for those in need. Online, the group posts videos of members training with rifles, shields and other equipment, along with the group’s tagline: “We who dare.”
The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office announced on Facebook on Sunday that it had been “made aware” of the presence of a local militia in the area. “We appreciate their efforts and any of the efforts of other private groups or entities helping our community,” the statement read.
But those who monitor extremist groups questioned whether their actions were truly altruistic.
Self-described militia groups have often inserted themselves into natural disaster zones, they said. Sometimes the groups claim to provide help and supplies, while actually promoting right-wing extremist ideologies, anti-government sentiment and conspiracy theories.
“It puts these groups in a positive light and extends to them a type of de-facto authority that they really don’t have under the law, which poses significant issues,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino. “When you have a system that allows unregulated extremists to cosplay at times of disaster, you get, well, unqualified extremists cosplaying at times of disaster.”
The horror.
FFS. They’re providing food, water and shelter.
Nothing outside The State.
And loo, omigod, here come the Boy Scouts in their Hitler youth-like uniforms. They’ll probably liquidate that granny they are helping across the busy street.
I’d be interested to know what kind of “surplus war vehicles” they have because something tells me they’re not rolling around in MRAPs. If they are, I’d like the contact info of their dealer.
Anything painted a matte color == war vehicle!
War Vehicle!
Green heavy-duty trucks. There’s some military-sounding name for them but I don’t know it. Bunches of them hit the resale markets occasionally. Very spartan inside.
It’s funny to see my pacifist Mennonite farmer neighbors driving big super-obviously Army trucks.
Ah, the ol’ deuce and a half. A terrifying instrument of destruction.
I almost died in one of those when the brakes gave out.
Not so bad.
For a reasonable mid-five figure investment, I’m sure you can make it drivable again.
True, it doesn’t say anything about it running
FMTVs are being surplussed now too.
I drove a HEMTT for a couple years when we went to the field- had my shop on the back.
I want another.
*they’re a pain in the ass to get under camo net
With a crane! Those rust spots will grind right out.
$5k – engine ran after jump-starting.
That would be awesome for yard work. And already comes with a vehicle name!
Do they come in an EV model?
And I thought that it was like super-easy to get qualified at being an extremist, especially from guys like Brian Levin.
I am unclear what kind of authority is conferred to:
I saw that article yesterday. I noticed that they didn’t get any quotes from any of the militia members on their opinions of fart sniffing academics employed by the state university system.
I can’t find my second silpat. 🙁
So either I have to waste parchment paper or cook slow.
Parchment I guess, I can’t afford to work slow.
It’s sandwiched between 2 baking pans or cookie sheets wherever you have them stashed.
But I found both of my baking sheets of the same size as the silpat.
I think the second one is still rolled up in the pakaging, and I tucked it somewhere.
White supremacists! They’re under every rock. They’re behind every tree.
They’re in your panty drawer!