Starting now!
Wimbledon quarterfinals start here at about the same time you’ll be reading this. The Astros and Yankees are making a joke out of their respective divisions. Joey Chestnut showed his athleticism. And that’s it for sports during these dog days of summer.
I’m surprised it’s lasted this long. Wrought iron exposed like that isn’t gonna last forever. I just hope when they do get around to an actual restoration, they don’t hire the same crews that did the Notre Dame.
Good! All they did is fill orders for the stuff. They didn’t place the orders or ingest the items. Nice try, ambulance-chasers.

This is the best evidence of dementia I’ve seen yet. Because if this dumb bastard actually believes what he’s saying, his mind is a pile of mush.
Go Easy, man. They truly were the Greatest Generation…even though they spawned the Boomers.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Or alternate headline: PAY ATTENTION TO ME! Take your pick.
They need to get their shit together. Or just go out of business. Yeah, that’s it. They need to go out of “business”.
“Sure, we failed. But we need to continue with our failures so we can succeed.” Uh, hey dumbass, your stupidity helped turn your city into a shithole. Maybe sit this one out.
What a crazy-ass story this is. Plastic surgery, yoga, sex…and murder!
I remember when these guys were really good. Seems like it was four decades ago. Oh yeah, because it was. Anyway, enjoy the, at their best. Or hate on them. They deserve both.
Now get out there and have a great day, dear friends!
“And that’s it for sports during these dog days of summer.”
We all saw that.
“They need to get their shit together. Or just go out of business. Yeah, that’s it. They need to go out of “business”.”
This sort of shit is what the people that wanted government healthcare should be reminded about…
UnIvErSaL hEaLtHcArE iS a HuMaN rIgHt!!1!
Tonio, who do I write about an account issue?
WebDom (at) thisherewebsite (dot) com
I’ll make sure she knows to BOTL for your message.
Also, what type of problems?
Has the potato fallen and he can’t get it up?
Dry mouth, excessive twitching, swollen joints, agitated follicles, and static cling?
Do not take Glibertarians if you are allergic to Glibertarians. Possible side effects include attending Zoom calls in a drunken, semi-nude state, inflamed titty status, chronic narrowing of the eyes and gratuitous culinary argumentativeness. In rare cases, cryptid anal penetration cannot be ruled out.
Speaking of, CombatWolfFurry made a single appearance – I guess our immune system rejected another?
Had a few discussions with these types where I pointed out to the people saying healthcare is a human right, that through history we have had systems where people made other people work without pay or for drastically below market value wages, sometimes even considering them to be property, like the people that demand healthcare be a right they have, so they can avoid the fact it is expensive to pay people that have to be both smart and spend a shitton of time studying to be qualified and the required tech to make it all work, want to do….
“ Americans should get used to “uncomfortable” postage rate increases in coming years as the U.S. Postal Service seeks to become self-sufficient, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy said in May.”
Can’t compete unless you charge more? Isn’t that what Biden told gas stations not to do?
“seeks to become self-sufficient”
LOL. Yeah, right. They’ve had years to do that and only survive because of their monopoly on first class letter mail, and subsidized bulk mail.
I remember reading a book or paper(s) a long time ago that made quite cogent claims that without competition, no existing system will ever feel compelled to innovate and/or improve, leaving them stagnated and inefficient/ineffective. Nature is brutal precisely because without the pressure of constant competition – the real life & death kind – life would quickly stagnate leaving the only option for change a giant space rock slamming into the surface of the planet to do a reset. This applies to all systems. The moment you become all Kumbaya, you are doomed to extinction.
-1 Spooner Mail Service
““Sure, we failed. But we need to continue with our failures so we can succeed.” Uh, hey dumbass, your stupidity helped turn your city into a shithole. Maybe sit this one out.”
It is not an accident that every time one of the dumb marxist driven ideas the left is replete with goes wrong that their answer never is “We need to rethink this”, but that the failure came cause they didn’t prog-marxist hard enough. Throwing away $6 trillion caused massive inflation? Lets throw away $12 trillion cause that will fix it!
Throwing away $6 trillion caused massive inflation? Lets throw away $12 trillion cause that will fix it!
Come on man. Inflation is increasing costs for people so giving them more money will help them fight inflation. Don’t forget to also raise the minimum wage.
“I remember when these guys were really good.”
I remember that a lot of people thought they were good….
And I member when some TeeVee show called Bono out as a number two….
What exactly is a “reproductive right”?
A euphemism for contraceptive murder.
Made up shit to hide the facts that something gruesome is being done?…
Abortion, primarily. But also lots of free stuff for non-aborting birthing persons.
That should be called the “right not to reproduce”.
The right to fuck without those pesky consequences…
To be fair, semantically, if you have a right to do something, it includes the right to not do that thing.
That said, the most reliable way to nor reproduce is to not engage in sex.
To be fair anally, that also works.
What you did there…
A “women’s health” issue?
“Person of pregnancy,” bigot!
person with a clump-of-cells
“What a crazy-ass story this is. Plastic surgery, yoga, sex…and murder!”
Bitch needed killing for fucking with her man!
“even though they spawned the Boomers”
OK, maybe politically they suck balls, but were they that bad? Weren’t they the people that brought us computers, 70’s music, and played real football?
“They need to go out of “business”.”
Isn’t the Post Office in the Constitution?
One of the very few functions of government listed there.
Yes. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be put out of business through the amendment process.
Good luck. I don’t think any amendments are passing anytime soon.
Mail-in voting to eliminate the Post Office?
*ceremonially narrows gaze*
Thank you.
or a living constitution
I always found the notion of a right to privacy to justify abortion rather comical. The same people who act as if that is sacrosanct with regards to abortions don’t bat an eye when the government bans some other medical procedure or when the FDA prevents new forms of treatment for a disease. One might also ask how banning a medical procedure is in itself any violation of any individual’s right to privacy from the government, particularly if no women are actually being punished for receiving the procedure.
The whole thing has never been logical or based on any serious logic or reasoning. It is some of the most insane bullshit cobbled together to lend something quite horrible a veneer of legitimacy. It’s only purpose was to give people that make poor decisions another out from having to face real life consequences of being idiots.
When the ends justify the means bullshit is an acceptable means. More’s devil and the law warning isn’t persuasive to such people.
Anything you do in private is constitutionally protected. Abortion, protected. Meth lab, protected. Rape dungeon, protected. Planning an insurrection, protected. It’s a basic constitutional principle.
Anything to avoid calling it a clump of cells or a human. SCOTUS had no interest in actually adjudicating that.
Yeah, they also punted on pornography — they couldn’t define it, but they know it when they see it.
But, in their defense, it’s a hell of a thing to define.
I would go with “It was not explicitly excluded from freedom or speech and the press, and thus, even obscene speech is protected.”
When in doubt, err in favor of the citizen’s freedom.
So, San Francisco as the model for the whole country. No infringing on the right to shit on the sidewalk or wave your dick at children.
That downright perverted. What kind of creep shits on the sidewalk?
Excreting on the sidewalk is easily an enforcable offense, especially since the shitters never clean up after themselves.
The debate over public nudity is something to be argued, but is it really speech?
The debate over public nudity is something to be argued, but is it really speech?
Public Nudity:Softcore Porn::Live Political Rally:State of the Union Address
or ::Live Theater:Movie Theater
It doesn’t strike me as changing in character just because it’s recorded on some medium rather than observed directly.
When in doubt, err in favor of the citizen’s freedom.
Maximum individual freedom.
Fuck that noise. You’ve convinced me.
Totalitarian Theocracy is the way to go.
I claim the title of God-Emperor.
Ok Leto…
There have always been other ways stuff like that might be disincentivized…
To put it in a fairly benign/euphemistic way: The property owners and merchants in some areas might decide they’re OK with that. But would it fly in “the whole country”? Nah.
Fuck that noise. You’ve convinced me.
Totalitarian Theocracy is the way to go.
*strongly rolls eyes*
Note that I didn’t even make an argument for or against labeling it as speech. I merely connected two concepts, one which you questioned whether it should be treated as speech with one that you clearly think should be treated as speech. Where you take it from there is up to you.
Where I took it was “I want to be the one making the rules.” Because I can’t trust most people to get it right.
Totalitarian Theocracy is the way to go.
Love the binary thinking.
While I will be gratuitously corrupt, I will protect your freedoms better than the current institutions.
Bah. I would only abuse my absolute power for entertainment purposes!
Judges are people too. That Roe claimed she was raped probably made a difference.
whaddup doh’
The voters just spoke on what they think of those reforms, and you have this arrogant cunt calling for their continuation regardless.
Publicly and proudly. Like, the first step the new DA should take is firing their ass.
With these people the problem is never the dumb shit they believe or do/want to do, but the wreckers & kulaks that ruin their ability to get nice things to happen regardless of the stupid shit they are doing/want to do…
Fire? public employees? in California? That’s just crazy talk.
The voters need to learn their place. It isn’t to determine policy. It is to provide a veneer of popular sovereignty.
Someone showed me a very prettified version of the new gun bans. I haven’t been able to find it. I have found a better-formatted version of the 42-page run-on sentence here Which has such notable clarity as:
Oh, I guess I was wrong about licenses needing to be renewed every three years. I must have misread things. Let’s just check that paragraph (d) to be sure:
Seriously, fuck these guys. I wonder if I can still renew under the current rules prior to 9/1 to reset the clock on needing to take all the recertifications.
I’m actually of a mind that the absurd overreach is going to lead to the court going “You clearly passed this whole package with direct animus towards the constitutional rights of the citizens, We’re throwing them all out.”
It will take a decade for this shit to make it to SCOTUS to be smacked down, and then the criminals running things will just do another runaround to buy themselves another decade to get more idiots convinced they should give up their rights for false promises of security. There is an end game with these people. And they will not stop until they get where they want to be. There is also no compromising.
And because SCOTUS can’t impose penalties on those who did, they all just turn around and do it again. Nah-nah-na-nah-nah.
Can’t or won’t?
How many divisions does the Chief Justice command?
“Costs and attorneys fees are awarded”
It isn’t like that is truly punitive.
I wonder – could the Court declare elected officials who violate its rulings as being in contempt of court?
Sure. But that will take years.
IANAL, but it looks like my initial reading that you’d need a handgun license to by ammo was excessively optimistic.
Is that a license to sell or a license to buy?
Even better, assuming that you’d now need THREE licenses (handgun, rifle, ammo)
Three checks a month! What could possibly go wrong! False positives will never happen and most assuredly won’t be part of a “seize first justify later” policy!
That’s some jobs program.
If I had fuck you money and an arsenal stored out of state, this looks like it could be a source of entertaining lawsuits:
The poor Amish folks…
For efficiency’s sake, the appeals form will be in Ithkuil.
The best U2 song is “Bad”
U2’s music has spawned some interesting covers.
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I think I need a break from quordle.
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My seed words did their job, but my brain let me down.
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Daily Quordle 162
I’m pretty sure I don’t wanna be the hot dog eating king.
I prefer hotdog eating ladies…
Joesy Chest Nut.
Is she part of Q’s land of the blessed?
Speaking of which:
God damn… That woman has her own gravity well effect dilating time..
Paging Tres Cool…
Dang Tonio, now we are gonna need a crowbar again to get him off her..
Actually Im into “larger ladies” with small t0ts. They all seem to come from the factory with DD-cups as OEM.
But still would.
Whomever managed to pull me out of her would be the next king of England.
Whomever managed to pull me out of her would be the next king of England.
Excellent. I have that line filed away for deployment.
The best part of Joey Chestnut’s win: this take down.
If I had to put my gastric system through that sort of hell to bag a trophy, I too would want to beat the shit out of any moron that then tried to rain on my parade…
LOL. Now I like Joey even more.
The Eiffel Tower is worth keeping, monuments matter. I’m tired of everything slowly turning to rust and ruin.
“How shooter climbed ladder to stage rooftop massacre and then disappeared for more than EIGHT hours before cops finally arrested him in dramatic traffic stop”
“REVEALED: Highland Park massacre shooter Robert Crimo, 22, is rapper called ‘Awake’ with 16,000 listeners on Spotify and $100,000 net worth, attended Trump rally dressed as ‘Where’s Waldo’ and dad ran for mayor while mom is Mormon domestic abuse suspect
Crimo was ‘known to law enforcement’ but it is not yet known if this was due to the disturbing content he shared online, or if he committed other crimes.”
Of course, he was.
Well this is obviously true.
Crosby, Stills and Nash?
I bet that 48 hrs from now we will find out these “facts about the perp” are all wrong and/or the media told a story that is the opposite of the truth…
I have no reason to believe ideology motivates these atrocities. Unless you consider nihilistic edgelordism an ideology.
We get all sorts of minutiae about these suspects, but never their prescription drug history. I suspect SSRI’s and the vax.
That’s HIPAA protected information.
Unless you consider nihilistic edgelordism an ideology.
Maybe not an ideology in and of itself, but it seems to be the consequence of the results of certain (nihilistic, revolutionary) ideologies that have been ascendant for the past century.
At least its an ethos
What the hell is a “Mormon domestic abuse suspect?”
One of several wives?
An attempt to paint him as a right wing religious extremist but they couldn’t find any real connections.
+1 Dawn of the possum
Crimo was ‘known to law enforcement’
Of course.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Nice story.
I appreciate these, Holiness!
Yes, keep these coming!
Admittedly, tracking someone based on their yoga habits is a bit of a stretch, but it looks like karma caught up to her.
Om my God, here come the puns.
It isn’t like he was going to beattle it to death.
And I say, it’s alright.
LE really went to the mats on this one.
“From Miranda rights to the environment, to the separation of church and state, to guns – so many guns – people are reeling. The U.S. Supreme Court has run a chain saw through what two generations of Americans had known to be the legal baselines of their lives.”
Cry more bitch.
Dredd Scott was simply taking into account the slave owners that had gotten used to that way of life.
Damn conservatives resisting change.
Separation of church and state? I must have missed that one.
Public employees praying during their personal time at government sponsored events. (That coach praying after football games)
Oh yeah, that one. Progs are really crying about that decision? I knew that progressivism breeds a gaggle of hysterical weaklings, but that’s quite a lot even for them…
I think the only thing that Progs hate more than guns is religion.
And hoo boy do they hate it.
Minor correction: Progs hate other religions.
Titty Tuesday is just the trick for your hangover.
With pressures mounting, Biden thinks GOP will make his midterm case for him
Despite high gas prices and low approval ratings, Biden is betting Republican overreach will boost his party’s chances in November.
President Joe Biden speaks during a media conference at the end of a NATO summit in Madrid on June 30, 2022.
President Joe Biden speaks during a media conference at the end of a NATO summit in Madrid on Thursday.Bernat Armangue / AP
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July 5, 2022, 2:38 AM MDT
By Peter Nicholas
Little is going President Joe Biden’s way as the summer lull sets in before the crush of midterm elections.
Gas prices are up; his approval rating is down. A conservative Supreme Court majority is hacking away at his agenda by abolishing federal abortion rights and undermining environmental protections meant to curb climate change. His own party is losing patience, fearing that any chance of consequential change while Democrats control Congress is vanishing.
“There needs to be urgency and action,” said Rebecca Kirszner Katz, who was an aide to the late Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid. “Folks have been saying since the day Joe Biden was elected that we need to move fast. There are a lot of things we need to get done for the American people.”
Biden looks to midterm elections for win on abortion rights
JULY 2, 202201:50
Biden has been rolling out plans to cope with the mounting crises. He has a three-part plan to reduce inflation. Another plan to suspend the gas tax in hopes of bringing prices down. Then there’s his long-shot plan to enshrine abortion rights into law by suspending the Senate filibuster rule requiring 60-vote supermajorities.
Inside the White House, though, advisers grasp that what’s required aren’t just plans, but votes. The 50-50 split in the Senate between the parties has proved an insurmountable obstacle for Biden’s grandest ambitions — to expand the social safety net in ways that insulate the most vulnerable Americans from economic shocks.
“He has to change course,” said a Democratic congressman, speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of upsetting the White House. “His numbers are in the toilet. Whatever he’s doing is not working.”
A perennial complaint from Biden’s Democratic critics is that he hasn’t capitalized on the platform he commands as president.
“There’s a benefit to having the president out there every day using his executive power to show the country you’re fighting for them,” the Democratic lawmaker said. “And it’s almost like he’s hiding. He has the bully pulpit, and he’s either hiding behind it or under it. I don’t know where he is.”
Allies say that Biden, along with others in the administration, will take better advantage of their megaphone in the run-up to the midterms, portraying Republicans as out of touch. Biden, they said, is energized by the Roe v. Wade decision, which may be a prelude to future Supreme Court rulings rolling back rights to same-sex marriage and contraception.
Unpopular presidents tend to fare poorly in midterm elections. But Biden-world sees an opening to defy the historical trends, springing from some of the same setbacks that have so angered the Democratic base.
Republicans are overreaching in ways that will alienate voters, White House allies contend.
“I can tell you that on the street, what you hear is a bubbling, seething cauldron of anger at the Republican Party for putting in these antediluvian judges who think they can take us back to the 18th century,” said Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington state. “My spidey sense and the polling indicate it’s going to help people decide not to vote for the red team.”
Jay Inslee is out there talking to the man on the street. Good one.
You know where he is and why. Stop lying. This is the same guy who didn’t even actively campaign for himself and who went month upon month without answering a single unscripted question from the media last year.
Unless he’s fighting the administrative agencies, I’ll pass.
“antediluvian judges who think they can take us back to the 18th century”
They gon’ put you back in CHAINS!
Inslee has the exact same problem that Cunte Clown has down here in Oregon. Outside the one major city, Seattle of Portland, they are hated, and generally don’t leave those area’s. The “man” on the street in either of those two cities is going to agree with them, but you go to Medford, Aberdeen, Yakima, Ontario, any of the outlying areas and the response is quite different.
Oh, what the fuck.
Pretty succinct summary of the world.
That Peter Nicholas/NBC bit was some impressive cock-sucking, but I don’t think it will have much effect on Joe, or the mid-terms.
I think the avatars are working again. Praise be to the webmasters!
Reminder: There will be a Texas meetup in July! See the Forum for details.
Thanks for putting that together.
I only wish I had done so earlier.
Where is this Forum?
Top of page to the right of Mr. Glib.
And yet in polls pitting generic Democrats against Republicans in congressional races, Democrats perform better than expected given the president’s low standing.
Would you rather have cake, or herpes?
People want cake.
There is definitely trouble afoot with some of the lower level Republicans running for Senate, etc… I believe the Democrats are going to focus on that to try to keep or grow the Senate and House. Do not underestimate them.
Yeah, I don’t have a great feeling. Too many predictions of success for my liking without specific support for the trend besides historically this it that happened.
Jimmy Dore talked about the Democrats funding “extremist” (ie Trump supporters) Republicans so that they would beat out moderate Rs in the primaries, and the Dem candidate would have an easier win by appealing to the middle.
Cake or DEATH?
Cake, please?
Don’t worry, your problem will be solved once you catch crotch rot.
Tard Tuesday: Trumpsurrection!
Nice link, bro.
Occupational hazard.
I always seem to have the same problem with the ladies…
Had she watched porn before deciding to make a career of it? As usual just salacious headlines to promote the career of some harlot.
Looks like an Antifa-tard.
Epitome of soy boy beta cuck.
Most certainly not a firster.
You’re damn right he’s no Firster.
Attacking an Independence Day parade makes me think political attack, as opposed to ‘new-high-score-in-the-shitbag-olympics’ motivation.
Given the multiple “fuck July 4th” posts from Democrats, I seriously doubt this kid is a right-winger. Are we allowed to talk about how the left’s hostile proclamations against July 4th could have motivated this idiot?
Tard Tuesday: Tardy Toons Edition
Geez, they are really bad at that. I almost feel sorry for them.
It really is a spectacular display of shitty cartooning.
Some of them don’t even seem to make the point they want them to make. I can’t find any fault with the message on this one.
This one highlights the main purpose of SCOTUS.
The gulf between college educated opinion and the meaning of the Constitution is probably too wide to cross anymore.
As illustrated by that cartoon, they just don’t get it.
NPR had a scold on to inform us that “abortionist” is a slur and Alito’s use of it was a coded dog whistle of bigotry.
Lol, good luck with that one, NPR.
I guess, if abortionist is so offensive, I can move to a more neutral phrase: baby butcher.
Derp. Weird how reality keeps on ‘offending’ the left.
Maybe if they weren’t totalitarian utopians they could handle reality a little better.
Margaret Sanger hit hardest.
I almost posted that too… Just clearly staying actual facts. Weird.
My favorite is the one illustrating how 6 is indeed a larger number of justices than 3.
The one with the handmaid, they don’t realize that having her directed by a STATE labeled arm kinda makes their whole point stupid, no?
They are sad because they all play on leftist shibboleths. If you don’t already agree with them and share the opinions then they don’t make sense. Or, even worse, they have to write a whole set of paragraphs to explain it. If you have to explain a joke, then you failed at the joke.
I just hope when they do get around to an actual restoration, they don’t hire the same crews that did the Notre Dame.
That aesthetic disaster is quite an Eiffel.
I like how “it’s all rusted out” but “everyone please keep visiting!”
I’m not getting on that thing.
With pressures mounting, Biden thinks GOP will make his midterm case for him
Despite high gas prices and low approval ratings, Biden is betting Republican overreach will boost his party’s chances in November.
It’s opposite day?
Republican over-reach is believing they will win every House seat and all Senate races this cycle. So win they don’t win ALL of those, well the Democrats clearly are supported by most of America!
Hiding in his basement won him the Presidency, why wouldn’t it also work for the mid terms?
You are wrong your holiness. Fortification and oodles of illegality and money won him the 2022 election….
I am going to bet team blue has plans to do a repeat, which is why they are not concerned about how ugly of a caricature their shenanigans have become.
This is correct. Also to my point above, they can lose the presidency and claim senate/ house. This is well within possibility.
Don’t know if this was posted over the weekend or not but here it is either way.
Good morning, Sloop!
The site gobbled up my first comment, but we’ll try again. I’m pretty sure it was pithy and thought-provoking, but I’m running on fumes so I can’t recall!
I hope everyone had a fun weekend. We had some close friends in town so it was fun to show off our new home. A little hiking, touristy things, beer and lots of laughs. Good stuff.
That crazy yoga killer story reads like GlibFic. I liked this:
Nice work, TSA. The name wasn’t McLovin by any chance, was it?
I remember when these guys were really good.
I do too. Their first few albums were terrific, particularly Boy and October. Then they caught whatever got Sting and spent the next 30 years sniffing their own farts. Sad.
My old dog is having surgery today. Minor, in theory, but at almost 15 there really isn’t such a thing. Any spare positivity would be groovy.
I hope y’all have a great day!
Hoping for a good outcome.
“Nice work, TSA. The name wasn’t McLovin by any chance, was it?”
That’s my name in my passport Tundra, why you outing me?
As millions of Americans celebrated the nation’s 246th birthday Monday, major media outlets and prominent liberals used the holiday to denigrate the US.
*points outside the country*
There’s the door.
Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) claimed on Twitter that this Fourth of July is “overshadowed by the dark reality of the Supreme Court’s decision that makes half of America less equal.”
I’m sure you can explain how.
“It is Independence Day in America with independence under current and relentless assault,” Bryant wrote. “From Miranda rights to the environment, to the separation of church and state, to guns – so many guns – people are reeling. The U.S. Supreme Court has run a chain saw through what two generations of Americans had known to be the legal baselines of their lives.”
The fuck are you bloviating about?
The U.S. Supreme Court has run a chain saw through what two generations of Americans had known to be the legal baselines of their lives
GOOD! Hopefully they feed the rest of the “legal baselines” of the modern liberal order through the woodchipper.
Just because: Ow my balls!
I’m really striking out today on the links.
Ow my balls!
Ow, my link!
I am damaged from the party last night.
Is it possible you can put the blame on some one else? Spud, maybe?
Abortions are cleansing, I’ve heard, so there is that possibility.
Go for it.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) acknowledged the possibility of a presidential run in 2024 in an interview with ABC News on Sunday, but said she hasn’t “made a decision about that yet.”
Why it matters: If she chooses to run, Cheney would join a 2024 Republican field rapidly shaping up, dominated by former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.
Lol. Pence, huh?
I hope she does. Watching her get rag-dolled by Two-Scoops and DeSantis will be almost as much fun as watching Tulisi destroy Harris.
She didn’t say she’d run as a Republican, did she?
Cool. Tulsi can take another scalp.
She can run as a Lincoln-esque figure, voted out of Congress, etc. All she needs is the beard.
Oh, I’m sure she can find an intel to show up with her.
Yes, getting primaried in your home district is always the best way to start a national campaign.
Kamala vs Cheney 2024! Can you imagine a more entertaining race.
*sits in horrified silence that this could actually be possible*
*contemplates expatriation to previously undesirable countries*
My reaction exactly.
Today’s the last day to get your advice into the “recession is coming!” article that I’m putting together for this Friday.
Buy low, sell high…
You never go broke making a prfit!
buy low, sell high
Can you clarify? Are you saying become a dealer or sell while high?
recession is coming
They should be announcing soon that we have been in a recession for the last 6 months.
My shorthand was a bit inaccurate. It’s a “2 weeks until the recession is official” article. The expectation being that the announcement will cause psychological changes that impact the economy as a whole.
Are you saying I shouldn’t place that order for $1k of ammo?
I finally bit the bullet and resupplied myself. It would be fitting for prices to come down now.
At some point, we should hang out. Maybe a range trip.
Why so little?
I’m trying to throttle back my spending a bit, and I did pick up two guns last month. Plus, vacation is coming up fast.
Demands for more government spending?
Those inflation relief gift cards aren’t going to distribute themselves!
(there’s a forum post where you can put your advice)
One if by land, two if by sea?
Buy a lockable gas cap for your car if possible. I remember the 70’s.
Open a good Pawn Shop.
Start drinking Schlitz and Genesee. Make Genny Cream Ale Great again!!
Stroh’s or GTFO!
I have seen three different cats in my new back yard. Maybe they will condescend to be friends with me.
Ugh. Birthday pricing at Midway Usa brings blazer aluminum 9mm down to $300 taxed/shipped per case. Must resist…
Ugh…cart is up just over $1k now…
And Republicans in some cases are putting forward candidates whom mainstream voters may find unpalatable. A video circulating on Twitter shows a recent debate among congressional Republican candidates in Wyoming, where some of Rep. Liz Cheney’s challengers struggle to form a coherent sentence.
“People are going to be stunned when they see some of the nominees they [Republicans] put out there,” said Joe Trippi, a longtime Democratic strategist.
Meanwhile, at the White House….
said Joe Trippi, a longtime Democratic strategist.
Yeah, he’s the first guy I’d go to for a sober analysis of the GOP.
Well, you can hardly expect a journalist to talk to some stranger, least of all an actual member of the GOP!
I heard a lot of “I can’t really celebrate the fourth of July when my rights are being taken away.”
Welcome to the club. You can hate your government and love your country at the same time. I’ve been doing it for years.
And, “…my rights are being taken away” is a mix of bullshit and delusion.
Sorry, my first thought was of the bullshit my state is pulling. Then again, I had to problem celebrating independence day.
Granted, I was shorthanding for the 3 recent USSC things.
Feel free to leave. I hear Liberia is nice.
EXCLUSIVE: Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor and Democrat Senate candidate Mandela Barnes (@TheOtherMandela) on America: “Things were bad. Things were terrible. The founding of this nation? Awful!”
Marcus Garvey had the answer for him.
Do people in other countries hate their own countries? This seems like a uniquely stupid American thing.
Seems like it, I wish they’d all leave. Was at a party last night and a guy wouldn’t shut up about how bad the country is. I think he is an immigrant, or his parents were anyway… Fuck off back to India then asshole. I had to excuse myself from the conversation before things escalated.
It depends. In Europe, there are people who love their country, and people who prefer the EU. Hence Brexit, and that shit storm.
I can’t imagine willfully choosing a Totalitarian Bureaucracy for government.
When Progs cry
Biking hipsters are agitating for a new bike lane through very liberal, very rich neighborhood in St. Paul. Things are not going well.
p.s. The story has quotes from multiple “Landscape architects” on the govt payroll. WTF? I wouldn’t have thought the city needed even 1, much less several.
The fight will be fun because the bikers will have to fight it out with other liberals who know the lingo:
“urban canopy”.
Pop some popcorn for this one! A blue-on-blue woke slap fight.
“Save our Streets” is toast if they’re hiring an arborist. Arborists hate trees – they treat them like garden plants. Every single recommendation is one version or another of “kill this old tree because it’s in decline and one day it’ll drop a limb on your new deck”. They’re central planners of the worst kind.
Well it is counterbalanced by the bikers having this guy:
Fixing existing stuff doesn’t pay the grift dude.
Reap what you sow.
After politicians’ decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country’s airports, ports and distribution centers.
I’m wondering about what kind of society allows *politicians* the ability to close farms and ranches. Are these state-owned in the Netherlands?
This guy’s kind of society?
Should have clicked your link first – you beat me to it.
And he went on to head the War Food Administration to cajole farmers and everyone to grow more food. Government breaking legs and handing out crutches indeed.
Maybe they have their own version of the commerce clause. Just let the EPA pass new rule for Gaia!
Holland v Filburn
This is about government taking over land now used by farmers to build more mass housing. The Netherlands is running out of real-estate, and the agenda is to use global warming to justify taking away farms from people that have owned that land forever by making their business unable to operate at any sort of profit. Government is setting ridiculous requirements they hope will kill all the mom & pop farms.
Will that not reduce the quantity of available food, thus raising the price for everyone?
What do I know?
I wonder if Ted kacyznski has ever seen Fight Club. Much of the premise of that movie seems related to his manifesto
Inciting violence is ok when the left does it.
Samantha Bee on the Roe repeal: “We have to raise hell in our cities, in Washington, in every restaurant Justice Alito eats at for the rest of his life. Because if Republicans have made our lives hell, it’s time to return the favor.”
in every restaurant Justice Alito eats at for the rest of his life.
I’m easily persuaded by screaming at people when trying to have a quiet dinner.
How do we reach these kids?
A debate is raging inside the Democratic Party about whether it’s giving its base — especially those under 30, the generation that most strongly supports abortion rights — enough motivation to keep voting for the party, as federal Democrats struggle to meaningfully push back against the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
The fear is that an already deflated Democratic base won’t show up in November, particularly the youngest voters, who smashed participation records in the last two elections and backed President Joe Biden by a 25-point margin in 2020. Some Democrats stress that the Biden administration and Congress need to do more to show their rage — and willingness to take significant action — to mirror the passion seen among young people, three-quarters of whom support abortion being generally legal.
“There’s a fine line between the recent events pushing someone to never vote again or pushing someone to vote with that righteous anger and bring friends with them,” said Maxwell Frost, a 25-year-old Democrat who is running for a Florida congressional seat. “It’s up to our leaders to decide which direction that’s going to go in. When they show they’re in the fight, using all the resources to fight for the most vulnerable in our community … but we need more right now.”
That sentiment was echoed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who tweeted that Democrats “cannot make promises, hector people to vote, and then refuse to use our full power,” ticking through a list of potential actions the party could take, including moving to expand the Supreme Court, opening abortion clinics on federal lands and repealing the Hyde Amendment.
What do you mean, there are other voters, with other priorities? Fuck them. This is America.
I think the message from SCOTUS was “Feel free to fight it at the state level. Leave the federal government out of it.”
Just what we need right now, more rage. More division.
Hell NO!
State law already bans red light cameras. I have no idea what their plan for getting around that will be.
a year in which more people died in speed-related crashes than in any year since 2003
Non-sequitur. Unless these deaths happened in work zones, the cameras will accomplish nothing to change this metric.
Want to be effective in reducing speed related deaths? Prosecute reckless driving to the fullest extent of the law. It’s not the guy doing 5 or even 10 over in the fast lane who is the hazard to life and limb. It’s the asshole doing 20 over and swerving across all the lanes who gets people killed.
How much digging would it take to find a link between Ms. Bernardy and some camera salesman?
Last night, I started watching Hell on Wheels, from the beginning. I had watched a few episodes here and there but never got into it.
So far, so good. It beats scrolling through movies I don’ want to watch for twenty minutes.
FWIW, Brooksy, I liked it a lot.
It isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty good. Wife and I really enjoyed Cullen Bohannon and the Swede.
The guy who plays the Swede does a fantastic job, IMO.
I remember a lot of the anti gun states would play these games by passing onerous gun restrictions, wait to get sued for obvious violations of civil liberties, then repeal the law and claim the case is moot since the law is no longer violating anyone’s rights.
To me, that seems like not prosecuting a murder because a conviction won’t unkill the victim.
Definitely an Antifa-tard…
Moment cops arrested Highland Park shooter Robert Crimo, 22, in his Honda seven miles away from where he shot dead six: Weird YouTube clips and drawings reveal his gun obsession
…Though I have been hearing from people that he is supposedly a right-wing Trumpite.
*adjust tricorne tinfoil hat*
Seems a bit too convenient.
There are photos of him doing the Boogaloo Boi thing (see my Trumpsurrection post above) and with MAGA clothing. I don’t have reason to doubt it.
They finally got their exception which proves the rule.
He’s a mixed up nutjob.
Based on the mugshot I can believe he is an incel.
Based on the face tatts, I’d go with volcel.
Dude, he’s emblematic of half the country. Don’t you get that?
Just like every other one of these lunatics.
I’m willing to bet he was on anti-depressants.
But anything about him that is conceivably “right-wing” will be amplified to support the narrative while anything that is inconvenient will be covered up.
Commie leftist.
All my prejudices are justified.
“The gunman used an automatic rifle he abandoned before going on the run”
Highly unlikely.
The Buffalo shooter was alleged to be right-wing too, despite his manifesto. The Narrative Must Prevail!
This might be an ass/drugs type of story, but it is interesting that Ilhan Omar got booed loudly at a concert for some Somali rapper.
I’ve said it here before that Omar has much greater support among the liberal whites in Minneapolis than she does in the Somali community.
So she’s going to be in office for life?
Love to see him go sell that in Akron right now.
“Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said the US should be more like Canada’
More white, and half French speaking?
I think he means they should be seizing dissidents’ bank accounts.
A big step in defusing the disagreement came when Biden confirmed last week that he would support a carveout to the Senate filibuster rules in order to codify in federal law the same access to abortion that was previously protected by Roe v. Wade. That move was a “step in the right direction,” said Carmel Pryor, senior communications director of the Alliance for Youth Action.
The President has the power to modify Senate procedure? I had no idea.
Dr. Scott A. Ziegler, Superintendent of Loudoun Public Schools brags about “robust indoctrination plan”.
On this day in history, the French exceeded all expectations, and gave the world the greatest gift. Today in 1946, the Bikini was born.
I had no idea it was high cut. Also. I love the tan lines on her ass. LOL.
Sad. Like many bad ideas, it started with the French.
Wasn’t this a Peter Weir movie?
There is no originality anymore. Everything is just a remake now.
Want to be effective in reducing speed related deaths? Prosecute reckless driving to the fullest extent of the law. It’s not the guy doing 5 or even 10 over in the fast lane who is the hazard to life and limb. It’s the asshole doing 20 over and swerving across all the lanes who gets people killed.
Just as long as you also go after anybody dawdling along the left hand lane.
Speed doesn’t kill. Speed differentials kill.
It’s all about the ΔV
That is fine by me. Same spread. 5 to 10 under is given a ticket. 20 under is treated as reckless driving, especially when in the fast lane. If you can’t make highway speeds, use the side streets.
I’m also okay with life without parole for people who try to cross 5 lanes because they realized that they were supposed to turn right, but they’re in the left turn lane.
Add roadside executions for semi drivers that clog the left lane for 5 miles passing at 1MPH over another semi while both are speeding and I’m in. Painful roadside executions for doing so uphill when signed trucks right lanes only.
Professional drivers, my ass.
At this point what differential does it make?
It’s not the speed. It’s the sudden stop.
You are correct.
Absolutely, some of the most dangerous things I’ve seen on a highway are caused by numbnuts hanging in the fast lane doing at or below speed limit and the associated reactions to this by people weaving in and out of other lanes to get around them. In city driving I’d say the non use of turn signals is one of the biggest causes of accidents (with of course going too fast and not paying attention taking the top spots).
I’m wondering about what kind of society allows *politicians* the ability to close farms and ranches. Are these state-owned in the Netherlands?
Silly rabbit. Those are nonessential farms.
Hope everyone had a great weekend. We had a wedding, a family party with the in-laws, and we hosted a party. Lots of sun and too much unhealthy food. It was fun, but I’m ready to get back to a routine.
If we’ve learned anything over the past 2 years, it’s that governments can simply close down any business they desire by executive fiat if they claim it’s due to an “emergency”.
This was supposed to be a reply to Brooks.
I liked the comment as a reply to TOK’s readiness to get back to a routine.
First? You’re god damn right I will.
Add roadside executions for semi drivers that clog the left lane for 5 miles passing at 1MPH over another semi while both are speeding and I’m in. Painful roadside executions for doing so uphill when signed trucks right lanes only.
Professional drivers, my ass.
*subscribes to newsletter*
A Compendium of Second Amendment quotes for
the Fourth of JulyIndependence DayThere is far too much ambiguity to know what they really meant.
We just need more central planning
The Biden administration may trim mortgage costs for new and low-income homebuyers in a move to make homebuying more accessible, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Industry officials are asking the Federal Housing Administration to cut premiums it charges for loans they insure by $50 to $70 a month per buyer, though some analysts say the federal agency is unlikely to make such deep cuts, the newspaper reports.
Biden’s moves to make homebuying more affordable have so far centered on easing constraints on home supplies, which can drive up costs. The U.S. is about 2 million houses short, Doug Duncan, chief economist at Fannie Mae, told Bloomberg.
The Ministry of Plenty will have us all living under bridges and eating rats, when they’re done.
The local rag is blaming increasing interest rates for pricing homebuyers out of the market. Not the actual cost of the houses.
Industry officials are asking the Federal Housing Administration to cut premiums it charges for loans they insure
Why not. It’s not like they are on the hook for covering losses. Eliminate premiums and return to NINJA loans to further the prime goal of equity.
Nothing works quite so well like subsidizing buyers to drive down prices.
Once we start spending all this money, inflation will finally go down.
Lily napped enough over the long weekend that I got to watch some TV.
Shadow and Bone is a fairly generic but inoffensive fantasy series with a Napoleonic/18th C. vibe. Standard Netflix casting. Excellent production values. Vastly better than Wheel of Time.
Vastly better than Wheel of Time.
WHAT? That is it! No fork root tea for you.
I liked it, except the casting where there was clearly meant to be racism against other people from different places, yet an isolated, racist society is somehow a big melting pot also. Okay? Weird.
Anything is better than the Wheel of Time.
In sporting news that was an absolutely great British Grand Prix. The Alfa crash at the first turn was a serious testament to how far those cars have come with safety. The driver will be back racing this coming weekend after a wreck that looked like it should have been death or serious injury. Silverstone remains one of the best tracks on the GP calendar.
I’m still laughing at those celebrities and other assorted leftists who are aghast at the abortion decision and babbling about “bodily autonomy”. Ha! They aborted that argument just over two years ago and no matter what they say it ain’t coming back. If the government can force you to cover your face to go about daily life and require a experimental drug to go to work or school then they sure as hell can have a say in whether and how you can get an abortion.
The Alfa crash at the first turn was a serious testament to how far those cars have come with safety.
Yeah, that changed my mind on the halos they mandated a few years ago.
President Joe Biden celebrated Independence Day on Monday, but expressed disappointment about ongoing gun violence and the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.
“Liberty is under assault, both here and abroad,” he said, alluding to the Supreme Court. “In recent days, there’s been reason to think this country is moving backward, that freedom is being reduced, that rights we assumed were protected are no longer.” …
“I know it can be exhausting and unsettling, but tonight, I want you to know we’re going to get through all of this,” he said, referring to the political divisions in the country. …
“You all heard what happened today. Each day we’re reminded there’s nothing guaranteed about our democracy, nothing guaranteed about our way of life. We have to fight for it, defend it, and earn it by voting,” he said. …
“For America is always becoming, always on the move, always a work in progress,” Biden said. “That’s a key word, a key idea, a key note in the life of our nation. Progress. Forward motion.”
Or as some have said here. Gay folk have hand enough of woke crap and and crime.
Once a Crucial Refuge, ‘Gayborhoods’ Lose L.G.B.T.Q. Residents in Major Cities
But.. mah ranbow crosswalks!
Inflation hedge?
In China’s depressed real-estate market, desperate developers are accepting wheat and garlic as down payments for rural properties to boost sales.
The alternative payment method comes as analysts expect property sales in China to have dropped by 25% from January to June amid China’s zero-Covid strategy, according to Reuters.
China’s citizens are also shying away from real-estate investments, preferring to hoard cash in China’s uncertain economic climate, Bloomberg reported in May.
To boost sales, property developer Central China Real Estate is offering a “swap wheat for house” promotion for homes in Minquan County, Henan Province, CNN reported, referring to a now-removed ad on the company’s official WeChat account. Priced at 2 Chinese yuan ($0.30) for every catty (21 ounces), buyers can pay up to 160,000 yuan ($23,900) of their
down payment
with wheat. Prices of houses in the development range from 600,000 yuan ($89,550) to 900,000 yuan ($134,300.)
Cash is trash?
Straw purchases.
Houses seem cheap, if you have the bread.
Didn’t realize Zardoz was doing real estate on the side.
Gotta diversify!
That was one of the unsolicited life advice from someone I spoke with yesterday. I’m sure being a carpenter is great, but I think I’ll keep my engineering career going, thanks… *Eye roll*
Sellers prefer something with real value?
Ladies and gentlemen, please get your checkbook out and give generously.
Ukraine’s Allies Talk of Rebuilding as Russia Consolidates Gains in Donbas
And you can rest assured that only 10% will make it through to the people that really need it!
Hey, as long as the Big Guy gets his 10% cut.
The big guy really needs it, so I guess that counts.
Netherlands, They found undercover cops
“Hello fellow farmer protesters.”
*points to avatar*
Ray-Bans and khakis?
Hey! I just got a cop-style haircut, and I went out wearing RayBans, a golf shirt and khakis.
Am I in danger?
It fucking pisses me off. All I ever wear are Ray-Bans, polo shirts, and khakis. These fucking glowies think they can bite my style?
Guess we found the Fed.
Excellent. I didn’t think the Dutch were that badass.
They are learning about the obvious way the feds do shit here in the US to create scenarios where they can then turn around and blame political enemies of the globalist movement…
I noticed some around with pritest slogans on tractors
Many thanks for the comments on last night’s post. I don’t disagree that all human institutions fail, eventually. The post was really more of a break-up letter from me – I think the Constitution is a very good blueprint, and I have clung to it, bitterly even, in spite of the fact that its best-by date has clearly expired. Looking backwards is no way to go forward.
Which isn’t to deny that I will support continued use of the Constitution for tactical purposes – protecting rights (where possible), slowing the centralization of power, etc. But engaging on process and norms and the like is a fool’s errand, the last desperate defense of the doomed. Much as it will pain this fine group of spectrum-representative folks, to make up ground supporters of freedom will need to broaden their toolkit from analysis of facts to emotional and moral appeals. I can’t quite sign up for the full personhood begins at conception position of the pro-lifers, but there is a lesson to be learned from their victory last month.
So, more to come.
It was a good article, I agree with you, just leaving the Constitution and trying to get people to adhere to it is not enough. Sounds like your next article will be thicc.
all human institutions fail – except real glibertarianism should it be ever tried
Define : “glibertarianism”…
here ya go…
Thank god we finally cracked down on unsafe opioids like prescription oxycodone, so addicts could move to safer alternatives like fentanyl.
Of course, many people with chronic pain must suffer, but it’s all for the greater good.
Those are rookie numbers, we gotta pump those numbers up. /FDA &CDC reviewing overdose death statistics
Visiting dutchland once more i wonder why sour beers exist and why i decided to try o e
Just to bedevil you.
I had an excellent sour this weekend. Very nice balance of sour and malt, with some hops just peeking through. Knocked back three pints around dinnertime last night, which was our traditional brats, potato chips, and beans – very Wisconsin.
Like most things, they can be done well, or they can be done in a cartoonishly exaggerated way.
“We will never be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.”
Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos says Canadians need to be “up-to-date” on their vaccines, which he describes as getting the Covid vaccine every nine months.
“We will never be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.” i consider myself quite fully vaccinated. Never gona need another one
Good weather in utrecht this week dont know why my buddy complains of the weathrr. Dry sunny 22 degrees slight breeze
The Sheik speaks truth.
About Styx being a bunch of creepy weirdos? I completely agree.
British Parliament Forms July 4 Commission To Investigate Colonial Insurrection
Today in commies cant meme
How do they explain away every other country which industrialized without the need for collectivization?
Nevermind, it’s retardation town.
Always love that old chestnut
I was trying to find some rap lyrics earlier and stumbled upon some from Kanye, regarding being made a cuck.
rap has really changed
Xenoestrogens and soy.
They turned the fish gay?