Run Away! Run Away!
What movie has man-eating rabbits, British people, and…
Stop shouting Monty Python and the Holy Grail!
…And really, really bad CGI effects? Ha! stumped you now, didn’t I?
It’s this thing. Cute Little Buggers. Give this film a chance. The actors put their all into it, it has humorous moments, and all those British accents! I just tried to ignore the unholy bad rabbit monsters. Seriously, they could have used hand puppets and done better.
I will say I enjoyed this romp of horny aliens trying to reproduce with human females to produce little rabbit monsters. And I hope you do too.
So Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is Voluntary! We now have Two Films left before there is a year of film posts. And I was debating between showing one of two films for the next film:
- Deadlier than the Male: Another spy film about dangerous women, part of the Bulldog Drummond film collection.
- Zero Theorem: Terry Gilliam movie about an equation that proves life is meaningless.
Now if nobody has an opinion (Libertarians usually have at least three opinions a piece – prove me wrong), I will just play Murdercycle, about a sentient murdering motorcycle because WHY NOT.
I have no idea how I even got to two hundred words. This has been one hell of a week. I’m trying to catch up on work because it is my birthday on Sunday, and the wife just got out of the E.R. after a bout of pneumonia (That’s the best birthday present). See you next week after I am one year older and none the wiser.
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*hits play*
Happy Birthday, RJ. Killer motorcycle… wonder if people give their motorcycle female names. It’d make more sense that doing that with a car or boat.
I missed that. RJ happy birthday as well.
BTW I’ll post this here because it’s guaranteed to annoy…
I raise you.
You win!
Good Lord. There are so many variants of that. I have never seen that one.
Love that synth cowbell. Very Japanese. Hear it in all sorts of places, particularly commercials.
It’s a copy of a Roland TR-808 cowbell, which came out in 1980.
I knew it one of those originally. Wasn’t sure which one. Lots of 80’s music has it, like the Afrika Bambaataa link below.
Happy Birthday! It’s good that your wife is not in the hospital.
I will queue this up for later viewing. I am working on my FreedomFest write-up.
Stop shouting Monty Python and the Holy Grail!
To tie the two together: John Cleese was at FreedomFest.
Look at Kevin Bacon over here.
“Now if nobody has an opinion (Libertarians usually have at least three opinions a piece – prove me wrong), I will just play Murdercycle, about a sentient murdering motorcycle because WHY NOT.”
Ever see Rubber (2010)?
No, but I have a strong opinion on it.
Rubber was just not action packed enough for me. Maybe I just need to try again?
If you want more action from your rubber, you need to think kinkier.
It doesn’t have much action, but it’s definitely different. Also, Roxane Mesquida is a total smokeshow.
I can put it in for post-One. I have Dr. Alien down too, if you just want to stare at hotties.
Amanda & The Alien (1995) is cute.
Nice to see you all, great to be back from a disastrous vacation.
I am still enjoying calling people whippersnappers.
Related video?
What made it disastrous?
Jaysus! What was that?
Since they are British, they have no weaponry that would easily dispatch the little things. Poor Brits…
Happy birthday, brother! Mine was last Sunday.
So what is it? 30?
57? 56? Something like that.
Mine was 55. Numbers mean shit.
Joe Biden approves
One of these days when I’m free of distractions I’ve got to binge watch the whole year’s worth.
Happy birthday, my dude!
Bookmark the anniversary show…
I’m still voting for Big Tits Zombie.
How about “A Christmas Karate Miracle”
Well, it has Eric Roberts, but in that case I’d go with Dead or Alive (2006).
Big Tits Zombie perfectly encapsulates everything about Thursday movie night. It’s not just its titular big tits and zombies, but big tits and zombies! it’s both a clever parody of new Japanese horror, and a stupid exploitation movie made by a pink film director starring Japanese pornstars. It has action. It has hot chicks. It’s foreign. It’s very gratuitous. It has everything!
Also, another good one to add to the list is Wasting Away (2007). It’s on Tubi as Aaah! Zombies!!
Does it have another name? I am unable to locate it on a free streaming service.
It has four names between Japanese and English as far as I can tell (I can’t read Japanese). It’s also known as “Big Tits Dragon: Hot Spring Zombie Vs. Stripper 5”. It’s on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-Ah8wQyayM, but you have to sign in or use the Age Restriction Bypass for YouTube™ extension or get around it some other way.
Murdercycle? Did you already subject us to Rubber?
Ah someone else beat me to it.
*sits down with popcorn*
*prepares to escape*
*pushes play*
I forgot to ask… are there naughty wemonz in this flick?
Narrator: Yes. RTFA.
Naughty BRITISH women. Not terribly naughty. Not a blue night.
I will definitely be watching Zero Theorem at some point.
Another cheesy killer rabbit movie is Night of the Lepus. Uses live rabbits and tiny sets to make the rabbits look like they are rampaging over the town.
Yeah, that one piques my interest.
I am going to rewatch Zero Theorem this weekend to see if that is the one I do. Svengoolie does Night of the Lepus, I think. He got a bunch of new movies recently.
A friend of mine loved that movie.
Oops… two movies were mentioned.
My friend loves “Night of the Lepus”. Delightfully bad.
Happy birthday!
Watched The Vampire Happening aka Transylvania 1971 on Midnight Pulp (free with ads) this week. Mostly it was contrived to show off Pia Degermark’s and others tits. I liked it.
That is a good one. I saw it posted recently and I need to rewatch. So much to do! So much to see!
That was educational.
So now the claim is Trump had nuclear documents. Might need to find this more than the 72 hour rule.
It will turn out that he has the formula for Diet Coke.
That’s about as likely.
The fbi recovers diaries and laptops. Why not secret recipes?
I have a hard time believing that. Also I agree with Rhywun.
I’m at the point I don’t even understand how any rational person looks at “sources familiar say” at the Washington Post and swallows it down. Even the article doesn’t actually say it’s ‘nuclear papers or whatever, it’s “somebody was concerned there might be something sensitive there, we’re not sure exactly what, maybe it’s even nuclear!’
yet all the usual suspects are all “gasp! he stole the launch codes!”
I thought General Lardass said that they couldn’t be used without his say so.
The best legitimacy is the thin veneer of legitimacy. Leaving aside the possibility of planting evidence, I wouldn’t be surprised if similar documents went home with past presidents or similar and the feebs have been looking for any and all possible excuses to do this.
Hi, Fed
In this house we <3 B M
Hey, buddy, good to see you again.
Pop over to the Pyramid Saturday evening. I’ll buy you drinks and dinner.
Long time no see! Still up to no good I hope?
I’m hungry.
Don’t worry, I already feel like an asshole. I’ll change my avatar in the morning.
… I’m hungry.
Me too. I finished organizing the garage (why? I don’t even know) and now I am….
Eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon.
I feel you, brother. Shrimp flavored ramen noodles was tonight’s dinner.
I hate this shit. I’d rather have a muffin top and at least five extra pounds of fat on my ass.
So now the claim is Trump had nuclear documents.
*guffaws, slaps knee*
I was thinking about this, earlier. There is literally nothing of which a single copy exists, anymore. Are they claiming he has something without which the government cannot function?
Something tells me the “crime” will turn out to be something on the order of stealing stationery and pens from the Oval Office supply room.
… He took the red button, which he THOUGHT dispensed Diet Coke. But it was the nuclear war button.
@CPRM, you out there?
I glanced at the request to unseal the warrant. But it said “limited” in there which makes me think they’ll cherry pick to make Trump look as bad as possible and let people imagine the worst.
Guess he should have kept his records on a private server and wiped it, like, with a cloth.
smashed his phone with a hammer works too
I imagine it will be similar to this
yet all the usual suspects are all “gasp! he stole the launch codes!”
All this seconding around here is making me ornery. I have set the example for you people. I need you to live up to it. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU TO LIVE UP TO IT.
The One is coming. Are you going to first on The One?
He is known to prematurely first.
I need to preserve my energy most days to provide nourishment to The First. Others need to step up while I carry this burden.
I see. They changed the mascot. Wussies.
Well, changed the typeface from brushstrokes to generic printed too.
Thanks RJ 🙂
Welcome! See you next week!
I vote for Murdercycle. It feels like the libertarian thing to do.
Nice. Even if I don’t play it next week, I will play it later. Totally absurd movie.
now I am….
Eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon.
Pretzels with peanut butter on them. You can thank me later.
Sadly that would require pretzels I do not have. Come this weekend I am doing a Brazillian steakhouse, then going to the Cigars International super bar in DFW for bourbon and cigars. I intend to close them down.
I love these euphemisms. Do you own a dog Brooksie?
I don’t think I have time to watch it now, so going by the title and the british use of the language, I’m going to assume it’s about Chibi Sodomites.
Sadly no. But if you do watch it tomorrow, enjoy. It’s getting late and I am off to bed myself. Long work day.
How it started
How it’s going
Did someone die because the fire suppression system was activated.
Looks like the contractors got in an elevator while the foam was deploying and one was smothered by the foam.
Yes, and several other injured. Hanger filled with foam, workers exited the building by descending in an elevator… into the foam and one drowned/asphyxiated.
I don’t get how a wet-pipe system can be “activated” by the flow meter: either a head fused or it didn’t….or no one understands what a wet-pipe suppression system is.
I also don’t get all the “generators” in the ceiling. I put in one for a huge building that only had one surfactant pump and a dozen proportioning heads. I can see the value in redundancy, but that’s a lot of expense for a system that you are counting on to work.
I read it as the foam discharge system was the one that activated as chained off the flow in the wet pipe system, not an actual activation of the wet flow system. Water froze in the inspection test pipe of the wet flow, caused a slow leak, which registered as flow, which in turn triggered the foam.
I got the flow signal part….kinda: that’s some leak (consider how much tolerance is designed into a flow-switch to account for typical pressure transients from the water supply)….but let’s throw them that bone
so it was pure surfactant? that’s not gonna bubble, and there’s no volume to it…only a couple thousand gallons in the entire hangar one might guess
I think I’m missing something still
High expanding foam. The original test was 110gal generated 3′ of foam. So 17′ would be only around 660gal.
Ensign Pulver on steroids
Similar test discharge https://youtu.be/TpOwkchy9Bw
Rereading that, not sure if the 110gal is pure solution or postmixed 98% water/2% solution. High expansion foam can be up to 1000x expansion.
Looks like Britain is waking up.
British people
A buddy just got approved for US disability today after months of nonsense. I thought about putting together a meme/stream based on the black knight with a sort of odd role reversal for him, but, after a bit, I don’t think disability or bureaucracy is very fun.
Black Knight: none shall pass?
King Arthur: right, you haven’t filled out Addendum XXIV
BK: but that’s for native Americans
KA: it’s for everyone!
BK: it’s about military service before age 40!
KA: it’s for everyone!
BK: I didn’t even live in the States at those ages!
KA: none shall pass!
BK: ok! **fills out form describing when one stopped beating one’s wife**
KA: none shall pass!
BK: but I filled out all your bleeding forms!
KA: but you’re not disabled
BK: my fucking foot’s off!
KA: no it’s not
BK: yes, you fucking cunte, look see there’s nothing below the knee there; I can’t work any more!
KA: none shall pass!
BK: **comes back twentieth time in 20 month**
KA: right this way!
BK: really? what did it for you, that selective service form from the decades I was in Belfast?
That should be criminal.
That’s Mengele-level evil.
Haven’t they seen enough stories of FTM girls/women who transition back?? Even the ones who already had their breasts removed at least have a womb and ovaries!!!
The detransitioning femalemight have problems getting pregnant after the “male” hormone “therapy”, but if there is no uterus, the odds are exactly zero.
GFY, you incompetent baboon. Your agency nearly burned down the state capitol. All of you hacks should be fired.
In a wind driven large fire, defensible space means jackshit. The homes that survived were flukes of geography and fire direction. Or the stupidity of large scale “green space” (that unirrigated becomes brown space in the summer). And ignore that 20′ of defensible space has become 50′, and now 100′. When will it end?
The homes that survived were flukes of geography and fire direction.
another case of their looking through the wrong end of the binoculars
cause and effect: how do they work!?
One thing that seems to have been relatively recently learned is that a frequent contributor to the spread of wildfires in houses near fire.zones (like southern CA) is having burning ash or lightweight embers get sucked into the chimney of a house, where it then catches carpet, drapes, or furniture on fire.
So they recommend installing a finer mesh at the top of the chimney and having it inspected annually to make sure it’s intact.
We did that in Escondido, and we are about to do in here in Southern Nevada.
place a bit away from us had a grass fire in their field/pasture. Fire dept came, put it out. Three hours later the barn caught on fire and burned to the ground – presumably FD had missed an ember smoldering in or next to the barn. Neighboring homes are very lucky it didn’t spread.
I was explaining dust fires to a guy today who mentioned how much sawdust was in his joists: the first little boom is just some dust in a machine catching and maybe knocking out some windows. The second, huge boom is the dust in the rafters and on top of pipes and gurts and such being shaken into the air by the first little boom and then going off…..down goes Frazier.
Yup. Scary stuff. Wildfires change in an instant, in direction, intensity, or both.
I was definitely more concerned about wildfires than I was about earthquakes.
Yeah, I should say I’m not against voluntary measures. I clear brush and minimize fuels around our house but im under no illusion that it will stop a firestorm. Small slow moving fire, sure, might do that. Won’t hurt. But this is being used to push restrictive building codes, condition people to accepting regular power outages in the name of safety, and all sorts of nonsense.
Some of the nutjobbery that got pushed in the wake of the big fired two years ago was ugly concrete bunker homes and fencing. Insanity. I saw cinder block buildings, metal roofs, vehicles, all totally gutted from the intensity of the fire. Concrete houses wouldn’t make a difference.
well, what about cinder block beds and couches? make everything out of pre-burned materials!!!1!
Random question:
Does anybody have a recommendation for a good, simple Moon Phases phone app? One that requires only one click to get the phase?
I hate apps that make you go through a bunch of crap just to get to the desired info. That’s why I use “MyRadar” for the weather radar (on a loop, updated frequently and no extra hoops, just a small banner ad at the bottom for the free version).
So I offer you the rec of “MyRadar” and would appreciate one on Moon phase.
I don’t like any of the sky map apps I’ve found 🙁
I like Night Sky (by iCandi) once I turn the sound off.
The Moon (Apple – dunno android.
Thank you!
Has it all in one place. Astronomy, satellite passes, the sky right now, or 2000 years ago, or 2000 years forward- all for your place on Earth.
OT – I want to thank CPRM and Whahappen for putting up with me last night. Falling the fuck down is not cool. I’m sorry that I cried like a teeny girl. I love you guys in a chaste way. Seeing as this will be my last post tonight, Mornin All!
I had turned off the video and audio feed beforehand, I’m not quite that mid-wit…
Jeez I stop going to Zooms for a few weeks…
You’re always OK in my book Festus. We all have our moments.
Hey Glibs!
It’s friday. Woo hoo.
Also, happy glorious 12th.
Yeah, they said they’re going to pull the plug after they see if any organs can be donated.
I hope the lady whose home she destroyed in the crash can be compensated by Heche’s estate, since she was on cocaine at the time and clearly at fault.
Her insurance limits for sure. So I’d guess someone of her stature carries at least a $1m umbrella, but likely more.
So without even touching the estate I’d imagine she has an easy time of at least that much for building a new structure.
Alec Baldwin said this event just “happened to” her.
And he should know about bad things “just happening.”
Uh huh. Sure.
“Meanwhile, the number of people under the age of 20 living with Type-II diabetes in the U.S. grew by 95% from 2001-17, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The greatest increases were among Black and Hispanic youth.”
: roll:
🥐 is the closest thing I’ve got to a roll for you.
Now I’m craving a croissant. 🙁
That is how you grandstand.
Suck it, groomers.
Whelp, that’s convenient.
Yes. Yes it is.
I wonder if they’ll just say that automatically for anyone they shoot & kill after an incident like this. It’s not like he can say “No, I wasn’t!”
Good morning, Sean, rhy, U, and hayek! (Never know whether to abbreviate your handle as HE or HS, so…)
Friday! Not a moment too soon! Biggest deal at work today is a going-away party for a departing coworker. Boss said we could spring for cheap catering, and she wanted Chipotle, of all things, so I guess we’re all BYOB*ing for lunch. ::shrugs::
*Build Your Own Burrito
I made it to the office without incident. I’m debating whether to eat the other half of this sub now or save it for lunch.
‘fraid I don’t have any non-digital croissants for you.
Thanks anyway. If I left early enough, I might be able to drive through Tim Horton’s to get one…but that would involve leaving early. And maybe it’s best if I just stick with my usual instant oatmeal to tide me over until Burrito Time.
I only got here early enough because I bought my food yesterday. I overslept my typical commute day schedule (despite the alarms). I’d been hoping for a more relaxed morning when I pre bought my food, but instead I merely enabled timely commuting.
I’d picked up enough workday lunch salads after work Wednesday to get me through until Monday, but I’d forgotten about the Chipotle thing today. Guess I’m set through Tuesday. Now if I could just get to the point where they satisfy me enough to stay away from the replenished break room snack supply. Grandma’s Chocolate Brownie Cookies are a particular weakness.
Make sure to pick up some Chipotleaway:
Mornin’, GT. My condolences to your digestive tract, Chipotle es no bueno.
Ugh. I got brick guts for bad meatloaf late last night. Oy!
Hey there. Happy birthday?
Enacting labor with a brutal birthday song link!
Bubbakoos > Chipotle. By a wide margin.
Should I order one to try and demand they drive it to Texas?
Pardon my skepticism for burritos from NJ.
Our sewer mutant sauce is made with real Newark sewer mutants.
Mornin’ all. Gym time.
Good morning, DEG! Happy workout!
Good Morning everyone.
Trump not arrested for having “super secret nuclear original documents” yet?
They seem to be trying real hard to make him the default candidate.
Good morning, ‘bodru! Any desired changes in your weather yet?
30% chance of rain next Friday.
I need to find out how a pair of sheep have been escaping the run. Its crazy.
I’ve been trying to construct a pun where I use wooly in place of wiley, but it’s always unclear in construction that’s what I’d intended.
A mammoth undertaking indeed.
Tusk, tusk, not the kind of wool I’d intended. But, I shouldn’t make a Pleistocene.
I know the spelling is different but I couldn’t resist.
I’m a publik skool graduate on a punning spree, speling isn’t my strong suite.
The attempt is appreciated.
And I can laugh about it.
In all honesty, the Shepard’s Crook has been a most useful tool in controlling them.
It was almost as if it was made for the job.
Odd that.
Maybe also a nice big scythe for when you have to be a trifle more persuasive?
You don’t happen to have a small Shropshire who answers to “Shaun,” do you?
1… 2…
Can you hear me now?
*places old timey ear horn to side of head*
Art! Your house is on fire, and your wife is home!
My Wife!
Wow. Haven’t thought about that movie in years.
The Pizza Dude!
Mornin’, reprobates!
What about the rest of us?
Ok, miscreants too
That’s Mister Creant.
Wait, I thought we had settled on Creantix. I’m having trouble keeping up.
Creantix is Pharma with worse side effects than the disease it treats.
Well Hi dee ho!
Covfefe patzie!
Si, el cafe supremo con pipa en el parque!
Is that like sitting in my Kia smoking a bowl?
Muy bueno!
Washington county NY. I can recommend one of the cheesemakers on the list (Consider Bardwell) as excellent, and one is completely new to me. Slyboro is also very good cider-wise.
Far fewer places participating this year. No idea if the others died of the ‘vid or what.
Dancing Ewe is only “acceptable” cheese-wise, but is having a “meet the sheep” thing for those of you who are into that.
I donno. I don’t feel like I have the same connection to the cheese sheep as I do to the Glib sheep.
I hope you have a great birthday!
Thanks. All signs point to “Yes.”
Happy Birthday!
Headed to the Joisy Shore in a bit. I’m starting to wonder if the beach is such a good idea.
Beware the Jersey shore phantom shitter…
Meanwhile, at the park…
Is it a gator? I can’t tell.
A Joisey devil?
This is NJ, not FL! Great Blue Heron. My shitty phone camera does not do it justice.
In the picture, the boid is the same color as the water and the shore, making it so that I didn’t even see it until after you said it was in the image. I was going “A dirty pond?” trying to figure out what the picture was.
And having seen blue herons in real life, my phone camera wouldn’t have done any better picking them out against the Hudson.
RJ, please see above re: streaming.
“How not to be seen”
Better one.
MORNING LINKS! MORNING LINKS! [rattles cup on bars]
Not sure what is going on. I’m just the Night Shift.
Wow. I don’t see any scheduled. This could be…
The End of Days!
No, there’s a stoic and an afternoon links scheduled, so it’s at most the end of mornings.
Secret Glib servers at Mar-a-lago were raided?
Labor, enacted.
Damn good thing I already had my breakfast burrito or I’d be cooking up a batch of those. yummmmmm
Hey! Some of us are trying to snark in here!
We are libertarians! In the absence of morning links, we shall provide our own!
I didn’t do it: https://apnews.com/article/massachusetts-water-use-climate-and-environment-99b4ce46f3bb2fcf8fed277836c90caa
The best time to kills spiders: https://apnews.com/article/science-oddities-animals-spiders-27b23d77d2397780f00a86201cadcfd7
including flushing toilets only “when absolutely necessary.”
Like when there is a spider?
Like when there’s any excement in it.
Yes, I remember back in the ’93 floods, Des Moines was without water (water plant flooded) and the saying was “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown, flush it down.” Fortunately I lived in Ames, which “only” had some of its major streets flooded.
Hey where is my free ice cream?
The communists ate it.
Would you deprive your hard-working leadership from a small indulgence?
Yes, yes I would.
Very un-comradely. [furtively writes UCS on the kulak list]
Sorry, JI, I’m actually a Counter-Revolutonary.
*throws bag over JI’s head and tossed him in trunk*
An interesting article i think.
Dems would rather have Trump than DeSantis?
It seems probable.
This is highly likely. Trump has too much baggage with all of the things his did and more importantly all of the things people think he did. Desantis has only his current record of relative success during the pandemic to attempt to ridicule and denounce.
I think that is them trying to badly play 3D chess. Their real purpose in this giant shitshow is completely driven by the need to prevent someone – anyone – they don’t control through blackmail to take power and undermine their agenda. And not only is Trump that guy, but he knows what they did to him and would want revenge if he gets power back. Trump is an existential threat to the corrupt machine.
Huh. Not all of South Africa has become a lethal shithole? https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/08/12/all-white-south-african-town-is-booming-afp/
Of course there are plenty of ways to read alternative implications into the circumstance, I’m going to go with ‘a culture with a strong work ethic provides keys to prosperity.’
None of this makes any sense. Like, it’s too “on the nose” of the regime narrative.
The narrative of the FBI being a thuggish organization only able to ‘solve’ crimes it instigates?
That’s what the fbi actually is. The regime narrative is that “violent, extremist white-supreme, anti-gov’t Trumpites are after fbi agents”.
Yeah, this is exactly what I would expect to happen.
Actual police work?
*falls out of chair*
Links are up!