Daily Stoic Week 34

by | Aug 19, 2022 | Advice, LifeSkills, Musings | 176 comments

The Daily Stoic

The Practicing Stoic


How to Be a Stoic

If you have anger issues, this one is a great tool (h/t mindyourbusiness)


August 20

“Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.”

I do not try to draw attention to myself. I know I think about things very differently than anyone I know in daily life. In the office, however, I dress the same as everyone else. I do have long hair, which I know points me out as a weirdo, but I do not try to stick out too much. It’s usually tied in a ponytail there, but for some reason one of the office ladies wants to braid it. Never gonna happen.  On my time, I wear what my wife calls a “uniform”, work boots, jeans, and a t-shirt.  She started calling it that after the first time she went to my home town and asked if it was a uniform, since 99% of the guys dress this way. I think the main point in this quote is to not ignore daily life and withdraw from society, but live with it and reap the benefits of living well with others.


August 21

“It’s ruinous for the soul to be anxious about the future and miserable in advance of misery, engulfed by anxiety that the things it desires might remain its own until the very end. For such a soul will never be at rest—by longing for things to come it will lose the ability to enjoy present things.”

I think this quote was written about my mother. I have always been able to brush off worrying about things that might be pending, she has the opposite approach. She finished chemo and six months later had to get a scan to see if the cancer was gone or not. In advance of this scan she wouldn’t start walking in the pool, because she was “waiting for the scan”. Her feet are numb and she now needs a walker to move around the house. She wouldn’t make plans to come visit us for thanksgiving, nor would she buy a new mattress that they desperately need, because of “waiting for the scan”. The scan came back clear, so now she can live. How much time was wasted and how much further would she be in her physical recovery if she hadn’t been “waiting for the scan”? Life is short, don’t waste it worrying.


August 22

“It is essential for you to remember that the attention you give to any action should be in due proportion to its worth, for then you won’t tire and give up, if you aren’t busying yourself with lesser things beyond what should be allowed.”

If I focus on what’s important, I won’t wear myself out with unimportant things. This goes for work and my personal life. Every year in March, I have a battle with nature to cut back bushes that encroach on my yard and block my wife’s view of the lake. This year I was recovering from surgery and an infection, so I saved my energy for trying to get back in shape. Now the yard is a bit of a mess, but I am able to run and work out. If I had killed myself to fight the yard while I was still weak, I might have injured myself and I definitely would not have had the energy to start a workout program.


August 23

“Therefore, explain why a wise person shouldn’t get drunk—not with words, but by the facts of its ugliness and offensiveness. It’s most easy to prove that so-called pleasures, when they go beyond proper measure, are but punishments.”

I don’t like to overindulge to the point that it affects me the next day. When I was younger, I never had hangovers. I could drink A LOT and be able to do whatever I wanted the next day. My brother in law would get irritated because we would go out and drink together and he would be useless the next day. I always told myself if I was like that I would quit drinking. I am not that bad, but I have had a couple occasions of being sick after drinking too much now that I am over 50. Not bad enough to quit drinking, but I am more careful about how much I drink and what I drink.


August 24

“I’ll never be ashamed to quote a bad writer with a good saying.”

It doesn’t matter who is saying it, it matters what is being said. It is hard to remember this when any reference is immediately met with, “You can’t quote them, they are right(or left) wing” without actually looking to see if the point being raised is correct.


August 25

“Won’t you be walking in your predecessors’ footsteps? I surely will use the older path, but if I find a shorter and smoother way, I’ll blaze a trail there. The ones who pioneered these paths aren’t
our masters, but our guides. Truth stands open to everyone, it hasn’t been monopolized.”

I have read many books written by people that were dead before I was born. I don’t blindly follow them, I adapt their teachings to my belief and understanding. To me, following Stoicism is a personal journey and different people can have different interpretations of these writings without conflict because it is about how to live YOUR life, not how your neighbor should live.


August 26

“I was shipwrecked before I even boarded . . . the journey showed me this—how much of what we have is unnecessary, and how easily we can decide to rid ourselves of these things whenever it’s necessary, never suffering the loss.”

If I am ever shipwrecked and lose everything, I hope I could have the composure demonstrated here. When bad things happen, it is important to realistically look at it and deal with it understanding how much is not in my control. The shipwreck of the last two years has shown me how much of my happiness was based on things I had no control of and I have learned from studying and practicing Stoicism to be happier and more in control of my emotions and reactions.


Today’s music is from a good 80’s rock band. I have always hated “hair metal”: Firehouse, Winger, Slaughter, Bon Jovi, Poison, and the like (Once my brother and I tried to start a riot at a Poison concert). Some bands that made good rock were put into this category. For those who like punk, I’m sure this is a distinction without a difference, but Whitesnake has some solid songs. (Is This Love does fall into the crappy pop side)

The first song I heard from them, I thought it was Zeppelin:

Another kick ass song from them:

Never heard this one on the radio, but I always liked it:

About The Author



What I told my wife when she said my steel Baby Eagle .45 was heavy, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn't work you could always hit him with it."-Boris the Blade MOLON LABE


  1. PieInTheSky

    “Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.”

    Easy to say when all you have to wear is a toga

    • ron73440

      Easy to say when all you have to wear is a toga

      Talking about your favorite escort?

  2. Mojeaux

    If you have anger issues

    I have successfully been bottling mine up so as to be able to deal with my situations at hand without going batshit insane on somebody (although I did, in fact, break and go batshit insane on somebody). This was borne out yesterday during a back, neck, scalp, and shoulder massage. She said, “What in the world has been going on in your life? Here, let’s work those knots out.” I’m still sore.

    • UnCivilServant

      I get irrationally angry at times, rationally angry at others, but I can’t express it because then I’m the bad guy and things will generally get worse, regardless of approach taken after the outburst. Doesn’t matter if it’s coworkers, shopkeepers, family, or random strangers, letting it out will generally makes things bad for me. So I’m stuck figuring out what to do with this pent up rage and ways of maintaining a facade of normalcy.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        My brother in Christ, you need hard exercise.

        Now that the house is paid off, maybe a trainer?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m thinking hammer, anvil, and heat source.

      • UnCivilServant

        Oh… mustn’t forget tongs. My smithing gloves aren’t that heat resistant.

      • Gender Traitor

        Until you can procure the heat source, banging the hammer on cold steel may be cathartic, even if it doesn’t produce a finished tool.

      • UnCivilServant

        The heat source is cheaper than the anvil these days.

      • Gender Traitor

        The tricky bit is having a safe place to use the heat source.

      • UnCivilServant

        😔 That is my biggest hurdle right now.

      • Gender Traitor

        But with your house paid off, you’re one step closer (albeit with the roof payoff in between.)

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I mean, going to the gym is simpler.

      • UnCivilServant

        But in the meantime, I’ll have something I can point to as ‘gains’ before there’s any visible effect on the rest of me.

      • Warty

        Take up a combat sport. Nothing makes normal bullshit seem unimportant like getting punched in the face.

      • UnCivilServant

        That involves dealing with people.

        I’d prefer not to. /Bartleby

      • Nephilium

        Running or cycling? I notice about a +0.5 MPH speed difference when riding after a shitty day.

      • Mojeaux

        My karate days are over. I cannot land a punch anymore.

    • UnCivilServant

      Are you sore from the massage, or from the emotions?

      • Mojeaux


        That was an insightful question.

        I had gone to the GI doc earlier that day. In the middle of questioning normal things, she paused and said, “Are you tired?” in a very concerned tone. Well, yes. Sometimes doctors just look at me and get to the heart of it.

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m so glad you finally got your badly-needed massage! 💆‍♀️

      • Mojeaux

        I need to go again soon, but I’m going to wait a bit.

    • ron73440

      Bottling it up never worked for me.

      Eventually, I would snap over something small and then feel like an idiot.

      Hopefully the person you went batshit insane on deserved it.

  3. DEG

    It’s usually tied in a ponytail there, but for some reason one of the office ladies wants to braid it.

    Back in the days when I had a pony tail, the only time a woman wanted to braid it was when I got it cut off. The folks at Locks of Love want donated hair braided. My pony tail was almost long enough for two donations.

    The scan came back clear


    • Ted S.

      It’s usually tied in a ponytail there, but for some reason one of the office ladies wants to braid it.

      That’s racist!!!

  4. PieInTheSky

    “I’ll never be ashamed to quote a bad writer with a good saying.”

    Easy to say when you dont write for glibertarians

  5. Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

    Apropos to all of this, I ran across a Stoic quote the other day: (words to the effect of) Don’t spend time thinking about what it means to be a good man. Just be one.

    I rather liked it.

    • UnCivilServant

      If you don’t know what it means to be a good man, how are you supposed to be one?

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        If I have to explain it, you wouldn’t understand it.

      • UnCivilServant

        I expect that kind of a response from a bullshit artist, not you, man.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        What it meant to be a “man”, so to speak, was different for Spartans, Koori, medieval knights, Cossacks, and so on. Trying to define each individual’s moral position on any given topic would be impossible. So, when confronted with a choice of what to do, you already know what is right, and what is wrong. So, do what is right.

        Just don’t try to justify your actions when what you did was wrong and you know that.

      • UnCivilServant

        In order to know what is right, you have to have a predefined value of right, which required thinking of it beforehand.

        The problem is not thinking of what it means to be a good man, but in doing that thinking after the decisions are made.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Only you can make a determination of what is right or wrong, and only you can make a decision, right or wrong. All the philosophy in the world is just post hoc reasoning. It might help you out in where to put an exact line down on something, but all of your experiences in life have led you to the moment of choice, thinking about them or not

        And, after that, it is up to you. If you feel that what you have done is the correct and righteous action then you have fulfilled your duty to yourself. If, on the other hand, you do not feel that you have done yourself right, you have failed.

  6. MikeS

    I’ve fallen off of my Stoic path the last few months. And the last couple weeks have thrown a lot of work and personal stressors at me. Nothing serious, but “death by a thousand cuts” kinda shit. I was not stoic about it at all and the tension has really built up. So, I took next week off and am going to reassess and refocus. Part of that will be getting back into reading the Stoics. The other parts of it will include disc golf, camping, and breweries.

    • ron73440

      Enjoy your vacation, it was so nice to know absolutely nothing that was happening for a week and a half on mine.

      • Tundra

        Seconded. I made a point of shutting off all notifications on my phone while we were in WA.

        It was really nice.

      • MikeS

        Thanks. Work email notifications were just turned off. When I hit the road for my beer/disc golf tour, phone will go into “do not disturb” mode and all will be right with the world.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Enjoy that journey Mike!
        New advice, get a rangefinder. You won’t believe the things you learn.

      • MikeS

        Thanks, Yusef! That’s a good idea on the rangefinder. I’ll look into that.

      • DEG


  7. UnCivilServant

    I’m planning my route post-Honey Harvest. It looks like I need an overnight stop somewhere on the mitten of Michigan (Mackinaw City is the furthest north the days drive range from the next stop would be advisable) any recommendations? (Further north the better)

    • Yusef drives a Kia


      • UnCivilServant

        More or less due east from Green Bay?

      • Yusef drives a Kia


      • UnCivilServant

        Looks viable distance wise, anything in particular you’d recommend visiting while in the area?

      • MikeS

        Go disc golfing with Yusef.

  8. Yusef drives a Kia

    I’m doing the spartan thing, living very minimal.
    If it doesn’t fit in my van it goes away.

  9. Tundra

    “It is essential for you to remember that the attention you give to any action should be in due proportion to its worth, for then you won’t tire and give up, if you aren’t busying yourself with lesser things beyond what should be allowed.”

    I think the world is trying to tell me something. I get James Clear’s (Atomic Habits guy) newsletter and the latest one contained this:

    Here’s a simple question to ask before jumping into “all the work” you have to do:

    What will happen if I don’t do this?

    It’s remarkable how many things can be eliminated from your to-do list.

    It’s easy to slip into busy-work mode instead of tackling the important (and often unpleasant) tasks.

    As always, thanks for putting this together, Ron.

    • ron73440

      Here’s a simple question to ask before jumping into “all the work” you have to do:

      What will happen if I don’t do this?

      That kind of describes my thought process on whether to fight the bushes or concentrate on getting healthy again.

      Not doing the yard means my yard is a mess this year.

      Not getting in shape meant probable long term issues.

      Easy choice.

      • UnCivilServant

        Not doing the yard work means the city slaps a fine on me.

      • ron73440

        I don’t have neighbors, and I still did mow the grass.

      • UnCivilServant

        You did remind me that I want to buy another extension cord (or two) since I had to reorder my electrical layout to stop tripping breakers during hot days. Need to run the weadeater and clear the sidewalk. I should do that on my way home today.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    “I’ll never be ashamed to quote a bad writer with a good saying.”

    I’ll steal a good idea from anybody.

  11. The Other Kevin

    “It’s most easy to prove that so-called pleasures, when they go beyond proper measure, are but punishments.”

    This reminds me of something I heard once. We often “reward” ourselves with things that aren’t really rewards. Going on a shopping spree, over indulging, etc., that in the long run damage our bodies and bank accounts.

    • ron73440

      I reward myself with pie for breakfast on Sundays sometimes.

      I know it’s not good for me, but it is a fruit, right?

      • UnCivilServant

        Unless it’s a Pecan Pie, or Chess Pie, or ‘Umble Pie.

      • ron73440

        Blueberry, blackberry and pumpkin are my three favorites.

        Also cherry and strawberry, now I want pie.

      • Tundra

        Every year my grandmother made me strawberry/rhubarb pie for my birthday. The fruit was from her garden and I’ve never had any as good as she made it.

        But I might go try to track one down, anyway. Thanks, Ron!

      • MikeS

        Rhubarb pie, unsoiled with strawberries, is the the ultimate pie. Peach is also delicious. Oh, and juneberry…mmmm.

      • KK the Dalit

        Rhubarb is the Supreme Galactic Emperor of pies

      • kinnath

        The wife likes it. I don’t.

      • UnCivilServant

        That site fails in that I can’t instantly find the two most vital pieces of information – where are they and when are they open. I have to go hunting for it.

        I mean you run a blog about Amish sites and businesses, but don’t include that key information that won’t be put on the internet by the owner/operators themselves?

      • Tundra

        1235 miles door-to-door!

        (AKA the perfect pie)


      • Nephilium

        A local place has a pie they make once in a while called the Peaple pie. It’s peach and apple, but my favorites are their savory pub pies.

      • UnCivilServant

        The People Pie? Is it located on Fleet Street under a barber shop by chance?

      • UnCivilServant

        I may stop in since I’m passing Cleveland twice, but I do have to ding them for not including their hours of operation on their site. If not for a privacy invading map app, I’d not have known that I’d only be able to visit on the outbound leg of the journey, since they’re closed on the days I’d be around on my return trip.

      • Nephilium


        They do most of their selling at various farmer’s markets. Unfortunately (for me), they generally just bring their fruit pies to those.

      • UnCivilServant

        What good is that?

        I mean, I missed stopping in Pie Town, New Mexico last year.

        Why do pie makers make it so hard to find their pies?

      • PutridMeat

        Why do pie makers make it so hard to find their pies?

        I’ve often wondered this very thing…

      • UnCivilServant

        Lemon, apple, and cherry are my top three. Though I admit, I’m liable to have too much of any kind of pie.

      • Sean

        How is Key Lime not in any of these posts?

        *shakes head*

        You people.

      • kinnath

        Boston cream

      • Nephilium

        Just had to be the freak… didn’t you?

      • kinnath


      • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

        Jumbleberry pie.

        I could eat that ’til I’m sick. Explains why I haven’t made it in years. Good jam and/or jelly, too.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Cake is made with flour and eggs. I mean, how can that be bad for you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Well, flour is pretty bad for you.

      • Nephilium

        /hands Zwak a pudding pop

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        This guy gets it!

      • Ted S.

        I thought Pie was a vampire.

  12. kinnath

    Tomorrow is another brew festival. I will be pouring mead, cider, and sour ales to the plebes. Hopefully, the forecasted rain will not materialize.

    • MikeS

      Are there awards to be won, or just for the fun of it?

      • kinnath

        No competitions

        Several home brew clubs and three dozen or so small, local breweries pouring booze the populace. The gate goes to the local brew club which donates about half the gate to a local charity.

        Shameless self promotion.

      • MikeS

        Sounds like fun!

      • kinnath

        We go and pour homebrew at other people’s festivals. They come to ours in return.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Lettuce assume.

    Suppose, in the course of a real estate “negotiation” the seller (seller’s agent) egregiously misrepresents certain facts. Does one merely shrug, and say, “better luck next time”?

    I think not.

    • UnCivilServant

      Material misrepresentation is not a small thing and a matter that often results in civil torts.

    • Fourscore

      If the misrepresentation is something you can fix/live with it’s a good place to really kick some negotiating ass. You’re at a point where you have nothing to lose, decide how much you want to reduce the price to, double the reduction and it gives you room to work your way back up a little.

      If you can’t live with the misrepresentation, just walk away, not worth the aggravation.

    • whiz


    • Tundra

      That is precisely why herding dogs are not for lazy people!

      Great video!

      • KK the Dalit

        Are you keeping up with Doggy Daycare Farm Trips (now known as The Farm)? Great stuff happening there

      • Tundra

        No! I gotta fix that.

        Did they stop doing the daycare?

      • KK the Dalit

        Yep – stopped daycare. They bring in the former daycare pack only on Wednesdays to help the rescue dogs.

      • Tundra

        That guy is amazing. Have you watched any of his training videos?

      • KK the Dalit

        I have previously but most of them are for members only, and I had to cancel pretty much all my paid YouTube & Patreon subscriptions on account of my albatross (i.e. condo).

      • whiz

        We watched some stock dog trials (cattle herding) at the fair this week. Those dogs are amazing.

      • Tundra

        Aren’t they?

        We had a goat herd in the neighborhood until last winter. The people that came to pick them up had two border collies with them. The poor goats had no chance!

    • rhywun

      “That dog is smarter than I am”


  14. KK the Dalit

    Inwardly, we ought to be different in every respect, but our outward dress should blend in with the crowd.


    • Yusef drives a Kia

      This times a thousand KK, dare to be different

      • R C Dean

        I think he covers the “be different” in the first part.

        The second part is about “looking different”.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      What do you disagree about with this one?

      • KK the Dalit

        I dunno…I wear what I like. I like certain styles & bright colors. I often stand out in a crowd because I simply wear what’s pleasing to me.

      • KK the Dalit

        Also, I really enjoy fashion as a design/art form.

        For example, I love John Fluevog shoes. They’re weird & colorful and I appreciate the design & craftsmanship.

    • Nephilium

      The better question… which crowd?

      • kinnath

        The non-conformist crowd. The ones that all dress the same in black.

      • Nephilium

        /looks down at black Viva Las Vegas t-shirt and shorts

        Got it.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Black Docs?

      • Nephilium

        I’m working from home, so I haven’t strapped on the Docs today. But yes, I do have black Docs, as well as some other colors.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        I still have a pair of 8holes, but it is mostly black lowtop Chucks these days.

    • Mojeaux

      KK is correct.

  15. MikeS

    Some bands that made good rock were put into this category.

    Preach it. There are a lot of very solid 80’s hard-rock bands that get dismissed as “hair metal” just because they had long hair and wore spandex.

    • Tundra

      +1 Tesla

      • NoDakMat

        Hells yes! I’ve seen Tesla live three times. They never disappoint!

    • UnCivilServant

      Wait, there are people who know what musicians look like?

      Am I the only sighted person strictly concerned with the sound?

      • MikeS

        Music videos are a thing. Have been for a few year now. You should watch/listen to one some time.

  16. cyto

    For those who still escew the old site….. The last few days have completely broken them.

    Sullum put up an article late yesterday making fun of a Trump for requesting the release of the search warrant affidavit. In it he says it can never help Trump and it will never be released, anyway.

    That didn’t last 18 hours before the judge cut his legs out from under him.

    They have an article lamenting conservative calls for FBI reforms saying conservatives were never interested in police reform until Trump tried to sell nuclear secrets. Ruby Ridge and Waco never happened for this guy, I guess.

    It is wall-to-wall rationalizations of anti-trump rhetoric and government abuses.

    They are completely unhinged.

    • Mustang

      Having completely infiltrated the nation’s primary institutions, the Long March has been working its way through the lesser ones.

    • ron73440

      They love Big Brother.

      • R.J.

        Is is stoic to keep toxic people and certain TOS websites out of your life? I think so. I do not visit.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    It is wall-to-wall rationalizations of anti-trump rhetoric and government abuses.

    Scary Orange Totalitarian is scary.

  18. Tundra

    Just another day in LA.

    What’s that Iron Law about rewards and punishment?

  19. Brochettaward

    I found it funny that the cnn “opinion” piece (do they even post opinion pieces by actual conservatives over there? I’ve never seen one) this morning on Republican attacks on the IRS were amplified under Obama. It didn’t even bother to try and determine a precise reason why that may be. I mean, nothing, nothing at all happened during those years that may have made Republicans even more skeptical of the IRS as an institution than they were already naturally inclined to be….

    • Plisade

      First you’re hearing about this?

      • invisible finger

        What you had done there was observed.

    • Fatty Bolger

      Oh, you mean this little scandal, er, “controversy”? Hey, that was barely anything. Just the IRS doing its job really, nothing to it. Forget that the President’s enemies were the ones targeted. Forget about the destroyed hard drives, Blackberry devices, and missing backups. All pure coincidence!

      • Nephilium

        Have you not read the updated reports, the IRS was heroes. Any contrary talk is a signal that you may be engaged in wrongthink.

  20. Rat on a train

    Has anyone seen this:
    Veterans Affairs says worker ‘inappropriately’ discussed medically assisted death with veteran

    A Canadian Forces veteran seeking treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury was shocked when he was unexpectedly and casually offered medical assistance in dying by a Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) employee, sources tell Global News.

    988: How can I help you?
    Caller: I feel so depressed I want to kill myself.
    988: Alright. We can help you find someone to assist. Please wait while I forward your call.

    • The Last American Hero

      Socialized medicine just trying to save taxpayers a dollar.

  21. Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

    Hmmm. Stoic acceptance. Unfocussed, bottled-up rage. Yeah.

    So, after a merciful 12-year absence, my acute vertigo attacks are back. They’re debilitating. They’re most likely BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), appear to have been brought on by booze, and Epley manoeuvres aren’t really doing a lot to fix ’em.

    Timing couldn’t be worse, as I have to do a fair amount of traveling by car over the next month. I’m taking betahistine to try to deal with ’em. It’s better than nothing.


    • Tundra

      Sorry, BEAM.

      Why do you think it’s booze? I thought BPPV had something to do with debris in the ear canal.

      • Ted S.

        So if you don’t get monkeypox from getting fucked in the ear, you’ll get vertigo instead?

      • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

        It does, but the trigger for the initial acute vertigo attack always seems to be booze, although not strongly dose-dependent (that is, I’m not going on a bender or anything). I suspect it’s more of a “perfect storm” kinda thing, since dehydration can also be a culprit, et cetera.

    • DEG


    • ron73440

      Have you ever tried this?

      It doesn’t make sense, it stinks of peppermint and some other flavors, you rub it in your hands and inhale it deeply a few times.

      It works for my positional vertigo like nothing else I’ve found.

      • R.J.

        That does work. I keep some around as well. Seems to blow open sinuses and ear canals which is helpful.

      • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

        I’ve used ginger for nausea, and it does seem to help. Never tried it for vertigo. I’ll check it out.

      • R.J.

        Beats eating a tablespoon of horseradish. That’ll blow your head cavities out too, but it isn’t fun.

      • KK the Dalit

        Speak for yourself!

  22. Grumbletarian

    Texas: “Drought, drought, drought…”
    Grumble: “Think I’ll take a week’s vacation, get some woodworking done.”
    Texas: “Rain, rain, rain…”

    • R.J.

      Heh heh heh.
      Thankfully I did not take the week off for it. But holy crap what a heatwave-breaker!

      You weren’t missed during the DFW meetup last month were you? If so I apologize.

      • Grumbletarian

        No, I wasn’t there.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    That was unexpected. The threaded shaft onto which the “cutter head’ screws (on my Husqvarna weedeater) is 3/8 fine thread, not (as I had assumed) M10 x 1.0.

    So what, they say.

    I have a 3/8 fine tap. I don’t have to go to Fastenal and buy a single use 10mm tap. Now I can bore out one of the wrong-threaded adapters which came with the brush cutter head I bought at Home Depot and tap it to fit. I ask: why would they bother to list the sizes and thread pitch of the included adapters on the package?

    Speaking of stupid corporate behavior; check out the Shakespeare weedeater accessory website. It’s kind of impressive how they can make such a slick site while providing no useful information whatsoever.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    But why?

    Snake amputees.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Holy shit, what a pitch!


    I was expecting a beanball.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    If the misrepresentation is something you can fix/live with it’s a good place to really kick some negotiating ass. You’re at a point where you have nothing to lose, decide how much you want to reduce the price to, double the reduction and it gives you room to work your way back up a little.

    If you can’t live with the misrepresentation, just walk away, not worth the aggravation.

    Too late. The deal is done.

    • R C Dean

      If the misrepresentation is (a) well documented and (b) cost you (or will cost you) significant money, then you have a dandy lawsuit.

  27. juris imprudent

    Not very stoic.

    Jeremy Pauley, 40, was arrested Thursday and is charged with abuse of a corpse, receiving stolen property and dealing in the proceeds of unlawful activities.

    East Pennsboro Township police received a complaint on June 14 about possible human body parts being sold online.

    On or around July 8, police were called to Pauley’s former home on North Enola Drive by a caller who reported finding possible human remains inside several buckets in the basement.

    • Timeloose

      I don’t want to know what old Gus Guts wanted to do with his bucket of parts.

  28. Tundra
    • Gender Traitor

      Pro tip for the ladies: Plochman’s Mustard comes in a fine-point dispenser, so you can be more detailed when listing your grievances.

      • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

        Who’s got time for details?

      • Gender Traitor

        But I’ve been saving these up for YEARS!! What’s the point of doing that if you can’t dredge ’em up and use ’em?

      • Gender Traitor

        “23. Your mother had no right to wear a hazmat suit to our wedding.”

      • Name's BEAM. James BEAM.

        That’s more of a moral judgment than a grievance, I think.

        Although mebbe she didn’t like how she looked in formal wear. ???

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Too fine a point on it, and you might need to take a sounding.

    • R C Dean

      “my girlfriend duties, like have sex with you”

      I bet that’s just delightful.

      • KK the Dalit

        Yep…I know I love perfunctory sex.

    • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

      My dad used to have a standard cab pre-runner, ’99 I think or something like that. People used to come up to him in parking lots asking to buy it.

      Weird for a 2x.

    • Timeloose

      Who’s the brunette in the brown dress. Yowza.

      • whiz

        Looking at the cast in IMDB, I’m thinking it’s Julie Newmar.