I don’t think I’ve ever seen this movie.
“Joker 2 Budget Could Be Three Times Higher Than Original”
“Apex Legends Shatters Records As Players Urge Fans To Stop Playing Apex Legends”
“Metal Slug Tactics joins the growing club of delayed strategy games”
“Everything ‘Demolition Man’ Got Right about the 21st Century—so Far”
You have jesse.in.mb to thank for this. We were waxing poetic about the full moon last night.
For the first itme in my life I can see that the lucky one is not me, but you because you get to see me. The most talented man that the world has ever seen. It’s me. Like a cross between a lightening bolt and James Dean. I only wish that I was you looking at me.
Your new anthem
But how do the 3 seashells work?
Enough profanity will solve your problem.
Stallone actually explained it. Two seashells spread the cheeks, one wipes.
I only have two hands…
Imma need a diagram or something.
I mean it’s basically a bidet.
If you’re confused about how to wipe your ass, I don’t know what to say.
Think chopsticks plus Chinese spoon. It’s an acquired skill.
That’s one way to get HM’s attention.
Hahaha this guy doesn’t know how the 3 sea shells work!
*Directs menacing glare at Negroni*
I cannot embrace that particular future.
*hugs Toto washlet*
See, according to Cocteau’s plan, I’m the enemy. Cause I like to think, I like to read. I’m into freedom of speech and freedom of choice. I’m the kind of guy who wants to sit in a greasy spoon and think, “Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecued ribs with the side order of gravy fries?” I want high cholesterol. I want to eat bacon, butter and buckets of cheese, okay? I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in a non-smoking section. I wanna run through the streets naked with green Jell-O all over my body reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly might feel the need to. Okay, pal? I’ve seen the future, you know what it is? It’s a 47-year-old virgin sittin’ around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing “I’m an Oscar-Meyer Wiener”.
So Friendly is the hero of “Demoilition Man”?
I always thought so.
I’ve never seen the movie, but have heard about it. I have seen one or two clips. It’s the one where actual sex doesn’t happen, but in VR instead? I have a vague memory of one of those clips being Stallone losing out on a woman because he wanted to have actual sex.
It’s a good flick to watch with beer on hand.
I mean, it’s pretty good for the late 80’s/early 90’s action films where lots of stuff blows up. The social commentary is a bit of a cherry on top.
Clearly there needs to be a Thursday movie post about it. Too many of you are newbies.
I finished “Cute Little Buggers”. That was good.
John Spartan : Look, Huxley, why don’t we just do it the old-fashioned way?
Lenina Huxley : [stands up, shocked] Eeewww, disgusting! You mean… *fluid transfer*?
Lenina Huxley : The exchange of bodily fluids, do you know what that leads to?
John Spartan : Yeah, I do! Kids, smoking, a desire to raid the fridge.
Hi Riven!
That FEE article is interesting. I haven’t watched that movie for 20+ years, but I may have to take another look.
Sigh… does this mean I have to get Taco Bell for dinner?
Maybe all restaurants aren’t taco bell yet. But it seems nost of them have been approaching taco bell quality
My current favorite: http://www.casatoromexgrill.com/home.html
Ironically, Mexican fare.
That’s a good place.
I hate to say it, but ratburgers are an option.
We appreciate your noble self sacrifice
Naw, he’s selling rats from other tribes.
Better than a bug burger.
Better get reservations.
People still play Apex Legends?
People still play Fortnite.
Does Not Compute.
There could be a second LP candidate for governor in NH
One of two Libertarian Party candidates for governor in New Hampshire has been barnstorming the state in the past 48 hours, filing thousands of signatures to gain ballot access.
Kelly Halldorson of Rye was in Concord on Tuesday to submit 232 signatures from voters in the city to the clerk’s office for verification. Independent candidates must gather signatures to gain ballot access. Democrats and Republicans just pay a filing fee.
Halldorson said she and her supporters need 3,000 verified signatures to gain ballot access. She said the campaign had gathered more than 4,000 raw signatures.
Independent candidates have until Wednesday to submit all their signature petitions to cities and towns. After clerks verify the signatures are accurate, indie candidates must collect all the petitions from the clerks and submit them to the Secretary of State.
Huh. I was try to figure out how they would split the votes, but I got a divide by 0 error.
Damn your nimble fingers.
Won’t that just split the Libertarian vote? Both of them.
There are dozens of us!
“Independent candidates must gather signatures to gain ballot access. Democrats and Republicans just pay a filing fee.”
Major parties get automatic ballot access. Their candidates pay a filing fee to get on the ballot. You gain major party status in NH by getting more than 4% of the vote in a statewide election (governor, US Senate, president). The LPNH hasn’t broken the 4% mark in a while, so does not have major party status.
Everyone else has to petition for ballot access. Those candidates also have to pay a filing fee.
“Joker 2 Budget Could Be Three Times Higher Than Original”
It wasn’t the budget that made the first one so compelling. Hopefully, the new “complex musical numbers” won’t detract from attention to plotting, etc.
Joker 2: Joke Harder?
Joker: Callback
Joker 2: Revenge of the Pun
Joker 2: Electric Boogaloo
Joker goes trans and hooks up with Harley?
And they have a huge choreographed dance number where they express their love.
Yeah, I might wait for this one to be out of the theaters before I watch it.
Jaime Pressly or Reese Witherspoon could act Harley better than that australian cunt Margot.
Change my mind.
Maybe, but Margot is way hotter.
Be well John Spartan.
90’s Sandra was my jam.
By the way there was a Demolition man video game that was terribly hard. It was of the generation of CD rom games with live video out takes in the middle of the action or at the end of each level.
3DO was the system to have for a hot second.
Yep. For literally one second though
I’ve still got a 3DO deck somewhere in a box.
Need for Speed was the bomb-diggity.
If it’s CIB it’s worth about 400-500 now.
Joker 2? Is Jack Nickolson still alive? And when did they make comic movie with staring him?
/watches Midnight Suns get delayed again…
I’m home, and the girlfriend has decided she doesn’t want to head out to the walkabout tonight, and instead save all the empty calories for the Feast tomorrow, so I’ll kick off the (now traditional) Zoom/Happy Hour/Cocktail showcase at 20:00 Eastern.
Midnight Sun
Midnight Suns looks interesting. Kinda bored of superhero stuff though.
For those of you experimenting with the new WordPress Block (aka Gutenberg) editor, here is an FYI about embedding: The Block editor handles embedded videos just fine, but if you then edit (or switch) to the Classic editor it will FUBAR any embedding you’ve done. That’s what happened this morning. The person who said they’d do morning links overslept, and I found WebDom’s emergency cryptid links and edited them with the Classic editor to add an excerpt and publish them. That killed the embedding, which she later fixed.
Sounds delightful. I had a bunch in the hopper with classic editor. I will use block editor next time. I wonder if it can embed video from Tubi?
Enquiring minds want to know.
I do all of my Firsts without any editing whatsoever. More proof that I am The Great Firster’s gift to the Glibertariat and world at large.
So far, I’ve found the block editor to be a bit clunky. For what I want, the classic editor works just fine. Maybe for folks who have more complicated formatting the block editor might help.
I’ll keep using the block editor for now to see if my impressions change as I get to know it better.
Not creepy at all
I can’t tell the difference between it and Pocari Sweat.
Aquarius vs Pocari Sweat
Doomsday LARPer porn
When the big flood comes, it will threaten millions of people, the world’s fifth-largest economy and an area that produces a quarter of the nation’s food. Parts of California’s capital will be underwater. The state’s crop-crossed Central Valley will be an inland sea.
The scenario, dubbed the “ARkStorm scenario” by researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Multi Hazards Demonstration Project, is an eventuality. It will happen, according to new research.
The study, published in Science Advances, is part of a larger scientific effort to prepare policymakers and California for the state’s “other Big One” — a cataclysmic flood event that experts say could cause more than a million people to flee their homes and nearly $1 trillion worth of damage. And human-caused climate change is greatly increasing the odds, the research finds.
“Climate change has probably already doubled the risk of an extremely severe storm sequence in California, like the one in the study,” says Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California Los Angeles and a co-author of the study. “But each additional degree of warming is going to further increase that risk further.”
Fap fap fap. Autoerotic doomfic is where it’s at.
They can all piss off. And I’m too tired to add the usual link.
I’ll believe the doomsayers when the doomsayers act like they believe it. If the Obamas, Gores, and Kerry’s start selling off their beach homes and buying mountop chalets, then maybe I might start believing in what they’re saying.
That doesn’t mean they’re correct, but it would indicate they at least believe in what they’re telling us.
I’ll believe it when they cut back on all that travel by private jet.
DiCaprio is doing his part, herding THOTs onto his mega-yacht, preparing for the great cull.
He’s like a porno Moses!
I think before people trump up the importance of numbers pumped out by their models, said models should actually have to accurately predict something…anything, even…that actually happens.
if they keep making crazy, insane “predictions”, when one finally comes true they can scream from the rooftops that they were 100% right. Nevermind the hundreds, if not thousands of predictions that have ALL failed.
+1 Zero Hedge
New York City says nearly 5,000 people seeking asylum have arrived from Texas.
“There’s a way we should coordinate that on the federal, state and city levels. That was not done at all,” said Adams. “That not only overburdens the system here in New York, but it also is unfair to those who were shoved out of Texas.”
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott started what he calls Operation Lone Star in April and says it’s necessary to relieve the burden on border cities.
Funny to hear a sanctuary city mayor complain about folks coming into his city without prior notice or adequate documentation.
Obvious hypocrisy is obvious. I guess given geography, Texas should just be prepared at all times to deal with hundreds of thousands coming across its border every year illegally due to policies team blue sets in Dc.
A whole 5000?
Unfair to those shoved out of Texas? Hilarious. It’s a bitch when a politician has to walk his talk. I’m sure the mayor can just raise taxes on “the wealthy” and everything will be fine.
They were going to do that anyway.
My vapes were double-priced again today. Thirty bucks for a package that probably costs a buck to produce. Fucking thieves preying on the addicted. Yeah, that’s real moral.
State lotteries
Yes. I point out the whole sanctuary city thing whenever I have the chance.
Always easy to tell other people to suck it up when it doesn’t impact you.
Yeah, OK.
I would not be surprised if they were headed here anyway – it would not be out of the ordinary.
That’s, what, a tenth of a percent of the NYC population?
Five hundredths of one percent.
Swain and his co-author Xingying Huang used new weather modeling and expected climate scenarios to look at two scenarios: What a similar storm system would look like today, and at the end of the century.
They found that existing climate change — the warming that’s already happened since 1862 — makes it twice as likely that a similar scale flood occurs today. In future, hotter scenarios, the storm systems grow more frequent and more intense. End-of-the-century storms, they found, could generate 200-400 percent more runoff in the Sierra Nevada Mountains than now.
Give me more money, or I’ll plug even scarier numbers into my model.
Then why are floods happening at the exact same rate now?
A study showing no increase in frequency or severity of floods in North America or Europe.
Does the Vice President know about this? Pretty sneaky way to deal with the migrants. Make the river rage! Cross at your own peril!
The lamest supervillain. Holding the world hostage with a model.
This is the spawning of the cage and aquarium. Used to be different, now you’re the same.
“Trump is under investigation for violating the ESPIONAGE Act after FBI recovered 11 sets of classified documents from Mar-a-Lago: Full warrant is unsealed – but ex-President insists he declassified everything”
“11 sets of classified documents, ‘top secret’ files, Roger Stone’s clemency order and ‘information on the President of France’: What FBI agents found at Mar-a-Lago, according to the search warrant”
If he put them on a server in his bathroom this wouldn’t have happened.
..and also he wasn’t the PRESIDENT who had the power to declassify documents.
“Salman Rushdie is in surgery after being stabbed 10 to 15 times – including once in the neck – on stage at NY literary fair: Airlifted to hospital 33 years after Iran issued fatwah on him for novel The Satanic Verses
He was attending for a discussion of the United States as asylum for writers and other artists in exile and as a home for freedom of creative expression.”
Looks like NYC is sending its knifing crazies upstate.
I thought I heard the assailant is from New Jersey.
“Prince Charles also reportedly refused to support the author during his fatwa because he thought the book was offensive to Muslims.”
Microsoft support is just flummoxing in its badness. I expect poor service but they are Brazil-esque. Online chat directs you to call their support number, which is just an automated system with terrible syntax parsing that ultimately, however it chooses to interpret your request, directs you back to the online chat. They can’t refund a purchase they never sent because they never received the return. They can’t just cancel the return and give me the code to activate the software. I would need to charge back the purchase through Mastercard and repurchase the item. (Mastercard doesn’t permit chargebacks after sixty days.)
Sure it was MS support? I get about 3 texts from MS support a day.
Hell they like to proactively call me and tell me about a virus on my computer.
After that, do you answer calls from Nigerian princes?
Princes who adore you?
Yeah, I had to get a restraining order against Okoro, since the feelings weren’t mutual.
Yup. But they are saving money.
Sometimes you can call a sales line and immediately get a human being. They can transfer you to a support number that will queue to a human being.
The reason I never received the purchase in the first place? It was “exposed to a hazardous substance” during shipping and returned to sender.
*LibreOffice waves from across the room
Did you see my comment about Big Tits Zombie on YouTube in the Thurs night post?
Yes. Adding it to the list.
OK, cool. It might other places as well. I don’t know much about streaming services, but exptv.org is a trip.
“home for freedom of creative expression.”
Freedom comes with a price. Hope all goes well for Salmon though.
There is a large record label in Japan called Flying Dog.
Given the Asian “L” that fluctuates between a “L” and “R” sound and use of dogs as food am I a bad person for always reading that as Frying Dog?
I thought that was Korea.
As far as I know yes. Although native Koreans also have the same l and r issue.
So do some Chinese I have known even though their native language includes exact equivalents of both L and R. I could never figure that one out.
Same. Although my native Chinese friends are usually pretty good. Much better than my Japanese friends.
A study showing no increase in frequency or severity of floods in North America or Europe.
But it COULD happen, unless we completely destroy our existing energy economy!
If we capture all the excess water California, AZ, and NV will have lake frontage and lots of new irrigation projects.
We could get there with desalinization plants. But really, the grifters hate humans more than they like anything.
Dark Ages Time Traveler: So let me get this straight. Your civilization found cures for many deadly diseases and even wiped out some of them. You cover impossibly great distances whenever you want in contraptions you invented, even ones that went above the clouds. Your agriculture is in such great abundance that everyone can eat until they gain half again or more of their normal weight. You have homes and buildings that are perfectly temperate, summer and winter, and you do a great deal of your work sending written words back and forth in an instance. Many people live happily and mostly painlessly into their 90th year. And you’ve embarked upon a campaign to get rid of it all?
Me: Yes.
Dark Ages Time Traveler: Why?
Me: We felt bad about it all.
Who is this ‘We’, Kemosabe?
“That not only overburdens the system here in New York, but it also is unfair to those who were shoved out of Texas.”
You’re right, Mayor Adams. Those people would be better off, and have more economic freedom and opportunity, in Texas.
Hey, nobody is illegal, what’s the problem?
I wonder if he even thinks about how stupid he sounds saying things loke that. Just no irony about “fuck you Texas, keep all the migrants.” Even though Mayor Asshat* runs a sanctuary city.
* Apologies to Certified Public Asshat.
Supporting our women in uniform
For the first time ever, the United States Army is creating a tactical bra for female soldiers.
The bra, dubbed the Army Tactical Brassier, is in development at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Center in Natick, Mass., according to the Army Times, which was the first to report the bra’s development.
Four different prototypes of the bra are currently being developed. The Solider Center’s Design Pattern Prototype Team is expected to present the prototypes for an evaluation this fall to the Army Uniform Board, the outlet reported.
The bra is meant to add an extra layer of protection for female soldiers and work into their body armor.
Does it lift and separate?
If the recruitment issues continue they will have a version for those currently identifying as male soon as well.
I really want this to be some sort of James Bondian or Kingsmenesque weapon with spinning knife blades on the nipples.
“Frickin’ laser beams!”
The Wonder Woman Bra.
Your daily dose of Sanford and son:
Whip Inflation Now!
Since the Inflation Reduction Act passed the Senate, Democrats have been calling the bill a gamechanger for climate adaptation and emissions reductions. And they are right. The bill will transform entire sectors to be more energy efficient and rely less on fossil fuels than ever before. But perhaps the most exciting provisions of the IRA, the subsidies for low-income households and disadvantaged communities, have gotten very little coverage.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 provides funding for more than 100 programs to help the nation meet its climate goals and transition to a clean energy economy. An important subset of these programs provides $60 billion in grants, tax credits and other subsidies to meet the administration’s environmental justice goals. These programs will help lower-income families transition to a clean energy economy and adapt to rising temperatures by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, cars, and communities.
On average, families with incomes of less than $38,500, representing the lowest 40 percent of income, pay 25.7 percent of their household income for home energy and gasoline. As incomes increase, the share of income spent on home energy and gasoline declines. Households in the top 20 percent of income, more than $240,500 a year, only spend 4.8 percent of their income on these expenses. The IRA recognizes that lower income families have limited resources to pay for climate-friendly measures and that the government needs to step up if we are going to meet the nation’s climate goals.
First, the IRA provides $4.5 billion to provide rebates of up to 100 percent for lower income families to purchase and install new energy efficiency appliances including heat pumps, water heaters, stoves, and clothes dryers. Families with incomes of up to 80 percent of area median income (AMI) will receive a 100 percent rebate of purchases up to $14,000 and those between 100 percent and 150 percent of AMI will receive a rebate of 50 percent. In addition, if required, subject to the $14,000 price cap, households can also receive a rebate to purchase an upgraded breaker box, electrical wiring, and insulation, ventilation and air sealing.
A few billion here, a few billion there, before long you’re talking about real environmental justice.
If the recruitment issues continue they will have a version for those currently identifying as male soon as well.
Formerly known as “falsies”.
The Onion can be quite funny when it doesn’t do politics.
I really needed this chuckle right now.
(let s/he who has not been there cast the first stone)
KK you doing better. This morning sounded rough.
Not really, no. The next year is going to be rough.
Not to make your weekend worse KK but you will be missing an aviation geek weekend in Hawaii. Kanahoe Bay MCS is having their airshow with an F22 demo, C17 heavyweight acrobatics, the Blue Angels and other fun stuff. No walking on a hot tarmac for us. We will be anchored at the edge of the exclusion zone and watch the show with plenty of food, rum, and whatnot. Last night we were racing and just off the end of the runway when a C-5B passed over on final. The rest of the boat never seen a Galaxy up close and were transfixed. (We were close enough the jet exhaust kicked up an additional know when it hit our sails.) I told them that you can’t really get the scale of the plane unless you see one parked next to a 747.
The savings for lower-income families will be significant. The combined benefits from electrifying their homes with an electric heat pump for heating and cooling, purchasing an electric vehicle and installing solar panels according to a recent report by Rewiring America, would save $1,800 a year. For lower income households these savings will be transformative, reducing their energy bill by about 30 percent.
Fucking magic.
Spend close to $100k, and you can save 1.8% of that cost every year!!!
Just… wow.
Shameless lies.
You have to completely ignore everywhere this path has been taken farther than we have and has led to impoverishment.
I put this at the end of the dead thread but it’s something more people need to read.
Cliffs notes: more than ever, question your doctors’ opinions. Diversity quotas are blowing up US medical training.
One thing that is most ridiculous about the push for “diversity” in higher education is that it largely ignores where the actual issues in disparate outcomes come from. Addressing those issues may actually produce the desired outcome for these people and we may actually see greater representation from certain groups. But that would be thornier, more difficult in general than just lowering the standards at the end game for certain groups. Doing so would require actually addressing the behaviors of some minority groups that are not conductive to educational success. Dealing with broken homes, broken public school systems, and cultures that does not even come close to emphasizing academic achievement would actually put some onus on the minorities and not just chalk up everything systematic racism. And we just can’t have that…
Yes, you are not allowed to talk about those issues.
The article (or op-Ed or whatever you want to call it) raises even more questions.
The AMA wants to address underrepresented groups in medicine (specifically doctors, not nurses or PAs) and they list racial minorities, LGBT+ , gender. But the hard facts and statistics they present don’t mention LGBT discrepancies in scores.
So do gay white male students score differently than straight white males on the medical tests? I’m gonna guess no, but it’s easier for the social justice / equity warriors to include ethnic minorities, women, LGBT+ as disadvantaged than it is to say “Dang; blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans don’t score as highly.”
Also, how about blacks who were born and raised in Africa? My Minnesota neurologist is from Ghana, did his med school and residency at Mayo Clinic, and was outstanding. Any stats comparing African-American scores with African immigrant scores? Or are we allowed to talk about culture and family?
FWIW, the AMA is not respected by docs the way it used to be. I read somewhere recently (can’t find the link) that only a small minority of doctors belong.
I have a vague memory of Groovus saying that.
“Step One has already been modified to try to shrink that gap; it now includes nonscience components such as “communication and interpersonal skills.”
He cut off the wrong leg but damn does he have a good bedside manner.
Yeah, saw that a few days ago.
Alarming shit – which will be condemned by many because of the author.
Another reason why the West has to be humiliated. If it happens to be done by Putin, so be it.
“The mother has fed her “transgender” child what to say and is actually mouthing the words along with them. If this doesn’t get you mad as hell, what will?”
“Transhausen by Proxy”
I like the part at the end where mom breaks down crying and positions herself as the hero of the story.
I think that Munchausen by proxy behavior is far more common than acknowledged and is in fact, ingrained in a part of the female psyche. Not everyone expresses it, but the temptation is there.
I know that my grandmother used to take her children to the doctor more often than was necessary because of the social status it signaled the community. Not everyone could afford it in rural Arkansas.
I also believe it’s the natural role of fathers to keep this behavior in check.
“According to a series of lawsuits, OnlyFans allegedly bribed Meta employees to put thousands of competitor site porn stars on terrorist watchlists
According to the lawsuits, adult performers who sold content on rival sites reported that their Instagram accounts were falsely tagged as containing “terrorist content” — negatively affecting their ability to promote their content
The lawyers on the case are claiming to have acquired a list exceeding 21,000 Instagram accounts that were unfairly flagged as “potential terrorist” accounts, as per unreported California superior court filings”
After copious research over these many months, the court finds the flagged accounts guilty of terrorizing the court’s heart.
“Boston Children’s Hospital (@BostonChildrens) is now offering “gender affirming hysterectomies” for young girls”
“Special Report: Boston Children’s Hospital boasts of “full suite of surgical options for transgender teens,” has 90 videos promoting surgeries to youth on their YouTube page. Co-director allows vaginoplasty on 17 year olds, but hints at even younger.”
I wanted a Rush tattoo back when I was in highschool. Very glad I wasn’t allowed to get it in retrospect. Permanently life altering stupid shit should be proscribed during the teen years.
The Rush pentagram
Yeah. Not that. Get a badly distorted Neal Peart face on your bicep. Now that would have been cool.
“Boston Children’s Hospital founded the Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMs) program in 2007 and welcomes patients as young as 3 years old”
I just… wow.
It’s the kind of thing that makes you ponder violence.
I think we all can agree a stern tut-tut-ing is in order
Last week, Grossi said in an Associated Press interview that the situation at Zaporizhzhia was “completely out of control.”
On Thursday, he demanded a halt to military actions “that have even the smallest potential to jeopardize nuclear safety” at such an important installation. While a preliminary assessment by experts found “no immediate threat to nuclear safety” at the plant from the shelling and military actions, “this could change at any moment,” he warned.
If that has no effect, I shall sigh disconsolately.
“ Sergiy Kyslytsya, accused Russia of using “elaborate plans of deceit, sabotage and cover-ups” to stage the shelling at Zaporizhzhia,”
Just like Sandy Hook.
He was 80.
I mean, as far as badass ways to go, that kind of has to be up there.
Can’t imagine he’d prefer any other way, really. Other than while having sex with a hot young herpetologist.
Aw man. Marty was a real living legend.
Going to see some punk bands tonight. Should be a lot of fun. Throwback old school as well as some Celtic punk. Possibly a accordion and a bagpipe in the same night.
An accordion and a bagpipe? I don’t know if The Ramones would approve of that or not.
Definition of perfect pitch: heave a set of bagpipes into a dumpster from twenty yards and it lands right on the accordion.
I’m a kid who grew up on Polka, so I’m all in.
Nice. Any bands I may have heard of? I had to miss the Meteors last night, as one of her step-brothers was having a birthday party. Rise Against is playing here next week, and Vic Ruggerio (from the Slackers) is doing a solo show in a couple of weeks.
Blanks 77 and Flatfoot 56.
Just heard a gutter punk and a skin discussing the Bible vs Koran. Where am I?
Prescient https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/06/25
LOL and the phenomenon is like ten times more apparent than it was then.
so I’m sure he meant that as a dig against Batman Returns, which was the big sequel of ’92, but it was funny to look it up and realize that was also the year of Home Alone 2, which is the one with Trump in it.
I could lose a lot of my life to the Random button on that page.
In honor of Riven Links, I will be playing Ravenloft: Stone Prophet tonight on my Linux laptop. One of the blessed 2.5D RPGs of the mid nineties.
I think I have the original AD&D Ravenloft module.
They had some great modules. That, dark sun, spelljammer
Oh yeah.
I have some Spelljammer stuff.
I thought about getting Dark Sun when it came out, but decided against it. I didn’t have a lot of money then. I’ve considered searching eBay for it, but haven’t done it yet. I did pick up a classic MERP supplement on eBay, and then later discovered I could have gotten it via a PDF on-line. On the other hand, I’d rather have the book.
I’d take pictures of parts of my RPG collection, but I’m heading to bed.
Guess I get to go hungry for the next four days. My lazy, stupid, incompetent cunte of an employer hasn’t paid me for the last two weeks and I’m literally down to pocket change. Rent is late, bills are past due, and if I don’t pay off my lawyer in two weeks I’ll probably be in jail because I can’t pay my court fines. Filling out job applications now…
I want to fucking kill myself.
Yikes! Hang in there.
Yeah. No food pantries out there?
Please don’t do that. As they say, it’s a permanent “solution” to temporary problems.
I’d buy you a meal if you were in the Fredericksburg area.
If you have venom or zelle, I’ll buy you a meal, or a grocery run. Message me through the forum.
You know we got you, if your pride allows.
You need a better boss. 😉
Im willing to spot you some too if you need it
Forgive me this attention whore comment. I’ll get by one or the other…just saying 2022 has been a shitstorm.
Friday Funbags back and better than ever!
An idea to kick around. Not telling anyone what to do. I should start my own site if I don’t like it.
Disclaimers adequate? Repeat links to major stories in a.m. and p.m. links? It’s the same problem with any site that deals with news: everything moves so fast that losers like me have to reverse engineer the stories to find out what’s happening. That’s understandable if we’re talking about something that happened a week ago, but if it only happened half a day ago? Of course I could just click on the earlier links and see what happened, but having a repeat link to the original story would add a feeling of continuity.
Well, you’re in a bit of a unique situation, being halfway around the world from the site’s home time zone. I wouldn’t mind links to late-breaking updates on big stories linked earlier, but I’m not really enthusiastic about repeating identical links. [Narrator: As if she even clicks on the links half the time!]
Hovering over the links is often enough, as long as it’s not youtube.
I’m stuck using my phone during the workday, so the “hover” trick doesn’t work there, but the rest of the time when I’m on my laptop, that’s definitely a solution.
If you hold down on the link on your phone, does that bring up the URL? Sometimes it does for me, sometimes not.
Oh, well, duh! It certainly does! I think I knew that…sorta. 🙄 Thanks! 🙂
Also thankful
True. I was thinking like Drudge of RCP. But, this isn’t a news aggregator, so I probably should just try to keep up.
Just let us make fun of the drugs falling out of your ass.
There are links?
Don’t go chasing water Firsts.
They’ll make you wet.
Meeting a new gunsmith tomorrow. We have stuff that needs to get done.
Do a thorough background check. You never know it he’s a Fed. *Assumes gender.
Local gunboard likes him and his name is Sean*. Seems to pass the test.
*Not even a joke.
And another rant
I like the boomer progressive ranting about those damned kids who have taken over his movement. Most of the nerds he claims as his own have fully gotten on board with the notion of social justice.
Removing three letter agencies one at a time.
Deshaun Watson looked terrible tonight. One thing I don’t think the Browns accounted for when making the trade is just how missing that much time would impact him as a player, being that he was a guy still just developing in the first place, and how he would respond psychologically to being hated and shit talked at all times. Some guys are not wired to handle that, especially ones who have been coddled throughout their playing careers.
There is a distinct possibility everyone involved with that decision is fired before he sees the field for the Browns. Even if they get at least one year with him, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’s not the same or ends up never being the same as he was before.
Every front office dork that pined for him is an idiot and deserves to be fired, including from the teams that didn’t get him.
Looking at you ATL front office.
I remember when the the Chiefs moved up to number 10 in the first round of the 2017 draft and yelling at my best friend: Holy shit! We’re getting DW as are next staring QB!!! I immediately followed that statement by saying: What!? Who the fuck is Patrick Mahomes!?
Bullet dodged.
Yeahhhhh – walk-off by the Sox vs the Yankees.
This season is a garbage fire, but that always feels good.
Any time any team beats the fucking Yankees is a good ay.
It’s 10:59 on a Friday night. Where the white bitches at?
Oh. There they are.
One day the Q will unleash his first long before your first has begun to stir!
The Rolex market has crashed! Good time to pick up a cheap one.
Has the FBI offices attack been memoryholed yet? Must not be the agent provocateur they were expecting.
All media is painting him as a Trumper. Which obviously just proves how dangerous Trump is, and has nothing at all to do with the extreme actions they took to recover some documents they could have just asked for.
Amazing how some angry Trumper is less competent that a foreigner barely in the US for two years,
I can’t decide if Kaley Cuoco is a terrible actress or modern shows just suck. Answer: both.
Regarding the former, from what little I’ve seen of BBT, I can’t say.
Regarding the latter, from what little I’ve seen of BBT, absolutely.
Silicon Valley is the show to watch if you want funny geeks.
Wife had The Stewardess on. Awful.
Mike & Molly is Lorre’s worst creation.
Related: https://www.eonline.com/news/1341832/why-kaley-cuoco-needed-an-intervention-on-myself-amid-karl-cook-divorce
Horrible. I met one of / the (?) archivist for Rushdie at a kayaking lesson given by REI several years ago.
I took kayaking for a PE requirement in college. A lot of fun, but I haven’t done it in decades. 🙁
… Don’t you live in northern New York?
That’s a great place to have a kayak.
Also, PE retirement in college? Does not compute.
I’m in the Catskills. We’re most definitely not northern New York. That would be like calling where you and Rhywun came from northern New York.
Damn. After decades of death threats.
Since everyone is passed out, in jail, or zooming, late night music
I’m here Firsting the night away. I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
Wow you’re going back in time. I think she’s been dead 25 years now.
[looks it up]
27. I’ve heard a couple of programs on Radio Taiwan International about her, and how back in the bad old days the military on Kinmen setting up giant loudspeakers to blast Teng’s music and other propaganda over to the mainland.
Here, and a story from the BBC.
Read that as passed out, in jail, or grooming for some reason.
What the hell kind of forum am I on here!?!
For the first time in months the forecasted high is suppose to be under 90 (89). What a hell scape.
Incidentally home prices are still coming like mad here. I don’t think there’s any chance that they could build enough housing to keep up with demand. I just don’t know where everyone is getting all the money.
Morning y’all.
What happened? No overnight post?
Is anyone still here?
Gets pretty quiet around here when they’re zooming.
Very local news.
Groomers, everywhere.
suh’ fam
whats goody yo
Former Louisville police Detective Kelly Goodlett intends to plead guilty to a civil rights charge stemming from the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman whose death in a botched police drug raid helped spark racial justice protests in 2020.
Read more at: https://www.kentucky.com/news/business/article264468291.html#storylink=cpy
Now do the murder of Ashli Babbitt.
Good morning, homey, Sean, Stinky, Yu, Lack, and Ted’S! It’s an absolutely beautiful morning out here at Tranq Base! Homey, get your ass outside and enjoy it! You might even be glad of a hoodie!
Good morning to you, too, Scruffy!
A couple of squirrels are playing around one of the hammocks our next-door neighbors have hung between their three huge trees. And another neighbor’s cat is stalking them. Could get interesting (for some values of “interesting.”)
-Amazon studio plans lighthearted show of Ring surveillance footage
America’s Funniest Home Videos, Airstrip One Edition
I’ve detected one problem right off the bat.
Was she ever funny?
She was funny for about five minutes in the early 90s from what I recall, since then nothing.
“latest example of corporate synergy “
Biden’s economy is doing so well.
In fairness, Peloton was always going to fail
“Nuh uh! It’s all Putin’s fault!”