Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! Grab that coffee, wave to that co-worker, and wish a most happy of happiest birthdays to our Sloopy!

Happy Birthday!!!
Sinema signs off on Manchin-Schumer spending bill – increasing taxes and increasing spending during an inflationary recession
Kari Lake wins Arizona GOP governor primary as Trump slate sweeps top races
Ron DeSantis suspends Soros-backed state attorney over refusal to enforce Florida laws
John Fetterman Lived off Parents’ Money Until His Mid-40s
FBI Director Admits Hunter Biden Payments Could Be Part Of ‘Malign Foreign Influence’ Campaign
FBI official transferred after whistleblower allegations of political bias, senator reveals
CNN ratings collapse as network looks for ‘new revenue’—including ‘extending’ the brand in China
Up to 20,000 Students Missing From LA Unified Enrollment Rosters
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave a song for the birthday boy and move along with my day.
Happy Birthday!
August birthdays are the best.
Especially today. Neil Armstrong, Adam Yauch, The Elephant Man.
That’s solid company right there.
Most importantly my mom!
Tell her I said happy birthday!
Will do. And I forgot to wish you happy birthday!
You missed my son, coming up on his ThreeScore birthday next week.
Happy Birthday, Sloop, the Tune Weavers are singing in the background.
MCA! I share mine with The Jacket.
I share mine with Steffi Graf and George O’Dowd.
Elizabeth Montgomery, Roy Clark (hee-haw!), and Leonardo da Vinci.
I share my birthday with one of our favorite Glibs linksters!
ZARDOZ? Winston’s Mom? Who!?
Tundra also shares a birthday with another glib, IIRC.
I hope I share a birthday with a fellow glib, because the list of cool people is pretty limited.
Well then, you have something to look forward to anully.
I share my birthday with massacres and disasters.
Oh and some people, but the list was too long, so I didn’t read it.
I’ve got “the Titanic sunk” for a disaster.
I share my birthday with Rick James *drops mike, leaves room*
I understand wanting to flee in embarassment over something like that, but poor Mike did nothing to deserve that.
I have a couple of good ones. King Edward VIII, Alan Turing, Clarence Thomas, Joss Whedon, and Frédéric Leclercq, the bass player for DragonForce, who shares my birth year as well.
I share my birthday with the Loudest Man in Britain, Brian Blessed.
Oh, and some John Lennon guy. Not sure who he is.
John is the brother of one of my former consultants. Last I heard, John worked for the cable company.
You mean Prince Vultan?
“Gordon’s alive?”
I thought his name was spelled BRIAN BLESSED!
I liked Brian Blessed as Richard IV.
Huh. I got George Orwell, W.V.O. Quine, George Michael, Antoni Gaudi, Sonia Sotomayor, Carly Simon, Sidney Lumet, and Anthony Bourdain. Rather a mixed bag.
Oh, and some John Lennon guy. Not sure who he is.
I imagine he doesn’t mind, but you could give him a shot.
Gotta one up DrOtto…I share mine with Redd Foxx
Clint freaking Eastwood, Joe Willie Namath, and Brooke Shields here.
Reminds me that my nephew has a birthday coming up, and best to you today Sloopy!
Happy Birthday Sloopy!
I feel that should have been a nacho hat for a birthday picture though.
As in “Hey man! That’s nacho hat!”
Indeed, Happy B-day to the Slopped Inca!
What’s the difference between Eric and Eric, and which Eric won?
It’s Sloopy’s Birthday? I didn’t get him anything.
I got him the same thing as last year, only in a different color.
Happy Birthday Sloop.
Was it an NFT? The USPS keeps returning gifts I send. They claim there is no Glibertopia in the US.
“Sinema signs off on Manchin-Schumer spending bill – increasing taxes and increasing spending during an inflationary recession”
The Titanic has been steered into a massive iceberg that ripped a gash from fore to aft on the port side. So the crew that did this has made all the passengers collect on the starboard side for fun, games, and dancing.. As the band plays, and the deck chairs get shuffled around to keep the passengers from seeing what’s going on, the crew is looting everything of value that is not bolted down (and not without wrecking it just out of spite) and loading it on the port life rafts. The plan is for the crew to get in those life rafts, with the loot, while the passengers are left to fend for themselves and find out holes were punched in all the port ones…
Democrats are seeking to pass the bill using a process called reconciliation, not bound by the 60-vote filibuster, and can do so unilaterally with their slim majority in the 50-50 chamber due to Vice President Kamala Harris’s tiebreaking vote.
Yes, pass a tax-and-spend bill during a recession with inflation rates not seen in decades, and do it in a way that requires all Democrats to vote for it right before the midterms.
I guess they figure the mid-term slaughter is inevitable so they may as well loot what they can on the way out. And the R’s won’t be able to undo it anyway.
Next budget out of a Republican led Congress will be completely unable to cut any spending.
I know it won’t happen, but the next law passed should eliminate the ‘mandatory’ spending category entirely. No congress may obligate future budgets to cover anything. All payments must be made by cash on hand, in advance.
They don’t care – they’re playing the long game. Cogs needs ratcheting.
I see the problem with your logic. You seem to believe this self inflicted disaster of a recession that hurts those least able to financially deal with the trauma it is causing matters to people that care only about their power and control of the bank they want to keep looting without obstruction.
Nothing ever changes. The French were onto something.
How do we get non-sociopaths to commit mass murder of the sociopaths?
Miss 3 meals and everyone is a revolutionary
We gotta do something about the FBI.
Rename? New logo? Anything but actually fix the problem.
The only fix is to fire everyone at the top right now. Everyone..
Why stop there?
Don’t we need an entity, kind of like what the FBI does today, to help chorale and lock up the rest of the deep state criminal gang in phase two of this effort? Taking a page from the major failures in Iraq, for example the idiocy about removing all Baath members from the military/police only to watch them become terrorists too, I believe just getting rid of the whole thing will do more damage than good…
I wasn’t advocating letting them loose. They’ve committed crimes. Put them in the general population, but separated from their co-conspirators.
Let the other inmates deal with them…
Bubba ask his new cell mate Wray: You wanna be the mama, or you wanna be the papa?
‘You wanna be the mama, or you wanna be the papa?’
New cell mate: Uh…papa
Bubba: Okay…Now get over here and suck mama’s dick!
Trigger shoots… Trigger scores!
Get over here an’ suck yo’ wife’s dick…
It’s the new “trans” way.
Them being corrupt flunkies is cherished by the political shotcallers. Notice how the scandals always lead to promotions or lateral moves at the worst. The FBI is irredeemable.
“The only fix is to fire everyone at the top right now.”
At. Fire at everyone at the top.
Rename – yeah, how does Committee on State Security sound?
Old fashioned. How about Federal Security Service?
Taskforce for
I don’t think it’s recycleable. Is it biodegradable? Or should we ship it to India to be scrapped?
They’ve always been politicized but now they’ve become the enforcement wing of the Democratic Party. Complete elimination of the bureau is needed but it’s never gonna happen.
I was recently offered a contracting position at the FBI. You provided one reason I declined.
Sedition! Insurrection! Danger Will Robinson, DANGER!
You’re actually right. It is sedition and insurrection.
Hahaha, what would all those agents do outside of the FBI – the author says mafia, I say SPLC.
I say “What’s the difference?”
The mafia uses guns to settle things; SPLC uses lawyers.
The mafia is the more honest partner.
We should take lessons from game theory. Something like “a dog catcher of a town of less than 100,000 people has the authority to arrest and try Federal employees/officials”
“FBI Director Admits Hunter Biden Payments Could Be Part Of ‘Malign Foreign Influence’ Campaign”
And the controlled implosion attempt begins…
The fuckers that have been working hard to keep the story from getting t the public have failed, so now their tactic has switched from lying to cover the truth to causing a controlled implosion to limit the damage – to themselves – of the nuclear detonation…
All the 3 letter US government deep state bureaucracy and the media want to make sure they protect themselves, and to some extend team blue, so I suspect Hunter will be sacrificed in a way that doesn’t come back to bite the corruptocracy in the ass. And then Joe – or whomever actually makes the decisions these days – will pardon him…
The goal is to keep the people stupid and themselves above the law.
And if they have to sacrifice Joe Biden to do it, they will.
Putting him in the POTUS job was done form the getgo with that in mind…They need a fall guy.
“Up to 20,000 Students Missing From LA Unified Enrollment Rosters”
Playing hooky or hanging with the groomers?
Those kids belong to the schools. They need to be found and forced to return to the indoctrination centers. Some may not realize they are transgender.
Carvalho said he reached out to about 50 chronically-absent students along with his senior staff, cabinet, and Board of Education
Wow, the pretentiousness of that. But it seems to be a trend because even Richmond, VA’s superintendent has a “cabinet” and the entire population of Richmond is less than the number of students in LAUSD.
It’s like when a professor is more than 15 minute late– you don’t have to go to class. Except in this case, if they don’t hold classes for two years, you automatically get your diploma.
If the professor was that rude, we’d go to his office and drag him to the classroom. I’ve seen it happen. I’ve done it myself.
Sloopy could pull off “Old Timey Prospector” for Halloween with that beard.
I go as a pirate every year. This year I may put candles in my beard like the king of pirates did.
Happy Birthday, Sloopy!
John Fetterman Lived off Parents’ Money Until His Mid-40s”
A democrat lives off the toild and work of others…
What’s the big reveal? I don’t get it…
It’s not that he did that, it’s that he cultivated a working class hero image and kept his real background under wraps. They should have known better than nominating someone who looks like Anton LaVey on steroids anyway.
So a democrat that lives of the toil of others AND lies about being a man of the people?
What’s the big reveal? I still don’t get it…
He’s just like me for real.
The primary reason for Beyond Meat’s failure isn’t that it isn’t meat. It is that only the true believers are willing to pay more for it. Everywhere I went that has a meat substitute option charges more for it.
I don’t want to encourage the fraud.
Vegan and vegetarian food should be its own thing, embrace what it is, not try to ape meat-eater’s meals.
Yes. I’ve never understood why if one was vegetarian one wanted something that tasted just like meat. There are plenty of indigenous vegetarian protein dishes from vegetarian cultures. Tofu, seitan, falafel, the vegetarian kofta from India, and the hippie bean and grain patty.
It’s about normalizing the taste of their foods relative to something we eat so they can later force the switch.
Afghans have a lot of vegetarian dishes…meat was hard to come by.
Don’t forget the paneer for the Indian food as well.
That’s made from milk.
Yes, which is vegetarian, but not vegan.
Mmmmmm….. paneer.
I made some from scratch with the instant pot and cheesecloth. So very good.
The wrong-thinkers (eaters) must be converted. That’s the whole point.
Pretty much this. They think if they keep pushing heavily processed goop that’s in the shape of meat onto the public and insist it’s a healthy alternative, the public will take. Problem with this is that the public never took to “healthier” Turkey alternatives to red meat and swine, they’re out for their fucking minds if they think the public will take to mystery bland chemical patties.
I used to like turkey “bacon” until I figured out how to properly cook the real thing a few years ago. I don’t know WTF was wrong with me.
I cooked up bacon this morning for my breakfast burrito and extra because a neighbor shared a couple of big beautiful tomatoes from their garden (our own beefsteaks are still green); BLT and soup this weekend.
What were you doing to the bacon before?
Always either overcooking or undercooking it.
When I was teaching the girlfriend some basics of cooking, she wanted extra crispy bacon, so she kept waiting for it to become stiff and crispy in the pan. It did not end well.
A lesson in carryover cooking?
“she kept waiting for it to become stiff and crispy in the pan.”
*crosses legs*
Turkey bacon is a crime against Man and Nature.
I like many “turkey alternatives”, although the only time I tried “turkey ham” it was awful.
Turkey hot dogs are good, with turkey chili on top. All the seasoning removes the turkey aftertaste. For anything else, just have a Turkey sandwich. It’s like vegans eating fake hamburgers otherwise.
One of my favorite lazy turkey dishes is leftover turkey dipped in a mix of hot sauce and melted butter.
I like turkey burger.
The skeptics are wrong: The U.S. can confront both China and Russia
Contrary to what Hawley argues, strengthening NATO actually lessens America’s burdens in Europe. More importantly, the idea that increasing deterrence against Russia will lead to war is a straw man. NATO is a defensive alliance, designed to prevent a larger war.
Oh, since you called it “defensive” it’s ok then. Of course many of those alliances that dragged nations to war in the summer of 1914 were defensive as well.
Often people who write dishonest and psychotic pro-WW3 editorials have a really sordid past in dodgy DC thinktanks and whatnot, so I googled the author. Apparently he’s enough of a China hawk that he was skeptical of the wet market origin of Covid pretty much from the very beginning:
In April 2020, Rogin published a column about diplomatic cables written by US diplomats in 2018 that reported safety and staffing concerns the diplomats had expressed after three visits in late 2017 and early 2018 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.[30] The cables reported that the WIV scientists claimed they did not have proper staffing and training to safely operate the Institute’s Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) lab. The US diplomats also warned that the Institute was performing risky research on bat coronaviruses in their labs.[31] The cables were seen by some US officials to support a hypothesis that the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s research may have resulted in a lab accident that caused the outbreak of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic.[32][33]
It’s kinda crazy that everyone was so mad at Trump (250,000 deaths on his watch!!!1) about Covid but no one cares that this lab leaked it by having sloppy safety standards. I don’t understand why every political institution in the world isn’t calling for the lab to be shut down, or at least prove that it has increased its virus handling safety.
Because the release of the Kung Flu was not an accident or an accident that created a crisis they could take advantage of?
Yes, China has bought & paid for way too many people running these “global” organizations for anyone to expect them to do anything but the CCP’s bidding. Like LeBron and the NBA, they whine about existential evil of Americans that refuse to allow them to groom and abuse children or for government to disarm us all so they can terrorize us without worrying we will kill some of them, while providing cover for real evil shit done by the CCP.
If this virus was accidentally released, at a minimum, the CCP acting to not just hide it going out, but actively spreading it across the globe, still amount to an act of war on the CCP’s part. And the people in charge, to protect their own asses and their lucre, choose to turn a blind eye to this shit.
If we end up actually not bending the knee but engaging with the CCP’s military when it finally flexes the muscle our tax payers helped them build while enriching our ruling class (and anyone that doubts that is going to happen has not been paying attention to the urgency the CCP has to claim top status before their entire house of cards starts imploding), it will be because our ruling class has concluded letting the CCP to what it wants will cost them their standing, wealth, and power.
NATO was a defensive alliance against a communist alliance, that no longer exists. NATO has no purpose now save to serve the interests of the bureaucrats that populate it. He’s a fucking moron of the swamp, even if he gets a pass on COVID.
Should have disbanded after Yeltsin beat the coup attempt.
If I remember correctly the argument was that a non aligned Germany would become a problem again…
Going back to that Brit’s quip that the purpose of NATO was to keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans down.
Yeah, it’s also worth nothing that the Triple Entente was a European defensive alliance – how did that work out?
Allowing the assumption this is true, just who is going to pay for it fuckers?
NATO actually lessens America’s burdens in Europe
America IS NATO.
Largely true. But the former Warsaw Pact members of NATO want it to keep Russia out. The traditional members? I agree it’s a jobs racket to them.
“FBI Director Wray Confirms Detroit Field Office Head During Whitmer Kidnapping Debacle Now Leads D.C. Field Office”
You get rewarded for promoting the Obama admin era weaponized corruptocracy’s anti-freedom/anti-America ideology & agenda? Who could have seen that happening?
I hear the 51 or so ex intelligence people that told us right before the 2020 fortified election that the Hunter Biden laptop revelations were “Russian disinformation” all have also been rewarded in the same sort of way…
All the federal law enforcement agencies should be dumped in the toilet.
Have they checked the basements of the pizzerias?
Did Epstein own any of the Channel Islands?
Happy birthday Sloopy!
Yes, happy birthday Sloopy. And, nice hat! 👒🍒
Happy Birthday and many more
I’m a week late, but a bunch of Republicans want to do a lend-lease thing for Taiwan. Because the military contractors didn’t get rich enough when we dropped $60B into the Ukraine black hole.
How about we take payment in factories?
revival of the WWII-era “lend-lease” program
What are we going to lend to them and what are they going to lease to us? Oh, you don’t mean lend-lease. You mean give away.
You mean give away.
Which was kind-of what happened with Lend-Lease in the Second World War. Yes, the US got to use British bases. But how much of that equipment was actually lent and not given? In other words, after the war how much was given back and/or compensated to the US government for what couldn’t be given back?
It was, but at least they pretended. Equipment was transferred until “destroyed or returned” with little returned at the end of the war. The base leases were more of a way to give the UK money while pretending it was for something we needed.
Nyet, nyet, nyet…unlike the Ukraine Taiwan can afford to pay for their shit.
Pulling out of Afghanistan left a massive vacuum in the “us this conflict to funnel massive amounts of US tax payer lucre to the connected” agenda. I wouldn’t be surprised that some, if not most of the reps that lost that deal are looking for their own money making racket to match the dnc’s money making racket in Ukraine.
“Cash and Carry”
At least Taiwan can probably pay us.
Especially after we give them all that money.
“For example, in 2015, his parents gave him $54,000, which he disclosed during his failed 2016 Senate candidacy, according to the Pennsylvania Inquirer. Both of his parents provided he and his wife four $13,500 gifts, totaling $54,000, which was just below the $14,000 threshold for taxable gifts at the time.”
I thought structuring was a crime. This is why we need more IRS agents.
Taxation is a crime, which is why we need more IRS agents, because we’re not crimed hard enough.
These extra IRS agents are needed to expand the Obama era program of going after non-profits that help the enemies of the deep state so they can also go after every individual that the deep state feels is not being copacetic.
It’s only structuring if it’s done to avoid reporting requirements. Avoiding taxes is perfectly legal (which is why tax increases never generate the revenue the CBO says they will).
increasing taxes and increasing spending during an inflationary recession
Money printer go burrrrrr. We’ll show Zimbabwe how it’s done.
So I’ll soon have USD 500 Trillion notes to add to my collection?
Of toilet paper money?
I wouldn’t use it for such. I have a collection of currencies barely worth the paper they’re printed on. I can honestly say I’m a multitrillionaire… in Zimbabwe dollars. There’s also some mongolian bills that total about $0.05 value in 2010 USD. I need to find some more interesting but valueless monies.
So PA illustrates how both parties can pick nutcase losers to run for a seat in “The World’s Greatest Deliberative Body”…and the voters will still vote one of them in…
We’re still objectively better than the rest of the Northeast.
*waves tiny flag*
Low bar.
I’d like to argue with that but I can’t.
The American party system at it’s finest!
Actually, the party system is a lot like the American military promotion system – designed to filter out those least able to conform so that at the apex you end up with people entirely conditioned to operating within the groupthink. Trump proved that you could break that and that’s why he terrified both parties as much as he did (and still does).
Tallest double-amputee midget?
Happy birthday, Sloopy!
Today is a birthday
They’re smoking cigars
He’s got a chain of flowers
And sows a bird in her knickers
I-O !
Kari Lake wins Arizona GOP governor primary as Trump slate sweeps top races
RINOs didn’t honk enough.
Go Styxx!
“So when you flagrantly violate your oath of office, when you make yourself above the law, you have violated your duty, you have neglected your duty and you are displaying a lack of competence to be able to perform those duties,” DeSantis said in a press conference on Thursday. “And so today we are suspending state Attorney Andrew Warren, effective immediately.”
Anything/anyone that blocks the marxism/fascism form the left is a fascist!
Cue the woketarian screaming and wailing
FBI Director Wray Confirms Detroit Field Office Head During Whitmer Kidnapping Debacle Now Leads D.C. Field Office
I would say “failing up” but he succeeded in framing plebs in a plot to kidnap the governor.
I thought convictions were the definition of success in that.
Convictions were secondary to the breathless accusations of Right Wing Terror that the media ran with when the arrests were made.
That’s true – how many people only remember what they get from the media (and the acquittals were buried on A-47).
Pennsylvania Democrat U.S. Senate nominee John Fetterman’s “blue collar” image is being called into question after reports revealed he lived off of his parents’ money well into his mid-40s.
Just now? Not because of the woke bs?
including ‘extending’ the brand in China
They are adept at being regime mouthpieces.
I can imagine the Chinese functionaries unzipping their pants and saying show us how much you want this.
Happy birthday, Sloopy!
The balls on this guy…
“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,” so says former Vice President Dick Cheney in a campaign ad released Thursday for his daughter’s floundering re-election campaign.
Cheney bases this assessment on his claim that Trump is a liar. According to Cheney, Trump is “a coward” and not a “real man” because “a real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters.”
Dude looks rough.
The dark side is destructive to your body and soul.
Cheney (5 deferments) calling Trump (5 deferments) a coward is hilarious.
Now do Gingrich, Romney, Guiliani, Clinton and Biden
“a real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters.”
How about lying to the entire fucking world in order to get us in a war?
Cheney is a piece of shit bar none.
He is a piece of shit, and I’d say he was a greater threat than Trump ever was.
He’s another toad who has never had a real job in the private sector. He might have grown up in Wyoming, but he left for Yale and then immediately got into govt.
Yes, he was briefly CEO of Haliburton, but my guess that wasn’t because he was a whiz at running a business as much as it was because he was connected to the DC Swamp.
Look at the upside. Soon you can spent more time hunting with your daughter.
Uffda. That is a rough future to have to face up to.
If she got shot it might improve her looks..
Can we put .mov files in our posts?
Alex Jones gets asked a conspiracy question in court.
That’s beautiful.
A nice dig by a guy who’s being railroaded in a way I’ve never seen.
That was epic.
Too bad it didn’t have the next question from the lawyer – wonder how far off he had to move.
Happy birthday Sloopy
I’ve taken to hating my alma mater and now openly mock their work.
Not mentioned is how the Fed is going to inflate those savings away.
“Let’s keep printing money until it’s all worthless. Let them own nothing and be happy!”
It’s a constant war on savers.
As long as you have savings, don’t complain about higher prices, job losses or other hardships. When you deplete your savings because of higher prices, job losses or other hardships we’ll will write an paper about how Americans aren’t saving enough.
“Rebucci adds that households still have a $2.5 trillion cushion of savings, accumulated during the height of the pandemic.”
Now do household debt. And what is included in the $2.5TT of savings? I’m betting that’s not cash, but includes non liquid assets.
You can trade in toilet paper because you will be using dollars to wipe your ass.
*grabs popcorn*
The Bachelor: Lardass Edition
Tres would be watching and that’s about it.
There’s plenty of SSBBW content on pr0nhub to keep me occupied.
Super Severely Big Boned Women?
It’s simple, the average person doesn’t want to look at fatasses like me. Stop whining because you’re not attractive and start exercising. Oh, and shovelling less into your maw would also help.
OMG that list of “demands”. 🤣😂
And they went home night one.
I can’t imagine why.
Maybe cast the obese in the bachelor role and then complain that the women reject him. What they really need to do is cast more trans.
How are Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret doing these days? Rhetorical. Really DGAF.
I don’t know, but Target is making me not want to shop there.
That could be so much worse. But it’s baby steps I guess. Start with size 20s and work their way up to 44s.
That could be so much worse.
It wasn’t lingerie.
How about you pitch the show you want to see to some woke exec instead?
I demand a season – nay, a whole series – of The Bachelor in which all the contestants are old hags!
Next up: demand more creepy dudes on the show! Down with socionormativism!
Daily Ray of Sunshine
I love the dog with a shotgun.
There are safer sex toys, you know.
safer sex toys
The pussification of America continues.
The only acceptable safe sex toy should be an old time bank safe where you can lock your gimp into.
Is this some Houdini reference?
*has a really unsettling flashback to the movie “Seven”*
/worst acting ever
So I posted that searing indictment of the military promoting those most suited to groupthink. Today I encountered an article with this author bio:
Definition of a war-fighter, no?
I didn’t know KC-10s are combat aircraft.
And the names of all those operations make me gag.
It’s a flying gas station.
Admittedly, I understand the flying for mid-air refuelling is “not the easiest”, but it’s a support role.
The most damning thing on the bio is this slice of bigotry
They don’t fly deep into enemy territory? It’s like the Air Force ground personnel at Aviano that got combat credit as part of KFOR.
To be fair I got the GWTSM for Noble Eagle deploying less than 10 miles from home.
Hack’s Perfumed Princes[ses]
Combat sorties as a KC 10 pilot?
“We spilled fuel on the other plane and threw matches at them!”
Desert Queen? 2-10-2?
And the DSM to prove it!
I used to be open to women having a non-frontline role in the military. I am moving away from that nowadays.
Pole line women? Wire women? We suffered in ’75 when women were introduced to the Signal Corps. Some jobs they could do, lots they couldn’t do.
I had a lady clerk that danced topless at a local club. She had the necessary assets and I presume the talent. She was a good clerk typist as well.
Happy birthday Sloop! Hope you have the greatest of days!
@mock-star, if you’re around…
I saw your post. We were at
I’ll let you know when we get back to the Omni.
But the Impossible Whopper was/is quite successful, yes? Probably Beyond Meat just sucks.
Is this a drug in ass scenario because this is one of the best things I’ve ever seen (read replies to see full 15 minute video. Also, I realize it’s a year old, but I’m just now seeing it and it’s making the rounds)
Some items are so great that I believe are exempt from ass drugs
I don’t know about Burger King’s sales, I often forget the chain exists.
I saw the Impossible Whopper on the menu just a couple weeks ago
Impossible! I was told it couldn’t be.
BK has always said you could “have it your way.” I’d like my Impossible Whopper with real meat, please.
I don’t eat there either. When the Impossible™ Whopper first came out, my wife and I tried it side by side with a regular Whopper. They were both virtually indistinguishable charred messes. The fake one was a bit firmer and cost more, but it tasted like the regular. I have not had any BK since.
BK has become inedible. The food was always decent, not great but decent, but sometime in the last 5 years it’s become outright inedible. Combine that with their filthy restaurants and terrible customer service, it’s a complete shitstorm. No idea how they remain in business.
Every BK I’ve been to in the last few years has been absolute garbage. The one near me doesn’t even have its actual restaurant open – drive thru only.
A large amount of BK’s around me closed down a couple years back. The McDonald’s near one of them was hiring, and put on their sign “Former BK employees welcome”.
BK breakfast > McD’s
And the OG-triple-OG chicken sammich is da bomb.
Wendy’s has better burgers tho.
McD’s has the best fish.
Fight me.
1) Broiler changes
2) gimmick food
3) freestyle coke machines
4) decline worker quality (not just BK)
5) terrible fries
I noticed that about 10 or 12 years ago whatever chemicals they mix in to give the burgers that “flavor” started to make me want to vomit. Dunno if they changed or I changed.
The full clip is better
From what Ive been able to find, it took place here in lovely Ohio. Columbus.
And the ATF bitch squealing like a pig sued the city.
From Dana (and Ill have to look for a citation):
Dana Loesch
Same federal agent that was charged a couple of years ago for stealing $200 worth of cheap wine
DIdnt take too long:
ATF agent charged with stealing wine from Kroger
And yet he is still employed and directed to harass legal gun owners.
Uh huh.
That was beautiful.
The most beautiful part is the irony of an agent of the ATF accusing CPD of “unconstitutional policing.”
Pick him up on every minor offense he commits and make sure no pleas are offered.
“They keep arresting me!”
“You keep committing crimes.”
I think the most beautiful part will be the irony of an agent of the ATF discovering qualified immunity, from the other side.
Well there is my daily ray of sunshine!
Not being legally-trained, I cant do much with this Burk et al v. City of Columbus et al.
I’m going to bet that the city settled.
I see he’s suing in Federal court. He’s one of the King’s Men. I expect the Federal court will find a way to have him win. See Lon Horiuchi and the attempt to bring him up on state murder charges for what he did at Ruby Ridge.
Plus, the Feds must save face. They’ll be back.
“James Franco to portray late Cuban leader Fidel Castro in Aline of Cuba for filmmaker Miguel Bardem”
+1 Mia Maestro
They first tried to search using AI, but it kept recommending Justin Trudeau.
Trudeau isn’t available?
Trudy couldn’t muster the machismo needed for the role.
“EXCLUSIVE: reveals NYC’s most prolific thief – who Mayor Adams REFUSED to name: Career criminal has a whopping 101 arrests for repeated raids on Target and other stores while NYPD can’t keep him behind bars due to lax bail laws”
This is not a bug, this is a feature. See Sam Francis from long ago:
“Under anarcho-tyranny, government fails to enforce the laws and perform the functions it has a legitimate duty to enforce and perform, while it invents laws and functions it has no legitimate duty to make or carry out. In such utopias of anarcho-tyranny as New York and Washington, government and the munchkins who run it have virtually given up any pretense of enforcing the law against the killers, muggers, robbers and rapists who haunt the streets. Instead, they devise plea bargains, paroles, therapy programs and dropped charges for hardened criminals and concentrate their energies on such crises as illegal parking and gun ownership.”
Career criminals like him used to regularly “fall down the stairs” when being taken into custody. Or “In the struggle for the officer’s pistol, it went off and the suspect was killed.”
Who doesn’t love Ilhan Omar? Mayors in the Twin Cities area, that is who.
I don’t agree with a lot of what Samuels wants to do, but I respect him because he lives what he preaches. He lives in a shitty neighborhood because that is where he wants to reform.
I’m surprised Frey didn’t go medieval on Omar. When he was running for re-election last year Omar openly called for people to not vote for him. If I was in his shoes, I’d be cracking down on Omar’s voting shenanigan’s like ballot harvesting.
You’re just feeling moody, it’s really not that bad dude, get over it.
People are “puzzled” by this but unemployment is just lagging for now. Prices are way up, and people are spending way less and cutting things out. Which means soon there won’t be a need for so many workers.
^^^ And soon they’ll have to redefine “strong job market.”
The labor market was so ridiculously tight when they were paying people not to work that employers are now afraid of letting go the employees they got. The layoffs will eventually come.
Oracle’s doing layoffs. Not sure if it’s the result of Synergies from their latest acquisition, or strictly a cost-cutting measure.
Here’s one chart to ponder
No time to check all the comments with links (I’m working, Rufus!) – has anyone linked this for Sloopy?
I’m working, Rufus!
I guess Beyond Meat shouldn’t have spent all its budget on running ads on CNN?
How much can an add on CNN cost? $10?
For just the cost of one banana, you can advertise on CNN.
But you have to tell them its an apple.
I’m getting really irritated with [New Manager]. He’s a real practitioner of mushroom management, and doesn’t seem to want to talk to anyone where before announcing changes, many of which look to me like recreated the agency’s failings on a micro scale and setting us up to fail by breaking up in-unit cooperation in favor of siloing of functions that had previously been shared. I also can’t tell if I’m getting sidelined, so I’m going to assume that’s the plan.
Spread shit on everyone, keep them in the dark, and then harvest you all by selling you for food?
Everything up to the ‘and’ in that sentence is the classic definition, yes.
So, Yusef writes dictionaries too,
I liked the original gardenburger, but the company floundered, got bought, and the recipe changed (all the while stilll calling it “original”).
Erik Granqvist out with another video! SQUEE. I love him almost as much as I love Ron Swanson. A self-sufficient man
Daily Quordle 193
Had to go to the third seed word (versus risking a 25/25/25/25 guess).
Daily Quordle 193
Been spending most my life living in a Chumptown paradise…
Daily Quordle 193
Daily Quordle 193
Started out so good too
6 7
5 4
Had to go to the third seed word
Indeed. Third seed word revealed that BL was none of the six options I had identified after two seed words.
Daily Quordle 193
Fuck, I hate hypocrites and grifters
Shameless little totalitarian bitch.
That trucking company ought to be run out of business for hosting her.
Wait, is that our Sir Digby Chicken Caesar in the replies?
I’m going to assume not, based on the very un-Glib sentiment
Is that the witch that stands behind Trudy and mouths the words to the speeches she writes for him?
Oh neat, a new Amon Amarth album
Sweet, have it on in the background to increase my rage against overly cautious colleagues who will prevent us from learning anything useful by limiting the scope of production trials.
It sounds exactly like I knew it would and that makes me very happy.
I’m not really familiar with their prior work, but I’m liking this.
Just dont listen while lifting it will reduce your gains
I assure you, that will not be a problem for me.
How do you peopel find all this obscure music
Type O- did it 1st.
Lame. You want good AA? Take a listen to Vs. The World or Fate of Norns. They have turned the Viking shtick into an embarrassment the last 3 or so albums. My .02¢, anyway.
Belts were tightened
Many companies have already been redirecting real estate budgets to reflect the new work paradigm. Take West Coast finance start-up Brex, which now has roughly 45% of employees fully remote. The company has four office hubs, but after learning only 10% of workers would come into an office if it was made optional, Brex was able to repurpose real estate dollars.
“It turns out to be a much better experience for us because that real estate cost was very high, and those markets are very expensive,” Neal Narayani, chief people officer at fintech company Brex, recently told CNBC.
Narayani said roughly a third of the cost of the company’s previous real estate strategy has been put into the company’s new off-site strategy, with other portions of that being used to pay for the four office spaces and other co-working spaces. Real estate budget was also put towards travel, talent development, diversity and inclusion efforts, “and towards anything else that makes the employee experience better,” he said.
Lean and mean. Focused on operational priorities.
Those efforts are needed to hire and retain the best people. It’s like how Monkey County sent letters to companies in red states promoting access to abortion as a reason to relocate.
Happy Birthday Sloopy!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, sloopy.
Thanks for all you do.
Good news! Florida is helping the white Christian Nationalist – Seditionist – Insurrectionists badthinkers self-identify.
The usual suspects are, of course, getting the vapors.
In the early 2000s, the flag’s meaning became increasingly politicized after it was adopted by conservative and libertarian groups and their platforms for small government and lower taxes.
It was politicized to be used for its original meaning?
Another user said, “what’s next the Confederate Flag?
I don’t see why not.
How CFOs spend in an inflationary world is a much bigger topic than just where real estate budget is redirected or how companies selectively cut as the economy slows down.
A recent research piece from Morgan Stanley argues that cost pressures will lead to accelerated investments in automation and other productivity-enhancing technologies, which it described as “deflation enablers.”
Labor, supply chain, and energy inflation ”make technologies focused on cost reductions and productivity more valuable,” the Morgan Stanley report said.
This may also have ramifications for investor relations strategy. With the era of cheap money ending, and a higher cost of capital, more companies will focus on capex investments that reduce costs rather than “prioritizing corporate buybacks and other financial engineering activities that are easier to pursue in a world of negative real interest rates,” Morgan Stanley’s research team wrote.
Keep that ESG score up. Get more female-identifying asses into your board seats. You will be rewarded.
I read this shit, and all I could think is that Putin is trolling the WH. Putin knows the people marionetting that Slow Joe would never put him in a setting where he was not controlled by them, for more than a few minutes, out f fear that he would end up shitting his pants or running off to chase an ice cream truck (best fake meme evah, cause it is believable) or some invisible hand shaker.
From Shpip’s link:
The “Dont Tread On Me” slogan, which is also known as the Gadsden flag, was first flown on a warship in 1775 as a battle cry for American independence from British taxation and rule, according to However, its meaning has changed significantly since then.
In the early 2000s, the flag’s meaning became increasingly politicized after it was adopted by conservative and libertarian groups and their platforms for small government and lower taxes. After several supporters of these groups were accused of racism, many of their critics associated the Gadsden flag as an expression of bigotry, the site added.
State sponsored terrorism.
Anyone against the corruptocracy is a terrorist. Anything against the corruptocracy is an act of terrorism.
NPR had a particularly vile story this morning where they bemoaned the fact that a thing happened in Waukesha that White Supremacists were trying to use as a distraction from all of their White Supremacy.
Something in Waukesha – some self-driving SUV problem as I recall.
The punk band NoFX had a shirt with the snake on it saying “Please tread on me”.
several supporters of these groups were accused
increasingly politicized – wait it was not politicized at a point?
Yeah, I did a double-take on that too. I guess American independence was a non-political event.
Twitter was faking its numbers: SAY IT AIN’T SO!
I can’t wait for discovery, man…
After discovery and full disclosure, Twitter will be lucky to get 10b. Musk is just trolling them and it’s awesome.
Hang on, Sloopy!
Safe for most workplaces:
You could have at least linked to the version that didn’t have those stupid subtitles blocking the view.
Sure the sound sucks, but that isn’t why you linked that song for was it?
Zero self-awareness.
Following the announcement, Harris tweeted: ‘With today’s sentencing, Russia continues its wrongful detention of Brittney Griner. Sher should be released immediately.’
She added that she and President Joe Biden ‘are working every day to reunite Brittney, as well as Paul Whelan, with loved ones who miss each of them dearly.’
But almost immediately after she posted her condemnation of Griner’s sentencing, people on Twitter pointed out that she locked up thousands of people on marijuana charges while she was the district attorney of San Francisco.
As author Tim Young wrote: ‘Brittney Griner got 9 years for drug possession in Russia… which sounds like most of the criminal sentences Kamala Harris got people for the same thing when she was attorney general of California.’
Some California inmates have thoughts.
That was then; this is now. A gal gets to change her mind, right? I won’t believe her “come to Jesus” moment until she and Dr. Jill’s Husband take cannabis oil and mj off the Federal illegal substances list.
Happy birthday, Sloop, you young whippersnapper.
A top Democrat pushing for a new minimum tax on companies invoked fresh data showing more than 100 profitable US corporations paying an average tax rate of just 1.1% as a showcase for the initiative.
The Joint Committee on Taxation, the nonpartisan congressional tax scorekeeper, looked at the profits of large corporations in 2019 — before the pandemic. The analysis found 100 to 125 corporations that reported average earnings to shareholders of some $8.9 billion, and paid an average tax rate of 1.1% on those profits.
“Companies are paying rock-bottom rates while reporting record profits to their shareholders,” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, who requested the JCT study, said in a statement. “When you talk to working Americans, nothing makes their blood boil like the most profitable mega-corporations paying little-to-no taxes. We’re going to put a stop to it with our 15% minimum tax.”
Nothing is more evil than voluntary economic interaction.
Government is the only entity qualified to pick winners & losers, so yes…
Armenia holds their lead by drawing with the US in Round 7 of the chess olympiad. Amusingly, none of the games were draws, Armenia won two, US won two.
Why is there an even number of games in a round?
I would guess to allow an even number of games going first for each team.
Your guns can’t help you onow americans this is a battle of wits
We have wits aplenty.
Especially if you round up all the half-wits.
It will not help you against the siccilian
How about the thiccilian?
The measure hasn’t yet garnered the support of all 50 Senate Democratic caucus members, which would be needed to pass in the evenly divided chamber. Senator Kyrsten Sinema, an Arizona Democrat, has yet to say she’ll vote for the bill, and is pushing for changes that would narrow the minimum corporate levy.
Changes — such as letting companies take more tax breaks for the amount they spend on equipment and buildings — could mean the tax raises far less than the estimated $313 billion in its current form.
Sinema’s colleagues, including Senator Joe Manchin, who helped craft the legislative package, say the corporate-tax provision would finally see companies that have long been able to use legal tax breaks to whittle down their bills to the Internal Revenue Service pay a fairer share.
What this country needs is more accounting categories of reported profits.
I’m not sure there is a more rage-inducing phrase than “pay their fair share.” Maybe “give back to the community.”
So when is the government going to give back to the community by cutting spending, lowering taxes, and laying off bureaucrats?
Where is my severence offer?!
I thought she had announced she will vote for it.
To much US politics in these links i call discrimination against Europeans
I don’t buy it–you slipped up and mentioned putting “miles” on your car the other day.
I said before I was adapting to your people lack of math[s] skills
No, you’re realizing we have the better system of weights and measures.
It is kind of cute how you cling to that outdated garbage
Happy birthday Sloopy and remember it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and ill
The Congressional Budget Office, a separate congressional scorekeeper, said Thursday that the corporate minimum tax would provide a disincentive for investment for business by limiting the value of certain tax breaks and it found that overall the bill has little-to-no effect on inflation in 2022 and 2023.
As if that matters.
If the GOP runs against this properly, it should matter. Especially for incumbent Dems that vote for it. Of course, GOP is party of stupid for a reason…
Sighting in?
Two people who were critically injured in a lightning strike outside the White House have died, police confirmed to CBS News Friday. Two others remained hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.
James Mueller, 76, and Donna Mueller, 75, of Janesville, Wisconsin, died of their injuries after the lightning strike in Lafayette Park, located directly outside the White House complex, the Metropolitan Police Department said.
Adjust for windage and fire at will.
steelelectrons on targetDid DARPA finally get their frickin’ space laser?
James Mueller, 76, and Donna Mueller, 75, of Janesville, Wisconsin, died of their injuries after the lightning strike in Lafayette Park
They will still be listed as COVID casualties.