Eh, big deal.
F1 is back !!!! This morning, to be exact. Right after I finish with these links. Also, Audi is coming in 2026. College football will be back tomorrow. The UCL group draw was yesterday. There’s a couple nasty ones, namely Group A and Group C. The Yankees seem to have righted the ship. The Indians may end up winning their division after all. And that’s it for sports.
Gotta strike down those stupid gun laws. Even the ones in Texas. Bravo to this judge. I hope the ruling stands up on appeal (which I assume Texas won’t fight).

Here come the blackouts.
This fucking retard is retarded. Unless he’s planning on firing up dozens of small nuclear plants, this will do nothing but plunge the entire state into chaos every summer when there’s not enough power for all the homes, let alone adding that many cars to the power grid.
Uh, there’s a couple of huge differences between the two programs. Not defending the PPP program, but the debt forgiveness was written into the law that created it. And secondly, it only existed because the government shut the businesses down. That’s not anywhere remotely close to just forgiving student loans because the people who voluntarily agreed to pay them back decided not to.
Uh, your parents should have protected you. Hollywood has treated young females that way since forever. If you were exposed to anything, it’s because your parents did a shit job ensuring you were treated like a child. Here’s a good policy: treat every single person in Hollywood that your kid comes in contact with as if they were a creep. Then leave Hollywood and don’t let your kid go back until he/she is 18 and can make their own decisions. That’s it. That’s the policy every parent should use. Nearly every big child actor or actress has left the place fucked up in the head. Only a parent more concerned with wealth than well-being would expose their kid to that shitshow.

Psycho asshole.
I found the last story unsurprising. The same applies for this one. Government social workers might be the one group of people who rival Hollywood when it comes to narcissism and using power to lord over peoples lives.
It sure took them long enough. I’m sure the redactions will make it useless beyond “analysts” saying it is the most damning document ever (from CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NPR, NYT, LAT, AJC, etc) and saying it proves there’s nothing to it (Fox News).
I can’t see how that hasn’t happened already. Yes, inflation is going to prop them up a bit, but they’re already in a massive bubble situation and people are opting to leave the area. I guess when the government can control the supply of new builds, they can keep the price propped up for a bit longer.
You’re right, Beto. Abortion is life and death. And the new law makes many of those situations life and life. See the difference?
Here you go. Enjoy it. And play this as well to kick your weekend off right. So much energy there. I absolutely love that song.
Anyway, that’s it. Go have a great day, dear friends, and an even better weekend.
“Unless he’s planning on firing up dozens of small nuclear plants, this will do nothing but plunge the entire state into chaos every summer when there’s not enough power for all the homes,”
That was going to happen anyway.
I think a combination of wind, solar and magic pixie dust will solve the power issue. Unicorn farts could also work but think of the smell…
***Quietly buys all magic pixie dust futures.***
Yeah… it is the Governor’s job to provide predictability for business right? He’s just making sure that there’s zero chance of the brownouts / blackouts not happening so folks can plan! What a guy!
Industrial ack-up generator systems are going to be a hot market in CA for the foreseeable future. There are some good turbine systems that can run on oil or natural gas depending on which the Democrats hate less at any given time.
You’re assuming there will be gas to burn.
The California brown-outs all started when they sold the lone gas pipeline into California to Enron and Enron promptly started limiting deliveries to drive prices. I doubt they’ve added capacity since then.
Only second to the U-haul outgoing market, I suspect.
This will definitely be the hottest market.
There is only one energy generating existing tech that is reliable and can make us carbon neutral, while producing enough energy to keep civilization at the current level, let alone grow it as we would want to have it be, and the greens do not want anything to do with that. Nuclear is still persona non grata with them for a reason. This racket is neither real nor about saving Gaia. It is about allowing them to use the power of government to rob the productive people and then give that cash to their friends, donors, and selves. it’s despicable.
I gave up on trying to illuminate people on the consequence of this.
1. California cities, sure. Go for it. Go electric and reap the issues.
2. Industry in the countryside will be devastated, if able to function at all. 250 mile range = about 50 to 100 in real world. You can;t go from one end to another of a farm property once with that.
3. Also, the government is about to pass some “ethical sourcing” law for battery minerals, etc… Can;t mine them here for environmental regulations, can;t mine them in Africa / China due to slave labor. Fuck it all.
Stupid, stupid. Also, how many houses need to burn down uncontrollably in the night before people realize lithium batteries are unstable for such use?
Oh, I forgot. “I can’t see what you are doing” means ethical here in the states. Clearly there will be no problems sourcing minerals. Out of sight, our of mind, right proggies?
“Climate Change” = “Fuck Africa”
Go electric and reap the issues.
Holy. Fucking. Crap. Not a goddamn chance in hell I’m doing that shit. Let me guess — it lasts around 7 years, right? Just conveniently around the current time frame a lot of people look at trading up (if they’re not only leasing… They will lease, and they will be happy!).
70,000 miles. I’ve never leased a car in my life, but it makes sense for electric or hybrid – so you can hand it back before it becomes a brick.
No, batteries tank by half after three years. Think of your cell phone. It’s a giant cell phone.
Making the battery an integral part of the structure in a vehicle really makes these problem a lot worse. A dead battery totals some of these cars from an actuarial stand-point.
*keeps driving 2015 hybrid that has lost less than 1 MPG since I broke it in*
I’m not looking forward to the battery replacement cost if and when I get there, but it has an ICE in it to get me where I need to go even if the batt loses half its capacity someday, and the change is hardly noticeable after 7.5 years.
I put a new to me engine in my wife’s ’09 Corolla for 5 grand.
29K? I’m buying a newer car.
California’s retarded little brother copies its elder sibling.
“WA will ban new gas-powered cars by 2035, following California’s lead”
Next he struck down federal prohibitions on sales of handguns to adults 18-20, right?
Fuck, I hate poison oak…
You have to be careful when frotting outside. It can go straight through your pants.
Thanks for you post last night. Sorry, something came up.
That’s what happens when you wrap yourself in aluminum foil and get out the toppings, Count.
Hey! He can get baked if he wants to.
You can bake if you want to,
You can leave the world behind…
I was remodeling the bedroom. Last night was last-minute paint touch up on the frottage pole and installing a new fan. I forgot to log on until eight!
Also, Audi is coming in 2026 – saudis in audis?
Like the saudis would settle fo audis.
Meh, the 73rd – 85th sons are kind of a fuckup.
it was a song
Uh, there’s a couple of huge differences between the two programs. – twatter is full of gotcha about this issue.
They are similar though in that they are terrible ideas.
Yeah, PPP is (as Sloopy mentioned) at least somewhat defensible in that government did the harm so should do the recompense — my personal favorite “gotchas” I’ve seen were something along the lines of “And what about the bank / corporate bailouts in 2008? You Republicans were all fine with those!”
Bitch, please… did you forget the entire spark for the whole Tea Party movement before the GOPe skin suited it? Assholes.
It is funny how PPP is now a bad term to progressives, are they against paycheck protection for small businesses?
Small businesses are officially the enemy of forward progress
Fascism requires mega corps and government to control everything. Small businesses and free people are always a problem. Hence the effort to wipe out the small business world and the middle class (especially the blue collar part) by the powers that be.
Who do you think the 87K are gonna fucking audit?
Enemies of the corruptocracy?
For all they claim to be “anti monopoly” and “anti mega corporations” – their actions sure seem designed to kill off small businesses, don’t they? I suspect it is because it is easier to use ESG etc. to influence the big ones — and those have happily proved to be allies in smiting their enemies *cough* um, in silencing dissenting views… *cough cough — sorry, frog in my throat* in providing better service to the community by ensuring properly vetted information and removing harmful biases and propaganda…..
Somebody needs to make GOPe-nik mems.
Memes, lousy cell phone.
“And here we read VERBATIM from the affidavit: ‘Subject 1 [Tump]… gave … nuclear secrets… to… Putin'”
“Uh, there’s a couple of huge differences between the two programs.”
My objection to this shit is that it not only is a blatant attempt to use the US tax coffers to buy votes from assholes by making people that avoided dumb decisions or paid off their obligations pay for the mistakes of the assholes, but they have done nothing at all to address the root of the problem: the system is broken and college, because of government intervention, now is nothing more than hyper expensive indoctrination designed to make assholes that think the solution always needs to be bigger, more intrusive, evil government.
How about making colleges responsible for 50% of any loans if a student drops out or fails to get a job? That will never happen, because the departments of indoctrination – anything liberal arts related, but especially everything studies wise – will end up having to go up in smoke or charge a lot less than they do for career tracks that actually produce students that can find jobs that pay them.
Hence why they’re determined to subsidize it.
Just get any tax-funded entity out of the loan business to begin with.
Banks will be completely willing to lend to students… as long as they think they can get a RoI. This might just mean that the interest rates for a degree ending in “engineering” will be different that one ending in “studies” or “history,” and that might shift the demand for and faculty sizes of the various departments… but I have no problem with that kind of spontaneous order.
100% this^^
The Good: Spa. Probably my favorite track, though usually the camera coverage doesn’t vaguely do it justice — need more ride alongs to convey the elevation changes and sweeping curves, imho.
The Bad: Probably more Verstappen leading by 15 seconds and preening. yawn.
The Ugly: The driver market madness over the last month — tuned it out as much as possible, but since Ricciardo has always been one the drivers I enjoy watching, really wish he’d had a better first season (not really sure why the car and he just didn’t seem to mesh this year). Also ugly — supposedly how Wolff blocked out Andretti from coming into the sport… especially with 3 US tracks in the future, I think Andretti would have brought a lot to the table. Ah well.
And good morning, Vietnaaaaam! *cough* Er… Morning, Sloopy.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom told ABC News that his state’s historic vote Thursday to ban the sale of new gas engine vehicles by 2035 is a game changer in the country’s goals to curb its dependency on fossil fuels.
The California Air Resources Board approved the new regulations Thursday afternoon following a long public comment process. California became the first state in the nation to issue such a direct phase-out of gas-powered vehicles, and Newsom told ABC News he is confident other states around the country will follow suit.
This is really starting to piss me off.
“California votes” means the citizens of California in a state wide election en masse, not a conference table of bureaucrats who think they know what’s best for the unwashed masses.
Yes, Autopian reported it as a “vote” too. Unelected assholes making a decision is not voting.
There was a vote, even if it was by a half dozen regulators. So technically it is correct that there was a vote.
We all know that technically correct is the best kind of correct.
So this vote was the best kind of vote. Much easier to rig it and no lugging around bales of ballots in the middle of the night to various drop off boxes.
It also fucks up other states too. Maybe not in the car example (yet), but a lot of times a company won’t make products two ways: CA compliant, and everywhere else. They just go the easy route and make only CA compliant for the entire country.
Some States have actually hitched their legislative wagon to California’s bureaucratic morass.
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico (2011 model year and later), New York, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington (2009 model year and later) are all linked to CA.
I’m beginning to think that’s what “Our Democracy” means.
Uh, your parents should have protected you. – I am sure it was bad for a kid, but “work environment was “not safe.”” is rather vague and meaningless
I think The Godfather covered the adverse working conditions rather well, personally.
Oh that’s rich… calling a decision by a dictatorial board of unelected bureaucrats a “vote” as if the whole state agreed to it. :eyeroll:
At least they didn’t also block registration / licensing as some of the pre-decision articles I read said. I know, I know… the chocolate ration has been increased, comrades!
Hate this stupid state.
Next up on CARB’s agenda………..
From the local car haters club
You can still buy an ICE vehicle, but we’ll tax so only the rich can afford to own or operate.
California has a referendum mechanism, I think. Perhaps non-suicidal Californians can put something on the ballot to tell CARB to go get fucked.
After the shenanigans they pulled with the DA recall election they’ll just declare the petition signatures invalid.
“Besides, we counted sixty million votes to not just keep CARB but strenghten it.”
Unfortunately it failed due to incompetence and cronyism.
Speaking of kids in jobs, there are a whole lot of minors suddenly in need of gainful employment:
“She looked eighteen. *shrug*”
Yeah… I think looking into this one a little more is called for. The article claims it was 13 year old Guatemalans working there. Plural. That suggests to me some serious likelihood of working with human smugglers and all — if it is just the (typical for the times) preference for illegal immigrant labor to pay them peanuts, that’d be one thing… but you’d expect them to still be adults. Why a large batch of kids? Why just there? Something stinks and I think it is reasonable to go find out.
Of course, I’d come down on them like a ton of bricks for the illegal labor anyway — being very much in the “everyone must go through the process, but make the damned process relatively easy (vet for criminals, disease mostly) and revisit quotas if we really need the cheap labor for business [but almost certainly better to determine *why* Americans are priced out of the market…])”, what goes with that is that I think those that flagrantly break the law should be hit hard. Encourages them to work in the system to change the law and all.
But I’m not God flipping Emperor of the US, so that and $50 will get you a Starbucks these days and all.
A federal judge has ruled that a Texas law that bans people ages 18 to 20 from carrying handguns in public is unconstitutional, saying the restriction is inconsistent with the Second Amendment and US history.
It’s this type of right-wing, extremist activism that we need to stamp out of the judicial system.
BREAKING: Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan that Facebook algorithmically censored the Hunter Biden laptop story for 7 days based on a general request from the FBI to restrict election misinformation.
Federal Bias Instigators
Are you getting it now, deplorables? Your country hates you.
This seems like it should be a bigger story. Wonder why it won’t be.
Your government hates you.
Half the country are fellow deplorables.
Fair enough, that’s what I meant. 🤪
Why is this breaking? Social media has been censoring the fact the weaponized US government bureaucracy Obama gave us was actively worked to rig the 2020 election from us since then, and anyone that was not an idiot clearly saw that was the case. So now they are admitting, kind off, they got their marching orders from the FBI & DOJ, and it was all about lying to the people so they could get rid of the guy they couldn’t control.
Someone should nuke D.C.
I like how the excuse of third party fact checkers is used, we are not deciding the truth. I am sure those third party truth decider are totes impartial
Third parties never work.
Because all the entertaining guests get invited to the first two.
And not totes controlled by the DOJ & FBI which tells them exactly how to program the serfs.
“There’s nothing else that will move the needle on greenhouse gases more than tailpipe emissions,” he told ABC News.
Go suck on one.
The horror. Such brave to survive that kind of trauma. 😿✊🏻
Hooray for Hollywood!
Seems like there might be a bit of “LOOK AT MEEEEEEE!!!!!”.
Just a quick “My daughter has no interest in drinking or seeing you” would stop that texting on an individual level. Unless mom and dad were afraid she’d lose her job, and valued their daughter’s money making potential more than her long term sanity.
is “unsolicited texts” code for dick pics?
“It can be… it can be… you know, CANDID unsolicited texts! wink, wink, nudge nudge — say no more!“
She seems like she is trying to squeeze the last few dollars out of her acting career.
Drinking at 18? That was the accusation that made me roll my eyes too.
I imagine it would be very difficult for an 18 year old teen girl to handle that. Maybe not traumatic, but not exactly a great situation. I don’t think it’s a step too far to say that it’s inappropriate behavior from the higher up and that maybe the culture wouldn’t allow her to bring it up to stop it? It’s pretty easy to say “find a new job” except what 18 year old has the wherewithal to just drop something like this and move on to the next thing?
This definitely has a “victim-blaming” vibe. People don’t just suddenly become fully-fledged self-sufficient adults who can drop careers on a dime because they were treated shitty and yeah I suppose her parents should have watched out for her.
Or maybe, maybe the whole entertainment culture is rotten and we shouldn’t brush that aside? It’s widely joked about even here, but I guess that’s just okay. You either knuckle under and give it up to some sleazeball or you find a new dream, but don’t you dare try to make it better!
“There’s nothing else that will move the needle on greenhouse gases more than tailpipe emissions,” he told ABC News.
More like windbag politician emissions.
Curious how his entire look is that of a sleazy used car salesman.
That’s not anywhere remotely close to just forgiving student loans because the people who voluntarily agreed to pay them back decided not to.
The gov’t has decided that for me for the past couple years.
Bom dia!
Very glad for f1 to be back, its a big part of my weekend morning routine with my toddler. Put it on while making his breakfast and getting some play time in.
Really hoping Russell an manage another podium here. Disappointed in whats going on with Ricciardo, i really like him as a personality and I hope he winds up with a seat somewhere
Nice… that’s a Daily Ray of Sunshine image right there.
My son claimed to be into F1 — but would never actually sit down and watch a race. Short Attention Span theater defines that kid. Our current youngest cat, however, has decided she *will* catch those cars (the red of the Ferraris seems to catch her eye the most). One of these days I expect she’ll knock the TV over and I’ll have to upgrade….
Well the Ferraris this year are stunningly beautiful, shame about their reliability and (lack of) strategy.
I really enjoy the routine, I get to have my coffee, and relax, spend some time with the boy, and momma gets to sleep in some. I hope he’s interested in it as he gets older, but i guess if not we will find something else. My dad and I spent a lot of early mornings fishing. He still does, I just dont enjoy it as much, and we dont go as often.
I lost interest too. Back in the 80’s it was fun to watch guys like Mansell, Prost, and Senna passing each other. Now it’s like watching a science project being supervised by the UN.
I do feel like the drivers of yester year were much more raw and passionate. Todays drivers have such a slick PR game, they’re all like trained seals. Hamilton, as much as I respect him as a driver, is the worst of them all. While I do believe he is nice, and humble. The way he is always on message, always saying “the right thing” it comes off as phoney. I also can’t stand Vettel’s hypocritical climate posturing.
Liv Boeree
Twitter is full of straw-man arguments that enrage and divide us.
Luckily, scientists have just discovered a groundbreaking cure!
I liek Liv but this is neither funny nor would it work
“Don’t be an asshole” is more to the point.
This seems like it should be a bigger story. Wonder why it won’t be.
Hunter Biden wasn’t running for President. Joe Biden was. That laptop “story” was just an attempt by the vast eight wing conspiracy to smear Joe with a bogus guilt-by-association tale.
*I’m certain you can find somebody who will tell you this with a straight face.
Yeah, ignore all of that “10% for the big guy” stuff as well as all the other evidence that incriminates Joe.
The sins of the father might not transfer to the son, but you can definitely tell a little about the parents by how the children act. This goes double for politicians.
Sometimes, very little, and sometimes, nothing at all. Some kids are just born bad.
Speaking of Liv Boeree
Liv Boeree: Poker, Game Theory, AI, Simulation, Aliens & Existential Risk | Lex Fridman Podcast
Maybe if F1 had more spectacular battery fires it might be interesting.
I’m sure that will be in the 2026 regulations. 😉
“Furious Republicans demand Mark Zuckerberg testify before Congress after his astonishing admission that Facebook willfully censored Hunter Biden laptop revelations for 10 days in run-up to election – after FBI’s ‘Russian disinformation’ warning
During Thursday’s Joe Rogan Experience Zuckerberg addressed the issue of media censorship and was asked by Rogan how Facebook handles controversial news topics
‘We weren’t, sort of, as black and white about it as Twitter. We just kind of thought if the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country, it’s a very professional law enforcement. They come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something. Then I wanna take that seriously,’ Zuckerberg said.”
Everybody has plausible deniability.
FBI: We issued a general warning about Russian attempts to influence our elections to various social media outlets. This is SOP when we have information like this. Honest.
Hunter Biden laptop is ‘discovered’, 10 percent for the big guy.
Media+many ‘un-named intelligence officials’ declare it is almost certainly Russian disinformation.
Facebook: Oh, we have a general warning about stuff like this, we should bury it.
See? That’s not the government side-stepping the 1st amendment and having ‘private’ businesses do what they are nominally not allowed to do. I wonder if there’s a word for that kind of collusion between the state and nominally private businesses?
That’s one word I suppose, since the appropriate word has, like much of language, been rendered meaningless by repeated, intentional misuse.
Facebook didn’t censor the Hunter Biden laptop story to benefit a presidential candidate, they were only censoring Russian dis-information and that story was widely acknowledged to be Russian disinformation. I mean sure that claim was wrong and totally baseless and probably coordinated, but we didn’t know at the time, honest. Transparently bullshit, but at least allows plausible deniability especially with major media and tech platforms on board with the actual goal of suppressing that story. Corruptocracy might be too weak of a word for our current system.
Yeah, in today’s projection example, it isn’t the ones colluding between companies, government and media that are the fascists… no, all those MAGA supporters… they’re the real “semi” fascists (and in the cesspool that is Twitter replies for the ones I looked at, it was all “Drop the semi!” so you know how those bootlickers feel).
But this is the same asshole who in the same appearance claimed they’re the party of unity and love while the Republicans are the party of hate.
Yeah, unity and love like flipping Landru, you clowns.
I’m sure the redactions will make it useless
It’ll be difficult to read black blobs of pages.
“Texas realtor, 58, is charged with terroristic threats after hurling racist abuse at group of Indian women and calling them ‘curry-a**ed b****es’ – with video of stomach-churning attack going viral”
Being a racist ass clown isn’t the same as terrorism.
Whose somach would churn at that? It’s barely even a schoolyard level insult.
Some people really hate curry.
The Forme of Cury is a book of great historical importance
Curried goat was on the menu of the Jamaican place that used to be close to my office. It was okay. I did notice that the goat was always cut like the frozen carcass was fed through a souped up bread slicer.
I really miss the fried plantains. Try as I might, I’ve never managed to get that right.
Wait, what was this conversation about again?
Slice the plantains, fry them, smash them with a spatula, fry them again.
The trick, like with bacon which turns to burnt if you cook to color, is in NOT waiting to see the plantain brown in the oil. If your plantain turns brown in the oil, you will be eating burned plantain. It cooks for about another 3-5 mins after you take it out to drain the oil, and you need to account for that.
Fries plantains are hard. There’s a place here that does them right. I sure can’t.
Fogo de Chao and other churrasco places usually do them right.
But he was great in Clue!
Now that I’ve been reminded, Muppet Treasure Island has the Lord of Darkness as Long John Silver. No wonder he was able to scare the muppets into line so easily.
Was he incorrect in pointing out eating curry has an effect on your ass?
Maybe the stomach churn was memories of having to clean up after it.
is the the new nappy headed hoes?
“‘If things were so great in your country, why did you come here?’ Upton says.”
I’ve experienced this often from certain Indians ‘man America sucks so much… [insert list of leftist critiques, all of which india is worse on, such as poverty, racism, inequality, healthcare]’
The White House hit back at Republicans in an uncharacteristic manner Thursday by using its Twitter account to go after GOP lawmakers who are bashing President Joe Biden’s move to cancel some student debt after they personally benefited from having Paycheck Protection Program loans forgiven during the Covid pandemic.
In a series of tweets, the White House highlighted several congressional Republicans — Reps. Vern Buchanan of Florida, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, and Markwayne Mullin and Kevin Hern of Oklahoma — who it said had six- and seven-figure PPP loans forgiven as part of a federal program intended to help those harmed by the coronavirus.
How many of those student loans contained a specifically written clause allowing for them to be written off in clearly defined circumstances?
Get your piece of history here.
Paul Pelosi’s wrecked car up for sale after DUI crash
It’ll buff right out.
They claim the corruptocracy has given up on the ministry of truth, but I am going to bet money they have done nothing of the sort. All that has happened is that they now have to go back to doing the lying and cheating in the shadows again instead of using the veneer of legitimacy of government to do it right in your face.
I don’t think anyone here will disagree with your interpretation of events, frankly.
No disagreement here. I’m certain they’re still doing it, just not talking about it in public.
You don’t pay her for sex, you pay her to not bite your fucking ear off.
“Yeah, well, things could be worse, you know. I could have got my nose bit off by a Saigon whore!”
and to add the appropriate clip
Dirty work is an underrated flick
Also there is some combination of keys I seem to hit by accidents which posts the comment before I am done with it
He forgot the safe word?
And she swallows.
*sigh* so many media sites with the name “Daily___” that I mix them up except the Daily Fail. I can’t remember who’s who.
The Daily Planet has that crackerjack photographer Jimmy Olsen.
What’s that character that chick Allison Mack played? Cause you have to like a chick that is into sex cults…
Chloe Sullivan.
A middle-class high school girl with $500 designer outfits was always sus.
I thought he worked at the Bugle.
That’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, UCS.
“Spain brings in ‘only yes means yes’ rape laws following notorious gang sex attack that outraged the country”
“Women should swim topless in public pools to end the ‘sexualisation’ of their bodies and ‘fight discrimination’, Spanish authorities declare”
That second link, these are not the topless women you are looking for…
I don’t get how explicit consent solves in any way the main he said she said issue with a bunch of alleged rapes
Because we need to teach men not to rape.
If you question that, you must be a rape apologist.
Was a decent start, screwed up UR with dumb guesses that *after* hitting enter I realized “Oh yeah, that couldn’t have been it because *that* letter was in the same place and yellow!” Some days I am such a f’ing moron.
Daily Quordle 214
Daily Quordle 214
Got to having 4 of 5 letters in lower right and blew two more guesses trying to find the right fifth letter.
3 8
4 9
Daily Quordle 214
Daily Quordle 214
After getting the first three words, the UR had 8 possibilities left. Took 3 tries to pin it down.
Daily Quordle 214
#waffle217 2/5
🔥 streak: 44
🥈 #wafflesilverteam
Going after the real criminals.
The Biden DOJ is prosecuting the two people who found Ashley Biden’s diary, where she claims President Biden forced her to take showers with him as a child, and gave it to Project Veritas.
Nothing fishy about that at all!
Yes, there is a diary where Joe Biden’s daughter writes about taking showers with her father as a child and other inappropriate stuff. It’s confirmed to be real, the homes of PV journalists were raided by the feds over it, and the two people who found it are probs going to jail.
Enemies of the state….
Gee, the social worker link…something familiar about it.
Say it out loud. Shout it from the rooftops!
President Biden’s plan for relieving student loan debt came in right on the mark. It gives substantial relief to people who really need it without being a big giveaway to those who ran up big debts on expensive and valuable degrees.
Stupid people who make stupid choices are the ones who need our help, says Dean Baker.
Did you choose to study in a field of endeavor which will repay your investment in education down the road? You’re a white supremacist. You’ll get nothing, and like it.
If the degrees were so valuable, why would they need their loans transferred to the taxpayers?
Because my degree benefits society.
Underwater basket weavers benefit the most.
This is a perfect joke.
I don’t think I’ve seen this here yet:
Didn’t the last governor say the same thing?
No, he said Conservatives. Kathy is ranting at Republicans.
Yeah, he was always going on about “New York values” or some shit. Values which just happen to coincide with the far-left.
I’m seriously considering taking her up on her command, even though I am not a Republican.
It won’t be Florida, though. Too hot and buggy.
“I’ve had my ass in the grass. Can’t say I liked it much. Lots of bugs and too dangerous. As it happens, my present duties keep me where I belong. In the rear with the gear.”
The mayor of Albany said that she needed to being in more out of state job to lower the tax burden on “real NYers.”
I’m trying to think of anyone who’s moved to the city of Albany in living memory, business-wise.
Once they greenlit automated ticketting cameras I decided to stop spending money within city limits. I’ve never been bitten by the ticket cameras, but fuck Albany.
This was when I moved here in response to “real NYers” bitching about all the foreigners getting the jobs at GF. Apparently they were promised that people who lost their jobs in the lumber industry would get retrained and hired.
The DID hire all NY trades… and then fired them after a couple of years because they didn’t know wtf they were doing and replaced them all with specialized trades from places that had semconductor fabs.
The Town of Malta literally barricaded the main road through town because all the new traffic was spoiling their small town lifestyle. They wanted the jobs and the tax revenue, but not the people. The staties tore down the barricade.
I honestly never expected the site to even be built. Crap like that tends to fail because of everyone looking for their cut of the kickbacks and carveouts.
The UAE gots to get paid, kaffir.
Now if they could get the Democrats to move out of Florida, we’d be onto something.
Seems odd to demonize your citizens.
We’re used to it.
I think so too, but it’s a thing with the left. That guy in Florida told DeSantis voters he doesn’t want their votes.
They’re not demonizing their citizens, only their tax cattle.
How else would they know what class they are?
Those aren’t real citizens.
A citizen is someone who is smart and agrees with common sense laws and regulations.
The Republicans have proven themselves to not be solid citizens.
Winning message.
WATCH: Biden says if Democrats control Congress after the midterms, “We’ll ban assault weapons!”
POTUS: “I respect conservative Republicans. I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.”
So they say they respect statists republicans, AKA RINOs?
It’s the neocon-Democratic alliance: You know, the worst of the worst. You can be a club member too if you want to bomb the right people.
It sure took them long enough. I’m sure the redactions will make it useless beyond “analysts” saying it is the most damning document ever (from CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NPR, NYT, LAT, AJC, etc) and saying it proves there’s nothing to it (Fox News).”
The redacted crap will go from documents tat unredacted clearly show the government entities that went after Trump lied, colluded, and ran several coup attempts to suddenly kind of saying these scumbags were patriots trying to stop Russians, and everyone knows Trump is a Russian…
Re: Kids in Hollywood and the creepers on the production sets
It’s like throwing a picnic at the beach and getting pissed when the seagulls show up. Not that it’s not wrong but what did you expect?
Feel old yet?
No. I feel sorry for her inability to recognize objects past the two decade mark. Even in childhood I recognized objects back to 19th century. Shows general ignorance. Sad.
also not that hot either
Those bangs should mortify her.
How the hell was a Walkman “ticking” anyway? And the “wires all over it” being attached to flipping headphones wasn’t a clue, you sky waitress twit?
I don’t feel old — I just feel that she’s pretty dumb (and the pretty will fade…).
Maybe clicking from the cassette player running? Other than that I got nothing.
My walkman never makes noise without headphones plugged in.
(It’s also an mp3 player)
Just because I owned one?
Like, OMG she is annoying.
And yes, the complete lack of knowledge of anything older than ten years or so is very noticeable in that generation.
Many of them can’t read analog clocks. A clock with roman numerals might as well be a tablet in Babylonian cuneiform.
What is it about turning on a video recorder for the purposes of posting on Tik Tok that transforms people into barking lunatics?
The most important part of the plan is getting the least attention. Biden is restructuring the income driven repayment (IDR) plan to ensure that paying back student loans should not be a major burden.
First, he is raising the income floor from 150 percent of the poverty level to 225 percent of the poverty level. This means that a single person earning less than $30,600 in 2022 would not pay anything on their loan.
The plan also reduces the percentage of their income above this amount that would go to repayment from 10 percent to 5 percent. This means that a worker earning $40,000 a year ($9,400 above the cutoff) would pay just $470 a year towards their loans.
Finally, under the restructured IDR, the length of time a person has to pay off the loan drops from 20 years to 10 years. Any debt not paid after 10 years will be written off. This will make it far less likely to see people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s struggling to pay off student loan debt.
This is also a measure that changes the rules going forward. The debt forgiveness helps people who accumulated debt in the past, while the new rules for the IDR will help make college more affordable for students long into the future.
What could possibly go wrong?
Do these loans accumulate interest when all of this nonpayment is going on? Seems like a bad idea if they are.
If not Funbags then what? If not Friday then when?
So Q I did post some pics about the thing after I asked you, but you did not say anything did ya see em? I wanted an expert opinion
The Greens purposely screwed Germany. Some normal people proposed restarting a new coal plant (commissioned in 2015). Turns out that the transformer has already been removed and sold.
Translation required:
There is much wrong here not including the dementia.
Biden: “If we elect two more [Democratic] senators, we got a lot of unfinished business we’re gonna get done. Folks, look, we’re gonna codify Roe v Wade. We’ll ban assault weapons, we’ll protect Social Security & Medicare, we’ll pass Universal Pre-K …”
Biden winds down his speech in Maryland: “In this moment, those of you who love this country — Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans — we must be stronger, more determined, & more committed to saving American than the MAGA Republicans are to destroying America“
I.e. Democrat Lite.
Didn’t know they were currently in charge.
Gov. Kathy Hochul, who hasn’t proven shy about issuing orders, had one for the state’s Republicans this week — all 5.4 million of them: “Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” she said. “You are not New Yorkers.”
Tried and true.
If you don’t vote Democrat, you ain’t black.
I see the dems have received new marching orders….between Crist, her and Biden they are all speaking the same ‘unity’
If every Republican in New York moved out next week, would it really change the makeup of New York’s state government, or the New York congressional delegation?
There are a handful of GOP congresscritters.
The balance of power in the state government would not change at all – the Dems achieved their one-party state a few years ago.
Good question. Probably not, like California.
It would certainly impact productivity and their tax income stream…
Yeah, five million fewer citizens feeding the pubsec trough of mostly Dems.
Let’s make it happen.
All 5.4M move to Massachusetts, and turn it red.
Two pro Australian rules football teammates are now in hot water … after they were captured on video engaging in a wild, public sex act at a bar earlier this month.
According to multiple reports, the footy competitors — who play for Glen Waverley Football Club in Melbourne — made a bet during a day of heavy drinking on Aug. 14, requiring the loser to perform oral sex on the winner.
Shockingly, the man who lost the wager completed the sexual task in the middle of a bar — all while patrons stunningly looked on.
Bro-job! bro-job! choo choo!
Rugby has the Zulu tradition. Aussie Rules can have its traditions.
Just hop on the bus, Gus.
I though you people did not like public transport
Slip out the back, Jack…
No need to be coy, Drake.
Uh, wow.
One time I made my mom(100% democrat) really angry, because I said some asshole died when referring to McCain.
“He wasn’t ‘some asshole’, he was an American hero and you should respect him!”
Personally, I have no problem with the tweet, but I don’t know what they are trying to accomplish with it.
triggering people is its own reward these day’s
To be fair to your mom, McCain wasn’t just any old asshole. He was a spectacularly large asshole.
If I was quicker with witty responses, that would have been a perfect comeback.
My own personal “jerk store” moment.
Meh, crass but on point.
Who will save us?
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is sending money across the country to help Rep. Charlie Crist defeat Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this November.
The California Democrat on Thursday tweeted that he was pledging $100,000 to make DeSantis a “one-term governor” and he called on his supporters to donate to Crist, who won the Democratic nomination to be Florida’s governor on Tuesday.
Asked about the donation during a Los Angeles event, Newsom said he was compelled to donate to Crist because “I don’t like bullies.” Newsom pointed to DeSantis’ verbal assault of Dr. Anthony Fauci at a rally Wednesday, during which the Republican leader said of the country’s top infectious disease expert, “Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.”
“To call someone pejorative terms because they’re short — who the hell raised these guys?” Newsom said. “What kind of people are they? I know all of us had to sit there and suck it up and take (Donald) Trump’s demonization but not everybody has to act like him. I mean, literally, I remember growing up and folks would have their mouths washed out with soap if they talked like this. I got four kids; I don’t want these guys being models.”
Is this his own personal money? Is it coming out of his political campaign funds? Is it coming out of the California treasury?
Ah Gavin, go have a thousand dollar bottle of wine at the French Laundry and calm the fuck down. Also, I heartily approve of you wasting your money on a fool’s errand.
I’m loving this spat between these two. And as Gavin continues to steer his failing state into the gutter, there is such a rich trove of replies Ron can make.
“Is this his own personal money? Is it coming out of his political campaign funds? Is it coming out of the California treasury?”
Is there a difference?
I find it interesting that New York and California Democrats are actively campaigning against a Florida Republican.
Hive mind.
They see the writing on the wall and it’s going to be endless ganging up on Desantis for the foreseeable future.
IOW, they’re scared shit of him.
The hateful lie told by Salman Rushdie is Muslims are hostile to “free speech” (criticism of Islam).
All communities have their red lines.
White America threatened to lynch black athletes who took a knee during national anthem.
Yes Muslim countries are paragons of free speech outside religion
That person might want to seek medical attention.
I don’t remember that either.
Then we issued a fatwah from the head white guy and followed them home and stabbed them 37 times.
Oh wait, that never happened.
of course this is called for
a bad link is always called for
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Can Magistrate Judges Constitutionally Issue Search Warrants Against Trump (Or Anyone Else)?
We can’t let technicalities get in the way of the public good.
By public good you mean protecting the corruptocracy and its nefarious rackets?
It’s obvious to anyone paying attention that the FBI shopped for a judge that would sign off, no questions asked.
That they ended up with a magistrate judge with questionable authority to do so is just more evidence of the same.
At least he’s not doing something truly terrible like taking money from Epstein or something.
The actual words and meaning of the constitution haven’t mattered much for quite some time now.
He had a few minutes free in between signing a notary on a car title and officiating at a wedding and thought why not apparently.
Short people
Me tupr goodly.
I got to play that for my 4’11” wife.
today in youtube lies
Japanese Funk and Soul That Will Brighten Up Your Day
this did not brighten my day… not much could short of winning the lottery
Actual Japanese Funk
It is winter, so Japanese Funk, was not a funky as it would have been in summer
DeSantis’ campaign responded to the news of Newsom’s contribution by tweeting a video stringing together clips of crime, homelessness and drag show performances in California.
We need to protect the (social) life of women!
All this fighting between people who are currently paying off their student loans and people who didn’t go to college, or paid their way/paid loans off is a massive distraction to the fact that the banks are getting another massive bail out. It’s easy to dunk on the idiots who think it’s unfair to pay off their loans, but the vast majority of debtors are paying their loans without complaint. I dunno, I just think it’s disappointing that on Glibs of all places we aren’t seeing the machinations that we’re normally so good at seeing.
There are no banks involved in this racket (see Maxine Waters congressional question that bombed ugly). Under Obama government took the loans over and since then it has gotten 10 times worse. The costs have skyrocketed, the quality of the education has dropped precipitously, and the loans now serve to make these urban idiots, mostly white women with worthless degrees, wards of the state.
The true goal all along.
I had that question the other day – who provided these loans? The answer was either the government, or government-backed banks. If it is banks, then once again big business is getting a fat check from the government. This is part of an alarming trend. The government writes huge checks to big pharma, big tech, big banks, and during the pandemic, shut down small businesses and let the big ones keep raking in money.
The businesses getting a fat check from government are the colleges that charge between $30k-$80k a year to allow often unqualified, severely dumb ass people to get studies degrees and other such worthless pap, and then do the government’s dirty work of indoctrinating these idiots into becoming government dependent serfs.
Where does the government get money for the loans? Banks loan it to them.
And nothing else happened
The world narrowly escaped a radiation disaster when electricity to Europe’s largest nuclear power plant was cut off for hours, Ukraine’s president said, urging international bodies to act faster to force Russian troops to vacate the site.
Back-up diesel generators ensured power supply vital for cooling and safety systems at the plant, Zelenskiy said, praising the Ukrainian technicians who operate the plant under the gaze of the Russian military.
“If our station staff had not reacted after the blackout, then we would have already been forced to overcome the consequences of a radiation accident,” he said in a video address on Thursday evening.
The safety backups worked. Everybody panic.
So is the story is the Russians are shelling a nuclear plant that they occupy? That doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Just more transparent lies from a terminal bullshitter.
The Russians are using the plant as a shield for equipment, supplies, etc. Which are a legitimate target.
Kinda like the Ukes using civilian buildings for their stuff and soldiers.
It’s worthwhile to note that there is no way that he could know that. The plant is in Russian hands. He only knows what the Russians want him to know.
@GT and other email hoarders who store your email on your server or in your client: download them to your hard drive in your preferred filing system. I would never leave my shit on the server or on my client longer than a year without filing it properly.
Thunderbird. POP (IMAP is good for multiple devices, I guess… but I don’t want stuff left on the server, so no). Archive. End of Quote. Repeat the Line.
I use Thunderbird with a nifty import/export plugin.
I like Thunderbird also.
My phone won’t do POP anymore for one of my email addies, but that’s my provider’s problem, not my phone’s.
There’s another important reason you don’t want to leave emails on your provider’s servers: If they are stored on those servers for more than 180 days, they are considered the digital equivalent of “abandoned property” and can be retrieved by any government agency without a warrant. The same applies to text messages, photos, documents – any digital file you store on a computer that isn’t yours (remember, the “cloud” is just somebody else’s computer). That’s thanks to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. In 1986 few people had email accounts, and those who did used POP and downloaded messages to their local machine. Today, few providers even support POP and even fewer people use it. To be fair, if you’re using Hotmail/Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, or any of the mainstream email providers, they are not only datamining every email you send, receive, and store, but also handing that information directly to 3 letter agencies under gag orders anyway. But you might at least have a fighting chance in court if you don’t keep your shit on there for more than 6 months.
This issue was to be one of the sections of my privacy schizo article that never came together.
I just think it’s disappointing that on Glibs of all places we aren’t seeing the machinations that we’re normally so good at seeing.
The actual mechanics of this boondoggle are completely shrouded in mystery, as far as I can tell. Are the lenders going to be taking losses on these uncollectable debts? Is the Treasury going to mail out checks to cover them? I have no idea.
Looks like this wasn’t about alleged (and completely unfounded) defamation.
Parents of children killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 have asked a federal bankruptcy court Thursday to order Infowars host Alex Jones to surrender control over his media company.
According to a report by The New York Times, Sandy Hook victims have accused Jones of funneling millions of dollars to himself and family members while claiming his pockets are empty.
“Alex Jones is not financially bankrupt; he is morally bankrupt, which is becoming more and more clear as we discover his plots to hide money and evade responsibility,” Kyle Farrar, a lawyer for the families, said, according to The New York Times. “He used lies to amass a fortune, and now he is using lies and fiction to shield his money.”
Dissent will not be tolerated.
That piggy bank won’t break itself open.
I’m sure they’ll modify the rules for Jones and it’ll never ever blow back on the rest of us. Our legal system is just straight up fucked.
They want him penniless and homeless in his underwear.
It’s about a money grab and creating a whole new class of lawsuits where being offended nets you (and your lawyer) big bucks while silencing political opposition.
Trump is proving to be their white whale so its on to the smaller fish; Project Veritas up next.
Lawfare is politics by other means?
Looking for sources of Jamaican food that do not involve navigating downtown albany I spotted one called “Range Caribbean Fusion” which is apparently named because it is located in the same lot as a gun range I never knew existed. Though I suspect it might be a food truck. I’ll have to check out that lot for both food and to see if there are any long arms I want to buy before the stupid round of Fuck SCOTUS laws go into effect.
This place operates out of the parking lot of the KoC hall:
Good morning, Sloop!
I can’t decide if Spirit of the Radio is my favorite or second favorite Rush song. Regardless, it’s fantastic!
It is my favorite.
I miss CFNY.
Outdoor stuff is put away, and the slide is in. Need to secure loose items inside, flush the poop chute, unhook water & electric. Then the hard part: hooking up the car. 😬
“Shitter’s full, Clark!”
The gift that keeps on giving
A federal ruling that gender dysphoria is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act could help block conservative political efforts to restrict access to gender-affirming care, advocates and experts say.
A panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last week became the first federal appellate court in the country to find that the 1990 landmark federal law protects transgender people who experience anguish and other symptoms as a result of the disparity between their assigned sex and their gender identity.
How in the fuck has this infinitesimal sliver of mental cases managed to capture the legal system?
Fucking republicans.
‘[his] requests to shower privately and for body searches to be conducted by a female deputy were denied, [he] said.’
[corrections by me] If you still got your tackle, why do you need a female to do your strip searches? What an asshole.
“A federal judge granted a motion by the sheriff’s office to dismiss the lawsuit, finding that because the Americans with Disabilities Act excluded “gender identity disorders not resulting from physical impairments,” Williams could not sue under the law.
A three-judge panel of the 4th Circuit reversed that ruling, sending the case back to U.S. District Court.
The 4th Circuit panel said in its ruling Aug. 16 that there is a distinction between gender identity disorder and gender dysphoria. The court cited advances in medical understanding that led the American Psychiatric Association to remove gender identity disorder from the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and to add gender dysphoria, defined in the manual as the “clinically significant distress” felt by some transgender people. Symptoms can include intense anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation.
The modern diagnosis of gender dysphoria “affirms that a transgender person’s medical needs are just as deserving of treatment and protection as anyone else’s,” Judge Diana Gribbon Motz wrote in the majority opinion.”
Okay, this is clearly an incorrect ruling.
Just because a medical body changes their dictionary, that doesn’t change the law, unless that is incorporated into the law- which would be an illegal delegation of legislative authority anyway. In this case we see how the left’s word games really matter and why you can’t go along with their BS.
Wheee! Brave new world.
How many sleazy lawyers are now going to go chasing businesses under the ADA because they are not compliant with their client’s gender dysphoria which is now protected?
Shit. I’m thinking of calling my lawyer buddies and proposing this to them. Any public place that is not stocking tampons in the men’s room or condoms in the women’s room are now ADA violators. My client is willing to settle for a fee.
Family friendly.
A pride event in Charlotte, NC featured a stripper pole where kids were able to try out pole dancing
The parents are as guilty as the groomers for allowing their children to participate.
The sin of the Amorites
I’ll try to be Moloch’s advocate.
Lots of kids died, how can they be sure these are sacrifices rather than burials? I know there are some evidence he presented regarding other sites and the one skeleton that appeared sawn in half, but the jars? I don’t know.
Furthermore, We really don’t know what the ceremony was. The prohibition said don’t let your children pass through the fire to Moloch. It could have been a consecration rite.
Like saying don’t put your children into the water for Christ if you were against Christianity.
It is used as a religious rite in Zoroastrianism. People jump through a bonfire.
I’m going to go out on a limb and posit that there is nothing about being gay that compels the gay to use a stripper pole.
Imagine if little girls were being cajoled onto stripper poles. I wonder if the reaction would be any different.
I don’t even know anymore.
*twerks for Jesus*
I think gay men are far more open to sharing their poles with others.
Yeah, the groomers are creepy, but I really don’t understand the parents that go along with it.
Those parents you don’t understand are more concerned with showing their virtue and loyalty to the cause than fucking their kids up for life…
“This fucking retard is retarded. Unless he’s planning on firing up dozens of small nuclear plants, this will do nothing but plunge the entire state into chaos every summer when there’s not enough power for all the homes, let alone adding that many cars to the power grid.”
One thing I noticed about Cali is that most the stupid stuff it does, isn’t actually a result of voters, but these obscure boards or court rulings. It is literal bureaucracy writ large,
The decision came in the case of a transgender woman who sued the Fairfax County sheriff in Virginia for housing her in a jail with men.
Put it in the nuthouse. In a padded cell.
Screw it, let’s just have special prison facilities for the trans along with their own sports leagues. They’re gaming the fuck out of this and it’s as plain as day.
They are getting more blatant.
Former Fox News host Gavin McInnes was apparently arrested on Thursday night after law enforcement gained access to his New York studio while he broadcast his network’s Thursday night live stream.
Shortly after his “Get Off My Lawn” live show began, police officers believed by Censored.tv subscribers to be federal agents gained access to the studio. McInnes, who founded the web network Censored.tv after being canceled on social media, was heard on the live stream having a heated verbal exchange with officers before leaving the studio. McInnes’ stream was left unattended for over an hour before it ended.
McInnes, standing at his desk, told the off camera law enforcement officers, “Yeah. Alright, I’m happy to do that. I’ll get a lawyer, and we will sit down and have a conversation. We’ll schedule a meeting, and I’ll sit down with my lawyer.”
The officer’s response to McInnes was not within range of the microphone, but after he spoke McInnes replied, “I didn’t let you in.”
Arrested for what?
Gavin is in the process of relocating to South Carolina along with Anthony Cumia. NY Stasi obviously want to get him before he’s gone for good.
Canada could turbocharge their euthanasia drive (and make it immune to criticism) by rebranding it as “gender affirming medical care” for the transdead.
What irritates me the most about the Canadian Youth In Asia Scare is that they are fucking it up for everyone.
Seriously, after watching my mom suffer for months before she mercifully passed away, I think it is horrible that people cannot end their own lives with dignity. Not only for the person suffering but for the people around them who love them. My father came out of that with some bad mental images and thoughts. Watching is wife of 50+ years check out like that really messed him up.
Sure there are going to be opportunities for abuse. The Canadian stories are conflating socialized healthcare with the right to control your own death. Those are two different ideas.
Marginally related.
Completely tangential:
My first mistake was reading Reddit. Anyway, so everyone goes on and on about how horrible the American healthcare system is, how expensive, how people are afraid to call an ambulance because it’s expensive. This is TRUE. And yes, it sucks balls (although the cause is always “fucking capitalism” pffffft).
But then a few days later, someone from Canada or England or Europe will blithely mention that they need an EGD for an ulcer and their appointment is 8 months from now. *crickets* Like that’s acceptable. It may be normal, but those ulcers are going to eat your stomach by the time you get that EGD.
It doesn’t even have to be a few days. I was in a conversation with a guy in England who was talking about how he learned to suture his own lacerations because the A&E (ER equivalent) would never get around to a mere cut. Later in the same conversation I mentioned how I got a same day xray for only $66 and he immediately went “But some people don’t have $66″. I refrained from pointing out how they wouldn’t have gotten an xray in the UK either.
No, I meant, that a few days after the comment about US healthcare, someone else commented about getting an appointment for an EGD 8 months down the road.
I see.
I can’t even come up with the right terms for the mental state where one can describe being billed for immediate service is somehow evil but forcing everyone into potentially lethal wait times is somehow noble. I’d rather be alive and in debt than dead and still waiting for medical attention.
The disconnect is truly awe-inspiring.
I’d rather be alive and in debt than dead and still waiting for medical attention.
The youngest patzer was delivered by scheduled C-section in early March 2001. The NWS had issued dire warnings about an impending blizzard, leading the brave staff to rush everyone out of the hospital as quickly as possible. When they “suggested” that we go home the day after the procedure, I pointed out that four days was the accepted stay for this procedure to allow for possible complications and that we’d be staying. The duty nurse then felt compelled to point out that if the storm were to keep us there for more than four days that insurance might not cover it. Never mind that in that situation the hospital would be the best place to be since we wouldn’t be able to leave home. We stuck around, and the predicted snowpocalypse never materialized.
I have never understood people that clearly “know” those greedy people in the private sector will be motivated by profit which makes them make decisions that favor their profit making first, but then cant think further and make the connection their solution – to put people in government in charge of it all – somehow magically will not get to these government hacks using this power to further their own agendas….
“The Canadian stories are conflating socialized healthcare with the right to control your own death. Those are two different ideas.”
Socialized means you don’t have a say. They are different ideas, but they can’t coexist.
“The District of Columbia does not appear to have a contingency plan for unvaccinated students, who are banned from attending schools in person this fall after the first 20 days, according to comments made by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser Thursday.
During a press conference, Bowser, a Democrat, admitted there are no alternative options, including virtual learning, for students who cannot attend school due to the District’s vaccine mandate, meaning unvaccinated children will effectively be left without an education.
Over 40% of blacks ages 12-17 are not vaccinated, according to city data.”
Um… hon? I am pretty sure you are required by law to provide an education.
Well the alternative is to you know…drop the stupid fucking rule and follow your ‘science’
Won’t someone think about the children?!
Be careful what you wish for.
Obviously DC needs to forcibly inject kids so they can attend school.
Crazy that they are still pretending that the vax is somehow going to stop the spread. My wife’s sister (along with a certain tennis player) are not allowed to visit the US of Freedom without the most effective vaccine in the world injected into them (even if they already had a documented case of Da Vid). Fucked up.
“DC children’s hospital offered ‘gender affirming’ hysterectomies for kids, audio and deleted webpage reveal
A Children’s National Hospital employee in Washington, D.C. is heard on a recording saying that hysterectomies have been done on children younger than 16
Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. offered “gender-affirming” hysterectomies for kids between the ages of 0-21, a recently deleted webpage shows.
An archived webpage from Aug. 18 on Children’s National Hospital’s website listed “gender-affirming medical care and gender-affirming hysterectomy” among the services offered for “patients between the ages of 0-21″ through the hospital’s gynecology program.”
Meanwhile, an adult female of childbearing age is prohibited from getting an elective hysterectomy “in case you change your mind on kids.”
Yep I believe I had a minimum two consultations and a 30 day wait period to get snipped. It might have been the doc’s own rules, but it made sense.
I assume that much like the priests of Moloch, they think they’re saving the children.
“Frolicking in the rain is now racist”
These people have nothing real to complain about.
BIPOCs do not frolic, they gambol.
Standing out in the sun without a yard-wide hat and SPF1000+ sunscreen slathered over every square centimeter of exposed skin is racist against redheads.
I thought I had seen peak stupidity. Then I clicked on that link. There really is no peak stupidity, is there?
I’m outraged! OUTRAGED!
During a press conference, Bowser, a Democrat, admitted there are no alternative options, including virtual learning, for students who cannot attend school due to the District’s vaccine mandate, meaning unvaccinated children will effectively be left without an education.
Are there no workhouses?
For fucks’ sake, man, you’re putting more work into avoiding filling out the build request than it takes to fill out the build request. If we’d just sat here and watched you type in the information, this meeting would have been done by now, instead you’re just trying to get anyone else to fill out the request that was assigned to you.
/Rant off.
Did not happen of the year
I am surprised the 6 year old didn’t thank the vaccine for mitigating the COVID.
“It would have been worse.”
Agreed Pie: that is plain mommy projecting “Munchausen by proxy” kind of derp.
Oh, this will be fun.
I hope everyone loses
Hit submit too soon…
Moderna is suing Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech for patent infringement in the development of the first COVID-19 vaccine approved in the United States, alleging they copied technology that Moderna developed years before the pandemic.
I saw your extraction didn’t go too well. I hope you get the drugs you need.
Sorry about your wife. I hope for the best.
Thanks, DEG. Email me at at tutanota dot com. Eternal optimist that I am, I’m still holding out hope that I can make it to Doylestown next weekend.
(myhandle) at tutanota dot com. Forgot about WP tags.
OK. Will do.
Because they didn’t make enough money?
The corporate version of chasing the deepest pockets.
Neil Gaiman Says He Sabotaged Jon Peters’ ‘Sandman’ Movie by Leaking ‘Really Stupid’ Script
What irritates me the most about the Canadian Youth In Asia Scare is that they are fucking it up for everyone.
Seriously, after watching my mom suffer for months before she mercifully passed away, I think it is horrible that people cannot end their own lives with dignity. Not only for the person suffering but for the people around them who love them.
Canadian Youth In Asia
Is that anything like violins on television?
I don’t care for horror movies but in my recomends came a trailer for one called Smile and it creeped me out
I agree about the F1 sloop, it has been an exciting season so far and I’m ready for the second half. Hope that Spa isn’t a torrential downpour like last year as it may get pushed off the next year’s calendar. As far as Bay Area home prices go you are incorrect. I doubt we see a major crash in them absent a total US economic meltdown or a catastrophic earthquake here. Yeah, we may see another 10 percent drop and that would bring them all the way down to December 2021 levels or so. Commercial property is another story.