Several months ago, somebody here posted a suggestion to purchase a particular cryptocurrency hardware wallet. I unfortunately, do not recall who it was, nor could I locate it in a thread—wait did you know there is a comment search function? Muwahahahahahaha.
This is my review of Bone Haus The Greed of Fisk & Gould Maple Imperial Stout:
This all began back in May when a dirty secret about CoinBase was disclosed in an SEC filing. It stated that in the event of bankruptcy the assets under their control may not be given back to the user should a bankruptcy court determine the assets are part of the bankruptcy proceedings. In other words, you may have an account with them but the crypto held on their exchange is technically still theirs. As the old adage goes, possession is 9/10ths of the law. Thankfully, they are not likely to declare bankruptcy…right? No, I’m serious, there isn’t much risk here? This isn’t funny. Okay, this one isn’t even an exchange!
Okay, I got it. When the CEO of an exchange is saying it, get it off the exchange.
But where to put it? I got a BitBox02 (H/T: db)
There are several others on the market that will do the same thing. The Trezor Model One and the Ledger Nano X (H/T: Certified Public Asshat) for example. Both appear to be fine products and their drawbacks are quite frankly trifling in nature. That said the Nano looks too much like a thumb drive, and I didn’t want anyone else in the house to get confused. I also liked the idea of the epoxy-filled case BitBox offers over the Trezor’s heat weld. It means if you break the case, you break the circuit board which is a handy feature if you achieved Burt Gummer level paranoia.
Once I ordered it, I checked the box for standard shipping from their factory in Switzerland. €9.60 somehow means express shipping. Ordered it on a Friday and it arrived on Monday afternoon—pretty sweet! The whole thing arrived in a vacuum sealed bag, this is Dale Gribble level paranoia.
About that, one thing I came across in researching this—whatever device you choose buy direct from the manufacturer rather than a retailer like Amazon. Amazon, like any other product they sell, will allow for returns, and may even resell it should it still be in good condition. This means Amazon potentially handled it twice, and the schmuck they sold it to initially got their greasy hands on it. The fewer people handling it, the better. This is now Howard Hughes level paranoia.
To set up, you go to their website and download the app. This is open source and won’t actually do anything until you plug in the wallet. Follow the prompts once it is finished loading to your computer. Here you’ll set up a password, name your wallet, verify your wallet address between the BitBox and the app. That’s pretty much it, seriously.
At this point it was a matter of my trusting CoinBase to send it, and it not wind up in some hacker’s wallet somewhere in Northern Ireland (why trust a Royalist?). So I sent a fraction of my balance I could live without for the inaugural transfer. Success! I sent the rest and then set up a MyEtherWallet for the ERC-20 (Ethereum based) coins I also purchased on CoinBase. BitBox will not display Ethereum balances on its app, but it works the same way. MyEtherWallet won’t work without the BitBox plugged in, the same way the app will not work. Total fees for me to transfer off CoinBase were under $10.

I do expect to keep my CoinBase account, as it is a convenient place to buy/exchange. While I joke about paranoia, the rationale behind purchasing an overbuilt USB thumb drive and leaving it locked in the same place I keep a loaded .45 was predicated upon the idea putting any amount of money into an asset I cannot liquidate or use at my own discretion in some circumstances is foolish. When the actual people selling access to this asset are openly telling me NOT to leave it with them…paranoia in this case is useful.
A few of you might find the label on this beer familiar, as I sent it to upstate NY for the Glibfest. I apologize I could not be present, as I had a prior engagement with my family same week. This hails from Fountain Hills, AZ and I thought it was suitable for such an event. Maple might suggest it be so sickeningly sweet that it be best served over a plate of pancakes. While it would appear to have a laundry list of flavors that might also be overwhelming, it is not so. I hardly noticed the maple, and instead found it is pretty normal for the style. Roasted chocolate and coffee and several other flavors make for nice treat—in the winter. Also the artwork on the can is awesome. Whoever managed to find it, hopefully they agree with my score. Bone Haus The Greed of Fisk & Gould Maple Imperial Stout: 4.0/5
The fewer people handling it, the better. This is now Howard Hughes level paranoia.
It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you.
Just because they’re out to get you doesn’t mean you’re not paranoid.
(why trust a Royalist?)
Damn straight.
Because the UK is no longer in the EU? But yeah, I would sooner trust Switzerland.
You can’t trust those filthy neutrals, you never know where they stand.
Would that they be at least neutral to puns rather than actively hostile.
It sickens me.
Looks like we’ve got a couple of dangerous radicals.
A few of you might find the label on this beer familiar, as I sent it to upstate NY for the Glibfest. I apologize I could not be present, as I had a prior engagement with my family same week. This hails from Fountain Hills, AZ and I thought it was suitable for such an event. Maple might suggest it be so sickeningly sweet that it be best served over a plate of pancakes. While it would appear to have a laundry list of flavors that might also be overwhelming, it is not so. I hardly noticed the maple, and instead found it is pretty normal for the style. Roasted chocolate and coffee and several other flavors make for nice treat—in the winter. Also the artwork on the can is awesome. Whoever managed to find it, hopefully they agree with my score.
I missed it when I was at GlibFest. It looks good. And the artwork looks good too. If I find it, I’ll give it a try.
I didn’t go rooting through the beers, so I didn’t see it either.
I’m going blame Mr Ilium, he probably drank them all.
I don’t believe I had that one, I think OMWC may be the one who hoarded them.
I didn’t send many of them. Most of my shipment contained my annual Koffee Kölsch tribute to Swiss.
This is one of multiple reasons I still prefer to focus on metals I can have in my physical possession, whether they be gold and silver or brass and lead.
You can buy crypto off-exchange, it’s just a riskier endeavor.
“They sent bytecoin and aetherium”
I don’t even trust hardware wallet manufacturers, so I use a hand-written paper wallet inside a duct-taped envelope inside a vacuum sealed plastic food storage bag placed in a fire-proof safe lag-bolted to 2 floor joists and 2 wall studs, the combination for which is stored in a Serpent256 (because AES is backdoored by the glowies) encrypted KeePass database with a 128 character pseudorandom password that is itself stored in a separate KeePass database with a 28 word passphrase known only to me.
I’m only kidding. The safe is only lag bolted to one floor joist.
So much effort for something that is just a stack of lies bolted together.
Hey, there’s at least a kernel of truth in there. I really do have a paper wallet, I really do use KeePass, and I really do use the Serpent cypher for one of my external HDDs.
You ate all the red pills
Iron suppliments?
With a sign on the door, saying beware of the leopard.
I found out that will void the flood proof qualities of must safes, which seems like quite the design oversight.
That’s why he vacuum sealed it in plastic.
My safe door goes almost to the floor, so flood of more than a few inches would do the job.
But, where I live, we’d be talking some biblical wrath of Jehovah shit for that to happen.
in the same place I keep a loaded .45
Nightstand drawer or on the bathroom counter?
Biometric safe. Only my wife and I can open it.
Once again, Demolition Man predicts future
(I can’t believe there are people here who have never seen that movie)
Old people don’t spend their government money foolishly, they pay off grand children’s’ college loans
Its the most accurate portrayal of futuristic dystopia to date, mainly due to the flying cars in Blade Runner.
::debates whether to just keep her mouth shut::
The Drinker says:
This is now Howard Hughes level paranoia.
The connoisseur of paranoia will fly to Switzerland and buy a unit picked off the shelf at random. Because the CIA can and has intercepted shipments in flight, compromised the product, repackaged and returned to the shipper for delivery.
picked off the shelf at random.
“Pick a card, any card”
Only to convince themselves that the entire storefront was run by the CIA and all of the units on the shelf were compromised.
If we are going to be a banana republic can we at least have abundant oil/gas?
Politico reports that based on the search warrant, the FBI is investigating former President Trump for “removal or destruction of records, obstruction of an investigation, and violating the Espionage Act,” while Breitbart has the actual statutes from the warrant. …
The warrant details the address and locations to be searched, including that “The locations to be searched include the ‘45 Office,’ all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate.” ….
“Any physical documents with classification markings, along with any containers/boxes (including any other contents) in which such documents are locations, as well as any other containers/boxes that are collectively stored or found together with the aforementioned documents and containers/boxes:
“Information, including communications in any form, regarding the retrieval, storage, or transmission of national defense information or classified material;
“Any government and/or Presidential Records created between January 20, 2017,” the day Trump took office, and the end of his term.
“There is definitely a crime here. We’ll find it even if we have to fabricate it.”
Oh, eccentric dear Ms. Rosenbaum. You died a decade before I had ever heard of you, and I dismissed your dialogue as hokey. My apologies.
A new restaurant opened up nearby. They bill themselves as a donut shop.
The problem is their donuts are meh. Their fried chicken sandwitches and dipping potatos are great, and they have decent mac and cheese (which is saying something from someone whose signature dish is baked mac and cheese). I almost didn’t check it out because it billed itself as a donut place.
Podunkville’s only 4 evenings a week restaurant is called the “Red Pine Cookery” and is a Vietnamese menu place with limited selections. Still, though…
Red Pine (aka Norway pine) is the state tree so there’s that. Only VN working is the cook who only speaks English.
Now I want mac and cheese. [Fact Check: mostly true, but only because she always wants mac and cheese.]
Should we make some when I drop by?
That reminds me, I have to plan my itenery and make hotel reservations.
OH MY GOD PLEASE YES!!!That would be nice, if you like. ::surreptitiously wipes drool from corner of mouth:: I gather a non-pork entree would be in order with your recent dietary restrictions, so I’ll ponder that (and take requests.) Shall I make mynotoriousfamous zucchini brownies? I promise – the zucchini just melts away and makes the cakey brownies extra moist & yummy.Sounds like a plan.
There used to be a place in DC called Thai Roma. If you guessed Thai & Italian, you’d be correct. But not Thai/Italian fusion. There was a Thai menu and an Italian menu. Could never wrap my head around the concept.
Mixed marriage?
“Thai/Italian fusion”
Peanut sauce and oregano on breaded eggplant.
y’all look up the Fawlty reference; I gotta go
I’ll take least compatible pairings for $400.
There was a fusion Indian/Mexican place near me that was interesting, but closed relatively quickly (I blame mediocre service, and heavy competition in the area).
I’m a brine a pork chops & check out this crypto storage thingamajig
Hmmm…now I want pork chops.
We are going to be equal in equity and we’re doing it every day.
“Equity as a concept says recognize that everyone has the same capacity, but in order for them to have equal opportunity to reach that capacity, well, we must pay attention to this issue of equity.”
All the animals are equitable but not necessarily equal.
I have just as much capacity to excel at basketball as Shaquille O’Neal despite being 5’7″. Racism prevented me from achieving what he did.
I coulda been a Harlen Globetrotter except for the lack of skill and racism
Tryouts are racist, they disproportionately impact people bad at sports.
“Home equity” means I get a house as big and fancy as one of the Homearama McMansions, right?
Both Tres and Dracula will tell you that’s not true.
In the good old days, I definitely met girls who had a lot more… capacity than others.
Hotdog, hallway?
Johns Hopkins, specifically the Public Health department, has already beclowned themselves in the last few years, but they go on
Yes, it’s that autonomous entity “gun violence” that kills people, particularly young black males.
were killed by gun violence.
Gang violence…with guns. Anywho, blacks hardest hit…by themselves…
I’m not a gun expert but doesn’t someone have to pull the trigger? If so, then might we want to know who?
While as a rule, you need a trigger pulled, it is possible to cause a discharge without it.
Though most shots are the result of a trigger pull.
Alec Baldwin says “no.”
You have no idea how badly the ghettos are drowning high-fructose corn syrup.
That’s mathematical proof that Gun Violence is racist.
Great sleuthing, Nancy!
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.[2]M.
The warrant details the address and locations to be searched, including that “The locations to be searched include the ‘45 Office,’ all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate.” ….
Close enough
Black males ages 15 to 34 were over 20 times more likely to die by gun homicide than their white counterparts.
Guns are notoriously racist.
Sounds like a great beer. I’ve been having trouble finding spots around here, hoping that changes in the fall.
Stouts* my phone hates me
Stilt House has always been my go-to for stouts and the like when I’m in that part of Florida.
Inflation is just, like, a theory, man.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal downplays inflation and says it’s like a “theoretical word that economists use.”
Higher prices are all in your head!
Sung to the tune of ‘zombie’ by the cranberries.
“No one I know is suffering.”
I, for one, hope they go through with their trumped up charges.
“I would say that seven chances in ten he’s going to be indicted,” the National Review contributing editor told a surprised Klavan. “They may add classified information charges now that they’ve done this, but they are gunning to get him … on January 6.” …
“I think they are mainly trying to make a case on Trump related to January 6, and I think that if you look at the timeline of what they’ve done in the six weeks in which this Mar-a-Lago search is included, that becomes clear,” McCarthy said.
Powerline for the week.
Inflation we can all get behind.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal downplays inflation and says it’s like a “theoretical word that economists use.”
It’s all relative. Either you can afford it, or you can’t.
Can she afford dermatology? Sorry about her bone structure, but that thing on her lip should be trivial to excise.
No. The dermatologist got too expensive. Theoretically.
Good Lord.
Its like she’s a brown Greta van Susteren.
Can someone explain to me the value proposition of cryptocurrency? This is a genuine question. I understand the basis for metals. I get it, sort of, for fiat currency. Why would someone like me, who does not understand the creation or utility of cryptocurrency, find value in it?
It is basically a fiat currency with no institutional backing.
To understand it, first think about the US dollar.
What is that backed by? I’ll wait for an answer. You won’t have one.
Crypto took the next logical step. Bitcoin in particular said “We will only ever make ‘x’ bitcoins.” Scarcity will determine their value. And sure enough, it started working.
Imagine if you suddenly found yourself on an alien planet, in need of a drink. Would you try to pay with it using a U.S. dollar? It would be worthless. So would a bitcoin. You are right in saying neither has value, outside of people who desire (dollars or bitcoins) and can get them, based on scarcity.
Gold, now that has some true scarcity which might buy you a Gargblaster or two on Venus.
If this isn’t helpful we can get plastered on the next Zoom and discuss. It all makes sense after a few drinks.
But I prefer Jynnan Tonnyx
Its like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.
Yeah. Phone is not cooperating today when it comes to typing.
My problem with that explanation is no crypto currency is part of my life and I feel no effects by its absence. If I suddenly couldn’t use dollars, then I would have a real problem. As an outsider, crypto appears to rely on the greater fool theory. I am not trying to disparage owners of crypto. I genuinely don’t understand why anyone treats it as having value. What am I missing?
“Value” is subjective and very often is irrational, even when there is overwhelming evidence the market for the commodity in question has no basis in reality (i.e. diamonds).
My biggest issue with this are the Bitcoin absolutists. If one digital currency has value and utility, then another would have to have value and utility.
Theoretically, there’s some interesting things that can be done with blockchain technology. I personally think it would be a perfect fit for something like contracts or deeds, where instead of filing with the state, you enter it into the blockchain. At that point, it would be difficult to change (assuming a big enough network of machines on the blockchain processing it), and could be referred to by an address.
The current usage, it’s just a non-government backed fiat with some interesting math and theory behind it. Still makes more sense to me then NFTs.
Can someone explain to me the value proposition of cryptocurrency?
As far as I can tell, it’s just a ledger entry, with a value ostensibly based on something or other (cumulative exchange value of tulip bulbs?).
Put your money into physical gold and store it in a box under your bed?
Silver seems a little more practical for actually making routine purchases in an almost-worst-case scenario.
Depending on how bad inflation gets, of course.
I have a lot of silver. I recommend gold due to the fact it keeps accelerating in value. Silver is oddly a stick in the mud. You are right though. Gold stopped being used as a currency in the US in the 1940s
My (admittedly limited) understanding is that the spot price of silver is constantly manipulated by certain Big Players. Whenever it starts to go up, it gets smacked down hard.
¿Por qué no los dos? Au and Ag, that is.
Buy bullion, tell as few people as possible. Keep it near you. I hear that SD boxes aren’t necessarily safe, and I don’t mean that Beverly Hills raid,
Buy in a dip, obviously.
Gold was $409 per a Feb 1996 newspaper I have lying around.
What about high-definition boxes?
Bullets will be the currency of the apocalypse. Or bottlecaps.
That is true, we will go from exchanging fiat currency to exchanging actual things of value. And promissory notes of service, like fixing your air conditioner in exchange for car repair.
There will be very limited electricity and fuel in the pockylips.
Totally normal.
Good for the parents trying to get to their kids. I guess they had heard about the Uvalde police response while the school district ignored it.
Shit. Forgot to hit the liquor store while we were out earlier. 😕
Reply digging the new gunsmith though.
I can’t forget. Sunday is still no liquor day in Texas.
Got a nice bottle of Four Roses for Sunday post-cigar bar.
Apropos of nothing… why is there a Ukraine flag next to the score during a Spanish league soccer match on ABC?
Current Thing is current.
I guess all the kneeling to that neo-Marxist grifter organization that the soccer world performed last year wasn’t obnoxious enough.
I was going to watch the match, saw the flag, and decided against it.
Just cover it with a sticky note with the Spanish flag crudely drawn on it.
Ha. On Friday my employer swore in a new head honcho in this country. Enjoy, sucker!!!
I have a Nano Ledger and I use it but I’ll admit I’m still flummoxed by the whole thing. So I just plug this thing in and send someone else some data and we’ve conducted an exchange somehow. I accept some digital coins and it shows up in my little ledger and somehow I’m a little wealthier I guess. I’ve got to run it all through an app plugged into a network, which is 100% traceable at any given moment, and somehow this circumvents government fiat currency…even though the moment I plug this thing in it can be tracked over the network, which is required to do any sort of transaction…but I’m sticking it to the man, I guess?
It mystifies me, but it’s cool and I’m not betting anything on it I can’t afford to lose.
Nothing you said is incorrect.
“So I just plug this thing in and send someone else some data and we’ve conducted an exchange somehow.”
You bought something on Amazon?
Terribly lazy writing. No one is gonna believe that plot.
“Developing: Sources say the FBI agents and officials who were involved in the raid on former President Trump’s home work in the same Counterintelligence Division of the FBI that investigated Trump in the Russiagate hoax and are actively under criminal investigation by Special Counsel John Durham for potentially abusing their power investigating Trump in the Russian fraud and therefore have a potential conflict of interest and should have been RECUSED from participating in this supposed “espionage” investigation at Mar-a-Lago” Sperry said in a social media post on Saturday.
well, that would be true in the rule of law. However, in a criminal organization you use the ones already tainted so you control them via threats of throwing them under the bus and so you don’t expose anyone else.
I wonder how the hooligans from Eurotrip are doing today?
I got out of bitcoin near its zenith, and have no intention of getting back in.
@OMWC, FWIW, if I were widowed, I wouldn’t ever want to date/marry again, so it may not be personal. I don’t know a woman (my age, at least) who would get back on the marriage train.
I admire his resilience but I agree with you. I would never do that again.
I am about to head out to watch the airshow near my house. No crowds, overpriced food/beverages, and wandering a hot tarmac for us. We will anchor at the edge of the exclusion zone at the end of the runway and watch it from there. Plenty of food and drink plus we can swim between the acts. The headliner is the Blue Angels.
Hopefully the show doesn’t include a Neptune missile demonstration.
Just gotta brag:
Daily Quordle 201
Me too.
Daily Quordle 201
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My first seed word showed up in wordle recently! it’s pretty fun
Just gotta brag:
Now we know what your first word was.
Daily Quordle 201
I can almost make out the 4 horsemen.
Those are always awesome and lovely. Unless they are following you to Amarillo. Which they tend to do.
Protip: never go to Amarillo