So, I’m not seeing anything new-editorish here, maybe because I started this post before the update. I tried using “embed” as a tag and it looked wrong on the visual editor tab, so I’ve just done a standard “a href” tag thusly:
Here’s a vid of Lily holding her own against three opponents
But those lack visual appeal, so here’s a pic:

How it started
It’s been very difficult to get pics lately. The weather has been too hot for hiking, even if I didn’t have my weekends filled with various major matches and travels.
The week starts off as yesterday ended, with housing-related issues, but less potentially disastrous since the moon has moved out of alignment there. Otherwise, this week only has one major event, but it is intriguing. The week in general has signs of fickleness/vacillation/undependability (the moon being in Pisces the most obvious one, but Mercury in Virgo also applies)But in particular, on Thursday you’ve got Jupiter retrograde in a position indicating a fall from power. Thursday is the week day analogue of Jupiter, so the sign gets a buff there. Jupiter retrograde (misrule, bad ruler, change of rulers) is also in Aries at that point, so there are the additional signs of irritability, contrariness and peevishness. At the same time the moon is in Taurus, indicating a shift in equilibrium. So expect some world leader to be (finally) undone by his stubbornness then. Hopefully it’ll be one less entertaining than evil. Leo gets Venus under its control, so kitties will be cuddlier, and Leos will get more lucky than usual.
More of Lily fighting gangs for local charities, that sort of thing.
The cards are predicting a painful week. OTOH, you do have a chance of drawing to a straight flush.
Leo: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Virgo: 6 of Cups – The past and memories, looking back
Libra: The Tower – Be afraid. Be very afriad.
Scorpio: King of Wands – Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious.
Sagittarius: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.
Capricorn: King of Cups reversed – Dishonest, double-dealing man; roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal, pillage, considerable loss.
Aquarius: 7 of Wands reversed – Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety. It is also a caution against indecision.
Pisces: Page of Swords – Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination.
Aries: 10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent.
Taurus: 8 of Swords reversed – Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery
Gemini: 9 of Swords – Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair. At least you didn’t draw The Tower like Libra.
Cancer: Justice reversed – Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.
Look, Fat!!!
Sagittarius: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.
Hoist on my own petard?
To the contrary, you are going to get laid.
It said “artifice”, not “orifice”.
I love my Lily fix. What a great pup!
Leo: 10 of Cups reversed – Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Taurus: 8 of Swords reversed – Disquiet, difficulty, opposition, accident, treachery
Tru dat.
Have they ever been permanent?
(also I’m considering grammar-naziing this)
juris imprudent: I responded to you in the forums.
I’m pissing off for the remainder of the day. Talk to you all again soon. See ya.
Oi! Do you have a loisence for that reading?
Libra: The Tower – Be afraid. Be very (afraid).
Of what? – Brittney Griner
Russian roulette
Russia has told the United States that diplomatic ties would be badly damaged and could even be broken off if Russia is declared a “state sponsor of terrorism”, Tass cited a top official as saying on Friday.
Alexander Darchiyev, head of the North American department at the Russian Foreign Ministry, said if the U.S. Senate went through with plans to single out Russia, this would mean Washington had crossed the point of no return, Tass said.
Last month two U.S. senators seeking to pass a law designating Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism visited Kyiv to discuss the bill with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. read more
Darchiyev said if this passed, it would cause “the most serious collateral damage for bilateral diplomatic relations, to the point of downgrading and even breaking them off,” Tass quoted him as saying.
“The American side has been warned,” he added.
Yes, by all means, let’s play chicken with the Russians.
The efforts since January to cut Russia off from from the west means they don’t care. It will take decades to get back to December 21. And that’s intentional.
One week to go for ATF’s 80% rules.
Well, aren’t the wife and I (Capricorn and Aries) the well balanced couple this week.
I’ve got a Capricorn spouse and am an Aries myself!
Virgo: 6 of Cups – The past and memories, looking back
Go forward and never look back. I need to retire the onion on my belt.
“Cancer: Justice reversed – Law in all its departments, legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity.”
So you’re saying I shouldn’t bring my extendos up to the NY State Championship?
Fuck cancer.
Pretty much.
Fun match yesterday. I tried extending myself a bit, which cost me the overall win in the IDPA scoring, though I did win among the iron-sighted plebs. I made effective use of this ruleset not penalizing dropping steel through cardboard targets.
Gemini: 9 of Swords – Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair.
Virgo: 6 of Cups – The past and memories, looking back
I really don’t want to remember it again.
Just got done with brunch at home. Smoked burger with some left over chimuchrrui spread on bottom bun, meaty 1/2lb smoked patty hit with a reverse sear, a mushroom and green chili topping, and a fired egg to top it.
I think I embodied this
Sagittarius: Page of Cups reversed – Taste, inclination, attachment, seduction, deception, artifice.
Just got done with brunch at home. Smoked burger with some left over chimuchrrui spread on bottom bun, meaty 1/2lb smoked patty hit with a reverse sear, a mushroom and green chili topping, and a fired egg to top it.
I admire your effort, but I’m too lazy for that.
Grilled some strips and had with a pre-made salad for lunch.
You probably even made the chimi yourself, didn’t ya?
I did
Bacon and French toast here. Painting this afternoon and then replace some more boards on the front walk/deck.
The 70s.
Don’t look back you can never look back
I like this version:
Repose of the false heart, indignation, violence.
Sufficiently shitty.
Seen in southern NH on my way to lunch:
A plain white van with a cherry picker. The cherry picker was raised. There was a guy in the cherry-picker working on the phone and/or cable lines. The van had DC plates. Feds, could you be more obvious?
A motorcyclist whose tires were just an inch or two on his side of the yellow line. Parts of his bike were on my side of the yellow line. Thanks to the curves in the road, I didn’t have much time to cut the wheel to the right so that my mirror didn’t hit him.
I didn’t watch many episodes of the X-Files. But I had a crush on Scully.
No one likes us
I tested the .mov links, and Marley’s barking has set Lily off. She is running all over the yard trying to find her.
Now that’s more like it!
People suck.
Save a cricket, eat a steak.
“WASHINGTON (AP) — A man drove his car into a barricade near the U.S. Capitol early Sunday and then began firing gunshots in the air before fatally shooting himself, according to police, who said he did not seem to be targeting any member of Congress.”
They might actually get what they want. The crazies doing crazy shit. The losers in this scenario are the rest of us.
Unless it’s the wrong crazies.
The Resolve Initiative is an attempt to shank the GOP establishment in NH. They’ve been holding a set of candidate debates. This is their gubernatorial debate. I’m about 20 minutes or so in. So far, the questions are ones I’d love to hear at regular debates. Things like, “What is the limit on the authority of the office you seek?”
Scorpio: King of Wands – Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious.
I’m going to meet a Magical Negro?
Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety. It is also a caution against indecision.
So an average week then.
Aries: 10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent.
I’m self-employed. This is always true.
Better than usual – I’ll take it.
The airshow returned to the Marine Base this weekend. Instead of braving the crowds, hot tarmac, having to buy refreshments, etc. we anchored off the end of the runway at the very edge of the safety exclusion zone. The Blue Angels were turning and flying right over the boat at low altitude and high speeds. It was a fantastic viewpoint, plus we had plenty of food and drink. The bonus was we could swim between the various acts.
The F22 demonstration was wild. They even “tail walked” the plane. AKA put it in a steep climb attitude and then cut back the throttle, so it barely moves forward while gaining no elevation. They also climbed till it stalled and throttled up to just hold it in position, after holding it there the pilot then went into flat spin until powering out. The Blue Angels were meh. Because of some scattered clouds they did the blah show, or maybe they just don’t put on a good vertical show like the Thunderbirds. But the planes just above our mast made up for the flat performance.