Love, Cascadian Style

by | Aug 15, 2022 | Cryptids, Fiction | 176 comments

I was hiking in the Cascades and strayed from the trail.


My DEI training failed me. It was impossible to misgender him.


I was powerless against the force of his will.


His vigor was only exceeded by his stamina.


Is it truly rape if there’s consent at the end?

About The Author




  1. Tonio

    Apologies to Richard and our readers. This article was scheduled for the 7:00 Central tonight, but did not publish on time. I had to goose WordPerfect to get it to appear.

    • UnCivilServant

      I had to goose WordPerfect

      I… see?

      • Fourscore

        Hmmm, STEVE SMITH and Tonio missing. Coincidence?

      • Tonio

        WordPress dammit. I’ve been editing all day and my brain and eyeballs hurt. I supported (the other) WP for many years and still do a typo sometimes.

      • UnCivilServant

        We mean it in the nicest possible way. It was obvious what you really meant.

    • MikeS


    • straffinrun

      Too late. My rape fantasy wasn’t provided in time and I wound up fondling a salary man.

      • MikeS

        Patience, grasshopper.

      • UnCivilServant

        So… you touched yourself?

      • straffinrun

        I’m not a salaried worker.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I’ve used that excuse too.

      • Chafed

        Whatever gets you through the night.

      • Chafed


      • Sensei

        Rambo wo ranbou suru?

        For everyone else, raping Rambo?

        Politically incorrect dad joke.

      • Mojeaux

        I LOLd

  2. MikeS


  3. KK the Ignorant Slut


  4. kinnath

    Bold strategy there Cotton

  5. KK the Ignorant Slut

    Just give in to STEVE SMITH…everybody wins

  6. Richard

    Believe it or not this article was created to be instructional material for the benefit of the Glibs community.

  7. pistoffnick

    *hangs up hiking boots*

  8. Richard

    I am literally about to lose power. If I stop replying please blame my crappy home Internet setup and not my willingness to engage.

    • juris imprudent


      • Richard

        I’m off the grid. If STEVE SMITH is jiggling my wires that means he’s right…

      • rhywun


    • Fourscore

      Damnable thermostat. Quits every time when it’s something (Glib Time) important.

      • Richard

        I’m outside on my Adirondack chair. It’s almost 10pm Vermont DST and flying bugs are crawling all over the white brilliance of my notebook computer’s screen.

      • Tonio

        Hey, I just finished a marathon edit of your other forthcoming article. Yes, I went STEVE SMITH on it. I reverted it to draft so you can have a squint at it if you so desire. Sorry I wrecked some of your jokes.

      • Richard

        Power Manager: Your system is out of power.

        I have faith.

      • Richard

        OK. So what’s the word for when you misthread something? Actually (waves away damn bugs) this is all my fault. I started to compose a reply saying how much I REALLY want to attend Honey Harvest but then got distracted (damn bugs) . I’d like to send something of quintessential Vermont sweetness to compete with your honey. Is a mailing address available somewhere? TPTB have my e-mail address.

      • Fourscore

        Hit me at

        latvia2112 at the yahoo

      • Chafed

        Look at the Baltic Rush fan over here.

      • pistoffnick

        You will be outcompeted by the sweetness of Mrs. Fourscore.

        Fourscore, himself, is a nice guy, but I hate him for his long legs.

      • pistoffnick

        Hate might be too strong a word. Envy is probably more correct.

        I have to take two steps for his one step.

        /short people problems

  9. juris imprudent

    It appears my contractor decided to work today after all. I’m sure it had nothing to do with my e-mail that assured him if I didn’t hear from him, I’d be filing charges by the end of the week.

    • Fourscore

      Contractor fixing your house? Over promise, under perform. Many are so busy and they take on more work than they can handle at one time. I’m not defending them, they need to be more upfront about delays.

      • Tonio

        They are notoriously fickle about showing up. Particularly if the fish are biting, the deer and the antelope are playing, or the poon is tanging. They are truly the new leisure class.

      • The Hyperbole

        This, you go through some slow times and then you hate to turn down work because who knows what’s gonna happen, thus you end up over-extended, It’s an easy trap to fall into. Also in my case I am such a hell of a nice guy that I truly want to help people, when they call and tell me they just can’t get anyone to do “X, Y, or Z” I have a hard time telling them I’m swamped so go piss up a rope.

      • straffinrun

        Lol. Those are the options?

      • Sean

        We’re still turning down private work.

  10. Pat

    Lie back and think of Cascadia?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      More like bend over and think of Cascadia.

  11. Tundra

    Theme music

    Oh, yeah.

    Thanks, Richard. I managed to hike the Cascades last week and didn’t get Smithed! Thanks for keeping him busy!

  12. straffinrun

    This story needs to be fleshed out.

    • Seguin

      Pretty sure Richard was fleshed out. If you get my drift.


      • Seguin

        I just explained the joke, didn’t I?

        I’m gonna blame this on the heat…which seems to have gotten worse just now.

      • straffinrun

        As they say, “Better never than late.”

      • Seguin

        I was going to post a link. And then I found what I was looking for.

        And now I need to vomit.

      • Mojeaux

        And then I found what I was looking for.

      • MikeS



        *Decides against it and closes tab.

      • Mojeaux

        Wise man.

      • Pat

        Some of you have never scrolled all the way to the bottom of the Offended page at Encyclopedia Dramamatica and it shows.

      • Pat


      • MikeS

        Wow. I made it maybe a 10th of the way down. A lot of shades of there. Fuck.

      • DEG

        Lemon stealing whores?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You will when Steve Smith gets ahold of you.

    • Pat

      Thanks to 5FDP for not shoehorning a reference to Las Vegas into it.

      Mid to late aughts was a wild time for Las Vegas radio stations. Are we going to play 19 hours of 5FDP, 19 hours of The Killers or 19 hours of Panic! At The Disco today? It was like the public access channels where they have to run X amount of locally-produced programming.

    • Seguin


      • Seguin

        DAMMIT! Bad threading. Meant for the wire joke.

      • Gustave Lytton

        It works with receptacle! Never apologize!

      • Tonio

        Are you saying the website resisted you?

      • slumbrew

        Ohm man, are the puns gonna be bad on this one.

      • R.J.

        Watt do you mean?

      • R.J.

        It diode in my arms.

      • rhywun
      • R.J.

        Exactly like that.

      • Gender Traitor

        Ohm my!

      • slumbrew

        *shakes fist at GT in impotent rage*

      • R.J.

        Would that be terminal rage?

      • slumbrew

        I’m exaggerating- it didn’t really phase me.

      • R.J.

        I’d hate to think you blew a fuse over it.

      • PudPaisley

        I don’t know, you seemed pretty amped up.

      • MikeS

        I wonder how long this can go before running to ground.

      • slumbrew

        Nah, I’m a pretty well grounded guy

      • Gender Traitor

        ::bats eyes innocently::

    • R.J.

      Oh my…

      • R.J.

        Sasquatch pox will be the next big thing.

      • R.J.


      • Mojeaux

        I would think Sasquatch would be immune.

      • Chafed

        Monkey pox run from Steve Smith

    • MikeS

      The CDC also has not recommended that gay and bisexual men limit their number of sexual partners to reduce risk of spreading monkeypox, despite the World Health Organization making that recommendation weeks ago. Both the WHO and the Biden administration have declared monkeypox a public health emergency.

      The CDC is such a fucking joke.

      • Brochettaward

        Telling gay men not to fuck freely and openly with as many partners as they can in any given day to avoid the spread of disease is blatant homophobia.

      • Chafed

        “Fucking joke.” I see what you did there.

    • slumbrew

      Eh, dog sleeps in their bed, just needs a cut and contact with their infected sheets.

      It’s an Italian greyhound – way too small for a more disgusting transmission method.

      • MikeS

        I’m sure the dog’s tongue is plenty big. The way you describe is most likely.

      • slumbrew

        I’d assume oral transmission isn’t likely – it a pretty hostile environment, as I understand it – but perhaps you’re right.

        Bleeding gums might be a sufficient entry point – dog licking a sore doesn’t seem out of the question.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, it might be possible. But, I agree with you about more innocent means being more likely.

        I tried to say that in my previous post, but as I re-read it it seems barely coherent. I skipped a few words. Time for bed, I suppose.

      • Chafed

        Is it that simple. It seems like human to human transmission takes more than that. I suppose dogs could be more susceptible.

    • rhywun

      I dunno from all this but LMFAO at the gay dog pic.

      • slumbrew

        Poodles arepretty gay.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Ruff sex.

  13. Brochettaward

    For whom The First tolls…

    bow dow dow dow…bow dow dow dow…

  14. Q Continuum



  15. UnCivilServant

    It’s strange the feedback signals I get at work.

    Put in a great deal of effort to solve a problem that’s been plaguing users? “What took so long?”

    Dust off a document someone else created and email it to the interested parties? Effusive praise.

    • UnCivilServant

      Anyway, G’Night Glibs. I’ll snark with you lot tomorrow.

  16. Mojeaux

    I really really really need a massage. Headaches every fucking day. Stress is killing my head.

    • Chafed

      That’s what husbands are for.

      • Mojeaux

        Yes, to buy me gift cards to a spa for Christmas. 😜

    • Brochettaward

      A Firstgasm relieves all tension in the body. What you need is to First.

    • Brochettaward

      The funniest part of that story is that there are people paying to stream NBc to be spoonfed bullshit stories such as that.

      • Chafed

        I have a feeling I can fit their entire audience in my house.

  17. LCDR_Fish

    Man…having crazy laptop issues tonight.

    Anyhoo, been watching Gutfeld a lot more the last few weeks due to updated schedule – seems to be hitting his groove. Last week he had The Jacket and Dr. Drew on for the same ep. Adam Carolla just interviewed him yesterday too – – great watch. The Gutfeld rant tonight about eating bugs was pretty good too.

    (Carolla’s been doing a lot of different podcasts/interviews as part of his book tour I think – he’s on Legion of Skanks as well).

  18. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody

    1st day back to school for Tres Version 2.0

  19. Tres Cool

    “… or the poon is tanging.”

    Tonio Im totally stealing that, and I intended to use it in a sentence at least twice this week.

    • AlexinCT

      Expanding your vocabulary?

  20. Sean

    *Looks around*

    Mornin y’all. Or whatever for you peeps on the wrong side of the planet.

    • Tres Cool

      I was off yesterd̶a̶y̶ night so I slept in. Ive been up since around 2.

      • Sean

        That’s just a waste if you’re not on drugs.

    • Gender Traitor

      Families have orders of protection against the actor, who was arrested twice this year. Last week, they were charged with felony burglary.

      So is it the families that were charged? Or does this asshole use plural pronouns? Also, I’d note how brief this article is, but I’m sure it’s more “column inches” than this person-I’ve-never-heard-of-and-don’t-care-about deserves.

    • Sean

      Kim Cheng. 👍

    • TARDis

      I think the last time I had a Capri Sun, I was still a teenager. I don’t recall even buying them for my kids.

  21. TARDis

    Is it truly rape if there’s consent at the end?

    Can I get that in writing?

  22. Rat on a train

    Recall of Soros-backed L.A. D.A. George Gascón Fails After Observers Excluded, Signatures Tossed

    Though the county rejected less than 1% of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, Los Angeles County officials said they found that nearly 30% of signatures on petitions to recall the unpopular district attorney were invalid or could not count.

    The county said observers would not be allowed because signature verification did not quality as an “election.”

    No observers, no problem getting the desired result.

    • DEG

      How convenient.

      • AlexinCT

        And if you dare question them or point out something is not right, the system will ban you for calling their crap out…

  23. Gender Traitor

    Good morning, RoaT, TARDy, Sean, homey, and TO’G!

    I was busier at work yesterday than I’d been expecting to be, but a couple big chunks of that time were listening to my boss vent about his frustrations dealing with certain colleagues. That’s one of the “all other duties as assigned” things from my job description.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are you today?

      • UnCivilServant

        I just woke up, already late for work.

        Good thing it’s a remote day.

      • Gender Traitor

        Yikes! By all means (or by any means necessary) get yourself logged in! 😳

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m already logged in. I’m just not awake.

      • Gender Traitor

        Don’t bother. It’s overrated.

        Except when driving, I suppose.

  24. DEG

    It was impossible to misgender him.

    Oh, I’m certain some danger hair SJW will find a way.

    • db


  25. Rat on a train

    RPS still has 144 teacher vacancies, retains universal indoor masking

    Given that Richmond’s community level of COVID is high based on cases and hospitalizations, RPS will continue universal indoor masking in all school buildings and on buses for students and staff, according to Monday’s health and safety measures presentation.

    In what the administration described as “key changes” from the previous school year, masks are no longer required outdoors on RPS property, there are no longer social distancing and group size restrictions, co-isolation is no longer required for household exposures and more.

    Kamras said that once the city is out of high transmission, he is “certainly open” to implementing a strong recommendation for indoor mask usage but would drop the requirement.

    Richmond is not ready to give up health theater.

    • rhywun

      Why do you hate saving the lives of children?

  26. DEG

    Late for the gym. Mornin’ all!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, DEG! Go get pumped up! 🏋🏼‍♂️

  27. robodruid

    Good Morning:
    Facebook is a rather odd duck….
    My photo of a snake in the gust shower has generated my personal record for reactions.
    ( I don’t know how it got there, a decent sized rat snake, grabbed him and re-homed him outside)

    60% chance of rain on Sunday, then 3 more days of maybe rain….

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘bodru! I think if a snake showed up anywhere in my house, I might just move.

      Will perform whatever rituals might help you get that badly-needed rain! I just hope none of them require reptiles…

      • UnCivilServant

        A lot of snakes are harmless.

      • Gender Traitor

        But they’re still snakes. 😨🐍/sissy

      • Grosspatzer

        Is that you, Indy?

      • TARDis

        When my basement was completely unfinished, I had what I think was a Blue Racer come to visit. It was a beautiful snake. I should have kept it. If I had known my daughter was going to go all herpetologist on us, I would have. Instead I just escorted it to the back fence.

      • TARDis

        They say they are not native to GA so I really don’t know.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was the only Blue Racer snake on wikipedia. There might be more than one species with that vernacular name.

      • TARDis

        Maybe it was some kind of bluish King Snake. *shrugs*

  28. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates! Another beautiful day in paradise, will be headed to the beach with the youngest Patzer later this morning. How is the working world?

    • db

      Man I’d love to be at the beach today. Enjoy!

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie! The working world just keeps slogging along.

      You’ve reminded me – I still have a one-night reservation for late this month up at Maumee Bay State Park’s lodge – on the western shore of Lake Erie – from when I thought we might be making a trip up to the UP. (Had to discard those plans – boss on vacation then and thus not available to cover payroll.) I need to either change that date or cancel before it’s too late, but I’m dragging my feet because I booked it at 25% off.

      • Grosspatzer

        Change the date, Lake Erie is awesome! Never been to the UP, but spent a few days by Presque Isle State Park in PA years ago and loved it.

    • TARDis

      How is the working world? Spreadsheets and tedious meetings.

      Just got told that getting a good night’s sleep is critical to safety. Really??? I had no idea. Thanks, mommy.

      *rolls eyes, see brain*

      • Grosspatzer

        “getting a good night’s sleep is critical to safety”

        Wow, who knew? Back when I worked as a shipping clerk in a distribution center, the forklift operators didn’t need sleep. They had really good help them stay awake. I spent a fair amount of time filling out workmen’s compensation claims.

      • TARDis

        I spent a fair amount of time filling out workmen’s compensation claims.

        Just kill me.

  29. db

    Morning, everyone! Gotta love an early meeting where we have a 15 minute conversation about how low product cost is better than high product cost. And, oh, by the way, high product performance is better than low product performance, and customers like a combination of low cost and high performance. Brilliant insights.

    • Grosspatzer

      Are you hiring? It would be awesome to work alongside such awesome folks. Perhaps the genius would rub off.

    • AlexinCT

      Someone is looking to impress senior leadership with that meeting replete with useless drivel.

      • db

        The main driver of the conversation *was* the senior leader in the meeting


      • AlexinCT

        Senior leadership types tend to be impressed by word salads using a massive amount of idiotic and often meaning less, but high brow sounding to idiots that are impressed by that sort of shit jargon that passes for business savvy in those circles.

    • Rat on a train

      customers like a combination of low cost and high performance
      That depends. Are the customers paying or are the taxpayers?