Monday Morning Links

by | Aug 8, 2022 | Daily Links | 403 comments

“Who, me? She said she was 16!”

Pete Rose returning to a MLB stadium turned into a shitshow. Good, fuck that guy. Rocco Baldelli is worked up. Watching the Astros is like riding a roller coaster this year. Somebody quit their job for reading a word out loud. (I assume it was the n-word. I also assume he was reading without really knowing what he was saying, since they were somebody else’s words.) Liverpool got off to an inauspicious start to the season, and I’m being generous. Man City were flying. And Man United looked like a bag of asses.  And that’s pretty much it for sports.

They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into. I say let em crash stay an extra ten days. With apologies to Jeff and David Zucker.

I like the cut of this guy’s jib. I especially like the reeeeeeeing it is causing for the so-called learned class.

I miss this simpler time.

They’re lining up the dominoes. Let’s see if they start falling. (fingers crossed)

You might want to lay low, Alec. There’s no need to fire off any more hot takes for a while.

Wait, it’s the other guy trying to overthrow what now? You do realize your job and oath is to carry out the duties of your job and prosecute people, don’t you?

Nobody cares.

Uh, it’s called “acting”. What an idiot. He doesn’t even realize where this would lead. No gays playing straights. No minorities playing anything but a minority. And no retards (like him) playing people of average intelligence. It’s astupid hill to die on.  Oh, also James Franco’s father was a Spanish immigrant as was Castro’s. So he’s pretty well-cast.

Uh, who the hell cares? But yes, they were pretty obviously gay.

How can this possibly be a binding agreement? One party never agreed to the terms and they are a passive service that people have to seek out and voluntarily do business with.  What’s next, will they claim every automaker has to pay them taxes on production and/or sales because people go to dealerships and buy them and then drive on public roads? Oh shit, strike that. I don’t want to give these greedy assholes any more bright ideas.

Going deep in the vault today. Bet none of you had heard that in a while. Hopefully you’ve heard this one more recently. If not, you’re welcome.

Now get out there and get the week off on the right foot, friends!

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    They bought their ticket. They knew what they were doing. I say let em crash stay an extra ten days. With apologies to Jeff Zucker.

    This “crisis” was man made. The question is if it was accidentally released and then turned into a boon to the master class, or if it was all by design. Either way, it was an act of war..

  2. PieInTheSky

    They’re lining up the dominoes. Let’s see if they start falling. (fingers crossed) – oh come on not everything in Europe is about America

    • AlexinCT

      This is how you get some crazy German guy with a mustache telling people the rest of Europe needs to be pacified and cleansed….

      • AlexinCT

        And yes, I know he was Austrian, but he used Germany to do his dirty work.

      • Rat on a train

        He did a lot of, I don’t know what the term is in Austrian, pacifying and cleansing …

      • AlexinCT

        But he did it, just like the marxist did, under the belief it was to make a better world….

        Something, something about the most dangerous people being the fanatics with a “noble” cause….

      • ZARDOZ


      • AlexinCT

        Cause the penis is bad?

      • robc

        HRE is HRE.

      • UnCivilServant

        Somehow I got elected Emperor.

        Still can’t figure that one out.

      • robc


    • sloopyinca

      Of course not.

      ::pats European on head::

    • UnCivilServant

      Some of it is about punishing Europeans for being European.

    • cyto

      Over at TOS, Welch has an article critical of Republicans and the right because Victor Orban compared Communists and Progressives.

      Welch says this is beyond the pale. Progressives are in no way related to communists in today’s world, and claiming that communists are back and stronger than ever is a dangerous fascist lie.

      It is pretty impressive..

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, you can’t compare Communists and Progressives.

        Progressives actually seem to be on track to destroy Western Civilization.

      • Pat

        Coming from a guy who suggested it would be appropriate to mass-murder a group of conservative journalists at a cocktail party…

      • Lackadaisical

        Uh… For real?

      • Pat

        I can’t find it now, but he tweeted something along the lines of “Now would be a good time to invite every conservative journalist to a big cocktail party” with the hashtag “#RedWedding2”. The cringiest part was that it was like 5 years after that episode of Game of Thrones had aired. He and Gillespie are hep cats, doncha know.

      • Lackadaisical

        That is jogging my noggin.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Being moronically reasonable isn’t going to save you Matt, you spineless gob of Jello you.

      • PieInTheSky

        well we covered before that classical commies see progs as dangerous revisionists taking the focus from the materialist class war to race and such

      • Atanarjuat

        Welch is a progressive, so he probably was personally offended by the remark.

      • PieInTheSky

        Also I see the comments at that place are still of the highest quality…

      • Chafed

        Thanks for checking

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        They’re really after Orban lately. Probably because he refuses to go along with the EU/NATO stupidity on most issues.

  3. PieInTheSky

    I like the cut of this guy’s jib. I especially like the reeeeeeeing it is causing for the so-called learned class.

    How long until we can get automatic security robots with machine guns in schools for safety?

    • Count Potato

      Chopping Mall was a documentary.

    • sloopyinca

      We can have a program oversee them. Let’s call it Skynet!

    • TARDis

      How about some auto-cannons like in Altered Carbon?

    • Fourscore

      I provide security for my home. Sometimes there may be children present. Where’s my AR-15?

    • Tonio

      The teachers would just prop those doors open, anyway, and the school administrators would disable the alarms because they get tired of hearing them. Yes, cops need to go to jail for Uvalde, but also administrators and at least one teacher.

      • Stillhunter

        It’s fascinating to watch how often bad ideas are a response to bad ideas. Having a cache of ARs wouldn’t have helped in Uvalde.

        Remove the restrictions on concealed carry in schools and the vast majority of the problem goes away (or really, moves to another soft target).

        Of course the best option is to remove your kids from government schools.

      • Tonio

        Of course that’s the best option. But it’s an unfortunately impractical option, even for many here. And until we defund the schools we’re still stuck paying for them, settlements for the negligence of government school employees, and the moral burden of supporting a failed system.

      • juris imprudent

        I’ll note here a few years back the shooting at an Amish (non govt) school not far from me.

      • Lackadaisical

        It would be curious to see the relative rates though between private and government schools.

        My understanding is that schools previously attended by the shooters are much more likely to be a target.

        I guess what I’m saying is, if it saves just one life, we must shut down all government schools.

      • robc

        Yes, but the ratio is risk rate is slightly lower at private schools (although both are so low as to be a negligible difference).

    • Grosspatzer

      What’s going to happen What I am hoping will happen is we’re going to have accidents with these guns,” Espelage told WLOS-TV.

      I hate it when the media misquotes someone.

    • ZARDOZ


    • Grumbletarian

      Ed-209s checking for hall passes?

      • Chafed

        Now we’re getting somewhere.

      • Timeloose

        Show your hall pass….you have five seconds to comply!!!!

  4. AlexinCT

    Wait, it’s the other guy trying to overthrow what now? You do realize your job and oath is to carry out the duties of your job and prosecute people, don’t you?

    Of course he knows what his job is. How would he not if he is there to do exactly the opposite of what he needs to be doing to bring th system down?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      An ethical prosecutor, an oxymoron maybe, would resign if he felt bound by whatever this douchebag feels bound by to not uphold the law as written. If we are going to have state enabled enforcers of the law they’re obviously going to have to enforce some things they disagree with.

      • straffinrun

        *South African accent*
        “Diplomatic Immuni… eh, I mean, prosecutorial discretion!”

      • cyto

        Excellent 80s reference, caffer.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s kaffer…

        The Dutch don’t use the “c” that way…

      • Pat

        I’m of two minds on this topic, tbh. Going too far the other direction gets you “just following orders” types of prosecutors who never face accountability, like the dimwitted cunt currently serving as our vice president. On the other hand, allowing rogue prosecutors to ignore any part of the law they feel like results in arbitrary and capricious law enforcement. 200 years ago when juries were still a meaningful check on prosecutorial misconduct it would have been less of a problem, but since we increasingly don’t do jury trials anymore, have outlawed jury nullification, and since it is very nearly impossible to be impaneled on a jury unless you’ve got 3 feet of the prosecutor’s cock up your ass, it’s no longer the bulwark it once was.

      • AlexinCT

        There is a difference between refusing to do something against an individual because of the circumstances of the case, but you have a huge problem when the people in charge of upholding the law make a blanket statement they will not do their job because they personally dislike something about it (especially because of political agendas)….

      • Grumbletarian

        There seems to be one reaction towards immigration sanctuary localities around here and another for 2A sanctuary localities.

      • Lackadaisical

        While I agree they are similar in many ways, I would say that many oaths of office include upholding the Constitution. Where state law and the Constitution contradict, there is reasonable cause for refusing to enforce an unconstitutional law.

        I don’t think you can make that argument with abortion unless you also refuse to recognize the supreme court’s jurisdiction on the matter.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        This is what “checks and balances” are for. The prosecutor gets to decide what cases to pursue and what to ignore, but the other people in the whole scheme of government get to look and, at times, take action. If what the prosecutor was doing seemed to be in line with the other branches of gov’t, as elected by the people, then all is good. But when there is a discrepancy… then there will be consequences.

        Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it.

  5. PieInTheSky

    You might want to lay low, Alec. There’s no need to fire off any more hot takes for a while.

    You can not ask an your betters to not give their opinions on topics of note.

  6. straffinrun

    “ … ranks of actors with Latin roots in Hollywood to find someone who has a similar facial structure”

    Look in Ottawa, not Hollywood.

    • AlexinCT
    • sloopyinca

      Does this dumbass think Eric Stoltz really looked like Rocky Dennis? Or has he simply never heard of a makeup department?

      • straffinrun

        Is John Legumeidontknow actually gay? He played that right?

      • Grosspatzer

        I believe he is actually a three-toed sloth.

      • Not Adahn

        He played a French midget.

    • Rat on a train

      Lou Diamond Phillips is never getting another role.

    • Ted S.

      Do Don Francisco and Carmen Miranda qualify as Hispanic?

  7. PieInTheSky

    Oh, also James Franco’s father was a Spanish immigrant as was Castro’s. So he’s pretty well-cast. – this is a highly offensive and ignorant claim. Wikipedia reliably informs me he was Portuguese not spanish

    • PieInTheSky

      Also wasn’t James Franco canceled at some point?

      Also Francois is a fash name

      • AlexinCT

        Franco was canceled cause a bunch of “#MeToo” cuntes acted as if Hollywood roles for women don’t always involve women doing casting couch interviews first.

      • SDF-7

        Given Hollywood, I’d be surprised if that wasn’t true for a significant portion of actors as well as actresses.

      • AlexinCT

        I am sure many guys also had to service the dick to get their roles….

    • cyto

      The internet has been all over this one. And per “the internet”, his father is from the same valley as Castro’s ancestors, separated by a border but only a few km.

      So Franco has a very famous Latino name, is a dead ringer for a young Castro, is of similar genetic heritage, but was born in America rather than in Central or South America….. therefore it is racist to use him as an actor to portray someone born in the Caribbean.

      The big story here is just how much trouble the media has had answering this criticism by Leguizamo.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        They’re getting mighty granular with these subdivisions, luckily I don’t give half a flying fuck about Hollyweird anymore.

      • cyto

        I think he just completely whiffed, thinking of Franco as a generic white dude from America. Because white Hispanic?

        Any way, he thought to use a moment to pimp for more roles being reserved for people like him, and by extention for him. The result put everyone on the left in a box.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Leguizamo is just a loudmouthed ass who thinks people actually give a shit about his opinions.

      • Not Adahn

        HOW DARE YOU! He’s a stronk BIPOC LGBTQ!

      • cyto

        Which is precisely the box he put them all in…. which is why I find it entertaining.

      • Atanarjuat

        Also, Leguizamx claimed in one of his specials to be half Jewish, so he is taking jobs from full Latinxes.

    • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

      As a true redhead, no woman should ever be allowed to dye her hair and usurp the beauty of my ancestors.

      They may seem crazy, but as they are not true gingers, they are only acting.

  8. Pat

    LONDON — Abortion rights opponents have long been stuck on the fringes of politics in much of Western Europe. The Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has many in the movement hoping that is about to change.

    Considering that the most liberal abortion laws in Europe are about the same as the Mississippi law that got Roe overturned, perhaps the pant-shitting panic is just slightly overstated.

    • cyto

      Several groups have adopted a brilliant strategy of asking pro-choice demonstrators about their opinions on what restrictions on abortion should be allowed.

      The gimmick is to get them to state a limit that is more restrictive than the laws they are protesting.

      Crowder was able to get several pro choice protesters to say that “obviously” abortion should be illegal if you can detect a heartbeat. (He cleverly contrasted this with others who were adamant that it was completely a woman’s choice up to and including during a full term labor, mere moments before delivery)

      Another meme I saw circulating was in Indiana where the 10 year old rape victim became a cause celeb. A group of young women angrily protesting in favor of Roe V Wade argued with a pro-life “reporter” and all agreed that abortion should be completely legal…. up to 6 to 8 weeks. They were stunned to learn the law they were protesting was much more lenient rhan that.

  9. rhywun

    Liverpool got off to an inauspicious start to the season, and I’m being generous.

    Second-place, here we come!

    • juris imprudent

      Or maybe Fulham doesn’t yo-yo.

  10. Nephilium

    It’s not just Texas, a couple of cities here in Ohio tried to sue Netflix for streaming fees. I seem to recall they argued that it fell under existing cable laws, because they didn’t understand technology, the laws they passed, nor the English language.

    • Tonio

      They’re going after streaming services now, but if this goes on we could see prog municipalities sending bills to people like “Daily Wire,” or even us.

      • cyto

        Cue “Tax Man”

      • AlexinCT

        The state HAS to pick the winners & losers…

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, skimming the Texas article I couldn’t help but think — YouTube channels definitely would fall under this interpretation, and if you stretch a bit… so would video teleconferencing, especially if the meetings are regularly scheduled.

  11. PieInTheSky

    Today in weird YouTube Recommends

    Being a “Foreigner” English Girl Born in Japan | Japanese is My Native Language! ft. Jazmine

    As someone who speaks no Japanese I got nothing

    • AlexinCT

      As someone that went to school with the locals wherever my dad was stationed, I till you that’s the best way to not only learn languages, but cultures…

    • straffinrun

      Huh. It’s more fun when I meet white people that only speak Japanese.

      • PieInTheSky

        how often does that happen?

      • PieInTheSky

        Also another question: would that chick be considered hot in Japan? would the average Japanese dude want to tap that?

      • straffinrun

        Rarely happens. She’s a cute girl to me. I’m sure some of the guys find her at least fetish type cute.

      • PieInTheSky

        isn’t fetishising non Japanese women problematic in Japan like fetishising asian women is in the US?

      • AlexinCT

        Are you asking if she makes all those noises Asian women do during sex despite the fact she is a a honkey?

      • Atanarjuat

        I hear that there is a huge demand for exotic (ie, blonde, redhead, Eastern European) prostitutes in various Asian countries.

      • Pope Jimbo

        When I was stationed in Okinawa in the late ’80s and Japan Inc was riding high, there was a big scandal involving two WM’s (women Marines). They were tall, blond and pretty good looking. They were also moonlighting as escorts for Japanese businessmen. The scuttlebutt was spit on whether they were just arm candy or were providing full services.

        In any event, they were caught because they were making so much doing that they forgot to cash their checks from the Marines. When they looked into how a couple non-rates were able to survive with no money they ran into the escort stuff. Both were court martialed and kicked out.

        One of them came back and kept escorting.

      • straffinrun

        What’s a fetish, honestly? I don’t think they even think about it in those terms.

      • Pat

        What’s a fetish, honestly?

        A fetish is when other people are sexually fascinated by things you find distasteful.

      • slumbrew

        Anything that’s not intrinsically sexual being an object of sexual arousal – e.g., glasses.

        Aw, yeah, glasses…

      • Lackadaisical

        By that definition, you would be an extremely strange person to have no fetishes. For example, only turned on by vaginas.

        I can’t think of many things intrinsically sexual besides the organs involved.

      • slumbrew

        Fine, fine: “a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.”

        “intrinsically” was overstating it.

      • slumbrew

        And still, “glasses”.

      • Lackadaisical


      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Fetish is a religious term, involving the worship of an object as opposed to a deity.

        Masks are a fetish, for example.

      • cyto

        At 6’1″, her options were going to be limited regardless.

        She’s dorky, but attractive. Bit then again, I am old enough that young and in shape puts you way over the line in any case.

      • Lackadaisical

        *looks around*

        There’s way to many fatties to have standards much higher than that. Especially once you add ‘is a decent human being’ into the mix.

      • Rat on a train

        I have cousins who are half Japanese. The ones that looked less Japanese were harassed when they attended school in Japan. Maybe things have changed over a couple decades.

      • Sensei


      • PieInTheSky

        No squiggly lines in the comments

  12. SDF-7

    Uh, who the hell cares? But yes, they were pretty obviously gay.

    I suppose that’s one extra benefit to living a very quiet life. The odds that some academic 100 years from now is going to tear through my life to try to figure out if I’m a secret bastion of The Message ™ [whatever that Message has become] is about the same as the Sun decided “Sod off you lot” and booking it to join the party at Alpha Centauri without the rest of the Solar System.

    • Pat

      I plan to write an autobiography filled with completely fabricated accounts of my own life such that even if some academic in future centuries, sufficiently motivated by the boredom of a post-scarcity technological singularity, were to become so painfully self-loathing as to investigate me, it would be impossible to discern fact from fiction.

      • Animal

        I plan to write an autobiography filled with completely fabricated accounts of my own life such that even if some academic in future centuries, sufficiently motivated by the boredom of a post-scarcity technological singularity, were to become so painfully self-loathing as to investigate me, it would be impossible to discern fact from fiction.


      • R.J.

        “I lost over 10,000 fully automatic machine guns in the Pacific Ocean when my yacht overturned. Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin both kept a level head and used the bilge pumps to right the massive 300 foot long ocean going yacht. Sadly, the velvet ceilings in the top most cabins were a total loss.
        What could we tell all the orphans? The machine guns were lost. They would be heartbroken…”

      • UnCivilServant

        “My plan to take over the government of Micronesia would have worked, if not for that that stray Egg McMuffin. I can’t go back.”

      • R.J.

        A collaboration beckons…

      • slumbrew

        Would read.

    • Tonio

      There is something to be said for erasure theory, the contention that by not acknowledging the existence of gay people throughout history that you in effect erase them and pretend that homosexuality is somehow a recent thing. It is inspiring to young people of whatever stripe to know that others like them existed and lead productive and admirable lives.

      But the pendulum often swings the other way in over-claiming historical figures as gay. The waters are further muddied by how gay people were accepted and defined at various points throughout history. Alexander of Macedon would probably be considered bisexual today, but sexual fluidity was more normative back then at least according to some sources. Lincoln? Hard to say. Oscar Wilde? Like a three-dollar bill.

      • AlexinCT


        I hear you. And maybe this a problem on my side, but I have never felt better/inspired because other people with some characteristic I might have, have accomplished things. Whether it is people claiming their race/gender/sexual preference/eye color did something, and thus they have value, baffles me. As an individual I have admired others that have accomplished things, but have only found satisfaction in MY OWN accomplishments/successes/failures.

      • cyto

        That wiring is what puts you in the weirdo libertarian camp.

      • Lackadaisical

        Exactly this.

        Even I, the perfect and only true libertarian sometimes feels a twinge of tribalism.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’ve never understood the attraction to organizations like the DAR, where they just sit around talking about how great their ancestors were.

        Of course it might have something to do with the fact that mine were mongrel hillbillies, but regardless…

      • Pat

        There can be a certain motivating factor in realizing that people with the same or similar limitations, capabilities, or characteristics as you were able to achieve things that you yourself might like to achieve. “If he could do it, I can do it” kind of thing. I’ve no idea what comfort any gay man in 2022 might possibly take from a couple of aristocratic finooks dying in the most famous shipwreck in history.

      • AlexinCT

        When I look at historical people that have accomplished great things, from “Alexander of Macedonia”, to “DaVinci”, to the Jewish guy that created a new religion, what I focus on is the characteristics that allowed them to be great. Those characteristics tend to be intelligence, drive, belief, perseverance, and the ability to see beyond what others accept as reality. It’s never their race, gender, sexual preference, or any other physical characteristic. I am sure one could make the case for seeing how a Greek like Alexander managed to overcome the various peoples of his time (and look at difference of their physical characteristics), but I think this exercise is one that leads you down the path to making all the wrong sort of conclusions.

        The key is always their individual characteristics. after all, if it was being a white guy or a gay guy that made them accomplish things, then nobody would accomplish anything as all white or gay guys would be trying to outcompete each other…

      • Pat

        I don’t disagree with your reasoning. Superficialities are rarely what makes someone successful or admirable. But narrative is an important part of human experience, and there’s value in being able to co-opt the narrative of someone similar to ourselves and use it to advance our own. So, as a random example, let’s say I’m a mid-level employee in my 40s and considering striking out as an entrepreneur for the first time. Reading biographies of business magnates who didn’t launch their own venture until later in life might be inspiring. Or somebody taking up an interest in, say, economics might take inspiration from Henry Hazlitt, who wrote a spectacularly famous treatise on economics despite having never formally studied the subject and having no college degree.

        That said, it’s easily taken too far, and as I mentioned, I have no clue whatsoever why two guys who may have gone down on the Titanic before it sank would hold any real narrative value to a gay man in modern society. Then again, it ain’t my narrative.

      • Atanarjuat

        Major Butt rose through the ranks in the military and excelled at being a party planner for two presidents. He was fairly impressive at what he did. The Titanic thing was just bad luck. He already had achieved notoriety, at least at the time.

      • SDF-7

        Not acknowledging the existence of gay people?

        Don’t y’all have all of Ancient Greece and a good chunk of Rome? I mean… come on — until the uptight Protestants entered the picture, y’all were behind the wheel for a lot of Western Civ! (Cue Dr. Demento playlist). 😉

      • straffinrun

        There never comes a time when everyone says “Alright, this is about where we want to be as a society. Y’all protesters can go home now.” It’s not a clear line when just activism turns into grifting. We’re getting close to where it’s obvious to most people that grifting is more likely.

      • SDF-7

        Queue Jordan Peterson lectures on the pendulum between the needed forces of Chaos (reformations) and Order (status quo / keeping what works) and how societies are screwed up when one side or the other is too strong…

      • straffinrun

        That’s why I’d join the Nazi party in 1946 and not today. Balance is important.

      • Pat

        You jest, but I’d unironically support a Bolshevik revolution at this point if I thought it was going to result in the mass murder of the current technocratic-managerial aristocracy. Freedom’s gone and not returning anyway, I want to see if king’s bleed blue.

      • Pat

        *kings even.

      • AlexinCT

        I wouldn’t be surprised that a lot of people that went along with the bolshevik shit did it just cause they wanted to punish those that fucked them over…

      • juris imprudent

        pretend that homosexuality is somehow a recent thing

        Sure, if we ignore the Greeks entirely.

      • Not Adahn

        Oscar Wilde? Like a three-dollar bill.

        I read on the internet that Wilde was the originator of the limp wristed, lisping, flaming style of gayhood.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        Also, the way society reacted to much of this was different back in the day. Marriage was a financial transaction, men often went whoring, sodomy was illegal no matter the sex, etc. Same-sex partnerships were just not a thing, no matter the proclivities of people. Hence the old term “long term male companion” when there was most likely romance involved.

    • Atanarjuat

      Huh-huh, “Major Butt”.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Clean energy may require a compromise or two

    More crucially, the bill includes requirements for domestic manufacturing of EVs and their battery components to qualify for the extended credit. As written, the law requires that 40% of battery components be sourced from factories in the U.S. or its free-trade agreement partners; that batteries be U.S. made by 2029; and that Chinese components and minerals be phased out beginning in 2024.

    Right now, it is not clear if any U.S. battery plant can meet the law’s requirements. To keep the credits flowing once the law takes effect next year, the Biden administration will have to waive some provisions of the soon-to-be-approved law.

    One unexpected effect of the law will be to highlight a comment Tesla CEO Elon Musk made on the EV maker’s most recent conference call, and has made before, that coming demand for EVs will make the next half-decade a great time to be an entrepreneur mining or refining the lithium that powers electric vehicle batteries. The law’s buy-American provisions will only add to those pressures.

    “It is basically like minting money right now. There’s, like, software margins in lithium processing right now,” Musk said on the recent earnings call. “So I would really like to encourage, once again, entrepreneurs to enter the lithium refining business. You can’t lose.”

    Just don’t try to mine in America.

    • Pat

      Feature, not a bug. The waivers will go to political cronies. Plus 10% for the Big Guy.

    • AlexinCT

      The reality is that no matter what the idiots spout, the ONLY existing “green” tech that can return more value and green energy than it will cost to set up and use, is nuclear. Solar and wind are nothing but marginal rackets that allow these people to steal trillions of dollars from the productive and the individuals in order to enrich themselves and to buy allegiance from those that can not exist without their wealth transfer rackets.

      And while the hucksters have realized that those of us pointing out the AGW racket is not to be taken seriously – as long as the very people peddling the end of the world also continue to completely dismiss the only true green tech that can meet energy requirements for a prosperous and growing society (nukular) that address the concerns they claim to be driven by, to block those of us that make that argument, have started giving lip service to nuclear energy being part of the solution – they are not really doing much to actually make us green energy sufficient.

      Battery tech of today, and of the far away future, will NOT solve the problem because of the scale involved.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        It’s a lesson that most people feel compelled to learn the hard way.

        Unfortunately we’re in the same boat with them.

      • The Other Kevin

        I did research recently and found out how mining lithium and the other metals needed for batteries are TERRIBLE for the environment and the people doing the mining. It’s the ultimate NIMBY situation with a big side dish of cronies gettin’ rich.

      • Lackadaisical

        I mean, hydro is awesome too, from a cost benefit standpoint, and carbon emissions…

      • AlexinCT

        From what I understand most viable hydro projects have already been done, so this is not going to do much (unless they start creating massive underwater plants to do tides in the ocean next)….

      • Lackadaisical

        Not true, certainly many of the best does are already constructed and in use. But, There are some projects existing with spots for turbines that have never been hooked up. Many are being dismantled. The environ nuts simply won’t let any more be built.

    • Brawndo

      Clean energy requires nuclear.


  14. Not Adahn

    Cale has been disappointing me for three decades now.

    • PieInTheSky

      I thought it was spelled kale

      • Not Adahn

        If you write it out longhand, it’s “completely unable to win a national championship though that undoubtedly has somewhat to do with the sacking of Switzer.”

  15. The Late P Brooks

    More reliance on renewables should also benefit rate payers, since new wind-electricity plants are now much cheaper than new plants that burn coal or natural gas, according to the investment bank Lazard. In some cases, a new wind plant with existing tax subsidies can be cheaper than even continuing to run a coal plant that’s already in use, Lazard said.


    • Grosspatzer

      a new wind plant with existing tax subsidies can be cheaper

      LOL. It’s always cheaper when you get someone else to pay for it.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s easy for government to play accounting games and use gimmicks to claim whatever bullshit they need to convince the majority of the sheep that are too stupid to see through the racket being sold…

        See the bill they passed the other day, which was comically named something about stopping/tackling inflation, and that will do nothing of that, but will actually make things worse right after it manages to create the pretense – just long enough – for them to claim victory for an election cycle….

      • Rat on a train

        It says “inflation reduction” right in the title. There is a law or at least a rule that prevents lies in titles, right?

      • mindyourbusiness

        See, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you” rule…

      • dbleagle

        “Without even the courtesy of a reach around.”

    • cyto

      Also, much less useful, seeing as how we have no meaningful grid level storage to balance the load with supply.

    • Rat on a train

      a new wind plant with existing tax subsidies can be cheaper than even continuing to run a coal plant that’s already in use

      If the government took money from other people and gave it to me, it would be cheaper for me to buy a new car every year than keep my existing car.

    • rhywun

      Someone might want to ask why German electric bills have tripled, then.

  16. Drake

    Pretty cool that Anne Heche can drunk drive a manual transmission.

    • AlexinCT

      And play Grand Theft 7 at the same time?

    • PieInTheSky

      Like all Romanians in my day I learned and drove my first years with a manual transmission, but have used an automatic for the last 10… But it comes back rpetty fast, I drove a friends car with a manual and in a couple of minutes I got used to it.

      • AlexinCT

        Manual transmission = “you drive the car”…

        Automatic transmission = “the car drives your sorry ass”…

        I hate how hard it is to get a manual transmission today..

        Now, fight me!

      • PieInTheSky

        My friend who bought a ford f150 waited 2 extra months for one with manual. Apparently all the ones at Europe dealers were automatic and they brought him one from South Africa.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sure, just not well apparently.

      • cyto

        Chick hit a house. That takes some doing.

        Could have walked away unscathed (excepting legal consequences), but decided to drive to the scene of the second accident.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      She’s lookin’ rough.

      But I guess being a Hollywood nutbag will do that to you.

    • Sensei

      I zoomed in – I think that’s an automatic.

      • Drake

        Oh no!

  17. PieInTheSky

    I watched a few episodes of sandman. I did not read the graphic novel / comic / whatever. The show seems OK overall though the Hell episode looked cheesy as fuck.

    • cyto

      Someone recommended “warrior”, a series by Bruce Lee’s daughter billed as what his version of Kung Fu would have looked like. One episode in, it is a bit heavy handed with the racist tropes, but probably not that far off for a movie about mass Chinese immigration in the old west.

  18. Not Adahn

    “I’m sorry that you had this tragic thing happen to you and I’m sending you all my love, OK?”

    Holy shit, he actually said it.

    • cyto

      Interesting canard from my own biases about the media…. I didn’t notice any reporting in that article about the races of any of the individuals in the two groups or the police.

      Seems odd in this day and age where that is often the first fact reported.

      • Pat

        Probably roving youths or something.

    • Nephilium

      That’s why it’s better to stay out of the south part of the state. The media is just trying to scare us about micro-plastics.

      • Pat

        I thought drinking through paper straws and paying 10 cents a bag at the grocery store had solved the plastipocalypse.

      • Nephilium

        Our stores are still allowed to use plastic bags. One chain decided to do away with them in one county for reasons.

      • cyto

        We still have a plastic straw ban. I don’t know what changed, but most restaurants and convenience stores are co oletely ignoring it now.

      • Grummun

        There’s a reason I-70 is called “The Hick Line.”

        :: looks out south-facing window at interstate ::

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Proponents of the buyback tax, like Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, argue that companies can put their cash to work investing more in plants and higher salaries. Opponents say it will hurt returns of retirement plans and pension funds.

    Listen to Bernie. He knows what he’s talking about. Just look at his track record of success in the world of entrepreneurship and corporate governance.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’ve got no issue with buybacks.

      I do have an issue with the Fed underwriting the behavior.

    • Rat on a train

      You can’t judge Bernie like that. He is an everyman living the life of a blue collar worker.

      • juris imprudent

        Kicked out of the commune for being all talk and no work – real blue collar.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    I plan to write an autobiography filled with completely fabricated accounts of my own life such that even if some academic in future centuries, sufficiently motivated by the boredom of a post-scarcity technological singularity, were to become so painfully self-loathing as to investigate me, it would be impossible to discern fact from fiction.

    Pat is Commander McBragg

    • Gustave Lytton

      Wasn’t this already done by Tristan Shandy?

  21. Cowboy

    Bom dia,

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, I can’t keep up with those threads. My son decided it was time to start walking.he took a few tentstive steps last week, but Saturday just jumped right up said “Today’s the day!” And now he’s like a little giggly drunk perosn stumbling around the house. Need to redouble the childproofing efforts.

    To stay on topic: yes, who cares if they were gay. But the article on Butt and Millett was interesting anyway. Sometimes it’s interesting to learn about the smaller cogs in history

    • Rat on a train

      who cares if they were gay
      Everyone should care. History only matters if you can show the people involved were just like you. That is why we need more research into things like penis/cup size of historic figures, hair color/style/baldness, …

      • cyto

        I think we need to stage historic reenactments on college campuses, featuring young coeds demonstrating their bravery in communing with their oppressed Sapphic sisters of history.

      • SDF-7

        Look, Shakespeare just had a really high forehead! (Hat tip to The Upstart Crow where this is a running gag, but I couldn’t find a specific video link. Funny show if you’re looking for a Blackadder-ish bit of British Comedy).

    • Atanarjuat

      Now (or soon) you can do fun stuff with your son like hide and seek and playing catch and tag instead of just caring for him.

    • Lackadaisical

      Spend as much time with your son as you can afford to. Really the best time of your life. So magical.

    • slumbrew

      Dawww. Good doggo.

      Clinton is right next to my MIL’s – I’ll have to keep an eye out.

    • Tundra

      So sweet.

      We had our GSD for six years before my son was born. She was exactly like that with him. He could pull her ears, take away her toys and she just loved him.

      Cool video – thanks Holiness!

  22. PieInTheSky

    The Acid Story with Curtis Yarvin | The Tim Dillon Show

    Tim entertains me but even he could not make Yarvin that much less boring

    • straffinrun

      That was a good interview. Tim isn’t the dummy he sometimes portrays.

      • PieInTheSky

        I never seen Tim as a dummy, or portraying one except maybe very rarerly, though I doubt we agree on politiks.

      • straffinrun

        At least his politics seem to be his own. He’s no NPC for either party.

      • PieInTheSky


      • PieInTheSky

        and he seems to have no fear of being canceled. Which is good for comedy.

    • Atanarjuat

      Yep. You don’t sling hundreds of billions around without enriching somebody.

  23. Pat

    Why Are Media Ignoring This Muslim Mayor’s Racism And Alleged Election Fraud In Michigan?

    The mayor of Hamtramck, Michigan, Ameer Haiderah Ghalib, was recently exposed for mocking black political demonstrations and endorsing comments that referred to African Americans as “animal” and “inhuman.” He also accused Arab world leaders of being secret Jews and “liked” a Facebook post calling Jews “monkeys” who tax “the air we breathe.”

    Ghalib, the first Muslim mayor in Hamtramck’s 100-year history, even admitted to committing a potential case of voter fraud by filling out absentee ballots for about 20 families during the 2020 presidential primary. Both the FBI and the Michigan secretary of state’s office have looked into the allegation.

    Yet, in the era of “cancel culture,” when activist reporters have all but abandoned investigative reporting in favor of opinionated call-outs, not a column inch has been devoted to documenting the misdeeds of an internationally known public official. Black political activists have failed to march a single city block in opposition to Ghalib’s anti-black racism, and Jewish rights organizations are silent in the face of antisemitic dog whistles.

    Ghalib’s ability to escape consequences for statements that would ruin another elected official — or for that matter, a private citizen — is indicative of a broader societal trend that privileges Islamists and lets them off the hook for bad behavior.

    • PieInTheSky

      Islam is anti-racist so no Muslim can be racist. Also Muslims are oppressed and as such they cannot be the oppressors and only the oppressors can be racists.

      • juris imprudent

        Dhimmis agree!

    • Q Continuum

      “a broader societal trend that privileges Islamists Democrats and lets them off the hook for bad behavior”


    • rhywun

      The Sooners should hire that guy.

      • Not Adahn

        OU can be kinda twitchy about such things.

  24. Atanarjuat

    When schools in one North Carolina county reopen later this month, new security measures will include stocking AR-15 rifles for school resource officers to use in the event of an active shooter.

    The problem here is the SRO. We’ve seen them cower and refuse to engage in other school shootings.

    • juris imprudent

      SRO: “I signed up for this to bully kids and enjoy looking at young tail.”

    • R.J.

      You would have to make it to the locker, get the guns and the defend. Anyone doing that is not already actively engaged and has no major impetus to engage.Armed teachers is the best solution. They are engaged and prepped to defend immediately.

  25. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’
    whats goody

    • Atanarjuat

      Ladies, quit graffiting yourselves. You are starting to look a men’s room wall.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Went to Kings Dominion this weekend. I think I’ve seen Juggalos that were more tasteful and refined than the average attendee there.

      • Rat on a train

        If you want class you go to Busch Gardens.

      • whiz

        Call 555-6969 for a good time.

      • Animal

        Call BR-549 for a good used truck.

      • Lackadaisical

        Sometimes the men’s room wall is appointed more artistically.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    The death of rationality is upon us

    Cale Gundy, a fixture on the Oklahoma sideline and the longest-tenured football coach in the Big 12, resigned Sunday night, saying that he read aloud “a word that I should never — under any circumstance — have uttered” off the screen of a player’s iPad during a film session last week.

    He said he noticed that a player, who was supposed to be taking notes during a film session, was distracted and said he picked up the player’s iPad and read the words on the screen, including the unspecified term.

    “The unfortunate reality is that someone in my position can cause harm without ever meaning to do so,” Gundy wrote in a statement posted to his Twitter account. “In that circumstance, a man of character accepts accountability. I take responsibility for this mistake. I apologize.”

    Gundy said that in the moment he “did not even realize” what he was reading and, as soon as he did, “I was horrified.”

    “I want to be very clear: the words I read aloud from that screen were not my words. What I said was not malicious; it wasn’t even intentional,” Gundy wrote. “Still, I am mature enough to know that the word I said was shameful and hurtful, no matter my intentions.”

    The world has been taken over by conjure-women.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


      This happened in Oklahoma? JFC, we’re doomed.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        The long arm of the NCAA.

      • Not Adahn

        OU has been firmly proggie since I went there at least.

        I shared an office with the Womyns Student Association and learned about how the science was settled — only lesbians could be true feminists. There were raging debates still about whether penetrative sex was allowed (replica phalluses were obviously verboten but some lesbians still believed that dolphin shaped, or other tools for stimulating the vagina were acceptable) and whether or not male fetuses should be aborted.

    • Rat on a train

      a word that I should never — under any circumstance — have uttered
      Everyone who heard the word is forever tainted. We can’t rid the world of the word as long as one person knows it.

      • juris imprudent

        You can’t rid the world of it when a subset of the population has a free pass on it’s usage in many contexts.

      • Tres Cool

        Oh, some of the employees at work are unable to form a single sentence w/o using “nigga” 2 or 3 times.

      • juris imprudent

        About like the Irish use “fuck”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Capping a long and illustrious career with a spineless apology that did not need to be given is no way to go out.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Curious if this word is so vile…why isn’t the player also apologizing for having it appear?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        That’s racist.

  27. Atanarjuat

    They bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into.

    I’ve been to various beach towns on the east coast, gulf coast, and whatever coast Cartagena Colombia is. The beach in that picture of Hainan Island looks like for a place that is heavily developed they did a great job preserving it and adjacent green space.

  28. Rufus the Monocled

    129 comments in.


    • AlexinCT

      Meetings in the morning so I can multi task when working from home… Actual work in the PM, so not able to do this..

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Why are you defending yourself to a glorified sock?

      • AlexinCT

        Cause I feel for the Rufus!

      • Rufus the Monocled

        Feel the Roof.

      • Tres Cool

        You know who really enjoys fisting?
        Sock puppets.

    • Atanarjuat

      Yeah, at 10pm tonight.

    • slumbrew

      Training class from 10-5 every day this week…

      • slumbrew

        Gah, 10-6.

        This better end early.

    • whiz

      Some of us old geezers are retired.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    First-year Sooners head coach Brent Venables, who served as an assistant alongside Gundy from 1999 to 2011 in Norman, issued a corresponding statement Sunday night.

    “It’s with sadness that I accept Coach Gundy’s resignation. He’s dedicated more than half his life to Oklahoma Football and has served our program and university well,” Venables said. “We’re thankful for that commitment. We also acknowledge that in stepping aside he’s placed the program and the welfare of our student-athletes first. In coaching and in life, we’re all accountable for our actions and the resulting outcomes.”

    Speaking of fetishistic degeneracy…

    • juris imprudent

      And Coach, what of the player who wrote that infamous word on his iPad? Where is the accountability for him?

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      913…The year that led to today’s economic torture

      William the Conqueror had the opportunity to rid us of them, but he failed.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      913? I knew those damned Medieval English had something to do with it.

    • juris imprudent

      The third Bank of the United States? Why didn’t the first two cause our demise?

      • Pat

        Because the rest of the founding fathers were wise enough to time-limit their charters while placating the monarchy-worshiping aristocrat manque Hamilton.

      • juris imprudent

        True enough for the First [oh how the Bro must weep], but Hamilton was stone cold by the time of the Second.

      • Pat

        True, but the expiring charter held over in the subsequent iterations. If only every other law passed by congress had a built-in sunset provision. A glib can dream.

  30. Lackadaisical

    ‘Somebody quit their job for reading a word out loud.’

    This is the dumbest shit ever. Everyone knows what the coach was doing- trying to embarrass the kids into paying attention, like teachers have done for millennia. Someone needs to yell the word that cannot be named a bunch of times and just really desensitize society or something. Almost as ridiculous as that life of Brian scene where they stone the priest for saying Jehovah.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It’s retarded. Oops…

      • Rat on a train

        Don’t be a spaz.

    • Drake

      Coach Ron Burgundy.

    • Nephilium

      Just make the team watch Blazing Saddles.

      • Rat on a train

        The quarterback is near.

    • Necron 99

      Michael Richards would like a word…

  31. The Late P Brooks

    What happened to the kid whose ipad Gundy was reading off of?

    Was he kicked off the team? Expelled from school? Did he get a passing grade on his Huckleberry Finn book report?

    • Drake

      Only one race of heretics get hurled into the void for any transgression.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      He’s in recovery, still trying to shake that incident off.

      He’ll probably never be the same after hearing it out loud.

  32. Lackadaisical

    ‘I like the cut of this guy’s jib.’

    Won’t it be harder for the school resource officers to run away from the shooter if they have to carry a rifle while they do it?

    • Atanarjuat

      Wait, I’ve got it. When the shooting is over and parents start to ask where was the SRO while it was going down, he can say “I was fiddling with the safe, it wouldn’t open. We need more funding.”

      • Sensei


        The convoluted process which registers each SRO’s fingerprint to the safe via six government employees wasn’t followed correctly.

        The solution will be adding more funding and another three people to the process to ensure proper compliance.

  33. The Other Kevin

    I love both those song, but damn that second one is so great. I love the lyrics, it has such a great story behind it.

  34. Lackadaisical

    ‘Wait, it’s the other guy trying to overthrow what now? You do realize your job and oath is to carry out the duties of your job and prosecute people, don’t you?’

    Typical progjection.

    Also, that evil clerk who wouldn’t record gay marriages should rot in jail for not going her job, but this guy is a hero.

  35. Pat

    The scapegoating of Alex Jones

    It is 60 years since Richard Hofstadter wrote his seminal essay, ‘The Paranoid Style in American Politics’, which explored conspiratorial thinking through the ages, from the anti-Catholic movement of the 1830s to anti-Communism in the 1950s. Since then, conspiracism has moved from the fringes into the heart of public life. No longer just ‘marginal beliefs’, conspiracy theories have become the means through which significant numbers of Americans try to understand ‘how the world works’, argues Robert Goldberg. This isn’t down to Jones’ supposed allure. Rather, it reflects a crisis of authority in modern society, where there has been a hollowing out of trust, reason and the very idea of truth, leading people to search for meaning elsewhere. Often in the shadows.

    One of the key contributors to the fall of epistemic authority has been postmodernism. As one analyst of conspiracism puts it, postmodernism’s relentless onslaught on the ‘totalising metanarratives’ of history and politics has led to a ‘decimating [of the] unified frame from which to interpret meaning’. In short, the more that history, knowledge and the idea of universal truth have been dismantled, dismissed as white-supremacist impositions on society, the more people feel compelled to doubt everything they are told and to invent their own narratives about why things happen.

    Alex Jones is not some all-powerful conspiracist leading the charge against truth and reason – he is an opportunist making money in the rubble of truth and reason left behind by Anglo-American society’s turn against Enlightenment values.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If any kind of precedent is being set by the way Jones’ trial was handled then we’re all well and truly screwed. The court took accepted jurisprudence and procedure and standards of evidence and tossed them out the window.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s obvious that no conservative will get justice in D.C. that court system was also weaponized so the crooks could use the law to destroy their enemies and provide cover for their own criminality.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Hell, they took established First Amendment protections and threw it in the shredder. Denying established narratives is grounds for being sued. Or eventually prosecuted. Gee, I wonder why they would want to do that…

    • AlexinCT

      The left’s tactic is to destroy anyone that is seen as problematic or annoying to their agenda. Sending people to camps would give them away, so now they just use the institutions to basically make someone an untouchable homeless fuck.

    • Rat on a train

      I call fake. We all know Trump’s toilets are solid gold.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Oh give me a fucking break.

      Only the true believers are going to buy that bullshit, but they’ll buy in whole hog.

      • juris imprudent

        Hell, they’re eating tofu believing it is pork.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo


    • R.J.

      Clearly not fabricated. Jesus. Also I agree -I see no poop knife. And Donald’s toilet would not be that plain. That’s a prefab house toilet. Not one designed to take fat executive logs.

  36. Count Potato

    “Moment group of teens crash a stolen car and run off Minnesota highway after ‘How to Hotwire’ TikTok trend showed users how to steal new Kia and Hyundai models with a single USB cable”

    “Rape charities demand TikTok bans millionaire British ex-Big Brother influencer, 35, who is racking up millions of views for his ‘misogynistic’ ‘rape culture’ videos”

    China’s plans to destroy Western civilization seem to be going well.

    • Tres Cool

      “Rape Charity”… name or album name?

    • Rat on a train

      Moment group of teens crash a stolen car and run off
      Look at the poor physical fitness of today’s youth.

    • PieInTheSky

      Andrew Tate is being recommended everywhere. Plays the asshole well enough. Lives in Romania apparently where he owns shitty casinos and onlyfans girls, allegedly. Of course a lot of what he says is nonsense but seems entertaining enough to spread in short form, on tiktok or youtube shorts.

    • Atanarjuat

      I wonder what the rape charities demanded of the Rotherham police.

    • Atanarjuat

      Although he raped my eyeballs with those leopard print slippers so maybe they’re right.

    • Drake

      What was that cop tossing onto the highway? He didn’t throw a spike strip onto a busy highway I hope.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’ve got no issue with shooting car thieves.

    • Atanarjuat

      “The army shouldn’t be an all-inclusive club”

      Wow, that’s truly beyond the pale. Cancel him.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Minnesoda video:

      Those darn kids! We should talk to the elders of the Lutheran churches around here about how their kids are behaving poorly.

      At what point is it not racist to point out that every single video of this out of control crime shit in Minnesoda contains not a single person of Norwegian descent?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Pope Jimbo


        I don’t think the people that are running the Outrage Mob right now have thought through how this could end up. If you keep gaslighting everyone at some point you are going to have a reverse George Floyd moment.

        Some kindly grandma is going to get killed during a car jacking on video and a real mob will form and decide to take justice in their own hands. Unfortunately, I doubt Ben Crump will be one of the people swept up by that mob.

  37. Tres Cool

    “John Leguizamo is taking to social media to slam Hollywood executives for casting James Franco as the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.”

    Wait till he finds out that Che Guevara was Irish.

  38. robc

    Daily Quordle 196

    The 7/8 were out of nowhere guesses.

    • SDF-7

      Daily Quordle 196

    • Grosspatzer

      Daily Quordle 196

    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 196

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 196

      Started out decent, quickly went to shit.

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 196

    • JG43

      Daily Quordle 196

    • Grummun

      7 3
      8 5

  39. Ownbestenemy

    First day of senior year for the teens. They actually made it out the door on time on day one.

    • Rat on a train

      First day is Wednesday here. I am looking forward to a quiet house, if the cats cooperate.

  40. Tundra

    Good morning, Sloop!

    Excellent song choices this morning. For stinky commies, they were so damn good!

  41. The Other Kevin

    The left was super excited about Kansas. Then Indiana said “Hold my beer.”

    So I read into this, and yes, Indiana just banned all abortions except for rape/incest/life of the mother in danger. To me this seems like an overreach, but with other nearby states have basically no restrictions, it might just even out in the wash. It remains to be seen if this will hurt the Republicans.

    • Rat on a train

      Well, Eli Lilly said it will now have to expand outside Indiana. Apparently there are a lot of employees who care more for abortion than cost of living or other issues.

      • The Other Kevin

        Big companies encouraging their employees to not have children seems like a bad look to me.

      • Lackadaisical

        No, it’s completely liberating. Also definitely helps the bottom line with all this mandatory maternity leave stuff.

      • Rat on a train

        Keep it quiet. It is an opportunity to virtue signal and save money.

    • Nephilium

      I blame the news stories about the girl from Ohio that came out right after the decision.

      Here in Ohio, one state legislator introduced a bill banning all abortion, no exception. It’s ded in committee. Meanwhile, local news is talking up an initiative for a state constitutional amendment allowing “reproductive freedom”. I think they’re over-weighing their support on that.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    In coaching and in life, we’re all accountable for our actions and the resulting outcomes.

    “We wear the chains we forged in life.”

    You’ll get yours.

  43. Pope Jimbo

    Another group of “experts” that have yet to prove that they are in fact worthy of that title

    Most of the walleyes — 15 in all were caught in this net — are 12- or 13-inches long, just as Kubeny predicted. But there is one much bigger, fatter walleye that stands out. Kubeny chuckles when someone remarks that the fish is huge.

    “I’m going to say it’s 25 inches long and weighs five pounds,” Kubeny said, indicating his belief it’s a nice walleye but not “huge.”

    Schalekamp takes the measurements and declares the walleye to be 26 inches long and a bit over five pounds. Not a bad observation by Kubeny.

    “I’ve handled tens of thousands of fish,” he said.

    My father was an exceptional fisherman. He would have been embarrassed to be that far off an estimate.

    It also irritates me that these yahoos have equated quantity of fish with quality. Here in Minnesoda they have decided that the reason that the panfish are getting so small is because of overfishing. So they keep reducing limits. The fish keep getting smaller. My dad would go on hourlong rants about how dumb the DNR was. The problem – according to him – was the fish were being stunted because there were too many of them.

    He would tell you the size started going down when they first cracked down on the possession limit. Basically now, you can’t keep more than the daily limit. That effectively ended people from Indiana, the Dakotas and Illinois driving to Minnesoda and fishing for panfish. Once they couldn’t bring home a cooler full of filets, it didn’t make sense to buy an out of state license and rent a hotel room.

    Without that pressure, the fish population exploded and there isn’t enough food for them to all grow big. The DNR can’t seem to look at their graphs/surveys and notice that no matter how much they restrict the limit the fish get smaller.

    • slumbrew

      That’s the most Midwest complaint I have ever read.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Well it is quite the deal and a guy has to say something.

        I was back in my hometown fishing this weekend and it made me think of the Old Guy. Told the Altar Boy and his girlfriend a lot of stories about him. Then I read this story and it was too much to handle.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The DNR knows, but since they’re probably staffed with anti-human environuts….

  44. Tres Cool

    Lizzo really takes the wrinkles out of my love-sausage.

    • slumbrew

      I’m not clicking that.

    • AlexinCT

      Glad you are doing that work for the rest of us Tres… There ain’t enough viagra in the world to make me want to do that…

      • Tres Cool

        Take enough dick-pills and sometimes you don’t have a choice.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Meh…zip lock bag and some petroleum jelly is still a better choice

  45. hayeksplosives


    Still haven’t heard a word back about the internal job application.

    The hiring manager did pre-apologize about the fact that HR is going slower than a sloth, but I still have some disappoint.

    Meh. Hoped to have an offer by now!!!

    • AlexinCT

      I heard from my company’s HR – we had been doing a lot of hiring of technical talent to replace offshore people we are letting go – that hiring is going to be seriously slow walked…

      I bet they know the coming recessionary economic problems might actually lead to layoffs…

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’ve had 3 open technician spots for months….HR on my end is also at a halt. Funny thing is, one is an internal reassignment in which both myself and the losing manager agree for the move and yet…nothing.

    • Lackadaisical

      If like my old job, you’ll hear back in 5 months after you’ve already taken something else.

      • Tres Cool

        Feature, not bug.

    • Pat

      Could be worse. At least your HR rep isn’t this nutcase

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • AlexinCT

        Tres would do that…

      • Tres Cool

        Nope. It would be safer entering a Fukishima reactor than going into her. Those prozac/caffeine googly cookie-monster eyes and the whispering, preaching voice….too much Kathy Bates in “Misery”.

      • Tres Cool

        Oh, and she’s Canadian. No way.

    • PieInTheSky

      I am sure whomever that is can at least link properly

      • slumbrew

        At least you don’t have to worry about sugar with that link.

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Hayek- you should name the new cat Houdini.

    • Lackadaisical

      Saw a kitten squished on the road today. 🙁

      • Gender Traitor

        That’s why our boys are strictly indoor kittehs. I’m not morally opposed to letting cats outside, especially in quiet, not-heavily-traveled areas, but we’re much too close to a major thoroughfare. 😢😿

      • Lackadaisical

        There are lots of outdoor cats here and the street isn’t particularly busy, this was a very young kitten. Reminded me of my one and only cat that I raised from a few days old, even had similar coloring.

  47. DEG

    The idea of having AR-15s in schools does not sit well with Dorothy Espelage, a UNC Chapel Hill professor in the School of Education who has conducted decades of study and research on school safety and student well-being.

    Oh no.

    Moving on.

    • Tres Cool

      Her people are more prone to AK-47 anyhow.

    • R.J.

      If you fully train the students in marksmanship there will be no problems. The first step was to try and (successfully) divorce several generations from common practices like gun safety and marksmanship. It then made guns an unknown, something to fear. Reintroduce marksmanship beginning in Junior High!

      • Tres Cool

        While marksmanship was never part of the curricula at my school, I did take my Hunters Safety Course class in the school. Given by the shop teacher.
        Marksmanship was part of Boy Scouts.

  48. The Other Kevin

    Minor complaint on that last video. It cuts off the best part:

    The new groups, are not concerned
    With what there is to be learned
    They got Burton suits, huh
    They think it’s funny
    Turning rebellion into money

    All over, people are changing their votes
    Along with their overcoats
    If Adolf Hitler flew in today
    They’d send a limousine anyway

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      That must have been how they used all the sugar that they removed from their nasty ass version of Coke.

    • Rat on a train

      I prefer American cats.

    • Lackadaisical

      I assume this links to a collage of car butts. Did not click.

      • Ownbestenemy

        You have a fear of trunks?

      • Lackadaisical

        Yeah, one day I will proofread before hitting ‘post comment’ instead of after. Don’t hold your breath though.

      • juris imprudent

        That will be the day after we get an edit button.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m skipping too. Car butts are exhausting.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      My cat doesn’t even have a passport.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      For you to not support that child, the child would be harmed.

      Hundred bucks says she supports abortion on demand into the third trimester or beyond.

      • AlexinCT

        If a woman gets to make the only choice about her body’s occupancy, why can’t the guy make that same argument about his financials?

      • Pope Jimbo

        My bank account my choice!

    • Rat on a train

      Collectivism means individuals are expendable.

    • Lackadaisical

      Taking my money and time through fraud isn’t harmful? Bullshit.

      Also, not helping is hurting? Fuck off on all counts.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s she meant it applies to other people’s money… not hers…

  49. PieInTheSky

    Matthew Yglesias
    I guess some people are going to be disappointed when it turns out the world adopts enough policy to keep climate change to survivable levels without radically overthrowing capitalism or abandoning economic growth, but personally I think it’s good.

    Democratic Socialist now and forever
    Replying to
    Capitalism is still a bad system that should be shifted a Social Democratic / les s market oriented one at that

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Dumb and Dumber III, Revenge of the Sadbeards

    • Pope Jimbo

      keep climate change to survivable levels

      So just like the Rona?

      No matter what happens you will claim that your solutions to a non-critical “emergency” were totes effective. As people pull up study after study that show that your interventions made things worse, you will scream “IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE WITHOUT OUR POLICIES!!!! WHY DON’T YOU LOVE US?”

  50. Scruffy Nerfherder

    The problem with browsing anonymously on Youtube is constant bombardment with that ridiculous Mr Beast open mouthed soyboy smile shit.

    • Pat

      Use Freetube on desktop; Libretube on mobile.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        *navigates to*


      • Pat

        Freetube is an electron-based desktop program. It basically runs an alternative, privacy-respecting front-end to the YouTube backend (or Invidious API) in a sandboxed chromium instance.

      • slumbrew


        Without even looking, I’m gonna guess ‘’ might be of interest to a certain subset of Glibs.

      • juris imprudent

        Hamster fans?

      • AlexinCT


      • Tres Cool

        Fat chicks?

      • slumbrew

        I suppose “one person” counts as a subset.

  51. PieInTheSky

    Elizabeth Nolan Brown
    I tried to keep an open mind about the LP under new leadership, but I think, uh, endorsing McCarthyism is officially where I sign off

    I mean that Lindsay fella seem dubious

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      The LP says thank you for the free advertising Liz.

    • Lackadaisical

      There is no way she tried to keep an open mind. She’s just afraid they’ll find proof she’s a commie and then she’d have to get a real job.

      • Atanarjuat

        Last time she butted heads with libertarians on Twitter I responded with a screenshot of her talking about sucking dick for money. Those less familiar with Reason hadn’t heard about that particular episode and were greatly amused.

      • PieInTheSky


      • PieInTheSky

        but honestly I do not see how that is relevant in a debate on different topics

      • AlexinCT

        Sucking dick is ALWAYS relevant, Pie…

      • PieInTheSky

        It seems to me to be a lack of argument to bring it up unrelated. Also maybe she was good at it we dont know.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Stick to writing about deviant sex work Liz.

    • MikeS

      Good. Now she’ll have more time for sammich making.

  52. The Late P Brooks

    Muh boondoggle!

    A group representing General Motors (GM.N), Toyota Motor (7203.T), Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE) and other major automakers said a $430 billion bill approved Sunday by the U.S. Senate will put achieving U.S. electric-vehicle adoption targets for 2030 in jeopardy.

    “Unfortunately, the EV tax credit requirements will make most vehicles immediately ineligible for the incentive,” said the Alliance for Automotive Innovation’s chief executive, John Bozzella, adding the bill “will also jeopardize our collective target of 40-50% electric vehicle sales by 2030.”

    The group had warned Friday that most EV models would not qualify for a $7,500 tax credit for U.S. buyers under the bill.

    To be eligible for the credit, vehicles must be assembled in North America, which would make some current EVs ineligible as soon as the bill takes effect.

    The Senate bill imposes other restrictions to deter automakers from using Chinese-made materials by phasing in required percentages of North American-sourced battery components. After 2023, vehicles with batteries that have Chinese components could not receive the credit, while critical minerals also face limitations on sourcing.

    Subsidize harder!

    • UnCivilServant

      40-50% EV sales by 2030 was impossible with or without subsidies. People don’t want them, the infrastructure isn’t there, and the materials don’t exist to make them

      • MikeS

        Well, yeah. But except for all that it’s gonna work out great!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        You can get there if you block sales of regular cars.

      • UnCivilServant

        So total sales will go down to near zero. Layoffs, downsizing and nationalization into the brand new American Motors it is.

      • Cowboy

        “I sure wish AMX would come back.”

        *monkeys paw curls*

      • R.J.

        We all wish that. Just not as a soulless electric zombie.

      • slumbrew

        Pacers for everyone!

  53. PieInTheSky

    Musician Roger Waters: “They’re not encircling Taiwan, Taiwan is part of China, and that’s been absolutely accepted by the whole of the international community since 1948, and if you don’t know that, you’re not reading enough. Go and read about it.”

    • MikeS


    • Pat

      There’s another event that took place in 1948, recognized by the entire international community, that this senile old bitch doesn’t mind forgetting.

      • UnCivilServant

        What’s Israeli independance got to do with the Maoist rebels beseiging China?

    • Gustave Lytton

      And if the Taiwanese don’t like it, the ROC needs White Terror II.

  54. The Late P Brooks

    President Joe Biden in 2021 set a target for electric and plug-in electric vehicles to comprise half of new vehicle sales in 2030.

    We’re gonna need a bigger magic hat.

    • R.J.

      He didn’t add that he expects vehicle sales to tank by 95%, making his goal almost achievable.

      • creech

        Or that he’ll never be around to see 2030.

    • creech

      Probably saved a bundle on property taxes, and Penna. doesn’t tax social security and 401k income like Jersey does. If one decides to live in Philly,
      Academy House isn’t the worse place to live.

      • Sensei

        NJ to PA is good trade. Having gone to school in Philly I’d just choose elsewhere.

  55. KK the Ignorant Slut

    I’m off to pay the state of SC for the “privilege” of owning a car. Wish me luck!

  56. Gustave Lytton

    In the before times, I was planning a trip to Sanya. Nice area and quite different climate wise from more typical China.