Saturday evening, hey! It’s Saturday! links

by | Aug 13, 2022 | Daily Links | 169 comments


So it’s Saturday evening. It’s summer, 95 degrees or so, and a light breeze. Time for some links!


Pompeo and Bolton be all, “cool. Poor bastard”.


Maybe someone should explain the meaning of, “high value target” to Iran?


Looks like there’s a good old fashion shoot ’em up going on South of the border.




I think I’ve seen this sci-fi flick.


Philadelphia decides that more damage must be done.


Okay, enough of that malarkey. Go out and get your freak on.





About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. The Late P Brooks

    Bear proof

    Bum proof? Maybe.

    • Grumbletarian

      Ripe for tagging.

  2. Tres Cool

    Im going to bed. Some of us work all night.
    Alert Rufus.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    In 2007, then-Mayor Gavin Newsom eliminated about 1,500 of the city’s 4,500 trash cans because he said they were not helping keep streets clean and were becoming magnets for more trash.

    “Why are all those people putting their trash in my cans?

    • Homple

      Reminds me of the idiots who oppose increasing highway capacity because then more drivers just use the highway.

      Of course, this is not a problem in Somalia.

      • Rat on a train

        Road diets will solve all traffic issues.

      • Fourscore

        Already are, with decreased fuel consumption, less wear/tear on the road/gas tax goes down, right? Or less fuel consumed less tax dollars coming in, gas tax has to go up, right? Buttigieg will explain and Kamala will brief us on what Trans guy meant.

    • rhywun

      Inelegantly stated, but I’ve seen how this works.

      Around here, it’s typically business owners throwing their trash into and then around these bins in order to avoid commercial fees. By the time someone rolls around to empty it at the regularly scheduled time, it’s overflowing and surrounded by piles of garbage.

    • Not an Economist

      And to think in a few years, that lowly mayor could be President. It is amazing what a little hard work, a little gumption, and fraud will do for a guy.

      • rhywun

        And “the right connections”. Dude has been groomed for this path from an early age IIRC.

      • MikeS

        Fucking groomers.

      • DrOtto

        He Pelosi’s nephew, so there’s that.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        The really sad thing is that when he ran for mayor, he was the conservative choice. The other guy, Matt Gonzalas, was bat shit crazy enough that SF wouldn’t elect him.

      • rhywun

        I lived there in ’97-ish. I vaguely recall he was a city council creature but he wasn’t on the radar yet.

        Even then it was obvious to me, who was still nominally a “Democrat”, how utterly useless all the creatures in power were there. They weren’t quite all radical nutjobs yet – that would come later.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        That was right before the bust. The city was just pulling its ass out of the damage from the ’80s.

    • trshmnstr the terrible

      “Why are all those people putting their trash in my cans? I know, right!

  4. The Late P Brooks

    Haney said the “whole trash can saga has this stench of corruption,” referring to disgraced former Department of Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru, who pleaded guilty in January to federal wire fraud charges. Nuru awarded the contract to maintain San Francisco’s trash cans to a company owned by a relative of a developer who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy and is cooperating with federal authorities in the case against Nuru.

    [insert expostulation of shocked disbelief]

  5. The Late P Brooks

    `Oh, for fuck’s sake.

    Edit Fairy, cleanup on aisle three.

    • TARDis

      Edit fairy died trying to clean up San Francisco.

    • Spudalicious

      What part of the entire article would you like to keep? ROFL!!!

  6. TARDis

    For Rent: 327 Square Foot Apartment With 5 Rooms—Thanks to Robot Furniture

    OMG, we’re going to be allowed to have over 300 sqft? Awesome. Where’s the cricket dispenser tube?

    • Gustave Lytton

      In the communal dining facility. You don’t think you’d be able to eat by yourself, right? What if you got seconds of the crickets?

  7. Ted S.

    Spud taking a dump in OMWC’s van for the win.

    • Spudalicious

      He never learns.

  8. westernsloper

    …….and is requiring that pre-kindergarten attendees mask-up all year.

    JFC *Deletes rest of comment*

    • Lackadaisical

      Yeah, that is absolutely rage inducing.

      I already loved through that shit once, never again.

      • Ted S.


  9. The Late P Brooks

    What part of the entire article would you like to keep? ROFL!!!

    Last paragraph only was what I was shooting for.


  10. Nephilium

    I’ve returned home from the Feast and a brewery. I’ll be kicking off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Story time at 20:00 Eastern, as is tradition.

    • KK the Ignorant Slut

      I’m grilling a pork chops. But I’m really hungry so I may have to fire it up now

    • R.J.

      Nice. See you late tonight.

    • The Other Kevin

      ‘Rollo and follow”. I remember that line!

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Thanks, Edit Fairy!

    “You’re a handsome devil. What’s your name?”

    • robc

      Pop culture ignorance: is there a source earlier than Grosse Pointe Blank?

      • DrOtto

        That’s immediately where my mind went.

      • Tundra

        Oh yeah.

        Long Duck Dong?

        Big hitter, the Lama.

        Where the white wimmen at?

  12. Sean

    Philadelphia is a shit hole.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of meteorological phenomena…

    Last evening, I was sitting outside drinking beer and listening to music, because it cools off fster outside than inside, and it’s really quite p[leasant.

    Anyway, just as it was getting dark, I went in to grab another beer, and when I looked out the kitchen window I thought I saw lightning. I went back out and went to where I could see, and there was a big cloud to the northwest of me, and it was full of lightning. Constant flashes, not even ten seconds apart. Mostly in the cloud, but a few ground strikes. Quite an amazing light show. I stood in the driveway for at least half an hour and watched. I never heard any thunder.

    • KK the Ignorant Slut

      ClImAtE ChAnGe!!!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Pop culture ignorance: is there a source earlier than Grosse Pointe Blank?

    Do you mean for that particular quote? I don’t know. I was definitely thinking of Grosse Pointe Blank.

    • robc

      Yes, that quote. I was wondering if it was taken from an older movie or something.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I can smell the air in that pic and it burns.

      • Fourscore

        Sailor’s delight, Mikey

    • Tundra


      How’s the lovely beast? Running, I hope?

      • mikey

        Hemoraging oil into the bell housing. Taking the engine out hoping it’s just the seal.

    • hayeksplosives

      GAH! I can’t see the pic on my phone without clicking “Allow Google Photos access to all your photos.”

      Get bent, Google.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    ClImAtE ChAnGe!!!

    Boy, am I dumb. It never even occurred to me to think that was some sort of harbinger of DOOOOOOM.

  16. rhywun

    I think I’ve seen this sci-fi flick.


  17. The Late P Brooks

    Yes, that quote. I was wondering if it was taken from an older movie or something.

    TedS’ might know.

  18. DEG

    What takes four years to make and costs more than $20,000? A trash can in San Francisco.

    Only $20K? It sounds like the city needs to do a better job grifting. That’s penny ante shit.

    The School District of Philadelphia is mandating that students and staff wear masks for the first 10 days of the school year, and is requiring that pre-kindergarten attendees mask-up all year.

    I have a vague memory that when the PA government tried imposing masks in schools the courts, even the Democrat dominated state Supreme Court, shot it down. I think the order came from the state health department using emergency powers which couldn’t be used because the State of Emergency had ended thanks to the two constitutional amendments passing changing the governor’s emergency powers.

    I’m not sure what the Philly School District is doing here, and I’m not going to look it up, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people sued over this order.

    Music is good. I don’t really like Chicago except for those songs.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It shouldn’t take $20K to be needle stick resistant, a required feature in San Fran.

      • Lackadaisical

        I’m sure it is because they had to get someone to do totally new drawings and pay a fabricator to figure out the best way to manufacture it. One offs are expensive.

    • R.J.

      “Penny ante shit.”
      Hahaha. So true.

    • R C Dean

      That shit won’t end until the parents rebel. And by rebel, I mean, show up at the school district offices in large numbers with bad attitudes.

      • creech

        Don’t hold your breath. In the 1950s, the citizens were so fed up with one party (GOP) rule with out of control corruption, crime waves, police brutality, and crumbling infrastructure, they voted in the Dilworth reform Democrats. Seventy years later, the one party (Democrat) rule faces the same problems but today’s Philly citizens go wherever the sheep dogs drive them.

    • hayeksplosives

      So masking Pre K, the people least likely to contract or suffer serious illness from COVID, is mandatory? The people most in need of social exposure and learning how to interpret human facial expressions?

      are these people evil?

      • rhywun

        Narrator: Yes.

      • Nephilium

        And stupid.

    • Chafed

      1 and done.

      • Lackadaisical


        It was a good though!

  19. Tundra

    Hiya Spud!

    The doom of the lynx and the joy of the musical selection was jarring.

    In a good way.

    This rolled up next,

  20. DEG

    Car with speakers mounted on roof cause noise complaints in three towns

    The bright yellow car pulled into a Wilmington parking lot after 1 a.m., the half-dozen speakers mounted to its roof blaring, according to town police. The car’s license plate, from New Hampshire, read “STATICK.” In three separate towns, residents phoned the police with noise complaints.

    It was roughly 1:30 a.m. Monday when Wilmington Police responded to the lot, in the area of Woburn Street and Eames Street, after multiple calls from local residents. Officers found a 22-year-old New Hampshire man, his sun-yellow vehicle and six “full sized” speakers affixed to its roof, they said.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      *notes pic*
      If the townsfolk summarily executed that guy on the side of the road I’d shed not a tear. That shit’s ridiculous.

      • R.J.

        To what end? What was he blaring? Political scteeches? Rap? Kenny Chesney? Inquiring minds want to know.

    • rhywun

      I was listening to the siren song of roaring modified exhausts rolling up and down the street again all day today and mulling over these kind of creatures – for the life of me I just don’t get what compels certain people to be giant assholes for no other reason than to be giant assholes.

      • Penguin

        Because they’re giant assholes? Just a guess.

      • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

        They think it will get them chicks.

        I know, stupid, but there it is.

      • Ted S.

        And yet there are chicks who will put out for that kind of guy.

      • rhywun

        And they’re probably right.

      • rhywun

        lol pretty accurate only here it’s mostly guidos and Muslim guido-analogues in cars. But yeah some bikes too.

    • Shpip

      He’s gonna need a much more balanced setup if he wants to battle Lane Meyer for supremacy of the streets of Greendale.

    • Plinker762

      Were they advertising a Blues Review?

  21. mock-star

    Regarding the Trump raid kerfluffle: Who had 2022 as the year that the IC would go back to well of “He has WMDs!”?

    • Plinker762

      Trump was turned during his meetings with Kim Jong-un and was preparing to send him all of our nuclear weapon plans.

  22. R C Dean

    Re: Rowling death threat:

    If I was a multi billionaire with security to match, my response would be “Bring it, punk.”

    • Fourscore

      B/W dog lends moral support, doesn’t care who wins the battle

    • Zwak. And once again, the mall is his Waterloo

      The Dachshunds we had when I was a kid would have torn that poor thing apart. Just as they did to any dog that got past the fence.

    • hayeksplosives

      Border Collie looks unfazed.

      “Hey, as long as they stay grouped together, it’s all good.”

  23. Q Continuum

    If these numbers are indicative of the whole community, the Pachyderms would have to *try* to lose (something that I’m sure they’re working on).

    “Hispanic voters in Texas overwhelmingly said they are American (43%) or Texan (23%) first, before Latino or Hispanic (21%). So yes, despite all of the cultural forces of intersectionalism that are trying to Balkanize and otherwise divide the nation, that is a serious show of unity and patriotism.”

    That’s something that almost warms the cold, empty area where my heart should be.

    • Ted S.

      But do they have big tits?

      • rhywun

        You could go to the parking lot of the nearest Home Depot and decide for yourself.

      • Fourscore

        About 1/2 of control group. My rough guess is that the trans are minimal in the genetic group

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ted’S, confirmed Sun subscriber.

  24. Brochettaward

    Facebook is obsessed with showing me prog memes in general for some reason, but especially those of the choochoo train collectivist loving fantasy variety lately.

    • Brochettaward

      I am not impressed with the tech giants ability to advertise, to say the least, given what I see on Youtube and Facebook on a daily basis.

      • Brochettaward

        They should be advertising the latest in Firsting tactical gear and equipment to me. The latest advances should be highlighted. I mean, I don’t need any of that overpriced crap, but at least it would make sense.

      • MikeS

        A real Firster would know how to use adblocking software.

      • Brochettaward

        You can ask your sister how much of a real Firster I am.

      • MikeS

        I don’t have a sister. But I have had your mom.

      • Brochettaward

        My birthing mother was a giant inter-dimensional serpent of immense power who The Great Firster used as a conduit for my conception. The notion that you could mate with it and live to tell the tale is completely absurd.

        Go home, MikeS. You may or may not be drunk, but you definitely suck.

      • MikeS

        I am drunk. Drunk with lust for space snakes.

      • Lackadaisical


      • robodruid

        unless you are advertising on Facebook to sell your firsting tactical gear, no one will see it.

        However i would enjoy a article on firsting tactical gear on Wensday Lunchtime.

      • hayeksplosives

        I hear that! I’ve been getting some Facebook ads (third party) as well as FB groups “I might like” that baffle me.

        They became convinced I was pregnant after I shopped for baby stuff for my step-granddaughter, then decided I am really into videos of baby hippos, then pro-choice stuff (?!?), then toenail fungus and teeth whitening products!!

      • EvilSheldon

        I used Eventbrite to sign up for a firearms instructor course and an emergency first aid course. Since then, Eventbrite has been sending me ‘curated events’ such as ‘Thereputic Yoga for All Bodies’ and ‘2022 National Anti-Racism Teach-In’.

        I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, Eventbrite, but your AI is…special.

      • Brochettaward

        I can’t help but wonder if it isn’t being done intentionally. They know they are advertising this shit to people who not only couldn’t give two fucks about it, but who actively loathe it. It’s a form of a propaganda.

        Or it could be simple incompetence.

      • Plinker762

        Incompetent propaganda

      • Not Adahn

        They promised their advertisers X number of push invites.

    • Plinker762

      I understand the general Facebook hate but I find it a useful tool to stay in touch, share pictures and arrange snowmobiling trips. The only friends I have on it are people I know and either interact in the real world with or they are remote friends I want to keep in touch with. Recently they’ve changed the “suggested” posts system and now the user has no control over it. For some reason (rolleyes), all the posts Facebook suggests are from commies. Since they are posts and not ads, Adblock doesn’t work against them. I did follow a gun meme group and that slowed down the proggy posts for a while.

  25. Gustave Lytton

    Why does anyone give M Night Shamalamadingdong money to make movies??

    • thrakkorzog

      His early movies made bank, But once everybody figured out that his movies relied on a shocking twist, then people stopped going to see them.

  26. C. Anacreon

    It seems every full moon lately is a “SuperMoon”.

    I don’t recall this happening in years past.

    I think you snd I both know why this is.

    Climate change.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I was going to go with lunar inflation.

      • rhywun

        So SuperMoons are either transitory, not happening, or good for you.

    • one true athena

      we need a short list of everything that is NOT climate change. It’ll be easier to keep track of, plus the journos won’t have to wear out the macro keys.

      • dbleagle

        I was going blame Trump.

      • Brochettaward

        What do people think the Space Force has really been doing? Building a Nazi moon base on the dark side of the Moon.

        It’s al connected.

    • Not Adahn

      Unhealthy processed food and American consumer culture.

  27. Ted S.

    Good morning, all you reprobates!

    • Not Adahn

      *lifts coffee*

      • Ted S.

        [imagines Lily hepped up on caffeine]

      • Not Adahn


        She’s currently doing her pre-park romping.

        Mostly outside, since it’s wonderfully cool.

      • Tres Cool

        Liesl has taken to blowing off steam by running laps full-bore around the back yard. I guess they call it “zoomies”
        Something like this.

      • Gender Traitor

        Like a monkey holding a magnifying glass??

      • Grosspatzer

        404 laps? That’s quite a workout!

  28. Lackadaisical

    Good morning all.

    Looking forward to the finale of a whole weekend to ourselves(the wife isn’t working this weekend, for the first time a month). It’s been much better. I hope her business picks up so she can quit her post time work. We’re getting closer, which is exciting.

    • Grosspatzer

      A whole weekend? Sounds great! In the same boat, for different reasons. On vacation, arrived Friday. The two spawn come with us every year, but this year they took a detour to SmashCon in VA, so we got the weekend to ourselves (the boys will be arriving late tonight with a couple.of friends).

      • Lackadaisical

        Very nice. ‘Ourselves’ includes my son, but I’ll take it. He still has naps, which gives us some alone time.

  29. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, miscreants!

    Joisy shore week kicked off with a splendiferous Saturday baking on the sand.

    One minor nit, so far. The coffee maker here is one of those newfangled units which comes without an actual pot; instead, you put your cup underneath the brewing chamber, pressing it against a button which releases the brewed coffee. There is room for an eight-inch cup there; my coffee mugs are about 12 inches high. So I have to fill a “proper” cup and then transfer the contents to my mug. Blecch.

    • Lackadaisical

      Sounds tough. 😉

      How’s the water? It always seemed that the water never gets warm in the northern north Atlantic?

      Over here the pools and gulf get too warm for my liking, but that just means that when I swim in the ‘winter’ I get them all to myself.

      • Grosspatzer

        The water’s too damn cold! (Hmm, sounds like a good slogan for my gubernatorial campaign). Every now and then we’ll get upper ’70s, which is perfection, but this year it’s around 70. Good for dipping your toes in but no more.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘patzie, Lack, Ted’S, and NA! A pleasant, if partly cloudy morning here at Tranq Base, but the radar shows rain bearing down on us, just creeping over the state line from Indiana. Not unwelcome, as long as it isn’t bad enough to drive me inside. (With the metal roof over TB, it would take a lot.)

      I know exactly the style of coffeemaker of which you speak, ‘patzie! Had one in our hotel room in Olean, and have had the same in other hotels and in our OH state park lodge rooms. More often than not, I consider the coffee prepared by such a device to be just a “starter cup” – just enough to give you the strength to stagger down to the lobby where they keep the REAL coffee.

      • Lackadaisical

        Good morning GT. Glad to not have such a bad coffee habit, one cup of pure instant coffee will work for me.

      • Gender Traitor

        As unrefined as my palate is, I’ve been spoiled on whole beans procured from local roasters and ground the night before brewing. Of course, I muck it up with sweetener and creamer, which would probably make the roasters weep if they knew.

      • Grosspatzer

        “Of course, I muck it up with sweetener and creamer”

        #metoo. Been doing it that way since Abuela was filling my bottle with it when I was an infant (so I’m told). Don’t care what the h8ters think.

    • TARDis

      Nobody needs more than 8 ounces of coffee. Are you not aware that the world is burning?

      Good Morning, Ne’er-do-wells.

      • Gender Traitor


        Good morning, TARDy!

      • TARDis

        But what about the cLImATe cHaNGe??? Why do you the earth and the children? Mornin’, Glibred!

        That reminds me, I forgot to bring my chocolate biscotti with me. *grumbles*

      • TARDis

        ::hate the::

      • Grosspatzer

        This is what happens when you don’t consume enough coffee.

      • Gender Traitor

        The climate can go full tranny for all I care as long as I get my morning coffee. Children are annoying, and Mother Earth is a bitch.

        Next question.


      • TARDis


        I come into work and the early crew is blasting Bloomberg Green on the idiot screen. 🤮🤡

        I made them change the channel.

    • Grosspatzer

      The man suspected of carrying out a shooting terror attack in Jerusalem turned himself over to security forces on Sunday morning after searches for him carried on through Saturday night, an Israel Police spokesperson said in a statement.

      They ran out of bombs?

  30. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody yo

  31. Tres Cool

    “…adar shows rain bearing down on us, just creeping over the state line from Indiana.”

    Means I have a good excuse to not mow until tomorrow!

    • Gender Traitor



  32. Fourscore

    Morning all,

    A little foggy here in Podunkville. Actually quite foggy. Cool yesterday, one can see the temps moderating towards the seasonal change.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)! Having visited MI’s UP in late summer, I can well imagine how early autumn arrives in northern MN.