One of the things I need to do to increase equity around here is play a movie with a strong female lead. Maybe one that wears bikinis, smokes and crushes men’s necks between her thighs. Yes, that sounds about right. Equity achieved!
So what is this about? I kind of summed it up above – strong women wish to take over the world, killing one world leader at a time while wearing bikinis or miniskirts. Can anyone stop them? How about the snarky duo of Frankie Avalon and George Nader! And they are snarky! Proto Glibs, perhaps?
This movie is NOT a singular vision of a director and writer. It was directed by Lindsay Shonteff at the legendary Shaw Brothers studios, which partially explains the bright colors and lavish sets. Shaw Brothers did sets right. This is a fun, beautiful spy film with wise cracking leads. Fun the whole way through. While you watch it, look for this trivia, which I stole straight from IMDB:
“According to director Lindsay Shonteff in a 1994 interview, Klaus Kinski had numerous ideas for unusual behavior exhibited by his character President Boong, including that whenever someone entered a room where he was he would climb out from underneath a huge pile of cushions and that whenever he was talking to a pretty girl an abnormally long tongue would emerge from his mouth and try to lick her face. Sadly none of these made the final cut, but if you watch carefully you can see his tongue starting to come out in some scenes.”
Enough talk. We are winding down a year of movies posts and rapidly approaching the one year anniversary post for Glib Flick. How close? After this we have Three Films To Go. I am still traveling around Colorado as this posts – when I get back the next film will be Cute Little Buggers! So Watch! Or Don’t! Everything is Voluntary!
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After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.

*hits play*
“Enough talk. We are winding down a year of movies posts and rapidly approaching the one year anniversary post for Glib Flick. How close? After this we have Three Films To Go.”
I vote for Big Tits Zombie for the anniversary post.
Is it free streaming?
Looks like it’s on YouTube. I don’t know where else.
Adding to the list.
Maybe one that wears bikinis, smokes and crushes men’s necks between her thighs.
Except for the neck crushing, I’m intrigued. Maybe crush watermelons instead? Or should that be a GlibFit feature?
Diving in.
I am trying to class up my image after all the Sasquatch movies. This and a few more art house films are my penance.
“Maybe one that wears bikinis, smokes and crushes men’s necks between her thighs.”
I think I saw this in 007.
This movie was very forward thinking. Listen to some of the manifesto throughout.
That’s too colorful to be Mao’s China.
Yeah. That’s a Shaw Brothers trademark. Beautiful sets.
The classy English accent on the blonde adds something… interesting to her.
I just caught the Blue Cross joke. Even then…
I chuckled.
The dancing is hilarious.
Such nice cars in this one too. I didn’t being that up in the review.
Yes, the cars are good.
Looks like the pistil of choice for the girls is some kind of silver spray-painted Mauser knockoff.
I don’t care for your flowery language.
Haha! Make fun of the giant hands guy who can’t type today.
I’d be upset is you didn’t. I really need a proper keyboard.
I’m sure tonight’s feature is a fine exemplar of the cinematic art, but…
Oh, the pain…
Not all the way through the BattleBots episode, but if the rest of the episode and season matches this one, holy cow is it going to be a good one.
Is Massie’s kid in it again?
I’m hoping my kid at college gets into it, since he’s done the very polite robot competitions. A little aggression would do him good, I think.
I’m afraid I don’t know who Massie’s kid is – aside from a few of the “stars,” I only know teams. Do you know which team? This isn’t their usual full tournament, so almost all the teams are veterans.
Have your kid watch tonight’s episode – it’s one for the ages! 😲😃
Link to tonight’s “Sin City Slugfest: episode info
He is (or was) on the MIT team.
There’s a Massie listed on Team Uppercut, and I seem to recall they were one of the teams from MIT. (I’m virtually certain there’s been more than one, which is no surprise.) They were not on last night’s episode, but could still show up in subsequent weeks trying to fight their way into the final of this abbreviated tourney. (It’s for The Golden Bolt!)
Apple pie moonshine. Yum.
Tonight is our last night here.
I hope you had a good vacation.
Thank you. It was nice. 😃
I’m thinking of a small post (not an article). We’ll see.
Hopefully you had a good time.
(Only Old Guys will get the reference.)
The versions of that I’ve had are so damn sweet that the next day is guaranteed to be horrible. Drink lots of water!
And here I thought the redhead would be trouble.
Why does no one trust the redheads? 😟
I’ve dated a few.
Despite that, I haven’t sworn them off.
The next one will be a sane one…
I know, right?
Actually, to be fair, one of the redheads I dated was sane.
I trust my sister, but she is a lil crazy…
In fact, I just re-hired her. She’s a firster.
So she’s pregnant?
Pregnant with a mighty first that will change everything?
I’d just be happy if eggs were less than $4 a dozen.
She’s kinda passing that age.
Your sister’s a redhead?
Is she interested in photography? Snap snap grin grin wink wink nudge nudge.
Because we know several?
Gotta go. I’ll finish this tomorrow. Thanks RJ!
Thanks for coming!
New Critical Drinker
Batgirl Cancelled – A Sign Of Things To Come?
I wish. I think it’s a toss up as to whether is was so woke nobody could take it, or it was canceled because the streaming service is was going on bit the dust. Might be a while to get the truth. I bet six months from now a copy will leak and we’ll know for sure.
Hah! I put my bet in at 6 months for a leak as well.
I’m more irritated that HBO is apparently killing their scripted content entirely. Which means the death of Harley Quinn, Titans, and Doom Patrol.
Same thing happened to Aquabats. Only they were smart enough to not sign over rights, so they kept the schtick and went elsewhere.
Excellent. I have not been able to partake of one of RJ’s movies for months. Tonight I am in. George Nader though, fuck that mutherfucker. I am not a fan of forced seat belts.
He gets beat up a lot, if that helps.
Also You are thinking of Ralph Nader, the activist. This is George Nader, the snarky actor. You can watch with a clear conscience.
It takes 3 women to drown a bitch? This movie is inadvertently proving the inferiority of women.
Just wait. Dialogue keeps getting better. Amazing how everything old is new again with the woke stuff.
Checking- Anyone have an opinion on the movie Zero Theorem? Trying to decide between that (Terry Gilliam film) and Sharkenstein. Also, has anyone ever been presented with that choice of films before?
Not that I remember. I’ve seen Zero Theorem, but not Sharkenstein. I don’t remember Zero Theorem being particularly memorable.
I am leaning towards schlock for the last film before anniversary. But next week is already mega-schlock. Agreed that zero theorem got too deep and turned everyone off. It was a hell of a concept though. Still looking for films.
Somehow, I have never heard of it.
Sometimes I feel like the last decade has left me by.
Now I am torn between zero theorem (man is told to solve an equation that proves life is meaningless) and Battle Beneath the Earth (1960s commie scare film about a Chinese takeover).
I usually don’t have a chance to watch so please don’t give me a vote.
This isn’t Arizona, your vote will be counted. If I don’t play it in two weeks I will play it post-anniversary.
Have you seen Pi? I see it’s on Pluto, and sounds very similar to the first movie.
Sounds like Battle Beneath The Earth is due for a remake by the producer of Top Gun.
I have never heard of either movie.
I haven’t been partaking. Have you done Roger Corman’s Fantastic Four?
Thanks RJ 🙂
For a little lighter fare, some impressive “weaponry” here.
Someday I will use a keyboard instead of a phone and leave the annoying typos behind.
That would be nicez.
Itz all good
For those who enjoy rail to trail rides. The Columbia River Bridge segment has open bringing the potential ride to over 200 miles long. I have done the western part to the Columbia River and it is a great ride. Plus it is easy to break into shorter sections. Plus who hasn’t wanted to go through a mountain in a 2.3 mile long tunnel?
I’m waiting to find out from the girlfriend if I’m allowed to bike the GAP this year.
Ah euphemisms. You never disappoint.
Sorry to go off topic, but it may be of interest to you. Tubi now has the only season of Freddy’s Nightmares available.
Yes, Tall Thin Spaniard told me. He was really happy about it.
I remember seeing that show on the local Fox affiliate when I was a kid.
I thought there were two seasons?
Sorry, RJ. I can’t catch this one tonight. I signed off before I got a chance to thank you for the good one last week.. I really liked it. Two in a row I really liked.
Oh, but the ending…why did the devil and his gang kill the baby antichrist? That didn’t make sense to me. I didn’t lose any sleep or anything, but still….
IYou signed off before I got a chance…I’m back! I found the whole concept confusing too. I felt like he was being manipulated by the devil the entire time, not given signs by God to commit sins. To what end though? Was that really the antichrist? Who was that he killed?
Sorta like the previous flick, the ending fell apart. But I had a lot of fun with both of them.
King of falling apart at the end are:
Big Man Japan and
The Angry Video Game Nerd Movie
Both guilty pleasures where you could leave in the last 15 minutes and miss nothing.
Watched What the Peeper Saw the other day, available on Midnight Pulp. Lightly disguised plot to show Britt Ekland and others.
Sorry to be Debbie Downer but everything is terrible and will remain awful. I won’t go into boring details. Life is short and life is shit and soon it will be over. I shake my cane at the universe.
Festud yet shakes his cane. Not done yet.
I’m sorry, friend.
Powers-That-Be can delete that weepy bullshit if you so choose. Sorry about that.
F, need to talk? Forum?
Sorry Festus
You’re my spirit animal.
O Festus, please stick around a bit longer.
The Sandy Hook families can go fuck themselves. Disgusting pieces of shit who don’t deserve to live in this country. I hope they collectively choke on that $4M. It won’t heal whatever mental damage they’re experiencing. And their lies that they were hurt by Alex Jones are more egregious and clearly false that whatever he said.
You would like to know, wouldn’t you?
Ex lax.
Morning, Glibs.
I don’t want to go to work today, but I have to figure out the correct tone for a response to a vendor, and find out what I’m expected to present to another vendor. People apparently already assume I know what I’m doing, just because I generally do, but that doesn’t extend to task scopes for something I didn’t realize I was expected to do until this week
‘I don’t want to go to work today’
I don’t either, luckily it is a work from home day.
Every day is a work from home day for me.
Otherwise, I’d be going into the office in Massachusetts. Therefore paying Massachusetts income tax.
I pay NJ tax even though I don’t enter the state.
Fortunately, I can deduct it from the tax I pay to NY. 🙄
Interestingly, MA doesn’t work that way. Except for the Covid craziness where if you lived out of state and worked from home because of Baker’s orders then you still had to pay MA tax. In normal times, if you don’t live in MA and don’t work in MA, even if the company/office is in MA, you don’t pay MA tax.
Good morning, U, Lack, DEG, rhy, and (somewhere upthread) TH!
The worst of my month-end reports are done, as is most of what I have to do for this week’s new hires. What I don’t feel like doing today is writing up the minutes of yesterday’s meeting. My boss including a PowerPoint presentation actually did prove somewhat helpful – he sent me the file in advance, and I printed it out with room for notes under each slide. Still, he raced through a lot of very complex financial info at breakneck speed, bound and determined to keep the meeting to exactly one hour. And I’m pretty sure he didn’t record the Zoom session.
Maybe I’ll go shopping to replenish the break room snacks instead.
Should be an OK day of work. Nothin’ much to look forward to.
On Friday, sometimes all there is to look forward to is Saturday. (Or 5 p.m. Friday, if you can actually knock off by then.)
I got an email from someone who called me by an irritating diminutive instead of the name I’ve signed every email with. I’m tempted to try to come up with an email rant about respecting identity, but then I realize I’m too professional for that.
I’d always reserved my diminutive for friends and family. I still go by my full name at work but IDGAF anymore when someone at work gets too chummy.
Frankly, I’m worn out from it. And I curse my three brothers for having names that do not diminutize so they never had this issue.
There is no diminutive for “Guy” that I am aware of, but I occasionally run into a native French speaker, aspiring martial artist, or Monty Python troupe member who will call me “Gi”. Also my Little League coach. I think it’s cute.
Guido, is that you?
Since when is a 5-letter name a diminutive for a 3-letter name? I am disappointed in U.
Oddly enough, in some languages, diminutives add whole syllables rather than merely being a shorter version.
If Patzie doesn’t mind, Lets see how long a diminutive we can make. I’ll start with Guidosito-kun – 4x the original.
And ALWAYS add either “y” or “ie.” Guidosito-kunie?
Of course I get paged for a production issue right in the middle of this. I will now submit Guidohatesproductionsupportie as my preferred diminutive.
Like English? Wouldn’t Mikey be a diminutive of Mike? Or would they both be diminutives of Michael?
Oh. Dead thread. Need more caffeine.
I have three reasons for not wanting to be called by the diminutive.
A) I find the sound of it annoying.
B) It’s the one my father generally goes by (I don’t know how he can stand the sound of it)
C) People assume I use it and start referring to me with it even though I gave no such indication. (Which I find rude)
Me –
1. The diminutive is gender-neutral. Some woman in church called me a “little girl” when I was like six which may have traumatized me.
2. It gets easily confused for several other diminutives, especially in loud environments.
My name has two diminutive forms, both of which I’ve answered to throughout my life, mainly from family and close friends. I use one of them as part of my personal email address. At work, though, it’s pretty much strictly as listed on my birth certificate, and no one seems tempted to diminutize it. (I hereby declare “diminutize” the Word of the Day, even though WordPress is underlining it with a red squiggly line. Of course, it’s also underlining “WordPress”, so what does it know?)
… I know your real name and I’m unable to think of any diminutives for it.
One diminutive is the first two syllables of my personal email address. The other was part of the nickname for a famous early 20th century Trans-Atlantic aviator AND part of the name of a popular swing dance. DEG could probably demonstrate the latter with a partner who’s a better dancer than I am. (It wouldn’t take much to be better.)
I’m not sure what diminutive Beryl MArkham went by.
I don’t get it.
Of the four most common ones, I was asking if they were using the ones that ended in a -y. As opposed to Yusef’s.
No. They use the most common three letter version.
I got in and logged in as the wrong person. I logged in as Me instead of logging in as Me.*
*I have multiple accounts, Agency, Primary, and Special Access, and I logged in with my agency account instead of my primary,
Is it a cumbersome process to back out of one account and log into another?
I believe I’ve noticed that our CIO has more than one internal email address, and sometimes I’m not sure I’m using the correct one. You IT types are complex, many-faceted creatures. 😉
The process to switch users while at the office – Hit Ctrl-Alt-Del and select “Switch User”, log in with correct credentials.
Ah, yes – the standard Windows log in, rather than one unique to your internal system.
Our core data system, wherein lies all member account information and our general ledger, has two separate login IDs and passwords – as in, you have to enter both sets to gain access. And after you log in, you have to connect to any printer you wish to use, including the one that’s your default Windows printer.
Your account and someone else’s? Or did they give you both accounts, thus not providing much benefit?
No, both sets of User ID/Password combos are unique to each person. And of course they have different formats, different numbers of characters, and different change schedules.
And also of course, if you’re inactive in the system for too long (as I often am, not directly serving members or posting general ledger entries) you get logged out and have to reenter both sets of credentials.
Single sign-in FTW. We are using Okta. Still a few external apps requiring separate credentials but overall pretty solid.
Okta has given me a whole raft of headaches.
SAML is not natively supported in PeopleSoft. It took a year to finally get everything working with that cloud service.
As for the complexity – the agency account is so that I can access and troubleshoot agency-specific issues. The ‘Special Access’ account has higher administrator privileges in certain places, but is also more closely monitored in its activity (so I only use it when absolutely necessary. I don’t like people watching over my shoulder). The primary account is the one my email and outlook calendar are tied to.
“writing up the minutes of yesterday’s meeting”
Some people said some things. The end.
Off to the gym. I hope everyone has a good morning.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! How are you today?
Alive and kicking, thanks for asking. $employer had a very good first half, our bonus pool will be funded at 127% of the initial allocation. Mo’ money!
Haven’t checked the latest news yet, so not too depressed, except Festus seems to be in dire straits. Ugh.
I don’t know what agency is directly adjacent to this lot that makes it so covetted, but It’s got the earliest required service date to get a parking spot.
So what this is telling me is that in order to get one of those two spots, I need to already be eligable to retire, having 34 years of service.
I’m sorry, wordpress ate the spacing, so that the lines are no longer legible.
Lets see if wordpress likes html tables. Table tag, go!
Lot NameAvailable PermitsCurrent Projected Parking Service Date Needed by Lot (Will Change)
625 Broadway24/21/1988
Oh, that’s even worse.
I wonder if <pre> works.
I’m thinking not, but lets find out.
Lot Name Available Permits Current Projected Parking Service Date Needed by Lot (Will Change)
625 Broadway 2 4/21/1988
I don’t know what agency is directly adjacent to this lot that makes it so covetted
It must be an FBI front. A building full of people with 34 years of service? Well, maybe Congress…
According to google maps, it is adjacent to a building containing the Deparment of Environmental Conservation, the Office of Parks and Recreation, Hudson River Valley Greenway, the Division of Mineral Resource, the Division of Air Resources, and Empire State Development. This office building is in the middle of the most built up urbanized part of albany, across from one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, and nowhere near anyplace being regulated by those losers.