Hopefully a preview of the season
The NFL has appealed the Deshaun Watson arbitrator’s decision. Several LIV golfers have sued the PGA. And we’re just two days away from the start of the EPL ad Bundesliga seasons kicking off. Yay soccer! And that’s it for sports.
A congressperson and two staffers were killed in a car wreck. Just in case you’re wondering how the tolerant left reacted, don’t go look on twitter at the CNN post about it. It’ll make you think of violence.
Here’s some good news for a change. Although the story sure doesn’t paint it that way.

YOU control your own risk, people!
“Take care of me, daddy government.” Did it never occur to these people that modifying their lifestyle by not engaging in risky behavior is more likely to help them than relying on government to create a “vaccine” or other “cure”?
Let’s hope this is true. I’m always down for a good media meltdown.
Wait, there were still schools following this? We haven’t seen that in our area since the fall of 2020. But our district isn’t Randi Weingarten’s plaything. So I guess it’s possible that there were still many science-denying districts that fucked kids over the the last two years. It just didn’t happen to my kids, thankfully.
Man, this is a shame. A real shame that the others fled before she could plug them too.

Don’t tap “GET”!!!
Hoo-hoo-hoo. Go on, take the money and run. At least if you’ve got it sitting in that service. Because it’s about to disappear, methinks.
This guy is a king. I can’t wait to see what he does with the kick-ass new 3D printer he presumably bought with the proceeds. Sadly, the city is excluding those lowers for the rest of their wasteful bullshit buybacks. But I’m sure some enterprising folks will come up with a way to embarrass them again. At least I hope they do.
And now for something danceable. At least it was in middle school. As was this gem of a song. Even if I didn’t understand what the hell they were talking about, I remember doing the white boy shuffle to them when I was a kid. Enjoy!
And enjoy this sweltering hot Thursday, friends!
That’s going to kill Swiss.
If you’re referring to the picture of Seal and Goofy, yea. Also, might be useful evidence for the complainers at Disney World saying mascots are snubbing their children. If Seal, the blackest of black dudes can be seen, why can’t they?
I can already hear the argument that since Seal is British, he doesnt count.
It’s our human color wheel. It goes from Seal to Seal’s teeth.
“CHICAGO — A 13-year-old boy died Tuesday after he was shot by a woman during an attempted car theft last week.
Police believe four to five males were attempting to break into a parked car when the owner, a 34-year-old woman, confronted them. CPD said during the confrontation, one of the suspects pointed the gun at the woman.”
Surprised she wasn’t arrested. Then again, if she has a permit in Chicago, she’s probably connected.
Yeah, that was the nut-punchline I was expecting.
That was a shitty-shit-shit article that tried as hard as it could not to clarify if the boy was an assailant or a bystander. I sent in a correction, not that the newspaper would ever run it.
Which was it in reality?
The headline made me think he was a bystander, similar to that Texas case that sparked a discussion recently about an ATM robbery where the victim shot into a car he thought the thief ran inside and killed a girl.
In reality was unclear, which made me also assume it was an innocent bystander. I said the article must CLEARLY STATE if the boy was an assailant or a bystander in no uncertain terms. Also the article headline should state the root, not the outcome. It should read “woman in car attacked by 5 armed assailants.”
“even succession from the US”
Which article was that from? I missed it.
The New York Post on DeSantis.
Ah. I only skimmed that one real quick. I was hoping it was from the 2A article.
Do they mean secession?
What order are the governors in the line of succession?
“Oh noes… a court interpreted shall not be infringed and the people as meaning we can’t throw a bunch of restrictions on the people! Whatever shall we do?!?”
I hate the way those articles dishonestly describe the ruling as “expanding gun rights”, when the truth is that the ruling simply partially restored second amendment rights.
From a legal positivist POV (for those who recall my post on the abortion decision), “expanding gun rights” is an accurate description, on the theory that the only rights you have are the ones recognized/respected by the government.
Positivists can eat a bag of dicks.
Narrator: It, in fact, never occurred to them.
Anyone from the preceding centuries where people had to take care of themselves would either look upon us and laugh uproariously or weep for the servitude we’ve sold ourselves into for less than the beads and trinkets given for Manhattan.
(And that’s our Black Pill for the Day… tell him what he’s won? Why — it is another day of depressed disgust at the state of the world, Johnny!)
But they have a right to barebacking at orgies! And in Current Day, if you have a right to do something, that means you have a right to be free from the consequences of doing that thing. I’m pretty sure that’s the mental short-circuit that drives stuff like this.
I don’t think condoms would make difference.
What about flavored condoms?
You have to ferment them first.
They’d make things worse. People engage in riskier behavior when they’re high.
Getting high alters your brain chemistry. Do that too much and you will go crazy.
Crazy people get put in the rubber room.
Eeew. They make crazy people hang out with NYC public school teachers? That seems cruel.
Stop having extremely promiscuous unprotected orgiastic anal sex? Fuck that, give me the (fairly dangerous actually; do a quick search for smallpox vaccine side effects if you want to get the heebie jeebies) shot. Anything to avoid the smallest inconvenience.
13 year old: Them’s the breaks when you choose to let your outlet for teenage rebellion be committing violent felonies. Regrettable and all but a young teen can pull a trigger just as well as any adult and is just as likely to use it.
I wonder how long it will take the grifters and race-hustlers to call for this woman’s head before they threaten to burn down the city.
Or will they just blame the weapons instead of the prospective victim? Because it’s gonna be one or the other. It always is.
If she passes the reverse paper bag test it’s the guns fault, if she’s white, Asian, or Hispanic she’s a bigot and probably a Trump supporter.
Well, it did happen in “MAGA Country”, so probably the latter.
I’m sure Jesse Jackson will just require contributions to his organization and a dollop for black owned businesses.
Yeah — part of a gang trying to steal a car and waving a gun at the owner before she shot back… not a whole lot of sympathy. More pity and disgust that that’s probably the way shown to be a “Big Man” in the neighborhood these kids grew up instead of “Make something of yourself, start a business / learn a trade, be a *Father* to your family”.
I really detest gang / thug culture for what it does to kids and the potential lives they could have had. Some of them may have become violent thugs regardless (or looted and pillaged in more ‘white collar’ ways) because there’s always a subset of sociopaths — but nowhere near as many as what they’re steered towards. Wish it would stop (hey buddies…), but way outside my zone of control.
Look for the dead kid’s family to try to cash in on the ghetto lottery.
His name “Dion Young” makes it sound like fate that he is dying young. It’s crazy to me to imagine carjacking at age 13 when I think about where I was at that age.
“Students at a ritzy Manhattan private school were reportedly forced to attend a drag show at church as part of its LGBTQ+ pride celebrations earlier this year, according to a report.
Grace Church High School — a progressive independent Episcopal school in the East Village that charges over $59,000 for yearly tuition — invited renowned New York City drag queen Brita Filter to its 6th annual “Pride Chapel” event for a live performance on April 27.”
“New York City drag queen Brita Filter”
Alright, that’s pretty funny.
I have to presume she / he / it is the pitcher and not the catcher.
Pour choice of words.
Let your anger flow.
Water you guys doing, trying to set Swissy off?
He’ll be along to purify the thread in a moment.
Drag queen has her vessels.
Water you talking about?
Nothing about this is Pur.
She’s the AT&T of people!
Two Community references in one thread. Made my day.
I thought Milo had the best drag name, Ivana Wall.
How has that dude not been sued for his stage name yet? Or is Markus Hankammer a closet cross-dresser?
*clicks article link*
More importantly, ALEX JONES CAUGHT IN LIE! They’ve got ’im now!
The gay frogs are closing in!
Standing up to tyranny!
“It sends a warning shot to tyrants around the world who believe free democracies are just up for grabs,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., said in the Senate debate ahead of the vote.
“Russia’s unprovoked invasion has changed the way we think about world security,” she added.
We’ll show that bully Putin who’s boss of the world.
And we take one more step towards open war with Russia.
The only question is will the CCP beat him to the punch?
I have legit fears we are about to become embroiled in a world war. And I don’t think our NATO allies (except the British) are going to do a whole hell of a lot to help us.
Fortunately, our military has emphasized CRT and pronouns rather than combat readiness, and can’t come close to recruitment goals, so we’re sure to show those bastards who’s boss!
Our lady soldiers, seawomen and airwomen will be treated with dignity, should they be captured.
Only give your name, rank, and preferred pronouns.
Maybe they can give them a ribbon for each gender they are?
“I did this!”
Russia’s unprovoked invasion
Except for all the provocation.
About that continuing provocation, there’s been video released that it was a HIMARS strike that took out the Azov POW camp. I don’t know if the video actually shows a HIMARS warhead or even if the video is fabricated. But maybe more knowledgeable people can judge. It’s at least something more than “the speaking on anonymity” crap provided by the US government pointing the finger at Russia.
And the reason would be Zelensky’s inner circle had been using the Azov to torture Russian POWs as a shock tactic. Russia began posting videos of these Azov testimonies so Ukraine took them out.
The video could be staged. The interviewee could be actor. I don’t know. Whether that was the reason for the strike or not, it’s not a far stretch to assume the Azov were indeed torturing Russian POWs since they had no hesitation in torturing and killing Ukraine civilians.
It’s going to be a long time before we know the truth of what has happened there.
The strike, if UKR, could be a crime or it could be an “ahh shit” of warfare. I’ll defer to legal specialists on whether it is a war crime since the Geneva Conventions generally apply to how you treat enemy combatants or enemy/neutral civilians. If it was a deliberate strike on your own inconvenient PW then I think domestic law would apply.
Or it could be an ahh shit moment. The UKR could have thought it was a legitimate military target like a RF barracks. The US killed many hundreds of US and Allied PW’s during WWII. The most prominent incidents being when we sunk Japanese merchant vessels unaware that they were being used to transport US/Allied PWs. We killed hundreds of PWs in each incident, but nobody ever thought of prosecuting the sub captain or aircrews.
I can’t wait for the (likely) ruling against racist college admissions to come down. The tears are going to endless after that one.
I like this court. I like that they seem to be putting so many decisions made by feds for so long back in the hands of the states, the way our republic is designed to work. It’s not a perfect court, but it never will be either.
Millions of kids are unvaccinated as BA.5 spreads and school year soon begins
That’s some good news. No idea what BA.5 is, the latest “variant” that will kill us all?
I have it right now, it’s a moderate cold with a low grade fever stacked on top, for me at least. Any kids without dangerous preexisting chronic conditions don’t need to sweat it.
Yeah. Everyone I know who has had the ‘Vid since it became the dominant variant describes it, at worst, as a bad cold.
What is a good cold?
One that you are over in a day.
A beer?
My youngest has been sick, and they didn’t even bother testing. I’m pretty sure that my kids’ pediatrician office is set against contributing to the “MORE CASES!!!!!” hysteria.
So, if I’m following, the gun “buyback” program will no longer accept ghost guns.
And ghost guns should be banned because they are uniquely dangerous and used almost entirely by criminals, according to the people who support these programs?
Am I missing anything here?
You’re missing the part where Sylvester Turner admits this is political grandstanding and won’t do a fucking thing.
Oh wait, he’s not going to say the quiet part out loud. So no, you didn’t miss anything.
This kid is fucking up the guns used in crimes laundromat that gangs rely on.
This was the Human League song I remember dancing to after many drinks back in the day.
You can tell it’s from the 80s – everyone is smiling.
Mirror Man was the catchiest.
Better Mirror Man (for me, at least). Talk Talk was one of my favorite 80’s bands.
And this album was very difficult to find for a long time but is probably the best remix album ever done.
I remember that album. They butchered Love Action so bad I got angry. The rest of it was pretty damn good, but what they did to that song was a crime against humanity.
Wednesday’s vote by Republicans and Democrats stood out for the normally slow-moving and divided chamber. Senators voted down a proposed amendment by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., intended to ensure that NATO’s guarantee to defend its members does not replace a formal role for Congress in authorizing the use of military force. Paul, a longtime advocate of keeping the U.S. out of most military action abroad, voted “present” on the ratification of Sweden and Finland’s membership bid.
What a killjoy.
Rand has his teeth into the gain-of-function question and isn’t giving up.
The argument for gain of function research is that it prepares us for the case where a killer virus appears in nature. I’d like to see a report on how often G-o-F has actually succeeded in that regard, resulting in either a vaccine, or a good head start on same, for a highly virulent, zoonotic virus. And then, how often has G-o-F resulted in a lab leak that killed people outside the research facility.
The Supreme Court ruling expanding gun rights threatens to upend firearms restrictions across the country as activists wage court battles over issues including age limits and bans on AR-15-style guns
That’s a funny way to say “reading and applying 2A”.
Did to never occur to these people that modifying their lifestyle by not engaging in risky behavior
Psht. I can’t be responsible for the consequences of my actions.
Consequences – even natural ones – are oppression.
It’s only logical, once you realize personal responsibility is white supremacy.
“Sinema demands CHANGES to $740bn Inflation Reduction Act: Democrat wants more climate funds for her OWN state of Arizona and restructured taxes (after Manchin got gas pipeline for West Virginia)”
So how much for a half and half?
And there it is.
I’m a little surprised. I thought the play would be Sinema votes against, to protect her seat, and one of the Repub squishes crosses the aisle to put it over the finish line.
“Old English classic Beowulf gets slapped with trigger warning as Aberdeen University dons fear students may be distressed to read about monsters”
You know, if artists made their art look like the supposed subject, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.
We read that in middle school…
Me as well.
It’s shite being Scottish. The lowest of the low. The scum of the fucking earth. The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization.
+1 wanker colony
“Anyway — that’s all I’ve got for today. Go away now!”
Don’t look at clouds, they can fleetingly resemble all kinds of distressing things.
The internet tells me that women are stimulated by seeing an erect penis. That must be true ’cause I’ve seen it 1000s of times
That sculpture should be cancelled not because of its phallic interpretation but because it is crap that a child with legos could create.
Not great, but better than yesterday. Haven’t tried duotrigordle yet, so that may still crush me and hear the lamentations of my women….
Daily Quordle 192
Daily Quordle 192
Daily Quordle 192
6 4
7 5
Daily Quordle 192
Thanks, Glibs, for getting EF addicted to something other than Wordle 🙂
21st century risk assessment
Janey Camp, professor of civil and environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University, told Yahoo News that the combination of climate change and the nation’s aging and neglected infrastructure are putting millions of people at risk of severe flooding.
“Nobody’s immune. I think Kentucky shows us that. It doesn’t matter if you’re in an urban area like Nashville or if you’re in rural Appalachia,” Camp said, adding, “We’re seeing more of these intense precipitation events, where there’s a lot of water dumped on an area in a short amount of time. And the infrastructure wasn’t designed to handle that amount of precipitation.”
On Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris announced that the Biden administration would make just over $1 billion in grants available for states to harden infrastructure against threats like flooding and extreme heat.
“In all reality, nobody’s running a 1,000-year event in their analysis. They’re running a 100-year event and maybe a 500-year event, to check the box and meet FEMA regulations for their hazard mitigation plan,” Camp said. “We need to quit looking at the past and start looking to the future. And that’s challenging in a lot of communities, because they don’t have a lot of resources or expertise to do that.”
Indeed, communities like the ones ravaged in Appalachia didn’t have the budget to upgrade infrastructure to meet the threat of climate change. But if the Biden administration’s allocation of $1 billion in grant funding for infrastructure upgrades sounds like too much money, experts say far more money will be needed. As if to bolster that point, initial damage estimates for the recent flooding in Kentucky have been quoted at $1 billion.
Any imagineable catastrophe, no matter how unlikely, must be prepared for as if it is not only possible, but inescapable.
And you know what that means. Money, and lots of it.
“the nation’s aging and neglected infrastructure”
How many trillions have been appropriated in “infrastructure” bills, anyway?
It all got shoveled into private coffers.
“We’re seeing more of these
intense precipitation events, wherethere’s a lot of water dumped on an area in a short amount of time. Andthe infrastructure wasn’t designed to handle that amount of precipitation.”Deaths from flooding due to heavy rain are way, way down from previous decades.
This person is objectively full of shit.
That’s why they emphasize property damage, which seems much higher due to both inflation and greater numbers of people living and working in flood/tornado/hurricane areas.
And the media are ready and waiting to trumpet every single new “catastrophe” in order to propagandize that “something must be done”.
The state of Florida has created a socialized property insurance company (called Citizen’s) to drastically subsidize the rates of waterfront properties. So as a result people are building in far riskier places. Then, when a storm hits these people can say “look, the amount of property damage is higher than ever”.
That needs to go.
People who choose to build in risky places can carry the risk themselves.
I’m guessing most of Florida’s politicians and certainly their major donors own waterfront properties.
Yes, it disproportionately benefits the wealthy. And because they’re charging well below market rates, Citizen’s has only a fraction of the money on hand that they would need to pay out in the event of a hurricane (which are basically a certainty here). So either state or federal taxpayers will wind up on the hook. Darn that climate change!
intense precipitation events, where there’s a lot of water dumped on an area in a short amount of time.
It’s called a rain storm.
nobody’s running a 1,000-year event in their analysis. They’re running a 100-year event and maybe a 500-year event
Because 1000yr intensity is rare. FEMA floodplain is based on the 100yr intensity event.
You know who else had a 1,000 year plan?
Jugsy, in her endless quest for a college degree?
One factor I never hear about in these screeds is that as cities build up, there are more impenetrable surfaces which absorb less runoff. Also, many new buildings in flood regions build the ground up around themselves, which makes the flooding worse for the areas not built up. That’s an issue here.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declares that it was “unconstitutional” for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.
That’s not how any of this works.
She seems genuinely dim. It couldn’t have been easy finding somebody to make Strawberry look good at the job, but by gum, they managed.
Good luck with that. All of the candidates on the Left are products of the postmodernist educational system. They truly believe that reality is controlled by narrative.
Tucker had a fun bit last night about how the Dems have painted themselves into a dead-end.
There is literally no one over there with nationwide appeal.
But AOC is the Obama of the 2020s!
Dumber, eviler, and more anti-american?
How dare you criticize such a strong black queer woman!!!
Maybe she was thinking of the Haitian constitution?
Saying shit like that is a whole lot more insurrectiony than grandmas posing for selfies in the Rotunda.
Nobody in the tame press ask the obvious follow-up question.
“Can you direct me to the section of the Constitution that they violated?”
The decision violates the Living Constitution.
And there are millions of idiots like this person who agree with her 100%
Oh this is fun. What else is “settled law?”
Buck vs Bell?
Bowers vs Hardwick?
Marbury V Madison.
The whole constitutional review role is a power grab.
That idiot is literally saying Plessy V. Ferguson shouldn’t have been overturned.
Well, they want to bring segregation back, so…
This is what happens when you replace Civics class with whatever woke shit they are teaching.
Someone slept through Schoolhouse Rock. 🙄
I linked this last night but it’s worth reposting.
I respect her hubris.
I wonder how much good it will do her when the hoi polloi shownip with torches and pitchforks though.
It’s San Francisco. There are no hoi polloi left. They all moved out.
Then who’s doing all that shooting up and shitting in the streets?
The poop polloi.
Noble savages
It’s almost as if she wants to be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail before being tossed into an enclosure of starving rats.
Marie Antoinette didn’t see it coming either.
Good for her. Meanwhile I sigh dejectedly whenever I open up my utility bills or leave the grocery store with a bag full of bread, peanut butter, beans, rice and ramen noodles. I’ve lost fifteen pounds this year and it wasn’t intentional…GlibFit!
Reviewing my latest electricity bill, my per kilowatt-hour rate jumped 17% last month.
Are you the one who added solar panels? Has that helped at all?
I’m thinking about it at some point after the roof is replaced.
I’m still in the permitting process on it. Dominion approved the project, which is the hard part, now I’m just waiting on the county.
My electric bill was nearly $160 last month and I live in a tiny single bedroom apartment and keep the thermostat at 76 degrees or higher.
What is the rate? My bill last month was $141 for a two story house.
Can’t seem to find that info my online bill.
I keep all the lights off most of the time, even in the room I happen to be in, don’t own a microwave, and the only thing aside from my AC that is using power is my small TV, my small fan, and my phone charger. All of which is turned off when I’m not at home. Either way, the building I live in is very old and drafty.
Most power companies make you calculate the rate. Amount billed / kWhr
To clarify, my stove runs on gas and during the cold months the thermostat is set between 65-68 degrees.
My bill gives the rate for production and distribution. They are both tiered rates so you pay one rate up to X kWh and another rate above that (800 kWh for production, 300 kWh for distribution). There are of course also taxes and fees. The effective rate for last month was $0.125 per kWh. The taxes and fees mean I pay a higher effective rate in winter when I use less.
My supply portion is supposed to double soon. Delivery and other portions will remain the same.
Wife just hit the local grocery chain having a pork sale, two combo packs of chops and country-style ribs for $20 that will yield 6 meals. Given the price of beef these days, we’ll be eating more pork.
I’m still seeing the seasoned pork tenderloins hitting sale prices every once in a while. At $5-$6/each, the home freezers are filled with them.
I’ve been doing the same for months now. A four pack of pork loins for about five dollars that amounts to a pound and a pound of hotdogs every other week is basically my only source of animal protein nowadays.
“Let them buy a Tesla.”
how much does it make is the question
If the video at the top is any indication, Jackie Walorski was one of the good ones.
Wow I had no idea who she was. I hope she gets her wish from the last clip.
I like the cut of her jib. RIP.
I just had a genius idea. In honor of our throwaway society, instead of infrastructure repairs and maintenance, we should just build glorious new cities from scratch; gleaming inspirational spires of concrete, carefully lid out by our foremost experts in urban design and behavioral architecture. Then, we assist the peasants of backwoods Flyoverstan to relocate to the future.
It’ll be great.
Kind of like that mirrored wall dystopian thing in Saudi Arabia?
The abandoned stores and buildings in small towns can be repurposed into homes for the financially challenged, except for building codes. Instead build 400 square feeters and give them away, far more graft.
What time is Carousel, Logan 5?
Throw in a young Jenny Agutter or two and I might go for it.
Worked for China.
It’s like a perpetual money-making machine.
Kind of like that mirrored wall dystopian thing in Saudi Arabia?
I was actually thinking of Brasilia.
I was thinking of the Chinese ghost cities.
The 7 best BDSM sex games to play, learn, and experiment with kink
Gotta replace a wheel bearing on the WRX/STI. This is not helping me fall in love with Subaru. I drove my Z3 250k miles and did not have to replace any. Not as many miles on the 328xi, but still never had an issue.
I drove my car 50k miles in 10 years… you people drive to much.
I drove 50k miles in 2021. Your Europeans rely on trains too much.
America is big place and most of our cities outside the Northeast are designed for driving and have sparse public transportation.
I think there might be counties in Texas bigger than Romania.
You forget, Texas has 254 counties. The largest is 6,183 sqmi. Romania is 92,046 sqmi, about 1/3 the size of Texas.
Fact checking jokes? Cmon, man
There’s have to be a joke to fact-check first.
why you hurt me this way?
What’s it like living in a micro-nation?
Alaska’s Unorganized Borough is probably bigger than Texas.
The average (not counting the lockdown years) is usually 10,000 – 12,000 miles a year.
Ours is 18-24K. But we live 17 miles from school, and 20 miles from school athletic complex, necessitating about 75 miles/day just getting the kids to and from school.
America outside of the few major metropolitan areas is very sparse and requires a lot of driving. It can be 50 miles to a grocery store. It can be 100 miles to a gas station. America is not at all heavily populated outside of a few cities. Also some cities are huge. Dallas / Fort Worth alone is 1/10 the size of Romania.
Just one?
It’s the only one making noise. We’ll see if the shop discovers others.
How many miles? They usually go in at least pairs.
only 64k
That’s not much.
I was a Subaru fanboy for a long time, but my Forrester XT killed that dead.
I had to replace the Turbo in my Outback twice in 4 years. I loved the car, but that pretty much killed it.
I used to work with a guy who lived out in the sticks – a hunting, wood chopping kind of guy who would think of nothing taking his Toyota Tundra out in the boonies to get a deer or cut down a tree.
But he was spending a lot of gas money on his V8 Tundra so he decided to buy a Subaru Outback – used and with high miles. He was a Toyota guy and just assumed he would get the same kind of reliability.
Well the Subaru, when driven out the woods, liked to rip boots. And the coolant leak – hello headgasket! – caused a permanent check engine light because it screwed up the catalytic converter. The thing was always in the shop versus his previous 250k+ mile 4Runner, and the 210k mile T100 he sold me. Swore off Subbies ever since even though he did like the AWD system. Last I heard he drives a 4-cyl Camry with snow tires.
and keeps the 300k+ mile Tundra for work around the house.
To be fair, you’re not a lesbian.
“Gotta replace a wheel bearing on the WRX/STI.”
It’s what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.
In isolation…wearing a mask…
This morning, I held a secure phone call with my national security team.
We discussed a wide range of priorities, including the United States’ support of a free and open Indo-Pacific and our continued support for Ukraine in response to Putin’s war.
Nothing about the southern border or the drugs pouring in, I see.
These fuckers’ priorities are all out of whack.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“The border is secure.”
Who’s writing those tweets? It’s not a hat or a hair.
The diaper
^ Paging SugarFree. SugarFree to the white courtesy phone, STAT!
This morning, I held a secure phone call with my national security team.
This is an accomplishment? Presidents that weren’t pharmaceutically preserved, dementia riddled invalids did this every fucking morning.
Also, LoL at the “honest republican” bot in the comments.
“It’s unfortunate she had a bad experience, and I hope she finds peace along her path.
That said, she’s talking about mastectomy here, which is categorically different than “genital surgery.””
So direct physical mutilation of secondary sexual characteristics and chemical castration with hormones is no biggie.
Got it.
it helps reduce the surplus population I assume
We may actually counter the trend to Idiocracy.
“Imo, no. Wouldn’t want to take a chance on breaking down and having to worry about a gun-totin MAGA being the one with the tow truck coming to help. Won’t even take a flight that has a stopover in a Red State. Not really afraid. Just don’t want to temp fate if I don’t have too.”
“#BlueCrew, Resister, Vote Blue in 2022, Vote Blue No Matter Who, Blue Wave, Pro Choice, Support LGBTQ, BLM, Gun Control, I delete DMs. 💙”
In that case, please stay in NY and SF. Pretty please.
Indeed. Stay the fuck out. Go hide in a safe big city.
My husband thinks I’m crazy because I refuse to visit or even drive THROUGH a red state because I dont feel safe.
Would you drive through Kentucky or Texas with NY State license plates? Am I being obtuse?
There are no Republican voters in NY. It is known. And no, you are acutely retarded.
In the places I have felt unsafe, most of them were urban areas, very blue areas.
This. I’ve spent days and weeks alone in wilderness, and never felt threatened in the least. But I wouldn’t feel comfortable in most of the country’s major cities right now.
Golly Gee I drive through Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, NC, and SC sporting Michigan plates. No one has taken a pot shot at me yet. I must be lucky.
I have a friend who thinks that “Down South” is filled with KKK members just itchin’ for a lynchin’ – and told me that I just stay there in the “safe spaces”.
The safe spaces are pretty darn big, cover whole swathes of territory.
What was that statistic? “Exclude five cities and the US becomes one of the safest countries in the world”?
There hasn’t been a lynching in 40 years.
This is the same guy who thinks small towns in Michigan are unsafe for people like him. ie, he would never step foot in a small bar; maybe only stop there – if he had to – for gasoline.
He’s white, 53 years old… exactly the kind of people that rednecks hate. 😉
I thought the whole mitten was detroit.
Guessing you didn’t go inside the 270 ring with those plates during fall. 🙂
She should look at the crime between her beloved blue cities and my rural, red state town filled with gun owners.
There was more violent crime in any large city between sunrise and right now than there has been violent crime in my town over the last decade.
And very specific parts of those large cities.
I live in the largest American city and there’s hardly any violent crime in my neighborhood. Last time I looked a few years ago it was around 1 or 2 murders a year in a population of ~70,000.
Last time someone was killed in my suburb – it was the police tasing a schizophrenic man, who also had a heart condition.
There is something about being a leftist that compels them to put a shit ton of nonsense in their Twitter bios
Their feed too.
All I remember of Oklahoma was arriving after everything had closed, leaving before everything had opened, and poorly laid out highways.
Lolwut? Their highways are all straight as string.
The big problem there is the speed limits being waaaaay too low.
It was mostly inside some city we were trying to reach the other side of.
Oh, that’d be because you’re used to the tardation that is NY roads. In sensible places, the exit number also tells you how far away it is, and a road with a direction on it goes in that direction.
Heh. There’s a part of Lansing, MI, whee E. Grand River Ave., runs parallel to N. Grand River Ave. foreveral miles IIRC.
I read somewhere that’s changing soon in NY. I think the Feds require it on interstates or something.
It’s only required if you want certain highway funding as I understand it.
NH has no plans to convert to mileage based exit numbers, and it’s not likely to happen in NH any time soon.
“Won’t even take a flight that has a stopover in a Red State.”
Well thank Christ for that. Keep up the good work you nutjob.
To be honest, I kinda felt the same way when visiting California and traveling with firearms
Not likely to get in a wreck, or be pulled over and the cops claim PC to search but its not impossible either
If this takes more than a day there is fuckery afoot.
Vote counting continued Wednesday in the close race to determine the Republican nominee for governor in Arizona, with former television news anchor Kari Lake narrowly leading lawyer Karrin Taylor Robson.
counting is difficult someone distracts you and you have to start over
Or perhaps govt is just incompetent? No, no, it couldn’t be that – that doesn’t drive paranoia and persecution complexes.
Both can be true.
“Meghan Trainor and her husband, Daryl Sabara, have a 2 toilets in their bathroom so that they can go together:
“It’s the best part. We hold hands, we pee.”
I take it he sits to pee.
A sitzpinkler!
Sounds like hubby is a sitzpinkler.
I love my wife. I like to think we have a strong marriage. Not once, ever, have I ever felt the desire to use the toilet in tandem,
You could always try going between her legs.
Same here. We don’t even set foot in the bathroom when the other one is using the toilet. Neither of us has any desire to see that.
Nope, sure don’t. Hell, I don’t even particularly like it that my wife leaves the door open when it’s just the two of us in the house.
“The Love Toilet”
From way back when SNL used to be funny…sort of…
Is it set way back, in the middle of a field?
The U.N. nuclear chief warned that Europe’s largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine “is completely out of control” and issued an urgent plea to Russia and Ukraine to quickly allow experts to visit the sprawling complex to stabilize the situation and avoid a nuclear accident.
Rafael Grossi, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said in an interview Tuesday with The Associated Press that the situation is getting more perilous every day at the Zaporizhzhia plant in the southeastern city of Enerhodar, which Russian troops seized in early March, soon after their Feb. 24. invasion of Ukraine.
“Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated” at the plant, he said. “What is at stake is extremely serious and extremely grave and dangerous.”
There is “a paradoxical situation” in which the plant is controlled by Russia, but its Ukrainian staff continues to run its nuclear operations, leading to inevitable moments of friction and alleged violence, he said. While the IAEA has some contacts with staff, they are “faulty” and “patchy,” he said.
Grossi said the supply chain of equipment and spare parts has been interrupted, “so we are not sure the plant is getting all it needs.” The IAEA also needs to perform very important inspections to ensure that nuclear material is being safeguarded, “and there is a lot of nuclear material there to be inspected,” he said.
To be honest, my reflexive reaction is to assume this is just a bunch of theatrical handwringing on the part of the expert class.
“Every principle of nuclear safety has been violated” at the plant, he said. “What is at stake is extremely serious and extremely grave and dangerous.”
Chernobyl part deux?
Thot Thursday comin’ atcha!
Making Sense of Evil Law
40 Pages
In this paper I introduce, define, and ultimately defend the term ‘evil law’. Firstly, I argue that ‘evil law’ is distinct from merely ‘bad’ or ‘unjust’ law and can be defined as law, which, if interpreted according to its best purpose, will enable intolerable harm (including atrocities). Secondly, I claim that ‘evil law’ is law despite objections from both its ‘external’ (Radbruch and Finnis) and ‘internal’ (Fuller) immorality. Instead of eschewing legality, evil regimes benefit from it in a number of ways. Thirdly, I answer Cole’s challenge that using the vocabulary of ‘evil law’ is at best reductive and at worst dangerous. Correctly defined, ‘evil law’ does not hinder but instead aids us in asking further questions such as why it is created and sustained. Even more so, proper use of the vocabulary of ‘evil’ helps articulate the horror evil law inflicts on those marginalized and corrupted by it.
Keywords: evil, law and morality, legal history
Lighting the Winston signal?
Daily Ray of Sunshine
Better than the last 5 star wars movies
The perfect move for someone who 1) is in a hurry to be somewhere and 2) doesn’t mind potentially dying or at least destroying the vehicle.
IRS Is About to Go Beast Mode
The monstrous Manchin bill earmarks $45.6 billion for “enforcement,” including “litigation,” “criminal investigations,” “investigative technology,” “digital asset monitoring” and a new fleet of tax-collector cars. The result will be far more audits, civil suits and criminal referrals.
My timing on mostly exiting the tax system is looking better all the time.
We can only hope the tax collector cars are electric.
taking up subsistence farming?
Nah. My retirement is funded mostly out of a tax shelter. The same one, on a micro scale, used by the Kennedys and a lot of other rich, connected families.
Maybe he’s transitioning to black market farming. I would think growing coca in a greenhouse in the US could be pretty profitable.
Finally, now the IRS can hire teams of super expensive accountants to audit rich bastards like Trump, Musk, Bezos, Bloomberg and Buffet!
They are going to get more C- accountants and go after more of the middle class who can’t afford decent representation aren’t they?
Ha ha, like they’d use actual certified accountants. No, they’ll be the usual government functionaries without any background or specialized training/outside knowledge, given a shake and bake course, and told to process paperwork.
Working an audit now.
There is no way to put this nicely, the guy is a fucking moron.
stupid AHM. future proof, core strengths, footprint, bla bla bla
At least the chocolate rations are going to be maintained.
Spain has announced new energy-saving measures, including limits on air conditioning and heating temperatures in public and large commercial buildings, as it becomes the latest European country to seek to reduce its energy consumption and its dependence on Russian oil and gas.
Under a decree that comes into effect in seven days’ time and applies to public buildings, shopping centres, cinemas, theatres, rail stations and airports, heating should not be set above 19C and air conditioning should not be set below 27C. Doors will need to be closed so as not to waste energy, and lights in shop windows must be switched off after 10pm.
When does training volume reach the point of diminishing returns?
A recent meta analysis investigated the impact of training volume on muscle growth, comparing the effects of 12-20 versus 20+ sets per muscle group per week on quad growth, biceps growth, and triceps growth.
Honestly who has time for 20 plus sets a week. I think most people getting 8 to 10 is plenty for decent results.
I’m in a hypertrophy program, and as I go on I’ve been able to do more volume in a workout. I am seeing better results now that I’m doing 20+ sets per week. It isn’t that hard to do. I have a 2-day split, and I do each workout twice a week. If you do sets of 4, 3, and 3 each workout you’re at 20 sets for the week. I do a lot of supersets so I’m still out of the gym in less than an hour.
I do not know what you split is but if you have 4 body per day x 2 times each workout, you need to do 10 sets per body part each workout. That is a lot. 40 sets in a day.
4 body parts per day.
That can be optimistic or pesimistic.
Biceps, triceps, quads, hams, chest, back, front delts, side delts,rear delts is already 9, not counting training like abs, traps, lower back, calves
20 sets a week for each of those is a lot
By a split I mean one workout is chest, shoulders, and triceps; and the second is back, biceps, legs, abs. I do each workout twice a week. I am doing more sets of the compound lifts (bench press, shoulder press, rows) and fewer for isolation exercises (curls). Even in the article is says there are some gray areas. Do pullups and rows count as biceps? Maybe?
But yes, I have built up to 35-40 sets per workout, and it feels fine. It took me a few months to get to that.
for me it is not about feeling fine but the time it takes more than 2 hours unless you do very short breaks which is rather inefficient
I do take short breaks. Usually a minute, but if I’m doing a superset it’s less.
Optimal breaks are 3 to 5… So the best workout is when you go twice a day two hours each
also shoulders are 3 groups and legs are 3 groups so that math leads tom more than 40 a day… but still if it works for you great
I agree, if you’re being a purist then for sure that’s more than 40.
Home prices are collapsing at the fastest pace since 2008.
Housing inventories are rising at the fastest pace in history and are already at a level previously associated with deep recession and economic deleveraging.
Bad news if you’re trying to sell your home, which I think at least one of you mentioned.
Prices are all the way back to Jan 2022 level.
You say “recession”, I say “correction”.
Fortunately we took out a home equity line of credit right at that peak. Which was nice. At this point, you watch those prices drop and start looking into picking up a rental property.
Gotta replace a wheel bearing on the WRX/STI. This is not helping me fall in love with Subaru.
One of the car youtube channels I watch sometimes is Deutsche Auto (I think). They do Volkswagen/Audi stuff. Last night, they had an Audi A6 with a “noisy” rear end. They had the thing in gear up on the lift, doing about 60. I would not have wanted to be anywhere near that thing. It was screaming in agony.
It had been leaking for quite some time, and the bearings were all completely destroyed, to the point where the center section was walking back and forth inside the case, gradually machining a route of escape.
The most horrible part, however, was this. The guy says the parts to rebuild the diff are not available. Audi won’t sell them. You either buy a brand new diff complete ($5300, I think he said) or hope like hell you can scrounge up a used one for a grand or so.
Audi can fuck right off.
One of the reasons you don’t see too many old Audis on the road. They’re nice cars but become cost prohibitive quickly with age.
Optimizing Bulking Diets To Facilitate Hypertrophy
Weight loss is a common goal for people who wish to improve their health, compete in a physique sport, or make weight for a strength sport with weight classes. However, weight gain is an equally valid and important diet goal, and should be approached just as strategically. This article discusses how to construct an optimized bulking diet.
If only the proles could understand how much dear leader has done for them.
During an interview, Jill somehow overlooked key mishaps of Biden’s presidency, including soaring inflation, his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, sky-high gas prices, and his almost daily speech gaffes.
“I wish people could see more of what Joe has accomplished and how hard he’s working,” Jill said, insisting that he is doing a “great” job. …
“Sometimes it feels like we’re pushing this boulder up the hill, but progress is being made,” Jill said, adding “I don’t want to sound like a political ad, but we have done so much. Gas prices are a huge issue, and Joe is, every single day, on the phone talking to leaders about gas and oil. These problems are coming so fast and furious, and certainly a lot of it is dark.” …
“He’s steady, he’s strong, he has wisdom, he knows politics, and he knows where he wants to take the country…I think that’s the reason he was elected,” Jill said.
Staaaahp it.
But they kept saying the president couldn’t impact gas prices as they were rising. So I’m confused.
Is that racist yt Karen saying “dark” is bad?
I don’t want to sound like a political ad
Then just shut up.
“He’s steady, he’s strong, he has wisdom, he knows politics, and he knows where he wants to take the country…I think that’s the reason he was elected,” Jill said.
He’s an excellent President.
It’s just a shame his subjects are letting him down.
That’s a sure fire to win elections. Tell the voters how unappreciative they are.
For a so called “sports genius” Sloopy sure has fallen down on the biggest sports story of the year: When will the Minnesoda Aurora jump into the NWSL professional women’s soccer league?
The Aurora is currently in a 3rd tier league, but they are selling tickets like crazy!!! Do you know how hard it is to get lesbians to walk down a path with goose shit on it?
Watching women’s 3rd tier soccer sounds as exciting as driving an Olds Aurora.
So the name checks out at least.
Even if it included college football stars?
If xe is in a wimmen’s league, shouldn’t it be Countess?
How she was denied the Heisman will always be one of life’s great mysteries.
Career 100% for kicking!
I actually like the Olds Aurora. At least, I like how the first one looked, in context. Nothing to write home about underneath aside from the Aurora V8 being interesting.
Bill Burr will be pleased.
I guess if there is going to be a professional women’s league, this team may deserve to be in it.
Man I just can’t wait for those 80,000+ IRS workers – they will def be going after people who do cash business, under-the-table payoffs. Small time construction workers, guy who buy cars and sell them, lawn services, etc, etc
Heck even in the antique world you see it – estate sales etc aren’t collecting sales tax. And 1099s aren’t going out from store owners.
Irish democracy in action. Why do you think there’s the push every couple of years to get rid of cash?
This! This is how you settle matters with the big money tax cheats!
No shit, nothing the US of A needs more than a doubling in size of the most hated bureaucratic agency in existence. The idea that they’re going to be going after nothing but bigwigs is laughable.
it’s another nail in the coffin of the democrat’s long domination streak which began under Bush. Once mom and pop shops get harassed their party loyalties will switch.
Jim Traficant was a Democrat and hated the IRS.
He was one of a kind. And he’s gone.
He was also a corrupt piece of shit who would let people off if they would do “volunteer” work on his land.
No one’s perfect.
Maybe that bit of snark doesn’t work.
I still like that he hated the IRS and had many amusing speeches on the House floor.
No offense meant, but since his passing, there’s been pushes (through the region) to remember him as this bold upstanding maverick who should have been president.
“Should have been president”? Ugh. No.
The kulak wreckers and saboteurs, da tovarisch!
They should be okay as long as long as they don’t deposit the cash. It helps if they have a spouse with a W-2 job so the government sees that as the source for mortgage payments or a car.
Not all that different from the mob guys needing some job, any job, that gave em a W-2 to show the government even if the job actually paid nada.
When EF was el-solo lawyer; dealing with taxes was the biggest pain of her job. She did it faithfully but I bet plenty of attorneys aren’t as scrupulous on what money is income.
I’m self-employed and I’ve been doing my own taxes since I had two accountants screw me over in 2003, though not on purpose. TurboTax is awesome, but having a fan of my work, who is ALSO a non-practicing tax attorney point something out to me randomly when I was randomly bitching taught me to be far more careful about special cases.
My husband wins a lot of stuff. Sometimes they send 1099s, which is fine. One time he won a Prius. I honestly didn’t know how we were going to pay the taxes on it and my friend said, “Well, you can get a tax credit for a hybrid vehicle.” Voila! No taxes. So I am very careful. I have had to account for a wrongful termination lawsuit award. I have had to account for some other freak thing I can’t remember at the moment.
It’s not hard for me, just tedious. So back to those accountants. I was working in my self-employed business for the first time. The first accountant handed me a $2,000 tax bill. WTF. So did the second. But the second one actually filed them electronically before we signed off on it. I was bitching to my aunt, who said, “You know this is all tax deductible, right?” Dowhatnow. I went through the 1040 booklet and the C and A schedules with a a fine-toothed pencil. I filed an amended return and the IRS forgave me the 41c I missed.
I went back to the accountants and said, WTF. They said, “Well, you didn’t tell us about any of that stuff.” Dude, you saw I got a 1099. You didn’t ask questions. If I have to gather all this information for you, why am I paying you? GTFO.
A couple years ago I finally went to a professional instead of doing my own taxes, since I was uncertain about some things (RSU sales, etc.) – but I had already gone through it w/ TurboTax.
Same result +- like, $20.
“That’ll be $550”.
Back to TurboTax since then.
Mrs. Animal has been doing our corporate and personal taxes forever. I think she uses Turbotax, but she’s also damn good at finding every little thing she can deduct. She makes sure we pay every penny the law requires and not one penny more.
She does get a little grouchy around tax season, though.
I read once, “The IRS expects you to take every deduction you possibly can. If you don’t, they give you the side-eye.”
With that in mind, I have always tried to order my family’s spending around the 1040-C. For instance, the rare vacation. I take books to give away or at the very least, hit up a specialty bookstore that might be interested in my books. Before I was writing, I would visit doctors’ offices to sell medical transcription services. They never bit. That wasn’t the point.
“Mask Mandates Don’t Need to Make Sense
One common (though not definitively proven) argument against mask mandates is that they don’t actually change people’s behavior: People who would’ve masked anyway cover up, and people who don’t want to mask wear theirs badly or ignore the rules. “Anyone who has been in any sort of public location at any time during the pandemic recognizes that mask mandates are not followed consistently,” says David Dowdy, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. But even disregarded mandates could affect people in other, helpful ways. “From my perspective, the main benefit is not so much the masking itself, but the message to society that this wave is not yet over,” Dowdy told me. A mask mandate may not magically swaddle the faces of everyone in its jurisdiction, but it could remind already enthusiastic maskers to avoid large gatherings, or lead non-maskers to give the people around them a little more space.”
But whether people mask or not doesn’t let you know the real important distinction. Who is getting their monthly jab. We need a way to identify those people in public.
The masks are important for social signaling, for feeling holier than thou, and for giving the easily fooled an unwarranted internal locus of control. Oh, and social control-can’t forget the main one.
They’re easy to spot. They’re the ones with covid or laying down after having a heart attack.
Just had a headhunter call me about a remote contract job – vaccination required. I laughed at him.
Sounds like an outright admission its not about the effectiveness of mask mandates, its about control.
Exactly this. Conformity and control. Behave like good little sheep so that you’ll be better prepared for our next order.
A counterpoint, from an actual epidemiologist, is that mask mandates likely don’t work because cloth and surgical masks have never been shown in a randomized control trial to help with respiratory contagious virus transmission.
And now, for a massive pile of steaming shit:
We must protect our phoney baloney jobs gentlemen!!
Harrumph, harrumph!
I only got two in before quitting.
I tapped out at the claim that schools are creating “critical thinkers” and DeSantis / DeVos are big meanies who want to ruin that.
And that was *first*.
Should have linked this for the idea that the school kids are being taught to think.
Critical thinking involves questioning established norms. God help you if you gore their ox though. I wonder how they’d react to a student intelligently questioning the morality of public sector unions.
I quit at That public schools are foundational.
“These extremists are fighting these culture wars, and the attacks are only going to get worse. It’s a strategy to divide educators from parents, to create apathy and fear. These are the biggest tools they have to win.”
And the teachers’ grooming/recruiting kids into their LGBTQ world and hiding it from parents does what, exactly?
Creates a world free from old bigatries.
Now. Now is when I want my rocket launcher.
“I’m not the organizing type. I’m more into smoking weed and watching porn, but maybe someone can take this revolution idea and run with it.”
Not that the battle would last long enough to matter, but I don’t think he has thought about supply lines.
They would be marching into a town of 1000 Rittenhouse’s, only mature and competent. And many of them battle veterans.
I saw that w/ it originally hit Reddit a few months back.
Lots of “shoot, shovel, shut up” comments.
The best part is “they don’t have police.”
The levels of cluelessness are amazing.
Farmers don’t fuck around. And ranchers even less so.
Just look at what happened when Antifa left Portland to go into the exurbs last year. They were immediately shut down. Go even further out and they’ll be disappeared.
Same thing happened here in Cleveland. First day of the “mostly peaceful” protests cops warned places to close early and lock up. Whole streets were vandalized (except the open store fronts), with shattered glass, televisions looted, liquor looted (or smashed), and several employees terrorized. The next week, they announced protests further out near the suburbs. Store owners showed up open carrying clubs and guns. The protests stayed peaceful then.
“The towns are defenseless.” Yeah, sport, you run with that.
“What you need to do is attack a bunch of armed rednecks in their neighborhoods. I’ll stay here and cheer on from the sidelines.”
“Their towns are defenseless.”
This is the kind of blind spot you have when you believe that, if the government doesn’t do it, it doesn’t exist.
And a strange contrast with the liberal fear of rural areas as evidenced by the other Twittertard up above who’s afraid to travel through Kentucky.
The comments are gold:
Man I just can’t wait for those 80,000+ IRS workers – they will def be going after people who do cash business, under-the-table payoffs. Small time construction workers, guy who buy cars and sell them, lawn services, etc, etc
What are you saying? Those new employees will be assigned to clear the giant backlog of overdue refunds. They’re here to serve.
Yeah…. we had a year long running battle with the IRS because our tax prep guy accidentally fat fingered a number.
IRS letter out of the blue demanding double back of what we owed. How was that decided? Tax prep filed an appeal. Turned down. And then another one – which was magically accepted.
And the 2-3 month wait between each appeal. 🙁
I have also been there. It happened while I was at my poorest as well. Piss on them.
And the 2-3 month wait between each appeal.
That’s pretty good actually.
I’ve only had two run ins with the IRS. The first was when the Regular Army continued to pay me after I switched to the Army Reserve. DFAS took too long to correct the issue so I had to declare the income one year and then file an amended return the following year to get the extra taxes as a credit. The other was when I made a typo that they corrected. They just sent a letter with the details and a bill for the extra taxes. In reality it likely cost them more to recover the difference.
They should be okay as long as long as they don’t deposit the cash. It helps if they have a spouse with a W-2 job so the government sees that as the source for mortgage payments or a car.
Not all that different from the mob guys needing some job, any job, that gave em a W-2 to show the government even if the job actually paid nada.
Hence the regulatory obsession with “money laundering”.
England and Germany’s family fallout
Long before 1914, Teutonophilia had come to define who we are
When Britain and Germany went to war on August 4, 1914, it brought the old world crashing down. It soured Anglo-German relations for decades. But it also subtly changed the way the English had come to see their history and themselves.
As the European crisis had worsened, the British cabinet grew divided between those who wanted a place on a world stage and those who wanted the country to remain that English ideal, the quiet neighbour who keeps himself to himself — the Liberal Imperialists and the Little Englanders.
The latter had a suspicion of foreign entanglements, but the divide also reflected attitudes towards Germany and France; the Little Englanders, in Barbara Tuchman’s words, ‘tended to regard France as the decadent and frivolous grasshopper and would have liked to regard Germany as the industrious, respectable ant had not the posturings and roarings of the Kaiser and the Pan-German militarists somehow discouraged this view.’
Before Prussian militarism had become an overwhelming obsession, British opinion had long favoured Germany over France — and for many the feeling was mutual.
What? Germans have been on England’s throne for centuries.
But they changed their name in 1914
They waited until 1917. To be fair Saxe-Coburg and Gotha doesn’t sound as good.
And Scotland before that.
The law demands and only those of Scotch-German descent can be on the throne of England.
Well, Philip was from Greece. What? The Greek royal house came from Denmark? Well, at least they aren’t German. What? The Danish royal house is from Germany? At least tell me the Russians were Russian.
Fun fact, the holy roman empire had a lot of houses of royal rank with minimal territory, so for a long time german princesses were in demand because they wouldn’t tip the balance of power and risk an untimely war. Most european royal houses are largely genetically german as a result.
Romania got one of those
* looks at the long line of Tsarinas from German states
Balneário Camboriú BEACH | Better than Dubai | Southern Brazil, 2022【
most things are better than Dubai imo
there is a whole genre it seems of filming on beaches and it seems creepy tbh
Experts: We aren’t doomsdaying nearly hard enough!!!
“These include outcomes ranging from a loss of 10% of the global population to eventual human extinction.”
If that were the case Bill Gates, WEF, et al would be for more global warning.
10% is a drop in the bucket. He’s going for 80%. Global Warming is not as quick and effective as an induced famine and subsequent war.
Please point to any prediction of temperature rise by the IPCCC that has been met, let alone exceeded, ever.
Can you believe it hit over 90 degrees in Cleveland? That’s unprecedented!
Never mind that it’s not even the historic high temperature for the day.
I’ve noticed that when the high temperature in summer is above average, the TV weathertron always mention that, but when its below, they don’t.
>>The world needs to start preparing for the possibility of a “climate endgame.”
y’know humans survived the fucking ice age. I would like to think we are a resilient creature, certainly more than the dinosaurs. We can adapt or engineer our way out of many, many things.
Speaking of car youtubes-
I watched a Car Wizard one the other night about a BMW 633 he had in for some minor service. I watched it because it was a 6-series. It was a really really clean old car, which only had about 60k miles. No rust. Not only “never driven in winter” but it looked like it had never even been rained on. Unfortunately, it had an automatic, so me no wantum.
Most of the service was random piddly stuff. The big tragedy, however, was that the power antenna for the radio had ceased function. They ripped it apart, and the motor works, and the mast is not seized, but the little plastic gear which runs the mast up and down is cracked, and gets jammed somehow. Of course, this decades-old part is nowhere to be found.
As he was waving this little gear around in front of the camera (it was cracked, but complete), I thought to myself, “There must be tens of thousands of people who could Jap* that gear, either by imagery and 3D printing, or making a mold and and casting a new one. Maybe one of them will come to his rescue.”
*at one time, a very popular euphemism for “copy” among many of my friends and associates, for reasons which may or may not be obvious
Adam Carolla has talked about going to Jay Leno’s to have parts for his classic cards fabbed; Jay, even more so than Adam, can’t just buy parts for his cars.
Leno’s got laser scanners, metal 3D printers, etc.
He basically has Shapeways in his garage. Which is freakin’ cool.
Marketplace doesn’t say so but they build rare car parts, custom Leatherman parts, hard to find gun components, etc…
From 2017: Direct Metal Laser Printing – Jay Leno’s Garage
I imagine there have been upgrades since then.
Leno has all the cool toys.
Can I have at least a few of his uncashed paychecks? Would NBC reissue them? Seriously, that must have caused difficulties for the accounting department.
ISTR he _cashed_ them, he just never spent them.
Ah, sorry, that’s printing-as-a-service – Carolla has said Jay has 3D printers in house now.
I have used Shapeways to replicate parts I can’t machine for this very purpose – mostly for my Maserati 430. The plastic degrades rather quickly. I’ve done power window gears (those were steel, but rusted to oblivion, Shapeways can do that), windshield visor mounts, wire holders, etc.
Did the stainless with brass glue hold up? I am curious. For plastic I got a year and a half out of my plastic Leatherman Signal mods before the plastic started to warp from use.
For the intended purpose, yep, although lifting that window isn’t super straining. Still going up and down.
Maserati 430
Ah, sweet – I remember lusting after one of those; looked like a Nissan Sentra of its day.
Would have been a fantastic q-ship.
It is absurdly fast once you fix all the vacuum leaks (blegh). It’s been to hot to mess with it but I’m planning on working on it as soon as the highs get to the mid-80s.
It’s Getting Harder to Be a Woman in America
Wouldn’t it be great, if you could have it all?
The best line though:
Gathered in public parks just to scream? Well thanks for the insanity self-reveal ladies.
Bill Cosby made you scream? Otherwise that statement is a non-sequitor.
Men make no trade-offs, it is known.
Rock the privilege!
I encourage her to travel to sub-Saharan Africa and let me know how it goes for her.
Something about getting what you want good and hard
Yup. She apparently wanted a career and children and no one else in her life. Mission accomplished, right?
or this week’s crisis has passed – how bout stop voting for governments that keep bringing one crisis after the next
Who knew that life sucks and is filled with hardships.
How come no one recognized my genius and made me a billionaire? It’s not FAIRIRIRIIRR!
Honestly i would have wanted to make a fortune the old fashioned way inheritance, not genius
There’s a problem with that for me – I’m already among the richest of my vast extended family, and I’m only middle class.
Starting when I was a kid back in the 70s, my aunt was the president of a successful title company that’s still around today, and I believe she is now on the board. Today I consider her among the wealthy. Never in my life have I bought into the claim that women can’t have a kickass career if that’s their priority.
The new CIO at my company is a few years younger than me. She is unmarried, no kids. I don’t know anything personal about her, but it looks like she made the decision to put career first, has been willing to move to advance. And she is doing well at it.
She may have no interest in family, I have no idea, so maybe it was an easy trade off for her.
It is basic economics, every action has an opportunity cost.
::rolls eyes so far back in head I can’t read beyond the first couple of lines:: 🙄
Women have never had it better and they still complain.
“My chosen way of life should require no effort on my part!”/Wendy Whiner Women
Not mentioned:
A husband.
Not to mention, a two-parent household with one parent working part-time or not at all.
Life decisions have consequences.
Before we got married, Mr. Mojeaux and I discussed that we wanted me to stay home with the children, but we would not be able to get by on his salary alone, so I would have to find something to do from home.
So I did.
What in hell does “lean in” mean?
Moving that hard fecal object through the canal?
It’s woke-speak for women speaking up in meetings and such.
“I’m not the organizing type. I’m more into smoking weed and watching porn, but maybe someone can take this revolution idea and run with it.”
“Let’s you and them fight.”
And when your “troops” have been slaughtered, and the maimed survivors cry out for help, what will you say?
“We have reserves. Send in the next wave.” – Typical Commie.
with MGs behind and pointed at the backs of the troops as extra incentive.
Is this webcomic supposed to be a reference to that whos on first sketch?
Heh. Yup. Not bad. The football version.
Can you believe it hit over 90 degrees in Cleveland? That’s unprecedented!
*thinks back to IndyCar pit lane, Fourth of July weekends at Burke Lakefront Airport*
90 would have seemed cool.
That’s not over body temperature yet. Meh.
There you’d at least have the wind off the lake, and the crushing humidity.
Women have never had it better and they still complain.
There’s not much time for complaining when you’re hand washing dirty diapers on the river bank.
You don’t know how hard it is to make grocery pickup.
“And when they deliver, they won’t put it away for me!”/WWW
Thank y’all for joining the Zoom last night. Although Tonio wound up being the main host when my wifi went down and took forever to boot back up.
Anyway, it was an impressive crowd for a midweek!
Some good news – I’ll be opening a second booth in September. Went and looked at three different spaces yesterday. This should be a better location than my current single space.
I’ll probably make the first place vinyl ‘n’ CDs only while the new place will be art, statues, and nick-nacks; with a little vinyl since it (was?) is a strong seller. Sadly I can’t go full vinyl at this new location since the owner of the place wants to limit the number of record sellers.
I would totes find your booth if you sold MCM Christmas ornaments like velvet dancing Santas, satin balls, angel candles, Shiny Brite ornaments, aluminum Christmas trees (with color wheel!), and vintage blow-mold giant NOEL candles.
I’ll add those to the mental list. EF loves her some giant plastic molded ahem lawn Christmas decorations.
Real aluminum trees are quite pricey. I got one off eBay, but the listing failed to mention it was from a smoking home. Since each branch was wrapped in a kraft-paper tube and it was all in the original packaging, it was quite…pungent.
Lu lu lu, lu LU lu LUUU lu… 🎵
Also https://www.vermontcountrystore.com/caroler-candle-set-of-3/product/67680
My paternal grandparents had one of those! 😃
If you ever come across any old vinyl 45s of Yogi Yorgesson, I’d be interested.