1. robodruid


    • waffles

      Good morning!!!

  2. Certified Public Asshat


  3. Gender Traitor

    It’s alive!!! 😃

  4. Rat on a train


    • SDF-7

      Yup.. today’s honorary music link, I think.

  5. UnCivilServant

    Unredacted memo reveals why DOJ didn’t prosecute Trump

    Before looking at the link I’m going to guess – no crime to prosecute.

    • AlexinCT

      They were too busy working to hide the real criminality of the Bidens, Clintons and Obamas and their influence on the US bureaucratic juggernaut, to…

    • Brawndo

      No reasonable prosecutor.

  6. rhywun

    “California will now be the only government in the world that mandates zero-emission vehicles,” she said. “It is unique.”

    California is uniquely _____________, all right.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Good luck, CA power grid.

      • rhywun

        Good luck, CA aerial wildlife.

      • Rat on a train

        No problem. Batteries as far as the eye can see.

      • Pope Jimbo

        At a job 10 years ago we were looking at a project to add charging stations to our IoT platform. The guy from the charging station company basically said that a charging station is the equivalent of a new house being added to the grid.

        So Joe’s plan to add a new charging station every 50 miles of road (minimum) is gonna be awesome

      • Nephilium

        What, you mean a power grid that’s already known for rolling black/brownouts is going to easily accommodate millions of new electric vehicles? I’m sure all of the gas stations that already exist there will be given grants to convert over to charging stations, right?

      • UnCivilServant

        Naw, they’ll be fined for the costs of tearing the storage tanks out of the ground, which will be done against their will, and some connected company will get the contract to add charging stations to the spot, which will not work, because being functional was not a requirement of the contract.

      • banginglc1

        They’ll get to use the gas storage tanks to power the generators for the electric cars . . .at a small fee of course.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        There is no way you will be able to charge your car on demand. People in your zipcode can only charge on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

      • AlexinCT

        Only the right people will be approved to own a car….

      • Ownbestenemy

        Just means more desert in Nevada and Arizona will be littered with solar farms and windmills.

    • Mustang

      Newsom to DeSantis: “FREEDOM BRUH. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT BRUH?” *thumps chest*

      DeSantis: *facepalm*

    • Spartacus

      Looks like 2034 is going to be a good year for car sales in Cali.

    • R C Dean

      zero-emission vehicles

      Christ on a crutch, but I am sick of these misleading euphemisms.

      Just as accurate to call them child labor vehicles, given how the batteries are produced.

      • ron73440

        child labor vehicles

        Consider that stolen.

  7. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’
    yo whats goody

    • AlexinCT

      She is evil?

    • Drake

      And why she kept flunking the DC Bar exam.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Was Hillary distracted by Kim’s posterior? Huma’s getting long in the tooth, why shouldn’t Hill be able to trade up too?

    • SugarFree

      Why does Hillary need to know anything about the law? Every time she breaks 1000s of useful idiots rush to protect and excuse her.

  8. Gustave Lytton

    Noticed that Michael Badnarik died recently. Was during the period I drifted away from big L but always seemed like a decent sort of chap. Relatively young too. RIP.

    • robc

      Last LP prez candidate I could support fully, without some sort of half-hearted vote.

    • The Last American Hero

      Was he the one that ran on the winning see were totally not a bunch of nutjobs let’s jail anyone who worked for the IRS platform, or was that Browne?

      • robc

        I don’t remember that, I remember his tall fence/wide gate immigration policy. Super easy to immigrate, shoot on sight anyone crossing border illegally.

      • robc

        Browne wanted to sell federal lands to privatize social security.

    • robc

      He had a heart attack in 2009, so he got another 13 years after that.

      Still young, but not a surprise, I guess.

  9. SDF-7

    Morning Banjos… not looking forward to what the CARB tyrants put out. What bugs me more is that one reporting on this I saw claims it isn’t just sales, but *licensing* of gas cars that will be banned. Which would mean all the existing non-EVs become undriveable. Of course, the idiots in charge will almost certainly have run the state (and the country given the unconstitutional President Poopy Pants junta squad) into the toilet, so we’ll just have to see what’s still around by 2035.

    Freaking neo-Malthusian assholes.

    That New York life expectancy change was for 2020 — one has to immediately wonder… was that nursing home deaths? Still can’t help but think there are a lot of governments (China, ours, etc.) that are looking at a lot of retiree benefits and upside down demographics that wouldn’t have minded an “elders only” pandemic… funny, that…

    • AlexinCT

      The agenda is to make people that can not escape so desperate that anything they are told to do to get the promise of relief from the people in power will simply be accepted without any protest or questioning. Desperation will make most people suck dick even when they do not want to.

    • rhywun

      If they’re going to blame the plague, the only way that makes sense is if they’re claiming that babies born in NY will get it earlier. I’m not a scientician but I don’t see how already dead people impact that figure. 🤷🏻‍♂️

      • SDF-7

        Ok — given it was “life expectancy in 2020” I was assuming if X seniors at age 76 drop dead instead of 80 (because they died when COVID swept their nursing home), it would lower the average life expectancy (by chopping down on the high end) for sufficiently large X and all. :shrug: I’m no statistician either… maybe that’s just ludicrous, sorry if so.

      • UnCivilServant

        Life expectancy is always a voodoo number.

        It rolls in these one-time die off events and infant mortality, and people treat it like a drop-dead date.

      • pistoffnick

        Life expectancy…

        No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

  10. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) head Steven Engel and Principle Associate Deputy Edward O’Callaghan argue in the memo that because special counsel Robert Mueller discovered no underlying crime, there was little, if any, basis on which to prosecute Trump for obstruction of justice.

    “Given that conclusion, the evidence does not establish a crime or criminal conspiracy involving the president toward which any obstruction or attempted obstruction was directed,” the memo reads. “It would be rare for federal prosecutors to bring an obstruction prosecution that did not itself arise out of a proceeding relating to a separate crime.”

    I would say that this should be taken for granted, but it can’t be in modern America.

    • Homple

      Well, it’s “rare” if that makes you feel better.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Rare but not flat out not a crime. The state of American jurisprudence. Sad.

      • Homple

        I had to read it about three times before I could believe some authority actually said that.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Consider Alex Jones’ case, where he summarily deemed guilty because he did not produce incriminating documents.

      • Brawndo

        “These documents don’t exist.”

        “Yes they do, because we know you’re guilty.”

      • Gustave Lytton

        And guilty of what? Being a loon or acting like one? The Sandy Hooky families suffered zero pain or emotional distress from Jones except what they’ve inflicted upon themselves. Leaving aside how they’ve used their dead children as props to take away my rights. Not just 2A but 1A now. Fuck the lot of them.

      • R C Dean

        Is it that exactly what they strung Flynn up for?

    • Spartacus

      Sounds like being arrested for resisting arrest.

  11. AlexinCT

    Democrats attempt to buy votes for the Midterms

    This is far worse. This proves the democratic party has become the party of the urban college educated useless douchebag. They are basically going to funnel a ton of tax payers to maintain a system currently under heavy attack – the failing college education system – because it servers their purpose of brainwashing idiots into marxists. And they are going to do this, without batting an eye, by making people that avoided this money pit and indoctrination trap, or that had the wherewithal to avoid becoming slaves to the state’s money lending apparatus, to pay for their largesse.

    This is basically Tocqueville’s warning that America would be the shining example on the mountain until the political class decided to drop all pretense and go full steam ahead using the treasury to buy votes.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Is this bread or circuses?

      • AlexinCT


      • Pine_Tree

        They’re done with bread and circuses. This is the boot.

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, I find it neither satisfying nor entertaining, so…why not neither?

    • Pope Jimbo

      If I was a plumber, electrician, mechanic, contractor, etc., I’d ask any jackass who tried to hire me if they had $10K of student loans forgiven. If the answer was yes, my estimate would increase by $10K.

      It would be nice to see the working classes actually unite and start telling these wannabee dukes, earls and princes to fuck off.

      • UnCivilServant

        Good thing I called Dibs on being God-Emperor then.

      • AlexinCT


        They are basically fucking over their political enemies – and the country – to rig another election… Anyone pointing this out will soon end up banned..

      • SDF-7

        What? That would never happen.

    • Brawndo

      I’ve been seeing that this is just another Wall Street bailout akin to 08. I don’t know much about finance, but I imagine the holders of these debts were getting scared they wouldn’t make as much money as they expected.

  12. Fourscore

    I’m glad I don’t live in NY, with the decline in longevity.

    The next prez will have a bigger pen and telephone. Congress can take a permanent vacation.

    • AlexinCT

      That empire is being murdered by the people that profited from it in a desperate move to leave them on top of the pile again in a new global order they hope they can use to maintain the status quo between the aristocracy (them) and the serfs (the rest of us).

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I’ve been listening to Tom Luongo lately. He’s calling it a war between the central banks and we’re the ants getting stomped on.

        One one side, you have the zombie European banks and a few American counterparts like BofA, and on the other you have the Fed and JP Morgan Chase and a few others.

        His hypothesis is that the Fed will raise rates faster than expected, which will destroy the ECB that is desperate for higher gold prices as their physical reserves are all they have left. If the ECB goes, the EU goes with it and the Davos crowd is done, along with all the old European money that survived multiple world wars and everything else. The Europeans are therefore motivated to get us to devalue the dollar through stimulus spending and idiotic foreign policies like we’re pursuing in Ukraine.

        It’s an interesting lens to look at the situation through. I’m not fully convinced yet, but in general if you can give me a money-oriented explanation for the insanity I’m at least willing to entertain it.

      • AlexinCT

        It’s a simple thing I can explain with a quick analogy:

        The country right now is the Titanic right after it had a fatal collision with an iceberg. The crew knows their ineptitude cause the crash, and worse, they have no clue how to do damage control to save the ship. So instead they have opted to distract the passengers by playing deck games on the starboard side, while they go about looting all the valuables, loading them into the functioning life rafts on the port side, and prepare to abandon ship – with all the lucre – before the passengers realize how bad they have been fucked over because the life rafts on the starboard side are all also compromised.

      • WTF

        Well, the Euro is now slightly below parity with the US dollar, for whatever that’s worth.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Summary or snippets? That site is awful.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, a dumpster fire. My browser’s reader view to the rescue.

        Oh, and yeah, depressing shit.

  13. Scruffy Nerfherder

    “After we cleared the call and went back in service, Rome-Floyd 911 received a call from the suspect, claiming responsibility for the incident and explaining his/her motives,” the report stated. “It was a computer generated voice. They explained they were upset about Ms. Greene’s stance on ‘trans-gender youth’s rights,’ and stated they were trying to ‘swat’ her.”

    The report also stated caller said they are connected to a website, which police stated supports cyberstalking, and gave the police their user name on the site.

    That’s beyond retarded, but okay, thanks for the info.

    • AlexinCT

      They expect the machine to turn a blind eye to the criminal activity because it was done to help the machine and it’s cause…

    • B.P.

      “…and stated they were trying to ‘swat’ her.””

      When I was in high school kids would occasionally call up bomb threats to the school to try to get our of final exams and such. Apparently, one time a kid called up and said “this is a bomb scare.”

    • SDF-7

      Needed that after Drake’s all too true link, thanks.

    • Grosspatzer

      Thanks, your Eminence. Cuteness overload FTW.

  14. Rebel Scum

    Biden’s student loan handout to cause spike in college tuitions, experts say

    The Bee is on it.

    • AlexinCT

      Look up what Ford did to their EV line a few days after the More inflation bill gave away $7.5K tax break to people buying EVs: their product line all saw an increase of about $8.5K.

      The one sure fire way to fix a price or have the price go up while the value goes down, is to have government pay for or subsidize that something.

      • The Last American Hero

        Tesla did the same thing a few months ago.

  15. Not Adahn

    I saw that SWATting yesterday, it was reported as a “prank call.”

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      If you can get ventilated as a result, it’s no longer considered a prank.

      • UnCivilServant

        I support attempted murder charges for people who sic the swat team on others.

      • SDF-7

        I think that’s fair. Certainly reckless endangerment at a minimum.

    • UnCivilServant

      He was here before the server troubles.

      • AlexinCT

        You sure the server troubles were not caused by Euro rationing of power that caused Pie’s connection to break things, huh?

    • PieInTheSky

      Pie is not missing the site was out of whack

      • AlexinCT

        Vampirshi can not be defeated?

      • Swiss Servator

        And Pie has an article coming up at 1100 on Tuesday.

      • SDF-7

        We should give him the whole day on March 14th.

      • PieInTheSky

        well that was fast

      • ron73440

        I’ve never seen that movie.

        is it worth checking out?

      • Festus

        Yes. It is my favorite Steve Martin movie. The second would be “The Man With Two Brains”.

  16. JG43

    Daily Quordle 213
    Just missed LL

    • Sean

      Daily Quordle 213

      #waffle216 5/5


      🔥 streak: 43
      🥈 #wafflesilverteam

    • SDF-7

      Daily Quordle 213

      Not a great duotrigordle day though:

      Daily Duotrigordle #176
      Guesses: 37/37
      Time: 07:02.72


    • Cowboy

      Daily Quordle 213

      Im blaming it on the squirrels

    • Grummun

      4 3
      6 5

      Couple inspired guesses in there.

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 213

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 213

  17. Certified Public Asshat

    From two weeks ago, so perhaps already brought up…

    ‘Disturbing’: Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws

    Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.

    Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner.

    His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.

    Free healthcare…

    • AlexinCT

      Government healthcare means you have gotten away from people that feel they provide a service they should be able to make a profit doing to people that use it as a weapon against their enemies…

    • UnCivilServant

      Those experts must not be bioethicists if they’re disturbed by it.

    • Rebel Scum

      The Democratic People’s Republic of Canukistan is going all the way…

  18. The Other Kevin

    Mrs. TOK was having a nice day yesterday so I tried to shield her from the student loan thing. But she found out and was as livid as I was. In our family, we’re seeing two things. My two sisters, who have advanced nursing degrees and are making 6 figures, will have some of their loans “forgiven”. And Mrs. TOK”s step sister, who has $80k in debt from a useless fine arts degree (she works at Target) is ecstatic that she’ll get a $20k handout. Meanwhile I went to a local college and had no loans, and the Mrs. spent 20 years paying hers off.

    • AlexinCT

      They are punishing the people that are independent by design… Their message is that you should just stop trying and let government do things for you (and also tell you what you are allowed to do or not)….

    • Mustang

      I would have qualified for the $10k when I had student loans except that I spent every spare dollar I had paying them off as fast as possible. Fuck me, right?

      *Insert “what an idiot” meme*

      • UnCivilServant

        I would have been eligable for $20k, except I paid mine off in 2017.

      • Nephilium

        If you haven’t, go read the Chump Effect article that was linked in yesterday’s afternoon links. If you need it, I can probably dig it up as well.

      • Mustang

        I read it yesterday, in fact.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      You'll pay for others' debt while I track every $600 you spend.— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) August 24, 2022

    • Ownbestenemy

      I’m still not getting thr Pell Grant 20K thing. Or is this for the idiots who took the grant and dropped out and now are on the hook?

      • SugarFree

        It’s a proxy for people that were disadvantaged financially, ie. someone that qualified for Pell Grants at the time.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The real crime is that they didn’t give Uncle Sam his vig.

      • Nephilium

        Someone who wanted the cut the IRS gives to “informants”?

      • UnCivilServant

        Are those names published?

      • Nephilium

        I honestly don’t know on that. I believe this is the full rules and regulations on it. I’m not seeing any references to publishing names or keeping secrets, so it’s probably a very solid maybe.

  19. Rebel Scum

    Unredacted memo reveals why DOJ didn’t prosecute Trump

    Because there is no ‘there’ there.

  20. Rebel Scum

    California likely to ban sales of gas-powered cars by 2035

    Good luck.

    • PieInTheSky


  21. Brawndo

    I’m just a big dumb smooth brain that melts stuff together for a living, but maybe if “SWATting is a national epidemic” then that just shows that law enforcement isn’t doing enough to vet the calls before going in.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Why would you deny them the thrill of getting their cowboy on?

      • Brawndo

        Just say there’s a mass shooter killing children in your home, that way they won’t come inside.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Vet the calls? This is their opportunity to being out the gifted military toys and parade them in the streets. They probably welcome these calls

      • Rebel Scum

        Apparently cops are the biggest LARPers.

    • Grumbletarian

      Vet the calls how exactly? Checking the area code on the call doesn’t mean anything when cell phones are ubiquitous. We already say “when seconds count, the police are minutes away,” so having them research phone calls will only further delay responses for real incidents.

      The problem is exclusively the idiots making these calls. Prosecute them, hard. In this case a charge of attempted assassination seems appropriate.

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        I say we go Old Testament on them.

        If a malicious witness arises to accuse a person of wrongdoing, 17 then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the Lord, before the priests and the judges who are in office in those days. 18 The judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, 19 then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother. So you shall purge the evil[c] from your midst. 20 And the rest shall hear and fear, and shall never again commit any such evil among you. 21 Your eye shall not pity. It shall be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

        – Deut 19

  22. PieInTheSky

    josh ryan-collins
    Not only will building 300,000 new houses a year make little difference to housing affordablity, it will also completely blow out the UK’s 2050 net-zero carbon budget.
    Our new academic paper out today covered by


    little difference is better than none

    • PieInTheSky

      Can England build all the homes the govt says we need *whilst* staying within our carbon budget & achieving national biodiversity policy goals?

      The answer’s 🤯

      “A home for all within planetary boundaries” – our new paper in Ecological Economics


      “Solutions include decarbonising the existing housing stock through rapid retrofitting, and policies disincentivising the overconsumption of floorspace”

      lol. I am at a point where it is impossible to convince me environmentalism is not a religion, and a shitty one at that. a fucking miserable cult.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s easy – use the environmentalists and migrants as building materials.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Central planning is hard.

        /Totalitarian Barbie

      • rhywun

        It is a death cult, and they’re not exactly hiding it any more, either.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      It appears we’re finally hitting the point where there is a direct, obvious tradeoff between quality of life and the envirocommies goals.

      If I don’t have anywhere that I want to live, I don’t give a shit about a 2050 net-zero carbon budget.

    • ron73440

      Just like drilling would not make a difference in oil for another 10 years, so what good would doing it now do?

      Also, the comments under that tweet are a dumpster fire of stupid.

    • Rat on a train

      The solution is higher immigration.

      • UnCivilServant

        You misspelled Emigration. LIFO order.

      • Rat on a train

        Hasn’t Minneapolis taught you anything. It is POCIWO.

      • UnCivilServant

        What Minneapolis has taught me is that we need to throw people who advocate crap like that under the trolley.

  23. trshmnstr the terrible

    I just ran across a shining example of how the media and the journalism industry as a whole lies and exaggerates as a matter of course.

    I’m reading an article about ownership of data collected from various applications, and the assertion is made that

    “some smart speakers have used ‘lidar’ to track physical movements without disclosing as much”

    I clicked into the source linked to that claim and it says:

    “these devices are acquiring senses beyond hearing – the latest models have cameras, and future ones may use ‘lidar’ sensors”

    Clicking down into its source, it reads:

    “Several groups of researchers are. . . working on ways to extend smart speakers’ sensory ranges. One such effort is led by [insert names here] of Carnegie Mellon University.. . [they] unveiled their proposal, which they call SurfaceSight, to give smart speakers vision as well as hearing. Their chosen tool is lidar”

    So, over two layers of citation it went from “here’s a cool proof of concept cooked up in a research lab” to “your smart speaker is monitoring you with lidar!”

    • Swiss Servator

      Paste this in as a comment on the article.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Your comment has been deleted by a moderator.”?

      • trshmnstr the terrible

        Lol, comment section? What do you think this is? A free exchange of ideas?

        It’s from “Boston Review”, which appears to be a commie rag. Of course, it’s the most prominent article on data ownership because commies are who to trust when talking about property ownership.

  24. R.J.

    @CPRM: Never got to thank you for your short movie post!I kept timing out every time I wrote more than 5 words. Well done, sir dox!

  25. Pope Jimbo

    Cognitive dissonance hits Minnesoda Progressives

    What is a doubleplus goodthinker to do when the latest vax deniers are Somalis? Sure they are victims of misinformation, but still.

    Minnesota has been facing a vaccination crisis among its child population.

    Specifically, among children who turned two in 2018, rates show around 80 percent have received the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. This figure is lower than in previous years, but the percentage of immunizations among Somali children is even lower.

    Somali Minnesotan two-year-olds in 2018 had a vaccination rate of just 33.8%, according to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). That’s the lowest it has ever been.

    I think they should all lose their jobs until they get their kids vaxxed!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Santur says within the Somali community, there is a rich oral culture, with information most commonly passed through word of mouth. Although the Wakefield study was retracted, and it has since been proven that there is no link between the two, the stories and personal experiences have stayed present within the community, Santur said.

      Nice way of saying illiterate.

      • AlexinCT

        I think he was being a racialist..

      • Pope Jimbo

        Dude! You didn’t even read the story. Santur is a Somali guy too. So he totes can’t be racist.

        Santur says the Somali community generally looks up to physicians and medical providers as authority. Having Somali providers and people in the clinic could make a big difference in vaccination rates, he thinks.

        “Having people that look like you care for you; that’s just a huge factor, in my opinion, in terms of acceptance and feeling comfortable. When I see a Somali patient or I’m providing education to a Somali patient, it’s a lot easier for them to trust me and to connect with me,” Santur said. “Whereby if it’s someone that doesn’t look like them, there might be some distrust there, and there is distrust in our healthcare system.”

        See what you need to do is hire more Somalis. That will fix everything.

      • rhywun

        Fuck you, cut racism.

      • slumbrew

        *golf clap*

        I like it.

      • MikeS

        Ha! Nice

      • R C Dean

        “the stories and personal experiences have stayed present within the community”

        This tells me the Somalis are believing their lying eyes, which tell them that the vax is bad for kids.

    • AlexinCT

      Punish the HERETICS and APOSTATES!

    • AlexinCT

      They can’t beat American ingenuity

    • AlexinCT

      Good… This shit is a travesty… They want to make our military ineffective on purpose.

      • Rebel Scum

        Someone is engaged in a war against us. I suspect it is the people depleting our energy, food, weapons, etc…

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        And whatever you do, DON’T NEGOTIATE


        British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Wednesday, where he warned against negotiations with Russia.

        “This is not the time to advance some flimsy plan for negotiation,” Johnson said at a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

        Just keep getting ground into sausage, that’s the ticket.

      • Rebel Scum

        Being the opposite of Neville Chamberlain is not an improvement.

      • tarran

        This is good news. The more equipment our enemy, the US government, sends to Ukraine, the less equipment it has with which to oppress us.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Lack of foresight works in this case.

      • slumbrew

        “we are dangerously under-equipped and need to spend several hundred billion on new defense contracts”

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


        Feature, not bug

      • Gender Traitor

        …or to get in the way of welcoming our new Chinese overlords.

      • The Other Kevin

        I know someone who is a higher up at the local Army Reserve. They are sending some of his equipment to Ukraine and not replacing it.

      • AlexinCT

        What bases are the equipment being taken from? The ones in blue states or red states…

        Cause I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out the agenda here is to disarm red states…

      • The Other Kevin

        This one was red. But I’d imagine it’s everywhere.

      • Drake

        My last AT in the NJ National Guard we watched our tanks get loaded for shipment – to Iraq where they were given to the Iraqi Army. Never replaced.

      • R C Dean

        As long as its not replaced, I’m good with it. We need no more ground forces than necessary to (a) defend our borders and (b) have a cadre of experienced soldiers if we need to ramp up for some reason.

        Now, the “as long as its not replaced” is the big question, of course. Will we hit the fiscal wall before that happens? Who knows?

  26. Count Potato

    “Also, the late 2020 push from liberal public health elites that persuaded Pfizer to *change* its original protocols – and had the convenient side-effect of delaying any vaccine announcement until after the election – deserves more scrutiny.”



    • PieInTheSky

      It is justified if it stopped Trump. Just like the laptop thing and anything else you can imagine

      • PieInTheSky

        imagine is an english word I keep misspelling because for some reason I think it has a double m

      • UnCivilServant

        for some reason I think it has a double m

        You’re just imagining things.

  27. Pope Jimbo

    Dastardly Republicans. When they aren’t pouncing, they are “turning” on trusted norms and institutions!

    For decades, the League of Women Voters played a vital but largely practical role in American politics: tending to the information needs of voters by hosting debates and conducting candidate surveys. While it wouldn’t endorse specific politicians, it quietly supported progressive causes.

    The group was known for clipboards, not confrontation; for being respected, not reviled.

    But those quiet days are now over, a casualty of the volatile political climate of the last few years and the league’s goal of being relevant to a new generation.

    Story about why the GOP won’t participate in NOW’s debates anymore. How dare they point out the skinsuit!

    • creech

      I remember being disgusted when Libertarian candidates failed to answer, and thus be included, in the LWV election info sent to all voters. That, of course, wasn’t because LP didn’t like LWV but because amateurish LP candidates couldn’t get their act together and “Get the Word Out” as they had always promised to do.

  28. PieInTheSky

    Even mild dehydration may increase subjective pain and fatigue during exercise
    A recent study by Tan et al investigated the impact of mild hypohydration on pain sensitivity in a crossover trial with 17 healthy, eumenorrheic women.


    One: drink your fluids at the gym (non alcoholic prefferably)

    two: I think I learned a new word

    • whiz

      That’s “preferably” — you seem to be afflicted with a double-consonant problem today, Pie.

  29. Rebel Scum

    Be still, my beating heart.

    DeSantis has seen enough of Dr. Fauci:

    “Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac!”

    • Homple

      Fauci has done all the damage he could. He’s gone. I’m waiting to hear what DeSantis thinks about 87,000 brand new armed IRS agents.

    • creech

      The “little elf” will be making serious bank for however many years he has left. His family/heirs will be well off while most of us (those not in favored groups) struggle to pay the bills.

      • Seguin

        Unless they need to burn someone

    • PieInTheSky

      also the fuck is a lisfranc injury *googles*

      What is a Lisfranc joint injury? A Lisfranc joint injury is a type of injury to the bones or ligaments, or both, in the middle part of your foot. In a Lisfranc joint injury, there is usually damage to the cartilage covering these bones.

      • R.J.

        Sounds painful. I broke my foot around my big toe. Not pleasant, recovery takes a long time.

  30. Rebel Scum

    But what does the fox say?

    A woman from Ithaca, New York was attacked by a rabid fox while she was talking on the phone and smoking outside her home.

    The animal crept up on her from behind and bit her several times as she fought it off.

    At one point you can see the woman using her hands to fling the animal on the ground.

    The incident ended when she stepped on its head and a man came outdoors with a stick to rescue her.

    • Not Adahn

      I have seen more foxen this year than the previous decade combined.

  31. PieInTheSky

    Videos of employees at Tencent’s Shenzhen office running away are making the rounds online.

    A full building lockdown is said to have been announced after a person tested positive for Covid-19.


    • The Last American Hero

      So the CIA could grind China to a standstill by proliferating positive COVID test kits to offices and factories all over the country?

    • rhywun


      • robc

        They weren’t running from covid, they were trying to get out before the lockdown had them stuck at work.

        So I get that part.

      • rhywun

        I’d be running all the way to the border and across it if I could.

  32. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Who had Bosnia as the next European flashpoint?


    As the frangible systems upheld by the Dayton Agreement begin to seemingly deteriorate, commentators have cast the nation and the whole Balkan peninsula, as a new potential theater for competing superpowers. Much of the recent focus and criticism emanating from the West, has centered on Russia’s developing relationship with Serbia, and the secessionist rhetoric emanating from The Alliance of Independent Social Democrats (SNSD) in RS, and from the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ). Less, however, has been paid to the reality of NATO’s nation building project in BiH, and the stubborn insistences of further NATO integration coming from Bosniak statesmen and bureaucrats in Washington and Brussels, which have been equally animated and incongruous.

    EU President Ursula von der Leyen, who remains on her quest to banish Russian gas from the European continent with no regard for consequence, has too previously declared that “BiH, and all the Western Balkans, belong in the European Union.” “It is in our common interest,” but I also believe, it is our destiny” she added. Under the neoliberal dogma epitomized by Stoltenberg and Von der Leyen, of the EU and NATO’s exclusive right to a sphere of influence, any Russian involvement in BiH and the Balkans will be perceived as inimical, and civic-nationalist aspirations as dangerous.

    • Homple

      Serbs and Russians have gotten along well in the past, so it’s time to bomb some Serbs again.

  33. Rat on a train

    Winter of Discontent

    Contract clauses mandating that landlords heat their buildings to a certain level to ensure the wellbeing of their tenants have also been completely suspended for six months, with state bigwigs claiming that this will allow renters who are willing to turn down their thermostats to do so, with little being said about what will happen to those who wish to keep the heating on during the winter.

    Meanwhile, public shops are to be forbidden from leaving their doors open; it will become illegal for monuments to be artificially lit; outdoor pools will no longer be allowed to be heated using gas or electricity, and all neon signs must be switched off by 10 p.m.

    However, as pointed out by local publication Bild, people in Germany will likely not appreciate the new energy restrictions considering the government is also planning to soon introduce renewed COVID-19 lockdown rules at a time when most other countries have almost completely forgotten about the Wuhan virus.

    • B.P.

      *cancels European ski vacation*

    • Sean

      I don’t think that’s gonna work how they want it to.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Trumps saving grace was not mandating. Biden on the other hand…

      • AlexinCT

        I always knew Biden was hiding the fact that he liked to date dudes!

  34. PieInTheSky

    Fresh record high prices for 🇩🇪 and 🇫🇷 electricity:

    German 1-year forward: €725 per MWh
    French 1-year forward: €870 per MWh

    The 2010-2020 average was around €41 per MWh

    Russian energy weapon; French nuclear crisis; low wind production. Drought-hit hydro


    I really don’t like where this is going

    • Rat on a train

      I assume those are generation prices.

    • Homple

      It’s been headed this way since the green lunatics took over EU energy policy.

    • rhywun

      Holy crap, that’s fucked.

      Like I said, a death cult. Why do you think the left is so happy to meddle in Ukraine? It ain’t because they give a shit about Ukrainians.

      • Rat on a train

        “You know how I know that they’re finished out there? The carts.”

      • creech

        Some folks read “Atlas Shrugged” and decided its message is ” It would be very cool to go back to the 17th century.”

      • Sean


      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see how it plays out for them.

      • MikeS

        Hopefully Europe destroys itself quickly enough that we have time for the majority of Americans to figure out we can follow their lead.

      • MikeS

        …CAN NOT follow…

      • Rebel Scum


  35. PieInTheSky

    One of the things that increasingly annoy me about the eco cult is more and more are saying shit like take fewer showers. I take 2-3 a day in the hot days of summer and I nneed every one of them. I come soaking wet with sweat from the gym / coming from work etc I need a shower.

    • Nephilium

      /looks at great lakes

      Nah, I’m good with as many showers as I want to take, as long as I want to take them.

      • UnCivilServant

        Lake Erie waters? Ewww!

      • Pope Jimbo


        Everyone know it is Lake Minnetonka or nothing when it comes to purifying yourself.

    • AlexinCT

      They recommending people just wash their dicks in the sink?

      • UnCivilServant

        No, they recommend cutting those off.


      • Pope Jimbo

        How can you be a fully woke woman without a dick?

  36. DEG

    Indeed, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Postal Service, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and countless other federal agencies also have police divisions.

    Another unnecessarily militarized agency, I would argue, is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

    How about abolish them all?

    • Drake

      We could send all their weapons and gear to the Ukrainians.

      • Rebel Scum

        “Sell.” I don’t think they are paying for any of it.

  37. Yusef drives a Kia

    I lost another friend last night, apparently I’ve been blocked.
    I am a shitty person and a shitty friend,
    A most unhappy birthday, and a good time to quit this madness.

    • MikeS

      You have a bunch of friends here.

      How’s the article on that course you played coming? I didn’t see your reply to me about it until the next morning. Which course is it?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Look up Flip city, article underway right now.

      • MikeS

        That looks really cool. And some neat disc golf history there. Did you play the Ace course?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        We did the 24 hole circuit, big course

      • MikeS

        That’s great. It looks beautiful and really fun.

    • AlexinCT

      Intolerant people are assholes Yusef…

    • MikeS

      Today your birthday ?

      • Yusef drives a Kia


      • MikeS

        Happy birthday! Go golfing. Have a tall can or two.

    • Rebel Scum

      Offense is taken, not given.

    • R.J.

      Apparently any time I try to post the site crashes. I hope this one make it through:

      Define Yusef’s happiness according to Yusef, not other random people who may turn their backs on you.

      If I defined my happiness according to other people’s opinions of me, my political beliefs and excessive frottage would mean I was the most unhappy SOB in the world.

      Enough talk! Happy birthday you whippersnapper!

  38. Certified Public Asshat

    Not financial advice:

    Fun fact: You can be refunded any federal student loan payments you've made since the March 2020 pause. pic.twitter.com/TiqsuXUwXi— Adam Kelsey (@adamkelsey) August 24, 2022

    • Certified Public Asshat

      So if you're someone who meets the $125k income threshold for forgiveness but are lamenting that you recently paid off your loans, ask for $10k (or as much as you've paid since the pandemic began) back and voila. https://t.co/BJdQS0Z175— Adam Kelsey (@adamkelsey) August 24, 2022

  39. Ozymandias

    Tarran – (Brooks’ing my reply from above)

    The Marine PI was not my case, although some of my folks wound up in that suit to help fill out the class for the class cert motion.
    For those keeping score at home, that’s 3 out of 5 Armed Services now enjoined for flagrant violations of RFRA during the “Great DoD Non-Vaccine Debacle, Part Deux.”

    I have a case pending for a Coast Guard class and a colleague is considering filing the Army cert motion.
    The Coast Guard has – incredibly – granted even fewer exemptions than all of the other services – 0 that we can find or are aware of.
    Evidently, the USCG believes it can convince a judge that it has no one with sufficient religious convictions to rate an exemption from the vaxx.
    This all in the face of the CDC’s recent updated guidance that now says there is no difference b/w vaxxed and unvaxxed…. yet the DoD persist because (say it altogether)….

  40. Rebel Scum

    Keep a close eye on your neighbors, comrade.

    Kathy Hochul on viewing social media during background checks for gun purchases:

    “Just like in the old days, you talk to someone’s neighbor…and find out whether this person has been spouting philosophies that indicate that they have been radicalized.”

    • ron73440

      Does it count when govt officials are the ones spouting BS that radicalized me?

    • Drake

      Just like in the old days? The old days of East Germany or Mao’s Cultural Revolution?

      • R C Dean

        My thought exactly. That doesn’t sound like the old days in the USA, at all.

    • R C Dean


    • Sean

      It is her second arrest in less than a year.

      Oh, she’s a keeper.


    • KK the Porcine Pearl-Eater

      (See, OMWC? This is what I was talking about last night.)

    • Ownbestenemy

      6k bond for slapping and tearing a shirt? Damn Florida….

      • ron73440

        The woman’s fiancé was left with red scratches to his face and neck. His short was also torn in the incident.

        Apparently she tore a “short”.

      • Ownbestenemy

        [insert Bill Burr’s it’s never okay to hit women? bit]

      • Not Adahn

        That’s where you hike up your lower garment so that the waistband is above your nipples

      • ron73440

        Those are awesome.

        Should I buy a set for my wife?

        Although she could almost do that with my jeans.

      • Mojeaux

        Should I buy a set for my wife?

        If you want a divorce, sure.

  41. DEG

    A woman is trying to get the NH State Representatives that voted for the session constitutional amendment off the ballot.

    The Attorney General’s Office was asked to look into the merits of disqualifying House candidates who supported a constitutional amendment seeking to have New Hampshire secede from the United States, but as the NH Ballot Law Commission prepares to take up the matter at 1 p.m. on Aug. 24, some of those facing disqualification say the answer is clear.

    Karen Steele of Atkinson asked the Ballot Law Commission to disqualify 14 individuals from running for office, saying their actions violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which prohibits those who have engaged in insurrection or rebellion, or given aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States, from holding elective positions.

    Steele declined to comment Tuesday night before the Ballot Law Commission meeting Wednesday at the state archives where liberty activists are planning a rally before the meeting.

    One of those on the list, Rep. Glenn Bailey, R-Milton, says, “For the 14th amendment to apply at all, those being disenfranchised would have to be first convicted of insurrection or rebellion. If that has happened, I somehow missed that trial.”

    She failed.

    State representatives advocating for New Hampshire to secede from the union will still be able to run for re-election this fall after the Ballot Law Commission rejected an attempt to bar them from office.

    The woman who filed the complaint said in this case, somebody needed to stand up for America.

  42. PieInTheSky

    A 1,000-year flood is not a flood that happens once every 1,000 years

    It is a flood that at a particular point in time is estimated to occur with a probability of 0.001

    It is not a concept suitable for detection and attribution of climate change


    • R C Dean

      Keep your facts to yourself. We’re internetting here.

    • Rat on a train

      They aren’t scheduled events?

  43. Spartacus

    I looked briefly at the comments on TOS a couple days ago. They have turned into some combination of Pat Buchanan, Zerohedge, and Youtube.

    I know, it’s my own fault for looking.

    • Warty

      Postrel seethes hardest