Trip Report: Cheyenne Frontier Days

by | Aug 3, 2022 | Sports, Travel | 115 comments



A few weeks ago, my Mom visited Colorado for the first time.  We took a trip up to Cheyenne so she could check Wyoming off her list (her flight into Denver was diverted to Wichita, so she got 3 new states out of the trip).  While there, my wife and I saw that Frontier Days was coming up and decided, “that looks like fun”.  When we got home, we bought tickets for Saturday, July 23rd.  Frontier Days opened on the 22nd and goes until the 30th, so it will probably be over by the time you read this (I am writing on the 25th).  But it will be back next year.

I wasn’t planning a review article, so my pictures are lacking.  I will supplement with stock photos.  I am also doing zero research on this, so actual facts may be entirely wrong.

What is Frontier Days?  Primarily it is a rodeo.  There is a daily rodeo from 1 to 4 PM, leading up to the finals on the last day.  This year is the 126th Frontier Days, and I believe it is the oldest extant rodeo in the world.  There are also concerts every night, mostly of the country variety, so I have no idea of the quality, but I think they get some top acts.  And a fairgrounds with rides and meat on a stick and that kind of stuff.  Smaller than a state fair (but then again, this is Wyoming, so maybe it was size appropriate) but larger than a county fair.


My wife commented that she was pretty sure she had ridden one of the rides…not the same type, but that literal ride.  I had the same feeling about the Alpine Bobs ride.  It was 40 years ago, but I am pretty sure it was that exact one.

The travelling FDNY 9/11 exhibit was there.  We checked it out, it was interesting.  I realized all of the kids visiting the exhibit were born after that event.  9/11 will be old enough to legally drink later this year.

We left the Greater Fort Collins Metropolitan Area about 10:45, with plans to park at the park & ride next to Warren AFB, to avoid fighting traffic for closer, more expensive parking.  Our parking choice was only $15.  As I arrived at the gate, a sign said “Have Payment Ready”.  I had my card in hand, when I pulled up and realized the person had a big wad of cash in their hand.  Shit.  I reached with card and said “Cash only?”.  She said, “Yes…[saw the look on my face]…go on in.”  So Wyoming has hospitality for stupid outsiders going for it.  And this is the point where I admit to being a bad libertarian and rarely carrying cash on my person.  I mean, really, I know better.

Short school bus ride to entrance gate.  We have 45 minutes or so until rodeo starts, but decide to get to our seats early, while checking out what we want to hit later on.  The 9/11 exhibit was basically it.

It has been a long time since I have been to a rodeo.  And that was in Louisville.  My wife and daughter had never been to one.  There is always something to watch going on.  Between events you had trick riders and lasso girls and all kinds of other side activities on display.  The events themselves were rodeo events, if you have seen them, you know what it is.  If you haven’t, I am not sure I can describe them anyway, checkout the videos at the end as a flavor.

But I have general comments on the character of the event.  This is the least woke sporting event in America.  I even think it started going the other way, going out of their way to be anti-woke.  They were trying a bit too hard, in my opinion.  Let me give an example.  As some sort of right/paleo-libertarian who is also an evangelical Christian, I have no problem with a prayer before the event.  In fact, considering the danger to participants and animals alike, I can’t think of a better event to have a pregame prayer for.  And if they had done that, I wouldn’t have had an issue.  But they felt the need to announce that they STILL have a prayer before their event.  I felt it was a bit unnecessary.  Sure, they were playing a bit to their demographic, which is nice, considering how many major sporting powers completely whiff on that (I am looking at you, NASCAR).  It was a small thing, but there were a few moments like that.  My advice:  You don’t need to be actively anti-woke, just don’t be woke.

Other assorted random comments in no particular order:

At one point a woman walked thru the stands carrying a large Liz Cheney sign.  No reaction from the crowd.  Not boos, not cheers.  Just ambivalence.  I think the locals all know she is going down in her primary in a few weeks.

The Hispanic guys sitting next to me were drinking Modelo Especial.  Playing right into some sort of stereotype.

I have never seen as many horses fall down as I did that day.  They all got back up and continued on.  Rodeo horses are a stronger breed than thoroughbreds.

One horse got away and jumped the fence to the stage, then off the stage to the surrounding track and was headed straight toward the grandstand, until some of the trick riders scared it away.

There was a Ladies Saddle Bronc event.  Only 1 woman stayed on for 8 seconds.  There is a reason women have different events in the rodeo.

The night before, I saw 3 people masked at Costco.  At Frontier Days, I saw zero.


We plan to go back next year, make more of a day of it.  My daughter will be a year older, maybe I will let her do a sketchy carnival ride or three.


Calf Roping:


Bull riding:


Barrel Racing:

About The Author



I like beer.


  1. Sensei

    The travelling FDNY 9/11 exhibit was there. We checked it out, it was interesting. I realized all of the kids visiting the exhibit were born after that event. 9/11 will be old enough to legally drink later this year.

    Way to make me feel old considering I was in Manhattan when it happened.

    Thanks for the article!

    • rhywun

      I was a grizzled office drone late to work watching it live with a coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

    • hayeksplosives

      I recall the traveling subscale but still enormous Vietnam War memorial. They did it very faithfully to the original, so that people could still do wax “rubbings” of the names.

      Same sentiment; I was born in 74, so I don’t remember TVs war, but my Dad was a 1960-1980 Army officer and Vietnam vet, and he sure remembered.

      I visited the real Vietnam memorial in DC and couldn’t stop sobbing. What a waste.

  2. DEG

    And this is the point where I admit to being a bad libertarian and rarely carrying cash on my person. I mean, really, I know better.

    Yes. And you should feel shame. But not as much shame you should feel if you didn’t know how to change a tire, which I assume you do.

    • robc

      I changed 3 in the first 2 years of owning a car. And 1 in the next 30 years.

    • rhywun

      I noticed recently that a lot of places that didn’t used to are now charging extra for credit/debit cards.

      Party like it’s 1999.

      Thanks, Joe.

      • Chafed

        Really? Where are you seeing this?

      • rhywun

        Both of my most frequented convenience stores.

  3. Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

    (correct zoom link in previous post. carry on.)

  4. Don escaped Texas

    Modelo Especial

    That one’s a pilsner. Negra is a dunkel. I’d say those Mexicans were guilty of Austrian/German/Czech cultural appropriation.

    For me, beer is basically German no matter who makes or drinks it. Is there a beer that is somehow truly and uniquely Mexican (MS to the white courtesy phone, please, paging Sr MS)? Would it have rare peppers or cactus in it? I’ve done time in Jalisco… that stuff IS Mexican.

    It’s kinda like if a Ford is built in Mexico with a bunch of parts made in China, is it still the great American truck?

    • Don escaped Texas

      “those Mexicans” were just drinking…enjoy!

      and, of course, the original “Mexican” brewers were Germanic anyway….that should have been a clarifying intro (which I presume everyone knows or would have guessed anyway)

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I know Costa Rica’s Imperial uses German recipes and their brewmasters are trained in Germany.

      • The Bearded Hobbit

        Back in the days when we used to visit Juarez, our favorite hangout was Fred’s Rainbow Bar*.

        The guy behind the bar was a 6-4 Swede. His father had immigrated from (been kicked out of?) Sweden in the 1950’s and had bought the place. Northern Europe produced a lot of people in the beer trade.

        *Many shenanigans took place there in my youth, probably an article’s worth. Might have to put something together.

      • DEG

        I guess I should have kept reading.

    • DEG

      I’m surprised robc or Nephilium didn’t chime in here.

      Most or all of the major Mexican brewers trace their heritage back to German immigrants to Mexico. Mexican beer styles are derived from German and Austrian styles.

      Pilsner is originally from what is now the Czech Republican. The Germans appropriated it and came up with their own take on it.

      Belgians, English, Scots, and Irish have different brewing traditions than the Germans.

  5. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Cool stuff. That looks like fun and decidedly different from the things you get in coastal Virginia.

  6. Sean

    “And this is the point where I admit to being a bad libertarian and rarely carrying cash on my person. ”

    This resort has gone “cashless.”

    I have tipped everyone here with cash. Fuck the .gov

    • slumbrew

      Good man.

    • slumbrew

      AFAIK, “going cashless” is to stop the employees from stealing from them. It’s certainly not for the benefit of the customers.

  7. Sean

    Thanks for sharing, robc.

  8. Sean

    #waffle195 4/5


    🔥 streak: 13
    🏆 #waffleelite

  9. Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

    That sounds like fun! A hoot n a holler!

  10. Scruffy Nerfherder

    Let’s play “Who said it?”

    “ “In our earliest days at our founding of our country, Benjamin Franklin, our presidency, said, freedom and democracy. Freedom and democracy, one thing, security here. If we don’t have- we can’t have either, if we don’t have both.”

    • rhywun

      Gotta be Kammie.

      • MikeS

        Gawd, I can hear her saying it in my head.

        MAKE IT STOP!

    • Chafed

      I’m guessing Biden.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      All wrong,

      Nancy! In Taiwan! With a martini!

  11. MikeS

    Thanks for the write up and pics/videos, Rob. I’ve known of Frontier Days but never really seen it. It looks like a lot of fun.

  12. Scruffy Nerfherder

    “ My daughter will be a year older, maybe I will let her do a sketchy carnival ride or three.”

    If you’re not careful, she’ll join the circus and end up marrying a carny.

    • The Hyperbole

      Could be worse. She could end up a lawyer, or a politician, or a firster, or a government official, or a ska punk musician, or a codes enforcement officer…

      • MikeS

        Or a Quordle-playing contrarian.


      • Sean

        I’m in the ‘shipping camp for you two.

      • MikeS


      • The Hyperbole

        Ackshually, I’ve moved on to Speed Duotrigordle.

      • MikeS

        Saw that. Best I’ve done is +1 in 9:03.

      • rhywun

        “Ask your doctor.”

    • Sean

      She smells of cabbage and spoiled milk anyway.

      • Tres Cool

        smell like cottage cheese and tree branches

  13. Fourscore

    Enjoyed your trip, the videos were a plus, robc. Never been to a rodeo but used to watch ’em on WW of Sports. Looked like the grandstand was not full, perfect place for a Glib meetup with built in social distancing.

    Thanks. The traveling section is getting better’n better.

  14. Gustave Lytton

    In years past, UP & Denver Post would run a quickly sold out train up to CFD and back from Denver. Sadly it’s been discontinued. Neither side will say it, but I think it was due to bystander getting killed by the train while taking pictures.

  15. Gustave Lytton

    So I found out from a new coworker that my new boss wants me to train them starting next week to “help me out”. Something this boss never brought up nor have I asked for it. I don’t mind the idea overall, but I really hate having a monkey follow me around like a lost dog all day. I’m not a trainer, I like being my own man. The circumstances also kind of annoy me, because frankly this coworker needs to learn how to do their own new job first. And the guy has an anger problem and inability at times to act professional or get along with coworkers, vendor partners, or external customers.

    • Gender Traitor

      Sounds to me as if you need to get “independent verification” of this from New Boss, both as a reality check and, if true, to clarify exactly what is expected/intended. Are you also comfortable enough with New Boss to – as tactfully as possible – bring up your concerns about New Coworker?

      • Chafed

        That’s good advice.

      • DEG


      • Gustave Lytton

        New coworker previously worked for new boss, so he knows. Which is probably why I’m getting stuck with him. Have a chat tomorrow to figure out what’s intended. New boss or rather newish boss took over from my old one when that one retired. As a reporting hierarchy, he was an “uncle” and new coworker was a longtime “cousin”, in a different role.

        Also, a longtime colleague who I enjoyed working with retired today, so a little humdrum already.

        Thank you all for being my anonymous gripees.

    • MikeS

      All of that sucks. And on top of it all, you find out from coworker? Very unprofessional of boss and possibly coworker if coworker was told to keep their mouth shut about it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yeah. New boss has been overloaded and is a bit young. I’m going to chalk it up to ignorance at the moment this time, and part of onboarding new coworker with their role.

  16. Trigger Hippie

    OT: That moment when you realize you’re officially middle-aged.

    Sat down on the john for the obligatory after dinner number 2 then realized “holy shit, my boys are touching the top of the toilet water!”


    • slumbrew

      Way TMI.

      • Chafed

        Yeah, that was more than I needed to know.

      • Trigger Hippie

        …I drink and lose my filter sometimes…probably dropped it in the toilet then flushed without checking.

      • slumbrew

        Having seen you on the zooms as your usual shirtless self, that image you just conjured was way too real.

        *goes for brain bleach, a.k.a. vodka*

      • Trigger Hippie

        Never been on the zooms…am I being monitored without my knowledge?

      • MikeS

        He’s probably thinking Deadhead.

      • Trigger Hippie

        God, I hope so. Otherwise I’m quitting this site posthaste.

      • slumbrew

        Hah, yes I am.

        Damn hippies all look alike 😉

        Apologies to whichever of you is more offended by the comparison.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Exactly what a Fed would say. 😉

        Not offended, just got a little freaked out because I do in fact spend a lot of time here after darkness falls shirtless.

      • slumbrew

        You and Deadhead should hang out; do you enjoy going for 50 mile runs?

      • Trigger Hippie

        I smoke at least half a pack of cigarettes a day. So…no.

      • slumbrew

        That’s fair – I’ve never smoked but I’m not going for a run with Deadhead either.

        (ultra runners are cray-cray)

      • Trigger Hippie

        Seriously, that comment just freaked me the fuck out.

      • Trigger Hippie

        Oh my God, I’m dying from laughter. Well done.

      • Tres Cool

        Heh. I remember that.

    • rhywun

      Been there.

      • rhywun

        And I’ll raise you one “there is no obligatory any more”. Granted, my routine has probably been disturbed by that colon blow surgery from a couple years ago but I found myself having to drug myself into some sort of semblance of “regularity” lately. Boy did I pay for that today.

  17. Brochettaward

    MikeS is such a boob that Q should just be posting his name instead of his titty links.

    • MikeS

      You saying this is fitting with today being ass day.

      • Brochettaward

        You are such a giant ass that you should be the subject of one of Heroic Mulatto’s thikk Friday posts.

      • Chafed

        If only….

  18. Timeloose

    I would like to go to the rodeo some day. I have an open invitation to go to Sheridan WY whenever I’m able and they have a real big one every

    It is a cool little town with some nice bars and restaurants. Like Cheyenne it’s becoming gentrified with CA and CO people.

    In 10 years they won’t be the same places.

    • slumbrew

      In 10 years we’ll be wandering the wastelands, fighting over guzzaline

      • Chafed

        I better go charge my Prius.

  19. hayeksplosives

    Thanks to my fellow Zoomies tonight; it was fun.

    The beef stroganoff turned out beautifully and delicious. Hoping to bank on that when i break the news to Mr Splosives that I’m bringing home a new kitten tomorrow.

    (Supposed to have been tonight but the gal couldn’t get home on time).

    • Ownbestenemy

      Huh…I tried to log in about 30 mins ago and no one was there. Anyway…I am a couple of weeks out from leaving management. Actually excited. I can easily maintain leadership/mangement skills as a tech but cannot maintain technical skills as a manager. Tomorrow I start moving my office.

      • DEG

        Best wishes. I hope this works out for you.

  20. DEG

    Kinda quiet this morning.

    Off to the gym.

    • Brochettaward

      Shut the fuck up, Hyperbole.

      • Brochettaward

        Hear that? The sound of nothing. So much the better.

      • The Hyperbole

        Thank god, no one’s firsting.

      • Brochettaward

        I am always Firsting. I am in a constant state of First. You would know nothing about that.

      • The Hyperbole

        You would know nothing about that

        For which I am eternally grateful.

  21. Gender Traitor

    Good morning!

    Local minor league team won handily last night, which made it worth sitting through a scorcher of an evening. (Well, the win and the ice cream…) Worst of my month-end reports are done, so of course today I get to take minutes for a quarterly meeting that my boss insisted on having the first week of the month. 🙄

    Sean must still be off resorting, so no pre-Lynx Lynx today, I guess.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, U! How are you today?

      • Gender Traitor


      • Grosspatzer

        Hangover from the weekend? Takes me a while to recover from a long trip these days.

      • UnCivilServant

        Why have I been late waking up all week.

      • Gender Traitor

        Staying up too late? I know I have been. Probably why I tend to doze off on the sofa after dinner.

    • Grosspatzer

      Mornin’, GT!

      Had a good time at the old ballgame, you did. Will be going with the boys to a clash of Yankees/Mets AA teams Saturday. Subway Series, but significantly cheaper. And it’s Fireworks Night!

      • Gender Traitor

        Single A here. Our hometown heroes started off great at the beginning of the season and ended up just one game back for the first half. Sadly, they’ve sunk to the bottom of their division for the second half, so once again, no shot at the playoffs. 😞 But the games are always fun regardless. 🙂⚾🧢

      • Gender Traitor

        Somerset Patriots v. Binghamton Rumble Ponies! Normally I wouldn’t root for any team affiliated with the damn Yankees, but if Somerset’s your team, I’ll make an exception! 😉

      • Grosspatzer

        This is a Met family. Pistols at twenty paces!

  22. Yusef, the Gandalf of disc golf

    Howdy folks, still here, no links for ya though

  23. Grosspatzer

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    Yusef, thanks for the poesy yesterday. Coupla couplets with a cuppa got the morning off to a good start.

    • Yusef, the Gandalf of disc golf

      Thanks patzie! I’m still cranking them out, glad you like them

  24. Grosspatzer

    “The trustee has not received any revenues for payment of the Aug. 1 debt service, and the reserve account does not have sufficient funds to make such payment,” states the filing.”

    Reserve account? Oh, this…

    “A reserve account created for the purpose of making debt service payments has a balance of $862.12, the notice states.”

    American Dream is in serious trouble. A metaphor for our times.

  25. Fourscore

    Morning all, another fine day at the farm. Missus goes to the dentist, I got next week. Routine clean up. The clinic is waaaaay worse on covid precautions than ever. Only the client allowed in the door. Not bad this time of year, I can take a book and pass the time. No ogling to be done because it’s too small a village. Appointment times are horrendous, no young dentists want to move here, old dentists are already working somewhere else.

  26. Grosspatzer

    Thanks to robc, now I want to go to the rodeo. Not a thing around these parts, though. Someday soon I might have to travel…

    • Gender Traitor

      I love that song so much!!! 😃 One of my favorites to sing (in a much lower key, me being a WWDV [Woman With Deep Voice] and all.)

      • rhywun

        Love her voice.