1. Count Potato

    “waive to that co-worker”

    Some of you are going to get arrested.

    • Banjos

      I’m not going to fix it. Maybe next time.

      • Count Potato

        I didn’t even notice the misspelling.

      • SDF-7

        We’ll give you a pass this time, Banjos… a waiver, if you will.

        And good morning! Still enjoying the flapper era pics… probably have to go watch some Harold Lloyd again this weekend.

  2. AlexinCT

    I thought this dude was killed like three times already.

    They keep cloning him?

    • WTF

      This is like the third time they’ve claimed to have killed him, maybe.
      Who knows what the truth is.

      • Pope Jimbo

        How long before the news leaks out that we actually droned a school bus?

      • AlexinCT

        Short one?

      • Pope Jimbo

        I said school bus. Not shuttle bus hauling politicians around Kabul.

      • juris imprudent

        They wouldn’t kill their own kind.

      • SDF-7

        With the current media? Meh… two weeks? Give it long enough to be not worth mentioning on MSNBC and CNN and all. (What difference, at this point….?)

      • DEG

        I suspect the US kills a random Muslim and tries to pass him off as Al-Qaeda’s number 2 in an attempt to keep the grift going.

      • Bobarian LMD

        In the end, it’s all gonna be number 2.

        A world of number 2.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The Boys from Baghdad.

  3. Count Potato

    They should have a real rubbermatch where they actually fight each other.

  4. AlexinCT

    Judge rejects Google’s motion to dismiss Antitrust lawsuit filed against them by competitor Rumble

    Google is an arm of the deep state… They will find a way to get them off.

    • SDF-7

      They will find a way to get them off.

      But monkeypox was just declared a state of emergency for California! How would this help?




  5. Count Potato

    “Poll finds statistical tie amongst Hispanics for Democrats and Republicans, 40 point shift in 4 years”

    Wait, I was told by several people here that we can’t let those dirty latinos become citizens because they will vote in socialism.

    • AlexinCT

      Too many of them still might…

      • Count Potato

        From what I can tell from the polls, and polls are often bullshit, they are less likely to vote Democrat than blacks, jews, asians, single white women, etc.

      • AlexinCT

        South Americans, especially those that have experienced the evils of socialism first hand and came here to get away from those hell holes as well as those that came here for economic reason (not just welfare, but to make a better future working) will have a hard time finding anything attractive in the democratic party. Unfortunately there are far more people now coming to the US illegally that do so not to flee collectivism or to make a better life, but just for free shit, that will tolerate a ton of crazy from team blue to keep getting the free stuff.

      • Count Potato

        “Unfortunately there are far more people now coming to the US illegally that do so not to flee collectivism or to make a better life, but just for free shit”

        I doubt it.

      • WTF

        I don’t.

      • AlexinCT

        Ask the people that came here to work, even the ones that are here illegally, how they feel of most of the current newcomers and you will see what I mean.

      • Count Potato

        They think most of the current newcomers are coming here to work.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The observed behavior seems to be that the actual immigrants tend to be conservative in nature, but their kids/grandkids all turn into socially leaching assholes.

      • juris imprudent

        but just for free shit

        You got proof for what is otherwise a nakedly bigoted statement?

      • AlexinCT

        Yo hablo con mucha gente que viene de paises al sur de Mexico, y me lo dicen ellos.

      • AlexinCT

        I said I habla UCS.

      • juris imprudent

        Mexicans hate their southern neighbors far more than we do; that just proves prejudice is universal.

      • AlexinCT

        Americans are deluded and have no idea how the rest of the world views others. They all think it is all Kumbaya and shit, but that’s the exact opposite of how things really are….

      • Not Adahn

        That’s only because White Supremacy has given them false consciousness not to recognize their pan-latinx class identity as part of the “divide and conquer” strategy of capitalist hegemony.

      • R C Dean

        I think we have evidence-free assertions on all sides, here.

        Fun fact: anyone claiming asylum is ineligible to (legally) work until their claim is recognized. So all those coming across the border and claiming asylum aren’t here to work, at least not legally, and at least not anytime soon.

        Another fun fact; some large percentage of the catch-and-release migrants claiming asylum never show up for their hearings.

      • Homple

        Noticing those facts means you are a bigot.

    • slumbrew

      Did anyone actually argue that?

      I don’t recall a lot of arguments against legal immigrants becoming citizens, just arguments against people who came here illegally being rewarded with citizenship. But maybe I missed something.

    • SDF-7

      That’s interesting to me because that’s also about the point shift reported for Asian Americans. Maybe that’s just the rough percentage of independents and it is a sign the pendulum swung too far? As it swings back, will they return if the Democrats don’t act so damned nutty? Am I channeling Judge Nap?

      • slumbrew

        Just because the Ds are turning voters off with their craziness, it doesn’t mean those voters will suddenly be small-government fans.

        Republicans support Uncle Sugar too.

      • juris imprudent


      • Certified Public Asshat

        The next time Trump will drain the swamp though.

      • AlexinCT

        Not without D.C. being nuked first…

    • Warty

      There will be a lot of Chileans and likely Argentinians fleeing communism in the next few years. It would be a terrible mistake not to accept them and their big fake tittied wimmenz.

      • Nephilium

        There’s an east side brewery that’s owned and run by Colombians and Venezuelans, great food, good beer, and go ahead and ask them about communism/socialism. They’re not quite at the level of the eastern European owner of a brewery near W. 25th. When I first met him, he told me “America is fucked. You, you’re going to have trouble. Me, I’m old and will be dead.”

        When he learned my political leanings, he approved.

      • Warty

        Eastern European boomers a level of based that I can’t even begin to comprehend. I bet he would think the helicopter meme is the funniest thing he’s ever heard.

      • DEG

        To my great shame, I did not get the contact information of the good looking Brazilian libertarian woman I had a good chat with at FreedomFest.

  6. AlexinCT

    GEICO closes all California offices, lays off workers

    This is telling.. The gecko has decided California is not a place they want to insure anything for some reason anymore, because you don’t just tell people go to a website and if that doesn’t work we don’t want your business..

    • Nephilium

      They’d still have call centers and phone numbers as well. I’ll be meeting up with a friend in the next week or so who is working at a company that has had a questionably run call center (average hold times when busy of over 180 minutes) in northern CA for quite a while now. I’m curious if the company has any plans to close that and relocate the center, or just stand up a new one.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’d wager they’d stand up a new one, have SMEs from commiefornia provide training on business information under the pretense of lowering the pressure on the existing location, then close the CA location when new site is running.

      • Ted S.

        Average wait time of three hours is only “questionably run”? ;-}

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s just the average. Imagine being the people with longer wait times to bring it up to the average.

      • Nephilium

        They had never done the basic analysis of when their busy times were, nor did they match staffing to call volumes. You don’t get to that average hold time without either being amazingly understaffed or a large number of bad decisions. When we cut them over to a new phone system, they were complaining because they were getting “too many calls”.

        After reviewing their old phone system routing, they had logic stuffed deep in the call routing that if there were X number of calls holding, return a busy signal and drop the call. This helped them mask the dysfunction for many, many years.

  7. Tres Cool

    whaddup doh’

  8. Scruffy Nerfherder

    If voters approve Measure 114, the “Changes to Gun Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative,” a permit would be required to obtain any firearm, magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds would be outlawed, some commonly used pump shotguns would be banned because they can exceed the 10 round limit, and State Police would be required to maintain a searchable public database of all permit applications.

    Suck it, New Jersey.

    • Count Potato

      Paywalled for me. I wonder if SCOTUS will do anything?

      • db

        I wonder. Not until a case reaches them through channels, certainly.

        Is there established Constitutional jurisprudence to indicate whether “The People” have the power/right to waive explicitly guaranteed Constitutional rights without going through the Amendment process?

      • rhywun

        Check back in ten years.

      • WTF

        Maybe in seven years when a case works is way up to them.

      • slumbrew

        In theory, lower courts should toss clearly unconstitutional laws before it gets that far.

        In theory

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s the fucking 9th Circus that’s with connivance of the city of Boise, essentially legalized squatting on public property by bums.

      • SDF-7

        My gut says it would depend (assuming current court composition) on how the permitting is worded between “shall” versus “may” issue. They seem fine with permitting as long as it is in the “shall” issue vein (in other words, only egregious issues can block a permit, not the local authority deciding they just don’t feel like it).

        Given (as mentioned by others already) the time frame it would take, I wouldn’t assume the composition anyway… so who knows. All of it flies in the fact of “shall not be infringed” to me, but I’m just a humble reader of the English language not a Super Smart Lawyer Ellite from Harvard like they are, finding restrictions in the smallest of justifications.

        I know… preaching (well, ranting) to the choir here.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Some? Thanks to mini shells, that’s pretty much all pump shotguns now.

      It’s amazing how quickly it’s gone from some of the most decent gun laws in the nation to this. Fucking Califucktards. Tom McCall was right, in the days when the state’s politicians actually were from this state.

    • db

      I did some business with a small manufacturing firm in Oregon a couple of years ago. The owner was in the process of picking up and moving his whole business out of state–after the summer of 2020, he chose to get out while the getting was good.

    • juris imprudent

      Oregon State Constitution (Article I, Sec 27) – The people shall have the right to bear arms for the defence [sic] of themselves, and the State, but the Military shall be kept in strict subordination to the civil power[.]

      That’s not even mentioning the section against ex post facto laws.

      • db

        What’s the process for amending the Oregon Constitution? Surely, a simple referendum does not suffice to delegate such authority to the State?

      • juris imprudent

        The proposal appears to be law, not a constitutional amendment – so it would seem to run afoul of their own constitution (obviously depending on their Supreme Court and how alive the dead ink on paper is).

      • Gustave Lytton

        Signing off on whatever the democratic majority want, largely. Except when it comes to public employees pensions.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or a very expansive reading of the freedom of expression.

  9. Count Potato

    “The decision comes as the state is on a path to phase out oil extraction by no later than 2045, a goal announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom in April 2021. Newsom also directed the Department of Conservation’s Geologic Energy Management, CalGEM, last April to end the issuance of fracking permits by 2024.”

    Sheer insanity.

    • Rebel Scum

      They also want to eliminate small, gas powered engines. They are insane and evil.

      • Gustave Lytton

        What could go wrong with electric mowers 3x of a gasser? Never need to rebuild a carb (destroyed by ethanol) again!

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Electric mowers are notoriously low on torque in order to extend the battery life as part of the marketing.

        You get 60 minutes! (Of frustration)

  10. Count Potato

    At least the guy in the Barney suit is black.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    “Fracking is dangerous for our communities, damaging to our environment, and out of step with California’s climate goals,” said Attorney General Bonta. “The Trump Administration recklessly opened Central California up to new oil and gas drilling without considering how fracking can hurt communities by causing polluted groundwater, toxic air emissions, minor earthquakes, climate impacts, and more. In keeping with the Bureau of Land Management’s mission to preserve the health of our public lands, it must reassess this Trump-Era mistake.”

    Erase him!

    • Count Potato

      “The decision comes as the state is on a path to phase out oil extraction by no later than 2045, a goal announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom in April 2021. Newsom also directed the Department of Conservation’s Geologic Energy Management, CalGEM, last April to end the issuance of fracking permits by 2024.”

      Sheer insanity.

      • Count Potato


      • db

        …”Newsom also directed the Department of Conservation’s Geologic Energy Management, CalGEM, last April to end the issuance of fracking permits by 2024.”

        When did he direct his government to begin issuing nuclear power plant construction permits to offset the reduced production of fossil fuels?

      • SDF-7

        Never. I *think* he may have buckled and decided to try to keep Diablo Canyon open a little longer, but the prevailing plan seems to be:

        1) Continue subsidizing solar panels on houses / businesses. (aka outsource pollution to China).
        2) Let PG&E and other providers jack up the mandatory rates on said solar installations so they don’t lose revenue and politicians don’t lose kickbacks.
        3) Don’t require PG&E to actually do anything.
        4) Cross your fingers and hope people get used to “Brownouts can happen at any time!”
        5) As people get used to brownouts (or flee the state) start sneaking in mandatory power restrictions like the water restrictions they keep trying.
        6) Collect underpants.
        7) ????
        8) Profit! (Well, they’re profiting by step 2 via said kickbacks… probably 1 from Chinese “investments” as well…)

      • juris imprudent

        1a) where do they put all of the decommissioned solar panels and the toxic materials inside them? Everyone just going to bury them in their own backyards?

      • UnCivilServant

        Some well connected “recycling” company will get the contract to dispose of them, and just ship them to a third world country to be smash and dumped in the ocean.

      • AlexinCT

        That’s pretty much the description of what being green today amounts to…

      • db

        The used-up solar panels will be lashed together to form rafts on which those lucky enough to be able to travel to the coasts across the wasteland will attempt to escape to foreign shores.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      said Attorney General Bonta

      Since when does the AG get to weigh in on environmental goals?

      • AlexinCT

        Since Obama weaponized the bureaucratic machine and put people that held team blue agendas as their highest priority regardless of how destructive those were to the average American?

      • SDF-7

        This is the California AG. Obama wasn’t needed for this one.

        And to attempt a serious answer, presumably because the state was suing the Fed on this, the AG acts as the lead lawyer for the state on such things, so they were commenting on the case with California’s “arguments” rooted in enviromental policy goals. Crap as they are. It doesn’t seem surprising or out of line to me here.

      • juris imprudent

        Obama wasn’t even original, maybe he just did it a little better.

    • rhywun

      fracking can hurt communities by causing polluted groundwater, toxic air emissions, minor earthquakes, climate impacts, and more

      He intoned, without evidence.

      I guess when Pennsylvania et al. fall into the earth’s core they will have some proof but otherwise… where is the evidence?

      • UnCivilServant

        Your lack of adherence to the faith has cost you another fifty social credit points.

      • SDF-7

        This is SPARTA.. *cough*.. I mean, California. Home of the “everything around you may cause cancer and/or kill you” stickers everywhere and the petty tyrants of CARB because LA had bad smog back in the ’70s. I’m sure they were more than happy to define what are “toxic air emissions”, set a ludicrous standard for groundwater pollution… and there are enough minor earthquakes all the time it would be hard to prove a negative.

      • db

        Don’t worry, most fracking will be banned in PA once Shapiro gets elected in November so, we will have dodged a bullet there, just by the skin of our teeth.

      • waffles

        It feels like Mastriano is just not campaigning. All I see is vote for Shapiro stuff that leans heavily on abortion and insurrection. Between Oz and Mastriano it’s hard to see a good November for team red in Pennsylvania’s top of ticket. Blech.

      • db

        It may be a case in which the strategy of “get Democrats to switch parties so they can vote for the most extreme Republican in the primary so that they have a boogeyman to fight against in the general election” has worked.

        Fuck closed primaries.

      • juris imprudent

        I for one look forward to the Democrat promotion of the most extreme candidates coming back to bite them in the ass.

      • rhywun

        “Rolling blackouts” doesn’t seem like a winning plank to me but WTF do I know.

      • Count Potato

        Blackout is racist. It will be replaced with proton surplus.

      • db

        All California will be perpetually on acid

    • Stillhunter

      Setting aside the claims made, in theory I have no problem with California saying they don’t want oil and gas extraction. But we all know our little experiment has failed, so fuck ‘em.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Reading Scott Atlas’s book about the WH COVID response right now. What is apparent is that bureaucrats and pols are generally incompetent and hypersensitive to media coverage/polls.

      I can only imagine that trend is more pronounced at the state level, particularly for California.

  12. AlexinCT

    All new federal oil and gas drilling to be halted in California

    First you break it all and make life too expensive and hell. Then you give them a solution sane people with options and not under massive duress would never have accepted.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    The Bureau of Land Management declined to comment on the settlement agreement.

    The decision comes as the state is on a path to phase out oil extraction by no later than 2045, a goal announced by Gov. Gavin Newsom in April 2021. Newsom also directed the Department of Conservation’s Geologic Energy Management, CalGEM, last April to end the issuance of fracking permits by 2024.

    Rushing headlong into the past. Next stop, Utopia!

    • rhywun


      • SDF-7

        At this point, assuming I could get my family on board — I’d damned well be on that train.

      • Nephilium

        The real Willoughby isn’t that idyllic.

      • Nephilium

        The festival for that is coming up soon.

  14. db

    “California has a strong insurance market with more than 130 companies competing for consumers’ private passenger auto business and more than 70 companies writing homeowners insurance,for now” CDI said. “We encourage consumers to look at their options for coverage in California’s competitive marketplace while they still can.”

  15. The Late P Brooks

    State Police would be required to maintain a searchable public database of all permit applications.

    This is just common sense. Parents should have the right to investigate their children’s playmates’ families. You don’t want little Gretchen to enter a home which might have a gun in it. She could be over there playing Russian Roulette.

    • db

      Wouldn’t want her to get monkeypox either.

  16. Q Continuum

    “Poll finds statistical tie amongst Hispanics for Democrats and Republicans, 40 point shift in 4 years”

    The irony fairy really knows how to troll those dEmUhGrAfIkZ iZ dEzTiNeE! donks who have advocated for unlimited Latin immigration.

    • AlexinCT

      Latinos, even the ones here for free shit, have a serious problem living in a world where they are told you can change the meaning of things at your convenience like team blue now demands… And they sure as hell know there are only 2 genders…

      • juris imprudent

        You mean Latinx, heathen. The Democrats openly advertise their cultural superiority!

      • robc

        I figure “latinx” moved the needle at least 20 points by itself.

      • AlexinCT

        If you want to see a Latino freak out use that term with them during a conversation…

        Enjoy explaining it to those of them that don’t know what the fuck it is. And get ready to be called names if they do know. I have had enough people tell me that since I know the language I should know its tense is defined by gender and the term latinx is an insult to their culture(s).

      • juris imprudent

        And yet Democrats are mystified by the defection of these people to the opposition.

      • AlexinCT

        Especially since they are willing to shame and attack them – hard – if they dare voice any concerns to the insane shit team blue peddles?

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m waiting for “swarthy” to return as a the preferred identifier.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Likely voters were ultimately asked, “If the next U.S. presidential election were held today, and President Joe Biden were running against former President Donald Trump, who would you be most likely to vote for?”

    How many wrote in “Beelzebub”?

    • Pope Jimbo

      When Cthulu wins in 2024, you Beelzebubbas will be sent to the camps.

      • AlexinCT

        So Hillary in 2024?

  18. Drake

    After a career of fence straddling and avoiding responsibility, I am glad that Manchin has his name now officially stuck to tax hike.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    where is the evidence?

    Didn’t you see that movie with the fire shooting out of that guy’s kitchen faucet? Fracking will destroy the world.

    • WTF

      Don’t need evidence when you are applying the ludicrous precautionary principle.

      • rhywun

        I bet they have models, though.

      • AlexinCT

        Made by the same geniuses that gave us all the climate models?

    • waffles

      That was fake, but I believed it.

  20. Rebel Scum

    I thought this dude was killed like three times already.

    There’s always some other asshole and they all look alike.

  21. PieInTheSky

    Oregonians to Vote on Gun Control Measure Opponent Calls ‘Strictest’ in the Nation

    what about constitutional mustard?

    • Q Continuum

      We had moths like that in New Mexico.

      • PieInTheSky

        New Mexico is desert why would moths live there

      • AlexinCT

        The same reason vultures do?

    • rhywun

      Mothra. 😨

    • Chafed

      That’s incredibly sweet.

  22. Cowboy

    Bom dia, gente linda!

    I accidentally read “Manchin-Schumer” as Machin-Shin, which is an evil Black Wind that destepys everything it touches in the Wheel of Time. So, not far off.

    • AlexinCT

      Who you calling nice people?

    • Gustave Lytton

      More to this story than meets the eye, outages in disguise?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        I can see there being a shortage of transformers right now given the supply chain issues.

      • Sensei

        OT – Long roughly two hours in two parts

        Being Japanese | Full Documentary

        Surprisingly balanced and only moderately woke. Created as an exploration of what Japanese is by a Canadian dad with a Japanese wife and dedicated to his two children.

        There is one “hafu”, Oliver, from memory who given the discrimination and abuse he faced is amazingly grounded and cheerful.

        Also impressed that the creator decided to examine this not just from a racial perspective, but also Ainu and Okinawa perspective.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also impressed that the creator decided to examine this not just from a racial perspective, but also Ainu and Okinawa perspective.

        As long as there’s no burakumin.

      • Sensei

        Not mentioned. Although I understand why – they likely still have a Japanese identity first.

        OTH, more than a few in Okinawa are Okinawan first.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Understandable. I wonder what would have happened if the US had established a Republic of Ryukyu in the 40’s? Okinawa at that time was a formal Japanese possession for about as long as Formosa was. Or reestablished a Republic of Ezo?

        Never would have happened as the US was determined to support a Japanese Japan as a bulwark against the Soviets and communist expansion in the east.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I’m a little disappointed.

      • SDF-7

        Certainly the aforementioned Beelzebub voters will be.

    • UnCivilServant

      So, they are communicating with Demons?

      • Not Adahn

        MEPs, so… yes?

    • robc

      Wasn’t that the plot of a Buffy episode?

      • slumbrew

        It was the plot of at least one movie (spoiler, I guess).

      • db

        I think it was the plot of at least two, maybe three entire seasons of Buffy.

      • robc

        Or all 7, really.

    • whiz

      The collider uses a strong magnetic field to accelerate charged particles, or protons, at very high energies in a circular tunnel, Stojkovic said.

      Fact check: No, the magnetic fields bend the particle beams, it’s electric fields that accelerate them.

      • UnCivilServant

        Wasn’t there a direct relationship between eletricity and magnetism?

      • whiz

        Yes, but the guy was being sloppy with his explanation. They are very proud of the magnets (as they should be), but they are for turning and focusing the beam.

      • robc

        Magnetism is a relativistic effect of electricity.

  23. SDF-7

    Quordle tasks me… it tasks me, and I shall have it! I’ll chase it round the moons of Nebia and round the Antares Maelstrom and round Perdition’s flames before I give it up!

    Prepare to alter course!

    Daily Quordle 190

    (Ok, movie quoting aside — really thought this one was off to a decent start… then I just couldn’t get traction on the other three words until much later than I’d like. Barely got LR, honestly).

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Are you vexed?

    • Grumbletarian

      Daily Quordle 190

      Came close to Chumptown today too.

    • Cowboy

      Daily Quordle 190


    • robc

      Daily Quordle 190

      • robc

        I got lucky on bottom right. But nothing else fit. I could have Xed that one easily.

    • JG43

      Daily Quordle 190

    • Grummun

      5 4
      6 8

    • whiz

      Daily Quordle 190

      Hit a 50/50 on LL, then everything else fell into place with a well-chosen guess on LR.

    • MikeS


    • TARDis

      Daily Quordle 190
      #waffle193 4/5
      🔥 streak: 42
      🥈 #wafflesilverteam

    • Compelled Speechless

      Daily Quordle 190

    • Grosspatzer

      Daily Quordle 190

    • PieInTheSky

      Seems a waste sell him to a libertarian

    • AlexinCT

      She needs some real world problems to make her stop thinking the world revolves around her…

  24. Not Adahn

    California wanting the guzzoline and other fossil fuel-based products while forbidding the extraction of petroleum is just another racist, white-supremacist example of outsourcing the social harms of pollution while reaping the benefits based on the suffering of BIPOC LGBTIQQ2SA+ Latinx folx in the Global South.

    It is shameful that any fuel manufacturer is willing to sell their produx in such a colonialist kyriarchy.

    • Q Continuum

      *eye twitches*

      • juris imprudent

        It’s a little over the top for a Sokol treatment, but just slightly dialed down it could pass for an LA Times editorial.

    • rhywun

      Heh good point. The left seems A-OK with exporting our pollution to China et al. – at least, those of them who are capable of understanding the electricity doesn’t just come out of the wall.

      • Not Adahn

        While it woud be tremendously inconvenient and expensive for me, I’d have great respect for natural gas companies refusing to sell in NY as long as fracking is banned.

      • rhywun

        ConEd already tried something like that in Brooklyn a year or so ago – they said no more new hookups because there’s nothing left to hook up to or something. Not sure what became of it.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    I think Biden should demonstrate his toughness and leadership by ordering a revenge-murder air strike on Mar a Lago. If anybody is an existential threat to truth, justice, and the American Way, it’s that Trump guy.

    • Not Adahn

      Are you running in a primary against Swallwell?

    • SDF-7

      Imagine being on enough crack to want to buy it…

      • Not Adahn

        You know there’s already a waiting list. If you put the apple logo on a dildo, the entire PMC would have one up their asses before noon.

      • Grumbletarian

        That car already looks like a suppository.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      How very Apple.

      Completely sterile and asexual, like their made for Apple TV shows.

      • R.J.

        Well said. It’s so easy to write too! There should be an online outrage generator.

      • R.J.

        Well said. It’s so easy to write too! There should be an online outrage generator.

    • db

      I thought Apple was supposed to be populated with design geniuses? That looks like it was conceived by a Weeble.

  26. Rebel Scum

    Are we really doing this?

    It’s the current thing.

    • WTF

      A new method for a money-grab.

  27. Rebel Scum

    I guess we monkeyed this up.

    We failed to get on top of the monkeypox outbreak and we may have missed the chance to stop the disease becoming endemic—and a permanent threat—in the U.S. and Europe.

    Monkeypox is spreading fast all over the world, especially in the United States and Europe. With cases doubling every two weeks or so, there’s a growing risk that monkeypox will become a permanent problem in countries where, before, outbreaks were rare and small.

    The pox is, in other words, close to becoming endemic in a lot of new places. If that happens, it might become very difficult to eradicate. Monkeypox, which causes a fever and rash and is fatal in a very small number of cases, will become yet another disease that people have to worry about all the time.

    Well, some people anyway.

    • WTF

      I’m old enough to have the smallpox vaccine, which also protects against monkeypox, and I’m not planning on attending any wild orgies so I’m good.

      • Pope Jimbo

        So you just attend small genteel orgies?

        AKA NPR Fuck Fest. Where all the moans are hushed and soft.

      • UnCivilServant

        No, he attends feral orgies.

      • AlexinCT

        Furry orgies?

      • Scruffy Nerfherder

        Vocal fried uptalking moans

      • Q Continuum

        “This orgasm was funded by listeners like you.”

      • Pope Jimbo

        I tried setting up an orgy like that once.


      • AlexinCT

        Quality of the chixs that showed up was sub par? Was it a sausage fest? Inquiring minds want to know…

      • Fourscore

        It only take one (pledge)

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        He just said he wasn’t planning on it. If he happened to stumble on to one, well what are you gonna do?

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am sure the state will restrict nightclubs and bathhouse right? No? Just chur he’s? Ok

  28. Count Potato

    “Chinese TANKS flood beaches opposite Taiwan as Beijing warns America will ‘pay the price’ for Pelosi’s Taipei visit: Four US warships lie off island’s east coast and flight tracking website goes DOWN as 300,000 people chart Nancy’s journey”


    That no one from the U.S.government can even visit Taiwan seems like a very odd position to me.

    • PieInTheSky

      Maybe there is some wee bit of issue or other with the Chinese economy and the powers that be need a bit of sabre rattling. Either that or third world war with nukes. Either wat NATO and the rest of them fuckers need to give enough warning before the nukes fall so I can drink the scotch in my collection before inevitable doom.

      • UnCivilServant

        Maybe there is some wee bit of issue or other with the Chinese economy and the powers that be need a bit of sabre rattling.

        Beyond its dependence on slave labor, on exports through closed ports, to buyers with no money, and incessant lockdowns in the productive regions? Oh and the house of cards that is their domestic construction industry?

    • Drake

      I am having a very hard time believing anyone in the Biden or Pelosi crime families would do anything counter to the wishes of Red China.

    • WTF

      Chinese TANKS flood beaches opposite Taiwan

      So the tanks are on the beach about 100 miles across the ocean from Taiwan? So fucking what?

      • UnCivilServant

        Maybe Xi intends to command the seas to recede?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Seems like massing your armor on a beach would be a bad idea if an actual shooting war starts. Doesn’t that make it much easier to blow up a lot of them at once?

      • UnCivilServant

        Indeed. Which is why I’m convinced this is just posturing. Driving onto the beach isn’t war prep, it’s “look at me”.

      • juris imprudent

        Well that is what American politicians respond to.

      • db

        Yeah, they go for the diversion every time.

      • Rebel Scum

        The F-35s would make short work of them.

      • juris imprudent

        bwahahaha – the plane that abandons the A-10 mission?

      • Swiss Servator

        The idea is “come in way faster, release guided munitions, get out really fast”.

        Will it work… beats me.

      • Nephilium

        The tanks will launch little boats out of them that will swarm across the ocean to take Taiwan back.

      • db

        boats and tanks and boats and tanks and boats and tanks and boats and tanks and boats

      • db


        boats in tanks in boats in tanks in boats in tanks in boats in tanks in boats in tanks in boats in tanks

      • EvilSheldon

        Hurrah, hurrah?

      • RBS

        The video clips I keep seeing remind me of the Japanese getting ready to fight Godzilla.

      • UnCivilServant

        Rhywun was right, that was Mothra?

      • Rebel Scum

        Do they even have the ships to get the tanks to Taiwan?

    • Rebel Scum

      It is certainly an untenable position and we cannot back down regardless of the reason for Pelosi to visit.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      That no one from the U.S. government can even visit Taiwan seems like a very odd position to me.

      The ability of a country to control access to its borders from incursions by other countries is a fundamental aspect of being a sovereign state. China considers Taiwan to part of its territory. The United States sending any person there against China’s stated refusal will be perceived by China as a violation of their sovereignty. China should absolutely blow Pelosi’s plane out of the sky, just as the US should if we explicitly give refusal of a different state actor to enter our airspace. To not do so concedes China is not a sovereign state with control of their borders, but rather is a subservient nation to the United States.

      Taiwan may disagree with that they fall within China’s borders. That Taiwan disagrees doesn’t change China’s position. Let China and Taiwan fight it out. It’s utterly insane that America would deliberately provoke China over Taiwan unless if we are trying to claim Taiwan as part of America’s territory. Which our State Department is of course trying to do in a soft power sense.

      • UnCivilServant

        China is a soveriegn state, and someday it might vanquish the maoist rebels threatening the old harpy’s plane. Until then, the invitation of the government in Taipei is sufficient.

      • db


      • juris imprudent

        Hey buddy, our government lost China once, we ain’t gonna lose it a second time; Good Old Tailgunner Joe and his fellow morons blamed our own commies [real and imagined] for the commies winning over there. We recognized the Taipei govt as the only legitimate one for all of China for what, 25 years, and then we got fuzzy on who was what with Nixon and ever since.

      • Atanarjuat

        It probably increases the risk of those weird dick-swinging moves that great powers do, where their warships on patrol play chicken with the other country’s ships.

        Obviously China will take the black eye rather than shooting Pelosi down, but I wonder what would happen if in some parallel timeline they did. She is so unpopular I can’t see war fever being brewed up by the average flyover type.

        I agree that provoking a nuclear power is insane. Do these leaders think they can come out of their bunkers and live the same posh lifestyle in a smoldering wasteland?

      • Count Potato

        “China should absolutely blow Pelosi’s plane out of the sky, just as the US should if we explicitly give refusal of a different state actor to enter our airspace.”

        One would hope there would be a more diplomatic solution. Regardless, refusing to let a state actor to enter their airspace makes China look weak and defensive, especially when the U.S. isn’t their enemy.

      • Count Potato

        To put it another way, if Taiwan is just a part of China, why would they object to Pelosi going there if they wouldn’t object to Pelosi going to any other part of China? It’s an admission that Taiwan just isn’t another part of China.

      • Gustave Lytton

        They would object to a) a foreign leader visiting without request and permission and b) visiting what they consider a breakaway province, I.e. supporting “rebels”.

        I would imagine that they would object (and prohibit) a US politician from unilaterally visiting Xinjiang as well.

      • Count Potato

        The thing is they would give permission, if Pelosi wanted to visit the mainland.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        One would hope there would be a more diplomatic solution.

        China said don’t do it. America said, “you can’t stop me”. If America insists on projecting force across China’s boundary line, the situation is past diplomacy unless if China chooses bends their knee. Or a black eye as Atanarjuat said.

        But it’s not clear to me at all what we’ve gained. Maybe Taiwan will gain something from China’s humiliation, but the citizens of America paying for those American warships and planes patrolling near Taiwan are only losing from this.

      • Count Potato

        Let’s say, hypothetically, some foreign leader wanted to sit down with Trump, and the Biden administration said “no”. I severely doubt the U.S. would shoot down the plane. At best that would make the U.S. look like assholes, if not an act of war. Maybe they would grab that person at the airport and send them back. That China can’t do that, shows they do not control Taiwan.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        I severely doubt the U.S. would shoot down the plane

        We absolutely would if the plane had an accompanying fighter jet escort. We would not shoot down a commercial airliner and neither would China.

      • Urthona

        Except that Taiwan is very obviously an independent country and China can eat a dick.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        We may perceive Taiwan to be independent, but China does not. I agree China is a bad actor and can eat a dick. I just don’t see why America needs to become Taiwan’s protector. Enough of being the world’s policeman.

        Making this Pelosi thing a zero sum game between the United States and China is allowing the neocons and State Department to frame the situation. Let Taiwan and China handle their own situation. Cut the military, cut spending. We’re in a recession in the US with food prices and inflation spiraling out of control. There’s enough here in our own country to focus on without further raping American taxpayers to defend Taiwan from China, let alone actively provoking China into a war for no American gain.

      • Urthona

        I get it.

        But I tire of the game. We are even willing to pretend with them for the most part.

      • Swiss Servator

        China considers a fairly large chunk of the Pacific Ocean to be theirs as well. I suppose they have the right to blow up any US ship in their claimed areas too?

        I didn’t know the US was bound by whatever the CCP claims.

      • Swiss Servator

        Oh, and the Philippines, Viet Nam, etc. etc.

        I guess China does have the Mandate of Heaven!

      • Urthona

        Yeah what China “considers” is irrelevant anyway.

        Taiwan is very obviously not a part of China. Hadn’t been in my life. Hasn’t been in my parent’s life.

        That’s why the analogy breaks down. China is merely *pretending* Taiwan is part of China.

      • juris imprudent

        You forget, that our policy for many years was that Taiwan was China and the CCP were just mainland interlopers.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Or ignoring that the KMT was ideologically much closer to the commies or that Kaishek wasn’t a murderous corrupt dictator.

      • Swiss Servator

        Yes, and we invaded, didn’t we…

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Come on Swiss, that’s absurd. Deciding to not waste more American blood and treasure on invading/defending/peace keeping/policing (pick your preferred State Dept verb) other countries does equal being bound by whatever the CCP claims.

        China declaring our ships can’t enter the middle of the Pacific Ocean would probably be worth going to war over. Taiwan isn’t worth spending American blood or treasure over. Same with South Korea, Vietnam, or any of the counties in the Middle East.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        *does not equal

      • Ozymandias

        Yeah, I think you’ve taken the “not worth going to war over Taiwan” thing to an extreme place. I would submit that South Korea might be worth going to war over – it was once before.
        And it turned into a wonderful, fairly western-style country in the middle of Asia.
        S Korea and Japan are success stories of US efforts and willingness to play the long game in the Far East.
        Taiwan is at the heart of most of the high-end chip manufacturing and that need is significant. I hate Pelosi – but this isn’t about Nancy specifically. This is about whether the third in line for the Presidency can take a trip to a country that has both claimed and been an actual sovereign nation. I hate propping up State and MIC bullshit, but China has escalated this. China does tons of business and has trade relationships with a lot of countries on our side of the planet and we don’t do this kind of shit to them.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Ozy, how many American boys were enslaved and sent off to their deaths in Korea? I’m not disputing South Korea is a success story for South Korea. But it wasn’t such a success story for the American widows back here at home. And it’s not currently for American taxpayers that are paying for the American military based over there.

      • AlexinCT

        I feel for those that have lost and keep paying (I am one of those). But who is to say that had we not done what was done after the agreements/commitments the US took on after WWII we wouldn’t be looking at a far greater cost/body count. Where I run into problem with isolationists is that they always assume doing nothing will always mean a better outcome. We got rid of the USSR cause we took the threat seriously. Thinking we can let China do what it wants and not have to deal with a massive global disaster that will cripple our own economy, is puerile.

      • Ozymandias

        Maybe I’m a bit biased from having been stationed in the far east and having lived there. (And I fucking love Korean BBQ). The South Koreans also seem to be happy with the outcome.
        As a mil guy who’s taken some risks, and member of 4 generations of veterans, let me just say that I’d rather that we kept the dirt my forefathers died on and made it into something that honors the sacrifice.
        To wit: I was bummed for the Iraqi vets who fought in Fallujah when that was right back in terrorist control not long thereafter. I was likewise bummed for Vietnam vets AND for the Vietnamese who got “re-educated” and for all of the other dominoes that actually fell. It was a level of misery and human suffering that’s on a par with the Holocaust, but unfortunately we don’t treat it as such because it doesn’t have the same cultural resonance (or PR firms) as the Holocaust does.
        I don’t as easily dismiss the suffering of Asians. We had a ton of those kids flood into schools in the late 70s, including mine, and even though they didn’t speak a lick of English, you could tell they had been through some shit. Even the worst of our punk, hoodlum asses recognized and we not only left them alone, we actively tried to help them. It made the chips on our shoulders over our urban blight seem banal by comparison.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad


        Wanting to help others is a noble trait. Actively doing so is even nobler. I’m sure Taiwan’s military will gladly take American citizens. There was a survey published in the WSJ last year in Taiwan that not many Taiwanese citizens were interested in military service because they thought America would ride in to protect them. That speaks volumes.

        Let’s not beat around the bush with euphemisms like conscription or draft. That’s slavery. And Americans were enslaved by the American government to send over to die in South Korea for South Koreans. That is not something a free country does. It was wrong regardless of the outcome.

      • Swiss Servator

        We will have to disagree – I suppose India might have a beef with you too, about letting China dictate where the rest of the world may and may not go.

        You are recognizing their claim to extinguish the government of Taiwan. I do not.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        Swiss, I don’t recognize anything about China’s relations with other countries. India and China can figure out their own relationship. The US doesn’t need to play global moderator. If China tries to tell us we can’t cross the Pacific, then that’s something else entirely.

        I do not recognize China’s claim to extinguish the government of Taiwan. I don’t care about their claim. I care about the massive amount of taxes being stripped out of my paycheck to fund things like the Speaker of the House flying to Taiwan and all the warships we have stationed near there. This situation shouldn’t even exist because our military shouldn’t be big enough to have warships stationed over there. And our elites shouldn’t be flying around the world taking their vacations on taxpayer dollars.

      • Ozymandias

        I respect your principled take on it, SSD. And I agree with you in a very broad and general sense. I guess we’re arguing past each other in the sense that I’m arguing about the country we have and not the one we’d like to have. You’re correct – if we stayed by the letter of the Constitution, we wouldn’t have an MIC that can push US policy. I’m a fan of the all volunteer military and against conscription, FWIW.
        I also think there is something to be said for the difference between helping to preserve civilized nations vs. engaging in “democracy exporting kinetic actions.” It’s why I would support Israel and England and a few others if they were in genuine fear of being overrun. I think it’s impossible not to have allies in a shitty world, but all of that should be discussed and debated openly.
        That’s al a longer and separate discussion. Cheers.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Remember when we abandoned Berlin in the face of (East) German (Soviet puppet) demands to leave their country?

      • R C Dean

        My take:

        If Taiwan is ChiCom territory, they should have no problem detaining Pelosi and putting her back on her plane. Since they can’t, well, maybe Taiwan isn’t their territory after all.

        To some extent, this is time-bound – Ukraine, for example, can’t demonstrate its sovereignty over the Donbas at the moment, but that doesn’t mean the Donbas isn’t part of Ukraine. Taiwan, though, has never been subject to ChiCom rule, and has been that way for generations. You lost, ChiComs. Move on. Kinda like the Palestinians and Israel.

  29. PieInTheSky

    Nomad just got drained for over $150M in one of the most chaotic hacks that Web3 has ever seen. How exactly did this happen, and what was the root cause? Allow me to take you behind the scenes

    It turns out that during a routine upgrade, the Nomad team initialized the trusted root to be 0x00. To be clear, using zero values as initialization values is a common practice. Unfortunately, in this case it had a tiny side effect of auto-proving every message

    tl;dr a routine upgrade marked the zero hash as a valid root, which had the effect of allowing messages to be spoofed on Nomad. Attackers abused this to copy/paste transactions and quickly drained the bridge in a frenzied free-for-all

    I am not against crypto but it is a teensy bit to hackable sometimes

    • Lackadaisical

      I thought crypto itself couldn’t be hacked? Isn’t that the point?

      Dunno what a nomad is.

      • PieInTheSky

        Nomad, a bridge protocol for transferring crypto tokens across different blockchains

      • Annoyed Nomad

        I would say that’s not the only definition…

      • R C Dean

        Crypto itself can’t (or is very very hard) to counterfeit.

        The organizations handling it? No more immune to hacking than any other organization.

  30. Pope Jimbo

    Minnesoda gamblers will continue to be ripped off by the black market

    State Rep. Zack Stephenson was optimistic as he unveiled a bill to bring sports betting to Minnesota. In the four years since the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for states to offer such gambling, he’d managed to move a majority of the state’s federally recognized tribal governments from ‘heck no’ to ‘maybe yes.’

    The tribes don’t have legal exclusivity over gambling in the state but they have political clout. DFL Gov. Tim Walz and DFL House Speaker Melissa Hortman had no interest in betting bills without tribal sign-off.

    Stephenson, DFL-Coon Rapids, said he reached an agreement with tribal leaders across the state first by respecting their sovereignty and then by abiding by a fundamental tenet of the tribal position on gambling. His bill would give the tribes control over the new-to-Minnesota form of gambling, excluding non-tribal players such as race tracks from sponsoring betting.

    Long piece on how fucked Minnesoda is when it comes to gambling. The tribes spend so much of their casino loot lobbying the legislature that they are probably only second to Education when it comes to influence in St. Paul.

    I don’t really care much about gambling. It is the once vice I never got the appeal of. It just grinds me that the tribes have so thoroughly locked up all the gambling money in the state.

    The other thing that irritates me about this is that I caught a radio interview by this pol months ago and he kept going on and on about how his bill would move sports betting out of the shadows and could be regulated. Seems to me that there aren’t any victims of sports betting now. Anyone who wants to do it can use some app and place bets and get paid. Technically it is illegal, but it isn’t like there are thousands of people who were ripped off by bookies. This is just a cash grab by the state.

    • Nephilium

      Ohio will have legalized sports betting starting the beginning of 2023. From what I’ve been able to glean from the local news, there’s two different types of licenses available. One covers big places, lots of televisions, chairs with people taking your bets. The other covers kiosks at the corner sports bar and the like. For the big places, there’s a limit per county, with sports teams and existing casinos getting priority. This limit per county amazingly coincides with the number of large pro sports teams and casinos that already exist in Cuyahoga county.

      For the little kiosks, as of last week, there were over 1,000 applicants already. An interesting caveat in the law is that they have to be for profit businesses, so sports bars are alright. Churches, VFW/American Legion, and Eagles/Kiwanis/Rotary are forbidden to get the sports book kiosks.

      • Gender Traitor

        Churches, VFW/American Legion, and Eagles/Kiwanis/Rotary are forbidden to get the sports book kiosks.

        St. Pete Rose Parish hardest hit.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Office betting hurt as well.

    • slumbrew

      Coon Rapids

      That’s Not OK!

      • slumbrew

        Fine, Brooks made that joke long before me – but out of the thread! (as he do)

    • Tres Cool

      Im with you. Out of all my vices, gambling (or even gamboling) isnt one. Once I begin to lose money I have no trouble finding something else to do.
      I suppose I never considered the position of the die-hard gambler or in some states how tough it is to bet on sports.

      • Nephilium

        Up here you know you’re considered a regular at the bar when you get asked if you want to buy squares before the football game starts.

      • Tres Cool

        Once I was told by one of you people that there’s likely more betting on HS football games up there than there is on NFL-NBA combined.
        No doubt a pulled-out-of-the-ass statement, but given the rabidity of NE Ohio people for sports, I dont doubt it.

        SLD- the person in question was from Youngstown, so maybe a bit more regional

      • Nephilium

        What do you mean “you people”?

        It’s not quite Texas level up here, but local news does rate and rank the high school teams and have already started doing preseason guesses about the high school seasons.

  31. Rebel Scum

    Fact. Checked.

    A video of U.S. President Joe Biden walking away momentarily during a speech given by U.S. First Lady Jill Biden has been digitally edited to include music played by an ice cream truck

  32. The Late P Brooks

    That Apple car looks familiar

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Stephenson, DFL-Coon Rapids

    [insert inchoate shrieking]

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’ve told this story before, but …. (ass, drugs)

      On a local radio show, a black guy who grew up in Mississippi called in. He told how he moved here to become a high school teacher at the Coon Rapids high school. One month he won the award for being the best teacher in the school. The award was called “Coon of the Month”.

      He and the host were laughing about how hard it was for him to convince his mom back in Mississippi that it was a good thing and not a prelude to white people burning a cross on his yard.

      It was actually a great call because it was a guy who had a sense of humor about something that on the surface seemed horrible, but wasn’t. We need more people with a sense of humor about stuff.

      • AlexinCT

        Humor brings people together. How the fuck does that serve the people that want us divided, at each others throats, and easy to confuse & control?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    A video of U.S. President Joe Biden walking away momentarily during a speech given by U.S. First Lady Jill Biden has been digitally edited to include music played by an ice cream truck


    • Pope Jimbo

      If there had really been an ice cream truck he wouldn’t be gone momentarily. He would have just been gone.

  35. Count Potato

    These Internal Server Errors are getting out of hand. Blocking certain comments, even if they are edited, or from a different IP.

    • AlexinCT

      Sometimes it just doesn’t like words we might use… Frustrating indeed.

    • Grosspatzer

      Thanks! How’s the vacation going?

  36. The Late P Brooks

    We need more people with a sense of humor about stuff.

    Ain’t that the truth.

    • waffles

      Love how they both claimed the endorsement.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Maybe he meant Eric Trump.

  37. The Other Kevin

    Wow, that MSM election article. Every Republican candidate either supports Trump’s “false election claims”, or is embroiled in some sort of scandal. Guess we know what to expect coverage to be like this November.

    • AlexinCT

      The same shit it has been for over a decade? Outright gaslighting bullshit to make team blue’s crime syndicate activity remain hidden or presented in a good light, while accusing the other side of doing all the criminal shit they are up to?

    • slumbrew

      “Hey baby, wanna get high?”

    • AlexinCT

      Condom tea…

    • Tres Cool

      Isnt there over a billion of those people?
      May as well use the rubbers for something productive.

  38. The Late P Brooks


    A jury found Lawrence “Larry” Rudolph, 67, guilty of gunning down his wife of 34 years, Bianca Rudolph, following a three-week trial in a Denver federal courthouse.

    He was also convicted of mail fraud for cashing in $4.8 million in life insurance payments following his wife’s October 2016 death — which he claimed was accidental and self-inflicted.

    Jurors sided with prosecutors who said Rudolph killed his wife in cold blood as part of a premeditated plan to take the life insurance payouts and start a new life with his mistress of 20 years.

    They said Rudolph shot his wife while on a hunting trip in Zambia on Oct. 11, 2016, and was overheard years later shouting “I killed my f–king wife for you!” during an argument with the other woman, Lori Milliron, while out to dinner.

    She was coming right at him.

    • slumbrew

      overheard years later shouting “I killed my f–king wife for you!” during an argument with the other woman

      Hrmmm. No sir, I just can’t decide if he’s guilty.

    • db

      What a piece of shit

    • juris imprudent

      Not sure how he gets tried in a locale where the crime did not occur. Sure, the insurance fraud I get, but murder?

      • Gustave Lytton

        18 U.S. Code § 1119 – Foreign murder of United States nationals

        I can see why the US has an interest in dissuading killing of US citizens abroad.

      • R C Dean

        It would be really weird to try a guy for insurance fraud, but not for, you know, murdering his wife in order to commit insurance fraud.

        Maybe the concept is, there are some people we don’t walking the streets here, regardless of where they committed a crime? For example, I would have no problem with trying someone here for raping a child, regardless of where they did it.

  39. PieInTheSky

    Billy Binion
    It is so refreshing to hear a judge rebuke a prosecutor for something they do every day: Punish defendants for going to trial.

    It shouldn’t matter one bit how you feel about the J6 defendants. No one should spend *years* more in prison for exercising a constitutional right.


    the replies are very unhappy about this because white republican privilege or something

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Your average liberal is a vindictive asshole that’s desperate for an outgroup to hate on.

      • R C Dean

        Your average liberal person is a vindictive asshole that’s desperate for an outgroup to hate on.

        Its just that, in Current Day, its acceptable for leftists to be open about it.

    • Rebel Scum

      Dude still got years for meandering around the capitol grounds because he shot his mouth off (but within parameters of 1A) in private and his son ratted on him to the FBI. Someone is no longer in the will. And the government wanted to deem him a terrorist.

      • juris imprudent

        Pretty sure they convicted him of possession of a gun without ever introducing the actual gun into evidence. Chekov take note.

      • Not Adahn

        Yeah, that shithead kid needs to be disowned. Still, this is in fulfillment of the prophecy:

        I went drifting
        Through the capitals of tin
        Where men can’t walk or freely talk
        And sons turn their fathers in

    • R.J.

      Why did I go read that thread? It was a Reason dude too. Blech!

    • slumbrew

      O.M.G., I’m laughing out loud.

      That just made my day.

      • slumbrew

        Seriously, I’m going to do some work now because nothing else I read here is going to make me as happy.

    • db

      Isn’t that originally from 2020? Or did it happen again?

      • Atanarjuat

        Not sure.

      • Rebel Scum

        I believe it is an old clip. But it is as relevant as ever.

  40. The Other Kevin

    I saw this article yesterday. I’m not sure how reputable the site is, but according to their math 500,000 pounds of earth, mostly strip mined, must be moved in order to make batteries for one “clean” electric car. And all that earth is moved by giant diesel earth movers. Not to mention the child labor and human rights abuses in countries that do this sort of mining. I knew it was bad, I just hadn’t seen the numbers before. It’s enough to make me actively fight to NOT have electric vehicles.


    • db

      I have read similar numbers. Don’t forget the thermal processing needed to refine the ore into useable metals, and the waste generated by the refining and manufacturing processes.

      • AlexinCT

        If you are burning massive amounts of fossil fuels to make the electricity for these things to run on, you ae not being very green either.

      • db

        Not only that, those thermal processes are often fueled directly by fossil fuels, and generate exhaust that has to be treated and the resulting waste disposed of.

      • The Other Kevin

        I would imagine there are a lot of toxic chemicals involved in the extracting process, and those chemicals will just get dumped somewhere without a second thought.

        It would be interested if some enterprising Republican introduced a bill stating that all EV’s bought by the federal government must be built with materials that were mined in an environmentally clean fashion. But I doubt anyone’s that good at trolling.

      • juris imprudent


    • AlexinCT

      Forgetting the fact that EVs are horribly restrictive because they simply don’t go as far as a combustion engine vehicle, I think they are still one of the worst green investments you can make. The energy investment to create these EVs is 5 to 10 times that to create a combustion engine car. Combustion engine cars use steel frames. EVs use aluminum for weight considerations. it takes at a minimum 5 times the energy to go from bauxite to aluminum that it does from iron ore to processed (and hardened) steel. After that, factor in the complexity of getting the rare earths needed to get batteries in there and you are at 10x the energy usage. You still have not accounted for all the other stuff that needs to be lighter in an EV and is then dependent on petroleum products. And there is no more than a couple of percentage of that energy being used that is green now and nothing more than a doubling of that in a decade, but the greens pretend an EV is a great environmental move.

      It’s a fucking racket only bought with people that are kept dumb by design.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Doesn’t matter. Humans are shortsighted creatures and the EV is the new NIMBY so to speak.

  41. Count Potato

    “Cassidy Hutchinson, the former Trump White House aide who emerged as a star witness for the US House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, continued working on the former president’s behalf for nine weeks after he left office, according to government records exclusively obtained by Insider.

    Hutchinson served as a “coordinator” for Trump’s official, taxpayer-funded post-presidential office from about January 20, 2021, to April 1, 2021, earning an annualized salary of $90,000, the General Services Administration documents state.

    The documents establish that Hutchinson continued to earn a government paycheck for work in support of Trump for weeks after she witnessed his actions — and lack of action — on January 6, 2021, even as other colleagues soon thereafter resigned.”


    • Ownbestenemy

      Shorter article: information that is readily available but held back so the narrative can be set.

      • rhywun

        I wonder if the show trial is still celebrating her, and I wonder if any of the useful idiots across the media landscape (like at NR and such) who celebrated her are eating crow now.

      • juris imprudent

        Memory holed.

      • AlexinCT

        Political theatre…

        The Romans also had bread & circuses to distract the masses from the curruptocracy looting the coffers and destroying the empire.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The minute secret service said liar they dropped her like one of Epstiens used up teenagers.

      • Scruffy Nerfherder


      • Raven Nation

        They need to get out in front of the story from last week that she changed her take because someone got her some pro bono legal help and possibly a job offer.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      I guess her testimony wasn’t sufficient to spare her the reaming at the hands of the media.

  42. PieInTheSky

    Gangsters by the Gulf

    Dubai and the rise of organised crime


    The hot new place to be is one which would have seemed absurd only a few decades ago: Dubai. There, amidst the gleaming mirrored towers and Arabian sun, a new generation of British crims have found a home.

    • PieInTheSky

      Those names suggest another reason for Dubai’s popularity. With an increasing number of criminals of Muslim heritage in Western Europe, an easily accessible Muslim state only a plane ride away from many of the countries they’re connected to, provides a different sort of cultural practicality. That’s what happened with Mancunian Mohammed Uzair Rashid, who tried to smuggle nearly £1 million in heroin from Pakistan to Birmingham via Dubai.

      the plot thins.

      • Swiss Servator

        When that dude gets beheaded, it may send a wee bit of signal to the others.

  43. The Late P Brooks


    Apple is dropping its mask mandates for corporate employees at “most locations,” according to an internal email from the COVID-19 response team, obtained by The Verge.

    “Don’t hesitate to continue wearing a face mask if you feel more comfortable doing so,” the email reads. “Also, please respect every individual’s decision to wear a mask or not.”

    The move comes amid a surge in the highly transmissible BA.5 variant of COVID-19. Earlier this week, the Bay Area transit system BART brought back its mask mandate.

    You’re all gonna die!

    • Atanarjuat

      I can’t believe people are still wearing them. I wonder which locations are going to keep the requirement – presumably NYC.

      • Sensei

        Subways and trains still here.

        Although I stopped a while ago when I realized at least 60% of the riders stopped.

      • hayeksplosives

        Some federal facilities still require them, like where I work (Dept of Energy).

        Lots of people just keep a mask handy in the office in case someone drops by and complains, but they aren’t enforcing the N95 requirement anymore.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Justice never closes its baleful bloodshot eye

    Beyoncé will change a lyric in one of the songs on Renaissance in order to remove an offensive and ableist term.

    On the album’s 11th track, “Heated,” which features Beyoncé and Drake among its writers, is the word “spaz,” a term that disability activists have called an ableist slur.

    Hey, this ditch is full of dead people. What did you bring me here for?

  45. Rebel Scum

    “No one listens to me anymore.”

    Fauci says because of social media “misinformation” Americans will not “adhere to common sense public health measures”

    • The Other Kevin

      He was on social media either changing his position or flat out lying while claiming to be “the science” but I don’t think that’s what he means. As usual, don’t blame yourself for destroying people’s trust in institutions, blame the people who call attention to your bullshit.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Unfortunately for that little psychopath, he’s contradicted himself too many times.

  46. Warty

    Republicans’ next big play is to ‘scare the hell out of Washington’ by rewriting the Constitution. And they’re willing to play the long game to win.

    Rob Natelson, a constitutional scholar and senior fellow at the Independence Institute who closely studies Article V of the Constitution, predicted to Insider there’s a 50% chance that the United States will witness a constitutional convention in the next five years. Whether it happens, he said, is highly dependent on Republicans’ success winning state legislatures during the 2022 midterm elections.

    plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

    • PieInTheSky

      a constitutional scholar – how does a fellar become one of those?

    • rhywun

      OFFS. Never change, businessinsider.

    • Not Adahn

      NY had a constitutional convention on the ballot recently. OTOH, it seemed like a horrific idea for the current crop of weasels to give themselves even more power. But the current vermin were so scared of it being enacted, I voted for it to happen.

    • juris imprudent

      Do you really need to be reminded what a bunch of spineless poseurs the Republican Party? Imagine Mitt Romney as the President of the convention.

      • Warty

        I want to live in a world that has the Republicans these people believe in.

      • DEG

        We’ve got a good number of libertarians disguised as Republicans in NH.

        Sadly, not enough to get rid of folks like Sununu.

    • Rebel Scum

      Can you imagine the crap that would come out of a constitutional convention with the modern ‘tards that would be participating?

    • Grummun

      I think there’s a pretty good chance a constitutional convention results in a no-shit shooting civil war.

      • Warty

        It will either be the mechanism by which the inevitable Caesar figure consolidates his power, or it will be a provocation that makes the cold civil war go hot. LET’S ROLL THEM BONES

  47. PieInTheSky

    BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions.

    Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere.


    was this covered?

    • rhywun

      “The ACLU is racist” has probably come up a few times.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      *looks around*

      I haven’t seen it.

  48. Rebel Scum

    “I’m a Repooblican.”

    “What we’re seeing in Florida, I can’t even comprehend. This is a state where we have a housing crisis and an insurance crisis. This is a state where we have a climate crisis, and instead, Ron DeSantis is focusing on drag queens. So listen. Yes, do I think a 5-year-old should be at a drag show? No, but you know what? If you are for parental choice when it comes to your kid wearing a mask to school, if you are for parental choice when it comes to your kid learning about slavery and learning the true history of this country, then why in the hell can’t you be about parental choice on whether you take your kid to a drag show or not?”

    Navarro added, “I looked at the top causes of endangerment for children, of children’s death — it’s firearms, it’s car accidents, it’s drownings. It is not drag queens. I’ve yet to see a kid that dies from being exposed to a drag queen.”

    Nothing dishonest about that hot take.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      do I think a 5-year-old should be at a drag show? No

      Just go with that then.

    • rhywun

      parental choice on whether you take your kid to a drag show or not

      Because that’s totally the same as teachers handing kids sexually-explicit reading material and giving them a closet to change into their tranny outfits and hiding all of this from their parents.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Exactly. If a parent is stupid enough to take their kid to a show like that, it’s on them. Public schools, public libraries, and other public agencies should not be promoting it.

    • R C Dean

      I’ve yet to see a kid that dies from being exposed to a drag queen.

      Maybe not the best word choice.

  49. Not Adahn

    Comments seem to be turned off of the next post.

    • Swiss Servator

      The SP celebration thank you post? Yes, it is just a note of thanks.

      • Not Adahn


        Closer to Hanukah, I’ll have to get OMWC’s address.

    • Nephilium

      I believe that was intentional.

  50. The Late P Brooks

    Fauci says because of social media “misinformation” Americans will not “adhere to common sense public health measures”

    Nothing short of seeing that little fraud hanging upside down from a lamppost would satisfy me.

    • Sensei

      it is well known that $100k of FB ads by the Russians swung the election.

  51. Certified Public Asshat

    BREAKING: We filed an amicus brief today urging the Supreme Court to protect universities’ ability to consider race in college admissions.Ending these considerations would ignore our country’s present-day racial inequality and threaten diversity on campuses everywhere.— ACLU (@ACLU) August 1, 2022

    Of course you did.

    • creech

      ACLU: Defender of institutionalizing systemic racism

    • R C Dean

      Getting them clear of the counterstrike?

  52. The Late P Brooks

    Navarro added, “I looked at the top causes of endangerment for children, of children’s death — it’s firearms, it’s car accidents, it’s drownings. It is not drag queens. I’ve yet to see a kid that dies from being exposed to a drag queen.”

    Only slightly more lethal than the plague.

    • Scruffy Nerfherder

      Oh, this is a fun game.

      What else doesn’t kill kids? Sexual abuse, beatings, psychological abuse, immersion in pornography, exposure to the KKK’s ideas…

    • Ozymandias

      Now do Covid and vaccines, you piece of shit.

      • Ozymandias

        “you” being Navarro – I hope that was evident, Brooksy.

  53. Certified Public Asshat

    What state of emergency?

    Awesome @SFAIDSFound guidance on monkeypox & fun. We can continue to have fun while reducing risk.Closing bathhouses in 1980s didn’t reduce HIV. It was an epic blunder & pushed people into the shadows.Let’s not make that same knee-jerk mistake with MPX https://t.co/IKs14tweXW— Senator Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) July 27, 2022

    • Gustave Lytton

      Fuck around and find out?

  54. Rebel Scum

    Sirry American pray wit fire, bring great dishonor to famiry.

    …Some US politicians who selfishly play with fire on the Taiwan question, becoming the enemies to 1.4 billion Chinese people, will not meet with a good end, Wang said after attending SCO FMs meeting and paying visits to some countries in Central Asia

    Hopefully this pissing contest does not get out of hand.

    • PieInTheSky

      everyone stop whipping their wangs out to piss

  55. PieInTheSky

    this came out in 1981


    “Ah, New York, yes, that’s a very interesting place. Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave, but never do?” And I said, “Oh, yes.” And he said, “Why do you think they don’t leave?” And I gave him different banal theories. And he said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s that way at all.” He said, “I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing that they’ve built—they’ve built their own prison—and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result they no longer have—having been lobotomized—the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or even to see it as a prison.”

    seems a bit harsh plenty of new yorkers leave

    • rhywun

      Yeah… 800,000 of them left between 1970 and 1980 alone.

  56. DEG

    If voters approve Measure 114, the “Changes to Gun Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative,” a permit would be required to obtain any firearm, magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds would be outlawed, some commonly used pump shotguns would be banned because they can exceed the 10 round limit, and State Police would be required to maintain a searchable public database of all permit applications.


  57. The Late P Brooks

    Disability advocate Hannah Diviney, who also called out Lizzo for using the word, wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian expressing her disappointment in Beyoncé for using the lyric.

    “I thought we’d changed the music industry and started a global conversation about why ableist language – intentional or not – has no place in music,” Diviney wrote.


    That’s retarded.

    • PieInTheSky

      mentally gay is the current term

    • Ownbestenemy

      What a spaz

    • rhywun

      I thought we’d changed the music industry

      “Why nobody listening to MEEEEEEEEE?”

  58. Mojeaux

    Primary day here in the Show-Me State. IF I go vote, I’m thinking about voting for Eric Greitens for the lulz, but Eric Schmitt sued both KC and StL over their mandatory mask mandates, so that was based. Vicky Hartzler made a big deal about men competing with women as women. That’s a winner. Then again, I’d never heard of her because she’s been in the House and not in my district.

    IF I vote. Some of you have convinced me not to care so much.

    • PieInTheSky

      show you what? my papers?

    • Mojeaux

      My husband went to vote. He asked for a libertarian ballot. They had to open the pack for him.

      • robc

        “Just give them all to me, no one else will be asking for one.”

      • MikeS

        Funny…and sad.

      • Ownbestenemy

        “I hate both of these candidates!”
        “Maybe look into third party?”
        “OH no…can’t do that…they are crazy”

      • Nephilium

        At least they have a libertarian ballot. Here it’s just Republicans and Democrats for primary day, with the issues they want to leave for lower voter turnout elections.

      • UnCivilServant

        How about a libertarian ballet?

      • Not Adahn

        Here there are many parties… and yet only two candidates.

      • UnCivilServant

        Sometimes there are many parties and only one candidate.

      • DEG


    • Lord Humungus

      Also primary day here – I won’t be voting in ’em – especially after I got a visit yesterday from a Meijer canvasser asking if I had any questions.

      Me: Ugh, more politics?

  59. The Late P Brooks

    I hope that was evident, Brooksy.

    Of course.

    *okay sign*

    • Scruffy Nerfherder


    • Ozymandias

      *attempts with left hand, flashes garbled gang sign by way of reply*

      • R C Dean

        *mag dumps in Ozy’s general direction while holding gun sideways*

      • UnCivilServant

        So, everyone but Ozy was hit?

  60. The Late P Brooks

    Just saw a headline about how Pelosi’s Taiwan visit is another big headache for Biden. Maybe she wants to induce a stroke in the President, while simultaneously bumping off Kamala somehow….

    Hail to the Chieftess!

  61. The Late P Brooks

    What about our right to infringe the rights of others?

    Organizers of Music Midtown, a major festival in Atlanta, announced Monday that the two-day event originally scheduled for next month is canceled. Though the official announcement cites “circumstances beyond our control,” local media outlets report the reason for the cancellation is one that’s unexpected: Georgia’s gun laws.


    According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, sources familiar with the decision said Music Midtown pulled the plug on the event because of a recent court ruling that could limit the organizers’ ability to ban guns during the festival.


    In the case of Music Midtown, the organizers are seeking to use a public venue (Piedmont Park) but would be considered short-term tenants that are not leasing the property long term, Lytton said. If they were to carry on with a ban on guns for the event, they could be at risk of a lawsuit from someone wanting to challenge this policy.

    Other businesses in Georgia have been in similar situations, Lytton said. Out of fear of litigation and because of uncertainty in the law, private organizations that run events in public venues have opted to lift any gun bans.

    Bizarrely enough, that was pretty much the desired outcome.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, wanna ban guns? Get your own space.

  62. Draw Me Like One of Your Tulpae, Jack

    Does anyone think Puddin Cup is actually “isolating” due to the Vid? I think they’re tightening the leash and not allowing him into any situation where he can potentially go off the cuff.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, I’m torn on whether (a) he ever had the ‘Vid and (b) he got it again.

  63. Tres Cool

    I was just in my Kroger. Found a whole brisket in the meat bunker passed the ‘sell by’ date. Optimistically, I chased down the meat dept. manager (whom I know casually) and said, “yo- mark this motherfucker down for me”. He looked at the date (7.31.2022) and said, “Nope. Gotta throw it away.”
    Chad is a bitch.

    • R C Dean

      “Here, I’ll haul it to the dumpster for you.”

      • Tres Cool

        from what I know, Kroger has thought that through.
        It all goes into a compactor. Im assuming to avoid dumpster-diving homeless

  64. MikeS

    For Neph’

    After months of deliberation over allegations of sexual harassment and assault, the NFL came down hard on Deshaun Watson today by sentencing him to three whole seasons of playing for the Cleveland Browns.

    • slumbrew

      That’s hilariously mean.

      I approve.

  65. robc

    After 5 rounds of the chess olympiad, only two teams are 5-0, powerhouses Armenia and India.

    But it isn’t actually India’s first team, as the host nation they are allowed a 2nd team*, and their 2nd team is 5-0.

    *Actually 3 – there were an odd number of countries participating, so they got a 3rd team to balance it out.

    USA is 4-0-1, The US tied Uzbekistan yesterday. The US has beat Angola, Paraguay, Georgia, and Israel.

    • robc

      US Women are 3-2, beating Puerto Rico, Australia, and Uzbekistan. Losing to Mongolia and Peru.

      • R.J.

        I need to know if there is a Mille Bornes tournament going on. I have a team ready to enter.

      • whiz

        I haven’t played Mille Bornes for ages. Maybe still have it laying around somewhere, though.