In my dreams the tiger doesn’t have a mask on…
Barbie and Kendra Save the Tiger King
Bonus Short: Baseball Bugs
Barbie and Kendra came to the rescue and gave me an easy button this week… Several things:
- I have played with the embedded video player available in the block editor, to no avail. I have not given up yet. I may get it to work by removing the auto-start. In the meanwhile, I am still typing in the classic editor, like some kind of caveman! Bad R.J.!
- Everything at the house broke at once. Dishwasher, PC, air conditioner. This happened because I remodeled the bedroom. Unexpected issues during major projects should be an Iron Law.
- Instead of writing my post on time, I went to watch the Texas Rangers get obliterated by the Detroit Tigers this weeked. Rather than lamenting this loss, I turned it into inspiration! So I am going to start including a short with each film post now. How long will this last? Who knows? Enjoy your Bugs Bunny cartoon! I assure you the game I watched was almost exactly as portrayed in this cartoon, complete with the conga line going around the diamond.
Now on to the main movie! Barbie and Kendra were a huge hit in Corona Zombies. They came back in tonight’s film. In fact, they have made three films altogether, with their finale being Barbie and Kendra Storm Area 51. Of these two films, I thought the Barbie and Kendra Save the Tiger King was a little more… tolerable. This is another Charles Band classic, which makes him the most posted film maker since this GlibFlick thing started!
So enjoy tonight’s film, which shows us the perils of endless social isolation. Remember, this was filmed during the great lockdown. It follows a similar formula as Corona Zombies, in that it repurposes old film footage, has zombies, lovely girls, and now includes tigers!
So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! Next week is a newer film which reinforces gender stereotypes: When Women Ruled the World. I have only half-watched it so I hope the ending doesn’t suck. I’ll be watching it with you this time.
Help! Tubi wants an account to sign in!
No account or sign-in is required to use Tubi. The only advantage to signing in is you can maintain a queue and save your place in movies you are watching. Follow these instructions to bypass the sign in:
After you click the link for the weekly movie, hit the Play button on the movie and you should get the screen shown below. The guest option may require scrolling up to see. Click the circled guest option to watch the film.
(h/t: The Hyperbole)
*hits play*
“Everything at the house broke at once. Dishwasher, PC, air conditioner. ”
Everything at the house broke at once. Dishwasher, PC, air conditioner. This happened because I remodeled the bedroom. Unexpected issues during major projects should be an Iron Law.
I watched all three of the Barbie and Kendra movies after you posted the Corona Zombies one. I’ll watch this again.
I can’t watch Bugs 🙁
It dumps me into a blank page.
Works for me.
Prolly my adblocker. Tried disabling it but no bueno.
Well, I’ve seen that one a zillion times anyway 🙂
“Watch me paste this pathetic palooka with my pulverizing pachyderm-y fast ball”, or something.
Oh wait! It was “perfect percussion pitch” or sommat. not fast ball.
And it may have been “Perplex” not “Paste”.
or Maybe I should just watch the cartoon again.
Look man I’m working from 30-40 year old memories here, cut me some slack.
We’ll take your appeal under consideration.
I’ll be switching to some Private SNAFU films that just got uploaded to TUBI. Should solve that problem.
Dailymotion requires me to switch from Brave to Firefox. Otherwise… their page doesn’t work.
I will keep that in mind and stick to TUBI or YouTube.
“Barbie and Kendra Save the Tiger King”
I guess it’s also known as “Tiger King The Movie”.
Now I need to ask my mom if she still has the old 30s/40s reels of Bugs and Disney that my grandmother had.
Is the voice of little Joe the same guy who was the gay medium on AHS?
Michael Landon?
That is Leslie Jordan, a famous voice actor.
Yes, he was in three seasons of AHS.
He played a medium in Roanoke. Then he went missing. So he was a small medium at large.
Biden has gone full-throated insane. Thanks R.J for your movie break from the insanity
First 10 minutes is MAGA doesn’t believe in the constitution or the ‘will of the people’….
He will get his civil war.
“MAGA forces”?????? Jesus.
“I know this nation” -cut to speech about where the best basketball players are at….
Why are you wasting time listening to the puppet?
Cause we should listen to what people who want us dead have to say?
I will not watch it. I know he hates me. Why would I subject myself to that? I have to finish that craptastic film I picked for next week and write something.
Funny story, I knew this film would go over well because my wife asked me “what the Hell are we watching?” after the first fifteen minutes.
Nazi aesthetic.
Pretty sick.
Yeah the red lights….what were his people thinking?
I hope this is the Hail Mary.
Our blood coating his walls?
What’s with the Marines?
A subtle reminder that we subjects would need F16s to go toe-to-toe with FedGov.
From some one much wittier than I:
“Darth Biden announcing his plan to disband the Senate”
It’s like emperor Palpatine but senile.
“I am the – uh – you know the thing.” – Darth Brandon
Wow. WTF
Why are uniformed Marines involved in a political speech?
Shush you it isn’t a political speech, it is for your soul….cue red lights.
I believe the Marine corps is charged with protecting the POTUS, admittedly I’m not watching, how involved are they? are they the Pips to Biden as Gladys Knight or are they like the thugs that stand stoically behind Biden as Michael Corleone?
Framed in the shot…not protecting him. Visually its questionable.
CPRM, if you are listening, that speech is fertile ground, man!
Thanks R.J for tolerating my play-by-play! And yes, CPRM….plenty of material
Click on Tundra’s link. They are obvious props. I’m not criticizing the individual Marines, but the superiors who told them to stand there and look menacing.
If only a moving man appeared with a cart, and lifted them off one at a time. Because they were painted styrofoam.
I get why it’s inappropriate but Menacing?, standing there holding their bellies like they’re in a Mylanta commercial is menacing?
Two men who are among the US military’s best trained killers standing stone-still, staring into the camera as the President disparages a large portion of the populace. On the same day his official talking head called that same group of citizens “extremists” and a day after the President implied he’d send F15’s after them.
You’re right. Not menacing at all.
They were not at attention, not at any position known to the military from what I know.
It was soooooo bad. Why so dark and forboding? Why not light and uplifting? They are really leaning into this Dark Brandon meme it appears.
They’re trying to provoke a sic semper tyrannis moment to instigate a more open crackdown.
“Political violence is not acceptable” “MAGA is dangerous…” said with a drugged-up face.
He can join Adams in NYC.
The one who knocks: Mayor Adams vows door-to-door checks on gun permits
I’m sure they will be processing at least 3 or 4 applications a month…
Note to self: Do not visit Times Square.
What ridiculous theater. And it’s not like any voter will call him out on it cuz what are they gonna do, vote for the Nazi opposition?!
But it’s gun free!
I seem to recall a cop mag dumped there and shot a tourist like 5 years or so ago.
Democracy is the word of the day for him….I am sure he is at least saying it about 50 times in 10 minutes
Its basically a SOTU speech…..
This is fucking comical.
Oh Biden just claimed we will end cancer….if we vote his way
That’s actually good. If he’s bookending the speech with ULTA MAGA and CANCER!!!, the dems might actually be in trouble.
The ridiculous cunts.
But his cancer moonshot under Obama was so successful.
He means he will end HIS cancer.
He’s having Hunter assassinated?
I know I am behind in the speech but the “Fuck Joe Biden” chant just happened…..lol
From the audience at the speech?
Yeah or from just outside of it. The backdrop of the speech is littered with sirens too.
“God bless you all….Democracy”….lol that was his ending line.
“Because it’s Philadelphia.”
/some guy on Fox
If they can’t even manage a friendly audience in the studio, an actual democratic test wouldn’t go their way.
It might be outdoors?
Stunning and brave.
What is a speech without hecklers?
The thing is, no one is claiming that it is stunning and brave. Not even the ones chanting.
I am.
It is unclear what you are calling stunning and brave.
He thinks his contrarianism is stunning and brave. Or something. Maybe First. Not sure.
Sounds about right.
Yeah, but we already know you’re a dick.
A ‘stunning and brave’ dick. So I got that going for me. Here have some hill country blues. it’ll bring us all together.
Let’s come together.
I can’t believe they’re still trying to turn “MAGA” into a dirty word.
First game of AFL finals and one of the three teams which “must” lose is out.
Richmond eliminated? 😳
I just want Sydney out eventually.
A win over Geelong would be nice, too.
Hate list: Richmond, Sydney, and, umm, one other.
The C word.
That’s in England. We’re talking Australia.
Better sooner than later.
Yah, they get two chances, unfortunately.
Just like the C word.
I’d like two chances for chocolate!
They had a, what I would call, a ‘disney film outro’ to walk out
For Dems/leftists it seems to be kindof like “Jew” in 1930s Germany.
We got the squinty eyes Biden today, not the wide-eyed unblinking one. He still shook hands with some imaginary friends before Dr. Jill intercepted him and led him offstage.
I have noticed that the dem talking point is what Biden did tonight. NY is telling Republicans they aren’t New Yorkers, etc.
Thanks! I am not a fan of the new editor. It choked on an upcoming article and I went back to classic.
I kept getting blocks it would try to recover and fail.
I am not giving up on it, I will continue to play with it. Eventually we may all have no choice so new articles must be written about the issues with block editor.
Your competition tonight is TCM’s “The African Queen”
Pros: Humphrey Bogart
Cons: Katherine Hepburn.
Major double-cons: She plays a repulsive bitch who, at one point, dumps out all of his alcohol. Obnoxious doesn’t even come close to describing this bitch.
So, Barbie it is.
Barbie is adorable. Just go get a sandwich or something when the interview starts half way through. Come back when the action starts again.
She was just playing herself.
Russian oligarch “falls” from a window to his death.
How do people type this crap with a straight face?
Technically, there was a fall involved… after the push.
“Russian media said he was being treated at Moscow’s Central Clinical Hospital and died of his injuries.”
Oligarch: “…I’m not quite dead!”
*Doctor pulls blackjack from under pillow
Oligarch: “I’m actually feeling better!”
“Oh hush you’ll be stone dead in a moment!”
They do what they are told/
They don’t want to fall too.
Reminds me.
We are going to be in your neck o’ the woods on our way to bury Mom. Things are very tentative right now and are dependent upon a lab test that I’m getting on the 12th. That said, we could be ready for a meetup sometime around the 20th, plus or minus.
Woohoo…finally found out when my return date to good old fashioned technician is. The hallowed date of 9/11 I will no longer be management.
Management is not for everyone.
My boss hasn’t pressured me in that direction since our review talk, thank goodness.
Of course, we are so neck deep in actual work this year nobody’s thinking about that stuff.
/Your’e not taking any significant time off this summer, are you?
I actually enjoy management. This is a professional move. It is easier to maintain technical knowledge as a technician than as a manager and I want to make sure I have all options available when I move in a year.
I only vaguely remembered the mention of some lateral moves you were looking at.
Plus it gives me access to union business which typically is “need someone to train a person here” and I use it as dual purpose scoping out an area.
I hate it, bigly.
I think I can happily ride a sort of “technical lead” role into retirement without having to look at “metrics” or pore over a bunch of timesheets.
Timesheets are not difficult from the approver’s end unless you think your people are lying.
I get dinged if I’m not picking the right buckets.
There is no reality where I want to spend time looking at other people’s buckets when I could be doing something productive instead.
I was never a “big-time” manager but often managed small groups as an engineer. I enjoyed it and I got feedback that my technicians appreciated my management style of “let them do their work.”
I’ve always felt that it was the passing along of technical experience that is so important. I think that my techs agreed.
I am a very hands off manager. You tell me my techs are professionals, I will treat them as such. They know their job and I will provide as many resources as they need.
“Why are we doing it this way?”
Technical response.
“OK, thanks.”
Most often when I get that question, the answer I end up having to give is “It’s a historical artifact from previous technical limitations or superceded plans for futher expansion that no longer apply.” AKA “We’ve always done it that way… but don’t have to.”
Give me enough to send upstream honestly…that is all I ask and I will keep the bullshit from hitting you.
That exact dialog scenario has repeated itself a number of times since this project started…
I appreciate managers who keep the bullshit off my back.
It’s why I don’t want to be a manager – I don’t like bullshit.
@OBE: One of the best management systems I encountered: The manager kept as much of the BS from above away from the troops and the assistant manager kept as much of the daily BS from the troops from moving upward. It was my standard from that time forward.
You had an assistant manager?
I have to play both roles.
I think I’m supposed to keep the bullshit off my supervisor’s back. 😕
@UCS: I *was* the assistant manager. I loved it.
@TBH It must have been a military thing at large. Let the troops do what they do, we take care of command or head shead.
Although I was largely in a military/government situation I was always at more at the “squad” level. I had a task and I had technicians to conduct it. Show them what’s needed and stand back to let them do it.
I pretty much made a career on that principle.
Knock ’em dead.
Holy guacamole!
Heat emergency report from the People’s Republic of California. Went for a bike ride. The windmills up on the hill are mostly still. A handful are barely turning. Yay Green!
This is good. The giant bolts from turning windmills would work their way loose and murder you as you rode. Danger!
I thought it was pretty hilarious that the same week they claimed they are gonna ban gas cars they tell people that they shouldn’t charge their electric cars when they get home from work.
Newsom better pray for an extra cool summer when he runs for President.
And yes, I thought the same thing.
Thanks, RJ 🙂
Now I want to look up the original movies.
Yesterday, We got Hunter’s summoning and today we get that speech from Biden? I guess it worked.
SF is prescient. And disturbing. Mostly disturbing.
What will be the third seal broken?
I have been sitting outside drinking beer and listening to music.
Last night I watched A Boy and His Dog.
Fuck Joe Biden.
That is all.
10-4, good buddy.
I’ve been sitting inside drinking beer and rye and listening to Kenny Wayne Shephard.
Last night I watched The Kennel Murder Case.
Fuck Joe Biden.
I might have more to say.
I watched a chicken and his dog.
I like that dog. From a distance.
I watched BattleBots. I’d be willing to bet that robots beating the crap out of each other was more uplifting than listening to BidenBot.
When are we watching that on Glibflicks?
I’d rewatch that – it’s been decades.
Added to list.
Desantis on Fauci: “Someone needs to chuck that elf across the Potomac.”
He’s not an elf, he’s a gnome.
The press sec turned it into DeSantis wants to assault Fauci LOL
Who wouldn’t want to punt Fauci though..
The half of the country that worships him as a saint, sadly.
I want to believe that it’s much less than half. They’re just twice as noisy as the rest of us.
That’s Lord Fauci! Mask Be Upon Him
Many want to cunt punt that leprechaun.
Watching The Great Escape in my hotel room. Was supposed to be home today but didn’t quite make it. Thinking about whether to go swimming tonight.
Swimming is always a good idea.
swimming – I an unsure what this is an euphemism for
Let me help: yes.
Ok, went to the pool. Surprisingly it was empty, despite the numerous kids in the lobby earlier and the fullish parking lot. Got a couple of laps in and some soaking time in the hot tub before it was officially “closed”.
Catching up with the dogshit that happened while getting a trucker tan/burn. McConnell is an establishment POS, and Oz, Vance, and Masters are all garbage candidates. Fuck the lot of them. And Joe Kent is a shit stain that should have been dumped out the door without a chute at 10kft.
Ive been under the operating assumption it is loot what you can for as long as you can until it all falls apart for the past couple of decades.
Had “coffee” earlier with my GOP “insider” friend. He claims the most prevalent guessing among his colleagues is that the Nov. elections will provide the GOP with only a 220-215 majority in the House and that the Senate will be 52 Dems and 48 Republicans. The assault on Trump and the MAGAs is working with the low-information voters, so the Dems will keep it up. Winning the House will, at least and if GOP has balls, allow investigations into a lot of the shit that went down since Nov. 2020.
So nothing will be investigated, then?
I’m still not getting the “support” that’s out there for President Palpitine.
I would obviously suck as a prognosticator in any galaxy.
I think its because the adage of ‘we are three meals away from chaos’ is more like 12 hours from chaos…people are dumb panicky animals that have hitched their lives to government. We see it everyday. Why come no law? There outta be a law! Etc, etc.
He claims the most prevalent guessing among his colleagues is that the Nov. elections will provide the GOP with only a 220-215 majority in the House and that the Senate will be 52 Dems and 48 Republicans.
Shanking the outsider and non-Establishment candidates will help with those numbers.
Here’s some music for today.
that was horrible
Why am I answering work emails at midnight?
You’re insane? Drunk? Overachiever?
Because Johnny Walker does your talking? I had an ex boss who was noticeably more combative in emails after 6pm.
I don’t know, but why don’t you stop?
Why do you even see work emails after 5?
because 5am is when my alarm goes off.
You are still riding the high of paying your mortgage
They hooked me up to a polygraph test and asked me whether I had ever seconded. I could not lie.
I had not, nor have I ever, been second.
…but you’ve been third, and fourth, and fifth, and…
… as interesting as a broken record….
It would violate the rules of physics for me to be anything but First. An elephant could sooner float than I could be not First. The universe would collapse in on itself like a deck of cards if I did not do what I do for it. My essence, my being, is what allows this reality to exist.
What do you do, sir? I SAY WHAT DO YOU DO?
I was shocked to see that the black press secretary of Biden’s was actually asked to specify what policies of the “MAGA office holders” who are, per her and Biden, “semi-fascist,” would be considered “extreme.” She chose to highlight cutting taxes (for those dastardly billionaires) and a nation wide abortion ban.
Trump never advocated for a nation-wide abortion ban, nor is that what his appointed judges just ruled. Nor am I aware of any MAGA supporting office holder who has attempted to implement one. And tax cuts for billionaires specifically was also never on the agenda, not that there would be anything “fascist” about cutting taxes for any class in the country. It’s actually kind of the opposite…
Words. They have no real meanings to the left anymore.
I feel sorry for Karen Jean-Pierre. She is really, really dumb. I’m not sure she understands a lot of what she says. Sort of like her boss.
Fuck her, and fuck him, sideways.
Stupid and malevolent is still malevolent.
Yeah I think she understands and understands her role to play the dopey character she is hired to play.
She’s definitely malevolent.
She still gets a paycheck.
You shouldn’t feel sorry for her.
Instead of just a short, how about a newsreel, “previews of coming attractions”, and a Warner Brothers’ Cartoon before the feature?
I think this is the most direct language I’ve ever seen from these Marxist cunts that admits that what they are aiming at is basically the dismantling of Western culture. Tear it down, demoralize the population, and then…
This gender shit obviously never would have flown in the Soviet Union.
Going through the afternoon links, and man….was there some real, real stupid shit done and said today. Democrats blaming the GOP and Trump for schools being closed?
Mid Term narrative shift brought to you by your free press
“Free press” really seems to hate my ad blocker.
Facts seem to be pretty irrelevant these days.
I honestly have no idea about what’s going to happen in the next decades.
One thing I know is that the United States has peaked. It’s downhill from here.
Yeah, we’re done, national divorce is the best solution. If you’re lucky enough to live in one of the better rump states things will actually improve.
Come to NJ! Enjoy our rabies!
“Biden’s appearance was promoted as an official, taxpayer-funded event, a mark of how the president views defeating the Trump agenda as a policy aim as much as a political one. Red and blue lights illuminated the brick of Independence Hall, as the Marine Band played “Hail to the Chief” and a pair of Marine sentries stood at parade rest in the backdrop. Still, the major broadcast television networks did not carry the address live.
The president appealed for citizens to “vote, vote, vote” to protect their democracy. “For a long time, we’ve reassured ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it is not.”
Anyone who thinks Biden has our best interests in mind is a fucking idiot.
Let’s Go Brandon!
The only safe choice is to suspend habeas corpus and put Trump and his voters in camps. Biden and/or his handlers depending on how demented he really is are fucking divisive douchebags to a degree I’ve never seen in (successful) American national politics. This kind of rhetoric coming from the top is dangerous for any number of reasons.
It was a fucking campaign ad.
They’re not wrong.
20+ years at a Taco Bell.
Get a real job, loser. Fuck you.
If Taco Bell’s prices get jacked up because of wage increases it’ll be no jobs for anyone at any pay as they definitely ain’t some gourmet brand for which people are willing to pay a premium. People just don’t understand the eventual consequences of their demands.
20 years and only a shift leader?
That speaks of a special kind of mediocrity.
Sounds like a prime candidate for government work. /ducks
The article doesn’t say the person worked 20 years at taco bell. I wonder how many times Wise has been fired over those twenty years.
One time too few, unless this story has a happy ending.
Shorter gripe: “We hate our customers.”
This story brought to you by a propaganda organization with “guns in America” and a “Jan 6” set of header links.
“But now, bolstered by stronger poll numbers and relatively positive economic news”
Ummm, what relatively positive economic news are they referring to?
Inflation hasn’t hit 20% yet
“The price is gas is down to only double what it was at the beginning of my administration.”
Low bars y’all mention. Hopefully the polls are examples of attempted narrative shaping rather than reality.
Never believe a poll. Especially a poll taken within two years of an election.
This week I learned that YMCA monthly membership fees are going up. This morning I learned that Sam’s Club annual membership fees are going up. That’s moving in a “positive” direction, right?
Morning, Glibs.
Happy Friday before a long weekend.
If I’d taken tuesday and wednesday off, it’d be the friday before vacation too.
But I didn’t so I have work next week (for two days at least)
Good morning, U, RoaT, DEG (wherever you are,) Sean, and Stinky!
Boss is apparently coming back from vacation for one day before the holiday weekend, almost certainly to work on month-end stuff. I have my trickiest reports almost done – about as far as I could get without some last minute info from others. And it’s payday, the first of three this month. Not too shabby.
I am glad I don’t have monthly tasks like that.
As expected, I got an email from the gal in Collections who usually sends me a report with recovery payments we’ve received on charged-off loans. She never has all of them listed – only the ones she processed that were actually sent to us from an outside vendor. Someone else processed those payments this month, and I’d already found the info I needed in the General Ledger. There were at least a dozen such payments, probably more. Her email to me said, “There were no recovery payments in August.”
I resisted the urge to reply, “There were plenty of recovery payments. You just didn’t process any of them.”
Just mentally add “from our group” to the email. People can get mentally siloed, and get sloppy with their verbiage.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she works from home and has a toddler son who may or may not be being cared for by someone else while Mommy’s working. 🙄
I don’t have access to those kinds of details, I’m afraid.
“And it’s payday, the first of three this month”
We get paid twice a month. I love bi-weekly pay; budget monthly payments based on two paychecks and twice per year there’s that extra geld.
Another little “treat” in a three-pay month – our PEO divvies up our insurance deductions into 24 pays instead of 26, so on those twice-a-year third pays, we get an “insurance holiday.”
We have computers, so the annual charges get divided evenly into twenty-six payments.
“We have computers”
You are priests?
Praise be the Omnissiah.
Mornin’ all. Off to the gym.
Mornin’, reprobates.
Mrs. Patzer needs hip replacement, but first needs to get her BMI down to acceptable level. This is a problem since she can’t exercise, we will be working with PT, nutritionist, gastric surgeon, and shamans to get it done.
Elder spawn got a clean bill of health from his endoscopy. GI doc thinks his nausea is stress related, and he is probably right. Next steps: ???
While I was waiting around to pick up my son from the endoscopy I got a call from my cousin. She hangs her hat in Idaho but is in the area taking care of her 90 yr old MIL, and now needs to fly down to FL to tend to her dad (my favorite uncle) who is not doing well at all. Asked for a big favor, namely a ride to Newark Airport next week since her husband is in Canada ATTM and she has no car. As if I could say no to the cousin I once lost at the World’s Fair when I was 11 and she was 9.
I live in interesting times.
Clearly you didn’t lose-lose her if you’re giving her a ride to the airport.
Only for a few hours, and I caught a beating for it. I told her yesterday that I have forgiven her for getting me in trouble.
Now you have a chance to lose her again!
Hope Mrs. ‘patzie is able to prepare for her new hip as quickly as possible, and I hope ‘patzie Jr.’s nausea is relieved pronto! (Stepson had similar issues some years back – mysterious, almost like IBS but closer to the top of the tube.)
From further up in the thread but deserves a repost:
Is that real?
Yes, yes it is.
It’s nuts given the implications of the speech. I’d say laughably nuts but it’s just not funny.
Dark Biden and Marines against a blood red background. Ready your F-15s.
Stirring. A dark palette for dark days.
Independence Hall is obviously going to be opened up as one of those “haunted house” attractions leading up to Halloween this year.
Stress fucks with my brain. Sometimes I get so caught up in the ongoing crap that I overlook the good things, like my mid-year bonus which appeared in my monthly paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee, patzie!
What’s a bonus?
What I get monthly for kicking ass!
Morning UCS1
Except for the one
One year membership in the jelly of the month club?
It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Morning, peeps!
The cats are fighting again so I stuffed the little idiot (Cato) into the guest bedroom again.
Felix is now growling/howling at everything. Poor dude. I’d hoped he’d be in a better mood now that his eye is less irritated. I think he’s mad at me for not letting him outside yet. But I will not let him out in the dark!!!
Anyway, I hope y’all have a great Labor Day weekend!!
suh’ fam
yo whats goody?
/thanks for all the b-day wishes yesterday. It was a good day.
Glad you made it another year, whippersnapper!
I have watched the most recent episode of Resident Alien twice and still don’t understand the paradox / time travel thingy.
I’m gonna have to watch it again, maybe under the influence, to follow along.
Well, a Paradox is when they need to bring in a second physician, and time travel is when they have an urgent tee time and speed to get your consultancy over with.
Something has altered the timeline. We need to travel back in time to repair it thus negating the need to go back in time to repair it.
Time travel doesn’t make sense 🙂
Of course you can travel into the future (e.g., in the twin paradox, the younger twin has done just that), but going back is fantasy.