the parking lot

5 bucks a day

the old shed
This course has been on my list since I moved to Michigan two years ago, and after some ultimatums two of my buddies decided to join me so we went South.
The town of Shelby is barely a town but it does have a Wesco so after a covfefe stop we journeyed on to Woodruff Road. A few miles of dirt two track and we were there.

some dense areas

Wide open drives
This place is a dedicated course like no other, outhouses, water, and shacks to hang out and rest in, way cool. Every tee box has benches.

Shack #1
The start was wide open with park style shots but then we met the trees, we thought about how to maneuver rather than panic, being from Manistee we don’t sweat trees.
It was an absolutely park like experience, there were some hills but we got to throw big bomber shots off of them to great effect.
It took two hours to play 8 holes, a slow start so we said fuck it and had lunch.

how cool

After grub and a big fat joint we were on our way!

A boomer

the actual tee box

Bloody rocks!

Nice lie
Very few tree hits, big drives, starframes and more, we were kicking ass, until…

Jack pines, oh goody

Rock art, what gives Baby?
Many courses are set up with alternate holes, this is no exception. So we play from #11 to A1-A6 then onto #12 which makes up 24 holes.

#12 teepad up there
This hole drives across a valley to an elevated basket on a ridge, totally nuts!
but first Nic and Josiah stopped off for a quick game of disc poker.

Nick on the left, Josiah to the right
To be honest the shots weren’t difficult, straight 250 foot drives ito a back stop, heaven help you if you go over the top.

3 perfect drives
Poor Nicko got a roll away 120 feet down the hill and finished double bogey after a short birdie putt, damn!
after that hill I took a quick nap

Old Man
the rest of the course was very open and friendly, and had a very fun feature on #23.

we finished with some great drives and pars all around, if we had more supplies we would played it again.
In 25 years and a lot of courses Flip City is far and away the best course I ever played. Every kind of shot is offered, the fairways are to die for, and a lot of big challenges present themselves. not the easiest, nor the hardest, but the funnest.
I will return.
Kick ass, Yusef. I caught a cold and am headed to bed. Will give this a propoer lookover tomorrow. But from my quick skim it looks super fun. I hope I can get over there sometime and play it with you.
I’m sorry you have Long Covid.
Too much excitement on Sunday, wore MikeS out, lowered his LC resistance
Love you Sir!
My adventure article will impress you,
Fun game Saturday, horseshoe shaped holes? OK
Just out of curiosity… are any of that clan not stoners? 🙂
Babylon Bee covered that recently:
I didn’t know they had a disc golf beat.
Thats would be us😊
It’s like the hacky sack crew got kicked off the campus quad and, approaching middle age, decided to get a little walking in while enjoying their doobage.
A good sack spoiled?
No, none, we de ganja folks
“Memory Ale Hill”
I just got home, even played a course a mile from the ferry, got drunk on the boat and survived 1150 miles
Thanks, Yusef!
Mark Twain described golf as a good walk spoiled. Disc golf seems like an improvement. The equipment is certainly more affordable.
Easy to have fun, and as serious as you like, but just great people.
I have 7 states now!
Redhedz 4 Yusef.
Oh yeah, thanks Q
Q never provides hot, sexy Firstgals for me.
Q is an anti-Firstite. It is disgusting. It is despicable. I will not abide this bigotry.
Are they firsty?
They are not Firsty. They are full on First.
And they are SPEC-TACULAR.
being from Manistee we don’t sweat trees.
Thx for the Nitzer Ebb video – that was awesome.
Justin Castro – I see what they did there.
Gotdammit – I Brooks’e it. Should be a response to the Babylon Bee commie food story.
Not much of a stoner, but I do like frisbee golf. It’s a nice excuse to walk around with friends. Plus even if you suck at it, you still kind of look OK.
Nobody has ever been made fun of for throwing a Frisbee like a girl. Because, let’s face it, there is no badass way to throw a frisbee. So it’s a great equalizer that way.
Its a disc not a frisbee, and you wish you plated like a girl. You have no idea what we can do with a disc you heathen
Don’t think the TM lawyer guys are around, so I’m cool with calling it a frisbee. The guys running the local disc golf course have to call it a disc for fear of a lawsuit.
Look, there are enough people trying to censor words. I have to have my minor moments of defiance.
It’s a goddamned frisbee.
You throw toys, I play a very sophicated sport, enjoy whatever makes you happy.
You suck ass through a straw.
I watched the bouncer at Nell’s turn you away.
When your sport is mostly known for people being high as a kite while playing, it’s probably not that sophisticated.
Paul Mcbeth makes a million a year, so go fuck yourself
Who is that? I she a strong forward for the WNBA?
War Room, argh!
Utterly unsurprising.
Still baffled why we are partnering with the CCP to produce bioweapons. Are we really that stupid?
Yes, yes we are…or in cahoots which is worse.
Stealth Posi/Biden?
I can only shrug and hope that I am gone before they turn them against us.
Did you die 3 years ago? Or are you a ghost?
They already unleashed them against us.
If that was it their R&D sucks and I think we’ll, most of us anyway, be OK. An accidental leak though? Almost certainly.
What can ya do? The cheap Chinese version of The Stand is as good as everything else the Chicoms make.
Yeah, that occurred to me. Maybe this was just a trial run.
“Cock-up over conspiracy”
The Wuhan Flu was just an accident. If they wanted to cull the population it would have been SARS or MERS, but with a longer incubation.
I have “believed it possible” a biological SS reduction plan.
At the rate every so-called conspiracy theory is coming true lately, sounds plausible to me.
The Georgia Guidestones was just hiding the evidence. Isn’t it interesting how there’s been no follow up (so far as I can tell anyway)?
Come on guy, the ladies’ an expert. Have some respect for her expertness (at covering her own ass).
I may have been unfair.
“Pentagon Opens Review Of Its Clandestine Psychological Operations”
Pfffft, yeah right- we investigated ourselves and concluded that we did nothing wrong.
I wonder if any bot accounts linked to the US military ever posted with the intent to influence the voters in another country’s elections. Maybe some badass pro-Zelensky memes, you know?
Maybe the Russians should start indicting whoever is behind these US military troll accounts, like Mueller did with the Russians.
I should also add that it’s rather comical that the leadership at the Pentagon has to order a report to know what is actually going on in the Pentagon. Like, somehow this shit is getting funded and being conducted, but the guys at the top are clueless to all the details. Who exactly signs off on this shit?
They know what’s going on. They’re just signing off on a whitewash, plausible deniability and whatnot. Their clandestine psy op investigation is a clandestine psy op.
Independence Day reliably informed me that all the unaccounted-for funding goes to Area 51 and space alien research.
You might even be able to say, to add to the above, that all the hysteric claims of Russian disinformation and election interference were an example of a massive case of projection. If we’re doing it, certainly so must our enemies!
We are doing it on a mass scale far beyond anything Mueller accused the Russians of doing.
Just got home from dinner with the Bearded Hobbit and his lovely wife. A wonderful night, we met at a local brewery, sampled its wares, both dinner and beers, and had wonderful conversation. Truly a night to write home about.
Glad you had good time!
Yes, very enjoyable!
That looks fun as hell! On a more serious note, can we just take the kind of people that believe that electricity comes from those funny holes in the wall out behind the barn and make them go away forever? Dimwit slept in Judi’s car for the last few nights and apparently left the dome light on. Now I’m out at least 200 bucks for a new battery plus the hassle. I wouldn’t be so steamed except this has happened nearly a dozen times to me before and some of them were in very remote locations. There is not much worse than coming back to the work truck and finding that employee has been listening to tunes for hours. Next comes the turn of the key and the dreaded “click-click-click”. Basic vehicle maintenance needs to become a prerequisite to “adulting”. Asshoe.
It’s always the same sort of person. They think that they are smaahter than everybody else. We used to have World Wars to separate the wheat from the chaff. *grumbles*
Not wrong.
You are 100 miles from nowhere and your partner in crime decides that he’s done for the day. “My saw broke down!” “What’s an alternator?” “Try the key again!” No mystery why I lost my teeth in my Forties.
Bruxism: not just a Scrabble word.
Sorry, F.
That sucks, Festus.
Not enough to jumpstart it? Didn’t realize draining the battery could warrant a replacement.
If it’s drained too many times or if your alternator can’t rejuice it.
The battery is older and I’d rather just replace it now rather than in the middle of winter. It gets mighty cold up here. It’s just the “don’t give a shit-ness” that really broils my bacon. Oh yeah, curlicue atop the cone, I charged the car battery but the spare fob’s battery was dead. Couldn’t even diagnose. Much internal Yosemite ensued!
That “boy” sounds like a dumbass, in addition to being an addict. My condolences.
One more sleep. When Judi is off to the city he becomes no concern of mine. She’s been doing yoeman’s work trying to set him up in supportive housing. I wish them both well but once she’s gone the deadbolts get turned. Sink or swim, 40 year-old child.
40?! I thought it was late 20’s, which was bad enough…
If he were that young I wouldn’t have shunned him. All of this drug-fueled idiocy is pretty recent. The other stuff seems ingrained.
What’s his poison? Don’t have to answer.
Whatever all the cool kids are doing these days? How should I know? I don’t wanna know! When I was a kid it was LSD and mushrooms and you’d sleep it off eventually. Maybe some MDA or DMT. Cocaine was way too expensive and none of my cohort put needles in their bodies.
Lol I’m watching live tennis in San Diego and it sounds like (a) they are on the tarmac of the airport there and (b) they’re surrounded by drag racing tracks too.
*This tournament is one of the replacements for the again cancelled China swing that usually takes place at this time of the year.
That’s a good reminder that tennis was the only (?) sport that, rightfully, told China to go fuck itself when the Chi Coms wanted them to bend the knee.
Unexpected, but a pleasant surprise.
We host tennis??
The WTA used to have one of their big warm-ups for the US Open in, I believe, La Jolla, around the turn of the century, the other big warm-up being Canada. But the WTA has consistently tried to imitate the structure of the ATP tour, leading to Cincinnati becoming the big warm-up in the US.
Most of the WTA’s imitation of the ATP has been for the worse.
I used to “play” tennis with my ex. Her idea of tennis was pickle-ball before it was invented. She only wanted to gently volley and every once in awhile when she got cocky I would slam one down the line. I mentioned that she is my ex, right?
Airport and flight path are very central, wherever they’re playing.
I’ll be there in person on Saturday. Last year they even had good players there. Not this year. Out of money? Didn’t have funds to pay anyone in the top 20 to come? Why am I going there other than an expiring IHG certificate?
Sounds like it’s time for a San Diego Glibs meet up.
Let’s go Brandon! is there. A couple others I like.
But yeah, it’s a 250 so you’re going to get mostly randos – there are several on this draw I’ve never even heard of.
Every tee box has benches. That’s amazing.
We have a nice course here that has both open spaces and trees. And water hazards — I once lost a disc on a putt that sailed just past the hole and into an adjacent stream.
T’was the Lady of the Lake taking back her own.
I had that happen last weekend,
Just dont throw that way,
Oh Fuck
I got so pissed off about a missed putt (stick golf) that I flung my putter backhanded at the chain link fence and it somehow went through and landed on the highway. After it was run over a couple of times I was able to retrieve it. It looked like an “S”. Million to one shot, Doc! I’ve refrained from fits of temper on the course since then.
Disc is Zen, you are supposed to throw things,
I’d be a better golfer if I could just throw that wee ball down the fairway.
My dad quit golf because of his temper.
Twice I’ve had to climb a tree to retrieve my putter. I don’t play anymore.
Hey, Teh Hype – thanks for the Acrostic! You know I’m a sucker for them, and it was a delightful diversion!
Glad you enjoyed it. more to come.
Can confirm. And a new clue for the aquatic mammal that appears in every puzzle!
Bittersweet to see Chara retire but happy for the one-day contract to see him retire as a Bruin.
I never hated him. He played his Junior years up here. Got to watch him play a time or three. You could tell he was going to the show.
Hard to hate, I think. Just played hard (while being a giant person).
The third senator from NY is running ads about how no government should have any control over a woman’s body. What fucking idiot. You’re about 2.5 years too late on that count, you fucking retarded ghoul.
They are doing same here in NV. How dare politicians make medical decisions! Now get your vaccine or get fired.
You won’t get me coming back to the states without me finding Yusef and sharing a fat. That course looks fun.
😬 * Fat J
Sure Straff.
Fun looking course Yusef! Thanks for sharing
Bob is my friend even if he talks like a Californian IRL! https://youtu.be/Tt-tG6ufH90
Yo dude, thanks for the props eh?
Yusef made the rounds at HH, is everyone’s friend.
Mornin y’all.
LOL know your audience dude.
They are all waiting for permission to get their next one.
He opened a can of worms. Massie and others have started calling for an immediate end to all emergency powers now that the pandemic is “over.”
You don’t say.
Chipotle sucks.
Got any good news? Or is it just shock and awe Sean?
Gerbil link just above.
Tik tok is not a great example unless you are a CCP spy
They are coming for your orphans.
I like Chipotle.
Bubbkoos > Chipotle
Gotta get ready for work.
Never heard of it. Maybe the next time I’m in Staten Island….
A bit far from here.
Subtitle should be “Dopey millennial stringer finds conservative in the mist – outrage! ensues”
How dare he joke about the leader.
PS. The joke was funny.
I don’t care for articles that are primarily about the responses of random nitwits on Twatter, half of whom are probably bots or paid propagandists like BrooklynDadDefiant.
Pawpaw festival? Does Suthen know?
Wild pawpaw tends not to be very sweet. I’m sure there are varieties that are, but the local ones here have been lacking. The kids like to go shake them out of the trees every September, they just don’t like prepping them for eating,
It’s kind of like a less sweet banana with hints of vanilla.
Overnight I lost a chance to add another Finn Mosin on an antique receiver to my collection.
Last night while putting a Kar98k back together, I discovered something I missed. The receiver is cracked. It’s probably a parts gun.
Off to the gym.
Have you been fucked by the Washington Monument? The government will not help you if you have.
There isn’t even a law firm that will take up your case?? I suppose I would have seen commercials for them by now…
“Police have not said whether the suspect had been acting alone.”
Good morning, RoaT, DEG, Sean, rhy, and Yu!
Going to TRY to go back to work today if my left hip will cooperate. Still pretty owwy, but I don’t want to be a weenie. People deal with a lot worse than this for years, so I’m gonna suck it up, Buttercup.
Sigh. Haven’t you heard? Victimhood is all the rage now, here you are presented with a gold-plated victim opportunity and you’re turning it down?
That’s not how I roll. At the moment, of course, I “roll” with a bit of a limp.
This is how I roll.
How I roll (minus the morning beer.)
Good one! I have been known to belt that out on occasion.
Aw, I was wondering how you were doing. You and Mike Tyson. (Are your shoes friendly to you?)
Oh, yes, my shoes are VERY friendly to me! I don’t wear silly shoes with spiky heels or anything. For my short, wide “duck feet” (wide at the toes, narrow at the heel) I’ve had great luck at this online retailer!
I have duck feet too.
Well heck, I’m out of ideas so I will shut up. I forget what type of professional you said you’d seen.
And thanks for the tip.
Ended up seeing the Nurse Practitioner at the D.O.’s office right around the corner from our house. (We can see their door at the back of their building from our back yard. I could have walked there, but….) If the prednisone, exercise, and a little extra ibu don’t take care of it, I’ll give ’em another call.
Mornin’, reprobates!
Good morning, ‘patzie! How you holdin’ up, buckaroo?
So far so good, thanks. They say all things must pass, but past experience says otherwise. There is likely an “uncomfortable” procedure coming in 3-4 weeks.
Hang in there, baby! And more thanks are due to your Mets, since the ‘birds can’t seem to clinch the NL Central on their own. 🙄
Thanks for dropping by last Sunday, your presence was acknowledged👍
Wish I could have been there, looks like everyone had a grand old time.
suh’ fam
whats goody
Sup tres!
Covfefe or beer?
I just got home from work….TALL CANS!
Good morning, homey! Looks as if this might really be our last summer day!
Thats why Im not mowing until tomorrow. I think its supposed to only be in the 60s.
Today is going to be a scorcher, tho.
Yo! Tall Covfefe, hangin’ on the front porch.
Plant-based “meat” is fine, but sometimes you just gotta have the real thing.