Friday Afternoon Links
About The Author

1. a gaming, lifting, shooting, intoxicated, ravenous, and happily-taken nerd.
2. often aims to misbehave.
3. and though she be but little, she is fierce.*
And rumor has it that she (and her husband) are also delightful dinner companions. You didn't hear it from me, though.
RJ, sorry about your mom.
I hope she gets well soon. My mom was in the hospital three times this Summer, and she’s home now. People that age often have complications from surgery, and pull through.
Glad to hear mom is better.
Same. I was late getting back to the last post.
Prayers up, RJ.
I hadn’t heard, but best wishes to RJ’s mom.
Thanks all. Hoping I don’t need to take an impromptu trip to a Shreveport hospital in the next few days.
“Most libertarians are converts.”
No shit, Sherlock.
“There is the inevitable temptation,” Read wrote, “once a person comes into possession of ideas new to him, to inflict the new ‘wisdom’ on others, to reform them, to make them over in his own image.”
I’m guessing that libertarian struggle sessions will never catch on.
REPENT! Or don’t. CONFORM! Or do what you want, I don’t care.
99% of libertarians don’t identify as libertarians BULLY! *SNICKER*
My favorite Hihn story was how he would claim that he was a LP party official, tasked with trying to get people into libertarianism……….and then 3 or 4 lines later in his screeds would write the “99% do not identify” line. I loved the self-own.
They’re still Eskimo Callboy to me.
I’m The Only Gay Eskimo.
Libertarian Eskimo!
I don’t know anything about that but it was a fun track.
They changed their name to be more culturally sensitive.
Oh, brother 🙄
In “I, Pencil,” Read revealed the market economy for the wonder that it is by tracing the “family tree” of a humble pencil. He demonstrated how transforming raw materials—timber, aluminum ore, etc.—into a seemingly simple pencil is a vastly complex process involving the cooperation of millions of individual producers: lumberjacks and axe manufacturers, truckers and oil drillers, etc.
“I, Pencil” is great.
A must read for anyone who gets electricity from the wall
It blew my mind the first time I read it.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will read. For whatever reason, FEE doesn’t link to it in that article. Here it is.
Wait, is it really that short? More of a pamphlet than a book.
Length doesn’t really matter.
That’s what my wife tells me, anyway.
Afternoon, Glibs. I am now in Northern Ohio, just outside Cleveland. After 7.5 hours of driving, I’m taking a break. Good thing I reserved a hotel room at this very spot. 😛
On a dark night, you might catch a glimpse of a burning river. I hear it’s quite romantic.
Eh, I’m not looking for that, this is just an overnight because driving too long is bad for the sanity and the joints.
The Cuyahoga River Caught Fire at Least a Dozen Times, but No One Cared Until 1969
And Muzak filled the air
From Seneca to Cuyahoga fires
Hey, why not do a little sightseeing while you’re there? So much to see.
And the sequel, with an updated catchy slogan.
My City Was Gone (2007 Remaster)
If you get up early in the morning (like 3 or 4 AM) and go into downtown Cleveland, you find it can be quite an Erie place.
That was a Great Lake pun you made there.
Huron a roll
That was a superior pun.
Don’t you people have HOMES to go to?
I’m not going to Baikal the way home to read Glibs.
Couldn’t help but notice “Black Adam” is a buff halt-Polynesian dude.
Kahndaqi actors are hard to find in the real world unfortunately.
He’s supposed to be an Egyptian!
That must be why they cast Dwayne Johnson. He played an Egyptian in the Mummy movies.
That stupid song is catchy as hell.
I needed that dose of stoicism this morning. Bank of America has closed my local branch where I had a safe deposit box. They never notified me of the closure and now say they have no record of me ever having a box at that location, which is probably why they never notified us. They do have a record of me holding a box with the exact same number in a city where we used to live, which is a hell of a coincidence. Apparently the contents of unclaimed boxes were shipped to a secure location in Delaware, which means Hunter Biden is probably going through my valuables including my fur jock strap. B of A has seriously gone to crap the past few years. Thankfully my wife removed her jewelry from that box several years ago.
Ouch. Sorry.
Jesus. I have a box with them, might have to rethink that one.
I closed my BoA account many years ago and because I never paid any interest on my credit cards they sold my account and it was sold again and again by the gaining banks. They finally sent me a check for 1 cent (1 penny.) I have never cashed the check, thus keeping their books from balancing, I hope.
Good luck on tracking down your SDBox.
On the bright side, they gave me a website where I can search for unclaimed property and I found $20 from an old Upromise account. So I have that going for me.
Now you can head downtown!
I prefer to stay closer to home. It’s the same price either way.
I found ~ $900 of stock I had misplaced via the Mass unclaimed website a few years back. That was a pleasant surprise.
LOL (this is the line I used to ride in the Before Times)
“Around 3:30 PM an unauthorized subject tampered with power sources at the Southern Ave station.”
What are the subject’s pronouns?
Perhaps they wanted a slow shift at work.
“Police said Boria placed a makeshift device on the tracks that messed with the signal sensors, which meant the gates wouldn’t have gone down when a train approached the crossing, and a crash could have happened.”
Just move to California already. $22/hr for hard-working burger flippers like yourselves.
NH Link dump: Those dastardly Free Staters!
In the 1970’s, Murray Rothbard, the revolutionary economist, suggested libertarians use right wing populism to push their agenda. We have only to look at the recent Gunstock debacle for a glimpse on how this plays out. The Free Staters on the Belknap Delegation subverted others with conservative leanings on the all-GOP delegation to follow their lead in slashing the County nursing home budget and stacking the Gunstock Area Commission with fellow travelers sympathetic to their agenda, i.e., either leasing or privatizing the ski area.
The New Hampshire Free Staters don’t find it difficult to disguise their true intentions. Some like Representative Aldrich, support secession and yet, hide behind patriotism by attaching an American Flag to their campaign posters. The New Hampshire Free State Project’s website claims their success stories include passing constitutional carry, expanding the castle doctrine (no duty to retreat), repealing all knife laws, reducing the state budget by 11% and blocking countless bad bills, including a bump stock ban, from becoming law. Accomplishments, depending upon your thinking, perhaps, but not likely due to Free Staters and listed only to ingratiate them with the GOP majority upon whose coat tails they are clinging.
Lol, sounds like they’re getting butt hurt.
Keep up the good work.
Also, in what way was the Corydon situation not wasteful?
To the teachers’ unions, the waste is they weren’t getting enough money.
More on Granite PAC
So, we have ten addresses, five donors, and $225,000.00 to Granite PAC, which was registered to support Chris Sununu until Sept 9, 2022, when the PAC ‘decided’ to attack incumbent Republicans in primaries for the NH house who happen to have rubbed His Excellency the wrong way.
One of those incumbents under attach is Rep. Melissa Blasek. I suspect this move is a fuck-you to Sununu.
State Senate race
While the GOP primary campaign for U.S. Senate is getting most of the attention, a hotly-contested Republican race for state Senate being is waged in District 16. Political observers say it is the most-watched legislative primary race of the year.
And a key debate between the two candidates is which one is the ‘real’ Republican.
Rep. Barbara Griffin (R-Goffstown) has been a GOP member of the legislature since 2014. Before getting involved in politics, however, she considered herself an independent, though she did vote in the 2008 and 2012 Democratic primaries.
Rep. Michael Yakubovich (R-Hooksett), a self-described Rand Paul Republican, said he quit the GOP in 2016 when the Kentucky senator dropped out of the presidential primary and pulled a Democratic ballot — casting his vote for Vermin Supreme. He also voted in the state Democratic primary that year, records show.
Yakubovich is NHLA endorsed.
I’m home tonight, and as
newold traditions need to be upheld. I’ll kick off the Zoom/Happy Hour/Weekend discussion at 20:00 Eastern.I won’t have Tulp’s deadly martinis to poison me tonight. Or will I…?
Well, assuming you have gin and vermouth, you could make your own. Or with some maraschino liquor, you could step it up to a Martinez.
If you have gin (I’ve been using Citadelle Jardin d’été a lot recently) and maraschino, you’re halfway to an Aviation.
I dial back on the maraschino and add a touch more lemon juice, but I like my Aviations on the tart side.
I was finally able to hunt down creme de violette around me. It wasn’t as tough as hunting down chartreuse around me.
Missing a vowel. Tulpa or Tulip?
Ooh! Martini! Excellent idea!
*makes drink*
The problem with martinis is that your gin gets used up so fast.
I’m pretty sure that gin doesn’t do you any good sitting on the shelf.
Indeed, better pour it down the sink where it can disinfect the drain.
I like a Martini
Two at the most.
Three I’m under the table
Four I am under my host.
Maybe you’d like a martini built for two?
“Tennessee Tech is slammed for putting on campus drag show mocking Christianity with star dressed as a Catholic monk – while children handed him money”
Who is behind this shit?
Shocking. *Eye roll*
Who the hell are the parents taking their kids to this stuff?
I suppose libraries can’t turn away the Drag Queen Story Time stuff for 1st Amendment reasons if they rent rooms to other groups. But I don’t understand if the libraries are seeking out these people. I don’t understand why a library feels the need to promote it. But ultimately, I don’t understand the parents who take their kids.
Compared to the parents getting sex changes for toddlers, this seems relatively tame.
It seems adjacent.
Today, in scary virus news…
EXCLUSIVE: ‘I was drinking right out of the spigot!’ Jackson resident tells how he unknowingly gulped contaminated water from a garden hose off his trailer in rural Mississippi and was left sick with an ‘alien virus’
Miller had no idea about the contaminated water as he lives on the southern outskirts of Jackson in a trailer, doesn’t watch the news and his cell phone is cracked”
“New York declares a disaster due to polio outbreak which officials fear have infected THOUSANDS in the state
According to official data, 78 percent of New Yorkers have received at least three polio jabs by age two – the standard schedule for the shots.
While only one case has been confirmed so far – in an unvaccinated Rockland County man in his 20s – officials are worried that a massive outbreak is quietly going unnoticed.
This form of the virus comes as a result of the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV). The vaccine delivers a person a live version of the virus. While the body will usually kill the virus – generating antibodies – on some rare occasions the recipient will be infected.
Officials have not yet determined how this man was exposed to vaccine-induced polio.”
If you’re still drinking out of a garden hose in a trailer park in MS, your immune system is impervious to everything. Polio better mind its Ps and Qs.
“While only one case has been confirmed so far – in an unvaccinated Rockland County man in his 20s – officials are worried that a massive outbreak is quietly going unnoticed.”
Rockland County, eh? There is a certain (((demographic))) there which eschews vaccinations of all types. One of the few groups that pushed back against the panic at its’ inception.
No, dear prospective client, I am NOT going to ballpark your project when you won’t let me look at your materials. And get that fucking watermark off your PDF.
#protip Wear gas masks, Tyvek, and rubber gloves to clean your teenage son’s room.
“clean your teenage son’s room.”
Nope, nope, nope. He learned to do that himself when we started opening his windows on mid-winter when it got too ripe. I don’t care about clutter, but stink is unacceptable.p
10 year old daughter is just as bad.
Level A. or Level B double-envelope.
Lol, don’t catch monkey pox from all the bodily fluids. Stay safe!
Just got done working -RJ, hope everything turns out OK with your mom.
So what are the must reads of libertarian economics?
“I, Pencil” by Read of course.
“The Seen and The Unseen” by Bastiat.
What else? I am thinking of easy to read for a lay-person.
I guess “Road to Serfdom” by Hayek.
Economics in One Lesson.
Very simple.
Economics in One Lesson
Yes! Forgot about it.
We have those small neighborhood libraries (boxes people put up in their yard thta hold maybe 10-12 books) — I’m tempted to put copies of EiOL in those.
Thomas Sowell Basic Economics
Pretty much anything by Sowell
That Which Is Seen and that Which Is Not Seen
I mentioned that one, I just translated the title differently.
Yeah, I was just playing editor and linking the texts you guys are mentioning.
Your daily dose of Sanford and son:
Motorboating required for Friday Funbags.
You not my supervi….
I like cute and fun. Will check this out 👍
Re: conversion to libertarianism: I don’t recall a particular “conversion”, so I sorta feel like I’m one of those who was “always” economically libertarian. Politically, I think the two main things that pushed me that way were Liberty School (taught by Kevin Cullinane – my first employer made everybody go) and Joe Sobran’s “The Reluctant Anarchist”.
Danggit – Freedom School, not “Liberty School”.
I was nothing. I was aware of politics but otherwise more interested in drag racing and being a prankster. My friend Mark has some early Reason magazines around which made me think about it. Made me realize I was a caveman libertarian all along. I still am.
First, hope all turns out okay for your mom.
I found info about that movie we were talking about yesterday. There’s even an IMDB entry for it
It’s not a short but an hour and a half long so it might be appropriate for a glibflick.
I couldn’t find it on youtube but it might be out there somewhere.
I was unaware, but apparently he directed several other films, too.
Excellent! Thanks!
My wife showed me our copy on DVD. I don’t know to upload it to anything or if it is even legal to do so.
I was a Limbaugh conservative before I ever heard of Limbaugh, but from the time I grew aware of such things (middle school), felt that we should not be in other countries’ business or sending money there. I sorta felt we should not have been in Vietnam for any reason I could see (this was before I found out my conception was inspired by the draft). After 9/11, I thought the TSA was a bad idea because anybody could see that was going to be hell on freedoms. I was amused that the Dixie Chicks flatlined their career. I didn’t know what-all the Patriot Act had in it, but “patriot act” seemed vaguely propagandistic. I felt like the middle east should’ve been turned to glass immediately and all this namby pamby war business started. Like, what now? “Targeted strikes”? That’s Vietnam bullshit. Level the place already and be done, and the statement’s made. That’s about the time I started diverging with Limbaugh on things for…reasons I didn’t bother to articulate to myself. Then I stopped listening because I had better things to do. Started calling myself a libertarian because I wasn’t sure why prostitution was illegal. Somewhere in there I started reading Radley Balko. I don’t know how/why/when/where, but I started paying attention to cop-involved shootings and the secrecy surrounding each one. Found TOS and you people, who started me to actually THINKING about the details of things I was just kind of skimming over and being all, “This doesn’t feel right.”
The moral of the story: Yes, you can get to libertarianism on feelz.
And oh, the thing that set all my feelz to feeling was when I was in single digits and my very ancient relatives were being loud about WWI being WRONG and then about FDR knowing Pearl Harbor was going to happen and that he let it happen so we could get into WWII. I just listened, but they were very articulate and I understood.
So I guess my whole evolution stands on the foundation of that impromptu conversation amongst ancient relatives when I was in single digits.
See, that’s why the schools need to get the kids on the right path while they’re young. Otherwise they might end up as libertarians.
I was a Democrat because when I was in high school during the ’80s, the D’s were the civil liberty party.
Boy, did that change!
I was a Democrat because when I was in high school the Democrats were going to totally end the Vietnam War and, besides, Republicans are icky!
I started listening to Ronald Reagan on the radio while commuting to college and became a Republican for about 10 years.
Then I realized that their talk of “small, Constitutionally-limited government” was them talking through their ass.
I wandered over to the Libertarians until I realized that they weren’t taking any of this seriously, either.
Now I’m just disgusted. Individual liberty. Is that too much to ask?
Yes. 🙁
I first encountered the real philosophy from Ayn Rand in college, I think based on my then girlfriend’s suggestion. But I had already an intuition of it, so reading her philosophy was a ‘ah ha!’ moment but if a different sort than conversion. It was enumeration of the known rather than a revelation.
Oh! I forgot about reading her!
I found this surprisingly restful.
Thanks. That was great. I’m with you, giant shredder videos are soothing. Great Mikes think alike.
I see your crushing and raise you silicone annealing with lounge music.
That was very cool. It’s neat to see the small colored part slowly blend in.
Shredding is no match for the Guillotine!
“Judd went on to quip that it wouldn’t be an undercover operation without at least one Disney employee being arrested as well.”
Sheriff Judd is either the greatest law enforcement officer in the state, or the biggest camera-hogging clown, depending on whom you talk to. His press conferences are always entertaining, though.
Polk County is kinda odd, even by Florida standards. It’s between Tampa and Orlando, and is a weird admixture of natives, retirees who can’t afford to move to the coasts, migrant farm workers, and Florida Man.
It’s also home to one of the prettiest college campuses in the country.
RJ and Count Potato — Best wishes for your respective maternal units.
You want Monkeypox? This is how you contract Monkeypox
And this is how you shock the monkey:
US household wealth suffers record drop in 2Q. Inflation isnt real, Jack. Recession talk is pure malarky. Look fat, its the greatest economy of our lifetimes.
What do you do when someone in the RV park is wearing the same outfit as you?
You’re both wearing your birthday suit?
You are both wearing nothing?
It’s not an outfit.
Im off to work. Alert Rufus.
Arbeit macht frei!