Swiss said the site needed some more content this week. So here I am! Now…..what…to…talk about? I could talk about…cats? I’m allergic. Um, pineapple on pizza? I don’t care, do what you want. Just list off my current physical ailments? No, that article would be too long. Well, since I’m doing these Doxxing articles and sharing some of my short film projects with you all, how about I go one step farther and talk about the time I ran for State Assembly here, in this state where I live.
It all began in 2012, my oldest sister was renting a room out to this French woman, who just happened to be my age and my type. Except she was a vegetarian, so when I offered my meat she…wait, I mean that happened, but that isn’t…So it was 2012 and some asshat named Ron Johnson was running for the senate…in this state, where I live. Johnson was running against this dipshit named Tammy Baldwin. I determined both of them were useless pieces of garbage so,
trying to impress this French lady because I’m a man of upstanding character, I wanted to run for Senate (Now they are both my Senators, ain’t bipartisanship grand?)
There was only one problem. I was only 29 at the time and my birthday wasn’t close enough to get The Biden Loophole. So I couldn’t run for Senate. But I really wanted to impress this gal give the voters a choice to elect someone who believed in freedom. So I contemplated this for some time. Eventually I decided that I would run for State Assembly. Even though I had no particular beef with my Assemblyman I decided to do it to impress a cute girl because the people deserved it!
Again…there was a problem. By the time I decided to run for Assembly the petition time to get on the ballot had expired. So if I was going to run, it would be as a write-in candidate. But how does one go about such a thing? The first thing I did was try to contact the state Libertarian Party. They never responded. Then I looked into it myself. Basically their are 2 ways to run as write-in candidate.
- You just…run. People write your name on the ballot.
- You submit all the same paperwork as a regular candidate, minus the ballot access signatures.
If you choose 1, good luck with the different precincts actually bothering to tally it correctly and coordinate with other precincts to compare what qualifies as a vote for you. If you choose option 2 at least they know to be on the look-out for votes for you, but then the write-in has to be spelled the exact same as the name submitted. So a vote for a theoretical person named, say, randomly, Jon must be spelled that way. If it is spelled John it counts as ‘scatter’, meaning they couldn’t determine who it was for.
So bad choice A or bad choice B? I chose B. I submitted all the required financial and legal documents. I was an official Write-In candidate. What do you do after that? I tried going to my local highschool and getting the teacher of the senior civics class to invite me and my opponents in for a Q and A. Not interested. I tried again to contact the state Libertarian Party. Still no response. I’m not social enough for shaking babies and kissing hands. But one thing I do know is video production, so I made a campaign ad.
Like I said, I didn’t really have anything against my (R) State Assembly Representative, and I didn’t know anything about the Democratic contender. Also, I’m not the kind of person to talk shit about others. But you know what I’m good at, snark. (make sure the volume is up, the whispers are the best part)
When I worked in radio and the still incumbent came in for an interview I told him off air I had run against him, he had no recollection. But he did note that he was highschool friends with my uncle. Make of that what you will.
Baldwin ran against Tommy Thompson, didn’t she?
Ron Johnson ran against 1A hater Russ Finegold.
You are correct…looks like my drunk writing memory was a little fuzzy. Same difference. At least Finegold voted against The Patriot Act.
Did you wrap your testicles around her?
I hope you now know better than to try to date women that are impressed by politicians.
Damn right.
With the way you can bid for ads now on streaming services, I bet you can get that type of ad shown 100 times an hour on Peacock or Pluto.
I think I saw that ad on the Dr Who channel last night.
I wish. It’s always insurance ads. Except for JJ Walker, they are the most sterile ads in existence.
I keep getting ones for drugs – Lip injections, depression, and some sorta facial tic thing. also a few political – one against JD Vance (he and big pharma killed some lady’s kid) and one Against “Taxing” Tim Ryan (he taxes too much).
Sounds like the medical ones really hit their target market.
Do you get all the lawsuit ads about Camp Lejuene or what have you?
Ugh I have one of those running right now. There’s like a dozen of them.
Fucking ambulance chasers.
Oh yeah, I forgot about those. Camp Lejeune, and maybe it’s just on the Old timey radio channel but I get a ton of get out of your time-share ones.
That Shriners kid is pushing the boundaries of diminishing returns, too.
Dude… enough already.
The kid who looks like a little Buddy Hackett?
Oh shit, great catch. if that kids still around they need to teach him Hacketts bits and do a telethon they’d rake in the cash.
lol never noticed but yup
They must have cajoled him into signing his life away doing endless Shriners commercials.
French? Vegetarian? I’m seeing hairy pits.
Welcome back!
Thanks. It’s been a while. Nice that somebody noticed
It has been awhile. I wondered what had happened to you.
Well, since I’m doing these Doxxing articles and sharing some of my short film projects with you all, how about I go one step farther and talk about the time I ran for State Assembly here, in this state where I live.
At the risk of doxxing myself, I did the same thing in NH a few years after I moved to NH. I got… nowhere. My campaign consisted of a single letter to the editor.
I looked around, and I can’t find the NH State House of Representatives election results for that year.
You campaign ad is much better than my letter to the editor.
Last election my grand daughter in Alaska, small remote village, voted libertarian for President. Checking the results she said the lib got zero votes. It’s always the vote counters, isn’t it?
My right-in for Kanye showed up on tally in 2020
Good Lord. First Zoom in ages, and it is ended by the host. Were we raided?
huh what? Its up and running
Language lessons.
Evening Glibs.
This hotel is losing points by the minute.
In its favor the building is new and the rooms and facilities are clean, no sign of bugs or other vermin.
Against it, the rooms are small and cramped. The luggage carts are half the size of normal, and lack any handle on one end, making it more difficult to finagle them in tight spaces like elevators or cramped hotel rooms. The fridge is half the size of a hotel fridge and doesn’t even come up to my knee. The lights other than those by the door are so dim that the only thing they illuminate is the light itself. I can’t even tell I left the desk light on in the glare of my laptop screen and the parking lot lights. The elevator voice is too verbose. The faucet is set so far back that it is impossible to wash my hands without cramming them against the back of the sink. The thermostat controlling the AC is so unintuitive that you need to be a mind reader to figure out what the designer was thinking. I just want it cooler and the fan to go faster!
Though of all those negatives, the light, the sink, and the AC bug me the most.
I’ve bitched about it before but I just want to open a window and most hotels have banned that.
AC is nice, but fresh air is better. Especially now that autumn is peeking through.
If I do that, I’ll hear nothing but the highway all night. (I don’t even know if these windows open)
Worth it to get some fresh air.
No, that would mean I would get zero sleep, and that means I’d have trouble driving tomorrow.
Lowest bid contractor. You are in Iowa tonight?
I am.
Met Kinnath and his wife earlier this evening.
Will drive to Superior/Duluth tomorrow.
Going to the railroad museum?
I am unaware of this museum. Got a link?
Thank you, sir.
You can even take a train ride along the lake if you have the time/inclination.
I’ve decided to check it out and ride the scenic railroad.
It is literally right down the road from the hotel 😀
I had stopped writing my reply and bought my ticket before seeing your mention of the railroad. I picked a longer ride than the zephyr, though.
Hey! I got married there!
There are a couple of fun waterfalls on the north shore, if you like easy hikes and have a ride. Canal park is the good kind of touristy. Grandma’s is the big dog restaurant owner. The wife loves them. I think they are way overrated.
But I did enjoy the pizza buffet at the Duluth mall. That place is pretty cool for a pizza buffet. (What can I say, I am a simple guy)
Go over the bridge to superior if you want a bar to get in a fight.
Actually, I have never seen a fight there. But most of the bars near the port are straight out of a movie about a bar fight.
I’m not a fan of participating in bar fights. Not my brawl.
Where are you in Iowa right now? If you are in the far eastern part of the state, the drive on The Great River Road from Prairie du Chien, WI to Red Wing, MN is fantastic. Beautiful views all the way. It might add 1-2 hours to the drive, but very scenic.
I’m in Cedar Rapids at the moment.
I looked at a map for driving directions. It would probably add about 1.5 hours to your drive, but it would make the drive way more interesting. You could also shave some time off that by heading north to Superior from Winona, MN. Taking the other route is boring driving the entire way.
I’m in La Crosse, WI where you would by passing through if you came that way. It’s probably a long shot, but if you knew what time you were passing through (if you decide to go this route) I could maybe meet you for lunch or just a quick visit and hike or something.
If goodle is to be trusted, running through La Crosse WI is only 26 minutes longer a drive than the shortest route, but also avoides minneapolis. It would be about 3 hours from whenever I leave. By habit that’s typically 8am, but has been known to be delayed.
If you are up for it, I’d gladly meet you for a visit. Either grab a bite to eat, or I could show you some cool views of the area, or both if you have the time. I’ll just take a couple hours off work.
My email is landscapeguy2003 at the yahoo.
I originally planned on going to Honey Harvest, but going to spend 3 days this weekend with my brother and meet a few old friends.
I’ll send an email to finalize some logistics.
Got it. I’ll reply shortly.
We enjoyed having dinner with you.
It was nice to meet both of you.
I was in Albert Lea last week. Am now in Michigan. We just decided to move. In a week and a half. We did it, but lord did the movers do a bait and switch.
I’m sorry to hear about the movers doing you wrong.
Meh. It’s only money. We are out of the city. Too big and traffic is insane. We’ve been here a week and 2 days and fiancee already has job offer (if she passes drug test… been 25 days since she smokes), and I have already had two interviews – possible management position was extended today. She is with her family again, she was very homesick. Got here just in time for winter.
Went through Wisconsin- man the Mississippi valley in Wisconsin is gorgeous. After that, started going down hill, then down hill some more, then some more… I was wondering if the downhill would ever stop.
Well, I’m glad everything else is working out.
Thanks. Here’s to a safe and speedy journey for you.
Congratulations MichiganJ!
Also, congratulations on the engagement.
This Koopsky fella’s got my vote.
I’m with you! Vote for John!
OMG the celebrity guests on Super Password are Scottie and Worf. I can’t even.
Isn’t James Doohan dead?
No idea. But Super Password aired in the late 80s.
Yes. He passed on in 2005. He did at least one episode of Star Trek: Next Generation as his character Scotty before he passed.
A rail strike is no joke. Just read they carry 30% of the supply chain.
Yes they do. Oil, especially since Biden shut down the pipelines.
And grain. Agriculture will just about shut down.
He didn’t shut any down, just worked hard at preventing new ones. From what I’ve heard from the oil people in NoDak, it won’t hit oil too bad. But shutting down rail in the middle of harvest is a bad, bad thing for agriculture.
tbh I’m suspicious. The big union heads (including Weingarten, which was why I noticed) were just in DC a few days/a week ago. Unless there’s a lot of lead up to this strike that I just missed (which I could’ve – I’ve been in France for two weeks), I wonder if it’s not a ploy to get Biden a “win” by ending or heading off the strike, once the media has hyperventilated enough about it.
TBH, I’m not sure what Biden or Buttjudge have to do with striking railroad workers. We’re not talking about Amtrak, we’re talking about the private operators.
Tldr; Congress stuck government’s dick in railway labor relations long ago and refuses to pull out
For relaxation at work, I sometimes put on a streaming cam of the mainline in Flagstaff. It is double tracked and normally there are at least 10 freights an hour. The last couple of days have been much slower rates and the trains have been longer. Plus the BNSF is doing obvious equipment repositioning so the RR’s are planning for a shut down. Grain shipments have almost disappeared, and this is when they should be ramping up. BNSF has moved hopper empties east but I’ve seen no full shipments heading to the west coast. This could get ready shitty, real fast.
Nice, CPRM, that’s the best Capmaign Ad I’ve ever seen! Come to think of it, it’s the first and only Capmaign Ad I’ve ever seen. Surprised the LP hasn’t inquired about your availability.
Per the dead thread, SugarFree has dubbed us the Libertardians and we must own that and start a splinter party.
Are you one of those no television weirdos?
Hochul’s ads are hilariously dishonest.
My Congresscritter (sometimes squishy GOP) put out a good one the other day after an awful earlier one.
It’s weird. I barely see any here in Texas. There’s a hit ad out for Beto, that’s it. And that gives him more attention than he deserves. The governor should focus on talking himself up, not hitting Beto.
Come visit me in Florida! Dems are terrified of DeSantis and are spending boatloads to attack him.
Also. I think they have the notion that a million New Yorkers left the state and moved to Florida. Maybe enough to swing the election.
The communist party is really active in Miami right now. Even have a few 3rd and 4th generation Cubans among their ranks. Good luck with that one, folks….
Nah, just a handful of the wealthiest. They ain’t swinging an election but maybe they can fund one or two.
Judging by the increased number of registered Republicans, I’d say NY is losing a lot more Republicans, than Democrats, to Florida.
For sure.
Oh, Bee.
They are good…
They had a brilliant bit about Ben Shapiro starring in a reboot of Black Panther that popped up in my feed today.
Unrelated, I sent you an email. Didn’t text because I wasn’t sure if you were still up
Got it! Will reply shortly.
Reply sent!
I was starting to fret…
Maybe it’s because It’s late and I could use some rest. I did answer your questions from the email I think
CPRM, that is awesome!
I ran for class president in HS as a complete lark. No intention or interest in actually doing the job. Didn’t campaign and didn’t even vote for myself. But the cute girl I had a crush on did but I didn’t connect the dots. And she is now playing for the other team, so perhaps it was for the best?
Didn’t Britain have the clown party at one time? I believe they were obligated by law to have them come to debates with the other parties, in full drag with honking horns.
But even they have splinters
That is hilarious.
You could have turned her.
The official outfitter of peak derp
I mean, that’s gotta be illegal. The SEC doesn’t even blink?
It’s totally legal as long as there was a shareholder vote.
So true.
Isn’t the ecological niche for “climate NGOs” overpopulated yet?
You can never have too many grifter.
60% say the problem is racism. Pull your head out of your ass, people. That’s not the problem.
lol they don’t even stop to think about who are the racists they’re condemning.
“This town is so racist it causes homelessness and crime! Also the city’s been supermajority Democrat for decades! … oh wait”
It’s kind of amazing how terrible basically everyone Biden (Klain/Susan Rice/whoever) has picked for this admin in. Granted, Trump was a terrible judge of employees, but these people are all incompetent clowns at best and sociopaths at worst.
incompetent sociopaths
Those kind of sociopaths are the best kinds, it’s the competent ones you have to worry about.
So the best the public sector has to offer is what you’re saying.
LOL. Just booked a flight to Ireland for Thanksgiving. Why? No idea. I don’t care about the Irish and don’t like Guinness. The only explanation must be that Mexico still has a face mask mandate on public transit and Ireland doesn’t.
I hate to break it to you, but the Irish don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
So, everything will be open!
That’s like Canada where I spent lots of Thanksgivings, they were so nice you could even get a turkey meal at a restaurant.
Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls!
Make sure to kiss the Blarney Stone while you’re there (not a euphemism).
Wait, did DeSantis seriously ship illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard?
That’s amazing.
(although, rich seasonal douchbags aside, Martha’s Vineyard residents are not particularly well off)
Need to send an army to the Hamptons.
That’s A+ level trolling.
I’m reading they are Venezuelans that were in Texas? how did Desantis get involved?
Live coverage of QEII lying in state. Amazing to see the range of people giving their respects.
*passes box of Jaffa cakes*
*pours gin-and-Dubonnets*
As hereditary mostly ceremonial monarchs go she was alright.
She was the William to Margaret’s Harry.
“You do look awfully like the Queen.”
“How very reassuring.”
Be prepared:
Was it a pointed stick?
Did he speak softly?
I need better insurance.
Sexual healing via a certified sexologist ain’t free you know. Also, “sexologist” is apparently a recognized word…huh…
They cover chiropractic services without charge so why not other alternative care?
CBS saying the rail strike has been averted. *sigh*
Where’s my fucking apocalypse?!?!?
With Joe working the levers in this negotiation between private freight companies and their labor unions, what could possibly go wrong?
Was he actually involved in the process? Jaded, cynical me assumed the headlines reading “Biden says…” were just phrased that way to give him undeserved credit by implying that he actually had something to do with the outcome.
His labor secretary was supposedly “leading” the talks.
“CEO Makes Case For Race-Based Layoffs”
Ummm…regardless of whether this should be illegal or not isn’t this just straight up illegal? Publicly bragging about just this seems nuts.
So…is he laying himself off? (NOT a euphemism!)
Nah, I’m sure he’s indispensable.
Who’s going to stop them (there is more than one outfit doing this), the SCOTUS decision that arrives ten years from now?
Therein lies the problem, the courts are too slow to react. Seems like a lawsuit would be in order though considering a favorable judgement is just about guaranteed.
Good morning, Sean, …and Sean!
I KNEW it was a good idea to go ahead and update the salary budget spreadsheets for next year while I was bored the last week of August! Yesterday (late) afternoon out of the blue, my boss said, “Could you go ahead and start working on those? I’m going to need them sooner than I expected!” Double-checked the figures I’d already plugged in, updated a few as needed, and had it to him before close of business! #Administrative Goddess FTW! 😁
…and good morning to you, too, Stinky!
Morning, GT.
I was getting errors getting the site to load, so I’m late.
Me too, every time that happens I wonder whether they’ve had to flip the kill switch.
Good morning, U! I was getting those too, trying to open the site on my phone while waiting for the coffee to brew and cuddling a small black cat. (Multitasking FTW!) It had apparently resolved itself by the time I sat down and opened my laptop. Whew!
I’ve been slowly repacking everything before getting ready to move it down to my car.
Will it all fit on the annoyingly small luggage cart in one trip?
If I stack them precariously enough vertically, yes.
On a standard sized luggage cart, I can fit the heaviest pieces in a neat row across the bottom and lay the next heaviest atop them, with no additional layers. It’s very stable as luggage stacks go. On these… not so much. I may just take multiple trips.
The only thing worse than too-small luggage carts is not enough luggage carts. Ran into that at the hotel in Olean last month – mainly because there was some sort of youth sports group there the same weekend. 😒
suh’ fam
whats goody
Good morning, homey! I haven’t looked yet – is it foggy outside?
Not up here on the hill from what I can see. I was off last night so I havent been anywhere.
I hope I didnt miss rumpke. I kinda used the night off to wholly anesthetize myself.
What hill?
It seems so typically Dayton-area to publicize an event by announcing that it’s taking place at a landmark…that is no longer there.
Last I noticed (and this place is perilously close to home, so I drive past it pretty regularly,) the only remaining structure was the carcass of the Sears store.
They probably still give directions by referencing absent trees, bridges that went away in the 60’s and houses that were demolished when their owners died.
IF I knew those references, I wouldn’t need directions!
I may have to drive past there just to see how long the line is. I remember traffic on 48 being tied-up due to the synagogue handing out bags of groceries.
Fun fact- the 1st proper concert I saw was AC/DC at Hara. In 1985.
No idea what my parents were thinking on greenlighting THAT operation.
Millions of borrowers may be eligible for a refund on student loan payments made during Covid. Here’s what to know
If you made payments during COVID that brought your debt below the maximum forgiveness you will get that refunded so you can get the full forgiveness. FJB
The bill will come due. Sooner or later, you have to pay for your sins.
Paying for my sins, fine, I earned that.
What bugs me is paying for the sins of people who face no repercussions.
Pay it off $0.35 at a time.
That will bankrupt me.
Mornin’, reprobates.
suh’ cuh
I read everything CP writes in the Hats voice so the ad threw me off.