It’s a friggin’ miracle.
Another round of UCL games are in the books, and the cream continues to rise to the top. Also, Liverpool managed to actually win a game, although it was sheer luck. Something is wrong with that squad this year and I think it’s the fact that they got rid of the wrong attacker in the summer. Also, the Astros won as they try to lock down home field advantage through the AL playoffs. The Dodgers did that in the NL ages ago and the Mets and Braves are locked in a battle to secure the 2 seed. Should be a fun run in to the playoffs. And as I write this, Australia and New Zealand are locked in a struggle just after halftime in a really big rugby match. But I still think the Springboks will win the Bledisloe Cup. Also, week 2 in the NFL is back tonight. And that’s it for sports.

We can all do our part!
Good. He should do more of this. A whole hell of a lot more. As should Abbott. And whoever else wants to spread the bounty with our northern state friends who want to keep using sanctuary as a political statement rather than an actual policy.
I assume Gorsuch and Roberts switched sides here. Which was frankly the correct thing to do. You have to let it run its course in the state system before weighing in. Hopefully they’ll come to the correct conclusion, but I doubt it. Expect this in front of the Supremes again soon.
Oh well, I suppose this is a good thing. The alternative was for the current admin to have another bogeyman to blame for the shitty economy they’ve caused.

“I’m too high to pay for my kid.”
You gotta feel bad for this guy. It can’t be easy to bang hoes, smoke pounds of crack, and keep up with financial obligations. Wait is it “hoes”, “ho’s” or “hos”?
Did they not understand the consequences of their actions? They’re the ones who removed themselves from the royal family. Why are they bitching now? Jesus, it’s like they’re the Pete Rose of royals.
This guy needs to shut the fuck up. For his own good. Doesn’t he realize where he lives and who runs that city?
No good deed goes unpunished. And as usual, the cops were nowhere to be found. But never fear: they went home to their families safe and sound to regale them with tales of their bravery.
Nice to see someone take the high road. Although her years of anger are misguided, in my opinion. The man was doing a job and she was victimized by someone else. Someone with actual power, who had previously harassed and attacked another woman and then lied about it.
In honor of the rugby being played. I always liked these guys. I’m not going with the obvious second song. Instead I chose the better one. Enjoy them both.
And enjoy this lovely Thursday.
“Ultimately, this is going to require us to look deeply, more deeply, into Hunter’s finances,” Lancaster said. “I’m going to want to have a deposition with Mr. Biden. Like last time, I’m going to bring my forensic accountant to the deposition, unless the judge tells me I can’t.”
INB4 Lancaster commits suicide by two shots to the back of the head.
Biden has reportedly never met his 4-year-old love child.
100% for the best. Keep this little angel away from Pedo Peter. It’s bad enough that if she ever logs on Twitter she will have to see her dad’s dick all over the place.
Now I finally know how Fist of Etiquette feels.
They’ve plugged you into the servers?
You are gunning for an FBI home visit, ain’tcha Atanarjuat?
Whatever he’s paying her, it has to be worth avoiding the discovery process from a court.
Yeah the pictures in the article show she is getting money from someone.
Although her years of anger are misguided, in my opinion. The man was doing a job and she was victimized by someone else. Someone with actual power, who had previously harassed and attacked another woman and then lied about it.
Agreed (although Clinton has victimized *many* women). I wonder if the President hooking her up with a high paying job affected her public comments about him.
How does one get to be a royal? I’m game for a title and some spot change. I’ll bring my own ribbons, if necessary
Well, first you gather a warband, then you conquer a chunk of a decaying civilization, then you crown yourself.
So, he, Tundra, Jimbo and the rest of the Honey Harvesters should go attack a nearby school and proclaim themselves Kings?
You conquer a school district giving out schools to your friends in exchange for a cut of what they can expropriate. You will have to contend with the current band of robber barons who control that racket.
Fourscore, Me, Tundra, Leap, PO Nick and TT. That is six Minnesodans who can all be royalty.
We’ll call ourselves the VI-Kings
*Looks around, applauds politely*
Our realm will be wonderful until January. Then we will all die from some tragic choking accident.
Well played, Holiness!
Better bring a few F-15s.
No, no, you need the Pope to crown you.
You get some awesome bling from what I have seen…
Learn to throw a baseball left-handed and get drafted by Kansas City?
I got the left handed part down but I’m not available for Kansas City.
And we’ll never be royals (royals)
It don’t run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain’t for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me queen bee
And baby, I’ll rule (I’ll rule, I’ll rule, I’ll rule)
Let me live that fantasy
Wait is it “hoes”, “ho’s” or “hos”?
I’m gonna go with hoes.
All of the above…
Some reference
Unless they work out of a grocery store, in which chase they’re “ho’s”
“Hoez” is the equivalent of “latinx.”
If they work in a bakery or pastry shop, are they “hoho’s”?
And of course, the slutty elves are “ho-ho-ho’s”….
Let’s calm down. No reason to start a row about hoes.
In Re: Shipping Illegals to blue strongholds.
I don’t think this strategy will really work out long term. In the end we’re still facilitating the movement of Illegal Aliens inland instead of sending them back home, and the open borders crowd isn’t going to change their minds because their local enforcers had to crack a few skulls to shoo some
undesirablespoor, unfortunate souls off to the nearest out of sight spot.Agreed, but it might change the minds of some people who are on the fence about the whole thing.
I see what you did. Hopefully Swiss doesn’t notice.
What you may not realize is that the federal government already pays to ship illegal immigrants all over the country. Usually to areas which don’t have sanctuary agreements, and are too poor to support them or do anything about it. This puts illegal aliens right into the hands of people who said they support sanctuary. And they cry about it. It gets on the news. Ans it is changing minds of people who never thought about it. When you see the mayor of New York whining about it, you realize what a damn hypocrite he is.
Quote from border patrol agent that goes to my wife’s gym: “we ask em where they want to go, and they get a bus ticket to that city”
Problem for the state Governors is they *can’t* send them back home. Every time they try something like that, the Fed Courts step in and say “Immigration is Federal only!” (witness Arizona a while back, iirc). So if they can’t ship them out of the country, shipping them to areas that blissfully proclaim open borders without taking any of the consequences seems like the next best option.
Make them live with the consequences of their advocacy.
This issue is the posturing “sanctuary” position.
Simply shipping them isn’t going to work as there are too many. But this forces people to deal with consequences of their positions and possibly stop posturing and try to find a real solution.
“…find a real solution.” Like enforce laws already on the books?
That’s just crazy talk.
“Jesus, it’s like they’re the Pete Rose of royals.”
They bet on when the Queen would die?
Now they will never get into the Royalty Hall of Fame.
Except Pete had actually accomplished something prior to his excommunication
The decision leaves intact a decision by a New York state judge, who ruled in June that the university was bound by the New York City Human Rights Law, which bars discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Colleges in NY can’t discriminate against sexual orientation minorities but can discriminate against Asians?
You’ve misunderstood.
Colleges in NY Can’t adhere to religious conventions other than the church of progressivism and must comply with the state faith.
“who had previously harassed and attacked another woman and then lied about it”
I think it’s way more than one.
Well sure, but the Lewinsky lie was part of Starr’s Paula Jones investigation.
This is in addition to whatever happened on the Lolita Express.
I hear from the secret service that Bill Clinton was in the habit of asking them if they wanted to smell his fingers or cigars….
“It is a win for tens of thousands of rail workers who worked tirelessly through the pandemic to ensure that America’s families and communities got deliveries of what have kept us going during these difficult years,” Biden said. “These rail workers will get better pay, improved working conditions, and peace of mind around their health care costs: all hard-earned. The agreement is also a victory for railway companies who will be able to retain and recruit more workers for an industry that will continue to be part of the backbone of the American economy for decades to come.”
ransom was paid.
With current inflation we have soldiers about to get food stamps. Most people are really hard hit. Railways are no exception. I don’t blame them for striking. Overall it won’t help as inflation is about to blow even higher though. We are all screwed.
That can’t be true, the admin was just celebrating beating inflation several days ago.
There was a lot of talk in recent days about the consequences of a nation-wide rail strike. People notice the value of labor when it’s about to be withheld.
whaddup doh’
My dick.
Martha’s Vineyard is a nice place. I wish my governor would send me there.
It’s very easy to grandstand and act all noble while other people bear the brunt of the cost and effort for your virtue signaling. But when the shit comes to your back yard, well, then it is WAR!
I’m for free stuff but I never thought I would be paying for it.
+1 Sebelius
DeSantis > Abbott and Ducey. I’d much rather be flown to MV than DC.
the climate looks ok if a bit warm in summer
Who else wants a free vacation to Martha’s Vineyard during the nicest time of year? DeSantis is just grabbing random legal immigrants and naturalized citizens off the street and tossing them into planes.
I hope the commies fuck over Manchin. This asshole deserves to be double dealt for his duplicitous shit.
Politics is the art of lying with a straight face
This article from a couple of days ago made me chuckle. Waiting until after CHUMPS (cough.. I mean – CHIPS) passed to screw over the GOP senators and then needing them to save his part of the deal… yeah, that shouldn’t work.
It might still, because Stupid Party… but it damned well shouldn’t.
Yup, and it’s extremely common for the left. America, getting what it deserves for 250 years.
That guy fucked himself.
He was polling off the charts.
But he couldn’t stop himself from being a Democrat.
Now he’s polling at rock bottom and both sides hate him.
If they do then he flips parties and they lose their majority.
He probably doesn’t want to do that before the elections. If the Dems net a single seat pick-up, then him flipping parties means he just joined the minority party, rather than creating a majority party.
I like Rugby 7s. Speed rugby.
I despise it. Like watching football with 6 guys on the field.
When I played rugby, sevens was just a way to practice while getting a lot of conditioning in. It wasn’t much like the real game.
Well, just about everything else is packed up, and most of it is in the car. All I’ve really got left is the laptop and a few incidentals.
I’ll see you guys later.
Drive safe homey… And don’t forget your gloves.
You know he never forgets those.
How could he? They’re surgically installed.
I read this shit asking “Did Democrats Let the Capitol Riot Happen? Whistleblower Memo Raises Questions“, and my answer is a resounding “NO”…
The democrats didn’t let it happen: they were behind making SURE it happened. That’s why they have swept their backup plan – the pipe bombs that were fake and dumb as shit that were delivered to the DNC & RNC offices the night before by some guy the FBI can’t find in a city with fucking enough cameras to rival the CCP’s surveillance state – under the rug.
You couldn’t pay me enough to get me on Martha”s Vineyard.
‘Grape picking time, low wage workers flock to Martha’s Vineyard’
I know it is a little early to link other topics and mea culpa — but this one is really getting to me this morning: Dame Lindsey is trying his hardest to live up to Stupid Party.
I mean — just grant the Donkeys a talking point on a silver platter, undermining the whole *point* of the Dobbs decision, you moron. Would be / is just as unconstitutional as any other federal law dealing with the topic.
And since I’m pretty sure he knows that — I’m also pretty sure this is the GOPe strategy to lose “gracefully”. Because if they don’t hobble the midterms, they could end up with a good chunk of those “MAGA Republicans” the Dems put through the primaries as an actual voting block – and then they might have to actually *do something* for the larger Republican party instead of schmoozing at the cocktail parties with their Chamber of Commerce and Perpetual War / Defense Contractor buddies. My best guess is that they’re hoping if they sink the populist Republican wing now, by 2024 the Dems will have locked up voter fraud or so demoralized the country that they can keep skating by as the Loyal Opposition. Hey, if it worked to undermine the Tea Party once, let’s try it again, right?
And the more they keep this crap up, the more they go out of their way for a sizable chunk of the country to feel not just unheard but actively oppressed by the Complex (FedGov, Media, ESG lackeys, etc.) — the more it is tightening the lid on a pressure cooker that’s got a lot of heat under it and no way to vent. Will. Not. End. Well.
Or as many folks around here have said before — Trump is an effect, not a cause.
Just had to vent… on the plus side, my natural loquaciousness has pushed this almost to 30 minutes after the links… so I’m less naughty than I was when I started this rant. And I’m not mauled by a Wallaby or whatever that rugby stuff was.. so that’s a plus.
The controlled opposition is getting too big. Gotta knock them down a notch. RINOs, assemble!
No article is even necessary after that headline. It’s complete in-and-of itself.
“The establishment ” has certainly been outed as an intractable eny
I have been shocked at the lengths they will go to.
Trump is an effect, not a cause.
As Malice so beautifully put it, “Trump’s the dam, not the river.”
I have gleefully and shamelessly stolen the above observation to explain the rise of Pierre Poilievre as Conservative leader in Canada.
Bite Thot Thursday’s shiny metal ass.
Harry and Meghan are said to have highlighted that Prince Andrew’s daughters Beatrice and Eugenie have HRH status despite not being working royals.
Haha, you slay me. What constitutes “work”? Invading France?
“By Grabthar’s Hammer…. what a savings.”
Lots of that, I expect. And chairing committees to raise their publicity metrics.
Maybe they can spend some time as mechanics like Elizabeth.
Isn’t the work of a princess to lay back and think of England?
You’re an all-star?
Or the King.
Whatever gets her through it, I guess.
Crist, what an asshole.
I liked that one.
Meghan has previously claimed the HRH title was earlier denied to Archie because of his race.
Wrong trump card for that table.
Hunter Biden is trying to get his child support payments for his 4-year-old love child lowered
Not 10% for the little gal?
According to the Biden business model the child should be paying Hunter 10% cause he is now the big guy…
Need some forensic accounting there.
Get a vasectomy, you scumbag.
(or at least imputed earning ability)
And who besides hookers would fuck him? Ugh, as if!
What, you don’t feel the urge to tame that bad boy lost soul? He’s like a crack addicted James Dean.
He just needs a cuddle and some understanding!
Well, given they met at a strip club….
“Get a vasectomy, you scumbag”
This. Why wouldn’t you?
Might hurt or cost money? “I’m not like other people. I can’t stand pain. It hurts me.”
Dan Big Booty Crenshaw and Big Booty AOC are aligned in not liking Alex Stein.
I wanted to hear what WMDs they found.
Crenshaw is a tool, but I don’t think Stein is changing any minds out there. Also, the difference between many Vietnam vets and the current crop is a little something called the draft.
Agreed. Stein has all the right enemies, but I think mostly he’s raising his own profile. Maybe at best he’s acting as a court jester to say the emperor has no clothes or point out the absurdity in the system, or maybe show the dumber right leaning voters* that Crenshaw isn’t really on their side. I have never laughed out loud at any of his antics, though neither am I offended by them in the slightest.
*For example I had a girlfriend whose relatives were a bunch of fucking dipshits who played “Let’s Go Brandon” raps but didn’t know why it was funny.
Had? Must have been pretty recently.
But I volunteered for the GI Bill not for war.
Markos Moulitsas, is that you?
More than a few Vietnam vets I know “volunteered” so as least be able to have a say in their service and speciality. Absent the draft there would have been no volunteering.
I stood before the Judge for bail,
He said “Go to war or go to jail!”
I had a couple of war-or-jail guys in my gun section. They both did pretty well.
Sensei, I don’t think that is true, though there is certainly some people who did that. From what I’ve read support for the draft was actually highest in the cohort likely to be drafted, and lower among older adults. Now, just like NIMBY leftists, that doesn’t mean they thought THEY should go to war, but there had to be a nontrivial number who volunteered without being on the draft chopping block.
Well one of them is my uncle…
I’m named after him in case he didn’t return.
My dad lost his deferment and enlisted in the Navy. He wouldn’t have been in otherwise. Since he was a pharmacist they assigned him to manage airplane parts.
My uncle joined the Marines at 18 and was in VN a few short months later. He was pretty adamant about me not joining.
It was a weird time.
My dad had me to keep his deferment.
He applied for one of like 25 slots in the JAG and found out he was accepted after my mother was pregnant.
He’s not wrong about Pirate Dan caring more about the Ukraine than Americans.
Eyepatch McCain is what we call this statist asshat..
Dan and friends.
Amen, Drake.
Whoever Alex Stein is and whatever he did to veterans should have been ignored or mocked by veterans, not whined about. Ol’ Pirate Patch never misses a chance to remind people of his military record so they forget that he’s a useless legislator.
Alex Stein didn’t shame veterans. He was trolling Crenshaw and when Crenshaw/Stein walked past a bunch of veterans Crenshaw pulled them in to the spat.
I’m not entirely sold on his trolling schtick, but if anyone needs to be trolled it is people like AOC and Crenshaw.
The decision leaves intact a decision by a New York state judge, who ruled in June that the university was bound by the New York City Human Rights Law, which bars discrimination based on sexual orientation. The university argues that it is a religious institution and therefore should be exempted from the law. Requiring the school to endorse the group would be a “clear violation” of its First Amendment rights, which protect the free exercise of religion, it said.
Now do the Ernst Rohm Social Club at Columbia.
Alpha fux, beta cux.
“it feels like it wasn’t sex she didn’t want, but me”
Dealing with a real Sherlock Holmes here.
He’s her meal ticket… Someone else will bang her and father her kids…
I should write an advice column. But it would be a lot more succinct.
“Immediately dump her and get over her and move on.”
This guy doesn’t even have kids? This is a no brainer.
Tell her you’ll stay with her only if she has some fun with you. Put a rubber on so you don’t catch anything. After you’re done leave and never talk to her again. Yes, this is wrong, but she is evil…
I don’t understand why ex-wife is not in the title
This guy fucks! Am i right?!
How much are you willing to bet that the counting part will happen to take just long enough for the midterms to happen before falling short?
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
First Round was a meh (couple stupid guesses where I should have known better dragging me down)… Second Round was almost a complete screwup… barely stayed in the suburbs.
Daily Duotrigordle #197
Guesses: 36/37
Time: 06:51.33
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
Tried a new strategy today that failed.
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Quordle 234
Daily Ray of Sunshine
The Queen’s funeral: aphrodisiac or boner-killer?
“Outdoor clothing giant Patagonia’s owner, 83, gives entire $3billion firm away to a trust with all profits going to fight climate change and declares ‘Earth is now our only shareholder'”
No one ever wonders how spending money to climate change could possibly work.
Is he making a sacrifice or retiring? This isn’t exactly a big give, dude’s 83.
Or it is a tax sheltered gift in perpetuity.
The Clinton’s took their bribes in the form of charitable donations to their foundation. Bribes get a tax write off, and the trust doesn’t have to do anything with the money
They can hire relatives and friends for any amount of money they would like, and the tax man cN never touch the estate. No inheritance tax. No income or gift tax.
An estate this big means losing control of his company upon death… to pay the estate tax. This way his heirs maintain control forever.
That makes more sense.
So a tax shelter and a sinecure for his relatives while getting to reap the praises of the stupid. Got it.
gives entire $3billion firm away to a trust
No, he moved the firm into HIS trust. Big effing difference there. I guarantee he still retains control and makes a handsome profit from the deal.
BTW, more business owners should do exactly this. Read his statement and process it through an ESG lens. This is exactly how you prevent the ESG ghouls from hollowing out your company, stripping out it value and values, and using the husk as a weapon for the panopticon.
The LGBTQ Pride Alliance group, which first sought recognition from the university in 2019, sued in April 2021, saying the school was required to grant its request because it is a place of public accommodation that is covered by the anti-discrimination law.
Performative butthurt. What actual harm did they suffer?
There’s an idea — University gets rid of all clubs / activities and simply says “There are plenty of buildings with meeting rooms around here, y’all are adults — go rent your own damned rooms already”. Problem. Solved.
Normally there is some student “activity” fee that is part of tuition and gets disbursed to the official clubs.
How will they function if the members had to support it? In other words “who will bake the bread”?
^^ this
RE: chess controversy discussed yesterday.
Rapid tournament coming up, both Magnus and Hans are playing in it. They are scheduled to play in round 6 (of 15) of the prelims on the 19th.
A special snooping microphone should be aimed at Hans’ butt. Capture the sound of vibrations, either by anal beads or excess flatulence for the general amusement of all.
I have to do that shit every 5 years (twice so far with all clear results)… That fucking nasty shit you drink to make you pee out of your ass reeks. Don’t recommend it unless you are into kinky shizz.
Rolling Stone is pushing for new legislation to prevent free speech online.
Check it out in all of its glory
Note the repeated use of “defamatory ” when they mean “critical ” and “misogyny ” when they mean “critical of a female”.
Double bonus…. it appears to be a front for a firm that does reputation services for celebrities like Amber Heard and Meghan Markle.
The Shrill Harridan Antidefamation League, LLC?
By the way, Rolling Stone’s editor in chief is a well-known rock n’ roll personality… Wait scratch that, he’s a Brookings Institute fellow, massive Russiagater, and was previously at Foreign Policy, Defensetech.org, the Daily Beast and Danger Room blog.
Skinsuited by the Shitlibs…what’s Mick Jagger think about this development?
👍 That is a great song.
Re: Bidens, I’m glad America finally has the white trash ‘first family’ we deserve. Now we’ve restored the dignity of the office of the president after 4 years of mean tweets.
The Conners or even the Bundys would be an improvement.
“The Conners or even the Bundys would be an improvement.”
I’d give the Cliven Bundys a chance.
The Clintons were Brahmins in comparison.
Based on how fucked up the caste system is, and the ruling class of India, this is a perfect analogy.
Didn’t Dr. Jill’s husband make some statement about how proud he was of Hunter? Brandon, you may recall, slandered the driver whose truck killed 1st wife when she drove through a stop sign and was t-boned. He’s such a prince of a fellow that maybe Charles III ought to give him a HRH?
What do you do if you are a Japanese music channel with a hook of making performers play live and want to get B list gaijin on your channel?
It’s Complicated.
“He was a スケボー…” 🎶
The konnichiha and moshimoshi were also nicely culturally inappropriate.
Of course as a white person I’m not sure I’m permitted to speak Japanese.
Just a skosh…
From the production style, I had assumed First Take was featuring big name artists, or at least particularly talented artists. My mistake.
On J Pop, they get both A and B listers. Also some A list K Pop.
Speaking of Japanese TV, I’ve been watching the sumo tournaments on NHK, sort of the Japanese BBC. I’ve seen some other programs on that service and, seriously, do the people who run NHK think their audience is 9-year-old girls obsessed with recycling?
After serious analysis, we have concluded we were completely correct, and the fault of our failure lies completely on the shoulders of the filthy plebs
A new report issued by the Lancet Commission looks at the first two years of the pandemic to consider what the world did right (spoiler: not much), what the world got wrong, and how we can end this public health emergency and prepare for future ones. According to the commission, the failures cost us 17.7 million unnecessary deaths globally — a figure that includes some 6 million reported deaths plus an estimate of unreported deaths. (Not to mention the many people still struggling with the long-term consequences of a prior infection with COVID-19.) Here are four ways the world messed things up:
Instead of a coherent global strategy, each country took care of itself “in an incredibly haphazard way,” says Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and chair of the commission.
The one region of the world that punched above its weight was the Western Pacific. “There wasn’t confusion, consternation or deep public debate about basic public hygienic measures of wearing face masks, social distancing, [and] avoiding potential super spreader events,” says Sachs. The result was that the Western Pacific had some of the lowest mortality rates globally and, he says, “did not suffer worse outcomes in economic terms than other regions of the world.”
“coherent global strategy”
Suck my dick.
The commission noted widespread public resistance to basic prevention and safety measures. This was due, in part, to confusing and conflicting government messages. But misinformation and disinformation campaigns aimed at the very heart of public health science were also responsible, amplified and further distorted on social media. “We must actually ensure that people’s confidence in science grows,” says Reddy, “and we counter the anti-science movements that pose a serious public health threat all across the world. And the political compulsions that sometimes drive policymakers to perpetuate such movements must also be called out.”
Obey, and never question your betters.
Instead of a coherent global strategy, each country took care of itself “in an incredibly haphazard way,”
Yeah, I remember it very differently from Mr. Mouthpiece of the State here.
We just didn’t lockdown hard enough.
Next time we will ignore reality harder, and it will work, just like socialism and communism.
Jeffrey Sachs can ride a buzzsaw.
The commission noted widespread public resistance to basic prevention and safety measures. This was due, in part, to confusing and conflicting government messages. But misinformation and disinformation campaigns aimed at the very heart of public health science were also responsible, amplified and further distorted on social media. “We must actually ensure that people’s confidence in science grows,” says Reddy, “and we counter the anti-science movements that pose a serious public health threat all across the world. And the political compulsions that sometimes drive policymakers to perpetuate such movements must also be called out.”
You preening quacks have done irreparable damage to “science” in the last two years. Maybe you should quit while you’re behind.
basic prevention and safety measures
This presumes that masking, lockdowns, etc. work. Because if they don’t (spoiler alert: they don’t) they aren’t safety or prevention measures.
Reddy says the lesson of the pandemic and the essence of the report is that global trust is needed to respond to a global threat. “Global health might have derived its initial impetus from a sense of shared vulnerability,” he says, “but now it must draw momentum from a sense of shared values. We must actually stand and work together.”
It doesn’t matter if we’re wrong, so long as we’re all wrong together.
Public health should be based on rigorous collection and analysis of data, openness and willingness to change in the face of new information, and individual responsibility on the part of the public along with an assessment of the ancillary effects of public health measures. Maybe that’s what he’s talking about.
Hey, maybe you really are funny!
Wait is it “hoes”, “ho’s” or “hos”?
It is sister-in-laws, dancers, and anything that moves.
Prince Edward who was in the Royal Marines for just four months, but looking at all those medals, it must have been a fucking mental four months.
After a lifetime of monarchy-mocking, I gotta admit I do enjoy the historical costumes they wear.
but looking at all those medals, it must have been a fucking mental four months
A lot of “participation” awards.
I once had a British colleague whose son-in-law’s father was a retired Brigadier. They used to joke that the Brits gave out medals for “regular bowel movements.”
Edward and the others should be ashamed to wear more medals than the frigging Scot bagpipers who led the invasion at Normandy.
I don’t know Brits, but for Americans at least half of the fruit salad you see are participation awards.
internetpublic school system is for porn.TW: NSFBP
Uffda. You must have to be pretty sharp to be a fact checker these days. A middling mind would never be able to come up with contortions like this.
The claim:
Found to be 3 pinnochios. Why?:
It takes a professional to show you why it is so wrong to believe your lying eyes.
Politicians are better liars than journalist/fact-checkers.
‘Don’t coordinate’ my ass.
These people are big state crime syndicate protecting propagandists. And the sad thing is that some people take this shit seriously instead of basically assuming it is all a fucking giant racket by evil assholes.
Canadian inventor Troy Hurtubise tests his armored grizzly bear protection suit.
Did he go to a gay bar to see if he would be hit on?
Not that there is anything wrong with that if it is what floats your boat…
wtf was that guy thinking?
“Canada is so boring I am willing to be hit in the head with a bat just to feel something.”
Do grizzly bears drive trucks in his area?
“The [25] figure includes the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings, for example, as well as a shooting classified as an act of ‘violent far-right’ domestic terrorism by the Center for Strategic and International Studies,” Jones noted. “So it is incorrect to say that ‘BLM and antifa … riots … killed 25 people.’ ”
But harping on all the policemen “killed in the Jan6 insurrection” is perfectly legitimate.
The people committing crimes are responsible for deaths ensuing from those crimes. So I would say its legit to hang the Kenosha dead on BLM/antifa.
When someone kills in defense you can blame the attacking party.
Sweet baby Jesus, that’s impressive. Pointless, but impressive.
That was outstanding.
You’ve seen this video, right? https://youtu.be/qybUFnY7Y8w
Yes, but always worth a re-watch.
Our government was weaponized by the political party that models its ways after crime syndicates, and now people act surprised that the government bureaucracy is also behaving like a crime syndicate. The only thing that saves us now I am afraid to say is Washington D.C. being wiped out by a sudden natural catastrophe or being nuked. There just seems to be nothing to save there anymore.
Golly. I’m sure they will get a stern lecture about this.
Bought a CZ Shadow 2 OR. Traded my brand-new never-left-the-gun-store SIG in on it. Rob (the only local SIG and /or CZ dealer) only gave me 75% MSRP for it. Grrrr.
For those of you living in free states, NY new handgun purchases go as follows:
-Tell the gun store “I would like to buy that gun.” They may or may not require a down payment at this time.
-Fill out a form with your info, the gun’s info, and a SASE.
-Either you or the LGS takes these to the Sheriff’s office.
-The very nice lady at the Sheriff’s office does some typing into a computer, then sends you back the form with a coupon attached to it.
-Take the coupon back to the gun store, hand it to them, finish up the remaining payment, take your gun home.
Technically, you are supposed to write/label/engrave the new gun’s make/model/caliber/serial number onto your license. Also, my handgun license will include “semi-automatic rifle” on it now. ‘Cuz that’s how NY rolls.
I’m just curious – why is Albany still standing? Shouldn’t it be post-apocalyptic landscape with an uninhabitable belt 50 to 100 miles deep?
You work in the semiconductor industry, right? And there’s a big semiconductor factory being built in Ohio, right?
I’ve been to Stow and to Cuyahoga Falls. Didn’t like them. Cinci looks nice from the highway.
I’m trying to get assigned to Crolles for a year or so to open the GF/STM joint fab.
Hopefully whatever is happening in Crolles fails. / the competition
Do I still get to spend a year in the Alps with an American salary? Well then my dear, I don’t give a damn.
https://ii-vi.com/ is opening a plant in Easton, PA.
Would they be relevant to your field? I know a guy…
The Intel plant being built here in Ohio is outside Columbus, right in the middle.
In New Ahhhhlbany, no less. You can rub elbows with Les Wexner at the country club.
Other thing: I’m hoping this time they’ll block the factory mags instead of swapping them for 10-round Mec-Gars. The factory ones are nickled,
I also discovered that the TS2 does NOT use the same frame as the S2, and it is NOT compatible with CZ75 mags. Grrr.
I’m unreasonably happy, that I may have had a small part in tempting you towards Carry Optics.
Splitting into two sections to avoid triggering whatever tf causes hte squirlz to reject comments.
Once I discovered that the TS2 wouldn’t be compatible with my current rigs, the S2 was really the only logical choice, and the OR variant was the most logical one.
At the 9/11 shoot, a guy let me run his new S2 with a C-MORE 2 on it. It was so easy, it was like cheating. The dot was just… there. I don’t know if that is because:
Something about that particular optic, and/or
After three years and more than a few thousand rounds, I’m bringing the gun on target intuitively and/or
Since the gun was new and the light pipe not obscured with lots of cheap ammo residue that beacon-bright fiber optic was getting hte muzzle on target enough for the dot to be there.
something about a list with hypens pisses off the squerl godz.
That seems reasonable and in no way infringing.
/s NJ Resident
Shadow 2 looks great.
Buying process in SC (if you have a carry permit).
– Pay for gun.
– Show carry permit.
– Stores checks to ensure it hasn’t been revoked (30 second process)
– Leave store with gun.
I ordered a pistol from Upstate Armory. When it arrived, I went to the store to pick it up and was walking out with it 3 minutes later in sheer amazement.
I lurve my S2. If you search the archives, I did a 10,000 round review on it.
Shadow 2s are awesome. Highly recommended.
Then, as you were rowing home across the lake…….
Unfortunately the rest of the story is that my LCP Max was hitting 3+ feet low at 7 yards. They are sending me a new barrel and slide – apparently not the first time this has happened.
That’s some quality control right there.
Or the shooter… 😉
The second time I took it to the range I brought along another pistol just to make sure I wasn’t completely fucking up. Shot the center out of the bullseye with my S&W 22A. Not a big accomplishment at 7 yards but it did give me some confidence that I had not completely forgotten how to shoot.
NY makes CA looks positively easy.
I made my first purchase since moving back to PA last month and it felt pretty cool just walking out the door with it. I can remember buying for the first time ever in 2010 in PA and being a little surprised I could just buy one and take it with me in one interaction. I had much to learn.
30 years ago I walked into a gun store in California, paid $50 for a Mosin-Nagant 1891 and walked out. I can’t imagine what the process would be now.
That 75% of retail is probably what he pays to get them wholesale, so I don’t knock him for that.
Yes, except it was a direct trade on perfectly new merchandise. He’s getting an additional cut by making me pay the full % markup on the new gun while only subtracting the wholesale value. If he had done (HV2-HV1)*markup, that would have been one thing. Which of course would be the same as giving me the marked-up value in trade (assuming the markup % was the same for all makes of guns).
PLUS, SIG is sending a 1099 into the IRS for the full MSRP.
Yep, they do that.
Ugh. I can’t even with that process.
Oh, also in NYS gun news:
I have been told but have not verified that the proficiency test will be five shots, no time limit, four must hit to pass. The target is 24″ x 18″ at 12 feet.
For you non-shooters, this is a target/distance combo that I could hit at a full run.
Seriously? You could leave the gun at home, just throw the bullets by hand and pass that standard.
Oh wow. The targets I bring are 18×24 and I place them at 10 – 15 – 25 yards. I’m generally like 3″ at 10, 6″ at 15, hitting the target at 25. But this is all standing still with no time pressure. Haven’t really pushed myself to shoot otherwise.
I am a newbie and that’s OK.
Not bad at all for a newbie.
For anyone who’s still deluding themselves thar CCW permits are about public safety, let me present Exhibit #332,612…
I didn’t realize qualifying required such low standards. May as well not have it at all. It’s just to add friction to the process. Sounds good in policy.
That is quite low I agree. Part of the problem is that they can’t make it harder than the police qualification… The NJ standard was pretty much the state police standard with some minor changes, They removed the required shots from a weapons retention position, and offhand shots.
NJ was a Q target at 7, 10, 15 and 25yds 50 shots total and 80% to pass.
It has been 60 days since the state police received my paperwork, now I need to get an attorney to compel the compliance to the 60 day limit.
Was that because you took some variation of a standardized NRA type course that counts as fulfilling the state requirement or was that the actual requirement?
I’m going back to NJ days with motorcycle licensing. You had to find somebody to ride with you or drive your bike down to the testing center and do your road test. You basically did a slow speed figure eight without putting your feet down and got your license. The punishment was the process.
Finally after screams from motorcycle dealers NJ became one of the last state in the US to accept the MSF course as a replacement for the road test. This meant my two day course which included many more requirements beside the figure 8 actually exempted me from being forced to take a road test. Big thumbs up on the course as an aside.
That is the new standard test, the supervising instructor counts the hits, and signs the paperwork, the assumption is that if you can load, clear and hit the target 40 times, you have proven familiarity with pistol handling to the state’s requirement. None of the NRA courses qualify.
Back in July this place https://gunforhire.com/nj-ccw-permit/ was running like an assembly line.. 16 lanes.. walk in.. load up.. 7yds…. etc. step back.. get graded. walk out. NJ is requiring that you submit the forms with the proof of ownership for the firearms you want to carry, I qualified with two, but the law allows you to use any unless they put a limitation on the license. I don’t know what they are actually issuing yet.
I also took the MSF class back and in the day to waive the written test, but had to still take the riding test. We kept a CB550 around in our group so that we could qualify for the “larger” u-turn.
Thanks for the info. I’m still letting the dust settle before I set myself up for this hell.
My plan is to be out of the state at some point.
Good morning, Sloop.
Happy to read about the rail strike possibly being settled. The supply chain in my world is still pretty bad – not sure it could take much more of a beating.
Overkill is by far their best song. There are acoustic versions bouncing around that are fantastic.
Have a great day, people!
Touring a Stunning Cliffside Mansion Overlooking the Pacific Ocean!
that actually looks kind of nice
Kind of? It’s perfect!
Amazing what your money buys in Mexico.
Is your split jerk limited by upper body or lower body strength?
A recent study by Soriano et al assessed 1RM split jerk, strict overhead press, and back squat strength in 33 competitive weightlifters (20 males and 13 females).
My split jerk is limited by my complete lack of coordination.
So, wrong then?
No surprise that you need the whole package to be strong! I’m on that mailing list, too, but never saw this one. Did you get it today?
I also do high bar squats prefer them overall
The split jerk store called and they’re running out of you.
That’s okay. You’re their best seller!
Time for another stern lecture…
I was going to deny everything since I am not on FB. Then I remember I helped Fourscore get setup online when he was trying his slip-n-fall scam a couple years ago.
Probably was him that was on FB blabbing like a 13 year-old girl about how he was going to start the Honey Rebellion.
Last hurrah?
It was announced officially just before the 2022 Rolex 24 At Daytona that Ford was building and homologating its first GT3 version of the Mustang, and the first GT3 car produced by the company. Built in conjunction with Multimatic, it will be powered by a 5.4-liter Coyote-based V8 engine, although few other details have been revealed. Returning to factory-backed GT3 racing with an all-new Mustang GT3(pictured above) that will also be available for customers, the car will make its debut at the Rolex 24 in 2024.
The global GT3 formula means that the new Mustang will be able to compete in a variety of racing series worldwide, including the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, where Ford is expected to field a factory-backed GTD PRO team, and SRO Fanatec GT World Challenge America in North America. In 2024, GT3 cars will be eligible for competition in the 24 Hours of Le Mans, and Ford promises to be there.
“Mustang is raced at all the great tracks around the world, but there is no race or track that means more to our history than Le Mans,” said Bill Ford, executive chair, at “The Stampede, “the debut of the all-new seventh-generation Ford Mustang. “It’s where we took on Ferrari and won in the 1960s and where we returned 50 years later and shocked the world again.
I’m surprised young Bill “zero emissions” Ford would even participate in such a heathen ritual.
The photos aren’t that good, but I think I like the nose better than the big droopy schnozzola on the current model. I wonder if it has a flat crank.
Does this version of the Mustang have the motor noise of the Electric one played through speakers?
I’m watching Doug DeMuro’s review as I type this.
Still has the 5.0. I’m not sure I like the new stance, but I don’t hate it.
More of an open question is the two screen interior. I get that cost is a big thing here, but I’m not sure putting that aside I like the design itself.
I’ve seen pics of the Dark Horse mustang – it looks like Ford crossed a Camaro with a Charger. The dash layout is butt ugly and influenced by Tesla. I’m on the fence with the gen 7 Stang, need to see one up close.
The thing I do enjoy about my Model 3 is the simplicity of the interior. If you can deal with decidedly “beta” automatic features like climate control where things just do what they are supposed to automatically it’s surprisingly relaxing. My Model 3 is a point A to point B device and I’m fine with it.
OTH, I’d prefer mostly analogue sports car with a center screen that mirrors my phone and controls essentially only deep functions on the car. Everything else is physical controls. Closest anybody comes to this is Porsche.
There is just no demand for a setup like this anymore. The kids (and my wife) want lots of tech. Nobody wants basic cars anymore. Even the new Wrangler has power everything and lots of tech.
“Homologating.” Huh.
I learned a new word today.
I don’t often have that experience.
I thought that was a pretty common word
You’ve probably used it before in acronym. The Ferrari GTO (and, by extension, the Pontiac GTO) stands for “Gran Turismo Olomogato”. It was intended to race in the Gran Turismo race classes.
Ugh, Omologato.
Judging by the linked articles… they’re keeping the real Mustang around? And it has a V8 as an option? Whoa.
peak Financial Times writer social signaling?
it is never peak, but you know
I put a flag as my avatar. What more can I do?
Golf clap worthy.
Stairwell of the Art Nouveau museum in Riga, Latvia
They don’t make ’em like they used to.
The war on bullies
Gov. Gavin Newsom said political attack ads he’s funding that are running in Florida and Texas are retribution for the Republican-backed recall against him.
“It’s literally me taking advantage of the moment that I’m in,” Newsom said in an exclusive interview with CNBC. “I had to raise, I think we put over $80 million to defend ourselves in a recall last year. These guys nationalized the recall campaign against me. They went after our values, went after our people, went after things we hold dear in the state, and I’m just pushing back.”
Newsom successfully quashed a recall attempt last year in California. Asked if he’s getting ready for a presidential run, Newsom insisted that was not the case.
“I get to sleep at night,” Newsom said. “I get to sleep at night pushing back against bullies like Ron DeSantis.”
Newsom’s re-election campaign ran an ad in July on TV stations in Florida that slammed DeSantis. Freedom “is under attack in your state,” Newsom said in the ad. “I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight, or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom — freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate and the freedom to love.”
Outside money is bad when they do it, good when we do it.
“I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight, or join us in California, where we still believe in freedom — freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate and the freedom to love.”
Don’t forget to mail your ballot.
Ballots, you mean.
Watching a lecture from Yale, where the History professor (this is the start of the second lecture on a class on Ukraine) mentions how Originalist interpretations of the US Constitution are self-refuting because no where in the Constitution does it say it needs to be interpreted as written.
Checkmate, conservatives.
The funny thing was that in class 1, he laments there are no good professors of military history anymore because they ran them(all conservatives) all out of the university. Brah… you are the problem.
It also doesn’t provide penalties for violating it so go at it.
By his logic, all interpretations of the Constitution are self-refuting, because no where in the Constitution does it say how it should be interpreted.
Yeah, it really doesn’t say much at all, it’s quite vague in most areas.
But occasionally it is quite explicit. Such as when it says “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Which is exactly the sort of thing the non-originalists want to “reinterpret”.
That’s a novel interpretation.
I wonder how the IRS will respond when I try that in regards to tax law.
With some of the ammunition they bought recently?
For you non-shooters, this is a target/distance combo that I could hit at a full run.
Over your shoulder backwards, just like in a zombie movie?
map of europe, switzerland, ca. 1570
I’m confused, swizz doesn’t seem to be represented.
Incorrectly included in Germania. Harumph!
Kinda funny considering by 1570 Switzerland was a military/mercenary powerhouse…although I guess by that time the Swiss star had faded a bit, what with the development of Tercios.
Does this version of the Mustang have the motor noise of the Electric one played through speakers?
I don’t think the GT3 V8 version will need it.
Dave Portnoy power ranks his top 3 fast food chicken sandwiches
126 year anniversary of the time Texas staged a train wreck as a public spectacle and 40,000 people attended (making it temporarily the second most populous city in the state)
I wonder if, 100 years from now, they will be celebrating the 2020 election as the “greatest train wreck of all times?”
The 25-minute interview with Newsom came after the governor officially signing into legislation the Community Assistant, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) act, which he crafted to address the homeless issue in California. The bill will provide court-ordered care to the unhoused with severe mental disorders.
“It addresses what’s happening on our streets and sidewalks particularly with the most important issue: mental health,” Newsom said. “We see every single day people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, people with paranoia — most, let’s be candid, self-medicating with drug or alcohol addictions.”
CARE court provides a rapid response for family members and first responders to petition a judge to order an evaluation of someone with a mental health disorder. If the person qualifies, the judge will set up a detailed CARE plan that could include housing.
“We see this manifested in California like no other state,” Newsom said. “It’s not unique to California, it’s just worse here. It’s an important issue that we haven’t been able to address.”
Bringing back involuntary commitment?
Need to start with actual cases before it is used on dissidents.
Maybe you should be thinking about why that is.
Good weather?
This is interesting.
An F-16 pilot died when his ejection seat failed. Was it counterfeit?
Buy American, I guess?
My brother sells surplus electronic parts, with the military (both US and others) as big buyers.
His former employer did time for knowingly selling counterfeit goods – it’s a big problem in the industry.
Yes – in aviation chain of custody of parts is huge deal.
It’s part of the reason a single bolt for something costs a ridiculous amount of money.
Does this version of the Mustang have the motor noise of the Electric one played through speakers?
I, uh, missed the snark on this first time around. Maybe my sarcasm detector needs new batteries. Or maybe careful reading is not my forte.
Hunter cited “a substantial material change” in his “financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income,” for the reason behind his request.
The big guy is taking more than 10%?
Inflation has reached coke prices?
Good point.
More Gavin Newsom:
On inflation: “It’s devastating to worker’s wages and people’s pocketbooks, not only in the short term, but in terms of how the value of the dollars relates to their long-term investments. It’s having an impact on the housing market and affordability across the spectrum. That’s why the State of California proudly took a portion of that surplus — we’ll be handing out $9.5 billion of stimulus checks to help offset the cost of food and gas and inflation. One of the largest stimulus programs that we know of anywhere in America.”
That’s sure to stop inflation in its tracks.
Now all Californians can afford to ride that new bullet train from L.A. to San Francisco!
because no where in the Constitution does it say it needs to be interpreted as written.
In the war on objective reality, words have no meanings.
The Founding Fathers never defined “is”.
The constitution doesn’t have definitions section either.
Even if it did, it would just be words. You’d need every word used in the definitions defined, which would mean more words, which would need to be defined, etc.
If only there was a widely recongized source for the meanings of words . . . .
Without a full primer how can anyone know how to read it?
So interpreting it as its not written is just as valid as interpreting it as written?
Is 60 lbs a lot?
“Nice little brewery you have there. Be a shame if anything happened to it. Capisce?”
I’m actually a bit surprised that Philly is admitting a mistake and apologizing.
The usual response from the state in the situations like this is either investigation or denial. Never an admission of a mistake.
So I’m actually a bit pleasantly surprised.
35 years after the MOVE bombing, ex-Philadelphia Mayor W. W. Goode Sr. expresses regrets.
Better late than never
For a brewer the size of Philadelphia Brewing, yes.
Update on my nephew. His attacker’s trial was supposed to start this week, it has been delayed a month.
They are trying to get him to accept a plea of six months in jail and $20k in restitution. That isn’t really enough, but blood/turnip and all that. I think he was willing to risk trial because he doesn’t want to be discharged from the Marines. The prosecutor asked my nephew about it last week, my nephew said he doesn’t really care if he goes to jail or not, that doesn’t help him any. I am wondering if it this a misdemeanor charge that would allow him to stay in the military? I know nothing about military law.
But I figure if he is still in the military, he gets a steady paycheck that can be garnished to pay the restitution, so probably a good thing.
Please refresh my alleged memory – how badly hurt was your nephew, and how is he doing?
He just started a new job, he was basically out of work for 6 months. He did some odd jobs, but his new job is in HVAC like the one he had to leave in March.
So, hurt pretty bad. I am not sure he is 100%, but probably is back 99% or so in both speech and fine motor skills, which were the two problem areas.
So glad to hear he’s recovered that much physically! I hope the new job and restitution from his attacker help him recover financially!
What an Ozy question (although criminal law is probably not his area).
Ozy Ozy Ozy! oi oi oi!
You can stay in with some misdemeanors. It would be for a court martial to determine.