Predictable outcome
Chelsea fired their manager. Leipzig did the same. Half the semifinals at the US Open are set, any Kyrgios had a meltdown after losing in five. The Bears are proposing a big-ass enclosed stadium. And the stretch run in MLB is actually heating up in more than the AL Central. And that’s it for sports.
Yeah, this isn’t political at all. I can only assume he’ll appeal and win. Unless judges can just make up definitions for legal terms at their sole discretion and apply them at their will.
This is taking a while. This dude has definitely gone off the reservation. Not metaphorically, but literally.

Oh the humanity!
It’s been a while since I’ve seen a story like this. I believe they’ve been around since at least the 70s with one form of media or the other. And it’s always some overreacting parent who uses electronics as a babysitter that’s leading the crusade.
Well this certainly isn’t a good look. Which is why you’ll only see it in the NY Post. But if the roles were reversed, it’d be wall-to-wall coverage of it everywhere.
Of course he won’t face charges. Not when they can both keep their jobs and the taxpayers can stroke a big check. That way everybody (except the hoi polloi) wins!
Uh, that’s the least they can do. I only wish my state came up with a way to get something back and give it to those of us who aren’t getting hooked up with the vote-buying freebies.

Coming soon to a west coast state!
Those high temps are rough. But this is the bigger issue. Gee, maybe the state should have built a reservoir some time in the last 43 years, huh?
Dammit, now Russia is cool again. Not really, but this is kind of funny. And it certainly gives the virtue signalers another thing to signal their virtue over.
The title of this song is topical. It’s a decent song, if a bit slow. And the title of this is also topical. I just wish we’d get to the national divorce part a little faster. Also, that second video is goofy as fuck.
Anyway, that’s it. Go have a great day, friends!
Why do teachers even have a union in the fist place?
Because communism.
“The California Teachers Association (CTA) employed a researcher who emailed a parent arm of the local union in April 2021, hoping to dig up information on the motives of San Diego County parents who had successfully sued the state to reopen schools a month earlier. ”
and why do they have a “parent arm”?
Kindly explain your rationale for line item 2
If someone went to college they should be able to negotiate their employment.
From what I’ve seen, university attendance reduces basic competencies like that.
That’s a great point. Higher education graduates SHOULD be doing better at salary negotiations. Since they aren’t, that points to a lack of value in higher education.
I’m not sure that “should” is logically consistant. They have just spent the past 16/18/22/etc years in an environment where you were expected to accept whatever shit came down from above and to be thankful if you managed to be selected for an ever shrinking number of poorly paid openings for the ‘opportunity’ to do menial shit for another credentialed academian. The sort of haggling involved in salary negotiations never comes up organically, and it sure as hell isn’t actively taught.
Ah the we should have freedom of association but on your terms?
Yes, if you want my taxes to pay for it.
As always, TEAM RED should be asking every TEAM BLUE candidate if they think it’s acceptable ror teachers’ unions to spy on parents.
To extract piles of money from their workers so they can hand a portion of it over to Democrats and spend the rest of it on Caribbean vacations.
Or more power plants… or desal plants…. but the Cult of Gaia demands no growth policies and these idiots go right along. And happily pocket the bribes from the money that should be used for maintenance by the utilities. Because accountability is for lesser creatures….
There were, I believe, plans to build more resevoirs back in the sixties under Pat Brown, but his idiot child scrapped all of that back in the seventies. And now, with a population 2/5s bigger, there is the same amount of water. Drought, anyone?
Oh, and don’t forget every few years they come back to voters with Propositions that swear that *this time*, they’ll use the money on new water projects and only on that.
And yet nothing ever gets built… I’m sure a bunch of environmental studies and lawyers keep their funding, though.
This energy crisis stuff is wild. It’s completely caused by politicians. There’s no easy way to deflect from that.
CLiMaTe ChAnGE!!!!11!11eleventy!oneone!1one
They are all obviously Putin’s stooges helping him make huge gains off the energy crisis.
Is it Putin or DeSantis’ fault?
Yes is probably the answer.
There’s no easy way to deflect from that.
When has that stopped them from trying? Or the media from covering for them?
Banned in
BostonRussia!”Griffin, an ardent conspiracy theorist who refused to certify the state’s primary election results this summer in Otero County
Somehow I suspect that county commissioners aren’t officially tasked with certifying Arizona state primary election results.
“We believe the victims were stabbed, but that is still being confirmed,” she said.
“Sometimes dead bodies that have been sitting in the morgue for days will display latent gunshot wounds that the investigators miss in the initial autopsy.”
Are you the world’s most incompetent pathologist?
The first part was supposed to be a blockquote and the second is my addition, if that wasn’t clear.
It wasn’t clear, I took that all to be a quote.
Html failed me
Have to watch out for those quantum entaglement knives, man…
“We’re been trying to determine cause of death, but the corpse won’t cooperate. It keeps saying things like ‘I’m not dead’ and ‘I want a real doctor’. This may take longer than usual.”
It’s been determined to have been suicide.
Fake news. Coroners can not only determine time of death to within minutes no matter the state the corpse was found in, but also use the particular parasites and bugs in the corpse to know exactly where they died.
The historic ruling represents the first time an elected official has been removed from office for their participation or support of the US Capitol riot. It also marks the first time a judge has formally ruled that the events of January 6, 2021, were an “insurrection.”
Surprised that CNN put “insurrection” in scare quotes.
The only actual insurrection that has occurred in the past 2 years was in Seattle, and it was not carried out by Trump supporters.
It seems to me that to apply the 14th amendment that way would require being convicted of something like “insurrection” first, not simple trespassing. You know, presumption of innocence and all that.
One of the lesser Nazgul has spoken mortal. Heed it and quiver at the mere words they have spoken.
It’s laughable how morons like Mathew try to claim the trapping of respect while issuing a banana republic ruling atop a foundation of opinion posing as fact.
It would be more laughable if they weren’t getting away with it…
Needs moar pesky kids.
Gee, maybe the state should have built a reservoir some time in the last 43 years, huh?
I’m old enough to remember when the reservoirs were overfull and the spillways were at risk of failure. Oroville did fail, people evacuated to my area. It seems California lacks the will to do the engineering and massive construction necessary to make such an extreme place livable for it’s population.
The enviro-cult wills doom.
So what you’re saying is we should engage in a purge of california greenies and repopulate the area with goodthinkers who will be tasked with repairing the damage done?
Fuckit, lets just take a crobar to the san andreas.
California is a desert. If you occupy it and change virtually nothing, the desert will eventually win. The desert is currently winning. Odd how all the environmentalists want to ‘defend mother nature.’ If they really wanted California to be a natural wonderland, water storage needs to be dug, everywhere. Power lines need to be maintained and buried out of sight. Forests need to be cleared of debris. Old housing needs to be replaced with new, less likely to burn or malfunction housing.
But no.
Backwards redneck idiots in Florida have been doing prescribed burns for a century while forward-thinking smart progressive Californians are now considering adopting the practice.
Don’t forget Texas only has one natural lake. All the ten zillion others are man made. And we survive droughts and 100+ temperatures fairly well.
But Texas lost power during an ice storm last year, that shows how much better California manages their grid!
I had fun discussing our one power outage vs. California’s never ending power outages with Californians last night. Lefty Californians absolutely hate Texans. We live rent-free in their head. And not just recently, this hatred was going on when I lived in California decades ago.
California is not a desert. There are deserts in SoCal inland of the coastal ranges (Mojave and Sonoran). Coastal SoCal is chaparral with a Mediterranean climate. Still too many people for the amount of rain they get.
The rain it does get tends to come all at once or not at all. Seems like reservoirs would be handy.
Power lines need to be maintained and buried out of sight.
Underground lines have their own issues, and isn’t really a solution for long distance high voltage transmission lines.
Forests need to be cleared of debris.
Bulldoze the forests and replace them with concrete trees.
All I’m saying is the only reason the American West has any significant population at all is because 20th century Americans were some of the greatest engineers of all time. Abandon that legacy and the civilization that once flourished becomes untenable.
Amen to that Waffles. But don’t forget efficient air conditioning adding to the scene post WWII. In my lifetime AZ went from 2 to 9 members of the US House of Reps.
Grandad was a Carrier engineer, preach.
So what you’re saying is, we need to go back to slide-rule engineering.
We need to go back to engineering that has public support and the firm in charge of design is also in charge of construction.
Otherwise it’s too brittle and consumptive with nothing to show for the spend.
With the reference to Carrier, I was thinking of engineering in general, not just big civil projects, but spec engineering by private companies for products they would make onshore.
All those people are industriously at work on the high speed choo-choo project.
You laugh now, but Merced will become the world’s tech capital. The magic choo choo will see to that.
Anybody play with https://www.midjourney.com/home/ yet?
I have a steve smith painting V1. Kind of an amazing program.
I prefer the nightmare fuel of Dall-E mini, but I’ll try it.
I felt some fake boobs the other day. They were pretty hard. I wonder what this Rose’s fake ass will feel like in a few years.
cheap boobs i presume
Perhaps. She was older than me. Doesn’t the body create a wall around the foreign material over time? At least there wasn’t visible scarring.
I would not call it a wall… Did you look under the boob for scars? Because that is where they are for the in boob surgery type
No, I didn’t. Actually she pulled them out of the top of her bra so I couldn’t see underneath.
With that featured image, I sort of expected this for a music link. Re: “Separate Ways”: Some of those videos in the early days of the genre – I’m looking at you “Time Stand Still” – were painfully bad. And that’s being generous.
“Separate Ways” is an early MTV guilty pleasure.
And Gauff lost too.
And Berrittini which I was pleased to see after the commentators spent so much time gushing over his “modeling career”.
Stiller met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in June. The “Severance” EP and director also met with Ukrainian people forced to flee their homes due to the Russian invasion, and he visited occupied settlements in Kyiv.
In my church (which has a Ukrainian-born organist), somehow a Ukrainian family, minus the father, has been brought over as refugees. A kind gesture, but somehow kind of cringe when these people couldn’t give less of a fuck about Yemen.
Who is occupying Kiev?
The Golden Horde.
Better than the last bunch.
“Too fat to fight! Four star general says Americans are too obese or criminal to join the armed forces and defend the country: Enlistment is at its lowest since after the Vietnam War
Only 23 percent of people of age to serve are physically eligible to enroll
Smaller recruitment numbers come after the Army announced all soldiers must receive the COVID-19 vaccine”
Well there’s your problem. Limiting your efforts to only men and women and not any of the other six thousand genders.
“I identify as a Five Star General. If you don’t let me set army policy, you’re a bigot against trans-rank individuals.”
I identify as an O-9.
I’m not saying that I know their goal with vaxx mandates was to force out all of the soldiers who would refuse to obey an order to fire on the American people, but that has been the effect.
They’ve also managed to force out a large percentage of the competent warfighters, from what I hear. This has both a good side and a bad side.
“Canadian officials blast parole board for releasing ex-con with FIFTY-NINE arrests on his record – who went on to ‘fatally stab 10 and injure 18 more in Saskatchewan’: Search for surviving fugitive renews after sighting”
WTF, Canada?
They must have been watching NY…
We learned it from you New York.
When your goal is to be proggier than the US, and your opinions of the US are gushing media reports about Newsome/Hochul, you’ve gotta be pretty darn aggressive about your criminal “reform.”
But locking up wrong-thinking truck drivers is A-OK.
They were a threat to the government.
Violent career criminals are only a threat to people.
Which one gets locked up tells you who, and what, really matters.
Boost early, boost often!
U.S. health authorities plan to recommend that people get Covid-19 boosters once a year, starting with the new shots now rolling out, a shift from their current practice of issuing new advice every several months.
Fuck no. Those things are more dangerous than the disease they don’t prevent.
One of those No Comments articles, I see.
After Rush turned over the briefing to Chief Lee and sat down, Lee began discussing neck restraints, and according to the complaint, shouted, ‘Hey Rush, get up here.’
When Rush got back up to the front of the room, Lee grabbed the back of his neck and forced him to bend over, walking him around the room and taunting him to try to stand back up, the tort states.
After Lee released the hold, Rush stood back up and Lee ‘immediately’ struck him in the forehead and forced him toward the ground, the complaint states, adding that Rush’s neck ‘hyperextended backwards and audibly cracked.’
There is some mild schadenfreude with blue on blue violence.
The disqualification comes after unsuccessful challenges by liberal-leaning groups against prominent Trump supporters in the US House of Representatives and Trump-backed candidates for state offices across the country.
If at first you don’t succeed, try again with another judge.
SIG mags are triple the price of CZ ones.
So what you’re saying is, CZ should raise their prices?
At the match last weekend there was a 32 round stage. However, because of the way the target arrays were set up, I wound up leaving four magazines on the ground (the last two arrays were three targets each). So I needed at least six. This new gun only comes with three, so that means more money to set up this new rig.
And CZ mags ain’t cheap. But how are they compared to 2011 extendos?
Well, when I say “CZ,” I mean “Mec-Gar.”
Apparently 320 mags are still under patent.
Did ya see this?
It’s only a matter of time now that Ruger will come out with a $800 2011.
I would, but I’m at work, and NYS hates firearms so much they’re blocked by the work proxy.
What’s the interesting part?
$1500 2011.
Thank you.
Yep. I’m certainly interested, but Springfield doesn’t have a storied history with double-stack hybrid 2011s.
I bought their first tier of upgrade 1911 in CA four years ago and aside from my 22lr plinker it’s the handgun I have the most time with. I like how slim 1911s are. I think 2011s would be rather chunky, no? Maybe it’s fine in 9mm instead of 45acp.
The hybrid ones like the Staccato are no wider through the grip than a Glock 19. They fit me pretty well, although I have big hands and a lot of pistols are too small for me to hang on to.
The ones I need are not there.
I tried some of the other P320 mags and they wouldn’t seat. I wonder if they would work if I took the magwell off. Pretty sure I have to do that for production anyway.
Oh gun talk. I wanted a handgun that was small enough to conceal but wasn’t terrible to shoot. I went with a S&W Shield Plus, came with 4x 13rd and 1x 10rd magazines and a silly “bug out” bag for under 450. First firearm I’ve purchased since leaving CA, forgot how much easier/freer it is in PA.
I put 200 rounds through it and it’s really nice for what I would consider a “budget” gun. Just punching holes in paper at 7, 15, 25 yards. The hole goes where I aim, no complaints. I noticed my shooting range has competitions. I’m interested in trying the Steel Challenge. Maybe not with 9mm, but the Ruger Mk3 some of you may have convinced me to buy 12 years ago might be sweet. I’m coming off a 3-year hiatus of not shooting all that much and it’s nice to finally put in some trigger time.
Anyway, it will be fun to see how much I suck at shooting. A little nervous, but competing is the best way to get an accurate gauge of skill. Any advice is appreciated.
1: Stay calm.
2: Stay safe.
3: Don’t fret over what the other people manage, aim to improve over your own performance.
So it’s just like freeride skiing?
Great advice. You wouldn’t go to a gym expecting to rival people who have gone to a gym for years. You are there to improve.
Steel Challenge is a lot of fun. Your Shield will work just fine for it, though I can understand if you’d rather save money by going to .22LR.
Don’t go .22, you’ll have endless problems with the timer not recording your shots.
Frickin’ Grand Theft Auto LARPers.
The long, stupid, story about how most of Europe destroyed their energy markets.
The largest supplier, Russia’s Gazprom, provided gas to the EU, most especially to Germany, in long-term contracts pegged to the price of oil. Until the last several years almost no gas was imported by LNG ships. With a change in US laws to allow export of LNG from the huge shale gas production in 2016 US gas producers began a major expansion of LNG export terminal construction. The terminals take an average of 3 to 5 years to build. At the same time Poland, Holland and other EU countries began to build LNG import terminals to receive the LNG from abroad.
Purely coincidentally, senators from LNG-producing states are some of the biggest hawks on Ukraine.
Some of the states did similar stupid things when they “deregulated” electrical markets and split up generation, transmission, and distribution. They did away with long-term contracts in favor of spot markets that fluctuated wildly and made speculators lots of money.
I definitely learned something here. If I interpret all of this correctly, the European banks are fucking over the people with the assistance of the governments. I assume this is an attempt to recapitalize the banks so they can avoid total collapse. It explains a lot of the conduct that I couldn’t reconcile in my head. Now I know who’s getting rich.
At work – no time to read. Is the ten percent for the Big Guy in there somewhere?
Oliver Stone announces a new documentary film on Nuclear.
I’ll watch if it ever becomes available.
was not meant as a reply
Do you have a link to the source of the quote?
It’s from Drake’s link
D’oh. Sorry about that, to you and to Drake.
Unpacking from this move is breaking what’s left of my mind ;-(
Havent posted one in a while. Very simple recipe. Hoppy, but with the long aging time, that would dissipate.
Chelsea fired their manager. Leipzig did the same.
I guess Tuchel won’t be unemployed for long.
NYCFC is hiring… but I’m guessing the owners will probably want to keep their record of complete mismanagement going by retaining the interim coach who has led us to 6 losses out of the 7 games since the last one sailed away to greener pastures.
I’m not thinking good things for privacy here…
ADT Draws More Than $1.5 Billion of New Investments From State Farm, Google
That means more of their stupid commercials too
It is known it is only white guys that try to break in, the commercials told me so.
Daily Ray of Sunshine
This language seems familiar.
If you cut the power for the right two weeks, I’m pretty sure the curve will be flattened.
I’m sure that by next year all the right people will be lecturing us about how the lack of electricity in Europe is one of the charms that they liked so much during their last visit there.
Sort of like how they blather on about how nice it is to be somewhere where people don’t own a lot of cars. Or that portions of food at restaurants are small and healthy.
Looks like he nailed it.
I graduated in ’01. The trajectory of the left wing in America throughout my adult life has been wild, from opposing Bush and the Patriot Act to this.
By the way, Greenwald just posted a long thread about the nuts and bolts of the DNC’s campaign of pressuring Big Tech to censor.
Why do I suspect that there is no education or licensing requirements to become a “disinformation expert”?
You can’t fucking braid hair or do manicures without the State all up in your grill, but you can claim any sort of expertise you want when you are calling for censorship?
Flirted with Chumptown in the warm up round… and then in the main event. Not a good morning.
Daily Duotrigordle #189
Guesses: 37/37
Time: 11:47.89
Daily Quordle 226
Daily Quordle 226
5 3
8 9
Daily Quordle 226
Getting worse!
Daily Quordle 226
Do your part
The California Independent System Operator, the entity that oversees the state’s electrical grid, said there could be “rotating power outages” Tuesday evening when demand for power could reach an all-time high.
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom urged residents to conserve, warning in a video message that “the risk for outages is real and it’s immediate.”
“This heat wave is on track to be both the hottest and the longest on record for the state and many parts of the West for the month of September,” Newsom said. “Everyone has to do their part to help step up for just a few more days.”
Whatever you do, don’t ask why the system can’t handle the demand.
Haha, you lose again Doocy!
Zing! 🙄
I had no idea they grew that much corn there.
Too bad the Iowa Caucuses aren’t being held right now. The pandering idiots running for president might start blathering about cutting off sending money to Ukraine in order to curry favor with the corn growers there. It would be better than more ethanol subsidies.
I couldn’t get through this video of Charlie Crist and Dr. Jill utterly flopping in attempts to pander to Hispanics.
Well, obviously the white Hispanics aren’t like Mexicans.
I heard somewhere that the Americanized iterations of hispanic foods are spicier than the originals, including mexican.
Sounds about right. I’ve had “real” Mexican food before and it was not at all spicy.
The vast majority of Mexican food is not that spicy. If it’s taqueria style food then there are always pickled jalapeños, hot sauces and spicy pico de gallo available for those who like the heat.
The cuban sandwich was invented in Tampa.
Not sure how that applies to what you said, just important information.
The cuban sandwich always struck me as “Stuff we had leftover in the fridge” sort of concoction.
Plus I’ve found it works better as a wrap put through a pannini press than as a classical sandwich.
Next you’ll be trying to tell me that gorditas and chalupas aren’t authentic Mexican cuisine! 🙄
No, but MexiMelts! are totes original.
Those were awesome…does TB still do those? Haven’t been in ages.
“The cuban sandwich was invented in Tampa.”
It’s a bit more complicated than that. The leftover mojo pork, ham, swiss, combo originated in bars and nightclubs in Havana. Then it evolved into cafeteria and food truck fare in Florida.
all Hispanics are basically Mexican
Hollywood: They aren’t?
It’s probably a common misperception. But FFS, Crist should certainly know better.
Ignoring the fact that Argintinians and Asturians are people of Pallor, the US Census data indicates that 70% of hispanics are ‘White’.
The problem arises because ‘hispanic’ is a cultural, not ethnic, group. Even then, there’s a bunch of differences between Dominicans, Mexicans, and Cubans beyond complexion.
That’s crazy. Just ask the two couples who own and run several locations of their restaurants/brewery. If you ask the Venezuelans, they’ll tell you their versions of arepas are correct and best, their Colombian spouses will point out that they’re wrong, and the Colombian version is correct and best.
Get them ranting about regional variations inside the countries.
It’s kinda like everyone has their favorite version of BBQ, when California’s is clearly the best.
California doesn’t do BBQ.
Well that is just wrong.
pulled cricket in tomato reduction with avocado-soy loaf?
Well BBQ is a method firstmost and Cali does a great Tri Tip
Sorry, that was cruel.
I’m sure there are people in california who’ve learned BBQ from points east, but I’m going to need evidence theat a california style exists separate from the classical traditions.
“Santa Maria–style barbecue is a regional culinary tradition rooted in the Santa Maria Valley in Santa Barbara County on the Central Coast of California. This method of barbecuing dates back to the mid-19th century and is today regarded as a “mainstay of California’s culinary heritage.”[1] The traditional Santa Maria–style barbecue menu was copyrighted by the Santa Maria Valley Chamber of Commerce in 1978.[2]
Santa Maria–style barbecue centers on beef tri-tip, seasoned with black pepper, salt, and garlic before grilling over coals of native coast live oak, often referred to as “red oak” wood. The grill is made of iron and usually has a hand crank that lifts or lowers the grill over the coals to the desired distance from the heat.
The Santa Maria Valley is often rather windy, so the style of cooking is over an oxidative fire[citation needed] as opposed to the reductive fire that many covered barbecues use.
The traditional accompaniments are pinquito beans,[3] fresh salsa, tossed green salad, and grilled French bread dipped in sweet melted butter.[4]
Some regional variations within the Central Coast include sausage (such as linguiça or chorizo) or venison, grilled alongside the tri-tip or in the beans, and fresh strawberries.”
Beef is better than port, always. Also, I grew up just north of Santa Maria.
So they barely season it?
I’ll assume you meant pork. I’m protein agnostic, since all can be made flavorful with proper seasoning and cooking.
Sounds like a possible source of bias then. I grew up where there was no BBQ tradition to speak of and thus can objectively evaluate them without those hometown biases. ‘fraid I won’t be around California way before they ban beef ‘for the environment’. They’ll probably ban the outdoor cooking first.
Of course I am biased. That was the original joke.
But California BBQ is still best.
a large part of “white” hispanics, especially those from Mexico, are really some mix of white and native. Its part of the reason “race” is fucking stupid.
Ancestry.com says I am 1% sub-saharan African. WHERE ARE MY REPARATIONS!!!
Current (it is regularly changing) ancestry.com genetic breakdown for me:
64% England and NW Europe
12% Scotland
8% Sweden and Denmark
6% Norway
5% Wales
3% Ireland
1% Cameroon, Congo, and Western Bantu People
1% Finland
Basically British Isles and some Viking Rape.
Run afoul of Alfred and get driven out of the island?
Driven out or integrated?
I know about a dozen WASP types who have had ancestry dna done, and everyone of them has some “Viking Rape” ancestry of which they had no idea or knew which ancestors it came from. I guess Ivar the Boneless wasn’t so boneless after all!
“In California, you can’t use a tanning bed if you’re under 18.
Also in California, 13 year olds can have their breasts removed.
It’s not about political differences anymore. It is literally good vs evil.”
That’s racist against honkies.
Somehow related. If kids just went outside and got some sun, they might feel better.
They need to make sure they get the sun everywhere.
It’s also done purely in an effort to tear families apart and turn Americans against each other. All part of the playbook.
It has nothing to do with “health care”.
Oh— and there are handsome profits in this, too.
Has California banned privately owned generators yet?
Not yet. You are correct in thinking the government will.
I look forward to the day when I see the generator the govt confiscated from me in the background of a pic taken of Newsome dining at the French Laundry. I will feel so proud to have contributed to the Greater Good.
Converting to a trolley problem. If you do nothing, about 2 kids will die. If you pull the lever, about 200,000 kids will die.
Clearly pulling the lever is the right thing to do.
This number was estimated from a standard analytical model that examined the association between school closures and reduced educational attainment and the association between reduced educational attainment and life expectancy.
I’m not arguing for school closures, but at least some of that “association” has to be correlation rather than causation.
I assume you mean the latter association, the former is straight up causation.
For the latter, assuming you properly adjust for demographics, I think causation is the vast majority of the correlation. A “standard analytical model” should be doing that adjustment.
“13.8 million years of life were lost due to the school closures. This number was estimated from a standard analytical model that examined the association between school closures and reduced educational attainment and the association between reduced educational attainment and life expectancy”
That seems a bit of a stretch. Who knows what things are going to be like 70 years from now?
“The world will be a human-free utopia back to a state of nature with the scars of humxnkind slowly disappearing from the planet.”
Experts, that’s who!
Scientists say climate change has made the West warmer and drier over the last three decades and will continue to make weather more extreme and wildfires more frequent and destructive. In the last five years, California has experienced the largest and most destructive fires in state history.
And that’s why we need to shift to unreliable inefficient forms of energy generation, and block new sources of fresh water.
I’m glad I’m not real scientist needing to fight against the media’s “Scientists say…” crap.
Don’t forget that we need to continue to vastly reduce logging in the state.
They will hollow out your religion and wear it like a skinsuit.
I am sure Jha can cite some religious text backing that up, yes?
He also gave us two middle fingers, to tell people like this what they can do with their endless worthless covid shots.
If anyone brings up that “two arms” crap, this will be my reply.
When you eat your own shit, you start spewing it when you talk.
lol that is funny right there
Are We Living In A Simulation? – Sabine Hossenfelder | Modern Wisdom Podcast 521
No, we are not.
The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss has selected a cabinet where for the first time a white man will not hold one of the country’s four most important ministerial positions.
The growing diversity is in part thanks to a push by the Conservative Party in recent years to put forward a more varied set of candidates for parliament.
British governments have until a few decades ago been made up of mostly white men. It took until 2002 for Britain to appoint its first ethnic minority cabinet minister when Paul Boateng was appointed chief secretary to the Treasury.
Rishi Sunak, whose parents came from India, was Kwarteng’s predecessor in the finance job and the runner-up to Truss in the leadership context.
“Politics has set the pace. We now treat it as normal, this diversity,” said Sunder Katwala, director of non-partisan think-tank British Future, which focuses on migration and identity. “The pace of change is extraordinary.”
However, the upper ranks of business, the judiciary, the civil service and army are all still predominately white.
All their other problems have been solved.
Thank god there aren’t any white men around to prevent the utopia that is forming there.
Regarding the Bears stadium; isn’t it more traditional for a team to win a Super Bowl prior to tax-raping their home city/state for a new stadium? 1985 was a long time ago.
Maybe they’re going for a twist on Field of Dreams: if you build it, they will win,
Twins: 2 World Series in Metrodome. Fancy new Target Field? 0 world series
Vikings; 0 Superbowls anywhere. But at least they got to them in the old Met stadium. Metrodome? 0. US Bank stadium? 0
Gophers: 7 national championships. New TCF Bank stadium? 0
North Stars went to 1 Stanley Cup series in the old Met stadium. Wild nada
/looks over at
Progressive Fieldthe Jake andFirstEnergy Stadiumthe Muni.*sigh*
North Stars went to 2 finals. 1981 and 1991.
But you are completely correct. We were saps for buying them their fancy new digs.
Luckily it’s made the downtowns vibrant and successful!
King Walz laments surge of Indiana guns. OK, he didn’t blame Indiana, but he is sad that there are so many guns causing so many crimes. Yeah we should lock up shooters, but…
Narrator: That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.
Look, the only people who should have guns are the police, the military, and my personal security team.
Not even if we get down on our knees and beg?
Former secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said she will not run for president again.
“No, no,” Clinton said when asked by “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell if she would ever run for president again.
“But I’m going to do everything I can to make sure that we have a president who respects our democracy and the rule of law and upholds our institutions,” Clinton continued.
She’s quitting the Democratic party?
Maybe she has discovered that killing people as a private citizen is just as rewarding as when done in the name of govt?
“Sure, you don’t get the piles of dead bodies like you can in Libya, but I have found that watching the light go out of the eyes of some blabbermouth who was about to spill their guts is just as rewarding. And you don’t even have to bother setting up a fake foundation or private email server. Honestly the freedom from the red tape is a big deal”
I suspect we will see Chelsea dropped into Pennsylvania in 2024 to run for a seat in Congress (her husband is from PA) and the Dems will be wildly enthusiastic about it (because she isn’t some evil carpetbagger like Dr. Hollywood North Jersey Oz.)
Sadly I think you may be correct.
Start as a congresswoman? She deserves better than that. Sen Strokevictim can resign and replace with Chelsea.
“She knows what Pennsylvanians want. And she’ll give it to them…good and hard.”
I fell it is just about her turn
So she’s definitely running then?
This Japanese technique to fold shirts in 2 seconds seems to find a secret topology hidden inside clothes
stuff like this makes the rounds often on the internet I am suspicious
I had to try this out myself. Crazy fast.
On CBS, Clinton shot down any comparisons between her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of State and the recent discovery of classified materials at Trump’s Florida home, saying the two situations are “really different” from each other.
“I think it’s a really different comparison to what’s going on here,” Clinton said of her own skirmish with the FBI compared with Trump’s current situation, noting that “it appears that the Justice Department and the FBI have been incredibly patient, quiet, careful until they finally apparently thought that national security was at stake.”
Fuck you, and the broom you rode in on.
I agree, they are different.
Just not in a way that she would appreciate or admit to.
Did anyone ask her about those missing Whitewater documents found on a end table in the White House while she was First Lady? “I guess the maid dusted around them for years and never told Bill or me they were there.”
The Rose Firm billing records being “found” the day after the SOL was reached was one of the biggest FUCK YOU’s she ever delivered.
“The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded “disinformation experts,” the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations – is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately understood….
It is astonishing to watch Dems and their allies in media corporations posture as opponents of “fascism” – while their main goal is to *unite state and corporate power* to censor their critics and degrade the internet into an increasingly repressive weapon of information control.
A major myth that must be quickly dismantled: political censorship is not the by-product of autonomous choices of Big Tech companies.”
It’s a big thread, but worth reading the whole thing.
-Search for any term.
-Get a billion hits.
-Only about 400 or so are accessible and that’s for all search engines I’m aware of except Yandex.
Something’s going on.
I though greenwald has been unpersoned and no right thinking people read him. Careful or you may be labeled a hatespeecher
It is a good thread. Greenwald’s a good guy.
He is the type of reporter that actually you know…researches and just doesn’t spin whatever he is given to support his world view. I respect that.
He takes personal risk to convey the truth as he sees it. That usually ends in undeserved disaster and it takes balls. Even when I disagree with his take I respect it.
Regarding g the Russia thing, it’s very silly to ban people who amount to nothing anyway. But cute.
I had quit wearing my Eastern Orthodox cross necklace back in February when it became clear that “Ukraine Good, Russia Bad” was the simple narrative.
Today I’m wearing my Orthodox cross necklace AND my Artem Anisimov Tesm Russia hockey Jersey, just to stir some shit up.
(I also have a well-loved Team USA 1980 Eruzione Jersey that represents my primary allegiance.)
Ukraine needs to switch to a Latin alphabet to make it easier to tell good from bad.
Sort of worked for the Croats…
Just steer clear of umlauts which is where the Turks screwed up.
Explains why so many of them followed the umlauts to Germany.
He’s Swiss. Have pity on him, for the Swiss don’t really know how to speak German.
Was that a pun? Who will narrow gaze the narrow gazers?
Ukrainian currently has a letter with an “umlaut” Ї.
I wan not aware of an Eastern Orthodox cross
This number was estimated from a standard analytical model that examined the association between school closures and reduced educational attainment and the association between reduced educational attainment and life expectancy.
In other words, we pulled a number out of our ass.
Nevada is jumping on the ‘heat wave don’t charge EVs!’ but its from the power company, not the government…or at least their messaging is.
Take all the people in desert states and move them to Canada where there should be more water
Pro tip: don’t shoot an SPG-9 recoiless rifle indoors.
are those things actually recoiless or is the recoil just smaller than could be?
A recoilless rifle ejects a compensation mass out the back when it fires so that the recoil felt by the operation is minimized or negated.
They are more or less recoil-free.
The SPG-9 doesn’t use a physical countershot like the Armbrust or MATADOR. The propellant gas from the primary stage just blows out the back, with enough velocity and heat to do some serious damage.
But is it rifled
I don’t think that the SPG-9 is rifled. I seem to recall that it uses offset vent holes to spin-stabilize the projectile, until the rocket motor ignites.
There are plenty of recoilless guns that do have a rifled barrel, like the old U.S. M18.
Matthew Yglesias
Correct this was unfair and mean of me.
I think DeSantis’ decision to deny health insurance to over a million Floridians is morally scandalous but I have no idea what his subjective attitude toward the people he is denying insurance to is.
The point is whether you want to call this “semi-fascist” or not, it’s worth connecting all this stuff back to classic political issues — the idea is to curb abortion rights, take health care away, etc
Matty Y has also posted arguments in favor of digital child porn, so he can miss me with his virtue signalling.
(Trade) war and peace: How to impose international trade sanctions
Well, it’s simple, you select your target nation, then engage in unrestricted submarine warfare against any vessel which tries to enter or leave its ports. Works best when target is an island and has a smaller navy than you.
You: “They did a great job catering Joe’s 30th birthday party.”
Me: “The buffet at the orgie after party was delicious, too.”
That’s just good marketing
Insider trading? Nonsense!
Newly unsealed FBI documents paint a vivid picture of the government’s evidence in a 2020 insider trading investigation of North Carolina’s senior senator, Republican Richard Burr.
Burr was ultimately not charged with breaking any laws. But the newly released sworn affidavit of an FBI special agent shows that the Justice Department had probable cause to believe that Burr had committed insider trading and securities fraud.
As chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Burr in February 2020 abruptly liquidated more than half of his and his wife’s equity holdings at a time when U.S. markets and most Americans did not yet know how bad the coronavirus pandemic was going to be.
Given his position, Burr had information about the virus’ spread, and about America’s meager preparation for a massive pandemic, that was not available to the public.
“Meager preparation” or ill-advised hysteria?
We may never know.
This is how you instill trust in institutions…
Now do Fauci.
Now do Fauci. – ewww no
Insider information? In February 2020, that would be reading the news that had an international section. It was quite clear by then what was happening.
February 1, WSJ:
Avian Influenza in China Adds to Economic Concerns Amid Coronavirus
Apple Closes Chinese Stores, Corporate Offices Due to Coronavirus
Australia Restricts Travelers From Mainland China as Virus Impact Spreads
Australia Restricts Travelers From Mainland China as Virus Impact Spreads
As Market Booms, Wells Fargo Advisers Struggle
Of course, a lot of these pols use insider information. But in this case, it was out there for anybody looking, and markets were high so it was a good time to sell if you assumed what was happening in China was likely to go global.
commies can’t meme
Like with most socialist ‘thought’, I have absolutely no idea what point he’s trying to make.
I don’t either.
Da fuck?
I agree it’s very possible gas prices will fall but I disagree that this is the result of an “overreaction” by broken markets. Gas prices rose on fundamentals & will fall on fundamentals
Gas prices first started to spike in 2021 on the realisation Europe’s largest storage facilities which had been sold to Gazprom were at worryingly low stock levels. Gazprom was not behaving as a normal market player & the markets saw Putin was intending to short Europe
Germany realised it had made a grievous error putting Putin in charge of Europe’s largest storage facilities, took back control & started refilling them. These are market fundamentals driven by govt actions. Markets looks to see how govts will react as they are in control
Back in the day we called it supply and demand.
With what? Gazprom was willing to sell long term fixed price contracts and Germany responded by holding the repair parts for Nordstream 1 after shutting down Nordstream 2. The Germans are killing themselves.
All’s fair in love and holy war
Clara Sorrenti, a trans activist who was forced to flee her home in Canada after users of a hate-filled website targeted her, has succeeded in her campaign to get the site taken offline, for now.
Sorrenti, better known by her online username “Keffals,” became the target of a harassment campaign organized on Kiwi Farms, a notorious online forum where users are openly transphobic, after she began speaking about trans rights on Twitch, a live video streaming platform popular with video gamers.
What Sorrenti did, and the questions she raised, may well be the next frontier in the debate about what major internet companies should do about online hate and harassment campaigns that are organized with the support of their services.
While much of the focus in recent years has been on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, other internet service companies are now facing scrutiny as well.
Getting a website removed from the internet is not a simple task. It’s certainly not as easy, as say, reporting a hateful Twitter or Facebook account, a situation in which a single company can make a decision about what to allow on their platform. The internet as a whole is much more free and unregulated.
But websites don’t get or stay online by themselves — they rely on companies that provide hosting, cybersecurity and other services. Now, campaigners like Sorrenti say, it’s time that those providers also take responsibility for hateful and violent threats online.
We must root out the heretics and unbelievers and destroy them. If you’re not with us, you’re against us. Neutrality and indifference are not an option.
Well what I got from that was don’t post online all your information cause it isn’t hard to piece together your location.
Alissa Starzak, Cloudflare’s global head of public policy, told CNN Monday there needs to be a more “holistic” approach to tackling online hate.
“We really do need long term solutions because removal of security services,” she said, “does not address long term the threat of online harassment or escalating violence or certainly not death threats.”
“I think I understand where they’re coming from,” Sorrenti said of Cloudflare’s initial response. “They don’t want to see a future where companies can decide, ‘I like this site. It should be on the internet. I don’t like this site. It shouldn’t,’ but I don’t think this is a matter of free speech.”
“When it gets into the point where a website is a threat to people’s lives, it should absolutely be pulled from the internet,” she added.
The actions by Cloudflare and DDos-Guard have essentially taken Kiwi Farms offline, at least for now.
Sorrenti knows that all the trolls won’t go away just because the site is offline, but she hopes it will be harder for them to mobilize.
“By showing them that we can organize against this type of online harassment and succeed in doing so, there’s going to be a chilling effect on this,” she said.
Heckler’s veto is good and proper when we do it.
Of course, a lot of these pols use insider information. But in this case, it was out there for anybody looking, and markets were high so it was a good time to sell if you assumed what was happening in China was likely to go global.
If Burr had insider info, it was more about the government’s impending moronic overreaction, I’d say.
PGPD Investigating Fatal Collision in Fort Washington
Man riding a bicycle in the middle of three lanes at night in a 55 MPH zone gets hit by a car. What do you need to investigate? There are so many stupid cyclists and pedestrians around here. I’m sure the local car-haters groups will use this to show how we need road diets to make the area safer for cyclists.
I can’t believe my old boss was going to fire me for not getting polyethylene glycol and mRNA injected into my arm.
Putin says Truss victory in Tory leadership vote ‘far from democratic’
Russian president alludes to fact prime minister was chosen by party members, not by whole country
All in all old Vlad did not lose his capacity to troll
Deal with the devil
German lawmakers announced on Monday that they are going to burn coal and keep two nuclear power plants available as a last resort to get through the winter.
“The major crises — war and climate crises — have a very concrete effect,” said Robert Habeck, the federal economics and climate protection minister, in written statements published on Monday. (The statement is issued in German and CNBC used Google to translate it to English.)
The German government announced its plans to keep the Isar 2 and Neckarwestheim nuclear power plants, both of which are located in the southern part of the country, on a kind of backup status, available only if the country has no other option, as it announced the results of its second network stress test, in which German officials are calculating its energy needs based on a number of potentialities.
We made a bunch of stupid decisions based on fear and superstition, and now we’re staring at the ugly consequences.
I wonder how long it takes to get those nuclear plants spooled up. I don’t think it’s as simple as just flipping a few switches and turning a knob or two.
Those 1000% electric rate increases obviously aren’t severe enough to warrant using them. The serfs are getting fucked good and hard.
Well what I got from that was don’t post online all your information cause it isn’t hard to piece together your location.
Goodthink advocates must be able to act without consequences, or DEMOCRACY! is deader than the dodo.
Also, Germany has struggled to ramp up renewables, like wind and solar, and build new transmission lines.
Even as Germany opts to give itself the option to turn to the two southern nuclear power plants, Germany is not changing its longer-term goal to shut down all nuclear power in the country. The announcement is very much a stop-gap for the country, similar to the proposal California is currently pursuing to keep its last operating nuclear power reactor, Diablo Canyon, online.
“Nuclear power is and will remain a high-risk technology, and the highly radioactive waste will burden tens of generations to come. You can’t play with nuclear power,” Habeck said in the statement. “A blanket lifetime extension would therefore not be justifiable with regard to the safety status of the nuclear power plants. With the operational reserve, we take into account the risks of nuclear technology and the special situation in winter 22/23. This is how we can act if the worst comes to the worst.”
We cannot ignore the millions of deaths directly attributable to nuclear power generation. It’s just not safe.
Black Woman Wins Casino Jackpot, Sues Bank After Staff Refuses To Accept Check
The original is paywalled. However all of the many permutations refuse to actually get to the heart of the matter.
1. What bank was the check drawn on?
2. Was the initial bank her own bank where she had an account?
In the second case at the very least she should have been able to deposit and have partial funds available followed by full funds after a certain period of time depending on the location of the original bank.
I can easily see the case of someone taking the check to a random bank where they don’t have an account and the check isn’t drawn from with the logic of “it’s a bank, it has to cash the check” or complete ignorance of the differences between banks. I’ve run into enough end users…
2a) or she has a history of depositing bad checks…
Also possible.
Not enough evidence to say for certain.
But I doubt race was much of a factor. Though she’ll probably get a settlement offer to make this go away.
Opening the link in a private window I got the article.
Apparently the staff at the bank thought the check was fraudulent.
I just won the lottery and I’m going to complain about racism.
I bet she’s a peach.
Ah, there it is…
It’s her favorite thing!
Also this:
Also also, a now-retired former coworker here at the CU worked at 5/3 before coming here. She referred to 5/3 as “The Evil Empire.” Just sayin’.
That URL’s spelling is weird. Looks a bit fishy to me.
Yeah, I wasn’t going to tell him that I wasn’t touching that link.
Hey, look at that – yeah, that looks wonky. Don’t click that.
Looks like a straight-up phishing site, so you’d be fine as long as you don’t put in your account info…
The Dayton Dragons ballpark used to be “Fifth Third Field,” which I always found to be a bit of a tongue-twister.
Where did it get such a name?
Merger of a Fifth and a Third National Bank some years back, I think maybe?
So they decided to become Irregular Fractions savings and loan?
Yup. And just recently parlayed the name into an ad slogan: “Making banking a fifth/third better.”
And they selected Fifth Third instead of Third Fifth because they owned slaves?
Pugh won the five-figure slot machine jackpot during a church outing at Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort in Mt. Pleasant on April 9.
The church later went to a strip club for drinks.
Some Sins are more mortal than others.